r..r i-ulf, I tin t:ixi tt-unnftiu light mil in-avy, J nc Milne. I! in;, i.l (iffiivillo, Jan. 13, to 1). 11. L'; : y an 1 wft- a m, 10 poum!. 'Hint). T. .k 1'. Co. b..v trfscorut: fii-iy ii; iri uiiil clidi.itl iU reutral i .Hi iti 11 ..l-i' ')(. S ulj ct I .r Sji.iliy ni.iriiii.g Hi ('In Mi Mil t'tnif i, ( xl in Uturi Iii li.e i v tuny. What uu-t I l.elh-ve in i.rdi r lo U- hjvc i. K. II. Hn kuf.ot pastor. A K'MiMciii.tri win) mi Tueljy rol id fr )lll hi hotiiH His units out of l. iv, ii ii put i lliiit ho Maw fifteen ohms turning -tuljlilo aa lie rarne In- t town. - 1 hern Will l.l' K Im.-kl-t fKK'ial at W'e-l L'riion church, Wednesday eve J-fii. 7, i:u!j. rfH fi-.in will im unel toward K'ttini; an orHii for iwiij chinch. All tin cordially invited. Minn M.irjoiie youngi-at daughter of .Mr. lii-o. 11. Durham left l'urllaixl oti Wi-ilmwlny fv-iiin of lout wet-k fur llmciiy of Mexico i join her wsinr Mrs. Krun It K. Thayer, for an imli tin 1 In nl.rtJ iicc. Mir-r. T. 'mill K. C Johnson h ivn Ihiii'IiI ( tin llei.drix hmw mill now Ix ina oH ralisl south of Corno 1 iu-. The mtichiiicry is to lm moved 1 hi iu'l not till tlu liniUr within ri-.i' h of ih .riK'iit locution it uianu l.icliir' (I Into lumber. lU'V. tJ. V. riilinjf will preach In iIih IiiiiIihI hvaniroltcal church of this city on Hnl. Feb. 3, Ht 7 ;.'!0 p. 111. On Kiimlriy Fi'h. 4, at 11:00 a. in. mill lit 7:110 p. 10. I1m will a I no preach al llt'tilvilie on th HHintt date at 3 p. 111, Hit ru will Im eoiniuuiiion ser vice after tlx: morning sermon. Madam Ni-vaila sang in rortland hint Monday ami hail moony her au ilitors representatives; from almoat every pail of tiie sime. From llills iMiro wt ro Mrs. J. C. Hare and Miss J'iIiiimoi). The irtdicH return home (really elated at their good fortune at hearing llm celebrated vocalist. Kudyard Kiplii g has written a ditty to lie muiij; in the London play Iiiiu-ch for tliti benefit ol the widows an oriiliuim of tlio 'llriti.sh soldiers killed in the 1!im r war. Jt la a popu lar lay and will bring Tommy At km, widow ninny a icnny. There l-i a llillnboro iucident connected with it, that iu the liht of recent Itritihh reverwet), Is worth relating. One 1 1 on of Kipling's chorus rutin: "Son of a duke, son ot a cook, son of a lielted enrl." Thin had been sung in one 01 our familieH so often that the children I mil memorized It. A few iiiorninKM ago one of the little tola four or live years old was on the floor Iiu'Idk her ahoea and Hinging in her thin piping voice Kiplinga ditty, hut hIio varied it to thin: "Son of a nuke, won of a cook, sou of a melted earl." It was comical. Mr. John llonry of liuaverton la the largest grower of horso radlah went of the Itocky mountains if not In the world. Thin fact is uot known to all wholesale buyers as one Han Francisco l'rm fouthl nut to its (lis comlllure. During the late horee railinli seiison a tlrm in Han Francisco Ixlegruphed to Mr. Henry askiDg how much horse radish he could fur nish on hhort notice. He replyed that ho could aend 2 car loads at once and 6 more within two week, Tl e amount was so great and so much more than they expected that they did not helieve he wan in ear neat and only wanted to guy them. They threw the telegram in the wuate basket and gave no further Hint of the mutter till the story leak ed out to their competitors through a drummer, when they found them Helves the laughing slock of the street. Mr. Henry iiad the home radish tho and Hold it to o'.lur dealers. Mr. . T. Flint who is In Han Diego California for the winter writes this cheerful Idler under date of Jan. "1 am enj lying myself to the utmost limit. This part of the world wan made for old people, after they have done their life work. About two thirds of the. iH-oplt) here ape ir to be old and on the down grade. They are taking their rest. They have no thing else to do. In fact it appears there is not much I r the young men to do. 1! ,, .-at a standstill aa wel .u.,rvm iits of all kinds. The soil here u. o uot produce more than fit us fruits and barley. That makes poor bread and butter, altho wo have plenty of i;ood eatable, but they are brought from other parts ol the state. It lias rained but little here this winter. We had a shower last night, but today the sun shines Iteautiliil. Climate is the greatest production of the country. We can almost live on it can Inhale it. It gives us strength, It is easily digest ed, good for dispepsia. Hut my ad vice to the young mi 11 of Oregon is If they have any soil hold fast to it. Tile drain It, tickle it properly. It will reward them for labor better than any thing I have seen. If all the young men are not attracted to