Mrs. W. I). Bradford tod stroke of paralysis and lice J a tceelt. fcifl-: AS :ii V KA US OF AUK tffie liu-luiil, two " awl larse circle of friends to mourn their lost. ftcnU Tor Ionuee'u chocolate, and boa bons. late. ilates U now really Io nerve frwli eastern or western oyntirs in any style. ft-huliufrich A Hun want thrtj cur load of jiotatfMn. They ny caW fr ton lotii. (io to the 1'ioiHt'r Harm- Shop, next dirt the pint tMllce, for mle grcene. '"'ive boxen Jor twenty. ifive ien'n. Mr. Ijook who fell from a tree dur- itf pear picking time waM out hut Hunday for the tlrnt time In 'init weeks, T.vcn now lie ha to ue cmlclie. He will not leave home for a while yet except on tnont urgent occasions. Mrs. Il.illi.' Slix n Itr uir! Wife or.shfiir w. i iiiifi mrick- en with paralyH of her lefi nii ot Salnrd:y Nov. I. The illnmfw Vn Hcriom ami nlariiiini; from the first, ami n-r condition gMt fm day to dy. Ah slated !et lr. Mi Kc ir.iM In.iii l'l.rthiiiil w (llil in iniisiritalioii, hut nl4l fi!l w.i without Hvail. The i t lis a 41 tsrWl vl yeiir-i, r uiontliM ami .1 ilnf. hh whh horn in thiri ciak e4 had alwnv 1 1 v-l hi-. Khe iiiT-e6 Mr. Ilradfurd 1i-c. 31. I KH.V Ins hIi Icttvi-H witti twoejirw. Klaai A l.itdir and I I and II ewrtiTal. Htie H4 turned in Odd kVlloya ti'ry on Monday. The riicct in which lit, ftiajl ford wa-i hold was cvimurl at fun eral ol'Mciiiifrt. The service IM cei ducted at the residence by Kran P. I lushes pastor of the tkiiigNflMiutaal church, lie dwelt urMui the letit of human life 114 illustrated in the a- pwiure of -Mrs. liradfonl anfl ad vanced lb roe considcrationn Why our altitude Inward this limitation aaouhl he one of chu ftml grateful ttspiiisv cciice. To the diameter of the Wifc. tln mother, sister, and 'twjgtihc he paid a warm and feeling triliate. Tat uiipiM-r of (bow trntlitrwl tht boii and oiiiside as eery larjjeaed a cin Jurilile muiiiImt went to toe (JeWitery. In her death the (. nmuits fca sustained ue lfw of a cliecrf.U and cniftJ lail, a pant m'ttr ami a &tiat rO. tlu aympathy gea owt !?-' testis; in the ist'licted family. JtEH'lUfItt Of KiaPECT. At A mnpliBir of foe iI(IUNn 111 Cnw va iety held No. 1 1, IHXU tike fulliiwiiif mailvriona t' jixMwtia meruorv of Mrs. W. 1). HraitKl: Vks, Mri. NV.K. ratAt, tM'Ioveil airie an t f.llow tifr In our tieeft raileit nm the of her earthty home and lahoia hp it t.f 1 1), Tbr ia ht hUi thu HtM iety k mh au a4tc wgti ommo her at) onr wat i ter rw ponded irenerouitly b an jiwal ta behalf tf the Nicfe ami NUlfYititf. Kk-ii.v i. Tt.atth uenitwra ef thin a iet t ItPrxt their trf fell avmnafhf to the fnvil buslAnd anil n hotiia rirete bai been 80 rudely f.r. etl I 'J K..i,vkii, Thar Moxpyof nwiin ti4 lie sut ti the aurrovmg family aa a togeo of; ouf and to the iocat in( lr puMiratioa ami aim that they I eotried io tho mintitea of ur M-ie4y. (!. A. Il. Uiml IV . lAtham. ( M. A. HiuiiMoo. IlH.r lor Ji k hat the new aault furnMurr tn tl in hi iiU and i Homeuiiat vaiit of if. iaiifltM M however. He hM a fiiteh for frh lamb and em h hoik is io it niteh. The boioeiy rolinr raefe that haa HtiMal 01 the coaafer haa heen rr nMVil, aud the imitopa whirh it held havehcert pin in the ! parragw With the iater nvoMi. The denla ta one and the uurtiraff ta the other. The r vtit are totter eared for than ever te.r. arxl it nii bare tn well if the ur lurtittjea rvaikl have heea .ut in TWfo'.y years ags but auoh cMjt t not have lawn nace It wu o-t deaig'jod or aaaile then. Mra. II. V. tiatea Tt'CiiVBi di iialch 'fuewliy evening tainf that herein-.. Mi-s I i,iro lAytatt at llei.M 4,ia, !id tavn taken and dwily anddMifcrrooaly HI. The na ture i f the atta h wa not afated, mo- Iv thai it h Uriitiv. Mra. 4iatea took the train MeditmUf oning and wiit rrie at IV"ti rtw, rrwtay, afftrtvitn. Msa l.tatna haa tbited In lliiUN'Maod in r i'brnI i-y many dour yoeiy . It i i'oiniiaiMl of ! one no hat tunija a it f taiwh hy roftil.i.I itt ei ffoii TMte ' terv. Am nif thi wavte are a aum lar of tin rni tU tie