X. - ' ! m v r mrv 7 TTT1 WlTvTT I HILLSDORO INDEPENDENT Kutored in ih mi V-e ut lIllU1oro, . ..mil u.utwr. Ore biihacriplion, in J ji per ymr, I . ' . Ill LLbUO UU r'v'ULIbJUXC Co. J'upa. 1). M. C. UA L'LT, Editor. urt ti iAL r.iMHvr tmk vit FRIDAY, OCTOHEK 27, 18IW.J The vit-toricH in Houth Attica ar all with the llritlhh. Olencoe ml Dundee, two points conaidcral Important ha ve been abandoned to the Iloers. THE WARDS ER RIOTERS. I United Statu without further claim if Canada received Pyramid harbor." (Jov. bheuueubefg of Idaho writes I An to the merit of this laxt prop. Socretary of War Rout and amuic I aition, it can be Mated that at no for th j t,it e all rtponnibllity for I time lut the negotiation have be n what baa been done in Shobbone In I in progreait for an adjustment of tiie counection w ith tiieCut urd' Alene Alaaka boundary line has the Uuited inioiutf troubles. The governor aay I States government given aerioua coi the state was unnble to control the sideration to the cetiou to Canada i f lawlesM tie me lit, aiid asks the war a single inch of ground on the bhort department to allow the troopa to re- of Lynn canal. The position has d t uiain iu Idaho. lie, however, in beeu changed in ary'easeulial rer- furms the secretary of war that the peet, and aa Pyramid harbor is et i- stute will be able on and after Nov. 1 tainiy on a branch of the canal, it to relieve the soldiers of guard duty! follows that our government has NIIFItlFFN WALK. at the prison, The trouble is that when the.troeps are withdrawn the cut throats who have escajnd into Montana and Brit' ish Columbia will teturn and com never bad it in contemplation to sur render its poeaession. There has been some negotiat on respecting the allow ance to Canadian of privileges for free transportation mence a systematic assassination of of goods over American territory lu- IUram Hhuok.wai assaulted, shot and robbed a few miles from Rose burg lust Saturday. Two suspect were arrested at Eugene on Monday hut the wounded man thot they were not his assailants. Shook is bleeding profusely and is thot that he cannot live. There are two Boer armies march ing on Lady Smith. The English propone to attack one army, boat and then attack and smash the other, Our Grant could execute that maneu ver, but it hit not yet been shown that the English have a man ejua to the emergency. The 3 'J tli volunteers now at Van eouver h as already clouded its record by mobbing a Corporal of Co B 21th Infantry. The provocation was the corporal walked across the parade ground In front of the tents of the liVth. It may be Incidentally stated that the 24th is a Negro regiment. W'ildman therll. S. Consul general at Hong Kong is to be recalled for cause and Dr. Edward Bedloo now consul general at Canton ill succeed rum. The "eau" in wiuiatan' cart is his too greut intimacy with AguinalA) and his insurgeants. The Oaegonian is entitled to the credit of first publishing this inteligence. HDiataa allowing tfeems4les to be dviAiTdl in regard to the relations existing ltxn Uawt Bntian and tha lMm of riuth Afrh. Th Taansviitl is not colony of England, but au Independent Hjrfe in every mttr save one, mating treaties tpith foreign countries. These have In ratified by England. The vtr tWpefore is not an insurrection or a Betftllion. A lemtfirary understanding has IJA'n reached with England in the utMftr of the 4lka boundary, lilts hQ) iHea nasaed which gives .alljh harllUM and ports ou Lyn raitfl. This is a disappointment I Clnada vbo fill still have to kee her custom house It the summit of the