the farm then take up another line of Industry and rustle. They will make it if the head is kept clear aud the breath Is free- from the fumes of poison which is disgusting io the de licate part of society." lltiyers have Uvn more ep.gor to pt produce at Hillsttoro and vaclni ty this year than ever liefore. llilis h ro has Nvn made a common ship ping point with rortland for Califor nia shipments, hence Portland prices or heller have been paid. The rea son of inis Is Hint it has been poiwihle to gel car load lots and the further reason that the quality of the pro duce has been excellent. On this latter,, part of a Hacrainento dealer's letter to the Washington county buy er. "1'ar of onions 191H3 arrived to day and are well pleased with the quality of tho onion. In fact this Is the tcst car you have shipped us this season. The 30 sacks of lot .V" contain a few soft ouions but 'icngh to make any material hi ilii sacks of lot "H" Ri,Hlt .. . re v,ry MKKTS IS (ll KK-,hto compli ll lKhor... on H tn , M, Mr. 11. V. Out. 'VUlK klimr-lh orrnn.U'l. tcir. 'he nr.. k.mk rir, . I KKTS IN (!! KK 1 LOWS It At I.ON i tn 'irt unit llort SinnnUyn of ch a..iiiN.i-M"' oVI's-k, I'- M- . J. f. Itioks. It. CramUII I Vl'un. ! Vaar I'srr. Khown the t Hi" "I 'your fei'linfr nil ih nut ' f T""r I'i '"" 'i i'"r"rf ' "i If vim rr iit iini; i :ii i"ii im out ml lo imi hnvf li. ilil y nii-rm-r von j i.l.u Ul Irv A. krr i. Ulissl t.lmr. llcurv Jhr I'muiV:;" j Voters Must Register. Either at the County Cler'n's office or, iu outside precincts, with the Justice of the Peace or a Notary Republic Before May 15th to entitle thetu to vote at the June and November elections 1900. St'KlUL TAXl'H Taxes have been levied in the cities of the county at the rates mentioned lieaverton 2 mills Hills horo 10 Forost Orove lu The school districts that have levied are these: No District 2 (Virnellus Mills :::::::::::::: !.! 3 7 8 11 14 15 16 24 2fi 27 2H 29 43 53 67 M Gl 0 7!) 80 9(1 IiSurel Hillsboro lisyville (Jlencoe 10 n 2 tlaston 71 Itoy t-'r Forest drove 6 Hcroggln Valley 2 Iiucoula 3 Tualatin 17 Watts 3 Hill if, Iteedville 2 Hhady Ilrooa 3 Veruonia J2J llobt Walker 1 Iowa Hill 1 Dixie fi Patton Valley) 10 Witch Hazel 3 Messinger .21 VmmI C liehalem 3 Newberg ID Pleasant Hill 3 100 103 FARMEKH INSTITUTE. Ilcpresentative farmers at Fornst Urov are making arrangments for holding a farmers institute at that place on tho l.rth and 10th of Feb. I his meeting cught to be attended by the farmers of the county as well as by those near where it Is to be held. The Agricultural college peo ple will tie represented taking for topics, "The care of milk," "Forago plants and grasses," "Conservation of soil moisture," "Fruit jssts" and "Household economy." The local papers will be addrem of welcome Col. J. B. Eddy. Wastes on the farm," 8. T. Walker. The goat In- lustry," Otto I'arsons. "Homo pro blems," Mrs. Oria liuxton. "Hand ling manners on the farm,'' W. K. Newell. "Fertility of Willamette valley farms," Miss Haltie Hchol tleld. The program will le Inter- -p reed with uiusic. The session will be opened at t:M a m on the lotn, after which time tho hours for the other exercises will be published. The special school meeting held last Haturday afternoon was slimly attended but the business transacted was of an Important character. A 10 mill tax was levied which will raise about as much money as was realized IukI year from the 7 mills, the bonded indebtedness of the district falls due this spring and the matter of refunding was referred to the board of directors with full power to set. The board may refund the bonds In new ones, or simple promis sory notes may oe issueu, or war rants or the district may oe vnieu. The board plana to pay $1000 or 11.100 each year until the debt is dis charged, and that is in the way of sefunding In new bonds. The bra"l may adopt the government sclmi and take a part of the debt to b - funded in 6-10 bonds, tnat is ixmns to run 10 years though they may be paid at any time after 5 years. A nine months school was authorized. lion. II. V. Hates, Department Commander of the O. A. H. accom pan led by his wife, Mrs. Helen M. dates, Department President of the Women's llelief Corps started last Wednesday on an Inspection tour of the posts. They exect to tie engag ed in this work for three weeks at this time, visiting all the posts in eastern Oregon to be reached by the railroad. Later when traveling is better they will go to those posts off the railroad. This is the first year that the Department Commander has undertaken to visit all the posts in the Jurisdiction. W. E. Thorn is tearing away his old house at the corner of Hecond