Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 11, 1900, Image 1

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    "J til,
Indkpf.ndknt and Weekly
Oregonian, both for $a.oo per
year. Indrpkndhnt and the
Twiee-a-W'eek Courier-Journal
both for only $1.60 per year.
Oar Job Printing Department
Surpasses any in the Conuty
for neatness, quickness and
cheapneaa. Call and 1 con
No. CI
ttriTK omcKua.
Uuvoroor T. T. Geer
Heoretar of BUU F.l. Duober
Tnuniw Chea.B. Hour
Hot, rablia Inatrootloa.. J. U. Ackerruaa
nut Printer W. H. Lewde
Ufa. Um Wolvertoa
..B.M. Beaa
F. A. Moon
!! Fifth biatrial T. A. MeBnde
Attorney fifth Dielriot T- J. Uieeloa
Jadite U. A. Baud
aaK.... A Youas
fJomwiaaUHiera J f . G. Todd
)ark A- Itnb"e
mL W. U. Bradford
llMordef C,'J.V. .
. A. B. (lady
IIWNni - - -
1mm.ii.... A. Oavil
Hobuol Huueriateadenl H. A. Ball
.: A. A. Morrill
tloroner 0.
Khaa. B. Mooraa .
Wiu. Oatioway...
Oil UlfritiKUS.
r ..w
N.Barratt. Mayor
....Tboa. Tucker
J. M. Ureear
,...W. H. Wehrang
K. Wagener
J. Curaleni
board of Trnateae
U. H. Wilaoi
loatioe of Feaos J '"
..Hentea Bowman
rJamT KverlM
Tboa iiheea
W D. Hmitk
,...B H Humphreys
The a-aila eloaa at tba Hillaboro Fait
Olltoe, daily! ... . . .
Ulauooe, Waal Union, Bethany and Cedar
Mill, al a. m.
Uouiii Honlb, S:30a m.
Uoiua to Portland and way-ofBoM,
a. ami 4 p. u. , . ,tt
Fur Faruiinttton and La or el. daily at IS
yfctftin and fifth atreeta. Freeohinji
ivory Hnbbath, luoraintf and evenlim.aau,
Lath auhool at 10 o'oiuok a. m. Frayer
I........... rh.l .dim. Y. r. B. U.
jiimu. afc A'tol u. in. All aervtoee will ba
miori. HriHlil, luterealiinc and a4pfuU
kveryoue onr.tially wel-owe.
. ,uiuiii.'i iiul. (IliUKGH.
lti K.ftb and Km. Mramcbin every Bnnday
eveuina at H . ni.j every Bnnday
at 11 a. in. I Huuday enhnot al 10 a. a,
frayer tueetina every Wadneaday eveoinR:
tA(inor maatiuH w"" J - w
M J Kulluiiiynr, puator.
K. CHl)ttlH, K. A. Adkia, paator.
i...flt.inl,.. Mabbath
avauiua BMOnM auiiuin J '
10 4. .
MaKua iiLHiUDR aTary Banday ai
:30 a . uwuaral prayer maei.a 'J
I hnrada avaniutt. Laadera' and Btararu a
mMitina tba ihird Toeaday aaBina aaaa
ami 4 ! Hiinduya in mc nioiilb at II
a in. I'mynr meetiiiK Tburadajr availing,
Liim Miui'avorai i p
K. 11. hi tliuuiui rMwr.
A. O. V. W.
W.. atrata aver nrat ua
avamng 'jftKAR
W. II. Wehrnn, Keoordar.
HaacbUn af Rcbakak.
Uall every Batorday aveuiiiR.
p. r ii.
xnd and th Hi-'- day of oaeh mania.
oilunaui, aaatw,
I. o. . '
iiiNTKZtlMI IiOIMlK. NO. 60, meaU
.1 WailueailayeveniniraBiao'olooh.uil.O.
F. Hall. Viaitora uada welcome.
l. M. O. Uaolt, Bee'y.
Degree af Heaai.
1 W.. onwia in fW.l Fellowe' ball every
brat and italrd Friday ewnin of eaob
month. M. M. Brida, O. of H.
