Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 10, 1899, Image 2

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JguUirwi in thm ptoin at HUUboro, Or
IX Mcoua-vlaM umiio mutter.
(Subscription, i advanc?, per year, 1.50.
1IILL8UOKO I'UiiLIblllNC Co. Pro;
JJ. M.C. UALLT, Editor.
uvrtvtAV rAfiHor thkbit
FltS&Y, NuVfcMJJEK 10, lS'J'J.
How much aid ind comfort can
Agt-jnithlu gHrfiut of the American
olcctiona hold last Tuesday? And
Ms syuipathteerx?
Tho lant I.imuo of the Forest Grove
Hatchet copies from the Oregonian
the comparison of ansenHnienU for the
yuar ls!)S and errois and all.
The St. Louis
msira tne point tnai mom wnot
"favor the acvt'ptance of Aguinaliio'
term ot peace should explain how
the violation of a treaty with Spain
could InHpire rwpec-t for a cowardly
treaty with ttBk Tagals." Easily ex
plained; as whatever tend to the
humiliation of their own country in
Justifiable in the eyes of the Ameri
can Aguinaldiana. Courier Journal.
The price of hops is in the mu in
thin county. Two lota have heen sold
at 11 cents "special contract." It be
Jlurt to look like the buyers are going
to punish the growers a little because
they would not contract their ciop
ttiead for a few years. . A little more
of HiK'h dickering and the farmers
Will ploV up the yards when the oa
capatiou of the agents will be gone.
The 8. 1. Company Is asking per-
tarion of the city of Portland, to
tin trfeft down Front street from
1U Mtdlacn street deaot to the Union
tept-t Kiuunils it the north end. Op
. potfWoB Is developing, but is It well
friutdfil? If Uie great wholesale
kMm WW Id rrtsRe for side tricks
iltotktir WIN houses it Would be
It sw-jr attfinc of tkftt mt Ld.
loglnd uiikadtOf ccninotiM on
stiff yill xaoiiM oa Ui tranni
tuion j-pitton.
tduiUi, au-ath iflrij, is be
sieged b$ Us ttoertaM til (tDS)Liai
caima WlUk uh ouialds ortd ti las
possible pt ia mw uuuorxw
when a jo rjoesaenge htm iti ilea
hit Way out at nigtt lVeaJla nh
Iflf it know of tss stroggt ttaut
th (NitbiUfl overkjaviof Ukft fat.
Th0 Brittob cUxea tlutt raat te
tbn bm teen & by tha oaai t
taJkHD tbM had tea-ted fhsit rasa
Arum khe wamBipa. The Hiers fr
tnittb crTeLtiaAoew of tits British
tmiiery Am while UU JCsfliaA
Ihelf yart uduiknI Utai lb Btn
bass tbo beak fune. Tbs greatest
peril Ac ua mitiafi it ao upriaiog
the Doer element of the woiu of
South Africa, it will be remember
ed that to the begianiog ' Urriuny
was settted by ttoleaden, end while
as (iiloay they uooved txrtb, it
uimi be kept ia mied that many m
Indif klvuUa tteyed la the territory w
originally eetued, tod tftt their
eynpetblee gv with the liner or
Transvaal Men. I!ull(i)aioBentcr
la chief of the Kngtiab hae orgBir.wt
tiiitt curpe tc Idyamith eod wiU
make greet exertions te open oom
nanicathme t wnoe with Ueti.
Home two Months c toot ago tbt
Loieuie UiirierimroeJ ptihiished
tnw rarurrapn : -as w r t ae a
yeejrer. 'he oajrtet ioernal, eser-
eWag its Hght of free thol end free
etwees, nndertivife inject the
djeemrrstic lsrter to see the futihfj
oriDscd iieeorbtitie. if irted to
I Drees theie with the ciisitge of is
sues Wfttifflit by the war with Spaia.
It would have had tseai lirv to sail
Is Md itire the policy of expen
ehsl, Jting done tfeis, it waild
have had them nominate Uewey es4
kJM, Iiewey asd Wheehv, mid
ast fUrward in clorioss Oenten
ry trilttpk, the key note tit ing the
tutam of Wi country oa Jenenoeiaa
lines end the N(tb and the South
Irerter! reing so in repe-
UUcia of the iisttie of ltsi'6 sueing
1M hope is opposition for the me cS
opptaition rind In the met Ibt st W
petis lUn it entnaterl Mr.. Bryaa.
