Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 17, 1899, Image 4

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. By HOBMAl!itTJElT.
tCeprSiJh, IKW, AmerJcsa Prese Aese
elation, f
(ontinurd from FirnlI'uije,
You d be too li!ij,ijjjr if I nok yon. Live
on till Jtl fear uie mm a Then I !1
trikti Uffr I tanned seek djjitbyLife
U nothing to me, ami jj-Tii rt tnr
. aon Antra;. I feel laftwad. I aim. .it
hate him becjiaM bu reminds me so
tunch of ha ''
Twat re years since I lost ojiened rriy
. lrry. Tv.-rlvn yurs ao my hand
touched t !) J !! h. uiid 1 bade guodby
to gloom Luide gixxlby to k1""' when
it waa yet to become Mucker than ever.
I remember it as thonyh it were bnt
yesterday remember that she wait
looking over me as I wrote, her arm
niKin my Hhonlder. I hnd nothing more
to writo then. Every day would have
been the aume, all hnpinnem, and that
reads ao feeble when net down in black
and white. Misery Iikcoiups intcnNilicd
The writing nmke it colder and harder.
Then Axtruy wan liorn. I loved him
then, ierhHa hecans nlie did Now 1
have no l we for any one, only for the
pimt My heart is filled with hatred a
hatred deep and bitter, that will keep
me alire nitil it U Natilied. Hr at
The (Jriujyo we wero happy and wanted
nothing moro.
, jlii.iintus called me again to i'nris. If
I did not go, I would lose a fortune. I
remember cow h.iw ihe clung to ir.fl
and legge4 me to let it paiw, bnt man
la human, ufter all, and huanin nature
eays, "(Jet money," and I wen tr went
nd wax discovered. I knew it. I saw
HtC tiihii Mtart. He HiK.ko to ma I recotf
11 hia voice and he mine. 1 win back
it the pant, and the pitNt was alive
I dared not go bnrk to America, but
Went In London, xluidowcd every step
Of tin way. The paht ever with me,
alive again. Then I wrote to her. Her
? rat thonghtH were for her boy, not for
kerwlf, not for me. I write it la-canae
I knoty it Perhaps I am jealous of my
own aon. Well, I'm getting hard and
tiki aow. What if I am? Slie sent him
tti plme of Hitfi'ty, parted with him,
little, mite who con Id scarcely Hpeak,
fat etui the evil minded gang should do
i injury. Mio" tiiid at The Orange
Maid there tX uae I couiinundud it. be
MM I Mid that no one anew we were
Married and tin) time would come when
Um a-aag Would tire of watching me,
ad lually I tery Htealthily prepared to
her in Norciuuhr.
No Htranger hIih wpete uie hud ap
peared in Norcomiie. I grew confident
ftia. What I had thought wiih nIihiI
curing I told myself wan iiiiHgination.
I T'W cerelerw, and then I write it
irvily thia I murdered her, I mnr
demd kert
Tkrowiac aidn all thought, I paid a
friar, ritdt to America and saw her ia
Uiccmilie uw her for the last time.
I Weal tig-aiii, ,u rived to Unci the
honse diaerted, only a lying telegram
ef yaterlay upon the table:
CMw to CUacu bf tks Id a'clt trti.
Baa had a o. and that ia teo yr
ago. Yen years I bare spt ia eearch
in; agreeing in vain imd I bar
a sue hiua aow to await the tad.
The txy, my hoy. I have hrongbt to
The Graag" laronght bin htm Ave
yean mo and aow I lit for bini only
(Arsie turre waa a blank peg ia the
Tn aK, Jane, I
eaintcr than 1 bare lui fr year I
ana riiaarnl a life foe a life. 1 ar t oat
tm Pari, ant this tiimi to beat tm her
bat to den i end tiio nirtptnral rrfnt, a
life ftar a life. I gkt over it. only I'm
mad aow. Tbey cU iue Mad ManiU-a
ia tho villa" and shrink aa I
How they'd ftbrink it thy knew all! I
bare killurl hiai, niurdred him, nabbed
biml It waan't wrong. "A life fr a
life" thisru'i aiy ercute, theercnan I'll
ahriftk h mj judge; a couiutaad a
ounaiiad frn the Hcripriirxi, "A life
for a Jx" He aud hia gang killed her,
and I am ravragml Be waa getting old.
