9 a a.aaa.aaaaA. , : vv vivi y vi. hp : JjUrican farm; sTVgrrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" deteriorated garments, it tlWr-is lie . e e i posef de. It wuurtl uot t QttlUK. d f should otlU'lattj la service of Oav wtio for respect we (hall not came. No. my friend. I will remain uere, al. while yau are mwinblum youratlre t'fetlit-r In Hii iiivsence of the Lord, I lu my koI 1 1 id.-, will thlufc f snd pray JeV oa. ho; I TM ren.aln here. It t a toutilu'ictie-lln l lata lleH vriiftt re fata. ' SMSW Ut MM M o ttM Aw friers la. sU taaa tte Matt AAm alftls rare.! ate yrrasarej a stack cot ee, aad .. valra a. tea aa tataa. ami lis aataisfty. tUr s, saroutj rtxa, vera tttn year, vkea M went a lbs to MHiHtal Ua lor 14 wttfe grM prats tM mat a be sornMeVi it and aid M a- r aoe to. lareat rutakMV prrbapa not tw vari eat, act etarti. Nit it Mica . la wit lit ateta at poss T H v t It i" he said. Hi old (re m tvlsilluA vltk prldt. fSevi'te stojsj uy end tritrt en lA enst It Atted admlrahlt. TU vaiSV t eonkl lie uilile to button rip pint hp the hack, til ths rroussrs Wrt rft, but below were the rag fl boots, Tls (iernita ant so dit ertneertftd. tiolnf , to tlit am when pair of top tioota hung, la tuuk tliasi K, diiHtod tlit'ia canrullj and put them (loan ts'fiss Honsiiart. The old tea now ft tu'lmini'd oter with WIrklluK eujoyitout, "1 hnve only woru them nm. Tlief Mtjrht Serve; the mlt'lit l endured." Kuimpurte drew tlii'm on and stood upright, IiIh hesd almont touching the tnmg. The Ucrrtiuu looked at him with profound admiration. It was wonderful niiut a difference fuatbera etude In the bird. CHAPTER V. SITNIIAY HKR VICES HKKV1CK NO. L Tbo boy Wnldo klHsed the pages of nit book and looked up. Far over the flat lay the "kopje," a mere spook; the sheep wandered quietly from bush to bush; the stillness of the early Sunday rested everywhere, and tho air was fresh. He looked down at his book. On Its page a black Insect crept He lifted It off with his finger. Then he leaned on bit elbow, watching Its quivering an teanne and strange movements, smil ing. "Even you," he whispered, "shall not die. Even you be loves. Even you be will fold In his arms when he takes everything and makes It perfect and happy." When the thing had gone, be smooth ed the leavea of hla Iiible somewhat caressingly. The leavea of that book had dropped blood for him once. They had taken the brightnesa out of hla childhood. From between them bad sprang the vlxlona that had clung about him and made night horrible. Adderlike thoughts had lifted their boads, had shot out forked tongues at him, asking mockingly strange, trivial questions that be could not answer, miserable child: Why did the women In Mark see only ona angol and the women In Luke two? Could a story be told In opposite waya and both ways be true? Could It? Could It? Then, again: la there noth lag always right and nothing always wrong? Could Jael, the wife of Ueber the Kenlte, "put bcr band to the nail and her right hand to the workman'a hammer?" and could the Spirit of the Lord chant paeana over her, loud paeana, blgb paeana, aet In the book of the Lord, and no voice cry out It waa a mean and dastardly ain to lie and kill the trusting In their sleep? Could the friend of God marry hla own sinter aad be beloved, and the man who doea kt today goea to bell, to bell? Was tkere aothlug alwaya right or alwaya .wrong? Thoae leaves had dropped blood for him once. Thoy bad made bla heart keavy and cold; they bad robbed bla ealldhood of Its gladness. Now bit fingers moved over them caressingly. "My Father God knows, my Father knows," he said. "We cannot under stand. He knows." After awhile he whlavered, smiling: "I heard your voice this morning when my eyes were not yet open. I felt