POULTRY IN GffiON Mr C I ti . . it I'lciiKam tcno nas Studied th Question makes u Statement Ill Mill' TO (AM to It MA rrup-i to Replace kunsus ami v)t. riioka (liickeii. 1 night Kales Cheaper '. II. Markham, (Jen. freight Hgfiilof Hit Hotlllicrn IV-itic Com any studies other industries limn morning freight triiiM. llcceiitly ,e i i i ) I public lu a rrtT of iht ( in -.miau the rtwull of i ih inv.'stigitiiiii nf (ion 1 1 ry raining. Tho luiiiin Id in my farmers limy neein trivial, hut Mr. i.Markhain's figures hIkiw ilmi iiier in money In cliirkcn-4. 1 1 in tosiltoii with tin'' t r h ti rt.i I it hi companies gives i lli 'inl ex.n l m -is in U ll'll lie SSVS. Mr. Markham has lived fur many years in California, mid ho known how lh.it slate Is handicapped in poultry raising. Has asliington riiiinty ever sent a car load nf cluck en Id murker.' When we gef lo producing chickens, turkeys hihI (Picks by the carload, our market ill (m brisker (linn ever. During Hie season just dining we shipped poind and onions liy the car and found that it wax easier to sell a car load than a wagon ioati. iielter priies too. What Mr. Markham said to the reHirter is in these works: "Haking of iliversilicd fitrmin the raising of chickens fur market is one which ought to receive altenlion at Hie hands of our farmers. During the year is'.)!) there were Hhip-ed from Kansas and Nebraska to Cali fornia over thin company's lines 221 carloads of poultry. Tlie handling of these shiinienls r'iiirt H cars of upcclul construction, for which a heavy rental is charged in addition to the freight rate. The loss in transit is considerable, as is also the cost of feeding and expenses of a man iu charge. The rate from Kansas and Nebraska to California is 11 75 per 100 i(iuntls, or :!."!) t car. The average number of chickens to a cnr is about 4000, weighing about - four pounds each, but the freight charge is based on a minimum of '20,000 -sitinds. The cost of laying shipments down in California, there fore la not less than 3 cents ar pound equal to 12 cents for each chicken, or II 14 ier do.en. "Chickens are selling in Portland today for from J I 50 to 5 per dozen, and 1 am I informed that a choice ones Hold this morning for ft! .Ml. This would seem to indicate I lint our home market ia not being adequately supplied. ''The freight from Oregon to Ban Francisco ia not one-half what it is from Kansas and Nebraska, and as a matter of fact express service can Is obtained for as low aa $1 f0 per 100 pounds. "Climatic conditions Hre very much in favor of Oregon, and there is no reason why Oregon chickens should not replace those from Kansas and Nebraska in the California mar ket. As is well known, chickens do not thrive in California, there being Home adverse climatic condition. We will al way have at our very doors a market for our surplus poultry. PACIFIC UJUVEKSII V. Tlie (Juarlerly Khetorieals of the Senior and Junior clashes wen-held Friday eve, March lOih iu Marsh hall. Most of the papers were dis cussions of our ancient and modern literature and were handled so in terestingly as to prove a in st in structive and delightful evening to the audience. Mr, A. K. Voder and F. K. Vrooman furnished the music of the evening, aiiigingsoiiid very ap preciative solos. Mince the good weather of late our tennis courts h ivv lieeil put to good use. The club has held lis flr.H meet ing this spring electing new ollicers; and the enthusiasm shown so ettrlj in the season vouches for hoiiii. very pleasant and exciting sport. A very exciting game of base hall was played on the eollcj.e campus last Haturday afternoon between a team picked from the boy's dormi tory and the "world." The latbr team managed to laat by one tally. At a seeial business meeting of the Athletic Union Mr. A. K. Voder was elected the "track -teams manag er, Mr. lUlph Clarke for the base-ball and Mr. Itohert Wilcox for the foot ball for the coming season. Pres. McClelland delivers a Itcture la-fore the Inland F.mpire Teacher's Ass'l al Pendleton Friday, M ir. - I Kxainliialions are on in full play nnd with the 2;lrd of Mar. will close one of the most successful terms in the history of 1'. U. and T. A. with 2l;t aludents enrolled. In the case of Hmith v Washing ton county, the plaintiff holds that the I N IiKI'KN liKNT ought not to have worded its notice so that the im pression waa conveyed that he wait nl till Judge Itood was away so as to take advantage ol the fact. The I.N DM'K.nhknt will admit tlmt such thoughts did have lislgment, and will further admit that the plaintiff was not consulted before the para graph was written. Hut now it is known that the complaint was draw n several months ago and that the court w as asked to make an agreed case so that the disputed questions might la submitted to the circuit court. The county court would not give a posi tive answer till late. Then the plaintiff's attorney was compelled to work diligently so as to get the ease on the docket for this term of the court. Henide service Is not obtain ed hy nerving