Mra. Nellie Hare, Kwordu.
Katkbene Nlatera.
I uieeisrvery '2nd and 4ih Friday tneaub
montb at7:o'uUrk in Wehrunu'eHnll.
Mra 8 BappiiiKtun
Mra Nellie II are M. It. 0.
. M. ul K. and 0.
K. af P.
M, E. OF P..
I nieuta in MiMnnio Hall on Monday
tveniua of eaoh week. Hnjoarninn brethren
elaoined lo lodKe meetiniia.
A. F. aa 1. 1.
I TV IrfllHIR NO. C A.
F. A A. M..
1 uieeta every Haturday nihl on or after
i nil BHMn of ea m niontn.
K. t'atNPALi, Beoretary.
O. E. B.
f Ml1 Al.ATlN CHArTKR,N0.81,O.BiB;.
1 nieeta al Maaonln Temple on the xnd
and 4th Tueaday of eaoh montb.
K. 0. T. M.
Vl,A TKNT. NO. IS, K. O. T. at.,
meeta in taid Kellowa' Hall, on ae
and fourth Thorailay eveninira of each
aionth. U A. UN.
Baaroa Bowa,
K. K.
I. O. O. '., aieeU oa brat Bad
Ird Tadavanf eaoh month.
U K lleii-hman
urn. bashob cuMrs no. .;w b. c.
HMIalmro.on tba lau Ind Id. Fridaye
al each month al S:9n p. m.
Mra. II. V. Oatee. .
Kliaarwilh Oitraadall, Brelary.
nr.. rohob post, no. , u. a. b.
th lift and Ihinl Salanlaya of each
month, al)f:tW o'clock, I. M.
J. r. Hioka, K. Orandall F. 0.
Adianin I
Tear Fare.
Known the ntate of your fivlinfra and Ihe
aUle or your health aa well. Impure blood
luakra itneli apparent in a pale andaallow
romplexli.n, rimplea and Bkin Kruptiona
If you are leeliii(t weak and worn out and
ml not have a healthy appearance yon
Hum 1,1 try cker e Hl.-xl r.lmr. Itenrea
all blood ilimnwea wherecheap Baniaparillaa
tnilnn ralletl purihera fail ; knowiii thia
we aril every bottle on a poaitivegaarantee.
The (jalta l)rug Btura.
tans. tobupb.
Notary Public.
Orrioa: Rooiui J, 4, 5, M orgaa Blook,
W. X.
Umoli Oaatral Bloaa. Boomt and 7.
Notary Fnblia.
w. o. arnTB.
Ovyica: Kooma and 7. Morttaa block.
Deputy Diitriot Attorney for Washlna
lon Oounty.
Orrita: Oyer DelU Drug Store.
Ballny. Morgan Block, Roouw 1 A 2.
B. T. USKUTEK, M. B. C. B.
Itmnai al raaidenoa. eaat of court
Honaa. where be will be found at all noma
when not yiailina patienta.
J. P. TAB1ENIE, B. D.,
g P. K. R. SUIttlEOW,
Ornoa ABD BbbidiBob : oorner Third
aad Main Htreeta. Otttoe bonra, UJ 10 i
a. m., I to 6 and 1 lo 8 p. m. Telepbone to
reaidenoe from Brook A Sola' Dnutature at
ail bonra. All anile promptly attended,
uiRfat or day.
9 A. BA1LET. M. V.
Omoa: la Fbarmaoy, Union Block. Oalla
attended to, nUibl or day. Keaidenoe, B. W.
Our. Baaa Line and Beaond atreeta.
. I u A . . an it t .nana Ml Ileal
EsUU BeRotiaUd, Bnaiueaa attended to
with promptneaa and diapatrn
lAa.M THoMraoR, botabt ruauo.
20 yeara experience In Olflce Ignl Bui
ium llnpri,l truataeiecuieo. rru wnj
of Katatea and lndividuala caied lor.
