OUR OFFER .'NDKFtNDtNT and Weekly Oregouiau, both for $1.00 per year. Indkpknoknt aud the Twice-a-Week Courier Jourua both for only $1.60 per year. toff J03 PRINTIM3 Oil J h Pr mi- . imminent S'trpasse any iu the Cdhnty for net. -j tt'J ch--tv d he tvo- V'i i Vol. XXVIII. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON' COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 190O No. 16. GENERAL DIRECTORY. l.oruo . T. r. U ttMinun of Hu le It-1- Uoabar Irjaeurer I ba. 8. Moor uli. foblis luatrooiioo.. J. ki Ackariaan itou. r. inter WH Leeds 1 Cba. K. Wolfertoa Court i K. a I F. A. Mcjr ta-h-e itftb District T. A. Bolli; ittorney Fifth Dielrlut ' T J.L.atWO oouniy .noiih8. 1 (lunitaisatouera ' l'-r S wriB n'Hidf t'r..um 4miMHit , i .hoot ettperinleuueul strvt-yot iurtmr . .... L. A. Hood . J. Q A. Yniinr . ...E.J. Wud Uco. A. Morgan ..John W. bewell . Kalpb L. W nu K. t randall !(ieo. H. w Ucos H. A. rt ... X f. Wilkea .w. r. via OKtUON OH I LA1 OMflC. (Jhaa. B. Moore Wm. uai oeay. . . fceostvu rrrv okfickks. I . .ao. V. II cos . Ha Tor . Ttio.. Tucker J. M. ttreear r. ro of Troeteee . . John X ... K. Wif John Milne ' Win. Baueoo .Heiiton Boauian . . . ttim'l E Uvoorder i rwai-nrar . tfir-.net tHB of FeOe j .Tl M HHtH ..P. Kveritt J. P KodH fOrtl Of'FU'k INFOKMATMJS. I U. c.a.l. oloee at tb. Htltsboro Poet Uini, utiiyi ,. . , . Oadaf .itmiooa, WhI Union. Betbar, ana u Mill, ki 7 :80 a. m. ;::: zvSJ V-rtiiuglon and Laurel. d...y IIHtWIH AKOHtH'lKTY NOTIOKa 7 W4jKtlrMM.AI. UllUHHr' ,..,, MHW..IU. .....rum and ""'""p uu t l.urln . -i.it., . K ' ri"". i S..uay b.l it W lUllniuM, r'alor. , I : tmUKOII. H O-rn, ftor. lata ''-''"'f,r't'nT.;I. !l,t,i."Ii..i...'a t'MdM -'M,ob noitth. R1S I I AN t'HU liril "''.JIJ .V.. j'riiv" niwtiiiV umUy .. , 'brl.il... ';7,UBV.S,K0..8K PU,'. . o. n. w. W., M-.i. vr n..i aud tu'rd Kriiluv rvi-niun oil montU. Ituncbler f Kbeka. I I ll.IWmu HEBKKAH lOVOt NO II M, 1. 1. O. If " tWd ' ""' 11 nil r KninrdaT euiH- r. r u. ILLfBOHO UKANUK, NO. lud and ttb dajoI aaoh Bootb. IJ i. It. o. M ui- i (...HnlnutKl 8 o'aloek.ia I.O. hall. V iaitort made welooma. Decree tf Heaei rllHK UKOKaE OF HONOK. A. 0. 0. I W.;...-i. nOd.l Fallo.a' bail erar b7t and Ibird Frxlay ayninn ol ' muntb. lUlbboue Sitter. I li( N l.'l A TKMPI.K NO. W, B, a. .. o..U. at 7 -So u'i'.ock .n Wahruug'aHall. 1 mta in J.-.0...C Hall 00 liondaT Ynlnii nf aaob wi. nojonruiua; or..... .looioatl 10 loiljia maattuva. A. 'aa4 A. . I Hi U.I TV LOIHIK NO.. A. r.AA.11., I utMta avary Sntorday ni(bt oa or aftw nil nitoD of aa)b muntb. O. K. S. flU'ALATlS CHAPTKR. KO.81.0 K.. I uwm at Manio Tmplao iha Wd ml 41 h Tiira.lay ' arh month. K. O. T. M. M'l.A TKNT. NO. IH. K. t. T. M.. ntrli in tt.t.1 KKllowa1 Hall, on a- nl fourth l'hurl ayanlnira I a 11 mil.. ... ........ ....... iiiiuuu.U. mA 1 it. K . maeu on Ural and li t Tandayaof aaob moatb. HKX. KH0HI'(JKP!Si0. 4J.;W X. C. MKKI'rt IN UI rKIXOWB II ALL Hillnboro, on tha Hi. Ind l. Krl.tajra 01 ln inoi.l II at a:.-' . hEM. KIXHUK POST, NO. . i. K. MKKT8 IN 1LI FKI.LOWK H A I.I. ON th- Hr. I am thirxl SainrJaya of aaoti ni.mth, ats:"ioo cioca. 1: m. NERVITA PILLS: ttitrt viTairrr, kioaT wiaoft Jn yiaaona r.orraltnuoteiicv. Niirht Rutiaatont and vaatlnif dlaeaaea, all effect- of elf. . abuae, or excea ana inuit 1 r ret Inn. A urn ton It! And J4?f I.UhmI bull.ler. Urinri the tt aVnlnk clow to pale cneeki and JNaV rfatore the fire of youth. 5fXsfc!ty mail ftOo prr bo, O boxe (or r-i.ftO; with written rtiarmn tr tornre or rt-nind the money. Send for circular. AUdreaa, NCRVITA MEDICAL CO. Pinion 4 Jackaon ts CMICACO, IU. PBOFCS'dOSlLCtKo. THoa. toaaia, a. a. Tuitaoi X tary fublio. THO H. E. B. TONUI E, TTORN EY8- AT-UAW. UlLUBOttO, OKkUOH omoa- H uiuaS,4, a &, Motkian Him t. S. BAKKCTI, ITORNEYS-AT-LA W, HILLKBOltti. ti;OH Owns: trratral Hlnua. Iln-m a t-J '" . BEXrox bona ATTORNEY-AT LA . tl(I.LBUtl O. OBEUON. Orrwa: Uuoma t nd I. Moruau bioub. U. T. BAWLKY, ATTORNEY AND A COUNXELOIl-AT-LAVN HILL5B"K OKLOON. Ovrit: Oyer ball Drug 8u.- 40H1 M. WALL, TTORN E Y AT LA, HILLSBOKO, ORWiUN. Ballsy MorkjHO Blm-lt, R ami-. I A I 8. T. LIXkLATth, M. B. f. H." pHVSIClAN AND HUROKON BllXrtWtKO, OKlOOON. Otnoa: at reatdenea, oasl of " '" bona, "bar b will be fooud at all ' be but Tiaitiim paneuia. J. Y. TAHIKML, M. . C P. R. H. SlJROWJN, HILLdbOKO, OUKON. Ovriaa o Ka.aoa : rm t I birU and alaiu Htraau. tt.o boom.KJ' to . a ui., I to 6 aud J to a p. m. lltil.'i rraidauar Iron. Brook A Bala' " "' all bom. All oalla oroi.itlv .wi"i uitrbl or day. V A. HULKV, M. HY8H:1AN,8UKUK0N AN I' 1 AtXXJUt:iiKUH. BILLMHOKlt. OKWHIN. ' i iinion Hlook. (ialla trrviuai mi . . j . - Uor. Baa Lma and Meaood rta. jta.H THoaraoa, kotakv riiai.M-. THOMPHOX 0X. . I .AMIjm I suul ItllMl ol Katataa and Individuals caied lor. OttlctatthaBaiaar. KoreatOrorr. OrrKou ENTI8T, F0BE8T UROVK, OllKUON u..... -i-i tA m iwr.nt. Cement and Amalaam filling) cen t taoh. Uold HIllHM from l up. Vitaliaed air for pain tee extraction. . Orwioat three doora norm 01 it it. OfBoe boar from . m tot p. n. J. E. AUEIS. Dentist, HILLS BOKO, OREGON. Orrict Houb: 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. ni. Office In Union bl.k oyer Pharmaty- kl Tea poaitlTrl a Slrkllead rhe. indie ation and conatipatlon. A deliahUol herb drink. Kemovet. all erop tione of the akin, producine; a perfect com plexion, or money refunded. 