Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 20, 1899, Image 2

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km wwoud-diuut uuU uiutwr.
Bnbcrijtloil, in advance, per jtnr, ft.SO.
D.M.C. OAl'LT, Editor.
orruiAi, fAfMH or run e-iri
lSrittanuia tuny rule the ocean and
we will not ohject m long as we Mink
everything we shoot at, and beat
everything we race with.
Not a man la alive today of all the
witnesses who testified againttt the
Ward tier rioters of 1802. Aa a result
no witneasea can be found to textily
touching the Wardner riota ot 1809,
Fngland is showing no more ener
gy in the prosecution of the Boer
war than we did in the Spanish war.
It Injust possible that the yellow
Journalist generals are not ao natty
aa they would have us believe.
Hi nee 18!MS the money, in circuit
tion in the United States has increas
ed 450,000,000; which 1m very much
more than all the silver dollars ever
coined in this country before "the
crime of 1873 Courier Journal.
"We should pray to Ood," says
Aguinaldo In his latest proclamation,
'that the great democratic party
may win the next presidential elec
lion and imperialism fall in its mad
attempt. to. subjugate as by force of
arras." It has been pointed out that
this Is the first time the voluble
Aguinaldo has used the word "im
perialism." In all probability he
never heard of it until the Little
Americans began mouthing it. Is it
not about time that democrats should
do something to correct the Impres
sion that Atkinson and his common
scolds speak for the democratic party?
Courier Journal.
A few days ago the manager of the
tm plate company was before the in
dustrial commission in the capacity
of witness. He stated that the price
of tin plate had advanced from $2.75
to M.C5 per box since the formation
of the company. But this advance
did not more than cover the advance
in the prices of steel, pig tin and oth
er ingredients, and the price of labor.
Indeed, the profits were not so large
as formerly. When asked if he could
have organized his combination with
out the tariff he said without the
tariff there would not have been any
thing to organize. Many of the la
borers came from Wales, and they
were paid here two and three times
as much aa there.
There have been two miner riots
in Wan nur, Idaho, one in 1892 and
the other in 1899. Both were quel
led by U. B. troops. Alter peace was
restored in '92 the soldiers were soon
withdrawn. It is now seen that it
was a mistake and the government
Is not hastening to take the soldiers
from the mines this time though "or
ganizetl labor" has demanded the
withdrawal of troops. This is true
however, the presence of soldiers ha
never prevented an industry to be
operated or a laboring man to work
If Mr. Sovereign really wants an op
portunity for his people to earn
living no one will hinder them, but
if he wishes to wreck a few mills
while on an off shift, the soldiers are
there to prevent it.
In 1851. forty eight years ago, the
Yankee center board sloop rigged
America went to England and sailed
for the cup which she won and
brought home. English yacht men
have from that time been trying to
get the cup back again. They claim-
ed that the American center hoard
craft, suitable for the quieter waters
of America can not take the place of
the deep lead ballasted keel of the
English design. The Americans
stuck to the center board till 1895,
when the defender was designed
with a lead ballasted keel. The Co
lumbia Is also a keel boat but on finer
linea than the old defender. Pro-
files of the Columbia and Shamrock
are almost Identical, though the
Shamrock Is deeper In the water and
It is this very depth that seems to
have been her undoing. In the forty
eight years we have held the cup, we
have had ten challenges.
iis see, it was the Argns that last
week ripp cd a great slit in the back
ofChas. Mikel'acoat. Charlie had
been criticising Judge Crowd! when
the Argus canie to the a'd of the
Judge with something like this, "If
Chas. Nickel wete half as good a
man as Judge Crowell, he would he
a better man than he is." From this
it is fair to suppose that the Argus
admires Judge Crowell and will in
dorse the Judges sentiments as ex
pressed In this short letter to the
managers of a Chicago anti-imperialist
league. "I have received your
letter, and, as you rtqnest, I answer
promptly. I am a democrat, but I
am also an American. I want no
thing, to do with your Filipino lea
guea or conferences. The Philippine
island. are as much American soil as
the Ijouisiana purchase is American
soil. And any residents of American
soil who rebel against the priced as
privileges of American liberty ought
to be, and will be whipped Into res
pect for the flag that represents thi
liberty." The IsoKpf.xment en
dorses Judge Crowell'a expansion
sent Inn nts. Dues the A rgus.
yoil UlllBEIlY SOT A CiAT.