and llascltne streets. The usable mater lal goes into out-buildings on his home plsceat the foot of Hecond street. The old house that is going was a land tnsrk in Hillsboro hav ing been build in 18.VJ by W. M. Hrown father of our J. M. Drown. Mr. Drowu and his tamily occupied the house at once. The attic atory wis not finished for a number of years and the last work done on it was by his son who was n t born when the house was built. Gommlsaioi er Newell has been inspecting old orchards in Hillsboro and vaclnity during the week. In every case where he has found fruit pests he has ordered spraying or a removal of the trees. In a few in stances where the trees are too far gone to be profitably reclaimed he has ordered their destruction. Mr. David Campbell plans to provide a spraying plant 0 that he can spray for the public Where orchardist have but few trees, this will be the cheapest way of doctoring th pests. The total of freight leaving the Hillsboro station for the month of January was: Flour, 3.rrt0 sacks, Barrel il.s-.p, 210 bnndles.. Onions, 61H) sacks Potatoes, fc"0 sacks .Cars Lumber, 147 M feet. Hay, 13H3 bales Total number cars... Mr. Ch-w. Hiatt at Hiatt A Reason era saw mill on dales Creek was squeeeed lass Haturday. He was at work among the log when one of 1 got away and rolled over mm. HERViik crushed and bruised aooui but was saved by hap- Cures Impotent: j, o deprsion of the wasting diseases, aln and about now abuse, or exce- cretion. A nerve tou.. . blood bulldrr. Brinpi'0' n" ink glow to pale cheek " .V. Kri nf rnnthin- kSstmJ restores the fire of TOlith 2s1jShv mall HOC per box, boxes e to enr or retund tnc money, Send for circular. Address, lurPUIT MfDICAL CO For sale by DelU Drug War. COl'HT HOUSE. r iBL'LTT Oil KT. Judge McBiido iae ou the bench of I ho circuit court last Haturday when the following canes were dir jsiwd of: Htate v Frank M Oarduer, charged with big.uuy in having wedded Mrs. Ford, while having a wife in Salem. Defendant plead guilty and ww hen teuced to one year iu the eniten tiary. Thoiuson v Thompsou, ordered that the plaintiff pay o0 on or before Mar 1st aud f-O by Mar 20th to d- leni ants attorney to enable fier t( nrooerlv defend the suit. Canon v Cm lion, plaintiff ordered to nay tlOO to defendant attorney by the tirht day of the next regular term of court. Meyer vMeyer, suit for divorce C-suiissed. H'ate v Julius Milier, (Cully) de fendant plead guilty to larceny ol l.a eoti from tlio smoke house of P M Jackson. A fine of ."0 was imposed The defendant naid the sail 10 aud was discharged. E W H:.iues v E POadwell, ap- Pul from justices court. Judgment for plaiiitih. Defendant asked for leave lo llle plea to the merits. Tak en under advisement. (iiurt adjourned. (XlUNTY COURT Will Harimann and August Wcd eking were admitted to citizenship. rnoBATK. Est Neep heirs, minors; ordered that Tuna Talbot lie appointed guar dian of the person and estate ol Min nie, (ieorgia and Tracy Neep on their petition. His bouds are fixed at 000. Est l'atric F'orester deed; final ac count filed and March 6 eel lor lis examination. Est Michael Wren deed; final ac count filed and Monday March 6 set for examination. Est C P Oliver deed,- the adminis trator having filed his leceipls for ttisbursmeuts, the estate is closed of r?cord. Kit Marion and Marco P Hmilh; r?irt of the guardian for the years ".Mi-'O'J filed and approved. MAKR1AOK LICENSE. License to wed was issued Jan, 29, to John Parsons, 30, and Elsie Corne lius, 25; aud Jan. 30, to Herman (llake, 27, and Ida Zureher, 21. KE4.L ESTA1 E. Faunie T Neep to Albert Bun niug lot J blk 2'J Corneiiuf... A J Wilkes and wife to 8 E Montgomery part lot 3 blk 2S Cornelius A J Wilkes and wife to H E Montgomery lot 2 blk 28 Cornelius deo L Parker and v1 to Henry Heudriekson w J of a e Jsoc 6 t 2 u r 2 w A H Hineltzer and hub to C K Nmelixi'r 77 ac sec 21 t 2 s r 2 w Jane N Hmith to C L Xargn part lot 1 blk 1 Walker add to Forest drove Michael CJ Lyon to Herman Hirschberg lots (7 Cornelius Environs Henry Peterson to Nels Larsen 9 ac sec 17 t 1 s 2 w W N Brown and wf to CA Cavill part blk 1 Humphrey add to Hillsboro J W Baxter to C C Hon pea 12, ac of D McLeod die Henry Witt and wf to Euaily lUtter nwjw 14 t 2 s r 8 w except 30 ac Austin II dates to Barbara A dates 21 ac B II Catching die deo Hart and wf toCCllan cock lots 4 and 6 and pact of lot 3 blk 28 Cornelius Moritz Smith to Christian Zur eher e of n e 4 sec 3 1 1 n r 2 w 20 ac Anna M Hchiblg to C Zureher AO ac sec 34 t 2 n r 2 w John Wilson andwfto Ha ml Parkin e of s w J of a e sec 30 t 2 n r 4 w Alvln C Brown et al to E C Brown 20 ac Wm Htokes d 1 c Htate of Orckron