Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 13, 1899, Image 4

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(Copyright. 139, bjr American Tnn Association
(ontinucd from Vlrt I'uje.
"Home ehetuxmon. "
"I'hennmen ?"
"Ye ; a set of carved Indian rhma
men hone, and ela pliant autl thiutrs
lie said that be Lad an idea they hud
ouiethinit to do with the ui order."
"A i t i : c... . i beutuuvn ivorj, I
lappa .- '
"AnythinK edsasT
"Nothing. "
"You're anre he took nothing else?"
"Certain. "
"Very well, Mr. Dohaon. I shall re
port your idiocy to your mayor,' Dar
rent remarks aa he finishes writing in
his pocketbook and riHea from his wat.
"What the dence," he mutttra to hira
etf, "did he take a set of cheiwinen for
and leave the knife, and who the dick
ens is he?"
"Do yon want to know anythiug
flue?" Dotxton sulkily asks as he re
JiKhts hia pipe, whic h he has let jro out
during the cross examination.
"Yea; give me the name and partic
ulars about every one related to or
friendly with the dead man. Any sons?"
"No; at leant I don't know. Perhaps
he ia his son. Yon never know. Old
Marsden always said he adopted him.
I don't believe it. "
"Never mind what you believe, Mr.
Dobaon. I'm atking for facta. Well,
who is it?"
"Astray Marsden."
"Antray curious name."
"Yes; old Marsden said he was a
tray when he found him, and ho stuck
to the name. It was his joke. "
"1 see. Where is thy AHtrayT''
"Quarreled with old Marsden a cou
ple of years ago ind went abroad. "
"Oh I Never been seen in Norcombe
since, eh?"
Dobson hesitates nnder the keen eyes
of the detective, who, it seems to him,
Is reading his inmost thoughts. It will
be no good trying to keep anything
from Herbert Durrent, so be suddenly
blurts ont, "Came back on the night of
the murder. "
"I see," says Durrent, again writing
in his pocketbook. "What time?"
"I saw him about half past 10."
"Did be seem strange in his manner
"Not particularly; only a bit ex
cited." "Did he mention old Marsden?"
"Where did you meet him?"
"At the corner of the road that
branches off to The Orange. "
"How was he dressed?"
"Long overcoat and soft hat"
"Was it snowing then f"
"No; didn't commence till 11."
"Bight. Thank yon, Mr. Dobson.
Now, do you know any one elae con
nected with old Marsden either here or
at Barnstaple?"
"Only one or two distant relatives
and acquaintances. "
"Very well. Yon can employ the rest
of your evening by mnking me a com
plete list of them, and say all yon know
about them. Have it ready by tho first
' That't the murderer," he remark! at the
ilctccuve uikc the ittcet.
thing in the morning, please. That's
all. I shall have a good deal more to
ask yon tomorrow. Good night."
"Oood night Oh or I Bay, Mr.
"Er Mr. Dnrrent Don't you think
that the sheriff may find it worth while
to offer a reward pretty soon ?"
It is the second time that Dobson has
mentioned the chance of reward tie
ing offered, and Durrent panne for a
moment, then suddenly confronts him.
"Now, look here, Dobson," he says
gently, "you're simply playing the fool,
and yon've given the whole game away.
Twice yon've waked after a reward.
That means yon know something more
than you have told me and expect to be
paid for your knowhdge. Well, you're
wrong. Yon won't be. You ought to
know even if a reward is offered it is
not paid to those in the service, whose
dnty is to do their dnf.y Come, now,
Dobaon. Own np all yon know and not
half of it."
"I know nothing except what I've
told yon."
"Very well, then, Mr. Dobson, you'll'
never get any promotion from your
mayor or any reward, which your soul
so hankers after."
"Then you will never know."
"Ha, hat I've got yonl So yon do
know who committed the murder I Very
well, Mr. Dohaon. very well. Yon are
what the law calls an accessory after
the fact It's a very unenviable posi
tion, Mr. Dolon. Goodnight!"
"Half a minute."
"Oood night. I think an accessory
after the facts gets almnt ten years. "
"Well ?"
. "I'll tell yon all I knrw."
