HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT Kutured, in tb poatotUce at UlUaborc, Or a Mcoud-cUit mail matter. bnbacriptlon, la advance, per year, $1.50. H1LI-BUORO fUbUrilllNt; Co. Fropa. D. M.C. UAULT, Editor. urnciji rAPKHur run tin FKib.v, vr j;:ek is, 1HD9.; A blockade of the Philippine Inlands Is to be maintained. Mure war shlim are to le went there at once. President Andradc, late of Vene- xuela hat resigned mo an to allow the leader of the rebellion to be elected to the prtnidency. This wan the only way to wave the government from an overthrow an the rebel were every where HuecesHful. We of the United (States had ren-ct and esteem ii, t Andradc, tho bin county men re ued support. Lt. Coleman of the 13th Infantry tiaa captured a n oney train going to the InHurirpanU from Manila, It had been the hiblt of the army to allow rice wagon to carry mippliea thru our lines to hungry Filipinos. It Heema that the permit was uned for pacing money. This was used for the purchase of ritlm .nd amminl- tion. The leak has now been found and will be closed. Coleman got $.'10000 in ailver. Captain Woodbridge Geury XIII U. 8. Infantry was shot and killed in a skirmish with the Filipino insur gents last Tuesday near Han Francis co, Malabon. ('apt. Geary was born at Albany, this state and is a son of the late Ilev. K. II. Geary and neph ew of Gov. Geary of Pennsylvania Capt. Geary was instructor of mili tary tactics at O. A. C, Corvallis when the Spanish war broke out in law. A telegraph order for three billion feet of lumber was received last we k from the City of Mexico by a Texas dealer. Such an order is stunning. All the mills and lumler yards in Texas combined cannot fill the order. The agent, without doubt, has writ ten about three ciphers too many to his order for it is almost beyond be lief that Mexico can use $30,000,000 worth of lumber counting it worth no more than $10 per thousand feet. The paper of Portland and Tact, ma are having this week a fierce war over the question of which is the better harbor and the most patroniz ed. To us on the outside the Port land champion seems to have the host of the argument. Larger sliips and more of them come to Portland. This is as it should be, Portland is nearer to the market of the world has better railroad connections and more of them and water enough to float any canoe headed this way. There is a Jargon In mart et reports that is exceedingly exasperating to a man that has something to sell and wants to post himself on the prices prevailing. In one Instance this ex preeslon is noted: "options closed steady at 5 points higher." Now the value of the unit "point" is not Intelligible, There is no currency expressed in "toints." VCents," "shillings," "francs" and "marks" can be valued, but "point" is too arbitrary and ought not to be admit ted into the market reports of the papers, 8o many other terms, "quar ters" for instance. Some say a quar ter Is 8 bushels of wheat, others that It is of a ton 2200 pound or 2000. There is mist about the whole thing. The market quotations In papers are quite valueless except to experts. There ought to lie a reform in the Interest of the common people. There is considerable amount o wheat in the warehouses near the river, awaiting transportation by boat whenever the lucks shall be completed. The people of this sec tion have waited patiently, -through many vexatious delays, for the realization of their h pes btsed on cheap river freights. Tht locks are now completed, and all thp.t is neces sary at this time to insure naviga tion of the Yamhill at this point Is the completion of the wing dam to enable boat to pais the upper portal. This work has been delayed by the colIme twice in the last two or three weeks, of the coffer dam above. Farmers and shippers are getting to look upon these frequent breaks of the dam with misgivings, realizing further dilay at this late season jeopardizes their chances ot shipping by water until at least another year. Congressman Tongue ?nd Engineer Ijangfitt came up to iriect the locks lust Monday. Things did not apear