Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 12, 1900, Image 3

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    Go t Mi-Cortnkk'a for bicycle uu
nries, guns and ammunition.
K I.- MiCoruiick baa kuu to reo
hi. reasonable prices. Hand loaded
shells lo order.
Call on F. J. llarber, Second street
if you want a tint-clam shave or hair
cut. Try his baths, either hot or
rod I.
Threu cars of hop were taken from
Mm lliiislmm s'ation la-t Tuesday.
They K" I" New York over the Sun
m t route.
Mr.)i. W. Hchulujerich of Hchul
merich A Hon who ha len routined
t his room for a wee k with a lioil ia
out Mnill.
Herman Nchuluierich, atarlel
Wednesday inoriitiiK fi t bis gold
mine at Kuinpter in linker county,
lie exis ts U make that bla houie
hereafter ami Hillsboro only a place
to Visit!
Mr. K. 1'. II uk ban returned
from his vamtion ami wishes lo ati
noil me that, with in-it Hunday, Oct.
14, n ifiilnr services will tm resumed
in tli" t'ona-reatioiial church. The
pastor w ill ird'ti.
Mr. W ii. Sehuliiieric'l ami wife of
So j t It Tu ilatin have ifone to Kugene
this week to attend the marriage of
Mm, Hchuliuerich'a aiater, Mia lloae
Hmilli. While absent Misa Juaie
,-4. Inilinerich keeps house on the farm
pension have been granted thl
wm-Ic to John M, Jones, Co. II. 2d
Oregon Infantry, residence Poresl
limvH for fs oo per uiouth from Feb.
ID, l-t'.l'J, anil an I unease to t.UU
fr month for Francis A. Haines,
llillalioro, tinting from Feb. 15, 1900.
Tin-re has not beeu a fall la receut
years more favorable for fall work
than this year. Wheat ami oats
Ihreaslied, bay baled, hop gathered,
onions housed, all lu Ural class order.
Farmers art) plow! i g, though the
laud is really too dry. It goes Iho.
The delegate- to the Grand Lodge
Knights of I'll beaa are off this week
to Astoria iu alt ndance at the an
nual git'lit-ring. The llillslsiro L'idge
sent J. M. Wail and il. T. Barley.
Mrs. J. V. Newell, represent the
Kiithtsiue Nislera. K. 11. Happinglou
though liviug in llillslsiro, holds bis
lodge memU-rship at Forest Uruve
and represents bis lodge at Hi is meet
I 'IK'-
(lain Johnson, aged 8tl year died
last Saturday, quite suddenly at the
home nf bis son, V. L. Johuaou, who
lives north of town. The health of
deceased had la-en failing quite ra
pidly for several months, but on the
da of his death he was up and alsiut
the house and was not thought to be
in a more critical cnndiliou thau be
had tss'ii for several weeks. A bio
graphical sketch of Mr. Johnson wis
published in the Indkhknuknt hi
I Mil!'.
Some of Ihi potato fields bave been
barvei-t 'd ami most nt them partly.
The yield in many place Is not up
to Hint of former years, while iu
others II is la-lter. One grower who
has ilui! Owe acres obtained 400 bus-
beta. He said in digging he usually
found two gissj potatoes, iu a hill
where there ought to bave been Uve
or six. There are no little ones tlio
He console himself for the small
vield bv I he good condiliou of his
laud for wheat.
Mr. Kerr, who bought Hester's
cnir factory ia in the midst of a
campaign ol cid r making. Mr. Kerr
lias aiMtidoned the old crude horse,
power and has installed a six hors v
power steam engine. I lungs uow
hum and ao far lie haa been able to
grind apples faster than they are de
livered. Ureal care la taken in
manufacturing cider so a to bave
the la-st. Tim presses are Cleaned
uacli dsv or as ollen aa a charge of
pumice is put iu the press. The ca
pacity ol t it) fai t Ty is so large that
farmers cau almost without fail get
their cider the same hour they deli
ver apples.
A magazine has beeu stalled to
promote the physical inleresls of II. e
American lialiy. Ills addressed, of
courst- to the mother of Iba baby,
and it ivcs her a lot of luforpiatiou
calculated lo enable her ao raise i(
that it w ill grow into a splendid mau
or woman. -'lhd Murrery" la the
name of the publication. It la Issued
by the Van I'ublisliiug Company, of
No. -M Wtf I Filty fourth street,
iew York, at leu cents a copy, or
(I.IK) a year, ami is well Illustrated
and wed printed. A very sedate
looking stork in the appropriate pic
lure on the cover. The first number,
that for July, contains an article giv
ing explicit iiiHrociions from lliapeu
of Dr. I'.glvert II. Urandiu on "The
i'areol Hie tNew llorn Ualw." There
is an article on teething, with inter
esting pictures showing the mouth
with its proiier equipment of leelh al
dill'er.Mil ages of the child. There
are facts, too. about backward child'
ren, bathing, toy pi tols and tetanus,
poison ivy and modified milk. There
j a cooking departmeni edited by
Mr. (I l.oiii'ku and illustrated with
piclurivi of in I'lo dishes, a "tihy s
J.iyetie" article with pictures', and
a i art clc on " li itiy's Umuiuer Out
til" an I tiis physical exen-lsea. The
An'n-tt niiiiitM-r, the contents of
which are aiiiiouinil, will be eveu
HI re lulere-iliiig. They will luulude
Inform l ion on feeding, weaning,
colic, ringworm, Inshions, etc. VThe
N,irerv" Is nude attractive with
h tiftHie reprixl'ietioiis of farqoqs
iii(tin with. Intiies fur lh,er tlteme.