aiul nm L we were both young
Wbea we Hrt met, and now he ia dead
dead by my own haad. He ehrank
back when hit we met He saw hia
du tm in my eye, lui could nae the
koifo, aad an conld L I think I htnghed
aa 1 folt that blade go etraiglit to ita
nark I enivimi I am mad, bnt 1'ia re
rd, To I'arie aad Iw k in a month. What
lack to bare met him ns I did I More
thia a year atro Hinco Astray left left
becaose I would tell him nothing of the
past lie wiie always asking what rays
Vry there Waa alant bis life, always
tjiug iato a iiawicin iMTinxe 1 would
m toll him all I wa a f''l to let him
kjut tbire ei waa a injst.iy, nnd
he a f'K'l aot to e ia my every action
1 try b guard his life. I should like to
ami hjn m-o more aee him and tell
bin be caa aiarry the girl he want to.
I re bete) el nnd odil e nce the
da ray Wife was lur. d avrny. Ie ep
iai 0 iy one till I'm hatwl ly nil.
XV'y m t think old Marsden was ever
4aa 11. IHBg Astray has Ixs'n and
fuo Ue ceme bai k al'fi r two yearn to
be giaal fru.'n U, and Wo hare quarreled
agu A.
O riaa gmo '" ( icV I eii
toa time ale did aot ld aa b
bnleMHt alR'te aie anldemaAdeil
to kow who be waa aad wia bia ir
Mta Wtre. lie litt'ie ka' he epofce to
' Wa owt fefb . nui I Woabl i tell
kao why 1 know ni t bat aw ay
aieatb be enU kn-w aii The y
aa I bave 4d biu ail WtUfr, ,
Wtil awei el Ibe rt The tv.ay
j baaawini be will got uivh autil 1
at ia aiy arge. Why dkej 1 1 ll bin
ailf ftei gtte i'lff rnt rheie) per
kaag taaaee I tajin.4 mi anto-r.
rcrrt, why I will keep it to my grnve
and iwd the grave to eternity. I might
have found sympathy in my son years
ago if I had obeyed the promptings of
my heart, bntf irlds sake I have kept
it to auyself He shall never know., Let
him live hia life happily with the girl
he haschosen. Tonight I bnry the past;
tomorrow I will begin afresh- 1 fcavr
IU lIlW iVKHJ nl T. . nvj ,
and I wUl tU liua l mother ditxl. in--ent
soBiw-Vtory why I ctmld aot recog
nise him before, and all will he well.
Tonight I bid my book gondby for
ever. I dare not read its pages. 1s t
them die. Tonight I place it wh-re it
has been hidden for yeanj-ylneo j
there and forget it J.'" "
Tomorrow I shall awaken in a new
life. Astra my n. and his wife that
ia to he ehall brighten the last years of
rojr life. I fori happier and brightest In
tho lioffcht of what will br (.lhy
to the past, to my diary and it horrors,
gobdBj ' - " ddlf)tb.
zi'z.L- ' it. Darremi-
rl i a- i i... J Wie at (Jc-e. have yon found
; . Urreat sii.s his h.ad. and
nlnH III ' 1 U T r II' W J'V miWi J- I . . a, r a. a . a, '-'
. ..am t to...,, wl.te Mlk i'H't illtO hlN 'Ht
a ainierWMItl HOW " "J .m.v- b v i,i'w
Let nio tl.iuk uf her with aoi'Ter mem
oriee of Sow nhe livod. For Aotray'a
take I want to live Duw 1 wut to live I
J. M.
And there the dfury ended.
Three duyi had puseed eince Darren t
had jxired over the aecret pageaof Jopiuh
Marsilrn'i diary. He had spent the time
it) working buck npon hia clews, trying
to find a different act of circuim-taiiceo
to fit Into the story of the diary, and ao
bring abont Astray Mnrsden release.