"That'a better. I v. uld rather re
ward than punish. Now show yoni
sense by telling me everything yon
know, every iota, and your mayor may
proliably look over yenr indiscretion
and remember yon when the propet
time comes. "
Without answering, Dobson goesovet
to dwk, unlocks it and. taking ont a
stained and crnmpli-d lieet of paper,
bands it to Darreut
"That'a the murderer," ho remarks
aa the detective takes the sheet
Darront carefully examines the paper
a shoot of note paper stained with
one or two nasty smears and then, in
almost illegible writing:
And there it ceased, as the pen had
evidently fallen from the dying finger
and had rolled acrosa the sheet, loavinM
blot in ita track.
"Yihen u UiUt" .. . .
'CrnmpUl np In Morwun'a hand."
"Murdc-tud by Antra'
"I!y Astray, don't yon see? He had
not strength to finish it The 'y' i
"Hum! Bo Axtray Marsden ia th
mnrderer, and you intended to hold
this for the reward or else blackmail
Astray Marsden, eh?"
"I put it by and forgot it."
"Thut'a a li, Dobson, " he answers
aa be carefully folils the paper and
places is in his pocketbook. "Yon could
not have forgotten it in a couple oi
days. Have yon shown it to any one?"
Dobson shifts nneasily and tries tc
void the fixed gate of the detective.
"Well, answer np. "
" )nly to young Marsden to Astray. "
"When and where?"
'The day after the murder, at tut
Palace hotel, where he had put up."
"Well, what did he do?"
"Said he'd come round and ace ine
"Well, did he?"
"No; he skipped."
"I see. Well, Mr. Dobson, whether
he committed the murder or not, 1
should advise yon to he very careful,
my friend. You may find that you've
got yourself into serious trouble. To
morrow morning I go over The Grange.
I shan't want yon. Bend your patrol
man to meet me there at 9. Don't for
get. Oood night. "
Darrent turns on his heel and leave
Mr. Dobson to hia own reflections,
which, to jndtfe from that gentleman'
expression of countenance as hmisdily
pulls at hia pipe as he tits before the
fire, are not of a very enviable descrip
tion. In the short walk from the police sta
tion to the Pahtee hotel Herbert Dar
rent marshals his facta.
The old man, reputed a miser, mur
dered, the footprints in the snow lend
ing one way only; the return of Astray
Marsden on the fatal night; the mys
terious visitor of the morning, claiming
to be a detective, who had taken mere
ly set of ivory chessmen, when out
would have assumed that the weapon
with which the deed was done would
have boon the first consideration. That
factor in itself was a problem. Then
there was the writing of the dead man
tbut seemed to reveal the name of tht
murderer at once and to make all clear.
That paper accused the man who two
years ago quarreled with old Marsden,
the man who only returned to Nor
combe on the night of the murder and
had since fled Astray Marsden.
Herbert Darreiit felt that indeed nl!
his art would te needed in this investi
gation, for he knew better than any
one that the cases that teemed to 1
over before they had really commenced
very often proved to be almost nnsolv
ablo mysterioa.
To aay that Herbert Darront passed a
pood night would have been to have
stretched veracity to breaking point.
It was cold in that small bedroom in
the village hotel, and the discordunt
clanging of the cracked bell of the
church clock from qnarter to quartet
and from hour to hour irritated him in
his restlessness. His mind was far tor
active to allow his eyes to be wooed by
slnmlM-r, and through the long watches
of the bitter winter's night tho few
threads of information that he had
gathered tangled themselves into twists
and knots in his brain, and tho very
fact that prima facie the solntion oi
the mystery seemed to be so simple only
served to worry and irritate him more.
Dete:..ives, nftej all, are only human
beings, not mechanical contrivances,
and their intellects, trained though they
be to keener and clearer intuition than
those possessed by ordinury men, do not
render them free from the worries in
separable from complicated problems of
which the solution is obscure.
Darrent lay awake for hours wonder
ing and speculating. Those clews which
seemed to point at onco to tho culprit
often, ho knew, failed utterly upon
closer investigation, broke off sudden
and short, and, onco the thread snap
ped, one was left absolutely without
the possibility of following tho trail for
another inch and had to hark back to
the very commencement again, onl'
perhaps to have the same exierience
and the same result. One never hears
of a detective's failures. It is only his
victories that are noised abroad. One
doo not learn of all the byways and
crossroads, all the narrow lanes and
blind alleys, thot his search leads him
into. It is only when success has
crowned his patient task that one hears
of him at all.