Tlic IXDKPKNDENT will present to tlie icrsors, who
U twccn now and IVeral)cr lo, iv" secures tho greatest
nimUr ol subcrilrs ai.oo per year, a valu.tMe Cbrt
tnas present ixmsisting of a gold watch, listed at i v A
(UsA Ttption of this beautiful watch i given U low. If a
J.i.ly wins the prize then a laJy's watch of cqu il Rrade i: to
la? suitittltcil.
Pticc of In.U pt ndeut
Pi ice of Independent and Weekly Oregnnun
20 year James Boss,
jeweled, l-tn or NValtUain,
i pensatioii balance,' patent uiicrometrtc regulator, patent
ltresuet bair spring, and duHt ptoof band. k
For a time bM Thursdiy fh mis n 1
and evening mere was an agonising
fright at the lliilsls.ro Hot. I. Luu
Paul Il-hrens agsl I ur yenr- a
free to warder atstjl Uie tii.o I ami
groumls, but ou Thurdnv when
uight apuroached, Mr.t. N in tit u,
the chilli's aunt enqu red lor 1'nul.
No one had ms-ii i.iui. Ilt-as m t
IU the bouse, iu f.e l oooce aloul the
reinis' s reuiemltred having mvu
hint rltr-raUiut three o'cha-k iu the
afleriiiMiii. There as banleiiing t
and fro then. None (, I the iieif.'hisirs
had seen the lad. Ilu did not uuser
to any of the calls. Small search
pari ie were organised lo inspect
wells and i-chh HMiis, As rapidly as
cilizeiis were informed of the fact
that Paul was lint Hoy Joined iu the
anxiout huut. The hay barn acrosn
I he street was ransacked hut to no
purpose. At 8 u'ehs-k an alarm was
rung at the tire department which
brought every tssly to the corner of
Second and Washington street.
Then target search parties were or
ganized and sent out on acli road
leading to thecounlry. Als.ut nine
o'clock Mr. NiMthrup determined to
again search the hny-!mtu. In it was
stored aeveral hundred tons of baled
hay. He proposed lo climb to the
lop of the bales, but Ward llown
claimed the privilege of clamls-ring
over tho bales hcmu-.e be is young
and active. Away up on top, fifteen
feet from the H sr be found "Midge'
the large St, It -rnsrd dog that was
aluioxt always I'aul's companion.
She bad ls-eu there all the evening
Almost immediately he found the
boys cap, but Is f ire he could tell id
his find, a thin ! voii-e, niiillhxl
tiy the hay In I - call out, "I'ncle
John." - Mr. Noithrup heard his
favorite and joyfully exclaimed, "He
ia lere aouiewhere, 1 bear him."
After moving several tmles of bay the
imprisoned boy was reached. He
was standing up with bis arms ex
tended above his bead, where lie had
probably la-en for four or live hours.
It Is thought that playing among the
hay bah, be hsd slipped into the
crevice. Unnied he could mtgt
out, and being so lar in his callscotild
uot la beard. The recall i f the
seaiching part es whs sounded on the
Hre bell. Some of the parties had
got more than a mile from town.
There has not been much said
about it, but the Southern 1'aciUc
haa been during the pa:-t summer
doing some substantial woi k on its
track through Southern Oregon
Commencing a few miles south ol
Kugene the trHt-i has been built over
agaiu witti heavy steel rails. In
places when it was needed, the track
haa la-eu straightened The repair
gaugla far beyond Olendale which
is a station iu the midst of the Cow
Creek bills. A dii-tmce of I'll) miles
baa lieeu gone over simv spring.
Mrs. Hilchisak, of 1'ottland, who
lectured to tho ladies of llillslairo
last Tuesday and Wednesilay after
mams on the laws of hea th was
greetid by a large audience, and
much Interest was arouseil by the
entertaining way in which the
speaki r presi'tdeil ber suhject.
Sugar that had la-en soaring the
past mouth, tiaik a tumble last week,
lu one day it fell 40 ceuts -r i-ack of
100 pounds.
A Lire Auil leatli Fight.
Mr. V. A. llines, of Manchester,
la., writing of his almos-k miraculou
escape from death, says: "Exposure
after measles iuditced seriourf lung
trouble, which ended in cousump
liou. X bad IrHiueut liemorrliages
and coughed nignt ami day. AH
my doctors said 1 must soon die.
Then I began to use Ur. King's New
Discovery for consumption, which
completely cured uie. I would not
Ih without it even if it cost 00 a
twitile. Hundreds have used il on
uiv recommendation and all say
uever fails to cure throat. ch-st
inn. troubles." Regular sizn
and tl.00. Trial
Ih it lies fre at free
Delta Drug Store.
