Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 13, 1899, Image 3

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'tiiit W" uiUniin 6c per yard at
iiry ins.'
A tiv.it fur tuerybody. Monday
i v -ning. M iseotte.
An'erieaii n finery granulated ou-
MT Vi -", Ml llrVHns.'
Wi'ikihi ii ate palming the roof
ill l In- emirl hmi-M.
('itriiiy ! M I" Will tM'll in lo Ht.
i , i M ;- ..! M'iMliy.
1 ... i-vi i - t t the Christian church
( . 1 -ei ve a T.i.nk-j:ivin;j dinner.
i; il .m-irti ii-.ii re ill Dr. Parkir'a
I, it', Ho t iiNiili', Oct 1 1 and S. Come
i K i r l-" was hutwriltnl ly our
i in, m us au inducement to play
Hupt. Ball ha made
tioument of school funds
which ia here Riven;
No wind yestorday hence there
w no vacht race at New York.
Ine tHmts will try Mgain tialay.
Dr. I'. A. Ilalley and wife who via
il.cl in rkain' over Sunday re
turiieil Iioiiih on Wednesday last.
Died near (la-ton, McKinley, the
: year old .mil of A. 1. and lit laa
Mli.iliey. Kastern paiar please.
If the aiiiiiiu-aMiienl loving people
will palrniiiae giaal attraction Hill
Imro v ill et niiwt of the show that
toine to li.e etmst. . ' '
The llrst front of ihe fall wan visi
ble Wednesday morning. It wan
f tllowi'il ly another yeaierday morn
ing mill all tender plant are dead.
I'rof. M UMiinuml'it show will give
a g ld rim to Hi" hut 11 1)' walUer
in town next 8Uurdy eve. lib
mint popular, lady cntost is growing
A district teacher's Institute will
ht) hel I at Tigardville on Saturday,
i , i- js Sunt. Armstrong of
Multiioinah county will he one of
tho luslruetors.
Hnvil W. Her a pioneer of 1817
.ii...l mi Tiiiwdav lant at his home on
dales Creek nt the advanced age of
7(i year, lie leaves a large laiuuy
of children, all growu.
-"Wheat in Portland is lower, choice
"ley is tpjoled at 6'J cents. The
si.m l.'iMiielsi'il III irket is ui a little.
ehtiice shipping goes at (iti cent and
choice milling al o.i genu.
ii. I,, locke who fell out of the
lear tree some weeks ago is Just ahle
to get frtnii hi tsunami
ling room hy the aitl of crutches
Hi recovery i very alow.
i.Moi, i 'r w fori I of Middleton,
Ia. state orgamwr of the Christian
M'. ...... ..-1 lt.ir.1 of Missions will
l lliiinn" ........ ---
npeak at the Christian church next
Sunday morning ami evening.
The reception and entertaiument
to have lieen given on ine next, nu
lar meeting nitf lit hy UrilUu Cahin,
xt..ii.,u uiih ict. I'.l. ha heen Dos-
ponetl hy the committee of arrant e-
ti.u i ..nr.. I him L'rowi n are stor
ing their crop in Hillsboro ware
houses. ISO sales nave yei tain mi
nounml, though it I undnttooU
that huyer are ranging me country
Mr. A. Higler, Ml an ear of BUgar
corn that i the equal ot any on exm
hiilon at anj of the great fair. It
would make a splendid roasting ear
for the Is-y when they go coon
int.. l.ii.li hurt 111 ii'iitetl a iiosition
L..i..,.r with a l'ortlanu
house, and haa taken up hi residence
in the city, lie ' uicrei'irc " -er
of llillstioro except a an occasion
al visitor.
Vh want to lure with you on
.....,r r.. ll in. In . We are going out
of husini ss anil our reduced prices
Hre lower limn any coinnciiioni. r
ing is helieving so come and see. H.
K. Hryan Moik
Chas, Doughty, had the misfortune
to fall off his wheel last Monday, at
the comer of !l ' a I Hiisellne atreeta.