Oftica at tha Baiaar, Koreat Groye,Orej?on
C. E. MEIdlEB,
Bnecia! attention paid to Meilicnl and
Hunrical Diaeaaea of Women and I Inlilreu
and all chronic diaeaaea.
nnilca and reaidenoe. Bowlhy bonne
Pacific ave., weal of Korea! Oroye hotel.
tUKKril UliUtli, untwun
RMlart. "iul teeth t-VSODerH't. Cement
and Anialtfam dlliim M cenla each, tiold
Hllinira from II up. vitanaeu air lor pain
i ei traction.
OnioBt three dnora north of Briok
atora. OfBaa bonra from a. m. tot p. ro
J.E. ADklJiS,
Orvica IIovri : 9 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m.
Office in Union blia-k oyer Pliamim y
kl Tea
ation anil
caret Nick Head
ilfliKhtlul herb drink, Removea all eru-
tiona or Ihe akin, proUDcm: a pernvt com
plexion, or money refunded. 2& eta. and
SU eta. The DelU Drug tttore.
Eureka Harneaa Oil la the heat
preearvatlve of new leather
and the beat renovator old
leather. It oils, aonena, black
eneand proteela. (Joe
Ilarnoss Oil
ea fnOT Heat (Mrtteav veer aM har-ae-a,
and your mrrta-lttA. and Itiey
will -mm only tank txier but ocar
hmaar. BnW every whete la miw ail
atora from half pint lo ave nUue.
x avMBtaa eia re.
laatern VITALITY,
Curea Impotcncy, Night Kmiasiona and
wanting diaeaaea, all enecU of sell-
abuae, or exceaa and India
cretlon. A nervA tonic and
Vf blood tMilltler. Ilrinea the
Ink glow to pale cheek and
reatorea the Ore of youth.
n mall HOe per box, O hoxea
for J.A0! with m written mianttv
t9 to eviw or reflind the money.
Send for clroular. Addreaa,
Qlnton A Jewhaon Btth, CHICACO, ILL.
far accaptabla Ideas.
Stat If patented.
rUlttmara. Ma.
an. of lb raw aarau tl.Bl
mVT AamVi.
I aeraea
Tho rri'utilimn iilatfnnu of Ihe
June elti'lion Id Oregon is aa follow
"Tho reiublionit of Oregon, In
(iinvention mblwl, reaOlriu their
iM-IUf in anil loyally lo tha gold
MlHnilxril. We eoiniiMnl the repub
lican ooiiifri-HM fur lln recent legiMla
tion niHklng the golil Hliinilanl a pari
of Ihe Hlululory law of Ihe land. Ho
long aa either of our great political
parlicri ail vocatea the free eoinngeof
Hilver, the niHiutenHiice of the gold
Hutndurd l Ihe iixmI IuiMirlant poll
tical Ihsuh, airccliiikT an It dues the
value of tho farmer' crop and the
laborer'- whi-h. We call upon all
who be'leve in wiund money lo unite
with the repulilicnim of Oregon in the
important election of Ihi year iu
order that a victory nmy be won for
the gold Htttudard ho deiiwive aa for
ever to preclude the delnuveuient of
our currency by the freecoiimge of
"We heiirtily indoiMe Ihe policy of
the ailuiiuistritlioii pHrliculxrly in tie.
curuiif Ihe l'liiliiniiri iniMiim, ami
demand that they hIihII lie retained
aa American territory. We have
confidence that the American people
without departing from their tradi-
lioiw, will give Hfi iirity to personal
and proerly right, Justice liberty
and ('fluidity before the law ti all
who live beneath ita fl ig.
'We indorse the )ilicy of the' ad
miulHlnttion in iippresHing the la-
surrection in the I'liilippineH, headeil
by Aguinaldo. We point with pride
to the honorable part played by Ihe
Scout! Oregon regiment in this war.
They met with victory In ever com
bat and covered their ntatu and coun
try - wj(h glory on every Held. We
condole with the families of the
members of Ihe regiment who lost
their livea in Ihe conflict and extend
our congratulation lo the survivor
of the regiment on the brilliant and
honorable record they have made.
"We regard trade with the Orient
as one of the great aoorcea of our na
tional wealth in the future, and an
oien door in China as an important
aid to tin' growth of our trade in the
Orient. We commend the successful
t. .ri oi me present auiiiiuisiraiion
an.! expecinlly of its secretary of state
lo secure by treaty with the several
European powers the right.(o the tree
introduction of American goods Into
this great empire.
