Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 24, 1899, Image 2

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; i. ,
TuUrel In tfrt poatouicfat HlUaboru, Or
ai Mcond-cluw muU matter.
Bubacriptiou, in wUaiice, pur jrrar, tl.S).
sTjiSUi BOW rUBLieiilSG . Pfopa.
v The Btife liar Aociati?Q l after
thgfalfejaw 'hoolx.
Aguinaldo'it army ha been des
troyed and hp, hlruAMf is a fugitive
with Lawton after him.
Who is Mr. Heath, any away?
Salem Independent. JptA Heath
U a mail who wV-nt to tight lor hla
oountfy'a hyiorf while the eUitor of
the Salem Independent remained at
home and..Ulte the FilipfioH, fought
o to draj the Htars and Hlrlpr In the
mud. Woodburn Independent. K
' now they Vant Heafi to loin them
ad flag-Surlera. Think he'll o it.
Free silver hi not, to be U) L-sue
next year. The Natiohal Democrat,
io Central Committee met in Chicago.
A committeeman panned a rww but
ton wliere on appears; , No for
eign 'alliance; no trusln; no lnier
inlimn lor the Uulted State." The
oppoeition may an well commence
exercHHine on tlKke wordx. But
what Is to become a( all that U
to 1 and crime of '7:1" literature that
had leen ' written during ' the pant
year? And liryau? Itepublicaua
really hoped he would le the oppon
ent in lilOO.
The low price of wheat thin year in
not to effect ' politic. ThrtW years
ago it wan claimed it did. The fol
i lowing year without a chijige in the
currency laws we had dollar wheat'iu
Washington county. Thou the nil.
ver men admitted it wan supply and
demand that governed the market.
Wheat was high here because other
districts had a crop failure. Nov
then when we all have a good crop
we are justified in supporting that the
supply controls the market and that
the coinage law of the United States
no more com rols the European ntar
et than they did In 18'J7-H. . There
Is aninethina; gained.
The tripartite occupation of the
Hainoan islauds by tie United
Htfttes, England ajiJ Urnnjr lies
been desoived. The treaty has not
yet been published, but enough of
the terms have leaked so that If e
know that England surrenders to
Germany her interest in the ((lands
in consideration of Islauds in the
Holoman group owned by Germany.
It waa a nwap. The United Btaiae
gets the island of Tutuila the third
in six of the Fainoan group and in
the southeastern part. The magni
ficent imrbor of I'ango is in this
dot of land, and the nttives are
Well disposed toward our fcovefti
meat. Altogether it is a happy
solution of a disturbing question.
Admiral Dewey gave his new
house to his wife, a great howl went
up from the people Who bid con
tributed money for Ita purchase.
Mrs. Dewey promptly deeded the
property to Dewey's son. It is yet
in the family. But the transaction
is only another instance of the abso
lute necessity of every man follow
ing his trade. Dewey as an admiral
is a success, but when he undertakes
to dabble in real estate he makes a
mess of it. It Is recorded that he,
when younger, made a hotae trade
-that did not reflect credit upon him
self. Let the American people con
gratulate themselves that they have
a man who can with dignity walk
the quarter deck. The real entalt
agents can take care of the houses
aud lofs.
The farmers of Oregon do not de
serve the scoldings some of the pa
pers are giving them. It is admitted
that eggs are shipped here from east
of the Kocky Mountains, but 1(H0 a
day is some money and will buy
severs I dozen eggs, -Meat is high
and scarce, but that is not liecnuac
Rtsckmen did not raise it. We have
exiiorted short. The high price of
meat has Increased the consumption
of eggs as a substitute. Hut it has
. not alaays been thus. Only a few
months ago aV were worth no
more than 8 cents par do.en. li
turners could have foreseen praaant
conditions the), could uaa niade
provisions Mtlie hintd, Utillay
i? g hJB atnnot t crll in g day.
