Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 24, 1899, Image 3

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    I!!!. UTV'S
Tin- lot.il cmount0oPrcccipts
.ami expeiieift and
titu items
Ann" i1 ,, ,,t ' C3 pcsj
Hii i uuii hate beeu ifJJJIJJiCt
kept In i5'l
l-'roin the i'miMirJBOISfcetjfg
it n, pr;tri Hint the. rCUiCa Jr l&t
. ,,,t jn.r lvo Ikh'ii froB :
T.ixc, I -. r..ll. : M
I-'. 7 " 1 15
lvii. " ft 82
Sal'"'i' Incuse, ldft 5
Ciiy r.-c rder aiul MgaTBS
llll-l l Illtlil OUS IceS collcct-
,, 82 08
T"':d OI72 12
U iirr.inis Imv- lieii dr( Jn for ex-
l,i il v water
. . I...
.11372 82
Jul '"I i iiwmin l - .
. I,inu- 7 801 M
M ir-hiil snlHr . 2WtHI
Jiidci timl clerk of election 1 M
1 r ii-urer's salary 40 (HI
At'lT11!'''"'1"" eoHiprti !) 50
t:.-f tir fity imll and
ilcnuis 74 l
11 .order's lcen ,' l'J !MI
l.niiil . r and street 313 !I3
.rv of
.3i7!i :S)
r.Kt jjt over e
....J. I2i2 M
irt iifiBttfiet
Tin- wiinaiit iinl'litqlMa tl
city Nov. ID, JstlH. eHWvaWai lrt
a.rriKWt interi'Ht'waM
ilutilaiideii! trtl fl.r
c:i-h on hand 175 07
.N. t warrc nt debt
Warrant outstanding
inl.Ti-t, Nov. 2, 1V.W
I, rash on hand
.7!t i
Net vrnrnnt delit
Net train on warrant kt4.
j''3 m
There is a Inn net raia
Im'CII weiired lillii Vill fcMWftA
(li ar in the iteta of of inttmac (a
warrant iinlit'V. 1-M Utf
(he .er cent wrrntt taken
iii aiil r.'piod hy ( tboi
Having aiaxit $130 lyw rmM.
tsitl TJ0W Ofc MPECTT.
In the Wnriliy Mast, "Watdw
an J M. mtf nt Toality Itmlg,
No. ('., . A A. M.
Tin- ninii T"ijr't "tnoai' ao
puiiit ! U irarr rwlatu vaprraa-
iiu- irf'iw ,f IniA l.iigv Dpi 'IV
Willinu Wittt, hrf fca o p
th folw.winK .
I i -solved, Xltat 4(t the d(t6 nf
b w- h 't 'rfry utitrt anil tra
M ihiii, aivt fiie coittmaMty a bk-
wt, laitlifttl t ai'rirUt citir; o
by IV wkio turn in ifiM lia.
lU-xilvI, That uf atlwvrt fy
riarhy, (fa Ui th ami eftit-
in-n of on dwat rm4Jk.
oiKi't to !i m-wio rf . Awwaw
r.rothi-t. tral ihii K ra iJrp in
m.i.niif.tf fi th naaal pwaal, and
ht .py 1
tPHttil hy r' tTrtry n Uk Mtg,
tie f'.rwHetl to
W. 1). II ABB,
J. A. iMKKta,
(i. II. M iuut.
v. tbf undera'jnxwl, call a maw
Uleeting f th ltfl " Hil
Mpi at tbf My " WatBif
-".eh 7.:K)m to
iiuoate ii 'aiitilftta May,
Itiw i'.d tat'-- f Mkwlni
fr.'i-"i r 1 1 1'MOiw
Kix f r ..tiat fc a tteu
iiua.1 'U A t0 to t M-
day, lw. b,
w ii tiatf
M Ili Utrt
V M tkiJlioa
It, II l.fvtt
1. J I ya
I J W ik
II Jfcw-uni
j ' t'Mi'ai
T 1 Vo
j tlnii.eer
UMC uault
r A aain
1 N tWrptt
Xtkaoaa Ta&et
J M ttat
M iate
f . f I'Ktit i
aini mm ;; t i 1
i St to J '-' '
u;t v
Mry " k A '" t
it ! 7 t a3 ....
Mar . if ant) n W
(laatill 2.'ifM ia ''WX-'l-
iiian d I c
i;oi M'
lirovn imaai'ltut'
Win HaW4" t'l f
.1.wiim' lt I- I 2
( U.eVi li JJ
to J 1) lld.hs tract
'Win ll 'idt and wrto W '
Kinson lots .!i 3.". I'll '
W Porthind Heights ...
May 1' (lalltfWHy t Un'y
Woo-ll'iirn 2 a Oria Hrown d
I ,.
Lucy I- W.HHlwHrd l' .V J
Ualloway Place in tU
fSirv- rtstoji to Carl lup-
0r 7.07 a if.-r tJaston........;
Q i lluinphr-ys aftl !
ll.niM'IO-.vsex.s us 1 1
Citt and ' l I ' "
Dl and A K 1 1 umptirey -
tot: ffcapl trustee
r... II.. -I .1 I l .HW
i.. '1'inM i inn ii i v i
I f Sm.x k and v. fA
r. .. I ' S f 1 '
5 a stM
Vin.-ent to W
l. K IihIIik' to J H rhAAr tract
e -
UH-.lieW .1 tJK S TsureV, Mi
ld Tl a W w 10' 1
Thoa and Honry
tl t 2 r
J .m iM.r -e"'-" jooo
J ."d Mary Smih yVrrl-
a. i .ij l I 4 sin' ,(l I
lea am i"" - r,,;
n r 4 w
(loin Mr.O.o. iiw"" rv -
w.wi,ltf. t.verl.icyelsl.op?
