Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 19, 1900, Image 1

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.'ndkimndknt and Weekly
Orcgonun, both for $2.00 per
year. Ini.ki-f.ndkn r and tlie
T u ice-a- Wee k Cou ricr-Jou rua
both for only $i.( jer year.
Our Job.Prlutiag Department
Surpasses nay in the County
for ncatncM, quickness and
cheapness. Call and t con
No. 2 2.
.cs, I .rr a. u m
T A I K 'rrTCKUll.
uarnf T. T. Oeer
soreuuy of HUM ... V.l. Dunbar
I reaaurer ('boa. d. Hour
snot. I'ulilui Inst runt 1011...J li. Aikeruiau
m-kim I'r.utxr W. H. UnhIs
1 (Jbaa. fc. Wolvertun
uiui Court H.H. Ifeaji
( A. Ml or
lie fifth District . . T. 4. MoHr lr
Alt ruey Fifth District Ilsrrieou Alleu
(XH-NI trlCtrui.
s. a. ton or 1
N tary Public.
THO II ft K. It. 10 Mi it:,
lUU'.llOh4 I, (IHKOON
Orrna: H .. ui3, 1, a 5, Moreno I'lort
' a !
t.-t,aiiainra j
1 rnriiirt r ......
t-..esa r
-tlol HllpeMUUndeUt
. L. A. Hood
. . .. J. W A. VOUDK
E.J. Ward
,. . Uru. A. Morgan
..Julin VV. Beweil
. .. ttal)U 1- Mann
K. randall
tiro. II. vt dcoi
... It. A e..
T. -. Wilkes
W. 1. Via
W. S. H 4 KK t i l ,
llltKOD.N Oil V LAND OVriCB.
Chun. 11. Moorw
w 111. we'ioany...
.Keg later
I i.ard of trustees
Vl trshal
Jl.tnm of I'eaoa
,U.o. W ileus , Mayor
Tho. Tucker
J. M. (treeai
J.ilin D ions
K. WninM-nri
Job 11 Milne
. . . .... . Win. B.isoll
. . .'.'rlenioti Bou.eii
rJ.w'i river. n
...... .TlOS (l.ieeM
r. Ever
... J- Kauda
Hll.UrMl.o, OKMfvlh
a: ('antral ttlous. i.in.u s ai.d
Ih nails
J ri.M), daily:
oloee at tbe llillsuoro I'ost
'.i.Hi.e.m. Wel Union. Belhsr ana ueas
at. II, at 7:1J0 a. iu.
.1 u..it. H-llil . m.
woiiiu no...... " .
(,011m to Portiaud aud aT-oaa, tt.M a
ni. and 4 U. IU. . . . . -t ,
for ! ruiiiitn and Uorel. dully at 13
i iitu atria.
VI Hill
I y vliiiii and
v. ry bHl.t.ttli. iiioruniK and aeniUK.
u.i t ID o'olook a. ni.
.,.... , v f. H. 41. II
.tiriiMtlri lUlirnoHj o.t ....... - -
4 lay '!:; I A" """
,1,..,L, '.ilKli'. ...frllMK an.l nelltul.
. . . I ...ll u d Ml
EV AN I'. HlHillKU 1'a.M.r.
ivtMiKi.KUi. :iit)i'H- :0u".'"
K . ..... i l .. i'M.i...hiiij avary nuuua
.7 i ... .u. r" ry Hunday
all la. I...: Huuday abi".l at 0 a. m
"v-r ..,.t.i.tf y Wailnuaday a-ninij
CliriHtniii t.mUiivor at !: V
liiirtinaii, I'uxlor.
. . ... ,.,iiii,.ni II .Owrir. taator.
A I .l'rH.iuinuav-r'yHautmlu i"'U't;''J
... . iiiftinii aery Hunaay ai
.i' . u.ineral t.rayar uieatlug IW
f.,..r i ly evuiima. l.-aaar.' aud Howard
,uiiii! tliail.ird I'neaday aanm of -on
1UIIIS1IAS I'Hinil H I'M-aWiliiirlirt!
I i j h Hunduva in rarh inoiith al II
.... I'rav.-r imetinu I' timlay .veiling,
l-l.ri.lia.. 'Ui-MY.
A. O. U. W.
. . ii f ui i.un l.nlHIK NO. 61. A. (. O
II w m...m avarr nral and third
fil.lay eniui! anoli uiouth.
Daufhtrra f Krbrkah.
II M, I. it. O. .. marta iu
Hall every Matardiiy btbuiuk.
i'. r ii.
ll.l.HHOUO OHANOK. NO. 7a, awet
iud and lib f" dayaoi aeon uuu.u.
i. o. u. r.
Wedueiiday eTaninira at o'olook.tn I.O.
K. Hall. V.attora niatie weiouiua.
Det;rre af Hanoi.
I W .ii.wi-. n Od.l Kellowa' hall rnty
Uri i.d third Kriday aTtning oi aaci.
KatlilMii Mister.
lll.KSH IA TKMH.K NO. U, R. H.,
,,.i.rv..i 'in.l and 4'h Krlday ineacl.
1 in. .. v..t w
i .mil I. al 7 oYhM'k in Whruiit'ltall.
k. af I.
k. or p..
...liKNlX Nt). H4
1 uiwla in M Hall on Monday
: txu.iitf of eaob ek. rtoj.Miruiua brethren
injoouied to Imltfe niertinMa.