The trutfe of the niatiar is tin Mt
bn but onetitiele in ta n'f tit
XI llei1aii, VltAt
frers, thrf., iMuM fcUtalJft
rf4Siiifl tlt aaart. Then
mtloH la aatlltiig
eJ'. It taiMI 1 ft
fn't Oip . a ajt
h iw; aMmp mtAtnik' ptm
r$ - ftajt.gai
bee aJ mKtH. ttVlH
of eggs mo' VilS iMnW)
i ton? of the u4r't is tnockcout,
and a farmer could not sell in Port
land a haxket ol t'K containing in
more than ten dnzeu. The invasion
of th Asiatic maeketa brings a"1
rhange nd fti re is Cter things
promised our producers. However
the tginilion stage Is on now and
the farmers do not deserve scolding.
It is better to point out opportuni
ties for new products. If anyone
need lecturing it is the I'ortlani
merchants middle men some cal
themwho hardly ever show a dir
(xieition to "live and let live,
The Oregonlau finds fault with
the Oregon Congressional deli gation
for tbo reason its members are not
now in Washington importuning
tBu rldiug ofllcersof the senate
and house for places on Important
coiuniftleeH. The facl seems to be
forgot teu Qiut the four gentlemen
composing the delegation are fairly
I ..ii.T:" l.
good politicians and may be depen
ded iyu to look out for auy plumr
lhat may be within reach. Then
are new committee tuon to be as
signed as the paper quoted deciarty,
tA S is not true that our delegttloD
is dilal&y fiNtut seekiug desirable
lai-es and tit-iJ&ofSgrlng opportuji-
tiefew'orking for the best inter
ests ofufPssaaJe. The Ore?niun a
well might iiiVftjidvice touching
the management of TOiiifer as to
suei'PHt that Menators 2flJnfebnnd
niiubn nnu ungrtTisiuiu iuugun u
Moorf do not know how to seek
ottli Those gentleman are piaiiiit
every string there is that will in any
vv fcrtist In faridini? them en in-!
flueutial committees. It the Oregon -
ian knows of a cord wretch they are
not ham linir will it kindly point ff
the end so thSt he delegation may
lay hold of It. a
But the delegation Is not Idle a
the Oregonian plainly charges. Sena
tor Mcliride remained la Washing-
tou till late in the summer, as long
as Rffv ?mis else stayet! there whom
he could influence. Senator Himrtfi
made a midsummer trip to Washing
ton to personally importune the war
department fur favors, yet scant ac
knowledgement was made for the
service. (8ugU the trumpet wa
sounded loud and long in praiee of
' private citizen who about te same
linie appeared before the war. de
partment. This gentleman no doub
quoted all the facts which the Ore
gouiaii states he did. It was right
asd proper that he exert his InOu
ence for the good of the state, but
this private citizen did not know
any more than the department al
ready knew or than Senator Simon
knew, for the war department had
already informed Senator Simon Just
how many feet of water is in the
Columbia and Willamette. This in
formation was conveyed to him in a
letter bearing date Sept. 7lh, some
days before the Senator and the
President tf the Chamber of Com
merce started to Washington. Who
gave the war department knowledge
of the depth and character cf the
Columbia river channel? Its eniti-
ncers who fof yesrs had ber-n sur
veying up and down the river. Thcw
mine eninneeis had immrtel to the
Port land Cha3hr of Commerce III
I he information it huaonthe sub
ject. Even before th,t, toult Aug,
3 1, Coiigrcuuiian Tongue had ben
in communication With the War d-
paflinent and urging recognitiot for
Orfn and Portland for an out fit
ting pla.ee for transports.
If other matters Mr. Tongue has
Wen active, lie has uot attempted
to do the work of the engineers, but
he docs know Wht,t their reports (re
and he has been industriously col
lecting facts bearing Spon the com
mercial possibilities of the shtte.
These he wlll be prerfcd to lay be
fore the committees this Winter.
