Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 20, 1899, Image 3

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ari ,r;e!l Assured that
the cup tc ill stay in
In Ilic li r-t litter the Columbia brat cut
by leu .Mill It If aad KlKbl
The American tup defender Col
iiiniiiit ha won llm Second race at
New York hikI ha Ihroo more chan-ce-t
to win the I'liiril arnl deciding heat
The lirsl I r'nl wan on Monday and In
a hteaily I;' knoi hn-czt the Yankee
juiled over I ht liouih line II) minutes
H aecoiid4 (itlli'iul limu la-fore the
. Sli:iiiir(H-k camo lo it. Iu the second
r w It ifli was hiuUhI on Tueaday
Hit Columbia wsh again leading 10 a
wind h little more bj-l-dc than the
dny Im-1'i irn w hen the top limit ol the
lvi''lsli liout broke and jut iter out of
the race. No one was Injured. The
Columbia nailed the course in the
time limit ami won the race. At
lirnt ulaiii't it might l Haiti that the
r.tcn hould he run ovT, but not W
for the race are a teat of construc
tion Hi well an of design and seaman
Hhiii. l ite denigner of the Shamrock
put hi keel tlifKr In the water than
the Yankee no that lit might carry a
bigger" catl, and on Tueaday morn
ing the Kuglihman put Ui the lar'
gent hail lie had while the Yankee
Hkipper with a hotter judgment put
up 1 1 tit second nail. Tlie big sail came
down Willi a crash while the other
Htayctl in place anil carried it boat
to victory. I he t It i rd race was
Hlartftl yesterday tint the wind failed
mi the bouts could not cover the dis
tant e in the (line rtywir'ed. They
w ill tjtart again I'lliy".' .
trttitr iiorsKr .
j'iilTU'l'V I'illlllT
Anton llilllirnniicr was admitted
to citizfiisltip.
Kst II II Allison deed; the admin
istrator reports that there is fl,:i2.8l)
on hand la-longing to the estate. Ihe
court rinds that a part of this sum
may safely he dislrinuted wherefore
il is ordered that the sum of f'.HH) 00
bo appropriated for that purpose.
Kit Susan J Stanley deed; admin
istrator's bond tiled and approved.
The appraisers are KilUrcer, Ueo
Hi'hiilinerich, hihI (leo Wilcox.
Kit VVm Wilson deed; inventory
tiled; value of estate .'i,K13.!)(J. Wid
ow fleet) to accept (loo in lieu of
ilower as provided in the will. The
household furniture is set off to wid
ow. Personal property will be sold
at private sale.
Kit iNallianiel Hollantl deed; or
dered that the contract heretofore
made lie set asiiln anil that the attor
ney's lie allowed a fee adjudged to be
reasonable at fill" including the
amount paid at the la-ginning of the
Kit Jacob Antlerson Ali-crtr tn-dered
thai Till hushi-ls of wheat and bus
hels of cats Is; set aside for use of
Kst John Miclmlec ilectl; ortlered
that citation be served personally
ami by publication, requiring heirs
to appear.l iH-emlHr llltto show cause
it they have any why the really be
longing to the estate shall not be
Kit John W Miclmlec deed; same
order as aiiove.
liiiardiauslnp of Jacob ami Joseph
A til ram minors. The guardian re
ports that he has made final settle
ment anil payment to Jacob Autram
ami that all money belonging to
Joseph Antram have la-en collected.
Ordered that the same lie paid to
Joseph after Nov. 2IKD0 and that
thereafter this pi a; liaiiship be closed
of reioni
K. l .. tVi"'"'.' deed; final ae
. count examined ami allowed, and
the estate is closed of record.
Kst K K Freeh, deed. Kst admit-
A . . .... .1... f tk'..ll . . .
letl lo prooaie. .miiiii ah nu
poinled admiitistrtitor with bonds at
Jiiltl. The appiaisers are It II
Walker, Win llntler ami Ueorge
License to wetl was issued Oct. 13,
to Win. F. IKirby, III anil Maggie F.
llarr, L'.'t; (K-l. 1 1, Ueorge I) Kerr,
:il, ami Ada May Hardin, IS; Oct. 1G,
John V. Hale, ::;!, ami Angeliiie C.
