HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT Kulcrad la tha pMl Mtofflo at HlllsLorj, Ore m s ona ili BUfcU BtalUff. Bnhacriptlon, u MlTauM, per year, 1.M. HILLS BO BO PUBLISHING Co. I' toy. D. M.C. OAULT, Editor. FRIDAY, MAY. II, liHMJ. KFrt'BLIL'lX STATE TICKET. 'or U ngKiasuiau, First District. THOMAS H. TuNOUE, of Washinftton County. For Supreme Judge, C. JS. WOLVERTO, of Unn County For food and Dairy Coimniiuiiuiier, J. W. BAZI.KY, of Multnomah County. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT IKaET. for District Attorney, 6th Distrii t, HARRISON ALLEN, of ClaUop County, For Joint Senator. Ifllh Diatrict, B. P. CORNELIUS, of Washington County. JtEPUBUlAJ tOt.KTY TICKET. For Senator, B. W. HAINr.8. For Representatives, ABNKK BIUUC8, UEO. W. 8'1'IIT. J, C. BUCHANAN. For County Clerk, J. A. TIIOHNBURU1I. For Hheritl, JOHN Mr.NAMER. For Record ar of Conveyances, CALVIN JACK, Jr. For Assessor OKO. H. WILCOX, For Commissioner, T. O. TODD. For Treasurer, R. CRAKDALL, For Bunreyor, A. A. MORRILL, For Superintendent of Schools, II. A. BALL. For Coroner, Dr. A. L. BAYLOR, J. P. aa4 Unstable District Onu-rra. North Hillsboro. For Justice of the Peace. J. W. BAILEY. For Constable, " E. B. BAPPINOTON. South Hillsboro. For Justice of the Peace, BENTON BOWMAN. For Constable, M. S. DAILSY. The Argus seems to ha disgruntled because the Independent supports the republican ticket. Did it for i moment suppose that the Indepe.n DENT would support the uo-dein pops? The long bridge between here and Cornelius la oat of repair. The break la In the Cornelius district. Bom Long claims the credit of bringing about the appointment of that official. Would bis selection generally be thus Inefficient? As the Independent. suposed and stated In a late Issue, the silly story circulated to the effect that Mr George Btltt had stated that the old soldiers should be disfranchised is untrue. Mr. Stilt this week writes that the report Is false from top to bottom. Lsvrt winter Washington county seat to the Orient some bay, one ar tide, that brought in return 920,000. We can do It again but not if the fu slon anti-expansionists -have their way. Who Is going to vote for the "Union" nominees? Not sensible farmers who want to cultivate a mar ket. A gentleman who has been In (he county but a few weeks remarked in the Independent office this week to the effect that our Congressman Tongue seems to be better known in the states bordering on the Mississip pi than he is in his own state. The people there recognize hln. as one of the leading men of the hou-e. A man who thus Impresses the stranger can do us honor and advertise our commonwealth to Its certain profit. Let us keep him there, The unions are trying to make capital by circulating the story that McNamer, republican candidate for sheriff la a resident of Tillamook county. Mr. McNamer was in Tills- saewk last summer and this It low It was. In 1S99 he found himself loaded up with a lot of horses, stage stock. These he took to Tillamook to sell which he did, and when sold he came home. That is all there Is to the story. All that McNamer nss, property, home.lnteresln, friends, are In Washington county. i j The democratic state politicians have fallen on troublesome places. Tbesenretary and chairman publl h ed a platform and certify to it cor redness but now come forward dele- gales and affirm that there is a reso lution In It that dotM not reflect the sentiments of the convention and w a not there when the convention ad journed. In the authorised version It Is the third resolution and relates to government by Injunction. Just why a forgery should be given out s not plain. HUTOU PL41E. A.KW THE tlov. T. T. Citf r left 8luw Wed DKlay morning fur Battevllle wbtre be wittf joined by Y. X. Mattbieu, the honored patriarch aud pioneer, auil that ge utleuiaD luvatud the -nait spot on which was held the first uit-titig of lb Oregon pioneers, hold fur the purpose of deciding the fate of the Ortgou country, whether It should become British territory, or belong to the United States. Mr. Mattbieu, who ia now 83 year old, ia the only resident of the Willamette valley left alive to tell the story as an eye witness Hod participant, and who can point out the exact apct where lb historical gathering was held. The spot will be suitably marked and all loyal Oregouiana will be pleased to know that Its location has beeu definitely located. Browns