('liivkena for mnkntiivuirf tnnner-i
at ISrown' nnxvty.
Minn Anna htortcr of lbiiny th
couuty ha t'on. to KoMo Wyctn-
fl'twae. wMiing frHtt oyster
thai kiviiiK have order it Ii J.
. . W lley ,t w.ck mi ived a
vb.it from hi mother who now livm
in l'ortliuul.
The LH.lW.aof theCflrislimi ChurPli
will m-rve-JthankslvinK' dinner at
the Grange Hall. .
U(Uil Keveime Inspector Hobb
J He county two day thin
Eh flj.l not (now that any.
W CVP )t only Epted t
aj !ij ieuo orti... .i-v-
J1M (at Da. io oiitiiouiVQiv
in Ii; ufon't it, hffflf. hut
MBw Vina it'-Ol. HliHllltltrBaM la ti0L
injtord. tlyw week fr .r c'hrit
uias mm'iit. sh i i iiu,.i ..
n and ttfunh, and her creation are
very tt.ftive.
MirfPlod Nov. IH. IH'i'.i at the
defeu of Kamuel Sorennon tiy Calvin
Oflt-ic J. 1'. Nimon 1'. Tavlor
tiina maeo Walker. Hoi
.Scholia, Oregon.
... o,
liatlalin Tkcadeiiiy is to olav
willeKeela.-vH'w a Ka"' of foot hall to
morrow, lhe veteran colleim teHin
Will Im divided, four with the aea.l-
einf tnd ven with the l.;!!ivo lino
up, no now it la not eaayto nay w hich
VMI in.
FrtnK 1. lllrdin late of HQr- eitv
Io lBlt'M (riti f.f hia fu
lw bimnd exttt!4 to hftu in
lo!t iiroe. Mr. Hardin i an
'Myitaiat ni plans to t 'lints
V. i tin county hut in Una
fatal Tfti ftiiiia via iii
'fhurHiv tl'iniiiiM ii.Ai.
.'!iJI i th C'liraitn Chax A t
II o'ci.rt. lUv. J. M. Italvntine
fill htch the tiiioii. Siicial
Maie Vill l fendeved tiy the c'loir
f IU aiM'rent conrci;Htioi a.
W. O. Stu l of 1'ortland as in
HilajJwi on Tuesday in the interest
rla native Nona' Maira.ine. The
(aaMi.iioa is one of genuine, merit
aivt omIi1 Iimiii the center talile of
(rKonlan family. The sub
Kriptiotl priw Is i.0ll per year.
T. I). Tallman will mMI tomorrow.
thmi vlii ks north o! the court house
ven work horsep, three wlaons,
two hacks, three si t haniin, and a
k of otb t-tiul tiixajr-rty, Jiflav
iitM(i(M is tha aiti,. Th
twon of taia at casr. or (inaaierciak
IIubtro last afiinday iajanting- wr
nurt baauw furniture. Th new
fol (luoty r tb tote ia oearintf
ituncietxn and the fr,.ieii of fut-
u nhtag ttia tvunfmatioK tN 4loty
nurt. 4tC 4fay npnfta fioainea
ta fti t"t an nuit lively. IUt it
aont fa irt6eit with nt0t
usyneot IKll Kliirvni. Ttif
lUily pay roll of ifekilaa In aunt, uuit
In voudttiai r Itwly tf 1,34)
vaapaiilfo krtert ery HaturJay
A didl'ut tearher iaitttute ?i!4 lav
tiBldaika t'rw roaaomiar, Not.
IA, Tlv aaniiuf wK-n fill op'D
at Irt n'rUvi. in fJiowniy pro
grttn vM )r rendered:
tyming arnfl
itaUte tlyoott or me iu'pui nr.
liov to dual itb hiaiicrioi;
Pristkafy ount?ra II. A. uau
Tearfcinf aa a pnfeaavio
liaivaa (kmrw oratiy
Ibautiug i UJ
iuttai aMl
Mr. W(ii. Bmwnk ftaa haijh th
property aiorji batKp hyon.i
tfta railnaut ttaiMA and trill in a tV
anaefci mat a rfaaujrna there.
Amine a-h thiufft tba win h
bm ia the awildiuf tamtrv ffl
an tfD fiwaiiary. Mr. lienaoti narv
Biais boar aui tna e
iSrav tti4 ttay mi a wm
panal to tic all trta (xua. Il al
roaity baa naoy pattina and th
ar aaarbanlta ia tnwa tbor aa.il-
hoi in ntMinf tM. rar, kwomtu
MknrnSf baa Lttte ad iaon au
itkt tMtb kamaii wawia i
plant ha am mora than tnibte hut
id. tha bWvulfiila ach.xJ
0I f motet tuoaa-ol in Iba
ucfcwi anaaar a a tn ivrnMoii
ma fa&L t traa art itton m.lt&.
imt frly f9 pnt'l
.uimi r iMail rau ll
iarteaW w (Bit. Tb aa (.