"The republican party in Oregon
recognizes the vital necessity of con
trol of tho organization and curtail
ment of the jHiwers of trusts and
combination of capital by the state
within its Imrders, and pledges its
support In tho approaching legisla
ture to laws delining and carrying
out those objects.
"We are in favor of retrenchment
and reform in tho exHnditure of
public money; we pledge the repub
lican party to favor the enactment of
all legislation looking to an economi
cal admlnintration of public affairs,
"We favor Ihe pending Constitu
tional amendment for an increase In
the number of Hupreme Court Judges
from three to five.
"We Hiint with pride to the legis
lation ailoplcil by the last legilature.
II abolished Ihe railroad commission,
It reduxd the legal rate of interest
to 6 percent. It passed an act for
the submission Id the snple of a
Constitutional amendment providing
for the initiative and referendum. It
enacted a registration law for the
protection of the purity of Ihe ballot.
As experience demonstrates this lat-t
act to be cumbersome in some parti
culars, we pledge the republican leg
islature lo make effort for its amend
ment, lo Ihe end that Ihe registra
tion of qu tlifled voters may lie facili
tated. "We aw unalterably opposed lo
any measure looking to the leasing
of i he public domain, Is-lieving that
such a system would have an un
doubted tendency to hasten Ihe con
centration of land ownership in the
hands of a few individuals and
against Ihe long established Ameri
can policy or encouraging noine
"We favor an amendment of the
C institution of Ihe United Slates so
as to provide for the election of Uni
ted HI ales senators by direct vote of
the people, and we instruct our sena
tors and lepresentatives in congress
to use every effort lo secure such an
On Jellies
tltiii eowaUuf of rMlo4Ml
Will k , thna hnlnt.tr mnlitaf an4
aria areof. trAii Wtt it mlwft wmtu la
a rtofw oth-r wr alwil Ih. b n Fall
ImalMWHWk pound prhca
anl1 rrwh
amendment lo Ihe Constitution.
"We are in favor of the Immediate
construction of a canal between the
Atlantic and the Pacific at the lath
mus of Panama, and we instruct' the
Oreaon delegation In congress to
labor earneatly and continually for
the enactment of such legislation aa
will lead lo Ihe construction and
operation of the canal under govern.
mental control.
"We urge the Immediate passage
of the bill now pending In congress
to pension Iudian War Veterans, and
we pledge the suptort of Ihe Oregon
delegation in congress to Ihe same. '
"We heartily Indorse the ad minis
tration of Governor Geer and the
state officials of Oregon, as' economi
cal, wise and creditable lo Ihe stale,"
Oh, George,
Dear George,
What Ihe dickens and Tom walker
Do you mean by knocking out your
In the confidence, esteem and effec-
lion .
Of the American people
Like this?
Don't you know a good thing
When you see It?
Goldarn it, man,
I thought that You and Me
And the Esgle Bird
And Ihe Fourth of July
And G. Washington
llial nanuntnoil A rui airk I !
With headquarters in the Temple!
fame Ji
That was as everlasting aa the ada
manline hills s
And the Palladium of tha Nation's
liberties. f
Indeed, I did, George,
And when you came back, a Con
quering Hero, ;
I floated over you and your utter
With a swelling pride,
Second only lo that I felt
When I shook out my folds over the
Of Castile and Aragonln Manila Li iy.
But now
Oh, Oeorgtf
Itj George, when I read that Inter
view of yours
I dropped lo half mast
With a dull thud.
YeVve, gt down to--tb coraaai
level, have you?
And you've struck a yearn for volts
Out into the seething current of
Political ambition?
For votesl
Votes, George,
Common, ordinary votes
That candidates eo down on their
hunkers for
To him that ha lb,
Yet may withhold.
Angles and ministers of grace, de
fend us!
Are you arrived at such a pash?
Aiu't Me and the Fourth
And G. W. and the Bird of Freedom
Good enough for you?
Isn't a whole Nation's gratitude suf
ficient, Without humiliating yourself
To stand as the figurehead
Of half of it?
