Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 24, 1899, Image 4

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    .4 - ,
(CoPTTKbt, US. r American Prwae
( oittiniu d from fiirnt J'ftye
ont ettintr into miiim dkaMaseet," h
tunriuared to himself as he inonnted tlM
etair nu opt nod the dr of his room.
"W..U, wa hall nee."
(,'hiof lton, a very plain Aid
waslied oat srxYimen compared with
the higiily ciltr ifons Parrent encoun
tered on . rlii. vi; to Xorcomia?, waa
sitting iu a Uuj.-t.Ud ttttiile, with Li
elbuw on hia knees ami chin rest
ing fn hi hamls, and slow raised hi
bead aa Dun-cut ea 'd.
"U.xxl evening." he aid in a enb
Jned Toice, ao Hulxlm that Parent
almost pitied him.
''UuixleHin. At; dol'trtfft. SHor
f n your font, the 1A tMap " In an
instiiut he had ( niJit the JsHiced
ft the a.l of the boo fuel k. it go
ffin, ajhiat lg,Qm ea jajg
'"Slut iU . cnw to.ajja on-
0 t .r JSs) aifafer or Jiftiuh
9lcS. Mt J vani yon"
"eft V 0. !).
feaa'f in.aja ill I'm lnajjawitl I'm in-
"f tot tias'Il last a opiK,nity of
iM ) Jnsy."
"1 tv,r I nai. I tfonld not murder
!!. 1 haven't tao orarsiro. "
" Yon avre the Dim v, ho walf'-d np to
?he (range, ami left by the bar Srfy
t the river. Don't liol"
"I won't, Mr; I won't I did that,
bnt I did not murder him. On my soul
I didn't, Mr. Diirrent "
"Then who did."
"Astray Mursdenl"
"Huh I That's h11 over. Don't try to
sjilold yourself tlint way."
"Unt the impor"
"Yon wrote it. yon liar I"
"No, tin I I swear I didn't I I'll toll
the truth the whole truth, Hir. I'm
ssvrytlnav tliat'a crooked, lint I ain't a
DaiTeut made the wildest random
gin t he ever ventured nion in hiH Ufa
"fosiah Mnrxden never wroto that
far," he suiiL
"The UK did, and he murdered
" WhoT" almost ahonted r Mm tit
"Hilt Oosnell."
"What do yon meant"
"I'll tell yon all. sir; I'll tell the
tffl Hi. I HWear I will; I swear I will"
"Yon'd better go ahead, then."
"Well, alxmt a year and a half an
Old HarNilen ciinie to my houm one
if lit to nee mo. He Tided to look in nov
Alul again, Hir, just to talk. Hu liked
BM to tell him atoriea abont the police. "
''Well, (toon."
"Well, ho told ma that bVd mur
dered a vias "
"Oh I" '
"Said ha'4 bat otnr to Taria, Inrod
him to a alt yitu:o end stabbed hiin
to the heart "
"I aen. Wolir'
"I dida't know what iu do, ao I
eked Mr. (indL "
"Wail, I let it alip ia talkies to him
on day."
"What aa awfnl fnJ yon aro, Djb
aoni" "Yea, ha repllM, moiatening
hit pan-lied lijia; "I lalieve I am."
"La ink thia," ejaculated Uarrent,
awaroaly able to conceal his diinxt at
thapitifnl state of the man, an he hand-
ad him a gltma of brandy and water.
'Now, then, K"n."
"Ooatioll aaid we'd atrock it rich,
ad B fawucied it wonld pan ont a
fjonaata. "
"Bigot That aiainda lika GncnalL "
"Qe aUd aw to ka it to him, and
ba d aiaka money, and wa'd dividn it,
nd we'va beon Aividina; it ar aince.
Ha Hard t rip to The (irranKa and
threaten to a-l the old maa np to jna
tioa and talk alamt hawing nntil Mara
dea nearly died of fright, and then he'd
any how mnch he wautd to kcp qnict.
If a hd .UiK aa my ahara."
"8ia thuaaand one hnndrvd and fifty
dollara. Iklil"
"No. air. I saved the 150 my lf."
Ooh lanarnftilly anwrd, and Inr
tat alui(t bnrat iato liught.a- at the
amdik'n tranaitioa friaa tlw aublime to
tna ridienkxia.