That he wim innociit now he felt aa-
rnred. And yet would the law acceptrfTie first step in the solution of the my'
the diary iWi coiuplete refutation on
Antra J" 'i behalf of the crime for which
he was now condemned to death t It
seemed to Darrent so wifel. so out of
lace Sn this nineteenth centnry, tbat a
ian should 1 dogged all over Europe,
followed to America and practically
bruited to death by a secret society of
which be knew nothing, so ont of place
in life, only suited for the pages of a
sensational novel
He had had a lengthy Interview with
thr authorities, bnt they had not boon
overcome with the idea tf any miscar
riage of justice having taken place and
had asked if every morsel of evidence
had not poiuted to the guilt of Astray
Mnrsden. The case hud been so evident,
so obvionn, and yet improbable aa It
read there might perhaps be soWietmth
in the diary. Justice did not sk a
victim, but wanted the guilty man. If
he were not Astruy Marsden, then Par
rent had permission to nse the short
time at his disiioeul to find tho man,
and justice would bo satisfied. To Dar
rent, who now earn-jHtly Ixdieved in the
iuiix:cuce of Astray Marsden, it was a
fight between himself and the law. He
hud obtain. il the necessary permission
to see Astray whenever he chose to do
so and now sat watching him as he read
the pngt of Mnrsden 's diary. Astray
finished his reading and laid tho diary
down with a sigh.
A fearful story," he exclaimed,
with 3 deep sigh, as ho finished tho lust
page. "Tilien he was my father T"
Darrent nodded his head
"Hounded through life, hnnnded to
deuth Ix-cunso he would not do the bid
dings of a gang of assassins I It's terri
ble, tx terrible to believe my mother
lured away nnd murdered, my father,
stablx'd in his own house, a defenseless
old man. for whatr Hhxidth'.rstiljesii
alone. Uut I will be revenged. We
know now where to sinat for the assas
sins, where to look for the hand that
struck that fatal blow. In tho remnants
of that gang we shall find my father's
murderer. That diary must release me
from the condeumul evil, and my life
shall be devoted to the search. I will
never ism sr nntil I hsve brought the
man m ho struck that blow to Janice. I
swear it It i in Paris we shall hare
to look. In Paris we will arrk nntil
some chance clew helps ns to attain our
object AV hen shall I be set free VVhoa
caa e start 1"
"I shall cr balay
"GcmmL aud I will follow- when they
hare rekrd nia. How la it (wihl
that such a marderona soriety oould
exist? What are its objurts? What are
itH secrets that, afvr yrvra and years
of uiting, it yet took iU mrenget
"My dear MwtiUo," Ikmul replied
calmly. "Paris is even now th hotlwd
of Hu h societies snd was rmve so when
yonr father waa thre. It is foil (rf se
cret nesociatiotis, French, RaniiaB, (W
man nnd every o4t nationality. Yonr
father unfortunately Wi-aina smrperted.
and they never forget. "
"Tlx'n go, Darren! Lias no timet
and I will follow when I am Tokened. "
Darrigit roee to bis fnrt and placed
hia hands on Astrsy'e ahonbWs.
"Yon'ro an frill of your father that
yon bare firgotten yonr own pil" be
"My own rue-ill" Astray rsclnimed.
"Y.a; tlio antbahtiea do not lxk on
that diary as a complete natnhlUhnwnt
of yonr inrnx-enca Hind yon, I think
yoa will be reprieved, bnt a nines I can
distort more I'm afraid yonr actnal
releatet is a long way off.
"lint it tirovoa I am in norm t.
"It diN'Snotgofarenongh. I leave for
Paris to get mire evidenoe, to test
What is sot down in this diary and then
to brina the chosea member of this
gang to justice, aad an ol plain yonr re
lease. Do yon auik'rstand f "
"Yea, I nmVrstand. The law oVa
not Want to hum ite grip of iW victim
imca ot eo.1, ihirrrnt!" nr CTClalmrn.
aniens another is placed ready for its
Vengeance. I will not detain yon. On.
W it h a hearty handshake, a promise
that "all won Id yet lx right, Darrent
left Astray Marsden nnd iiiadf his way
to New York en route for Paris.