What Is a figurehead anyhow,
Do you steer a ship by it?
Or hustle her o'er the waves,
Or fight a battle
Or make a new map
With Ii?
George, George,
The more I think ol you
Letting a nasty little insect
Like a presidential bee
Buzz you out of the glorious com.
In which you were an ornament
Of more than Oriental splendor
The more am I Inclined to hope
Earnestly and pray devoutly
That you will get it in the neck
In a way that will make you wish
You had filled a sailor's grave
Among the sun-kissed hills
O listless, lacy, luxurious Luzon.
George, George,
You make the Temple of Fame
Feel like sticking up a "To Let"
Over your niche;
You make your illustrious name
Turn over In his sarcophagus;
You make Ihe Eagle
Drop his wings and refuse lo soar -
In the useless fight for
8 uff lo make a hern of;
You make the glorious Fourth of
Feel like a thirty second,
And you make Me
Indeed, )OU do, George.
New York Sun.
Aa Faliiemleef W keeping reVR-h.
List winter during an epidemic
or whooping cough my children con
traded the disease, having severe
coughing siM'lis, We had used I ham
berlalu's Cough Iwmedy very sue
iwif illy. for croup and naturally
turned lo It at that time and found
it relieved IhetOJgh and effected a
complete cure, John E, Clifford,
Proprietor Norwood House, Nor
wooi I, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by Delta Drugstore.
"Commerce and Commercial Pro
spects In the Philippines" la the sub
)ect of a discussion in Ihe Moniteur
OflU'iel du Commerce, an ofllcial pub
lication ol the French Government
which has Just reached Ihe Treasury
Bureau of Hialisticls. It calls atteu.
lion of those interested in the foreign
commerce or France to the fact that
American commerce iu the Orient is
making rapid developments, and
especially so through the foothold
which it has obtained at Manila. The
statement is as follows:
"The export houses or Manila are
about resuming their business activ
ity and responding to the demands
lor suger, abaca, copra, tobacco, etc.,
which they had been unable to satis
fy during the whole ol the past year-
"The import trade underwent im
portant changes by reason or the oc
cupation or the Philippines by Ihe
United States, Ibis change by no
means yet ling complete. Before
act lug the business inenot the colony
had to study Ihe new conditions un
der which henceforward the impor
tation of foreign manufactures might
be carried on. The Philippine mar
ket received prior to the Spanish
American war, all sorts of art'cles
coming from Eug'and, Spain, France,
Belgium, etc. The United States
whose exports to these islands had
been relatively to very insignificant
importance, have since ttkeu au im
portant place in Ike victualling ol
Mauils, which place Is daily grow
ing in Importance. The business men
of this city, after a few months of
observation, became convinced that
in order to hold their own against
the American competitor, they
would have to replenish part or their
stock or trade with American goods,
so that now one can see In all the
stores of Manila beside tho foreign
goods formerly imported, also a
number of articles which Ihe Atuei
' ' a4f : : : - ' :i
' ' ''mm- It ' ' 1-4'' C-"": ' l
Long. "See papa what I laiught with that 1150 you gave me.
Bryan. '"Vhal Is it sonny?"
liong. "Why, it's printers Ink."
Bryan. "Wise you you are for being so young."
lean manufacturers try lo introduce
in large quantities.
"The coni'titlon on the part of
American prislucl is bound to be
come more formidable Ihe more
Americans will become settled in
this colony, and even now old Mani
la business houses send orders lo
American manufacturers, who have
acquainted them with their terms of
doing business, ever since August,
I89H, either through detailed catalo
gues or more often through active
and Intelligent agents.
"It is quite difficult to state I fore
hand at the present lime which for
eign products will win the favor of
the public in Manila and the pro
vinces or the arcl.lelagos, for Ihe
American part of the population Is
at present made up principally of
soldiers and officers' families, the
rest or the American colony in this
city is quite small, though constantly
growing in number, mainly civilians
who visit the country and study the
chances or its exploitation. The great
capitalists, manufacturers and busi
ness men of the Union, howtvr,
have not yet made their spaarance
on the ground, neither are they like
ly to as long a tranquility is not
restored in all parts of these Islands.