to Catherine H 1 Mcled a w of a w 1 end lot 5 sec 28 t 1 s r 4 w Dd Olds to N B Brooks 90 ac see 30 1 2s r 2 w U H to John ltice s w J sec 34 t 2 n r 4 w J.icoh B Werts by sheriff to M T Cox n w 1 see 10 I 3 n r A w , Eunice Walker and huh to A J Johnson n i of lot I blk 41 Forest drove Harrisou Crater lit Chas Crater s ) of s w J sec 21 t 2 s r 2 w August Both man to Rebecca Whitten n J of s e sec 29 t 2 n r 4 w 11 11 Kiblier to d W Marsh lot 1 6 and 7 sec 2 t 3 n r 5 w Eugenia lleniy and hub to Hlate of Oregon w of s e J of s w J sec ID t 1 r 1 w... E J O'lH-a to J H Shearer s w J sec 34 t 2 n r 4 w J c Woods and wf to J W tip. lea part of lot I bi 2 Forest drove Moris Blond and wf M Palley sec 2 t 1 s r 2 w 20 ac Cora A Robinson and hub to Marvin H Preston n J of n w J of n w J see 2 t 2 n r 4 w J DWirthtoJ Nyburg part sec 24 t 2 s r 1 w J Nyburg and wftoj D Wirlh Iacsec24t2s rl w O A C R R Do to H P Font n w of n e J sec 13 t 2 n r 3 200 200 315 150 1500 600 150 300 800 709 1000 600 ICO 250 250 COO 600 Pat 250 1 100 300 800 .500 700 3000 100 10 750 500 200 Mary E Hooes and huh to J I Hoopcs 100 ac of J II Walk er d I c Caleb C H sipes and wf to J T Hoot) 74 ac of I it Walker Von 1 1 c loT.-d Manning to Ellen Man-wli-n lsawi sec 11 t 2 nr5 waU with the wfkf n.sje fr"-f'ioR W LanrV I will leve you tih Forest drove tut bs so cold, so cruineer 320 200 Rev. D. A. Wattrtrs presiding eld er will preach iu the Methodiat church Hunday evening. The 21 tiuarteriy Conference of the Methistist church will be held at ihu church Hat u nb y at 10-30 a m. Mrs. C. Hehn ivi; h ii 1 has been seriously iil for i.m ja.a. f.irtnight is rtlL'titly improved and her menus have hos-s that she will have her unUnl health back again. 'i'he literary meeting of the Ep WTlh League will Is held at the M. E. parsonage, Friday evening, sub- jeci: Longfellow." The young eo pie especially are Invited to attend. Thon interested in good bargains of hind would do well to iDsMft the sixty acres of lbs Eoberi's estate, lo cated near Reedville which will le sold at sheriff's sale at the court house door, Hillsboro at 10 am Monday next, Feb. 5th. The ladies of the Congregational church will give a concert at the church Wednesday evening Feb. 7, which will consist of solos, duets, ami iiiBtr'.imeutal music. The best talent of the ciiy will particulate. The ladies intend In make this tho event of the season. Price of tickets 25 els children under 15 yrs 10 cts. Con cert begins at 8 p m. Judg J. W. Cochran of Ashland Wiseousid Is spending a few days in On pon, he with his daughter la-ing on a trip that will take them into Mexico and possibly Cuba before they get back home. The judge was in Washington County, Wednesday aud yesterd iy .er j tylng.the beauties of our cIiiuh , M'cnery and the socie ty ofh'sold friend, Col. Bo wen ol Hillsboro. Card of Thank We take this opfmrtunily to ex pros our heart felt gratitude to all who so kindly came to our assistance in our bereavement. J. P. Magruder, Ida L., Clark. Wm Mohr makes boots at Ms shop on Hecond street, Hillsboro, for t5.f0 per pair, sewed shoes for 5 and gives siwcial attention to repair ing. Houses only first-grade stock which enables him to guarantee his work. KlltXIKY TEA. Oregon Kidney ache, nidney and and constipation. Tea cures back bladder trouble Delia Drug Store. Many a lover has turned with dis gust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else will. Hold lor years on absolute guarantee. Pi ice 25 cts, aud 50 cts at Delta. WISDOM'S UOUEBTIXE Wisdom's Robertine corrects all blemishes of .the face and makes a beautiful complexion. DelU Drug Htore. Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronic constipa tion. Karl t lover Knot Tea Is an ehsolute cure aud has been sold for fifty years on an alisolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Delta Drug H'orc. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIE Ktute of Oregon for Washington coun tv. (5. W. Laurens, riointitr, Kenlinnnd Keinke, Madeline L. Bruce, Mrs. M. J. Uceves, Mr Uneven, K. l'ickel, Kida I'.ck 1. ami J. A. Venness trus tee, Defendant, lo Ferdinand Reinke, Mrs. M.J. Keevem. Mr. Reeves, and J. A. Vennesa trtmteo, four of the above named defen dants : III the name of the tnte or Oreron, you mid each 01 you are hereby required to ap pear mid uiiHWer the comelaint tiled ajcaintit you 111 Hie aiiove eniitieu rour. anu imton or before tiie last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this iinininiiK, to-wit: on or before the eini- rntion of six week next from and after the (into of first publication of this summons the first publication thereof being on the 2nd