Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 01, 1899, Image 2

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Altered, to tha
A fur a
fl ID tba aoetofflee at lnl'iroru, 0 :
a ..cond-claae mail iiufUi. i week our
Biibacriptiou, ui aevance, per yea", 11.50.
HILLoUOKO fUbLioili.se Co. fropa.
D. M.C. UALLT, Editor.
a : -
arrant. VAfKHor run nr
FRIDAY. HrXEMBLU, 1, lsyj,
Tut i.m i v :.i r V u in
i S- '.! n i provide ;..etbe ct-luape
( iiiijif of ,.ly three ' i.f Hi:- iilv. f bu.T.ni. now in ti.e Iwht
i-n Win- L'u On.!- ! try h iry hutethe
thee It ro in- nri n-ii m i':y t eland 1 -ii v -t
ftlfiii'-lat U-. It 'll -n Ti'll!y the
toiiiUii'.ii !-t J.nK only n il.i not
kin.w it Mid a t ven'e I from
flud.' v tf'-.t. tV ct.li'.iun by the
Minv iiuti uli'i'ii . J o ) r! mili
tary t pt-riti ni. In M-vcial i.f Un
Manl-i ilia coven inuily id t'e Uiiilt 1
Kxpanaicu of Amerlcau coiiimtrce
baa hoen the guiding Hlar of 1'rcst
dent McKlnley's foreigu policy, lie
bas already accouiplbthex much in
that lino, but he expects to accom
pliHrynuc afore. Iiayton, Or. Jour
TOat wiu an uuuual 4iht pre
f-ntedttt the royal reception of Km
iBanr William of Germany at Wind
r rfxlle thai feet. By the aide of
wt llritH atSfeeVuu royai atfud
It Stars and Strips
SIMM fe tiae fh. this ft aa not
fjej. "
j4oUj fifkUt his follower in
aaeaJl rwewit ft a trill warfare
vnwa eaviia te mn nejiee
. IM caJl.td
Isuattia, iuaia thi ttwflt
M esMeaJly Una by the n ft
eifuaaavafe e awaaiaei lb anlfttioe of
Sfee Tejral lwaweUar vary (duple,
Tm Xliw MneMteiaer urge tbs
anu(raH f tte Nitevat-aa csaal
it I'm katttwt at tht ruiac oat b
kaw il vuftkl Mag m th
ttvllll of th It it obr
Wf ItM tbtt tlx ouo(rtiu of the
Ctoti Vottlt ht of i?tnlt but tat
prolttbui XtciAe cout atrltt l
Atit ltd Mf M htnd.
It tsi(lit be ia the inttrtxt of nintl
ttty tn4 good lute for the demotrt
tic prMR Rot to tty too much about
admitting RobHrtt of Utah to a mt
la the houtw of rvprawntativea or to
try and throw udlam on the repub
UtMflt ia ooaituctioB with that indi
vidua!. Roberts was a temocrallc
eandidatt aieciMl by denorratx on
In silver plalfotn. He llonjc
to toe demorratfl, win and all.
Tha of liab nae htd a hard tight
with the Ituera on M udder Kim in
Soatb Afrtra. The ftir of nm1
Br antreocbed wm attaked by tb
British who Joutbt fur 10 houra, but
It It not eertaia that a vkory wa
gaioed. The en(rtgomnt ii called
the bliwdiert th Kngliah bava partic
ipatad ia Air a hundred yar. hot
thin is lite Home other report that
kave been wnt out from South Africa
A retreat may follow.
The American Military man is the
bent in the world. It matt no
difference to what arm be may tie
attached. He doea his duty effieient
ly wherever he luly be. OurCtvtiry
dismounted it trained to Bghl as lo
iaaury ana save ueeo tnowa to as
sault and capture fortifird place
Oar mariaM do equal ipx) work
Whether od land or tea. Only this
Wei k a squad of twa hundred martnes
lambxl from the Oreaxin caplurvd a
fortified (! on ttie island of Luzon
and are holding it till lufantry con-a
over the mountain fo a permanent
li-il-iB)i'id the iif
Kilv ti.r (K i ll.cir su-.pi -u-i'-d in-
:i Lujiii l!n
of Hit' ji'i al ii .rurtiaiif is llius num.
Uinrn y (jt-ii if i.7 iu a iinn,it
lo llit Ot'i'tr'.sin nt dutf Ni.v. 27.
SU-aliit r flinn S;in .4ltiniiC: enter
day itr- tit 11 1 Si.ni-tli iii(iiiit,
7.i,'!tMt i,i-.u'r,'i.i!tt uv'eriiiifiit luuii
ey, Hud uili r prtijwrly (.ij.turtil tiy
L ton's incij. :u nr Yayud on the
"'Wheaioi '1 tr' (. ti. Fowler's
coujmiiy of llif 1 hirly-ttiiril I r ivr
the euemy vte-twurl from M'iytl
artn, a few luilis Hiuthu-i'St from
I-iKU.iiii hii'I citu.eil tive 3-i ii
tuu..a loiuliiit; twit, 12 rill s, Lo.linu
rounds of Maxim ciKrilgi", UNJn
shrupue), sod pouoits of iovsilt r unit
Other property; aU. UI ia)ianisii himI
seven Americi 4.1'inoners.
"Hell, with the lliirly-sixih lufiir
fantry, is in pursuit, and will uiari h
d.jwu ttie wentt ru Lu. in coast. In
dications are Hut two or Ihrte Lodics
of iiisurgeant tflsops uum'x'ri.'itr pro
bably MO or more men eatli.uri in tin-
mountains w?st of the ritilroAil, can
tie readily bandied by Ms.'Arttiur.
They have the bulk ef liie insurgent
artillery, all of which w ill beettptur-
ed, uulcrs hurtled.
