t . H OUR OFFER .'Nnt.i i.nli:nt and Weekly Ou-oniaii, txth fr $2.00 jr , year. Ini.ki kni.KNT ami the Twice a Week Courier-Journal lx.th for only fi.oo lr year. JOB PRINTING Our Job Printing Department Surp.is.ses any in the County for neatness, quickness and cheapness. Call and be con vinced. oa V A V t? Vol? XX VI I. JIILLSRORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, .yiMBI-R 10 IS9) No. ! ; a c . ; c a , "eOF.NERAL 1)1 RECTORY. til Bit OFFU'Kltti. T. T. iiert liuvoriior hi-ort-laiv "I hu I . . . 1. ln.nhar Chita. H Mi I reasuo II A.I.rn.Hn hi. t. i..i.iim iiiHLrnci...u . . ... --- - PUlUf l'rlulr. . W. H. Leeds HiXjtciiie Court; j Jndga Fifth Pixlriol . Attorney V'tlU liins Chan. K W.dvertoo II. H. Ituut ....F. A. Muora T. A. Moltnde X j.Cleetou OOIN1V FF IC'KU. L. A. Knrni J. (J. A. Voiiuk b OsiiiiuiwiaJiiiirti, ' " lw-rk.. Mit-illi lussirdsr ' 'I ri'f.rtiirt Awkmhif .... - .Seu.sd hiij(iiif'Oilii hurvfv" '. ioror.er - - . . I. O. T.xld J. A. 1 mlri . W. D. Ilradtord Calvin J-k a. it. i'iy i; a. o.iml '" .. II. A. Had . . A. A. Jorrtll C. I.. Large OKKOON !l I V l.ANO OFFICK. Cluirt. II. M.xirea W in. adiijf . CUV OrHCfclW. ( ..W. N.Harrott.tlaWJr . . TIioh. 1'utAar . . . .1. M. recr If M'..l..ntii Knajrd of 'I rtataee i K. I'mtfenfr I J. I'tirf 1ih I .' ..'..!. H. W'l" .. ii... ....... Recorder I roasursa-Ml.flMilil.- luxtine of .ll.-i.toii Htiinuii H.iMl vri .. .1 l.OM OhMll .. W l. Him ...R II Huniplirpyx 'jn tit'K iMi'oiatMKW- . nmilH nil " Mllbt ?Z-: ! Went l-niou. Mill, nt 7 :.U h. m. Ooiim Mniil.li. . "Kor'i'xrVuilliton mid I.H0rel. d'lf 13 r . i i. .m ii. mii urn WiMMT , w .... V.lth Ti-l aja w hmiI vaiima. sas . -. i r...... .i t in o'tiiiKik a. in. ra ...... .... j . p. a.o. s. OltHltllli; llllirmmj ........... - - i mi.iay ai . v. v.' lialiitul. r nvANtiBi.irAi rill IUIM. llonxf iTu'.hiim t-erj Bondaf) Pi K,f 1 h ami Fir X n. 111. I'VIIV wuwwt 11 II n. in. Hniuli'T atlimil f m . jiriiviT imM.una evurr klrt.iatUf enin tnnrixrK nnx'tiiifl -vry Hmday eBinb M J Hallaiilynv, punior. ...ii ki'ii i! a a mill, raator 10 . l,.-im'u nn'tiii evury minaay i .... .. ........ ml iir.'ivtir niMin 'IhurHilnv (.vi.iuiiii. U'Hd.irx' and Wi -..i.iiiu lueiliiid l uiiy eveuiat urn mm nuih. 1IIIMSTIAN- ( 11 1 IH II. IT.iK l.iiiK 2' iTm. ri.ivrr m.-.-u.,K Tniirsdiiy evfU.i.K. K. 11. fill kAlOOUK I'liNtor. A. 0. V. W. UIU,SI()ltt l,o)(i NO.161.fc.afJ. W , M'is eviv li'W M fcM ,.ay e..8 '"M'VTtilJ . M.IW. W. H. Wnhrunu, Bo.rUi f. HauKtiUrf f BtUekah. ii. I. o. O. F.. ' OddFollowr Hail ! hftturd.iy . r. r h. I1,UIII.II tiltANOK, NO. n. XX and ano data.' easb aoolo. rn. iriaLD, aiaav. . . 9. '. eoNlBZlM.. .. . "!t l W- diieMl iv .nt.'i o einok.l i.t K. Mall. wt..re,a,iwi-loonie-I). M.d. uaiir, .tee'r- Drjcree ! Heaei. IlkiiHIiK of HOlK. A. ti. v. I w mwiK n hl I feiloa had " .fr. ...a ik.r.i fridnv in.t aii. rn,..un M l. ndi.4,t'. Mrx. Si'llie I lure, Ii... order. of It. luihhoae MlKtrra. 1.KNICIA TKMI'I K NO. H, K. a. mean. ..v.-ry -ind mid 4. 1. Fr.iat naf inontli ut7 auo'clm in Weh. in aHall. M . n iipiii.v ia Mrs Jt.dlie II r. . V. fel. ol U. Klld C. a. r r. itCNix low. a. no. 4. a. or .. 1 me.4 in M.i.mie Hail i Moaday ,-a),aa .il .. baafa I in i Mmo mw'ii A. r. aal A. 'I'l AUTV l.oiHitc NO. c, A MiK A n.eetn everr St.ird iy ninht m after mil mo. of tB n.i-nth. W. HAKKKtr, . If. It. I'lMIMH, Seer.'lury. f M ' A l-A r I N (11 A r T V. It, NO. St . ( v a a. I iii.wli nt Winle lel..pleil Ue 2nd and 4li riwdiy ol en. h inontk. c. t. U. T. . TKN f. SO. K K. O. Villi. A T. it., un ao- V meelx in Odd Kollnwx' Hall, id f.Mirth ThurxdiiT eveni'ix" of xajrh U A. MN(, Com. month, IlKXTON H.IWX H, It. K. UT ASHINOTON KNt'AM I'MKNT No. 24. I. O. O. F., ixaeta on hrat and ir I Tn "l,ifr( enb nionth. ' t' T'- lim K?I. Kl'lFlt'OrW NO. 4;.;W K.C. IIKKI'S IN ODl KI.I.UWM MAI. I 11. II horo.on ll. in. tnd 1 idvff. , , . ,,.:., , ,,, i,.h, o.aehmonihl.l2:M'. ' V.r. or . oatrx. Eliixhiri (X'r.in.lall, Mrtrf. ht.y. K(m nr, , u. a. k. M1 KKM IN HHP KK I. I.OW ft 11 Al t, ON thi- lirM an. I third fxiurdaya of aach f.mth, all'. Hi n cl.xa, I. M. J. I". H.e-. K. Crandall P. t JltXMt. leys. 1 1 i "S. aajiwawa 1 - 'swa aiauaAi at'wtNiAiAiaaf f. . are nai am PLEASURE BENT -Wecttom. 