"Well, Koon. (ift to tlw nigl't of
ilia mnrdiT. "
"(i tlio ninht i tha mnrder I wbp
cm my ronnd, and aa I Tlu
rnao atxink 1 I naa- Homo one Htand
to at tho a imlow. I could 1. 11 it wa
Sot Mwlen, uid I walked np to the
door, and aa 1 reaibed tUera (nell
opened it"
"What did heaayt"
"lie aaid. Kep S. or I'll train
"laai V It a ItuhaoB. and be a. id
"Oh I I a iQRt coming for o. Thife'h
Vwa ainrder doue hiT. ' Thi n he tak
ana in ami aliownl me the old man lying
doad m the Ha' H aaid tbat he canu
tbet a n anme :ff nuaiey it ol
Mfcailfii, mid ite fc cjne p to tin
troat m a ni;a rusli.d on, nearl)
ktnlkm him over. iml k to li i
keela Iwiid: 'Tlien it'a yti Marx
da O. a ink ' ' Well, ' he awer.d
'w4't wactto ha ia thia. and wt'li
leax ont tnt n-t tbe front waf. it
reaa wa tna aaamat ant n an t
atU'ted. 'iat . t tw bwt
fanapt ' An-f h( n ha ta k ma Win tli
tha ci at tlit lauk of Th
I iratw. out dowa a fiM f atepa an1
aioiK a ttinja -l .tbtrr"
"Nit morninir C hat f atfal feel
jnir that Ooxnell had dat tlm imtrder
htniself, and I a cut itrihia atati
abont 7 and told him ar.
"What did nen't"
"No lanKhod and aaid 1 waa aiad and
hen took, a li'r from hin rkat, the
tajpor I irave yon, 3lr. Darren 1 and
Jfcid, 'I fonnd thia in old MarVlen'R
lauid when I went into the library.' "
"That Van the Mfat tltal at'cnaad
"fell. ai M "
'"O.'ll. he ! m ft a
ftt " to (ottitai ! it a
anthoriti0 but to ttqnaj aa) it
wonld be T'f thonaandaj to kld
Astray th. ,ter i. Tl. tl
woman Oadlen"?l'tihat nit- A
tended to take the mTOl o d
Mnraden'a hand. "
"Yon'Oa nireMa.CLnajl rjl3 "
"Ji. Vr Darrent. bnt I did nj
eomait tue mnrder. " .
"Now, then, come on," critBar
rent "Let'e eeo if we can find Mr.
hilaa Oiwnell."
Hj9x-ifan to realise that he had been
too weddedi one act of incident alone,
had Unorea all other clewn. and while
he bad been foTKinn the 4na aronnd
nn inmxfnt man the K'ilty wreU h hal
had time tont thoinanda of milea be
tween himeelf and Jntic.
"Where dia Ooanell lire?"
"At a little honae opposite The
Oranire. on the other aide of tha rirer."
"Couieon. Lookaharn.
To: tlier they atnrud off and, a?tt
liking In nt the police action for a
chisel, made straight f r the aUde of
Silas 0 smell. There w4 bo answer to
their repeated knockins.
"Gone, enrae him I" Darrent mat
tered. "Now, then, Dolwon, pot yonr
shoulder to it (Jo on. Now, toKther
With m aiilittinir. anlintcAnz crash
the frail doorava way bent-nth their
nuited efforts, and they stumbled into
Mie cottaxu.
Darrent, mnch to the amazement of
Dobson, tnrnetl on his electric lamp aiSi
made for an old writiuK dnek iu the
rorner. Thtre wa no need for foaua 4
Every drawer had been left open, aura
pile of bnrned paper in the itrate showed
that Mr. Kilas Ooanell had bad a Kood
A'r ont and had diwtroyed everythinn
he did not require before he shook the
daxt of Norcoinlx) from his feet
A sheet or" two of plain note paper
lay in one of the drawers, a sheet or
two with the watermark of a five star
diamond, and Darrent placed them care
fully in his pis ketlxxik.
"I think thia ia for yon, air." Dobson
exclaimed, banding Darrent a note he
9 had picked np from the table, nd Dor-
" think thl U for y, ir," I)hnn ex
claimed, hamllitij iMtrrvnt a note.
rent as he read tho snperwription felt a
horrible deniro to kick some one, or, for
the matter of that, eten him lf, fail
ing a better target.
"To the Hinart ( ) detsrtive in charije
of the Norcomhe murder ciuxi. "
With a curse he tore ox'n the entel
ope and pernsed the contents, written
in the aamo sprawling hand at his note
of the afternoon:
To tha Amerli-ftn Irfooq:
ellr, Hir, 1 fancy joa'n 1 a tire li
Bleip. Waka up and own yourwlf a fiNl. U
0nili, killed not murdsrsd, Lut allied
Joatah Mandt-n.
Ha had lR-n kind anouxh to pay me an an
nuity, and I went, aa uaual, to collect ay allow
ance on the niuht of the murdtr.