A. K and A. M.
MtlHI.II Y I.ODOK NO. ft, A. V. ft A. M
1 uitT"ry Saturday n.tiht on or after
lull moon of rain niontb.
O. K. X.
,i.ll I r.N I'll Al'TKK. NO.Bl.O. K.H.,
I ui.Ht al Maxoiiw Trin nle on .lie 2nd
a n.l 4ih riicndny ol earh month.
k. 0. T. M.
Vltl,A TKN r, N'. I. K. O. T. I
n.,i in (1,1.1 Vll.ie' Hall, on a
ami f.i.irtli Thursday eeninaa of each
'ii inth.
Uf AMillN( rN EN0AMl'MINTNo.4.
I. O. O. V., oioeta on fire, ami
Ird ra-'daya of eaob month.
k iHtm roKi'H so. 47.; R.r.
iM Hillanoro, on Ilia ll. tnd 8.1. Friday"
sfaaeli monlli al p. ni.
MKX. ltMKl I'UMT, 0. , W. A. K.
th lir-l and third SnliinUyi of each
monlh, at :( o'clock. I". M.
tamere VITalITT,
Curct Ini(H)tcncy, NiUt Ktuiaaionaand
a!tlnir UiiH-aw, all effect of arlf.
..a, abuse, or excraa and India
f'M j c ret ion. A nert tonic and
A 9 I.I.mhI buililer. nrinpa the
t 4tV.nk plow to pale ehrt-ki and
restore the fire of youth.
fr'V V'v m.iil Atri" pr bo. ' hoxea
for ih.'.oO: with written a;iirn.
t-e toriirei or ri'l'mxl the money.
Bend for circular. Addreaa,
CUnton V Jackaon St, CHICACO, IU.
HKM liov.lA.
Ornoa: Uooma nd 7. Mort-nu hioi.k
ii. r. iiAi.i.n,
Orru i: Over Delta Dru Store
Itnilcy Morgan It.ocL, ICm.imm I A 2
8. 1. LI M KI.ATi.lt, M. K. 4'. .
H1L1:H(H(), OKf.UON.
'orrica: at n-.'icti noa, eal of (omt
Houie, where be will tie lound at all '"'
trben not ?lltni patients.
j. r. tamikmk, a. I..
HIliLHltOHO, llliHHJN.
Orriua ami KaamrNiia : u.ii.r il.ird
ml kirn HtreeU. Otlicn hours, KJU to i.'
a. in.. I to 6 and J to H p. ni. I eiri.hoiie
rtMidenoc from Hrook A Hcls I'niKKK.ro n
all hours. All onlli iron. I'll iitti-lMi".
F .1. K 111.1: V, H. I".
Ornoa iu I'hariiia.iy, t'nion lilouk. ( alia
attended to. niuht or di.y. Iteaiileuoe, H. W.
Cor. Haae Line and Secioud slrwta.
20 yeara eiperlence in I Mice I.cjral litis.
10.MM OHnelal irusts ei.M'uifo. ini tnij
ot Kslalea and linlividiiiils i k.c.I lor.
Oltlreat the Ha7.ar, Korent drove. Oregon
rOalKM I I. KUV P., (IKP.dllN
Heatarti -ilal teelh l"...'ilpfr,.t. Crinent
and Amalirani flllinirs Wi ccn'e each. Hold
hllinxa tro.ii II up. ituii.eii air lor pain
esi eitraction.
Or phi a : three doors north of Kriok
tir. Oflioe bou'a from a.m. to p. m
J. K. AIklS.
Orrici Hot'Ka: tl a. in. I 4 :.",(! p. ni.
Orfi.a in Union 1.1. s'k over I'liarnincy
kl Tea posillvely a Sii klleatl
he. indiir' stiou and ronslii.stioii. A
li'liKhtlul herb drink. Itclnovcs all TU-
lona ol the skin, print ncinir it prri.i-1 r..u
enon, or money rcinn. ..'... cis. an
&.I eta The Delta Dri.t; Mlore
CHAKACTKK, to deliver and roll. vl in
Ire on lor oil ealai'll in.l inauiiiaitiiriiiK
holesale house, !kio a year, sure pay
Honeaty more than eisi lenee re.inred.
ur relereuce. any nam in miy ('ill . r.n
loae aelf-addressed stamped env. loi.e.
Manufafturers, 1 hir.l l lo..r, H D ar.H.rn
St., Chifairo. lv;H
"To I ho iiMiiinlnins our j mi l in
incrcMsiii)' nuinla'rs isily lis.k fur
Hum. days of r Isxxti'ni rind r. ( ri it-
Hon mtvsH.iry to iimii.titin t !. Im
man tnachine in fair working imoli
Hon. The liniKU.in.iis p..t)i ol tin
attisliure provis very svliii'tivp wlul
It lasts, liul n.Hiiy h.ivo ill t nti l Ihal
the annual outing xlioulil .roviilt not
only radical cliane of air ami sur
rounuinus, but mso such aihiuilMiioti
oftJtK'nK encr'its as will r..vj.li
hraw n .il vlor for Hie n turn I..
IhImit. For this I hey urtro Hie tiionn-
atill I lillih Mini rami. li", t ho li:lsaiu
if thP mountain pint', and lh cl.-ar,
iirtdiilli'rnli'd inotintali. air.