W . .
a pag, ktavy
Rri'iia ataaanik! ht th oxr
..it til ta fltatpt ajran. b
n.atd. tha t" tr aaawi Vl
nu. taaattiaiflif l"k '
tktm af l hr aol.lMtke W"11
u.. TV ,nM JO'ii. if ! - "J
wiU aaif taiywiea'Vpa
atca ka B04"Wt
cltratal .ta
TM nk
MJ Ittil t N
...iu i.atiu
here It
atatiW VnVinf;l?cltiaatliaJ
r.r.cll...t.astt., hut hertiHS no
meai to tnoa "
w ... I - .,1. it. .tn. tilt tT
i 1 ifiir l m am lltlli fin' 111
,,-alt hjpelub had ith the O. A.
and rwliua that the latin dub,
remedw for 'claimed grievaias s wir
protaWinK Salem .lyew l!tl
fithdrlwinir from the lfti H
!.I.i-iffhat V. V. did f.mlt
no satisfuclion. The
f..l.lent of ie college would not
I " ho P II. reeresi ntallve see
I even !- "' " v. . ..I .
h. r..ll of atu.lents. w. .. v .
aatk r.tttt ritltl
iWiris'ina to' have settled an uiuer-
en" -j
Mia. Miller, tirand I'residi lit
M,:'": " ...T lav.venin'
i... i.'. ;ih 'ifiviir euierru.
lraiiTe j -
a't JnltuU tn.Wel0.t: IMU
Hi lsla.ro, l.dlWlill IW"". ;
ive lugh.erT.f On go.,' with -
'Urter ntenOftT. Tin- eUjc-
ted and InstalUilare l'nw.leiUAsBtlb
j. Kin.it Kiiioi:. :y. ''"f'J
Lydia Hunf?ihrry fi-ull; 1st TTit
Vic r.ldent, Warrnn Link
.J.T. .1.1 Vbv Fresident, S.i-an
.. ... SMwlarv. -Miss
Aacbhold; Financial Srrvttty
I mi nil' Aai
: . ... n.wiu. Wehrumr:
? r!?. Yi.iwt IVivnm In-ide
F.va An hNHd; Out-ide
Ibis nrovns"u ,
T..r,.r.ll ailll in'ICII in-im-
T5ie Following cases tcill be
Inrostiatcd at this
ternj of court
A 10 i 1 ST OF ilSIS
I ll.-rr
art- but arf fen frt-iliur
uit uit a uumlicr
of new cie.es.
, ti )7 Kst 1 M
Toiiifue tijty.
imo H Morton
llredley insolvent,
insolvent, Tiffiijue
till HraiF&t' & M.'tcalf Co v T It
Cornelius, actifij for money, Tonune
toi ilott.
y.'J l-at I) Mcl'herson ins.il, Tongue
, !'-7
J A Hoil'inan v 1 K Kd wards
'.Mi! Kst T K Cornelius insolvent,
Tongue atty.
!Mi2 Kst M 1J 1'owell insfj. llarrelt
lo'J5 Mary M Slicparil v A Frame,
1 101 II Weh rung A Hon v II 1
Ford replevin, HustiAi and Kowmun
for ftlff, Tongue deft. ,
110H Kst K (1 lloor A Lumla r Co
insoi, Tongue afty.
1 i'l'J How I by t Stiiichcouil) iusol,
Tongue lor artiiiet.
K'Jl I Johnson v J W Kldridge,
12!ll , Suow and S It Huston v
Kililli Monroe et al, ciiuit', Tongue
for deft.
1311 As-iguiucnt ItifisA- Heil.hau
sen iusol, ll.trrett ftly.
1 121 F h inters v (t F Hedrit fe
at at action for inonea.
13.W A Mctmfer a H Stein et tl sit
to I aside iI.hiI.
1:SI2 W T lliiiiiiel ajlm iN l'a
vies, a Hon fur money.
lliOO 11 M Tims v A lirand at tl,
action for money.
I .;;. J li It (iarniar et id a k r
V heeler et al, suit to sat tfeiitw (hard,
llu-ton for . a it.
l;t:is U It A.l.wm a 4 tturlat et f
couliriiiaJioii. ,
1115 l'ortl;in1 Tfiltt Co 4i.
Mt-lB'.il, i-oniirnituiou.
IU., w II Kmm,eaiu a it s
liioanie ct al, a ti"V fo inuiM-y, Atus
ton lor y.rt.
11:12 Hfi Hairoharb a tiertvda
Ik'imlia.'h, suit t panirUm.
1 Itn W f.tr, im4.
1411 I t A ffanucr, i:tauL Iluatou
H7:t (ir Mfir4 liatilted v II I'
ilryaut etal, fnri ioaure.
I4i W J VaaHi-tiuy ver 4 tir B i;
I'attua, mot to a?t aaule dead, Uartftt
li'U Anuer o Mfrflo t JIV IXob
m t t al, forei-Uaiur'.
l i'i t' r.l a J Velis, fore-
ti(i W P I.rd et al a II I 'urea
et al, Tiiu P'ff-
1.i.;7 (It raiau vmjr A IjatO '
F. H ft al.
1 HI V A Yottir it It Morrill at
a!, fofi-UMUi.
I'M i. J.QHhU0 i Ha octr et at
a.sii f. ar ntomry.
l. 11 W ll.sc iJi.t narret ft
al to t ani'tv a.-tui4.
"i.",'. A i iaono V Hall ct all,
t-.rei kwure.
.i7;l Mary t.Wlrlio a J U'Hrlco
and kl it Walter iartitiin ia ami,
fungue A t(itxv t, plff.
i.vui Mry 11 Uni-tta v i W'ira
acii fir not-y.
i VH l Jimit ilamea tr II IteY UK?
et ai, tervcliMure.