you ueur me, my Fa tkor. Why do you love mo so?" Ilia Taoe was Illuminated. "In the la.it four months the old iiuestlon list gone from me. I know you are good; I know ye hive everything; I know, I know, 1 knew! I could uot hnve borne It any tore, not any more." He laughed softly. "And all the while I waa an mkterabk you were looking at me and loving me, and I sever knew It. Hut I kanv It now. 1 feel It!" aald the bay, ami he laughed kit.. "I f.iel It!" kw laughed. Aftsr awhile ha Iwtta ft 'tit to alng. geVtly to chant, the disconnected Verses f kymst. tboae winch siott nit sitd atw, many timet over, The ahecp WKk their aenaelcs ttt taroeri t kaik t kirn aa ke ana. At last ka lapsea lata quiet 11 it a aur tow toy Uy there ttftrlm) at built cued sftari kt taw t ttahsi. Ua kstd enwaed tst Hvt of Ceftta eras! wanted on tha orker taft la tke LawTa kseat of- (teuton. Hi feat otak tart fwt (iark grata, tad at tlld all The a, ts ottt tha Relila. m tg"r teotlc .. rkt dark Xi mm grata. At Irat tia tkMkt h anrt ka ai tl tVs aageit. Mutt ataw ajar t ka hvg sa to teal what it toA, Aitl N oftiat ha. hev to ftjtj, aad aatt) kt tele at 1 4. "Cmt," aal ha puaiy wko it wta. He ran to tha f touched them with hM kftDdft; y-, he held them fast. He la J down beside theia. When he looked tip, the face wt over him, and the glorlooa eyes were loving him. and thoy two were there alow together. He laughed a deep laugh,1 then start ed tip like one auddeuly awakened from sleep. O God," ho cried, "I cannot wait, I cannot wait! I want to dlel I want to see Mm I I want to touch hlinl I-ot me dleP' lit folde.1 hla hands, trem bling. "How can I wait so long for s long, long yeara perhaps? I want to Jle to tea html t will die any death! Oh, let ma comer Weeping, ba bowed himself and quiv ered from bead to foot. After long While h lifted his head. "Tea: I will wait. I will wait, but not long. Po not let It ba very long. Jesna, Kin- 1 "ant yoti; oh, I want you soon, onr na sat still staring across the plain with hla tearful eyes. , ' sksvicb ra. iu 0 In the, front, roim of the farmhouse sat TaBf Sanule In her elbow chair, la her band waa ber great brflU clasp A bymnbook; round her neck waa uan arhlta handkerchffT; under oer feet waa ft wooden atovw. There, too, aat En and Lynda 11 In clean pluaforue and new ahoet; Hit-re, too, vvr-u the spruce Hottentot In starched V" "cappe" and her Itiabaud on fne other side of the door, with bis woJt oiled and very much combed out and fv'frtng at bis new leaner boots. T Kartir servanu were dot there be,uae Tanf Mannle beld they were (Vceuded from apea and needed no sitn atlon. Rut the rest were gntbejrd for tb.e Hund.') service and wrtel the orBolator. MeauwbllitHonaparte and the Ger man appruiftbed arm In arm. Bona resplendent In the black rlotb clothe a SBi'tleHi shirt and a spotless collar, the vicrnmu lu the old suit and pepper, catting s?iy glnia' of admira tion at bis companion. At the fruut door llouaparte vsaiovfcj bis hat with much dignity, raised kU shirt collar and entered. To the cen to table he walked, put his bat sol Hilt (loin I the big Bible and bow , ea kt kr4 over It In silent prayer. X&e IksM Woman looked at the Ilot touA, ad the.Uetteatot looked at the ttaw twtt Xhia au tkiftg oft cr tfi for Taaf Pftitaia bt4 ft o)uad itseresMW, wsk t eareite4 lulsfalftg iaHMt set, wkirk rt its it tiosa twtvtf woiuaa. 'at tkiag; waa aw. ekiain Ma cfttkv tt Mfta let thlaft at tUe 'lint;" It a he aet tkiiik at tha tkVea, wba atl la Ik tup pw irf tUa rkarek o wuiUyk, wita tke hale tv aicely otled an hoit aod reapMtal'k-. ftlth Mwir lit t la kvrtlUO coU; It uilds htt think of keawa. wkre tverythlug wtt fto holy tad rtivtlle and mlsily (mt tgu rd aud the llttW tt angel hftd buck tail cat Plie wished the hadn't cull ed him ft tbief ftiid ft Konill Catholic, itha hosd the Germaa hadn't told him. 