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About Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
1ULLSB0R0 INDEPENDENT Eutorad in tba ptatofflea at HUUboro, Or a Mooua-cittna mail uuitur. Biibacrijition, in advance, per year, 1.50. 1ULL8UOUO PUBLIBHIXU Co. J'ropa. D.M.C. UAL'LT, Editor. ttmciAL PAPKKor nitc tin FiiiD.vv, :;uvi:mbkk a, istw. oik roissius. We occasionally hear lectures which approach scoldings touching the Inefficiency of our consular ays- tem. Our "wimt men" Ions' for the life tenure Hystein of England, "brought to itn present proficieucy by civil nervlee Helection, and o&clare that 'ue wysteoj of appointing by poli tical favoritism is destructive to the usefulness of the service. There is anothof Hide to the story however. Consuls in the employ of the United Htatutt are taken from industrial and commercial pcrauita and being cliai - ted periodically do not have time to become slut gish as do the English officials who have a ift'e tenure Hyp. tern to keep them in office. On thin topic Feilden'a magazine, an English publication, writes lumen menting the inadequacy ot the Uritish Consul H"ports which are issued without notice at uncertain in tervals, and wh'ch are mostly pre. pared by meA who have not had the advantage of any commercial ezper ience. The reorts are aold and with few exrptions are quite useless either in Incempetency of the authors or from the great"delay in their publi cation, rendering the information out of date. Of late, Instead of giving in formation which niglit ponoihly be of value they consist, for the moat 1 Art of reproving homilies addressed to British manufacturers on the suh- jtt;t of their failings. A properly or MtaMHi couiint-rciai petition is now a paJaTawity to the government of a aamiufkctuving country. This is ftoayn hy both Germany and the Uisitcl 8 tat whV) consular nrvice m tucAl ifl-ts is very siH'io. The 4.itoifan aoivtritr MpirtM are iul iMif ta iit to tu ii'irpt rs lw ill tfs thni. VOL 1 11 t'.l L' Via i 111 HI TluS. IU-v I 'hi me r mho appear to be the leader of the political prohibition movement lu Oregon, a few days ago la a meeting in I'ortland stated that there U a movement on fuot to en role 1,000,000 voters turuout the United Htatea who would pledge themselves to vote for prohibition and suppression of liquor. When thia milliou vote had been secured, the old political parties will be ap proached and requeoted to put in a prohibition plank in their platforms. If the parlies refuse to make the con cessions the army of temperance upKitera will form a new parly and enter the ncxt.presidcntial campaign on their own responsibility. The manner of delivery as welt as the words wem to convey a threat but it will hardly freightcn the old campaigners. Even tho a new party be organized with a million voters,! success could not te expected. At the last election, in round numbers, McKlnley received 7,000,000 and Bryan G.OOOmh) votes. The new party would doubtless draw equally from the large parties and would not disturb their relative standing. Hut supiKme the whole million were, taken from the republicans, success would not be with tho piohis, but with the democrats. The truth of the matter is no great political party crib be formed with a single idea for a K)lity. A single sumptu ary law is of no account. The old free soil party is an example in point. Ml a very was a national blot but the abolitionists never succeeded in elect ing a president or a congress. It wa's only when the republican party was formed with a. platform opposing