the papers on the county Judge, but by serving them on tbe county clerk. Peler Jacolwon of West Union met with an accident with a disc harrow on Fridsy in w hich hecamo near los ing his lile. He was thrown from the neat on the harrow and the Im plement drawn over him the sharp (list's severely cutting his legs. Dr. F. A. Ha i ley w ho re-d his wounds found It necessary to take eight sllches In the wound near the knee J ilnt. Mac h ISth on John Milne Mrm I.' M .. and Mrs Jacob Mnyder a J cigUi. J. 11. I-iiUy of n. dvillw visited ll.'Mtoro Monday. i. W. llailt y made a buninetd l lVrtlmnl las evening. trip II. r. .Mi-t auley of tlm M'-Cau'.ey hotel in l.rilHii.l, vitiu-.! Ilillaboro yesterday. Daily Oregon ian 1 cents per week ix-nil tin war news, fre-h from the wires. J. v. Cave, agent. 12 4(i (irain that was planted last fall is hs. king exceedingly well. Farmers are husy prepHring the land for fpring crops. Those w ho are in a position lo know nay that a clispt-r of l.yal Arch Masons will le instituted in Ih is city noon. lion. (J W. Patterson has return ed from Alaska. He was in liills Isiro yesterday lisiking after his nasi ness intcri-sls. K-veral long lutes of plank fences are building around I how tine farms formerly know n as the Kbhcrts dona tion 'and claim. Supt. IUII signed a diploma this week for Clyde l-edy i.flhe Tigard villi public scIkmiI. He has Just completeil the common school course The lt'silville republican club held iis annual meeling on Saturday last, March I7!h. The new ollicers are Hans KtsmuHsen, president ; and J. H. 1 mlay, secretary. Ahlsitt v. Morgan, dealers in fur niiure and hous, furnishing gissN will on or alsiiit April 1st M-cupy Crandall's brick on Second street next door to the Indki-kniiknt C(. ofll- Mr. O. Hrown, who has served the Tillamook Creamery Association so long and ho faithful, went out on the stage Tuesday. Mr. Hrown Informs us that he will soon commence the erection of a creamery of his own at Caston, J'ist six miles from ids home st Forest drove, aad his many friends here certainly wish him utmost suc cess iu his new enterprise. Tilla mook Herald. Miss liiverno Baher, daughter of judge li i her, late decease, died at her mother's home iu Forest drove yesterday afternoon. Miss Haber some months ago had a fever attack which left her much weakened. Following that was pulmonary com plications that rapidly carried her away. The deceased was a talented student in Pacific university and a general favorite in society. She will Ihi sadly missed in Forest drove. The republican primaries will be held next Friday. These precinct conventions will select delegates to ihe county convention which meets on April tith. The work of the county convention is to select 13 delegates to the congressional conven tion that meets iu McMiunville on the 10th of April and 13 delegates to the stale convention w hich meets in Portland. April 12th. In addition, the county convention will nominate a county ticket to be voted for at the June election, Mr. K. II. Tongue of the law firm of Thus. 11 1 K. H. Tongue who had been ailing for several days came down with an attack of pneumonia and is confined to his room. Mr. Tongue hoped to Is out yesterday hut ins physician, lr. F. J. Ha i ley ilopied that bit of enterprise. Dr. Hiu Icy says there is no danger if Ills patient will lake proMr rest, but (hat be will not Im resHnsible for the consequences of au attempt to appear in I lie court room. ' Father James Black, pastor of St. Francis Catholic church of Fast Port land, paid a visit to Hillsboro this week. Father Black is an Oregon ion and a gentleman of very pleasant address, lie will make Hillsboro a station for preaching once a month. I he lir.it service will be held iu lirange hail Sunday April 1st. Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a in to be followed by a sermon. In the even ing the service willla) in Ihe Opera house. Subject, a lecture on the "Catholic church, the Church of the A ies. The executive committee of the union party of Washington county met in llillslsiro last Saturday and called lis county convention. The meeting was private, but it is under stood that James II. Sewell was chairman, and John W all secretary. I here were committee-men from ail parts ot the county. What body ap IHiiutcd them? That could not lie learned. The primal lea are called for Saturday March 31. The nomi nating convention will beheld on Saturday April 7th. The first plank in the platform and the onl one yet selected is "Take advantage of any mistakes the republicans may make on the .Mil." The next local teachers' institute will la- held in (la-ton, Saturday March 31, beginning at 10 o'clock. At that hour Ihe exercises listed in the following program will be taseu up. Discussion Course of Study I he Industrial side of Aimrican His tory K X. Harding Divisors and Multiples.. .11. I. Wlrtts tl."ogrsphy....Miss Hucy Humphreys Orammiir Prof. J. H. Craig Orothi graphy A. M. Porter I I u-( ion Box. teachers, schistl ollicers, patrons and all others Interested ill education are cordially invited to be present. Kn frlainment will he provided by the cltir.eiis of daslon. Among strangers but not without friends. Such was the experience of Air. James llarw(ssl, late of Seattle w ho with his wife two months ago moved on a recent land purchase just norih of Mr. John Mewell's residence four miles northeast of llillslsiro. Mrs. Harwood had been ailing for sevtral months with cardiac compli cations, and her physician had sug gested country air. Her husband selected the premises mentioned and prepared for maintaining quiet country home. Hut the benefits hop ed for were not real iued and Mrs. H.