Overn month passed .before Herhrrt
te front w.is back in N(tciinle. He
akd at the police station for the nd-
Arvee of the Woman who figured in the
cee a the honei k'per of Josiah Mars
deti and, teaming it, made his way to
the cetdice. Which he left in about half
aa hi iU1 Wttb a very aKtisfiel lxik npon
his face.
Silt nnvaing Astray was aroused
fc tn hia athV bT entrance of the
AVt-utite and in a moment waa on his
Jiiia bis hand.
he ea
I should
retnrneil THT
him V
i Astray
Tlntl yon have been nnsuccessfnl t(
"Not altogoUirt," Darrent replieii
"bnt things have turned ont very dif
ferently from what I cipected. 1 reach
ed Noreomlx yesterday afternoon and
Visiteit the woman. Margaret Oadsden,
who acted as your father' housekeeper
V'on renienilx'T T" r.-,
Astray uixIiKhI his head.
"That visit was to a-ttle the last
with tr.y journey
page of the diary
headed Jniy lsin, nnri run 11 see what
it an' ' si it fnt Paris, not this
time to hunt for hi f, bat to demand
the Stripturui iorMt 1 1 have killed
him' " J
"Enough, enough I" Astray criel
"That ia the part of the book that
hannta He died a murderer, tawr
dered. "
"I have killed hiiij, " DniTetit calmly
continne.1 "mnrderiNl him I"
Herh'rl ilarrent ansed impreasirejlf
au.i, leaning toward Astray? aaii
"That iegiot tina." a .
Whatt" V
M a a. . .
'Tour futher hid not been half a
dozen milee away from Norcoui?i dur
ing the luj-t ten years. His mind was
nuhingisl He yearned for that num'a
life nntil in his dreams, he kill4 fum.
that is all I have t ld yoa this first,
and now will deal wjth my visit to
Paris. Tbis whs the clew I started u;uu,
thLi entry in the diury :
v' 'Nov. 8.1, 171. Her father jja1
Jtl u. Jt.. 1 I.. Ik 1.. .1 I
mnoiTrmi niioi ilt'U'l IU I uris iitjpiiKnu-
ing. I darn not tell her rffc'ho will be
the next? What ihfc iiainelesa gungt
What ia thuirirfpopM; t I dure not stop
fcere. '
me it was obvlons that thut was
tery and an easy ona The record of
the French p.flice pnt me in ixmwW-ion
uf tho whole of the facts connected
with that murder, but they turned out
to be very different from what I bed
anticipated. A man, Manrice do Lunt z,
waa discovered shot dead, bnt" Ih:r
rent again paused "there was no mys
tery whntever.
"Muricde Lanei rnnght bis cashier
red banded in theft and sent for the
police, but before they had time to ar
rive the man turned on him, allot him
dead and fled.
"Ho was captnred next day on the
outskirts of tho city, tried, condemned
and guillotined. He died confessing that
his sentence was a jnst one, for Lunci
had been the Ivest of master. There
was no other record of a mnrder of a
man named De Lanes in thut year or
any other year. "
"Put tho mystery!"
"Thero la no mystery. "
"Tho assassins?
"Thero are no aj'snssins and never
"Tho gnng?"
"There is no gnng. "
"My brain reels. I ennnot under
stand. What does it jnesut"
"Listen. On Oct H. 1 H I I am in
debted very much to chanco for ever
having been able to put this peculiar
uffair together a party of students
wero enronsing in a top flwr room in a
house tn one of tho worst quarters of
Paris. They Wero a devil may caro lot,
and ono or two were wantd ly the
police, not for anytidng very serious,
mind yon for a drunken bruwl, per
haps, or a little overoxnberance after a
students' ball The gambling was at
its height When suddenly they beard
the mmnd of a man rushing np stales
The light was extinguished, nnd they
held their breath and Wnited. Then the
man burst into the apartment an
"Yen, yes; go Otl."