dav of February, list), and if y.iu fail to so uppesr and answer, for want thureof tne planum win aptuy 10 me court lor the relief demanded ill his complaint, to-wit: for juilirnii.nt against the defendant, Fer- (liliuml Kcins.6. lor I no sum or JViwith interest thereon since January 13. IW. at the rale of 10 iercenl per annum, for the turn of f 4d attorneys' fees, for the ag -re gale sum ol l.iu taxes pmil, and lor the costs ami disbursements of this suit, ami for a decree correcting the description of the real estate duscriliea in and reforming that e irtiiin mi.rtgsge executej by the il. -leu. taut, Ferdinand Reinke to plalntilfon January 1117, and which Is recorded on pee 1 ol boi'k "34" Iteeords of Mort KXt ol ssid Washington county, Oreon, liy correctly dascr.bing said lands as to -lows: 'The east half ot the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of iht northwest quarter of section iU T 2 8 K I W Will. Mi.r-, ci n tain i n g 120 acres of land according to ti i.il receiver's receipt No. 4HSS, Apiilicnt.oii No. ,(!. dated Receiv er's Ottiee, Oregon City, Oregon, 1 c. 15, Isivi, and loreclosing said mortgage so ri'tnrmed and corrected, and ordering that the lands above desonlted be sold In the manner provided by law and the proceeds aiielieil to the satishiction of DlaintifTi s.ii.1 judgment, and that the ben of aitid inortsire hi ilecree I prior ami superior to all chum, interest or . q ilty of euah of the deiemlnni's tierein, ana fir such other and further relief as .i the court may appear i qiitalde. 1 Ins summons is served upon yon by pub'ication h or.ier ol the Hon. T, A. Mnllndi', j i lg-ot Hie tilth Ju.licl il ills- t-ict of O. t-gon. ra idc la ope i oinrtat llillshor , Ureaon. on January 27, PK). K. ('. Il.evker and Hmilh A bowman. 37-43 Atiornern f ir I'ls ntilT IS THE CIRCUU' COURT OF THE Htate of Oregjp, for Wathlagton Co unty. barrh K. Davidsoo, riaintift, v. Waiter Davidson. Defsndsnt To Walter Davidson, defendant: la tbe Name of the Stat of Oregon, you re commanded to appear and answer the mp aint niea against you heroin, on or ore the lthh day ol March I DUO, that be l'ic tbe first day t( the nest term of said court. If yoa lull so In lj the plaintiff win take a deciee ot Court azniust yon prsvwi lor in tne comialnt, lo-wti : . Tiiat sh t divorced from you and that the marriage con trout sutil9tin.r between you ant the plaintiff be dtsolved. The day fir ii--imnc I. fxl and this publication male in the Hillsboro In.tctenderU by urder of the lion. Th imu A. Mcl'rido. Ju.lgo of aaitl IViurt, mad on Janusrr il, I'MO, FETER H. WARD. 37.43 Attorney for l'laintiff. Ktir of Kiwatl MfttleMent. The undersigned administrator of the cirute of -M uli mm ren ileceosot, ho fil- el hi final rei.rt j uch aihuinistralor In tlie cunt v court ot ashtngtoo roao tv, Kreir.n, and said court ho appointed M .n.lsy the nth dav of March, ImOO as time for hearing objections to said ac count. Iateil at llillslmro, Oregon thi 31 - day of Jfcniiarr, rv, l.SV. w. . My Administrator of the estate of Wren, deod, ' V Can)paigQiQ3 Philippics 1 1 A book of over 4"0 pane ith nearly 300 bea'it.ful illustnitiiuiH of tr.M ji in ai-tion aist -en. in the l'hili. n.e lolandd, pnbl.shcd by The UickM-Jailil PuhlUliiug foinpany of San Frncii, the only publisher in the I'luiul Sistr wiio M-ut r.-t re CDUtivus to Manila epo.i.il!v to com pile a history of thewur. A iminy aa 'ii wri'ers were enrav'iI iu the work in Manila, many of whom were with the troop iu vnrioii engage ment and wera i-rinilted to u- of ficial records to Verily their reports. Advance Sale aver ttooo VoIuiiips In Manila shows the faith of ..lier in the publication. It is sold l.y .iil scription on'y ami return! soi.li.-ni have lieen employed a far as po.'-i-tiht. A few more bl-ciiLs wanted in this state. Address The lli. ksjinl.i Publishing ('oinp.iiiy, il 1-irt Stnn-t, San Francimu, C al. Map of liattlflleld made by an otii.ial inap-tieiker in the 8th army corps t'liahlen tin- leads er to follow clofely the movi iiient troop. Description af Philippine Islands giving atatUtiiid and othor informa tion as to climatic ii.li.li: ions, resour ces, etc., ami an aeeontit of the trip to Manila, taking the remler thru Honolulu, Japan and China. The Oregon Special Edition contain a complete history of the 2d Oregon Volunteer regiment in the Philippine campaign, aud also the nsniH, port otlice address ami occu pation of e?ery nieiiilier of the regi ment, together with lists of killed and wounded, death by .liso.m.