ville Tiu.es. In addition to the spot, the resolu tion that brot order out of chaos at (bat meeting is in these words: "Ktwolvod, that we as settlers, this day assembled to cousidrr our de fenseless condition, organize ourselv es into a Dotty pontic lor tne pur pose of mutual protection and safely." This resolution was drafted and moved by Uev. John Smith (Jrirtln late of this county. As related by him it was carried by one majority or if mere than ote, then by a very narrow majority. The Uudson Bay company people (Kuglioh) having been defeated, pulled out and left the meeting to be conducted by the Am ericans and the French Canadians who were willed there about, those two elements having voted together on the adoption of the Griffin resolu tion. After that the further organ! r it ion was easy. STATE PRESS. It is not a good thing to manipu late foreign policy for the sake of in fluencing domestic politics, and the present adinliiist ratinn, at least, hss Tiot done it. It is an infamous thing to try to embarrass the foreign policy of the government for the sake of In fluencing domestic politics, and that i-ijuxt what a lot of the opponents of the administration are now doing. Astorlsn. Quay, of Pennsylvania, has lost his seat in the U. S. senate by one vote. Clark of Montana will also be sent home to rt licet upon the futility of attempting to buy his way into the senate with gold. Qmy was ap pointed senator by the governor of Pennsylvania. The governor, who was the political boss of the machine had put the collar of brass upon the neck of Quay, and led him around at, THE HKST Only 4 Days More to Register The Registration books will be closed next Tuesday, May 15th. You Cannot Vote at the June or November election unless you register now without infinite annoyance. See that your neighbors are registered also. You can register with the County Clerk or any Notary Public having blanks, without charge. will. The difference between the two cases lies in the fact that Clark bribed the legislature, while (Juay was the creature of boss rule The reji-ction of these two men by the senate marks a notable victory for good and right government, and the results of the noble work done by that body will last through all our history. McMiunville Iteporter. Mr. Daly, the Bryan nominee for congress, in ni.iking a personal can vass of ibis district is his own be half. He is a pleasant, affable geu tletnan and a great hand-shaker. But outside of this there is nothing to commend him for the high positioi to which he aspires. Those who have servid in the litislstive halls w ith the gentleman, know him to be a fair "voter," but as a debater or general woikcr there was never any thing to commend him to his con stituency or the general public. What the people want in congress Is a man 1 l- i ' vr S,rVvt:. .,-i vi ' ytjr. i'yJ -s, . .;- t I:'-'- I ;. r ... Auc " e-; r-..v'!'H3' -. 1 STRANGER. "Do you have Cyclones here?;' KID.' Naw, its just the editor of the Argus talking politic, we're capable of uiakiug known the want of the commonwealth he represent! and to place them before the body lu a clear, forcible manuer a manner that will demand recognition. Huch a man is Tbomac II. Tongue, the present incumbent, who is now at his pt of duly at Washington. It is useless to dwell upon his fitness for the position, as he baa proven him self one of the ablest representatives in the body of which be is a member. Valley Transcript. lleports from American consuls in Kurope refer to the vast number of trusts being formed in thoge countries. Free trade England takea the lead with these corporations ia spite of the fact that It ba no protective tarifl to be a mother to them. The trust craze has gone by in Ibis country. Owing to patit experience people are not eager to invest In trust stocks, and the flurry caused by Gates' action in shutting down trust mills for stock jobbing purp wes has given them another black eye. Eu gene Register. IIAKKISOJi ALLEX. Mr Harrison Allen of Astoria was in town Friday and Saturday of last week looking after his fences. For tunately he found all the rails in place and the fence every where in irood order. True Mr. Allen who was named for District Attorney by the republicans is a stranger to some of our citizens yet he is an intimate to others, and they take great plea sure in showing him around. Mr. Allen is a lawyer of ex per ience In our courts and of rec gnized