Clark, UO; Oct. 17, John Johanst-n,
H'., anil Cornelia I'yl, 20; Oct. IS,
Frederick lloet.e, 2!, ami Wilhel
mine A Meyer, i.
Tliere is . service that call lie tlone
for the future historian by the ad
vanced class in Knglish in our public
schools. I. very now ami then a
clinracler comes in 11 e ironi hi uie
army, the navy or in polilica whone
sehiNi, lite would make Interesting
lead m if. Just now there is iH-wey,
Hampson or Schley that are in the
public eye. Wonder what kind of
In ys they were? Hid they ever at
tend the t-oiiiinoii school? Was It
a leg school house? What kind of
lessons did they prepare? Kver play
hookej? Then there is Ijawlon and
MiArlliur in the army. Were they
ever U'Vs? Of course of their pro-
fcwsional life there Is a record, but
w;hatf their Ixiyhood? The same
-"?uriiwit 'U wfonseil by our business
men. ilere is tlw. president of the
. (). It. A N. Co ... and, t1w freight, anil
passt-nger agent of the S. I'.'iioi, were
they boys or.ee and did they to
schoil and read In the third reader?
The work lor the advanced class in
Knglish Is to w rite biographic sket
ches not of any the Imys who hsve
grow n to prominentv already, but of
thine- who are now In school and are
yet to occupy the prominent stations,!
.r.7i-rvvoi k irearclu.iy ami wen tinne
w ill l appreciated forty and fifty
years hems'. T..Nlat,e.4iilj)rica
society w ill lx only tts glad to re
ceive unit Index such sketches of li
lug lxys.
S-nator Hai es finds he has tore
bail all Ihe hay (hat he has sold to
the government to go ti Manili. The
new bales contain frtjm 2iN to 220
pounds and are compressed Into a
sin illi r iMinpass than it tsruphsl
origin-lily. The new bales rcsj-mble
rul ami are compressed Into a
smaller compss thsn some of us I hot
s1-ibli Is fore rebaling was com
nienosl. The work goes forwarl day
and. night, two-srfc laoorera being
employed. -
Easy Vacuuijarsat btowo'a
Tha rain of Wednesday Inttrfcrred
somewhat with potato tl urging.
Town U full of strangera ami It is
becoming a little ditll -ult to rind an
empty dwelling.
L. Hoy an old time Washington
county boy but now a prominent
business man of i'ilot H's-k, Umatilla
county Is visiting in Htllslxtro this
Mr. Max Weichhrodt of Taroma is
visiting with hiw brother at Coruel
iu. Together they looked up records
yesterday at the , County Clerk's
Congressman Tongue ami Hon. S
U. Huston weut to Sttleiu yesterday
i argua a cse before the SupreuiH
court. They arc both expected home
luarrien, at the bride's parents, on
Wednesday afterniMin, Ot.-t. IS, 18'J'.,
Cornelia I'yl ami Mr. John Julians u
both of Hlllslsr... Kev. K. 1
Hughes orUciating.
Ituhtier heels for slus-s are the
coming heels. Hchulmerich & Son
nave an invoice fitted with the ()
Sullivan safety cushion heel. The
device is new, and an iiiiprovment
on leather laM.
Yestenlay choice shipping wheat
was quoted in l'ortland at fi'J cents
iter bushel I. The Han Francisco quo
tation was Cil cents per bushell for
shipping ami t7) for milling. The
difference in price between Ihe two
ports was UJ cents kt bushel against
yvrwai u as an exHrnng cuy.
Tliere are a lot of good cross cut
saws in this ncigliltorhood that aie
not capable of doing Ihe best work
though In the hands of good work
men. The reason is they need gum
wing. L. W. House has a gumming
machine anil knows how to use it.
He too is prepared to grind chilled
plow points.
Our neigMsir K. 1. Thorne drop-
lied in-' yesterday to say that the
heavy rain of Wednesday night Km!
yesterday is liable to drown the
trout. We all in the office believe
that Mr. Thorne was Joking and that
a more probable fact is that he is on
thejcreeW bank this morning pulling
them out.