slavory, favoring extending the au- 1 lit' STi I K PKt.Vi. Those who condemn the adminis tration's policy Id dealing with the 1'hilippine Islands, persistently ig- uure tue most ialibie facts. The most important of these evaded truths Is that the acmiuistmUou has no policy at present and cau right fully have uout except to carry put tlie direct and implied instructions 01 cougreos. There are laws that govern natiow-; thee are conditions Imposed by 'cus tom that governments cannot ignora. Spain's sovereignty In the l'hilippir. es had been acknowledged by the civilized world for four huudied yeira. The transfer of that sover eignly to the United .States by the Paris treaty was unmistakably legal and was acknowledged, by cuncrei in ratifying the treaty. The one duty for the president, therefore, un til congress directs otherwise, is to maintain the authority of this coun try in the 1'hilippiues and compel resect for our Hag. Astorian. I Nil hlllt FN N.!L,fc. What has become oi the old fash loued "Wind Jammer" who stood around on the street corners and pre dieted all kinds of financial disaster if McKlnley should be elected presi dent? 1'laindealer. What benefits any one section will benefit the whole slate, and what benefits the state will benefit the whole west, and what bene Ota the west will benefit Ui'ntire country the eastern oppositionist to the con trarv notwithstanding. The more development and industry In tha west the juore suppliua will t re- ouired from the east in thellino of manufactures, while at the mmt tPfeat al 47 (tts. It orrh to li 6T Mt ana voald1 l but t hi (- WtaMt Ummtqpt, now .Aillii, TVW at) Is a tfuxl I'mm. A I tony Ami favijht will always If high ntil tMwIs can ciane here loadad Vith gosls of some kind for the jaopaa of this country. As they Jtm mow carry freight bur one Wty, tswy coM0lld to cname nWiy 4sbJ4c their formew pri!. ft! AsavOr totorrtalvnt. Hft free tradfe organ, can't you that 'fir expert trade has sn in awl aimw'tfca) Mublicftra dkiaa iactt) DW that tbrre Is a suarcirr of and fatht Uiatwe ue po Aa.'lilC aifiiana about all that W ixmrm Mil tinra it nothing to htiajria. XtM K)1(t mt mnktm t Kxwd P fiitiyu. AnJ aing thaae UY V I It ri'K OV THIIKK EXKl'l'TIOXS onu lM.ut.1 out of tUu irrtnt ( utirt of the Stale of Ore on. for vt aalitMKtoii t 'oiin. tv. lu I'uvorol Co-0s raiive ( om nunv uixl aitainnt II. it. llt-mlnx lor lliu Hijiuot f J.'-olM witti interest liu'reon stut-e July lh, ls , at the rule ot S per cent 'er annum an. i ;or Ilie lurtlur nuiu of II' a U L. S. uottl roin, w til lutervMt thereon Iroiu July 1 . lsii, uj. the rale of 10 per cent per milium. Ainu uu execution Ian lie J out ot tlie ('li mit I ourt of tlie fitat ot HreKon, fur Wu.-hinton County, in lavir of TJie Newton a!oii ( oinuuy, corH.r.itiiui mul uaaniKl H, II. llemtnx Hini .. J. Hen Irn loV'the MUiu ol fl.'.io roaU, wi h iut rrent therj-ou lroiu July 1M, If. I, at the rate of a percent er uiiuuiu. ami iwi eeutw aecruiuc coi-i. aiul tiie lurtlier huui i.f 7'.'.ol', S. Kohl coin, Willi uilcrcot then-- on muie July M, 1'I, ut the rule ol lu per cel.l pe uiinuin. ANo nu execution iiuel out of the county Court of the Mate ol I irenn. loi for a.ihinirton County, in favor I Win. Corbclt, lloliahl Maci-ay utnt keliueltl Macl-iiv. iartncn iloin,' tniMiienn uinl the hrn. nauiH of CorU-tt ,V Miu-I.eay ainl aKainnt It, 11. Ileinlrii unit . J. llm.lri for the Hum f .i..;i I!, h. k hi, intercbt lhertM.ui at the rule tf lu per rent iter aiuiuui from the Ittli it y of movent. it, is!, huiI lor tha 4'oih