mountain that divides the waters of Lynn canal from those flowing in to to l uon. But this agreement only temporally settles the matter, tad tne contention will grow more Hem by hj mudi as the gold mines ofth Klwndylo prove to be good f (rllajaiH. Tho year that is disas Urn to Ut mining industry should cMl for ruianentl tizin taa tlaad.rt. When that Is finally A aw, it should ID through the or tlnapf channels of diplomacy and jot hp 4it(Unn. ail citizens who in any way assisted the authorities In restoring order, These assassinations will not be by mob; they will be one at a time, but they will be none the less effective. to British territory, provided the landing was made at one siiecifitd point. An alternative proposition to thit baa been to lease a portion of the Lynn canal to the Canadians, thus UY ViKITK tiKTIIKEK EXKt'l 1'IONS ui, iftuel out ef tliv ! iri-uit Cjiirt ul tlie Stulv uf Orn mi, tor Votiiii)ftuii 4'uc.i ty. in luvor ul llillhb .ro l'o-it-iuiit: I om uny Hint ufiiliit II. II. lIciulriK l,r Hit- tun of fj..-ut-ta w lib iuu-reri llu-ivoii Miter July hi. I., ui Ilierutful s ..-r rht annum anil iur ttiv furt tier sum of ltl J U. n. puiil coin, w tli iiittrvM then mi from July l"). Ism,, at tlio raic ul' 1U -r nt pr ttlllllllll. Uo an iHTi'tion isnuvU out ol Hit- l ir- ."lilt oitrt of tlir Stut of Uriy t.ir WitAhiii'tun C'uuiity, in I.k. r uf l NvwUjii W iiir'tii I'oiniiany, a eororiiiioii. anil auiiiKt H. 11. llt'iiilnz unit .. J. II. n. Jnx lor llie um of .Mi coats,''! Ii mt ni-1,1 tlureou from July A). 1SX, nt tnti rule ol s it iviit ,ir milium, uinl tx criit uccruiui; Ionia, ami tli lurtlicr mini i f I.'.'.!) I,, H. koIm colli, with lllU'lt-Kt tlu n. on mme July A), l"'Jt, at the rate uf lu u wtti pu aiiiiuin. Also an 'execution issiul out of tli county t.ourt ol the Male of Oregon, lor tor UKhiiih'tou I ountv, in favor ol Win I urtiett, lkiuuhl Mac luy aiitl 'Ivciiiii'tti Mucl.iay, partnerH Uoui); tiumin-iiii unit tlicliru. iiiiinvol ( orU tt V M wl.i'ay ami HkMiuni ii, ii. utMKirix ana . j. lli-iMri for tin' mini f t . VV . ." I), ti. c hi roiu. w n intert'Kt tliereun at the rate of IU per m,i ix-r aniiinii irom tnr nth a y ol vuvnu Im t. Imis, ami lor the cunta and fxpi-uno of altr an i of.iaiil rita. . Now thcrclore hy virtut'an4 ill pursuance oi Mini juiiKiueiiiN, i win on saiurilav tniiltx I u.lll .11. .,lilr. ,.u al mere wouia be a reign oi terror anoruing mem me ngni oi iree id- jith Jav oi NovemiM-r, imw. at tho ..mii there. Brown would be met and I irv oftheir poods, but it may la- ,'uur. . "" '!' ' HiIIhIwm, l " w io.liiiiL'l(in l ountv. llrp on. nt tin. luiur diKposetl of oiie iluy, a few days later! pointed out that the very fact ofIOi 10 o'clock a m. of ani day mil i ,.i .. . ,-i.i i. o f.,11 1 iiuoiic aiuiion o mo niuiifsi nuKier lor u'"'" '" w.u... . ih n,e Mio, !,,. deBt-nbcd real property recogMiion oi me uue oi tne uuiieu States, iu another campudth would be put where the dogs dowut bite, then iisiitn w doAit Jones' turn would come over in Rac coon trulch. Thus one at a time would be taken from the witness stand. It is this state of affairs that makes a residence in that part of Idaho so uudersirablu. The soldiers ITEM! UF IXl'OKT. What are the articles of merchan dise which are swelling our exports to such magnificent uronortiont' whoe presence is a visable power to Th qaP!l0s fmiUently asked and fortunaft'ly the statistics carefully uainiain order, ought not to be re. moved. The government ought to establish permanent barracks In Shos hone county for the same reason that a