Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 03, 1899, Image 3

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    .il-U'lillS INSTITUTE
Institute at Tiyardciile
u-js JuttTt'slinrt and
II attended
a n( liiMii. rviKows vi i:j-.s
.l 1111 Ih'iiKi iftliey slit-ils
.. r I Ki.nl. llu-re will
In- mi uiuil of uuit
Tilt- tcicillT-l !i.nlitltt lllld Hi
'I V ir t. iV- I Saturday was atlcnd
1 J l.y i; li'iirlM'M h. well as many
r. -i.li'iiN ul l'i LCrti v 1 1 In mill vicinity.
Ail r .oi l having had a pleasant ami
I . ,t, t 1 1 ill- tunc.
1 1 I . i 1 1 vs 1 x program was pre.
..Mini: .
r A.M. '
I ii-rn-oii'M Course of study
1'iimary number w.rk II. A. li.tli
p. m.
I: -citation Mis-i M.ittio Pollard
,iiln- lion. O. K. Tigard
I'l.tii ntane M. C. Case
IVnmsiship J. Teuscher
l'hysii4ny II. K. Coleman
I In- county hiim rinti'inlrnt an-
iiiiuiii'i'il lln following places anil
iI.iIih fur ti ili I tT local institutes;-2
(iali'x Cri'ik, Nov. '2'i'y MHtslKiro,
li.c. H; I'orost (irovii, .Tnii. :I7; Ben
verbm, I'cb. 2 Lt 0
At lhc.i;Ui'Vof tho aieeting h rcso-
luluu wiuiJted thanking the cili
yli-i iif T lyarilvillu mill vicinity for
tlm generous entertainment pro-
'I I in following named teachers Were
111 attendance.
'l'lgiirdville Kli. ibolh A. DoWn
ing, F.thel Norman, Pearl Shaver,
J'llin lloliuiHii, Win. Pollard, 4. M,
llillsboio (Jraeo H'wcoy, Lciey
Humphreys, M. ('. ttine, II. A. Hall,
lliliedulc J. Teuscher, Gertrude
'I' m m n.
Progres-i Mario lliniey.
Kinliin Maiiil (loilard. cr
West Portland Hannah I! Adr
SOU, 0
Ueavtrton II. K. Coleman.
Tin' iiuhlic st hoiU huildiiar at
Tiirtrdvill, where thin institute Wan
liei'l, is Hie Ir.Ht two-room building
in I tin enmity. llnilir the clllcieiil
iiiaiiairi'iiicnl of tlm principal, Mirk
K. A. Downing anil her assistant,
Miss. Kthel Norman thu hi-Iiimi! is
ifciinir excellent service. The char
acler ami thoroughness of the Work
(lime, entitles the School to rank
among the very licit in the county.
,'ardvillo, r
Oct. HO, !.!
I litor: u c
'1'he other ilny wo hail one of
them toocher lustitiMit in the stale
Iiouh. so leavin tlm hoy at home dig-
in later, 1 put 011 a yitir of overhalls
which hud been rcseutly wa.HB.eii anil
comltod out my whiskers a little anil
Unit I'd see what they dono there.
When ! trot Ihera and lookctl in I
Heed more (rood lookiir tcechcrs than
"had Hit been hly" privilege In-fore at
any one time, Home from MultiinuiH,
Home f:oiii 1 Sovertnn and some irom
vour town .Mr. k litor anj other.
They win already iliMCUHsin the beat
1 wolu to tcecli. n mm Unit It lit -hi 10
inn tooth picks hut 1 found out after
ward the liosHiifthi) meetin wan
oulv u-iu Unit method to tret the
cooks out to the other room where
tin- frrub was it waillu to tx et. Jtut
lie ast a fellvr, what kinder hanHon
' disjoint looks, to pass the pics to ill
the teechers and of course he HipMXl
he, mo when dinner come I WH not
Mi-pared to .set at the llrst lahlo hut
had to fmtc and et with the coofts in-
Hied of I lie nknle marms. W.-u arter
dinner they went after It hkhi, and
one feller Mowed it was U-tter lo
leech with "concn ta" iiwli (I of "h
Htrm t" which (liilnt 'ctly nuil me
for 1 bIIhs Unit concrete was nolider
t hail alwtr act hut anoi her feller frd
up kinder conf'rj' i! line at concrete
and al ') i' 1 mi, ; itild sef he wan 1
trill- li 1.1 lie 1.. vin! h Hin jfive 'em
to uiiiiersiand 10 thot concept
Mild percept was the U-st methiXl,
this li ft me in doulit hut tv-ii t fel
ler wilh hit; red whiskers got up and
positively staled that apcroeitM?'