4 CT lAPnilC fllKi Ole UHUUUO U I U I'KOFtSSIimLlAKI.S TUIMI. H TONIII'K, B. a. TOXlICa Nutury I'ulilic. TIIOS II K. B. TOMUF., TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, U1UUUIOKO, OHKUON. Orrina: Uoom:i,4, A 5, Morgan Wtf' k. t W. aUKKF.TT, 1 TORN KYH-AT-LAW, L tilLliUtOKO, OKKOON Ornoi: Oeutrnl IU.kjb, Koouia 6 and 7, TN " Notary Ful.1 w. i. surra. KllTII & IM)WMAJI, jTTORNEYS-AT-LAW. HII.IXIIOIM'. OUWM)N. (k14tk A.xima 6 and 7. Mown bl.x'k. . T. KAI.I.l V, f)UM:i;U)R.AT.l.AVV. Hll-WBUKO OKKOON. IJ(uty Diitrict .Aiiorney for WMhltiR lun Ooiinty. otrii n: t)vr lolU 1'K htore, S, T. M1UTIK, piUTSICIAN andsurCikon JIbIltOBO,5ltK04M. n si r4H.InS. Rt "f ourt Hooaa. kiheiU U) found nt all liuma bel tJ"K uatu-nts. ju r. rimimt, . p. ft. a. kuiujkon, au,inuit, okbmn. (Met Ni KariiiHi : rxirner Third and MLtia hlraaw. Olluw. bonrx, w Tai.7 I 6 ad 7 to H i. n.. 1 fl.one to rrJUaMfraa Vnirk A rl' U AwoM. 411 oalta imi'll atkandau, mbtnta- r a. v&itcf, a. ,:- 1UY8l'IAN, HUROEON AND AC0OUC11KUI. BiiUinil), OKKOON. Omon Ml Pbarat'V. I'ltion Hlo k. Oalla attended , i.B or .ny. llexKNHiaa, B. W. twr. itaaa tma Meoond Htrwta. 8. H. HOPHRETN. CIONVKYANCINO AND ' AfiSTKACl'INU OF flTLlSrj BlUUtBDMU. OBCHM. baal pa para' a" and I.uanann Ileal Ratal a acaoi.at i. llnKinna attaadaj to MtB pKiBiaiMiBand dimmtrh JAX. V TiiollrwiN, wnTR rrn.ir, TMOIfHUS HOI. 90 yeartaxperii'iH'ein Otlli o Lrpul Bnsi IMNM li.llllll trilHIH eX.I'UU'O. I riMU-i 1 v ul EMiitts in 'J Ii.diviil.lalH cmril lor. (ifllceal the lliunar. l-'nn-Ht drove, Oregon C. TE. tiCKiEK nClMI)PATIO PIIVSH'AN AM)SUROEN. VOIiCST OROVK OKKOON. SneriaJ attention l:iid to M.-dlrnl mid 8ur(j eii 1wom" of Women and Children iind all cnronicuiitfuBrn. ilffii. and teaiilcnee. liowlby houne Favilic a'.. Wexl of Korext llrove hotel. E. H1X0H, ENTI8T, roKEflTOKOVK, OKKOON Hfntart. lial teeth I.VfiO pernet. t'enient ami ai.iaiaim nll.ii.rn 3U iciitxrii. il. Ool.l lilluigs Irci.i SI up. Vitalized air lor pain ... I r,itl iti.i. 0rK'a: IhrM mra north of Kriak koM. IMBaa tar rp.ai .. tots. ni. Altai Ha, Dkntist, nn.i.sr.oKo, oi:k Orr t llomix: II n. in. to 4 :'.W p. in. OfBo in I'nion I.Wk over l'li:irni;.ry. w AH1EI) HKVKK.M. IIKHIHT AXI lAneHt Imtkoux to n pn-xein ll iih ...a.i4.re h in tlt.x Hlnl chw ly eiMiniiei. .Salary f 10 a year and evpe.iHix HlraiiH.t, lHn."hde. no more, no lei nalary. I'o Hilion HT.i.a..ent Our relerenre, nv hankin any t wn. It i mainly oltiee ae k eon. hi. 'ted at home. Kt ft-r.-i.ee. l-.in0lnie Hell'-addrexHci and lampt-d en Vel.i'. 1 he ...i. ...... hi t ompany, Dept. ;i, Chn-:o. r4ly BrtThk Saltier in Africa." Otpt. C. (.1. lHnnixon U well knott n ll ovr AlricH ax eniiinmnilcr of the Wm tlmt pHpturwl III.- Ixiiioih rolxd tiAlixh. Umler ilatt- of Nov. 4, IS1I7 frufl Vryliurjf, ltc'li.miml;in.l, lie Writos: "Ifc-for xtHrlinu on Ilio lusl iaiiiiaiKn I IxmiI.I a .(.nullity i.f ('Imn'.U'rlxiii'x t'oli-, ('l.til. rn anil liixrrh.x'a Rt'inMly, - which I utl iyx'lf . wlien troul.lctl with txivtcl complaint, ami ha.l (fi vents my men, ami in every eaxo in proved biohI lienefieial." For silo hy Iviia Drujf .Store. It will nut he a xurprixe to any who are at all familiar with the gixxl Uitlitien of Chamberlain's Coiih Renutly, to know that x-ople every where tHk plea xi i re in relaffnK their exleru In Ihe us. of twat xpleui.lt I.. , .!!;. ll.n uA..flt I they have rexTiviO from It, of 11 colds II has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia It hits averted and of the children it has saviiWrsaattYimtir sc attacks of croup and whipping rough. It ia a grand, gixxl medicine. For ale by Delta Drug Store. T7 ACCIDENTAL HtlRT OX) PHYSICAL STRAIN. alinye S00 frjpd In.ich timre of nml i it cure lurely. 17 u PEE1 BY NORMAN HUftSt Copyright, 1899, by the American Pfesa Associaiof. an If?! It vtiix ii xuiiiih'e -.niiriiienr that the 1 editorial on Din trial xl.onl.l contain an. Ii n Klaiini; error Einotiotml po.plo w.n. 1.1 have enllil it "tho tinker of Provi.leiiro, " hnt of rourxo it wax not. It wax ximply tlin error of a rompoHitor Who ixrliapx h.nl hail toumm ti to drink or at any ratn wax not nt the iuxtniit thttikini; of what he wax doing. Ixt nx aeeonnt fur xll thiriK" nntnrnl ly If wornn. WonlK.niinatxnpTxtition in tho Tiin.-tiH-iith century and really never rare to discuss "tho tiiitfer of I'rovi.lenco' at ulL "A a t r a A xtr.intrer, " Par ri'iit mntternd. "Snpixme old Marxden diiv before ho roBl.l write what he in tended tot SiipKiHe Himther aeoond of life wonld havn alt.-nxl all tliinifxl Why did not the dcfcimo think of that? Axtray Marwlen qnaiTi'led with Jiwiah and left him. A third HTon entered, and that pcrxnn wax tho one who com inittod the deed. J.wiah Marxden, living and alone, remenilxTeil Soinetliiii warned him that Axtray wonl.i ho ac cnxe.1, and ho wroto what ho intend.'