In Ihia dirtTlion IhcSlri-'a II mte
now alTorils a wealth of iiitrai tii.ns
Tho entire) linn of rwl from A-hlai.il
lo lleildin r is stmlilisl will) chirin-
lt r and aoiiwihlo hotels an.l mini's,
nhero are dicer and comfort and
oallnif at roasonsl.le iir.t, and u In re
ou can hunt, fl-h, ride, loaf, or piny
ilh equal rscil.ly."
"Or If you look for In alinir water-.
none IswiU-r iwn U' found, rod or e..l,
Imn Ihe prliii-a of Aslilsn l, t'.ilest :ii.
An.l. roli, ltir;'ell, Hyn n ami I'aso
'lfc-foti" yiaillnu Euroia, Iho peo-
Dle of Ihe IWIIiwe-n shoiiiii s uie
glories of Yiwmite Valley, and llu
ondniua eroven of Mtriposn hii-i
'alaveras; Ihe Parisian arp likely to
make iniuiriiA eonc rnliit lh- at
tractive reworts."
end In Mr. V. II. Markham, lleii-
eral Pas-wnifir Aifnl, I'ortlaml, for
tas.kleison t'a-tle (.'rae, Sliatn
prlnifs, Mci'loud Hivir, Yoeniiif,
aud enursloo rate thereto.
PriTUAPELPTna Followlnt la ti fall
text of the platform adopted by th Ra
pobliran Nutioual conventioa i
The Kepoblioaoiof tha United Bute.
throoKh their choean repr antativee.
net ta oational conveution, looktnK
back apom aa ononrpaaaad reoord of
achievement, and looking forward Into
a (neat Bald of dnty and opportunity
and appealing to tha judgment of their
countrymen, mak thee declaration:
Tha expectation In whloh tha Aineri
can pejle. tnmlEf from tha DtmctTatio
party, iutrnated power four yearn ago to
a Repnblioan chief mitfistrata and a
Republican conKraaa, ha been met and
atihflod. When th peopla then aa
aembled at the poll after a term of
Democrat io legislation and administra
tion, bnaine a waa dead, tnd ni try para
lysed and the national credit disastrous
ly impaired. Th country' capital
waa hidden away aud its labor distreaa-
d and unemployed. Th Democrats
had no other plan with which to im.
prove th miaous conditions which they
had themselves prod need than to coin
surer at the ratio of li to t.
rreapertt? Breath! By Beeablleeaa.
The Republican party denouncing
this plan as sura to prodno conditions
even worse thau those from which re
lief was sontrht, promised to renter
prosperity by means of two legislative
measures a protectiT tariff and a law
making cold th standard of value.
The people by great majorities issued to
th Republican party a commission to
enact these laws. This commission ha
been executed and tha Retrablioan
promise 1 redeemed. Prosperity more
general and more abundant than we
have ever known haa followed these
enactments. There la no longer any
controversy aa to th value of any gov
ernment ob igations. Every American
dollar is a gold dollar or ita assured
equivalent, and American credit stands
higher than that of any other nation.
Capital la fully employed and every
where labor la profitably occupied.
No single fact can mora strikingly
tell th story of what Republican govern
meut means to the country than this
that whileduring the whole period from
1801 to 1897 there waa an excess of ex
ports over Imports of only 388,024,497.
there has been in the abort three years of
toe present Republican administration aa
erocas of exports over imports in th
normona mm of fl, 483,738,094, and
while th American people, sustained
by this Republican legislation, hav
been achieving these splendid triumphs
in their business aud commerce, they
hav conducted aud iu victory conclud
ed a war for liberty aud human righta.
War far Llb-rly hmt Aacreaaleaaaeai.
No thought of national aggraudi
sneot taruh'.ed tha hlirh unrnnaa with
wnicn American standards were an
furled. It waa a war unsought and
patiently resisted, but when it cam th
American government was ready. Ita
fleet were cleared for action. It arm
ies were in the field, and tha quick aud
signal triumph of Its force on land and
sea bora equal tribute to the skill and
foresight of Republic tatamanahin.
To 10,000,0(10 of th human rao thar
waa given "a new birth of freedom, H
and to tha Amerioao peopl a aew and
nobis responsibility.
Iaaeraaaieat af rrMllaal MaKlaUy.
We Indnrs th administration of
William MoKinley. Ita act hav bean
established in Wisdom and la patriot
ism, and at home and abroad it haa dis
tinctly elevated and extended the infla
aao of th American nation. Walk
ing an tried paths and facing nnforeeeen
responsibilities. President MoKinley haa
been la every situation th true Ameri
eaa patriot and upright statesman, clear
ta vision, strong in judgment, firm in
action, always Inspiring and deserving
th eonfideno of bis eonntrymen.
In asking th Amerioaa peopl t In
dorse this Republican raoord and to ra
nw their commission ta th Rapnbll
ean party, w rem lad them of th faot
that tha menace to their proa parity baa
always residid la Demoorati principles
and no less in th general incapacity of
th Demoeratlo party to conduct public
affaire. The prim essential of busi
ness prosperity is publio confidence in
th got seuse of tha government and
Its ability to deal intelligently with all
new problems af administration and
legislation. That eonfldeaoe th Demo
cratic party haa never earned. It is
hopelessly Inadequate, and th country'
prosperity, when Democratic aucoess at
th polls is announced, halts and ceases
la mere autimpatiaa of Democratio
blunder and fail area.
kMloa aa will effectually restrain and with distinguished credit to th Amri
prevent all suoh abuses, protect and tu.ot.u i ,l..t,,- .v.. !
r w.,-,,. . vexatious European alliance forth gor-
rtgbta of producers, labou rs and nil ernment of Samoa, his ooursa U espect-
wuo are eugugeu in umustry sun oo... ally to be oomuieuded. By securing to
" ; our undivided control th most import-
Iieelaratloa far rrutarllna. , snt island of the Samoan group, aud
Ws renew our fuith in the policy of 11,8 harbor in tha southern Paoifio,
protection to American labor. Ia that every American interest ha bean safe
policy our industries have been estab- j Buarded.