Who m young enough to bide km
tine, to ttke niMiem in his own
haatM fend to play the part of Hfth
eyiuk. Mr. ltrytn did not See it. The
I leaden did not see it." Studying
the ela tion returns of last Tuesday
Visaing it is Vomlered if Mr. Hryiui
god the rank tad aie ran yet sat it.
ChWBb prolably a (lisrriirj of the
tgic, outlined in the above para
SittjiTi Wileh enabled e Courier
Journal of last unt..'it. to write
Inese word "U .s 4 , ; the final
lest conerrr to t'.e in r-J iumal
whether Wi.ilam -eUi i- c'wted or'
defeated for t v. rn -r o( Kentucky.
We made nono of tfie itnditi.ns or
the Issues of the ,n;iv!,, it next
Wednesday mnruicr hr !..! i l 1 ltct-
ei, we snail ni w a y- n. tt,
richer. If, on the eouTur, h- lisll
be defeated, we si n,' i " ' 5 iy
the ptxgvr. The limit who tolrkf
& the reverse of this 1 either a p-r
donkey who doesn't know v tnwt t.
Is thinking about and it erely IL bk
he la thinking, and If ho aa;- it, hi U
, a inievolent rascal wl'h ' nu-bedv
1 1 rHOii tin y in his iX'Let. t u. 1 tb.
.. .. m
1 4 ! . . 1 tJ .
hliPlpt.irougfiout the( ,.e r 1 -liticai
timw the IVurier-J vi, .i.d 1
dotirj-eas it can rather thfg as
would."; e
ii !
Secretary Oate of the trwSty de
partment has beea ta(ng with a
New York IleralicorreHpondent
touchlug emendmeuts dtwirable for
our currenoyaws. The secretary
(MMitively'vors the etjtabliotiuaeut
of the gold standard bylaw. TJiere
itfvms to be no good reason why this
nhould not x doue. In addition the
secretary would provide by wr a
HUlUcient plan for maintaining the
gold standard. The presidents' plan
seems feasible, pay out no green
backs unless old i received for
The Ibcretary would amend the
law governing national banks. 11
favors allowing national banks to be
Incorporated with a capital of 25,
000. The minimun is now $'0a(KJ.
This chairge ought to be made for
the accomodation of small communi
ties'.. The scft-etary would allow
hanks to issue circulation up to the
par value of tha bonds held to secure
redemplon. Now circulation can be
issuorf up to onlv 90 per cent of suJb
secdrititts. When nacted the la
was ftroftv but now thit U. S. bends
, . . Sl , ...
' ' J '
sion for the law Iras pnsped and Ue
public gains nothing by retaining it
as It is.
He would also remove the tax on
bond secured cirrtnlatiuu. This is
probably proper condition that the
tax be trausfercd from Uie circulation
to the ctipltal stock of the hunk.
The secretary favors a regulation
which will permit the issue, under
suoti restrictions as shall secure the
note-holder without impairing the
security of the depositor, of a limited
amount ot currency against the assets
of the banks, these notes to pay a tax
which will secure the government
against loss In guaranteeing them.
To this scheme there seems to be well
founded objection. Suppose the In
PKt'KNDKN r deposits 100 in a na
tional bank, rather a violent supposi
tion it is admitted, but for illustra
tion. Under this scheme circulation
amounting to f2i0 would be issued
on.that deposit. In caw of failure
the government would be a preferred
creditor to the amount of that $250.
The depositor would be at a disavau
taate. Secretary Gage is a business
sjan, doubtless glories in the
designation, but btslness men
are nitoriounly narrow and sel
fish. There is not a proposition in
his whole scheme bat favors the na
tiietat banks. The people are not
(vatsidered. A llttlt smith of raind
desirable even ihs bredth possessed
by the politkan.
rut ftatmos or iima.
Uussis I exceedingly snsloos to
eew whetth f sited Watee wiU'W
attbepaniihningof Chine, ted to
hatend has sent a comwisKoa to
thin c(jntry thst will mske eoqairies.