garrison is mainlined in an Indian country. WIHKI.ESS TELMiRA I'll Y. kept by tfifl government and fre quently published, furnish the answer. For the eight months end ing August 31 last, the provisions shipped" abroad amounted to f 121,' 051,443, which was a gain oS S,lu7, 308 over the same Hnod last year, The next Item in Importance was iron mud steel, and the manufactures Marconi the Italian is in America exhibiting his apparatus for trans mitting messages without the aid of thereof, which 'aggregated 108,003,. connecting wires. What he does is 071 and .was a gain of 15 0K2,S)70, marvelous though perhaps not more Then comes yheat flour, H7,606,7I)0; so than Morse's telegraph first opr- oils, $35,744,680; with wood and its ated In 1841. ,We quickly com- manuijctarers aggregating the sum prehended the Morse system hich of t0,5!)6,454. Our cotton goods is oiierated by the pulsations of the shipjCd abroad durins the period electric current along a wire conduc- named vX're valued at tl5,8G 1,022, tor. But the Morse system requires Vhile agricultural implemei ts moun a continuous wire. Even brtsk no I ted uy to 1 1,495,459 hile the value greater than the thickness of a sh4't of scientific lustruments was!, CIO, of pais r A'ill stop theiloof the i"8 aud musical instruments (1,13, voltaic current Hence our amaze-1 143. Every item of export in a men t when Marconi tracsmits mea- recentjy published stltment shows a sages through miles of sjajefe simnly banoVome gain over the previous Tla N Vo Sua call! ajtantkm to th t tkH the yiMrtn, fur (Mai wit, of ifv&e monay to coin i 4 diftHactiva AiaaMctri ckrfc tiitic, To tth theae is ti eiation in Ore ft), (.Witoruia tid the otfter u)ining stka of Eie extreme Vest. This i Kotiuaiila in the matter of silver, Thtan are IC0,0l),OtKI coined silver Put oily alsjut ;o,(Hh),(ltO in circula lion. If the gK'nbac and baii on is oi stain denominations were i-tlliM in, an! siler uJSd instead, all thtilveinfa in vaults would be put In circulation. In England the atfllAt notes In clrcultion are t ' or 4V5, in Frtnce 50 francA or t0; and 19 Germany 100 marfs or IJ4, but we have a supply of 5; 2 and even V bills and there is a continual d- 1 inand for more. In the eastern states people take the rag'ged, filthy bills in preference to clean coin when they , w'ii'd lieifisulted wore they to be of fered a napkin that had been used once by another. The Sun suggests that all bills less than (10 be taken up and either coin or bills of a lar ger denomination be given out It is reported from Brussels Trans vaal legation circles that France amri Russia will not permit England to annex Transvaal or Orange Free State. What interest those nations ran have in the matter is not Just clear unless they propose to pick a quarrel with England so that France may have revenge for tlit Fashoda in cident and Russia secure a coallirfe station in the IndianK-ean. A fear or sometning oi tnis timi may ex plain why England has called out 150,000 of the reserves and has exhl Med suth activity with her navy. , Sly)uliLtrou4)le brgniu4i he policy 0 tde Unveil States'tTrTould be what Englands was toward ua ii the Spanish war strict neutrality. We remenilier how the RritHi m'horl ties ordered IeM'ey out .1 nng Kong when he wh i iy ;Tc;areI tJ make a voyage , .im i-.tte- t, home iort. rortunste'y a man of genious, and i i home port only few J long Kong. py connecting his instruments to tfire nothing up into the air on hundsed to one hundred and ifly f(t. The messages are not trans mitted by the voic cu r nt but by the pulsttion of