Ushed, diversified and maititnined. Ey' V PProlr ha annexation of th
protecting the home market, the com , Hawaiian islands to th United State,
petition has been stimulated and pro- i commend th part taken by oar
duction cheapened. Opportunity tli '"ernment in the peace ooufereuo al
inventive genius of our peopls has been j HKU. W assert our steadfast
u:e.l and waves iu every depart- hJherenc to tha poiioy annonoosd U
r SI... V J
meut of litlmr have been maintained at ; --""roe uocinn.
high rates, higher now than ever before,
thus dir.tiiigiiinlfing our working peopl
iu their better conditions of life from
those of any competing country. En
joying the blessings of American com
mon schools, secure iu the right of self
government and protected iu th occu
pancy of their own market their con
stantly increasing knowlege and skill
nav enabled them finally to enter th
market of the world. We fav( tl'
ciuted policy of reciprocity, so dl
reoted as to open our markets on favor
able terms for what we do not ourselves
produce in return fur free foruifu mar
In the farther interests of American
workmen, we fuvor a more effective r-.
svricuou oi mo ininiirtiiiou or cheap
labor from foreign lauds, the efteueion
of opportunities of education for work
ing childreu, the raising of the age
limit for child labor, the protection of
free labor as against convict labor and
I effective system of labor insurance.
Our present dependence ou foreign
shipping for nine-tenths of our foreign
carrying is a great loss to the industry
of this country. It is also a serious
danger to our trade tor its mi Iden with
drawal in the event of a nuroiwau war
would seriously cripple our expanding
foreign commerce. The national de
fense and naval ffilcieiiry of this coun
try, moreover, supply a compelling rea
sou for legislation which will enable us
to recover our former place among th
trade carrying fleets of the world.
Liberal Pension Laws Favored.
The nutiou owea a debt of profound
gratitude to the soldiers ond sailors who
have fought its battles, and it is the gov
ernment's duty to provide for the sur
vivors aud for the widows aud orphans
of those who have fallen in the coun
try's wars. The pension laws founded
In this just sentiment should be lisyeral
and ahould be liberally administered,
and preference should be given, wher
ever practicable, with respect to em
ployment in the publio service, to sol
diers and sailors aud to their widows
and ophans.
Bspahllaaas aad tha Civil Rarvloa,
We eommeud the policy of tha Re
publican party in maintaining the effici
ency of the oivil ervie. The adminis
tration haa acted wisely in ill effort to
aecur for publio service iu Cuba, Porto
Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines only
those whose fituoss haa been determin
ed by training aud experience. W be
lieve that employment in the publio
service in these territories should be
onflneJ, as far as practicable, to their
It was the plain purpose of the Fif
teenth amendment to the constitution
to prevent discrimination on account of
race or color in regulating th elective
franchise. Devices of states govern
ments, whether by statutory or consti
tutional enactment, to avoid the par
nose of this amendment are revolution
ary aud should Co Condemned.
Publio movements look.ng to a per
manent improvement of the rods and
highways of the country meet with our
cordial af proval, and we recommend
this subject to the earnest consideration
of the people and of the legislatures of
the seveial states.
We favor th extension of th rural
free delivery soryisce whereyur its ex
tension may be justified.
Xsalamatlaa ef Ar a Laaa
In tba further pursuance of the con
stant policy of the Republican party to
proyid free homes on the publio do
main, w recommend adequate national
legislation to reclaim the arid land of
th United Statea, reserving oontrol of
tha distribution of water for irrigation
to th resacotiy states and territories.
W favor home role for and th early
admission to statehood of th territories
f Kw Mexico, Arixona and Oklaboma.
Oa the teat Africa War.
Th provisions of Th Hague conven
tion were wisely regarded when Presi
dent McEiuley tendered hi friendly
oflioe iu th interest of peace between
Great Britain and th Booth African
repuDiica w nu tn Amerioaa govern
ment must ooutinu th poiioy pre
scribed by Washiugtoo, affirmed by
very suooeediug president, and im
posed upon as by Th Hagua treaty, of
uou-iuMrventiou la fiuropaaa oontro
Versiea, th Amerioaa paopl earnestly
nope that a way may soon b found,
honorable alike to both contending par.
tie, to terminate th ttrif between
Treatment af the PI.tllpa.lBea.
In accepting by the treaty of Paris
the just responsibility of our yiotoriea
in the cptuiish war, the president and
th senate won th undoubted approval
of th Amerioan peopl. No other
course waa possible than to destroy
Spain's sovereignty throughout tha
West Indies and in the Philippine.
That course created our responsibility
before the world and with the unorgan
ised population whom our intervention
had freed from Spain, to proyid far
maintenance of law and order, and for
the establishment of good government
and for the performance of International
obligations. Our authority could not
b loss tlinn our responsibility, and
wherever sovereign rights were extend
ed, it became the high duty of the gov
ernment to maintain It authority, to
put down armed insurrection and to
confer tha blessing of liberty and oivil
isatlon upon all tb rescued peoples.
