Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 17, 1899, Image 2

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    ". i-
KuUrad In tlx potjfttcs at IHllaboro, Or
as MCOud-clitM uiU luatlvr.
Biikawripllon, in advance, per yttP; 11.50.
LL8BOKO ruiiUtUlINti Co. Prop.
itc- OAULT. EUitor.
imrrtvtAV rricq or run vit
Troops in Houth Africa &r trans
ported in ordinary box can. It In
only in thin country that'uHmans
are provided for enlixttMl men, and
consilium no more than their Just
Taylor, elected governor of Ker.
tucky over Uoebel by'frotn 3,000 to
5,000 majority, will not receive bin
certificate f election. The Louis
ville vote which gave the republican
cfndidtte 2,000 majority id to I
throWn out. Tho-e votes were cast
for Taylor and the intention of the
elaetor tA'iiiR tnon they ought to
ht untai for the cimliJt Intend-
f l iteWiMtUe iift, the Arjut
TfUA thaai, Ust nm albbfully uub
isl M (ifcpatcl to fa I'ft-ci
tfa.ts If 60, imif ba
jraeur VM AtaKw by 35 Sks
antil oa ioiat Imlb. It bo
alas. iaaa lUlla' aasViii
"If is totts ta ao )ataA a
as taa m aaa ttas
XJ slant t'Auf tba i'AiMW prima
sjuaistrt tetviaM l&e l'ait tw
naoiiMtt tb iHilipi1" or Is Af-,
inlIi. at is really to to fnml
the of Mm tatwaua will avia
te fakm. Tfca Unite Ntalaa las
toeaer saa fern aa isvaoojr or jaiJ
fhbut o on. Brlfwirjr way to !
ental diplocjoiry, but it ta wait
tor torftub pfiss t nlant.
Atfiai WiUl flartnoD a haa
appeared lately to that la tba H.
Louis ! )oatat ofin vxb
lost. It rvvrowata Mr Lfm tnden
ocratie candidata ritwftt of
tihit), ailtfog oo tba tuttian of a bar
rel tbat baa Ntrat ita iwnpa. Tna
ttttM ara lyi ail atxut bim
ataadiag kia4y at Ma law-t. His
ftfiul rata la tia btadA and tllovc
ta IhkMn. Thcoarapaifa aspaa-
aea btTa nnptifld tna harrtl, ha ia not
gna eraa rart aixt tbara ia aotbiog
left Cnc Kim a'pt Mark dispair.
'rty tbotaud Ibwvaa, Oitrira,
drunk aril i anit Itheriiiiea ia bat
nana of th aati-aspanaioiiiBta dc
mnaiitat (tot artoy ia tba rMlip
pUm. A diipauA ftmm loaolktoia,
iapao " diffwrant try. It
feada : "Th lant regiauent f r&
(am log volanteera, Twaocaancaea,
paaaed tbro bera teat vaaft and tba
xot at pi I raxnli oaf y rrnr uadc fty
aoy army bi t uv utatpWta and u
tunikaa. T4 thourd tnia
tav anpait trx city Aa? aa aag
orttpodaya and aigbta witooat tba
slighteet dtstartaDt ttt any kind."
A vlaiCut tbia qrmk who waa in
Mebraaka tfortog tba canav and
tarted veet tba day aAet eliti
aayatbat tba najirity for tba fmdoD
ticket ia oat at ail t 6a ennaidpted
flattering km Urjtn or bia aoae. Tba
candidttea ratni mt tanning
for anptwa iadga. Many lm-toi
Igonml pnlitioa i aopimrtiog a man
lot tba jdiciafy. Itfyao'a anU-at
pansiito entimcnta hava it blm
BCore ui iapirtr it avery envnty
ad bad ba tonttib tba UU-Xel bim.
aetf. a ary differaot rmutt arid
bl f bees abuwn. Tbatmopir at Sa.
brajtba at aia of to wotk Uam by
thai vditMnra and tb pniVy
wUndraaiog Irak (be rbdippiftaf
la qnpivpalM.