' Voung is still ill pursuit of At'uin-
aldo, who is headed fr B, indued, a
few uilleseust ol Yiai.; Youujr, with
cavalry and gcout-i, is followed ty t)
battalion of tl.e Ti.ir' -ttiird Hiid the
rest of the battalion of the 1 wenty-
4tteond, and two battalions of the
Thirty-third ate en route for iiiiii
y the military sirond. YuuuiV
retv-iition by th" iiiliat'ituiits is t n
thusiastic, they i v i 1 ) ; all the u-hi
tance possible. Auiimiuo Iihs col
lected more than lutMl of his Ircops at
the north. 1'robahly most of them
w ill desert hira.
'A number of small detachments
of insurgent troops throughout the
country north of Maiiila have U-eu
captured, and the inhabitants mani
fest gratitude for their deli verence.
Indications ar' that the in-ui'i i.f
foicres aouth of Manilii are (li.-iutc-
Kratiiijr, and the troopa are fpiing to I
their homes.
lleports ffini the southern islHiids
are favorable. imboaiia inaor
geuls aurrenderi'd to our troops, and
O j troulilr Is antieipifed tliere."
45 Al't'lMM'.'M i:.M)A( ll I,
A pers in nsined I'ltimmer, of Polk
county, is out in an assault 011 (lov.
U;r. Plummer sss that iu-thc
state cauiHis'n he pai I Mr. (J t
1,000; that Mr. Oeer if elected, gov
ernor, was to appoint him superiu-
tendent of the penitentiary; that
When, after rleeti n, (lov, (ieer failed
It) make the iippointaient as agreed,
the $1,000 was returned lo i'lumnier
together with an additional f,0t0,
aa hu.-h money. Tlnmtiier claima to
bave (Jov. (Jeer's receipt for the fl,
000, and the S.ilem Seutinei makes
Oiui h al aliout the matter.
The story has nil the ear-nnrks of
an uutruMi. A man w ho sli inteless.
ly boaat s thst he Isiught the nupcrin
tendeiicy of the penitentiary for
000, has little respect for his own
name and is me. Men coarse enough
to besmr.ir their o n reputation in
an attempt to aiptr-ethii t har.e.ter
of another, have no conception t
truth, honet'y or kindred traits of
haracter, Sinril Piiimiiier makes
a br.iz. 11 coiife-i-ion that he ctlered
money, and aot merit, for a public
oftifc, the fiiir minded man w iil Ht
once iru"a9 th.it his wiird is not re
ritoo, vn.vno.v nv tiih
'es r jpre-ei)liMl Ly tl.;s bul-'
e.n ..re to tm ilifcl -t.
S'l-ction 6 pMv'.dcs for the neii
1 f w orn ub-idUry sllr c. i.
Section 7 provides thut the dene,
-iiiiist 1.10s 1 f pper mom y -hll not
bo lexs !hsn tl tt.
Sitviou 8riueii Fi the present -hank
in law -sj as to allow nation! backs
o i..sue bi'is to the par value of the
'ion is deporittd lo sis-ure such tircu-
'at't9. L'nder the law as it now is
iationn! . tanks 11 11 is-ue only
ip to OiJ per cent of the bonds do
Keciion 9 impost s a tax of one.
ka)?el of one xr cent upon the capi
tal 'N,t, aurplus and undivided pro
:its of eve. J national bank. 0
S etion 10 'iRws niti svsl b'tuka
to lie ortrariz'tl w ith Cg.kiilal of foO,-
000 in cities of not u.ore tin 5,0(K)
inhsbitanls, and In cities of 2,0(iti y
n.ibi'ams bunks niay he organized
Ailii a coital of J."i,iKl.
It w ill be sis' 11 that this bill is
1 raw upon the lines of ta)H presi
lenl's riuancial r 'comii'.eiidirtione
uid in accordance with the pledges
.fihe republican nationat platform
of ISt'U.
t-TAlK V? (iT.KliON.
Kn 1 rvil
haifiii-Nio-iiiUr 'Jl, lsm.
N A t ulll Ni fc "v 111! HIK fli .
'inm ii.iovi r ettTMHry in, mn. i, I.
tl I. it li.tvelnor of llm f tutl' ol Orviron,
S I 41 K 1'Kt.SS.
the rct'Ginmcndatiun of the gov
.oiiieul engineers In ehsre of the
A-ork at Ihu nfciutn of the Columbia,
lo ihe vll'ect that the jetty et!eil
t, -si as to make a forty -foot chenO!
over the lr, is one that is likely to
:tii) k.msI results to tbe whole
nut 1 h w est. The iv atai esfvl t Wiit
vrJiich a vil can ( ni rMtie
up the Columbia rivet will g'tge tbt
prosperity of the feof.le in tha trri
lory tr: u't jr to tlut nfreauo. N
tiling is more viuaiW o a iuiitry
a tn 1 the peoplo injt ttian a grat
water ti'irnway, ofuvi abt free ta
vii;a:ion at Ol!OiitaB.
ALiiuald'i is still at t' btal 11
hi" trooi. No oi:ahoj!it allow bis
prt jii.1i.s to itt'uy t Ma fact, in the
it;ht of rsut report frooi tUe
l'idlipiiu. The report is tbst
Auinubfo ia at tr. ti'd itl b'm trcMi
and they are retrea'.in. This fait
m.ikesit ivideut that lttHa at tbef
head of thuti Ivist Oc f itiiiO.
Old 'tllainet. ouht Iota rouJ
of its fot 111 ttatu. bat has cniue
m the ftiot where it can givM me
of the tiect uf tbtia "cld f.t."