-rwHMl gave up Ihe struggle on Fridsy last. Mr. Harwood waa a stranger, but found friends among Ihe memls-rsof Tualaty lodge No. 6 A. F. A A. M. The funeral service w r-t the residence and conducted by I lev. K. I. Hughes of the Congre gational church. The remains were la.d to rest iu Masonic cemetery, Hillsboro in the presenceofa very iarge procession of our people. The de"eased was a native of Ontario, Cannd:'., and aged about JW years. She leaves a husband four brothers and a sister. Only one ot her broth ers Is on th'.a ciaist. YOU MUST REGISTER Keflister for it is only 60 1)ji1s Uutil tjou tcill be left out Tlli:SM0KK0F THE SEASON Itr pa lil Ira a held a aieeiiug Tartidajf rvraiug. I'romiurut uira prrruU I'hOtiKtSS or Kt'lilSTKATIOX. Kleclors are slow ly registering and the paogreas made is shown lu detail below. There really ought to be more stseil made liecause at the last ttiere will lie a great rush. Voters must call to mind the fact that there is l ut one registration every two year, and that to vote this fall at the presidential election registration must Is made this spring. At noon yesterday Ihe registration in the several precincts whs as shown in this table. The first column of tlgures Is the vote cast in ls'.H, and the second Ihe registration as it now stands : Hcaverdain .... 134... 222... 80... 141... 239... 12 I... 205... 143... 132... 117.. 42... 170... 182... 28 Heaverton Huxton Columbia 80 M 5 110 32 103 70 65 75 II Hi) 70 69 107 150 64 39 94 73 73 Cornelius Dilley , Diiry F. Butte K Cedar Creek dales Cieek Mountain N Hillslioro N Forest drove Ileedville 108.. S Forest drove 177.. S llillslsiro 02.. STualalin 151.. W Butte lOtl.. W Cedar Creek 170.. Washington 103.. Wapato J40.. Total 3101. ..1509 A. F. Flegel and C. K. Kindt, of Portland did legal husinesss in Hills boro this week. The Hillsboro republican club had a most successful meeting at its club risim last Tuesday evening. The crowd was largr, the smoke was dense, Ihe sieeches were timely and well n ceived, anil good fellowship was every where in evidence, Newa of the adept ion of the Hryan, Lincoln platform had been received. Jt fur nished a text for the orators. They were really happy to realiy.3 that the contest in I'JOO is to he the same is sues that were debated in 1890, In the absence of the Pr sident, Mr. K. H. Tongue who is confined at home by an attack of pneumonia, Mr. W. V. Wiley presided. The first speak er was Hon. W. N. Barrett. He was followed by Hon. K. W. Haines, afterward came Col J. B. Eddy and several other local debaters. The membership roll was increased by the addition of a goodiy numlier of new names. The llillslsiro cornet hand was in welcome evidence, tho the players found themselves soaue what handicapped for they could not blow and smoke at the same time. They compromised however by tak ing a cob pipe lor future use. The executive commiltea Is to tie congra tulated upon the suitvsa of this ila first smoker. UK II. ESTATE. Kmma Dant et al lo I Allen n j li w IJ sec 18 t 2 n r 2 w ami other lands F ScImm'ii to C Krahmer 125.74 ac Christian Fmerick den.... M H Duutley to F 1eise 1 av iu sec II 1 s r 1 w 1 000 O A V K U lo J W Marsh et al u J of n e I slid s w J of n i and w i of sec 9 t 1 s r 4 w deorgiue Urenier to Helen Brandt 3.05 ac in lot 5 dray Oak Annex F. Sundlierg to lna Sundla-rg s e J of sec 2!) t 3 n I 0 W A Suudlierg to Iena Hundls rg e s w and lots 3 and 4 sec 30 t 3 u r 5 w 157 09 ac IM'IU M Kertson and hu4 to d W Heal lots 7 and 8 blk 2 daston Mary A Buliington to Irene A Heal 20acin sec 1 I3sr2 w C Richmond to J Churchill 12 au i n sec 711 n r 4 w Jane M Smith to I d Singleton hc near Forest drove depot Kn.a J Ilussell to II L Russell 121 ac of I) Mcl.eod don M Westholf to Clarinda Mast ers lots 7 and 8 blk 1 Fair view ad Hillstxin K I, Olsen to A dranla rg 52 GH ac C Stewart don M llirsclw y to F llaesen 45 ac I Butler don C 11 Mitchell to F d Mitchell part lot 8 blk 8 llillslsiro.... Mary A Buliington to W K Hiiilliigton 20 mj rds in sec 1 t 3 n s r 2 w l 400 400 250 1 100 175 I 335 1550 1700 445 1 t oi iir iioise. tllWUITCofllT. The March term of the circuit court wascalled on Monday morning last by Judge Thos. A. McUride who pre sided. A (I rand jury was not called. A H Vaughan and deo W Mc draw were appointed court bailiffs. HenJ Anderson v Henry Peterson, sale of real esta'e confirmed. James