The Unitl Status is willing to ex
pand but not in the msnner that
llnis seeftiftto Aivor. Should Chilis
Without cau attucs us without pro
sotatfaa we would defend, but we
htve always considered the dlsmem-
heroientof t'otaod ss s disgraceful
yk-iul state craft. ar policy (
wurd China may be tirmalated in
l. The Uol ted states demands that
the op, n d(Nr policy be cisjtlniHwl,
thst is Americaa merchants and
their ships shell have the rifflit to
tradti with the Chinese sation ss free.
ly an enterpri) may aiake ntnsible
8. That none Sf its treat rishts
sasil in any mas net be distorbedl by
ftsteiga powers seining Chinese terri
3. Thst American trade and aom
met Miail lie granhHl the same
right as Ihs country owning a par
ticular p(Srt enjoys.
4. That each pow r seizing terri
kry shall furs tab a written agree
Bk'at to continue in force all treaty
rightH now existing between the
Chineee empire and the United
sts hn.
5. Great Britain having always
maintained opm port will co-operate
With the United States in securing it
G. These demands, once having
beea maile, must be enforced,
7. It is believed that all the de
mands of the United States will be
8. It is hoped that diplomacy will
SPfaro the concessions asked, but in
tbt evrtit it fails, other and more rig
orot-i methods must be used.
it. Ik cause of possible trouble, the
Asiatic sptexlrtn is being strengthen
rxl to its 11 tax 111 um.
10. It is not the purpose of Lh
United States to seize a Chinese port
or a sphere of In Queue. It being the
intention of the government to pro
tect all United States interests in all
ports and provtoces of China.
KI.Et TI0' kLTl lt.S.
The res-bits of the elortion held In
tbeassai al stalM last Tuesday may
be stiinniarixed as follows:
' "ftt-publh'arts efOnio now claim
ju ige ihn s eiecitno iiv.M4ai
0Ht to ti0,lHK.
o. Ugusunfc1 niHsEfiy Jst
1 ofhetglslhtie.
Itoth hisjrs
JKmikkOAs csrriet.1 New York and
infs counties. N. Y.. but republi
cans make a gain of six in the legis
Taylor, republican, elected gover
nor of d-Centucky by from f-OOOorfo
7 0(K.
Hryan Is happy over the fact that
the fusionists carried Nebraska by
from 12,000 to 15,01)0 b(Sd sadness
0 me'er him whenlhj,ontemplates
the result in Kentucky,
Assemblyman Maze!, of the nine-U-'nih
New York district? tlefcated
I ut 400 will contest te tjtlng
nni- ,piJJient, alleging fraud0
J. W. Smith, democrat Is elected
governor of Maryland by a plurality
of about 3000. "
Republicans have carried. New
Jersey by about 20,000 plurality.
The republicans carried Massa
chusetts by 5,000 uiejorite' and the
legislature of l:00 will be republican
by the usual large majority.
Itarnett, the republican candidate
for treasure,-In Feifhsylvania.'has
pi 0 raj it y of 125,000.
In Iowa, Shaw, republican will
have about t(f,000 plurality.
In J-Sinsas the republican gain is
10 per cent.
The republican majority in South
Qlijcota will be about 10,000. .
James 1'helun re-elected mayor of
San0Francisco by i,rB't. Democrats
eR-cted a-najority of their municipal
Sacramento republicans elected s
msyor y P.822. .
Pres. Jim Hill of the OreSt North
erii"ll. R. In speaking to Puget Sound
auditors of the Oriental trade said it
I maa i ia iloai w Anil s on
" """ '
en transportation across mo Ptu.-iflc
that Hour could bo sold In Japan and
h'hina at the price rice. The As-
iorian ohjecta to this and seems to
desire to cling to the Liverpool mar
ket. That paper attempts to create
odium fur Hiil'a plan in the same
way that agitators have sought to
fa,-ten humiliation sn the white lab'
orer because there are Chinese in tbite
country. If Mr. Hill can open a
market for "our flour at rice prices we
ought uot object so long M they are
better than Liverpool priest. And
they always will be or else Liver
pool bids higher. It has always beea
couHldertd good management when
one provides two strings lor h's bow.
The Independent will uot be sorry
to have Mr. Hill bring canoes of
great burden for the exports of Pa
cific coast states. Astoria hae or can
get water to float them, and when
that railroad Is built from Hunting
ton or Weiser down Snake river to
Wallula there is no danger of Seat
tle doing all the business. Further,
if the Asiatic trade with its rice pri
ces are opened to our flour we will
have the price of manufacturing that
flour together with the bran and
shorts left here, the one to be used
for buying shoes for the child rati of
the miller and the other cni be fed
to the cows or other stock. Yes, the
Astorian is not wise when It fights
the proposition of big ships or the
opening of a sew aiarket.