Hi!ki Htatrsmatt. lithe H a'muin
were ont itself it would never bave
tthliahtil a i'4lo like the above. If
it r ally mean half its gushy patrio.
lism for "Oi l Wtilainette," it w aid
ucvef nientien hft fait ball team of
rather the 14111 wbich abe hss'ruf:
ed." It i a notable fact I bat fur
years no tt am in I.'k) aiale, iot ei
i-ioit ul un Art t-ntitlil "Ail Act
Mtl'in;Unif to it. lt'tr of ttltf Htrilf of
Ci 1 a 1 1' .'iitTii! eliH-tion to l. hflu
nri the li r-.t .WltuiJilv Pi Jlllli I1MM1 ttiu im-ii-
,i.iK p...oi4-a coimiiiuiiotiui atiit-ua-
111 -ul
ito hereby cause tllf lollowinn Tiro'0ei
Uiii-:iil:i. cnls lo the coiihtitlltiuli ul tu'
Hi' W ul '' -"'ii. rertiliot lo tisnlie tv
ri'iaivol rCjiv, 10 Im iiiiUMhfa lor nvi'
t'oiiM-ciiiivi' ftn-kii 111 the HiiUix n Imlt
i.. 11. 1, el. a ltr-.iir iub!lnlivl Ml tilt
'illn Ju.llri.il I '1 Irllt , uf til bTaC ol
I 'one ul tha ('uiitol, ill Siilein
?( iri-.iu, Huh 'Ul ilay ol Novi'iu--t
u.l b-r A. 11. imf t.
I, T. tiKKK,
by ttie liovernor :
K. I. Ill N H Ut.
rticrt'lury l olat .
Semite Jidnt Kiolutioa Ma. 4.
I If it n M.lvtil l.y Hit' H.'iiuln, the llonw
t-oiii iiri 111 , ilmt tlie loli.iinK unii'iiitiiieiit
to ttiu t'oimtitiiti'iti of tin IStnUo! ilreKun
.Imi mill the Hume-i hereby proHmm ,
&!mt wi'tioii in of Mrtiflti 1 ol' Him l!mi-
tituli9 nf the Mliite uf Oregon unit1
ttm haiiie i lit rt'by brouti-! ai d '
in lieu the ei fffji tion 10 of Article Xl'
an. 111 iw hh ioiiiiAfi :
Article Sjw
Kh'Huii 10. Nofoiiiily. ntftjyiyii nfliool
lii.triet or other itiiiiiiriia! ti'V$st-:itioii
Hhiiil be iillowtil 10 Inoiii iiiiU'bteillrffii'
iiiaioier or lor uny urioHe to an anioinitf'9,
in. iiuuiik' preaeni exi.itinir imlctitueiui in
the illfi.'ri.;iile exivt'dilnr live tier leiilinii
on the value of tuxuble iroerly therein lo
be adcertniiul by the Iunt ttithetisiiieiit for
ni(e uuil rounty tamsi prvvioua lo the
ilu urriiit; of Hiich iiiilebtediii-Hii
.ul..ili:.l by the ISeioiie Jan. ?0, 1H93
'. W. Kuitoti,
I'rt'Bitleiit uf I lie Seiuit .
l uncurreil in by the llonne Ki b. 2. Is.
W KBeaily,
HpeaJjter ol' the rB'.
Adopieil by the benale Jan 41, ia:.
JoHcpti Simon,
1'r.nnknt uf the Sana-,
t'oncurreil in y 4he House Keb. 4, 1.
Chan. If. to rca
Bpeukeruf the Mas.
aat Jalat BewltUea Ik.
I'e it ri-Hulveil by the Seriate, the lliiuna
concur iii, ttiat the folloViiiK aiiiamlinriit
tu tlie coiiHtitutiou 01 tlie Mate ol Urum,
in 1 if n of Section ten of trfiele Mkvn T 1
lw ami tl name u bcfiV pr por), ti
Heclion 14
tlie Lialative Ai(J mav nttniir
for tlie ccioii i tjupvriii aixi tVnmif
.t 1 1 . i a in ib.-tiwt cl. na uf vhauh I
ciafaea an 40 lonaiat of rip Jiiatuvsof bu
H.ijirciue t'uiirt. lit nhall not f crVirui
circuit nuta; imt tin otlitf ! tliail eei
siul of an many Circuit Judaea mat '
il Be 11 led necanra, elwj ahajll liolit fdil
term ithoiit ailotmi'iit, and who shall
tua aaiiie oath ay liaMutK'iue Jivljtia.
1 ii l..rfilatna aaaambl may cr. at as
many ircuitn a may b nciwaaary.
Ail..j.:1 by flw Ssialc tub. lit, WO.
w. t'uiiow,
I.ta)i4tat (Sjlrf jti'iiftU.
t orn ui nst in by tjh ttoua. Tub. Ii, mm.
N; taker of ti ftimr'.
Jii puuty ir.a ntnau1, .an 31, inti.
)?rni iH vl th Hanttu.
I'jrieurr4 in fcy tha Uouaa, trfc. , mt.
C'ha . It. Moorrs,
foeiiktr uf the House.
Ilaaa Jolot KesalaUva ia. 1(1.
tttaolved k tlie llousr. Hit ,Vnr nm-
amti.i;. fUal ;ht-loJIowma auetu1ii.eiit lu
nt .nn irufion ut tlie Stat of UrguD toe
ac 1 liirry 11 j.r..poail:
lliafbe e natiKiilKiti tia aman.foii t
! ibR Article i u tuiiuwa, Vom:
Arlitlj XIX.
fi.cctii.nl. ll,c user aart nae of lamta
for ti.a Mmatriaiiion of nwraoirs 01 ntoraaa
-vina ror me piirpoaa ur irrigation r
riha of vay fuf tlia eoiutiurlinn of
ca'iaii, nio'iM-a nuiim or f ipva to cony
aiaier aitrai iNaca x uae roratiy a tul,
liieliral. ur uarvsaary sit aas, or' for
ilruiniiri r 'or dianiaan of aiiaea ufaava
iicl.lb tf-mii In wiv ,.nl.in ,.f 4.,,a-J'r,"."'"1 "-- raaw
lege, hashu tlit! rpiitino whi'h
Die above miiutil one ba ld, ftt
pmft to'iali-in and dirfy a'hli'ti' id
.erer;il. for just such aciily work,
tt e Hali.'iu team has recently teo
throivii out of the ititt-rcoflrviate
JJ' , and fin d s ent collef team wld
have aiiythioti to do Willi it, 1hf
Hln'.tsinaii w i'is in ilsii. r of tirig
even to-) Hood frieu,l to Old Willa
llifrtif. .eWta-r(Z (ifHphit;.
