Gamblers of Great Mountain Continued front Pint Pag akaia and pnt taj anger on uw tw u tlx lit bill and tell 70a what's what in two shake of lauib'a tail. Ami I don't nin savin oot straight thai my ciperienca U aa big aa that of a carload of tb common run of coi(inm " Ha wnl throorfh tba tannl attain, and tba brothers followed. One or twica he itopixHl and apnea to a laborer aa well aa tba fureinsa. "Von wonder." ha aaid to Bill Hol dredica. "that I'd apeak to tbeaa mea and bear wbat they bars to say. for 1 sea all they ses and mair. lint I' learnt tc 1: i.t : 1 I- inifs, man. aa well a ecM kL. vl. x 1 Jd till 70a do 70a Uimj ba a acuoul engineer, bat tba booka ra across jour 70a and heavy on 7uor tuind. " Vb-n they reached tba far end. ba invited them to ait on a fallen treat "And now 70a want 107 second thoughts 1" "Aye." aaid Keeley. And Gordon filled bia pip "If 70a can drop It. and if 70a baa enough to atart on something else, my advice ia to do it I'm not asking any thing and don't know bow 70a and Ruaa flied it op. lint to go on la to gamble." Against a certainty T" asked BilL Gordon aire wed op bia month and book bia bead slowly. "I'll no fay that, bat it'a lone; odda.' "And if we go on. wbat?" asked Keeley. "Doable timber ber tbrongboat and got aotue bard wood if 70a can. Bat my advice ia to cat your losses and yonr labor Tbere'a oaelhing in tba world ao peetif ol aa honest la bor wasted Ooodby. boya, and rikm! Inck to yonl" He rode bark to Laggan whistling. "They'll try it; tbey ll try it." ba aaid. "And I've nae doot they'll bear the catastrophe like men nae doot at all." And that very night tbe aecond aet of timber waa ordered. Wbat tbey could bay tbey boaght Bnt aaitable hard wood there waa none witbin 8.000 miles, and to set that bill on oak pil lara waa to bny 10 with a golden eagle. Aa a makeshift new pine and fir full on flat and mountain alope, and the trees of daylight were daily buried in tbe pit. They found tbe western end, which was clay bottomed, hardest to deal with, and there tbey doubled tbe atepe and atrnta first and drove aotne hard wood wed gee In. and under sncb they blocked tbe inward, thrusting mud with heavy green plunks, measuring 4 by 10, that came from a anwiuill hum ming near tbe antnmit. Bat that here tbe uprights abowed no sign of buc kling at first wai tbe deadliest aign of all. for wbere tbe cement bottom waa it waa necessary to put in square blocks betwixt each huge standard. And even tben tbe groaning waa more horrid, new atraina were established, the maw of timbers became more organic and piped perpetually. Day by day the for ests sent tribute to tbe devouring dragon of the underbill, and aoon it waa almost impossible to aee the clay aave upon tbe bottom. Yet here and there it squeeted out between close set "Nov yon want my second thouohtsf balks and cants of aawed lamber In thin rlbbona of deep pure blue, and ennie times it protruded through a knothole, hanging down like solid pouring water And hour by boar, day and night, Keeley or bia brother patrolled the tun nel, which waa now like a leaking ship. Tbey doubled tbeir redoubled care and watcbed the massy framework per petually. Tbe roof waa treble timbers, each 11 Inchea eqnare. They under pinned it again and aet angled atrnta in a complex latticework against tbe doubled walla And the flat floor of tbe tunnel became convex Tbey aaw it. aod for a day assured each other thrt t was not so But at night tbey set a long straight edge across the floor sod leveed it It touched tbe middle, and. nailing both enda to the aide frame, they left it By the early dawn tbe middle of the atraight edge was 1 Hi Inches sunk in mud. The foreman said this waa the end of it Bnt Keeley sent for more stuff, and. leveling tbe floor again, he set in a