-, promo tion, discharges, etc., and also cuts of each company and otlicer of the regiment. It is vouched for as otli ciallv correct by a certiuYate from the Colonel. NOTICK t oil V lll.K ATIOX Ltao Orric at Obkuor Citt, Ob. Jti. -2ii, i:o, NOTICK IS HERKIIY tllVKN. THAI the followiinr-numed settler has liesl notice of his intention to n.uke linul procf iu support of tiis claim, and that said proof will be made before i lie ( ouiity Clerk of Washington County, at Hillsboro Ote., on Mar 2, l'.HO, viz: ALliKUT 8CHMIDI.IN, H. K. No. 1I.W for tlie N V W of Sec (I. T3N oi R 4 W . He name the following witnesses to pr ve hi continuous residence uihiii and cultivation of said land, vis: ftrngellwrt rltmixen, ol nrownsport ure Iternhart Royer, of " " Ambrose Sctiiiiidliii, of " ' Oust r'chiiiidhii ol " CM Aa. H. MOOllKS 3(M1 Register. Teaicber'a F.xnniinntlon. Notice il hereby given that the rnunty uperintendent of Washington county, Oregon will hold the regular examina tion of applicant for statu papers at Hillsboro, on February, 14, 15, 10, and 17, a follows: Commencing We.lnes.lay rebruary, 14, at 9 o'clock a in and continuing till .Sat urday, February, 17, at 4 o'clock p in. Wednesday; Penmanship, History, Spelling, Algebra, Heading, School Law. Thursday; Written Arithmetic,. Theory of Teaching, iriuiiuiar, Hook-keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday; Physiology Geography, Mental Arithmetic, Composition, Physical Geo graphy. Batdnlay; Botany, Plane Geometry, General History, English Literature, Psychology. II. A. HALL, County Superintendent Dated at Hillsboro, Ore. Jan. 30, 1!H, o7-otf If Hhiloh's cough and consumption cure, which is sold for the small prLw of 25c, 50c and $100, does not cure Uke the bottle back and wo will re fund your money. Hold for over 60 years on this guarantee. For sale at the Delta Drug Htore. Sick headaches, the curse of over worked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover ltoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tis sue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 25 and 50 cts. at Delta. On every bottle of Hhiloh's Con sumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can asy you are not bene fited return the bottle to your Drug gist and he may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts, and 50 cts and 11.00. Delta Drug Htore. How is your wife has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipation, Indi gestion. Hick Headache are the prin cipal causes. Karl's Clover ltoot Tea haa cured these Ills for half a centu ry. Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satis factory. Delta Drug Htore. Always cheaper Id the end than mmy seeds that onlv cost half as ronrh. Tsausl, true to name, fresh and reltabl. Always the Pot. asm . for Ksrry's take oo otnera.. Wttte far tu) SsI Asausl. rr.HBV tlMSl. Stlrb. II The Absolutely Pure Made from Grape Cream of, Tartar. m Baking powders made from alum and other hrU. Mtistle adds are lower in criceVbut ; ' MM MM . Ww www - ww county in wtt--wk and injurious to the stomach ,ne reside Thscounty ciera soto su, AN.MlL ANNUIMIKL.NT. At the beginning ef the year I wi-.li to infofii t' s p ib', soioewhal in regard to my t iirp.- Into ileti rini. .oil lo kit upwi'b ''ie tioi. s an I d i tit" very i si ..rk. This liowev. r :s nn'-NV Yeir wilvo" tor I i . ve 1 i'ti, n I a n now, earnestly sii.il.. .1 2 to iitipr iv-. 1 am iiet no.... I In line! the ttlt- l:c dcm.-in.is. if you uaiit ciietip pboli" ciniie ami gi tthoinat a eelit s oietv. If you wirt life six- Kr ti i's, 1 make tl - in tine t n.iu.'b for xi. y one, and a. lately ierte't in likeinvs. All regular work of cabi not ami older sir. -s will t' .imie in tiie mint cons'cieticiou-. ui.inni r and to your full s .lisf.ietiou. If you w:ii'i tvirtnit frstiHV, 1 c-in show Villi tin n ;(i-.,t H.svir! Iliel'l Hlld the lowest pi i vs. t'oine and see loo whether you want anything or not. iloyl Photo grapher. Cm up is a Ion r of tl.ousanils ot young mothi rs K-cause its outlirt-ak is so agonizing itnd tri.iii ntly fatal. Hhiloh's iiiugii mill ei.iisiiiuption cure lo t like magic iu eases of erough. It bus never tieen known lo fail. The worst case r. In v. it iiiiine.liiile y . Price 25c, 50' and tl 00, You Jan get it at the Delta. V. J. liarta-r has put in a line tock of cigars a cigarett. s. Call on V. J. llartsi, .Second street if you want s lirst cjass. shave or hair cut. Try his Imths, either hot or cold. What is Shiloli? A grand old rem edy lor Cough, Colds and Consum ption; used through the world lot half a century, has cured innumer able cases of incipiont consumption and relieved many in advanced stag es. If you are not solistled with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 and M cts and f 1.00. 