va-hhiet rr twk M 'f iaa driiejr aat have hat trulir iu fol 1 en their team Te ittce i a hail damping ground an I oafht 0r to be awd lot that furpie. ticvtfft UxigMy'a little hoy te turnel im the (haalMamaritia fM pttal tlna wet k ahie h ba ra for the tuft Itfleen ff ays Miniler Ireafr meot ha-aiiiK to the strvDtflbenieg of hia ankle and ha t. Ma rareoi ere mm h nlcawd wu ine eller fu favoiaolo reault f the ireatroent new. V. C. VoUtK Will iireax ia KvaiuMlii t Uaxth fn ililMn t uint.fciv.' is iast.. at 7. no and oi ftnndav at II a- 111. ai'l 7 :H0 P. (oiemiinlnn servi.w will bdlaw tha aaotliitic aerojon. Ha- Will W iiM-ach at lleedville at 8 f. al. on - Hunday. tr' !' . A. llitrnirrover Who Iwvfifid the lonir hridtre loal ttli hi,, sad. lie from hia ftw m Thtiraday niirhtofla week. The thief Wha ?,iot aeenaml it aeeana a hard Job to Hnd him, at least he has uot yet been l.iealed. r rt) iJ iTh Philoaoohvllf Fnt and Wor ry" Is the theme of t he paator at the tha si.....iu All o hcraetuiees " w held In Wieii Wstialrdar and I'lrti-e. 'riwi l-ti'.nis.r llarneaa fchey next .i.w.f in iiw I'ost Oilice haa the finest linn of Ian robe and horse Market ever in the viy. ! "' l",.111 ami at them. For the latest and moat popular idmiotfrntihrt call at the New IVtiillo, 1.... i.i.w L ..usi of the Court House, Terry l.Hw, photirapher, llilNlniro Dnvnji. 9 liriie iitleniion of inntraelor la "tlliil l the i hani' in Ihe city adver tisement. Xlf two dilohi to bedmrl3aaaat one. tin to Mrs. O. tl.Wilkea fiif plain lii4 (ivefblcyrt shop. jt". Hot l oiH-nrn and a-anu!flt tlate W. O. llonelson who went on a visit to the "old folks at home" last month returned on Tiieaday inorniuu last. He was in timaha fur a day ,tnl.ttendtvl the fair. The exposi tion an not ta success this year and the pkimotiTS are in debt. 3 earn Mulloy, Weston and Whit moan of Lsurel sohl bihi delivered lib) tHal lsil I4Um of hops rexiviiiK S immm lr suiif.'J'he eyndicale ci til1 at one time have3 Ol'taimsl a hiBia price, but then they were not My to deliv-r hemv lost the oppor tunity. 3 0 . & Tbo a.rti4ns will tfive a literary aayl tiaicil' entertainment at odd b'ellovf' lifll on Tuesilay evenirg aegl. Francis McKenna Httpreme maateraMiii will lie present and fill tall more h I wait fraternal life in- fluranift in 21) minutes than others Wiald kkve you know in a life tune. I I yaiilic Will 1st welcome. r'rtnl T. Stok' H, the wide awake ad re Miner, fas in this city a few dai two doiiiK Ihe Kules and lte;u- lationa tor our leading hotels. CiiieM ll'iivi of Kreat Is'liellt to the baeper of a public house they were aeetly piMiplieil as to be a decided uriitmcnt. Prank la a Hustler and We wiab him sucetss ail along the line. dflj IT COURT DOCKET Mr. Friawll, teliftraphopiTiitorand Ireight agent at the llillsboro atation hawMeii aii(neil to the station at Kali Ilea ia 1iiumI county. DuriiiK the tioie he has ! stationed here baa r.iade many friend aujoiiK the lauioeaa mi aad -In the atx-iety wold, Mrs. b'risiell Will IX' mraaed here. Mr. r'rivelt Will he temporar ily tmerawded by Mr. Beckwith. Kiitertaininetit t"t the la-nefit of Ihe tlounty aionument fawt aitder the anapiera of the W. 1C !. nest Friiiay eae. Nii. nth at tbe Orange Hall. (ten. Summer and pt. Melamnell will ewak, eharae- irng ay Mr. ant Mr. jian Kenop. Moaic furniheit by hnuie talent, fhiiken pie train A till 8 o'ctia-k. Prograrn aad supper, 2.rc Program, lth. Mr. G. 1. Thorne baa lieeo slivkiug p hia farm not north of hwa. lie ha removed alt partitwin ftwira and tbe bnlge rowa that vrew heaide. Theae ha.1 been there ft twenty or more yean. Tha tract of .laud ia OiW-b tmureee! in piemraaiw. Hut whet annoy Mr. Thorne mmt In Ibe gophera. Ife m vow after there and geta two or three every day when it ia pleasant enough tut him to be out. The funeral of dourad lig who suddenly died on the Hout hern l'aci dc train iaat week iliuatratea the lien eGta of fraternal organiaatin. It waa known to but few that Mr. F.wig waa a weniber ot Ihe