Once when he had dozed off for a lit
tle while the dreary, monotonous recital
of the nntimely death of the wretched
20 cows dixtnrls'd his brain, and he
awoke with a shiver to realize that,
whatever the winter of 1HH1 in Nor
couile was like to have killed tho aeon
of cows in one night, the winter of lsltK
was quite as severe a one as he evei
desired to experience. Thinking of the
cows recalled the brief conversation h
had with the driver of the dogcart.
Evidently that individual did not think
very much of Josiah Marsden and.
moreover, h.Rd admitted to having a
grndgo against tho mnrdered man be
cause his rent had been raised. Was it
possible that that man who told so glib
ly the story of a ghost was implicated
in the murder? Perhaps. One nevet
knew. Hut against that supposition
there was the paper that had been writ
ten by tho dying man. the half finish-d
accusation that he had been murdered
by Astray. What a colossal idiot Dob
son was to have shown that paper t
Astray! And directly Astray had seen
it ho "fled. That certainly looked like
guilt and yet might only be a sudden
spasm of fear fear that a train of cir
cnmstautial evidence might be gathered
together that would inevitably pnt ths
rope around his nock, be he innccent
or be he guilty.
There were indeed many black factors
in tho case that points to Astray. Let
him recapitulate them:
(1) Astray waa not Mardscn'a own
son, but had been adopted by him. and
who could tell what Astray's anteced
ents wore or why Marsden hod kept
(2) Astray and old Marsden had
quarreled and separated some two years
back. Whr?
(8) Astray had returned. affcT an ab
sence of two years, on the very eight of
the murder. Why ?
(4) The unfinished' note written by
the dying man seoniod to a cense Astray
of the murder.
(3) Astray had fled.
Yes ; all these facta certainly did point
to Astray Marsden as the mnrderer. All
through the long winter's night the dis
jointed fragments of the puzzle jum
bled themselves ahont '1 tho perplexed
tnind of Herbert Darreut nntil the dawn
broke gray and cheerless.
He gazed out of the window across
tho waste of snow to where in the dis
tance the trees that fronted The Grange
met hia eye. Should ho. he wondered,
fathom the mystery of the midnight
tnnrder within that dwelling, who
smokeless chimneys stood ont black
against the wintry sky?
Breakfast with ita steaming coffee,
ita crisp toast, savory bacon and new
laid f)fs T. and Darrent felt anoth
er mail, ready to Commence' hU Investi
gutiona, to piece together every tiny
acrap, avery minute fragment nntil
tho whole puzzle wiia complete, the
mystery solved, Joaiuh Marl u aveug-d
and justice sat lulled.
Mine host, who waited upon the
stranger from Chicago hnns1f. waa of
a couininuicative turn of mind. Oh
yes, he knew the Marsdens, f.ither an i
son at least thev called him sou Weil
enough. Josiah Mamdcn was a strung
sort of fellow ; deemed to bavo n
friends and no enemies. Visitors toTu
(range were very rare indeed. Marsdcu
kept himself to himself ami never ns
ciated with the inhabitants of Nor
combe; went over to Barnstaple once
or twice a year. He rarely had any let
tors. Now and again one with a foreign
postmark, so the village otman ti Id
him, would come, or maybe he world
have a French newspaper or a chiss
magazine. Young Marsden ah, he wa:
always nice, affable young gent, h
was! Many's the bottlo he'd had in th
room where they were now, and many
more bottles he hoped to open for him.
Yea, Astray Marsden Btaid there at the
Palace on the night of the murder, ami
in the morning, after Dolison had called
and seen him, he left for Barnstaple.
"Bless yonr heart, s.r, said mine
host as Darrent buttoned np his coat
and prepared to start for The Grange
"there are some people who suspect
Astray of the murder, but they might
just as well susiiect me, sir innt a
The irritating church clock chimed
the hour of 0 aa Darreut reached the
gates of The Grange ami found await
ing him, erect as a soldier on parade.
the patrolman he had seen the previous
night . '
"Good morning. I am glad to find
yon are punctual "
"Good morning, sir."