solid bottom 14 inches thick and beat it down with sledges Along tbe sides be set timbers lengthways, and on tbeui tlrree more strata against tbs roof And be saw the floor waa level. But the roof waa ccuvez. bulging downward. "We've done all we can," aaid the contractor "If it holds now, we shall have made nothing And if it doesn't bold" For in tbe contract the finished tun nel was to stsnd a month before accept ance. They went to their tents and played poker to pasa the time. Bnt, thongh they were now idle and tbeir men dis charged, the bill was busy. Tbe next day cards were a weariness. Tbey paced the groaning hole from dawn to eve Men going east or west, who bad heard of tbe mud tunnel, looked in, and the strange noises scared some of them. On Sunday ball the men from the contractors next above them came to view it The end of the track waa now bat five tniUw away, and some of tbe track layers csine too. Tbey offered bets against its standing Knee cams down and shook hia bead aa bs rode back. "I give It a week," be said. Bnt in less than a week Keeley Hoi dredge came np to hi in. "You'll have to make a cat of it after alL" he aaid. "Can yon take on the JobT" asked Rosa, "We're going over to the lakes, sir. " answered Hi.ldre.lge. "I've had a letter from Andy Underdonk. It waa a gam ble, and tbe carda were against as Tbey shook handa and parted. Tbe tunnel's cnorua waa now porten tous, It ahrieked and cried and aet a man'a teeth on edge with horrible grat ing Boise Tbe atepa on which tbe up rlghta stood were crushed through 1 each standard s heavy bel waa set ia mere wood fiber, as soft it seemed, ss a bank of coir yarns. And where the aide thrusts r. rreateet the short blocks splinter- er 1 : 1 : . awi w at ti W WAtti . eu toe "" ,a I hanging arch. Tbetwltflnf wm jarron- vloua And by no trick of furelni the imagination could the eye behold a level floor. Little ahakea aad aplintera rose oa it as when a luaa bends a Lath to break ing. And every boor or ao came a aoand like a ganahot, when aotne drier, over wrought beau gave way utterly Though its aoand brought seeming si lence ia a moment more the cries 0 tbe strained wood were greater aad more terrible. I myaelt who write this, waa tben at work for another contractor two miles np the pass, and one hot Sunday ia at gust, when my mates were lying ia their tenta, 1 went to view the tunnel And. though 1 waa afraid. I walked through iu whole dark barrow. It was not tbe first time I bad done it bat it was tbe last There waa something uncanny in the groaning of the wood, something awe inspiring. When half way tbroagb ia the in tensest darkness, terror got bold of me, and my hair bristled Wishing to ran. 1 coo Id act aad I sweated ice aa I went In the daylight at tbe west end 1 saw the hanging roof. It aeeiued to move; long splinters pointed mors and mors perpendicularly, and tbe sids standarda bent like bows. I walked oa a carve of floor timbers driven upward by tbe rising clay. Here aad there were jagged points; beams split and opened, ragged with tough fiber. In tbe hands of the mountain tbe mightiest trees were match wood. And outside by their tent I saw tbe Holdredgee loading up a pack pony, while two other little cay uses stood ready saddled. I gave them good day, and tbey nodded not uncheerfully. aa I thought And when tbe pony'a load waa fixed np I followed them at a little distance as they took tbeir last walk to the tunnel's month, which wss now shspeless and distorted. Two great rafters bsd freed their enda and point ed northwest and aoothweet Tbe till waa burst and tbe under clay rose in a strange mud flower. From the tunnel's depth came sounds which were half musical, half discordant liks tbe loud cry of bresking barp strips. "It's settling now." said Keeley Boldredge ss