'he wondered here thoae ckthe werft when ke cat m t In rtgt to her door. Tlrt waa no doaht he wtt ft very ra- tln'CltlJe man, a gentk-man. The German tit-gnn to read bymft. At the eud ef each line Ucaiapartt groaned and twice at tba tud of every verae. Tho Hoar woman bad oftoa heard of persons groaning during prayers to add a certain poignancy and finish to them. Old Jan Vanderllnde, her mother a brother, always did It sftcr he was converted, and she would have looked upon It as no expects! sign of grace la any one. Hut to groaa at nymn timet She waa atartk-d. She wondered If bs romemt ered that she shook ber fist In hla face. This waa s man of God. They knelt down to prsy. The Boer woman weighed 250 pounds and could not kneel. She sat In ber chair and peeped between her crossed fingers at the stranger'a back. She could not understand what he said, but bo was In earnest. He shook the chair by the hack rail till It made quite a little dust on the mud floor. When they rose from their knees, Bonaparte solemnly seated himself In the chair and opened the Bible. lie blew bis nose, pulled up his shirt col lar, smoothed the leaves, stroked down his capacious waistcoat, blew hla nose agiln, looked solemnly round the room, then began: "All liars shall have their part In the lake which burneth with fire and brim stone, which Is the second death." Having read this portion of Scrip ture, Bonaparte paused Impressively and looked all round the room, 'I shall not, my dear friends," be said, "long detain you. Much of our precious time baa already fled bliss fully from us In tha voice of thanks giving and the tongue of praise. A few, a very few, words are all I shall addresa to you, and may they be as ft rod of Iron dividing the bones from the marrow and the marrow from the bones. "In the first plsce, what Is lisr?" The question was put so pointedly and followed by a pause so profound that even the Hottentot man left on looking at bla boots and opened his eyes, though be understood not word. I repeat," aald Bonaparte, "what la a liar?" The sensation waa Intense. Tba at tention of the audience waa riveted. nave you any or you ever seen a liar, my dear friends?" There waa ft atlll longer pause. "I hope not; I truly hope not But I will tell you what liar la. I knew a liar once a little boy who lived In Cape Town, In Short Mar ket street. His mother snd I sst to gether one day discoursing about oar souls. Here, Sampson,' said his mother, go and buy Blx pence of "melboss" from tho Malay round the corner.' When he came back, she said, 'How much bare you got? 1 'Five,' he said. He was afraid if he said six and ft half she'd ask for some. And, my friends, that was a lie. The half of ft iiicIIhws' stuck In bis throat, and be died anil waa burled. And where did the soul of that little liar go to, my friends? It went to the lake of Are and brimstone. This brings me to the si-c-ond point of my discourse. What It lske of (Ire and brim stone? I mill tell you, my friends." Said Bonaparte condescendingly. "The imagination unaided cannot conceive It, but by the help of tho Lord I trill put It (a fore your mind's eye. "I Wtt traveling In Halt onoa oft ft Unit. I etine to a city called Ilonv. a taat city, and mat it ia a mountalft hick spltft forth lire. Its name ! etna. Now, tiivre was man In that city ef Horn wko hftd m tha har of id heroes bla eye, to A ha loved ft woman. Tha Woman riled, gnd Kt wtlk'ri up tntt mosnttln aiiittliia Rra. nd ve ba gc tha ha thiaw Ml, Self la U int kol tliat la Micro. II nest day ( wt up. I was, not tfiftkrl 'ht t!l pr.'ftrr his Serf- ft al ta their hands shall thev bear ttica na, ,t at anv time thnn fail Into a