Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 13, 1899, Image 1

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Our Job Printing Department
Surpasses any in the County
for neatness, quickness aud
cheapness. Call and be con
vinced. OUP OFFER
'NUKl'KNKKNT ami Weekly
Orejymian, lxth for $2.ixt lr
vcur. Ini.ki i-nkknt and the
T ii-c-a-Week Courier-Jounial
la.th fr only fiaj l.r year.
No. "1
T. T. deer
, F I. lumbar
,,,r v of Kill. ' . 4 ' bail, rt. Moor
iuXi uhl... ln.ruc.t.on..... H. VrZin.
HUl.,,mB CW. i. KihM
.e Fifth Dmirioi' I ; A. J
Attorney Fifth Inainot 1 J.tleeton
L. A. iu-l.
J. ij. A. Youinc
, ... ,f. O. Todd j
Commissioner J
Ilenonler .....
I re r.rttirt r
Assessor -
rv ii'Mil Miiiiriiiludiit
oroiier .
1 k limine
VV. 1. Itradtord
talv'B Jr
A.M. ady
...(' A. U'Vil
.. II. A. Ha.l
A. A. Murrill
C. b. Lr(f
VAiix. IS. Moore
W iii. tialiuny
. Ilegiater
. lleoetver
cnv officf.hh.
vv N It, rri.lt. Mavor
I . " - ,-. ' .,
J. M. dreeur
' VV. II. Welirunn
K. Waiotoner
iwrd of Trutis
J. Crlen
...II. II. Wlleox
'iL.ntnll iloWOIID
I reasurer
.. . SouT Kvirill
Tt.oi dlienii
narsuui.... ' w Hl
Instioo of Fesne S II Humph
The mail olow t the HillBlKiro font
"fiCfwrt 1'nu.n. IVtbar, and Cedar
Mill, at 7 :-i a.
(Lung Houtli. : ......
Ooing tn Portland mid way-.iffloea, 6.65 a
" 'Hor'i mVuHMin mid Intel. d uly at la
ry SM.imtl.. .....rUI? ami nRFr
(.all. acb.H.1 at III ..'ol." ""J,'
mmri. ri.'.li'. ...ln-lini? aa helplnl.
KvorymiH -.r.li'Hy ! oi"'". ,
KVAN I". II I'tiHKt.. P""-r.
i lVUUl'UHAI, CIU HCU1. turner
t II a. m i Hoiiilav whiMil a 10 a. m.
?rav. r V...H.tin ..v. rv Wedi.rly .veniiiKi
M J l allaiiiyii , mlor.
M" t; CIII IK'll, li A. A lkiiiH, pantor.
.I'reaolnimevery Sablmtb ""n,u",J
J Salii-aili . nool evory habbatb at
r t l"""!"- " """ vy Sunday al
M r . wueral prayer mwtmn
.imtf Ih.H.ini Taemlay eveu.UK f oaob
1lll:I.TI.N I 11 1 m H. rm..-i.i..K 2d
an. I I I. hiiiiilaymn -'l monlli "t 1 1
a in. I'iay..r ,i.wlm i'Mirlay eveniiiK,
K. II. MM K a l iil!l'. I iiKtor.
A. 0. I. W.
W Mui every timi and tbird
r. lay eVetiui ''''""'iUKK A H, M.I W.
VV. II. V eliruui:, Hroorder.
HmntliH rs of Kclrrhah.
M, I. O. . r .. meeiB m t Kid tellowo
Hall mil N.iturilay eyeiiuiK.
r. or ii.
II,I,HMK UKANtiK, NO. T meet
and and Itu H-' duyof eaob nMilb.
(inormLU. Mastsr,
. t .
1 1 I'K.I M " OK, N(. M.
1 Wpiliieailav eveiniiK" al o oUiok.lu l.t'.
" K.Hall. Viailora nmde weloouie.
. M. l. tini'i.T, tiw'y.
Pi'ltrre f llonoi.
I W iiie. i n (W l Kell-"' hall i erv
lt and ibi.d F"'' '-nintf d
month. M M. Hridi!w, . of It.
Mr. N.'Uie Hare, llmordur.
ItiillilMine Mslrra.
Iill.KMi l A TK.MI'I.K Nt. 10, K. 8.,
nireiK every -''id d ' Knilay ineaob
n.onlh lit 7::l.'ilo. k ,n Welirlin'IUU.
M.a pi Mppuitfiou
Mrs Nellie 1 1 M- C
M. oi lw and I'.
k. r r.
IklliKNIX LOIHIK. N. 3. K. fF P.,
1 nuvta in Mi" Hail n Monday
yeninu of eoh wwk. ..j.mruuiK brethren
elconied lo odt;e nieetuiiia.