A. (. U. W. Not w aiaio a his death was re ported the fcidge Iwre took the mailer h hand ami relieved tne iiereaveo faaiily of all detail. Undertaker tnukin went to Oregon t'ity. re- eeiveil the tensaina from the cornier and in the ahrht drove to Portland a to catch the morning train for fliilaburn. Here the lodge 'took charge uaioif the lieautiful ceremiiDy prearribeil for in h ocuaaiuna. tOCBT HOUSE. IHII NtV VRT M V Drown L llearb, eale con. Brmed. tkirwin A Wxter w Fowler, aale ennflrikied. it W Patterwm a H H Riithey exe- tntur, aetiottt money. Jkmorrer In (ttmplaint oterruhxL rmifiTi. tt John ' Hmttb deed; Inventory I ?'"' hht. Ktt Bernard Mi Keuoa deed; claim wT Jamea Harare on Lronissorw aote I III I. id allowed. Administrator author! b lirow kki witb Whiehto fy del it a. Fat it II tirifflndivvi; retort filed ad appro veit. Adniinmtrator aath uritnd to Inrraw !"" With which i ty elaj tn. Kt i t: laanan deed; dual ao mwa I fileil and Monday Ikn- 18 set he it ataainatioa. :eei Paralg deed; final unaii Rlew ami Monday Ikr is art lor eeiaiaUei. attkarrail Kng decil; arfmiiteil to Mlte. Fnderifea Sang aix ardatad adwiniatrairix with ImukI liked at Vaa M i. ileodrii deed; eatate ad mitted an pmmt. (' W Hendrix kpfaantol administratrix, bond l, KM. Appmrwr F. Hliulinernli, J Aababr ami V Johnson. klAHKIAdK I.lfKNsK. Liflenaa to wed were issued Nov. 13 to John Carlson 27 and Kriieatina (luieke 20; and Wm A Itritton 5.1 and Katie Huiejner 1, Nov I I Simon I Taylor 20 and Anna Wallan 20. Ist Thuravhty evening Justice W. D. r'mith took to wife one of Hills boro's beat known and highly rsper- ted aoclitv women, Miss Minnie Willis. The wedding waa a very nulet one onlv the moat Intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith moved home on Friday and at once took un the mosaic duties of tionirrcgatloniil church, 11 a m, netif(.. Thl I iiWoro cornet band sere r : ... Iu. .1 (, 'I'.,.. tui nad.d oft Wwy evening. caaion waa a pleasant (wa.y The oe- Trtu Follotoing cases tcill be Inrastitfatcd at this ' term of cof rt A. I.0NU f 1ST F CASKS The IsKiuarterly tmi'ting of this Conference year will be held In ite Methodist church Satuniay evening, and Hundav morning. Itev. 1). A. Walter the A'rcaiding Klder will hold the tiuarterly Conference Sat urday evening at 7..10. Sunday morning the rresiding Klder ww preach and administer te sacrament of the lorit supper, amra oti tatlon to attend is extended to all. Thn liiilfl a vear old daughtir of W. K. I'rowt l Kinlon eciid ntally drove the point of a p;nbife Into her left eye, on Tuesday last punc iurinir Ihe eyf Mow Ihe pupil. Dr. T.inklaler who drase.l Ihe wound houea Io wve the eye but ia not ccr taifl that hiAi. . a ... - 1 bere are but very few frfrluar uit ifuite a auiulier f new 07KstD M Hrialley insolvent, Tongue atly. !)(M) H Morton insolvent, Tongue atty. 01 1 Hradley A Metealf Oi v T H tJorneiiua, action for money, Tongue lor deft. !:"! Fat I) Mcpherson inaol, Tongue a! ly. 9 !C? J A Hoffman v I K K1 wards fori closure. !) lit Kst T U Cornelius insolvent, Tongue ally. !Hi Fat H I I'owell insul. Barrett ally. ' liiil.'i Mary M Shejmrd v A Frame, fonslorture. 1 101 II Weh rum; A 'l v II P Ford replcvl, H union aud flow man f-r p!T, Tongue deft. 1 1IS VM Ft! Door A LumUr Co insol, 'roiigue atty. llZ'.t liowlhy A Ntinehcomb Insol, rougue lor aaaiguee. 1 I'll J Johnson v J W Kldridge, foreclosure. I2(.U Z Snow and S H Huston v litli Monroe et al, touity, Tongue for deft. l;ill Aa-ignment lioos A Heil.hau- scn inaol, liarrett atty. 1121 F li W inters v ( F Hedrick et al action for money. VMH A Schafer v S Htein et al suit to set aside deed. 1.112 W T lJunnel ailm v A N Da- vies, action for money. liliill 11 M Tims v A ltrand et al, action for money. i:l! J II D Uurnier et al v I t Wheeler et al, suit to aet aside deed, Huston for ilt ft. - l;i!iS H 11 Adams v J Carlson et l coiilirmation. 1115 Portland Trust Co v AL Md-ieod, (onlinoalion. ll'j.i W 11 HtutM.beaiil v It Itrowne et al, action for money, Hus ton lor pi If. q 14:12 It N Ueimliach v uertuile Ueioiharh, unit for partition. 