The old man waa madder tlMM aver, talked
al.out bla. knuiil and all llt e.rt of thlnit, work
ed hinikclf up into the fury of a maniac and sud
denly went banic for ma with the poker. I reeled
luck, and my hand Minted a knife. I tiah It
hadn't, but It did. It waa hia lite or mine. I
preferred hia. Aa to that paper, you've all been
tricked. 1 wrote it wrota It because that soft
brained aaa of a policeman, that old fool llobaon,
melled a rat. I thouiiht tha bast thin waa to
tire him a chance of bleedtat A at ray kUreden to
keep him quiet. Tha Idiot f tka whole shot
I thought when I wrote It If aaethlna at
wrong it mlirht be pleaded that la old Sien ata
ffoinf to write "a Itranacr," tut I did not think
auch a brilliant youna dotectiw aa aoum-lf wnuld
take up tha ca and eaectaallr cot-ltean aa la
aKvnt man.
Thimta ara too hot for ma. l'B) off.
I am. my dear tecoq, ever Inifebtcd to aou for
your blind Mupidity aad ao al(a aiyarlf, always
gratefully youra, aiaat OoafBLL.
Darrent gronnd hia t(th warotha ia
rage. Ho had been fooliil from at art to
finish in thia great casn he, Herbert
Darrent the famona deVctite, the
American Leeoq. Bah I Completely
fooled by nn Englishman who dt tpiaed
him so heartily that he had eten left
him a mocking letter admitting etiary
thing on the eve of hit flight I
' He'a ia New T.k by thia time,
possibly (ti hia way to England, bnt I'll
have him yet if the tiling ia ooaaihlel"
Darrent cried, striking hia kuee in his
veaation. Hurrying to the nearest tdo
traph oflice, Darrent ar-nt a careful de-
acription of Silas Ooenell to tho chief of
police of New York and then atarted
for New York himself, firmly resolved
to follow Oosnell to tha erala of the
earth if necessary.
Up to this point in tho cane he had
been anything bnt a hlotxlhonud of the
law. although variona peoplo bad re
ferred to him aa auch. bnt now the ap
pellation described him tierfectly. Dis-
appointm"tit. chagrin. Wounded vanity.
had given him a feverish interest in the
chase of the Norcombe inurdeiw that
he had not felt Ix'fore.
At Unffalo he was notified by the
chief of detectives of New York that an
Englishman exactly anxwering hia tele
graphed description had sailed a tcck
beforeonthe liner Stn-lesia. Ho U-amud
nothing fnrthcr ntxin his arrival in
New York and was alxmt to sail t
England was on tlio disk, in fart
When he heard a newslxiy shouting
"Extra, extral Terrible loss of lifel
Liter StT"liwri,i sunk I Two hundred and
fifty drowned!"
"Total wreck of the Htrolosia." ho
read, in glowing headlines. "FeHrfnl
loss of life." And then: "Atuae
pick's! np in mid Atlantic by the Ma
jestic, having on Ixmrd rive of the TeW
af the lnixsing steamship Wtvleaia, thia
la ing the only survivors of tlw iil fated
Then followiil aiimp ri4 perannal
narratives and the list of lsng'Ta
auiitiit which waat t U name of Milaa
ii.e tea had a"ntfl tha nariler of
atah Marwlr n. Hi Ua i ainral had r
hefa-e lanrinc loftrt a itreafvr Jtlga.
If waJ -! to praeeil fni-tk.r
t'tuiaa qurntly l'arr.TJt i'tvil to t'hi
iiag. trliere he fonnd ainaritt ante
aiting lii ia. .'aiiotUer of (Jfc4iiii
iikk king epi!-tlis:
IVar M Lc.-oq - hv dnn't yu lva a lock tt
ej'.ia (iimnrll'i houw by lis) riv.rf
"Well, there's one thinaT infatortf
the ntgir tr.'tch," Darren anliliginiziMl
aa he plat el it with the oilier" in hia
l ketlxK "ha ill. In t intend to let
an innia-ent man suffer r his crime."
Little remains to h told. Shortly
after Iktrrent's return to Chicago the
fovernor of Illinoa pardoned Astray
Haitdi n. and Astray sxm fonnd him
trlf the pajaj-ssor of a snug fortnno
tlie fortune that had been his nncle'a.
Mot long thereafter there was a Ijap
py aj.-d.ling at tVorcomlie, and one of
lie ajnests was IIcrtxTt Darrent the
American Lecrxi, who hid IJiitVl"" he
fore biaidcd a hitngman wfVixiee for the
Unt all this was forgotjnt
' ' J . B V,-.,v.A Viv-u-vol " ajkiit
TaJjlniT Miirwlcn as he heartily grasped
the detective a hand. a
"I am glad yon are so forgiving,"
-aa 5ft Darrent'a reply, "ar. while
thia case ben a i&vfo disappoint
ment to me profiwionally, I fTely for
give yon, Atray, fyr not being gnilty
of the mnrder of jjonr njicle. Wa all
make mistakiv. and tBs far this case
ia my yay worst. In the fntnre I ahall
be more suspicions of circnmstantlal
evidence Here's to the health of tha
happy pair I May long life and happi
ness Is theirs I" oeao
Civ vvn 0
lr. I ewe, the cpifCasn, lrnmintr
Cat a wceaad Daaatloa.