And while Mr. Tongue and the
other members of the delegation will
efficiently serve their stite In pre
senting its claims for recognition it
would lie of advantage to have them
on theee committees 90 that they
may vote as well as serve as advo
cates. This brings the consideration
of what the Oregonian itself can do,
for there is a rope for it to pull that
will assist our representatives to
places on the committees. Now
there is Congressman Moody of the
second district, the Oregonian's own
district. lie is a new member. lie
needs an introduction. The Oregon
ian ought to be the friend to present
inn to his tellow mem hers, but no
friendly word is written. Mr.
Tongue, though he has been longer
In congress, should be cordially com
mended to a place on the Kiver and
Harbor Coinmittee. The Oregonian
could Niint out his fitness for that
place, that he knows the rivers, tlta
he is a tireless worker, not to lie
turned aside by trivial obstacles and
that he has the full confidence of his
eople Is-hind him. 1h the Ore
gonian point out them fact? Not it.
Then there is Mr. Simon, a new
man. He needs this assistance.
Uuenheget ll? Nor does McBride,
but rsther dab tiiat cripples hit
usefulness. Inntiwd of cbettfuliy
helping ur delegates the Oregonlaii
tswidtog, o'ernally scolding.
Thtr ar idl "lemocrath- and
tuongrvl paprt Uia mlst is it-
idsnaf thsrwot Mar tittut
wsbeiiei inr wt)iai is rkras,
iiDMistaiy Amm aarsi i th ms-
WrtMIs Wof t,iM republi-
It; if lftitll eiSf l into a free
4fsQ s4Mti-e,saiisioii iBlii f in-
iia .pil,IHH) repiiblicap; if
Id dejparnltic New Jersey had not
endorsed Hie McKlnley adnuniotra
thai with 20,000 republicHrtlurality,
tiier would flfcnuredly have been
cniis for rej iicing in the deiHocmMe
JVs, liul ns it is, the imaginary
heliSitsgie fc nI i-h opMdtlon nprs
no' climb wilP only nccewtltate a
descent of greater extent ad a hesv'
ie fall next year. Woodbunt"ftde
It is to he hoped that the voters ol
this county '111 not lieindifrftit to
thl matter of Brighsm Hooerts. It
is really a matter of urgency. It Is a
I irUUke for any one to supp'" !
wl...n.u U ,nH I In In.. Kl.l ri or
ITi. lnr-H i'nlii!:lii OS
Mormons in Nevada, Colorado
Wyomiug, IJabo and Or-gm, and
polygamy exists among them. .This
movement la not against Mormotflsm
as a religion, buteagaiust the yime
ot polygamy, which is not a U"ce.
aary feature of Mermoniniii, but a
measuA) Introduced by Brlghaui
Vouug under pretense of a special
regulation, with the" object, of rapid
ly populattLtf the territory of Utah.
L U )gue Hlver Courier.
The demand of America that ie
should be given trade rights in Cniaa
hjM met with an expression from the
leading EuroMan owers as well as
China nerif that thtveism door will,
be maintained and tho i-ountry will
have as much of freedom of trade as
any other nation Before the Span
ish war this assurAu$ would hardly
fesikfn forthcominS The. r
pect thfeation receives on account
of the resuirBSihrtt conflict is worth
the cost of that Tfttsv great as that
1 cost was. Oregon Cltv-juterprise,
There Is a growing divergence
opinion ailing leadli;lemoerats as
to what will be the party issues In
next cisnpalgn and the ' results of
Tueduy's ' election hiive tended to
wldeh that diversity ' of ' opinio.
Morgan of Alabama says : "I htfd
ly l;k for either expniwion, t.m ria
lisin or trusts to cut any uwtCrial
figure in the next campaign' fBoss
Croker, who controls NewA'ork de
raoeracy holds to entir4y opposite
views and says these same issues
will over shadow the silver question.