1440 Km W I'orttr, inaol. 1 Mil list A l'fanner, inaol. Hiwton atty. 1 17:1 Ore Mlg l a limited V 11 1) tlrvant et el, torechieare. 14t2 WJ V'eiiPk huyver A Co v 11 K Patiiei, anil to aet a.-iide deait, liarrett any. 14'.) 1 Aroeriran MfgCo JW llob- ai et al, fohxluaure. 1 UHI C C Dailies ex V J Voha, fore- cliMiire. loite W I' Lonl et ai v (1 II Dun n et al, Tungue for plir. I.":t7 (hrman Savings A lan aoc 10 K Jones et al. U:i7 C A Yolier W H H Morrill et al, lori'diHUie. ir.r: li uiugiuin v u ntiencer et hi action for money. l(i.ri,H H W llwaee v IS A liarrett et al to act aside action. 1 ."..".: A J Fa n no v V Hall et all, fons-losure. Ii7:l Mary O'lirien v J and H II Walker part it ion Congue A rougue lor pill. 1 i,H0 Mary H llr.Kk t JO Wisa a'iion for money. I'.s;! Jcinir llainea v J Is Ileviney et ai, foreclosure. 1(()2 Stat of iri'gon v Wash Co., actual fur money Hajr, J A Imhlieelerk v J W u k- en et al foreclosure, Tongue A Tongue for vlff Hilt) W V Lonl t't al V 1 Ie, et al connriBatioo Tungigi A Tongue,for pur li'il I Lillie E Meyer w L H Meyer divorce. H12.'. A 11 M aw h v D A Carter el a I, action for money, Ilualou for irr M J Summons y E U MalilK et al torei-liWMre. t haa Mitchell w E C Hughes etal, Wall for plff Kills Anna tiuackeabush v W T I'.annell, action for money I (;.!!) Anna (juaefcenhush V C II llunuell, to ret-over Malty Hill) Jennie lleid v O Johnson et el, foreclosure IGl- T J lira met v 1 Alien action fot damages (slander) Smith A IloW man for pllT. 11)18 Theresa Schmidt V J Merkie, contlrmalion. ltil!) Capilola Cox v Mary ISIack i ll et al suit to set aside disil, Hag ley for pllf lti',0 A Johnson v F T I5erry, coii lirmation, Wall for plir-r Hi.VJ C F Castivl v 'Tualatin Mill Co action for damages. lli.hl American TyK! Fimnders C Austin Craig, action for meney. lt5M Ilclle Fm man v T S tsirne lius anil for possession of real proja r ty, IIimIoii for pllT. Iti.V.) All'snce Trust Co v 8 II tlumphr')s et al, foreclosure. Uii i I W D ISradford adm v Alex E O'lnundet ux, continuation, llagley for plff. Ititi7 John W Shute v (1 W Miller et al, action for money, Tongue for pllf anil Wall for delt. O'lirien in, auit, lAKJIXUTO. The nult of the recent elecllons held in many of the eastern slates was received with eat wfaclion by the peoph here. Misses Heltie and Annie Jack were guests of the MtasesJiobinin, Sunday last. The prevailing rainy weather has caused our smoothly paved roads to turn to lanes of mire, upon which we must gaxe nnlil next sum mer. Mr. Sam Horrenson has movee with hls fntw4lyj on his old place. Ssm has, for Ihe past two yertH, la-n a renter on the ...Witch Har.el farm. Says he has eaViu!h of farming and will cut wisxl fur the rail road. i Marisurea fcr having a Christmas entertainment-'' and tree were taken at the Christian Sunday Schnt1 last Sunday. Mr. I lent y Jack visited his cousin Miss Arminta CanipU'll. Sunday. Ererclses in spea)ing and sipglWjtT every Friday evenint- lr. Floyd Hrovrff was sgreenhlJ surpsil on Friday eve. when quite a flii'j ber of'aung sople dnpel In on him. The occasion was bis 22 1 birth.Wy. store. Ner stikk of Uuibrellaot t-ihul-merich A Mod's. 0 F. J. liarber barf put iu tistie V of cigars a cigarettes. Horn Nov. P. liogueand wi - .it fa 4 ! gtotl to J. a Uirn .i v. 9 at West Union Jacohaou and wife, a son.; The best I119 efill it y Just arrivtsl at to I' c Son rss gmals in the Schulmeiich A Wna! If you want one you cau aavavfrutn I0 to flo by buying from Safiulmeiicb A Hon. 3 Mian Emma Coleman formerly a teacher in Ihe put. lie acluMiLjs a guest with Mr. E D. Thorne and family. Call on F. J. ilaata r, Second street if you want a tirst-elaas shave or luiir cut. Try hia baths, either hot or cold. landed shotgun shells at Sclnilinc rich A Hon. Loaded witli native son smokelea- and black pnwdei all ahelis Kuaranteeil. liieycli-a and tyiwrilers repaind also umlirellas repaired and recov