A charmlug little atorV la told af an
euVouuter Vj'tween the Emperor Alex-
n,l..p ..f Itusslia and a nuick Kitted
yftuna glrL '!,J
During the occupation of I'aria thoS&J
Emperor Alexander was presuut si uc
aunlversary of ouo of the hospital.
Mates for contributions were passed
by tho patronesses of the Institution
to the visitors of the day, and a par
tlcularlr pretty girl presented Uer
plate for royalty's attention.
TV emiKTor drois.'l a handful of
gold on the plate, aaylug to the young
girl aa be dli ao, "Thia Is for beautiful
bright eye.
The pretty maid courtesled low and
ag0ln preseuwd her plate to tho gen
erou donor.
"What, more!" asked'tne cmpemr
with a smile.
"Yes, aire," waa the reply, given with
eyea demurely cast down and mouth
well under eoutrol, 'now I would like
aomethlng for the xsir."
The aecond handful waa even more
lltieral than the first, and the emperor
evidently felt that hia speech had
leen well met and matched, aa he
amlled after the pretty girl, who went
her way rejoicing to the next visitor.
Youth's Companion.
8M tra
In I4tpkwiw the crime whMi la pun
lntit nioMt ai-vertly net in miinler Is
the marrytas) n alrl upaiust tho i
pies wishes a? har ynrents.
Whan t nivJ . hia Mioj'araiKr,
he saya aothla to hr ih
she often n U h U. he par
entt liifoa art tlaW trttnif liM been
applied for. 'i'kett on a 4a toliiterl
the ei tavi'atra ntat lfirt meet
logeliier i Maul ait iyuiw)itt Ve an
ofiea. ao tbt ill lw ts A oth
er's fuct tad cDera fftwiy.
the fcaxt it ov., tnt cetaiuaay talr
to an oM-n aia-t, whttt "the ra.f a
wife" It to be Mia. Tit ttarral diatanr
1 uliout a uatot of a mile, land tat
girl is placed a third of to li'.at&are IB
advance of tho ffntrtlns; V"iu-
If she la tha. of tint M rVava a
rnre for her aultut. an caj aaally
reach tho mI Sit, aitd If alit avcoan
pllshea thia he may utfi tfoTjM her
ngnlu. If, on tha otlu Kavtol, alio w ish
es to have him for a Imalxan.i, alia haa
only to lag In htr flight aiki ao allew
hlin to overtake In, if she la particu
larly struct with hi 00 and wetild tufni
fy to him that hit lote la roturnnt. alit
can run a short dlsiajict, then atov and
tara aad invit hlin writ open arma
(aiaaiil t htaattagy.
The moat primitive mcthiai lit rbr
nology ia that which enablea fuan to
orient hiintelf In the World of tints hj
associating particular luaatloua with
vlcissitudea of wther, with aeaaoual
aspects of vegetation and with the eon
atantly changing eifhta and aoiiuAa of
the animal world. In the caVart' of
the Creea, for example, wt find snh
doHlgnttlons aa "duck month," "frog
moon," "leaf nuajn," 'la-Mica 1p
month," "buktk rutting moon,"
'leaver entirely changed," "Varea to
the trees," "fish catching moon."
"moon that strike the earth fold.
"cosiest moon," "Ice thawing moon"
and "eagles seen niisin."
Ho In the eaieudara of Central Amer
ica and Mexico the montha art named
tarlously after the arrital of birda, tb
blossoming of flowert, the l4owing of
wlnda, the rtturn of monqnltirra and
the appearance of flabea. The Oreeka
constantly tiaed the moverjueota ot
blrda to mark tho aeiaons. Tht it
rival tf the awallow and Utt waa
thua notad. Hetlixl tella aa hw the
cry of the craue signaled tht departure
of winter. While tha aetttng of the
Pleiadea gave notice to the plowman
Wht'B to begin hia work.
Valama CatlMata.
Surely if anything la more intolera
ble than a vulgar woman it la a vulpar
child. The poor little thing la produced
by all nations nnd rucea, from the
n;in-Haxon to the Wat. Ita father
waa happy In the atrugglo tliat ceded
In Bueccea. When It growa old, Ita own
children will perhaps la? happy If! the
aort of refined ealstcnce which wealth
can bring la the third generation. Hut
the child of tho man grown suddenly
rich ia a living misfortune la-tweeu two
happinesses, neither a worker nor an
tnjoyer, having neither the an (infliction
of tbe one nor the pleasure of the oth
er, bated by Ita Inferior a la fortune and
a eouroe of amuecmcat ta ru thlc and
aesthetic betters - Marion Crawford,
"A Boaa of Xraterdai
kirsks Ilsmcaa Oil la tnslxMt
pr-ac.vsllva e,r new ieath.T
hihI tlie. la-Mt renoviiV.r ot old
1,-sther. It ollx, xofti'lix, Mark
anaund proUxts. t ao
liomsss 03S
on jrotir hnt httrniP, your oi1 hr
frwit, Mini yimr ntri ttiii1tt, tfjnd Itii-y
Will not only Uu t Ih tt r Init wittr
JunaTfr. fml fvtry h-' In ntftt-
pSatk lfm Itrtlf pmt-i In Hvf aVlllniB.
tW t TAftaM m IU.