"Any message from Mr. Dolison?"
"He hoped you would cull npon him
again this morning.
"Right. Have yon the keys?"
"Yes, sir," answered the policeman
unlocking the gate as he spoke.
"I suppose yon didn't see the ghost
who committed the murder?" Durrent
hazarded, with a smile.
"Ghost!" laughed tho young officer.
"Not much. There's no ghosts in Nor
combe. I've heard the fuiry stories
about ghosts and The Grunge being
haunted, but I don't believe any such
nonsense, sir."
"No, sir, not a bit of it. There was
llosb and blood on this job, sir, and it
looks like a case of revenge."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, sir, as far as we can make
out, nothing in the house has been dis
turbed and no robbery committed."
"Well, lot's get inside."
The policeman unlocked the heavy
door and pushed it open.
"Now, go slowly," said Darrent as
they entered, "and tell me all yon know
about the building. "
The door banged after them, and the
dull echo of the sound reverberated
through the house.
The entrance hall gave access to
rooms on either hand, and the police
man, milocking and opening a door on
tho right, stood on oue side for Durrent
to enter.
The room, which was at the back of
the house and evidently the library,
was a largo and lofty apartment paneled
in dark ouk, and the old fashioned fur
niture matched the decoration solid
armchairs with deep seats and snnk
backs and a massive oblong table. The
walls wore lined with bookcases, but
they were evidently very rarely opened,
for Darrent noticed how thickly the
dust lay in all tho crevices where the
glass doors shut. He walked slowly
round tho room. Two sides were en
tirely taken np by the bookshelves,
while at tho two others were the fire
place and a broad window. The chim
ney piece, with its high mantel ip
carved oak, had a couple of cozy corner
seats, one on each side. The window,
which was opposite the fireplace, com
manded a magnificent view of the dis
tant snow covered country for miles
and the windings of a river, its frozen
surface glistening in the sunlight. Some
dozen skaters wore gliding over tho
splendid ice, and Darrent, after watch
ing them for a moment, turned with a
sigh from the scene. He could not yet
afford time for indulging in an exhila-
".Voir, po tlmily," tutlil Ihirrent.
rating pastime in which ho delighted,
and, although a clear, nnhroken stretch
jt a mile or so of Mack ice temptingly
invited him. dnty called him, anil duty
must he done.
"Now, then Py the way, whut's
yonr nameT''
"Right. I daresay you know mine
already Darrent. "
to nr. coNTixrrD.J
Acker's lypcpv,i Tulttet are mid
on a positive jriiiinmtee. Cures heart-burn
riiising of the fisxl, dintresa after entirg or
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The Delia Drug Store.
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AVeCctable Preparation Tor As
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A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion. Sour Stornach.DiaiThoca,
Worms jConvuls ions.Feverish
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Toe Simile Signature of
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exACT copy or wrappcb. jlj jg
I"" ' P T.. -,T.U. C..H... Sr. TO.. e.T.
A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal. J. A. Wcsco, Penman & Secretary.
gives profitable employment to hundreds of our graduates, and will to thnti.vn1a
more. Send for our catalogue, l'ani ; and iw we leech. Verily,
Bsmg$zfS&h&d Testimony
Nn secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable
acciniilisliments than the Knights of I'ytlnas. That order is doing tjreut good,
ana one ot us nncst institu
tions is the OIi'o Pythian
II .me, at Springfield, Ohio,
.vliii h is a!!y prcsidid over
!iy S.iperintondent I.o Kevre
.11 I his wife, Mrs. C'allie I.
Le 1'evre, tho matron. Tho
utter has recently written a
le'ier, which will command
v despread attention becaiiFO
if the prominence of tho
.vi-it-r. It is as follow-::
"Messrs. W. II. HlKil'-T &
Co., New Vork: I.a- t year I
u4cd Acker's English Konvtly
at tho suggestion of a fi icnd,
for n serious, lingstand ng
throat difficulty and extreme
ly hard cough. Had used
many well-spoken of prepara
tions without relief. I ca!i
honestly say that Acker's
Kti;;lish Remedy removed ihe
difficulty and stopped Ihe
.n-.igu. oiu i.i.i uio, r.,,
or use more than three hot-
les, and at least otiu ha'f of tlu last is still on hand. I also consulted phy
sicians with no permanent rc-sulla." (Signed) Cali.if. I. Lk Femt.