Independeni-e siiouM luioursjje
more inanufseturinH- institution ia
her midst. A lig pay roli is what
counts w hen it cornea to make
tow n go. Our country ia all riifh,
if we only j"t the right move i n our
selves. West Wide.
When Hiy one farm pruljef com
mands a H:h i-rieetiur dmiocratic
trien.l at once attribute if to sr ify
of tlie comai stity, tut when tbi; j.rt
of the product is low the fault ia lair
ul once at the doof if tl.e tariff. Tuty
r- wiilii g tha' supply and dunand
ahull tk'ure Miith relation fo tiiirh
pr'u-. but are ever resile t st if: the
Htill another feiture condemns the f built of low ri.t a onto the sh U ibrs
it protect tariflf.
V r
-IkiPfiH Ibtjif
I'.ro. Ji. . AHi be lUUer
Kepubl.cnr, ia ilf-term.fiist that liar,
vey Seolt trust ,Mtii th llittsl
Wales sera's. It, at rt.Jht do if
Harvey wtr. n't nu.'h m cor f unded
free traUif. Jbis ctiiiijlry baa just
recovered fn.rn a bad casf of that
iIm' iim' and does not cti to hate til
iline repeated. Valy iranscrit.
Againaklo has aaMin escaed cap-
tare Just at the time when Generals
Younf and Wheaton had him w here
they were sure they could toon put
tbeir hands 00 him. Better send
Miles over there; hiia rieuee with
(r. Hittiaghull of the Sloui insur
rertioa la l7a might yel te recalled
to mem a-y, and him in the cap
ture of the alippery Tagal chieftain
Yanbili Importer. Law ton ia
there aod Young has not returned
front persuing after this lumlern Jeff
Davia. If they fail to get him th.irw
U au use in sending Miles, liy the
way this saoae nieuory invoked
above la to the effect that Milt did
not get Hittingbull. Toe H man
died a aaturai death,
The Mew York WJd jbjtsbea a
letter froea liavaaa ataiiair that ths
Vaited Hutes offlciais, after niimihs
oars-rvt laveatitratioa, have tb.acov-
ered that to tetuleaMp Mtia waa
MpWW at ft guamtaai fl.'s
Btarawta the Day tw that eariawe.
the fwttaittna, 7ti) najada of which
waa wed, wet eant ftott llalolla to
Jh4ai)l Maatsvolf, commanding
tie iciM of Uhvang. It Win either
ejjjpltyn tmm the ntoamzlne where the
at ut wl stored, or taken akty with
the Inotletlsjo of tho officials in
Admiral Ijjtarola'.s record will
undoubtedly sho the natmwof bis
HWbordlntiea who bad direct control
of the explosive, And in that way
the identity of trja authors and the
executioners ,of the plot to "destroy
the Maine ma be discover!. Two
of three tnen waft erietged in the
destruction of the Maine. A steam
launch of Spanish inake, now used
by the JToitetPHtates gscaulent In
llavATia harbor, conveyed lb two
torpedoes, according to the new evi
dence, to a point within a few feel of
the berth of the Maine, and anchored
thelii. The torpedoes were kent ia s.s-ib,n t nmvi i r, ,r a .,,,1.1 h am i . i.u. ot
laialtlnn hv ineana nf hiinva fl.iaiul!.. to i- . 1 . tllAS. ! 8)',!!!:!t
- j " i 1 . . i v . - t . . . 11 : . ! t 1 1 't -u rr
roir:nr amiaa. numu oroatic- aiaauF
maane mtfiair eowplt itrrio).iuvii or
n mnrr aau nactaaai v lo to cofuM
(leveloyiiitiit 1 1 the natural rustmfrea i.
tlie Mare or ire'rv'ioii uf tbt ItealUi ot
iLa mhuihitaiila, is liby derlai-wt tu he
yiiiuu; ua an.i aunjeaa to Wit Initiation
aiitt cofiiroi or vne ia.a
Srclioni The riabl U aiiprorrUU Ci
ui;ipri.pr iattol vatera of any natural
Ktrt'iiiti to lufii'iaJ uara shall ucvtr tw
lien ia 4.
Haetien a. TUe ns i all eaters in. a
uj preprinted fur al, rental or diatr.lnv
tioii alsu ot all waters oriainally a'KU
(inaiml for private ua but wi.it 6. alter
am-li iif (impriaUon, has licretoforc barn of
may lierealler lis Hold, rsntni UP iliatribw
teil, : hereby dn-lared to k a tuihlic use
;nil anhjeet to the raia atiwit and riinfPol
of tin' M ite iu the manner (.rearrlbetl by
lae. tint thariirhl to DM and a.n rourial'a
Mich wafers nfiall baaulijret to iiti'h pro-
ii.iiini"wi iaw (or me laanifr ui private
A Michigan Miracle
aeaca aenaraa tnar aaarty IS faars.
fm A1tmmmal. tfnlantt M.