(hamherlaia'a rata flaiat ( area th
ra, Wy Hat Ita.
My wife liMfHn taiing (tianilar
lain'tFaia) Bain, with gaJ reu;,
ffsa!iine sh'irief that hie tintil
htr i'ontinuaH fiela yeara. We
have tried all limit of tnedacia anil
ili I tort wiihout mwitina gay lajaalll
fnai any of llietn. tVit t(y We saw
an adtirtlsetixjnt nfihin iirStlicliic
lid Ihouuhl of trying it, which we
did With the I of WM rffiat tiou. Slit
tia used only out Igittle tinl In
lliouldcf ia glilHBt r'll.--A(iolpB) L.
lillatl, Manchexter, N. II. For sale
by Delta Drug Store.
(Ine Jersey Cow age.l
large lump on It lV aide,
this month. Amm""""
5 ytarx.
line i-jear wl heifer
putted roan.
Uaje tfarliru heifer, blue,
Tiie leaning heirer, reil
Liberal retard otl'erixl.
e, MK. L. 11KCKIA',
rVholls Tost thine,
Waiihlnglnu County.
Arhrr's F.ngllxh Remedy ft III step a
couiih st sny tune, and will uire tin
wort cold in twelve honra, or nioncQ re
ftindeil. 26 and 60 cents at Iclt.t Drug
Store, O
Arker'a lynepla Tablets are sold
on a rMwitiTn;iinrantee. l ures heart-hma)
rnixoic ui anv nxxi, nixirrss auer rnting or
any form ol rirxprpaia tne little tnl.le
pivea iiMinexlia e relief. 2ft cts, and .VI rt
le lWrug Store.
gr '!
I ----e ,
slmilatliig tic rooaflndllciJulii,-
ikcaindRcst.ConlAins neithtr
Oiiium.Moritinc nor Mineral.
1VPT NVvcetTiC.
Jmtlm SmJ'
Abe. fnvm '
Aittfi'd Rnmcdy forfoailipa
lirm.Soiar Stonaath.Diarrltjca
SattaMai Siiaat.N eg
jrrw yovk.
VViTi 'vifar7r ii"
i&Acr curv oa atntarwaa.
tninflrnyinn lie
r-Kswi. PortJand, Oregon -zr-
K V. Airao;, LL B., J'fitiripnl. J. A. Wicjco. i'tntuaei St Secretary.
gives pitifiiaihle HBfloyinftit to hundreds tf our ruluatet, and will to thnuajMirta
more. Send t our culo;iic. Ur:i uud am h. Vemy.
It Has Hever
Mf. ". R. Iealee. the will-known drirrt "
Morgan t'ltv, 1-S , is lnh!y f ;unnit of in Ins mijrh
boTtiiaxl Tietauat bis ! kill and tare ir lilhi.jr re
evtiptioea. '1 Be lat phta'n in the ,1 a.e S'tnl
their pan ntat'i hia attire whenrp tfiey inn. An,
thin; whuh Mr. I'eaah may any cn he lepemlad
luaiii lsliirlv. In a letter t W H Ilix ka r &
Co., New Vork t'lty, vionele: :, of A.atr s K.eK'1
kreinly. tic sTt. Ii all mv i.,:fivea's' t a,ri
ttco as a tlruKa(ist, 1 liuve tievei lisndled modi-
cilieaif iknv nature lh.it .rave mii li cirrnoK
f;c! in aa Acker a I iicl'tli I!mv (or Throat
:a:d I. ana; TrxilliS. h h.ivc sold hiinderls of
bo tUa. and have y t t lt arnt a tingle ansa
.'lclt it failed to .'lit. In
roup, " ravta itn a er
t .iaty tkat ia really n at
ari is. My wife iliata not
l.tkutntich st.sk in tnedi
ct ie, but she list areolute
l.i th in Aikir'a KtiKbxh
Kcmedt. ulwava h.autr t'
.) her tlraiw in c- the
children lata attached by
croup at night. It ia a
o-itivtlt harmless rem
edy, aii I can personally
ii ittifs 1 know nt a little
giil who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of conrse sick at her
ston.ttth ttir a sht tun, hut the an koesa passed away, and the a the child vraa
in bettt-r hralth than tver tavfoee. I ran iinderstnd why Acker a tnnliati kem
cdy is so ethraciotis. hecanse I am a dm w. It e a mare rs'tratit,
hut a strenjrthcnins;. inviforattnio; tonic w;ia. While it heal the imfattov
of the muciais nienilnan. it '.so baildt up tho constitatwra ani purines tm
blocsl. 1 endotse it loluteiy."