U Iee v W D Bradford, aet tied and dismissed. J W Brown v Oregon Land In vestment Co, dem Hirer overruled and defendant allowed to Hie his answer. Hot for trial Mar 27. d Kklin v HiiiidU'rg et al, settled and dismissed. Chas Mitchell v F, U Hughes et al, plaintiff allowed to flle an amended complaint, and the case is dismiased aa to J W Morgan, d W Patterson and J I) Merryuian. John Chong v James McN'ntly, set for Irial Wednesday March 2H. Forest drove v Chas Miller, sel for trial Monday morning March 26. Chas Mitchell? K B Ooodin, aet for trial Mar 29. J P Tarneisie v deo Stewart, judg ment by default for plaintiff. Lillie Meyer v Jouls Meyer, de murrer nf defendant confessed and plaintiff allowed to file an amend d complaint. Janes II Walker v John Hum phreys et al, sale of realty confirmed. F A Bailey v J J Morgan et al, i .iro.Uiit W E Smith lo vacate a portion of the decree hereto- . - . .. . t ... L'ri. lore enierea. Dei ior arg uujcu . day March 23. Wm Nelson v John Bohart et l, sale of real iroerty co firmed. Thos Talbot v J W Master et al, disiui fcd. J M Cameron v San h Cameron, plaintiff allowed oue week further time to pay imo court 1100 for bene St of Ihe delendant. Jair.-a M Thompson v Christina Thompson, affidavit of plaintiff show iog linrfeility to pay certain auiu of money to defendant' attorney flu-d and plaintiff allowed to Uie hi re, ly at this time. , Emma 8 Parker v Luther M Bearu et al. sale of real property contliiaed. Tyler woiaiwaru V neo lx tjotw el al sale of realty confirmed. I D Clonjt v M E Hoxter et a'i sale of realty confirmed. State v Elmer Scott, Information filed charging a nameless crime, de fendant arraigned and plea of guilty entered sentenced to six months in the couuty Jail and to pay costs. Jurors excused till Monday morn ing March 20 at 9 :30 o'clock a m. J 1 Asher v ' K Asher, default of delendant entered and C E llunyon appointed to report testimony. Stale v Ham Hiff set for trial on Thursday Mar 29. deo D Kasou v Emma II Kison, divorce granted. Laurens v V KeinKe et ai, ueciw ot foreclosure allowed. Co. Treasurer Cady received Ida old county paper from Cayuga Co., New Vork, yesterday morning uated March 16. The editor In the local colutuu remarks that sleighing wa g K 1 and no one had Ibe courage to enter the office and stale that he had aeen Ihe first robin. Mr. Cady to even up on h a New York friends made up a package containing a branch from a plum tree If full bloom another from an appricot and a third from a Japanese quince. This he mailed to the editor. Hammond who built the railroad from doble to Astoria has bought from Cory Bros., the contractors, 20 miles of Ihe west end of the Astoria A South Coast II. H, that was parti ally graded through Tualatin Plains about ten years ago. It would seem that .Mr. Hammond is reaching from the west into the forests of the Ne balem. Owing to a change in the program Prof. Hweetser will not preach in the Methodist church on Sunday. Itev. Oberg, however, will preach both morning and evening. Subjects: mornlug, "In the Kight Element;" evening, "Breaking Through the Fence." In response to an appeal of Ihe Bishop, the Methialist church ol Hillsboro will tioiu prayer meetings every evening next week. ine imslor urges all christians but espec ially all who affiliate with Method ism to attend. Regular preaching services at the Christian church the 1st 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month at Ihe usual hour. Preaching at rarmington ine 3rd Sunday. K. II . Hickafbose, pas tor. Mr. Star Ballard, of Seattle, is spelling a few days in Hillsboro isiting with his uncle, J as. A. Imbrie. For salo, a fresh cow, euquire of S. II. Humphreys. Mrs. Bert Cornell Is sick with the pneumonia. Wild strawberries are in bloom. NIIKKIFro WALK. HY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, decree and onl. i ol sale, iasucd out of Die circuit court of the ntntn of On-iron, for WaaliiiiKton county tavor of W. J. Van Hvliuyvcr, t'lamtill ami aKaniHi K l iitton ami Marv K I'u'toii liin wife. 8unn.li ( 'arson, i'liilena I. (Mseii ami OlrOUell tier liuslttiiid, Krm-ntvn (irn.nl Pntton ami wifj Annail. 1 'at Ion. Uelemlanu. for tlie sinn ol $'.'4 (in costs ami di.iliuiseinents Willi in- Irrt-Kl t hereon at tlie rate ot 0 ier cent per ain.uiu trom the 27 day of January I'.Vn). and the lurtlier mini of tMl..' with inter est thereon at the rule of M tier cent, per annum from the 27 day of January, luuu I lie lurtlier sum of twenty three ami twelve nmt-htimtredthn dollars Willi inter est thereon from April ti, lsJKIat the rate olnMr cent tier annum, ami ine huui ui 7..rm com In aim disbursements with interest thereon from January 17 I'. X 10 at the i ate of t) per cent I er annum. The further sum of live hundred li In teen and aixty i one hundredth dollars in U. H, Ool.l Coin with intervBt thereon from January 27 :UOat the rate ot 10 per cent per annum, and the lurtlier iuiii of $7..'i0 coutu and dinbunie nienls. Now, therefore, by virtue and In peniu ance of said