Many thluvi aixar mlraouioua
thnt ar reHiiv tlia riiuli ol auturni
law. 11 10 scrhiOK or a tin a ran r
auturalely prwli. u.t A trikin .1.
ui.e ol ttila ucruiretl lu iri.ronil.
nam Mleliiaan (aimlv raeanllv. and
lu..reau be no i4ueatten aa 10 tha
Uumrulnaaa ul tlia oairatlva alnra It
l aliened liv Mra. Harriet Heinle, of
Ipaiianti, alleto., a aiator-la-law of
Mr. Joale.ia Hi-irol bo waa One.
a rnr of -bia-air lo iiMl-a, alra.
"in lsw 1 aurTered from aaevera
tllnaaa; durlna wlilcS Id vol. -a unt
da and t did not apuii aoova a
wtiUlwr air nearly IU veaaw
! waa trewt! hy eve local rhyvl- t
etana and afterward oonaultad id-
Ina apM'ialuu of Mew York. Tliejr
dtiMnoNed my rime aa partial paraly.
a la. atatimt that tlia lan alda of my
tbroal waa entirely paralyted. Ilia
rlvht aide partially an. Kor nearly
alalil yaara I Uave auirarad Iroin a
sever atumarh rtlanrder and ahout
year aao I deelded to try liv W'U
liarna' I'lnk I'lila lor Pale Peofila.
"-M y atomai-h troulile wu relieved, my (anorsl health heeam creatly lm-
provea ana to my eurnriee 1 nwulued control of uiy voeol orfana. I Via a
uaed Hve hnxaa of tha pllla and laat Noveinliar 1 apoka alnud for tha Aral lime
In ailuoat la vaara. I am now 71 yaara of ace and nave full control of my voloa.
HlfiJiill Uua 1 1 .1 u . . r A lltr.ijn "
t pauanu.
' if -. s-
v-. V '(.lit ' t
JfVa, ITarriM Stgott.
"worn toand auoacrlbad batoram thla ldtn da of May, Iniw, at Y
Julia 1. Kimk, Aulura
Pr. Wllllama rinlf Pllla frr Pal Paopla are an nnfalllna apMlfla for aaeb
dlneaaea aa locomotor ataxia, partial paraiyala, Bt VttirT dunca, aelaUra,
Beuraigla, rheumatlam, narvoua haadaeha, tha after-affecta of tha nrlp. palpW
tatiou of the heart, ale and awlloW oomplexlona, and ail forma of weaJtuaaa
W ther In natu or feniala.
kX Vlkkl404ilrICiall COMPANY, Seheneetady, N. Y.
Loot for th
a-stf' rsavi
Sold by all
tents per box f
six boxes, $j.jo.
. .
, oavi.
assise: Y.
The Academi) prepares for College and flies
a thorough Enlisli E5ucatior thf? best pre
parcHhii for tcacliing or business. All cx
pensrs renj loir. Board. and rooms ot tha
Ladies' Hall $3 to $1 per treeh, includinfl
electric li;ht and heat.
Under experienced manaineiu'nt, tiill tHir
nisii rooms und board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed ?1.50
For full particulars, address
president McClelland,
Forest jfirorf, Oregon
20, 1S09.
ai eTBsev.
St. Charles Hotel
rreat aa4 Marrlsea Strteta. taruaai Oregta.
lortrio Uhla, tlnrio Hells ami Hydraulic Klovntor.
iMReemtatSwte Me, taites, 7&, te tl. Used Hi-t u rni.t
Give m a call,
DAVIES & BELCHER. Hi.'is.gr.
Mrs. Pinklvam't Medicine Made
New Woman of Mn. Kuhft
prosrty for nibli or J.rivaK' u aa uro-
vioeu in wtioii ia, article mill IXiia-
nfitiirion of tlie KlaTt ot tirrnn
stofy. I A'en Ihoih he l! a novi'fn-
or, Mr. Ur not a born fool. Iltid
be dealt with I'luu iikt n ailived,
he Would have known ein'ui;ti not lo
have given a buyer of public olll.'e a
written receipt fur fui.ils rectivtd
Only nilly old women, whom the
fool-killer fill Is to tin. I, are fooliih
enough to do (hat m rt . f I.u-lti --j,
and the stuten.ent th.it h in hi h in
telligent and keen uitted Hi (i'.v.
Otwr floured in any !uch a piece ol
lunacy, in in the very tm'ure ofj
linng-i, not on.y uniiKely, imi o 1
Worthy of rpei't I'orviiilis linim
f-oiii siamhiih r. i us.
The full text of the il. I ntandiird
bill to Im' introdncod io t tic !iou-e
next week hit t( t n put ii-hcil. 9 It
wan urepHreil by Uie repuliiiean cn-
cus (Mm in it tec bod ring at Atbtu-
Sction 1 provide) thnt the utiind
ard unit of v due Khali he the dol'iir
and .lmll contain ,". 8 cruim K'd,
nine lenMii line.
Section -f tjivi le-ta'! H the puper
curency illicit I'y the pi v. urn nt i
"hall be pay-able in pild but the le-
tnl ten.lcr tj'tality el niiver it n.-J,
fvlion It (ti'nti t t'aj. ib j ar'uienrt
in me l . . tre.iJury oitT- l.r
and r.el 'inp'i 'ri of current
Tteaaartt lttr.
Nort'K f-;
1 ml foil.,
In I l In Mary
1 l
in- uat v uivsa. iftCI
W.ur nt i iij.ia-e4 prior
It li. ire now r.-ueeaialile
I the I ii'l'i'y tri-a-eifer, In
iiiitv ol s Wtiiinirion, nml
I'-jieon iI'imiiw alter lee.
