Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 12, 1900, Image 1

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!ndkpkniknt and Weekly
Oregonian, both for $1.00 per
year. Inuki'Kniiknt and the
Twtce-a-Week Couricr-Journa
both forouty $1.60 tr year.
' Our Job, Printing Department
Surpasses any in the Couuty
fur ocatacaa, quickness and
cbeapoc. Call and be con
No. 21.
T. T. Ut
lovoruoff -
svorvtsrv of Hli U
1'reaear.tv . .
Suul. f ubllo uMnutuw
. V. i. Duabar
t'bu. B. Noun
J. H. Ackerwaa
. .Cbaa, K. Wolvertua
K. B. Him
V. A. Mum
i.,f.reuMi tlourt
".It fifth District . ... T. A. MoMi i
Alt -ruey fifth District Harnaou Allen
J idu
lilUUliaai.MISrS I "
. usiortlor
rer-sufi r ......
v.lXHtl SUHiriuUBiVUl
rotir .
I.. A. Hood
,.J. U. A. Youa
...K.J. Ward
, Oeo. A. Mbrgan
..John W. oewxll
. . Halph L. W ami
.. . K. i randall
..Uro. II. V ilcox
. . . . H. A Ha..
.. t f. Wiikaa
.W. r Via
llhaa. U. Moo res
rYiu. tialioway...
I (l.o. WIIoi.X . Mavoi
J, kl. Itrnui
MMrd of Trustees
John llnn.s
K. Wunun
Johu MiIm
....Will. JUaBOU
..Henieu Bowman
lu.tio of
H'Bl'l Everm
Thos lllieea
'." H. Kverttt
J"" J. P. Kaudall
nttr uvviv inkohiutton.
IU. o.ails oloea at tba Hlllsboro fost
w Uu'ob. Hetbar.i
II ill, at 7:30 a. iu.
U uiiK Houtk, a:30a m.
( nuj to Portland and way-ofao, a
V.r't.rmg.lo. and Lar. daily .1 It
" " if. lllllKOtl.
Ctt.lltltKl iwr.".. ulMr-fc..ui
. and filth ""J YJTS
. rT Mabbatn. iM.ruiii 'nHF,
UM, hi H u'ol.k b. m. Prayer
I'hurwlay '" : ,J will br
,.OJf Ht H::ui p. ui. All "''J '."tol
ili.tri. rii?li'. mtuwrtiiia: ana hali-ioi.
Kwyuiif rrlillf , ., .
uTi"-- .... HnnJarih-K,! ft a. .
Cl.riBluin i:n'lfvur at 7:dU P "'
llurtiiiiui, I'anlor.
f H. CIHIUOII, H Omrr, Pur
. r,.H..h.n(e.r Mabbath "J
i , "" l.. w,i. mi.u every Sunday at
r . wnarM prayer niaetiu erery
,H.rtinitthU.ird Tnaeday eenin
(" KliSTI AN I! H UllC II 'J'1,l",,"t
L an.l 4' h H.inly ' ee" ''"nlh l, "
ri. Prayar meeting T..unalay evening,
ChriHtian It P;,8K pMtf.
A. 0. I). W.
. ii I Ml.oitlt LOUUK NO. CI, A. O. 0.
, A Vv MvalB everv
D'ri.lay avening eneh month.
. . .
aal third
llaaghtrn f Kfbekak.
M, 1. 1. O. omU in Odd Kalkiwr
Hall even Hatnrdny avniui.
r. r h.
Vud and lib H- dayaof eaoh Bwnlh.
i. . r.
U, ateeta
'. Hall.
V in tor aiada veleooie.
Hrfrr ef Heaei.
W., mwu a IKI.I Pelloea' ball over
lirst and ibird Pri.lay evraing ol each
KathlMae platers.
IKKNIt-A TKMPI.K NO. 10, It. B.,
niaolarvary xiiu auu ' r.. "
Hi at 7 :SM oVlw la Wrhning'iHall.
" k. r r.
..,..u.wi iinuiv mii iu. a. i if p.
Muwta la M ........ Hall a atoadaf
ranirw of eaoh weak. HoJooruUm bratbrea
elnnuud Iu MHliie araetluira.
A. t Bd A. At.
iw MllMlK Nil t 1 I. A 1 V
I nwli every Haturday Bibt oa after
nil moiia uraaw anonia.
O. C. H.
fU'AI.ATlS t'HAPrKR,NO.,0.
nieeta at Maxinlo Temple an la n
an.l 4tn 1 uaauay oi ratin muH
K. 0. T.
. . ik.1.1 k'Mlara' Hall, oa a
i.,l foirth Thnrwlav evenlnaa ol earb
it oath.
1 IrAHHINOmiv im;ran i ,
W I ii. o. P.. aneeta oa Ural Bad
. . . n . . tm U ft. mA
IH radaya of eaoh anoath.
e. Rusoi roicrs so. 4Tw k. c.
H.llahom, oa Ihe let. tnd W. PrMey
of eenli m.tnin at I B" p. m.