Ui2 H:it of tnMn Wash ( ,
ai l ion for oioney
Irti.'i J . luuinvcM-rk J W i'i.-k-en
t l fiw toaun , T(Miiie A ToniriiF
jriiil W I' Ut t t l a 4 41 1, et
al loullruiaiK U T iKgue A T' ngoe.f,
Iil Li'lie i- Meyer vl.il Mtyer
Hid A U M'mm A ! A tertef
f4al,atiu rou'ney, Huston i t
tti.it M J amoi'ins at- II Maiitt
rt al t.r l.wure.
ttii'i tiaa Vil.heil K t' Hagbea
etal, Wail I'lfT
lUi Anna kiaa.ki-tkt.usb W T
ilanneil. acinai to mne
Xt,:i: Aaa Viuiiirtsh C tl
IVunuell. to feu" realty
im Je&uM-Ii.al v Johnson el
f rt.f ra
It, o a 9 iiraowi a jt aufd aciioo
inikn ttic Kill.
1 ti Ifu-reaaSiiiDjUU J aierme,
t ai'tr.ita. lki Mary Iback
tl t al uit t wtt aside deed, bug
ay plrt
a oAuwo I T Ilerry, n
&rmai, Ai f f , (f .
itaji't't k-tiai t loaiatin MM
k .- f it lftnt.
i iuraa Tyt r.oialtM
a iial, aatina a may.
ll'fei rveraoan a '' H dw
iit,i( for aawii ' rm jpr ptf
t. irntoai for I'llT.
' IC..V.I Mltmr- Iroat tb t a H
Humilit'4s at al, lorai am.
loot W 1) ltati&r.am v jfela r
Osmund et 114, i-on!Wti, ktea at
i!r pi IT.
Iia;7 John Shute al iliii. r
et al. action for moneW, Toiante for
..I !l nnii Wall for delt.
lOii'.l A A Fanno v A 4 9nno,
Iii72 J A Vaughn v tin tile Vaughn
ili vorce.
i.7l Victoria Kemp IU'nj Kemp
divorce. '
1075 Mary Vinson v S II Hump
revs et al. for. closure. Tongue A
t'oiigue for pltT, Huston for deft.
1070 Thos luronc'ie resiMindent v
W I, llrevtster a.lm-w ith-llie will an
nexed of the estate C J McHotifall
deed ai'lH'llant for money, Mandate
from supn-ine court, Tongue fi ren-
lils-J- .terrv 1: v jonnson
1 11 I' 'I 1 ' J u
H'.s3 A yord n v X A Barrett and
wf action lor 111011 y.
i Tyler WiHslwanl v Theo II
ArfiJ id, fori'clofyre.
liis.'.T'.llen 1. Jackson v N A Bar
rett ct al, action for money.
lr.Mi A Uordon v X A Barrett et
al. action for money.
1T.S7 T T (iecr et al v H It I.mv et
al, fials-loKiire, Tongue A Tongue for
loss JJA Bailey v JJ Morgan,
foreclosure, Tongue A Tongue for
1 9 T T Jn-r et al t Maria Swerk
el nl-Oforei losnre, Tongue A T.jjgue
for plif.
ir.i'O m X Johnson v
Nora F.
Johnson divorce.
lilyl l.ina liriiliu adinx tVinle L
Patterson cuit for Mviseioii of per
nomd properly Huston for jilfTToneue
A- A'oni'lin for ill ft.
HWM'W Iiren V ferJin:ii'i
lU'ieke et al, forecloeure, SjUjith A
ISowiiiati a'r p'1
ir.'.H I'lSm itis A 1. -an Asao-
. . . . . .. i t ....
cialioii v John Mil lu.ni"!
closure Pagley Jjr deft.
l.i.i'i 1.11 Warren v Cdmax Mil
ling Co suit for pos sr.ii.ri of Ksraonal
prois rty Huston for plif.
l.'i.n; llol.t X llerrishv Gertrude
tiirri-h divorce, Tongu?) A ToutfueJ
for plif, iluatou for deft.
7 Thoa Cox v Isaac Meyer, fore
jltmure Smith A Uowiuan forplff.
Hi'.is Nellie Hrugger v JohtrUlrui?.
ger divorce, Tongue A Tongue for
lU'.i'j Wui NPIaou v John liohart et
al, lorc'josure 1 luston for pttf. 0
17oi)"l,iliie Mi yer v Lewis Meyer
divorce, Tongue A Tongue and Hjjf
ley lor plif. Smith A Uowuijn for
1701 Thos II Itohinson v Chjs Jen
sen, foreclosure, Tongue A Voiijfaa
for pill.
1702 Win THIlkev John Neln
et al, f ireclose, Tongue A Tor&nalor
1703 C II K'k Ii v Frel Jung 132$
action tor money, Wallfor plaT.
1701 11 W Crane v J'&ob l'ennina)
Ul al, f.irec!osre. Huston for plH.
170-1 Susan tirson vniv i "u ri
aL suit to set aside deed, Tongue
Tonirue f.wr tilH
1700 Jafteall S' W' V ohn V
Masters actioirfor moue, Will for
1707 C L Large v Aatin Cr(ja A
al, act ion h r money, Bijjbcy fit plff.
!7os Wti! K".T"!! v . r Thv
suit for persoiajl projl'rtjr, najij
for pi IT.
17011 KW Htinet, plfraad UMlF'"-
dent v F I Cldff.'ll tal n aaifl
hoi:.' limit action for Biota, tapatal
from county court, Tonjaa) .Tongaai
for respondent, Onway tat Wa-
1710 11 WeRpaaf A mm
Foor.i et i urn mmtf, Vtait
I7ii JaahMft WalatVa I
IluuiphrafsttaJ, ftm-kanira, ?ti
for plf.
srart ast. .
Stale v Ml VI i'tra. indicted for
-Hi nit liftiof withotik liranaa.
Stata a Jiohna-in, rorjrry.
Siiwav r'nank S4uirh, lamency.