volcano. It whs a dark llit When I got there, but In the fear ot the Lord I walked to the eitnu ct tha yawning abyss and looked In. That Want that sight, my friends. It Im pressed upon my most Indelible mem ory. I looked down Into the lurid dfths upon an Incandescent lake, a melted fire, a seething sea,, The bil lows rolled from slit to side, snd on their fleiy crests tossed the white skel eton of the suicide. The heat had burned the flesh from off the bones. Thoy lay as a light cork upon the melt ed flory waves. One skeleton hand was raised upward, the ftcr pointing to heaven; the other, with outstretch exl flngofi pointing downward, as though It would tay, 'I go below, but you, Bwnaparte, rfiay soar shove.' I gasod; I stood entranced. At that In stant there was a crack In the lurid lake. It ewclloil, expanded, and the skeleton of the suicide disappeared, to lie seen no more by mortal eye." Here again Bonaparte rested and then continaed: "The lake of melted stone rose In tba rrjUor. It swelled higher and higher at flie sltV; It strvameiforth at the top. t had presence of mind. Near fte was a rock. I stood upon It Thefjerttor rout was vomited out and streamed on either tide of me. And throujb that long and terrible night I stood there alens uiAia that ro, tha glowing Oer lava on every RticJ. a monument of the long suffering and tender providence of the isurd, who spired me thaul might this day J-tify lu your tars of blig. "Now. my dear fficuda. let ua deduce the lessons that are to be leuuicd froiS this narrative. t "Firstly, b't us never commit suicide. Thiat man la a fool my friend, tratt man la Insane, my friends, who would leave this earth, my friends. Here are joys Innumerable, sucb as It hath uot entered Into the heart of man to ua derstauil. my friends. Here are citbes, my friends; here at beds, my friends; here Is delicious food, my friends. Our precious bodies were given 6 to love, to cherish. Ob, let us do sol Ob, let ua never hurt 4bem, but care for and love them, my frier Is." Every one waa Impressed, and Bona parte proceeded: TTfc'rdly. kt ua not love too much. If that yoag man bud not loved that young woman, ba would not have Jumped Into Mount Ktna. The good men ot old never did so. Wat Jere miah ever In love, or Ezeklet, or Homo. or even any of the mlnbr prophets? No. Then why should we be? Thousands sro rolling In that lake at this mo- Bjent who would say, 'It waa lova that bsnught ut here.' Ob, let ua think al way of our owa souls first. "ft rtarm to BMP I bars, ft God to (Inriljr, ft erSrr djine tftul to ev ant Si It lor Ow at. "Oh, hrtntorl frltaria. rtatatabtw taft Itttls bny ta tha -meilnsl;' rsmeftilist tha youn girl and tba youag mta: re member the lte, tbt fire tnil tht brlmstona; semcmbrr tht tulcluft skeleton on the pitchy blllowi of Moust Etna; remember tha Voice of warning mat has this day aouuded In your etia. And what I aty to you I aty to alk watch. May tits Iywl aU bla bltft- Ing." Here the Blblt closed trltk a tre mendous thud. Tanf Nannie loawnsd the white handkerchief about her neck nd wiped her eyes, snd tba colored girl, seeing ber do so, aniifled. They did not understand tht discourse, whlcft made It the more affecting. Thera hung over It that inacrutablo cbsrm which bo vert forever for the huuiat Intellect over the Incompreheuslbla nd shadowy. When the last hymn was tuug, the German conducted tht olHclator to Tanf Ssnnle, who gra ciously extended ber band and offered coffee aud a sest on tht sofa. Leav ing him there, the Gorman hurried away to aee bow the little plum pud ding be bad left at boms waa advanc ing, and Tanf Stnnia remarked that It waa a bot day. Bonaparte gathered ber moaning as she fsnned herself with the end of ber apron. He bowed low In acquiescence. A