25 eta. and til eta. The belt Drug otore. WISPOM'M RODERTISE Wisdom' Robertlne eorreofs al: bleralahw of the fare and miiktai. beautiful oomplt iion. Delta Dru 8titrs. ' Mi'iVHEK KEMIKTS. 'To the niouutaina our itil ii. iDi'rMin ouuiht-rs yt arly look fin Ihotwdayaof relaxation and .rei-n-ii-tion neeeary to iiinintain tin' l.ii fuan uiNi-hine in fair working cniuli linn. The lantfunroua tl.nnoi 11. 1 eaahorti provt very w.duL-iive whilt it last, but many have tbrlili'it thni the annual uutiub hIioiiI.I -rovilc n only radical cliaotcn of air and aur rtMindlnfia, but aiwiauch Hilinuliiii of fltKefintC eiiertrieit a will iruviil. brawn and vigor fur the return t. lalatr. Fur this they urge the iimun lain eli.nb and rauilile, I lie IimIhhiii nf the mountain im, and the elcnr, unadulleraletl mountain air.' 'In thin tlln-clion theSliatia It ul' now affortla a wealth of uraclion The entire line of riwl from A-liiaml to Redding it at ii'lled wiih ehxrn. inft and ttvtwllile hotels and eaiiip whtre are rheer aud itimfort and healliig at reicintile 11 t, and w hen you ran bunt, fl-h, ride, loaf, or Ih with rtiual facility." "Or if you liaik for heal-ng witter-, none heller rsn I found, hot or cold, than Ihe "prlnK-ii.f A-.tilii.il, Coital n, Anderson, Btrili tl, lttniiand lHrt R.tl.-." Before viahliiK Eurf, the t l of the Northwext wtiould the gloriea of Y'eniile Yallty, and tli wnndna.it grove of Mrixwa and Calaver the ParHanNare likely I. make loquirita poncernltiK tht- h) tractive reianrta," Send to Mr. ('. Ii. Mitrkhaui, n eral Paaaeoirer Agent, Portland, f..r new booklet on t'a-tte Oair. SImMh Hprlnxa, M1ud River, iiuiie, aod elcunlon tale I hereto. REPUBLICAN PUTF02A PHTtADKLWU Following 1 the fall text of the platform dopUd by lb Ve- poblican Nuiloual oonveutioa 1 Th Kepnblieuciot th United Stat, tbroaKh their ohoaan repre ntariya. anal in national oooyentioa, looking back npou aa amnrpaaaad raeord el chiayrment, and looking forward Into a great Held of doty and opportnity and appealing to the judgment of their eonntrrmen, mak theaa declaration; The expectation in which th Ameri can peopla, torninf from th Democnttio party, intruited power fonr year ago to a Eepnblioan chief magistrate and a Republican congTesa, baa been mat and aatinfled. Wheu th paopl than a aembled at th poll after a term of Pt-mocratio legislation and administra tion, bniine 1 wa dead, indiutry para lyaed and tl.a national credit dia&itroo ly inipnired. . Th country capital wn biddun away and it labor dutrea- d and nueuiployed. Th Demoorata had no other plan with which to lm prove the miaou condition which they tad tbemeelye produced than to coin UTur at tit ratio of 1 to X. Pmapcrlty Braaaht By BapebUaaa. The Republican party denoandn hi plnn aa nr to prod no condition even worse thao thou from which r lief waa sought, promised to re tor prosperity by mean of two legialativ measures a protect iv tariff and a law making gold th standard of Tain. The people by great majorities issued to lb Republican party a commission to enact the law. This commission ha been executed and th Republican premise is redeemed. Prosperity mar neutral aud more abundant than w hay ever known ha followed these enactments. There 1 no longer any controversy aa to th value of any gov. eminent obligation. Every American dollar 1 a gold dollar or It assured equivalent, and American credit stand higher than 'that of any other nation. Capital la fully employed and every where labor la profitably occupied. No single fact can more strikingly tell th story of what Republican govern msnt mean to tha couutry than this that while during the whole period from 1801 to 1897 there was an excess of ex ports over imports of ouly $.'188,034,407, there hus been ill the short three year of the present KepublieanadiniuUtrationaa excess of export over import la tb euormona ran of $1,483,738,094, and whllo the American people, sustained by this Republican legislation, have been achieving these splendid triumph In tl.elr business aud commerce, they bay conducted aud iu victory conclud ed a war for