Idorlous ws
Cornea from Dr. D. H. Cargile, of
ie...kn 'P ll urliet-: "hur
i...i. ,.r Kim-trie Hitlers baa cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great sum ring lor years.
Terrible sores would ealt out on ner
head and face, and the i-i-t os t irs
could give wo belpi but ber cure Is
complite and bet heahh isexivllent.
Ibis shows what thousands have
proved that F.lcelrie lldtera is the
best blood purifier known. It's the
supreme remedy for ih wiiih, letter,
salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running
aora. It stimulates liver, kidneys
aod bowels, exs ls isiison, helps di
gestion, builds up the eti-eiifcth.
Ouly 60 rents. Sold by lx-ba t'rug
He I'oolftl The r-oll.
All d.a-tors told lV'iiick Hamilton,
..r U m JetTerson. O.. after suit ring
il. fnmi rrHlril fistuli). lie
I die unless a costly operation
was performed; but be cured himself
with Bve boxes of Itucklt u's Arnica
Halve, the surest pile cure on earth,
and the la-st salve in the world
a Ikix. Sold by Delta lrug Store,
Th Ippetite ra at
Is envied by all dysp. pl ii
whose stomach and liver are oul ol
order. AH such should Wmxy that
Dr. King's Vw Life pills, the won
dcrfui' stomach slid liver r muly,
gives a splendid nppelite, si Mind di
gestion and a regular IsslilV hsl.it
inttt liuiireM is-rfect heallli and great
I energy
Only l!c l l-na I'rug
$ 2
or WATl'U.
gold filled, htttitim;
5 pair jewels in settins.
com -
Berkshire pigs and 1 Jersey cow
for sale, by F. M, lieldel, Hillstsiro,
t Iregoll.
There w ill be pumpkin pie and
i in social held at the home of K. P.
Ilugnea, this Friday evening. Ad
mission, aouie artl-'te of Hn a
Thus. II. Tongue Jr., who bas leen
iu O'ssJ Samaritan Hospital, Port
land for a lew week ia at home again.
His knee U a little stiff yet, but with
time it will fully recover.
Hon. and Mrs. H. V. Gates, re
turned borne W'edueaday evening.
M r. Hates remained a few hours then
look train for Seattle. Alter a visit
of two or three days there he goes
campaigning for McKinley and
Any republican organization in
any of the preciui ts of this county
wanting a speaker for any political
meeting will be supplied on their
applicatioh to the County Central
Committee. Address, B. P. Cornel
iu-, chairman, Hillalatro.
Mrs. W'. J. Kobinsun, livlug kt the
hoinesiead on (tie Kobiuson donatiou
near Progress post office, Is seriously
til. Drs. Link later and Ualley vlrit
nil the patient iu consultation yean r
lay. Siuoe the lad it ueartng the
nge of seventy years her friends are
riously alarmed at this attacK.
Mr. C. K. Deichman, late deputy
sheriff under Mr. Bradford has 1x4
a half interest in the uew llouriug
mill, built this summer at Bettveiton
He t sk isissessioii of his property
last Wednesilay and is uow al work.
It was planned lo make the "nn-t
Hour" yei-terday, ami while there la
no tt isirt from there, there is uo
iloiiM but that the mill "started,"
For the present at least Mr. Deich-
man's Ismlly will rematu in inns
isiro lie will go to and Iroiu work
on itie cars, ine service jusi suiiuig
him as to hours.
Another (ieuiiM-rat ia Hue. He
publicans were somewhat surprised
teslerday when they saw IA W. II.
II. Myers, wearing prominent ly ou
the lapel of bis co d a McKirdey and
Itisisevelt badge. Lt. Meyers lias
oeeti a pronounced deinisTat all his
lift) and for a great part of his 4"
year's residence in this couuty, be
ins been a leader iu his party.
Itryan's anll-expansiou speeches, ami
his susiiicioned abandonment of free
silver coinage at the command of the
u'l.ld bugs or Wall street are causing
many thinging partisans to waver
in their support.
The apple crop this year is gisal.
There are fewer wormy apples than
for a long time. One grower thinks
this is due to the wet May and Juue.
I'he h i th that In dry limes deposit
ed eggs ou the young fruit was not
able to get out in the rain but per
ished I s' fore mischief had been done
The same grower suggests a trap thai
might in till many a moth. At the
time when it ia out hang a lighted
lantern in the orchan , several of
them, and by its side a tared board
As the moth circles about the light
his wings touch the sticky tar and
the end of his pestiferous life is then.
Miss Prosser, Mrs. Trusdell and
daughter, were the guests of Mrs. J.
C. F.inmul, last week, Mrs. Trusdell
and daughter made a farewell visit
Is'fore leaving for California.
The Mountain Home school open
ed lust Monday with thirteen pupils
Mr. W. C. Heaton, returned home
last week from a logging camp on
the Columbia river.
Mr. J. W. Kmuiel, made his par
ents a short visit last week.
Mr. Graves and family have re
turned home.
The school teacher, Miss Earhart,
has taken up her abode at Mr. Sch
Miss Clark has returned home,
alter quite an absence.
Mi us tloldie Matthews was mar
riiil tt John Wilson. Monday the S.