A. F. mill A. N.
f pl'ALI TV LOIWIK NO. Ii, A. f. i A. M.,
1 meeta every Hntnrdtiy mt;ht on or aftar
mil moon ( ea'h month.
w. m. n tuuKi r, w. v.
R. 'aai' 1 1. fiM-retary.
. E. H.
rpi AI.ATIN I'M M'l K, N).:il.. K.S..
1 nieelx at Maioinr Tempi on tor 2nd
and 4ih luenday m eaeli month.
K. 0. T. M.
rill. T KN T, Ni. . K. O. T. M.,
meetn m d.l Kellnwn' Hull, on
ml f iiirlh Thursdar vninir of aeh
month. A. l.ONU,
Hufiton How la, lorn.
It. K.
I. O. O. F.. niivta on brat and
ird I n -i!hy of eb month.
1' K I'.'h Iiiii in
tit:, kaxho.m nmrs o. 4;.;w r. r.
titlmhoro, on ill lm. tnd l. Friday"
al aeh month at P.
Mr II. V. till".
F.lihih tU'rainlall, H'Ttar.
ar.x. KtMn rotr, o. . . a. r.
i I the nr-t an l third llalay of ch
B oiilh. t'.':o) o'rioek, I'. M.
J'. P. Iliek.. K. Crandall P. l
.liutn t
Somehow nd watthm,
S. tary Public
THUS B. A E. B. TONttlE,
Ovnca: fentrai ,,lo0"! Uoou" '
W. 1. 1MITH.
Notary Ful.'.io.
Orr.c: Kui. 7' M""",n biUk'
..... 1 VII
Ull.LH"'10 OKKOON.
Deputy l)trict Attorney for W-hlnK
,... -t remdeuoe, eaat of iouiI
H.J wb're to Ell be .ou.id at all ..o.
wbeu uoi vihihuk
C P. It. K. SU1U1FX)N,
o,r.0. ,l",V":T,4y',tin
niKu uj.
Orl : in Pbarmaoy. Union Klook. f allf
attended to, niuht or nay. '
Cior. Haas Line and Heooud itreeta
... . j t ...... nn ILmI
Liesai papera a wn aim
Katate neaotiateit, Itnuneaa twn.it t
witli promvimeae mm ui,."
jam. n.TiloMPanw. soTAKt rrn.ir.
20 yearn eiperienee in Olliee I-epal Ht
.u...,,.l iriiaiHexeenled. Property
of Kalnten and Individimla uued for.
Ollle at the Haiaar, Fori st drove, Oregon
h..,.IhI attention Iviid to Miilieal and
Hiirjriftil Diaeaaea of Women and t lnldren
aim all ciiroinc iiinr
limiee and reaidenoe. Howlhy hmiHe,
Pacific ave.. it of Forest drove hotel.
K. MX0,
I 1
n . ... .i..nA.ikiriiin.rwil. Cement
lien, ni n ,. t".-"- t - .
and AmalKiioi tilliii(f m h. tiolil
lillinK" from $1 up. Vitalized mr tor pain
letw extrai'tioii. . .
Orpioit three doora norm or nrica
wre. OlBoe boom from a. to. to4 p. m.
j. .. aiikimm.
tim k Hoi ks: II a. in. In 4::0 p. in.
Orliin in Union hlH-k over I'liarmiiey.
r A NTKH -SK V KR A I. llliKiHT A.NU
luincKt peraonn lo npreieiii u. a
inamiKva in tliia and cloae hy eonntiea.
Salary a jinr and expeimea. Hlruiulit,
tama-liile. no more, no h-aa nalury. l'o
aition periniiiient Onr relerence, ny
.aikt.iii any t wn. It i mainly olliee
wo k comliii'teil ut home Reference.
Knehw wlf-addreaxeil and Htamped en
veloe. T he linminion t'ompany, Dept. it,
During the winter of 1S97 Mr.
Jtnea Itttil, one of the IcHilinir nir-
I'hniitri of t'luy, Clny Co., W. Va.
at ruck hia li'K nntiiid a tnke of lit in
aueh nmnniT ntt to hruixe It aevrre
ly. It iHtumtt very much swollen
ami pained him so Iwdiy Hint he
iHiuld not walk without llio aid of
crutch. He was trow lent by phywie
tans, nli uil m-viral klmla of lini
ment ami two and one-half k!Ioii ol
whisky lo halhliiK it, tint nulhinp
irave any relief until lie Ix-khii uslnu
UhaniU'rlain's Iain ilulm. Thin
troiit;ht almost a complclo cure in a
week's lime and he helievia that had
ht not nstnl ih'it remedy his lec
would have had to tie ainuated.
Pain Italm is untrpialed fur airain',
firuisea and rheumatism. For aa li
ny iVIta Druir Store.