It is plain that national democracy
will be badly m1xe ;on issues in
'Ph N '
Vice-President Hobart, after a tedious illntsu, dial at his homo in Tten
ton. New Jersey, last Tuesday morning. Tha funertl will le plaj to
morrow. The distinitulshed etatesman
of his death he ws a few months
way through college and the law school, though it Is mid that lt freqimil
ly missed his supper and dended upon some luck eh tire fi Bis break
fast. He early Utmo Intcmtted in politic, ht lna; st first a deiuis far, tat
in a demgrntic state and supported by democratic w latives, no affiliated
with republhwns. Soon clients flocked to the offiee f the hsM wovkio
young lawyer, and his success broujjlit the coriHirttions to hiin fur aili.
He was recognized s a far-Wiiif man. As presiding ol'er In the senate,
he wiis a favorite, lie gained the resHct and esteem of all parties, which
he held. Vice-President tfohsj-t i ttie, sixth to iU while in offl t . Tlw
satiate Will elect his successor, who Will Iwild offici till lslll.
1900, Eugene IWjcrsttr.
It may be only a coincidence, but
the first election after the adminis
tration endorsed the Saltan of Sulu,
Salt Lake City went republican.
And previous to this the demo
crats united With the Mormons and
helped elect Huberts, the Saltan of
Utah, to congress. The Filipinos,
when they beCoiuq civilized, can be
educated out of pO'ygamy but in our
own enlightened land so long as
polygamy In Utah has the backing
of democracy it is B. question When
We shall be abh) to rid this country
of the abomination. Ittfgister.
Uncle Nam has made a deanand
for ptrtain rights and privileges
auioitg tlit'pigtail4 just as though
he expect, -4 to fcu sonio ships tin-1
utaii off there all Ilia time. Uncle
Hani big feet are spreading over a
good (leal of land and water the
lays. Plaimlraier.
Many of (ha nnst pminent wo
lil tha state ntve orgatii.'-d to
aaft ftftfM against trp Bfntinient
fatorable to woaien's sutrrdge. They
Mlifve that the enfranchisement of
Wonian t ill not Da for her best in
i'(Bts, ai mnsaover do not believe
thjt Bn rule desire the bs
lot. Tb iff conns Mt ebufee to t hose
tajical VunVn sgfraefsts who have
long gaumed to spnk for the
VAjoleflfi in this matter ef "bursting
their bonds of servitude." New-
burg Uraphic. ' " - '
There hreAmka.tl i$.n f
unclvllizeil, tml)aiaaiavWnchristhiri,
nconverl'sl pagans on the o'tirr
side of the e.ir.li, who not only " iw
down to wis) I and stone," but
' .
ennlavi ;
E.y, lecherous, loafers who
eat nilsnionaries ami '.iirn.n r
; who practice piracy and rt and x
poiyKan y, uniwu ciinori ii, euimve I
I 1 ... ,, , , i
tlitair felliSr. anri ttrhoire full no to .
. m.t- . .1
ineir cmnsj, vwm ruimtinem, v, no
wl'l have to be licke.1 Into wtaViTv
clothes ami going to school at the j
point of the Anglo-Saxon tuyone
y, i lie nil s
l!le- lleiltb-
Hl'lllil' l.fll'l- I' imi .
CIis. the ir.il.'l.tT We eli.Il
u; 0ttie Ji.t)
the tx'tti T it w ill for III" litlenP.
it is d.-.iifiy.'t is bti-iniv. and
i very ilvli:a it nallonaiid people oil
ti:e ?lols ouglit loapplau ? every
i-U'jrt put lortn iy jnio-n-ij
la.v, to brinall nation under fh
II tg .r ;v;li-l anl rellgloiis 1it. .ry.