ered at O. U. WilKa" one diair tiorih of Hillslairo hotel. Fruit , canning seaaon ia now here. Home will keep and aoii w ill spoil unless you use the Vacum j ira lor aale ly J. M. llrown. To exchange House and three tin proved Iota in Hillalairo with city water, orclrinl, for improved, proper ly in or near Forest Jrove.'J W. II IJox 112, llillsboro. Schuimeritta A Hon have purchased some wagons from the factory and can sell them from 17 to I5 cheaper than othei dealers. They sell a :i ate'l akein 3 inch tire, all complete for 80. A yearling billy goat, with a red ribbon lied on the horns, has strayed from my premises at the fair grounds. I will give 5.00 to any one finding and returning wune to me. Time. 11. Tongue. Wm Mohr makes taaita at l is shop on Second stni-t, llillsboro, for 5.ft) ar pair, sewed shoes for -V and givs special attention to repair ing. Ileuses only first-grade stock which enables him to guarantee his work. Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronic constipa tion. Karl' Clove Itoot Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an alftOluto guarantee. I'rice 25 i ts, and 00 cte. lvita Drug S'ore. Sick heailachea, the curne of over worked womankind, are ituickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Ji-M)t Tea, the great blood puritier and tis sue builder. Moony n.'fundi4d if not satisfactory. Price 25 and M eta. at Delta, Many a lovi-r hiw turned with diM gust from an otherwise lovable girl With an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea purifies the breath by ita action on the bowels, etc., a nothing else will. .Sold tor years on absolute guarantee. Plice 25 eta, and 5ucts at lX lta. How ia your wife has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipation, Indi gestion, Hick Headache are the prin cipal causes. Karl's Clover lttait Tea has cured these Ills for half a centu ry. Price 25 ctn, and 50 els. M oney refunded if n suits are not satis factory. Delta Drug Store. What ia Hhilob? A grand old rem edy for Cough, Colds and Consum ption; used through the world for half a century, baa cured innumer able cases of inclpioflt consumption and relieved many in advanced stag es. If you are not atifld with the results we Will refund your money. Price 25 and 60 obi aad $1.00. Delia. Doyoif know enra-amption ia pre Venlahle? Neiemv has proven that, and also that neglect ia suicidal. The Worst cold or cough can tat cured with Kliiloh's O ugh and Consump tion Cure. Mold on positive goanm tee fi over fifty year. Delia Drug Store. On every bottle of 8liilnh's Con sumption Cure la this guarantee: "All we ask of you is to uae two-tbinls of the contents of this laittle faithfuily, then if you can nay you are ia bene, fftcd return the taittle to your lug gist and he may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts, and 50 eta and ll.(M). Delta Drugstore. Beautiful complexion is an im (sisaibility without giaid blood, - the sort tiiat only exists in cnnmvtinn with gcssl digestion, a healthy liver and Isiwels. Karl's Clover Id a it Ten ads directly on the laiwels, liver and kidneys keeping them In ierfcct health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. at Delta Drug Store. W. 1). Hare at the Orange store is carrying a line line of plows this fall from the Oliver plow works. Tint factiaTy refused to join Ihe plow trust and nipiires dealers handling its product to sell at the old prices. The result is that Mr. Hare has the Oliv er 14 inch plows at from 111 00 Io 15.00 depending on the style. Other sizes go at Ihe old taipular figures. At the same place purchaaers will rind a fine line of aloves both lor the kitchen and the aitting room togeth er with a large stork ol pipe and elbows. ) 1MPR0VIXGTUEIR MILL 1 he Climax Milhna Co. die Putting in nan lnasiaitf t'ltj th trppk XATIVK0 HaViJII IFKS Mt.V.t m. TAS TKD- 8KVKKAI. ItKlliHT AND huiifrit roiis to rt pn-M-n u ni maiiiwe' 01 thw Ml i'Iom; Iijt rcamiun. 