Uf",is ti' to i ruised alaiut the
!...,! .i,i..M.ler i.hv l)r. Tamieaie
ami hinklaler neiMtl the wound.
In another column I the apxrtion
..r...!,...,! nwiiii'v now on hand
Thl addetl to what ha hefore heen
.,ti...iu.l make tl.7'i ler pupil
which i the largest apportionment
ever made In one year in win ouu.j
A friend tif (leorge Ireland, who
was slt k ho Iting here lasi spring, re
ceived a letter from him thi wek
...i.;..i. mI,iI.i that he i much illl-
.....l at lilt, new honiH in Kliokilat
eonutv, Washington. Hel gaining
In tl.-sh, eat well and I ahle to work,
and I working.
Small poiatoe w ill lw at a preml
mu this year. There never has been
ho good a general yield a that now
harvesting. '" exhibllwl at
.1... i ...rvi.i vT niillv Mr. Tay
lor who lives Iwynnd the long bridge
Vteight tl I - pountis, Blltl uiey aro no
iiiitaimlaitt IiumUr Ho
three anil four ear
of lumlMr r wek from Hillslioro
till the past ween w nen n
...ikiu i.i irei car. The company
however wcurel o" T r"r nlH
i. ...i.s..h wilt tie loatletl for the
San Francisco market.
tTU. lmrl(i nth Annual Conven
tlon of the Ore. on State Sunday
u. .i. i a-uoi'I itlon will convene in
t... ..r Aiimnv Oct. M 2H nest.
Arrangementa for the usual reluction
i.f railroatl litre nnn -.
..n:ii i r.v.liii-iimi will be wcuretl
from l'ortlantl II enough delegatw.re-
mrt to till a coacn
II ha ordered no
tice to be iHwtetl rlxlng Mom'av
evening Oct. '-M. n tne unie lor near-i.-rtna
obiiM-tlon to re-
lairinir the sewer on Secontl and
n.i.:..i i-.w.ia The rena r will prac
.i ...ii.. .n...nnt lo reconstruction,
.... .. j le with lumber or
with tile a may be determined be
fore bill are Invitee.
t ..-t .niiiniKr there was a large ex
mrslon fteainer going up Ihe lake
from Chicago carrying a passenger
i .. ..r,K...i i mu). The wind waa
fn-sh and about himj of the pieaxure
xeeker were really eaica. wun-n-
man and an Irl-hman were aiuing
i i... .i.i. IhimIIv enirftired 111 feed-
SUIT" I'J ni'i. ." ,
Ing nsh when a friein' rame along
. ... ,.1 IM'n hack saving. "1
aee your Momaen i weaa i ai
mviii a he muld Pat ri'pllwl "Divil a
bit. lam Ihrowlnr a far aa the
domed Dutchman."
Frank Inibrle
T 11 Miller
KV Mulloy
John Marsh
J W Fuiua
It M Kyle
1 Hi cow
IUi I'll ITS
J'W Connell
Willi Vail
I)r Kruest Kvcresl..
K ! K-eder
J L lUnk
1 II l.tl-ihv.
T 11 Adam
1mis WiU-ox
(Jeo J Jack
A V D tuny
Jaa II Kewell
A W Wright
HAD Meek
H N . ole
C F Tigard
J i JohiiMin
A W Vincent
J U 1'rickett
Mr Amy Carsteu.
J Ii liulay
It P Lilly
M T H ttea
1 Oiml.e.
J ) ilnstin
A II Flint
O A Plielh
A O Wlrla
Wm Claiwhaw
Win McDonald
Kenton Phillips....
T F Fairbanks
C M MiOiruiii-k....
C (1 Koeber
0 W Allen
Wm Morris
U M Holt
W W Jaquith
Thoa Murphey
Carl Pfal
Mrs KUray
K J Kuratli
A Uueiber
Thoa Anderson
M S llarnea
D Iiurk halter
Jim Hucher
Oeo W Taylor
C Berggren
J K Smith
J I Northrup
W K Newell
MrsC A Smith
Wui Kertaon
John Johns' in
W II Weir
Chun Iiateman ....