HE1. RAJIH01 POST, NO. tt, U. A. R.
th lirat and IhlH !eianlay( of each
muntli, aUrOOo'elork, P. M.
tRertetea vTTtimr,
Cure Impotency, Nluht Emlaaionaantt
waMlnir diaeaaea, all effecU of aelf.
ei Abuae. or exceaa and lnUle
w h jcretion. A nrrv tonic and
blootl bulliler. Brlnga the
i ya-pink glow to pale chreka and
rntorra the fire of youth.
pflY'y mall ROc p-r bos, 6 boiiea
tor lb J.rtO: wltti a written rnaran
tee to cur op rrftind thti money
8nd for circular. Addiraa,
I at JaoMort t, CHICAOOi leAai
N. tary I'nblio.
Til OH H. A E. II. TUWl'K,
TTl RN E YS- A T-1 . A V,
Orrtoa: It m.iih J,, S, ilorcl.B lHiok
H H.bHW lid . K Kiel N
I irrv'B' Central Klaa. lo.m- si.it
Urriua- ttuowa a bJ 7. Morgan llk
H. T. K4WI.I V, '
Hll.iltiMit OIU.l.ON.
Orru i: Over Delia lrug Htora
join a. wall,
1 ,,'
Bailey MorKau Biut k, ICnuii.h 1 A 2
S. T. LUihLATlU, . H. t. .
Diiiui: at rneidxnoc, xaal of o.ul
Hunw, ahure ha will Iw foruid at all i.ui
whan But v uutiu( patienw.
J. I. TAMlfMK, -.
P. K. R. MU1U1EON,
itviaa uu KcHinrNca : ri.r I lint
.u.miii HlraeU. tntici. iloorn, f-. lu u
a. Ul.. I 111 A BnU I 1.1 n li. Ul IHIl'lHH'w v
Mli uu. ffriklml HnUlI A IWiH ITUHH.av n
all hours. All ealla pmmptlr nttmiuw.
aiuht ir day.
V k. H II LEY, . I'.
Ilvram- la Pharmaov. Cnion lllooa. ll
attanttod to, nielit or day. Kmidrnoe, n. W
Our. Haaa UfM and Hasond atrwta.
jai. M THuaraoa,
20 vearaexperirncein liillre Iirnl
mi. 0.neial truata kx.-ouII. rr
of KntaUw and Imlivi.lualR raird tor,
Onic at the Bazaar, KorcslOrove, OrrKn
Peatarti "ilal tieth .'.) per et. I.'nnient
and Amalgam ailing" N cen'B fiu h. Uol.l
nllingi Irom 11 up. . vitullzea air lor pain-
i cxtrartlun.
Omoai three dnra north of Hriok
tare. Offioe hna'B from V 8, n. tot p. in.
J. E. AllklNH.
Orru i Houag : 9 a., m. to 4 :'.W i. ni.
OrE.'e in Union t.l.H'k over I'liarmacy.
kl Tra paHlllvrlr aSiokllMd
arho, inilia;' atiou and roiiNtiiMilioii. A
ilrliKlitl.il herb drink, h.'movit. all enii-
tion of the akin, pruOuriiiK a .rl. com
plexion, or nionry rt filniliil. 2.", rla. anil
40 cU. Tba IH-Ita Drug tilore.
CHAKACTKK, to ilrlivrr and roll.vt in
Ore oaforod rstal'li lied niAiiiiliu'tiirinjt;
wholesale bnusr. 1'Jm a year, sure pay
Huneetv more than exne ience nsimrnl.
I lur relerence, any hank in any city. Kn-
close eelf-s.l.lm.ae.1 r.lamite.1 env.'loiic.
Maiiufactnrera, Third Hoi.r, :H J nrorn
St., Ulncago. is .n
"To Ihe niouulaina nor miI in
IncrmKlnir nunilwM yearly look for
Ihomt day of rHrixalion hihI rtcn it
llon necrwury to niHinlnin Hit liu
loan niai'hine in fair work inn cnti.li
lion. The lanituoroim loth ul Mu
eaHhore pro via very imluflivp w.hih
it iMHta, but many linvr ili'lilt il thai
Ihe annual outinK ahoulil roviili not
ooly radical chairt of air and ur
roundiiiE!i, but aiwi anch aitmulHtliiu
of flitiCKiuK pnrKi na H ill proviilf
hrawn and vitror fur I hi rt'iurn l
lalMir. For thin ih.y urgi. ihr iiioud
laln iliiuhand nimlil.-, Il.o lmlam
of lh mountain pine, and Ihe rli nr,
unadultcralpil niountaiu air.'
'la Ihis direelion llieSlm!a Rouli
now arTordn a hphIUi of atlmrlion
TTio enlirvi line of road from Alil"t l
l Roililin In ntudded with cliarni
iii and acwille Imteln and rainpa.
whrrn are eheer and com fori anil
healing at reaaonnlile iiml,and vthi rf
you ran hunt, fl-h, ri.le, liatf, or play
witheqoal racility."
Hr If you liak for h.nKnir walrr.
I. one laMli-r ran lx ft Mind, In 'I or old,
than lhf!priiif of Ahlmnl, Cololm,
Amlermm, Barllelf, Hymn and J'
Ui-fore tiaiiinjf Eume, Iho f-o-pie
of the North a exi nhnuld m Ihe
Klorlea of Yiawmile Valley, ami Ihe
wondroua rrovea of Maniana and
Calaveras; Ihe Parifiana are likely !
niake inquirira eoDcerninr ihin al-
Iracllva reaiirta."
Seo-t to Mr. C II. Markham, O-n-
mrmw w ninr w.i . iwi iniiii m
newNmklelann tlle.fra!, UW
. . . , i
rtpriUKa, ni. I un it'wr, loaenuir,
and iitiralott ratea thereto.