energy that has ft1- ifcivul the name ol Hertzian vavaa generated by the action of the eltctao mafiietict,induction amaaatus. ThiM wavt are not easily understajl by us common people. We touch a match to the wick of a lamp and Vavea are srt in motion vhich Oiif eyas interpret and call light. A fire is lighted iu a stove, faves ae t in motion of which our eyes or rather the otitic nerve ot our eyes, take no notice, bu, which quickly effeat our sense of touch. So with the Hertzian waves. No unaided sense of the body will notice them when thrown off frm the indrk-tiou machine but receiving instruments have beea de vised that move indexes and thus make their presence kfiovn to our seuit's. Marconi's wonderful dis covery is naruiy a discovery but an Invention. He has constructed an apparatus to receive and publish the Hertzian waves that always existed The waves like light extends in evey direction, but if there is but one re ceiving instrument to tho west of the sending, it alone is effected and th pirt of the wave that rolled to th ef st is lost in space, eight months, and tho variety of merchandise shipped abroad shows that orders from abroad tafno longer conflnefl to such staples as corn, wheat and cotton. The world also Vants oua Yank notlous iu ever- lacrttfling quantiti. Astoaian, TUtl MiC't CK0VNH Rev. I'eter Mc(uan has bjn in Manila. He came home and report ed that Qoi. Ltfton lad said "What va vant is to stop tBis accursi-d var." Tne aatis majfti ouch of Uis, but upon refeaence to his nates Rev. MiQueen sues he did not quote ver batim but he should have reported VCa IVBIlt iw olnn thla rlamnahla war,' The New York Sun taking up the story arritesat what La ton did say, by this course of lntevjiaetation "The genesis of the alleged remar of Laptop's which has given so muc comfort to the Aguinsldist party i the Uaited States-ks paobably this "Hton to Mciutn We ac go ing to end this damnud . "L.awion, as unilerstiud and un ownsj iously rji rverted by MtVueen Vfu tnt to stop this damnable . "Lavton, as finally reported by .fiQiwan, .Vith the afknom Itiled chsnga Vhich McOutv thought due h jouralitic ropkicty What ve tu-w It l.yin', bt'iiiK and ailnutt- ; ithin VVu.-h- inlon I utility, UrOk'on, and boimdiil an, tlt-Hcririeii tut tonuwft, lo-wit: I't-iniiiii ul u point t.i.rjt hH east ol the northwrxl eorncr of the donation laud cluiui of 11. 1. '1'ia-ker aim wifu in section ;( towiinhiii 1 north, ran,o a went. Will. Mer. and run- iiiu : ttieuce south tl 7i eliH to hase I ne, thriice vast aloui; Imse lint- .''Mil ehs to juiic-ioii with I entiTville an I Toi-iii-Uuh t'omi'y ruail. tlivnce nnih 4-'.7,r chu alonir center ol aaid road lu north line of wit i I fucker donati n land f laini and theuei wet .ID.iiO clia to 4lace. of la'imiiug, con' taiuiUK one hundred mid for y acre-, more or Am, t- Batisly the h reinU luro named uiiiH, and lor the cosla and expeiin. ot said an Ic. riaid prolierty will be sol t subject to re deniiti ll ax per Btatute of Oregon. Witueaa my liund this !Hh day if IVt olr, IMia. W. I). HltADKOUI). Sheritrof WuMhintoii county (he. II y l', K. Dkiciiman, 21-25 , Deputy, thou. It. Tonirue and 8. II. HuNton, Attorneys lor plaiu: ills. Land Ornct at Urkiion Citv. t. Oct. ft, M NOtK'E IS 11KHKHY tilVKN, THAT the followinu-muned settler has liled notice of his intention to make iRial iiroot ill support of his claim, and that auid jnool will He inline i.iort me loamy k-rk ol Vtisliinuton County, on Nov. IS, IK'M, viz: ISAAC II. W1I1TK, H. E. II73U f r the 8 lA of N K V und N li of 8 K i of Sic U T 3 N U 4 W He iraines thu tollowinir witiiaHs to prove his continuous reHiiU-ncvuiHju uml eultivation of said kintl. viz.: John U ltailev. of fluxion. Wash. Co.. On- John lapiH-rt ol ureeiivillo ' ' Martin Hart, (f l.redrick Hart of " " " ' C11A8. 