liberty and human right. War for Llb rty Nat Agaraaatasaaeaia, No thought of national aggrandis anent taruu ad the,hbjh riurvoae with which Amerioau standard were un furled. It wa a war an sought and patiently re aimed, but when it came the Americau government waa ready. It fleet were cleared for action. It arm ies were in th field, and th quick and signal triumph of its forces on land and sea bore equal tribute to, th skill and foresight of Republican statesmanship, To 10,000,000 of the human race there wa given "a new birth of freedom, and to th American people a aw and aoble responsibility. laaeraaaaeai af rvaetdaal KfaKlalaf, We indora th administration f William McKlnley. It act have been established in wisdom and in patrlo lsm, and at home and abroad It ha dis tinctly elevated and extended th infla ace of th American nation. Walk ing untried path and facing unforeseen reeponatbilit.es. President MoKlnUy ha been in every situation th trae Ameri eaa patriot and upright statesman, alaae la vision, arrong In Judgment, firm la action, always Inspiring and deserving th eonfideno of hi countrymen. In asking th Amerioan people to in dorse this Republican record and to re new their oommtaaion to tha RepabhV eaa party, we remind them of th faot that th menace to their prosperity ha always resided in Democratic principle and no leas in the general Incapacity of tba Democratic party to conduct pnblie affair. Th prim essential of busi ness prosperity is public eonAdeaoe la th good sense of the goreraaaeat and it ability to deal Intelligently with all new problem of administration and legislation. That eonfldenoe the Demo cratic party ha never earned. It la hopelessly Inadequate, and th country's prosperity, when Democratic success at th poll is announced, bait and eaaaee in mere antisipation of Democratic blunder and failure. Dealaraliaa far tbe Gold SUtaar4. W renew our allegiance to th pria edple of th gold stundard, and declare our eonfldenoe in th wiadom of th legislation of th Fifty sixth 00c great by which tba parity of all our money and the stability of our currency on a gold baais baa beeu secured. W reoognixe that interest rate are a po tent factor In production and bnsiues activity and for th pnrpoee of furthar equalising aud of further lowering th rate of interest we favor such mone tary legislation a will euabl lb vary ing need of th season and of all e tioa to be properly met in order that trade mar be evenly sustained, labor steadily employed aud commaro SB larged. Tbe volume of mouey la alr emlatloa was never so great per capita aa It U today. W declare our steadfast oppoaitioa to la free and unlimited ooinage of silver. No mean are to that aud could be eoaatdered which waa without th support of th leading commercial coua tri ef th world. However firmly lUpuhlioaa legislation may esera M have secured the country agaiaat th fwrtl of be. and discredited wnaoy th leetiesi ef a Democratic prasideBt eould aet fail to impair the oeaa try's eredit aad to briag oaoe ssor into que. tiea theiateatlnn of the Am art can ps la te nmiutaia upva lb gald ataaaard tb paiiry of their money cireuWtioa. Th Dvmocratlo party Biuat bo eon Tinned that th Atuerloaa peoplo Will never tolerate th Chicago plaUona. On tb Qaaatlaa ml Traeea, W reongnia th necessity aad ar priety of lb honeet ee-cperatioa of eaa ital to meet new butiiiea eoodittona, and especially to extend oar rapidly lay creasing foreign trade, bat wo snaflsaia all eonKpirarie aad rmaMasrlnaa lav leaded to restrict baatneai, k aaate aaaawpoUea, to ttaail ai ulai etoa or a laHoa aa will factually restrain ant nreveal all such abuse, proteet and promote com petition and sec ore tha right of producer, laborer aud all Who are engaged la industry ana com Bseroa, . peelaratlea tot Praleetlua. We renew oar faith In the policy of protection to American labor. In that policy our Industrie have been estab lished, diversified and maintained. By protecting tbe home market, the com petition hat been stimulated and pro duel ion cheapened. Opportunity the Inveutiv genius of our people ha beea ecured and wage in very depart. ineut of labor have been maintained at high rates, higher bow than aver before, thus distinguishing our workiug paopl in their better conditions of life from tboaa of any competing country. En joying the blessing of American com mon school, secure in the right of self government and protected in th ooco pancy of their own market their oca stantly increasing knowlcg and skill bv mauled them finally to enter the market of th world. We favor tb associated poller of reciprocity, so di rected aa to open our market on favor able term for what w do not oursalve prod no in return for fre foreign mar ket. In