Stata a 1 laaria, lar.wx-y.
sttte t W K MtraaBajaj.Unaiwy
Tha laT line ofdrwa good ia) tha
. . . .. 1. .:.V A
i'i? 1 a hi arrival ar mo uwnm
Call on V. J. llartirf, Haund atraet
if you wa&t a lirat-claw abava na luur-
cut. Trv bis batha. rather h (
f aidett -h it gtiu sheila ai Hchutme
rub A Snn. li1ei with nativaai
amok !- and I .lack taiwdea ail
ahella aurarileeil.
Iii -ycira act typatrtitera repaired
atati umtirHlaa repaired ni rvarr
ml at . Wiltw, on d.x north
ol Ililrn'r.) hutel. ?
Hi buloaera ft A Hm hav pnrrhaaed
ome waffona from the factiry ami
.an st ll them rn.Bu 7 to !. rtteape
ban i bt ittOLleM. Tbey aetl a 3
ti I stein 3 inch tire, all aompieta
Wni Mibr tnakw tvaita at fta
ahonoti Min.l afrw. Hirlahttfn, ft
.'..'i net iir. nl tva war to
and (."ivw v'il attentriai to repair-
in iy jte lima orvly flrat trraiM awr
wbicb mableahia to (rurnte hia
Muddy oomptetiunt, Nanwntlng
breath mm fr.ifla rbronlc ennatipn-
tiD. Karl at lover tiiBti7raia aa
abwiliitc cure and haa been acid Urn
tlftr veart 00 ao ataotatri tfaaraoUw
Pth' il i ctt, and VI eta. Helta Itrng
Sick Neu ta. bee. tiie cqraa of OTer
a;, eked womaiikiod, are uuuAly and
cutely cureit t f Karl'a tTover Xtfiot
Tea, the gr.t Moral pqrtfter and tb
ue builder. Mowy refunded tf nut
Hti.f4,iorv. i'nee ii and o eta. at
Mans a lnver hat tortiod trltb db
rfn tt an au othMwiae kiaahla girl
itb au (,ffeniv breath. Kart't
( t..n It Ta puriflea the breath
lv ita actum m the hntrta, ate.,
nothimr eJae will. H b peart eai
aNo'lir fiiaraotea. Ftw l etr, and
.",ict at la'ltw.
II w a Four wife baa the loaf her
oeauy'.' If an, 'titl'B, Jndl
itii. Hi. lleailaeh are tha prta
cit'ttl ua-. Kti'l Clover fb4 Tna
47 M , K fUT V t I P, Wi m JBai J
rcfitr, W if reaalta are not aatla
iactiy. leiu In-ug Htm.
W bar m Mb lob A grand old raav
eily h C.th. and tkakanao-
VU'di; uHl tbfoTigh Ita W'Wtd
hlla iwitnf. har crwi janaiwwa-
at' ( of' i4'lit (ivtiaaBit 1
an t raljevHl nciwny i( a.tviaal atag
1 a. I f you are tint satisfied with Uu
reso t- wt will rrfaod Vney
in i: and ti cu tnd tl .00. tlw
Di ym know co.suoit.tui ta pra
vvutaok ? tri'W baa ptovaw that,
an4 i.l-. that aaaTviW i awbl. Xb
a. r-a col4 tr .tajlt wa ha mmb1
With hilaVs ( m (kiaiaaaaf
tion Cur a. oa ail fWta
taw for over 4y ywjrav isatw w
On r very rVj?l of ftili ttoaa.
sumi'tioii CitSe is thisaiutrwiiteW: "All
we a-k of vou is to irtt- tft'o-ftiiMiK f
the contents of this bottlt Jtlftil,
then if vou can nay you I A not aja-
ftted return the ls.ttle to a.ur Dauar
ifist and he may refund tk gta
mid." Price 25 cJ, and Q) (99 ISA
'll.oo. iK lla lrug Store.
lfe'riutiful complexion ia gn
iioKsihiliry without rimmI hlotal,
sort timl only exist In eonnertjm
with gixsl digestion, a hi-althy liver
and bowels. Karla Clover If ait lea
acts directly on the IhjwcIs, liver and
kidney keeping them in gr7ect
beiilth. I'rici' 25 eta. and 60 eta. at
lK ifrfrfl? Store.
W. 1). Hare at the Orange stfe lb
carrv nir a hiui line 01 wows mis mil
(nun the Oliver flow works. Tht
factor433S4''i to join the plow trust
and rmtiire dealers handling Its
laTudiirt to m-ll at the old pricea. The
M-sult is that Mr. H.e haa the Oliv
..r 1 1 inch t.loO1 at from 111.00 to
115.00 dcpendiiiK on the atyle. 6,Hher
ir."s go at the old optilar flgurajt
t the same place purchasers will
C . t .. .ft. I. IK.
Ttii.i a tin '"U fd
kitchen and the silting room t(VlliM
er w ith a larire alia k ol pitf and
t 01 1ST liol St..
I' lint '. A TK.
F.st t)nradaF.-.v.- docl: bond filed
appraisers John W nt, I". tiirstiu and
1 loung. Inventory tiled, proper
ty exempt from execution, act over V
Fst Melts.- C Coats deeil; ji.lininjs-
trator will st notii-es f1- examina
tion of tluai account 011 Ik,' 2'"
Lst Fliala'lh Johnson deed: Flor
ence J Kainea appointeI admiiiiatr&
trix-le-lioms 11..11. l!ol l.ooo.
Kst Mynhv Bates dins I; adiiiinls-
Iraloruthorl.T'tosi'll la rsoud pro
perty arnvaie sale.
Kst HenrW C U lyuiond deed; ar
guments made on petition to remove
administrator and matter taken un
der advisement. .
Kst I'erruie Steeples deed; report
of administrator til.il. The admin
istrator is authorized to disljihute
11,200 to the heirs.