PaiiDntnA. Fullovrlnf la the faB
text of tba platforts adopted by lite Be-
Bsbliimn jMatioBai convention!
The Kepablioaiiaof the United Stataa,
throngh their chosen repreaentativea.
let la national convention, looking
bark apoa aa ananrpaaaad reaord of
achievement, and looking forward Into
a great field of doty and opportunity
and appealing to the judgment of their
onutrymeo, make these declarations:
Tha expectation la which tba XtaetU
can people, turning from tha Dcmocratio
party, intrusted power four years aro to
a Hepnhllqan chief magistrate and a
Republican oonirresa, baa been mat and
aatuiAed. Whan tba people than aa
aenioled at tba polla after a term of
l niocratio legialatlon and admlnlstra
tion, bnaine a was dead, Industry para
lysed and the national credit dlaaatroae
ly Impaired. The oonntry'a capital
waa hidden away and IU labor dUtreaa
d and anemployad. Tha Democrat
had no other plan 'with which to Im
prove tha rulaooa condition whloh they
had themselves prodnoed than to aula
silver at the ratio of II to L
Prosper!! Breeakt By KepaMleaa.
The Republican party danoandBa
this plan aa aura to prod uoa conditions
even worse than those from which re
lief waa Bought, promised to restore
prosperity by means of two legislative
measures a protective tariff and a law
making gold tha standard of value.
The people by great majorities Issued to
the Republican party a commission to
enact these lawa. This commission has
been executed and th Republican
promina la redeemed. Prosperity mora
geueral and more abundant than w
have ever known baa followed the
euactniente. There la no longer any
controversy aa to tha value of any gov.
erument ob igationa. Every Americas
dollar la a gold dollar or it assured
equivalent, and American credit stands
higher than that of any other nation.
Capital la folly employed and every
where labor la profitably ooonpled.
no single fact can more strikingly
tell tha story of what Republican govern
ment mean to th oountry than tbie
that while during the whole period from
1801 to 1897 there waa aa exoeaa of ex
porta over import of only AViH3.0M.487.
there has been in th abort three year of
the present republican adntiuiittratiou an
xoeaa of x ports over import la the
enorraoua sum of 1,488,730,094, and
while the American people, sustained
by this Republican legislation, have
been achieving thee aplendid triumphs
in their bnsines and commerce, they
nave conducted and In victory oonolnd-
ed a war for liberty and human right.
War far Lib-rty Aggraadiaesseat.
No thought of national aggrandise-
asent taruii ed the, high rmrnoaawith
wnicn American standard were
furled. It waa a war anaonght and
patiently resisted, but when It came th
American government waa ready. It
fleet were cleared for action. It arm
lea were in the field, and tha aniok and
signal triumph of It force on land and
ana bore equal tribute to th skill and
foresight of Repnblioaa statesman shin.
T 10,000,000 of tba human ran there
waa given "a new birth at freedom.
and to tba Amerioaa peopl a aw aad
aobie raaponatbiuty.
InaereesBoat r FimUnI MeKlaUy.
W Indorse the admlnlitratioa af
William HcKlnlay. It acta have been
established la Wind oca and la patriot
ism, and at home and abroad It baa dis
tinctly elevated and extended the influ
ence ef th Amerioaa nation. Walk.
log untried path aad facing un fores
responsibilities. President kfoKlnley baa
been la every situation the tra Ameri.
oaa patriot and a plight tatnman. titer
ta vision, strong ta Judgment, firm la
action, alwaya Incptring and deserving
sub Bonuaenoe oi aia oouatrymsn.
la asking taa Amsrioaa DeoDla ta in.
dors tliis Republioaa raoord and a re
aew their eomatlaatoa a tba' Rapabtt
eaa party, wa ram lad them of tha fact
that tha menace to their mamrity has
always reaided la Democratia principles
aad no lea in th general incapacity of
in uemocrntio party ta oondaot Dublin
affaire. Tha prima essential of boat.
Bess prosperity 1 public ounfideno ta
th good sens of tha gvrnmnt and
lu ability to deal intelligently with all
new problems af administration and
legislation. That eonfldeaoe th Demo
cratic party baa never earned. It U
hopelessly Inadequate, and tha country's
prosperity, when Democrat 10 suooees at
the poll 1 announced, halts and na an
In mere autiaipatloa af Democratia
blunders and fail urea.
Deelaratlea far th OeM Staaara.
W renew onr alleglano to the prhv
alpl of th gold standard, and declare
onr eonfldano la th wisdom of th
legislation of th Fifty sixth oon great
by which th parity of all onr
money and the stability of our currency
oa a gold basis haa been secured. Wa
recognise that Interest rate are a Fo
unt factor la production and boainea
activity and for tha parpoe of farther
equalising and of further lowering th
rate of interest we favor such mone
tary legislation will enabl th vary
iag needs of th season and of all seo
tioBS to be properly met in order that
and mar be evenly sustained, labor
etoaaily employed and commero aa
larged. The volume of money la air
ealatiM wa never aa great per capita
a It to today.
Wa declare onr steadfast opposition
ta ta free and unlimited eoinage of
liver. Me measure to that end could
be eoaeidered which waa without ta
aapport ef th leeling eommeraial eoua
trie ef the world. Howsvsr flnaly
Xpublioaa legialatioa may am M
kav asearad U country agalast th
peril of base aad discredited earraacy
the election of a ! oratio prealdeal
eattld aet fail U imaair the cava try's
aradlt aad to ariag eao mar lata ques
Mea th iateatloa of tha Amarieaa pea
pi U maintain apoa tha geia standard
the parity of their money atreaaattoa.