was the hi-st, he carried my HytU
palhys with lum and I feel no lur
1111: lioiiht atiout it now. Me also -d
not to make fun of ToinmyH little
Millet ihw which he somel lines t brows
over to Mary, hut show hiir how to
1 i r '!! 'p"ii "ileor '
v x -1'i !it ul vice, and
v. .il''
11 -'i r W!inUil
0 t.y Iniys
. mln mil
l:..'HO if JHJ-
Ul lt up
iw miiaie
I. u
I I t
-ur (ml liuilil
he l ul-i 'vi'i. in' 1 1 ;tlt end ,0
Mi. u.,.4 .'. it i"-i-er,tui(ht M
(,'nod for sin ill as inn w a:ej, and
lot of other things, and after disrussln
alxiut alwtract and concn-te a little
more the nui'iin adprucl fi-elln
creally relnvlu-il. ,
A S hoo! I'atron. 11
niu iiKU ns.
Tin interest recently manitestetl
ly the public press In the matter of
"Kxh! roads" is lioiely, and will lie
more ho as our rainy season advances.
1 have Home thot n w hich, ho far as I
know are original and which I do
not knowtohan" ever boon put , to
tiractioal test. For more than forty
years 1 have cluntf to the notion of a
sin Itorwl road as adapteil to the cir
i iimstTiwocs f western OnKn If not
3 elsewhere; or it has clunir lo 1110, tho
emidorfoii'P''" to i''"'" "'at tho
I have often Mxiketi of it durinjr all
these yiars. I do riot know that
anybody has fully accepted my vLw.
I Am n"l the limn
' ln f ii'l, M'lu- iTiUiiu-il Ut run
"llii Inn 1; cm err of lif' strain
- tU wetll'UI" " ''"' ll" 1111,1
Nor do 1 emulate the a'riistency
or consistency of him.
'Wliii. if inn irmitJ mnt nreJi
ttnvu o. ""
t i.'t'u nftun lieen niiHtaken,
and have Hi-meliiiH H found it out niystiU
would like to know if thin in a nii
tai. 11 wastlrst HUproHtotl to me
while travolinu on ' mnly
11 ml observing that under the shelter
, of a mod r!e!y cprtfulinK 11 tree
Who road was rifeMi9'i''lv unlesa
water rtiiml aeii sa t H by tlrainatre
or se pa'i ; ami ";vp 0,'1 mnny
Htablea and open hhedH with earth
tki'i-s, and oannet reniemtKT that I
K?r saw ene.ftheso either dusty In
Humm or muddy In winter unleaa
It had a bad nntf or water louml ac.
oww la some other way. Ami from
tula 1 infer that the noil properly
protected ia the Ut inateriai for
road, the (winat and 11. .t eomfor
tahle for man, Uant am' vehicle, to
nay nothing of the advantage of trav
HIiik i t uiarketinj; in bad weather
or Helling your own tiiuof. r goinj;
or iMiuing.
ilift the olijei-tion commonly urisl
U the expeusea. I think it can be
Duill cheaper than plank or uravel
except where the laiter is very con
venienl, and 1 am not nine t ri.it it
cannot be done chetiper than even
corduroy double traidt, and w ill much
ou 1 ins 1 any 01 taeui. ivrliain exerd
periuieni will ex pone InconveliienceH
.or risks which have not suiriresVil
Ph.-iiiKiTves to me; but HOblroug is
my j-onviclionof its valu that 1 can
not persuade myself that 1 have a
rich! to die without making this ef
fort lo call llu attention of my fol
low travelers to it. 1 think it Hpiryl
ly adapted tu bicycle paths or auto
mobNcH. 1 1 can be fairly tested,
Wm. Akams.
Mia KIM rOMI'AKr.l.
I-ast wisk HtatisticH from the
Assessor'a iMMiks were L'iven and the
totals compared with like totals for
asM AHiiienl of ISif. Thu ( Irei'imian
of last (Sunday publishtsl iletaileil
comparisonH from the two rolls but
made a bad blunder in that the itcjs
of valuation tf iiersonal urfHx-rtv
were tranHiMMed. HuUtw are the
valuations in thcLr arOs-r place
lH'.IS lH'.l'J
Value lit a!f ImnN..
" Iliiproviiienls .
;!'ilh0 2:l."iOV.'
" town loin
" improvmenlH....
W UTele. 31 mi
Telephone, 2." mi
K 11 34 mi
H II rolling Htock
Far ii Iinplcmcat.". .
Noten and accouiita..
Household furniture
No hornet and mules
U27.',:;. i.VjIsd
11 mat
1 1520
II lll JO
1 l;!(io
!!'.) Kill
No cattle W:0'
No Hhoep and gouts.. il.'i'JH
Swltie k;!70
Total value property 4ShihJh; .'loHlD.id
Kxmation 3!li'Jl.rj 34!tHI0
Taxi)l Proixrty... 4lsr(770 32:12120
No I'olea ltiMti 1172
Iu IH'JS the nuiinxr of horwaind
mll4ri Weill 4302; cattle, 7HHU, BiitKip
and trials. tilHii; swine, 2 KM, an
HRuinst in ls:;, horsen and mules,
3'-Mil; cattle, il!7."); shi-ep and froats,
llfifiii; Hl ine, 2(112. The hhsi ssinent
ia 1 .2(i.r).720 liL'hler than that of
iK'.lk. r, a
c oriir noi se.