. B. f A HV,
2s-;iu lountv Ireaiur. r,
UJ KFOat IM ltt.It. Af fOt
I nn t'll
j' II K H I IK
a llie followinif
i u .pporl ut I,..- i ' , . i i 1 1 ,
ill be m.ote it f in I,
l .ill. i.t. ui foioity, at
J ler J, ivi '. vi.
Pei-f ion 4. The ntrlit ta collect taiea oe
tiiienatiiii for the uae of waier Kitjjpi,t
to iiiijr touiii j, tiy, town ur wikiar illrarrii-t
or inhabitant lte'r,t. ia a franehite. anil
ijinot lw terriae.1 tcei,f be antliijri of
ml n man Mr rarriTiit bf law.
;d' r'4 ty t e HoiIk., f .L
W. I.
(MKat Mar ?, iKK
fpeaSerof t, Hmw.
Al ptci ty tietVufc e, 'b. ii. ma
V. W. SiiHoa.
(rtitued Uitr, 1H, l"Htt.
ffiiie ,t of the Henat.
A,'tUtt by the Ho line, Sell, a, !:,
h. ft. Miae.
Mak 'a oi l he Itnuae
ori urnti in by the H 'iaie, feh, U, tut,
(weyli Mavm.
i'ren.tent of the iterate. '
llonne Joint Keaeletlea He. C
i fopininif an amendment to tSia i'va
at,t i.,i iti t Stitte ot I trriTott tie reps 1-
iiiir eka-tiofi ST. "f Aitifit t.
Keilv..t by the Ifju-f, thf Vallate eon
eurinn that n'ftni H.'. o( Articie 1 of tlie
itiail liti.iii ta aliil heriy ia ft pealed.
A t .ptr l hy tt' II "Xv. Jan It, Itld
. I'. Ke dv,
Speaker ol tlw itoiia.
4 ont ilrvej n hy tike H.nte ian. i. ltfij
. W. 'ult.iti
Tre blent of the Benatr
4if..J.f4 tr. Huilae l tn i
4 aaa. 14..MiMree.
eneaki o4 the Hniia
v enciarrau in "J tueweiiafe, reii, if, MaV
Jew ili eitnon.
PrcmdVnt if i.a fWtiatt
He sate Jolut ReMlat e Is, ,
in-u renoieuai ny me Pen Me. tlte fl,i
i oBiii rii.: I hat tnw fulbevi i anieiicl-
iieiit ii i iav onaixi uviian m i'.
IV. I. , l.. ' "
The ehr a. fiatwlna iw this Htafs ilull
alier,,,f;,erSroliibtr4U at't ut itk
4eVHra tla)w.a.lttf.
.loatsti wiin.
I iLstTia to at. naaa.a so. a)
"1iiiHim. tiasM-l tfiiu It le
say (tut tu write to rom ciprraaityf
my aivtivr) prratitud. fnt fhc wemlc
tul relW't I have eipericrtorii tiy the uaa
of Lyitia H. .'ittkhavn a ViyetabW t'oio
pi nA. X trievt diffrrvnt dia'ttwa, alan
different bitnla vt owdietne. 1 would
feci brtta t at times, tb.cn would be
aa htvil aa ever.
" for eitrht year t tut errat aur-
feeee. X hal tallirr ot the aroath and
waa la aurh asiarry at my nawitkly
preinrta I eteald not work tniS a littka
Wfoee I wmild ba to lie down. Yoas
mfitirinc baamaita a nvr vmuat of me.
X can now work all day and not grt
tired. I tbaak yoa t what yov tiava
done tor me. 1 ahall alwaya prmiae
ymr mealtctae to all aufferinir women.
Maa. B- E. Kens, Usauaao, Vuto.
t b aa taken i ph t bottl ra of f.y d ia
$ 1'inkham'a VejfefaWe CoropMiml
and uard two packairea of your .Sana
tive iVtuxh, ala aume of the Liter t'Ula,
and I can say that your rcmettiea will
do all that you claim f theiu. Ik fors
takirii yoar rvmritlea X wan very bat
with wonih tmafilv, waa nervous, had
no ainbitxiti. rould not alerp, and Di
fiaal aea-meil to do me IM) trtaai, Now I
am well, and your mealicine has cured
aic. X vtll irladly rMtmimnut yoar med
icine to every tie wherever I gn."
Una. M. U batKM, it a Maaaii, Uictt.
Catarrh Cauaat be Cared
wlhVcal :ipplieati)iia, aa they enOn.jl
ie ifi arat of ttie itiaraar. ( aisrrfi is a
Nt ef e.til utiuiial diarae, aiwl in oe
der tortile it vim nuiat take internal rean-
e.liea. .llaUXatarrh fare ia taken ifiler-
aally, ami at dirn tla ontfie bliHal and
imuioua anrfatwa. Ilali'at'atarffi twrc ia
nut a4iaefc miliriie. at waa prewrilwit
t one of t.e Iwat hvaii txiit in this roan-
try for yeara, aixt aait regular prearnptioll
ft iacomtinaeil of the taat touiea fcnuwn
rontiiiied witb tl.e tint bliaMlfilMliiTM. art
ilie"dipe: lv on Iheuimi.aa awrfaeea. The
pertff ownhiiiaf'oitol the twi inyred eut
ia wi at p talaet-a tfc N wnn.lerful reaal e
in curi x('.tnl. etemi Itur f.t-t. annual"
Ad lrraa J 4 Hi::Y 4 tta, Xoledo.O
M.rf.1 If lrUTRiBl. 7.TC.
itail s ) amity I'llts art the best.
Shatter ef Pit at ti'eaKewt.
Notiiw ia hereby a'vcn that tli ti.ider
aiCTifnt iiaa iiiet tier tiuii accoui an cx-st-airiaif
the laat ill iikiI tettaim nt of J .
t". f.u hanan, ihel., i the coiiiiM irt
oi trio mate or iiuaoii, lor wi li 1 1 inn
fount, awl that said court ha nin..,.i.;eil
MotMiay tke lrtfh day of Dec. iK'.io, at 10
fl link in the foreniaaior Raul il;iy aa the
fitne I lieaiing- njei'tiin to pin h linal
atvount, and for the settlement thereof.