It comes that Filar the Filipino
general has offered to atop a projected
raid on Manila upon the payment of
t0,0O0or he will fight a sham battle,
both armies firing in the air, and ul
low his army to be captured for the
turn of (250,000, or finally he w ill
deliver his army, Aguiuuldo and his
principal men for the sum of $500,
000. Now whether Filar is In ear
nest in this betrayal of bis country or
whether he is using it for a stratagem
it exhibits the kind of cattle the anti
expansionists are herding with. It
is very probable that the offer i
genuine and made with the expect:
ilou of its being accepted. Aguina
do himself actually did that thing
bargaiulng with the Spanish, then in
control of the Philippines. Otis n
fused to entertain the proposition,
He did well. Whoever gives a bribe
to secure peace in the islands loses
the respect of his fellow citizens
home and writes, his name high
on (he scroll ef infamy. Pinckny
immortalized himself by declaring
"millions for defense but for tribute,
not a cent, not a cest," With
equal patriotism must our command
era at Manila declare, "millions for
conquering peace, but for bribery
not a cent."
This offer on the part of Pilar veri
flea another contention, that the Fili
pinos are not fit for self government
There may be sufficient intelligence
but morally they are not i p to the
standsrd. Ii the leaders have sue
a character what must be the fitness
of the lower classes! Under no cir
cumstances can this government give
the management of affairs into the
hand.- of such professional bribe
Whatever form of civil govern
ment is put in force in the Philij
pines must eminate from the United
States and be modeled after our tried
and successful system. It must be
administered by officials from here.
Natives may be used for police duty,
may even be used for Judicial pur
poses, but they must be supervised
by white men.
ltev. Peter McQueen, now re-enter-
ing upon his work as pastor of
Congregational church In Somerville,
Mass., issued a general statement to
the American public last week which
was sent broadcast by the Associated
Press. In this statement he has
naught but praise for Admiral Dewey
for the rank and file of the volunteer
army, tor Uenerals Lawton and Male
for the transport and hospital service
and for the courage and tenacity of
the Tagals. According to him, with
the coming of General Merritt to the
islands the "devilment began," he
being haughty, insolent and undiplo
matic in his treatment of the natives.
General Otis, Mr. McQueen declares,
has the unfortunate gift of making
everybody he meets his enemy, and
thereby has lost the confidence of all
the soldiers and civilians in the Phil
ippines. The deepest danger in the
Philippines is that the United States
has no men in high places there who
are capable of studying the problem
from a psychological standpoint, and
the conies1, ho thinks, is fast degen
erating into a race war. The Peace
Commission failed utterly in its
work, Paterno, one of the Filipinos,
showing diplomatic skill surpassing
any of the representatives of the
United States save Dewey. The
press censorship has been too strict,
and the administration of the custom
house at Manila is corrupt. Our im
KHiiion oi taxi's and tariffs is more
severe than was that of the Span
iards, with consequent alienation of
the natives, who had reason to ex
pect a change in this respect. "The
Filipinos never forget and never for
give. They art hi hly sensitive, easy
to Hatter but impossible to fool.