Herman Donuia ailiniinil to citi
J I' Tameisio v ('has llilchcoik,
action for money. Judgment for
Dlaintitf by default for $121.00 and
Kst Karah J Mull deed; bondsmen
ofdooll lialey late adminiHtrator
cited to apX'ar and hIioW cause if any
they have why money that has comu
into the binds nl Huid administrator
shall not be rM to K. II. Tongue,
adminiHtrator de-lionis -non ol Haul es
tate. Ordered that K. IJ. Tongue, ad
ministrator bo authorized lo sell the
claim against the T. 1). Humphrey
estate at private Halo.
Kst Karnest Freeh deed; inventory
of property amounting to I70U.00 111
ed and approved. Ordered that the
adminiHtrator be authorixed to bor
rovf 1. 10.00 and execute ft Biortgage
on tho realty belonging lo said estate
for H'curity.
Iiicen to eil Wh issued Oct. 30
loJohnl'aiM! 64, and l'hristiaft 1".
C. blolting 3D.
Tho council has pasnod one ditch
ordinance, and will Without doubt
pass the other at the next regular
meeting next Tuesday evening. Jlids
fir digging the ditches have not yet
IX-en published, bat will appear in
next week's paier. In tho mean
tima contractors can ' ' a thinking."
Ieavinc out the enacting words, the
material part of the ordinance passed
la-st Wednesday evening rt ads thus:
Sec. 1. That the newer, ditch or
unilordrala leretofore constructed
and now exming 10 mini sire'i, in
tho city vf lrillslMiro, WaHhinglon
ounly, Oregon, l repairetl or reeon
tructisl as follows: (k)iniencing at
a point in sum 1 turn street at or
about twelv feet west of tho point
where the east line of said Third
-root inti r-H-cts the south line ol
Jackson HtriU't, and extending thence
-math in naW Third Htre't, at a uni
form distance of 12 feet from the cast
iMiunilMr thereof, to a lsiint at or
about 12 fJM wat of tho point where
I he east I'm of said Third street in
tert;ts the iirtrth line of the alley
cXtcndie . east and went through
hlx K 13 of.SiaiiijonH' ftiWiUOB to im
town (-low city ) of Unburn, Oregon
Mt-c. 2. That said reptUrrt. or recon
struction lie mailo at the exps ol
tla; owuorsofthe lots or tracts of
tftnil ailjcent to said sewer, ditch, or
underdrain. aivordmg to the m-netlts
ree'lveil by each lot or tract of Jand.
Hoc, 3. That said sewer, ititen, or
underdrain he all repaired or recon
structed by laying tho same w ith six
inch drain tile said lile tn tie lain ai
tho same depth, as near as praol ladle
as tho exinting newer, ditcti, or under
drain was laid, and substantially in
accordance with tho plat and report
of survey made by A. A. Morrill and
tiled In the office of the recorder of
mid city on Ootolior 23, IHII',1.
The South Dakota Standard of Oct.
20, whose editor was a delegate to the
National Editorial Ansooiation writ
im? of the excursion through thu
Wlllmte vallev has this to sny of
Hillshoro: "Here tho people had
planned quite a deni4M.stration1 but
the time of0 our vlsityfalllng iijiMi
Sunday they conflned themselves to
luletly passia Intxof tlowets into
each cihC, which little attention was
of ooiiE.se much appreeiatiil, and
sitned very appropriate k the day
ftif quiet enjoyment which we were
siending witnin tno pitiace on
Cx Ixisur, Kugi-ne I). WfciJo.S.
ltliimaur and Kred Kaylor, grand
ollU-ers atatie Native Sons paid Orif
fin (Vbln an oflloial visit last even
ing. The Cabin aerveil a game sup
per and It is understood that the ses
sion was one of grat Interest.
IU 1- llryan A Son made a tifcall
exiarimental shipment of H)tatiHs
this week. If this Justifies exptn-ta-tions
it will be followed by othjy and
larger venture.
"ic: ;
Theij are Expected to raS
greater numbers
this year
1 lief can be m-cb In Hie Morula and
ulmut the mlilille vf Hie
I-VrcHt drove, Oct. 30, IS'.iO.
To the Kdilor:
In answer to your Inquiry concern
ing what arn known as "November
410 wers i t meteors" a few w ords of
explanation majj tie ol interdt.
To astronomers and persons who
make it altidy of the heavei.s it is
well kiiwu llil meteors iuliiMiliiig
starV as they ate uitaHy call- d, may
Is- hi en 011 alKO-T any clear muht.