Mr M AUilleaple.
W F Shearer
J H Itinck
1 C Clutter
Samuel Uraf
N C Shipley
A II Wolford
Itev. II. A. C. Pau
F C Ilnrgholzer
K llelvogt
(J J.Hauudera
Fred Berger
E K Ball
It II Whilehead....
N liothman ,
Max liurgholzer....
A Campbell
(1 N Hale
Win Crowther
W W Lewia
J N Hoffman
A Uassner
Wm Jamieaon
J C Emmel
U Bolder
Claua Christiansen..
A J lUymond
J It Wilson
J CKruse
W F Young
O F Cooke
the appor
for the yeur
tl' 00
275 40
140 20
117 30
71 40
2ti4 00
788 811
K3 Ml
70 50
ISM 70
127 50
112 20
95 20
98 00
070 00
HI 00
117 30
130 90
88 40
44 20
140 20
193 80
187 00
20 40
. 141 10
90 90
64 40
159 80
127 60
47 00
! 90
37 40
, 85 (Ml
129 20
107 10
79 90
90 90
01 20
83 H
, 28 90
K8 40
379 10
52 70
G 80
88 40
67 80
91 80
71 40
219 30
124 10
;. 20 40
107 10
88 40
83 30
, 35 70
, 34 00
67 80
108 80
40 80
13 00
42 50
80 70
28 90
, 61 40
34 00
71 40
81 00
64 40
141 10
01 20
32 30
119 INI
22 10
45 90
71 40
112 20
78 20
20 40
01 20
60 10
22 10
275 40
90 90
78 20
42 60
15 30
M 18 70
08 00
61 00
195 60
34 00
, 52 70
5 10
23 80
3 40
..... .. 25 60
30 00
jhelp," Itev. A. J. Montgomery.
Saturday Nov. 4.
How the Pastor may aid the young
ieople, Itev. Alhyu K-moo
ilow the young people may aid the
Pastor, V. O. Uxt.
Our state work, Pri. Montgomery.
Christian Knil.av 'rer' fruit in char
acter builiiiiig.
1. Through llihle study, Rollin
2. Through the quiet hour, Miss
lircia Pnilip
3. In "The Spirit-Filled Life,"
Mi-s i:ila Maiy
4, In Soul wiuiiiug, Mi Nellie
School of methods.
1. Mikout Committee, llev. W . .
Social Committee, Monmouth So
ciety Missionary Committee, Carlton
Other Committee, Lvi D. Htrr
Corresponding Secretary, Itev Win
ter Junior Superintend't, Minta Hum-lihrevs.
Open Parliament, Itev. tJeo. A. Mi'-
Aildifss, llev. 1. 11. Mi-Cullagh.
Sunday, Nov. 5.
Convention Sermon, Pre. Tho.
Junior hour.
1. The Junior social, Mrs. Alhyu
2. The Junior Prayer Meeting,
Prof. 1). M. Meizer
3. Junior iiiethial, Open Confer
Consecration ser ice.
Address "Three Steps to a Complete
Life,'' Itev. II. L. Bate.
Mr. and Mrs. (late are moving in
their new house, and Mr. Lizer of
Greenville will occupy the nouse
they vacate.
There waa a birthday party given
Taeaday evening In honor of Miss
Bertha llanley. Those present were
the Miasea Bertha llanley, wen
anil Elva Young, and Emma Young,
Nellie Bairley. Nora Miller, Augie
and Viola I'nee. Lna Johnson, ami
Mr. Lillie llanley, Messrs. Hanley
and Zeba.
Jamea Price is hauling lumber
from the Durance mill preparatory
to building a barn.
Mr. Leisy presented the church
with a new carpet for the aisle thi
last week.
Harry Baker of Cornelius began a
term of school at Onterville on tho
3rd ol Oct.
Old lady Penning died at her aon-in-lawa,
Mr. Vandt hy, Oct. 3.