A constant atu ly of ihe Philippine
situation and of Ihe changi-s in the
commercial foiidiiiou if llie loeal
market would therefore set m lo Is
indispensable toad fureUn msnufHC
turers and business men that wish to'
increase Ihe volume of their business
or mien connections with Manila
merchants. Great tact and akill
hav lo be employed by French
Commerce, particularly in order to
hold Its own against encroachments
on the part of foreign competitors,
who show extraordinary activity, in
winning new markets on the Philip-
pines, calm and pereveriiir in the
case of the Germans, English and
Belgians, noisy and almost brutal in
the case or Ihe American. Prompt
neaa and despatch -in ihe execution of
order and careful packing are recom
mended lo the French exsirter.
During the year complaints about
careless packing, resulting hi d.-uusge
lo the goods, have lwen of surh fre
quent occurrence that they may
prove even hurtful to the iaixrt
lion or our good. The merclmut
or Manila are led to compare method
and to acknowledge that all good
shipped from Hie united Stales are
packet! with such care that dnmage
to and deterioration of the goods due
to bad ai king are exceedingly rare
om: of TiirTlMirvruiAi.s.
The stoppage of many of the mill
controlled by the American Steel anil
Wire Company ha not been wholly
unexpected. Those who have ot
served the relations between cit of
material and price charged by this
company for Its products nini-e Jan
have frequently been led to the con
clusion that, unless it was intended
to rely fur earnings and divideiu'e
uisin "scooping" the Street and the
investing1 public, the policy of the
company might be found mistaken
The highest price lat year or Ihir
for steel billets was reached on Nov
ember 1, when (39 50 was quoted at
Pittsburg, but only 12 has recently
been paid there- Beeseiner pig
reached 125 on Nitvenilier 21), and
though the association has been hold
ing Ihe Pittsburg quotation at (21 90
Eastern Bessemer has been sold there
considerably lower. Anthracite has
declined from $25 to (23 here, and
Southern pig I also lower. In spite
ol this tendency of material, the
Steel and Wire company raised lie
price 25 cents for wire and nails at
the beginning or the year, nearly 9
percent for amoolh wire and nearly
8) per cent fur wire in"-, :.i d l-tis
held Ihe advance ever nn.ee, iitile-H.
ing to have an cni ru 1. 1 Im-inti-
which made nil llnun' I Ming
quite ul surd. Yet many of the mills
are now stopil, hi il (b r sidert
states that llie cause i i,ei r due.
Tho excuse has brn Unit lov.er
prices were rendered tmpron'uMc t y
the cost of material. Bui wiili lie--seiner
pig at (24 till U I -r entier
and no higher price mil m.v i;iiy
where, and vi it Ii 2" tr c: i: :icM il
tut waste of llie mat I'al i.i ii nirrj
f.ietiirc, the o-t er 1 1 iu:d i f Ij ,i-!ied
proiliii't would U I :iol cn's, vttiile
the cl agc hm lain .t-" ei nls for
sm- o b a ire iiml 20 c i t - fur w ire
nails liy Ihe ivrVa'l at Pitburg.
The margin fur manufacture anil
profit has licen I 710 cents a pound
on smooth wire and I HW cents on
wire nail, but a year ago the pame
margin was ,57t of a cent on smooth
wire and .774 ol a cent on nails. The
makers were not I h rowing awsy
money then, but rev much more
than doublet!, tie Ir m 1 hey
are paying more ii it is true,
but the labor ibs r.o! s n-ore than
half as much as the in iiii.ii, hih
wagis have not liecn t!ot.iu. t! L'lt
have advanced alsive 20 per ei '. Il
is only necessary to turn liaeh to Ihe
annual statement of tin- ciui any
when il dividend was pail to flnil
there Ihe admission that It was mak
ing tery liiieral pruti's at prices
rnarged last year, and since Jaimsry
it has been d mai ding stlil higher
prices, with materials not higher.