11 M(M)UK3 21 211 Krister. When Doctors Disagree, Wlio Shall Decide? .OTKrtiw Herbert M. FLsh, a progressive and re?pectci.l resident of Cape Vincent, Hl '., aaid: "The Joc tois disagreed in my case, otiesaii j,l bai the grip, another that it wai jauudite, a:id so on. I tried many remedies but did not receive the slightest benefit. I was low spirit ed and nervous and bad become reduced in weight from 155 pounds to less than 1 23. One day a friend recommended Dr. Williams' I'inlc Fills for Tale People. I tried them and the result was indeed marvelous. My appetite returned and I began to feel rested and re stored. At tHe end of the tenth box my physical condition was better than it had been for years and I was a well mnn. Herbert M. Fisn." Sworn to aiTd subscribed before me this 17th day of Nov., i8y8. Lloyd O. Woodki ff, Notary Public. "From the Eaqle, Cape Vincent, V. Y. 9 fir. Williams' rink Pill for Tr Teople nnlain, in a uidi-nd form, all the ele ments neiM-ssarv lo irive new life rieli nens to the lilnod und re-ilore liullend uerves. Thev are an uiifiiilinu npivilio t r urh diseiwes as lis-omnKir alalia, pnrliul pandysis. St. Vitus' ditni-e, seiul'ti, lieur,il ins, rh-iiumtim, nervous liereluclie, the aftcr-vll'ccta of lh (trip, pulpiiiiiioii of th. heart, pule and mlllow e.Hi,., n iii, Slml nil forms uf weakness cither la untie or leui-ilt . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Pcopls art mm old by tht doien or hundred, but alwatt In patk 1 ill dresjistJ. or direct from ttis Cr v.il liamt Medlcin Company. Schenectad,, N. 1 , bO canti aw boa, 6 aoits 2 50. I i Kin fi v n i Ufiuu. imumi ii ; . ' 8 Notice is herehv uiven that the under, signed has been apiiointed executrix the estate of Klizalavth Kriwt. il'-cd.. 1 the County Court of tlie folate oi Oregon lor ashiiiKton county. All pcrsoi.s liav iny; claims against said estate ari,'nn"-t-ed to present the same to the uudci siuued within bix mouths from the date hereof. llethanv.'Ore., rpt. 27, ISIHI. MATILDA II AM Kl., Kxecutrix of the estate of i-aavaai'tli Krnst, deed, 18 23 In Kurope Marconi had and hr tw 8to 'hia accurswd ap. the tiJ to himxelf but here he life to content! wun aiiiih tj. iijt)er pro- feMHor of phyxict antl astronomy in Tuft coll.'e, yfho us early an 1S81 discovered taat electricity vu trana- uii-riable at will without Intiuction In ISHfi Prof. Dolbear took out letters patent ou the apparatus,u.ted in tranh- mutiny; nuVJttgen without tire, Dollwar la a scientific lnvejiiior and not a money maker ho he hax not turneil Mit invstiatii.s into commercial channel as has MarcoiJ Hie American neems not louse the Hertzian waves but another form of electrical energy, hut his letters pa tent is a blanket and covers all forum of wireless telegraphy. It la posni- hie that the Italian man of the world that he is may ifver p-acli the aged profeasor who has spent his life in huutiiii; out the secrets of nature and imparting the knoletge he has K'Hjned to the young men of Ameri ca. J 1 whs ho who discovered the shaking telephone but was denied the enjoyment of the wealth contn tinted hy the industrial world, thru the ftusinesH shrewdnesa of Alexander Wrahatn Hell. The visit of Marconi "Alius might a rne dui-laration mtaaiion to hit the war to a rJnl.sO, extMiJ in the ironun, if repre hensible, lanauage of the