.l Hl.ii.ild prove liix innocence- Noouo can any what were tho exact words ho in tended to write 'I am dyint;. innr dered hy a xtraniro man, who forced hix way into thfl house. ' It inicht have teen that, it liii'ht have been nnythiiiK after the word 'xtraii),'o, ' the word in the writing of whicu, and Ix-foro lie could complete it death overtook him and hix very handwriting condemned the man whom he had tried to save. The more Darrent thought the more moody IxH-ame hix reflections. Wax it pnxsil.Ie he had blundered f Wax it pos- Hil.lt. that the man now nnder xentei.ee of death wax only the victim of a xeri.-x of circumstantial incidents that ho had so cleverly put together? He turned to n nihil the Vreakfaxt that he had neg lected, but all inclination for food had vanished, and he pushed his pinto aside and stared ont of tho window again, and, ax ho gazed, there continually dinned in hix ears one sentence: "Sup pone you've li-n mistaken I pappose yon'vo lieen mistaken I" The reM'tit,iou grew ximply madden ing. He con Id bear it no longer; he wonld retext every theory; he wonl.i retrace his steps, go right back to the Ix-ginning, follow every clew from a different xtan.lpoint mid see where it led him see if there was anything, no matter how minute,, that he. had over looked. Ho turned to tho nowspaier once more, and as ho glanced down the columns a chess diagram caught his eye, the uhu.i1 weekly problem, "White to play and mate in two moves. " In an instunt Dam-Ufa mind was alert on a new scent. 8o easy had lieen the trail that hn had followed, ho clearly had it pointnl to the guilt of Aidray Marsdcu, that he ha.l quite overlooked tho rohlx-ry of the chessmen. They had seemed to have no real connection with the actual murder, and they had slippi-d from his memory. Nov, and it came forcibly back to him, he had better try to trace them and find what bearing they had nix.n the caso. He recnllixl how he had bnilt np a theory that if he conld only find thnae rhnxsmen he wonld bo very near achiev ing mate njMin the murderer's game. H'hat step should ho take nowt Ho tomchow conld not dixnbnae hix mind of tho nneaxy feeling that had poxsi-SHed it that porhaiw he had put the hemp round an innocent man's neck, and in a few weeks' time, nulexx ho proved himself to havo been wrong, to have followed a bad theory to a falxo end, the noose might lx drawn and Astray llarsilen gono beyond recalL He went np stairs to hix room and took from hix bag tho odd pawn and tU piece of tissue paper containing the chip of ivory, his new clowx. It was a big, manly tank Darrent wax going to enter nptin, because if he proved that the conclusions he had al ready nrrived at were false and that nil along hn had followed a false scent he wrote for himself and hix lauded aluliiy an awful denunciation. If, on the other hand, he only confirmed tt s first theory there wax nothing further to go on Working for beyond self xatisfacti-ei nrf --'ntinnt. Wax it worth while, after all J be (Hindered. Why not let things take their course? He stepped out into tho str4t and paused, irresolute, for a few momenta. Then, snddi-nly tucking np hix mind, he walkrx), rfipidjy to the railway sta tittn ainrtiHik the train for Ili.lefi.r.l 11.. had docidi-d that the first new step he mifet pnrsne was to ascertain from Kthel Kitii;st.n anything he conld ax to the r.-ul relationship between Astray llrslen ami the mnr.lered man and. fnr'her. what were the gronn.ls pon wlc. h old Marxden had forl.iilden the marr age of Astray with her. Per haps iu that very refusal of consent to the nlliai ce there might bo something that wonld l.-rvl him on a fresh scent, .met ha) f thrtt would dull or satisfy that aching that had taken possession M his mind, that w.ld allav tho hannting fear that perhaiw. ntfrTMj ho was wrong. 4 When Darrent reacrWA liMof.-rd. he ! exix-riencd Imt little trouble in finding tho atHHle of aV'.thel Kingston, for npon a finv liiir,,iul,.H1 .,1.... ..n . A t ,,. ;tr,vt hn a,, ,n nBmw Bn, nn .1 U .1... 1 ,, derneath the word "Milliner. How, wondered Darrent, as he stood awaiting nn answer e his knock, would he rni.lehe woman who had tak- n that nnr. hearsed part in the dra- ne at the trial ? Wonld she be prostrated with grief and refuse to seo hi ?r wonld she npbraid and axxail j him for having st.