iuJjinent decree an I orderof sale, I will on Monday the 23d day of April lintn, at tl- auuth door of theiourt houtiein lllllnlioro, WashiliKton county Ortnon. at the hour of 111 n'clix k a ni ol raid day sell at public auction to the liiKbest bidder fur ca.ili the followiiiK-de-m-riliel real proa-rty to-wit : HeirinniMK at a point which is reached by running irom the iiuarter section cor ner on the K line of c I.H 1 1 a r 1 w will nier SSJ 7' W 21 cbi N B7 3 ' W i.M rh b 2' W lll.:; elm to the N K cor of the tract to be descriled, thence K 2 link, thence 8 2 W 12.:i to an iron corner, tlicnr H S4" .Hi' W 13.7ft clis to Ml iroa cor ner thence N lis8 7' W 7.?4chston iron cor ner, (hence N 10 !M elm to an iron corner theiiee K2n,s5cha to the p ace of lierm iiidk. OontainiliK 'J':'M acies, all situate In Wnahin ton county, Oregon to natinfy the liereinbefore ' named iiuiiifi, and for the costs and expenses of said nale. Huid property will be sold nubject to re-demt-tioii as per nlatule ol Oreton. Witnew my hand this 12th day of March I'.JUO. W. D. BRADVURD, Sheriff of Wa hi union county Urejron. W. N. Barrett, Attorney for t'luintiil. -U 4S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I.aib Ornci atOiboor Citt, Una. Keb. 2. I '00. TiTOTtt'K 18 IIKRKHV UIVKN THAT il the followtn-nametl settler has tiled notice of hia intention to make final proot in aupnrt nf bin claim, and that Raid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Washington county. Hillsboro. Oreiton. oa Apr. 7, 1'JtO via: W I I.I.I AM K(KH. II. E. 1(67, for the N K of 8ec 14, T N K 6 W. He names the followinc witnpKses to prove hia coutinuoua leaiilence unon and cultivation of aaid land, via: Ken-amln M. I ollinn, ol hir, Ore. Ileniamin A. I 'ollina, of " " William Busaie, of - " Kit Bmith.of CHA8. B. MOOREH, 41-M KeRiater WISI0'S RUBF.RTME Wisdom's Itolierline corrects all blemishes of the face and tnakea a beautiful complexion. I Vila Irug Htore. PIANOS and 0R(iAN TINF.I) ANII KKI'AIRKIK Work Guaranteed. Terms RcasonaDle. Adrt-s F. C. KHASAHjtS, UllUkar, Or. CIRCUITCOURT DOCKET The Follotcinrt Cases trill b1 Inrestiated ut this Term of Court A LO.MJ LIST Or" J ASFS There are a ltat; Lint ef Case to bis ' pooed ml. (ulte a aialter -f Jirw i aw,. 607 Kit lM lUlley, insol. Tongue atty. VHK) H Morton, insol. Tongue atty. Hit List L Mcl'hersou insol, Tongue atty. y7 J A llofftuau v 1' K KJ wards, foreclosure. tMti h'jtt TliCornelius, insol .Tongue atty. SWO Kst M A I'owell, insol, li irrett atty. Viii Kit 8 D I'owell insol, liarrett atty. 1UI1 Est ('has Collins, Tongue tty. 1095 Mary M Nhepard v A Frame, foreclosure. 1104 11 Wehrung A Hons v 11 1' Ford replevin, 11 union and liow uiuu for plH, Tongue deft. 110 Kit F U lKKir A I.uiiiImt Co insol. Tongue atty. 1120 Howlhy & Htinchcoiub itisol, Tongue for assigine. I01I0 N A Barrett it wf, insolvent, Barrett & Adams atty. lOUt) ni Chalmers, itisol, Tongue atty. 1002 Hall v Kadial, foreclosure. 1191 J Johnson v J W Kldridge, foreclosure. 1291 Z 8now and 8 B Huston v Edith Monroe et al, eijuity, Tongue for deft. 1311 Assignment Boos& lleitzliau- sen Insol, Barrett atty. 1338 A Hhafer v 8 Htetu et al, suit set aside deed. 1332 W T Bunuei adm v A M I)a vief; action for money. 1398 II B Adams v J Carlson et w f confirmation. . 1415 Portland Trust Co v A L Mo Leod. confirmation. 1425 W 11 Ktulllels-aiii v K S Browne et al, action for money, Hus ton for pi IT. 1432 It N lleiinlmcli v (lertude lleimliach, suit for partition. 1437 Voilard v (iunther, confirma tion. ' 1410 lit W Porter, Insol. 1113 Kit A Plan ii i r, it sol, Huston deft. 1473 Ore Mfg Co limited v II 1) Bryant et al, foreclosure. 1482 VJ VanSehuyver 4 Co v It II Palton, suit to set aside dead, Barrett atty. 1491 American Mfg Co v J W Jloh- son et al, foreclosure. ; I53ti (ierman Havings A himn hoc v K K Jones et al. 1037 C A Yotter v H K Morril et a I foreclosure. 1553 L Kaughlin v U Hpencer et al action for money. . , 1658 II W Hesse v Ji A Barrett ef al to set aside action. 1573 Mary O'Brien v J O'Brine and K II Walker partition in suit, lonirue A Tongue for filtr. 1602 Hlato of Oregon v Wash. Co., action for mouey. 1625 A B Moss 4 Co v 1) A Carter et al, action for money. Huston for ni IT. 1635 Chas Mitchell v K C Hughes et al, Wall for pi IT. 1644 T J Bramal v I Allen action lor damages, Hmith A Bowman for plff. 1649 Capitola Cox v Mary Black well et al suit to set aside deed, Bag ley for plff. 1662 C K Cast eel v Tualatin Mil Co.action for damages. 1548 Belle Freeman v T 8 Corne lius suit for possession of real p-op-t rty, Huston for pi IT. 1659 Alliance Trust Co v t II Humphreys et al, foreclosure. 16t7 J W 8hule (1 W Miller et al action for money, Tongue for pi IT, Wall for deft. 1672 J A Vaughn V Annie Vaughn divorce. 1674 Victoria Kemp v Benj Kemp divorce. 1675 Mary Vinson v S II Humph, reya et al forechrsure Tongue Tongue for pi If, Haslon for deft. 1683 A Uordon v N A Barrett el wf action lor money. 1684 Tyler Woodard v Theo II Leilas et al, foreclosure. 