8alury t ' a y ar nail Xmmis.i Htriu'lit, bonn-l'nh'. no morw no li'sa ilnry. I'o Mt.u jsrmain'iit tlur relerrin, v linnk in amy tiwn. It In mainly olluf wo-k ci"irt'il at licae1 Uifrniir. Kih-Usp s'lf-lllll'.s.seflc, ami ntuiliscl cn vi'lop.'. Tim llomiiiMin Ol'iiipaiiy, li.,t ;t, C hii-an. rl l ui'silay Kvculiiir aud OrfuMlae a I hIiIii lull attrnilauee Is rriuehteil. The Climax MiMing CoiiiSaay do nut hesitate to spend money when La so doing their plant is improted. The latest addition to the machinery ia a new attachment plains! at the tail of the rolls and called a scroll grinding mill, it is round in practice that the last mil discharges a thin wafer that tn'n giMid ll iur will not pass thru the lain. 1 ne new null takes tins pro duct and prcires it for bolting. With it iiiorwllour can 1st obtained from a bushel of w heat. This is the first machine to come to Ihe state, The Salem mills had a machine in tended to do the same work but it w as an older form and was burned with Ihe mill during state fair weefc. It is reasonable to infer however that it w ill not lie long before all the mills in trie a:ate adopt the w roll grinding mill. A cabin of Native daughters till he in Wehrung hall's next Tuesday evening, Mra. Miller and Mrs. Edith Weathered with their assistants coming out for that pur pose. Eligible candidates who want to he on the charter should be pre sent that evening. Who are eligi ble? Ladies of IS years and U wards who were Isirn in Oregon. Names entrusted to Mrs. D M. C. Uault w ill lie prois-rly placed before the cabin. The P. U. f sit I ml I team went to Salem last Saturday to play the Wil lamette Uniwcrsity team. Our team had protested several players that rumor raported as memlMrs of the Salem team oil the ground that they were not bomlide students. The protest was of no avail and our boys played the Salem men. At the etid of the first half after having lost two balls by unfortunate fumbles, the si-ore stood ( to 0 in tavor of Haleui. Then it looked like the P. U. team would Win, hut early Iu the last half Tongue right fai kiews put out of the game by hia opponent Young who ia reported to lie a profeaaiooal. Tongue's plaw could not I filled at) the game commenced going against Formt drove. At the close ol the game the score stood 2i to 0 iu favor of the Salem team. -'Salem leain" is used purposely for it waa got a college tram, oiily aa Willamette University loaned its name. There were but three or at mort four gen uine students who played. Savage ia i drayman in the city. Sanders is a teacher in Chemawa Indian scIkmiI. Jessup is a practicing dentist. Young is a professional from Portland. Holt is an attachee at the asylum where he put iu full time. The collide ia censuratile f)r enrolling tbeae tieo aa students when they of an evening went to some down- town ball aad listened for au hour to a rambling talk 011 law. They never read a page of a text book during Ihe day. The I NDKfKNliK.NT calls to mind some thing that whs said last summer in the convention of college presiilents thai was in radical opposition to foot 11!, charging immorality etc. it is further believed that It was the pres ident of this Salem college who thas talked. The Forest (lr ire team waa U'aten, hut it comes home honora bly. Tbe college foot bell league was composed of P. U., O. A. C, V. oto., Albany and Willamette Uni versity: Uetause of the off color of the Willamette team the U. of O. and O. A. C. have withdrawn from the league, P. U. will do su. and unite with the two former to eittiatiiiite a new league that shall stand for pure and clean athletics. Sahati and Al bany remain in thio'd league. Sal em claiaw the iiant for Ih'.m, and sini there ia no one disputing tbe claim, 8avagc, Voting and Holt can l k it. Dead totter UU The following ia a list of letters re maining uncalled for in tbe postottloe at tlillatMiro, Nov, 1Mb 18''9: W W Jenkins, Mrs Pelton, Mr Al Sayft.r. All letters not iwlled for by Nov. 25, will be sent to the Dead Uler office. One cent will be charged for inch letter called for. H. Sen 