They are very bitter, very brave,
very insistent. We need on our
side great tact, absolute discipline,
stainless honor, incorruptible hones
ty otherwise a legacy of hate and
bloodshed." Martial law. in Mani'a
siiouiu do aiNiiisneii, and congress
should at once be summoned tu give
pledg. s to the Filipinos and to grant
an autonomous government with an
American protectorate. The Spanish
friars should tie sent home, the native
priests should receive from Borne the
full rights of priesthood, and Ameri
can Catholic priests should go out to
mediate lictween the natives and
American officials.
upon me next legislature or our
state will devolve the duty of elec-
ing our United States Senator. For
manyr reason Oils will be for Oregon,
One ol its most important public
events. The quint ions that will come
before the next few sessions of con
gress will pqual in weight and mag
nitude anything that has come be
fore that body Mnce the days of the
eany '60s. The election at which
members of our state legislature will
be chosen occurs next June and it is
none too early to discuss possible
and eligible candidates for national
Oregon Is proverbially slow to take
advantage of changed conditions but
the recent and radical changes that
have come upon us with the advent
of our national development in the
Pad tic ocean demand that Oregon
shall take a prominent stand anon
the various questions that will arii-e
in tiie nation's councils. Oregon
must be in the front rank of Pacific
coast states in all that pertains to the
development or Pacific and trans
pacific civilization and commerce.
The first and meet important step
looking to this end la the election of
an able, vigorous man to the senate I
If Oregon is to take and keep I hi
place bhe Is entitled to hold lu the
councils of the nation, and especially
in ao far as they relate to Pacific
coast matters, then be must send
strong man to the nation's couucil
chamber. Among those who have
been mentioued aa possible candi
dates la Mr. II. W. Scott and of hiir
it can certainly be said he la an able
and strong man. The Union-Gazette
has no authority for announcing Mr.
Scott as a candidate, it does not know
that he would be a candidate in fact,
he has said he would not be, but hi
name has been frequently mentioned
of late as that of one who could ably,
vigorously aud creditably represei i
this state in the United States senate.
The great question coming up -for
ettletnent before the councils of thi
nation, and which must be sctt.txl
within the next two or three year,
are the money question and on this
issue Mr. Scott fitted to represent the
vtws of his slate, then there is tin
Nicaragua canal; a form of govern
ment for Alaska; the Hawaiian if
lands the Philippine Islands; ana
our rapidly growing trade relations
with China and the Orient. On ail
these questions Mr. Scott has a pro
found knowledge and the gift to Im
part it. and those who know him do
not doubt that he would be beard
and felt as a state legislator.
For thirty-five years Mr. Scott has
fearlessly discussed public men and
politic) and there are few men that
could have managed this sorry thauk
less task and stood the test of public
opinion aa well aa he has. He has
been a power, yea iu many instances
his pen through the colums of the
great paper he has edited, has been
the power that has spoken for Ore
gon's development. But It Is not for
this service that he la entitled to be
considered a senatorial condidate; it
is because of his peculiar fitness, bis
vigor, strength, and knowledge of
our national and state needs mat
makes him an especially eligible
person for this place at this time.
There are other candidates that
will come In for consideration later,
but suffice it to say at this time, that
in Mr. Scott Oregon would have a
senator in whose ability and power
she could well take pride. Corvallis
NIIKItlfr't'M HAl.V..
A Lie Hell Stock to.
Where is popular prosperity, any
how? Norfolk "Virginian-Pilot."