1'UlliileMlt C,
atarrk fnuot lie fared
Wtll'lical npiliciltiollH, SA llirrioolut
inu-li i hi' will of llit ilixeam-. l i'ifirrliii u
IiIimmI ur uoiihtiiuliunal .li-a-"'. ami in ur-
li-r toi-nri- ll? on urns' law' nai rimi, ii-ni-
tilii-r. Jl.lll I ill imi uri' i luki-il inli-r
iiallv, ami iw I" sjirirlly onliie I.mmI uii.I
HiiiikiiiH Hiiriaii. H.iU'hI ularrli l uri' i
mil a. ii.u k iii.-.Ii.-iiii-. V a ri--riinil
ly one l i.e l-i-t pliy- i.uia in lliin mini
try for yi-u". mul a a .( nlur pn-M-riplinii.
It ia eumMweil ol lit-Ih'mI toiin- known
t-nnhiiK-it with tin- l.-l I4ix.il iinln-rH art
iiiK ilirre ly on lliiv'niii'oiiii nurfacrs. I lit-iH-rl'mrt
t-oii'liinaijm ol 'the ' iirvil 1 1 1
:s winit i (uliui Hiirli wniiili-rlnT n-snl
in curiiiL' ( aua-.rh. Kiui t'r t. siiinoiu.il-.
Ad.trfMfi. I'.J I llKXKV A Co.. Toh'.ln.O
K,,,l hy !r5n'Q "' .
,P.I Kuunly tilts .9the best,
Wisdom's Bolu'rline corre'ts all
bleini.-hes of the face anil makes a
iK-sutiful complexion. ' iH'lta Drug
mm H
1 f4&i
l'rutnotus ft ! suns tit rr.wth.
rver ran to jtcHinre uraj
VM nP it'.'e ha.r fiii.if.
Hair u i lsi i mit in u i u ur.
Was Imm in 18M, tnd the time
past 65 years of air, its rkert tur
al Flwal Mettlemeaf.
Nntii-e ib herehv given that I lie nnilur
S'KntHl I ina tileil Ins tinnl m-connt as ail;,
iiiiniKlrulor of the estate of (Hum. P. Oli
ver deceased, in the county court ei the
state of Oi-eonJIer Washington comity,
ami that ssiil court hasapHiintcil Momlav,
the -lili ilav of I Hreiii tier, I.S'.m, at 10
n'cliM'k in the forenoon ff 8 ml day ax t lie
time for henrini' olije4ioiei to hih Ii
final account and for the settlement
thereof, o
- AilminiHtrmfor of ths retate of h.-is. P.
Oliver (leceasrrf, 2ft 21.
II. T. Hag-ley Attoiaef lor estate.0
Oregon Kidney
ache, Kidney and
and constipation.
Tea cure back-
lihHider trouble
IteltA Drug Store
mrru v. Mm n m i a ni
INI (llril'K A
i!i rv. Or.
cl 1. !(.
tin- folluwiiw-naiiKtl hettlcr Un.i li.nl
notitvof hi iiiti-nf inn to iimke lui il j.rmif
in fii i,ni i "i ii in i iiiiiii, nii 1 1 in i f.itu firiHii
win ii-inane iHinre 'iieioildty l lerk ol
V'.iliiin.'ton ("oniity, at Hillniro On-., on
lii-e 2, vm: 0
It. K '.ITS i for the S K of H K ',, H K
of S V ( ' S,- II anifx W i. o. N K i
of b.-r 1 1 I' ,1 N II h W . , o
lie name the following witmwes to
pr ve tin continuous nuiilnlce iimiu ami
cultivation of naiil laml, vi:
(ienri;e ko-tur, of B Binl"ll.ire.
Andrew Koitnri. of '
John W li iiiM-h, of'
William Kehlt, of "
is. WuOi;
mnn v. rextmiujcrATiOY
r i
f.ll IHH' T lHIIO( I'lTT, OR.