entirely satisfactory to the gentle men. However, the contractors have been giveu every op(ortunlty to complete the work yet this fall. An extension of time will tie granted and they will be given the use of the government pile driver, and other favors will be shown them. It ii hoped that they will be able to com plete the work now, within the pre-a-ribtd time. We are Indebted to the energy of Congressman Tongue for the present stage of the work, and the eople look to him with the ex peclation of seeing the contractors or their bondsmen complete the work in time to enable MoMini.vil'e aid vhlnily to ue the river as a high way for tie IMSW shipments to mar ket. Yamhill llepertcr. SHEEP O.V MOCSTtr RAXGES- The timber hel on the Cascade mountains has beet, reserved by the government and rfitclals apisjlnted fl' Its protection. tThe same is true of the tin, tier belt of the coast range, but it is understood that the guards of the coast range only look out for forest fires. In the Cascade, how ever, the effect of turning stock Into the timber is an element that re ceives attention. Sheep men have asked and receiv ed iiermiMtion to herd their flocks during the hot summer months on the reserve lands high up on the eastern aloites of the Cascades. The rcernment Is willing that they may do this, providing injury to the timlier does not result. The practice the past season has been to assign to the first applicant a territory larg enough for his flocks and easily bounded. The herder started hi sheep up Ihe hill In June, and graz ed toward the summits he was ready to return in September. The land first grazed over had grass on it when he returned, and hit sheep reached the plaii.s in good condition. The claim has been advanced that the grazing lands were converted Into deserts and the tramping of the land killed the the timber, but the test! mony of investigators is opposed to this theory. The herder was also made respon ible for Arts. Any carlessneas on ihe part of sheep men banishes them from the grounds. The result has been that fires are less in number and thus the timber is really pro tected. The tramping of Ihe ground shows no bad effect yet, and the grass is claimed so be improved from year to year. The sheep men favor this govern ment supervision unless it is the owners of immense herds reaching into the tens of thousands who by the exercise might drive over small er men. At a meeting held this week in Portland which was attend ed by stockmen and government agents It was decided to continue the practice another year. THE THE tMKY KEEl'IMI EVEX. So far during the present fiscal year the revenue keep a little ahead of Ihe exiienditures. At the end of the first quarter a surplus of about 12.000.000 is shown. Receipts for the quarter have increased $17,000, 000 over the same period last year, and expenditures have fallen off $15,- 000,000. Customs are yielding from $000,000 to $1,000,000 a day, and in ternal revenue averages $1,000,000 I day. Both show an aggregate gain lor the month of $5,000,000 over September of last year. The war de partment is sfiending an average ot $12,500,000 a month, and the navy department $5,000,000. Last month's statement of gold in the treasury was $215,000,000. The September figures are $254,000,000. ' This is a remark ably favorable exhibit. The army Ins leen increased from 27,000 men to 100,000. A war is under prosecu tln 7000 miles away that will re quire the services and transportation of 60,000 or 00,000 men. The navy is growing steadily in battle-ships of the ilrst-class and other costly vessels, And yet the government is more than paying expenses. When the treaty was under discus sion several senators insisted that it would plunge the country enormous ly in debt. Senator Hoar urged this view. Senator Caffery was especially explicit, lie estimated that the cost of holding the Philippines would be $221,350,000 a year. That is more than the present entire expenditure on the army and navy, and we should not disband either if the islands were surrendered. Senator Cnffery declared that "our imperial budget