That's right. Don't admit it. Stick
to the Chicago platform and be un
happy. Say that 75,000,000 of hu
man beings in the United States are
out of work and In a condition of
slavery worse than death on account
of the infamous exactions of the mon
ey power. The Bryan game of
Beggar-my-Country should be played
according to the rules. New York
The difference between civilization
and savagery may be seen in the
storeage of energy by civilized man
and its waste by the savage. The
power of the one increases from gen
eratlon to generation while the oth
er remains stationary. To illustrate:
Ihe white man uses his labor to
build a path. He smoothes It
straightens it, fills up the hollows
and digs down the hills. The high
est type of a road Is the railway over
which the commerce of the nations
is carried. The energies of many
men Is stored. The Indian savaire
in tl e contrary paces back and fort h
on tils simple path turning to the
right or left to pass around the em
of a log, swims the streams and
leaves the inheritance to his children
as ne louna k. me savage um d up
the energy of his life while hs civili
zca nrotnei stored his and left it an
nheritance for his sons. The un
hanged wilderness comes from the
hand of the savage. The farm, the
Village, Ihe city, ships, railway,
science, sculpture, painting and liter
ature are the stored energies of civili
una imumI out i( Ihe I irt-uil Court ul
llm Slate of Or- on, for Washington Comi
ty, in lit.orol llilNh mt'iMit-miiv'oiii-puny
hiI itKiiinat 11. II. Ileinlrii lor tin
aumol '.:i..fOl w ith interna thereon iuce
July I.j. 1', at the ml ol S vr rent x-r
annum and or the further 111111 of l"3 12
U. r. Ohl mill, w til interritl thenou from
July !. ut the rale of 10 cr cviii er
i lo an execution isautd out ol the Cir
cuit ourt of the fetal of Oregon, lur
Stt.-hi::inn County, in favor of The
Newton Wanon Company , a corporation,
and amount H. 11. lienilnx uml Z. J. lltu
iil iot the um of HMO roU, wi h ml
iet thereon from July IM, IX't, nt the
rate of h per cent t er minimi, ami lio cent
arcruiiij; mis. ami the 1 11 rt lur auni il
T.'.IIO I , K. iiuhl t-uin, Willi inU'ii-Ht there
on Jiiure July a, lUl, ut the rule of V) pi-i
cent 1-e unnuin.
Also un execution iMiittl out of tlx
county Court of the Male ol Oregon, tr
for iixhinifton Coiinlv, iu favor nf Win.
Corlx-lt, 1'oniaht M.nl.iuy uml Kenneth
Macl-e-iy, partners iloini: Iu 1 -1 1 ic.-n iimlir
the lirn. name of Corlwtt. A: Macl-eay uml
UKainxt 11, II llemlrix uml .. J. llt-mlnx
fur the tuiu f i:cI..V.' I'. M. a hi coil:, with
interest thereon 11 1 Ihe rule of IU per cent
per annum Iroiu the lltli il y 01 ..oven
her, IsiiS, anil tor tne rostx a.-U I'lpi-inna
o! aio un 1 01 nam not.
Now thervlore by virtue und iu pursuance
ol naid judgment, i will on fatunlay. the
lltli dav of Novenils-r, I SIM. at the 1011111
door of the court huiutc III ilillhoro
, WanhiiiKton County, Ore ion, at the hour
I of IU o'clock a in. of Kaid ilay sell t
1 mlbhe auction o the hiKhext hnlder f
cuuh the following described real property
1. yini!, being and i Unite within W'tu-li
ingtou County, Oragon, uml bounded und
lieacrihM as follows, to-wit: Hcginniug
at a point 1.1.12 elm east or the iiorihwe-t
corner of .lie donation land claim of 11. IJ.
Tucker und wife in aertioii &I township 1
north, langc 3 west. Will. Mer. ami rnn
niui theiii-a aoiith chs 10 bate 1 ne.
thence east along base line ifcUW clis to
iunc. 1011 with Centerville an I Cornelius
toinry road, thence 11 rlh 4.I.7-1) cIim along
center 01 sum roa-i to norm line or sunt
1 iicker clonal 1 11 lunil Claim una tln-nre
west .W.iiO chs to place of beginning, con
taining one hundred and for y acre-, more
or lea, to alily the h rtinhelora named
duiiih, and lor the costs und expense., of
said rule.
8uid property will be sol I subject to re
dempti 11 as per statute of Oregon.
Witness my hand this Mill day of Oct
olier, lM'il.
W. D. I! It A UFO It I),
Sheriff of Washington county Di e.
By C, K. JJkii'iiman,
21-25 Deputy.
Thoa. It. Tongue and B. it. Huston,
Attori.eys lor pluiaiitTs,
Lard Orrirt at Orhuos City, Ob.
lll-t. !i, IS'.CJ
the following-named settler has tiled
notice ol hia intention to make, final prool
111 support ol his claim, uml thut aula prool
will be made before the County Jlerk of
Washington County, 011 Kov. IS. ls'j-i vix:
H. E. 9730 f- r the 8 of N K W and N M
0( B K ij of See 24 T 3 N K4 W.
lie names tue following witnesses to
prove his continuous residenre uiuu and
cultivation ol said land, vu:
John K Builey, of Buxton, Wash. Co., Ore.