Sold at S5C. sot. and$i a bottlr, theonjrtiut the I'uited States andl'fttiida.
end in Knv;laiid, at is id., ts. 3d , .
vtui n the laittle ta yonr driiatKiat. and
Wr aulhorUl I0e ilM gminutttc. V. il.
For Sale by The
amo SSanhoOO !
Curca Ianpotcncy , Ni;ht Kuiissionsanil
wastinir diseases, all tftocla nf self- '
JJ"a abuse, ur etceat nd indis- 1
"J"jciction. A tier e tonic arid
V",IaHt lmil'trr. I'.rinvt tlie i
yi 4rVink i;low to pale diet its and
jfW' restores t lie i're t l youth.
;sfxNjj(Nl?v ni:t il fiO' n 1 rnn, hfia '
for !-j.r;o: with -Atirittt n irn tr iiu
to to citraf r la't'iiml tli bluuoy.
Send for circular. Address,
Omton AJasJkson 6ta, CrilCACO, ILL. ;
Kof sale l.y J fella I tin; Mtuw. I
Wlien e0le nre roatiniliitin a (rip
whether on lmsinex in J le isiire, they
naturally mint the host wrviee ol
tainnlile so tar as seed, lomdut and
sMlety is concerned. Kinplove.x of
the W iK iinnii ( etitral Lines mi. pa
in xerve ine puniie nml our trntriiie
OjK TBIl il JX) Bi to lllake I Late" l-otlllee-
iai with dive4afri.9iit Hll.unct-j-n
poiiajs,, ,
rnllniail I'aLn e Mi-epu,
on Ihreuu'li tajitiK.
nnd (.hai- Cars
J nitilt liir se vice nncxeeiled.
served n la t'aitc. ,
In ief r In (1.1 .In it is
first C-lil.a unri-ii..
ack Hie in ket aneiit to sell y,;
til ket over
IMrert conneetiona nt I'hienu and
watikivfuralLKaxtern points.
For full inforninlion Q on vo?ir nrsrnja
ticket aitriit. or wnte ... i
Ja C
I .en,
riM, or .U. A. ( i.K k,
!'. Alft.. W,..nenl
Milwaukee, ia. a-au'si
lilbf-B e mm
Fo" Infants rjni ChiUrcn.
HTfK m Ycu Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
Always Bought.
w eta rtrw
tc atis
i if vou are not a Wished after buying,
tftt yonr miey tatk.
Hunk ('., ta.r. '.
Delta Drug Store
t"jtiw.N MhUKltr. ;
I LtMi li f rtonthlt
van ti iiani;i)v. ,
Tllf 111 tUHUHI aa I
St.ndri Patterns
Hit only rtl.ahV p. tort'., becau.te '
tllty nle w seams. t
S'i-.:c r'ff'on Pi ice: $1.00 a year.
14 ceafs fur single copies.
Literal esis comavio,. Wntt far I
a.iaait c0f atf! iereis (aSaascria ;
tioe Dssarrajcal,
I tatct itM ., rca Yoa Otf.
i . -
fie. T,,,,w.-a
rr .-.vis ""I- ri,v,
Kti-rs ClovtKoet Tea
f1ia.nl, t't v i ( . fi, (. it nr M- tn. t ii.ii
il ml Kr ii.ti-.
aia. An nf!,-ii.i l.i.itii- N.-r
mir. Sni.l ,.n r p -.r illl I. v
ilr i,....t at a-,, ., hoc. ami l i.
S- C. wcil a CO., traor, n
I .Mil .."...tTOM
1 - 1 - "LI lilll lit" t- t I
I v '.aua nil' J -1 at l
fV'. fie. T,,"w.-a .fVI
Lh tin inug su'ie.
Denver and
liio Grande
rAciii itniH
Ujdi ilstered
e Tourist
In .virjjc of exkg.iiittl ontin Wru
To Ksnsns ( it y fliiean
II11II11I0, ItiM-I'Mi wM li
mit transfer, vi r-alt
l.'.ke Mo I'aetlli- in. I
Chicago anil Alton llv.
To Olnilia, t'hienc;!!,
I.illiiiln, I. in 11 i li-.
out iliancfe via Salt
l-ikr. Cliii-av'ii, liixk
1 ImiiiI .V I'm ii Ky.
To SI Josoili,
Kani-as Ciiv. s.
l,i mis, without
1 lianire'via I'.nr
liiiKlon fioiitc.
:iiik.ih I
'ilv 11 nil
w itllOllt
.ill Ijikc
I'm itic
via S
A da pt r arratiKrtl at.gu Ijikt
and iHrttcr.