The Iii'lsyville church waa the
scene of another pretty wedding last
Thursday evening. Charles Bennett
and Ellle Back us were the contract
ing parties. At the appointed hour
thev marched down the aisle together
ami took ti.elr place at the alter
where the word were pronounced
that started them out on lite's voy
aire aa one. The bride was becom
ingly dressed In white organdie sw iss
and carried a boquct of IiFrance
rosea. The groom looked very hand
some Indeed in his prince allien suit
In fact it waa a handsome coui le
that Bttaxl before the large audience
that had fathered to witness the
ceremony. The Immediate friend
of the bride and groom gathered at
the home of the bride w here refresh'
mi nt were served, which waa high
ly appreciated by the participant.
The brides cake was the center of at
traction. It was as good as it was
beautiful anil was gracefully served
bv the bride. The moat conspicuous
art of the decorations was a large
. U--..II....I. 1.
motto in evcrgrcenc, nnnw w
PadliK'k. The evening was pleasant
ly spent an t the party broke up at
II o'clock, wishing the bride ami
groom a happy and prospciou nie,
The first annual convention of the
Christian Endeavor societies of the
Second District of Oregon Including
Washington, anihill and Polk
counties, will lie held in the city of
McMlnnvllle commencing Nov. 3rd,
1899. Th program of work laid out
Friday, Nov. 3.
Address of Welcome, W.J. Wise
carver. Itespnnae, Forest drove CmgT So
ciety Business Session.
A Social half hour.
Addreaa: "The F.ndeavorer and self-
The uudersigned will aell at Public
Sale at Cornelius, me wnow ing -(
eriiied rsoi.al proa rty on
tvt. IH, coinnieiiciug promptly ai 1
o'tio- k a. in. . .
lr.u.tuull I . - i ! foal
Apr. 1890 by Jt .'; N I85,
linn Pri-i -ew.. I - Du.ih: Pi i nee, 3d
iI iiii H,a l. .voil No 1107. 3 yeaning
colls 2 2 yr old; 3 year old mare; i
r olds, weight l-'Mi; s aorrji nor-
weight IJtut 8 iniJ 9 yr-; 2 lay K-hl
lugs 9 rs 2 t'HV marts, 4 anil II yrs
3 yro'ld geldui(; 1 ly mare anil
tolt, it It sired by Ldd A It d Ciytle
........ i .. 8 l..r .v K knoid Iresh
axt ;l pure in ed j-ley 6 yr old; 1
nam durham 8 yrsoio; i mi uumi.i
7 yrs oh); 2 yearlinu. 2 yr old heifei;
hinder; 2 yrold hull; 4 shoal weight
110 pound-, 5 briHMl sows 20 small
shoats 3 in hI ai iu w ,K"pi 'l'
tiuggv, cart, 2 set naruet"'. heavy 3
seal "hack, house hohl gtssls all. I
farming implements, 3 mda can 2
ten gal, 1 30 gal, bicycle, 300 hen
and chicken, d turkeys, 3iM bus
winter oal. sulat-y pi iw 10 in, 725
cedar post, hinder, two mowers, disc
eu a ay, 2 harrows, 4 plow-, land
roller, two clod mashers, 40 gal kettle,
twelve Ins drill, two hay rack, eook
and heating stoves, span work I orses,
span brown hoi I and 8 yrs, gar
den harrow.
Terms of sub Sum under I0
cah in hand. 10 id over a credit
of 12 month mi approved note, at
H per it iit interest. 2 a-i cent orf
for cash on eu n of IMI and over.
P. H. tlBAY.
B. P. CoitNKi.irw, Auctioneer
(Ol'KT 1101 SC.
Est John W Michalec deed; cale of
personal properly approved sum real
ized US 90.
Ain'N-ken: o l -.itf II tnnela 9 Cls, t
Head Utter List.
The following ia a liat of letters re
maining uncalled fr in the piiHtotlice
at liillslxiro, Oct, 7lh 1899:
Mr. Joseph Delary,
Jasper Weston,
HUlslioro Nurcery.