1 t lia. Beautiful complexion is an iin xsssihility without good blood, the sort that only exists iu connection with gixni digestion, a healthy liver and Uiwels. Karl's Clover ltiait Tea acts directly ou the Isiwels, liver and kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. at Delta Drug Htore. Do you know consumption is pre ventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect Is suiciiltd. The worst cold or cough can Ihu cured with Hhiloh's Cough and Consump tion Cure. Hold on positive guaran tee for over fifty years. Delta Drug Htore. SHI HIFF S HALF. HY V1RTUK OK AN KXK.CUTION, Decree and Order of Sale, issued out of the Circuit I ourtofthe State of Oregon for Washington County, iu favor of Mary Vinson and Jennie Chapman, Kx ecuturs of the last will and testament of Minerva Newton, deceased, and against H. 11. Humphreys and Aran. int. i K. Huph reys, hxe utors of tiie lust will and tsstu incnt ol Thus. D. Humphreys, deceased, John J. Morgan, Iiiuiiiii K. Morgan, his wife. S. U. Humphreys, Mary ;:. Humph reys, his wife, .lolin it Huinphieys, Flora Humphreys, iiiswife. T hotmis J. Humph reys, .i.zie Humphreys, his wife, Samuel T. Humphreys Aritlnllit.l K. H ilinehreys, Mary A. Wolvertoii, and Hruce Wolverton, tier husband. Art her K. Humphreys, V,l'. Wood and T, T. (leer, (iuvernor of the Slate of Oregon, F. I. Dtinhar, Setretary of State of the Stale of Oregon, and Chas. . Moore, Mute Treasurer of Oreion, consti tuting the r-tnle Land It. ard of tlie State of Oregon and F.luahfth J l.andess, fur the sum of fli.. si costs, and for the further Mini of 4T2IK.nu U.S. gold coin, with in terest thereon at the rate of percent per annum from the loth day of December, lstiH and tlie further sum ol ILWIiU mill in .crest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the loth day of December IKitianil the turtner sum ol :si in i. S. irold coin with iulerest thereon from the loth d iy of Dei-emlier. IKC.I, ut the rule of M Mr cent per annum unit lor me cost aim expenses of sale mid of said writ. Now. therefore, by virtue and In pursu ance of suid judgment, diereettiid order jf sale, I will, on .Mon. lay tne ..til nay ot February, l'.mo, at the south door of tlie ( ourt I tons.! in Hiiisiniro, vt iisiiin ton County. Oregon, at the hour of to o'clock a. m., of said day, sell at public auction to tlie highest bidder for cash, the following dcscrilsjd real property, to-wit: First: Tracts numliered 3S and 39 as the rame aniM'urs in the amended pint of ruir view addition to the town of Hiilslioro, Washington. County. Oregon. tsecotul: tracts numbered 21. 2.1. i. '27. '2, ; and 37 as marked and platted in the amended tilat of Fairvicw addition to the Town of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. 'Third: Tracts ntimliereil 22, 2o and 36 in Kaii view addition to tlie town of Hills boro, y ushington ( ounty, Oregon, ulsive described to satisfy the hereinbefore named Bums, and for the costs and expenses of said sale. Said property will be sold subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon. itm-ss my hand this :id day of January l!Mi. W. D. BRADFORD. SherifTof Washington County, Oregon. Uy C. F. Dcichmaii, leputy Tlio. II. A E. It. Tongue, Attorneys for Plaintiff 33-37 Catarrh Caauot he Cured with local applications, a they cannot leach i he seal of tlie disease. Catarrh is s blood or constitutional disease, and in or der tocure ttyoii must bike internal rem edies. Hall's Catarrh i tire is taken inter nally, and nets directly on the blood and mucous sitrluces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a ipijiek medicine. It was prescribed l.y one .1 i.r Is-st physicians in this coun try for ycais, and us a regular prescription. It is composed of t tie bi-st tonics known couhiut-d Willi the best blood purilii rs, act ing direc Iy on the mucous surface. The perfect combination ol the two ingredients is what prodtici's such wonderful resul's in curl g Catarrh, .S lid lor testimonials I'rec. Address, F.J CHEN K Y A Co., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists. 7.r. Hull's Family Fills are the best. . co, atw voaa. MANY young woman ara completely proatrate4 for week ont of avery month by menstrual sufferings Tho terror of menstruation overshadow their whola lives. How needless thia la la most cases is sliawn by tbe thousands of grateful letter constantly coining to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mas., f om women she has helped. Miss Joi, Saul, Dover, Mich-, write as follows to Mrs. Pinkham : I suilored untold agony every month and could get oo relief until I tried your medicine ; your vice and a few bottles of Compound have made I shall bless you a long as 'LJ 3 1VcaAx yJ! h i wn ' ess n m tv it 3 Ytm. r & C- - 1 VNn V w I J 1 I J- - I pf.'