A rid thrtgl the t'uro ti i (.'Knil
A k tour ti kit agent fiir a itthi t on
the aVfiYt r A H.o . ramie tr-maMm.
Y"tT.t' eii.t si! ini.Tn.ii, call iti
or addrrsa
K. t . SH IHtL. E. V. Haft, ,
V'I AKetlt. Travelins- AK'ent.
g.'il A'a.sliinsiiiii Siritt, f'ortlaani Un-jon.
H. It. IMHH'f B,
' -ewl l'ay-s. ,v inhtt Aifant,
larnaer Oolnrado.
tUt VgAR
Tfrc M a nit 9
COaPTa1lMT fcC
ilff'tasp ajptKllnn h nhf.rh itiiil r.trrriittUin nniy
sJU'if .ajntrliiiti our npinmti frtHi tfnUi'r mi
tBtfiilit'.i im ij"nhnl.ly i;u'i'lhtf. 4 titiifttft
ttanaair.rtlf t nitlilon tt;il. ll.iiiiltxfM on i'aft'iit
ttnrf rnw. tihl-ttt furPitny for mt'iinitir pfiffnt..
I'sklfPtfi tiikiMi throiitrh Muim A t'tr, IHhx'U'V
4to -).; tutliee. lth.nit cMnrue. In ttm
Sckttsltlc Jfaaicrlca-t.
at hi,tifl--M)milT lllnotrrtlrvl p-1t,
T.iiriroait rlr.
nihil ion of miT an'M-'H illr iiirntt.
ur inonihH, 91. JHoiti liyall
ft Nth.
MlHIIi & Co.s,,,,T Wew York
oaliak wa) V wu, '..ssriiiiguiii.
air tr
' Mt dn
Mail orders promptly
Prices on application
We are still offering- you
Weekly oregonian,'
m a w '
oiiiyeay for (my $2.00.
Addi'ess all orders to o
a -
r -rt 'l
' '('
' 0
SHAs't.'. v II'IK
H )L I'll KK.N 1'At . ( O.
hxi'urss Tsainsi, l.ravt
TLlNli Paul:
i' ra I I .
l .i A V I A
Hnti r rnO iixj
Ar !
A t'.ive trallix itop M All stuii liet w ix'lt
I'mliani! nil ao'lll, l.irncr. M'trion,
J. id . -mi. A.lmiiy, i.ouri'iil, sli.-il.ti, II . I
h,, 11 o 1 1.1I111 . fr, lun.-iioii 1'itv, r.u.-lic
t.'c.l : ri- lliioi', I'raiii, DaUlatiil, itmi all
Irniii K.i-K'tiliiK' 11 Althiittl,
lit-Slhl HO MAIL DAII.V;
H :'ji 1 m 1 l.v
r.:'.'n r m Ar
rt lam.
u i.iirt;
4 ui r
7 t
HIMMi I AI.S ( S 10. IM CHI IT..
Setenil-( l.ts sletpiiiK I'm
Arrai itiiii to Ai- TiiKiioeH '1 uains
Wwt Miile Ir.tsi,ti.
itelT WI.KN 1-llKit.AMi A (' n;VAI.l.!
M.iil Train Daily ( lOxiv.it Sutnlay).
7:1(1 a m I
H-;M1 A M I
1 1 .sr. a h I
I or! It. nil
. (Wvtillin
."'.'.il r m
I '."i h at
I p
rffAl Alhimy
on trains ol the
tun ily.
ittnl i'orva!!i
I irce'on ( en ! ,-
kXpre Trntn Puilv, ' I xci 1 1 Sumln i.
t'.'S' r a I
l! lllp u I
i-:m v I
ri:.m 1'
tVl Oj! IJlIlVlilc
Tliraimh liekcis
To all points in (in- fe..it.rn slaten, fan
a. la ii in 1 Kiirope can I I 1 .it ii, li
cet rates It-. in '. !'. l'n,.-.l! :,:;i nt 1,1
.I0I111 II. li.nill al t:ie liiilei.einteiil ollii'e
I' li. M Ai.l IIAM,
'a. Konttru. ..-,,. a;, .v r..vt
Manaeer li.rtlan't. t4
THE 0. 8. Sc . KVV 1J0OK
hi tlu W onrrcs i f
tofi aii'l Id.-tlio I'fiii'!
; ihrli il'iilt'.l. (nr
rt-autTN :i n ntitifstci!
iln'HK!-: (if tlu-ir ha ttTii
iUitiiitt'iianrt't- ..ml :t i (
v ill h" st nt tVce. 'I'liiv
fi t n !h rimlat'
.f the wttik
n iimitcr all
sIhmiIiI rf iiitcrcsti'tl in mul r vmi!i! : k
that I'wry- ne takt- :ui inlcnt-t :i ml Itir
arl null aiMit'-Mis ), . . Ihin.iM i r,
M'ucn.l I'ast'iiofr Acnt, ( . II. N. ('..