expeuie3 f iule un I of said rils. Now therefore by virtueaiul in piirHUunre of rilicl juilKiiient'i, 1 will on Sal nr. lay. the llth ilav of November, IH'.fS, ut the s. u l li iloor nf the court Uoune ill llillnboro , Vt ar-liilu.'tun County, Oienon, at the hour i of IU o'clock a in. of nan! day hell it I puiihc miction .o the highest buhler li r cuu tue oiiuu'tn ueHcriuiii real property to-wit : I.ViiiK, Ifiufi "mt ailuute within Wah rtR:loii i ouiuy. Oregon, ami IhiiiiiiIciI anil uccrilHMt hm follows, to-wit: l'cKinuiui; at a point UU i-hs cunt of tlut wavi't corner of ihe iloliation tsiul claim of It, tj. lucker uilll wife in rfcctioii :-.l township I north, rune 3 west. Will. Xler. ami riiu ni n.' thence muitli 4-1 7 elm lo ha.te I no, tluncu vast uIoiik base line :t.M!i chs to juncnon with 'entprville on I Cornelius Coun'y roml, thence n. rth 4..7r ch iiIoiik ccnterol Maid road to north line of ku Tucker donati n laiul claim mid lluvice west ;tt.iiU cha to phw-e of tH'innin, cim tniuiii; one hundred and fo) y iuti; , more or leu, to HuliHt'y the h reinheloro naiurd suiiih, and lor tlie eiipls and expenhe. ol suid nale. haul property will be not I subject to tu dempti n us per statute of Wre.ou. Witni'Hi, my baud thia !li day of Oct olier, lS'.W. W. D. ItKADl'UliK. Sheriff of Wunhinpiton county Oio. Itjr C, K. 1 ku li A N, 21-25 I)cputy. Tboa. 11. Tonmio and S. H. Huston, Alton. ty lorlMMiiMs. ' Land Uixici t OtON Vitt. 0. 't. . 1K1KI TOTICE I.S HKKKIIY (J1VKN THAT 141 the followiiiir-numed tattler la tiUnl notice of bin intention to lunfce tiiial piigl in support ot bin claim, and that 9. id prool will tie made before the County 'Jlerk of Wa.-ihinton County, on Nov. IS, Isif), viz: ISAAC 11. I) III I t. II. K. !7:W f r IheS of X Kli and N 14 of H K '4 of iSe U T .1 X K 4 W. He names the tollo'inir wiliaMxea It prove bis continuous reKideiub mMmt and cultivation of tiuid laud, viy: John U liaili y, of lluxton, Vaxh. Co., Ore. John l.uiperl ol ttreeni.0 " Martin Jlark. of " " ". I.r'edrick Hart " " ' 21 filter. H F. J. Iiwretice, of 435 Fourth Ave., Detroit, Mich., exchange editor ou tlie Eitning AVar, says: "I never really broke dowu while at Uiis work, but one time I was la such a condition that my physi cian said I would have nervous prostration. I was in a bad way, my nerves seemed to give out and I could not sleep. I lost flesh and had a complication of ailments which baffled skilful medical treat ment. "One of my associates recom mended Dr. Williams' rink Tills for Tale People and I gave them a trial. The pills gave me strength and helped my shattered nerves so that" I gould get a full night's rest. Soon after I liegan taking thetn regularly, the pain ceased, causing me to feel like a new man." Jrum Uu i.ntng few, UctrJl Jfie.. t j Tr. Wllllami' rink Tilli for Tula IVor' contain, in a rondeiim-d ferity ftll the ele menu neceHsary toirivencw hie and riclineu to ih blood and rcntore shattered nerves. They are an unfading eci!ic forbueh ilis eiwea aa locomotor ataxia, partial pHrnlviiitf, iSt. Vitus' daiH'e. wialiea, n-tiraU'ia rlieu niutimii. nervouM headai'lie, the nlter-eHecu of la irrippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and atilliiMT complexions, kM forma ol weukln either in inale or feuiule. S W'Q lens were Out Or. Willlasn' Ptali Pills ler Pals Peplsfssssr old by the doien orhundrsd. but sloaa In pact soss. At all dmoqists. or direct tram Ins Or. bv il liams Medieina Compsnv. SchsnecUdf. N. Y . 60 csats psr box, boxes I Z.