-S Pain leaves its mark. Faces become pale and thin. Fea tures grow sharp and haggard. The stamp of suffering is un mistakable. Write to Mrs. Pinkham for aid. Her experience t la the widest in the world and her advice is free. p Free BICYCLE Free Q Tif tii-t'i-t Im-I.mt 14 n fnp - 0 - , II. Wchrutif; iS: Sons, and explains itself. Your name will bo r wtitttti on the Llank line drawing: No. H. W. Se e mmmmmtnmmnimmmmitfm B HAVE YOU USED 3 BUTTER PARCHMENT? s 71 . All gilt-edged butter put on the mar ket by creanieiies is wrapped in paper. The product of the private daily would reach its market in much bettei condi- . tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it docs when wrapped in cloth. Parchment is uot only better than cloth but cheaiic. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard irom which 27 sheets can be cut 27Parch nient wrappers cost 2 cents. 500 ShsPts 8x11, 500 Sheets, 8xi3, tandard slie (or 2-pouud rolls Is 8x1 1 inches; 2-pound blocks are wrapped iu the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not been generally used heretofore, farmers coii!d not get it ot the ntnttal htcre It is now kept at the Independent of 6ce ctit to any size wanted. ?anaiauaiaaiiaiaiaauamimiiaiu Furniture for sale AT PORTLAND PRICES. . To prove this call at the corner of Main and Third streets ami get piices P. O. BROWN, Furniture Dealer. i vV ir Vr ic SAVE YOUR it "Star" tin tap (showing smr.II stain printed on nn.lur si lo of taiO, ' Horse Shoe," "J. T.," " mii1 Lurk," "Cross Bow," aud " I)-utiimoiiil " Natural Ieaf Tin Tai?s are of wiial value in secnrinn presents mentioned below, and may lie aaaorteil. Evt-ry man, woman and child cita find ouethiug on the list that they would like to have, ami cun have 27" X IS 3.3 ! 1 Watfh IV.. I Kn f. ff t rVi-w.ru. 4' 4 III.IM - . b.. ' mirl t . . a.. K 'nl. yrk fi'l - '1 J- nftJ. 1 h"f h"IJ wriiin.i. Mi V im ! n r ki.tt". t rl 1 ( 1'i'llfV I I. 9 !',r 'i.-'l t-v 1 'it.;l It hilt'- Mw- K-i ' - ' 'hi s tr, ?.' U hw,-. ' K" n K -r " ,k 11 N-it . r. 1 kr ar..l ft I': 1 , .hit I-l v IR (Mil. ' . t .ii." t--: ! M AKrm ' l. li nl 1- t 1-J 1 ; hi . "ti'H' it j -t ' 1 1 1 !': I il -U W 11 r ii r f. (-. mini 4' 1 - ' li Vt-r. ft ' I Im-I, tn,. k(...rn hi.'h Pil Sb hi t t M-Mniri" w 's-r-' I 41 i1 H 1 -1 ri, l-t ,.U'I I - . f-' il Hx K'.l- ,. 'f ". Mi' k ..m hiri'l'-- wt K hli it -. 1 I' -r Kn, ix is Special Notice ! I I'Kin " 'r " Thi m l !-ii ! f STAR PLUG TOBACCO wilt l lensrr aad r mnr- plrv.ure thaa timr'u WHtt f njr hrs.... r4KETHETE9TI SenJ ' y ' f . I iliMtl. 1 till !''( lOM $1. Isuit, icit k Ai:ii('ki;ititicick& HAGGARD FACES SN WOMEN letter of ad Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable me the I live." happiest woman aliv. MISS ROSA tiCLDEM, 116 VY. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O.. writes: "Dcar Mrs. PiSkham Four years ago I had almost given up hope cf ever be ing well again. I was afflicted with those dreadful headache spella which would sometimes last three or four days. Also had backache, bear ing-down pains, leucor- rhcea, dizziness, and terri ble pains at monthly periods confining me to my bed. After reading so many testi monials for your medicine, I concluded to try it. I began to i-uiK, up aner tailing the first bottle, and have vH Cfr. ri i 1. c t ,i train rapiuiy, unu now leci like a different woman. I can recommend Lydia E. Pinkhatn s Vegetable Coisinnund in hlohi-sf terms to all sick women." iimil nf thnii oivi'ii nunv hv il and put in a box awaiting the No. j This ticket ia given away with a i';ith j (itirrbaso to the aiiioiint of fl.OU and is a i I'bain e on a Ijulios or (.lent l'.mo (h1 ! umbia r.ievcle. To I given awuv by J 11. WKHKUNU A Kt)Sl. i 50 cts, 55 cts r tV kik iritk V TAGS i iK iK ic 34 'fin , It-wth-r. no rwir 'n-)'. tM J""4 "1 ,t. duliiv it n. I UOl piMJIHtllK. "HI Iwl Mi rle-CM -( I-ift-Uln, V l'ti.l.Hi . ... . If '"Il IMI St.. 4 2'J "F ''I 1 il . I: -'-rhtu silinf full ivr. ..- I ! ) w, l"ttlr, ttwinl- in it " v.. Mn, Qr4t (Ut. -ti it' ' ' h -Il li l.d i i'.-r, - -If , .-lli-r, t.t 1-1 1 tv 'a I, -hut, jri Hlt'fr. Im -I ' 1 rr 1 'A liUti'-ui. fijw-wKl, In !' 1 . vrl 'I ti. - f liin mtm. . . ...- i ' i. fti w'r lirj--Mrtf HU'it nn 1 : t . . M T I: 11: f n. burf-l. h n 1:1 r sii i'iti. I'i'.r Ii h-'i: J ' H -1", -.'. nuRkit, kvli 'f f-u't . . w JIM -,t I " If ItTIHilif'titl, nit Irv r . iiw.ii'iTii , 4 1 ft ifin Mii-sfa M-'t 14 liwh iU...wUMI i ir iT ix t ;v ' r a M'ar t(n -ih am -11 i '.c f " 'f ( ""H for -- ttw. 4 ii "H tl (Mw9 wl t VMtl VVBUhsT r ,. 9 c