-adfaHtlv imrsne.1 and wnvjj-t-sen. she loved, the man whonjV.e U-lieved to he innocent and whoniTir'O' were bnt free, she had sworn lsfore all men she would marry? While Dsirent turned these posxihili tie over In his mind thed.n was op-ned by the girl herxelf, who conld ill conceal a start of astonishment aa he raised his hat. "Von have come from him?' aba T77 A Selective Story Oft Chicago Suburb. The Murder al The Grange and Hex 111 Mysftry Was Solve hy Darrent, the Aiaar IcaijLecoa. aa queried. "yu" answered Darrent ax he Ac cepted her invitation to enter. "I hava come, Miss Kingston," ho continued. "Ix-canse ttxlay I do .not feel quite satislieil ax I have been all along abont the guilt of Axtray Marxden. " "And yet it is due to you, atid yon alone, that he is condemned. ' "I only l i 1 what wi my duty I only pieced together facie, and the jlry decided npon those facta, Today I coug. to you becanse I fet-l that one of tuoaj. very facts ix weakened, and ik W"A netis weakaax the whole clin. " 'Tray go. on. It is life And fcth to dim to) ma" Darrent took a ernt IxHe Kril.l drew from hix jiocket the paper that he had been reading that nxjrnina and aiilil "Misx Kingston, when Antray MalH-di-n asked you in court if yon believed him guilty and yon answered 'No;' when ho asked yon if yon wonld marry him if ho were free ami yon answered 'Yus, ' it for the moment lessened my belief in his guilt, but when I again re viewed nil the facts that shadowy feel ing of donl.t vanished, and I was na sure ax ever of that guilt I slept well hint night, a sleep nn.listnilxl by any dreams tortnring me that I might hove hclpvd to condemn an innocent lie l)k fmm hi hag the odd p.ncn. bnt this morning I felt doprcsxod, and when I ojM-ned this paper, ont of your very words of yesterday, ont of the very epis.Mli- that ha.l lnomenUrily shaken my confidence In his guilt, had grown another incident that, nusnperstttiocs ax I am, seemed nothing short of uii racnlons coincidence if yoaj had not liken yesterday, these Wtlx tiiatl m going to show y.m now wonlrt naver have lxH-n written, tlie mistake conld not havo occurred, ai d it might aaver have enter.il my mind tiiat jnatide liart perhni miscnrrierl. " Ho placed the paper on the table an & pointed to the editorial with tho vi placed space, Astra tigxr H 'Ho it lias never been onr lot to Witnese, " For some moments Ethel Kingston conld scarcely mast.-r he emotion ax she gazed at the printed lines, and. sinking back into her scat, she covered her face with her handx. Darrent wait-d nntil alio ha1) in at.tne measure n-gain.t her comntwire and then, speaking very quietly, aaid: "Miss Kingston, I have already told fon I'm not a xuixTxtitioux man. end I dou't Is-lieve in signs nnd omen, but this accident or coim-h'.-nce ciail it what yon will has we. tf.ied my bt lief in myself and has determined 100 to re tost tblx caso in every detail, to follow again every dew. and see if i can 6nd anywhere where tho chain is faulty, any single instance where 1 have erred. where I have assumed too mMcfc r have allowed t. little." A thanklul l,-k lightBe4 let fat for a moment as she answerfirl: Oh, if it only ix no if y,m, wfto have so painstakingly followed the cWwe to this awful end. xhonld find ft-ina evidence that should prove lliln iSno- ceiitl Oh, merciful h.f. n. it Biaat he prove.il He ix iiin x,t he ia cent!" Again Darrent wa ted notUahetaA become calmer. "Can yxi." he ankjd d t,t;.e Dot.-h.Hik frota his hh k, t "arive ee. aty reason why old Mararl-n w.e bit ter ngainst the miifriajd-.f yonr lf aA Astray? "I only know that m.-iBt ymf ag , while I wns away at at h-K 1. inj favhte1, a widower, q-iarnl.sithisiih Mara den what nlnt I ti?-r 1. ern.-d, Jixt from that day nntil my father died two were dead! enemies, ee l oM ft Marsiten fortuwle Asara rVtt tpi-ak to me. " "Do yon know anything tfan Hal relationship between A.-eJ.iy e4ejM oel tnan ?" I only know what Astray told ir. and that wax Wiat Mr. Marxden adopted' him when he wax qnite a child and that jhe hail no recollection of hix parents. " n do not think tlO Josiah might navts'.-n nix lartw ri "I do not knoft-, Mr. Darreirt : Indeed I dn n.