long silence followed. Tanf Bauulo spoke again. Bonaparte gave ber no ear. His eye was fixed on a small miniature on the opposite wall, which represented Tanf Sannle as she had appeared on the day before her confirmation, 15 years before, attired In green muslin. Sud denly he started to bis feet walked tip to the picture and took his stand before It Long and wistfully he gazed Into Its features. It was easy to see that be was deeply moved. Witb a sudden movement, as though no longer able to restrain himself, be seised the picture, loosened It from Its nail and beld It close to his eyes. At length, turning to the Boer woman, be said lu a voice of deep emotion: "You will, I trust, dear tnadame, ex cuse this exhibition of my feelings, but this this little picture recalls to me my first and best beloved, my dear de parted wife, wbo Is now a saint In heaven." TO B C02TTIWUED.1 My wife has been utiing Chamber Iain's Pain Balm, with good result, fur a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the bent of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle 1 nd her shoulder ia almost well. Ac'olph L. Millett, Manchester, N. II. For sale by Delta Drug Store. My son had beep troubled for years with chronic 1 larrhoet. Sometime hbo I persuaded him lo lake some of Cnamberlnin's Colic, Cholera and Dmrrhuea Itetnedy. After using two bottles of the 25 cent size he was cured. I 'jive this trstiinoninl, hop ing some one similarly tifllicted may read it and l hencliled, Thomas C. Ikiwer, (Keneitp, O. For sale at the Delta. A POPULAR INK. ItavM't csltbrnled Wi It insl fluid kept in ttiH k nt tlir 1iih tsi'tltr olliee is now l st the ttt tides. Ittt rt, Raaktrt, Trraarr'H . ( aat ar. l4r' Oklto, ( tart lltte, Ntat. HrktaN, I ttrt lltiist, T. M. I. It. Tttttt, lav vBtk, till I Haatits, l a otitt. I. wtkraate) !taa. tsriktatm 9. o. itrtat, faraitita n r, miKkara rah. ( a , rnaw r. Private fitUeas. The lliiid when first usel on paptr is I Ixiuitiful bluixh tinite but after cx- .inre it turns to a jet Mm k. It will not fade in the brightest sun-light. No sedi ment is left in the ink well and it does not brcomo thick or clotted. ' Try a botlle of it.! PABKEP'S HAIR BALSAM end Nuit:!!,-- in n I'nMiMiftM niiitrtftnl flrith. HftTff raJla to BMtoiw Orey Heir to Ite Tontnnti t-oior. Ci-iM rein 1 ft ' A heir tsjima eir.ft- .1 l 'M rnihk-.U NERVITA PILLS! S--rt VimiTT. LOST VIGOR SNO MANHOOD Curea Impotcncy, Night Lmlssion snd wasting diseases, all. effects of t-elf- abuse, or excess and dis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood VsMMer. Brinirs the pink glow to pale checks and restores the fire of outh. By mall ftOc per box, O boxes for J.; with a written truaran- teetocure or rel'iiinl the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVlTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sta CNICACO, I IX. For ial8.byDelU(JrujStore. .jAJTL . t-t-ve Portland, A. r. Akmstronc. tL B , Principal. J. A. Wttsco, Penman & SecrvLuy. THC BUSY WOR'LD OF DUc'lNESS gives profitable employment to huiulrebi of our graduate, ami will to thnusxrw'a more. Send for our catalogue. Lafcrn wiui aud we leach. Verily, A BUSINESS EDUCATION 4i IS God's Goosl ' I feel that ('nxl haii blessed lr. that grand nudui.io called Acker's Troubles. It saves children every hvcry mother should know omiut ; 1 ....11 . .11 i .... rience. I ti l I a ivling hoy of four yearc to die with croup. My d tor did all he could, but tha chilt could not he m.idc to vomit. Thai minutt s she vonuie-1 am! was lift ter ripht awftv. lHinnu the win- ttr she had croup four times, ftiid hrf it brought her through each time fill right. I. ovsclf, hail broncliitis ' pratt bad, ft id Acker a Knglith Remedy cured me completely. Before I close, I want to