All letters not calltnl for by Oct.
21, will be sent to the Dead letter
Office. One cent will be charged for
each letter called for.
INiulile Tralii Service to Saa I'raaclnco.
On Oct. 15th, the Southern Pacltle
Co. will inaugurate a 'Daylight Ex
press,' leaving Portland at 8:30 a. m.,
and reaching San Francisee at 7:45
next evening only one night out.
Both standard Pullmans and tourist
If sufficient encouragement is re
ceived a small edition of the poems
of Sam'l L. Simpson will be publish
ed in Iiecember, in time for the holi
days. The book will contain about
400 pages and will be about 7x6g
Inches In size. There will be two
styles of bindings, Morocco and
The price of the book has been
placed at a very low figure :
Morocco $2.50
- - - ' " cloth 2 00
WStSOrQ SO 1)25 Subscribers will not be asked to
advance money.
A number of books of importance
have been published In Oregon but il
i believed that none of equal merrit
with Sam'l L. Simpson's poems has
been projected,
Subscriptions will 13 taken at the
Imiki'k.ndknt office and duplicate
memorandums of the transaction
The accompaning sketch show8
the size of the book looking at the
Est Win Wilson deed; will admit
ted to probate. Henry Carstens ap
uiintoil ovtw-tilor with hoods fixed at
I2,MM). Appraiser Wm N Hay-
.- t 11: I ll,.lul!un
nam, Aiarun jwinng, uu v
Est Wm Vincent deed; semi-annual
account tiled and approved.
Est Susan J Stanley deed, estate
...I...IIIU.I 1.. i.r.il.ule J II Stanlev
apHiinted administrator. Bond fl,
liobt Mullov uia?rvior of road
disl No 27 resigned.
Beavertou lirldge accepieti.
It vdville mad, Thoa Tucker, Peter
lioscow, and ltialalph Crantlall ap-
IniMl irlewf r anil A. A. Morill
surveyor. They will meet on Satur
day, Oct, 14 to view anu relocate
saiil roatl.
Mis. Wonloff indigent assistt d to
the amount of f.'l.OO.
Warrants drawn for f sessing and
collecting revenue $ 181 30
Bridges and roads 300 70
County court 33 40
.. ........ l...fc .n,l ,l..nmv "IMI IMI
fUlll ri nil.. J ......
County Judge 68 30
County treasurer n
Schtail supt and assistant 70 33
County surveyor 1 50
C-ourt house anil Jail 116
Fuel light and janitor 43 30
Paupera and prisoners 230 80
Ilecontcr antl deputy 125 00
Stationery 27 35
Sheriff and deputy 2(H) 00
State cases antl witnesses 10 iu
Indigent 88 95
sleeTa will be attached. This new
train is in addition to the present
7 :00 p. in. Shasta Overland, and will
give many passengers the desired
psirluiiily to see en route the ureat
Willamette, Umpqua anil Sacramen
to Valleys without loss of time, and
still arrive in Oakland and Han Fran
cisco at a seasonable hour.
Total 11711 81
I.tivnsn In weil were Issued Oct. 5.
to Charles Bennett, 19; and Effle
Backus, 19; Jamrs Mc Poland. 27; and
Oertriuie Craven, 22; Oct. 6, Melsor
E. Itaymond, and Iaura Huniington
19; Ovt. 7, Everitt O Oood miller, 23;
and Clara L Cale, 21.
The Metropolitan Company con
sisting of 30 members have been
secured by Mr. W. A. Wehrung who
has sutiscribetl f 12.i by the help of
our husines men. The company will
present the comic opera entitled M as
cot te. They apiwar here only one
night Montlay Oct. 16, and that due
to an orn-n date on their way to
Sent lie. The company carry their
own siM-cial scenery and 71 trunks.