Tna nworry nawapatieia ara not
bti0( ( ra-b taatatK liom falling
lH pieaat Jae. tima a
Itbea fbry tatuld yubiiab and Uta )
WtlatbUkanaat ain.J, t it ia dif
Jbrent ota. Type Naa gutta op D
If la tba ilca .rf tarn mlwf ttf Ua
mora. I'apet baa ado-i thai
aoakeatba aatty puMishe ratrb
bla breatb atbUa wage arr atatfing,
Tba Want Nida at IndrpvndeOi
kMowt bot tbia IieoUand tba ptn
ptto&v mmm bia plant t prirmt
tf at art ait a wm paper, fh ptiot
at fnt tt a paprra and threw op
latkajaa o)a i' par wrk
aaajHiaaw aaa vft ftal btU
aVkffa fck. Hat)
IMA baa papcta ittJy aoa
VldsataiSjtiac aaajy of V),H
tm, M b paik ha4ta tsa
fUt llminUtittion, tha ijeaawig b
t 8 Is not likely to ll lloV b)!50,
000,0(1) t r- By tt t ing thefJM il of
lmperiglistu a lirvaM cf gknsfdns
lll tie resiH'tl, ntl the peialot nhr4
and the pension shark,' arcoupllce
will once BiaW Tficfet-w and multl
ply. K. (. What would the Kast
yregonian, who speaka Uw above
sentiment, have ns drV? Shall we, as
cowards, throw our arm to ouf eyt
and cry "quft?" It Is remembtr(l
that early In IriOS the K. ). id
associates were inianilingv. the rec
ognition of the Independence of Cuba
which would as stirt fy have brouit
war as the blowing gp of the Maine
AVe can't have war withnufensions.
The lxnFrK..siKXT regrets that
noney rfia iff 6? paid to disabletl Ri
soldiers. lndtHd they them.elve
Would prefer their perfect txxliea to
the pension with the disability. Hut
there are thing wipe IhSiiTrtr Aid
pension rolls. 81 TTs cowarttlce,
aglnuoring New, a bUh rail-
roa-1 authority aaya that bulk freight
on steel rails in 2,000 tons paying
load can be transported for one tenth
of a cent per toi per mile not includ
ing terminal charges. This rate
woiyd puf our Hillsboro freight Ittfo
Portland at 2 cents per 'bsrul
tx'fore that rate cftjld be liven, tl
road would have to be laid with
heafy steel ralf the heaviest en
gluea would have to btaUistalled aud
the heavy grades over tha mountain
would IfKve to be leveled and most
important of alt the countr would
have to furnish the freight to brans
nort. Knirineerinir News further
faints out that natural .water ways,
rivers, canals.and lakes.'are not to be
made to compete with railroads,
since it costs more to transport freight
by water than by rail. Both systems
have terminaljcbargesi and those by
water are greatest Diversion p( traf
tic to waterways means higher rates
for freight moved by rail, since the
cost ban to do loom oy a amauer voi-i
ume of traffic. Hince water annuot
be a competitor, railroad tarlfls must
be regulated by government control.
It is of course agabt'public Interests
that trafic should be diverted from
the railways. The public though
can always;be" protected since the
right of the government to fix and
riatulate railway rates has been fully
estabKfhe. It would m there
foae tbat the Unitod Htates exercis
lay tha 11 link cftoh'a usually coitced-
bi biwiifii nbtion, Vobld hajsi
ta)talBia yKoiiKting by natiosal
ai tba ajrt"K r tn Nictaau
iW. Wof v (iaawt fHih aaa
iim) wdM coitiont iUt
ibt tbay taaaaikjaatia ikaaa
ralearftl iniaa t Amgbta.
aTf tJUk
h Qotoer giaot a tfttiaatuak ia pro
,iMt Tba talngtapb, teirpbunaaod
ctbia uaDpaaiaa at to to tunUda
tad. Tba aaaitbiaat aao in tba
United Mtataaara tibid It. Tba
aama of tba nra anntpany ia fo hv
tba tntinentai Ttagtpa, f riephtma
A C'aW tympany, It u ytoptavil ta
tialais tba miat tranaatiaabm uf
eln'tricai meaaagaa ail uvat tba gtob,
paxticalariy is tha Vaited Htatea. If
tbia ia os4 &n atnatg agitation
ill be began f gnvvtnmeat tele
graph and tetaphroa.and tba time
will to tip Ait it p be beela of
tbia MM4idatiift. Capital, and tha
grant hr4iinf it, ia fast driving gv
evnmnnt la tha emlrai of pater
aaiiam, trbirb, io itself la a great
atil. ast Orcgonlon.
Iodicationa jwiiot atrongly to fraud
in tha Kentucky electMna. The
(etiei eiertioo lav which waa foisted
upon tha prnpla of tbat state ia an in
famta a autraga, and ita aathot witf,
it ia believed, rmfft t tba worst
rt nt fraud ia trying to count bim-
seif ia. Alhany Herald.
Canadiana are great oa loyalty
until ia cornea to putlit g up the
nonney. The two reglutenta of aipa
that tha MootfKsJ Htat aaid gaust be
quipped, trans purted paid arnl pen-
smkm by the Xkantoion in aid Of
Kogleud io the Mouth African war,
haa dwindled to one tegimeaC, end
threat Britain atands all the expense
attained to Us enlistment. Uraat
hluffera, thw British taajslni of ours.