&O. Bkajiaaa - -. " X nil n 1 1 li I ! M h S3?! P E - J ) CTT? v pi nwr: f Draws lighter tlirtn a W.ilkino l'i'iw. Is the la-st Sulky injl.r world. " h f f - m f. m 1 1 - I Have Mdvcd i3 build tr"i Tinra Into the Odd Fellow' ing', corner of Main and GOOD VALUES in all lines. No second hand or shoddy goods. Prices low p. Mi( i liaaa-fiv uivon tlia tlis iiaTitaa' il'iisiI haa toan npinuiloj cschVi of Hie of Kli.ls4ith Kraatb, lUisi,, 1 tlaCountr Court of the lasa el in for asluntf tavo count. All fcr .-n 3 liav IHKCludini awaiAflt aawd ailate safe .11110k- ul to pft'st tlia name rn trie innlc: 'ii'ncd iHini lamiillanfMiu ths dala lil'rsof. laHhany, lire, Vot. 27, IS'.. MlilWl IW l kiuli of the Mdi 1 Cli.alilli .ra-t,dsi.l. la -'J Vice-Prasjdant Hobaf t is rerurttd aauch, and iLktly to liv for some tisfte. Exclusive of Presidents Lincoln ami r.a,WI14 fcjfciiala,iHi not 8PtisInM L n. tVL,n nt,,i.nt. 1lav. ; n(r i - ..l. 1 r 1 - - , , - 1 ...v. nuiMoi nnn vwaaaawiM hiiiwkim fl ply, ,1 , , .. . .. . Btkwiait i mma.klBMail in ik J ll,tIljon aml iacnilrv layior, vmiia iour vict -prtsiuenta have died of Wild old lira htfasQ the issa.e of u,!ah I:loIC Tn eon.pLutiou o. uicir term, nioruife wtrry, ot Mass- tlia MeKlnley bill or the Dinirl. bill, acnuseus. eieciea vice-prasiuani in 1012, aisa in omct in iiV whila en llily dhine to Portend and duniird h,s way to " Kington, aged 70 year; W illiaa U. King, electa.! vie rnd Aral iiavei on the atriad. This presidtnt in 1852, died in I853, aged 67; Henry Wilsvn, lctad vic Is aot th flint time that ships have president in 1872, died in 1875, agtd 63; Thos. A. Hendricks, alactad ic ttaibt thia way in ll!ast. president in 1884, died in 1885, aged 66. Ik kH hwin said tir a long lime tteMw Dutch haae Uen Holland, l)atifi)W laia lio some of th Xnflish ro to li included. At Lady Mith last Monday a battle oeeured kt'n the British and ho lloers. Tli English artillery mules stam pintail and the Iltx-rs raptartd two ttrtariitfl of the English, 2000 Kldlllitit progress ia making by army in the rhllippinra. Not I revir has come to our trooiKt. Ji even has a witing party lieen "palld. Our cavalry is a surprise In the insurgeauK The island of inferos has a betrfr government than alver before. .The robot bands have not been utder so gixnl itfiutn)! for 2D yrs. The report is current here that the asweasaient of property Wi Multnomah county for lh!M m rml.j,i,iO,uiii less than it Mas iu isns. It was anown mat me valuation would I lesf, but no one supposed the shririk. Bge would be so great. No jvonder that county was anxious for the re peal of yie.&w creating sfhte boad ..r y u..l . vi iiiuniiAauou. mere is no onwi now to supervise the worker that county. thority of congress over the territor ies, fornaulatin a revenue policy, favoripg a homesteail law. all mat ters looking to the administration pf a complete government, that success came to that organization. The pro- Ids have but one idea spirituous liquors must not le sold while on every other policy I government they aro at crows purposes. Tetotalism Is a good and proper thing hut some thjiig nore is required for building a sucgowful jHilitical party which is to lie chargetl with the administra tion of government. There is anotherhandicRp that the tirohis have to carry. In the forma tion ol a new party which at any time gives promise of of success, (here are accretions of the sordid element from the weaker of the ol' parties, and this element soon dominates the fresh organization. An example is the late people's party. For a time it seeled to some to be the coming fatrty. The