The largest measure of self-government
oonsistant with their welfare and
our duties shall be secured to them by
law. To Uuba, independence aud self
government were issued in th same
voice by which war was declared and to
the letter this pledge shall be performed.
1 he Republican party, upon its his
tory and upou this declaration of its
principles and policies, confidently in
vokes the considerate aud approvip
judgment of the American people.
Mr. Huston l.i'puiliutes ISryan Democracy
and will vote for McKinley
Inteirieto as Published by Eceninq Telegram of Oct. 11th
Daelaratiaa far th OaM Staae.ra.
W reuew our allegiano to the nrin.
elple of th gold standard, aud declare
our ennfldeno ia th wisdom of th
legislation of tb Fifty sixth con area
by which the parity of all our
money aud the stability of our currency
oa a gold basis haa been secured. We
recognize that interest rate ar a po
tent factor la production and basin ess
activity aud for th purpose of further
equalising and of farther lowering th
rate of interest ws favor such mone
tary legislation aa will enabl tha vary.
ing neas oi in season and of all sco-
tieas to be properly met in order that
trad sasy he evenly sustained, labor
steadily employed aud coinrnero an-
largd. The volume of money in e4r
ealatiaa was never so great per capita
aa It ia today.
W declare our steadfast opposition
t th free and unlimited coinage of
silver. No measure to that end oould
b considered which was without ta
npport ef the leading commercial ooua
tri f th world. However firmly
Jttptiblk-a legislation may m u
hav aeanrad the cou a try agaiast th
peril of base aad 4irorditd ovreocy
tboaleotloo ef a Detn.oraUo preaweal
onld let fail to unaair th conn try '
redit aad to knag oaee sacra into quea
Kea the HMearJoa of tb American pea
pi t maiataia uaa tb gold standard
the parity of their money elrealatkw.
The Democratic party moat be aoa
yinoed that the American peopl will
never tolerat th Chicago plMfonav
Oa th QinUm mi Trmaaa,
W reexgnla tb necessity and nr
priety of the honest enparatioa of ana
ital to meet nw basin eoodltieoa,
and eroil!y to axtaad ou rapidly kn
raising foreign trade, bat w siaiissnn
all oonirpiracie and saBbiaatloaia in
tended to raetrVo bast:
War Tease aaa Klaaracaa Caaal.
Tha Dingley act, amended to nro-
vtda suffloient revenue for the conduct
af th war, haa so well performed it
work that it ha been possible to reduoe
tb war debt in the sura of 40,000,0u0.
Bo ample are the government's revenues
aad so great is th publio confidence in
the Integrity of Its obligations, that its
newly funded tw per oent tsnda sell
at n premium. Tha country - la BOw
jnstifiad in expecting and it will be the
poiioy of tha Republican party to bring
about a redaction of the war taxea.
We favor the construction, owner
ship, control and protection of an
isthmian eanal by th government of
th United State. New markets ar
neoesaary for th increasing surplus of
or fans product. Every effort should
('iilif.iri.U ia Iho natural paradise of
tholn.lv inakvr. It rewmrif- ari
int'xhaustahlt', ita ii.Vitaliiin univer
sal, and ila resorts and Htlraclions
iiiioiiH the most no tod of the
'llcsorts and Allraelions alone; Ihe
Coast Line" ia handsomely illustra
te I loldor, givint; deai'ription of Ihe
health and pleasure) resorts on Ihe
(.'.mat la'tweeii Han Francisco and 1is
"Shasla Kcaorts," emU'llnhed with
beaulifnl halt tout" engravings, ilea-
crilan the scnlc aud outini; allrac
lions of the vast and wonderful
Shasta region, the grandest of pleas
i rounds.
Tim Southern Pacific Company
piililisiic8 descriptive literature inn
lainiug valuable inforiimlion hImuiI
all of Idem. Ilia for free dislribu-
lioii and may be obtaiiied from any
Siiilhern Pacific! aent, or C II
Markham, (leneral PasHengfr Agent
t Portland. If you apply by mail
enclose a stamp for each pnUicaliuii
California South of T.-hm lupi"
lolls all alsiul the cbtirin-. of llml
remarkably favored aemi-lrropie
garden shi( ol Ihe world In Southern
A handsome limp of California,
complete iu detail, reliable, skillfully
indexed, and full of information
alaiut Ihe Slate's resources. It is
Hie only publication of kind folded
for pocket use.
"Summer OutiugV' ia a 32-page
f.lder devoted to the ramping retreats
iu Ihe Shasta Region and Santa Crux
mountain?: It appeals more direct
ly to that large and growing cla-iof
recreation sis-kera who prefer this
popular form of outing.
"Pacific drove" ia the Chautauqua
of the west, and Ihia foldei not only
ilifcrit' the pretty place itself, but
given a program of the religious and
educational meetings, conventions,
to l held there thin
"llceau-e ihe preae.it day ll i.i.M'-
racy is nothing more than a hot Is d
of rev dutloiiary, radical ptiin ipies.
"Because the election of liryau
would mean a financial panic.
'lb-rau-4- the stand taken by the
Ibyatiiles t-ucouragiM ami prolongs
tho I'liiiipjilne war.
"Il-'cause liryau is no longer Ihe
frank, open man he was, but a
Thoae aro some of tho reason-
given by State Senator S U. Huston,
of Hillslioro, for lurning his hack
upon Ihe deiuiN'ralic pally and In
clining a McKmley U.-publican.