That tht bodies ure rot really stars
f.itUmrrrom the sky s absolutely
Jtlovisl by the fact that they are com
paralively mar the earth when seen
from lilly to two hundred miles
away a-rhapn. They are indeed well
knoAiitolMj bodies revolving like
the earth, about the suu in orhiln
which am no elliptical that the earth's
mill interseclHlliem. They are cold
dark Isslies, for the most part very
minute. While a very few weigh
pounds and in rare cases tons, the
vast majority weigh only a few
ounces or (Trains, or are like particles
of dust in size. Whn these Instil
come in contact withet rlh's a!mos
I hero they are heated by tho friction
and liecome glowing, red-hot bodies,
in many cases being actually burned
up by tliu heat.
1 At tirst thot it might hi-oiii impos
silile that so rare a Htilislaace as the
aireiMild cnerate by friction huIII.
cient het to pro lui-e this result. Hut
il must I renrmliereil that tho me
teors move at a velis ily nlmost incre
diable m many cas-s as lnli as loiO
miles K r minute. Tho ellect uaou
the meter of iu tremendous rush into
theettrth's almosphero is much lie
that of la-ing iinnierd in a 11 tmo
liavind a tern pat ure of many thou
sand degrees.
It sometimes (M-curs thai a meteor in
so large and moving directly toward
the earth that it reaches the surface,
and, striking the earth with treiin ii
,l.,iw r,,ri'.. buries itself in the soil
where it is suls quenlly found; but
in the vast majority of ea'S tl,e ,iny
iiielertr is tthollv OOllHUmOll allll
auis-ars as a spark in tho higher
ri'irioiis of air. 0
There are certain timi-s of tho year
when meteors are murti more aumer
ous than usual, and instead o. Ip-
pearing hero and thert in tho t-y at
irrigular intervals, are sti-u m
showers of thousands in numlier.
S 'veral well detlned dates aw reeog-
nixeil when these showers are promin
out the mont notable l ing in the
m tilth of NovemU-r from tho t'Jlh to
liiih. It may lie well to remember
that shooting stars are more fwqueiit
in the morriina than the evening
and if ono ill scan
tho clear sky in tho early morning of
v,.v i nr 13. of anv vear he will not
usual number of
meteors. The explanation of tlune
showers issimtt v that two mcioors
nuivn nlHiiit the sun in great belts and
that tho earth passes thru these belts
at certain parts of tho year.
TheNovemlx r meteors are found to
have a larger period of 33 or 31 years
when they Hppwir in much greater
.,,,..,l.,.rs ili-iii t other limes. This
iillvoliservod in 17!lil, IS33
and lsr.lt. Tho explanation of tliin
fact seems lo bo Uiat in certain patts
nf 1 tin metiH.ric belt the meteors
are vary mucn more numerous than
in others, moving in clusters as It
were, and that these clusters come
around iu atmut 33 years. Another
fad to l.o noted alsiirt these showers
is that tho meteors seem to rsdiati
from f certain iioint in the
sky. Thts point i llxed for all
the showers that como at a iven
....rand. Tha NuvwiiIht metors
always move out from the Constella
tion Ihi. a..d are hence called
ids. I.eo rises at this time of
the your nt about 2 o'clock in the
morninjr, and 111 ly be neon at that
hour just above the horizott in the
northeast. 0
As it is now 33 years aim the
last grand display of the Novemla-r
shower, astronomers gem rally ex-
lKH-t to w linens II ("gain mis year.
o W. IH. 1'KKlllN.
Last Fridav evening tho mentls-rs
and congregation of tho M. L. church
met at the patMtntigo ami woioiaiwxt
Iti'V. Oln rg to his new Held of labor.
The gathering was lare and besides
the memlters of his own church, the
i.aslors of Hie other churches in the
city were present to extend a hearty
welcome. There was no set program
but tho evening was none tho less
pleasantly spent. Mr. om-rg lias
never Iteen hero lieioie exi-epi per-
hai.s as a visitor, but Mrs. Ols-rg. his
wife, who Is a iiatignter 01 iv-v. 1 . r .
ltoval. was a resident and a school
girl hero many years Hgo an 1 her re
newed residence is line coming nome.
A number of our society people t e-
memher her as chum and lavorih'H
and now she takes the same pioper
l.lai-e , not only with her husba'c s
congregation but wilh the city's wi
dely in general.
The Chits. K. Spaulding Ixigging
Company's extrnnive lumlH-rmen of
Nev.lerg have located a camp on the
Tualatin atmut 3 wiles Irom Hills
horo and will put out S largo Kiinitiit!
of white firings this winter, which
Will Iks driven lo Oregon City on the
early spring Hoods. They are a solid
loging tinn and it is lo the advantage-
of this part of the couiiy that
tin y are locating in this section since
there is ocu.siderahle tiiufce1 ol.lain-
slilo near here. H. 1'helps nn ex.
perienntid logger is foreman of the
1 1 i 1 1 itx.ro camp.