This seems t' be an exc- llent illus
tration of the kind of management
which ilisf not tend to promote pros
jierlty, "illicr of the country or tiie
company. With Iowit prices charg-
ed f-ir its products the company
might have greatly increased their
sale, and overproduction In this case
really means an output larger than
ha been sold at the prices demanded,
In its foreign business tha company
has not chiawn to pursue the aame
isilicy. It has neatly increased its
exports, and the February export
price for smooth wlra was only 2 8
ceuts, against 3 05 cents charged at
works by the carload, and for nails
only 2 6 cents, against 3 20 cents
charged here. The figures suffice to
show thai lower prices than those
charged yield a sufficient profit lor
export, a Ihe am nal leport also
shows. Fanatical Free Traders will
take notice that this company is In
no way helped by tariff duties aud
has taen exporting extensively
whether prices were high or low.
But theie are many thousand men
out of work lo day because this com
pany has chosen to charge prices so
high tha, according to it president
it ibs nut sell Us whole ptoduct even
with Ihe aid of lower prices abroad
and an increasing demand for nails.
In the Pittsburg region alone there
are said to be twenty-live hundred
thrown out of employment by the
stoppage or works or this company
It can be easily understood that the
men who And themselves In this pos
it Son may have bitter feelings toward
the Steel and Wire company and to-
ward Industrial companies generally
The directors can hardly wish this,
whatever the object of their course
may be, Ixmbtless thry desire pub
'ic prosperity, and do ivt wish lo en
tourage the idea that the company is
managed with more care for specula
tion in its stock than for the good ol
the country, the lasting prosperity of
business or the wel I being of the mul
i itude it employees, ir so, they may
with reason consider whether It
better to change their policy or to
make known tin Ir reasons for It.
New York Tribune.
Behold the Union candidate. He
comet h up like a flower and retlretb
Irom the race busted. His friends
till him up with false hopes and at
mosphere. He swelleth up like
toad and thinketh Ihe earth's hls'n,
llosmileth uikio all mankind and
loppelh over wi h good humor. He
kisseth the "fchlldren and acattereth
his microtM?s among the innocent
babies. He wearily chewetb a clove
when he meeleth a preacher, and as
he con verse th with him in pious
(ones he slandeth to the leeward and
curbcth his breath aa with a strong
bit. He goeth home lata at night to
his weary wife, with a beery breath
and cold feet. He riseth up betimes
and hiketh forth without his break
fast, saying, "I go to see a man.'
The dead beat who lieth In wait then
pulleth his leg to a queen's taste.
He "nailelb a lie," but before elec
tion day he runneth slu rt or nails.
He glvelh lilierally to the church, he
suliscrilieth a goodly sum for the
bund; he contributed to Ihe man
whose barn was burned; he bestow
th alms; he slngeth a friend's note;
he seudeth a small keg hither and a
urge keg thither; he yieldelh In bic
substance with apparent alacrity.
After election ha troeth out back ol
he barn and kicketh himseir and
leareth his hair and calleth himself
i llotterdam fisil. He returueth to
lie bouse and addrerseth himself to
he wife of his bosom; "Behold a
driveling idio'; look now upon a dod
rotted fool: gaze upon a dodgasted
simpleton; cast your eyes upon a
a-elle-heailed dun ; a man who held
ImmmIIo and ssills above principle,
and hath not brains enough to give
lint a headache." Then his wife re-
lielh, "I told you so," which caua-
Hi him to go forth and drown
his sorrow in drink. Ro ebura
I eonsiiler It not only a pleasure
ut a duty I owe to my neighbors to
tell about Ihe vionilerful cure effected
my rare by the timely use ol
than berlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoee itemedy. I was taken
very badly with flux and procured a
battle or this remedy. A few doses
or it effected a permanent cure. I
take pleasure In recommending it to
others suffering from that dreadful
disease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va.