weaker democratic party used fused with it, imUvjduol member fiix'kr I to Its standard till democrats predominated and car ried all their old party resolutions ami methods of woiking touthu pop fttNts so that it no longer bud apy standing as a new f'srty. "Mie temeranct reformers have a great and noble work in hand, but the self aplHilntetl .leaders car not time the. vill nn.'maM 1 Jbi) tome wriPnl vw(iily J1 0 i own aoricamurai f arnfk'IKH. I Ires ( City Enterprise Thawhts laM uraaiyn, mom r.iu. nrl vinrlk tia iilifi( ttto campaign than is ao- Nil jr conducted In aVenlta-ky. When mn life uoebel Is put up f tiber natoriaj iionoaw, the rrvuffim T 1 ste is li in feiajheil in the lal anew. u. rg l Is Mlitical (iminsl from almost every siint fif viaw, and isryan liss gone into Kenluely t support him. We had understood wist urynn was the cbampitia of pun? and undtnled politics. Somelndy must nave tx'n mistaken. Ne'lrrg tiraphlc. Mr. Palmer se-ms toe now jSsiiw. 9 Last Monday the Iloers managetl to lead a brigade of British tfoops In L.i (U1 , .-.T...i aueh iNMltlon that It had to surrender hHve fetched ami which mi anow us two regiments to be carried away as prisioners of war to Pretoria. It is said IhSPthe detach- mem was maaing a night march to ( William Mason of Illinois wants place of supposed advantage when ,0 vupy a seat In Ihe United Ssta'tes senate he had U tUr hold on to it . a now that he has It. The senator threatens to resign if the republican party neglects or refuses to sustain his Philippine policy. The republi can party must choose betwoi n sefiil lor Mtk-on and the administration. L t's see. ihe l-iliplnos display a fatal lst of diplomatic tliscernment. w hen, for a goodly sum of gold, they stake an luier to piay qUis( i poumpy where every school boy Is brought up on ".Millions for defense but co one cent for tribute." Graphic. Aguiualdo evidently has contract- a. . . . etrthe AAierkan habit of RiCing longingly for the eleebjon returns. a Iltr. scout rolled a boulder down his wiiii'K-Inss. "Never That rnded (he mule rtlllery. The Is of the of bsnliiti lv certain of. o 'f&iA r...rtcd" fellow. " was Dnr rent's incntnl nots as h ils. rvsl tho ebvions einriarrnasincnt of tho man. "Hi's not used to telling hi, hit it's nonss." "Sis-n Astny MiuiltaJ Uwlyt" he Interjected. "No." "He's abroad, is he not t" 'So they aay." "Ahl" "Uood heavens, air I" axclaimsd Ar- a ht aa long ' nd I hen int'n of p.' com him 1 the was t Will a form neM; a ever rax to act, It was Plait of New York who resigned once because he thot the administration needed rebuking?) Piatt has never been a member oof the senate siree. "The president of the United States a a . 01 America, some 7.1,000 Ms) strong, iirtsi-xatsi the usual Thanksgiving Proclamation, which contains tlie usual amount of cant amMncliicerity. It is simply a formality, which only a few people take serioudy." The alwve Is from the East Ongnnin, and the assertion is ventured :hat ,bad President fi'Kinley neglected In Issue the proclamation the Est On -gonian would have been one of the nsi 10 111 attention to the fact and be rate the president for "failing to do his duty." Ciiajfrt trdttit tot With local implications, 11 thry ennnot each Ihe si-iit of she dist-ase. C'altrrrli is hlood or coiiHtitiSional diMetiMC, and 111 or dir to cure it you inimt t.