camp, come through the medium of a semi religious, seBii-sj-cular jnurnalist's art a criticism of the administration'. (Hilicy, an act of Military insulrordi nation, and au aal of treasonable t ntiment such as tho gJillnt Iiw ton 'ould atther It) shot deatl than utter." What Latpton anally did y 'We Ire ajoina to and thft damn war" because he is a soMier ho thi s it ttilsuiM tgno in adju-itinf suf flies. LAND Uint a AT ORKOOH Cit'-, Or lb. --i IriiK Vl II K IS JIKKKHY UIKN, tllll' 11 the lollowmir-iiauicd sett er has lilee nonce ol lus liilention to C& linal proo immiun oi ins eiilltu. anil l nut saul nnM will Im- made In-fore the Coimiv I'lern . Washington County, at Hillslairo Ore., on wee. li-in. viz : l.tH'IS RtTKKIIAIMIT H rail. tit foi the W of N W X of Her z.i ami oi J K K ol Wee IE T 1 11 lie liilliies the fo owinr aihwura tn prove iiiaconiinu lis resnlenca upon and ..ltlu......H ..f ...1.1 I.....J 1 may lve the effect of arrousinir the ,,!"",' l'riM'r,of , Oale Creek, ( n- ., . i iieriuiiii i r.ii,rei orceni, ot I'lioncaiii me worm in ll.llar S nys-IUeorftt rroctor.nl ..mi uii.l ....nt.,.. it .... .!.. I Jamie .Martin, of . ... I'uniii) ik urn ummri CH411 and Into practical u-e. 2rt-i , MO Mi KM ItviriMer. X I.Ak A ItOl .MIAKt. t'aiiatlrt makes a new proposition for settling the Alaska boundary. It itiniTtlea iSkaguway and DvAi to the United States but demands Pyra mid Harbor. The Canadian piopoi- tion Is said tuar enitaxlietl in this paragraph? ... q m "Tliat the boundary line be arbi trated ux n terms similar to those ImponetJ by the United States and Great Uritlan over Venefuela, parti cularly thorn provy-dap making 50 years' oeeupane conclusiveUence f ANTKD KKVKKA I. HKIUHT AND I honest pt'rsons to npreaeiu u a manaire's in tins and los tiv counties Binary : a year ami expen a. rilruijjht nona-uue. no more, no less salary. po sition periiianeni tntr reierenre. , n hunk I. in any t -wn. It is mainly othee r, euiiuiieieti ai nome. Kefen-nce. Knrlose sell-addressed and stiiiiiixt .... veloe. Ihe Dominion Company, Dept. ii, Chicago. otlcr I Flnial Mettlenont. Notice ia hereby niven that tha im.1.., alirnml hss lileil his linal account as ad ininietrnirix of the estate of Edwartfl v onsianie, deeeasexi m the ountv court of the aUte of Ireuon. for Wa.lu 11 17 taffl oi tine, otrupancy oi less than that county, and that said court has s,int,,) period to lie taken In eouitv under ."'""7 ine mn nay oi aor. ikiii, at 10 " " w " I n-Jtl.aflr In I hai Imun.HH ..t .: I .1 . I aw n iviviuajii t sum tiny ilir Ct) Cat tm i m-4 With local applications, aa they ennnot leach Ihe seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in or der to cure it you must tall- internal rem edies. Hall's, Cutarrji Cure is taken ialer nally, and acts direct I V on the hlood and mucous surlaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not tt quack medicine, it was prcacrihcd hy one of ihe hest physicians in this coun try for years, and as a ruaular prescription. It is composed of ihe hest tonics known conhiiied villi the hest hlood purifiers, act ing irtrec ly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect comhination of the two imricd cut Is went p. oduces such wonderful resul s ill curing Catarrh, .Send for teMi:noniiils free. Address K.J CilKSKV A Co., T Icdo.O Sold hy Drtnnrists, !v. Hall's Family Tills are the hest. Aclat-'sgirfi,! 4JMir wM conun hi any lime, and Kill cure I lie WoiM cold in twelve hours, or tinner re fnndeil. 