The friend to whom Mrs. I.e Kevre refers as having suggested Acker's
English Remedv is Mr. V. H. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy
Tr insfor Co., of Troy, Olio, where this remedy has accomplished many other
ures in Throat and I.uuvj Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance
Mrs. Le Fevre nlso said: "ll you will call on Mr. W. II. Schauss, a prominent
cli.na and art merchant of Spnirlield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had
any amount of experience with Aiker's English Remedy in his family, and
thinks they cannot keep house without it."
Acker's Knclioli U"me.!y is n.iM liv .-.!! drutttf'sts unil-.-r a positive (rimrntltee
thut vonr moiiH- whl In- ref 11 n-l.-d in . :isi-
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Nilely i eeiiei iH'd. Kuq love. of
the Wist 'OUMU (enir:il I injure :iiil
In .eie the pin lie hihI i il r trains lire
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Karl's Clover Root Tea
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qnU-klr iMi'Hrt.im riiir opinion frtti wln'fhtr mi
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Ji th i'-iiii, Ail iiny, I'.iii-i'i.i, :-!ieiiiN, II. it
ey, iiurri-!''... luiitii.m liiv, Ki: i.-cn,-(
iiua.'e ln"ii', I'r ioi. I k!;:i'.l, suit il l
IHI'elis IrnMI
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lIMti l'.ll!S t)N IM.I'HN i:?)t T I .
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Sri Olid ( S.ccpilljt I ; s
Arr4el!rll TO Al.L 'I'NIiiilimi 'I i;41nh
V,,f,l hull' iimii..i.
ItfcTWKKN POUI'I.ANti . (1stVM. !:i
Mi.il Trniu i iviy (;.4e( t ,Si,i:,lav).
7::'.l) A M I l.V
H:.rH l.v
!i r; a m 1 Ar
Ar . fin fi
Ii.v I :'in
l.v I I -2 I 1 -
J.t A i in. y an.l l 'it,.ii, ,imih-i i
Willi 1 rum.- .a 1 in- ur. i;,.i iVniml ,V K.i-I
01I1 iyv.
Kxiress Trillll ln;y, (h'c pi Suiulav .
t fill P M I fiv l'..rt::iii
li:lll in ,i IIllliai,ri,
1:.4) p m I Ar lii'A.umviiie
' I'M I lli ia-l a-n..,.,,.
Ar I M..','a 4
1 v ! 7:1:: 4
i.v 1 A y
IIiidiilIi fielai-ts 1
Tai all iMiinls in the ll.isi, rn -l:ii , n ,
111I11 and Kum ie 1:111 I biaina.l at i,.. I
est lain, flul.l I. I'. ',i,.., aya-nl or;
.101111 11. 1, ai.lt il I !,! In.l, ., ,(, , ,,,;,
' l( iAiMI.!,
oa Interested?
1I1L. II. II. tV .. A l V IjL'WIV
On the 1,'i-aoiiri-es i.f It ay. .11 . ';i-ti no
ton 11 in I hlalio is hciim il,. 11 il'iile I Our
render nrc reiim-pltal to I'm u aid the ail
ilreses ef tlu ir Kii-tern fiiiiiils Miilae
qiiMinti niini'e mill 1 i-ii)iv of tin- moiU
ill lie M ill free. This is a mailer n'l
should he inteiesleil 111 aini e umiM n.k
lli:it evei v ne take ,111 iiili re-l nnd lor
wind HU h nil liesw. Id . II. ilri.ihrirr
ieneral I'iiNenuer Au'enl, O. I, .v. N. (. '
iT 4r" k
i-tT. i-'.,.
i:;rf .sVjs,VV
" -sy Siue cwij T
iv,,,r,fl,rli"2 SCHEDULE; ,,
From i'orlhiii.l
" ill l..ike, IViiver,
Kn.-l mail I-1. Woilli, lliiuli.i. , ( -
op. m. Khi..;,. ruv, M.(. f. ,";;;
I urns, t iiieu'u, ,. '
Wlllhl U'allu,SK,k-
K, ,,l ine line, M hum ai'i'ii-
j J iver I'1'"1. I'uiiilli, Spok.ine
I 2::h"ji in. Milsankee.'.'liU'.io l l-.'er
! -V cai-t S :.',l . 111
OCCUl! SlL'uLialli.'),
1 lor San r'taiu ia-o .