1,1, Mtlticil, P. M. wilh fresh One JrrcyfVw attMl fi ymr., Inriri! lunin on left side. Will l tins month. August. One 2-yttir slit hrlfer, t tle.l roan, tine yrarlinc heifrr, blue. One jrarlinv heifer, rel. I.iIsthI rewnrd ntlrrwl. MR. I- liK.CKKl:, Slsitlr. I'eKl OliMf, Washington County. w iHiM)n!sj!oin:Rrisi; Wisdom's Iloberline correrts all blemishes of the face: and makes a beautiful complexion. g4'lta 'ruK 'iliree selns.l districts in the tate, laigeue, Mt. Tnbor Multnomah Co. and Salem have adopted savings banks. A regular savings batik bus iness is done. Tbe interest paid leas itorsis.1 er cent. The f.riinipai of Ihe school is the manager of the hank. The Mt. Tabor liank has 171 on ilcponlt. The evangelistic meetings helil this week in the Christian church have been well altcndcd am! much Inler est has lieen arrousl. Elder. J. F. Olionnley Is lalsiring there this wiek. T he social meeting of the Kp worth Eeague announced for Friday even at the Melhisllst par image has been postponed one w-k on account of the monument entertainment. Dr. Lowe, the optician, Is coming s mn, Mold Tea MM.Iiivrty rurrs Sick icail ii'lii-. ielii! Hiion ii1 eoiistipxlion. A ') LAte tint lierli ibnik. lo iimvin all erna lioni. of tic nkin, piiKlueiiiL' a perfis-t nini )li'ion, or niom-y jrfilmli-il. i"i rls. uml cts. I lip Ih-lluefaViiif More. a EafIH bort" 0 "the UREASE helm the IB.m. Saves wmr 1 exine. hold eTrywbcre. . f R PT aTANOao o0 co. U" 1 - - 4 .Quality It is the high quality of Royal'Baking Powder that has established its great and world - wide reputation. Every housewife knows she can rely upon it ; that it makes the bread1 and biscuit more delicious and wholesome always the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way better to use the Royal, whose work is always certain, never experimental. There are many imitation baking hiV p!, made from alum. T hey may lost less per pound, but their use is at the cutt of health. MOVAL BAKINQ POWDtR CO., NEW VORK. . Never experiment with so important an article as the human i- v I food C"') DHlMlTATOI HO Ticst or mli or LAUD. NOTKK IH HERKHY (ilVKN THAT in pursuance of an nrilcr ami Uis-ns-iniidf by the I ounty Court of the htilu of Oregon, fortlie I'oiuity of Wiishintou, on 1 lie mh day of Novemis-r ls!, 111 the mut ter ol the KHtutuof Anderson Hiiiith. itec'tl.. and to me Aa mhuiiiiHtriitor-de-bun s-non of suid estate, directed, 1 will tilt at public auction to the highest bidder at tin- houtli door of the Court House in llillslsiro, WuslihiLrtou county, (IroKon, on Haturday tin-tli h day of Uwemlivr, IStW, at the hour of 10 o'cloea in the loreniHiu of said day. for cash in hand, a'.l of that piece, parcel and tract of land, iyiiiK being and situate within WaHhiiiKton county, Oregon, and being more particularly bounded, designa ted niiiI dnwrihed an fofl iwv, towit: CoiiimenriiiK ut a point on the towimhip line Is-twern lownshipH No. t North, Kaiie i West and township 2 North, Hanee 'i WcMt20cli8 Kut of the West line of the 1'onatiou tana Claim of said Anderson Hmilb and wile. I hence North 4 oil chs. more or less to the renter of the Creek known a Mi Kav Creek, Thence til. the center of sail! Creek Willi the nieanderine thereor to the mouth 01 the stream known as fieaverdam Creek in mid Douution baud Claim. Thence up the center ot said Iteaverdam Creek with the meandcrinirn thereoi to a line running directly North and Piontli through the North-west romer of tlie Ilonatimi Land I liiim of William Karris in section HI, township 2 North, Halite i West. Will. Ner. Thence Mouth alone; II i WMt line of sitid Uurria claim to thetknlih line of the herth half of the IHination Land Claim of said Anderson Hniitli and wife. Thence West on said Houth line to a poiat due Houtti from the place ot lieirinniiiK I hence orlli to tlie place of taiK'nnl'iff. contaiiiiiiK torty-live ( l,'i) acre, more or less. K. A. HA I LEY, administrator de-lonis-noii of the estate of Anderson Smith, deceased. '-2J NOTICE rB PITBLICATION fwian Orru a at Obios ('itt, tUmnn. Novenber 4, ls!W. NOTICE 18 KKKKBY OIVKN THAT the lollowina-naineil settler has tiled nolieeof his attention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and Unit said proof will be made before Co. Clerk of Wash. Co. at HillsUiro, (It'll., on Itoe. 2, lsi, viz: ALKKitT 11. ItANKIN; 11. 