John l.ippert 01 ureenviiie
Martin Hart, or '
Lrednck Hart of " " " "
21 2U Begister.
Kxecntrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed executrix of
the estate of r.ll.aheeth hrnst, deed., by
the County Court of the Htate of Oregon
for aslnngton countv. All pen-o .ihav
ing claims against said estate aren luest
ed to present the same to Ihe under Hgncd
-.i.r . .1.- t - .1. . .1 .... 1 t
w miliiBlx iiioiltns iroui me uaitt neieoi,
Bethany, re., reot. 27. IS'.lll.
Execntrix of the estate of Kli.uls'tli
Krnst, dml.
18 23
j ne i-.ugene uuard thinks the c r-
ulation of the United States "can be
doubled if silver were given its right
ful due." Last November when the
1898 report of the director ol the
mint cloned we had 1920,100,000 gold
and 1638,200,000 sliver In circulation.
According to principle 3 of Carlisle'
nve propositions which have never
n answered, Ihe nine million
gold would be withdrawn from cir
culation so that in fact instead of the
circulation expanding it would con
tract. And worse, at Ihe date above
written we had 1326,100,000 uncov
ereil paper in circulation. Now it is
good as gold" but adopt the Ouard's
free silver policy this paier would
hrink to the silver basis, losing half
its value. Dors the Uuard rosily
want to try the experiment.
Notice ol ft'lnnl Nettleinent.
Notice is hereby aireo that the umler-
fiKUeii naa nun his hnal account as nd-
miniKtrntor of the estate of Iavid Wil-
trout, deceased, ia the county court ol the
rtate of Oregon, for Washington coiintr.
nd that mid court ha annotated Mori-
ilay the ltltb day of October lstm, at 10
clora in the lorenoon nf sun I iliiv u the
time for hearing obiecaions to such final
account, and for the settlement thereof.
DAN IEL W ll.TliOt'T
ilminiatrntor oUKe es'ate n( lavid Wil-
trout. 17.,!
tire mf Final Settlement.
Notice is lierrhv irlven tlmi tha n, ,l,.r.
tlgned has tiled his final nccount as a.l-
nnstratrix of the estate of Edwu.
unstable, deceased in the county ennu
the state of Oregon, for a-fnnct. a
county, and that said court has appointed
.outlay me inn nay ol a or. Ifv.nt, at 10
clurk in the forenoon of asid duv as th
time for hearing objections to sin h tinal
account, and for Ihe settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Kdwanl
Constable, dercasrd, 20-24
Catarrh Cannot he Cared
with local applications, aa they cannot
leach the sent of the disease. Catarrh is u
blond or constitutional disease, and in or
der to cure it you must take internal rem.
cdics. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood nud
mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh l ure
not a quack medicine. It was prescribe!
by one ot - be best physicians in this conn
try for years, and us a regular prescription.
It is composeii ot i lie nest tonics Known
conbined with the best blood purifiers, net
ing direc ly on the mucous surfaces. 'Ihe
perfect combination of the two ingred cut
Is wl at p oduces such wonderful rcsul
in curb g Catarrh, Send for test intonials
Address, F.J CHENEY V Co., I e.lo.O
Sold by Druggists. 7.'m
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Acker's English Iteniedjr vt ill atop a
cough at any time, ami will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or nionev re
funded. 2ft and bO cents at IMm Drug
AftMeanor'N Notice.
To the taxpayers of Washington Coun
tv, Oregon : Notice is hereby given that
theHmrdof Equalization lor Washing
ton IXmnty, Oregen. will conveno in the
County Clerk's oll'tce at the Court House.
in IliHelHiro, on the 30th day of October,
1m!j, anil continue in s-ssion one week.
or until the 4th day of November, inclus
ive, lor the pnrHae of publicly equaliz
ing ami Correcting the tax lists of Wash
ington County, Oregon, lor the year Isitlt.
llillslioro, Oregon, October 3d, l.S'Hi.