Th Democratia party meat aa eaa
vince.1 that tha Amerkaa aeople win
never tolerate the Chicago platforaa,
Oa ike Qaeeete) ag Triases.
W reongnlae the aaosaslty aad pr
priety of th boa eat a-nperatioa of an
il! to meet new buslnasa oodlOona,
aad Mpeoially He axtaad ear rapidly fct,
I ereasing roralga trade, bat wa
a - ial la (MtHa
au onnsoiTacMfl aa
1 eammaatluae ta
baaUeaa, to aaaaaa
taansBsae. umlt rtanaaai a to I
ktloa aa will affeutaally retrain and
preveal all such abuiws, protect and
promot eom petition and arur inu
Itgt-U of prodnoers, laborer aud an
Who ar augogeil la Industry and ooui
VeeiaratlM for PrvtMtiBB.
Wa rene. onr faifb tn th. ,a,!lcv of
protection to American labor. In that
policy our industries hava been eetab-
liahed, diversifled and maintained. By i
protecting the home market, the oom-
rw t i f ( 1 1 . I, - Iimii flt(mnl:fvl anI srn. '
duct ion chenpened. Opportunity th
irventiva geuiu. of our poopl. ha keen
en ured and wage, iu every den-rV
ment of lain have been maintained at
higii rates, higher now than ever before,
thus di.sfniHiiihliuig our working people
in tlioir better couilltion of life from
thoae of any onmnetiug country. En
Joying the blessing of American com
mon schools, Beenr in the right of aelf
government and protected in th occu
pancy of their own market their con
stantly Increasing knowlegs and skill
hav enabled them finally to enter th
markeU of th world. We fuvor th
associated policy of reciprocity, bo di
reoted aa to open our market on favor-
abl terms for what we do not ourselves
produce in return for fro foreign mar-
In the further interests of Amerioaa
workmen, we favor a more effective re
striction of the ituniigratiou of cheap
labor from .foreign lands, the extension
of opportunities of education for work.
leg cnuuren, the raising of the age
limit for child labor, the protection of
free labor aa against convict labor and
aa effective system of labor Insurance.
Our present dependence, on foreign
hipping for nine-tenths of onr foreiini
carrying Is a great losa to tli imluntry
or tms oon u try. it is also a serious
danger to our trade lor its fmlrien with'
drawal in the event of a European war
would seriously cripple our expanding
foreign oommerce. The nutiniutl de
fense and naval efltciouty of this ooun
try, moreover, supply a compelling rea
son for legislation which will e liable us
to recover our former place smong th
trad carrying Beets of the world.
Liberal Pansloa Laws Favored.
Th nation owe a debt of profound
gratitude to the soldiers and sailors who
have fought it battles, aud it is the gov.
ernmeut's duty to provide for the ur-
vlvor and for the widow and orphan
of those who hav fallen in the ooun
try' war. Th pension law founded
la this just sentiment should bo liberal
and should be liberally administered,
and preference should be given, wher
ever practicable, with rexpect to em
ployment in th pnblio servloe, to sol
dier and sailors and to their widow
aad opbana.
atepaklleaas at the Civil Service.
W commend the oolW ef tbo K
publican party in maintaining the efliol
ency of th civil service. Th adminis
tration ha acted wisely in iu effort to
secure for publio servloe in Cuba, Porto
Rioo, Hawaii and the Philippines only
those whose fltuoa ha been determin
ed by training and experience. W be
lieve th it employment in th public
servio in thee territories should be
eon fine. 1, a far a practicable, to their
ta habitants.
It was the plain purpose of the Fif
teenth amendment to the constitution
to prevent discrimination on account of
race or color in regulating th elective
franchise. Device of state govern-
teenta, whether by statutory or consti
tutional enactment, to avoid the par
ol tin amendment are revolution.
ary and slnmlil tie con.lemned.
Pnblio niovemenU looking to a per
manent improvement of the roads aad
higtrways of the oountry meet with our
enrdial approval, and w recommend
this subject to the earnest consideration
of the people and of th legislatures of
tae several states.
W favor the extension of th rural
free delivery servisce wherever iu ex
teaslon may be justified.
a.slamatl.a ar Ana LaaAa,
la the further pnrsnanoe of th eon-
Kant policy of the Republican party to
provid free borne on the pnblie do
asaia, we recommend adequate national
legislation to reclaim the arid lands of
the United States, reserving control of
the distribution of water for irrigation
to the respective tate and territories.
We favor home rale for and th early
admission to statehood of the territories
ef Kw Mexioo, Alisons and Oklahoma.
Wa Taaee aad Wleasmcae CaaaL
The Dingley act, amended to cro-
vtde sufficient revenue for the conduct
f the war, baa o well performed lu
work that it baa beea possible to rednoe
the war debt ta the sum of 840,000,000.
Bo ampl are tha government's revenues
aad ao great la the pnblio eonfldeno In
the Integrity of lu obligation, that it
awly funded two per cent bonds sell
at a premium. Tha country is now
JastiBed in expecting sad it will be the
policy ef th Repnblioaa party to bring
about a reduction of the' war taxes.