The United States war department
has ot beea convinced of the eflSci
eucjr of the Maruoni wireless tele
graph ystem, at least in its present
condition of ctttatTacU). Qen.
Orwely of the U. S. signal uorpa
Ibnad that by the Harotai yta u
exhibited a distant 12 miitt ia
the iaitti-l limit. or signal oil-
ceir arro able to cover tost drtane'
With their Wig Wagging ilegs, and Ss
no expensive eppettlos is reqaireti
aod the stations ma be movurt at Will
General QrM'ly prttiera Ota America)
system. Maeasii, howeter, claim
that he can amstrn.-t instroments
that will nary a greater distance. In
deed he has such iotru orients now,
tho ha did w hrtsg them to Amer
ica. There is soother defer in the
system that seetiv t tie fatal tn ir
success. A third inatrnment located
anywhere in theflehlof the Hertflan
wnves whV h as stated i.a preeions
paragraph in these ententes, milt ib
every direction Aom sending stalk),
in interftSMd With by wets aut Tn
motion by the operati at the third
station so that the measaga ttnvn the
first station beasties an naintc-Higi-blcjunle
of signals. Thus while the
system may be useful ftar aommmcial
puTp-aea, it is worthless whea twe
hostile armies areliaetl sp,in'''lly
if both armies have the Mansinl in
struuients. The teats irquired by the
American military people seem to
have been more exacting thun those
of the KaroK-au army and navy ex
perts and laid bare delects tlsxl be
fore had only been suspected. Mar
coni has returned to Europe a here
he will continue his experiments.
There Is a vacancy in the Interstate
Commerce Commission, which the
commercial organizations of tho la
ciflc coast are very anxious to fill
with a Pacific coast man. No Ore
gon candidate has been mentioned
but two men in California are put
forward, Wheeler and Chipman
Neither of thase men have been aide
to secure the united support cf the
California delegation. Refore the
Californlans unite in airecommends
tion they cannot consistently ask our
delegation to uiu them. It is under
sbxxl that our dulemttion has had no
conference on the subject and will
not till there sre further develop
ments. Our people are 'a unit on
that proposition. ,
The son of a Standard Oil magnate
fa reported to have made MOtyKK)
from one days speculating in Wall
Street. Made it. how? Ike-taking
if out of the poclwts of other people.
There are men who "make" money
in this way who "belor to church"
and sre tooth and toe nsil against
petty gambling ami sti sling. 1'ast
Oregon ian. There Is no evidence to
Sliow that the son In question is af
church member, and it is not a vio
lent sup) option that he is nsejtst
rather a loeinls r of that poker p ayer
gang. However there Isthislo be
said In favor of the son? It ia not
substantiated that he made ('00,0 0
fcSme day. The slary is only ruajor.
C" o ' ft 0
Is it not abou) time thst the re- or-
ters representing the London press in
South Africa were signing a round
rtjin ajeftesting sgaftist the press
censorship? Duller is worse than
Otis by odds. o e 1
. .
The South is for expansion and the
democratic p:irty will IhJ i,pK.sitlou
'4 ttiey uudertakc to stand against
The cotton interenU ol the South will
be (-really beipeil ty I'je reientiou vl
the islands and it is considered a loor
to China. Oregon City Knterprise.
If any of the Kuropean nations bc
iieve that story tht the Uuin-d States
is set king a 2oiie ol influence" in
China they know V?y little Jibon'
the senliilS?iit of the American peo
ple. Tii United Stat s wants no
territory on the mainland t f Asia.
It wouid accept none of it as a gift-
hWe have some aluabU islands in
Asiatic waters, the J&sS-incs, but
we are not aci king any territiry on
the continent in that part of the
world. All the country wants ii
China Is the continuance of (tie "free.
for-ull ' coihII .egs which shave pre
vailed hitherto. These we pjphHbly
wilt have. Uut we have no lsiie
I fottjNHsesslon of Hiiy part of Ciiina.
Irfloia-Deaioc-rat. .