HcMionfllle llpiirter.
A notable incident to the cam
paigo o tna r&uippioea is that no
prisoners are taken by tba Ameri
can. Tbia naturally leads inne to
believe tha auiiioios that tiaibarous
metrwaiw ara bring auiployad ara not
Without reasiiii. A pretty outcomt
fur war twvan in the "interests of
boiuaoiiy" and KAtiaued fit "tba
dvaoAMnent of livUiiation," Kartb
YaouhUl JiMriitd, denx)-pir.
What dn the atadiiw hoya and
Ibeif friends think of tbia dnrlafa-
tusK? ibaw tbia gang of flag farlera
think onouent tbat they aiaitd
perusd apt. Heath to ecrrpt i
aisstiaatMio f ciangresa on plat
Ittnr tt prlotspiee. which declare
that be aod the teeve hoys who
wight aodt hin ware agaoof
tifcaat thirsty tarbariims.' Wrt
If Cept Heath baa spark nf self re
prrt, and we guess he baa. Halo
Ttie latest is tbat Aguioaldu be
nflored bia hiretinga 4 oVl
tera D every tight eat hfoagbt la
bwkedfiff at a AaMrn iMieK
Ilada't twite eod this i(kri
at by fieibg swioa isibla mf ityrs to
the af diarae lihgrty, the rigjt
KkMtaatfiaf y is shown by
S) stVritice of He A. Sears. He
bia) small orchard in Hood Uiver
wbiclr he aiirtyed several tlnips dur-
lisj thetttson, and his crop netted
lull 600 txixes of apples which eom-
aud fl.75 ptr byx. Not 2 per cent
of his crop was worm, against 50
er cent of orchards not sprayed
rltfht shout him, the fruits of which
are unmarketable. When a person
buys witfutjf: Si'ks he encouragl
thrift fn moths which destroy orch-
s rds. M oro ( )reveeis
The most gratifying feature of the
late elections is ia,
fart that thefnot fiHind. The
hiititat mintiv firinniijA Cd ff.iin.l
fiV bxltfrrtiiit In bisinfc cfrclesj11"1'' The Insurgesnls s l reab)
and that tl e W tory won In IS1W ia
still popular and enduring. Honest
noney sn.l a thoroughly sound finan
cial poTfcy for the maintenance of
public and private credit, were
among the,jng settled by the
elections In lfe.5 fi, and prsctlcslly
the same Irwin-, with tha sdilition of
lata iiftlional quuntiou, were before,
the (ple thU year, for their up
proval. McMinuville Kt-porter.
If more evidence were needed of
the wlxdom of Jim Hill' action in
exUblirthiug a ntHtimNhip line twteen
Setittle and the Orlont to be operated
In conjunction with the Oivat North
ern railway, it la to be found In en
examination of the conditions ur tl r
which the Kiijun Maru, Capt. Kkj
traud, aalled liwt evening. Khc took
friMU thia port 75 plumpers and a
cargo of 5,700 tons. At Victoria 75
JaHnee and Chinette paMMUien will
board the big liner for the ()ri it,
and 112 of these nntionalities took pfis
mtge in Heattle. Oi Americnns and
Asiatics she has ISi piaj.-K-nt:rn. Hut
it Is In her cargo that the boundli Hg
poaHibilitiea of the Oriental trad.) are
revealed. Included In the .700 tons
are 7,000 balto of cotton shifred all
the way from the sunny Houth by
way ofHeattle tothe mikado's king
doin. The bulk of the cotton fci con-
' -liunod to Kobe merchant, as also of
lne ,500 gtcks or Hour, grourid iron)
v'e8tern erown wheat. The remain-
der of the cargo Is made up of gen
eral merchandise. Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
The United Htates' State Do part
ment has fnqusred of the Kuronn
governments touching their attitude
toward maintaining the open door
policy in China., and answers are ex
pected by the first of the new year.
It will be remembered tht Jenm
time immanorlal Chin ha refused
intbMtiuM ayith fisaafn pt-opl. 80
lo, Jtpln. ISut of late years China
hM de8isrtl lit alirts here for
i)t. aaavcFlbnts as trfrb'. Knar
ljaa sjaMaiaai ia ogaaiing tha'
4aM. Uaibai Htntaa by (J (imio
0)a M. t I'tlrf" of Wi (
Mied to our abips. No V
ant lttiiaiapta ta to opral
1u citrot'. Thalia what tba
tftiicrraiiKMY aoderMaiMla by lb
jpca da policy io Ctina. -agtand
hda tba aaoM tlewa with as and
gladly a aware in tbia demand.
fernany trat(ftog tbat the Coifed
Mtatea and ta gland ara standing lo
gethet(n tbia prvpordtWm ahows a
lixpiwition to adopt the same pi4icy.