1635 Kllen L Jackson iNA Bar rett et al, action for money. 1680 A Gordon N A Barrett et a I action for money. 1687 T T Oeer et rl v II B Luce et al, foreclosure, Tongue A Tongue for pin. 1688 F A IlHiley v J J Morgan, foreclosure, Tongue A - Tongue for plff. 1692 C W Laurent v F lteinke ef al, foreclosure, Hmith A Bowman for plff. 1697 Thos Cox v Isaac Meyer, fore closure, Hmith A Bowman for pi IT. 1699 Win Nelson v John Bohart el al, foreclosure, Huston for plff. 1701 T 11 Itotiinson v Cita Jensen foreclosure, Tongue, A Tongue for plff. 1702 Wm T Blake v John Nelson et al, foreclosure, Tongue A Tongue for plff. 1704 It W Crane v Jacob Penning et al, foreclosure, I'ustou for plff. 1705 Susan Carlson v B It Patlon el al, suit to set aside deed, ToiiuoA Tongue for plfl. 1709 K W Haines, plaintiff and res-KMident v K P Cadwell et al deft and ap-ellant action- for money, ap. peal from from county court, Tongue A Tongue for respondent. 1711 J B Walker v T J Humph reys et al, foreclosure. Wail for I'lff. ." 1714 Benj Anderson v Henry Peterson, confirmation,. .ft.T Bigley for plff. 1715 K W Haines v..K P Cadwell, action for money, ap'real from J P court, Tongue for plff, II T Bagley for deft. 1716 VanHchuyver v B It Pattor, et al, continuation WN Barrett for plfl. 1717 Mary Ann BufTingHn sr v Mary Ann Burlington Jr et al, to set aside conveyance, Huston for plff.. 1718 Km ma H Parker v Iuther M Beard et al, confirmation, II T Bug ley for plff. 1719 C A Philpps V Jo Caston et al, to set aside conveyance, Tongue A Tongue for plff. 1720 Pope, Anderson A Co J T Hainey A wf, to set asi.le conveyance Hmith A Bowman for plff. 1721 Lucy Buchanan v Welter Buchanan, divorce, Toogin A Tongue for plff. 1725 Juliu lVnu -roy v W I) Brad ford, at'iiou for money. Wall for pi If, Barrel! fir deft. 1726 Jas ti L" v W l Bradford, actluu for money, Tuiii' ie A Tongue fur plff, I lu-toii tor i Iff 172s T Payne v Jinepri II Thump. "in, a. lion h.r money. 172. Tho- I'alia.t vJ W Matters et al, jectiiieiit, I In-toii for plff. I7:til J M t'siihoti v S ir.ih Cannou, divuriv. 1,733 City of Fore-.t tlrove v Chas Milu r, wliing liiin'.' willioul lieetise, I !u In i for plff, I unfile for deft 1 735 James M 1'h ui)sin v Chris tina Thoiiipsoi', lhvorce, Hmith A B iw ina n for plff. 17:16 P. C Bransniaa v lit a M Bran, amaii, divorce. Smith A B iwmau for plff. 1737 Mary A Wilson ('has A Wilson, divorce, Smith A Ibiwmau for plti. I73S State of Oregon v Ktt August (ienlz deeti, eselieat prmvetlings, tl II Ourliam for state. 1739 Sarah K I .i Vinson v Walter ll.ivinson, divorce, Peter 11 Ward for plff. 1710 II I) Srhmel'zer v llattie Si'tiiiiell.-r, div ire'. 1711 J 1 Asher C K Asher, divorce 1743 J W Brown v Oregon Land A liiiirovment, action for money. 1741 Lillie Meyer v liuis Meyer, divorce. If T Bigley for plff. 1S45 j F SctvH'k v Slepheii Blank action for uiouey, Laugley A Son for for plff. 1716 (ieo K K.ison v Kniioa II Kasou, divorce, Langley for plfl. 1717 (1 K Klin v (Justave Sundhurg et al, setiou tor money. 1 7 IS Mary Maggie Brock, John Brock, divorce, Barrett for plaiuliff 1749 J P Tsmeisie vs Heo Stewart, to set aside conveyance. 11 T Bagley for plaintiff. 17."'0 T T Oeer et a I vs Lucy K Yalen, et al foreclosure, Tongue A Ton true for plaintiff. 1751 Commercial Savings Bank vs W II Meyers, action for u oney. 1752 Dora llulit vs Lora V Huht, divorce, Bagley for plaintiff. 17u3 W 1 Smith v Washington county action for mouey, Bowman (or plti. 1754 B K Henry v Jennie Henry divorce. Wall for y.'.S. NOTICK HIU I'l ltl.M'ATI4 l.aml (Mhtt'iit Oregon City llpll. March 17, HWO. XTOTICK IS HKKKBY lilVKN, THAT the followinir named tu-ltler haa hied notice ol hia iuUn(iiiii lo make linal proof In siippon ot hi-, cluiui, and unit naid iirool will h.a mauo I etoiv the Keirister aim K c iveralOiiyon City, Oregon, on April 'J8 I'.nv, viz: KliANK l'KTKZII.KA. II. K. No. 101. IV lor Ihe N ol 8 E i H W Sjo S K y. and a V. y, ol rt W iivc a T as lift vv . llu names the fol owini; witneasea to proy.. Ine coutinuoua reniilenoe upon and t'ullivutoiu ol naid laud, vix: hroii ett, of 1'ortiand, dr., John RnuHcli ol lliikton, Dr., A. H. M-olifl.l of (ileiiwooit, Dr., Andrew Koaturi of I'iiiton (r. tJIIAH. n. MlMlrttM, 44 fiO Keginler. otk i: FOK PI IH.U'ATIOX - I.ANU Umi'K AT llKKIION I'lTT, Or Man-h 17, W00 XTOTIt'K Id HKRKIIY UIVKN. THAT ll the following nauied aettler has tiled nolire of liia intention to make final proof iu Kiit.M)rl of bin elaiui, and that aaid proof will i e maue la-lore ine l.eiaior ami uu reiver at o.egon City, Or., on April hKJU, viz: ASIIRKW KlWTl'RT. II. K. 10104 for the rt W 'A of N W V. N V o a w is c. is and b ft oi n a, mt it. l a x ns w. ilu iiaiuea the followini' aitner.