be took his brother's arm. And visibly, though with a peculiar slowness, as if of conscious power, tbe jaws of the tunnel were being forced together Tbe riven roofing fringed ita jagged mouth like yellow fanga, stained blue in places, until it seemed some living monster writhing In agony nnder a most intolerable weight But the sounds of ths deeper tunnel were muf fled. We knew tbe clay waa bursting in at a thousand places. Perhaps even now tbe long work of gravity wss done there. One groan burst oat of tbe clos ing month, and then we beard tbe whistle of a driven wind bias through the ragged teeth. But with that came a fall of gravel from the higher bill and when the dost waa dissipated tbe tunnel waa seen no mora. It might have been my imagination, but aa the brothers turned away it seemed to me that a great weight waa off tbeir minds I met old Gordon a mile np tbe road and stopped bin) "Tbe mud tunnel's down, Mr Gor ln. " I aaid- And he whistled. "Did you see the Uoldredges. man T" he asked. I nodded. "And wbat did tbey say V "Oh, just 'Dafh itl' " aaid I "And they've gone away whistling Tbey were good men to work for. " "You ought to know. " cried Gordon grinning, "for. 70a know, tbey fired yonl" Bat If I did get the sack at the mad tannel it waa only for having too much to aay. And I bore the Holdredges no malice As) Raanele, "Some of the greatest men in tbe world have met defeat in their dearest ambitions," remarked the statesman The friend, who bad been morose, looked np cheerfully and exclaimed "Of coarse, they have. It'a happen ing all tbe time Look at ocr baseball club "Washington Star The War Uaaee. Among many people of every age dancing lias bad a warlike significance, and there are many tribes now that so resort to the war Unuce. The famous Pyrrhic dance represented the overtak ing of an enemy and doing battle with him. Today among the Zulus gran 1 dances are merely the accomiMinlnient to the colloquial war and hunting songs. In which the women put que tions which are auswered by the men. There are mimic fights, which go by the name of war dances, almost uni versal among tribes to which wsr a one of the great Interests of life. The bravery dnuce of the I a homo a 11s and the hoolce of the Bull tribe in the Vindhya hills of IuJia are the most apt llliiHtnitions. Nearly all savage tribes have a rejrn lnr war dance, so that It Is scarcely possible to select one as having a more warlike significance than the rest. All the performers appear In fighting cos tume, haudlo their weapona and g through the movement of challenge, conflict pursuit or defeat. There Is one very picturesque dnnee of the Na tal K a lira which probably re f era to the departure of the warriors for bat tle. ,The women appeal plaintively to the men, who slowly withdraw, stamrv lug on the ground and darting their abort spears or assagais toward the sky. In 170 Crenada. in the West Indies, was visited by a tornado with singular effects. I'nllke similar phenomena, thla waa to the Inhabitants a provi dential deliverance from a pest which threatened their economic ruin. Some time previously the Formica saccbart vora, a secles of ant. appeared In such numbers as to make the annihila tion of tbe augar rnue a question of t few weeks only. After in rain trying many expedients and offering large re wards for a remedy against the plague, the helpless people resolved to ahao don their homes in a body and betake themselves to another Island. By thla famoua tempest Providence accom plished In a few moments what man. with all his appliances, bad failed to overcome. The aut was exterminated. Cincinnati Enquirer. Moaera rave Dwellers. Cave dwellers, or, to be exact earth or rock dwellers, are not yet extinct A traveler who visited the prehistoric rave dwellings near