C. A. ( AVK.LL.
Assessor of Washington ( o ntx, Oregon.
auric: foic rriii't- itiom
Lakd Orrici at Okiao City, Oaitnns,
OctolHr, 11, IMi
ll - helollowing named settler has liltd.
notice f his intention to make linal proof
m support ol Ins chum and that said
proof will be made belore Register and Ue-
ceiver at Oregon City, on Nov. 2o, Inyo v:x:
II E. lljit for the S W W of sar .0 T a
ii . t .
he names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
ultivation of said 1 nd. vix:
luhn I. uens ot IrnxYon r.
Frank o. Kief, of
Roliert Simpson, of " "
Adam Simpson, o " '
t itAt. il. iuiur.M
22-29 t Register.
. f
S Mis r
g Saved
ranlvie Hathaway, of
Sixteenth Street, Holland, Mich.,
says :
" I aru twenty-one years oli,
at sixteen 1 was pale and weak.
By ihe time I was nineteen years
old I tvas so weak. I co'ild not
walk across the lloor. 1 was ter
ribly emaciawd and my skin bad
lost all color. The doctor pro
nounced the disease an.cruia.
Being advised to try Pr.Williums'
Pink 1'ills for Tale IVople, I
bought a box, and l-cfore I had
taken all of the pills found that
they were doing me good. Appe
tite increased and the healthy
color began to 6how in my cheeks
and lips. I continued to use the
pills until I found myself perma
nently cured. Since then I have
had no return of my old trouble.
I know that Dr. Williams' 1'ink
Pills for Tale People saved my life
and I believe that no other med
icine could have done it." J-'rom
Ottawa Timet, Holland, Mich.
Tit. Williams' Pink Tills tnr Pale Penpls
eoutaiu. iu a eondeuMcd lor in, all the ele
meuU necessary to give new life and rich
ness to the blots! and restore shattered
nerves. They are an unfailing srwcitie tr
such diseases as 1-s-oinoior hihxiu, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, seiatieu, neural
gia rheumatism, nervous headache, the
aner-etfffta of the grip, palintuiion of the
heart, pale and sallow complexions, and sll
forms of weakness either in male or It iuale.
Or. Williams' Pink Pitts tar Pal Psopl srs arvf
sola k ths sons or kundratf, but sla, U sack
go. At all drugf sts. er ousel Irom Ih Or. Wtl -hssia
Medlclnt Compiny Schenectsd), N. .. SO
. conts pr ko, 8 kosss 12.60.
I Have Moved
Into the Odd Fellow build
ing-, corner of Main and Third
. in all lines. No second hand or
shoddy goods. Prices low.
p. O. BROWN,
Furniture Dealer.
AUlUlfii I.
Draws Ws.
liter th:iti a "alkitis Plow. Is the Ik-sI Snlkv in the
St. Charles Hotel
Front anil Morrison Streets, Portland Oregon.
Eleetrio Ughta, Electric Hells and Uydraulic Elevator.
150 Itooina at 2,t to ftOr, Sulles, ;.", to $i. (iood Itosinnrnnt
Give us a call,
DA VIES & lSELCIIi:i:, Milliners.
CC T CAVE litt,e thought t0 my health." writes Mrs. Wm. V.
Rell, 330 N. Walnut St., Canton, O., to Mrs. rink
ham, -until I found myself unable to attend to my
household duties.
I had had my days of not feeling well and my monthly
suuenng, and a good deal of backache,
but I thought all women had these
things and did not complain.
"1 had doctored for some time, but
no medicine seemed to help me, and my
physician thought it best for me to go
to the hospital for local treatment. I
had read and heard so much of vour
vegetable Compound that 1 made up
my mind to try it. I was troubled with
falling of the womb, had sharp pains in
ovaries, leucorrhceaand painful menses.
I was so weak and dizzy that I would
often have severe fainting spells. 1 1
took in ail several bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound
and Blood Purifier and used the
Sanative Wash, and am now in
good health. I wish others
to know of the wonderful
good it has done me, and'
have many friends taking it
now. Will always give your
medicine the highest praise."