-ea l prove Ioh continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said laud, via: Frank I'etrzilka of Huitou, Or., f.eon Swctt of Port land, dr.. William Feldt ol iluzton, Or., f laviil Kuhn of Huxton, Or. I HAS. U. MlHIKfcfl, 44 AO ICeu;iBter. otk i:ion 11 KMVATIO.M Lwd Office at Obkuos City, Or. Msr. id, WO, NOTIl'K IU HKRKIIY OIVKN. THAI the followimr-named aettler haa Hied notice of hia intention to make final proof in mimxirt ol hie claim, and that mini proof wilt he made liefore ihe County Clerk of Washington County, at Hillsboro ore., on Apr. 2s, l'0, via: JOHN I.. HUNT, II. K. No. !i7S for the of N K of See 1, I '1 . K :i W . He names the following witneaaea to pr ve hia rontiniloiia residence upon and cultivation of aaid laud, viz: Ahkub McCloud, of Ulencoe, Ore. WanhiiiKMin Jonm, of " John McCloud, ol " " (.orL'e l.inion, of " " C1I A.-J. B. MOORKS 43 4S haunter. NIIKICIKFfS NAI.K. I)Y VIKTHK OK AN KXKCI'TION Dn-ree slid Order of Hale issued out of the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon lor Washington county, in favor of W. P. Lord Governor of the (State of Oregon, 11. K. kiiKiii I, .Secretary of Htate for the Htate of Oregon, I'hil Metchiiii, Treasurer of the state of Oiegon, and together ei-otlieio, being and constituting Ihe Hoard of Com mis inner f..r the mile of School and t'ni versitv lands and for the investment of the funds arisi ng therefrom for the Htate of Ore. ami against N. A. l'arretl. Henrietta Bar rett. Henry Huge, John Huge, and Frank llailcy assignee of the estate of N. A. liar rett. si d Henrietta Harrett, Insolvents, .r the Mini of IS'.') eostn with interest flier on since July I'itn. l""o at the rate of i percent p. r annum and the further auni of $ I'rVi no IT. S. gold coin with interest thensm ut the rutenfX per cent er annum Irom Ihe It it ti d .y of July. 1!". and for the cost and expenses of sale and of aaid writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and in persu anceol sai.l judgment, decree and order ol sale, I will on Monday the ith day of March l:Mi at t he soul h door ol the I onrt House in lliilslsro. Washington County, (iivgun ill the hour ofll o'clock a. m ofsMid day. sell at puhlir auction to the highest bidder for cash, tlie loiiowiug-d s crilicd real property, to-wit : I'.i-ing all the Moiiatioii Land Claim of Fleming Hol.hli.s being claim No I! llolilitali'in No. 7N7, cernlieate l.tl'i in seeia.iis TJ.'JI, Ji and 27, 'town 2 N.mli It range :i W. Will. W. eontaining acres nil aitnale in Washington ( oiinty, Oregon to saiisfr the heninlsfore named aimis. nn.l lor Ihe costs and expense I aid sale. haiil .rosrty will be wiM sul.iecl to re li lnptl.iii as per statute ol 0" gOll. Witness my hand li is Jlstdayof Febru ary I'.in. J I. t l ft liLkllk . 1'. nn.ii'r.'i.i', Sheriir Washington County trregon. Thos. II. Tongue, Ailomey fur f'lainlins, i-o .wtirr l Final fMi t letnmt. Ni.ti' I- liercliy fjiven lint the ler- ii(iiel nlm ioi-tralor f the eUit of Win Flow II. I'.r.m lion, ilcreawnf, ha filed lii final aronnnt in the t ounty Court of Waaliintrton rotiiitr, Oreiron, and il ((Ktrt hiti tixeil the "!n.l ilar of April, lwn, ut the hour of 2 'i In k f. m. of ail Hy, at thet oitntv Court room in llillnliori). U'.ahinirt.in rMintv. in-iron, a thw time ani4 tlin foi the lurtrinf .if oojVrliona to aui'l html nxonnt. . Ihitp.l tlii'i Il'lll ilnv nf Febriianr, IIHKI. ' W. L. IiA'VIM, A.lmiiiiatrator of the eatHte of S inlo II. I'.rnwnaoii, Heroiuied. II. T. liiHI BV, Attorney (or tatt. 3U-U M' 0THERH0OD Is woroan't natural destiny. Many women ara denied the happiness of childraa through some deranjjtment of the generative organs. Actual barrenness is rare. Among the many triumphs of SORROWS OF STERILITY "Dear Mrs. Pin-kham Before taking Lydia E. Pin Vh arc's Vegetable Compound I had one- child which lived only six hours. The doc tor said it did not ha ve the proper nourishment while I was carrying it. I did not feel at all well during preg nancy. In time I conceived t..-...,vl. f wm.I.I H.eitA . v,ii Words cannot express tho gratitude I feel KjJ towards you tor the neip mat cine was to me uunng una nine. felt like a new person; did roy work np to the last, and was sick only a short time. My baby weighed ten pounds. He is a fine boy, the joy of our home. He is now six weeks old and weighs sixteen Dounds. Your medicine is cer tainly a boon in pregnancy. Mrs. Flora Cooper, of Doyle. S. Dak., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham Ever since my last child I suffered with inflammation of the womb, pains in back, left aide, abdomen and groins. M y head ached a'.l the time. I ( could not walk across the floor without suffering intense pain. I kept getting worse, until two years ago I wrote to you for advice, and began taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable I had not finished the first bottle before I felt better. I took four bottles, and have been strong and perfectly healthy ever since, and now have two of the nicest little girls." Furniture for sale AT PORTLAND PRICES. To prove this call at the corner of Main and Third streets and get pj'ees P.O.BROWN, Furniture Dealer. THE OLD LINE Bankers Life insurance Co. OF NEBRASKA ISSUES The Policy of the Future Send name, address, and age and get full particulars of the best plan on which Insur ance was ever written J. T. COMPTON, Gen. Agent. 