ability la his profession. At one time be lived in Columbia county but now be is in Clatsop. While In Columbia he held the place of deputy district attorney and when he went to Astoria he tilled a like station there. In addition to these public offices, he was city attorney in Astoria for two years at a time when there was much letigation. All this he mana ged for the city so as to prevent judg ments from being (lied up against the municipality. He is recognized as one of (he fort most numbers of the bar, audit is just such a man that we again need for atto. ney in this district. In addition to his pro fessional training Mr. Allen has a good literary education. Besides the English language he speaks German fluently and thus will not have to depend upon an interpreter when advising clients. THE HATCH 11 1ST. "It is quite proper to ask: If Fletcher had lieen some poor man, unable to hire an able lawyer, might not the result have been different?" This sentence appeared In the Portland Telegram in an editorial review of the Anna C. Hatch in quest, and is only a part of what has been pnbllshed by the Portland pa pers that is out of good taste, If the sentence quoted means anythiog the Telegram means to charge the jury with being bribed. Now the Inde pendent has no great admiration for the Jury or most probably the jury for the Independent, but It is desired to emphasize this statement. That Jury was not lofluenctd at all by the wealth of Fletcher.' His soc ial station cannot tie taken into ac count in the matter since the evi dence at the Inquest eliminated that element. Indeed he became as an exceedingly poor man, rather more contemptible for having dollars than he would have been In raira. No bribe was offered hence no bribe was taken, and that jury would have spurned t had it been proffered. That jury was in no temper for such things. CAN'T FOOL THE COMiKrSSIOJlAL PLAT! OKU. "llesolved, That we affirm our un swerving fealty to the gold strandard as the only unit of value, and instruct our delegate to the National Repub lican Convention to support an un equivocal statement on this line as bar! of the National tUalfurn.". tb.l we heartily indorse the wise and pat riolic administration of our National affairs, and we declare the policy of expansion as essential to our Nation al growth and greatness, and we be lieve that the blessings which accrue to those where our flag Is once estab lished should forever remain. JWe believe that the best luter esls of our country will be subserved by the re-elect i n of William Mi Kinley as president, and the dele, gales to the next National Couven tion elected by this convention are hereby Instructed to vote for his re- nomination." In ls'JO the republicans promised prosperity when Pres. McKlnley should be elected thus adopting as national policy the planks of the re publican platform, protection and the gold standard. These the demo- pops denied and on the contrary as serted that unless the theory of free silver coinage were adopted, the country would go to the eternal bow wows. Well the republicans won out. The country is not injured but on the other hand every claim that the republicans made has been veri fled. Now with this record the patty goes before the people and asks again for support. Some union report comes in to the effect that Mr. Haines is pledged to vote for a certain candidate for U. B, senate. 'This is a mistake. Mr Haines is not pledged nor will he at this date agree to support any man for senator for the reason that con ditions may change between now and Jiinuary. and he proposes to be free so he may exercise his judgment when the time comes. Mr. Haines will support the man whom his party finds is best suited to be senator. The union party is not patisfled with Mr. Haines. Itepubli cans are tho. He has a happy faculty of Baying the tight things at. the right time, and thus attracts support to his cause. Republicans considered Haines to be a proper person for senator two years ago, and they see no reason for a different estimate of the man now. We don't see some of our demo cratic exchanges point to the fullflll meutofsomeof the predictions that Blly Bryan made during the campaign of 1806. Are we compelled to pay our taxes in gold coin? Have we 25 cent wheat, 15 cent corn, 5 cent ottou? Have we the hard times predicted Have we injured our ex port trade by our tariff law? Has every other form of money save