'xiis e V"V lla
' d.'l ,
I . III.
H,,..,.. : Colrjuliia livtr-- m "
in p. in. ' 1 !
v WiaCffiCltcEiTC
"',' tirem.i.ritv, Xe-.-:"".l'-'
"":i,lv i,..r.... saiei,; av uv. s'"'''y
li-n.liiiKi. !
. " Wi!!i!!!'(:i!cHa.n
1',;;!'.:; till Elvers p.n.
.111.1 .".ll I. r ;, l.lll.lM'-S
.,. iVillncltc Ei.cr 4
TiiWi'luii (Wvnllis 11111I nv '.,'!'
Hint Sal, landings 1 n d
i:Siu! SiiakcEiycr
,0 Hi,.ilrial,.l.ei-tc.ll 1
Address, W. II. Ill HI. run,
enM Puss. A Kent.
Ia..lell I'lirlilt & ( ..
(eu'i AkIs. ur. Pile, S. S. Co.
Port 'snd, - Oregon.
es..-. sv
cured 1
!f voa lulTer from any of th I
i!U of uin. come to lh oldest
on ihe pjciiic Cuul (
D!l. J0R0AN 4 CO..
.1061 Market SL Eftttf 1862.
Voutiff men anil middle i
UiffU itiku wiiO Kir sutUriiisl
I from lite effects ' ytuthrnl irnliMTti(.ii or en- j
l-s m m.iitrrr vi.r-t. ntvi m and i iivhi-h
in mi Ki .-.imi.ii tiMTts; roiM'i,iiiiiiorrtina(
l'rolHloi'rhiri. 4 :tirr lm';, OlecA.
I'rriu nr.v I rninllng, rK1. liy jfc '
lonit.m Hint i. rrllHlll',tt urt-.it ciir.ilivri'ow-
rr, the I K i . r r.w Arr.ii':et lu. irrainifiil 1
I lli.il it will n t oiilv all rtl iiiniieoi.it n-lff ,
(rtn.inrnt rurr. ' ho I Krftnr iUs lint l.nni to '
erfirin iuir.it ut is wtll-kitoHii t ! a Uir j
itutl stjii ire I'Iivmi t irt purl ur'on, pr-rnuni
1.1 tits sii I ill 1 Mi-tHM4 or jfirn.
Ktsliilist ihoroiiLlilv sT-nli.' if.ti (rum the
A y-'t in itlti,iii iiMin4 Hlrrcuri
I i P,'IV ,r ffutrtt t..hih.K of INfi-nn.li.nit.
! f H u;HiiunratJffn 1-ostfH Iff KVin
i eriv , our Ifiilr.f tiiiii"t. nf l-l-a e-ria.li.ltit. A
f ll'ru.Kaii.ira.t'Vai o.srl l.rl KFin f
1 errn rawa? tar uti'i tliUc, or fmjeil Ou9 A
9 Thuuarial JlaillniH. 9
t'ainiiflli.m I'K'I- K nn.l Klrlrlty paivalia.
f VHAKHEH VF.KV kK.tso.SAUI.K. 1 f
I nia-ut ersim.-Mv er lv lII-r. .St-liit l.ir h"-'l(, A
"The I'liilAMOiiliy of Murriaice,'' W
1 fra;. (A v.alnai.Je U"k t.ir nen.) A
;Itisciiiii of Anatomy 3
and l.iiK'est M nwiim ef il. kiait inlhc
1 do iinest and nicest ri iwiim oi its ki:ii in inc i
world. Cume ainl li.irn Iv w wotnirifullv V'u W
nre m.n!e; how t nv..i,l ii kiv-t and iri.,
We nr rorMinn..i!v tii n-w Keciiiirtiit. W
Vial w
ruia. W
KAI I t.lHi I K r li r, f ( il.l'irwnu'.
f 061 Msrk Str. San Francitro. Cal.
1 .;,v