Mr. Huston passed the day iu this
c ly. He said he had no Hssignmcul
from Ihe Uepublican central commit
liv to sa-ak in fie interest of Mc-
Kinley, and did not know w hether
he could Hud the time toHx-ak, Mr.
IIiisUiii was one of the leading lem-
ocrata of the a'ale, mid ia a reoog.
nlz. (I power in xiliiios. Ilisrefutt-
tioo of Democralic principles will
cut considerable nf a figure in sli te
(Mil i tlCS.
'My inlimale friends were not
taken by surprise," said Mr. Huston,
at the Perkins, "when I t u.k this
action. " 1 have always been a gold-
standard man. I told Iheui in '9o
that if they tried to force mini her
such done down me I w-.uld fight. I
stid I would keep still that lime for
the sake. if Ihe party, hoping that Ihe
ilver vtoz- to which (hey seemed
wedded waa a fad that would wear
aay. I never for it moment doubt
ed t'n-.t the old conservative Demo
cratic principl.K would reasaett them
selves aud that the (tub wouid die
on'. liMiked upon it aa a sort of
political debauch, in which the con
servative element waa ii toxicated
witli radical Populistic ideas, and
that ita ( fleets would not be lasting.
Therefore, I swallowed the great
n.it but paiu It i (we ulm ,,v(,l i;
former frankness."
Mr. iiustou'a father was au ol
soldier, and was kilftd at Stone
Itiver in th aeivicv of the Unim
Army. When asked why he did in.
follow Iho plincipl a of Im falher, l.t
r.-pl ioil that he wa opHMed Iu pat t
unliMii, and ladieved in iudividuaii-n
foe DeunHratlc party, aa it was then
ac-orded the uiost closely with his
viewa. He said it mt lo his blood
h.iil to read the attieks made against
thf old s ildk-rs by the Hryau prea-.
which cloiii.sl (hoy were the olf
scouritig of tin w rst grades of
win, on, win?
"Why is it," deiuat ds Mr. liryau.
in hia finest high tragedy, "crowu .
horns and cr.w.s of gold" manner,
"why ia it that the H publican party
allows tho trusts to grow?" We do
not know thai he exiHTtcd any an
swer lo bo given, save that which he
presently supplied In Ida own liiimi
unly Illogical way. II he did not il
was mo t kind of him, la-cause it
might le a triilo dilllcult for any one
else, especially fur a Ilepublican, to
give an answer that would hesatis
fu tory to Mr. Bryan. 1: was always
s trifl Jarring to sensitive in rves to
las required lo rescind, categorically
and courteously, t the interrogation
' Where did you get that hal?"
Ncverlli leas, it ia Hie indefeasible
birthright of the Yankee lo answer
oue question with another. Where
fore, if Mr. Bryan should press his
conundrum too strenuously for an
answer, conn desHral- Republican
might Imj moved t ask iu reply vWij
the great slat -allien of the Democratic
party, in framing the last Democratic
tin IT law, were so uncommonly re
gardful of tho welfare and of the dc-
!-..., ,.r i ...
, , , ,. . . , , i"1"' "r irusx., wr, coming
" "'" .e.,.u. ...., ,w1 t, ,ie
ha mad to epen and obtain nw mar I school, etc.,
-vc-m, p-tu7 iu, vrieus. ana ine summer,
eaminis (ration is warmly to be com
manded for ita suoceMvful effort to com
mit all trading and colonising nations
to ta policy of th open dour in China.
Depansasal af C.narm Favarea.
In the Interest of oar expanding oom
mere we recommend that oongres cre
ate a department of o mmerce and in
-i.h. -In .u i8 7 o-rtr 7 corn superior to 'Stowell s Evergreen
withaasatin thecab.net. The United ' ,. no, e,r,
State consular system should U ireor- Trh.tu- ,od mwhlug else
ganiiea under the su,s ms.on or tnis houlJ rf fr UM. con,M
new dertment npou suoh a basis of . f --ea
Uae Thlaa aad Aaalher.
It la expected that To per cent of tb
prune growers of Oregon. Washington
and Idaho will combine to handle the
crop In the Pacific northwest.
There probably Is no variety of sweet
appointment and tenure as will render
it still more serviceable to th nation'
increasing trade.
The American government most pro
lert tb person and property of every
eitixen wh.-rever they are wrongfully
violated or placed in peril.
W ootigr.it alata the women of Am-
.ut- ,,., ..,. ,., . ,,. , ,.. ..... . ,lr.
lio service in the Voluuteur aiJ aasooia- . ' , . ., . .
M . . . . wbeo the moisture of the soli Is of
''.. " ' n a . , u, m n iu uiuf aiiu u...uh
of our
plantings of the Evergreen give as de
sirable table corn as could be wanted,
says A. Agee In National Stockman.
A German Investigator Is of opinion
that the benefit a hlch tin theoretical
grounds would be eia-rted from, the
application of soluble salta to tb soil
la not as a rule realized In practice be-
. . I no-. I iuisiria uec, i.ir eon imuuvu. miw
.,,, . " " . able to tss ome so concentrated by
armlet in the Eat-rn and Western ..
j. ... . . . -u, t evaporat on as to partlady or complete
Indies, an.l wa appreciate their faithful , f7 , . . .
cooperation tn ii works of education ' Prevent the taking tip of w.t.r by
and industry. tbe root, of plaota.
-.. . ' ., . - ,, Tbe prospects for winter wheat ar
The frlaBIe rrrls Pellay Oasa- . . . .