Justice Smith on Wednesday last
hail before him the case of J. N
(laid per v M. Himhey, an action in
replevin. On a part of the facts the
jury could sgrce, but not on oil of
I hem, wherefore they were discharg
ed. The cause will have lo be retried
unless the parties can compromise
out of court.
The football season will open to
morrow afternoon at 1-orest drove in
a game la-tween I he college team and
the liishop Scott Academy ttain
The same teams met last year, when
the Forest. Urove players were the
victors. It may be d liferent this
year, since the aciuiemy hoys nave a
heavier team and the urove lias lost
some of the men who were in the
line before.
The Independent had a wrong
impression when it was stated some
time Rgo that Mr. i'erktns who owns
the Keid d. I. c. between It.edville
and lieaverton Is opposed to legaliz
ing the public r at! r. inning through
his premises. He favors the. road
and says that he cannot get along
without it. He did oppose laying
out a country road along the line of
the railroad and probably would do
so again.
One of the big lists of iter. mil pro-
(terly that is to be offered for sale in
the county this fall is the Johnson
auction at Spring Hill Farm south of
lil ley. next Monday, Oct. 2.1. At
this sale there will be offered a large
number of horses, cattle, wagons,
buggies farm In plements etc. Ihe
terms of sale are spot cash for sums
under $10 Oil but on sums of $10,00
anil upward six months time will be
allowed purchaser to pay 8 per cent
The loot ball players at Forest
drove are happy made so by twi
circumstances. It has rained and
their grounds have been worked over
with rolling narrow, lne otner is
the arrival of their instructor, coach.
It is reported that he finds brawn
and a fine spirit, though science and
training may lie improved. It is
thought, though, that their antag
onists will know that they have had
a game when the matches shall have
have been played.
The birds did a good work last
week on the frosty mornings. Team
sters and every one else who was un
screened were greatly annoyed by a
tittle black tly. The pesky insects
iiMlged on fences, houses, roofs anil
on weeds even. The cold nights
stiffened them so that they could not
Hy early In Ihe morning. This was
the opHirtunity for the birds ami
they improved it. During these two
or three frosty mornings they almost
completely abated the rly nuisance.
A complaint was filed in Justice
Humphreys court last Wednesday
charging C. K. D.-ichman with assault
and battery. The examination will
tike place next week. No one sup
poses that Mr. IMchman ever com
milted an assault not to mention
battery, but the thing grows out of
the Walker divoreo case. Mrs. Walk
er attempted to forcibly take her
chiM from her mother-in-law. There
was about lo tie a hair pulling scene,
and Mr. 1H-Ichmau being present In
terferred to preserve the eace.
The contractors of the Yamhill riv
er Tuck, at LalayeMe. have let anoth
coffer dam go out, and the season is
so far advanced that It is doubtful If
another-attempt will Is) made this
year to complete tha work. It is
now suggested that the government
lake work out of the control of the
cot tractors. This may be done. It
is really surprising that a small
stream like the Yamhill cannot be
controlled when ills ptiesihle to car
ry on public works on so consider
able rivers as the Columbia ami the
' Th ) criminal acftiiit ,.f the state v
Oilier 5 tried some time sgij ls-fore a
jury 'lu Jtrslit- UuMtjffcrHy-vcourt .Is
to be retried today rs-iore me same
Jury. "At the first hearing the Jury
failed to agree. H ally te trial to
day is a continuation of thr first
trial since none of the evidence taken
at that time will be repeated. It was
char ed that Oillery came up to
young Ilorwick on Ihe r ail anil
struck lh latters horse so that he
stampeded, the boy being disabled at
the time In his nand so that he h 1 1
not strength to control his team.
This was Ihe assault. Dillery denied
the charges and established in the
minds ofaome of the Jurymen tint
be was not on the road that day.
Ocerroeder had
bones in one leg
A.ry I'leasuut Surprise Part j The
Moral Kfform Wave Has Mrark
Ids (.'Urge (il).