Russia and France seem to prefer
I . 8. CSt Mfa
The U. B. Croiaer Charleston tua
Luton one day last week ard Ia a wrei
launches and amall beats sit ed aa mean of escape anisland a few mile
way. ft was feared that feared that they would have tt fight for e iaod-
iog, hut the natives mwivsd them kindly. This is tha season when the
monsoons are changing io that latitude
there ia hut alight hope of saving the
The Charleston waa one of tbe first
waa laid in )h7. Her capacity was
water. Hue wsa armed with 2 a inch
tstkoofa Hha (wrriedCd ofneersand
was boat from plans purchased ald
Uwatbo built hem Hhe waa (horsy
before aha eteyed tbe first transports
poJtry which they denominabt a
'sphere of InflueW which Is to
sries Chinese porta bnd hold them
for the onanaotn of their refyt'etive
natiiaia hot ckceii te the others. Ger
many was rtndy to adopt the "sphere
of Influence" pulicy but when the
Catted ftfatta asnouaoetl that no
49tinese territory trouJd be seized or
herd, tbat geserameni joins the
AngbNafnna ia ilnpliri the "opfn
dscM pi Jay. iftleni thme nations
ara in earnnat boat d siring peace,
thi'y two nminUia it without any
treaty rftie or defensive. Their
naJ suppjart nl understanding is
til that it neSCMirjr. Th Spanish
be lbt warned so cruel haa given
Mb wiii in the fairs of the world
i hat Will Without doubt sve lists
Kkitok Inoki'KndkT: Why is
the Orcgonian doing so much mouth
ing about Mckinley laing so alow
wanting to get the minds of the peo
ple before he wmvt et.fi. To me it h
sickening today the t )re;onlan lifts
our Old Father Abraham to the skies
for his wbtd.im: did not he do the
same? What did he say to Douglas,
"The people sre not (ilucnted up to
that point i et." What did be Bar
to Fremont when he' issued hi fwni!
ous emancipation proclamation, " ftie
people are not ready for that yet ami
I reserve Ihst to myself." a
The CsmmiKn in Lux in ha horn
opentnl and the Americans are nury-
ittg everything Is fore them. Aguin-
aldo apptars tolje in hiding, lias
private secretary has r ben cap-
tureil and ft is more than prohiH
that Hagg " w;is near by but b
raiiroai will pun
hsixli if it is mil
he In Anit-rtcnri
log up Into roblier bands of sImiuI Id
If tsy tvi D it, that
means extermination.
2. .
1 '-tS-
m)n4 arrt fi ih
IViMfhaipsi a hxMant sr.srlh.
FulLr-'lifartori ry
Ofsw wrlp A sa-i tj hair tmutaA
V.a ti i sj liri l
Tli iltv mnmi-il o? ll!IUlHn, Or., Ua
onli-rcil a aewrrm uiilrilrstiii toiiftrwinl
mi ntKDii.1 lliird r-lr-ft in llii!jt)ro
Ore., in until, 1. ok lioi," 'l.u aiir
vty mi ill the oiTirrf oi iho viti retor-
1T ( Hi IhUir.'. s.-K-tl bi.ls U.r the
ntrui lion i'l mI nt'vt r uinii-rlraiud Mill
lm i-iketl I y tlie uiOliT-iwiK il en ao.l
Hi In I iiVlo-k iu the yoth il.ijr of Vnvum-U-is
. ;. l'.iililer arc r'.ui.eltt lo tiUc
hiils ad follows: Olio I'l' I lor i-ulU:. t
nix tlif i-.une ami furninliin; t)ie tilu, an 1
one lor Him coutrut tii'ii of the i.uuu M.i l
I ho oily fnrnii-h Jic tile.
Also biiin or (-in tile liHt(ilntal
al'il'k' TooHel ilitrh.
The omiioil ! rvea lHo t iyht to -jot
t niiy or all tiln.
it liila with IW1U09 lkiin, i-itr
Tiles. frcKKi:,
f V. t AKS1KSS.
2S L11 Stn-vl t'tiimmilw.
Xotiie of final Kettlement.
Notice in lioifby iriven Unit tha nn.lor-
fiHii l01 lllfll lll-r lilllll HCOOIIIlt Hit t x-
n utrnui tho hirfuilt hikI leutaiuent of J.