-av-internal reui' rflirx. itanrs 1'iAarra Cuw tiMi atler. nallv, unit acts directly on the hlood and lnmaas surlat-es. Hall's Catarrh Cure not a miacl medicine. It was iircScrilH' hy one of ihe la-st pli ificiuns in this conn try for years, and as a regular aeiicrr)iioii It ia composed of the het tonics known couhinedr With the hct hlood puritiers, net inir on tfte niucoiiH nurfaccs.o 'the ttcrfect comhination ol the two inured cut is wl'iit p:nduccs sui'li woudertul rcsul in curi ir C'lSarrh, bend for tia:t:iiouials fns'. dilress, F.J. THENEY .Co.,T lailo.O bord hy liruRihi. o. Mall's Family l'itfwl ilia laajt. fcOka tatt Bt f XXT coiil'Ii ill iiiiv lime, and nil! cur the aorst cold in tvelvn hours, or inoaas tc fiimliHl. 2faaid 11O ciafc) : Ialtl JWuat is tore. Land OsricS at Oajaoos CiTr, (Wsoo. Ocioher, l. sa V OTK'K I1IIMT (ilTI W, Ii r if 1 he folio ilia named fattier has lihal notice 1 f his intention to mats linal proof in Htipimrt ol i chum, ani ths. paid prool w ill he maj!c before litmvetcr and las ceiver at Ortaon fits, on Kv.2-, laf'e.a: TiKiMs Mcr,i;j., II E. 11021 for ttK S i of s 10 T N It 4 W . He names the follow in 1' aifiiesaa sVi prove his continuoiiH rcsi a at noon and cultiviittoSif suidv-iid, vie: lolin I. lie n... ot Ilu.vMn ''re Frank l. Kief, of Kols-rt ilnplont of " " Aiiani riimpon, o o 22-1 1 iia . m x E i itC?w tynxJ. is licrctiy Kivcn tliatI, tlie idursiisned, Tiave tMcn aiisinft-il vxw utorof the estate of William Wilvm deccamMl hy the County Court of WiihIi- initton t ouiity tireiron and have uiilv qualified as nu ll ricctitor : All persms liaving claims air. 11 net Said estate are liereliy reiieHteii and required to pre-ent mem 10 the un1eriniie. at Ihe law ollice of V. N. llirrett in llillslsiro. reiron, within six months from the date hereof. Ilillxbom, Un-Ron, i'ta)lHr II, IS'JU. . li. : I' A 1ISTFVS Eltlltor o( Ihe e-tate of William Wilson, ileiil. )2-iK TU fu- st Wfutan CABTOniA. 4 Xotlcc of 'inMl'rWtilctueniJ Notice is herr-hv eiven that the timler. 1 1 ,:i .1 ... . eia'ni imi nieii ins iinai account as ad ministratrix of the estate of K.,1 vrn r,l v onsiaoie, ueceaneii in the count mnrt of the state of ( nvon, for WshitiKton county, ami that said court has sps)intcd Monday the rth ilar of Nov., at 10 o'clock in theTorenoon of said diry ai the time lor hearing objections to am'h final account, and for Ihe eetilen-.rat t'lerrof. . , . KUZAHKTJI MIL I K. A '':iii'?n,rix of thfl estate of Flwartl Constable, deceased, 2X1-21 O. BROWN, Furniture Dealer. DVI"S, PRasioa . T. T. BELCHER. 8ICY ANO TRCA9 1 St. Charles Hotel IKCOHPORATKI) Front and Morrison Streets, Portland Oregon. Electric Lights, Electric Hells and HyilraiiHc Elevator. lo tMiiis at -.' lo 0c, SaiteR. to 1. tiood Keslannu.t i L , I'oniieclioii. Give us a call, DA VIES & ItKLCIIKIS, aVsmnsors. WOMEN Lt,.r:-''l-ts.'J OMEN do suffer! Even so-called healthy women suffer! Hut they are not healthy! The minks left by pain are on the young faces of many of onr fiaughters. Pain that leaves its mark comes from a curablo cause, it that cause is not removed its influence reaches out and overshadows a whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been so uni formly successful for over a quarter of a century in overcoming the suffering of women, is that it is thorough and goes directly to the cause. It is a woman's remedy for woman s ills. Miss Emily F. Haas, of 148 Freeman t. Green Ei-rt Rrrwdilirn N V orrite. iRiOi f fi --V ' ' . '' . . 