Ktt Anna W Bogue i. d; tiiml re
port tiled and Iec 20 set lor ex)ng
flltjm. ,
License ta wed was i.v.ued Nov 18
to Charles K Wolf ;il, and CoUJ 4
Hills 25; aid Michael XeVmau 3o,
tnd ftnna Helmold 21; Nov 20 Kd-
tQin lec Jeter - t, and 1. 111 111 B
Ko5ratein 111, and Win J K'l.Wmond
24,,! Nellie 1) Marsh 20.
Tke U of O fiMit ball team striaaol-
ail won me itergiey team last nil
urday and was tafjtf 11 tiy a scorg of
12 to 0. 1 he OrunoniHiis come liome
fell sgt.slle.1 with the result. Oroa?il
Bjta a aj'hil of 20(1 from which to se
lect f bile the California1 hows tra
pkdtl faom t thaurlB?.. Thvt
RIAfelwy bkh til tno money nauIBtairy
fia ax)aia traiuiim its ti-tn. Not
WithtatBiliig the difn-aeaitt ia etia-
ditiiais, the t alifornit'S realized, at
tBiietaa of the yme tkk they lC
ttfaat ptefinj flit Ual. 'k'he Ore-
);iaikMi ailopiwd M Jttil (ai tliaa
MtuM Htfug ewotiti wo wmm vw
AaaJaanl clwb by a arntv of. '15 to 0,
m t&attii ia) kolttaor 2fiaa4 ki
la aia ai'wra rha (All
waasmcvly Uaiifl IwainwsaitAaru-
li at 10 nominate a city tu kiT to r
Mt ar the ftHiion to r brlil
mm fnu nrtt Maid ay. fyia
lartnai is of eire tban eMioary
inpiataixw. Th thr.w cisjiailmaii
to ba ctoM'fl tbis year will bave Ihr
ioat of lijrbi and waitr plant tu
aettha and tha duty alxiutd not la de-
legabvtto any but out rat !ihmi. lo
ls;rrty owners this is aiirl (jue.
thaa awt grewt iwre it itHHury ia
arirttiDg (iiincilmrn at this time.
14 n eitirn neglsit tlil-a coeen
Th (ttntrais: for dig-iug the drain-
agw omtvea oil Meconn ami linn
atret waa let to .i isepn it yniuaous
ai iwrni (vsurs rr lnn-aJ flat for thr
ieuiaMl atrt trench and live la-ur
Kar th Third. The til 0-inrh nane
frtaw tha North Yamhill las:ory and
ar to t delivered atmifr tb Hoe ol
(be ditch at - 50 pet tliousaud feet.
Th tiler are iw, howr la atia-k
beuwthey will iwit ilelivereil till
they ar niale nrtt fw. This
Maya the Ai trying of the Jililiea uii
neat auoinirr.
Iiaat reLruury Mr. leo. Moifan
While io tl ota isjt his )fft with
n aa. Jtotwittistati.iir'g tne inanie
diate art a ti an ol a .uryn m wa se
inral, tiiint (iisi iVvelosl and
a wa no Ansa t to ImIhI turaeverai
aaoetha. Then he was able lo holi
bit a crutebrs. There waa
injprovemrnt but very alow ao that
it ru tally on Tuiwday lust tbat be
pat a rhoe oh hi f and lui 1 aatde
hia cr iitrbea. A cane ia all he now
Tha offering tereived at tba Onn-
arreawtional rbarch it . Hunday
fniaaioa anionnteil to 174 .15 This
t rmarved to f te Hfgiwr auni aver
put in "lb bal" iu any iiiltahon)
huprh etivpt tif sj'ial rfiort ami a
ileflalta ot jart. It ia 4,toi' to aty,
uowrvef, that one wntfibuh t"1
bta plcitg at that ttiue.
Jabac Wilgea.bM r.-ugti the
rttanley irokrfy loutn gi th H.
P. tract eaat of town. lie is o vmjf
thia weg. f'rol. Caac who ha .-
rnpieil the premisca t tbe pV two
yra now livt in tbe house 1 wot
y varwted by lie. H. A. lei.rge.
It. II. Otaru will lriu nt tbe fob
kuwiag aubjMt iu tbe M. K. ebvMh
Haniuar. Nov. 20 : In the Niornivg,
In Couertion with tod;" in Ifiv
evanirg, 'sr( hiigiits." j.very-
liulr will niul a warm wetcouie at
(hear act . (Ininr.
Mr. C. h. Ikrkwilli who aaciilA
Sir. 'riarJI at the rai't-1 'atloo u
aerr aod iu ctiarge of bis orTire. Mr,
lin k with row front n .btagvr,
Hiaftiyuo county, Cal. Mr. IKil
With vill J.an fief ItuttriaJid iiegt
lat WedaeMlay 'he ( ftJ iajt at tbr
nrnrt bJisr t the rlatt at hair tuast
nrasiy of ii- t'rtwidetit ltoiart
who di1 on 'JCutHtay. t ar liubrta
drpril With ctl trie li.Sure nf the
i!idWil Which bnrs 11. bit otttce.
Tf otru oiing of the Artiaant
laat loesjlay evr urg was Nrth an
wrtaiaiug and invroctivr. ui'rraoa
Maet Artisan Mchrwn is a v.cy
tarn4 IprwAr od fully (tutintwJi
with fraiemal I if luaiirtun.
'win-! If y. wtat f
ta hsaja tin to g!4 by huj iug hso
rAaiMatrh A thai.
J a 1 l'eu
f wtiil. Aftai's.