Halberstadt In the liars mountains, found In tbe near by village of Langensteln ten caves hewn In tbe rock and occupied by 40 persona. This little settlement Is built on the slope of a rocky hill near the village. The fronts of the dwellings were made by ratting a vertical face in the rock. Kacb "bouse" has a door and one win dow. The first house was constructed only 40 years ago by a young married reuple whoer too poor to pay their rent In the Vmire. The rock houses are warm In winter and cool Id summer. Thoy are quite healthful, according to the testimony of their Inhabitant's whose stout Mm' aad red cheeks vouch for tbe troth . their etatemeata. leealaa aad Wafclac "The ability to wake at a giveo hoar by forming a resolution to do so before going to sleep," said a pbvsictaa at aa after dinner dlaruaalon few days aso. "Involves a problem that scientists do not pretend to hare definitely sol red. Their theory, however, is certainly plausible. A great ma ay acts of life. as we all know, are only half volun tary. A man will begin whittling Mick and continue while bis mind eugroseed opua something else. It Is the same with walking. In other words, the action la etarted by volition and then keepa oa going, like aa en gine. "It la known also that tbe will per sists to a certain extent la wbat we rail unconsciousness, both from nn luetics and during sleep. How far tl -it persistence extends Is an open q tion. but It la reasonable to assume that inost of us ran aet an Impulse 01 the DiinrlDle that aa alarm rloc'x Is aet and tbe half voluntary mecbarisui of the brain carries It along without further attention. But aa I said be fore. It Is only a theory. To tell the truth, our real knowledge of such thine is startlinelv slight" Sew Or- leana Times-Democrat I I HI I I I I II I I I I I H I I III I Readers of this paper who enjoy a really good detective story should keep a look out for the first chapters of The Ivory Queen By Norman Hurst It is a detective story worth read ing. We have purchased it and will publish it in installments. It ought to prove a rich treat. 4H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H -H-t I Kl ITS OF TKL'sT t OSKFRFSl K Ctmtinurd ftotn Fourth I'mjr. grew and lite presidency with a uit- tinct mandate from the people to put the tariff on a revenue basis, Iho ir- flu nee of trtiHta on the flo ur of cot greaa waa strong enough to capture enough of Iho advocates of tariff re form to render it Impotwilile to ss iuch a law as !he eople had demand ed. The d inust excited by Ihh fail ure, along with other circumstance sufficiently well known not to need recital, produced a reaction which made the power of trusts greater than ever, and they dedicated lite tann law of 1S97 Willi comparatively little opposition. "The fight, of course, must go o-, but we might aa well recotfnir. at the outset the magnitude ol our under- tiklng. Courier-Journal ( lemocrat ic), Iiuisville. This is the thought of a notoriously free trade exponent, one Ihtt war beaten in tariff legislation and hence is 1 f a vinegary temper. The xnpi liad tired of I he democratic tarifl tinkering and quiet promptly r-vcr-d the laws. Home of the I rg ru-ls to the contrary not wit list ud ing. The great success; of l'hamlerlHii' (Jnlir, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed in the treatment of bowel compiai'ii has made it standard over the gn-at- part of the civilised world. For sili by Delta Drug Ktore. A Word to lathers. Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opi ate nor narcotic in any form and mav be given aa confidently lo the babe rs to an adult. The great success that has attended Its use in the treatment of colds ami croup has won for it the approval and praise it has received throughout the I'tii'ed States and in many foreign lands. Hold by Delta Drug Store. trher's rypesi. Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn raising of the food, distress after eating or any lorni ol 1)risia tre little table Tres inmirdia s relief. 25 rts, and do its he IH lia Drug More. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 4 wwtirst tfiay am rsnMsnssi a huttrtant ffftitlL Hour ita 1 ouimui i iot. 0IM wmlf anwi ft harr tm.asj. taios helps the team. Saves srear and av mpa st j F aTAaWAaTB Otk CO. lTOTlIA, iias f im aiW T01 uta) stent tesCt lightens 1 1 the f load auortena m l tha 3 road. 2 IE ffiXI-S'l , , ; jj Forlnfants and Children. ,r 1 S9 if . ) Bru;,9i ,w-a,.g A&fc table Prepvaiioalbr As slmiLating BicToodandBeuta ling ttttSioaafiis arx!13awcis of lTcmior:sT)i(festioaClrerful TaTSsaMaesLCootairts neither OosunxMorpbirie nor Macial. Not Nahcotic. Apafest Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhuca, Worms Convulsions .Feverish- 1 ores mid LOSS or SlXEP. t i? t u TaVSinile Signature of XTW "YORK. CXACT COPY OP WRAPPCB. U ! JLi 7! vi Portland, Oregon n- A. P. Armstrong, LUB., Principal. J. A. Wesco, Tenman St Secretary. THE BUSY WORLD OF BUSINESS gives profitable employment to hiimlreib of our graduates, and will to thousends more. Send for our catalogue. Learn and hew we leach. Verily, A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS Bled Quarts at a Time ' I am aknifemakerandSvorkeil for a namber of years in the New York Knife Co.'s factory at Walden, N. V". First thing I knew I commenced to bleed from the niuulh. Sometimes as much as a quart of blood wouhl come up from my lungs at a time. Every time I coughed the blood spurted out. It was in the mil 1 goi souau, ana luecnurcn oeoule tol.l me I hud txller make my peace with the lonl and prepare to die. for 1 wonl t not live till spring. My lioni doctor couldn't do me any good, but advised me to get to New Yoik City for examination. They finally took me to n nuti iral college, and a nlmle lot of physicians made what thy called a diagnosis. There wiic several students looking n. One profv-ssor had a little iv ry hammer, and with this ho pounded my chest and held his ear close to listen. After a while the professor looked at me solemnly and declared : One of your lungs is aliout one and the other is affected. There may be a slim chame . if. it : 1 r oiw IK you quu woimijj; in hat knife faetorv.' I went lnck 'unit, but didn't improve. One d.iy I saw an advertisement of free samples of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, bein t.tvcn away bv our honiedrug- tCists, vValker & Eaton. I ;ot one of these bottles, and it relieved me. Then I bi.uirlit more of the regular'sue. and mv improvement was continuous, although slow. Mv doctors were astonished and because I was afraid it might bo blood, and I wanted to know for sure. I have no fear now. for at last I am a solid man airain. Although one luneis eone. the other is as sound as a dollar, and answers see. I want everyone to know the farts (Signed) A. II. Sivrsov. Acker's Knuli-h Hrm- 1t i sold hy all drue nu under s positive frnaramea that Tour monv wi'l h,.- r,',l in case el failure. c. cc. and St a bottle in V'oited States and Camtda. In Knirland. ts. A . 1. id., and 4. M- Wcaulkirix tkt ul'in ixmtif' !'. U. limiHER it CO, I'rwirtnrt, Snt York. For Sale by The NERViTA PIUS;: Rettsres VITALITY. LOST VIGOR NO MANHOOD Cures Im potency. Night Emissions and arastlnp; diseases, all effects of sclf abuse, or excess and indis Jjcietion. A nerve tonic and I.' blood builder. Hrlnps the i yilnk glow to pale cheeks and tllr restores the Cre of youth. Str?y mail liOr per box, O boxes for JrS J.r.t); with a u ritten punran tee torure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton a Jackson Sta, CHICACO, ILL. I For sale by Delta Irtig Store. A PEW IHTERESTIKJ FACTS When people are ermleniplatinK a trip. liethron Ihimikm o pleasuie. t!