List Saturday M . John Overroed-
der met with an accident by which
both bones of his leg just above Ihe
ankle were broken. He was hauling
haled bay from the stack to a ham
ami in driving diagonally over a
culvert the Wagon rocked and thru
the bale off that he was sitting en.
He fell so that a w heel of the wagon
passed over his leg ami muscle at the
place was badly lacerated. lrs. F.
J. Ilniley and Kinklater dressed the
wound. Ai last news gissl progress
toward recovery was making, tlto his
surgeons fear that it will be three
months la-fi re Mr. Overroeiler is atiie
to do bis usuul work.
Acetylene tta.
lie indeitemlent of gas ami electric
light corporations ami own your own
lighting plant. The Na' ional gene
rator dta-s not have to lai careti lor
oftener than onm in 15 days. It is
lositively safe and I- recommended
by all Insurance board. ve light
residem-eH, churches, storos, fuctorieo
ami towns at 40 per cent less than
other systems with double the illuin-
intion. To responslhle parties win
hip machines on thirty days trial.
Semi rur iree immikici on Aceiy
(las. We want gtsitl agents.
National Acetylene (las Co.
lluffalo, N. Y.
Dead Letter List.
The following is a list of letters re-
mnining uncalled for in the postotlice
at Hillsboro, Oct, lllhlS'.ltf:
Maik litirtlaii.
All letters not cnllcd for by Oct.
S. will lw sent to the 1 Hud letter
Office. One cent w ill Im charged to
each letter called for. , '
l'ilHIC I'MVEbSlTf .
The Y. M. O. A. held a reception
at Herrick hall last Friday evening,
After a good pgra.-u had been ri
dered. an annetixing lunch was
Will FMcli. r I re urned to
school to finish his uutk ltb the
Wednesday was founder's day. Id
the morning exercises were held lo
the chapel by the students. A his
tory of founder's day was given, also
a poem written lor me occasion, ah
branches of the school were well re-
preseuled. The slophomore boys
made the noise. In Ihe eveulog
Jiiiltre Nortbruu of Portland add res
set! a large audience, subject "Dioiel
Welisler." which was heartily re
ceived by all.
Coach Arlett of San Francisco ar
ri veil last SaturJay. he is giving the
Ihivs hard training, and with his ef
forts we expect to havsa team second
lo none In the state.
Walter Faulkner was elected pre-
siilent of the Sophomore class and
Arthur oiler vice president.
A game of football will be played
at Forest Urove, on Ihe campus,. Hat
unlay, at 1 p. m. Is'tween Bishop
Scott Academy ami laciiic Universi
ty. A warm game is expected.
The 1st semi-annual meeting of the
Washington Asrtinty Veteran Assoc
iation wirlie held at lieaverton, Or.,
on . the Uii Thursday in October
-Which will lieOetolier 19, 1899.
This ineel mg was to have been
. Id on the l.-l 'lbursday in October,
but ow ing to the rain and late har
vest, hence the change.
Trusting this will be perfectly sat
isfactory to the comrads all over the
county and that they will report at
roll call. Ladies of Ihe association
are Invited.
1 am fraternally In F. C.4L,
W. J. li. Beach,
J. II. Dolstrum, Secretary,
Mil Kit I Ft ' HM.K.
eit-t-titiou iwtmit utl I of the nutitv
l uurtof tli Mate of lir. .in lor Witxliitur
ton comity, in favor ol M. 1'. Hrnw ii iiml
UKatunt I. It. u, ll lor tin- nni of tSl iU,
i-osta, mill lor tii further inn of f.Vi.nu
l'. ri. Kol, -,,iu, witlt in If rent tliiri'on ul
the rats ol s pvris-iil per minimi from tin
1st day of Murth laati ton! f,ir tlit'cost ami
eiiiisol'uluntl of aii writ.
Now, tlivrt-lorv, hy virtue tin, I in penm-
xrmuttlM Ol fettle jtlil.'llient I
will on Moniluy the littli duv ol IK.
ohci 11, at th- itonth tloor of
Hie . ourt house in liUlslsjro. Wttnlenirtoii
county Oregon, at the tiourof Iu ..' lo. k a
m Ol nm'lttluv 11 tit lilllilii; HUffuiti In t!.
hUheet biilder f r ttuih ll.e Mlowitt(-du-acrtbed
rntl pr perty t -wit:
r. w oi lino f, 1,4 01 sv. 'ion 1 T 2 B It 3
W Will Mer to .utixfv the lier.'t:.'..;.r..r..
nanietl mm, and f ir lite couls mid eipen
n ol until Mtle.