The B'rs.ir inikint; a aerious
mistake in not beginning the wir al
once. A little longer d. lity will (rive
F.tiKland .time t get, her Kentueky
mule on the ground.
snxmf iht vnncVn ami kaM.
gj e m
'UO!i!3CXty sJd uiiusuiy H Aq '6681 'mldoo
xsanH NvwaoN Aa
boM- ds?
.jamy sqi luaJtta
fa sa tioc i u tiaxsiw in
MQU put iujt) mx ! Jspjniy
qX VnansoK.iq3tK)
m a u$ &
"Iliilf un himr lute! )f conrae she is.
What can yon expei-tT It wonliln't
have anrtTiwil mo if aim had Wn an
hour. TIiith must t three feet of anow
U tween lu re mill t'hirinro. "
"Yep, it lm a uiortiil luul winter.
Never hint ainli u atiff one aince 'HI.
That was Hid year ua I hail 'JO cows
froze to ileutli in one nilit. "
"Vea; I've heard all ulaint tlioaeeowa
before. "
"It was a rmwt Htronlinary affair. I
mid to myaelf aa I went to bed the
niKht ttfnro, 'Now, I ahuuliln't lie
H'liriaed if nuiie of them cows ain't
froze in the tnornin. ' "
"Hlio'a whiatlinif. "
"And I suiil to myaelf juat aa I was
iroiu to aleep, 'I Hhonhln't lie a'primnl
if aoine of them cows ain't froze to
death in the nioruiu. ' "
"And yon Rot np in the morning, and
20 were dead It"
"Yea, bnt the atrordinury part of the
thiiiK la I aaid to myaelf, 'I ahonhln't
lie a'priaed if aoiuo of them cows ain't
froze. ' "
"Well, never mind the row. Here
aha comes. Are yon taking any one?"
"One Rent to Korcoiiibe ; that's all.
ThitiKM ain't a hit like they was when I
was young, and whun they gets the
new railroad I a'pnae I ahull have to go
into the pnoihonso.
A runilile in the distance growing
nearer and louder gives wurning of the
approaching train, and in a few seconds
the extireas from Chicago comes to a
ataiiitstill in Itarnstaplo depot, and a
solitary paaaeiiger alighta and stamps
his feet vigoronaly njnin the platform.
The station muster, forsaking the in
dividual whose sole conversational (tow
ers seeuied to Imj ouilined to reminis-
"Be you the o nl as trout to yo lo A'oa
cetices upon the nntiniely death of his
20 cows, enters into a lively conversa
tion with the engineer aa to the state
of the road between llarnstuplo and the
end of the jonrney. The few passengers
in the train gaze anxiously out nf the
steamy windows and growl disconso
lately. Then the engine gives a mourn
ful hoot, a disconsolate and fatigued
kind of pnll, and slowly they leave the
station and issue forth into the niht.
The lights are lowen-d, and Barn
staple relapses into rIiiiiiInt.
"Well, that's a bad journey over,"
aoliloqnizes the traveler left upon the
phitform as he endeavors to restore lii
ciicnlation by a variety of ingenious
adaptations of thecellar flap. "Now for
tin! woret part seven iiiilea along conn
try roads in some ramshackle convey
ance, I snppose. "
"Be you the gent as wants to go to
Ni iri-oiube?"
"Ye. Have you got a carriage?"
"It would lie no matter of rise a-try-in
to get four wheels to Norcomlie, so
I've brought a dogcart, and I don't
s'poxo we'll get there in that. It lie a
mortal had ni'-rht."
"Well, we'll try, 'eh?"
"Y'ep, we'll try," the man answers
In a melancholy voice as he clanila-rs
into the high dogcart, while the pas
senger takes a wut by his side and.
glancing at the horse, estimates that
the driver is not very far wrong and
that they are not likely to get to Nor
combe after all. But in two seconds he
has altered his opinion altogether and
arrived at the conclusion that he don
not know a horse from a tenpeuny nail.
"Old man." he would often say aft
erward in ri-coiinting the incident to
Mine particular i lium, "if yon want a
nre cure for etinfli or a tdnggish liver
try a ac.ven mile ride on a frosty nigH.