-t know. "e "Ne'r mind,"' answered Darrent .wtt.lnclp "V.itv 1 1 r. i a AA Astray Marsibn bi'tw-n hix return b) Noreomlie from Africa nnd the mnraVr O The Orange t Kernel flT, I am ask ing now to try to save htm. Tell me all yon know. "No: I had not seen him for two yenrs nntil Itw him Bfter the mnrder. " "Rnt he hxd writt-n to yon?" -Itepenteiiiy. Dam-nt pansml again. He turned to be able ti get 0 further in this prob lem Nothing wax different from what he had built np all along. This woman conld give him no fnrther InfSt-uiatlon, and yet there was still the aching doubt that had been with him all day. Hi mind reviewed the clews from which h Confirm on Fourth Pnge. toaa. ULF lilttlMXl I,AU With the crops 'harvested, and the fall work out of the way, the season ix propitious for the farmer to consid er the natter of drainage for hix laud. It ix not inteihletl in this articlo to enteV inlo the delilx f.r land tlrain hjs, but simply Aj call ition to the liteil of lhi w"t- TheroinaBMliilll f.si4li(t or the aiillaaaitt Vallcj, c..u I d fAiih oav Innotl Dcipillions, ix tsRcient evidence that a l(io ual t of ilx agricultural iamlx wo'f'l '1 lX-netltl by unttBrdatiuiiet. e siie de luelhill i0 vhich the fnkl.Sr iii delennine bather Mis land reUie) draiiiint; or not ix to xin a pit U or 4 fJI I deep, Snd if any Wit. coll.H-tx, and f i stiaiis iu (liix pit Sals hours after ifinrslk Ihs laad yill r nefiled be (lrainii. No problHta ix ol natter ax-oiomie iuiiHirtaiies to the farwetw oftliis sx-c- tion I tan the one of u.lntrsiniiHv. Among the ehaiav that Isfee place In the soil, resulting from ilrsiLiige M Its improved meehatiiial eAidi tior, hsiioa tillage ix reodeMd less iiapensive, ami the soil Kiaierially iilvl f. ilant growik. J 'reining WtrBix the soil. Benea oetcejjlil.l lengthens I he wasoa of fVotth. Tenirafsn Wan important factor in the gcrminatioa of eei d and for IIS gn.A th of plants. It ix estimated af the evaporation of 1 pound of VAlsr lower the Iemralure of 100 (xajtid of noil 10, and to evaporate id artiiiciul h.t the aeaouuf of eah-r dUtttaintii ifa a Sinlall of two inches 04 an acre woald require over 20 tons of 1, Instead of allowing the hydros!- Ik1, ( excess of water of tho soil to be evaporated by ihe heat of the xun, it Would be inlliiitelj la tter lo have Ihie energy conat-rved iu plant giowta. The preieot unpfluctive eon.li- ti.ifl or t fry largo portion of the White Ian. Is of this valley ix due to Ihe want of drainage. These lan.ls wben artillcially drained soon be- cornn fertile, and the biological ehat'ges made possible by draining, quickly improve the color aud lex taso oflln-ae soils, thereby increax ing fuur4iM(!uelivsBaase rirrajght iW sling povcrs. Oregon Agricul taral College and Kxperlmeut Kta tion. Honolulu, let, 1 18!)i. lr Uncle, and Friends: I Will write you a few lines to infcirtii you, that the i 115th arrived here all safe nnd sound last Friday pjorning. The (rip over hero as uoeet-stasl, with the exception of the first two dnyx, wbt'ii we had snuuS of tbe Magbisit water that yoo ever saw. The ship would rock at one toae, and pitch ibo next, and it seemed mat ano wiana sure y go down, but we always la nikd right side np witb tare. Eraitit llih. and ntrseii were tr firtniiaie in not haviug to go through that trying (!eal, of heaving ap your l oots. Bat it was a aight to see 4'Ni or ft 0 njeo a rai it-g hi e which one coa.'d heave op tle osor, and xoewof iheai were en bad, that they would have been glad if tie int baJ tfne down. There was plant arrab, bat sot maof to tat for the flrat three or Hair dya,ratly iheiiew- wegt Uen sverylisly wa. feeiiBK like a ngtitirtg r:k suid reaily to it anytliiag est hefire ik. m. Hisnoisia s a great pia., it ta one ofUie tiiatwt iseces Dial tn.tr' ever setti, aaxl Hat auheibs ere grand Where H -h rrsidi-nt has frofii 1 to 6 atrui WhirAi surToenih-d by caca i ', twJaie ail ftg I mm, wi.itk make oue iftb pt Mtirsi siide trvrs oat. Tbe larsuav e lAey call tbrtoeelm raise vary tliag tAatyoucea ttiisk ut. Tsnirinriil v being; croa tats, fi4i a e, (nfs, baiiSSax, lew. one, itan4 xtrawlierriiia. Ihe titas grow ou a tree about !i or tea nsfhiaiihtre is only 1 bunch (aafvas. Acint nut tree ix frntn ' t 30 4tt higii, Willi out any limbs ill few veaeM tbe top, when- the nuts gr-iw, aJl in cluster. Rlee gmalug lmon In mind of Wheat that put In t ith a drill. The talis lI aumethiit like whiat ar pa. pine apples grow on the fat.und and the plants are about IS iu.ij'ert. They are very expef give, uHirnft rents a piece. . The town, itself ftjgg on a large nay, amfin the rear Ix xirSrounded by large mniintsins, one of which Is a large extil.cl vol. hi o. I he buildings are of an Inferior c!.i-, tlTTe 'x'iiig Unn,-up to date, aii.l Ibt- liiin