C. Itm-li iiittii, ilec.l., in tho county conn
of the statu of Oreunn, for Wa-iiiiniMn
coiintv. nml tloit Mini court hnii niiiioiiiioil
Mniitl'iiv tlio lSllLilay of Ifcf. 1S, ;il 10
o'o,.jk in tin fon inHin of Hitiil ilay h the
time for hi'iiiiiiK ol'jit liuiH to fii h linn!
Hi'oiiiint, ami for the si'tili-ment tht-reof.
lit)SA Al lUJfllANA.N,
Kiot ulriK of IIih Uul will ami toslainoiil
of J. 0. Iluolinnaii, ileci'Usvd, 2il-.il'.
.mtick run l'riM.icjb.ntix
La.id Orricit at ORfa City, ORaiioi
.1 c Ot tolitT, II. is:ii
f (ITH'K IS Ufc.WF.IlY tilVKN, HI A I
1 iliofoliilii( imniftl avttlur Inw nloil.
noticuitf.i iiiloiiliini to inako lliial proul
1114 niort tif liiH trlaoii. uutl that naitl
firiMit will lH-nmif bt loru Iti'KiKtvr anil Ite
icivor tit Oivirou Cily, on Nov. i", v:z:
II K. 1 lO-.'l for the 8 t W of iwt M T 3
X H 4 W .
he iiaiiii'D the followini; witncHsos to
prov Ilia oontiuuoiiH ruanioiicu upon anil
cultivation of Haiti l.intl, viz:
John l.noan, ot . Huxtoil Ore.
Frank O. Kief, of " "
KoU-rt Himpnun, of " "
Ailum rjimiimiii, 01 "
. MiDUl
22-a JieRialcr.
Oregno Kidaey Tea cure hack
echa, tidficy and hladdef ttiajl4i
aa1 coostipatio. 4rlt Aug 3fia
?.tn Orrn S at (latnoa Cut. Ill
Oct. VI.
N6TU K 18 HKRKttt CIVKN. llfi
tlia fotlowtuif uanicU eotUer has iitl
on an uncharted coral relf north of
b. There was no ins of life. Tbe
and the storms are severe, herce
ships of tbe "new navy." Her keel
3,7:) loos. Hhs drew It I' ttt of
and 6 l-inca rid w. Her sppot was
2wt men, aud cost tl,(U7,HHi. (she
aad (herefiire was mil tipiral Auner
repairieio Han Francisco in J8H,jut
in Manilo.
notice of liin intention io ttiko IiimI 1'riX'f
iu Huuport of hip chiiln. a: id tlist n4 rnr
will he maile before, ihe I'oimtf f sua of
v aithingum County, at dtlillslioro Ore., on
lie -,,11-visi:
o T)A VI I) V. KlUS,
If. K. !CS I fur1 the 8 at n ii u. s t u
of S V ti Hec II nniid W w tV K
Of Si 14 i UN KW.
lie namea t lie following witisrshta ta
ir veins continii'lll rMitali Onun ni
cultivation ol nai'i lanii, Viz:
Ueotyv Koctnr, of ltuiU n. Ur.
A mlrew Koattiri, of "
J lot W. lianneh. (f '
William Keltlt, of " "
(jltAi 8. JtOOUF.rt
0 lee? rate.
Shown the ntato of your feelings jid the
statu of your health as well. Impure, hlond
makes itoell apparent in a pale nut sallow
complexion. Pimples and Sim KruptionSi
If youare feeliiiK weak anil worn out anil
ilo not have a hcalitcy apoearanre you
shouiii try Acker's lllond Klixir. It run
all blood iheiies w hereehWap HarsaparilhiW
mi so ranea pnnners mil . mmiuik tlm
we selltivery liottleon a po-itivo guarantee
The Delta lirug Store.
How Mrs. Piikftata
1LSTTSB 0 111 riHXAH bo. ,;M
"I am very (rrafful to you for, your
kindoeaa and the intvrest yon' hare
taken in me, and truly believe your
toedictnea and advice are worth more
to a woman than all the doctors In the
world. For years I had female troublca
ana dw nothing for them. ! course
1 became e better and finally- Vroke
down entirely. My troubles bean
with Inflammallfin and hemor&nf(sjsj
irora tne Ktnna,va,J Then iftammation.
cosvrestlon and tang of tha womb
and Inflammation of ovaries.
" I underwent local treatment every
day for aomc time; then-after nearly
two months the doctor ,rave mc permia-
aum to (to nacit to work. I went back,
bat in leaa than -,eck war .m-
peiletl to jrive np and a-o to beA"3
Dreakinir down the wnd time, I de
cided to let doctors and thelf medicine
alone and try your remeaaea Ik' fore
the first bottlwaa yone ielt the ef
fect of H. Three bottlce of I.vdla E.
rtnkham a Ve UbUjCtmpftind and a
fiackaife of her Sanative WaaWdid me
more(rn.Kl than all the doctors' treat-
ienta and m,lloInA
P "The first remark that areeta ma
noww now much rQtteryrm look!' and
I yon may hg sure I nevrthesitate to tell
! tliJ canae of my health. "-4daa, . J.