with the roads like a shi-et of glass, i
liind a Kentucky nag. Tolmgganing in
Canada's a fool to it. If yon'd seen
that horse, that looked as if he conldn't
raise enough energy to drag a hearse,
take a alipi-ry hill, nearly as steep as
the side of a house, nt an easy trot,
without so much as winking, yon'd
have gasped, and when he got to the
ton and went full sia-ed down the other
side your only regret would have lieen '
that yon hadn't ilonbl.il the amount of
your accident insurance. Of all horses
in the world give me a Kentucky horse, '
as fast as a railroad train and a sure ,
footed as a mule. Imagine, niy toy. a
seven mile drive on a frosty moonliuht '
night behind a qnadrnped that trestiil I
the whole affair as a joke, aifl then
Imagine jay. with the reins in his
hand, who did nothing bnt say: 'He
an t go like he nsod to. Ite'a gettin
eld and lazy.' It was a drive I've never
forogtten and one I'm never likely to
"It's a mortal bad winter." the
driver again olwrve as they spin over
the friwt Imnnd road, "mortal bad." ,
"Ye, It a bit severe. "
"Ah. we've never had such a winter
ri"! 'SI, when I had SOinwg all froze
to Hi ath in one night. " I
"Y , and the atrordinary thing waa
that I said to myself a I went to bed.
- rr. s, a ii i i ii
a & m i
a a
Now, I almnldn't be 'prised if some of
them was froze in the uiornin. That
what f said the night afore."
"Then why didn't yon get np and
trv to make them wanner?
The driver turns a look of blank
astonishment on Herbert Purreut It is
the first ti h thut snch a reasonable
suggestion tieeii offered to him, and
its novelty is a bit bewildering.
"City folks don't understand cattle,
he grnmbles at last and falls to rumi
nating why hedidn't get npand do some
thing for those 30 cows, but aa he can
not arrive at any satisfactory solution
lie presently breaks the silence again.
"You've just come np from Chicago,
"Ah! What do they think of n?"
"Think of yon?"
"Yep What do they think of onr
murder?" he explains, with a ghoulish
appreciation of the tine uviuhlo notoriety
that Norcomlie had suddenly achieved.
"Have ynn heard alxmt it, sir?"
"Oh. yes: I saw something in the pa
pers Mr. Marsdeii, the old Britisher,
at the country place he called The
Orange. "
"Yep: that's right old Marsden,
close fi.-ted old Marsden. He was a great
miser, he was. sir. If young Marsden
collies into the property, things will he
better, bnt he's a wild devil."
"Kh ?"
"Marsden's son?"
"No; pickeil him np somewhere.
Perh:iis he is. Yon never know."
"Who murdered him?"
"Dun no. Like to shako hands with
him. "
"Indiiil ; Y'on atem an amiable kind
of individual. "
"Buhl Oood riddance to bad rubbish.
I was goin along all right till he raised
my rent so that I couldn't make both
ends meet, and it's hard times, sir,
with snch a bad winter. I mind me,
sir, that we never had such a winter
uiuce 'HI. "
"Yes, yes; yon told me alxint that
and the cows. Now, as to this murder.
Have the police no clew?"
"No; can't have any. It waa done
by ghosts. The Orange ig haunted. " -
"Oh. iudivd! Then yon'd like to
shake hands with a ghost?"
TheHriver shivered and glanced haif
apprehensively over his shi;nlder. Then,
sinking his voice to a mysterious key,
he continued, "Home one went into the
house and murdered old Marsden and
never came out again, and he's not
there now, unit no one bnt a ghost could
do that. "
"And I expect we'll have one of
them clever detective! coinin down
from Chicago, but he won't find ont
anything, 'cause it was done by a ghost,
and no detectives can catch ghosts.
The horse is jhi Hod np with a sudden
"This is Norcomlie. The Palace hotel,
ch, sir?"
"If yon'd like to have a look at The
Grange, it's almnt a qnarter of a mile
np on the right. "
"Thanks. I'll stroll np in the morn
ing. Oood night "
"Ootal night. "
Ilerla-rt 1 )u r rent climbs ont of the
dogcurt, and the driver gathers np the
reins, seta the horse's head homeward,
and the animal cunters off aa lively as
The man stands at the door of the
village hotel in the ruddy light stream
ing throngb Its short crimson curtains
nntil the vehicle is out of sight and
then turns and walks thoughtfully
down the main street nntil he reaches
a cottage dignifii'd by the legend "Po
lice Station" inscribed in large black
letters on a white Isuird primitive
alxxle of the law as represented in the
person of a yonng policeman in a very
badly fitting uniform who is just quit
ting the house and smartly salutes as
he opens the gate.
"Are yon Mr. Dohaont"
"No, sir; he's inside. "
"Off duty?"
"Y'es; it's my round. "
"Then I won't detain yon, bnt I
shall want to see you in the morning,
"Very good, sir. I'll lie here at 9
sharp. Oood night"
"Oood night."
"Smart young fellow that," Darrent
observes to himself as he pushes open
the door. "Thank gotslness they're not
all so old fogyish as my prosy driver!"