-- nstiirally want the liet jervii o -tninslile an far ss ieed. r,mif(Ht and hi lei T ts cisiiermtl. F.mplores of the W'lwonsin tVniral I i.nv are .1 i to X'He thr I'lit lir and our traiu are npeialiil so as t make chaw omnee tion itll ili veiling limn at sll junct ion points, Pullman Pal.-ii- Slerpi(! .1 ml Chair Car on thronu'i trail. Ilinine far ee nnesivlleil. Minls arrvtil a la (' In onler to idilain lids fin-l i-lass 1 ak the r i. L, t agent to i-li lii ket iver THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. Pirrrt ronneitions at Cliteatrn and Mil vauker for all hati-rn omU. . . . For foil intnrmstion all twlo-t arnt. or ai en your nearest iJaa C. I'oan, or Jas. A. Cixx a, lien. Tat. Act., timrral Airenl, 1 Uilaaukee,is. S4b atark I The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. Tuf etarfiui eoaiNV, HiwfOM erre 2! fTl w -" so was I. After dark I bated to spit. as well as two lungs, so far as 1 can and that is why I tell them here." Delta Drug Store AMFRICA'S REPRn5FNrATIVE I FA5HION MAOAZINE THE DESIGNER: Published rionthly VlTtl HANnSOVR COLC ?1D TL ATES. ' I4 llt USTRATIS THE Ct Lf:RATr) Standard Patterns The only rcliaH.- pattens, because I they allow seams. Subscription Price: $l.C0ay:ar. 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal cash cosimissios. Writs for ' ample copy aad terms to Sub scrip, tioa Departsteat, THE DESIGNHR, aa West 14th St., New York City. S . rirrna,- UFA- df E r.'J ,1U I". t-'f Karl's Cover Root Tgi B-I1tlfil t rnfnrJTt."i. P "- IN-rH".-l. ri.. s y wh, tT' m. ,ir.-4 ..ti I.iwl'.-T In. rtt.wi. und .l Fnt;.lt."H i i I Miln. A a-,-l- l..--i.. N -rt I -nir. H,.t nf, a'--ant K"rn4w l-y a i Intc.-K t S.V, Hr. anal l !. C. WCLLS 4 CO , IISOT, S) r lair MoMirrott 1- ur u ai Ititi iiia Uf 't siurat. .t IF 0A8TORIM lO!1 111 !- . I if pf.p - S: II 4 L Denver and Rio Grande I.AIMIOU). Scenic Line ol the World Weekly l.viirioui TO THK Ek.S T UihjJstcred Tourist Sleepers luih inreof rl-ri. ntl eoixluitors aod ru-r. Ml To Ksniwtit'-t'liM-airo Us AN 41 ItnriVo, lW.l.m wild. iillMjU Ukf M.. I' it!,- an.l V t'hirapi ami A lUm liy. ?9 I To Omaha, Cli-:tc, I II AM N fl Hal lntlMs !'" !- tiyWMiilVW 1 1 i:..k 1-I:mi.1 A 1'n.ii eUy. ffl I T.. St J,-, I., ran s;:-5:: V liligton ivoiite. Thursdays To Ksiuiaa City nl St. Louis aillioilt ehanve via Salt Ijike A MiMouri I'aiilic Kailsav. A dav stop-over arranged nt?ail Lake ami iK-nver. A ride through the famoua Col. -ratio oeuerT. Ak your tirkel airetit for a Ikkrt on the lViivt r A Kin (iratidi rxriirsioii. For ralt-s and all iiifortiuitior. call on or address K. ('. M HOI,. F. II. I1 aft)', tieii 1 Akent. Travi linir Ain-nt. 2il Wan)iiiulin Slm-L, i'ortland Orn n. s. a. tit tor Fit. 'eu'l l'as. A Ticket Agent, Ivnrer t'olorailo. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TftAOC Marks DCftlGNS Copyrights Ac Invrwa asnlriBT a skHrh and diwrimtnn mav QnUktr Mawtairi onr opinion tne wtihr an InvenKn i rrbtilr pnfcntJtMet. 4 oniiufiii-i-tlomttirictirntiinileiitlal. llantrnkoii riaiita ?nt frw. I M. leant mrtnT fi.r -uniir atHit. Ialentii laAtm rhnufh JHuim A (a ivculv psvittl tvifii-A, withHit I'hjTtt, in tb Scientific American. nilation cf atiT fwi.-tiiifj.- urii)tl. Trnm 9- n fnr: rur mniba,L, (iti by ait newntt'-nUprn. MUNNCo.'""-New York L. . . . W U Wukln.1,,1 Ik IL WE DO THE BEST JOB PRINTING IN THE COUNTY. Prices Reasonable Mail orders promptly attended to. Prices on application We are still offering you the INDEPENDENT and WEEKLY OREGONIAN, one year for only $2.00. Address all orders to "INDEPENDENT," HilLsboro, east TIIK SHASTA ROUTE f-Ol THhKN I'AC. tti Cxpkiim lluH I as I tuisi rli 'Wraile ror'larj Art !''