W favor th construction, owner
ship, control and protection of ' aa
iathmiaa aanal by th government of
the United States. New markets ar
aeoeaaary for the Increasing surplus of
eur fane products. Every effort should
to epea aad obtain new mar
keU, especially la the Orient, aad th
adminlstratioa U warmly to be com
manded for iu suoceahfal effort to com
mit all trading aad colonising nations
to the peliey of the open door in China
Dosanaaeat ml Ceasarree Fever,
la the Interest of our expanding oom
merce we recommend that congress era-
ate a department of oommerce and In
dustrie la th charge of a secretary,
with a seat la the cabinet. The United
Bute consular system should b reor
ganised under the upenrUioa of this
new department upon ruck a basU of but from that time until frost repeated
appointment and tenure aa will render planting of the Evergreen give aa de
It still more servioeabl to the nation ' () uble corn a could be wanted.
Increasing trade. bats A. Agee In National Stockman.
The American gnvernraent mast pro .
tect the person and property of every
itiscn wherever they are wrongfully
violated or placed lu periL
We congratulate the women of Am-
rioa apoa their splendid reotci of pub-
Bo service in th Volunteer aid aaeocia-
tlon, aad a nura. iu camp and hospital ; moKt imports nee, th aoll aoluUons are
annng the recent campaign of oor,ljb , tm. ao concentrated by
armic in the East-rn and Western ,iIB . . nartlallv or eomnleta-
Indiea, and we apjireciat their faithful
cooperation in ail work of adacatioa
and industry. I
Th frseiaeais rwrwlsa rlle Ceesi
a mmtlrm).
President McKmley ha con d act, d
siwauoi aaairaox vu k, IT BaBSBS
with diatitiguiehed oradit ta tha Amarl.
eau people. In releasing na from th 1
- vexatious European aLUanoa for th gor-
ernment of Samoa, hi oouree U aspect'
ally to be commanded. By securing to
( onr undivided control the most tmport-
I nl ulJld of the Samoa group, and
" the southern Paolfla,
every Amerioaa lntereat baa beea safe
guarded. W approve tha annexation of tha
Hawaiian islands to th Umtad Bute.
W commend tha nart taken bv oar
govern men t In th peace coafereaoa at
; V" oar
t aanoanoad U
TK. U.. I1T . . a.
Oa the SMta AfHcaa Was.
Tha provisions of Th Hague conven
tion were wiaely regarded whea Presi
dent AlcKlnley tendered bis frindlv
offlosa in tiis interest of peace between
Great Britain and the Soath Afrioan
repuoaoa. w mi in Amerioaa govern
ment most ooutiuu th policy pre
scribed by Washington, affirmed by
every snooeediug president, and Im
posed upon as by The Hugo treaty, of
non-lute rvsntlou la European contro
versies, the Amerioaa poopl earnestly
bop that a way may aooa be toned.
houorabl alike to both contending par
nee, to term in at the strife betweea
. -, In accepting by th treaty of Paris
the Just responsibility of onr Victoria
In th Spanish war, the pretideut aad
th senate won th undoubted approval
ox the Amarieaa people. He oil
cours wa possible thaa to destroy
Spain's sovereignty throughout the
West Indie aud la th Philippines.
That course created ear responsibility
bel or the world and with tha unorgan
ised population whom oar Intervention
had freed from Spain, to provid for
maintenance of law aad order, aad for
the esublishmanl of good government
and for the perforinanoeof International
obligations. Our authority could not
be lea than our responsibility, and
wherever sovereign rights war extend,
ed, it becam the high duty of the gov-
ernment to maintain iu authority, to
put down armed Insurrection aad to
eonfer the blessing of liberty and civil.
laation upon all the rescued peoples.
The largest meamre of elf-govern
ment oouHistaut with their welfare and
our duties shall be secured to them by
law. To Cuba, Independence and self
government were issued in the sani
voioe by which war was declared aud to
the letter this pledge hall be performed.
, The Republican party, upon it his
tory and upon this declaration of it
principles aud policies, confidently in
vokes th considerate and approvir
judgment of the American people.
Ci.liromia la Ihe natural paradise ol
the holy maker, lla remiiirrea are
iiiexliaiiMtalile, its iiiviliiiion unlver
nal, and lla rmurM and Mllrai'liona
itmonir the) inoHt noted of Die
world. .
"IleaorlH mill Altrartions along the
Count Line" la handsomely Illustra
ted (older, giving a description of Ihe
health and pleasure resort on Ihe
cuaat Ix'twcen Han Francisco and Lor
'Slm-ita Reaorla," embelinhed with
baulifui half lone engraving, de.
crilM-fl the aeiiio and outiog al trac
tion of the van! and wonderful
Shaxta region, Ihe graudent of pleas-
The Southern Pacific Company
publishes descriptive literature rou
laliiing valuable Information about
all of them. Ilia for free distribu
tion ami may tie obtained from any
.Southern Pacific agent, or C. II.
Markham, Oeneral Paaaenget Agent
al Portland. Jf you apply by mail
encUiHt) a stamp for each ub.lcalion
California Bout h of IVbaehapi"
tell nil hIniuI Ihe charm of thai
remarkably favored aeuii-lrropic
garden miI ol Ihe world in Southern
A handsome map of California,
complete in detail, reliable, skillfully
indexed, and full of information
about the Hlale" riBOiirce. It i
Urn only publication of kind folded
for pocket ue.