The door opens right into the kitchen
of the cottage, where Dobson. chief of
police of Norcomlie, is lounging in his
chair before tne fire. The police cares
of the day are over, and he is smoking
an exceedingly dirty clay pipe and rev
eling in the luxury of purely animal
idleness as only a man of absolutely en
fcchlcd intellect can. Still, he can be
pointiona at times, as befits one who
holds and hat held for a round doien
year the Important post of chief of po
lice of Norcomlie, an office that is little
more than a sinecure, and, removing
his pi)ie from his month, he gazes at
his visitor with an expression of min
gled annoyance at being disturlwd and
the importance that befits hi position.
"Well," he inquire after examining
Darrent from head to foot, "what's the
matter with yon ?"
"Yon are Mr. Dobson, I believe?"
Mr. I)iliwn noils.
"Polio man?"
"Yes; chief of police of Norcomlie."
"Well, It's all the same," Darrent
rejoin. "I'm an officer from Chicago.
Perhaps yon have heard my name
Hi-rU-rt Durretit "
"No: never heard of It before," an
swer Mr. DolMin, at once conclusively
proving himself to bean idiot of thefirrt
water by confessing that he is unac
quainted with the name of the man
Whom tne npapers are never tired
of calling "the American Leoua"
"never heard it l-fore. "
"Ah. well, that doesn't mutter, aftet
all " tlej visitor continues good ha
inoredly. "Of course von know that
Chicago detectives rarely interfere out
side Chicago, leaving everything to the
local authorities, bnt in this murder at
The Orange, Mr. Dolmm, your mavor
baa deemed it expedient in face of the
fact that there is more mystery than
"Well, trhnt't Hit mutter with inuf"
usual ensnrouaing the matter, not to
leave the case entirely in the hand of
the village police. He sent for me, and
I am here.
Mr. Dobson again nods his bead.
"Here are my credentials. You will
see th'ii from today I relieve yon alto
gether of the case, and yon are instruct
ed to afiord me all the assistance I may
require. "
Mr. Dobson is nettled and shows it
"Then," he answers sharply, "you'vs
come on a wild goose chase. No one can
solve the mystery of the murder."
"Just the sort of case I lika Now,
then, let me know all the particulars,
or, rather, let me see if I'm right in
my facts so far, aa yon seem rather
slow of speech, Mr. Dolieon. "
The chief of police pnffs his fat
cheeks in indignation, bnt something
seems to warn him not to answer, and
he is wise enongh to olay.
"Now, then," says Darrent cheerily
aa he takes a seat and refers to his
pocketbook, "stop me when I go wrong. "
Again Mr. Dobson merely mala.
"Josiah Marsden, a queer old British
er, lived in an old rambling house
known as The Orange, a qnarter of a
mile from here lived a solitary life;
reported to be a miser; only two or
three rooms nsed ; no servants. A wom
an came every morning for a few honrs
and did what was wanted. She weut,
as nsual, on the 12th of this month;
found Marsden dead, killed by a stab
from a large clasp knife which was
found there; no other clew of any kind.
Is that right?'
Mr. Dobson, w ho has been sagacious
ly nodding his head in assent to each
sentence as Darrent, haa read it ont.
now nods it more emphatically as he
concludes, and, after taking a few
whiffs at his pipe, asks, "What's the
reward?" '
"Nothing unless the relatives offer
"Oh I"
"Now, thon, what can you add to
what I've read?"
"Something that will puzzle the
clever Chicago detectives, with all their
brag," Dolisou answers, with a grin.
"On the night of the murder there was
a heavy fall f snow it la'gan at 11
and ceased at 1 and none has fallen
since in Norcotubo. "
"The mnrderer entered at the front
of The Orange; went right in through
the street door. I traced his footsteps
from the gute to the door."
"Yes. "
"That's all."
"What do you mean?"
"He never left There were no foot
steps from the house. "
Herbert Darrent bends his head in
thought for a moment. Here was the
chief of police rein-ating exactly the
same story as the driver of the dogcart
had told him. He knits his brows and
ponders, attempting to solve the prob
lem. "Very well ; go on," ho says at last.
"Anything else?"
"Nothing," shortly replies Dobson,
annoyed at the indifferent airof the de
tective. "I snpioee you know the mur
derer already, eh?"
"I think, Mr. Dobson," he quietly
answers, "if you've any respect for the
poet yon hold, you'll keep that fool
tongue of yonrs qnieter. Murder is not
a joke specially arranged for an ordi
nary 'cop' to air cheap wit npoii. "
The man flushes with wonuded pride
and glares nt the lira
"I'm getting sick of the whole blessed
thing," he growls at last. "Being croas
questioned twice in one day by Chicago
detectives is enough to try any one's
"First one detective, then another
It's sickening. "
"Do yon mean to tell me you've had
a detective here before me?"
"Yes; this morning. "
"From Chicago?"
"How do yon know?"
"He said so."