gold disappeared? Has the circulating medium decreased? Is there a single prediction of democratic origin that baa come true? If so. name It. The trouble is, democrats were never cut out for prophets, and they are just as great failures when they attempt to run this government. Benton (III.) "Repulican." Word comes from Lake county to the effect that Mr. Tongue's majority will be larger than it was in 1S98. Notice of Final Settlement, 'V signed has filed his final account as admi nistrator de-boms-non-with-the-will-an- nexed of the estate of SnrahJ. Mull, deed, in the County Court of the r-tate of Ore gon for Wasliiuutnn County and that said cnuit has fixed Tuesday the 6th day of Juno, 1UO0, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time for hearing ob jections to laid final account and for the settlement thereof. E. B. TONGUE. AHminhitrator-de-bonis non-wit h-the-will annexed of the estate of Sarah J. Mull, deceased. 60 2 TAX NOTICE. rN AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL w lit, liSJii, tne lax roil for the year 1W, will be (n my otlice and taxes carried there on will be due and payable, lltey will be ut-iiMuriii niier june 1, ithkt. Bicycle Tales are due and payable. W. ft. Bradford !3 Sheriff and Tax Collector. V117. ScbCilrT)ricb, of Washington County. Peoples' Democratic Candidate for State Dairy and Food Commissioner KID, used to it" Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will give their Annual Excursion to Sunday, June 3, '00 4 Bands in from Dallas, Monmouth, Portland! and Silverton. Bicycle Races, Base Ball, Trick Bicycle Riding and many other All State Buildings will be Open. Fare Round trip and ad mission to Pair Grounds Train Leaves Hillsboro at 7:30. HIIFKIFV't NALK. XtY VIRTUE OF TWO EXECUTIONS 1) issued out of the Circuit Court of the btateot Oregon for Multnomah County tirat in favor of ilury O'Brien and avaiiiHt John O'Brien for the sum of flOO.UU with in ereKt thereon at the r te or It per vent ;er annum irom me atn aay 01 rebruary, !XJ0. leeond in favor of Marv O'Brien and aKuinst John O'lirien for the sum of ful.uu costs and diabursmenU with interest thcrar on at the rate of tt per cent per annum from the lmti day of July 1IM and the further sum of $24.i0 accrued oosts and the further sum of I15.MJ with interest thereon at the rate ot tt per cent tier annum from the Sth day of February lUOu, and the furthr sum of 100.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annun from the l'Jth day of July 18'Jtt, and for the costs and expen ses of sale and of said writ. Now there fore by virtue and in pursuance of said judgment and for wont of sullleient per sonal property I did on the 11th day of April 1 rjuuumy i y levy on all the interest of John O'lirien in the hereinafter descrilwd real prorertv and I will on Monday the 14th day of May 1000 at the south door of the Court House in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of said day soil at publio auction to the highest bidder lor cash all the intert-st el the defendant John O'Brien in the hereinafter described real property, to-wit: First tract commencing at the n w corner of the Beaverdam tract of land pur c Imbed by Wm. McCain of Lawrence Hall and Lucy D Hall, his wife, in sec 4 1 1 s r 1 w, thence n 63" w, 1 chs, thence s 20 w Ki.70 elis. thence a 78 IS',- e . M.Ss eh, hence n tMl" 12.47 chs to the place of I eginning, containing 86.UU acres. r-erond tract commencing at the n e cor of the above described tract of land, thence s e 24 rods to the center of the main ditch through the Beaverdmu tract, thence along said ditch southwesterly 12 rods, thence parallel with n line 33 rods, thence to the place of beginning, containing 2.25 acres. Third Tract. The whole of a tract of land commencing 24 rods from the n e cor of the lirt above described land on the e line thereof, thence s 82H" e 81 rods to center of main ditch, thence southwesterly along said ditch 12 rods, thence parallel with the n line 2!M rods to the e line of first described tract, thence to the place of beginning containing 2 acres, more or less Fourth Tract. Commencing at a point on the w line of the d 1 e ol Lawrence Hall and wife ia sec 4 1 1 s r 1 w. WM. thence s 22" w 15.23 chs from the n w cor of said claim, thence southward following the center of the public road 18.56 chs more or s to tne center ot the public road known the old Canyon road leading to Portland