Stud nrolKTtv l i)l,l tili,..t tn r-
drmptiiMi an per Hatnlp ot tli.)oii.
WitiHw niy hand this llth day of Sept.
W. I. UK AD FOR f),
r tier Iff W twhiiiicUiii Couiitv Drttton.
8. B. II union.
The Boers hace had to do all
the adcancinfl
thus far
by (J K llvu'liiiiitii lh-puty
llormyfor Plaintitrj
17 it
The English hsr it alll be at Least
Sit rek llefore they take lbs
Olfrusive kiue
AdntlniMtralor'a Mot ire.
Notl'-e is hereby L-ivon tlntt the timlor-
i;ned has U-en duly apMiiiiietl by the
county court of lite statu n Oregon, for
WaehliiRton cotintr, atliiiiniHtrator of the
estate of Nil Rao J. Nttinlt-y tU-ceaseil mill
bag duly oiialitieil us :m-li and eiiteml
upon the oWftargeof iluliet.
All peniona therefore liuvinir t hit lit J
agniiist the estate are lierehy rutteu'
and required to present them with pro-is-r
votifht-rs to the undersigned at lite
oHiceoftlte County Clerk in llilUhoro,
within nix months from the date litre
Atlliiinlstrator of the est a to ot 8ii8tin J.
Ktanlev, deed. 21-25
Feuton, Itroiiaiih & Muir,
Attya for the hstcte.
Tour Face.
Three wagon loads of immigrants
nassed thru town yesterday on their
wav lo Tillamook hy the Wilson
Kivt'r road. A part of the company
came from Idaho anil the others from
Union County. . They already had
crossed two moiiutaiu ranges, the
lilue mountains and the Cascades,
and had yet to pass over the Coast
range. They were cheerful ami did
mil seem to mind the rain. They
(hot it could be no worse than some
if the weather they had already ex
The friends of Mrs. Ann Slgler 01
Tu-fsday evening last assembled at C.
K. lh.-iehmai.'s at the next door, and
tvhen all was ready went to Sir. A
Sigler's residence to pay their res
pects on the occasion of Mrs. Sigler's
birthday. The surprise was complete
for although rer husband anil daugn-
er weie In the confidence of the cal
lers that was all. The evening was
ileasantly passed and the twenty
five or thirty friends brought cheer
ami good fellowship to the home of a
highly respected neighbor.
Public opinion at Forest drove is
pronounced on the question of tem
perance. At a public meeting lately
held there a sum was pledged to pro
secute those engRged in the trade.
1'lie supposed dealers were seen and
he fads laitl la-Tore them. These
hey saw and at once closed the den
if the tiger.
Miss E. ltealst, who attended Coo
r institute in New ork City for Ihe
last two years, will meet her art class
Saturday morning Oct 21. Her studio
at the Tualatin hotel. Arrange-
mvnts v ill be made for a class of
school children. A picture will be
in exhibit Thursday and Friday at
he Delta.
Win Molir makes Is sits at I-is
shop on Second street, Hillsboro, for
1'i.fO per pair, sewed shis for V
and gives srial attention to repair
ing, lie uses only tirst-grade stis-K
which enables him to guarantee his
After Ihe '"C" supia'r given ' last
week by the ladies of the Congrega-
tiojiaj church at Orange Hall, a small
gold broach rr. pin was picked up.
It is now at the Iniiki-enhknt of
fice waiting for its owner.
Schuliuerich & Son have purchased
some wagons from the factory ami
can sell them from 7 to II it cheais-r
hanothel dealers. They sell a .(i
inch tire, all complwte
(eel skein 3
for ISO.
Hon. Charles Fulton of Astoria
was a visitor in iiiitsiHiro on weu
nestlay last. Professional business
kent him employed while here so
that Ihe opportunity for visiting wis
Married at the residence of Rev. K.