KOeU A. nttllANAN.
tvtff'ulrix of flat last trill mid tealnment
of J.tJ. fiueliannn, tlsceaxed, 2ll-.'ltl.
it ill puiaiiiuiee of an onler anil ileerii
mad by tb futility Court of the Malu of
li.ntlt day of Novoiiihur in the iimt-
" 'Peiroyi, forth futility of Waehinutoii, on
tcrofth FaUiteof Anilermin rlmith, ileuit..
K T tlKKOnl f it ()r.
a 1f1m. itiri.
UI.IJY i.l K.N. lll.Vi i
iim-.-iiiiii-il .j iit Haw n.i.i
I hie intention to nmke al iw'ofL,
. i,iv i l. ..e r.ri tate
rf.o-b..r.i tire., on
rrinlaiit tsiissxay
AT.1 I the Ko:a. Kl'b a. IwlT
haa. It WiHiro.
pene'r of the ft. n l -a
"'"1'iru "y nie raanaie Jan. at 1:i.
T. C. Tavlor.
i'rpaiilent of the Hennte
lunpiia ny ine noute, Jan. a lajBj,
K. V. farter,
a rtieiiLr ol 11-a xrn...
w l .irnrFt raKOOa.
. t!llt-e Of SH-Kluni nlMl.l..
I F. I M'NHAk Kni.frw i ........
iion ami f tiMtoilian of the ' jf tat-T
. , in. urniv eerinv mat I have cuiii
il theprci . "-.nR copy ol Senate rernilu-
other for the tr.tui te.io:i
nry financtnl buiue-t
I eminent.
I' Wit) K. Iwi II V.
H. K ;Csif,,r tin. fi i.ii. f. r h V.
and the I He mill. ay 'he lo
l.iuil, Vl;
L -At.ni
..I'-lr. w- Koitnri. of w -
J. ii n W liaiiw b. of '
lion o. 4, of the I,eciLilive Ataembly of
?'.i.!.-;".Miinic.(.al Imlebieilneaa Amend-
i rr iw i.ih p
f the i.'ov- ... J
sa-itii: witnitvajy to
ri'Mi.b ,1, upon a j
11 feet under water, III feet above the
HncboBaeuttd to prevent them from
notes Utuod iiiuh r ite.",
;fe(fciw tl m
II. I-
being swepravay. TluW torflfrTrW tho.njh silver tvri.tl
were exploded by contact with the
keel of the Maine as she swung
lla.i he ret lei nn tl III
lw ri
w Ki Hitter.
deemed h- i,Vv pi, w .i9;.y I t.
Noiie of the curreiuy thut ri! vioe.l
a to lie'aid out unlay oid it re-
ttker't ljsiiixU Tahlelt uf' Kol.l
c:i a i..-;'ive (iK.ri.iee I tin In-art burn
raiiiiL' of the bfvul, ilitri alt- r eating or
any ...-m l il v-t p-i. j '' little utile
-ie mimr.lia iJL, lief. .'.' rli,4aynl So ,-tj
1' i.e I'elia Iniijr Wore.
mem, -xniate Joint lieeoliiiiun No. l.
... ii- Li-niMaiive iaaeniniv ol laiilar
.I'lJfceirv Amen.tmeiit," rWuiae Juni
Kenoiii ion o 10 of th Uaialm is. Aanent
' "' tiu. "Irrit-iitioii Amemimeiit,"
nunte J.iil.t I. esol ut 1011 Si,. H ol the U-eia-
l.itive attembly 0r lWW.--Hi.pi.alin
Amen, liiH-nt."-ami pinate Joint K.-..I...
tioiiN... 7 i f- the -Kialntiva Aatemlily of
i r, l"" r.uiiinKe Anieliaineilt,"
well fhe ornrinal ropiea now on file in this
oilire nn. I t!4B the name ia a correi-t tran
Krript the reircm and the whole thereof
have hereunto net ifly hand
ami a fixed hrrenuto Iheacal tat
(rl) the State of t reiroa a,
1'one at tne fapitoT .Twalem,
"reu.in, tlii,ir, tlay of ov
einlHT, A. I , 1V
r. I. M.N BAR,
tkvretajry of Bute.
wiMpo' stunt jitiie
Wiaibim'e Itoheftine cotrcrta nil
bieminbfw f .the ficc ami makes a
faanttfut xirnpifttet T ?lt I og
amt fo me aa lalminiNtralor-ile-bon h-iiuii
of aiiid eattile, directed, 1 will tell at puhlie
aoeiiou to ine niiiiieai oiiinerai ine roillll
iap uf the Court Hoiinc in JlilUlKiru,
Wiiahinaton countv. Oreiron. un Hatiirdav
tlieO h day uf December, 1h!i, nt the hour
oiinoelia a in tlie lureniHin of aunt tlay
tor ciihIi in hanil, all of that piece, parcel
itini iim i ui iitiiii, lyings oenif; ami eiikiai.1
Within Wiin iiiL'ton county. t)ro'on. ami
lajing mure particularly bounileil, ib'signa-
ien i, ii 1 1 acscriDuii ua loll iw, low it:
reiMiiieiR'iinr at a noint on the townttliiti
lin.' 41 ween lownithipa No. I North, lianire
JHBKt and I'lwnntup ? ,,irtli, Kanjri. 2
We.-d 'Jlebn Kant ol the Went line of the
Doeation land Claim of aaid Amiemou
itiuiln mid wile. I hence North 4 at I cba.