Ijb you ThtiiwgiaiisV
ivatAlted aluionds at Unt.'"'.
rgira)trl.lkl 9ft. 13 ftiii'l kept
infjill at y,c iMHiigACl r olti v 1' m g
ntj-d t the
Pot tltfre,
tf ffSilr, B.1HJ I-.
TroJsBrer's Oltlrr, t euri lli i .
triHor Ofllce, t'eig-t lluiisc?
Sapt. Si liools. C.iQ&t M.iiise,
T. II. E. II. VuiiTiir, l.voHllce.
Smith II04V111HH. I an O!!!.'.',
II. Tfrhruaa Suns, l. r (Ii oit,
I. O-JvOoW' Inriiiture li- uli r,
Hlllslxir Poll. Co., Printer".
Tbe fluid when tl 1 el wil .m,ip. r in
id ls'auli fill Mni-li tine l ilt iiil. r OJ,
.mnr- it tnriie lo 11 jet Ok
It Kill 11 't
N.i e.-.li-
f.-ule In Hi liri'titi st
ment it left jrt tlie ink e,. and it ls
- !,t Ihs,.,, thirk ..r . (.....si
Try a bottU of it.
The funeral of the late S. A. Klink
tiM.k plai-e from the family rwideuce
Tuitlay 10 a 111. Mr. Kiink auffered
a atroke of paralysis las; Friday and
died on Monday morning. The di
ceastHl leaves a wife and live children,
alj grown. ,
Onions and itatsM have lagun to
move in this vicinily. fVOcwt for
onions, and ( 'mi p r sack for puta' h-s
being the pievailiug priiv.
Measles have Iss-n quite edemi
in our neigblairlKMNl for the last two
weeks. No serious ease have re
sulteil howvt r.
Geo. Stitt has sold his farm to Mr.
Utk.-k.ill ot Portland Or.
l&ad Letter ,Ut.
The following is a list of letters re
maininja uncallisl for in the Mito)i.v
at Hillsboro, Nv, lsth isyy:
Mr Fred Jutigburg,
AO Smith.
All lettJ-s not call. .1 for by iHc.
2, sll I?) nt lo the Head U tter
OlftsS'. Otie cent w ill 1 chargtsl for
ti$rh 1CSchI1i1 for. o
SI. S( 1H I.MKU1C11, 1. M.
aa tl I A) cycles of di,-teiiis'r'.'
Noflnatht nunilirof persons allii't
cd apitg iob'a comforters, carbuncles,
thrS fall, oax foil Id think so. S'in
innly thefe te more of tl ose pesky
tlnnxa aanoyin the people this fall
thju MbnAl.
Tht Ktm Orataoiiian states that W.
I. BmtSb ofdeppner with K. W.
.'VdUoaita latve lluht the drug
st(M m fAleton ofpneil by II. F.
J(tnV A Co. Br.I'g A McComns
aaa (jamnattt oVtAeir new property
tt 011A.
kffia 'arW(H ktStwilc fill give au
ittstMiiaeiSi at tha Orange ball,
k'ridny avaMhaft, lie. 1. ltefreah
aaiaita Will h Wd. lh-freshments
aB eaa,ttawl' 15i!. Come.
1 ha fiiaaaM JtaaaiM Shop next
Am to rfcrfAat (HVhV hs the tinesi
li BMW of Maw msI how bltukets
rv iaa th city, llai't Ail to call
aa l m t
Vim th lta wild aiost popular
photiajjrapha call a th Sew Studio,
At hliatt aaat of tka Court House.
Vrrry k:il, phot, gvayhee, Hillsboro
H bulnuerich A !4it tftipiaal t car
of uAaUiea yratentay nd aru lianlina
anotbrt. Tory hav deauwtid for all
that offer.
(u to the Pioneer Hafneat Shop,
uett dir to th l'it OfOci', for
atlgreeB iv ongea bar twiaity-
II in'a
r rreh oysterv! tav yonr laMtr
for Pat-iflc tkjaat or Kaatern oyaters
fw lhamtagittog at date'.
Th Mouotaindale iaimlav
abippeil (Wjr of Afty thaiaand
f lumfaer yesterday.
Mr. Jl Wiley Meal 0 Urania
Past waa visitor last week with her
t.rotbe W. V. Wiley.
Tf you want photograph that will
plena you, an Cilia, Photographer,
al the new gallery.
titaigreaaoiaa Toogu will start oa
Tuewlay fterni nett Waah
iagton. Nii ( linia (arangoa. i'irat of
tha seaauB, at ttate'.
'. S. fiarta-r haa put it a Una st.a k
if(Sgra a cigaettt.
TlCt Ot ALt OP
N'ot.cjs i k;k:hy hivkn that
ia piiiaaiii vt an unler ami ilc-r.'.'
Ina4r l'f H I Ollllty I oM ol the ht.ite.it'
r.'Kiin, foth 1'oiiiitr of WliiiidWii, on
ihf .,1 tt of Wort aiTr lii, 111 the inaU
trvl Hie iiuhol .in,Vr,m riinUh, decil.,
ntw in wM ailsiiiiiatiavir-ili'-lHin s-iii.ii
is'tani rtirtJ, I villeellut pulilic
aw lion fci llic tii)liBt hiii.lvr at tlie south
4. air of tha Ciiait M.inM in HillsU.ro,
Waaiiiiietun cmif. Urtgon, on tSatunlay
lie h 5f i lNvamli'P, 1SSII, at the limir
oflOo rin in tht twri'nu.n of Mii.l .lay,
tun a ia hang, all sT that yiei'e, pan el
au Vs of In4. Iin hvnig anil mtiialc
ilhin WaaoiliKSon county. t)ran, ami
hcii; mar vrtiralai l liuin.le.l, ilesiaint
Itd niul 4ai ribl Bifofl '. toit:
Coinaiini iTia at a nint u the t,,n.-liip
lii Iwiwn InaiiHliiaN. I North, Unlike
I W,t n,t tovnalnv ' N,,rtli, liaiij.',- 'i
Witacht Ut ot the Wi-xt line ol the
Holiation land Claim of HI, I Amlerxon
Mniith and wit. 1 htuce North 41 elis.