2.r and ceiita at Dcll.t a'ri Store, I Have Moved- Into tho Odd Fellow's build r ing-, corner of Main and Third GOOD VALUES in all lines. No second hand or shoddy goods. Prices low. P. O. BROWN, Furniture Dealer SULKY PLOW I)r;nvs li; world. liter tli.iit a Walking Plow. Nl U-stSnlkv in i! F 4 F. DAVIES. V prsio-. 1 T. BELCHER. SCC'V AND TfflAS. St Charles Hotel INl'ORrOIHTKII r'ront anil .firrlson Streets, I'orll.md Oregon. Electrii; Mhts, Klectriu Hells ami Uydratllic Klevator. VU) oius at 25 t 60c, Suites, 75, to 1. (iood ltcstaiinint Connection. In Give us a call, DAVIKS k UKLCIIEI!, Manars. M1 WJUUS VffFU To the taxpayer of Waskiiulion ty, i Intron : Notice is hen-h irivca ijs 0 tlie'ltoiird of Kiniiiliaation ia Hafhia ton (Vinnlv, tlnveti. aill omvaa in tl bounty Chirk 'a ollice at the Court 4lousa, III llillslsiro, on the :!0lh ilav of Oct.iUr. H'.i'.i, ami Aintiniie in avssion nna kk. or until the 4th day of !ovemlier, inclii- ivr, lor the purNNe of puhlu lf ei :iliz iiiK and corrvtin aliC tax lis of a--int!ton County, ( re?onf U,T the ver IlillKloro, Oregon, Oi toln-r IS'.s.i. C. A. ( AVK.l.I.. Assessor of Washington t ncn'y, (riinn.i cw' mm Bxm tva l.ar Orrica at Oriuos Citv, (tynon. (h'tlllT. 11 IS'1 V OTICK IS HKRKIIY iiVKN, ill AT t he followniK named settler has hied. lotiee i f his intention to make linal proof n support ol his claim and that said prool will liem.ule h, l,,r.- I:, ,.,.t,.r ,,n.i i-uiver at Urei:irffft,.'W.Nov. i, Is-.m v : 1HOMAM MCrAIU.AN'D, II K. lltr.'I for tlie S W W of y.. n T it N H 4 W . re names the followitiir wilnA..n t prove his continuous snlcncc upon an. tiltivation of said 1 lid. viz: uhu iaiuns. ot lii,i..i, 1 1,. Krank O. Kief, of Uols-rt Simpson, of M iiuatii Mmpson, o . ' CJIAl It. MooKKM 22-3' , l!eKister. RS. PINKHAM says that Irritability indicates disease.' omen who are nervous and snappish are to be pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable; their dis- posititais prow constantly worse. Such women need the coun sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar troubles of her sex. Mrs. Ana E. Hall, of Mill dale, Conn., was all run down in health and had completely lost control of her nerves. She wrote to Mrs. I'inkham at Lynn, Mass., for advice. Now she writes: I wish to thank you for what your Vegetable Compound has done, for me. It has helped rpe Hiora than anything else. I suffered for a long time with nef tousness, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb; aJso had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told tfty husband that some thing must be done 1 nearly frantic ajir. Having read he wonderful cures J-ydiaJ'. l'lnkham's Veg etable Compound had 8 A-rformcd, I determined i 9ry it. I have taken o. i ul aan liatinv to sav I 4i cured. I rccommend.it P;jSi i mi my tnenas ana never tj,v of telling the benefit I or-:Tiv vt derived from its use. I cr..... MMadelphia, Pa., writes: S Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam 8 l in lc yi:aisiiu t n.is u, 41 sufferer from chronic dyspepsia, was Irritable and cro:, and can with WttfJS$7f3 - oriiir.". m .'Vi-,.(n ,w recover" ' -SSrK Mrs. Eixem Flava- o-ni aN. 1810 Mountain St., g"01?'; j rr say oi -Notice u herehv lersined, huve U herehi a h- j nteraauoiia, iw. inat aa tne con j l'von ia a precedent abaolutely pre- ul j ihiiii wrjr iw Hroiiraiion, nanguway ali i l';ea would be conceded to, Mk JJhuhlo, AtrrtMnl, 20-21 time for hearing objections to am h linal account, and for Ihe settlement thereof. KLIAUKTII hill TK. Administratrix of, the esiate of Klwanl Ktven that I, the iccn ntiiNitnteil evm. tor of the p-tate of William Wd-on ecea.