th further interest of American workman, w favor a more effective re striction of tha immigration of cheap labor from foreign lands, the extension of opportunities of education for work ing obildreu, the raising of tbe age limit for child labor, the protection of free labor a against oonvict labor and aa ff active system of labor insurance.'; Our present dependence on foreign shipping for niua-teuths of our foreign carrying is a great loo to tli industry of thia country. It is alo a serious danger to our tiade tor it t-udduu with, drawal in the event of a Kiuopenu war would seriously cripple our expanding foreign commerce. The n..tioual de fense and naval efficiency of this coun try, moreover, supply a oouipelling ran sob for legulatlou which will enable as to recover our former place among the trade carryiug flWs of th world. Libera. Paaaltta Laws 'avorsd. The natiou owe a debt of profound gratitude to the soldiers and sailors who have fought its battles, and it ia the gov ernment' duty to provide for the sur vivor aud for the widows aud orphans of those who have fallen in the coun try' war. Th pension lnws founded In this just sentiment should be lateral and should be liberally adminiatered, an J. preference should be given, wher ever practicable, with refcpect to em ployment In the publio servioe, to sol dier and Bailor and to their widows aadopbana. Babileeas an the Civil Ssrvtea. W commend the policy of the Re publican party In maintaining tb eOlci- onoy of the civil service. The adminis tration baa acted wisely in it effort to escure for publio servioe lu Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines only those whose fitness has beeu determin ed by training aud experience. We be lieve that employment in the publio aervioe in these territorie ahould be confined, a far a practicable, to their Inhabitants. It wa the plain purpose of the Fif teenth amend men t to the constitution to prevent discrimination on account of lac or color in regulating the elective franchise. Device of states govern ments, whether by statutory or consti tutional enactment, to avoid the pur nose of thia ameudinent are revolution ary and should be condemned. Publio movement looking to a per manent improvement of the roads aad highways of the country meet with our cord inl approval, and we recommend this subject to the earnest consideration of the people and of the legislature of ta several state. . We favor th extension of the rural free delivery aer-risc wherever its sx- may be justified. Bealamattea af And Laada, In the further pursuano of th eon- Stent policy of th Republican party to BTovid free borne on th publio do main, we recommend adequate national legislation to reclaim the arid land of tha United Stale, reserving control of the diatributioa of water for irrigation to th resaeotiT states and territories, We favor home rule for and tbe early admission to statehood of the territories Of New Mexloo, Arisona and Oklahoma. War Tasas aad Iflearaa-aa OaaaL The Dingley act, amended to pro- Tide snf&oient revsnus for the conduct f the war, ha ao wall performed It work that It baa beea possible to reduo the war debt la th sum of $40,000,000, So am pi are th government's revenues aad ao great 1 th publio oonfideno In the lategrity of lu obligations, that its aewly faaded two per cent bond aall at a premium. Th country is bow jestiaed ta expecting aad K will be the policy of the Repablieaa party to bring aboat a reduotloa of the war taxes. Wa favor th construction, owner ship, control and protection of aa Isthmian aanal by the government of the United State. Nsw market are aeoteaary for the Increasing surplus of aur farm prod acts. Every effort should b saade to epea aad obtain new mar bete, especially la the Orient, and the admliilsteallea I warmly to be com mended far it ueoesaful effort to earn atit all trading aad eolouiaing nation to th peliay of the open door in China. Paaarimaat ef Carataavea Tavara. Ia the Interest of our expanding com merce we recommend that conrreaa ore ate a department of oommerce and la. duatrie ia th charge of a secretary, with a seat ia the cabinet. The United States coo solar system thanhl be reor ganised under the uperviaioa of this hew department apou such a basis of appointment and tenure aa will render it still more serviceable to the nation' In creasing trade. The Amertoea government atnst pro teet tb person and property of every fitisea wherever they are wrongfully Violated or placed In peril. W oougratulate the women of Am arioa apou their splendid record of pub tta servioe In tbe Volunteer aid asenoia. tton, aad a uuree lu caiup aud hospital during th recent campaign of our armlet In the Eastern and Waaler Indies, aud We