"Well I told Ton they wre a hare
brained crew, an iiukdons li t of prac
tical Jokers, an irroppctisihle set of
scamps, and one had a brilliant idea to
fool the Englishman. Ite told it to his
comrades, and it was hailed with a
suppressed roar of merriment. They
Were to protend to the stranger that he
had brokon into a solemn conclave of a
secret society. Make him tuko his
chano with tknn and draw Air a life
Do yum follow the story?"
"I beerin to nadtcstand. On on."
"Yonr feth was that maa, Astray,
and hi disposition was as yours ia now
naahln to face danger. As yon niudo
a mistake and nVd from yonr accuser,
he luarie a mistake and dared to defy
tlurn. He accepted their proposal and
drew f the life of a Woman. They be
gun as a joke; they carriod it on to
teach hint a lesson."
"Drave men. "
"If he had refnsrd r carry ont the
scheme and dared them to take his life,
the light would havo been tnrned np,
and bo mH have discovered thut the
cold barrel againet bis temple Was only
a short poker and Would have been in
vited spend the evening with toe
lightest brertcd kit of aramna in Pari
Bnt he did not dfy thrni ; bo ugrutd to
their plane."
"Or pretended to." Aoy man would
hive done the aaaie.
"Ho they ketit np the joke. One
two were well eneinertnd, and they in
troduced him to a good art of people,
and a !etty girl waa chosen for the
victim, a girl so gentle that they knew
tha blackest hearted, foulest mindul
limte conld Dot have raiaiil a finger
against hiv. Then they Rent him notes
and letters nrging him to do the deed."
"Murdering him by incher," Ustriy
cried, trcinHing with snpproMaed rago.
"(hauling him to despair. A good joke I
They must havo ls'en a merry crew in
dent! Go oa. What more?"
"ThiTO ia no more. Presently they
tired of their joke. The girl left Paris,
so did yonr father, and the whole affair
only became a gixxl after dinner story
how they fxlod the Englishman."
"Bnt tho tracking through Enrnpet'"
"Yonr father's imagination only. It
aev existed. This is the crnel point,
the pitileee part of that practical jokn
Can't yon imagino tho feelings f a
man who thought he was bring shad
owed through Europe; that tho day
must inevitably como when a sharp
thrnst would end his life 7 In every
shadow he saw nn assiitixin, in every
face a spy. Tho fenr wns always in his
mind that perhaps he Won Id not see
that evening's mui si t, that ho hnd ca
tered nnoa hia last day. Kept fnuii the
woman he loved for bar of carrying
danger to her, always no the nlert. nl
ways suspicious, alwitya with tbe Tear
of death hanging over him, tn a M Bsi
tive man there conld br only iio end
ing He lost his reruum, lt it hoi)rlia
ly on the day he heard of yonr mother's
"Of her death!"
"Yes, her death. She died suddenly
and lies bnried in a country bnn-hvaj d
in a wiuill alichigun village, thechuri l
yard of the villago where he hid her
from the fiar of their enemies. "
"But Uie abduction told ia the
"That aceonnt wns written after In
death. She whs not abd'u-tcd. He sent
her away himself. Haunted by the
dread of a.wusxination, they lived apart
after his visit to Paris, ho going to the
Michigan village one or twice in sia
niontlai for a day. I beard thia part of
the story from ono uf the clergymen of
the vill.tgv. Yonr mother fell ill and
diM atiddenly, vy suddenly. Ko one
kl w where to erad for yonr father,
aud she was bnried. -
"Two days aftr a telegram came to
yonr mother asking her to come to ("hl
cngn. No answer could lie sent, and so
they waited for aim. Tbe rector broke
the news to hint nnd has since refloated
the story to me. told mo how yonf fa
ther listened without a word, wolked
to the churchyard, gazed at the grv
hont a tear and then retnrni-d to tha
i use and found the telegram 'which he
hui bimself sent the day before.
0 to nr. coTmirn.J
Arbrr't I n:lih Krmedr will slnn a
rough at snr time, and will run ihe
aM4,eold in ieU-e hours, or nmnc rv.