st Isn, ing alxmt the one ai M. I). Fiai.ks 'd biiilding? The native? are ol a dark comph-xie:i ,a"at Ihe siw of la ck, but ei-t-y re very hospita b class eW'-nffie, xnd vtiil ve you any lhir5; they have. Every thing with ffte exception of tropical fruits is lots higher than, in I'lirtland. lieer ' t4d whiskey 2" els. meals V-ost -to to 50 eta. and every thing else i pro Portion. There ix over Mi1 vessels here) end four transports. We will (tninhoroaliug this afternoon and will go tomorrow. Well, I have not got time to tell gu any more, but will write moya, next time, well I will close w ith Ix-sL, regards, "hoping to hear from yuu x.xin after arriving in Manilf. From your r)aedient Nephew, Fkki L Uaci.t t'AKK t F TllK OKI II AKIN The past year, with its unusual climatic conditions, have been) mark ed by a signal m gleet of tillage op erations In the orchards of the state, One result ot this has Ixt ii the form alion of an extra large amount of fruit wqjhI and buds, aud under 'ir.li nry aoudilions, neil i-pring there 1'ill set a very ujuch greater amount of fruit than will Ix best lor boih the interest ol the tree and tho orchard- is!. The orchard should receive judiciolx, yts, a vigeroux pruning litis inter, 1.) thi' end that liberal thinning of fruit spurs shall be had, otherwise the more expensive work of li&nd thiuriing must b done or else there will be produced a mass of small inferior fruit for which no mar get can lie found, and ax too often oc curx, the larger pa't of the crop be comaf a waate. Now ix the time to make a thor ough examiaation of the trees; study the varioux systems of pruning and the ends I hey are sought to reach. W'ach the insect and fungous foes and the climatic e fleets upon the fruit and foliage) buds, and with the open ing of spring be prepared to give the orchard vigerous but judicious prun lug and follow this with ger.erous til lage of the soil. Only under coudit ions like thtyo can we expect to get the orst of returnes from the orchard next year, under the usual Oregon cl i mat ic cond i t ions. ( )regon A gricu I tural College and Experiment Slat ion. IKBBttl'LAB lllJIMi With the rainy season fully upon us there is a tendency on the part of cow owners, and particularly those who keep but a small number, to be im-gular in the time of milkiug. There is not much to he done on the farm and late rising is quite apt to be the rule, and a desire to have the chores done before darkness sets in, causes the milkiug to be done early in the evening. Trips to town, mi occasional full days wor on the farm and other causes, may make Ihe milking hour earlier than usual in the morning and later in the evening, thus giving rixe to an irregularity in the milking hour. All really progressive dairymen have a regular time for milking at all seasons of the year. It does not mat. torso much What the hour is, but it is best to have the intervals ltween in likings nearly equal. A short ex. peri men t wax conducted with the station herd nearly a year ago to de. (ermine the effect of irregularity in milking. Hix cows were divided into two lots, such that the average age of the cows, and period of lactat ion, also total yield of milk were prsotially the same for each lot. The tWo lota received tbe same kind and amount of feed, but the cows in Lot 1 were fed tnd milked regularly at 4:30 p. m. and 5:30 a. an. while those in LiOt II were fed and milked at hoars ranging from 5:00 lo 9:00 an. and 4;00 lo 6:00 p. to. A com par. iann of the milk yield for three weeks under this arrangement, with the three Wet'ks proceeding shows (bat tlie cows in Lot I made a gain in yield of 5 9 ir cent, while those iu Lot II decreased In yield 4 4 K.-r cent. Axtun Ing that the cwws in Lot II would have done as well as those in Lot I if they bad had the seise treatment, which is highly probable, we find a loss of practically ten pr cent in ,ne 111 ' 111 yield during I three Weeks due to irregularity in milking and feeding. The loss bow ever was con lined to the milk yield aa there was practically no change in the quality of the milk during the text period. The gain in yield by Lot I wax doubtless due lo tatter feed and care than was received during the preced. Ing three weeks. Oregon Agricultur. al College. Thi condition and conduct of the Lnited States troops in Cuba are cred. itable to their officers and to the war iepartment of the country. The men under irksome restrictions, nee esssjej for their