appreciate their faithful oa operation ia aU work of eduoatloa aad Industry-, tbe rrestaeat raria fUr -aad4. President McKinley has conducted be forebja affairs of the Uaited Steja with diatibguished credit to the Ameri can people. Ia releasing a from th Texatiou Furopeen allianoe for tbe gov ernment uf Samoa, hi course U spec. ally to be eummended. By securing to our andiv 11 lad control the moat Import ant bland of th Hamcaa group, and th bast harbor ia the souther Paoifla, a very Aiuenoaa Interest ha beea safe guarded. We approve the anaexatioa ef th Hawaiian islands to th United State. W commend th part taken by oar government in the peace conference at Th Hagu. We assert oar steadfast adherence to th policy aaaouaced la tb Monro doctrine. pa tb Saala AM eaa Was. Tbe provision of The Hague conven tion were wisely regarded wbea Presi dent McKlnley tendered hi friendly office In th interest of peace betweea Oreat Britain and tha Soata Africa repnouo. wain the Amertoea fovera meut must oontinu the policy pre scribed by Washington, affirmed by every suooeeding presldeaW aad , Im posed apoa a by Th Hagoa treaty, of non-tnterventioa la European contra. Verde, th Amerioan paopl earnestly hop that a way may aooa bo found, honorable alike to both contending par tie, to terminate tha strife betweea them. Trsataaeat f th PklUaBlaea. s - In accepting by tb treaty of Paris the just responsibility of oar viotariee la the Spanish war, th preaidsut aad th senate woa th undoubted approval of th American peopla, No other ooura wa poesibl than to destroy Spain' sovereignty throughout the West Indie and la the Philippine. That ooura areated our responsibility before the world aad with the unorgan ised population whom oar interrantioa had freed from Spain, to provide for maintenance of law aad order, aad for the establishment of good government and for th performance of international obligation Our authority eould BOt be less than our responsibility, and wherever sovereign right were extend ed. It became tbe high duty of the gov ernment to maintain its authority, to put down armed Insurrection aad to confer the blessing ef liberty aad civil ixation upon all tbe rescued peoples. The largest measure of self-government oouidataut with their welfare aud our duties shall be secured to them by law. To Cuba, Independence aud self government were issued iu the same voice by which war was declared aud to tbe letter this pledge shall be performed. The Republioau party, upou its his tory aud upon this declaration of It principle aud policies, confidently In voke the coutlderat and approving Judgment of tbe American people. ALL ABOUT CtLIFOKMi. Cilif.in.la fa the natural i.tradi-..! the h..ly maker. I resource are (neilmustable. Its Invitation unlvcr. ml, and lie resort aud attraction timing the moat n.tied of the world. " Re-torts and Attractions along the Const Line" ia handsomely illustra ted tolder, giving a deecrlption of the health and pleasure resort tin tne coast between San Franch-co and Iv Aogelea. "Sliaxta Resort," enittHished with beautiful hall tone engraving, des- crllwe Hie seiilc and outing attrac- ions nf the vast and wonderful Shasta region, the grandest of pleas grounds. The Southern Paciflc Company pul.lisfiea descriptive literature con- aining valuable Information atNiut all of litem. It ia for free distribu- Ion and may be obtained from any Siuthern I'acillu agent, or C. H. Markhatu, Ueneral Passenger Agent it Portland, if you apply by mail em-lose a slump for each puMi'-ation aanted. California Houth of Tehnch tpi" lis all ats.ul the clianu- of that remarkably fitvort'd aemi-trro.ic gsrden npol of the world iu Southern California. A handsome map or Utlilo'iila, imidele In detail, reliable, skillfully indexed, ami full of Information siul the State's resources. It ia lie only puhlicalion of kind folded r MH'ket Summer Outing" la a 3J pge Ider devoted to the camping retreats the Shania Region and Santa Crut mounlainri It appeal more direct- to that large and growing class of recreation seeker who prefer this ipular form or out lug. Pacific Grove" In the Chautauqua the west, and this folder ant oniy deecrilie the pretty place Itself, but give a program of the religious ana educational meet Inge, convention, school', summer. etc.. to ras held there mis Like tbe Rett Thlag. No, we didn't go to the aeaalittre this cummer," ehe ex pi tied "W foiiud It wasn't necessary. W Mh a I I le iugenuity we (oujntl we were atde to have (tig principal featuree of a summer resort right here In the city," "How did you errapge lr'' Why, we hu up all of I he house except the to somllest bedrooms and practically lie.l in tbtate. Then we put atsmt three I Rene of sand on the cilLtr 