tell you was before 1 kao vof Acker's F.ng -C kTjdv- L ,&X 4, iPt"?! Inn Remedy. Ater I did htMr of V. , V. Ni fl it, I got a bottle. When our lutlc 'l- Cr.t'h'-Ll eightea,,. mouths- old gtil 8' l lwVl iitiicki n with ctoup, I gave her K'Ss W thUmed'ciue, and msideof twentw "'-"mf. 5 1 1 i- A of my neighbor's ty. named Jolie Nana -He hft.1 bronchitis, too. II got worse all the time. My husband went over to his house and told him a'suit my case. Then his mother went to town, g. t a 50-vent laittle rJ Acker's English Remedy, and he tovk it. He came over to our house a few days later and said ha was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from the start. Vou can un derstand by my letter why I think so mt.ch of Acker's English Remedy. I re peat, that God's blessing must turely have laen lustowtd ujs.n Or. Acker." (Signed) Mrs. John Ykai:kk, Rochester, Pa. Sold at 25c. 50c. ami $1 abottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in Knglatid, at is. 3d., as. 3d., 4s 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. Il'e utiWix I aixw guamnlte. If. U. 'loOKKK 4 ID.. I'ruiiruiiirt, AtV York. For Sale by The iSkSl-U wars cheaper In the end than uv pueda thai only oohI half fw much. Texted, true to name, rreuh and rellaliie. A I wars tha hast. Auk .for harry'a lake no other. Write for lu Hed Annual. . St. ir.Hiir a, vu.. Detrell, Mick. WSU REWARDED. Rev. W. A. Nickel, residing at 5S'J5 Olive sireeL Kansas City, Mo., in talk inn about l)r. Hennett's Electric licit said: "I have been well rewarded. It has only been five days since I liegun wearing your Ix'lt and I tx-lievo it is all you eVy. I have slept belter the (mat few nights than for months, 111 v nerves are better, and, well, I tell you, it's all right ; 11 nan 111 y neany indorsement aim re commendation. Kvery perpnn aullering from any weakness should begin your treatment." In olden times teople overlooked the im(Krtane of permanently le nelicial erlects and were satisfi ed with transient action ; but now it is gfuerslly known that Dr. Hennett's lelt will permanent ly overcome anv weakness, well informed people will not hesitate ill saying thev have been well rewarded. T o men who have haltered their stomachs with driiu we want tlirm to exercise their .judgment and consider that Khfiricity is the great est power on earth, dives instant relief and never fails to cure rheumatism, bsekaehe, kidney trouble, early decay, night losses, lack of nerve force unl vigor nerviius debility, Un.levclo mcnt and liwi vihility. W'riie for sdviee, which is absolutely free. The imwt ohstinalc c:ise suii-ess-fnlly treated in the strictest contiilenre. Im iiiciiiImt lr. I'.eiinelfK Holts are never sold ill stores or by sgenH. Only by Dr. Bennett ELECTRIC BELT -CO. sriT2.1, t'NION I'UCK, DENVER. COLO. APSW IHT2aESTIliJ FACTS When people are ronlemplalinir n Irip wlietlirr on bnfine oi ilrii-nic, a,.a n;ilnr:illv rih the Ix'-t JM-rvii-e uli lainnble mi far nn il, roinfoit ami wtety i eoniTineil. KniploveiH of the iMiinrin t entrul Linin are paid lo nerve the pulilic and our tnine me d oeraleil mi iik to m.ike i-Uwe iiiiiiiit lion with ilivei(jin(t lines nl all junct ion Hiinte, Pullman Piiln.v Sleeping and Chair Cim on thronli lraiii. PiniiiK Cur ee vice nnTietlil. .j wrvpd a la Carte. Menli tn onlrr to obtain tliin first i lane serm-p, n-k lhe Mi krl agent to aell j ,, a ticket over isfi-rarasis central lines. Ilfrect rnnnei'tiuns nt ('liirntro iind wnukre for all KiifliTn point. . . Mil- Kor full information rail on ticket K''nt, or w nte . . your tiirtrent Fl -ftW" -I 4&wy i J.a. C. Tomi, or Ja. A. ( k Urn. I'm. At., tieiaml Ain-nt, 14ilaiikcr,is. i-Uibi.uk Oo Oregon PAYS Acker with special knowledge to prcpavp Kuglish Kemaily for Throat ami I.11114 tnnu when titty are ftttai.kad o0u. Sk s ' v - i' V its i ' j Delta Drug Store Extraordinary! The regular subscription price of Thb Independent is SI.5C And the regular subscript i n price of the Wh kkly Oregonian is $1.50. A ny one subscribing for Tbi Indenendent and paying one year in vance can get both Thr Independent -and Wkhki.t OregonianjDiycarfur.