"Summer Outing" is a 32-page
folder devoted lo Ihe camping retreat
tti the Hliala Region and .Santa Crux
mountain)-: II apfieala more direct
ly lo that large and growing clnnf
recrenlion M-ker who prefer thin
popular form of outing.
"Pacific drove" la the. Chautauqua
of the went, and Ihl foldet not only
deecrlttes the pretty place llelf, but
givea a program of Ibe religious and
educational meeting?, con veil I ions,
school-, etc., to he held there this
Oa Thlaa mmm Another.
It la expected that 73 per cent of th
prune growers of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho will combine to handle th
crop In the Pacific northwest.
There probably I no variety of sweet
corn superior to Btowell's Evergreen
for Uble use. It la not early a
tome varieties, and something els
should be nlanted for na till It corses.
. f2rman Investigator la of onlnlon
,u- ...m wm,b on theoretical
g,,,, wouM 1h. pcted from the
application of soluble aalu to the soil
u DQt a- . rug .uHxeU D practice be-
nilKi for OD( mv.g. dry weather.
wh th. m,,!.,, ,,t ti, soil la of
, tD tsklDg ud of water by
tbt of piaDta.
Drn,,t. for wtnter wheat ar
t. uhl,.n
tmllana anil OlilA. mhmr flr ar iDauffl-
f,at ariater prvtoetioa bare areaght.
aafury. J
His Generosity Towards
Married Kicoo.
(Copy rig lif-d by W. 8. (Juthrie )
"Mi Muiiiin.TH--l'olly I I
dare I" But Hie xpeaker look a
header over banlifulnenH, only lo hear
a swet t
"Yes, Charley."
Can J aspire to er that Ih"
Again a lapse into alienee, folione.1
by an eiieouraging
Yea, Charley,"
Oh, if 1 might only hoiietoer
lo ,
A mil lit r failure lu language. It
waa seemingly a hoelet cae, ami
miglit have la en, only for a demure
"Charley, I have said 'yea' twice.
aud if you mean it, I menu it too,
And lolliUciwy that young man
will inaini that he popiied Ihe (jue
lion. All this happeued away "up utile"
and it wasn't long before there waa u
wedding. Not much lunger liefore
there cume a h tier from Polly's Un
cle Ji.hbua Turner, the lloii. Joshua
Turner, rich, generous and - level
bcaOid, who a tote i llusively of his
delight at her exhibition of what he
vailed "ijiil," aud be promised Hu t il
ihe young people would locale at
41 ilNOoro lit) Mould alai t tin m up iu
111.- a a wedding gilt, having ex
plained I hat there waa no better irt
iu Ihe world where they uiiglil
launch their little matrimonial canoe.
Ol' course they ucccptid and were
so tu bidding llieir friends adieu.
A few week aubaequeut to the
above coiiv. rsniion, a travel-alalued
pany arrived iu llillsboro. Our
liieiid, Uncle Josh, waa in charge,
and be led the party alraighlway to
t.iu ludlaiin Hotel. We'll go lo Ibe
Ihe 1 uitl i.ln,"said he, "Cause its-Uf u
the popular place for years, aud la
si ricl ly UrHl-cltti-a Dorr Waggener,
ihe present proprietor, ia endowed
wilh that delightful intuition Dial
uiakis a guest feel al home, com fort
able, and fa mighty good luck. The
house I one - of couveuienw ; the
apartmeiit'i are cosily furnished, and
the cuisine all that a tuperi:r cook
aud unlimited (fhl.-rs ou the market
cau make it. I have engaged looms
at Ihe Tualatin until your own house
is iu readiness, and if you don't agree
that I've selected a mighty line place,
tlieu I'm uo , rophet." ,
"Alter breakfast," continued the
old mail, "1 uu ready lo buy your
outfit. To expedite mailer I have
ordered a carriage from Itcdiuoud A
Happing'on, our enterprising livery
uieii." When the handsome carriage.
with elaborate Irappitiga and pranc
ing horses, drew up in front of Ihe
hotel,' Polly declared it Ihe "finest
turnout she bad evtreeen." "Yea,
Siree," replied Uncle Josh, "lhal'a a
purly l eat rig," the three K'e, Naittl,
da let y and Style' I Redmond A Hap-
piuglon'a cimI of arms. Ho, young
folks, when you waul lu take a drive,
either for business or pleasure, go to
them for a rig tvery lime. Their
wedding, party ai.d fuueral equip
ment are uuurpaased " Itwaaiu
Ibia stylish turnout that the rounds
of Ihe village were made.
No grass shall grow uuder our
fuel," resumed Uncle Josh, "ao what's
first on the program?" "Oh, good
ness know there' lot and lots lo
buy," remarked Polly. "Tlieu up
pose we buy 'lots' first, quolh Char
ley, without turning a hair. "Oh,
you've got a great head for business,"
laughed Uncle Jonh, "we'll go right
over to V. M. Heldel's real etnt of
fice. I cau tlways depend Ukmi lie!
del 'fur bargain in real indite, aa he
never holds oul fnlse light lo induce
people In buy. What he li-ll you
ab.iul proHrty may lie set down as a
solid fact. He controls a large list of
desirable residence a well as farm
properties, aud his judgment on the
good tilings' is par excellence. The
trio, tigellnr with Heidel, entered
Ihe carriage. Heidel showed I hem
several desirable properties, anil the
party waa i:. long iu making a
trade wilh hitu for a coxy eoilsge on
Fiflh ft reel.