for the year ending June 30, 1900, evn as staled by Secretary Gage, Is appalling enough. Kut I am confi dent that he under-eslimates the ex pcnuitures ot that year if the imper ial policy is to be carried out." Well, the end of the first quarter of that year is at hand, and there is a sur plus of $2,000,000. Secretary Gage's estimate runs over, not under. A vast deal of foolishness was talked by senators who fought the treaty. Their predictions and figures are on a par with their patriotism. Globe Djiiio crat. THE TK.t.NSV A Ali HA It. The Little Dutch R -public of South Africa sent Its ultimatum to Great Dritian and demands an ans wer within 21 hours. The time ex pired at 5 o'clock p. in. Oct, 1 1th, lat Wednesday. The demand is couch ed In four point. "First That all points of mutual difference be regulated by friendly recourse to arbitration or by what ever amicable way that may be agreed upon by this government and her majesty's government. "SecondThat all troops on the border of this republic shall be In stantly with drawn. "Third That all reinforcements of troops which hs,ve arrived in South Africa nine June 1, 1809 shall be re moved from South Africa within a reasonable time to be agreed unou with this government; and with the mutual assurance and guarantee on the part ot this government that no attack upon or hostilities against any portion of the pjrsession of the Brit ish government shall be made by this republic during further negotla lions within the period of time to be sutwcquently agreed upon between the governments. And this govern ment will, on compliance therewith, be prepared to withdraw the armed burghers of this republic from the border. "Fourth -That her majesty's troia which are now on the high w as shall i uot be landed in any part of South Africa." The time for considering the de mands baa expired and the Boers have commenced occupying passes, though at latebt advices there had been no skirmishing. England ac knowledges that she is not ready for war and that the cauipalgu for some weeks will be purely defeusive. The Boers are armed with Mauser rifles and will fight In open formation so that the Euglish machiue guus will not do the tame execution tbat they did among the hordes of Dervishes on Ihe Nile. Germany and France seem to mer ally support the Boers, But alter till unless a strong peace party develop at home there seems to be little ho for the success of the Boers. It wa I hat which gave them buccohs in 1884. Transvaal is in South latitude, 25, is west of a range of mountains hence cut of! from the rain clouds of the Iu diau (K-ean. The season now is sum mer and hot or rather the Nil Kit it FN MALE. BY VI RITE OF THREE EXElTTIoSS uiib iiwued out of tint fin-tut I'ourt ol tlir blute ot Ore mi, lor Washington t ol'.n ly. IH favor ol Hilli-0 .re l'u-operulivi) C om puny ami uniimt II. II. Hendrix fur the inn ul J.-ot with inlit thereon niuco Julv .. IJ. at Ihe rate ul H er cent per annum and or the lurtlicr auiu of 1"3 li Ii. li.vnid mill, w th interest thereon fr'jui July 1.1. W, at tlm ram of lu per cent per annum. Im uu execution limited out (il th Cir cuit ourl ul Ihe Mul or 're((. in, l.ir Wit-li'iuton County, in I'm r of The Xt-atun Waifun Company, a corporation. anil aaint ti. 11. llemlnx ami i. J. Ilea- drix lor the uiu uf ll.l.nu routs, h Hit .rest thereon Iruiu July 'M ISH.al ilia rale of t-riYiit l er linn. in. ami l.i oi-i.l-. aecruiua corns, anil the lurlher auiu ul '.-. MO I , H. K"l'l coin, mull llileiesl there on sicie July -V, IMM, at the rate ul l'j per rent tie annum. Also un em ill inn inMlnl out of the rounlv Court of the Mule ol Oregon, l.r fur W ushiiiKtoii County, in luur ul in. Corliett, lioiiuhl Mm l-cay anil Kenneth Murl.etty. partners iliunv Iumiic. umler theliru. nuine ot Curl tt t .MarUuy anil HKaiiiHl II, 11. llemlnx ami .. J. lliiulrin lor the Mini f ii.A.:i V. . Itl com, it: interest thereon at the rale uf lu per rem tier annum t'nmi the llih (1 y of .