I OooDaa, Ai.Kt.tr, I a.
Xutlce to
hh aeaOBBBn
I u the secret of fialf the
lllCklilX y uivmntuJ'i va y tJ w.w- -
and Uver trouWes may in a majority of cases be
tracJJw the circulatory system. They cpn be
avoided .and they can be cured by theause of a
remedy that supplies the necessary elements
to enrich the blood. ,
Dr. Williams' . .
Pink Pills for Pale People
increase the red corpuscles in the blood and
thereby give it new
also tone up the nerves
maoy serious uisurucrs.
From la Journal,
Mrs. Joseph M. Evans, ol f artervllle. Mo., saya
Two yenjs avo 1 hud ilropiir
physletHiia auM I oould not r over that
. .. .. u n u Ihi.Iiii.il1 lliul Wlllli.l AtfljMr IMWI1
been al.-ki aooiil vear, and must
Land spent over ' lliat year ooM ain mo, with the rmult that Bin
treatment of tne pbyalciuatl ui uo permanent koou. 1 skuidiiy
,n, My bother lnsHt'.f that I try IV Williams" rink Pills for Pala
People, tdld soWttli some relnetanea and without milell lioofitriat
they would Lstrfit me, hut thaanaet was almost marvelous. The llrwt
ioi etieuttA n ehnnice for th txttler In luy couditlou, aud 1 oouuucd
to OMfiovestaitdlly. . . ,
I took about six months atimdy treatmeat, and kept them In tha
tlouse aii'l took theni al Intervals for a year or mora afterward. The
result Is tliut 1 do uot now feel a trace of my loruier ailments."
. Mil lA'SUVAX-
Snhserlbed and sfjort to before me, a Notary Pnhlle, this l?th dajs
Of October, Inun. Ws . Wuutirr, .Vufatrv i'ufclKi.
TV VVilHan,.' Pinb Pilla ft Pile People are sold by all drntlew, or
will l SMit, postpaid, on receipt of 4ice, yX. a box oraix twxca lor fa. 50
(thev are never aold in. bulb or by the 100) by dtfdreeaing Dr. Williama
,wi-i. t w.,,,.,. j v. ta. v.
WMm Pharmacy
Pure fresh dnu-s, Blufllies, Faiata, Oil Srg U DriiRgiH
Snailvi, hit Jm-dui ewtVety pe-ilry.
rttrara U eaiBemeisr rrMcrtieaa.
What Do
You Know
Of the Boers
or of
South Africa?
Whether you, know little or much
yttit will tjy teailing Olive
Schreincr'a great tnasterplet of
(it. tit in, "The Story of An Afrirn
it vnu be
Ii tt)is Paper.
It dtals with the personal charac
teristic, the iiecnliatittes ant the
hdiUt: life of the Its cr jeojiie. It
nmt rj atlmitte't that these are
profits) le studies just at this time
M Story
I1'V. . Aiitel, rtve tmg
( )lit street. Kan-: i it, Ho.. ij ta
iua alout lienmn a .liib' ftelt
said. "I hsva lietn el itaajilcii.
I, . only lstrn (1 e "ti'S vim T lasgin
onrini! your la It ami 1 lieiirte it i
you nay. 1 have slept 'ssftttie ias fee
ai'hu titan for nraiiliaj, in v ni-rves are
lt. aial, s! I, I tslt Son, ita til ri.lit;
it h i" my Issnrty iii'l'ieseiiKiit enl t
eoinnioniwiti'. btvery Kts,ti sinlfoiing
from any weakness sionli oai
U ral men 1.
Ii olden
times 1 eoplo
overhsikeil the
iillai'la.neP ofj,
pern a ii iilly la
lli'tieial elli'i IS
ami acre atMi
t"l willi Ir.tiisient
action ; mi: now
it ia (feuenlly
known tlist I r a
Iirnnilt'a tklt"
will rfn.ini'iil
ly overcome :ipv
wpakneiw, wefl
ilil'oilli" 1 people
will not herniate,
ill ssyiuj; tliev
aaat' ' Ven well
rewarded. f
men w ho li:tve
liaiterel their sloniaclis with tlru- we
waul tliein to i xen ir their 111. It'lll nt
and cit"iiler that Kliiriiity is I lie) (iriat
est power on earth dives instant relief
and never fail to cure rlieiiniMlism.
backache, kidnev tronhliw, early ;
nihl lifs, la k Sf m rve force and viyor
nervous ii, bility, AiKlevclopiuent and lo"t
Write for advice, wliirli ia alssilntely
free. The inot olmlinate cases success.
fully treated in the (a? coiitidi'iice.
li.-riiniU r lr. Iteiinetl's Ikdt". are never
.d in stores or by agents. (la by
Dr. Bennett
sum rxrox r.iCK.