This will certainly be the event of
the season. Among the actors are
W ill Rising, Blanche Aldrach, Jen
nette Lincoln, Harry Warnser and a
chorus of 20 voices. This Is the lar
gest organization ever visiting the
city and should receive liberal sup-
Beautiful complexion Is an lm
Mxaibility without good blood, the
sort that only exists In connection
with gntsl digestion, a healthy liver
and bowel. Karl's Clover ltoot Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 its. and 60 cts. at
Delia Drug Store.
Mr. Lyman Wilcox of Mountain
Home, Idaho is visiting with his
brother at Cornelius. Yesterday he
visited some of the law offices In
Schulmerich A Son have their new
i" vr line of ladies' cloaks and winter
wr-.-s on exhibition. They are
Tim planking by the court house
hitching chain is completed .
Hay has been better sale for a few
days and is quoted by the Oregonian:
Timothy 9 . Ill, Clover V fh, 18.
Wagons! If you want one you can
save from $ 10 lo 1 15 by buyiurom
Schuluietich A Hon.
EVERY Wum.ttt Buffering from any female troublt can ba
helped by Mrs. l'mkhain. This statement is based on
sound reasoning and an unrivalled record. Multitudes
of America' women to-day bless Mra, Pinkham for competent
and common-sense advice. Write to her if you are ill. Her
auaress is uynu, .Mass. Absolutely no
charge is made for advice. I suffered
seven years and would surely have died
but for your help," writes Mrs. Geo.
IUinhkiP(,e, Morea. Pa., to Mrs. Pinkham.
It ia with pleasure I now write to inform
you that lam now a healthy woman, thanks
to your kind advice and wonderful medi
cine. I can never praise it enough. I was
a constant sufferer from womb trouble, and
leucorrhoeu, had a continual pain in abdomen. Sometimes I
could not walk across the floor for three or four week at a
time. Since using your medicine, I now have no more tear-
ing-down pains, or tired
feelings, and am well and
hearty. I shall recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vege
table Compound to all my
Buffering friends as the
greatest remedy for all
female weakness."
Mas. Susie J. Weaver,
1821 Callow-hill St.. Phila
delphia, Pa., writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I
had inflammation
womb and painful
Btruation, and
advice I began
Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vege
table Compound. Have
taken four bottles and used
one package of Sanative
Wash and feel like a new
woman. I thank you so
much for hat your medi- 1
cine has done for me."
Mrs. M. Baumann, 771 W. 21st St.,
Chicago, 111., writes: "After two
months' trial of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can
not say enough in praise for it. I was a very sick woman
with womb trouble when I began its use. but now I am welL"
on of the A
lful men- Y2'
by your ml
.n taking
ii v . VW,nrzr.
2 ...Ladies' Misses' and 2
iEChildrens' Seal aiulES
Si Plush Capes, also 3
SErFur Collarettes, just E5
from the factory at... 2
The 1st semi-annual meeting of the
Washington county Veteran A shi av
iation will be held at Beavertou, Or.,
on the 3d Thursday in (HloUr
which will be October 10, 1
This meeting was to hive lan-n
hi Id ou the 1st Thursday in October,
but owing to the rain and lute har
vest, hence Ihe change.
Trusting this will be perfectly sat
isfactory to the comrads alt over tho
county and that they will report at
roll call. Ladle of the association
are invited.
I am fraternally in F. C. & L.
W. J. it. Beach,
J. IL Dolslrum, Secretary.
A f :S0 sewing unieUine for sale
very cheap. Call and ee it at Mc
cormick's bicycle store.
Second hand bicycle for sale
cheap, f 10 and up at McCormick's.