-ovein M-r, IMis, anil for the costs ami expenses of sale an ofsaiil - rita. Now therefore by vii'lueaml in piirsuum e ol saiil juilKUicnis, 1 will on Saluriluy. the lllh ilav ol November, at the auuih door of the court house in llillslxno uegiuuing i0 ,u o'clock a lu. of imi.l tluv Kelt t of summer. Tho soldiers from temperate north will sweat as well as bleed.- I'KEE AMERICA. The United States are free and in dependent and the nation is at mug enough to assert its iniletietnlenoe when ever necessary. The Spanish war punctuated that proposition so it is read and understood by the other nations. It was only a few years since Chili listening to the carping criticisms of Europe thot they could treat our sailors as seemed good to their treacherous Latin hearts. Fight ing Bob Evans brought them to see their error. The Spaniards thot we had no dghtjin us and that they could blow up our ships and t scape the con sequences as they did when they shot the crew of the Virginians. So view ing the place we now occupy in the family of nations Ihe war last year was a good investment. We are in dependent and so acknowledged. The South American nations realize the fact and are showing a disposi tion to profit by It. Senior It'ijas the Venezulan agent before the boundary commission at Paris has a clear conception of the matter. In a recent conversation he uttered these words which if the South American states will it, an as true as holy writ. Speaking of the boundary award he said: "The award was not what I hoped, but we must make the bed of it- What can you expect in a contest be tween an elephant and an ant? One thing will result from it, America will accept no more arbitrations with Europe. You will see America lay down a fresh international cote, which she will apply to the Old World whether the latter likes it or not. The South American slates in cluding Brazil, will rally around the United States for Ihe purpose of ef fecting an economic union. We shall try to establish a monetary union on the basis of the gold standard. These projects ueed uot Imply a hostile at titude toward Europe, but It must be borne in mind that Europe stands In much greater need of us than we of her." Tho United Stales has the power to exercise auy policy that we w ith our neighbors may formulate and Eu rope now realizes the fact. liu I nublie auclioii o the liiuhest hulilcr fi CUSll ine lotion niK uescriueii ivui pitpi-ny to-wit: Lying, lieinK anil niluulu ilhin Wali inejon ounly, Oregon, ami lioiiuileU anil uescnb il as follows, to-wit: iScgiiiiiiuc at a K:ut lit. 12 rhs east of the northwest corner of he (lunation laml claim of li. H Tin ker ami wile in section M township 1 north, ruiiKc .1 west. Will. Mir anil run niiK them-e b mill 4.1.75 -lis io h.i.ie l.nu, thence east ulnnit base line .'t'l.tii elm to jiuic. ion with Centerville an I Cornrliiis L'oun y rt-iul, (hence n rth 4.Y7.1 cIib along center ol mini roail to norm line ul xaiu Tucker ilonati n land claim ami thence wi-si .10.110 chs to place of lieginuing, con taining one humlretl ami for y acre -, more or leu, to satisfy the h reinlielore namctl sums, ami lor the cost ami cupense of satu mile, Hiiiil property will be sol I subject to re uempti n as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this III h day of Oct ober, 1MM. W. D. BRADFORD. Sheriff of W ashington county Ore. by C, K. Dkicumas, 21-25 Deputy. Tho. 11. Tonirue and 8. H. Huston, Alton ey lor plain. ills. XOTICK FOIlll ltMCTIO Land Orrin at Oregon City, Or. Oct. . 1WI! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal prool in iiipport of his claim, and that aa id proot will le maue oeiore me inuuiy icra oi Washington County, on Nov. IS, ls'jii, vht: ISAAC IS. Will i K, H. E. 0730 f. r the 8 of N K i and N U Of 8 E of Sic J4 T .IN It 4 W. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residenra uiiuu and cultivation of said land, vir.; John It Kailey, ol Kiixton, Wash. Co., Ore. John l.ippert ot ureciivniu Martin Hurt, ol l.reilru k Hart of 2120 CHAS. It MOO RES KeKllllcr. Executrix Notice. Notice is hereby Elven that the under- i lined has been nptotntcil executrix of the estate of Klizulioelli Krnst, riVcd., by the County Court of the State t.l Oregon for Washington county. All pcr.