'itvfiee- ' UUK 11KS. I -1NKHAM 1 Wlsn lO ini ' :? atlate that I used your Vegetable Com pound with the greatest success. I Was very sick for nearly a year with hysteria, was down-hearted and ws; also suffered with painful menstruation and pain in back and limbs. I often wished for death, thinking nothing would cure me. I Dad doctors, but their medicines did me no good. At last, by the advice of A friend, I bacan to take Lydia E. finXham's Vegetable Compound, and I am happy to say it has entire ly cured me. o Jenwif. Sit frman, of Fremont, . Rich., Box 748, writes: "Deak Mrs. Pinkham : I feci lat I must write you and tell Jou.i;,fhat your medicine has done for me. I had neuralgia of the stomach for two years, so bad that I could not do any work. 1 hi.d two or three doc- but did not seem to get any bet I began taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and Lur Pills and improved from" the first, had better appetite, and after taking tht se bottles of Componnd and one box of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. Your Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine." tors, ter. flflPlS'l' TO 4m- x Iloth fu 1 row wIklIs ;trc under i-oitrT of vi IVam is to tlie fianic at two points. It lias iivklilmg cnmici liov 1 tlio furrow wheels. I'ottnm sftlachctl to thclK'.iiu, i frame. I'ottoni i.i so it rfic lcvikd liom'poitit to hi. I lilt to assist in raisj the plow. Loose pole makes n i on horses' neJ. Angled v. heels'takiiiif pressure from 1 . It will a sipiar conirr ta ni'lit or Kit. Relieves sti'iiy or .sttiinjiy ground. oWill oih ii land as 'desired. point first and etiteis point lirst. o . Also made in gang plojf with two I i or 14 inch laittoitis, all tlie;.'Hlvantai;es claimed f. r the Sulky. ' 'Vntr . l!lr, . I'.ut' U eiglil lldshle. itself in Lilt; out having - Send for Orcidar e o V. II. Council or V. II. Worelaud, llillsboro, al.out tlnse plows; they weie judges at the recent exhibition given on the farm nf K. J. Williams, 1 mile Kast of Ilalslajiro, where one man pulled tin Triumph Sulky, cutting and tunrrg a full sied furrow, 01 John Kanm.i of h'ariniugton, he palled the Plow and is fiic happy owner ol one. o The result of the test showed tli;t the Triumph Sully cutting :x furrow 6x if inches would draw 15 1 pnds lighter than a walking plow cutting the same furrow. MITCHELL LEWS & STAVER CO.. OliNKUAL AOHNTS. First and Taijlor Streets PORTLAND, ORE. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY THREE COLLEGE COURSES CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY a n The Acadcm:) prepares for College, and0 nices a thorough KiiHlish Kducation, llie best pre paration for teachinit or business All ex penses cenj loir. Hoard and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $;i to $1 per iceeh, includina electric light and heat THE CCLLEQE DORMITORY Under experienced management, nish rooms and board nt cosh nn not to exceed Si. B0 plan. trill the fur-c club o - o o I ALL TERM BEGINS SEPT 20, ISD9. For full particulars, address pkksi!)kt McClelland, Forest. Tirocr, Oregon A ijMiijro Pharmacy UNION DLOCK MAIN STRUT, l'ure fresh drugs, Dru.shes, rainjs, Oils? Siningcs and all DrupgH O Sundries, Fine first cl.-tsj cutlery a specialty. wrffffr J'are In ('nnaiidlnic I'rfacrlptlon. KIIr.V TKA. Orcpon Kidney ach, gidncy and and c 1 1 ft it Mi n. Tea cure Ixii k hladdcr IrouMo I Ita I jig hii i vt isnBU's noiif urm: Wimlom'n lUitxTtine corrtt Is all litem i.itieii of tho fiir. and makes a licautifut complexion. Ielta Irug Store. uy where o you can . buy cheapest. Stationery. Tim n-.Mils from u liH tins is tin; poorest pl;K.o it. p:ip(M-nr 1!kV ovi-iv- saw. laeiufMi: tin IXDKPKXDTaT Ik.s iU! truth., hy court, 'Oils treatment Jm! low pieest J'uper of all grades, n, oidetTqo larirt; or too small. INDEPENDENT, rfiTlsboro, Ore. 0 a t