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th 'iM-niiiu (Vntnil Lines nie i:iitl
licrve Ihe public and our trains are
ojs'rsted so a. to nnike 4 lostr mnnrr-tio-i
with diveiiiiir liuis at all junet
ioii (Hiints,
Pullman Puller SlerpTaf nnd t'lniir
on tbrmiph trains
Pining Car n vice nnex l iiil. Ifenls
K'l Vil a la ('arte. r.j
In onh r to obtain I hi fir-trhna "erviic,
ask the lirk.t at-enl to m il yon a
ticket over
Hired ronneiliotis at I hiiin:!) and Mil
untiki r fo'eil Kin-tern Hints. . . ,
For full Information call
ticket ajn et, or wile .
your nearest
a a iw
C. Pom., or J. A.Crorn,
ien. Pas. Agt., tirrl Anent.
Milaukrr.Wis. !i4t Mark
. a 0
For I'lfanta an. OhiHren.
SThs Kind You .Kavs
Always Bsught
Bears, tho.
You Have
Always Bought.
rrNtum eottfi
tfw woUh emr
'a Vt'll -5
T. A. WiiSco. Penman & SccretaiW.
of gosl reputation to publicly
Delta Drug Store
aw:kic.vs RHf !-.. ajrAiivE .
Published riontbly
V.I I H MAVys. IMF ,
At. -n :i.F I'M l.'AI IS a 1
TUP: CI 'I.I i'KAil:l an I
Standard Patterns
I Ho only rcliablo paftTas, tecaus '
they ullow si am a. '
Subscription Price: $1.00 a year.
IU cents for sinule cupiea.
puGLicanoN. ,
Likaral na: comatissioa. Wrila far j
sample eoay and tenas lo Saaseria-
tlon flep.irtmtat, 8 t
I West 14th St.. New York City.
Si.T.-i '
kV f,rTt,,i,UPar rVr-
Karl's Clover Root Tea
1 T-Uh
C. WFIIt 1 rri a aT aat v Be w
1- '
It- AT fj -
w - -i t-i a n-- a Mt mj3
Denver. and
' Rio Grande
ScenioLineoflie Lgr!S
VM'kly lxriirioim
Uh jlstcrcd
la charge of i-xiMTicnusI naidtitturs mid
To Kiln-as 'itv liM rio
H Pullalo, Hilton iith
V out traiefcr, ril Salt
W Lake Mo. I'm itlc mid
I'liiivit'o and t lion l. v.
To Omaha, t'hic.ii;o,
Ihillalo, li .Hi. -li 1 li
mit h:oi''e via Salt
Lake, Chii'iinti, l!ok
1-lund Si Pni'ilV iy.
To St Jos.idi,
Kaunas i 'ilv. Si.
Iail's aithiiit
1 'limine via l:i.l
lilltoll Ivollle.
Tn KaiiMid City and
St.. Iiuis, without
chance via S'atl Ijike
V Mimiiri Pat-ilir
Kailn uv.
A day Mop-over arranitiil at Salt Ijike
and lk'iiver,
A ride through the famous Colorado
Ai-k your ticket ii;ent for a ticket on
the Im-iiyit .V K10 (iiaiidc cxniri-ieii.
For rates and all jlifonnatioi;, cull on
or address
V. ('. XlCIIOt. K. . HalTv,
lien I A(,ent. Tiavililif' Ayent.
4l Vaishintton Street, Portland Oii .'oii.
'mmi'I Paps. .V Ticket Airent,
IVnvcr ( 'o.'ora.l...
Anrnno onilln(( n ukrfrh hii1 iT.'frrtnt tun ninf
Oill''Kly" HKitTtiiiri our oUtiniii frm wln-llior 1111
lllVOtlliiitl IM imhlily- pHWMt'lMiV C ' mi fllll tils'lt-
tinnx HtrictlT -.nth1tiithtl. lnrtiltMwih mi I'liN-iitu
'iit fri. i)iliHt HKonry f'r niMirinir imtftits.
I'ltliMitH fiiktMi tliroiiL'h Miuin IV. rtnclve
Wi'it nttefi, without fhitrua. In tho
Sckntlfic Eisitrkan.
A hnnilnnmcly IllurtrntM ww-kly. ?,nru'0!t rlr.
rul.tllmi of iit wu'iittllc J.niriitil. Ti-rmi a
T-ir: f'liir nionthn, fl. Hoi.l hy till nca h.1i"Ut-.