Mr. Hughes will pteadi at 1 1 a. in.
next Sunday, at tho Congregational
church, on "Spiritual Currents o-' a
Fhvsical Career; or, the Biography
of in AthletW." All other services
wi'l he conducted at the usual hour
and place.
For sale draft horse weight Iti Hi
true. KnquireofS. HHorrance.
Oreer has just got in a flne lino of
it. Q and glassware.
V UflliH nunlulillv on Imnil at
Try lOwneys lily cream at Oalea.
(io to (irt ers for irahberrii-a.
Oysters rs rvi-d in all stylus at Oatea.
Oreerhas the finest Hue of sjrnp-
in town.
Mr. Howell e.
wra a vinito'
4t IlillslMiro Tn - ia -
ITtsJii Ilillsi.oro ivi.
Ilarts-r itrSi u ife a sou.
s, tc I'red
For n ut giHsfliiiuse and barn.
Inquire of S. A. HorfJwce.
Times are I Iter. Fveii exectetfous
can in! made. Last Friday the Nhecfity
returned three executions nallrUtd lu
full. . '
A houM ki eper waetetl for a famrly
of two, no children. A good place
and a pleasant homo, Kiiqujre a
this ollice,
liied, J'ov. 1st at his home near
O.rin lius of typhoid fever Henry
lleiidrix aged ;il yijars. Tho re
mains we;e buried yeslenlay Hi V'er
Imh.I cemetery.
A erien"nf meetings ill be held in
tli( liriHtiari i t urch, Is-giiining Mon
day evening November, tilli. Tlei
paslor K. II. SiekHfiKino wfll Is asnL-j-ted
by J. F. ( ilioriuley f I'orlland.
W. W. (lankell Iiik- of F.lmira, New
York was in HillsUint, Saturday, tho
hi errand was with the farmers a
lev miles out of town. If he can
Miiit himself he will buy a home in
tho con uly .
Farmer Smith nays that tho Oliver
.plow which ho purchased of W. 1).
Hare at the dr align store is the best
ho ever hil'-iied a team to. What
particularly commends the Oliver
plow is tnat theie is a tool for every
variety of land. Tjiere is uo change
iu the price. Judge Hare also hand
les tho Oundlach grain drill, the best
011 the market.
Mrs. F.inerson's baby a child about
it year old pulled a tea pot full of hoi
tea, oil the table and spilled the con
tents over itself. The childs arms,
chest and legs are badly scalded, and
at one time most srrious results were
feared, but at last advices the little
patient was resting easily and corajes
tion, which is to le feared when
broad surfaces lire burnuri, Iml not
alarmingly dcvi-hkd. Dr. F. A.
liailey irresHod the bum. Mr. Kaa-r-son
lives in a hoiwe Iryaad I'anttn'i
s islt and door factory wirl U a Mf
A farmer in South Tuitolin lfit-
Hil late in May last I I acres lo tleU
corn, it grew fell till Ida AlftWt
rain after which it gn-W too Weil and
was in no hurry about riluing.
A lion I !" acres was cut anA pat into
trie silo then tin killing ft o( the
week before last killed tha corn. The
stalks were ruined but aot the ears if
taken in time. The farmer tdik
them, prime roasting ears and put
them in his silo with the UO tona of
stalks and corn from the first ive
acres housed. Thero are forty tons of
ers. - Tnfwront bitten stalls will In
rolled flat on the ground and plowed
under. The land will la fertilized
and In flne condition for next year's
crop, 'i tut armor is not discouraged
bat ne.t year a ill pltul a Held of 17
acres to c irn.
ati rsrm ftatcsexs.
Fred Meyers and wf tn M
Kehrli, 2.10 Hi res, sec 13 t
1 n r 2 w !90 00
L A. Hyde and wf to Mary
K and Ida L l'oyi', lot 1,
blk 30 City ol Fort
Grove 850 00
T Bernards and Wfto F J
Ui-iling, 1 acre in ftc UO t
1 n r 3 w 1 00
A Nichols and vf In Julis
l'oepii-1 and wf, n a w i
sec 2ti t 3' n r 3 w SO
acres lfll) (II
Mary White and huh to TL
1) rtiid Jeanie llenflarn, a e
of n w J sac 2 t 2. n A W
It) acre 1) (J)
V Mesninger to Ncllia Mier,
100 acres sec 21 t 2 8 r 2 W 60100
Nellie ier and hub to J
(Vmzelman, urnie as WwiTe 025 OB
J K U yA to H Iloyd, 22 g.
nec ls, t 1 s r 3 w D tU
A J Fa no and wf lo Alonzo
K Fano, sec 27 t I a r 1 w
and other land3;.32 wa 1 . I (I)
lmvtd lVaymond anA wf to
Cims Dhomlt, 3.41 mm
sec 1 1, t 1 11 r 4 w IK) fi)
H liond to ('has HhuHAt,
suit claim to above tfact... 75 (I)
IhWt l.i'tr Writ.