$2.00 All old subscribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will 1 en titled to the sanieoflfer. HILLS30R0 PUBLISHING COMPANY I . ""trtllire th Cnmplt-TLm, Pi.rlfi the i'nl, eIvsii Kmih.t. V-irSkin. or,-. I i.n lltoth-n, ln.!i,;,.sti,in, nntl all ICniptloiM r' ittu An eKr.tll l.n.tlir ,T I'inic. ,,n nl'ioluti-r"lritiU--l.y a l '"WW" n arn.. Rile, end Sl.lW. S C. WELL a CO., ItaoT, N v. on eeoeeicroee ir Hale at the iK'il i l)nir Son. RnPRl.SENTATIvE , FAMilON MAO.VZIVR THE DESIONEIt I'uhliihtd HiKithly WITH IIASOMIMF. COLOKPD PLATES. ALSO II.Li;STRATFS ' Tim cru uKATi.D Standard Patterns ! The only reliable patterns, becau.es ' they allow seam. t Subscription Price: ST.OO a year. . 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal easfi commission. Wrlty for a'sipK copy aTd telQis to Jtscria. . tloj Departatent,, ;' West Uth SL, nw Voiit City. n m iK&rl'B Clover Root Teat Denver an:d -Rio Grande o KAILIIOAD. . Scenic Line of the World Weekly Uxritmton TOTHK eSSe&aSr t Ushlstered Tourist titihrKeif tttemJ ts.!ii-ors at-4 ! e T Kansas ' t'lii.ssa IBIj tel'aJo, i:.t'M li- 'JTJXj out i:ii, tin Salt tV l M . '4fl,- and it t'liii' ian and Alton Ky. IS To Omaba, MiilML"., TlllafitsiBl lliillalo, ll.ii-i.n i h- V Mailel'ai ii alty. IS1 I I To St"y.ire'li, W6Si-wSillJS V Ii li I uli btiiilf. To KaiiMia Citv nml St. Iiiiih, aitlioiit bane via Ka't lai' V MihMiiiri l'ieviti.' ailway. A day xtop-ovt-r arraifeil at Sail Lake and I S liver. A ride through tim C:i lit-i Culoradii Scenery. All your ticket airert for a ticket on the lenverV Kio ' irai .le cx in -i nn. For ruti'H nml i ll ii :'..riiiuii. k, rail wu or atbli iSH ('. M( 1101,, lion I Aketit. Ti H. It. r tf -, avelin i,t. irtlnii I tin, i. !il WaKliinuton Sireet, I S. K. IMHU'Ki:, '-en'l 1'at.K. V Tn lu t I I. Co I I'm Anrnno .mir1ln nl sli end OeerrliM I. .n mer qnlrklr enofrteln onr ,iiiiin free wfiothor en invention tn prntuitilr petenteble. I'noiHUint.-. tlnimiitrt'tlrn,mniliiltel. HwidlH.iliiii I'elenu mil fnw. Ol.leet avenry t.ir n.-orlin pel .'in.. 1'aOMitn tek.n tiin.uuh Murin A CAn reoulrs fl,-f.ftl ftvilfttA without clieree. In the Sckitfific ftcrtcn. A hteiKliMtnioIr tllnmnitpxl wmk1y. I.rrl rtr. nilHttnti f any BcW-ntlllo J.tiriu.l. Tornii f:i fl our: fourniitnthi.fi. Httltl by alt nowml.-aiir. MUKNiCo.'6"""1-'' New York evieiftun urtl'-u. ia F St- Wimlilmt H.l WE DO Y7 XPBiiiNOS rmv, CosvaisHTa Ac BEST JOB PRIMTIHG IN THE COUHTT. Prices Reasonable Mail orders Prices We are stili offering" you the INDEPENDENT and WEEKLY OREGONIAN, one vcar for only $2.00. Addresi all orders to - , - EA$T SOUT ,ir rn iStiL'TUKliN V AC. rJliBee 5AreV I SATS 1'iutleSll Tilt? Nor; I flil ti-'C ra I I.v Ar I'or' hit .1 rti.ii r'riim!'ftOo Ar Abov.'tr:dni ti atulf-tn l'oiiini. I io'I f .i -iii, I ii n J.-ilcTr.n, AlN.iiy, r.iris.'ciif. "US i.Ct W.'CII r. M;iii.n,, Ii. lie. M V, lii.tii,rt f l lie r..v,. ;, Iilti.-Uon I'lir, i-. i: -i-iie r.'.in, l l.tk I tiinl iiii.t till Million lllrlU-.. li.iiii K.i:h'!j:.!! t.i Aliluo.i, If I.- fci l KG V All, IHII.Yi HiSi 4 a ; i.v 6:2o r a .wr I ,rll;i'i.i I'HIMi f AHS UN 01. !!:i KOI IK. PILLMAN C'JFFET ELEEPEf?? 'oi,(I-C1hns M iIii; Cnr A-rrt.-iiKii To All '1 iiii..i;ou 'I i:.ki Werti Sal- Iiviniori. HKI'WKKN roiif l.AM Jc Ci.'i.VAl.l,! at'.il 'i.-niu Daily (Kxuopl S..i. i:y), 7 :m H:lV) a U 11 .V, A U 1.7 I.V Ar I ortiatid liillt .no ( 'orv.miM Ar . 