MUIM4Co.'B New York
Ma onion. Oi& V HU. Vantiiiii.'iii, 11. l
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Prices on application
We are still offering" you
one year fof-only$2.00i
Address all orders- to
O m
HAST . ,:
SOI TH .. :'
9 O
.mil 1 11 1. kn i t . ;x.
Kli savi ll AINh I rvr I'M.'l O t II T
... . . ..
o'M i-M I l.v ,,n:,u..l Ar 1 l' 'ia
N M I A h::ii I rum iki-o l.v I li.l' I
A t.o i I f -i ;r ,,i, o ;i ' : - ,i r .j, .
Portland .1 .- , I mi,. 1 M
Jell,: oil. .'. .1., . I .1 fl t . ' ! -40 I -
' II li
xey, 1 1 ar 1 . hio , lui. ill.. 11 I I V , ) li-riii-'
ll!l,;e i....-, H1.1111, II 1M.111.I, .01.I ml
M.itiotn Iroln li.ir, till!).:, to A III. Illit,
II. 1 IllMW.
KOSKIIt K y. Ml. I'.MI.Y .
I " ml I.
r:'Jn r m j r
1 1 M
I 1
.. .. 1. I
III. M Nti i Ai. i tii;!!'''. I'i I II .
.. INI. ..
Seceinl-1 lass Mcretnir fut
Al'IAiUiKli TO A 1.1. I Mt, ,1 I I. AINU
Wcpi hvlv I iiv'.ftion.
HK I V'kkn iti;'l l.NI .t c ii; v Al.l.is
Mail Train I'.nly ( r.i (.t Sunday).
I orlli.tid
1: llNl.otii
A r j ' .rie r
;i.v 1 .up 1
l.v ! i.i'Op-
rf"At Aibmiy and 'o: . ulitx Couiiil'l
0)1 train.-, o! tl.e Oiei'oii I Vi.ual A. ..u-i-erli
Kxprcsa Train Pailv. (I xci i Siuuli.y i.
t:rJi e M I bv l'ortland Ar I K.LT. i
li III r H l.v ll;l'hl...ro l.v 7 l:i a i
"i. "dfs I Ar MoMiniivilIe l,v I r. .ii
" "l'M III. I, -.i II. I, ,,-(. 14 .'41 M
Ihriiiili' llikcis
To all pointx in . Kai-t.-rn -tatiH, Can
ada and Kurope i an be obiainrd at luw
et rates from ( '. - . Ki iw II .it-nt or
.lulili II. (iault :it t!i.- Iiidi oriid, ui oilier
li. .NiAHKIIA.M,
U. KOMI!, fit, u,.u. t.i f.Au't
Manaver. I'nrt.l.ui:. ti4 I
THE 0. It. & X. M;W I500K
Oil the 1,'eourees of ( li i ... u , Wab il .)
ton and Idaho in bein,' I : r r 1 1 i 1 1 I . Our
rcaderi are riiini,.l to i..i:,i. ihe ml-ilie-es
of thru- l u tein fi i. u (', .-inilai'-(jiiaiuti
iiaiices and a ci ')o' of ttie viotk
ill be nciit tree. i'lii., is a inaltci nil
should he iuteiesT.. in ami n ..u!.l a-k
that i-vei v iw t.,ki- mi iidi re-t and lor
ard Huh a. I la to W. II 1 1 cm r.riir
I ii ner.il I' l-euei' Aenl, 1 1. I; N. t ' i
i---.. -J.siJiJMf vonoa"-
7::t0 i m I V
tVlVI A V 1,V
SI..V. am Ar
0 o 'Orest'to
I i vt'. t ,i
J).,, ot for lL' L'Ufcb. p.o.u
1 lOIII Polll.U. I j
-.ill l.ke, IjnuT,
ra-i mail I-1. VSo.ti, h... hMi,
.. ill. r.,.,1 .1- V .,
l ,0
I... 1.