Oregon is not getting her share el
the ne people coining to the North
west. Site is not putting forth sulli-
cient effort towards this end. She i
luring in ihe organi.i-d ill'orts of
rajroiuls to seinr ilesiraole new ik ij-
pie. Rut this might be fcuppiied b)
the couciitratiiw of public ami, ftfi
vate enterjirise. There is riWu here
for a vast populate. Room for
workers in our forests, on our' rich
liQids audi in Hie mines of wealth of
minerals beneath the surfaie of the
earth, which havescarcely Is-en pros
pected as yet. This takes push; or
ganization of enterprise. We have
more capital than Washington; as
great (or greater) resources; as much
enterprise, perhaps, but it lacks con
centration. What shall we do about
it? In these pushing times it is not
wise policy to simply sit and "wait
for something to turn up. Oregon
Our anti-expansionist friends are
dreadfully afraid that the acquisition
of the Philippine Islands by the
United States will call for the main
tenance of a large standing army
that, under the control of the execu
tive, will lead to militarism and im-
perlalisu. Now many of these same
persons are very fond of holding up
to us a shining etHisple of What a
government by the people ought to
be, the republic of Switzerland. That
country mi iota lis a standing army
of Utout one soldi er(i every twenty-
Ire of the jiopoiatiun. ut keeping
the Philip-pise islands we sh .11 wit
is ed a Handing army ot Mom tian
liHt.oot) mn protwbiy less, liven
lfltahoald bo necessary ro inerise
it k 150,(11), that would only lie jue
athiier ha- every Bra hanJxed r the
Xtpulatii. Hureiy five hunnred
lieeple could n4d one soldier level
and sit down ott bis iioisirislisiji'
bwdencies, If hoshowwl any. font
Omvo Times.
The reform school is doiog a won
derful work mmg the boys of the
afat, as any who have ever visited
the institution at are familiar with
its workings wiU attest. The flist
boy reited at that tustitntion w.is
(aSt. , Ml. He wss No. one.
The last arrival is N. "l. There h
now 102 boys at the institution.
Where are the 27t to make up the
djffen nce between 3k and 1iV.' they
are on ppJ mostly. Home if theor
has aftaioed the age 0 l yen r and
tbosgi'owo. beyond the jar.!ictb
of the schoij. Four of n tui dn d.
The jpsroled hcyshaveiu'ittlira
00 1 Ue itiantry. A nureli are hold
ing i m) n-Uions. Other are ot
doing so well aitiird.r.g to tpit
that reach the a-boji. About taecfy
of the iswoled. N-ys were with the
Oregon vol a steers in UiefVilippinea
One was a serifeant. Two w ' Wt! b
IJewcy when be sank the tspatitsh
fleet 111 Manila tey. ( Ur'tiiclc
A ywoff friend f (tun who 1
THiln-attiiiK in old Mexico, writ?
Home to his fsthttf, WK bss t l ia
oculstvi wiift ths aoiit of rtt e il
ver; "IJwr (ild Prtd :-( Heav
en Hake duD't mt natnttoa Mran
free silver or iti u 1 sgaltt Cm Iouk as
you live, li-i ail mi and a Is're.
Wt havfr 'ilveriV wo l.wai d
men wort fif 13 tnti a day. K jst-bui-f
It 1 not nosf a isi' ;(in of espofi
sion, for ths United ft: hR al
reud expanded. The nation ic
nhall the Fnitftl .States eontraut and
there Is no! fiisjcli questiMU about
that either. Haindfaler.
Iit xprinif Aguinsldo prnmi-ied
fii.-i followers victory and "imiepen
dViiee" If they would hold firm till
the rainy semon. Then the Ameri'
ctns would bu coniiuond by (liina
tic conditions. Itut when the mini
came, the Americans rested and re
covert from their wcarimj-i. In
stead of a sickly remnant rmiliiifr
home three landed where one left.
Then tne "Great LoaxleV promi-d
his follower that nficr theU o'w
tions there would h nn exodus of
the ilriiuliil AmcrhjjifWmsnd they
miht tfl- n s.Didiljtke Manila.
Well the fall elet tions tstve been held
anj Ihe Hilicy fa the fsovernnvnt
MUKtained. Thst poliry Ik to conquor
s peace. If G",(K)0 men cannot do iti.'
then lTm.OtH) will lie sent. Where
will Ayinaldo now dig his "last
Thn Courier Hi rald has received
considerable tii plaint from siih-crib-ern
tause the-J-iai receive their
paper until it is neHrly a wek old.