Hci-rf. reported as good except for Michigan,
... frMiana and fll.W. m h.r. flv or Inautn-
w I '7'' D'. .''rZ 'dent vrliiisr prvUctW. nay. broughl
priucipli-4 injected into DemiH'racy
by Populism, and agreed lo 'keep
quiet.' "
The Senator pa-aid aa though try
ing to find words pnqierly to expn-s
his next thought.
"Bui," he continued, "when the
lit'inocralic party renfilrmed ita for
mer principles and in addition gave
aid and ei.courHgen en I to Aguinaldo,
which would result in prolonging
the war well, I couldn't f-tand it,
that's all."
The speaker made a awifl gesture,
a gealure that implied more than
wolds spoken.
"The election of Bryan," he con
tinued, "would mean a financial
panic. The signs are just aa plain as
though written in letters of fire. In
sucn an event, i do not want my
friends and' the people in my section
lo point at tun the finger of sctrn
and say I advised tlicm to enconi
pass their own ruin.
"There is no longer any Democrat
ic party. It is composed nf a racgeil
following of ladical Populists, who
completely sulj.igi.te the old con.
servatisui that made the parly dear
to all true D uiocrala. We tradid
and bartered away our sound princi
ples for revolutionary ideas that can
almost Ire termed anarchy, in the
shape of Populism. In -'aining its
siips.rt we have ruined ourselves.
My advice to all true iK tms raL-i ia to
leave such bad company and not
rve to bolster up a radical patty
that has usurad llieir siwer and
sacrificed their giaal name.
"I wiah I had the aiwer tn ex
press just how I fis-l upon this ques
tion. In one wi y I feel my H.sltion j
kts'iily feel I i k -- a man who ia leav
ing home lo cast his lot among
strangers. But I feel that I am do
ing right and could not consistently
tic- mys lf to principl.-a which I ali
hor and believe to be a menace to
Ihe very tiling- upon which our gov
ernment ret-t ."
The Senator msile a long pause,
intently ttudj log the fl Mir, and 'hen
"Br an m rot lli- win he wits.
Even though I was opo-ed to his
freeilver idei-, I could not help hu
admire the man lor his frank, (is n
manner. He w:i cnisislent and held
lo what he ta 'it v.-1 lo I right. I'm
he Is no longer siirii a person. He
knows as well as ..Ih'T thinkers that
the free-silver 'i -lion is a dead
ia tie, anil in t in keeping with the
needs of our -op. yt he adheres
present uiouienl, it
might lat asked how the foremosl
letders of the IVmocralic party in
the chief cily of the chief stale of Ihe
union come to he ho particularly in
terested in tho hi- trurt and how Ihe
chairman of Iho Democratic National
Cominitti) hnpmiis lo be so inli
malely connecled with the cotton
haie trust. It might further lie asked
if any trusts exist which more direct
ly alfecl ihe comfort and welfare of
the tieopli! than tlieae, and if ever
any trust more wantonly iind wick
edly oppreaaed the eople than the
one organized and maintained by
Mr. Bryan's ino-t earnevt stipporteis.
Cr yet again, aeeing that Mr, Bryan
and ins friends charge that trusts are
an outgrowth or the Republican pol
icy of protection, and would Ih abol
ished if t!ie Bryauite policy of free
trade were adopted, it might be ask
ed how it ia that tlreat Britain, the
birthplace and home of free trade, ia
I also the birthplace and home of
trusis, and was "plastered all over
with trusts" years before Mr. Bryan
and hia friends ever took to hunting
Ihe dreadful top us.
Such inquiries might, however, la
deemisl frivoloiis, not lo say flippant,
ami therefore unworthy of so grave a
theme. Wherefore it might la la-IK r
to propound at once to Mr. Bryan
Ihia answering question. Why d as
the Democrat u: parly allow ao many
of bs iiieiiils-rs to have corn-? N. Y.
The ls.uglas county i-oldiers'
monument fund ia la ing return. si to
its ubscri!'rs.
Two carlisi.ls t f dritsl prunea and
eight carloads of wheat were shipped
from Corvalhs to Portland Tuesday.
t:oos county's net iinlel filnean is
filt.lL'l Iu the past six montlis the
county's exMnsea have la-en Il'j.'.MI.
There ia complaint that rural mail
Ix.xea are lazing tampered with Iu
Poik county. One Imix waa c(m
plelely riddled by shot.
A new gravel walk through tho
college grounds at Corvallis will laj
covered with a surface of Southern
Oregon dccomased granite.
The cranlHTiy crop In TillatiKMia.
county haa Im-pii lutrvestisl in gmal
shape aud mostly iiirtrketcd at gianl
prices. The crop reprcseuta about
I 000.
Dr. Lamberson, of Lebanon, haa
ordensj a new static electric machine
with X ray attachments. It will be
the second machine of the kind iu
Linn county.
For the sis months prior to Oi t. 1,
Klamath county paid out U7ti2. .').
Its total liidi-bttstncHs, including in
terest on outstanding warrants, la
SI,,V)l 4 .
)r U II. Starr, of Albany, has a
t'Hiiato vine growing iu his garden
which measures II f.s't 8 inchea
across, it Is of the yellow variety
and la laden with totnatiss.
M. D. Mitchell, w ho has a drier
near llelliel achiMilhou.se, haa sold
2.SIMJ bushels of prunes to Chicago
buyer. Ho received 1 ci-nts un-
graded lor hia Italian prunes, and 4
cents for hia silver.