'.Val.a Walla, -liik- ""
Si.okune ""' iiiiii'.i'o
, ' ''lVr
M. lam, Iiiiiuiii, NfMikano
2 : H: 10.
M iivtauki'e.t inc. io I- Ivi'P
,v e i.-t s ::o 1. in
,, m. Ocean Slc;iii:i:ii
I or S tit 1 1 t lit 1
stUH I V "V I: t
.1.1 ,
1 1 i.
hp. CcMimlivcr ; ms0
s,","lv To A-I..I 0.1 ..id a.i rs. S.indr
S:i "''' landii - "
. .. in a
Wi!!iimi:ltf Five, "
(i ' '" II, n 'ilv. N.-w- I1-
V- .ri.'. v,l. in'Miav..f-'""1
11 . ! i 1
WilIaiTinttn & Yam
Iiii! Ilivrrs
, a. in.
1 :"ll i. iu
M..3 e
and 1'i.li
II. iii,la v 1 in iron ( 'ilv, I lav ton
andatur and way lamlii.s
.. , , , WillPicltc River
a. 1 1 ;jo in
rili T'li HI ' 'orvalli aii'l :iV T Ill's T l
mid Sat.
1. miliums
n 1 S:l
l:i....i:. , filial III V
;'","ilv Piariitolawi-ton
Aiblresk, H . li. Ill KI.IVKT,
I.'ciiT Puss. Aiccnt.
Ilndiii l! ( iii lill & t o.
I.ni'l Avts. nr. Pile. S. S. Co.
1'urt'utid. Orertn.
You can 1
tu. 1 ,
If you ptnr fmm any uf the
ills cf men, ti.mc lu tlie) oltlest
Sit-whit on ti.e r.icjfic Cusut,
m OR. mo A CO.,
I g,0RI (..aikelbt E.IU 1182.
H V Vuimjr nifti ami mldiip
tt fiirkl IIK'II who art? MjlU-nriit
frtMii ihe vtTrctt ut youltiful ii.-liMTctiotis .
rr-ssci in m.iiun r vi r-. Nrrvmis a'"l I'liyif.tl
l-litlit.v Jinpolfiif.r l-l MmthiMirt
in .ill uv r-.tni.il ..ifn-a; t4'rmnlrrli4rit,
lrunlrrhii, ;nrr liaj. 4ilMl,
t riiitaat'.r of I rliifalliiar, cU. ity 1
rum In it it 1. xi ' -f remedies, o rr .tl ctirttive ;'
. tlie lo( lt h;ts nrraii.Ttl his trr.tnuriit
1 th.tl it will n4 only nif. i1 iiumi. li.it- r li f lut
(icriii mrnl cure. '1'hrt I lixtir lis nl iLiim tn
iscrfurin niir ti I , tint is well-known t" I n fair
ami ti.re I'liyiif i-n ami .tiri''ii. niinent
in in, v., nny itiMf nHin r icn.
fin ifmr'titt it 1 v t-rti'tt.-nit 11 iroiu aim
I iv -I mi u t Dm. 11 1 imhk Hl4r-air a
I tKHt MA n.-suK o will ro
, c 1 v 1 our hi'tuxt ttfminH nl his riiiihihit.
UV M ill iiunranwa M7 li t '( Kf'in
! every rate we unfit rtake, or Jotjeit Oae
Ihounana IullnrH.
, 'onsulf :ition K H V K nn-1 lriftly private.
CllAlbtES YEliV kRASOSAlU.E. 'lr. .t-
illy or liy It-tier. S'-ml f'r (took,
The IMitlfiMopli V of arrJueftr.'
, free ( A vlu.tMe t-o k for men.
VIir lH- JORDIil'W
Oront JMtis'um of Anatomy
the tirrest and l.iirst MiiMtniiof us kin. I in the
W"i!il. Come diid li tm how wonderfully V,(il
am niaile; how to nvoid il knos and disf-.t.
W ,-ire Confitnnl'v .ui'iin; in w aprctliiCiia,
Ct I A VF, t'Ut'.K I'jtsl r vvriip.
1051 Mvkpt Slroff. SanFrnnciscn, Cl.
) 9
I 7 rxXtH
e e 0