"Oh I Ho said so, did he, Mr. Dob
son, and yon believed him? Did yon
ask him for his authority ?"
"Then yon are a fool I Wake np,
man, wake np! Bouse yonrself I What
Was he like? What did he do? What
did he say? Where is he?" shonted
Dnrrent in short, snappy sentences like
pistol shots.
"How do I know where ho is? He
rame this morning and aid he'd jnst
arrived by train from Cbicago and had
Iriven over. "
"What time was that?"
"Then how the deuce conld he come
from Chicago?"
"I never thought of that."
"Nu, of course yon didn't, Mr. Dob
son. Oo on."
ne said he'd come to look into the
murder, sol fcsk him nptoTbeOrange
and told him all abont it"
"Well, is that al.?"
"i owed him the knife."
"Which, of course, yon let him take
"No. I didn't He didn't ask for it"
"Oh! That's a relief anyhow. Then
he didn't take anything away T
"Yea, he did."
Oonf Ism on fourth Page.
Oi) the queeMon of (lie settlement,
immediate and ultimate, of the Fil
ipino luo Jacob C. Schurman, the
head of tho Philippine commission,
stands with the administration end
the great body of expansionists of all
parlies. In an address Just delivered
at the opening of the school year of
Cornell Uuiverstiy he declared that
while a year ago he was opposed to
the taking of the Philippines fiom
Spain, he haa altered his opinion
sulwtequently. The Phi.ippiues have,
by the Spanish treaty, become Ami r
icnn territory, which settles I lie ques
liiui whiclilwas open twelve months
ago, when, he gave his adverse opin
Ion, ami now ib only issue m as to
what sort of government is to be
giveu to the Islands after the rebel
lion is suppressed. lie, like ail other
practical and patriotic Americans,
wanis to have the insurrection put
down at the earliest possible mo.
ment, ami then the issue of civil gov.
eminent for the islands will come up,
but not before.
SchurujHu's attitude toward the
administration's ideas aa In the ulti
mate government of the island tuny
be misinterpreted by the "anti-imperialists."
He declares that our
mission "is to educate aud elevate
the Filipinos, and to aid Ihem in gov
erning themselves." This has un
loubledly been the idea of the presi
dent from the beginning, and this
will probably be recommended to
to eongrtsa in the annual measHire
which will be presented to that body
in December.Thia couulry, he says,
will "not adopt (he policy of scuttle."
It will establish American sovereign
ty "even by force," but there will be
no "abandonment," "extermination"
or "desertion." The people of this
country will give "honestland fra
ternal co-operation with the Filipir os
for the establishment of a just and
stable government of the natives
who shall have ever-increa ing par
ticipation in proportion to the devel
opment of their (Kilitical capacities,
the growth of their political exper.
lence and I he progress of the masses
in education aud civilizition." All
this has been the aspiration of the
president and the .expansionbts in
general from Ihe outset. The adop
tlon of this policy will undoubtedly
be urged In congress by the republi
cans just as soon asathe rebellion is
ended, or when the end is brought in
There will Ik as little chance for
the contractionists to make parly
capital out of Hehurman as there is
out of Dewey. On IhiIIi of these per
sonages the "anti-imperialists" relied
for support, but both have gone
against them. The American people
are in favor of home", rule for every
community under the flag, if that
community is fit for it. Hut neither
Schurman Dewey or anybody elsewho
has been in the islands, or who has
studied the conditions with Intelli
gence and impartiality, supposes the
Filipinos are fitted for a large meas
ure of home rule at this time. They
have been under the sway of iSpain
for centuries, and noNsly of sense
has ever yet declared that Spain's
colonial sys'em Is a good schisil in
the ait of self-government. Hpniti it
k If kuow very little alaiut the wsy
to intelligently govern itself, and Ihe
S.ianlsrd, as even the most bigoted
f the AguinahlistSj In. Ihe United
Slates will concede, is superior In in
telligence, morals and general bal
ance to the masses of the Tagals. and
they are supposed to be farther ad
vanced in civilization than any other
of the Irils-s in the archipelago, ex
cept two or three. The adminislra
lion, Ihe tepohlican party and the
masses of the.American people are in
harmony with Dewey and Sjliur
inan on Ihe question of the ultimate
government of the Philippines. Af
ter American sovereignty is estab
lished and recogniZ'Mj the Filipinos
will be granted as large a share of
home rule aa they, in their own in
terest and the Interest of the United
States can stand, and that self rule
will be increased just as fast and just
as far as I hey are loutiii capanieoi
using it wisely. (HoImi 1) 'inocrnt.
II El tl a.UiXIEU'E.vr SttOKI.