-o .a liav iiigclHiins against ".aid estate are ;riitest ed to present the sanio to the iimlcisig.ieil W UI1IUBIX II1UIUI1H IIOIII me uailT iieicui, Betlmnv, Ore.. Kept. 27, I WW. MATILDA II AM Kl.. Kxecutrix of the estate of hii.itlicth Krnst, deed. 18 n The artistic work on leather ex hibited at the stand of Lillian M. Candlin in the Portland exposition building is as interesting a anything to be seen. Mrs. Candlin burns her dodgn on leather and is able to get beautiful results. This decorated leather is then used for cushion eov. ers, sofa pilows and upholstering of every description. There is no wear out to it. The same class of work can be done on wood or on cloth even tho the latter owing to the nature of the fabric is very frail. AduiiniMtrnlor'a Motire. Notice is hereby Kiven that the under- signed has been duly appointed by the county court of the Mate ol Oregon, for warnington county, administrator of th estate of Susan J. Stanley deceased and has duly oualilied as nidi and entered upon the discharge of his duties. Ail persons tlierelure Having claims against the estate are hereby renuested and required to present them with pro per vouvners to me undersigned at the olliccnfthe Comity Clerk in Hillsboro, within kix months from the date hereof. J. II. STANLEY. Administrator of the estate ol Susan J. Stanley, (le. 21-26 Fen ton, Krouaugh A Mnir, Attv for the K-li te. KXKCI TOKM XOTICK. Notice is hereby given that I. the undersigned, have been apminteil exec utor of the estate of William Wilson let-eased by the County Court of Wash- ngtun county Oregon ami have duly qualified as such executor : All person having claims against said entaie are hereby requested and required resent them to the undersigned at the arret! in llillshorn. moi'ths I mm the date to law otlice of W. N Oregon, within six hereof. llillslmm, Oregon, Oi1nler II. 1 S!H, II. C. t'A KSTKNS Kxeculor ol the estate ol William Wilson, dexl. 12-2.1. otlre r Final Miileiti!nt. Notice is hereby given thai the nmlcr. signcl has tiled his final account as a.l minidtratrix of the estate ot E.,wm,l Constable, deceased in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Wa-lunrton cismty, and that Mid court ha apMiinieil .Mimuav me tun nav oi sdt, inw, at 1(1 clock in the forenoon of said dav as the lime for hearing objections to sinh final account, and for the settlement thereof. KLI7.AHET1I SIICTK. Administratrix of the estate of K I ward Countable, deceaard, 20-21 AIT ANTED SEVERAL BKKiHT AND IT honest persons to npiesen u us manage s in this and close by enmities. Salary $!m0 a year and expenses. Straight, bona-lide, no more, no lesa salary. I'o sitioil peniianent Our relerence, nnv bank, ill any lwn. lt i mainly olllce wo k coniliictcd at home Reference. Enclose Hell-add reased and staiupisl en velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. U, Chicago. Catarrh Can not lie Cured with h eal applications, as they cannot leach ihe seat ol the disease. Ca ,t: rh is a blood or constitutional disease, it' if I in or dcr to cure it you must laVe iuteri.il rem eilies. Hall's Catarrh l ure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a iiuack inedieiiie. It was prescribed by one of be Ix'ft physicians in this coun try for years, and as a re ular prescription. It is composed of i be best tonics known conbined with the best blood purifiers, act ing direc ly on the mucous surfaces. 'Ihe perfect combination ol the two ingred cuts la wl at p oduces such wonderful resul s in curi g Catarrh, Send fur testimonials free. Address, V.J CHENEY & Co., Toledo.O Sold by Druggists. 7.1c. Hall's Family Tills are the best. s lore in Your Blood That rheqrnatism in its worst form can be cured by projer treat ment is shown by this interview with Mat Tanner, of 2ti Hamilton St., Albany, N. V. lie said: "I was taken with rheumatism that began in my hips and spread throughout my body. For two years and a half I was confined to my bed. I employed nine of the best physician of Albany, and two sipecialisU from New York, but all declared my case hopeless. My niece recommended Dr. Will iam' Pink li!ls for Pale People. The use of several boxe eu.ablt.