(VI J.i an
Hilt K H li:i;;iri- (HVKN. Ul vl
tin- InllowiiiK lialttid settler has lili-at
nonce oi ins intention to mnke final proof
in support if Ins ehoui, ami that -aid pnsil
will lw- made In-fore the I'tniiitv t Iitj ..r
V;ish:ni:toii Cnimly, at llillsl,rn tire., on
me. i, -m. . ae
AM foi ti vV '., id W i. .f Hi
H of S K S, of See I' I N It f-4
n,. na fhe
following Willie--
I to
prove Ins nintinu
us ret.iitenee up
I eultivation of iid Iudt vi -
Lones I. Huatxr, of" Oi.ai-iis
lI'Tiiai A t.nrellireeht ol -
Ots,ryt- W Pna'tur, of '
eullivation of lid 1.
r. of ' o.a)itrs,
Jamie Vnnin
i ifAS. u. MtmVk
and as ve Ii.ie tne rnoi
- ! S
jc- : ' ) i
"1 f woitiin'lifc ci.i.ics a t:ic j'rUi- 't
. ' t i Itii lier (rir!1mrl H.M' f l
j (
1 j
What Do
You Know
o0f the Boers
of of 8
South Africa?
' 1
Whether yon,' know little or much
you wjll enjoy reailintj Olive
..1 1 , 1
Schrciner' great masterpiece of
nctHi, ''The Story of An African
it Vill Ik
Io tftis Paper.
It deals with the, personal cbarac
teristievthe peculiarities ami the
home life of the Iti er itle. Tt
nlmittcri Hint lliesc arc
stuilias jti.s at Ih is time.
Vafiic mt fiaal Mrltleaeaa.
Notice is hereliy civrn that the nmler
igneil lias tiled tier li 11:11 account ax ex
ecutrix of the Inst K ill ami lentaiu)ot of .1.
V. lliii lnman, deed., in the county court
of the state of Oregon, for Va'linii.'ton
coi, ill v, ami that nairi court liax ii''oii.ll
Moinliiy lies lHt inlay of Dec. lSWl, at 10
o'clock in the fiireniMHi of s:iiil ilay aa the
time for heai jti)f oliject ion to sin h linal
account, it ml for the settlement thereof.
l;ISA A. I l l IIANAN,
Kire-ntriT of the last ill 11ml tiftatnent
of .1.0. lturhnnan, ileteased. LTeoO.
IS $
KIIVJ O t tbU crisis is th stoMc",
: j .One
ft ;'
IIMI'-'t 1
!T I'M!'.-
. Olive limi
Great Story .
THERE are women everywhere who suffer almost con
stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell
. all about their ills to a physician.
Such women can surely explain their symptoma and their
atifferingby tetter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for the con
Bkennf.r, East Rochester, Ohio, whosaya: "I shrunk from
the ordeal of examination by our physician, yet I knew I must
have treatment. My troubles were backache, nervous tired
facling, painful menstruation and
leucotthcea. I am so grateful
to you now that I am willing to
have my name published to help
other (iris to take their troubles
to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
tal it Coanpounal trsed as you Wrate
ie ha marie rna entirely WU
at tlry hr.ipy. I shall
y.aaioriK' ss I lit."
ttrs. Pinkl ai reoaivr-a thou
aaaMa of atch latter lrom fftte-
ftl f'tne.
tbss Kta t-H Russell, of
IIP (lime St., Pittsburg, Pa.,
fa a letter to Mrs. Pink-
tain says: "From child-
jo I sufWred fromvkidfteyj
rmble and as I grew older
Of troubles increased hav-
Bg intense pain running
from my waist to my wrnb and the
menses were very gainful. One day,
9eutg jaiur advertisement la one of
ur papers. I wrote to von.
When your reply came I
M a A ' i,
nr wiraiwuiiu anu ionowea your advice
and am now In perfect health, and would ad-
ve any iaay ncn or poor to
Pinkham VegeUJMe Compoid, which I car.SST?abova all
otier remedieaa It U a wonderful help to women."