Call on F. J. Barta-r, Second street
if you want a first-class shave or hair
cut. Try his baths, either hot or
Hlute of Oregon, lor the Cuiimy ol
In the matter of the estate of I rinition
Andt'raon hmitli, ilvmtscil. I
To Nancy Ann Johnson. Hen W. Smith,
Admit J, Smith, Jami'S V. Smith, IaI
ward B. Smith, Suruli K. Spi-ars. Klijali
Smith, Alex. Smith, Anna Smith, illiiim
Smith, l.illie Smhh, and S inmnllia Smith,
lieirs-ut-luw of Am lemon Smith, tlecniKed,
and to all heirs uiikiiowh ami t" all per
on iiitereptpil in uid eslatu, grei tinn
lu the Name of the S.ale oI'Oivkoii. You
are lierehy cited and reiiiiied to appear in
the County Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for the County of Washing n, at th Court,
room thereof, at llillnhoro, in the County
of WashiiiKt n.ou Monday, the tith day of
November, ISM at to o'clock in ihelore
noon of that day, then and there to nliow
cuilM?, if any exist, why an order of said
Court should not be made, authorizing
and directing the administrator of said
ettate to sell the following deMrilied real
property belonging to said estata described
as follows, to-wit: lleingund situate with
in Washington Countv. Oregon, and being
a part of the donation land claim of An
dersonSmitli and lie and more particul .r
ly bounded, designated and described as
lollows, to-wit: (omti'cncing at a point
on the Township line between townships
No. I North, Hange -i West and Townships
North. Hange 2 West, lit) chs. Kast of the
West line of the donation land claim of
said Anderson Smith ami wife, thence
North 4.iilchs., more or less, to the center
of the creek kuovin as McKay creek, thence
up the center of said creek with the
meaiiderings thereof to the mouth of the
stream known as lieiivenlam l reek in said
donation land claim, thence up the center
of said beuverdum Creek with the meander
ings thereof lo a line runnini: directly
North and South through the Northwest
corne; of the donation laud claim of Will
iam Hums in Section HI. Township i
North, Kange 2 West. Will. Mer., thence
.South along the West line of suid Horns
claim to the South line of the North half of
the don tion land claim of said Anders n
Smith and wife, thence West on said South
line to a point dub South from the place
of beginning, thence nor-h to the place of
beginning, c intainiiu forty-five (4.') acres,
more or less, as praye I for in I he petitiou
of the administrator ol suid estate this day
tiled herein.
Witness, the Hon. I.. A. Hood, Jud.-eof
the County Court of the State of Oregon,
lor the County of Washington, w.lh the
seal of said Court alii led, this tith day of
Septembe', A J).
ISealJ Attest: J. A. IMISKIE, Clerk,
by J. W. MOxilt AN, Deputy. lti-21
How is your wife has she lost her
beauty? If "to, Constipation, Indi
gestion, Sick Headache are the prin
cipal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea
has cured these ills for half a centu
ry. Price 25 cts, and 00 cts. Money
refunded if results are uot satis
factory. Delta Drug Store.
Wm. H. Wlltner, a Portland drug'
gist, Is visiting friends In Hillsboro
thi week.
The beat line of dress goods in Ihe
city Just arrived at Schulmetlch A
On f very bottle of Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is this guarantee: "All
we ask of you i to use two-third of
the contents of this bottle faithfully,
then If you can say you are not bene
fited return the bottle lo your Drug
gist and he may r funtl the price
paid." Price 25 cts, anil 50 ct and
11.00. Delta Drug Store.
To the Patrons of Husbandry, Hills
boro Orange, No. 7il:
All memU-rs in good standing are
urged to attend the regular meeting
to be held in ihe Hall it Hillsboro,
Saturday, Ot. II, at M iVIoik am,
for Ihe iiir,H se ol lrn-v:o tuisi
ne sin! io partake ol li e A .i.tial
Harvest Uracgc Feat.
ATTtXT : .Master.
Mrs. H. B Luce, H c.
The Metropolian 0 ra Co. have
30 poople. Next Monday night in
Ma colte.
Judge Majors of McMinnville
spent day In Hillsboro the past
The society event of the season.
Mascotte, Monday evening.
Don't fail to see Mascotte Monday
evening. Kvent of the season.
Near stock of Umbrellas at Sthul
mericla A Boa's.