more or l,s W tlx rriiln r of the Creek
kaoWn a at. Cse. I liem-s up the
eiMitarut xaid I m-l nit the iiiean.leriin.-s
till mtf t.. the nioukli of the stream known
- '.kvrai Cpv in xiid Honaliou
l.aml Claim. Tktmit ay the center ot naiil
tiaHn '- I With the imaii.lc riiix
tlieriiol to lin runnina direclly North
iWid H0fi throiifili tha Nortli-twrt corner
of Vhe Jk.natxin hand I laini of William
tlurns in a"Siiii ill, totiuhip 2 North,
I'linire ' Will. Mer. Thence Soulli
aloii the Vltl ol tSji.l Ilurri rlaiin to
th Hstikh hot of the North half of tbe
Donation l.Ji Claim of naiil AinierMon
sinilh.H' W'l llieiuu West on vaiil
Nuiklh lins tt1 11 lii'it due Hnulh from the
ulnev.if uaainnii.a Thenee Nortli to the
of atgiiiiilna rontainiiiK lorty live
"'-K. A. It I1.KY.
g.laiinistraVir de-honis-non ol the estate
of Anderson hinith, decviuivd.
I.lBiittarn t AOtB'ios City, 0 .ion.
OVPIII.'T I, 1...'.
I,.. inlliiAiir-iiiiiiixl Kettl.T han liled
1 Blilof his iittention to make Until proof
In -uiii.oit ..I liis biini, and that said pnx.l
a, II I.e made Ixfore Co. Clerk of tfai-h. Co.
at JillslMiro, (.. on. ! vi.
1 Halt 1 11. i.a a 1 ; n- ir,r
N !, ol tc. at 1 t S of II S W.
11..' .1... I'ullduiiii. nitnexes tu
I1C ItMlll.n ...
rove his continuous resideni-e npoa ami
.1 . . : .1 ... J I u ... I vie
CIllIITaiHMi .....
Heniaiiiiin A Collins of t ir, I rtKMi.
fcieholastl Lilly. "I On es Creek, Cieiron.
.hn ., Lilly ' . . '"
W il lain T. olierer '
Kegi ter.
Ni.tieei.4 heretiY niTen t,ial tne "n1'
diilneil bin U-en duly aps.inted exeiiin.r
of (lie Uft will and leitaincnt of John t .
Mnith .bs-camsl. late of Washington
Ire.n, and tnnt ne r.aa ouiy
Teil .ia Isfli in tlie county rniMi 01
the Stale of Orrg.wt lor tt aenmgion y.
ll persina therefore haviiu claim'
aw'iiii't e-tste fire herehr rerpiete.
and re.pWre.1 to t.r wnl tliem wdii T " r
vnin ln r at the law ofTa of Th,. II. A
K I-.. Tongue in llill-lsiro Washington
roiinlv Ureip.n, within lix tnoiitlis from
the date hereof.
1 1 i ll-l.ro Own N..v. '".13
J.-.-2'.l CIIAKI.KS t;r.K.-Al.l'. i
Kiwiltnr"f fje lust will nd tentA- j
nient of John . Smith diswel. (
Wokl Tea Me.ltlrlt ctTre iirk Hea il
.l. iie, iti.liif-rtiowre."' "'""til -tion. A
.h lu-hdnl herh ,h,,'?3lie,..OYe. all era,.
l,,l,. nf the nkill. prmlllelllif II i
plemoii. or money refund' !.
in ct. T lie Delta Drug tor.
Xi ctn. and '
Imparts that poculiar lightness, sweetness,
and llavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, hiscuit rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent
Made from pure, grape cream" 01 tartar.
lincst line
and clniir
Drilg Our line of patent med
icines is complete. Careful
attention riven family receipt.
Store the
. All j-ilt-edgcd butter put on the mar
ket by creame 1 iest is wrgpil in pajn-r.
The product of the private dgity would
rcacU its niatket in much bettei condi-
. tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment
than it docs when wrappel in cloth.
Parchment is not only letter than cloth
lmt chea r.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard from
which 27 sheets can lie cot 27Parch
incut wrapprrs cost 2 cents.
500 ShePts 8x11,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
tandard slrt fc 3-pciivd Kill is
Sxtl inches; 2-pjnml bloxkt are
wrapped in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper hat not been
jcnerally used heretolore, fartnera
could not kH it nt tlie gctietal Mote
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
Hiiisboro Pharmacy
Pure fresh drugs, H rushes, Taints, Oils, Sponges and all Druis
Sundries, Fine first clas.i cutlery a sjiecialty.
wr F.xtra t are iu oinpouinlliiK 1'rrscrlptlogs.
...Ladies' Misses' and
EChildrens' Seal and
Plush Capes, alsoj
Fur Collarette's; jut 2
ftdnr the
, &
, ,,,,,, 1 I I I t ) I 1 I
i i'i w fva
Schulmerich & 'hi
of toilet articles
sundries in the
always kept at th
specialties are
lllW"IIKi lllOV
J 'V.t...-. . J
front tried form-
the nure ami ircsn
1 f 1
se facts in your
50 cts,
55 cts
ai ratiT,
factory at...3
1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )o 1 TT