0, air, ai.o) at oVIotk pyety dsywedouoed bathing sujtf and eat an.uod on the tnd, ehaltiog ami telling ilolrs. u the af rootiti) we pul no our r (f tuivioer clothe and glhrrd or the batk porelt to gaip and relate au.ndU. Oh,U w 1 tif lik tha real t'ng." Chicago Poet. A enrkatd ol furnltat and equip. ments for the new Baker City tvhoo:.) house arrived Thureday. iXKBICIM BOI.H I ASIA. Tb re I a .roug prol.al.ility tint a new era for Chin le about loo-o, and that the United Miates will have a powerful 1. flueuce in ahsplng ia eveuU. In lite lriy or fif'y et nlur iet of it bUtory China has had eome etarlliug viciasiiudea of folium-. R iM-lliou far more foriuidalde tin 11 thi.l atartetl l.y the Itoxt-rs, which Is si ill It clinically under way, have taken place. Itsirown hi d pssstd from one section and caste of the em pire to aim her over and over again Foreign armies have several times eutertxl IVkin. Several times the royal family have gone into hiding for a lime, and government has s. em -)! ou the point of a coliupse. Obituaries of Clnua have written ofieo, ami moral have lan-n drawu from its Itintoiy anil imagined death. Yet neve, in the thousands of years ol itt career has a situation presented Itself to China which at all resembles that which i-ouiroula it at this moment. Half a doaeu oaiiona -Russia, En gland, Japan, Ueruiauy, Italy ami the Uuited Htales have tnaips iu China at this moment. All of these, or nearly all of them, have some sol- diera iu the chiueee capittl or its suit, urbs. Ail of them except the United S a ea aud It l have territory in or near Chiaa. All ot ihvoj save the United St tie have been credited with a deaire to have a shire iu the division of tbe empire which, It bail been assumed, waa to take place aa a result of the present trouble. Oer nuoy, E igland, Rj sia and the other tihtioi-s have ta-eu making prepare ti'tns for an ext-tnded caicpalgo. The iitriiiilou ha been to have a com bined force of the allies in China of considerably over 100,000 within two month from the preaeul time, and the preparatioua are rtdl under way. The Cu t d Htales were hurrying our quota of troops forward, but wheu Ptkin wa eutcred and the Legation relieve. I our goverum. Qt neut iuter tt-p.uig telegraphic messages turning our re-fiitorcenienia from China lo the Pnilippinea. No one knows what ia going to happen next in China, for oobo ty supposed that the resiatanee would collapse so early as it aet ma to have done. Manifestly thia i.- a radically different situation for Chlua from I hose In the 50 1 aud the 6O1 wl eu England aud France used ' to come iu conflict with its goverutueiit. It ha been conceded by Japanese statesmen lhat ' Hie forcible own ing of Japan' diara lo the world by Perry, of the Uuited States uavy, in 1864, at which time that country made, with the United Mattes, the lirsl commercial treaty she ever entered into with any na tiou, marked the birth of Japan as a modem stale, T eatiesof the same sort were entered Into by Japan with England aud Ruaiit in the next year or two, aud an embassy was sent out which, visiting the United Miates earlier thai, it old any other country, made a tour to Europe, aud carried home modern ideas which Immedi ately changed the current f Japan's history. It Is entirely within the range of probability that the present combination of the great nations against China and their forcible en trance into its capittl, will shake that country out of its lethargy, and com pel it lo adopt modern ideas in be government and iu its relations lo the rest of the world. In this exi gency the Uuited htales baa the in centive and the opMrtunily f be ol supreme service t China, It can, by remaining in he concert until the present 'rouble ia ended, Indemnity is furnished aud a Dative government is obtained (the present government or some other one which may 1st ac cept tble lo the Chinese people) which will guarantee lo respect civilized usages, lo punish t'te'perpetrat'trs of the recent outrages and to prevent their recurrence, UfHy the plan of the nation which aim to despoil China. In thia way the open door In commerce for ail tbe world will lie preserved, modem Ideas will be dom inant ia hat country, and American Influence be aa pot out 00 the main land of Asia a it ha hen I ifore been in Japan, It Saeald e lack a 5ame. Kale's place was Id the dining room. Mhe was Dot the cook, but the had a flue lah nt for desserts, and often wet t In, 1 the kitchen to make up some special dainty. So it happen, d that when the mb I rem had a clerical dinuer, with the Bishop aud two or three other churchmen, K,a the author of the pudding, tihe wa very much pleased wheu I ie lii-hop praised tbe dish aq the other cleriyine-n echa?d