9nvUi.tria S-vpoilioii
Opens in
Portland, September 28
October 28, 1899
Products of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho in greater variety than
ever before
Bennett's Renowned Military Band
.tlixa Alice Itaymond
America's Greatest Lady Cornett Soloist.
The unequalet!
Florena Tronpe
of ArioliaU, dircrt from the Empire
Theatre, London ; first time in America.
A Great
Filipino War .llnseum
ii J rent Niatera Jlacarlc
Uiisurpassed Aeiialists, in thrilling aets.
A Season of Great Surprises ami
Astounding feats.
Reduced rales on all transportation lines.
Admission, 25 cents
Children under 12, 10 cents.
Many a lover has turned with dis
gust from an otherwise lovable girl
witli an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Knot Tea purities the breath
by ils action on the bowels, etc., as
uothing else will. Sold tor year on
absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, anil
50 ct at Delta.
Sick headaches, the curse of over
worked womankind, are quickly and
surely cured by Karl's Clover Knot
Tea, the great blood purifier antl tis
sue builder. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Price 25 anil 50 cts. at
1 Schulmerich & Som
Do you know consumption is pre
ventable? Science has proven that,
and also that neglect i suicidal. The
worst cold or cough can tie cured
with Shiloh's Cough and Consum
tion Cure. Sold on positive guaran
tee for over 11 fty years. Delta Drug
Tiulilv coiniilnxions. Nauseating
breath come from chronic constipa
tion. Karl' Clover Hoot Tea is an
absolute cure antl has la-cn sold for
fifty ytars on an absolute gu trantee.
Price 25 cts, an:l 50 els. uetta lrug
Wm Mnhr make Iks its at Ms
shopon Second street, Hillsboro, for
5.c0 ?r pair, sewea snoes ior re
am! gives sa?cliil attention to repair
ing, lie uses onty nrsi-graue biock
which enables him to guarantee his
Schulmerich A Son have purchased
some wagon from the factory and
can sell them from V to 115 cheaper
than othet dealer. They sell a 31
steel skein 3 iuch tire, all complete
for f so.
Fruit canning season U now here.
Some will keep and some will spoil
unless you use the Vacum Jars lor
sale by J. M. Brown.
Ltaded shot gun shells at 8chulme
rich A Hon. Liaded with native son
smokelcs- and black powdei all
shells guaranteed.
Lasy Vacum Jars at Brown's.
What is Shiloh? A grand old rem
edy for Cough, Colds and Consum
ption: used throngh the world for
half a century, ha cured Innumer
able cases of.inclpiont consumption
and relieved many In advanced stag
es. If you are not satisfied with Ihe
re ults we will refund your money.
Price 25 antl AO cts and 11.00. Delta.
The iinest lino of toilet articles tyi
and ilnu sundries in the
County always kept at the Si
Dclt cl Our own specialties are
good values, because they gj
are made from tried form
ulas, the pure and fresh
Our line of patent med
icines is complete. Careful
attention given family receipt.
St01C these facts in your brain.
... All gilt-edged butter put on the mar
ket by creamciies is wrapped in paper.
The product of the private daily would
reach its market in much bettei cotitli-
. . . tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment
than it does when wrapped in cloth.
Parchment is not only better than cloth
but cheaper.
. . . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard from
which 27 sheet can be ut 27Parch
ment wrappers cost 2 cents.
500 ShePts 8x11,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
50 cts,
55 cts
tandard si i for 2-pouud rolls is
8xt I inches; 2-pjund blocks are
wrapped in the 8xi.i size.
One reason why paper has not lajcn
renerally used heretolore, farmers
could not pet it at the nci al Mou
lt is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
A Detective Story!
The first chapter will be run this j
week. Look out for it.
f( The tap, tap at midnight when the house is otherwise
f wrapped in silence rivets the attention of the startled hcar-
iv ers. It is mysterious, therefore interesting. That is why
C detective stories are so fascinating. There is always an JJ
element of mystery and to clear it up is the object of the story.
We have purchased the serial rights ard the story will be
f published in installments in this paper beginning soon.
Start with the First!