'Having ainaiiy piovid.d a rage
for Ibe bird," "lid Uncle Josh, 'now
the first thin, we'll look efW will be
ihe furnishing f.r II." Hereuin
Polly energtiicilly declared that she
had heard so much als.ut P. O.
BroWD, the Imiiit'ire and rr't
limn, that she had decided t go
there. The r.sull was that Ihey
were u -In red into such a lw ild. ring
li-ilny that Ibe gill a a al first al a
m how lo relict But she mma
yielded to Ihe teduclivenem of a
magnificent p-tr'nr i-biv, a b'dr.Him
set in iaik, golden liuisli, thai wiHild
docndil lo old Mr. Klon.lyke him
se.f. To this she added an easy
rocker for Uncle J,.h, and didn't for
get a most convenient and ornament,
al a riling disk for" Hubby" diaries,
having come lo Ihe conclusion that
P. O. Brown' figures were below Ihe
vrv whisper of competition
"A pretty giaii start," said the old
man, "and we'll go t i A. C. Arch-
Is .Id' big hard ware anil stove store
where Polly's housewifely Instincts
will have full play in unirvel ol
kitchen appsralus. There ia not an
establishment in ihe country thut
carries a more comprehensive ! k
of household furnlshlnga," remarked
uncle Josh. "Kvery mnisiIiIh piece
of kitchen furniture from a liu dipper
to a cooking range I here In all
styles and varit ty." Jf Polly fails to
a.vnmpli.sh wonder in the culinary
arl, it will not la lor waul of sut
ior etioking ulcus!!, for alio pur
chased a range wbh all iiiipmeui
nndnd 1;; a will r.guinlvil kilehen,
while Charley Isiuglit an elegant par
lor heater aud a blue flame oil stove,
all of which Uncle Josh ptiid for wilh
delight cause lie knew A, (I, Arch
hold had treated him right, jut a
he doea all his customer.
"Oil, any, Uncle," excluiuied Polly,
"where can 1 gu for dry gcssU? Thin
dress i Ir.irdly suil.ible, I must
admit." "Well, my girl, if you want
to wit ct from one of the most mpu
lar establishments iu the city, I will
direct you 1 1 11 Wehrung i Hons',
w ho carry a slock of dress giaid llial
for varii ty and real value ia seldom
seen outside Ihe largest nn tropolitmi
cilies. TJiey carry all the latest
weaves in faahionable dress goods
and you are sure to l e guided rlehl
in your aelettiona. You will find
II. Wehrung di Hons' pleasVnt lo
deal with and I heir employe silile
and exsrl, w liilc the prices cannot
be UU licated." It did not lake
Polly long to tell a bargain when she
saw one. Hhu got a hau'Isume dres,
with ail necessary Irimmiugs, ninl
several oilier article of "fantastic
disarrsy" ao dear lo the heart of
every woman.
"Oh, me! oh tny!" ijscululed Pol
ly, aa she noticed Ihe l.itf display of
aliiaa, "what a is'rleetly lovely slip.
H'r. "Yes," said Uncle Josh, "that
stock raa'l . be equalled In style and
extent In this section. Look it over
and pick out what you want, I'll hail
the bill." It miglit have lasin policy
not lo have extended thai Invitation,
had not Uncle Josh known what
wtae economy It ia to trade at II.
Wehrung A Hons', for Polly found
good and prices so seductive Unit she
purchased an outfit from a pretty
slipsr to a handsome walking boot.
Charley Invsted in gent' fine hhoea,
while Uncle Josh indulged In a stout
boot, wilh ruhls'rs for Ihe crowd.
No, one needing footwear can. resist
the style and prices nil'" red by II.
Wehrung A Sons'.
"By Ihe way, Uncle," said Charley,
while Polly wa en guyed in the shoe
store, "you know I'm somewhat of a
nimrod, and I've heard ro much
Isiulv the China pheasant, thai I
have a very ardent desire to go out
shooting once in a while. Ia there a
giMsl Horting goods' house in town?"
tiously replied the old man.' We'll
go right into K. L. McCormlck's.
He handles aliaolufly everything in
Ihe way of sM.rtsuien' artillery, and
you are sure to he treated right when
when you buy of him. K. I Mc-
Cormlck is exclusive agent for Ilia
Lung Range smokeless shells, and
that's Ihe only kind IV advise you
t' use." Calling al the reliable gun
store, Charley iuvesled in a flue ham-
merles tdiotgun, and enough Long
Ringe smokeless shell to kill all the
game in Ihe state.
"Halt!" commanded Uncle Josh,
as the party came in front of the
handsome Delta Drug Store, "Walk
right in." "Why, Uncle, we're not
sick, and" "(lues I know that.
hut I suspect it wont belong Is-fore',
this young man begiua lo lake an in
terest iu matters ol paregoric aud
" "U-n-c-l !" "We'll go In any
way, Polly may find some toilet arti
cles ah e want." Hure enough, I fore
leaving she waa loaded down wilh
omit, brushes, fare siwler and
ounces upon ounces of fine lmior(id
Krfume. "Don't forget," added
Uncle Josh, "to come herewith your
prescriptions, aa they are com-lent
phnriiiacbt ami use pure and relia
ble drug."
"By the way," remarked Uncle
Josh, a he noticed hi lank Isa.k,
"Tomorrow I n ust go over lo E. W.