P. Hughes, Ihe uflk-iating clergyman
Saturday mam, Oct. 14, 1 WW, Miss
llarr of Washington county, anil Mr.
Wm. Darby of Marion county.
O.O. Wilkes has removed his re
pair shop from the Morgan-Bailey
building on Main street to the Ilagley
building on Second street between
Main and Washington.
In Hillsboro. Saturday Oct. I I, at
the resilience of Mrs. Hansh Itrand,
by S. II. Humphreys, J. P., Miss Ida
Harding and Mr. Ueo. C. Kerr,
A child of tlto. Johnson fell from
a hay-mow a fetdtsWys-ntjiv-a-wd frac
tured the ct m f bone. Ihe injury
was treated by Dr. Tameisie.
The iNtiKi'K.MiF.NT is rememls-red
by our W. O. Doiielson who sends a
copy of the Omaha Ilee of Oct. l:tth.
Photographs one dollar a doxen at
Mis new studio. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Perry F.llis, Photographer.
Mr. N. A. Ilarrett has moved his
iinily to Portland where they will
stay at least tluring the winter.
Mr. K. II. Tongue with his sister
Misa Tongue are visiting In J.tckon
county this week.
IVirn in lliiismiro, tel. 10, lo Anil.-,
w Avery and wife a daughter.
J":ge E. L. Shattuck was a visitor
in lliitshoro last Tuesday.
Ne stock of Umbrellas at Schul
mericU A Son's.
John Vite Hale has been at home
this week 011 business, the most im
portant he will ever have. The
errand is 110 less a 0110 than wedding
his choice Miss Angeline Clark of
Cornelius. The Indei'ENUKNT con
gratulates Mr. Hale on the step be
hastakeu,aiid bespeaks the choicest
ol ItiM-anes lor Airs, jiaie, lor iney
are nolinore than her due. The wed
ding! ceremony toon place at the
home of the brides parents in Cor
nelius last Wednesday. The young
iM-oiile the same day took
the train for tl rants Pass which is to
be their future residcuce.
bhowi the Mate of vour fts littirs and the
state of your health as well, impure lilood
mukea itaell apparent in a pale ami millow
complexion. J-tttiiili s and Skin Kriiptioita
If you are tit-ling weak and worn out and
do not have a healthy upieuraiit'e you
should try Acker's lilood Kltxir. 1 1 cn r-s
all blood diseases where cheap barsaliiti illas
11 ltd so culled purifiers (all : kliowoit; this
we sell every bottle 011 a positive Kunrunti-e.
ine ueiia itrug ciore.
Mr. James II. Sewell's horse broke
through the long bridge on the west
end last Friday. Mr. 'Sewell said
that he thought lor a moment that
himself and buggy would follow but
fortunately the hole was not quite
large enough to let even the horse to
the giound below. The break was
promptly repaired and several other
weak spots have been strengthened,
Editor Lettmour of the Manila
American has come to America
with the avowed pnrpos of having
Otis recalled ami Ltawton appointed
in his stead. Manila advices ot yes
terday state that Lawtou has started
north with Tarlac, the msurgeant
capital as the objective point.
The Columbia Telephone Com
pany has been very courteous this
week in that it has reported by 12
o'clok noon each day the result ol
the yacht races at New York. The
O. T. A T. Company has also report
ed the ame facts though they came
Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, inditf. stion anil constipstioii. A
ileliKhtlul herb drink. ht'tiiovt'S all eru(-
tions 01 the skin, protiiicinir a pcriect com
plexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. and
60 cts. '1 he.Dellu Drug titoru.
How is your wife has she lost her
beauty? If so, Constipation, Indi
gestion, Sick Headache are the prin
cipal causes. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea
has cured these ills for half a centu
ry. Price 25 cts, and fill cts. Money
refunded if results are not satis
factory. Delta Drug Store.