Our best wishes to the new coupie,
Mrs. M. F.muitl and sou, from
K Hiis.is were visiting there son and
brother. Mr. J. C. Kmmel of Moun
lain Home, lart week. Mrs. Kmmel
will stay with ber sou.
V H lo J B Marlio. lots 1 and 2
ms- 10 t 1 a r 4 w Patent
W -shelve lo a P Taylor, 7.15
sc ss lii I 2 s r 2 w 10
J B W'llmot to E O ITutts. V ac
in Faiino donation 250
K Hoffuisn to F Nellseu, 7 aca
of II B Bones donation. 685
Win A Onttltli to J P Cham
Is rs. 60 ac of 11 e 1 sec 8 t 2
s r 2 w . 900
Anew (Irittllh to Win A Grif
fith, too ac iu Amos Griffith
donation, s J -
C M lleil to Alois tiauner, a w
1 of s e i sec 24 t I s r 2 w... 1000
II I' Buxton and A T Buxtou
executors to C 1) Anderson.
22 25 ac in II Buxton dir.. 3 't
I'll Buxton and wf p liana
Peterson, .$5 acs iu sec 4, t 2
n r4 w 35
A.T Buxton et al to II T Bus
ion, 4 41 ac in H U,utuu
donaliitP. ITC
A tt Mianlev and wf to HP
Dii kersoil, lots , 7, 8, ft,
blk 12 IVifUeUus auj lot 4,0
tirucllU3 Environ 4.IHJ
jenny Mieppj-rcist tu a m
llifhings, 1TT7 ai'iln 4M
.-t lit doilklilHU 2'HHI
r A Fleck et al to N P I'tirU,
tMii Kxteiislon NiH-lely, tract
1. tt-... L Illl .1 I M K
) III III f ItBII U I V............
Divid Itsyniond to t hauucey
W llowen, 4 acsec Hilar
4 w 1 50
Win TucLrr et al lo CharlVe
llornbuckle. lots 3 ami 4 blk
I'J laverton 75
Covin Jsck sr. t al to lienl A
J.i. k h3 ac sec S3 t I s r i w 72.5
D M Swis-ney to J Peterson lot
n't steel's add t Beavertou.. 12oo
J J lurnirsiul wf to 1 Ha I 8
Pierce and w f n W of the n
e I of ms- 13 t I n r 5 w and
other land 337
Ks'h Sclincllcr tntl hneller
e I nfs w ( sec II I 3 r 2 w I
Motiutaindsle Lumber Co lo
Rogg" and Storp n e 1 see 2S
I 3 n r 3 w 1000
S E Wilkes aud bus to Mary E
Wilkes Hi ac of the W U
Cbatfleld d I e 22oO
C IIsiis n el al lo F W King
50 ac sec 19 t 1 n r 1 w 22un
Elvina M Wescott to Lydia 8
Ahlstrom 1 4 of 4 of lot 2
blk 10 Forest Grove 50C
Chine ljtps-iis to Agnes Tmld
I ml iu 6 ac atr 17 1 1 r I w
( 01 KT U01SE. j
Ordered that the clerk iaaue a i.c
warraut for the collection ol ueiin
quent taxt-s when the roll hail t
returned under the old warrart.
John Kieni authorised losellibe
personal property belonging to W iu
Blauchard a paup r. Oat ol the pro
ceeds, he will pay funeral expen
and any Just debts which the said
let-eased uiay have beeu owing ami
turn the balance ll any mio oe
county treasury.
The application tor am ior me
Florence Crittenden home for fallen
women la continued for investigation.
Cellar Mill road, consideration ol
petition for aid couliuued for liive.
tigalion as lo the amount of ns-k ne
cessary and the cost of crushing the
Bridge near W ilcox plats', intilrac
ir offered the completed bridge to
tiecouity. The commissioners re
fuse lo acipt it for the rea-on the
peciflcalioiia were not comtHed
Fruit hou-e, bids for building a
fruil and vegetable bouse nt the poot
farm opeued.
0 D Kimberliu 74 an
J Weik
(.Contract awarded lo W'eik.
Darling Hmilli bridge aiivpli d
fnuu the contractor and wariant
voted for 1280 to pay for same.
riKirrr coi'itT.
Beltha A K ibinsoii v (1 I- H' blnsoi
suit for divorce.
Hchulmerich A Sou v H S Itichey,
actiou lo recover money. Judgment
for plaiutiffs by default.
Est John M Lyon deed; inventory
of property tiled. The aisoiial pro-
perty exempt from rxecuiion im
off to widow.
Kst Huirh Owen I-wis di cd; claims
if John Lewis and Rebecca lw isal-
loweil in part, to-wit; John lewts
r serv i-es Irom Oct 1, 18M to May
IS95 at -jr per month, rent of fur
niture and household goods at - 0
month, but he is not Milled pay for
...... u.....
services irom juiy m, i.w i c .
:I0, 18'J3. K-Iecca lew is fur servh-e
,om Oct 1 IS!i;t to fltay z ia ai -v
per month, ami coats ami uisihh
tueuts. Ft 11 C lUymond deil; ordered
that citation issue by publication re
quiring the heirs toapaai Monday
Nov ft and show cause w ny real esi
shall not be sold.