This remedy Is sold by Delta - Drug
The ancients believed that rheuma
tism wss the work or a demon with
in A man. Any on who has had an
attack of scidtic or Inflammatory
rheumatism will agree that Ihe In
fliction is demoniac enough to war
nut the belief. Il has never been
i I.i imcd that Chamberlain's Pain
, Im winiIiI cist (Hit demons, but it
u it' ('if rheumatism, aud hundreds
tH-ar tiftinony lo the truth of this
stateiiii ii . n i application relieves
I l.e aiin, a .il ibis quick relief which
it siTord is uioie wor h many time.
its cost. For' sale by Delta Drug
The untouchable Turk may
dreaming in his tent, but
slumber is not as profound
Ito.ms of General Interest
from all parts of the
A HOttsE THIEF 1 A I (ill r
A Cehalt Bias
Uaceveretl la K-axteru
Large qaautities ef
Yellow Orker alas vUllile.
The new Salem creamery last
Saturday filled its first order for a
carload of butter, 24,000 pounds.
The supreme court convened at
Pendleton on Monday last for a term
of that tribunal in Eastern Oregon.
A ledge of blue sandstone has tieen
discovered at Lakeview, Oregon. It
is pronounced first class for building.
P. Mcintosh's new cheese factory
on the Wilson river, Tillamook:
county commenced manufacturing
last week and Is receiving 4000 lbs of
milk dally.
A Cobalt mine has been uncovered
in Eiatern Oregon. Cobalt In the
market is worth It 100 per ton. Large
deposits or yellow ocher have also
been found near the same place.
Bear in King's Valley, Benton
county are becoming troublesome.
Over in the Long Tom nelghlmr-
hood last week, a cow was caught
and fatally injured by one of the
A murderer and a horse thiel who
broke Jail last week were captured
by a sheriffs' posse last Friday night
near Canyon city. The fugitives
made no resistance when they saw
how it was.
Stockmen tell us that at least 1000
yearlings and -year-olds ' will I si
driven out of this couuty withiu Ihe
next 30 days, which average the far
mers $17 per head, says the Tilla
mook Herald. I'
ll Is undi rstood that there is now
on storage In the (wo mills about
125,000 bushels of last year's wheat,
says Ihe Corvallis Times which far
mers on account of low price, have
not sold.
The notorious Hilda Hobson was
reported In Eugeue Thursday, iu
Albany Friday and in Halein Satur
day soliciting dimes and nickles for
the alleged purpose of paying her
way in school. ,
Honey creek In the northern part
of Lake county is now one of the
finest trout streams in the state. An
enterprising citizen stocked the
stream 10 years ago, and the supply
now seems inexhaustible.
The Prairie City hotel, long closed
will soon be re-oened. it is said
this house had made (70,000 for one
man during the first few years of its
career when the camp was in its hey
day of prosperity in placer- mining.
The Columbia Southern Itsilway
Company has made arrangements
for the construction or a telegraph
line from Biggs lo Shsniko. The
line will rt quire 6000 poles and 178
miles of wire and will tie completed
within 60 day.
The farmers of the' Eight Mile
country, Morrow county art adding
thousands of dollars lo the value or
their ranches by having gissi wVl Is
bored thereon. An abundant supply
waa recently struck In two welfs one
at 112 feet and the other at 121. '
n G. Simpson recently committed
to the In sine asylum from .Heppner
died last week Irom hemorrhage of
the brain aged 7 years. lie , had
lived at Albany, Linn county for
many years.
The Odd Fellows orAllstny Orr.
advertise an excursion ror Ma y 21 to
Astoria. It is claimed that this Is
the longest excursion that tho order
in this state has ever projected. 'Tt e
round trip rare Is f:J.0.
W. N, Brown waa in town Satur
day night with a herd ol 4W) cattle,
which were bought in the susaiiviiie
country for shipment to Montana,
tys the Condon Globe. He also re
ceived about 300 head at this, place
Saturday evening aid will receive
more at Arlington. His shipment
111 amouut to about 1100 head of
stock. . , .,
The Columbia river a(ley railniad
baa been projected to run frisii Wal-
ula to Vancouver, Washington. I be
Una is lo follow down the ,C iluiiit.m,
on Ihe noribside. Work was to have,
commenced tbia . summer, . t ut the
protags railroad around the dalles of
the Columbia lain Ihe way so that
tha larger scheme has to await H e
mandates of Ihe courts. It semi.
that Paul Mohr for the iMirtagn roul
hurried along and got prior rights