thence s 36", SO min w. about 2.50 chains to the s e cornor of the OirTord land, thence n 27' e 12.24 chs. thence s 73" 13' e 18.82 chs. thence n 60" e 6 20 chs, thence n 62" 3 ' w 2H,M rhs to place of beginning contain- ig 4I4 acres, more or less. Fifth tract. The n w K of n e K of sec 4 t 1 s r 1 w, containing 40 acres. excepting from the lands above dci escrilied a two acre tract conveyed to F N. Blunchet by John O nrien Bin d recorded on page 2ttS) of book N" of Deeds of Washington County. Ore. t-ixth Tract. The s w Ki of the s e M of sec ."3 1 1 n r 1 w, containing 40 acres. All situate in Washington County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses ot said sale Bind property will be sold suhiert to re demption as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this 11th day of April, hherirr of Washioirton Countv. Oreiron. Carey A Mays, Attorneys for l'laintitf. 62 KWT1CK FOK PUBLICATION Lrd Orru i at OasooK Oitt, Or. Apr. 21, to, OTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THA the followiiiK-named settler has notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot ins claim, ana mat sam proof till he made before the County Clerk of Washington County, at Hillsboro Ore., on one 'J, itnv, via : CHAS. H. MILLER, II. K. No. 10181 for thu E W of N W W and lots 1 and J Bee 7 T N K1W, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and uitivation ot said lana. vis: Daniel Roe, of Bacons, Ore. hcrrr.an Ilacon, of " " Thos, U. Meacham, of " " Arthur Ilacon, of " O11A0, p. MOOKKa 454 Register. Ow Yea Want One Hind red Dollarsl Any irood man or woman can oreanize a lodge ol the Ranker's Union of the W, rl t. i Uinaiia, .liraia. teachers and stn- n.ts Hnd the work hiehly remunerative nd i-leasant. The leading fraternal socie- in the West, l'ays lieath. Ihsabilitv. and Old Age claims, and issues Joint l'"fi- es tor man and wile. I'avs Hick slid Ac- ident claims I-odites in thirty 3'ate.. Iirge memhership o men and women. Hplendid reserve plan, if you care to make t K.l Ml or n ore in a week or two, write to the Ofiirral Mans er, Raiikera I ' 1 1 rt of the World, Portland Oregon, for a con tr. -t as Ixval or District Manager and organise a lodge. Every day's delay means vonr nionied IOSS. Haaday Mesaerlal Service. Meninrial servioes w II be held at the t ongre.-ational cliureb Hundny May 27lh IKOat llo'rlocka m. Ry. K P. nineties will preach the Memorial sermeii Mem bers of Gen. Ransom Toot and Relief lkrps will meet at O. A. R. Hall at 10 o'clock a m ot said day prepared to march in a body to the church. Ky order of O. N. ITale, Post Commander. Attest, Rudolph Crandall, Adjutant Hillsboro, Oregon May , l'.W Attendance Attractions. $1. Notice ot final Netttement. Notice ib henxiy given that the miiler signrd Kxocutor of the Inat will and tes tament of Win. Gilpin, deed, has filed his ti mil account as such executor in the County Court of Wajdiiiiion County, ( Iregcn, and that Miid ( ourt has BixinU-l Monday May 1 -1th 1IXHI as the time for hearing said account. lated this ltllh duv of April, V.XKI. W. THOMPSON, 47 51 Kxccutor. WISDOM'S KOIItUTISE Mom 'h llolxTtino corrects all blominhert of, the face and makes a beautiful complexion. Delta Drug Store. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they c-nmiot i each the Brut of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or cotiHtUutioiuil diMcae, and lu or der tocii(i it ymi iiiilnt lake internal lem-cttii-s. ilull's Cuturrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood anil mucous surluccs. Hall s Ciitarrh Cure not a iUack medicine. It was prcHcrihcd by one ut tne next pnysicinns in tins coun try for years, und as a renular prescription, It is composed of the best tonics known coiibined with the best blood purihers. ac ingdireuJy on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination ot the two ingretl onti is what produces such wonderful n-HllI in curing Catarrh, free. bend for testimonials Address, K.J. CHKXKY A Co., Toledo.O pom ny irurgiHii, jc. Hull's Family I'ills are the best, AGENTS wanted for the best tyiiewrit on the inurket, the "Pittsburg Visible writing in sight at all times: exclusive territory given. Address Itindley Hunt wa.