Kst Nathaniel Holland deed; final
account allowed. Ordered that the
administrator turn over to the heirs
the property In his custody. Usn
his tiling receipts r the same the est
will In closes I of record.
Kst Flora Collet deed; final account
pprmed and the estate cli.sed of re-
License to wed was issued Oct 8 to
llei j F Simpson, Tl and Nellie Me
Phersou 19.
Supt. Bill has apportioned the
school fuud iu the county treasury as
Dist. Name. Amount
1 LEShute t 1)9 75
Mrs S Montgomery 813 z
K C Mulloy 140 00
J hi Marsh 131 ih
IEPurdin C8 2'
A Kggiman 217 00
E LMcCormick 761 2
L Powers 84 IKJ
Jos Connell 80 iiO
Willis Vail 1H7 25
11JIE X Harding 122 &
12 HP lleeder 12t 50
t.i I.. I . 1 17
IO vjeit AJiioicjr -
...... . i i ii in i
14 j W V anuerveitien nui
15 V S Hudson 770 00
10 Geo L Cason 89 25
17 Geo L Jack 117 25
18 Jos Hingley 12li 00
19 Jas H Seweli 115 50
20JIA W Wright 5. .5
21 HAD Meek I3 50
22 8 N Poole 173 2;
UiC FTigard 190 00
24 i ( Johnson.. 29 75
2CJIA W Vincent 148 75
27 J B Prickett 6 26
28 J I Hoopes 7 75
2H Hans lUssiuusseti 173 25
80 HP Lilly 1"'2 25
82JtLe- Anderson 47 25
33 G Goetjse 77 75
35Jt J O Gustin
39 A B Flint
40 G A Plieth
41 ACW'irla
42 Win (.Map-haw. ...
43 W in McDonald ....
44 A L Stephens
4,5 T F Fairbanks
4tiJlluls pinnigau...
47 C G Kiwber
4(1 CW Allen
49 Woi M Morris
49JtGeo M Holt
60 W W Jaqiiith
61 ThiM Murphy
52 Carl Pfal
63 Chas Well ma 11
63JIW 111 G WismIs...
64 E J Rural li
56 A,ff,sl Uuerta-r....
a.'ijtThns Anderson....
57 M M Birnes
68 Frank Wallace...
59 Jos Butcher
00 (jeo W Taylor
til Carl Herggren
O-Jt Wm Thomas
tiil V F J ' s-e
4, W K .ewell
Wj Mrs C A Smith. .
CO Thos Mi Faul
4" 25
K0 50
143 50
1 18 50
70 00
94 50
ti4 75
85 75
29 75
332 50
113 00
8 75
91 00
03 (Ml
, 82 25
. 71 75
li on
. 220 50
127 75
. 19 2
. 90 7'
, Wi 2.1
. 87 50
. 3 5 00
. 31 f;U
IS2 50
. 87 50
. :w 5ti
. 1 f 50
. 50 7 5
.. !'u .
. 2a 75
.. 57 75
.. 17 50
. til 25
.. 82 25
.. 45 50
..in 75
.. 73 50
. 47 25
. P.-ilSO
.. I 25
.. 62 50
.. 7 1 75
I'iTJ'J A, Johi.son
vS iii II Weir
09 Chas Bati rrtttn....
Edwin iits-
J II Rnick
Flora J Clul er ...
F.rwin K tier
Win C Inifles
A H Wnlfor.l. ...
C Eisenhanl
F C Burghn'xer..
E llelvi g
G J Hajmlers... .
Fred B-Tger
.. 131 25
.. 71 50
E E Ball..
A Thomas 21 "
84JtW4 Dixs.hi
ttti Nick Bo' hm an
87 Max Burgho'i r
8H Ferd Lsnger, Jr....
hU O N Hale
90 J W Mr-Koia rt
91 W W Iwis
93JtJ N Hoffuisn
91 A Gassner
95 WuiJamiesop
5 J C Lnjmel
9T G Sohler
98 Clau Christiansen.
911 J H IVsle
luoJtC W Hkelt n
lolJ J L Kruse
10-UtW F Yourg
I04JIO F CVoke
52 60
3S ,'sl
20 25
2ti7 75
103 25
73 VI
IU 25
77 no
45 50
17 25
SS 50
52 60
10 50
24 50
12 25
21 5C
A. JToniA.
y. m im n nis 1 sin Boij!
Since Mr. Brtan discovered the
11. tticieiicy as a cjinpaign lscieof'
tiis paramount l-sue nfs-calcd im
-llali-m he has baind voice 01 is
more on ih' silver qui slum, and in
Ins li lttrnf am puoce ho dt clared
hiuiself an follows :
The platform rciierates the demand
for an American Quancial system
inai'e by th Amricaii people lor
themselves. The purpim of such a
sys'em Is t rotore and maintain a
bioii t illic level of prits-s, aud in
order that there may taj no uui-er-tsiuty
as to the iiiithial of rei-t iriug
liiuieiallisiu the speciQc declaration
In favor of free aud U'dinuted isiin
age al the existing ratio of 16 to I,
independent of the action id other na
tions, is repeated.