The sword, except its steel blade
and the body metal of its scahhnnl,
Is entirely of 22 carat gold. On the,
pommel is carved the name of ihe
battleship Olympia, which was
Dewey's flagship at Manila, and the
zodiacal sign for December, in which
lucky month Dewey was born. Cir
cling thee is a cloiely woven wreat ;
of oak leaves, long employed lo Indi
cate and adorn mnk.
Helow these the pommel is em
braced by a gold collar, on Ihe front
of which are the arms of the United
Slate', with Ihe blue field rfthe
shield iu enamel. Helow Ihem are
Ihe arms of Vermont, Dewey's na
tive state, with the motto: "Freedom
and Unity," and the colors of the
ahield in enamel. The plain pad of
Ihe gold collar Is ileeorated with stars
and a graceful finish is given to It by
narr-iw band of oak leave. The
sword blade I Tmarned, with tb
Insc iption :
"The gift f the ' nation to K"sr
Admiral Oeorge Iieviey, U. . N , in
memory of Ihe victory at Manila
Hay, .May 1, S!s."
The sword. grip is covered with
fine sharkskin,' bound with gold wire
anil inlaid with gold stars. The
guard Is an eagle terminating in a
claw which grasps the top in which
the blade la set; the esgle's out
stretched wings f rin the puurd pro
pi r.
The real bard is of thin steel, da
mastered in gold wllhsprays of a
delicate sea plant, thelllns Maiinus,
typical of Illicitly, consiai.cyand re
membrance. These sprats are inter
laced; stars till the inner spaces, dol
phins the tuttr spaces. Sprsjs l
ouk leaves and acorns secure tl e
ring and trappings of the scabbaid;
above these ou the front of the scale
bnrd is a raised monogram in dia
monds, entwining the letters "O. D."
and immediately under them are Hie
letters, "U. S. N ," surrounded by
sprays of the plant.
The ferrule, or lower end of the
Mcthhurd, terminates in entwinul
gold dolphins.
'I lie sword box is of white oak, in
l;iid with black veltet, and at Ihe
i, m i- r oi Hie cover a gold slilcM sur
mounted hy an eagle and i user Had
with a single star a. id the words,
"Hear Admiral Oeorge Dewey U. S
I! A I,.
Perhaps many people were myall
fled by that passage in the report of
the meeting between Admiral Dew
ey and Mr. Hoosevelt, telling thai
Ihe hero of the day proposed a health
"to the man who did in.. re than any
one else lo make me au admiral."
The part which Mr. Hoosevelt
took in the admiral's promotion v k -
simple but effective, and of vast i n
porlance. It was the outbreak in au
official way of the. Intense American'
ism and pugnacity fir which the
Governor is famous, ho was assist
ant secretary of the navy while Dew
ey lay wilh bis fl et, at Hong Kong
in April, IS',18. Secretary L ,ti had
prepared a, letter of iust ructions to
Dewey as long as the moral law and
s rambling as the discourses of the
Puritansfrom whom t Long traces
hid deseeut. "Teddy" Itoosevelt is
"one of them d? m nod literary fel
lers," and, wishing to shine in a liter
ary way, Mr. L.oug carried him his
wearisome dispatch, which could
have hud n.) effect but to muddle and
discourage,. the recipient. It iiwevelt
aglow, with American spirit, s-iid he
would condense .the dispatch Into
what was proper. Ho did so in the
following words: "Find the Spun
ish fleet and capture or destroy it."
That was all: It was understood and
Dewey hud grit enough to obey.
1 0 lil.T RIB OF RATS.
Make it impossible for them to get
into the rellur, even if it be neces
sary to put in a brick, stone or ce
ment iliMir. Make the underpinning
of the barn, granary or other out
building mouse proof, except one
hole large enough for a cat to enter.
Have Ihe feeding floor of the bogs
high enough fir n eat to run under.
Itcmove all piles of rails, old fencing
or other harbor for rals or skunks al
least forty nsN from buildings. Pro
cure one or more good cats and let
them have their loung in the barn,
(live them ail the fresh mil the
waut evt ry lime Ihe cows are inilki d
and feed tin in noiliing else summer
or winter as long as there are plenty
of rats and mice left. Makes prac
tice of piling sacks of 11 iur, feed or
grain so the eats can get around ti e
whole pile. Oive some gissl cats,
that are not overfed, a fair chance and
they will soon thin out rats and
Killing I Ice on Hugs.
To get rid of lice on swine the first
thing to do is to clean the nest and
burn it, says the National Stockman.
Then mix together by agitating a
pint of kerosene a half pint of soft
soap and two gallons of warm soft
water and will i f ii old scrub broom
or a spray pump thoroughly clean
the plai wrerc Hie nest was and the
sides or use a whitewash made from
ttesh slaked lime. Now we will go
for the lice on Ihe swine. The best
of all preparations for this is some of
the carbolic sheep dips advertised
and use a directed. The next is lo
use a kerosene emul-don to what wn
advised to clean the sty witti, and
apply with a broom or brush lo all
pails of the txaly.