-aSTV i Ba; ' 1 a
am r" .1 iaw aaftaxife
; : ai.atu torn
Ar I a t
l.v 7:11 a
i.v ! fv-Mi
: 1 . 11 1
ay- -
tj- . 0J
a- '- X- .
4 Vav-i , 1
fi.n (innnnio n ,
1 1. J...1 l lot
no lVrt'ainl
.;ol I
I t. w.
', 1 K'.HIT
1, t lit lh:i
' KM1
Kltit lll;il
(. p. o
( li
WaiU W.illii.Spok- "
an.', M uiii.-axls
Sl. I'mil, I "Oil', Si-i.l:ni
Mimaiikce,'. I111M..1' Hmt
,V e.it S.IHI a. Ill
2 lo p in.
Ocean Stcamsaiiis.'
I I'-
l or f
Flaln hi)
e "v live
l.i 1
S i. III.
hi 111.
To .
st , ,r i 1 1 J 9 Jm'i. S . 1 m I v
l.a.flli n.'s "
(I a
( ir. c.,,1, I ity. Ni -
liell!. aiilelll WIIV
l:lesis's. .",! . Ill
i.Sllllil '
Willamette & Yain
luli m
On t'onCity, Pivlini
anil vv.iv lanitlltcfs
11, 1. Is v
..w'l S.ltill
:m p. m
Moa 'e.
anil Fnli
llnctle EifiT
fi a. 111.
Tue-ri.ltr ' orvallis ami
I S:,t. l:llllillj;H
I .m
Kiai i.
SllfikG EiVlT
Kiparia In l.i w i-lnll 1
Address, . II. ill 1(1,11 KT,
f.'en'l I'iiss. Aett.
lloihvi II ( iirllll ii o.
t.eu'l Aists. r. I'iic. S. S. Co.
I'ort iniil. Oreatae.
Ye j tint
bs Caireif
If yna sii'Ver from any of lh m
im di .nen, coitiv lo in ouipm i
iixi-ili-t on the Facihc Cuuatt V
1061 Markut bt tst d 1 852. f
Vonnvr men .md mldtllo M
from t Ite tflTectt ol ynutlifui m-lisi reiimis of ex- M
resMstn m itntrf vta-trt. Ni rvt-ti at"M Mvn il
fiiiit liiipttifnrv ... !tinnItol
in -iH it- -.till. In ttiotis: tHpi'l iilflt'irt Imi'A,
HratHlrrlit'ii, j Jsitrrli'i, H-la-aoi, M
t rrtMtna.r tl I t lMitlltiit. . Ity a T
conii.iit nil u of rciurlii,tit ntcii ntr.itivr jtow m
er, the lnctor h.t w arr.int'f l Ins irtMitnrnt
aazt-ta mtii wim .n- uM-i"a, v
th.tt it Mill 11.4 muy .itf nl iinnioli.itr rtln f Uit M
criti tuent t urts. "1 he I lor -.toe, not t,l.im to T
, (Rjitorm mir i'.lrs, hut ii wtll-kru wu t tar- f.tir M
ant! sdii.irr I'hv
oiTi and SiiTfo1
in Ills Mr nil v II latonMt'M Of
ii. m
M a.fa I Hat tlwirntiL'hlv tT-uliciilif. liolll tllfl
v-i-Tti vvn it i, 1 1 1 ii hi nt: ifi4'r-ii a m
i vr.itY u i..i-it inn i im win n
.' ii
r r.i
irt'iv i
li t it
every ft
.or h-nitxt nii'tif.'.a of hisroini'iitlot. A
1! (iuarantft a J "Si i r. ( im V
due tit? uvilirt'tkc. or forfeit Ont A
ThouHf.n'1 ltollitrt. r
iff jttif m t- K I K anil strirtlv private.
itifiX vr.Ki Kr.HWiaA lii.r.. irt .n-
A iii'-'il ieroniMv or hy h lli-r. Scti.l for Nmk
V 'lhr lhilNOiihy of Morruicr,
Irtaj. (. v.ihi.tl le Uik f i r menj A
VI'alT IftK. JORI4Nr9 T
Croat M nsvum f Anatomy m
lh finest ami l.titt M nsemnttf its kiml in the
wthl. Come Mint ii hotv womlerftilly yiu W
fi'; iiu'le; h"W to nvi.i.l M(.Ln.s ami fiisc.v.e. i
We .ir? rinfirni tl'v .ulilinii m-w .ieciiiKiiii. W
VAT tiAit'l K .A. t u.lor vvn it. k
in, Msri-f Strtv-t. Sun Frunciarfl Cat. V
or naie aa i a i a
o a