hi opinion, bm rhe iuked ber en joyment of tbe situation la-bind the totem a face whi- b, she always wore wheq waiting on the table. ePray, Ml me," a Id the Bishop, "what ia the name of this wonderful pudding?" really thai 'I know," aald the a. Uit res. "What la the name of it, IfatoV" KVi very proud of the Importance bardjowtd Hpog) ber, but w ith feature unmoved, said: "Well, ma'am, toi tell ye the ti ut'i, I've been so tm y I to-day Hint I hadn't time tu nauie it;! b it, sure, whli so many of the rever.j end clergy hero this ev 'iiin' It'll out I be long la-fore 'lis chri-t'-ned." 1HE tASE hi a PL V SIA II It. At'empting to reply to statement that apMt.retl 1. The Oreooian, the E lifeia- (Juaid y: "lit-l us call attention to some in- disputable faHs; The Filipinos had driven the Hpauiards to refuge in M tiiila, ate I when It-we destroyed 'he Hpnninh lb-el la-fore Unit city and obtained the surrender of the fort thereat sill I Spanish control and siwer in the islands came lo an end. Kx amine the Filipino title: "possession of the Isnd of their birth, gamed by a aueceasful appeal to arms. R-ad the immortal Declar- ttiou of Independence, then te-k your ,-oiiscience II we should hold those itlieuptitrli.tt ali.-u hot It as tost rains of Mood and country as sutj-.-c Is and Vassals? "We have faith that the conscience of tin people of this great republic will iiot allow I lit-iii to commit this grettt wrong this bleach ef faith with former allies." Faith, M l us iety tbut the f.o'l tated are not Indisputable. The) are uot facts nt all.- They are m t truth, -but dot ions t- truth oppiai.t-t. The Uuard, of court, never has paid any atleutiou to the report of the Pntilppiue Commission, It never has examiued the slat ments of Admir .1 Dewey, Coloiu-I Deuby, Dr. Wi rces-r-r, or any authority thai could give information at first baud, it lakes iti knowledge from partiaau utter ances, prepared aud arranged for tbe purpose of a political campaign against the bogy ol imperialism," J Uot as hitherto it has taken its econ omic kuowledge from the partiaau philosophy of 10 to 1. Now here are facts : There was no war ' In the Philip pines when Dewey camo. There I ad beet, an luaurrectiou -not for in dependence, but for reforms. Hpaio overcame the rebellion, partly by Bghtiug, partly by promising the re forms, and partly by bribing Aguiu aldo and other leading "patriots," with heavy sums of mouey, to leave the islands. War broke out lielweeu Spain and the Uuited Slates. Dewey's business was to attack Man ila aud destroy the Spinish fleet lying there. Then he needed a land force to aid iu holding the purl, aud Aguinaldo applied for permission to come over and Help iu the organiza tion of a uative'mllitia. In making ihlsrequest Aguiutildo did not ask for independence. He was to be under Dewey's direction. Rut he soon began to poison the natives sgainst Hie Uuit-d States and wheu he had got a considerable quantity oft' arms, and saw that hi.tnish sover eignty was at au end, lie proclaimed himself dictator and prepared to light the torces of the United States. When he thought the opportune mo ment had come, he attacked our troops. This, in brief, is the whole mutter. It was perfectly allowable, t-i.tirely within the usages of war, for Dewey to arm the natives to light the Span iards. Rut that did 111. 1 commit the United Miles to any promise of inde pendence to them. Such promise was not even implied. Wc had taken the country pretlM-ly as we took California. And iu fact, the Filipiune rendered us no actual service. Troops n arrived fro.i. the United Slates, who did the land fighting. The na tive were as poor soldiers in the employ of the Umt-tl Siales as they have since been aa enemies of the United States. Not only did they not "gain Hjssessiou of the laud til their birth by a successful appeal to arms," but they hud proved utterly incapable of doing It, and long before the Americans came J hey bad desist ed from tbe attempt and Aguinaldo had left the islands to enjoy the bribe the Spaniards hail promised him. Here are the leading facts. It is a case of simple rebellion. The title ol the United St .tea Is as gutai as any title we have to acquired ler. iiory. Whether we shall stay or quit ia another question Aod that includes the question 00 the one hand whether it is gotal o. Icy to stay, and on the other whether we shall be ruled by courage or by cowardice. We have the rigid, polit ical and moral, before the whole world, to stay, and il ha not 1st n the habit of ti is people to flunk, iu (heir undertaking. No White feather party haa ever beeu iu favor with the people tif the Uuited Stales Oregon Ian. It is reported that Blackburn pre dicts the defeat of lick ham in Ken