This be calls "I be gold aud silver
coinage of the constitution." Of
e lurse, every body familiar with the
cuiislituliou knows that ueitber bi
metallism nor any raliols mentioned
in that Instrument. The sole men.
tion of either gold or silver iu the
constitulioii is in the clause forbid
ding any stale to "make anything
lint gold aud nil er coin a lender in
payment of debts. To congress is
rescrv d the siwer lo coin money
and rigiilatelhe value thereof, and
of foreign coin." These I wo phrases
are all that make the "money of the
c mi-ti tut ion."
W here, then, does Mr. Bryan find
his constitutional authority for bi
metallism at the sacred ratio of 16 to
I or any other ratio? Ceitainly not
in the constitution i I self, and equally
as certainly Uot lu Statute 1, the
coinage act of April 2. 1792. That
c lebrated ait, drafted by Alexander
Hamilton, declared "that the pro
portional value ol gold tosilver in all
coins w hich shall by law le current
as money wi'hin the United Slates
shall Ik as 15 to 1." Thb was "the
dollar of our daddies" a 13 lo 1 dol
lar, not a 16 to I dollar. This law of
1792 was the tlrst law that the con
gress of the Dulled Stales enacted on
the money question, and it was no
thing about 16 to I.
How is it that the "fathera" miss,
ed the magic ratio of 16 to 1 and
lighted uNn 15 to 1? Thomas Jeffer
son, the father of democracy, explain
ed it in bis famous "Notes ou the
Establishment of a Monetary Unit."
He said :
The proportion Is t ween the values
of gold and silver is a mercantile pro
blem altogether. . . . Just prin
ci. It s will lead us to disregard legal
proportions altogitherj lo inquire
ii.to the market price ol gold iu the
several countt ies with which we shall
principally be connected in cr.inmerce
and to take an average from them.
... It is not Impossible thai
15 to 1 u ay be found an eligible pro
isirtion There was no sacred ratio in those
days. The proportion was arrived
at alter a careful etudy of the com
mercial situation throughout the
world by Jefferson, llauii t'U and
Morris The two latter evidei t'y
agreed with Jefferson that "rhaps
we might with safety lean toward a
propoition somewhat alaive par fur
gold," for they found the commercial
ratio to lie 14 t 1 and accepted his
suggection of 15 lo 1. The reasons
for this choice of ratio are found in
Hamilton's report :
Perhaps, if either were to Imj pre
ferred, it ought to be gold. . . .
As long as gold, either from its in
trinsic superiority as a metal, from
its gretit-r rarity or from the preu-
dices of mankind, retains so consider.
able a ure-eiuineuce in value over
silver as it lias hitherto had a natural
coiii-euticnce seems to l that its sit
uai on will lie more stationary, ine
revolutions, therefore, which may
take i.lace iu the comparative value
of irold and silver will be changes in
the state or the latter, raiber man in
t lint of the former.
This ratio, then, the ratio of 15 to
1, was adopted after mature consi
deration ami with a sincere effott to
keen cuius minted from Isith gold
and silver in concurnit emulation,
w ith a slight preference f r g ! I as a
circuiting medium, If ei.lier metal
should show a lendeiicy to disaptwar
in accordance with Gresham'i law.
It was an experiment I lie first law
ever passed establishing a, double
standard of values ant) it failed U
work, By l34. the failure Was rec
ognised ami the cheapening of silver
had driven gold out of circulation.
The sacred fn.Ua of IU to I was tin u
put tin, the blatule books. Why? Tin
records of con greas prove Hlf t I In
tttio was chrttitfist the purisme ol
inviting gold In lite country aud re
dilcid silver t tt atsondiry plai-e,
Sims then m business transaction
has been en'vted iuloiiilhe United
Slates Oil any oilier basis that! that ol
the gold ilollar standard. Kven
while t ie country was in IhelhrisT
of the (,'jvil War, and values were
reckoned in depnvialed greenbacks,
the depreciation, of the greeiilstcks
was measured by their relation lo
gold. This rif aibkpNd in IK34 !
attract gold and diivo.m silver, is
(he one with w kicli lliyaii wmiis t
establish his "American liiiaia- at
sylemj" it is tie G al given MI10 of
w h (eh one enthusiastic or I ir assert
ed; "tiisl crept si gold and silver
and depositisl them in the faslnews
of the ruountsins in the pnHrtioti
of 16 to 1,"
Ji tr-rson tried to mail tiiu a double
s'andard by stu ly ing tkreouimi rcial
ntio and adzes' ii.g the legal ratio
thereto. Bryan pii ks out Ihe "girtd
butj" ratio of IS-14, w Ithisil regsrd lo
the piesei t COM II l il rutio, ami in-
si-t- thst 4 simple ena1iuent of n n
gresa ran restore an eq lilitirium
w hich did not exil in t ie days
J ff r on. which rever bad existed
bt fore his day and which has not
existed for more than twenty years.
But," he says, "the Vrime of 1 373'
destroyed that equilibrium." In
fifth century the ratio was 6 lo I.
the twelfth cetitmy it was to I
Hid the "crime of 1S73" cause
Reniington, Ithaca. Colt, Parker, Baker, Smith. English "and Bcliiam h.iuitncr ami hatntuct less shot
gun. mchester and Marlm rei?aiiug shot ins.