Haines' batik, al Forest drove, and
get another check book, and of course
you will go with inn and get ac
quainted with F. T. Kane, the ca-h-ler,
aud the ttiff, for of murso you
will do business with I hem and it is
alwaya more pleasant lo l personal
ly acquainted with the people you
do business with. The hank ia the
heal In the counly and I a solid a
the universe, and baa a rtront work
ing capital and a surplus of several
thousand. You will find them ever
reedy to extend any accommodations
comiiaiihle with businea- principles," i
"Ui I'll open up aa account
with E. W. Halu.V bank," replied
Charles, and the uext day he did.
"Let's see I promised you a gold
wst'h and a diamond ring, loo,
didn't I," queried Uucle Josh of Pol
ly, "and at Hoyt's, the jeweler, ia
the place to get good values espec
ially in diauiouds, a he told iue the
other day that he had a large supply
on hand bought before the raise,
which he sell at the old prices."
Entering the isipular jewelry store
the old iiiau gallantly acquitted him
s 'If of the promise and I hen directed
Polly's attentiou to the superior
sttK'k of silverware carried by the
house, "There ia uo such a house in
tow n," said Alio old mau, "aud 1 will
guarantee the quality lo bu the very
best. Pick out your family elisk
while here," he added, "lloyt car
ries a Ukagniflcent line, Dou't forget
another fact," he continued, "if ever
you unfortunately need optical goods,
lid I the place to come. llewill
leal your ejea w ithout extra charge,
aud say, uiy boy, rowi'iulier that he
ia also an expert dm tor on sick
Woman like, Polly wa discussing
Ihe matter of how she would ariange
her uew house and wa interrupted
by Uuch Josb. "And these homo
tlxina remind me," said be, "tliHt
you liavu't got your dishes yet. The
most famous stock in extent, quality
and coinpleteiiofs la at the Hillshoro
Basiar. But the average reader
need not bo told what an array of
tiblu ware Polly had to select from.
There Isn't Mwitiely a thing in Ihe
line of china, crockery, glass or por
celain needed for use or ornament iu
any purl of the house that cau not be
found at Mrs. Wells' iu indefinite va
riety and al wonderfuljy low price.
After this visit, Uncle Joli suggest
ed a teaort to some place of refresh.
At Ihe table the old man waxed
philosophical. "Never neglect your
larder," said he. "That imsrtaut
adjunct to housekeeping controls
masculine temper. To thai end you
must patronize a git kit on whom
you can depend for honiat gissls.
Through a long lorui of years I have
found II, II. Ureer perfectly reliable.
You will Bud him a careful dealer,
alwaya fully stocked wilh ev?ry pos
sible thing in the line of staple and
fancy groceries fresh and first class,
no shelf-worn good there, while the
prices are down t? bras ticks. To
keep peace in this family get all your
groceries of H. II. Ureer."
While Undo Josh was (Hindering
where to go next, Polly suddenly
asked: "Uncle, where can I fiud Ihe
leading millinery establishment?"
"Just up the street," remarked Uncle
Josh, "aud we'll visit Mrs. Vroomati,
who, by the way, baa on hand one of
Ihe completes! Block of millinery lo
13 found In Ibe city. Y'ou cau get
styles being her motto. Mr. V roo
ms n experience guarantees that
when you have purchased of her you
have the thing according In fashion
and a satisfaction that your work haa
been done by a competent artist. Io
a few minutes there never waa a h sim
pler girl than Polly for she purchased
a perfect dream of a hat wit i all the
stylo and at half the price generally
found in a city st ire. -
And another place I wish to tike
jou, children, is to Climax Mill,"
remarked Ihe oil man. "Your intro
duction to llillslsiro would not be
half complete without. Talk alaiut
Hour, why hies you there ain't no
Hour that can come up to Moss Rose.
It's made from choice wlcctcd
wheal, snd bread from il diais not lav
cniiic dry and stale, but retain mois
ture and the natural flavor of the
wheat for wveral day. All good
h.ajsewives use It. Then a to feed,
thia firm la Ihe headqinrter for that.
They handle everything from oats
down to corn cot, servo customers
With promptness ninl dispatch. I've
been dealing with (IreearA I (ridges
for a long t uicuiuil tell you they
are giMal men to tie to."
"Liw sake!" suddenly exclaimed
Uncle Josh, "all Hi! trading aud
shopping round town ha caused me
to forget one of Ihe grew tut essentials
to future existence. I have heard it
said that newly married folks could
live on love and scenery, but an old
man of exK-rlence knows latter
your table would look slim without
bread; it' the 'sis II' of life,' you
know. Polly you line-1 mist Mr.
Burlirigaiup, the ha t"r. Ilia bread,
pie and rake and nicknack are
conceded by all to lie Ihe finest on
earth. Remember, (Charley, there la
no us.' of your 'isitsy Looly' bother
ing herself alsHjt b iking, so long as
there i a go. si baker in town like
Mr. Burlingame. lie made that ele
gnt cake I brought to your wed
din1." "Yes, and everybody said it
was Just lovely,' eagerly rnqsmdisl
Polly. '
"Ye, aud while we are on this
ImiMirtant topic of trastronomic, we
mu.-t not forget ment. It g hand
in hind with bread. Now to haste
iimut market wh-re you can get
fresh wholesome meat and poultry
st all time. C. II. K h I Ihe man
to supply yw with that
Tit's I the
OmtmucU on f ourth J'tiy.
; - n