O w
diseases known to iJa
life and richness. They 1
ana are a spccinc ji&
OnrtrrvG, tto
ol Uie lea nu) VMiy Wai my
lUld Da imiioaalhle to
iMvnmnent relief. 1 had
ut Ti tluia w hedluxt. My hiw
J a at as in
vasrxcJNr block
nenirF tr
una issivrt out i n mrii'i ouri 01
Mir tat "tore 'on, f.. vValiiit;lon l oitii
tv. to far Hillal ol'o (ieialive('oni
P 11 ,;:ia ft. II. ileinlrix lor the
ant'jf i W'istew tfi iutewaihervai since
.la., 4.,, la., al rat.'i Hr cent per
annum attlt lot the - fie? sai of $Hi:i.U
t . is.old itnii. w til mt.reat tat fscn from
nt 1. I', a to e t lltpev tesot )r
Slsu an exernlinn iaaunl oit of the ir-
cnt t euit of the Mats if siS'ifPn, lor
SVstutrton onitj. iii ft" i4 Hi":
Nratun klunn f eir psnj, tejiporalion.
acraiaav U. II. K.n tiT am . .1. it' n
4riS th eniti k t , Uti cs, wi h 1 1 it
reeet vlMseun fruin nll ai, imi, al tha
rate of MDraiertt r annnwi. ami iieiitM
axfuiiV in. and the tmflier auln pt
''.'.aWf, . Kol't i'ii, tmrli ltieC there
on e n. .lv JH, iH. at !) rate t 1U tier
evi.t (s r aituuvi'.
A 1 so ii eteitttiotk itsiici on oi the
nuuntv 'iUrt o al 1 sr !tai tirepon .i
tor WitKhiufttiS t'onntp, in f irur of Win.
t'Dl'la-tf. iHHisJd tlvljril :ml k.Jlieltl
Msrl.ray, farrxea itmna fwisimas itieter
in ti nr. nine tr s ts uirie:i msi
ani.e-t If, II lltr tni n,t .1. tlcU'iris
ft. it.r a14.11 f I i . H nun,
interest llirfV'iti ut the rate ut lpvrrt iii
ir auonni irum vrte lil t i i r .tveiu
r, ihiis. an' if tu naits j t se
0 sale an "fsi,t a fits.
Nos ,.rtf'n hf siit je ;ixiil in tursuaiH'i
tti jili;oicMts, I silt on Mttnlar. the
IKS Uf of S'rnitr, IK!M st lie H'.uih
do,f 1 1 tlie iS io'4sr in tlilhrs'ro
W uit-ti'ii isiui'tt. reiu, at the hour
of ttf vitiiil a u of at day aell st
poW'T air'tHo the tiflest htcMer I'm'
raali the t lloin dean itJ real H'oriy
l.yillK, ta V'tt ""d Si UAt WU ft i II W l.ih
ivkeiu t'Dtliisy, 0virin. ami hfiiinilcti aft-i
a, s. rile lefixes, to W'l: lleiriniiiii
as is ioin4 t-t . Il! ha east of the iiurlhwcst
eoraer o the ilosiation land claim ol' It. i;
Xut ber andaiai isi stereiou M township 1
north, lanete west. Will. Mer. ami nm
nin trieiice eolith i. 7.') chs so haw line.
thetit east aiunir line .tofl" chs to
U,K-in aih trnvenille ant t'ornelius
t'OUnlv roatt. theurt ot fth n.7A chs alouit
renter u xri ru nj V eortli line of sant
Ttuart ilonati n tatut claim n 11 1 ilii-mc
west Wsili to fiat ol lerjfi ttnina;, cou
taiiunjsone liutdrtsi and liw y at'fe-, more
or leas, t' -it aiy the t rei tf "W msiinal
aurns, and tur tha esnta and eipense, ol
and sale.
nid properly iJI hr oil s'lti-tt v, re
Jeniptt A aa per statu''' of orp.oi.
ViiKaiy hand this nthdav cf t
otier, lrx
w.i. iiKiupDiai.
fihehff of W isttinptoa 'inity Ui.
tij . Jl. I'ais ,
21-21 Ik-puty.