The following is a lint of Iwraaa W
muiniiig uncalled for in the )iihfliiM
at HillsiMro, Oct, 2sth 1h;H):
Mr. J. W. Clark
r;ivin Thomas
All ,ltUws not cftllerl fi by ov.
II, till be ant tothulaaai iyah
t'lliti'. One cent ill lit claMNl r
each letter calli-d for.
Th near neiglilitis of He, and
Mrs. S. A. Oeorge inovrib tlt Uiey
were lo move this week to Wanhinii-
ti.ti, gathered last Saturday evening
at tlie residence ofsheritf Ilradford
and in a hotly called UI.n them. Tke
visit was not expecteil but the nur
priae wss as pleasant an affair as has
csme to them during their two yuan
reidodce in the city. The musical
ly inclined took possession of the li
brary where was the piano while the
others visited In the parlor. When
thu time came for going home Mr.
(leorgo in a few well chosen words
thanked his fi iends for the khid re
mombttulie, anil then alter a word of
prayer the neighbors disgerseii to
their several homes.
Last Wednesday morning locomo
tive engineer John Humphrey died
at Fon-st drove aged 63 ears. The
deceased was striken last Thursday
morning with paralysis while sitting
on hiscengino at the Forest -Orove
station. He never regained cotisclous
11 ess. He was ono of the tirst ttigi
ueerslhat drove a JoaimotlTe over
went t-klo diviloti. His remains were
taken to McMinuvillo for burial. a
! -
If in the dusk of early night a team
ia driven 111 rough a street that is sup
posed to t oja-n to travel, but is
fiiutid to 1st obstructed and by ata
soii of such ol hI met ion the wagon Is
tipcd over snd its occupants crippl
el, who will pay the damages, the
city or tho small Halloween lioy
whom the city allowed to range the
tow for the known object of devil
try? If you want tjxl groceries cheap
go to Ilob (ireers.
( In to (iati-s
for your oyster cock-
Potato digging has been active
during the fair weather of this week.
The Pacific L'nicersitij team
defeat the Portland
Jli'lh School
of :tii to o
The I'ortfcsol Hi.) Pluvial Hard hut
('ubi aot TTtttJI heir l.iuuints
Iiooil Adt iie 0 itii us.
Tho I. U. finitball loam met t
rurtlaud High Sehis.l eleven la-t
Saturday at Forest (irovo and In-nt
theta by a i-core of :lti to 0. It-t
year tho scute sIikmI 21 to 0 in 1. UV.
favor. This does not mean that the
I'orlland team played worse than
they did hint year but that the I'.U's.
played ra-tler. I ho hard practice
and tho coaching which the 1. I'.
itfam is getting js bringing the hojs
U to a ta-tter nlanilard. In the game
Saturday rU-j: touij. downs were made
in the lirst hall and lto in the second.
The playing in the sw"il half was
not quit-) no tierce as in tho tirst, duo
to the substitution of players not yet
seasoned. The college team is play
ing as a unit this year and while it
may not bo so Lriliant as where in
dividual,, players do thu work, yet
the net gains are more certain. There
wis good playing tho last unlay.
When a hole wa tmtrV in tiie im.im.h-
ents lino the man who had the ball
was always ready to go thru and
make largo gains.
The grounds last Saturday were in
One condition and the day most
beautiful. A good numlvr of specta
tors were out, b ut the town docs not
patronlzn the games as they deserve,
The students and the college have
gone to considerable expense 111 or
ganizing the team. It is a (rood ad
vcrtisment for the town and tor tho
college. The latter pays its part of
the expense cheerfully and tho town
ought not to hang back. If there
in any of the citizens so refined that
the night of a stalwart young man in
pt-rfect physical vigor is uncanny,
then let him buy his Admission ticket
and retire to his most private apart
ment, pull down the curtains and
lh(o remain till tho horns Bre
Little Ksli Ifcnighty is In tho hos
pital at Portland whore he has 'gni e
through a very painful operatioti to
have bis ankle straightened. He
Stands it like the hern ho Is.
The McMuii.viile college foot ball
tim will play the I. U. team at
Forest drove to-morrow at 3 o'clock
p. m. A warm game is expected.
Billnhor boys have organized a
fin t half team and exiKtct to play
(J .melius Thanksgiving,
Fall plowing is the chief occupa
lion of our farmers.
W. 1). Hare at the Orange store in
carrying a flne line of plows this fall
from the Oliver plow works. That
factory refusid to join the plow trust
and requires dealers handling its
product to sell at the old prices. The
result is that Mr. Hare has the Oliv
er 14 inch plows at from 1 1 1.00 to
115.00 depending on the style. Other
sizes go at the old popular figures.