On the 10th of December, H'.)7
Hev. 8. A. D mahoe, pastor M. K.
church, South, P. Pleasant, W, a.,
contracted a si vere cold which was
attended from the beginning by viol
ent coughing. Unsay?: "After re
sorting to a number of so-called
specine,' usually kept in toe liotis,
lo no puriKe, I purchased a boltle of
Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy, whli h
acted like a charm. I most cheerful
ly recommended it to Ihe public."
For sale by Delta Drug Store.
Fifty head of tine sten rs were pur
chased in Cor val lis a .few days ago
lor shipment to Alaska.
The Wallowa News reports that
real estate has doubled in value dur
ing Ihe past six month in that town.
Sixty-tlve thousan I bead of sheep
and .1000 head of cattle have tseu
shtpiMHl from Prineville since Janua
ry I.
Oeorge Wilcox, who has laven
Southern Pacific agent al McMinn
villi for IS years, is about lo be trans
ferret! to Indcia'ndcilce.
The government transports carry
ing the il'i volunteers attained out of
the Columbia river last Thursday,
Oct. 5, and proceeded on their way
to Manila.
The penitentiary authorities are
hauling burnt and fermented wheat
from the ruius of the Salem flouring
mills and spreading il uoon Ihe state
lands as fertilizer.
An Hcvtyieue gas plant in use in
the Odd Fellows hall, Lalayelle, ex
ploded while the Kebcka lodge was
in session. The plant was wroct eel,
but no oilier damage was done.
J. W. Caldwell, of Ktkley, Coos
county, stored away a lot of apples
at his ranch Oct. 1, Is'.IH, aud just a
year later he assorted them anil
found many still iu perfect condi
tion. It is reported J hat dynamiters are
at work ugaiu on the Wallowa river,
t low tha bridge, says the Wallowa
News, and that the salmon are being
laughtered In a very reckless man-
J H. Childers has found in the
In; . ti:'i:ith 20 bee trees, from which
he h:i- aken 100H pound of honey,
says the Canyon City News. He
has realized (!() trom honey which
he has sold.
A,rich pay streak lots been uucovj
ered in one of th) Bohemia quartz
bales. It has been traced for a dis
tance of 1000 feet. Bohemia is in
the Cascade mountains, southeast of
Men and outfits to' railroad con
struction are being transferred from
the Snake river, Washington, to the
Mohawk, near Kugene, where the
Southern Pacific is building a branch
4 People residing in the vicinity of
Shaw station, 12 miles east of Salem,
are having a lively smallK)X scare.
It has been discovered that several
persons who have been ill a few days
are afflicted with the disease.
Kerly rains promised to put the
range of Umatilla countyinto the
finest condition, but since thej warm
weather has prevailed the grass has
la-en once more dried up, ai d live
stock-owners complain now that Ihe
teed is la-coming very short.
Representative Fordney, of Wal
lowa county, lias bn xperiment
ing with sugar beets.for feeding hogs
aud he reiorts that the results are so
satisfactory that a considerable acre
age will hereafter I planted on Lost
Prairie for thBt purpose.
Charles Montgomery, Ihe grave-
rol.U-r whom Oov. Oeer pardoned
Monday, killed a man near Oregon
City in lH'.l'i. Then be walncd to
the court-house and delivered him
self up to the sheriff. There were no
witnesses to the killing. Montgo
mery said-he did it in self-defense
and thejury acquitted him.
John D incan, ofStsge gulch re
port to the. Pendleton Kwt Oreg'in
lan that the farmers are now busy
taking weeds from (lieirsuiiiiin r fal
low. Mr. Duncan has loon acres
from which he will remove the
weeds. IIe Juse ajwire about 2.1II
feet long, a team of horses being
hitched to Ihe L end, and the team
driven In a circle.
The Woman's Kelief Corps of Hak
er City he opened a Ixiwling alley
and reading room. It is the pur
pose of the society to run a place of
amusement where a man can take
his wife, son and daughters. Those
red eroasers would do their country a
greater service if they would make
their individual homes attractive so
that their husbands and sous would
sM'iid evening there. At one time
the Spartan abandoned home had
meals at a common state table, but
as a nation they failed.
"I wish to express my thank I
the manufacturer of Chsmberlaiu s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem.
edy, for having put on the marl et
ueh a wonderful medicine," says W.
W. Massinglll, of Heaumonl, Texas.
There are many thousand of moth
er whose children have l"en saved.
Irom attacks of dy ntery and cholera
Infantum who must also feel thank
ful. It Is for sale by Ihe Delta Drug
St re.