1.. "STii lor tlie N W of 8.s m. T 2 N of It 9 W. He names .lie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mid land, vix: Keiijaimin A Collin ot l-ir, On'coli. Nicholas 0. Lilly. Creek, Oievon. John K, Lilly W lliiam 1. Slicrer CHA8. B. MOOI'.RH. 2520 NClec f Aaalataaeait K-atr. N.'ti' ia liarahf al ven that the nncler- siftneil has hiau duly apisiintel t'spctitor of the laio Will aad teetunent of John C. Smith iliN-naard, late of ashiDtfton coinilv Oreaon, sad that hn has duly niiaiilied aesiicli in the county court of the elate ot Oregon tor wasaington is). All srsniie theseiure having claim airainst said estste are hereby reqiiosteil and repiireil txiprment them with proper vouchers tlie law otiae ol 1110s. 11. A K. H. Tongue in llillsboro WaHhington con nly (iretron. Within six months from tlie 'lt hereof. IlilWsiro Oreiton Nov. 10, 1S!W. ('II AKLES ItKKXAKD, I jeetilor of the lust will ami testa ment of John C Hinitli deceased. CuUrrb Taanot he Cured with local spplications, as they cannot teach Hie seat of the disease. Catarrh is a l.hssl or constilutional disease, and in er dertorure it you must take internal rem edies. 11. ill s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts din-etlv on the I.IikmI and mue'oiis surlai-es. Hall's Catarrh Cure js not aUiu k medicine, it was prescribed by one of 'be ls-st physicinns in this coun try for years, and as a regular prescription. It is composed if the rst tomes know n connined with the ls-st Wood pnriliers, aet inirdirec. ly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect coiiibination of tlie two ingrcd cuts is wl.ut prisluees sncli wonderful resul s iu curi' K CatJirrh. hend for testimonial '"Address, IU. CHkiNKY A Co.'lToledo.O H0I1I Itjr IiriiirKists. 7.rc. (tail's Kan. ay Pills are the best. Xetlceal Final (Heltlrtnent. The liuost liiurof toilet articles and dniir sundries in tlui County always kept at the JJCltct Our own specialties" are good values, because they are made from tried form ulas, the pure and fresh Our line of patent med icines is complete. Careful attention given family receipt. Drug StOrC these "facts in your brain. 3 fc HAVE YOU USED & BUTTER PARCHMENT? 3 72 & IE . All Rilt-edgcd butter put on the mar ket by creameiios is wrapped in patter. The product of the private daily would reach its market in much lettei condi- . tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped in cloth. Parchment is not only lietter than cloth but cheaper. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard Irom which 27 sheets can lie cut 27Parch ment wrappers cost 2 cents. 3 3 3 3 3 3 500 ShePts 8x1 1, 500 Sheets. 8x13, 50 cts, 55 cts 3 tatnlard sir for 2-pouud rolls is 8i I inches; 2-potind blocks are wrapjied in the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not lieen generally used heretoiore, fanners could not get it at the general Mote It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. ?.muimutmmmuiUiUiunutamK itfmtttttttttttmftfntimwty ...Ladies' Misses' andj gE Chi Idrcns' Seal and 3 j ,i saw Plusli Capes, also Nofieu is hereby eiren that the under siitneil has file.LI'(r-,'insl acrotint ss ad ministrator of Jlip estate ol t'h. P. ( Mi rer deceased, in the county court of the state of OreironJIor Wrslnnirton miitity, and that said court lias -iinlel Mmulf . the 4th day of Herein te, ll'.Kl, at Til o'clis k in the forenoon of sl day as the tune lor newrms; orieeinus w snrn tinal account and for the ttleuient thereof. f. T. UNKl.ATKP.. Administrator of ths rotate of ( has. P. Oli Xf deeesseil, '''tti liTT. liagle AtWrnjjlor ssUta. m j Fur Collarettes, just Efrom the factory aU. 3 UUUiiUtitililtiiUiUltUUltU; a