At the Same place purchasers will
flud a flne line of stoves both (or the
kitchen and the sitting room togeth
er with a large stock ol pipe and
A yearling nuiy goat, with a red
ribbon tied 011 the horns, has strayed
from my premises at tho fair grounds.
I will give t'i.00 to any one finding
and returning same to 1110. Thos.
II. Tongue.
Wm Mohr makes boots at his
shop on Second street, 11 lllnboro, for
fi.fO ir pair, sowed hIhhw for fi'
and given Hcial attention to repair
ing. He uses only first-grade (dock
Which enables him to guarantee his
Her fcl'k of Umbrellas at Schul
rich & Sim's.
Sick hoadaches, tho curse of over
ViMl womankind, are quickly and
surtdy cared by Karl's Clover Ilixit
Tts the great blood purifier and tis
mm builder. Money refunded if not
satisfai'tory. Trice 25 and 50 eta. ' at
tfftirK m fi ItLlCATIO.V
Lsd Office at Cumins (!itv, O11
del. at. sstis,
NOT1CK 18 HERKItY (ilVKN 1 11 A J
the followiiiK-iiaimsl Bvltli r dun l.iiii
noticei.f his iiiti'iition to niiiki- linal proof
iu nilppoSl ot bin claim, Hittl thai nl'i iriM.f
will le hiKili' ht-fiiit! 1 he I ounly I'lork of
WaiihiiiKtnn County, at Hillshoro Ore, on
hv 2, lswi, viz:
It. K. 'JTSJ fur the Jj of S K X, X K K
of S W X el Hit II unit X V X ol N K X
of Si 14 1' 3 N I! .'1 W.
lie nanus tin; following wititmst-s to
pr-veliis continuous rt-niiluilce ui.on ami
cultivation of naiil lainl, viz :
Uenrne KohHip, ol nunnni, i.re.
Aniln w KoHturi, of " "
J hti IV. I!..usi h, of " "
WilliKin Keldt, of " "
23-28 K(-Kitcr.
Iioadod shotgun shells atSchulme
rich A Son. leaded with native s n
smokeles-" oand black Miwd(i all
shells guaranteed.
fnth II Hind Yob Haw iiw Boufi!
nr ajttl k-mm.Umt th hilt.
T" . In-. want W.WJl.
Jltr tO 119 WWHilUI t,uiur.
O re P ft ""1 h,,r '"i"(w
XOTIt ; HIK I'l HLK A i K.
I.tun (itrn r. ai
Oij() I'ity, Or
I "i t. Si, is
t f iirii-t' u llrlu-t' .-fi.-v- t.fwi
l the fnlliiwiiifc.' naineil hi-U h-r l.ai lili-T
notice of hm inb-niion lo i.iakH I11.11I proof
in nupport of bis claim, ant li.at iunl proof
will Ih- mndi- Is-fnre tin- ounly Cleri of
W'HshinptAri ('unty, at II illi-lstro Otr., on
Df-c. 23, 1"", viit:
bul ls nt'KKtlAK'iT
It E,ll.M:l fol the W ol N t'.f Sec
and N W of N K H Si 22 1 1 N K ft
He names the following wilnisrs to
prove toacontom us ri-iltni-e ukid and
l Ullivalioii of suiil laml, viz
.Tames I. llojpt-& of ali-s I'ns-k, On-.
Herman A KinreilirtH-ht. of " "
Oeorjre V Proctor, ol " '
Jamie Martin, of " ''
23-28 Kegntcr.
siderable. Royal is eco'
nomical, because it possesses more leavening
power and jjoes further.
Rayal saves alj be-
caus'e it rtiways "makes
iiirsJight, swvet food;
never w?tstes good lour,
butter and eggs.
More important still
is the saving in health.
Royal Baking Powder
adds anti-dyspeptic qual
ities to the food.
AdmlniMtrMhtr'M Xollce.
Notice ia hereby given that the under-fliKOi-d
has been duly appoinleil I. tlui
county court of the atato ol Oregon, for
Warhinuton county, ailininistintor of the
ontate of Susan J. St.inU-y ileceitHeil iiml
hag duly oualijieil as eucli itml entcreil
iiM)ii tho discharge of his duties.
All persons therefore having iliiiins
agninst the estate are hereby uiiuo-U-il
and required to prexent thi-in with pro- '
)K-r voucliera to the undorxignt'il itt the I
otiii-e of tlio County Clerk inllilUln.ro,!
within six months from tho ilale hereof. ,
Administrator of the eetuto ol Siihuii J
KUnley, decil. 21-25
Kenton, lironaUKlt & Mtlir,
Altys for the Kstt-te.
Vour i'ace.