It is reported that the Sumpter
Valley Railroad Company ban con
cluded to build a tirst-ciasa wagou
road from ita new town of Whitney
acrosa the mountains to (Jranite, n
liataiice of seven miles.
E. C. O. si. lard, D. II. Cheney and
Ivan Huniason have iHiught M20
acn-a Just east of Child Hill, in the
Willow Springs district, and have a
gang of men doing development
work ou several fine looking hslgen
located on this tract.
The circuit court of Lake county
convened Oct. Hth, Judge H. L. Ben
son presiding, A cuttle-stealing caae,
several water rights and numerous
minor mattura ciime up, and tlie
term ia in no wist? a common one.
Large bands of cattle are la-ing
sold in Iake county nt prices rang-
ng from 5) to 7 cents mt pound.
One stockman m Id his cows for $25
mt head and received f 12 50 for a
large iiumla-r of calves ranging in
age from six weeks lo six months.
Frank Bowron, of Tenmile, Coo
county, reports a great many fish,
including trout aud eels, dying iu
North Lake and drifting ashore. No
other reason for the phenomenon ia
given except that poisonous vegeta.
lion m iy have found its way into tho
A Jocular farmer of Oakville anyee
the heads (if Ihe Denny pheasants he
kills and mounts ihem in bis stubble
field w ar the road. To enhance the
effect ol bis Jt at he haa decs, rated hia
fence with Iresj asa not ices. How
ever, he haa not found it noce-wary
to prosecute olfenders.
While Mr. Bryan waa telling the
people down east that the traveling
men were desert ing t'i republican
parly by the hundreds, memla-rs of
Ihe fraternity were organizing a club
in his home town of Lincoln, with
107 members as a pttrU-r. The
-hailow of MMsibe danger from the
trusts d.H-fl not Irighlen this level
lieadisl class of men half as much n
Ihe real danger. of a ro.elition of Ihe
business conditions of f-.ur years ago.
Minneapolis " Tribune."
Bryan slarttd in on tariff as the
paramount I sue. Then it wa sil
ver. Now it ia imperialism. The
country has Is-en sucis-xi veiy doom
ed lo the dogs or to the devil under
lo I, spsii!y Is.ali-e he w is afraid each and fry one. Neil lime he
lo turn his b; t k i.pon a cau-e w hich j will turn up with nii ni'w para
he ho ardently aupisirtisl and lie-' mount Issu", on which the cymntry
cause lie was afrnd .f Is-ing called : mu-t lake his advice or goto the
incoiisislcnl and of l ining the .pu- dogs or to the devil some more.
li-t following. ( is wading through Paramount l-xues while you wait.
a ti of i rs it and hyHa-ri-'y, which ! Port Inn
mu I prove a gr--t s'rugle to hisj
inner ei neiHisin-x. In other words,
he has Ixen i.ifleui-e.1 sg-iiu-t his
better judinen', iu the hope of
calching yolen, something w hich can-
There ia talk of s riiiiiently im
ptoving the RoHebiirg-Winehiyter
wagon road. It is said that If the
cili.ens of Roaet urg will sulxcrilsu a
reasotmblo Hiuount of money the
Water & Light Company w ill dupli
cate the sum, and thereby induce Iho
county iMiard to assist. 'The com
pany's articles of incorporation in
clude construction of an electric rail
road, and this a ill probably come in
Ihe duo course of time.
'The Mate Convention of the Wo
man's Christian Teuis ranee Uuion
was in aession at Moro last week.
An addreaa of welcome was delivered
by Ri-v. Mr. Elder, on la-hall of the
churches, of Ihe city, and Miss Eiton,
onls lialfof Kin rn. in counly. Mrs,
Steele, presid.-i t, of Marion county,
resjioiidisl iu a lieul address. The
annual address of the i-t ole president,
Mrs. Helen D. Harford, was well re
ceived. Reports show the work lo
be in fine condition.
SI eep poisoning got I'.t more vic
tims out of a baud of '.) fine Merino
bucks Is longin lo Hugh 1'n-lds, up
Ilintou Creek, last Sunday, says the
H-ppiicr Timea. Wiicti our infor
mant, John Busick, cam- I y there
M nday morning In- aw 4'.t of the
:iniinils lying dead in Ihe corral.
Alsiul L'OO bead out of Iho band had
tss-n poisoned, and i 'hers were dy
ing right along, -o Hi .t it is probablo
the whole bunch 4 ill la- lout. The
sheep wi-re umloi bl- dly poisoned
from licking a ci r'Hm mineral sub
ataniv ti it-It Hpp. rs on nuue of Ihe
' r,..L-- 1 1, r. It, .lit II. u ..ru u l.....
" v.ru.,,. llf-ll
the hot -un mm. s outjij-t after a
heavy rsin. 'I his sule-lanco in vi-ry
poi.i,on and nn.kes quii k work of
its vii ti'i.s. Tw.i yiars i go Mr. Ms
Corrigsl, on Butter t n- k, loet ,r!;
iiead of sheep from I be same cause;
five years ago :! I head la-longing to
E l Diy w.-re d -T -. in a similar
iiiuiini r a a is.ua I, I . a. fl.. .:. i-
af-J yv an rw -fa. -a. nv ..moir ,- ii- nj;'. Hitn I H ' Ja,
jnti, Vi I -A t n H i am I t I -' b'-a I, and many others have
igastar V ? ,c I ''H' '"'r nuuita-rs Irom lime to
time, but know not what cu:d it.
"f n gonial! "