F - " o ,m
prtitrve thj d.iujhtir's lica'.th
tli a crisis
tliat confront:ivcry mother c f
gifli. ftnJ.M.R:i,';v9fCar
tcrville, fcx, solved tLe prJlr
Icxu. She says : .
- My dwuphicr Joalsdartncthtl winter
Of lsm-US, tutturwd w cumplaU lirwakilown
la bealtb. HI, mtM uPa wad e"", 1
no w pllto, anil wm wNak Oiwt na
wm uruitiiHto walk i.i . hn. .l Trwr w u-i
knw ber condition m.ij Uiat ibd wu m
the flrnt tHifo of j'onua uun. thorny
utlr chir ciofte,!, uu tho wlvii- of
neighbor, w litn glvtlm hr I'r. WU-.
Iiuma' i'lnk l'iii fur I al Fuopln. Tho
e!ttr on her eoaditiou was iuirvekuA
IWtor ahs hiKl lkn hint m, l"M I rw
oendillou w ImprovKl, iirnl h kuvlon
training appetiui. utrengUi ua 0c until
fthe wuaen'irely wlu
Shu SooK threo bntticn of th pill
and to-,la7 tber in not tim.uiiu-r. ir
roMi-t kxiklDg art r I In c'urtriull,-. Ki,a la
lli-ahl.-r uU bftaltuier than ev.r t. -fnr lu
tier Ufa." MiU. J. M. lu..o.-i.
. Suharribcd and (worn to befnra
me, a Notary public, thin 15th (lay of
wiuucr, toy). w m. 01.COTT,
Nuiary f ubllo.
4c3 A Journal, (torttmll, ila, m
Tr. William' Pink Pitu t.ar rU ropl
contain, in a tondenaed formj all ths ele
menu ueceanary lugiTrnw lite anil rn-hneaa
to the bloud aud rvatorw ahattered nervea.
They are an unfailing apeeitiu for oueh ilia
eaae aj luenmolor alalia, purtinl paralyaia,
8L Vilua' dance, eelaaia, nt-uraliria rneu
matium, nervoua neadtM-he, tlnwjiler.-iVi-taif
la irrlppe, (valplbitlon of the ht-iflt, pste and
allow eoiunlexioua, all furina ol WL-wkuuaa
cither iu inula or feiuale.
Or. WIHtaiwe' Phil PiSt for Salataoeta are er
wltf by IHa ooiaa er hendred. bJf alwaya In aack
agae. atall eruggiita. er direct hnm lha Dr. Vail.
Mama MwlMna CompanT. SchonatUda, N. Y., (0
Mat per boa. twaea $2.t0.
l!ov. W. A. Ntikel, resi.liii? nt S-Vjfi
Olivo Ktrei't, Kaieuia t itv, Mo., in talk
intr alaiiit i'r I '.i-n in t I'm Klcelrit Hell
Haiti: "1 have been well rewanlel. It
has only been five days in. I liet.Mii
wearing your belt an i I In-lieve it all
yoll cay. 1 have leit la-tter I tie nint fe
11 it; 1 1 than for m,m I lis, hi v nervex are
belter, ami, well, 1 tell ymi, it's all l ilil
it linn 1 11 y hearty iiiilorM-liieut (1111I re-
i-oiiiineii'tatioii. i-,verv person Hiiilerirt
from any weak 11
treat 11 nut."
In n I il e n
times ieoile
ovw-lookcii the
iinHirtance of
I'CiinaiM'iitiy la
lielicial clli'ils
ami were siti-li- ,
ed with transient
action ; lint lew
it ih s:''ner.illy
known thVt I'r.