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health us wuJI. Impure lilood
makes itself apparent in a pale anil sallow
complexion. Pimples and Ktin Kruptious
If you are tec-ling weak und worn out ami
1I0 not have a healthy appearance you
should try Acker's lilood Klixir. It cures
all blood diseases wherecheap 8arsapurillas
and so culled puriflers lull ; knowing this
vm sell every liottleoii a positive gtiurunlee.
1 he Itellu Drug Store.
Mokl Tea positively cores Sick Head
ache, imligi-sliou and constipsliou. A
delightful herb drink, hen.oves all erup
tions of the skin, producing u perfect com
plexion, or money refunded, 25 cts. and
50 cts. The.lleltu Urug Btore.
Schulmerich & Son have purchased
some wagons from the factory and
can sell them from f7 to 115 cheaper
than othei dealers. They sell a 31
steel skein 8 inch tire, all complete
for 80.
Wagons! If you want one you can
save from f 10 to (15 by buying from
Schulmei ich & Son.
The best line of dress goods in the
city just arrived at Schulmerich A
Many a lover has turned with dis
gust from an otherwise lovable girl
with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Hoot Tea purities the breath
by its action on the bowels, etc., as
nothing else will. Sold tor years on
absolute guarantee. Trice 25 cts, and
50 cts at Delta.
Call on F. J. Barber, Second street
if you want a flrst-class shave or hair
cut. Try his baths, either hot or
Beautiful complexion is an Im
iinaxihilifv without if 1 tod blood, the
salt that only exists in connection
with trood digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover ltmtt Tea
acts directly on the liowela, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. at
Delta Drug Store.
' Easy Vacum Jars at Brown's.
Do you know consumption is pre
ventable? Science ha proven that.
and also that neglect is suicidal. The
worst cold or cough can tie cured
with Shiloh's C-ough and Consump
tion Cure. Sold on positive guaran
tee for over fifty years. Delta Drug
Muddy complexions, Nauseating
breath come from chronic constipa
tion. Karl' ('lover Hoot Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an atisolule guarantee.
Price 25 cts, and 00 cts. ueita 1'rug
How Is your wife has she lost her
ixxaiitv? If .. ConitiiiHlion. Indi
gestion, Hick Headache are the prin
cipal cause-". Karl's Clover liool Tea
has cured these Ills for half a centu
ry. Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Money
refunded if results are not aatis
factory. Delta Drug Store.
On every bottle of Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure Is this guarantee: "All
we a-k of you Is ta use two-thirds of
the -itents of thJa bottle faithfully,
then If you cmrsay you are not bene
(Tied aeturn the bottle to jaiur Drug
gist and he rpj4 ..refund the price
paid." Prfce 25 cts, and 60 cts and
$1.00. ,Uelta Drug Store. ,
What Is Shiloh? A grand old rem
edy lor Cough, Colds and Consum
ption used thror-wr 'vorld for
half a century, has cured Innumer
able cases of inclpiont consun 1 tion
and relieved many In advanced -likes.
If you are not satisfied with the
reults we will refund your irtey.
Price 25 and W cts and 11.00. D3 ta.
Fruit canning season Is now here.
Some will keep and ixtme will spoil
unless you use the Vacuora0(fctf-s lor
aale by J. M. Ilrown.
by the jise "of Roal
Baking Powder is con
There la' no
powder so
In practical
use, no
matter how
llttln sfccrs
may cost,
as tho RoyaJ
aovAL baking poworn CO., MEW VOBK.
The finest lino of toilet articles tu
and (lruir sundries in the
County always kept at tlu Si
Delt tl Our own specialties an4
good values, because they
are made from tried form- gj
ulas, the; pure and fresh 2
Drilg Our line of patent mod- &
ieines is eomplote. Careful 'm
attention given family re
ceipt. StOrC those facts in your brain.
, . . All gilt-edged butter put on the niar
j ... ket by crc;unc tics is wrapped In paper.
y . . . The product of the private daily would
. . , reach its market in much bettei condi-
; .... tion if wrapped in Butter rarchtiicnt
. . . than it docs when wrapped iu clolh.
... Parchment Is not only better than cloth
. . . but cheajter.
, . . Cloth sells at 6 cents pet yard irorn
. . . which 27 sheets can he cut 27Parch
. . . ment wrappers
EE 500 ShePts 8x1 i ,
EE 500 Sheets, 8x13,
tatulard sle lor 2-pouud rolls Is
8xl inches; 2-pjund l)lockfv are
wrapped in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper has not la-ei-;encrally
used heretofore, farmers
could lu.t get it fit the Kiiicial t-tor?
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
...La'dics, Misses' and
Chiidrcnsv ScaL andS
Plush Capesa also
Fur Collarettes, just
from the factory at... 5
ii- ctv
I Schiikerich & Sonl
Alum baking powders are harmful
and unike the fuud Litter.
cost 2) cents. "r-
50 cts, 3
55 cts