WiiKoester, Colt, Savage. M.uliti, Stevens, Ktmington. Davenport um! FUjlrt ritles.
Colt, Mnith & Weston, Iver Fohusoti and other revolvers.
l)ais aud King air ritles.
IIuntiu coats, belts, shell bags, etc., shot, powder, wads, caps, loaded shells anil cartridges.
Bicycles, bicycle sundries and repuitiug. All at reasonable prices.
e. l Mccormick,
chaugt? Two hundred jests laler it
whs 14 t I. Was that the result o
the "crime of 1873?" Now it is 33
lo I, "Oh, yes," says Bryan, "thi-
comes from the 'crime of 1873." 1 "s i
any sane man la-lieve him? Due
any sane man lalieve that Jefferson
and llainilton and Morris were all 1
wroi g when they said that the com- J
mercial ratio must control Ihe legal 1
ratio, and that Bryan Is right when
lie says that the legal ratio can con
trol the commercial ratio? N. Y.
The Ueputiliiaun if MuUiiOIIIKh
county must have a care not to allow
faitioual bickering t ) resell a point
where the presidential ticket w ill la-sncrillis-d.
It is possible t mike
Po tlaml a detti'M-ratic i-trong bold,
aud it will depend as iniicl, on the
action of the party oftlcial as upon
the privates that it is not done.
The frame of Ihe Catholic church
ha been raised and workmen will
stsm Is- nailing 011 the rustic
Mrs. Groner, who has lived in
Washington county since 1.S54, died
at the home of her son Peril IJrouer,
near Sel.olls, last Sunday Oct. 7, in
Ihe 741 h year of her age. The liiueral
services were conducted In the t!at
holic church at Tiiranlville after
which the remains were buried in
Uiver View Ceini fry, Portland, by
the side of those of her husband.
Mrs, Groner had a wide circle of
friends ami all reverence and honor
Ta Care a Cold lu One Pay
Take Laxative Bromo (i'linine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails lo cure. E. W.
Grove's signature is on each Imix. 25c.
The Onturr tads 1
With Decemlier 31st next, and I
particularly wish to have all my old
standing accounts adjusted before
that time. S. T. LiNKi.ATKH.
uuinina in III vearii behind, Colda do not
now have to be endured, i rsuKi.'s ! sa-
Tasci.ks (called fly aniic irom ineir
eneriry) crowil a weeks onnniiry ireui
iiient into 12 notira auu uoeri ine nois. 01
co ds over uiulit.
It wan the worn! cane 01 (trip 1 ever mm
A hull doien friends had sure cures, tit ill
it hung on. Heard ol the Hysasic iab
ri.Ks. To my miiazeinent they stopped
both cold and coiikIi the tirst niidit. 1 en
ilore and reoonuie nd tliem to the people."
Umiilat Hisi-KV. r.-.Meinis;r Longr
and Attorney. 101 rlaimoine (street, Han
Kraneisco. July ?, luu.
'Winter colil have nlways la-en Htrioiw
tbinirs to me 'I hey a"-e hum ttiiu muy mr
n ontUs hut the last was slopped sud
denly by Mxsnn.' llnnn' 1'ahci.m
OOlll COUtfll IIUf CUIll UIBIIli(Tai,i, 1.1
couple 01 nays .oithhk rim- owa noa
nie." Mr. Kssa b. Mollis, 14 .io o .,
San KratKjisoo Auk. , 'ml.
I live across the atreet Irom win-re
MrNiiHL' Uvxasic Taim iks are made,
t hut it how I llrsl took tliem. hey slop
colds without notice. 1 took adoaeu tsixen
with Die lor wit and friend when 1 wet.t to
Nome" H. !. Vas Winkis, t'uinlalist,
:IUI7 WaliiiiKton hlrect. hail Kruneiwo
AiiKiim lo, l'Slo
sent noslnaid for ' rents in stamp" by
INLAND blll'll tO., iWH WashiiiKton
Street, hail rrancisco
No other iid so great to the housewife, no other
agent so useful and certain in making delicious,
pure and wholesome foods, has ever hcen devised.
'The Hillsboro Pharmacy
pukk minis.
patent Mcdici..es.
nrKKjsfs Sundries
Toilet Articles,
Photo Ooods,
Full llealiiii; Kimhuits no Fairy Talc.
1 Wm Mohr makes boots at I is
shop on Second street, Hillsboro, for
' 5.f0 a-r pair, sewed shoes for 15
ami "gives special allenlion to repair-
j ing. Ileuses only tlrst-)radi fbsk
! w li icli enables him lo giuirantee his
i work.
Paper napkins litl is'tits per ion, at
iNltHrKSKKNT OlliiS'. Impi.rled
from t'hiiia befere lut ldi's bioke
William Mi (i lilltui, Aiielioneer.
Parties desiring Ins services will
reach him by addressing a letter lo
Hillstsiro, t Iregoti.
Fresh Portland bread at Gabs'.