-d me to leave my bed and go about with crutches. Finally I aban doned the crutches, and am now as well as ever. No praise of Ir. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale People is too strong for my case. Mat Tanner." Sworn to and subscribed before me thi 17th day of Sept., 1898. Keilk F.Towner, Notary Public. From ihe Albany N. I'.) Journal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People contain, lu a couuensed lorui, all me tie. nifnu necessary to Vive new the bhssl aud restore slisttereU lite and rich ness tt nerves. Tliey are an unfailing specific fur such iltrieaies as bs-nmotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neurul gia, 'rheumatism, nervous headache, the auer-ell'ccts of the grip, pHlpitatiuu of the heart, pale and sallow complex ions, and ull furuu of weakness either in male or female. Or. Williams' Pink Pill tor Psls People srs ssvsr sold by tht Sorts or husdrts. but tlwan Is pick som. St sll druggists, sr dlrtct trow tht Dr. Wil liams Mtdlclno Compsny. Schtntctsdy. N. T , ISO ctntt pw bus. 6 bolts 1 60. I Have Moved Into the Odd Fellow's build- ing-, corner of Main and Third GOOD VALUES in all lines. No second hand or shoddy goods. Prices low. P. o. BROWN, Furniture Dealer. Acker's Eiifrlish Remedy Mill stop a con it h at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 and d0 cents at Heltn Drug Store, Aeftorsi Xotire. To the taxpayer of Washinglnn Coun ty, Oregon : Notice is hercliy (riven that the II iiinl of Initialization mr Washing ton County, Ortven. will i ii-vi-ne in tiie County Clerk's ullice at tl.i- tint House, in IlillelKiro, on the :10th ii.i- lctoler, IT.nl, and continue in srssiuu one week. or until the 41 Ii day of November, inclus ive, Ir the purxise of pulilicly equaliz ing and c greeting the tax lints of Wash iti);loii County, Orexnn, for tlie vear hiw, llillstioro, Oregon, th tolier :tl, IMUll. C. A. CAVKLU Assessor of Washington Count;-, Oregon. F. DAVIES. PRI3I0 , T. C. T. BELCHER. itC'X AND TRCAS. St. Charles Hotel IN' ouroRTrn Front anil Morrison Streets, Portland Oregon. Electric Lights, iClcctiio Hells and Hydraulic Elevator. I.0 Komiia at i't to 50c. Suites 75. to $1. 4ool Kestiinrant .' Connectioii. ' - Give 113 a call, DAVIES & UELCIIKK Maiiiiijors. Hillsboro Harness Shop. The undersigned has opened a New Harness Shop 011 Main Street nex door to the Livery Stable and will keep a full line of Light and Heavy Harness, Whips- Blankets, Combs, Brushes, Robes, Oils, Etc. Repairing a Speciality. W. L. DAVIS. Hillsboro Opera House. The Sodal event of the Season under, the direction of Metropolitan Opera Company who will present the comic opera .'50 ARTISTS 30 ONE NIGHT ONLY. MONDAY, 0CT0BEK Kith RKSIvRVKD SKA'.'S GENERAL ADMISSION lascotte Mitchell Wagons Best Tha p, Ul an Be Hade The f..c'.ory writes ns that they an over Two Hundred car loads !chmd their orders. This indicates to some extent the demand for this w.i.ui. Why? Prices: ...51.00 1 ... .."o It hears an estahlished reputation 1 maintained for '." vcars, m the best wagon pos.silile to luiiid. Its coinhined merits are: Strength, Durability, Best Qaal ity of Material thruout, Best Quality of Finish, BestProportion And away nhove all others it stands at the head of the li.t in its reputation for light running ipialities. It is licyond all question the lightest running wagon in the World. MITCHELL LEWIS & STAVER CO., First and Taylor Streets PORTLAND, ORE. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - - - THREE COLLEGE COURSES CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY The Academy prepares for Colleqc and fliccs a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses rcrtj loir. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $3 to 'l per treek, including t-.lectric light and heat. THE COLLEGE DORMITORY Under exprienccd management, tcill fur nish rooms and beard at cost on the club plan, not to exceed $1.50 Eor full paiticulars, address president McClelland, EorstiGroce, Oregon I AIL TERM BEGINS SEPT 20, 1S99. UNION BLOCK MAIN STRICT, Hillsboro Pharmacy Pure fresh d nigs, 15 rushes, Paints, Oils, Sponges and oil Druggii Sundries, Fine first class .cutlery a specialty. Extra Cure In I iioiinIiiir l'rfirriitloii. Ml F.ltl '". kai.i: "I w lfh to exprem my l hunk a to Ihe manufacturer- of ChmnlierlaiDV Colic, Cholpra and Iijarrlioea H in. ely, fi r liavlntr put on ihenmrkot ueh a wonderful medicine," my V. W. Ma-wiiifrlll, of IlpauniDiit, Texa. There are many Ihon-tuls of moth- era whoe children lt vn tnt-n saved Irom attack of dyw t, tt ryand cholera infanlutn wlm must nlxo f i-lihsnk ful. Il is for ! ty the IVItn lrug On the 10th of DecemlMT, IS97 Itev. 8. A. ! manor, pa-slor M. K. church, South, Pl. Pleananl, V. Va,, contracted a aevere cold which wan attended from the iK-ginning ly viol ent coughlntf. Hfaa: "After re aortinir to a number of ao-on!ld 'speciflcV usually kept in toe lion to no pur)oe, I purchased a bottle of ChMmot-rlaiD'aCouKh Remedy, which acted like a charm. 1 moct cheerful ly recommended It To Ihe pulilic' For nule by Delia Drug Store. i Y VIKTl'K (:' AN A 'IT A HMI -N'T rsrt-titioii inxm-il uul 'f III'- 1 1 1 : t y t iiurl ul the Male ul Iwkoii lor a.-l..nt t in county, in luvor of M I'. Ilruwn ami auitmt I. HiikIi fur Ihe mini of i'l.'i', ioiIk, ntnl fur the liirtliiT piiiii of tw.tr) ' . 8. koI'I eirin, with inlircKt Uirf-on in the nitc ol ihtoi-iiI pi-r iiiiiinni I'r.mi tin iKt tiny of Mnri'li IS.ki ih I -r Ihirost a.i.l t-xiHriiM-?" ol'iiale anl of naiil wrir. Now, thiTi'lorf, liy viitue und in pi-noi-pcriiuaiH-e of Kiiiil juil inrnl I will on Momlitv thcliith luy of (-t- olx-i IXO. it til - Mintli dixir uf the. nurl Iioiik - in lllllalioro. Wuiiiiiit!ln county Orinoii, il Hit- Imnro! In ' lin k a m ol MM ilay i II at nililn- ain li'in tn the lii;lii-il hi.hicr f r null Hip lollo iii(f-h-wrili il mil pr p rtv t -w t : ); 4 of UicS K ', .fS.Tlioii IT2H I. .1 W Will .Mcr to iiitisfv tin- lnicinh.ri.il naniml mimii, ami .r thu C'mtn ami rwii nc of ialil hhIc. w.iiil pro rly w ill In coM stthjcel to n ilcmpli.i a M-r Btatutc ol 1 1 riT"ii. v uiii-i.i my hiiiiil Hun Itih 'lay of pt. I.ff.i. W. I). r.KADPolili, Kheriir W iwliiinrtoii t'oiinly i m-tfim. uiiuu IN-puty lly f K iirii li II. Ilil-liin. tunny fir Plaintiff, 17 .'I WIMHIU'.H KOIIEKmE Wi-tilom' IloUrtine rorrcelK all bleiiiisl-.en of the free anil niki-s a tieautiftil complexion. iH-lla Umg lore. Mokl Ti-a pflllvrlj cnri-n Sick lleail I tichc, iniliif ption mill roumipntion. A I ilrliglillul hcrh drink Kcniovi-x ull prup- tionn of the dkiu, priMlncin; n HTfWt com- iilciion, or money refunded. 2.1 eta. und UU. TlieHcltu Iru More. KIIrtV TKA. Oregon Kidney Tea cures back ache, Sidney and Madder trundle anil const i pat ion. IMta DriiK Store Mot Ire ol l-'lnnl Settlement. Not ice hereby given that the nmlor nineil ha tiliil Ii in linal nremuit an ad niinitr:it..f of the etale of Ihivid Wil trout, ileeeneeil, 'n the county court of tin Stale of Ir' ifiin, for Washington conntv, nnd Unit Kinl court ha niiniiit d Mon day the liith ilar of (.-tolM-r l-e.i'.t, at in o'clock in the forenoon of naid day the time (ir hearinif olijiiaionn to mn Ii Dual-ai-cotint, aud fr the n-tt lenient tlierof. IiAMKI. WII.TI.IU T. AilminiHtmtor of the e-eat of Ihivi.l Wil- tnml. 17-H fair lace. Show the lnt of your fielinn und Ihe state of your health an well. Impure Mood inakin it.eli apparent in a pal a. el-allow complexion, I'lmpl. p ml l-kin Kniptioim If youare tivlinir weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you Khoulil try Acker'ii lllood Hixir. It Clln all blood dieaii w here cheap rarnnarillaii mill m called purirlem fail : knowiiiK thin we m-II every laittleon Mjitiveruaraittv. 1 be ielt LniK Blore. Buy where you can buy cheapest. Stationery. Tin; n-cnts from I'oHhmd think this is Uu- jiooiTst pliici.! to sell paper in thoy over saw. Reason: the IM)I:II;M)KXT has tho trade, hy eoiirleous treatment and low prices Taper of .-ill grades, no order too lnro or too small. INDEPENDENT, Hillsboro, Ore.