1 v Lv 1 - i p 1ST At ll.ll ern Ky. A ' l, A Iv.-l- Kxpr. is Train I'a-h . ( I jp, ,.( I rsllv ti HI P H I I.v 71 r a Ar b : i h TorM.-.m! ii.l!. .-Mini MiiAiuuiville I'-'l-fl lllll'l.l 'Ilirinich li,Kcl To all point ill the V.-A-i, r Can at low- a.la an. I lMir.,. .(. est rati iii.i,, ( . .lolin 11. l.anll at I'. i- I li:il.-l.olo. ' 1' li M It. KtlfcliJ K!, a;i iy-.r. P..t-,i.,. d M aii lit or "'ii I. nt oII'h e 1' II V, r. A I'.Ae' . r4 t THEO. m;v uook On the llionurcc nf On toll nml Idajio is i cill,' .ii r. ailor-are ii (ui-.-ti..l to f.. dlw-e of tin ir I tern (i qtiainti naiii-e .'in.1 i cj.v ill li Henl fli c. ' "nj., i". Iiotild be iiitcrc- to. I in arid that ovciy. lif take ill! it.tc iiiiiiicd. Our , f aid th. in ! i. i) 'h aialac- j '-!' tin' work ' a imiiter all " w..ii!d a-k ' i'st and lor- I war.l mi. Ii it.l lie-Hi to W. . lioiicrnl I'liHcn-er Acni, ( ) r.iitlaii.l. i iu.iiruj- N. C. 1 ' r-e-.-in ftS-. prom pi 1 T A IB n . . wiw f v. vv if-;. on application e msoorp,; - - ' i - ; t. s CO Ji.re IVyrtfur From l 'in I'or: I I a ! l'a.-t li-i 0 p. in : i-!. i' it rt. V -rt i. Jiln.i-, i I ..am, CI.. I . i-i. Po-vi-r, l 'ln..h .. it ft", M. K:it mail ii. I .p. li Walla W.iiU,Si.lft- rtti.', Mnim.ii..;,. m. rani, I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , t --pukaiia MiUaukn.,Cliii,i"! rlut A cist ;J('a. in Pp.iV.irie My.-r ! i.io p tn. I H p. ; . .. i 4 l r or .ftiid r ram i r V-v tjfti Colnniliia Riva H p. in. t Fx S 1 1 1 ii I Saturday lo p. in ' I fi, ni. cx fiiarfy To Atoria J.ftn.1 ay 1 ii. ill luilftSits I.if' n in. (lr mi City. N, Siilciii w :iv 1 ;:ttl p. ni X. (lllll.l t x Miiuty I. i r.1 UN All I U. 111. Tui'Mbiv c;i! layers ? :"0 fi. a Ai.. v e and Fr.li Tlnirsilay 'n u-on ( ity, 1 1 1 vt..i aiidSiitur and !' landings KITCr 11 iiiu mil 0 p.ir s I ,r Tiifi-Th ii nnd Sat. orvallii and w;. landings Piir,l-n Tin-.n I.v Kiparia CliauO f.HU ;.( I.iilv :i.aiiatl.iwi-t. A mires, . II II I' It i.n It T, 'I I'll. Agent. l.eil'1 DimI.m II Cnrllil Ki. t.eu'l Ans, ur. Tort'iiml, e , S. S. Co. Ore iron. MEN I bs ci can1 cured f If yon iuiTer frum any of the w ill if men, c-tnie I.J l!.e olilrt buali.t 011 tl.e Paul.c Cuifel, W, DR. KiHUAN a CO , A 1061 Market St. Estd 1882. f CI e niltiet nicn ami middle ftftvo.l kiln u.li.t ar, .iillprmif M fruiuil.e rtTecteof y..iuLI..I iu,:.s,:rf i imi.-. ur ex- t-sp ii, nururer yerrs. S-rv.tm a..,l I ltyi'..l m lllllc .ImiMili'ur i tiifel n1.11r3.ftft.ftl in ii. 1 .11,1. iir ,t Lin.! ft,,i-liiH!.ftl-rtiirft.. m I'roetfttlfticrli.pii, 4;.i.if,i-rlioe. lilrrl, l rrqin-nr.v tif t rli.iftl.iihj, cl-. liy A cuinl...i.ili"ii of reuitilirs, ol reul . iiralivc Jx.w- V er. the J.-t.r h.. 1., arr-nr.l ins lrr.i uncut M tl.il it will net oulv Mil nl iiiiiiie(li..te trlief Imt T liertnanera cure. '1 he llo. t"r d.i.s not . laim lo A nerf .rin u,irf.!i t, lit it eell-ltliown t.t I e fair and square i'liyi, ii ami jrye..n, nrr-em.iient ' A ill Ins i.fttt y It liraHI'M llf 1en, j T h.,lftllle Kn.rf.iift'hlv , rt..ilri;1 1 U Iruul til j A e.7-"'.!' Hi v !io, I ii-.n ft .rt iit't, . 7 i vi kt ni Hi.pU r K i.i nn will rtv- X CIV'" ...lr nf.iitt'ti li!-..m lulnt. . f He uii.'i t.uaratur. a 'l.'.i il Kl t:Kin 9 rtm ate we nwltriake. a forfeit Oufl a tVntilf.irion HbK ami trl-tty privato. A f CUAIiHEJ Y EltY kRASOSA HI.K. Treat- V "The riiiloAiifihy of Jlur riage, I fro. (A vJiallfl bok for men.) I TIHIT TK. JOKIiBIW I CrOsit Musoum of Anatomy the t"mct 2nd u ;e4t M uwuuiof n lei ml in the ' worlU. Come anj l.tni how wnirrfiilly ynu ateinaile, how to nvt i.l ii-kjic at.d tliir.ise. ' We nr rrtntit.il tl'v Hki'iiog ni'w sjec.nteiu. CATALOari: iUKK. Cnllor wrtttt. v 1-151 Mifkl Strrel. S3n Fraftcico. Cil. Quick atteiuled (O. ffl-kvv-a 1 i VI I V . W aV as. 0roou mc-r H 0