New and second-hand bicycles, bi
cycle sundries. All kinds of repair
ing. O. G. Wilkes, Second street,
next door to Hills1 oro Hotel.
Ladies' muslin underwear, wrap
pers and dress skirts, at Si'hiilmerich
& Sou's.
Fall stock of boots and shoes now
011 hand, at Sehuliiicrich .V Son's,
(let their prices.
Prepare lor winter by gelling your
supplies from Schulniei i- h A Son.
Will positively umler-si II all com
petilors in slns-s, clothing and lur
dishing goods.
I Bread delivery
Gates'- 10:31) a. 111.
and 4:
a day by
3li p. 111.
Portland II read.
At Gales' Ice Cream Parlors.
Plain bread 3 loaves for a dime,
cream and french twist 5 els a loaf,
pullman 10 it a lo;tf.
Two deliverlia s r day, ltl:3o a. m.
and 4:3(1 p. 111 , semi 111 your order.
Tickets 3 lor a dime, K lor a quarter,
V2 ror l till.
Mounts for et imp pictures at the
I.NtiKPKNKK.NT I'llice, 1 do, lil.d a
half lor fi 1 1.
Auctioneer, Hillsboro Oregon
I ofTer my servii-es to i-iiiss-ns of
ibis com ty lo sell (oois, merchandise
and clmllels at public vi-tnliio.
I will atlcml Mil sales i.t limes ami
plais-s ss'citled upon riii'ivinif a
p'rui-sl to do so. ('harifca reasonnble.
New dress pissls at Hchulmi riidi A;
Stops the
(onirk ami
Mark air the
ItXHtive llroino-liuinine Tablets
cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no
Pay. Priis 2" cents.
aovt. ama owor eo, 100 w-hliaw it, hi
7 it-
Hillsboro, Oregon.
men ;imr. iikmic vi.v
Gall and sec our
Swell Stationary.
Catarrh I an uot
he ('11 red
as tliry i-uiniul
III Im-al iipplii'iltions.
it-ai'li ilu-Hial 111 inn disease, i aoirrn i.s a
IiIuimI ur I'oiihtiluliuiial ibsiasc, tout in er
ilT tuciut-it yuil iniii-l l.ifci iiili-riial ti'iie
cilii-s. Hall's I'alarrh t un- is taken ititi-r-nally,
anil in Ik tliri'i i Iv un 1 lie lilmul sntl
Iiiinrmi8 Kill l;u f. HallVt alarrli turn ia
nut 11 iiiiii II nieilii'liie. It was prescnlH-il
ly one ! he Ih-fiI pliysn ianw in this I'uuti
tt'v lor yeiii'H, 11111I as a re. ular iiri'siTipliiin.
It l coini'iiel el 1 lie best ton i kiiukil.
coiiliiiu'il with the best liloixi inniliers, act
iiiir itirtH. ly on the iiiui'oiis siuIiii'i-h. Tlio
pi rlii t eoiiiliinulion ol the two iii(;iril enls
is wi'iit pi mhii-i-H mu-Ii wiiniterrul n-Kiil s
in curing Calurili, rieml lor testiiuouials
Address, K.J. I'll KNKY A Co., Toledo, O
Sold tiy liriiuisls, 7.V.
Il.ill'i, l-ainily Tills aie the ts-st.
Thii liirnature in on every box f 1110 guiiuin
Laxative l$romoQuinine rMt
thm reuitnly that rum a ruhl Im iu tlajr
Hough and Dressed
We will lmvi- our Biiwmill ready to saw
lunils r on or alsmt June hth. The Issly
of timls-r tributary is the lst in Ihe
state and lienie with onr auperior
umuiiinery and mei liauicul skill our
prisluct will lie axuul to that fniiml in
any in.irki t and auperior to iiiobI. We
Invite orders. ltf
Notice of F i " I (Sell lenient.
the iniiliTBiL'iuii eiit-utor of tlie
estate of William V llson, deci aseil. huve
11 li-.t in the county court 01 WimliiUKlon
County. Htate of Ori son, my final account
as exerlllor ol said estate, and thai sunt
Court has set Monday, the .lh dav of No
vi lli lo r. I ! J. at the hour ol 111 o'clock a
111. ul said day, as the time mi I the county
court room in Itillshoro, Ore on, as tut
place for hi-aiina; uliji-ctiou to said nc
eoiiiit and the linul sett emeiit ol said
llateil, (letoherH, l;l.
11. t!. CARM I'KSS.
Kxecutor of the Kstutii ol William Wit
son, deceased. 3'X4
Call at the iNUKPKNDKNT ntlleO
and examine the famoiis Mellon
Isiard for iiioiMilini; kiulak prints.
Latest tiling mil. Any i.e.
Si hiiliiierich 4 Hon have received
a pari of their fall stock of dr'-ss ami
fumi-di'iNU (T'msIs also IsHitsaud slns-s.
Prices and (fiaids a little better than
'I In ri .,r-- iniititiisi ti.ikim' powilcm, (M cheep, ta
III HIV 1 1. 1 I I In-V ale In lit-- In, til alum, a pS-"
, .'. ,' M r. 11 1 r, 1,'m- I'ssl llijUKJU k DcalUl.