-.! hy the County Court of W.h- tnfti.n County Oregon and have dnlr u.iliticd ns such eiectitor : All per-on havinu claima asninst s.ii.t estate are hervhy nipiested and required to present Ihem tn the nndcr-iirneJ nt the law nitice of W. N. .liirrett in rtiiislmr.V Oregon, within six month fnmi the d.ite hereof. IlilWs.ro, Orcein, (Mnlver II 1s), II. C. C'AKSil'KNs Kxivnior of the o-tit of Willi.:m Wilson, decil. j IJ-Zi. tlmt after taking seven g fcottlc3 of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was entirely f tired, I take g-cat pleasure in writing this to you and would be pleased to be interviewed by any one who is atllictcd with that distressing a complaint. I am very grateful to you." , " i' Ll" mm ii l ' BECAUSE ' . Both furrow wftVcIs are under control (if polo licam i- ; . i to the frame nt two points. It has a yichflfljjomicctio:' I . : a , , u the furrow wheels. IJottom is attached to tlie-Tjji, t i - i ln frame. Itottoin is so it can lo levcl.'d froin'ixiitit tolui 1. l',,t lift to assist in raising the plow. Loose pole makes tin wi i-la on horses' necks. Angled whccls'taing prt-sstire from latitNidc. It will turn a sitiar coiner to right or. left. Relieves it veil" iu stony or stumpy ground. Will open laud t as desired. T.ilt: out IH'int fust and enters point iirst. Also made in gang plow wiLjt two 12 or 14 inch bottoms, having all the'ad antages claimed lor the Sulky. . - end for Circular- Ask W. II. Council or W. II. Morclan.l, Hill horo, alsuit ttcse plows; they were judges at the recent exhibition given 011 the firm ul I'. J. V illiams, .1 mile Ivast of 1 1 illslioro, here one lr.an pulled llu Triumph Sulky, cutting and turning a full si.ed furrow, or John Kaiiin.i of r.irniington, he pulled the Plow and is the happy owner of one. The result of the test showed that the Triumph Sulkv cutting .1 furrow 6x16 inches would draw 154 pounds lighter than a walking plow cutting the same furrow. MITCHELL LEWIS & STAVER CO., c CISNKRAI. AGI5NTS. First and Taylor Streets. PORTLAND, ORE. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY THREE COLLEGE COURSES CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY The, Academy prepares for CoIIc and flircs a tnoroHflii bullish Education, thef best pe. paration for tcicftinjj or business. All ex penses renj love. Hoard and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per treclt, includina electric light and heat. tij . unuer e.xprlence.tl maiiaciement, nisli rooms and beard at cost on plan, not to exceed $1.50 For ftiM particulars, address i'rksii)kt McClelland, .For.'.st Grore, Orison trill e fur-club FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT 20, COMlftG! . COMING! Kaltz & SlacRT BLIND PI4N0 TUNERS, OF PORTLAND, ORE. Will Ije iii town on or almut the jf.th int. on their regular st mi- 9nti.il trip, hreparcd to do hr-t class I'iano Tuning, Repairing nml Org.ln Work. Prompt attention given orders left at Delta Drug Store ... Iil-.ST OF . 1'KICKS ALL WORK ri:as( ixaiili-: guaraxti: i:d Buy where you can buy cheapest. Stationery. '"Is.fmn- IN.rlla.i.l tliinl tins is llu' iM,(M.,st viH., lo S(,no 4. fn tiny ever saw. . Keasoir t. im.i:iiI)i:nt i,:is ,i" Zu, l,r" .iiiiilcous tti-alin.-nt ffl 1- ,-;,.,. - Rl'I-KRIiNCns uutxrtv TKA. Oregon Kidney ache, iilney mid junil coriHti pHtioD. Ten cure liHck hlHildcr I run I. lo Ii itaDruff Store I Store. Vilom'n Iloherline tfirrocts all hleniNheof the face and miikca a ticitutiful complexion. Dili Drug 1 :ipM- of all .Sj l.n-- or too MiWll. 110 IIW HUM'S 1 ortlt-r too Hillsboro, Ore. 9 t 3