more or lesa to the center of the deck
known a WcKav t.'reek. Thunre mi the
center ot twit! f reek with the lneanib-nni;K
lileritir to tlie mouth or the etreaoi known
aa Ueiiverdiun C'fitk in nnd lloiuition
l and flaiin. Tbence up the center ot aaitt
fleaviMiini Creek with the ineiiiiiterinct
tberee to a lino riiniiinir itirectlv North
ami nouiD tlirottai li tlie Mirlli-vtcet enrner
ol fliu llonatlon l.anil I liilin ul illiam
Larna in Heitlon HI, towii.xhin 2 Nor 1 1
l: .in ire '2 went Will. Mer. I fct nci; Moiilli
along the Wett line uf aaid Iturria I'laim to
tli noulli line ol tlie Noi tli hall of the
Ilonatiuii band 41. inn of aaid Anilernini
Mtinihaiia Wile. I hence V eft on aaitl
M'titii line to a point due H nith from the
niMv or laxinmiia- I hence North to Hit
filava i ! neinniii. contaililna lorty-tive
i o si res, more ur ichh.
A Imiliisf rat-r d-4ioni-non ot the estate
tl Ander,n emitli, ditiel. ilS-'.TI
Hitlsboro Pharmacy
Pure fresh drugs, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Sponges and all iniggia
Sundries, Fine first clasj cutlery a sjiecialty.
rKitra fare iu Coinpouiiiltsc rraerlptleea
Buy where
you can
buy cheapest.
Tho agents from Portland think tins
is tho poorest placo to sell paper in
they over saw. lteason: tho
LXDKPKNDENT has the trade, hy
courteous treatment and low preest
Taper of all grades, no orderioo
large or too small.
i anus.
I Writ of tlitnn, lor the foun'y ol I
Waal i in .foe.
Ltity Ititthanan, I'laietit'', )
U'alfet tt. I'liichitiian, Ilefenilant. j
To Wall . liiichaniin, the alaive
tumt 4 di'Datidniit.
In tfV' name of the State of Oregon:
V n tiwbwrchv reipiintl to apiaMr in the
! as'itletl I'nurt, anil answer the corn-
plaiat iod saaTiitixt you in thealaivuen
tiittll anil, eithin nix wt-ckn from the date
nfthetirw! publication of thin auminonn
ag. limit you, which li t publication will be
ninile on Friday, the firtt day of Dtfem-
imr IMinl An.l if vnn till kin bii.u-hf I...
trkrretftllftk lUmeit will stea Willi thereof, the I'lnintitl will antilv to
nia at iiey tiaa. era will tave lit ah(Hirt lor the relief pravcl f ir an il le-
P .4itif twelve 4f. r my e- nmniled in her complaint, to-Hit:
it 40. a4 w Wte at - That the marriiure ami martrnA rV.ifr
tract now exiHtinir la-tween the plaintiff
anil the defendant bu nnniileil and ilia
olvol and rendered void from the date of
the decree of aaid Court. That thecal,
custody and control of Millard I'm hanan,
the minor child of plaintO! and defendant
! im an I til to the plaiutill. That the
plaintitl lie ailiailfreil and decree t to lie
the owner of the one. thin I of the rt'nl
We have just
Received the
j Finest line of
Paper ever brought to
Hillsboro. Trv it-
Hillsboro, Ore.
Orejja.n KliWiey Tea cuten hat k-
ayhe, "ldney and I Iftidcr tr ublo
and coi stiprtlion. iH lta l)n Vloie I proirtv rlaw rilieii in plaintiff complaint
I tiw4ti'ing lota nuinlicreil twetitv four
(2-1) ami twenty-live CWiJ in Mia-k iitiin-
and that abe have judgment for the mini'
uj .Hiii ai'SMiny lor tlie miport ol hor-clf
I.Asn Orrna atOkkhoh I'itv. tia.
Oct. 'it, !'
VOU' MitaTKItbaVY'tstVKN. til I
Xv ta PfllowiiiK nniiieil cttlcr hit tiled
notice ol hia inleniion to inftke tlniil proof
in auppurt of h.Selaim, ami that mid prie
wih be niiide btfore the County I ter
VVaahinirtun fo ty, at MillKhuro Ore., ,i
lec. 1, l-f, vin: .
I.UI I.S lltMtKll.t KITt
H K, ll.'lil fot the W ol N W i of fer
M ami N X of S a) of t-B I'l N li A
lft nan ea the followin witneaaea to
pro a hi conlinn ua xcaidenasailMin anil
Uail'e I'waaat Kael la avir:
piamea I. Hopper, of 4lea f reek. Ore.
Herman a r.inreiiirccin, 01
(leorire V Prurlai', m e " '
Jarnie Martin ot 9 'w eaasas
and ttirnor child, together with the cohIk
and ili-hiirHement of thi nit, an.l that
uch other and farther ile ree ly made a
f ttriy la' euiliible.
TliS Siiniuiona it piiblilieil nirninpt yiu
bv onlerifjhe Circuit tlmrt of the Matfl
of Ori son, Tor WaKhinifiou (Vmnty, maile
ami entered on tlie 27th . Ia uf Noerihf r
s.f.t, and duly sinned fy T'eWMclTftli!,
Juilir of wiitl f Viurt.
TIlDS. H.'oi f. II. TOXtiUF.,
Attoeneva for I'laintiH.
3 09
.1 IS
iinest lino of toilet articles
and drug sundries in tho
County always kept attho
Our own sneeinlt
good valiies, because they
ai e made from tried form
, ulas, the pure and fresh
Drilg Our line of patent med
icines is complete Careful
attention given family re
ceipt, e
Store th ose facts in ttiur In
CIIAS. U. Mtyi KKf1
Hyi lle(iter.
m ' "k- SJ. e-cg
O .aa.
td' ok a