well-being, have be haved splendidly ane) passed through the unlieallUf season with scarcely a cane of yellow fever. Of uuaclimated while troops ever stationed in the West Indies these United (Slates SSldiers are the? first J who have not suffered terribly from dexeaxe. aTlte reason is to tie lound in Oeneral Urooke's rep. They are looked alter "by professional offl cers, well versed in their duty." John King, of San Francisco, em ployed in the railway ma I M-rvioe between that city and Ashlar. t, was seriously injured there Monday ly fTsling out of email wagon, which runs between the city ixxtorri -i and' the railroad depot. He was oushed nnder the wheels, lie received ugly cuts and bruises about the head and was unconscious several hours but the injuries wif? not prove, fatal. 'lilt) IKK Tin:-. in-TioHr i .. The Fossil, Whet ic r Co., Journal tells (Rial story nt ti.i- tpen.xe of two Ea-U" n t.'n g r. do- ,-s . Koine ten y-..rs ago ihcre was a d.K-fiir in Coi.,1 ,n named Alexander, who had a dii.i)it Vti his oiliee who was alxo'a doctor. At (bat tiim Hon. 1$. K. Soaicy of Mayville, 'Alio was the demo-pop . i.ndiilate la-t year lor representative of Oilliaui county, wax in very (K.i.r health, v. ith consid erable paiu iu Lie r-giou 1" I. is heart probably caused by rheuiuulisiu, lo which lie ix at times sul jcct. Hi ctlledon Dr. Alexander to ituve hisA heart toted, clie old doctor bared Ii. K.'s breast i.iot'usaIiix exr against I. is manly bni.st, Hn(TWs4yixc. the Iheu budding politician to in.ilwU Mi.l at ouce, as judging from tl.e'K, liint beating of his heart, he might live 21 hours, but con 1.1 not po.sslMy survive a mouth. Never before ; ud only once since (wfieu the voles re co-lhted id June l.it yesi) tiiil 11. K. face pl. s i, i as high a lined measure ment as on that occasion, at d he is a war veteran, hx. Touched at his patient's woe-b- gone expression, the old doctor calUd hix daughter in consultation, to see if by any chance she could not hold out little more h..MU to the stricken man. Now Miss Alexa ider, M. !., was pretty, plump, xtiteand bright, and any one having a- knowledge ol Ii. K.'s life long chivalric proix-nxitius might havo guessed the result. When she gently lemied her soft cheek aud wuvy hair upon Ids rug ged breast, H. K.'s heart began thumping like a ,-l, ,ge hatnmer, and Miss Alexander said that unless all indications failed In- would live lo be a hundred at least. The old doctor was rnystilied, and attributed his false diagonsis in Ids growing defec tive hearing, liotli the Alexanders were g.xid dix-tors and it is said ihis la the only case on record iu which their diagnosis completely disagreed.' Here is sli'l another n a.-on for the cause of the wcr in N.ulh Atrica: The issue, hom vei , lo.-. been I. si sight oiand lite war is uarrovked uown 10 a (OlUt -: li.r iiiw-.-..uii nl ai pile Of go'.I, but .i ll n ,li.- i rsn-viial country, and einn.ttfd invaiue at .j,(MlOMhl,IMHI. As !h- 1, oil. Inn Posts puts it, the silo. t . i, ,1 now lltnt the Ibrt-rs are say in- to the Kriti-u "You shall not touch m i- em ;: we w.'l not allow you to none .:, ,- a the surface of the iruii.i, x'ldtke it away unless y.u pnvi.sBti;'- by the way of royalty," mul Hie I nlish respond: "We e'o -ironj; ere ogh to throw these i!fi,0in Ho. i-. ,1 ll pile of gold, hlron- dough tot.ke it williout paying v roya'ty, . .-i I we meau to take it. ' I is folly p pay for that which y.u luve the might lo lake." (iiainherlaiii's I'toii iialm ( tires Olio er!, W hy ".it Vu. My wife has t, .en using Chamber lain's 1'ain Rain., with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of mi dicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this medicine aud thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle aud her shoulder is almod we:i.--Adolph L. Millett, Manchester, N. H. For sale by Delta Drug Store. Since tiie Philippine inlands now belong to the CnilisJ Slates, and will remain in our possesim, i( is gratify ing lo learn from competent ami te llable witiiexsc-, such as Genera! Funston, that they will become a very valuable poxscaxioii. He only con linos the tflimoney of otliersi when he says that a large portion of tiie land is as rich aud fertile as any ou the face of the glotx-, suitable for rice and sugar, and oilier -otnltri. pi ca I products. Tropical woods aloue in t ne of Ihe smaller islands are exti. mated to bd won h 1 .''