On every bottle of Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is this guarantee: "All
we ask of you Is to use two-thirds of
the contents of this bottle faithfully,
then if you can say you are not bene
fited return the bottle to your Drug
gist and he may refund the price
paid." Price 25 cts, and 50 cts and
11.00. Delta Drug Store.
tneuoer war is malting some
progress, (ho as yet no great battles
aave oeen lough t. 1 ne IMigllsh are
not ready to tight and hence are
standlllB on the defensive. The
Doers are gaining the advantage
position. News or military move
ments are not made public as was
the case with us in the Spanish war,
The first serious conflict will probab
ly be at the town of Mateking. Some
skirmishing about the place has al
ready occured. Keports thru Dutch
i hauuels put the Iioer loss at 70
killed and wouuded. The English
losses are not kown.
The news of yesterday afternoon
indicate that a pitched battle has oc
cured between the English and the
Uoers, but the censorship of the press
is rigid ana no definite word has yet
ih-u received.
The English government has called
out the reserves to the number of
I.MI.OOO men. It Is not claimed that
thebn are to Ih used in the South
African war, but they are tu-eded as
a hiut to neighboring powers who
might think the time opportune for
interfering with England's policy.
Editor Stead 2s out with a pam
phlet charging Colonial Secretary
Chamberlian with consenting to the
Jameson raid on the lioers two years
ago. ifianiberiain Is on the defen
sive and is to answer the charges to
day in parliament,
itvUotrta S-xpoMf ion
Opens in
Portland, September 28
; October .28, 1899
1'rodiicts of Oregon, Washington ami
Idaho in greater variety than
ever before
Bennett's Renowned Military Band
Sllaa Alice llayniond
America's Greatest Lady Cornett Holoist.
Agents of hop buyers were here
yesterday. Last week they offered
11 cents iter pound. No offers were
made public yesterday though they
said they .wanted 600 bales. Grow
ers are asking 15 cents per pound.
Next Wednesday Is the last day
when the the S. P. company will
sell tickets for the Portland expos!-
sinn. Hound trip 11.65. This in
cludes two tickets to the fair.
AXXl'AL MtfcTlMi.
To the Patrons of Husbandry, Hills
boro Urange, iSo. 7;i:
All members in good standing are
urged to attend the regular meeting
to be held In the Hall at IlillHboro,
Saturday, Oct. 14, at 10 o'clock a m,
for the purpose ol transacting busi
ness and to partake of the Annual
Harvest Orange Feast.
attkst: Master.
Mrs. II. B. Luce, Sec.
Joseph Klineman aud family went
to Portland yesterday wheie their
residence will be in the future.
What Is Shiloh? A grand old rem
edy for Cough, Colds and Consum
ption; used throngh the world for
half a century, has cured Innumer
able cases of incipiont consumption
and relieved many in advanced stag
es. If you are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your mriey.
Price 25 and 60 cts and 11.00. Da ta.
The unequaled
Florenx Troupe
of Acrobats, direct from the Empire
Theatre, London ; first time in America.
A Great
Filipino War Mnwain
. rent NNierssJI near lo
UnMUrpasited AerialUta, in thrilling acts.
A Season of Great Surprises ami
Astounding feats.
Reduced rates on all transportation lines.
Admission, 25 cents
Children under 12, 10 cents.
Fruit canning season is now here.
Some will keep an-l some will spoil
unless you use the Vaeutn jars lor
I sale by J. M. Brown.
Tlte-e is the same significance to be
attached to the movement of bring
ing out some republicans in opposi
tion to Pres. McKiulcy for the nomi-
mil inn in 1 '100 as there was in 1HPi4
I T AAiln.1 al.,,1 xitw.lt. B Ul...lmA.
u.rul.wl 1rcl.l..nf T.fnnnln Mr. iwkumhb Kuii ma-tin si.itoiuto-
...... -j. ........... ... .. . , . . 1 nu.ljul .,111, nUllua.,n
, , i ,!.. , I. uiiu, utniuii mill, unlit.? rmru
wneoin launiuny ana patriotically smokeless And black uowdei all
went lorwaru in tne performance of shells guaranteed,
his oflicial duties. 80 will President
McKiuley now. The people will
take care of the nomination
as they did in 1S61.