II some if the republican poMaiaster
tlu out do their duty we will trVe
o "
.Nrvojis 'People
That Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People
have cured obstiaate cases of lotfbruotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, and St. Vitus' chance, is the
besf evidence that they will cure alMesscr ner
vous disorders, because the ..principle in thfe
irearmeni 01 ait nervo)iH3eaies is me same.
Nervousness is a question of nutrition. Food
for the nerves is what is needcftl and the best
nerve food in the vorld is . '
a. . Dr. Williams' " .
Pink Pills for Pale People
Mr. Annlxn. Mncse, of Tnrt Aontln, Mlrhlpnn, nr' "My rtnnch
tAr, Jmiii. wit nlwkyii dt-llrkt child, hd Htoniiu-li trnntil n-rvtnm
di-hllity Hint pent-nil wiikmnn. Hhe Imil Ut be Wtken out of m-hool mui
ki-pt from nil study lor ntmrly lv ypirs. tniut three ymr u5r,A
tH-KHinkini Hr. Wlliliims' l ink I'llla lor lale 1'wple, KnA XjSyfvYy
to uy tlK'y hMVA heljieil tit-r to lavmnw a hHalihy, hjijnii who no
. longer n.'f.ln mwlli'ie ot ritijr kind. It n-ani-ly lhie ha
run op th niim ono who a few yaar au 4i doiici.ii), almost
kopeliwii, auilfrvr.it . '
Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs for Pale PeSfeeomain, In a condensed form,
all the element necessary to givessxv life and richness to the blood, and
restore shattered nerves. TbeV'are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ataxia, parua paralysis,
rheumatism, nervoiaf Headache, ths after-elKects of the grip, palpitation
of the heart, (xtatr'and sallow complexions, alt forms of weakness either
in Vhale or, female.
JSrViHiams' Pintr Pills fet Tate reople ate sold by all drnler, or
be sent, nostrtaid. on receipt of nrice. oc. a box or six boxes tor 1 1. So
W (they are never sold in bulk or f
Medicine unmpon, $clicncctnny, is.
I Have Moved
Into the Odd
ing, corner of Hain and Third
in all lines. No second hand or
shoddy goods. Prices low.
St. Charles Hotel
Front and Morrison Strtetft, Fortlansl rrtc.
Elurtric lights, electric Hells nd Uvlr.tulic Kli Vntor.
l;,0 Renins at 2. to 60c. Snltes, ?. to 1. t4 Kmtasrant
Give us a call.
the mat tip and report em to
Wstiiijrfo.-e "J'y Hrail.
Say, ttow li ytt anon iriat tne ue-
iiuuMi rs oottho rtstt rvi
Ufeti'itrtire agotoi.'pitnlt y yar
siIuitni,ira'i'iD when It wa.- itijpoweif
Thv Hehur(T Hi view names and
a-lVfiMTN t si)t. II L. Urtth, lalf f
th i Hut-pit Volautntts tfir cMi
gttm f(m tiw l.-ttdisifM onth'dero
(raic (. H-aii a Mot the
war ntf fiwsjjl Ir silt advo
eate. What 1 in fca rme
fritn Msnilalia not yt txn di.
flfwed. nwTiC K Mm pi Bi.ic Tinr
h toiler, IS.
4 1 lie l.illnwniif iiiiined Kei I ler liao lileil.
nutice f Inn lineiilion to itake liimlpnMil
iaxiiupurt 01 lis ehiiin unit tliat n:til
proiilw ill lie nmile helorc Reti-ttir ami lie
ieier l Oretfiiu I'ilv. on NoV. it, lt'J) v z:
II K. ' 'M for the f W of nee 'OT 3
N K 4 V .
1 e niiii.e." Hie followinir witm fsen to
;uiive hi enntimioiiH reaiileiu-ti itpcii iiml
i ulliviition ol miiil I .ml, viz:
.laiin l.ui iis ot riixt'in (Ire.
Frank Kief, of
Hubert -iniwiii, of "
Ailinn MiiiipMiii, ' ' '
I'll Air) II. M )I!KS '
IfJ-Ji Keci.slir.
Klee of Pi Ml r-M!ai-.
"Sot ire in heietiy tiiven that t!i under
Rifiicil him tiled lii" I n i lu-connl i" i.d
mitiixtriiirix of the estate "f Kdnrird
I'.mrtJilile, ilit-eaned in the rminty e..mt
of the tnle of i irev'nn,. for Wa-hini;t"n
Coniitv. nml that Biii cmirt lias imiiileil
Mnnday the lilli ilnv of Nov. IH'.-li, at ill
o'e.liK k in tin" fori in. in of mid lii.v h iIk
time f-ir bearing olijH-l inns ui m b limtl
ntlil for Ihe setllenient tlierent.