.o-hi.isj'i. In less than ten years, Oi-uend Funston thinks, the I'nit.d state- will derive from t.s0,0M,oiHi to lti.i,i)'Ht,(Mil from them annually. ''halrman J t: of the 1. rtioi-rsl- L Committee; h nol yet ( r.-pan d to admit that prin-iTity has returned. Says the Rv. Sxm J,.i.--w "The biggtst hxil ri the world is the e who -lands up ml argues against faeis. 1 m.. talking to one of Ihoxe old fre.-iilvt r I ritis a lew days ago alid ca.ie.l attention lo the great prosperity which bnt come Uxn ouStoi-nuuf , mill-, and rl.epx and mini s running on i.i tint.-, xtid l0aid lrul4swsjf",!'rai c.gljo to our land again, lie -It Hin t struck me yet.' I -1. 'I; - mighty hard to hit not f. i "' e It sh03aaa- expl--cd, l.owever, that when I.lrntlor .-x... ,1 ,t,. . rctf.d Ihis he was led -f Hk'".- of i'.rolr.er Jim jB.'ies, n .t !-. ei-" he m "i.oih. lng,"0but p-rhap- I .-.-.ii-,. f,,. ,Q prove an alibi lis ' irop.. Camvohia. .-r DURING THE WEEK Scceral cases of Tiftlioid frcr arc Reported at Baker Citij. lUMKHAMS FOR XKU IIKKtl Henry Workiux or (.rant (sanity lt lN tans ef hay by lire last Met) ' i he loss viax alaiut fld . A match factory ix among prom-i.-ed industriex at Coquille City. lmkeview lias a dancing club and ft dramatic aud musical club. Two pumpkins weighing 0:1 and KG pounds are on exhibition iu (V quillo City. ' An Empire Cannery receiveil 4o(J8 sal moil one (fay last wetife. A Marsli field cannery put up 2o0 ca-es in one day. 'Silver lake in I.ake county, is re porUsi alive with ducks, geese and swan more than fur many years past. Seven families, 3H persons, arrived in Newberg from Minnesota within the past week, all coming to settle mi farms. The footbull game Monday after noon at Albany rexulted: University of Oregon, second team, ii; Albany college, 0. r,i a The Lakeview lxaminer wants the merchants of its town to stir themselves to keep tia.le from going to Jackson county towns. A shipment of 1711 pounds of dried Hpph - ass niftdt. from Dayton last week, sale at 7 cents a pound hav ing been made in l'on Intnl. Typhoid fever is prevalent in link er City. It is atliil.ul.sl lo lack of proper draina e, anil there ia agita tion for a sewerage system. John I'etegani a coal miner at Libby, wax severely injured alaiut the face laxt week by a premature explosion, but will recover. A sale of 12o,noo bet oi lumtier has been made at Medford to be shipped to Red Riuir, ( al. The aver age price was $22.rn per thousand. The broom handle factory al Ran don ix getting out fiOoo cornice polew and 50,000 pieces of molding for a San Francisco house, sayx the Ilecor der. J. F. Wilson, of Flatt trap, died as the result of stepping ou a null- BIchxI poisoning set In, and ilia limb was amputated but he grew steadily worse. A powtollk-e has been established at Rement, Multnomah county, on the route from Orexham to Clone. F. M. Graham has been apHiinted post master. N. C. Longfellow arrived out from Wallowa county Tuesday evening with oOCO head of sheep for shipment to Nebraska, says tho Elgin Recor der. They were loaded at the strs-k-yards Wednesday morning. Sheriff Withers, of Itne county, has straightened up the shortage of Deputy Sheriff Day, and ix ttxlay Ihe only man suffering for the crime and ingratitude of hix favorite deputy, says the Cottage Orove Nuggett. The enroner's inque-t was held Monday evening at Oregon Cily on the body of a man found near Wills burg Sunday. The verdict was death from alcoholism, or In-art fail ure. The deceased was in Irishman, aged 50, Well dressed. Tbe Eugene Guard complains t tint Portland employ ir, cut agency is defrauding UNirkiugmen by taking fees from them and send i ng (hem to the RiKilh-KeUy company, when in fact that concern has all tin- help it needs. ' The recent rains have been worth thousands of dollsrs to the farmers of , Grant County, says the Canyon ViJ News. fl"hey have wet tin ground so (hat Ihe fall sow n grain i- growing nicely, and farmers sxv their fields sre hx.king better than v.r many years past. . a A slack contairiMg I1"' tons of h,"y belonging t Henry A'ork ings, near Mt. 'trin, (irxnt i-oiiuly, w is burne.1 last Monday innrnirig. '1 he loss is atsiut p.uo. The tire w as of incendiary origin, and the culprit lry! s't x sunglx-s ou a lke in mu h a manner that the glass would t-Hs f he rays 0 pon a rug -a'jTT.i with oil, xttir Hre to It. The di-rngn e evidently was that the suke -hould is burned and the xungla- dentr'.yts but that tailed, and the gl i-s remains. vi a clue to the cnuii in'. CPS e a e9 a