! 1 i m I Ar Nu I rai..-i I j ( . r ; A!ve train Dtot 31 all la"'ia t imi I'ori an t d a.'nl, rurtt-r. iarioa. Jrittr-.m, Ait. try. i'ii-tit, ...'', il llarr-t,ur, I attrunn 'u , KMi-fiii-I'.il ace Ctri'h-,, 1 .k'.oi,i, rnii ail Ktalunts iriklil K,M'tli-j( to Ahi.mtl, inclusive. KOStlU llO MAIL IILY: IV.rtlmui Ar I 4 0rs llosctxirg l.T j iO 4 k ii '! i akso o.m; Ktl ti:. FULLMAN O'JFFET SLEEPER? eul-t Sierpiiia; t ars ArraoiiKn to Ail TiiDoron 1 hums W Side iMvisioo. HtlWKf.N Jtli.ri.AND A ItutVAl.I.IS. Unit Train IHiily i Kl,i'l Siindny). ; :'( a u :V) 4 :i .va m j.t 1 iv t Wud Afi.i.MIri lt iii:i.r ;i. Ar Torvallii Lv t-f"At Albany unit (orva!!ia c-inrnv aii Iraina of Hi tVntrnl A i:at em Ky. t i.rcsa Train laiiy, U.otil fcuiidy. t..Vl p at 10 r m Ti'lO r m H : M T at L Portland Ar j s.iA 4 a Lv liinsiKirn l v 7:1.1 4 t Ar Woilinnv.llo l.v ri 4 In.u't 'ti-Ji-ii,'-. I 4 ,'0 a m Ihrwuirh iirkrls To all points in tho Kiili rn Mates, dm aiU ami F.uro- tun In- , I ,r u i 1 - 1 nt io nl rat.H fr..iu f. F. Fii kII atnt or John II. tiault at tl.r 1 inl.- nt uiliiv llilllKiro. f. li. M A UK HAM, K. hOKHLKK, n, ... 1 . g; Msnvr. Vnrtlnn-t. o4 oa Interested? THE 0. 3. 5:T. EW I500K n the T!e-ource of Oroe. n. :ili!ii) ton mid Idalio is Is'ini.' ili-irilmltvl. Our reililciN are to I, rH-od ihe ad-dres-B of tlieir Fa-tern friiniis innlac qn:lilltetiaiirs and a ropy of tlio work ill lie sent free. Tliit is a in:ttt'r all -lioiilil lie interesteil in and s-e would a-k that evervi lie take an inti-m-t and lor wanl mh Ii ml irMX-to V . II. lit 111 111 i.t, tteneral Piuk'tiip-r AkoiiI, O. II. , . t' I'ortland. llfl IS 7T Mi H Hi 1 m tVirtflirTIiESCKEDULL F . From Portland ; Salt !-ke, IVnver,' t.. L. o.-k. .,...-1. . fiw lliai' r v. i vim, f,-4tt in 9 p. 111. ivaiiMw no, 'i:4jii l..ui, Chicago, A tix. uu Walla Walla Spok , ! Si oksne -i"'i"( ir ! KUrr f1- '""'t I'U'tli,: Srksne I , t,"u , M.iukre,l iiii-p', r'Ner i r 'A ea S :.n a. IU 0CC2B Sti'sinsaips.1 , p. m. I p. m. For Fraiu-iixk mils e v hr I d J I .. ,i, ; CoInmlJia iircr KSu'l,1.vTo.t.;! I p. Bl. x. Sundr 10 I'. 111. Willairctle ElTC " '"; r.-con ritv. N.-Ji!i""Ii,tii,m1Ui'A.-l.--iiilini!s. I ' . Willamette ft Tam i',":; 1 tiil Fillers Thursday Orri.-nii (Iit, IVivim aodt:ttur rid a iili.iin I p. m les, Siimly i :-V p. ra Una vye aiut Frdi ..,. iWffinctie Eiver Tu-Tliur t'rTalli nnl ; aud t. I.indiii):s .in. ' I ad iivr: : Scale Eiver .Oliailv Ki,.aiiat..Uwid.. W. H. Ill Kt.L'l KT, eal l'asa. airral lindarll ( arllll it ( e. t.ea'l aitls. or. Par. S. N. ( . 0rera. MEN! be". canf cured f If rem tuiTcr from arr of th m lib oaf tnen, ami to ih oMtMt Sec--ii( oa 1 Is Paciac CwaOa w 0H lODAN t CO.. A r.wl KlOSI Marmal&t Eat- IS6T LI I Vaatitr nri and Middle S from lh rdVctsul yHithful irxiictT'M or a- m ".. in auiiirer vn.r Ntvoiii buhI I hv l I N-abMKl J Pralrrlira, Jirr v Ulera. M l ciJtnbiiijtioa ttf ntnils, t" ktmi curat iv ptw- m 9T, lb I Vk ,t Ka m arranexl hu Lrraltnrn T i tlc it will t only atf uuBeiii re-iW Uvt m fterrn iiirtrt cure. 1"S I "octof ti ol rlaim to I pcrf-arm mirirlea, but it wtll-kncmil U b a ft m aruls)iurs and Surr-in, raUMt T ' iu h fi.ilir llaw-iiMt af .Tlrn, m Bvot-iM w 'tin. tit ti-i'Hi Hrrriin m I HKV HAX nil Ul.-ar In IM W'tl fs T 1 lt wttWwirantf' nSiTi 't 'HKtm W . every ooftf we mrut-rttike, or Jurfett Oae A TboaD4 Pollfirw. f t oriMillatton r'KKK nti tlrinlT mivate. A CHAKOKS VF.Hr kKASOXAHl.K. Tr--l- W , Itient pmomllT or bv Iciier. Snl f- f- A TlvIT DR. JItn?lS Groat iMuneiiiii of Anatomy ( ' th ft neat and Lu .rest (tictirnuf iu kuni in the are Bt-idc; how to avoi.t ex knr and dtbrN. . We art crwirmiitV lj.iing n-w ftisCvioKuw I tAT.4l.Ot I K A A A' !inr wrtl i trust Mr4et SHwt. mn Prtanfiara Cttl. ( Quick Work rerl'anil. t T Oregon