-e i-oinpuiiy, I'lttsburg, l a. Kotlre of Flnnl nittlrment. Notice iB hereby given that the under signed Kxciutors of the last will am testament of Kiwanna lluit'in, di-ce-iscd have liliil their linal account as such ex editors in the County Court ot Wanhing ton County, Oregon, and said Court has aptioiiitcd Momlay May Ilth 1!HX) as the time for hearing said account. Dale-Ltliis lmli day of April, I'M). II. T. Ii(:XTON, A. T. BUXTON', bxecutors of the l.v.t will and testament of Konanna Buxton, di-ccased, 47 51 Acker's l))pcplu Tablet are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn raising of the food, distress after eating or any form ol dyspepsia. One little table gives imniedia e relief. 25 cts, and Ml cts ine iH itu lrug More. Xollce of Final Set tlrmont. Notice is hcreliy given that the nniler- signed administrator of the estate of Jacob Anderson deceased, has tiled his final n -count in the County Court of nasiiuigion lotinty, uregon, and sai Court has lixeil Monday, June, 18, I'.si( at the hour of 10 o'olock, a. m. of SHi-l day, at tho Coiiutv C'xirt room in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon as the tune and place for the hearing of objections to said linal account. Itated this 17th dav of May. l'.NX). JOHN W. tillUTR, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Anderson, deceased. 61-3 If Hhilnli'ri couKh ami ennumntiin euro, w hich h wild for tlit-HniHll nrhf of 25e, iVh; ami 1 (H, iIim not cure tak tli.t ImiIIU' lm k and wo will r ruml your mon-y. Hold for v-r fMl yonw on this gtinrmite". For wile at thols-lta )ror Stnro. E. U McCOK.MtCK, lpnl r lii Bicycle and Bicycle Sundries REPAIKMU A Nl'M IALTT. Whwla to rvnt whoelt for salo at Mala Street, . (1 aocoinl hand r-'a-vitiable rlPH. 4 llillsbere, Urerea I Patent Articles Wo carry all tho popular mo odios and anything not in stock avo will gladly get for you. i Drim Sundries Consisting of combs, tooth, hand, nail, hah- and cloth brushes, tooth powders, pastes, soaps and g washes, chamois skins, purses. hot water bottles, nipples, etc. p Stationery Our lincis .complete, consisting of the latest styles, colors and shape box papers, tablets, envel opes, visiting cards, note, letter, fools cap, legal cap paper, pons, inks, etc. I Perfumery We carrv a all the popular odors of tho best manufacturers. The Delta Drug Store. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - - - THREE C0LLEGE::C0URSES GItASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARV The Academy prepares for College and ices a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses eery lore. Board and rooms at the Ladies Hall $3 to $1 per toeeh, includina electric light and heat. THE CCLLEQE DORMITORY Under experienced management, tcill fur nish rooms and board at cost on the club plan, not to exceed $1.60 For full particulars, address president McClelland, Forest Groce, Oregon The Hillsboro Pharmacy PUKE DUUGS. mail GRADE CHEMICALS. Prices that Preach. Genuine Eastman Kodaks at 20 per cent discount. Pull Line of Photo Supplies. New MONDAY, WEDNKHDAV, - 'FRIDAY. York Tri- i'rai-tlcnlly A DAILY Wcckly Tribune Cheapest hnotcn A new and reniarkal.lv tirPii publication, profuM-ly llluelMtod with prolrails and liHlf-tonrn; con- tain all the striklnir iicwm fon tirM it The Dally Trihune. Ki,.i,i IilHt(hfw, Doinratic und fnrr-lim cornwiiondenrp, nliort Ht.iriin hiimpr ooi IHuRtrRtloua, lu. "ia?, U Infon,,,: iin, lannion notes. Agrlrultarnl nmttern carefully treated, and com- prehetiHive und reliable II.ihihIhI and market reporlK. It Is mailed at name hour aa the daily edition. u!r aubri,..ion ,.rU-o 8I.SO per Year. ofurnlah It with the Ki.KPKsr. IR T for S2.QO per Year. Send all orders to the INDEPENDENT, Hillsboro, Oregon , DAVIES. PRasiDaHT, Sr. Charles Hotel IS'-ORfURATKH ra.t .ail rr..tr.et Parllaait OreK.a. """. r.irrmc 11.11. ,rt Hjr.lraulic ci,lor. I 'J! LA. - . , mi SJ im voltes ,i, U ('Hnertiaa. Give us a call, DAVIES A larire assortment of SPRING TERM BEGINS APRIL 23, 1900. Now York Urcekly I'ubliHlif! on TIIUItSDAY For ov-r flfly-plght year a National Tiibui no arrner9 vllUew, whrwo reailont h"Ve "l"wenll the very bot elo- nien 1 of our unlry population. It given all Imiwrtant Dew of the ... nall'" n world, the mrwt n liable markot renfirtx. puu..i. . i "n ""rt aKrlcultural de. P""nt, fat-hion articled for the n, m ... ' ,I,uh,r"U,n 'w old and 'ouneT- 1 la the "iKHiple'g tmper" f, thS ,,. H. . .unirj, lbvulmr BViwIpon ,,,,,. 8LOO er Year .u ' . . -""mil II Will) in I SDK. -r.niiK.nT lor 81.65 per Year C. T. RELCHER. O'V tso Taia. RmUaraat la 15KI.CI! Kir ianaAa "J iIIIIIUI.ISi s ' iWmOiAJU.