I'o'linetl's licit
will i rnnitient
ly ovorconio any
weakncKs, well
infoi 111" I coilo
will not hesitate,
in wiy ion tlicy
,1,1 I
cum voiir
have ix'en wii
awarihil. T
men u ho have
halti i'Cil their hlonmi hh
Want them to exen i-e
tlu-i r
Mini eousiiler that Khi ricitt -thenreat-enl
owcr rin eirl li . tiivc innaiit iclief
anil tV(r fails to euro llieiiiicilisin,
haHkarhe, kiilnov troiililcs, early ih iay,
liihl InsHcs, lark of m-rve force ami vior
nervoiiM ilehilily, Mllih vt'lo ineilt ami lo-l
W'rile for ailvii-e, whii li is :iholiiilv
free. The most ohrt inale cages' I'lieress
fully treated in the strictest conlhlence.
Hi Iiiemlier I r. I.wmott a l.elia arc never
Hold in stores or liy aitrilt.i. Only 1 y
Dr. Bennett
sfire.!, rxiox r.i.ocK,
l.vxn OrriCK at Orkoon City, Okkhon.
(lelolier, 1 1, is"! I.
i h-tollowiiii; named selller lias liled.
not icu ,f los inienlioii to make lin il en
in support of hia claim, ami that s.-til
prool will liemaile betore Ketrisier and lie
euiver at Ureiron ("itv, on Not. i". IS!.i v:r.
II K. lll.Jl for the ti W ol si-e to T !t
N It 4 VV.
t(e mimeH ttiei ; following witnrssea to
prove his continuous n snlenre
etiltrvation of said I ind. vir.:
.lohn laieas. ol - lomton ( Ire.
Krank (I. Kief, of
liohrt Mmpson, of " "
Adam Simpson, o " "
fit A a. It. MOOUKS
22-il Ueister.
Year Kpce.
S''Owii the state of yonr feeling and the
state of your health w well. Impure lhxi
makM itseli apparent in a pale and sallow
complexion, l'imtiles and Hkiii Kmptions
If yon are leelin weak ami worn out and
do riot have a healthy aptH-aranee you
should try Acker's Hlood Klixir. Iti-ures
nil tilood iliseases w hereeheaphanjaparillas
nml so railed purifiers fail : knowing this
we sell every laittle on a tiusitiveguarantee.
1 lie 1 vita I 'Tug More.
fidence reposed In her has never been
violated. Over a million women have
been helped by her advice ani medicine.
Mrs. Pinkham in attending to her vast
correspondence is assisted by women
only. If you are ill, don't delay. Her
reply will cost you nothing and it will be a
practical help as it was to Miss Ella E.
.?,!hiejj Via-Jjf - ----- - -
IY&LL "J! ( J r.OAV.68. ' - C. T. BELCHER.
.ww - T
began taking awT'A
. . '
take Lydia E. O
JaPI A fylli t . ro:,t ami M..rrlse,StreeU. I'ertlni.Oreee... j
i- viHf i rr v ii i y. i
. -SLVVVV 1 A ' ft I Ia a '"l lion. "
j?rtm i c .. ..
aw- - TriT .a " un I
The Acadcmq pf spares for CoIIcho and flircs
a thorough English Education, the, best pro
paralijn for tacyhinq or business. cx
pcri8s e'ertj lot. Hoard and rooms tit the
Ladies' Hall $3 to per'tAh, incjudinfl
t-loctric lij-iht and heat.
Under experienced maiwfletTient, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed $l.ot)
For full particulars, address
Forest, froirj,yi:eaon
Buy where
yon can
buy cheapest.
Tlio nujciils from INu (land think tins
is th; ..poorest .jilut-o to sell pnpor in
thoy t'ver saw. Ucason: tlio
IXi)IOIKNI)KNT lias tlio trado, by
couitoous troatinont and low proit
J'ajior of all grades, oi'dorioo
laiirt; or too small.
We have just
Received the
Finest line of
Paper ever brought to.
Hillsboro. Try it.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Furniture for sale
To prove this Ciill at the corner of Main ami Third streets and get pains
Z'l IAVIE IJKLniy:, JPSTiisTrrs.
. I T
r .
y(? , n IWrath t llw Hind Y-m wi-';M
TEna "
20,1899. ' .""
Furniture Dealer.