tucky by 10,0(10. A calculation in the rase is easy, Taylor's plurality was 231, and the vote? for Brown, autiUuebel droxa-rat, wa 12,110. (biebelite were 14,51 short last No yerul'er and are undoubtedly lu a nulntrfity in the stale. As an art of sisterly regard, it might be well for Lidysmiih to tell pekln how she was relieved. NEW OF THE KTATE. Tbe Uiuutiila reservation has beet, closed to all hunters because tbe agent learned thai while men were in the habit of etna-ting quail, which am niiDi-it-u uy law lor IU years. Mart Fell. I has la.ught 37 acres of orchard from K. K. Au lersou for U7n5( which place him In possession, of all Hie apple-pr.aluciug orchards in Talent preciuct, Jackson county. Report have come t Judge (Jruy thai the Fort Clatsop road la being undermined by employes of a Pott lnud ottery company, who are re moving tbe clay lor manufacturing purposes. Several flia-ks of ducks have ar. rived at Coos Ray - from the northern breeding grounds. This is much earlier than usual, aud causes weather prophet-) to predict au early and htrd winter. The driver on the Crescent City and Grant' Pass stage line attached the atage aud team leaving Cresceut City one day last week, the present contractor not paying his bauds nor feeding his stock regularly, says the Crescent City Record. One night List week burglars made an attempt to break into Moore Bros.' hank", at Moro, through the window of the private ofiice. They were discovered while gal ling an itdmitlauce aud scared nway by pis lot shots from persons sleeping la tbe building. Thursday, Arthur Thlel, of Glad stone, aged 10 years, was attempting to remove a cap from a cartridge when the shell exploded aud blew out bia right eye. The fragments lodged lu tbe tstll of the eye, which resulted in an operation for its extraction. The Second Eastern Oregon Dis trict Agricultural Association will hold Its annual fair at Antelope cn October 16 to 20, inclusive, la cou- nection with the fair, arrangements have been made for a splendid race meeting, 24 different purses having been provided. Misses Eva, Elsi-, Minnie and Rtasie Applegate and Ora Oris wold and Fred Applegate arrived Id Ash- laud from Klamath Falls, Friday, walking every foot of tbe trip. They covered the distance in three days. Chester Applegate followed the party with a spring wagon containing the provisions, A Eugene farmer was in a store the other day aud some one asked him to listen to a phonogtaph on ex hibition there. The operator handed htm the ear tubes, fixed them iu shape and started the machine. The farmer dropped the tubes hurriedly, saying; "Liiadi, there conies a brass band aud I left the mules untied." A rather peculiar phenomenon. and one interesting to oculist and physicians, is that existing in the case of Mrs. John Burnett, of Pleas ant Point. Some aix weeks ago she wa thrown from a carriage to which a runaway horse waa attached. She alighted on her head, and since then she seea objects double, but she is gradually coming back to single vision. Farmers along the Turner rural mail routes object to a recent order of the iwa-ttl department which com iels them to purchase metallic boxes of prescrllied six and shape. They are willing to put up weather prtaif boxes of wood, but don't like the red tape appendage of metallic ones. Those who are otmtinrte will con tinue to receive their mail at Turner and Hal. 111. Hoi.. Willaiu Waldo left Salem on Tuesday for Seattle, by team. He intends it drive to Portland, and from there go by aieamlaiat lo the highest point of navigation on the Cowl't river. Thence he will pro ceed to the Sound metr.iHils, iu ataiut tli ree days. Judge Waldo ha an 80-acre farm about 10 miles east of Seattle, and he i titkin the wagon aud team over there, lie made bis first .top at Woodhurn Tuesday night. J. E. Rigon, of Harney county, brought int 1 the Hums Items ofrlutt last week an old ninxzle hauling rifle which was brought to Oregon by General Joseph Lane, when he came out from the East lo acttept the gov-: ernorship, over 60 years ago. Mr. Rigon tsiught the gun from a man named Clemens, at R'neburg. Fran a R'ider hat matte an offer for the piece as a relic, and it will prolatbly Imi added to his already large rol lec tion of curios. Henry Morion, awbo took a con tract lo dig a big irrigating ditch for slK:kmeii and farmers on Sprsgue river at lily, bus h-ft the Klamath country, and his d.-tmrture I regret, led by creditors. Dve Elder, a Lake county wiail-grower, who bail advanced him JhOO ia mony, and was also on bia bond lo complete the (trtitract, sus-t-ted lhat Morton was) skipping to leave Idiu in the lurch. Elder overtook bimat Klamath Fall aud took blatoai away from Morton before the letter escaped.