AdniiniKiratrix of the esiute "f K I ward
0)iiUitle, ilen-asitl, . 20-2 1
F-ti-cnlrit Wti.
Notii is herebr (;ien tb: the miller
simieil liaf oven JVsinte. exc.Oliix if
the estate of KliJib Knist, dci I., by
the CoiinlT 4mrt of the Mate of I n i.-on
for WsshiiiKtiMi eoiinlv. Al! erfiiis bav
inaclaims avainr't sniil esiale are reiinest-
esl toprepentllie same lo the nndiT.c.' I
within six months Iroin the date lieif'ii.
U-thnnv. Ore.. fr.t 27. l v.Hl.
0 MA I I t.I 'A II V VI r.i..
Exetntrlx of the estate of Jllial
Urnst. ilef d.
. ? i a
St. Vitus' Dance, sciatica, neuralgia.
the loo) by addressing Dr. Williams
Fellbts build
Furniture Dealer.
ItELCHElC, Manager.
MM EM I'm 4LK.
ono iMHtieil out off the Cireuit t'ourt of
tlie Mats of Ore um, for Wasliinj-tiui Coun
ty, in favor ol Hillsb.iro (Jo-U-ierativc ( m
i4iiV and ii'-ainst fl. H. Hemlrix for the
Kiiinii''.:i.(Mwith iiiterwt tliereon ninee
July 1;". It, St the rat- of N jier cent per
anniint and lor the further Hum of $ln.l.l2
II. H. frolit coin, with intercut tliereon from
.Inly l.i, 1MMI, at tbu rate of ill per cent per
Also an elocution inuel out ol the Cir
euit I ourt of the Utate of llrppin, (or
Washiim'ton County, in favor of The
Newton -iV a iron Company, u eorpuralion.
anri aL'anxt M. H. lleinlrix anil '.. J. Hen
ilnx lor the Hum of fl.i.OU runts, ii h nit
eret then-oil from July 'At, 1M'I, at the
rate of ftperrert Tet r aniiuiii, an. I :" eentf
aeeruiiif- ruais und the lurther niim of
t7'J,;Hli;, S. ifold coin, with interest there
on imOi'c July M, l.sJM, at the rate of lu per
cent ie. aunuiu.
Ai.io an exeeiition iniiiied out of the
county Court of the Mate ol (irefrnn, for
for WaMliintrton County, in favor of Win.
Cornell, Donald MaeLeay unit Kenneth
Maebeuy, p:irtners dolnif luiMnens iimler
the linn name of Cirt-U ,V Mael.eay ami
aiiainit It, II. Hemlrix ami . .1. lleinlrix
for the huiii of !&'..:! II. S. if Id coin, with
interest thereon at the rate of 1U per rent
tier annum from the 11th d y of . ovem-
ricr, IKSt, nnd for the conta and
of sale an i of said rits.
Now Uierefore liy virtue ami in pursuance
Ofsiiitl jinlineiits, I will on hatuniav. the
llth dav ol No eniher, iw.iil. at Die 'smith
door of the court house in II illtorn
Wuhiut.'toii County, Oreion, at the hour
ol IU o'clock a m. of said dav sell i.t
public auction to the lik-hest ladder for
cash the following dcscron-d real property
to-- it :
l.yitif-, heinp nnil situate within Wosli
iiiK'ton Comity, Oreuo i, ami hoiimli-il amf
tieserilied as follows, to-wit : I'ecmnini;
at a point 111.12 ehs east ol Hie imrtliwet
corner of the donation land claim of It. i.
Tucker and wife in section township 1
north, ramte 3 west. Will. Mer. and run
niniz thence south :l. 7. chs fo has.- I ne,
thence east alonr base line .'lo.i; i chs t.
tunc ion with -Centerville nil I Cornelius
County road, thence n rth l.Y7.'icli iilinnr
center ot said road to north line of said
Tucker douati u land claiuv. mm! liiente
west .'tt'.ijll chs to place of tieinnin, con-f-ainill
one hundri-l Tid for y acio-, more
or less, to satisfy tlie Ii reinls-l ire icimcd
sums, and lor the costs and expense, ot
said sale.
si. lid proiierly will be sol I subject to re
dcmpti n as per statute of Oregon. .