Mas. A. ToLi.E, 1946 Hil
ton St., Philadelphia, Pa.,
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham
I was very thin and my
friends thought I was in con
sumption. Had continual
headaches, backache and
falling of womb, and my eyes
were affected. Every . one
noticed how poorly I looked
and I was advised to take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. One bottle
relieved me, and after tak
ing eight bottles am now a
healthy woman; have gained in weight 95 pounds to 140
pounds, and everyone asks what makes me so stout."
1 U'l ., M.,' , . .. .... I
Uoth furrow wheels are under control of pole lieam is 'pivoted
to the frame at two points. It lias a yielding connection I "!veeii
the furrow wheels, llottoin is attached to tliejheani, 1 ' t '1 the
frame. . ltottoin is so it can fe leveK'il'froui point to hei i l;-t
lift to assist in raisinjr the plow. Ioose tolc makes in- v. . ilii
011 horses' necks. Angled wlieels'takiujj pressure from 1 ;inl.-.itle.
It will turn a Miiar corner to ti;lit or left. Relieves iNelf in
stony or stumpy ground. ill open land as desired. I.iftf out
jxiint first and enters point first.
Also made 111 gang plow with two 12 or 14 inch laittoins, having
all tliclitdvatitages claimed fcr the Sulky. .
- Send for Circular , -
Ask VV. II. Connell or V. II. Morelati.l, IlUIshoro, a1mt these
plows; they were judges at the recent exhibition given mi the firm ol
I'. J.' Williams, 1 mile Iv.ist of Ilillsboro, where one man pulled the
Triumph Sulky, cutting and turning a lull sized furrow, or John Kauiiia
of 1'arniington, he (mllcd the Plow and is the happy owner oi one.
The result of the test showed that the Ttiumpli Sulky cutting a
furrow 6x16 inches would draw 154 pounds lighter tlwin a walking plow
cutting the same furrow.
First and Taylor Streets
The Academy prepares for College and gices
a thorougii English .Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses certj lou lioard and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 to 4 per ureeh, including
electric light and heat. .
Under experienced management, rcill fur
nish rooms and beard at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed 1.50
For full paiticulars, address
prksidext McClelland,
Forest. Grocc, Oregon
Xotice i herchr given that I. the
nntlerKiirnnl, have tircn nnixiintol exxc-
titorot the e-Ule of Willoiin WiUm
l-cie Iit the County t'olirt of Wsl
nutoti imintr tirririin rikI Imve itu r
qrmliheil na ui h ntt ulot :
All pfrn liavina rlainiR rts.iiiwt aaiil
elte re herrhy rtiiiw.l-. anil rrtpiirptl
to Tr-fnt tliem to the nnrit-rMuned t Ihe
lawoflireof V. N. It.irn tt in llillslioro,
rrin, within tlx morlln from iho tlate
llill.-thoro, tlreRim, m-tuher II, 1S'..
F.ipentor of the etile ol Willinrn
Wilmn, tieiil.
Kaltz & Slack,
Will he in town on or about til zCith itist. on their regular semi
annual trip, hrcp.ired to do firt class Piano Tuning, Repairing ami
Organ Work. Prompt attention kivcii all orders left at this office.
Buy where
you can
buy cheapest.
Iliink tins
I ;iHr in
TI10 nciits from IVHtljunl
is tin; p(M)i, jilaco to sol
4 Il A 1
IXDKPKXDKXT l.f.-s tlm tuulc, hy
courlcoii-; ti(!ilincnl nud low priors
J'njMT of :ill -Miidos, no oidor loo
or too small.
Orepon Kidney
ache, idney nl
and conxtipHt .
Tea rures linck
l.l idiler tr .iil.le
iH-lta Drug Store
MlslMlH'S K01ti:i( I
Winlom' llolx-rtine corrects hIi
Memi-hes of the f:tee Hml ntxki'-i n
heriulirul complexion. I -ltt I'rug
Store. ' "
Ilillsboro, Ore.