Thus. JI tonane ', IH. It. Hust.iti,
Attorncja tor ploiniffa.
I.p tirri' a t'sio- irt. .
YfotM't ft HtUl I V ;fv, THA,
l t lolloamir rained etttVe hax lihil
lejtice ui fiiJ tet'4i fiHS'sk na pneof
iii erjatit or Iilsetaim, avis tnat Skeil piool
Wiit T Sell fatot tiic '.nii.lv ;lcik ol
Wssu t atoB oK"t,'. Stov. la. is-jsi, yn
IH. I '.. V It I fit
H. :. ?.! sl.eB S 1 S V '4 ami S v
of ',oHe .Tr.lt Vf.
tie titmi uu ftiltMama aiuteamt io
esrite Nib cvtitttiiioiie ftsi are OIob ami
eivsUiot ol ait saiid is:
l t.i KlUilisf ,f t tr,. Wash Co., Ore.
islut Lit vn of ireenviili!
I J ,Jn, k It M f ' ' o
Ca8 B JalXiBKl
a iteaiater.
ls0r tart't"aw('ir, or.
list, i'l, 1
XJuTIi ft IsIHttMl iiivaw. i n r
a c frllosjun? liaeaeel set 1 ler has lihil
iKtblrr ,4 In inlet. lion 10 111 tiu.'il proof
In si.f foiS ol Ins cl'uni, ami lliat sniil prool
ill i.f lu.ieV before Hie wiinlv l lemol
W ii-liiiilon 4'iiiinly, ui fl.it loM t'ri. on
bc. -. vir: ?
1.01 -is m; k k 11 a hi t'
II K.IIJI'.I fol the V ,,f W If (,r Sc
t n.l X of X H of Sec -J t K ft
W f
He tiuu.es the follovviiikr witnesses to
prove hiseonlinn isa resilience upovt. anil
fiillivauon of siol Liii.Tj'z
.liiines I. Moppet of1 tialt s Crit k, Ore.
llcrinan A Klff ethrecht Oi "
(iiMij-tre I'roctor, of "
JaYlie .Mania, of 'f '
' IIIAH. H .MOi i Krt
2J-28 -' UeKinlur.
Admlniwlriteor'w frlirr.
Notice ia lierchy itivan that the under-eieth-d
haa la-en duly apK.inieil hy the
eounlv mnrt iif the iale o (Iniron, for
aYai hinutmi cimihit, ailiiiinbM rntor of the
estale nfMisanJ. Manley ilercistil stid
h.ia duly iinalilied nutrh and entcml
0 1 "Hi the ill's ha r ire liin ilulies.
All Hjrsona I hen lore having i laimi
iK'iiiist the instate sre hereby niiie le.l
and rerjninsl to reent them with pro
per vouchers to thw un leriik'nel at the
ollicetiflhn ( onnly I Icrk in IlilUhoro.
within six months VrmSJ i'ie ilaie hereof.
m i. II. r-TAM-KY,
A'Tiiiiniktrahir of the estate of Susan J.
Stanley, iter,!. .'1-2.')
Kenton, Ilron.iiikth A Milir,
Attvs for the K-b le.
(w, f Its IM K'S Mais lunr hugt
The Acudcimj prepares for CollC'l nd irM
a thorough English Education, the Nvst prt
piration for teachint or business. All ex
penses cenj low. Board antf rooms at the.
Ladies' Hall ?3 to $1 per tench, including
electric Ii'vlht end heat.
Under experienced nuna-iement, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed $1.50 151
For full particulars, address
Fotv.st(Iroce, Oregon
Buy whqre .
you can
buy cheapest.
rri-... t .. t
aiii; ;ti:t;iii.s nt)iii i oiuuim inniK This
is tin; poorest place to sell f Ktjtar iu
thtiy vxuv saw. ItVasoii: the
INIKIKNl)KNT has the trade, by
CDiirteous treatineiit and low jneest
Paper of all grades, no mderioo
Jaii:(; or too small.
We have just
Received the
Finest line of
Paper ever brought to
Hillsboro. Try it.
I Have Moved
Into the Odd Fellow build
iftg-, corner of Main and Third
in all lines. No second hand or
shoddy goods. Prices low.
Furniture 'Duller.
pa.aioa T. &
St. Charles Hotel
rnl anl .Murrlton Mr.
L...tr;n t ai ......
Give us a cull,
20, isno.
... i it i i .
aacv asio THcas. '
rts. I.nl....i i .....
. a- J)
-t It('ner.lll III ii
I iiW.aolU. X
- wa ii
HKLCIIKi:, Manai-ors. j
a s
s"' -r ; 7 '