Witness my haict tins iltli day of (ht
olirr, lsic.i. '
W. I). IIIi.iKoi;il
rilierilfof Washini;1oii county Uie.
llf C, K. Ilmcii mix,
21 i" llcoutv
'1Tios.il. I'on rue and H. it. Huston.
Alton eys tor plaiu ills.
FtHt ri itut-i9o
I.ASD Owes AT HlrW9!f1
II K I! F.I! Y
ilVK.N. 1 II A 1
Atlm- hH l.lrd
il the followini'yu
irr nl his inliMili. r. RT.i... linwl
in upiHiit ol 1 1 ii- rl:n. iiml i lint mul i nl
Kill lie maile ln-liir tiir ( oiinlv . i-Tk 9yS
w .ol,, ..i,. . i ,. v..,.. i iu. .
q l.-AA'Wil. Mi l K,
if. r.. 't.'t f r tlif H S of N K i n,l jj r
ol H K Si .-. -U T .1 N It t W.'
Hi n.-inir, tlin fkJowinn witni., i
rilltiv:itioif0 M.I liiml. n: T
John K lliii.iy.i.l Hiixtun. Wah Co., lire.
J ihn l.ii'-H-rt ul in-nvill": " "
M.irtiri H :ir, .4
I.rv.lri k Hart il " " ' "
a 21 Vt SjVj-iriter.
The Acadcimj prepares for College, nnd Hires
a'tlioroiirth English Education, tlie be.st pre
p?ttton for teaching or business. All cx
pens re. j loir. Hoard ond rooms at the
ladies' aJ.'l to perifeelj, incIiRlin
electric liHlTNd !ut.
Under cxfv'.rienced nianaiiement, irill fur
nish rooms arid board nt cost on the. club
plan, not to exceed $1.50
For full particulars, address
Forest, (Irore, Oregon
uv wnere
von can
O r
buy, cheapest.
Tho ;ig(
, i
nls from
A 1
jioonvst pi
inoy over saw
courteous treatment
Taper of all grades
larire or too small.
Wc have just
Received the
Finest line of
Paper ever brought to
Hillsboro. Try it.
Hillsboro, Ore.
MEN do suffer! '
Even so-called healthy women suffer! 1
Uut they are not healthy I
The marks lc
; ictt ny pain are on the younjj faces of many of onr
Piiin that leaves its mark comes from a curaMo
remedy for woman's ills. fefWiWfiMn
Miss Emji.y F. Haas, of 148 Freeman lp-v. T?S
St., Greenpoict. Brooklyn. N. Y.. writes : fA 'C' tiV' :-J7'v':-7 fl 'ty
.MKS. I I.VKHAM-l wish to JPJT Sft- V . i ;- -
state that I used your Vegetable Com- Y- -V: 1!
pound with the greatest success. I
was very sick for nearly year with
hysterta. was dwn-fiearted and
nervous; alsft suffered with painful
menstr.;t;on and pain in back ar.fl'
limbs. I often wished for death."
thinWnor nothing would cure me. I
fend doctor, but their medicines did
pf a friusid, I began to tune Lydia I".
J'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mi I am happy to say it has
ly cured me.
Jennie Sum .via of Fremont.
Mich., Ron 743, writes:
Dea Mrs. Pinkham: I feel
that Iotnust wste you and
jrou what yur nedCTSJo
done for m I had neuralv?
or tne srwnacn tor gRo years,
so bad that ? could not do any
work. 1 two or three doc-
A -A,
xors, du: iza not seem to gtt any bet
t. P began taking Lydia E. Pink
haw's Vegetable Co:n;ocnd and Liver
Pi!?s and improved from the first, had
Detter PI,etite and sW'.er taking three While of Compound
and one box of Liver Pill,, can say that I am cured. Your
.Vegetable Compound is a wonderful nOdicjne."
I Al I-
77. AW
20, ISM.
think tins
KM 5
to sell naner in
JJeason: the
has the trade, by
and low jnee.st
no ordcrioo
cause. , If that cause is not removed its
influence reaches out and overshadows a
whole life. The reason LyffiaB. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been so uni
formly successful for over a quarter of a
century in overcoming the sulTerlnfr cf
women. Is that it is thorough and goes
directly to the cause. It is a womnn'a
$2 ?M,