412 Mari-uam lliiilillng, ('roup is a terror of thounti(lx ("if young mot hern iHtnuse its outbretik is ho agonizing and frequently fttttl. Khiloh's cough and conuinption euro act like magic in caws of crough.- It bus never lKn known U fail. The worst carHs relieved immediately. Price 25e, fiOe and tl.iW, You can get it at the Delta. Ileautiful ronilexion is nn im pCHibility without gKHl blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Ksrl'n Clover Knot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver anil kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Price 2.r cts. and r() cts. at Delta Drug .Store. Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronic. constipa tion. KarlV ('lover I toot Tea is mi rmoliite cure anil Iihs U-en wild for fifty years on an absolute gunra!itee. Price 2.r cts, and fit! -N. U lta Drug S'ore. Do ynu know conuiiiition ii pre ventable? Uttience has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal,, .The wor't cold or cough can ls otired with Million's (Viugh and Oinsuiup- tion Cure. Hold on ponitive guaran tee for over fifty years. Ilella Drug Store. Hick headaches, the curse of over worked womankind, are quickly noil snrely cured by Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, the great Mood purifier and tis sue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 25 and 5(1 cts. at Delta. If Hhiloh's couch and coiisuiiiitinn cure, which is sold for thesinall iii:' of 25c, otic and $1 (Ml, does not cure take Ihe bottle back and we will re fund your money. Hold fur over 50 years on this guarantee. Fur -mle at the Delia Drug Htore. Wm Mohr makes boots at l is shop on (Second street, liillshoro, for 'i.fll per ir, sewed shoes fur Ir ani! gives special attention to repair ing. He uses only first-grade slin k which enables him lo guarantee his work. KIIrtV TK.l . Oregon Kidney Tea cures back .hfl ahlnxv ami blaililer trolllile and constipatl.m. Iella Drug Hiore, ' F. J. Ilarlier has nut in a line hIim k i of cigars a cigarettes. What IsHhiloh? A grand old rem edy for Cough, Colds and Consum. til ion; used through the world for half a century, ha cured Innumer able cases of Ineipiont consumption and relieved many in advanced Hing es. If you are not saliffl'sl with the result wh will refund your 'money. Price 25 and AO cts nnd 1 1. (Hi. I ( Ha. Many a lover has turned with dis- gust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover IVnt Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else will. Hold tor years on absolute guarantee. Pi ice 25 cts, and 50 cts at Delta. jall on F. J. lUitx r, Second street If ynu want a CimI la s -.lu-ipor hair cut. Try his balh, either hot or ' cold. Lydia E. PinLham s VegeUbl Compound is tne ovenotntng oi casca of supposed barrenness. This gTeat medicine is so well calculated to regu late every fonction of the generative or gans that its efficiency is vouched for by multitudes of women. Mas. Ei. WoLfoKD. of Lona Tr, Iowa, writes: again, anu f.-tr advice- your meui- .. mm Compound. i I'ortluuil, Oregon : Acker's FtiglUh Iteinedy villi stop S roiiKh ut any time, ami will cure tha wirt cold in twelve hours, or money re fiimlol. 2.r ami Cfiita at I Kilt Drug Store, Notice to Wheelmen. Ilicyclu tai for la now due and pay (i hie at the hlii'rilln ollice in 11 illahoro. W. 1. KUAHKUItJJ. 42-1H Klic ritr nn.l tin collector. The rAl.IKOIt.NI A ROSE CO., I-oe A iii'h'H, Oil. are heuiiiiiiirtern of the count for nice Held rown Ko.SK Ht'BHKH. All tilt; lutcHt mid txHt aorta, head lor a cata logue today. ;h(-42 On every bottle of Hhiloh's Con sumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we a.-k of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of thin Ixittle faithfully, then if you can say you are not bene ITted return the bottle to your Drug-gi.-4 and he may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts, and 50 cts and ll.oo. DHta Drug Htore. ' How is your wife has tide Inet her beauty'.' If so, Constipation, Indi gestion, Hick Headache are the prin cipal cauw-f. Karl'mClover Iloot Tea has cured these ills for half a centu ry. Price 25 cts, and 5(1 els. Money refunded if renults are not satis factory. Delta Drug Htore. Kchulmerlch A Hon's is the place to buy farm implements. Plows, har rows and wagons sold at prices lower than other dealers offer them. Turf and stubble II in sleel or wood beam at l I 50. Ktubble plows cheafier. 2 noise nleel lever harrows for f 13.60 :t horie alis'l lever harrows at 115.00 III wide tire wagons S5. Compare tliexe prices with Ihone of other dealers. Hhulmerich A Hon have a remenant Male of shoes at 50 per cent discount from former pricea. On sec iu lit of the ateel trust all arm implement) will be higher than tiefure tiut Hchiilmeai:'!! A Hon Will tell after the rai-e at same prices as others sold before. (I i I NONE SUCH I s Mnhlnr hnhhlr th mnaclc Jft ad MDlSts lur work. Uk Im $ SORENESS 8 1 5 STIFFNESS 3 I lfothfnu rrl (hem and tOMkm W j M ftjedjr perfect cure lik W j St Jacobs Oil