Call tin F. J. ItarU-r, Secont!
if you want a llrst-class shave
cut. Try his baths, either
Beautiful complexion
isrssihilily without good
sort that only exists in
with good tligestion, a healthy
and laiwels. Karl's Clover
ac's directly on the Istwels,
kidneys keeping them
health. Price 25 cts. and
IK-Ita I'rug Store.
Do you know consumption is pre
ventable? Science has proven that,
and also that neglect Is suicidal. The
worst cold or cough can be cured
with Shiloh's Cough and Consump
tion Cure. Sold on positive, guaran
tee for over fifty years. Delta Drug
Muddy complexions, Nauseating
breath come from chronic constipation.-
Karl's Clover Itoot Tea Is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 2.1 cts, and 60 cts. Delta Drug
The best line of dress goods
city just arrived at Schul
in 1900 1 AAAtfttftAtAAAAAAklAAtiriftAttlftAAsftftAAftftfeBft A
I street
or hair-
not or I -
is an im p
ration T a rl i os Misses' ands
IVwt Tea I
.liver and f1!, ZlAsmr WamI
in perfect I till III I L'll da. 1 1 11
-vi 1. 1
i " 5: v' iimn twines, ajsti-
merich A I m r 7 B
1 - -w -m -m -m ma a -ssr
U TV o Ol
are made with Royal Baking Pow
der, and are the most appetizing,
healthful and nutritious of foods.-
Hot biscuit made with impure
and adulterated baking powder are
neither appetizing norwholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have your
biscuit made with Royal, which is
a pure cream of tartar baking pow
! r, if you would avoid indigestion.
linost liiu.
uihl (lruir
of toilet articles
sundiies in the
e gl
Oountv always keiit at th
Delta Our own specialties are
good values, because tliey
are made from tried form
ulas, the
and fresh
line of patent mod
is complete. Careful
family re-
Store ti
iese facts in your brain.
Many a lover has turned with dis-
guit from an otherwise lovable girl
with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover It-iot l ei purifies the breath
by Its action on the bowels, etc., as
nothing else will. Sold tor years on
altsolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, and
f0 cts at Delta.
,,Mick headaches, the curse of over
worked womankind, are quickly and
surely curett by Karl's Clover Iloot
Tea, the great blood purifier and tis
sue builder. Money refunded if not
set isfactory. Price 25 and 60 cts. at
Vagonst If you want one you can
save from (10 to (15 by buying from
Schulmetich A Son.
Kitrckii I lumen. Oil l thabmt
pntHTTniiT of bw lnth-r
n! O10 tl rt-novHtnr tl old
k-athfr. 11 ollt Mrtfnis biack
i. ami protect. Is
on wrmr Tvt hurnww mr AM hr
E n and rnqr rrrtmc top, and tby
P '1 miii asIh t4tt Kill aiaaf
Innirvr oir1 PTrrwhfi' In ctn9-tul
lira fmm half pint lo flw mlk
mmtn y rr ml t.
Fur Collarettes, just
from the factory at...
I Schulmerich & Son
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Pure fresh drugs, B rushes, PalnU, Oils, Sponges and all Druggis
Sundries, Fine first-clasj cutlery a specialty.
TEitra Care la Ceatpeaaa'laff PrestrlpUaas.
. All gilt-edged butter put on the mar
ket by creameiies is wrapped in paper.
The product of the private daily would
reach its market in much licttei condi-
. tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment
than it does when wrapped in cloth.
Parchment is not only better than cloth
but cheaper.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard ironi
which 27 sheets can be cut 27Parcli
ment wrappers cost 2 cents.
500 ShePts 8x11,
500 Sheets. 8xl 3,
50 cts,
55 cts
tandard s!e for j-pouud rolls is
8xi t inches; 2-pacnd blocks are
wrapped in the 8x13 siz
One reason why paper has not been
jenerally used heretofore, farmers
could not get it at the general store
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
Hillsboro Harness Shop.
The undersigned has opened aXew Harness Shop on Main Street nex
ddor to the Livery Stable and will keep a full line ot
Light and Heavy Harness, Whips,
BlankefsTCombs, Brushes,
Robes, , Oils, Etc.
Repairing a Speciality.