Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 08, 1899, Image 3

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This is tcli at the 3d Infantry
Shouted tchen they
lizard frjm him
1 iisy ld-ard tar rl r rrr4 mmi
di mI lrt Ihr ulyvrr
at of aai.lli.-r trrarh
Our t'.wrMiimn I. ). Brown r"c-lv
i at week letter from hi boo
tluy K. who i i'MrlT Mtit'rrS Ker
IfHituI ()). A. rinl liiNtitry aurl litwith
hU p-guui'tit in the l'hiliiii en. In
enroll 4 iiy of teieyrdlit thai
tin regiment hml )unt r-viv-l from
I'resi.li'iit M'K'iiley, in th. wur.U:
'!'' Oil. Convey to (Jen. Ltwtnn
fil the gulUiit iiidii of hi coiutnini
my i-iMigrntiilitMofiii umio their auc-t-rmCul
iixrMtiim during the ai
inoiilti renultinif in the capture ol
Hmii l-Milro. Ttiia ine-wHB w m re4l
to the while on the tiring line at
tune when the men wereeut off
from their bum of huii11.-h, ami Iwo
l.iy IIMiiik in pns.ii.Tt tieforu they
iuli lu lo iri-t the line re-pHtah
IUIiinI. Ser. lirown thus lemriliei)
the im-iili'ii'; " Itut you wouM have
htil li nn in your eyeH to have noen
Hint line of hro w ii dirty riulara(wlio
iMililier for pay) come up out of the
inti'l'ly riee ilyken an J yell for M
Kinley Mi-Kiuley frier! For war 1!
It, ill, It Uvular-!" Then the re
Kimxut mailt) a ruth anil drove the
Tan! out of another trench. Thin
la HiebHiiiH regiment that waa at Hao
Juan hill, Hantlago, and later in the
Indian tight at Imeh Like, Minneso
ta. To rharifH that the regular of
the U. H. Army are not patriotic la to
liMke aa great a mlatake it Avuinal
do made when he di tli-d United
Htalea authority.
Tontt ir aidweks ami djmleks.
The attention of fruit growers and
dealer la again called to the aectionx
of the new law relating to the sale of
diaeaned and Infeated fruit. Hereafter
thla law will te Htrictly enforced.
Oipiea of (he name can be had by ap
plying to the fruit cinnmlHHionera.
Heo. 6. It Hhall lie unlawful for
any Hraon. flrui or r-orixirntlun to
ImiHirt or aeil any Infeated or diaeaa-
ed fruit of any kind in the Mate of
B.-C. 0. Every xraon who packs
or preparea for shipment to any point
without the ntato, or who deliver or
vauaea to lie dclivereil to any exprem
agent, or railroad agent, or other per-
won, or to any transportation com
pany or eorioratlon for shipment to
ny point without the Mate, any rruu
or Irulta, either fresh, cured or dried
that la Infected with insect, peats or
limnn Injurious to trees, shrubs,
lanta, fruit or vegetables, is guilty
cf a nilmlemeanor.
Hoc. 7. Any erson, firm i r cor
iviration vlolnting any of (he provi-
aioim of this act shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and un
conviction thereof ahall be puuished
by a fine of not less than tweuty-ove
(25) dollart nor more than one hun
dred (HM) ilo'l.irn.
Hiate Hoard of Horticulture,
W 1 1, in ii K. Nkwkix,
Commissioners First Diatrict.
TKa aj.lifti.l hnnun Id lielnc riknnvi
ted preparatory lo Ihe opening of
. . i .a .1 rt'fc... a.. v
IhiHyeHrHre II. R Oohwian. (jrm-
...... Joi.ui-iiixiii! t r'miilil IMin
Hint wrjini " "
ma Int. rmcdiaie, and Miss Mary
Fisher Ihe primary department.
Mrs. K. 1. Hen hum aud Kva Jones
have returned home from their sum
nu ra' outing.
There waa an entertainment given
Ktiinlv evenlnir for the beiHtlt of a
hfe and drum corp.
Mr Wm. Fletcher and Miss Carry
John'on ol tfm I". .lelsco are visiting
wit'1 .1 r N. i .i ler.
H-uweiion i- m Industrious little
titan uiinuie.1 iii the eastern iart of
Washlncton i-ountv. wven miles
from Portland by wagon road, and
i. nillea l,v rsilroHll. llS IMIU-
lalion is ovi rsix hundreil. It is lo
cated In a w heat growing district,
and w ou Id be fine location for
flouring mill which if oicrtcd In the
right way, would lie a profitable in
vestment. Hop picking commenced in this
viciuity last Wednesday morning.
Prof. Moon cnt Haturday and
Sunday In llcaverton.
Mr. Teffts' folks started fr Till
miHik last week, where they will
reside Hi Ihe future.
There area numlwrofnn build
ing naring completion In our neigh
iM.rlHxsl, and w hen completeU will
lie a valuable addition.
It gives much pleasure to note Ihe
pngrea ol the piling Industry that
I being carried on, aud we wish Mr.
Mackehtire much suece In his un
dertaking and hope he will make
Ma home here.
X tTsrd W Mothers.
Mothers of children a ffected with
croup or a severe cold need not hesi
tate to administer Chamberlalu
Cough liomedy. It contains mi opl
ale nor narcotic In any form ami may
be glvi n as confidently to the balsa
to an adult. The great success that
has attend.nl Its use in the In men!
of cold and croup has won f.r It the
approval and praise it has receive,
throughout the United Htates nd
in many foreign land. Mold by
Helta Hrug Wore.
K-lrsr.l from the undersigned on
tVa.per mounlsin twoinilch cows one
bla.kmul.y while on belley wear
ing bell, no mark or brand. O. e le
r,.d hell, r n.arke.1 with slit In one
ear. Informal ion leading to the re
every of the same wiH suitably
Swed by H. a Trsvl. llville,
Ong.ii .
... . iv.ii. i . lartidon the
iMI Hum -----
morning train yesterday ftWf
several months witnner r.-,
I,nng. who lives In olo county neaa
i.ong.wu . tdonevr
n.oK..r. Mrs. l.mr IS
reshlenis oi nil""""" -
ta tter knon as Miss Morgan.
It is that IVrilsn I driers are
not able to fill the China orders for
flour which have been bonked,
the ifiison there are no shlm to car
ry It.
llorn, Tues'lay pt 6th to 0.
Gates and wife a son.
The beat line of dre-s irMU in the
city jut arrival at Ht-nult&uUb
A mail agent ha beei put on the
Independence f-xpre, bei.ee mall
will be dHlrihutfd to all way ottiie.
Oho. Merryman win hiU-:i at
Lntirati.it (r several month ia at
tuiioe agiin. liu nw plan ti euter
ol IMi fail.
Ge i. I.mgh'y was agreeable aur
lrise a few djys ago ty receipt o'
t U) from Helena, Mont, for aome
of hi palrlo'ic sM-in.
Mi. Klizait-lh Johnson who has
been away on a vacation for two
month w ill licet her mu-ic cl ina or
rrgnuiztion o xt week. Miss
Johnson is a favorite in Hillshoro
and her return will be moat gracious
ly welcomed.
Mr Wm. Conuell is building a
water lower and windmill at his
place on Third at reel. The frame is
up and endowed. The tauk g io
next and ha a caiwcity of lour thou
sand gallon. The windmill sur
mount all.
O.i Wednesday last Miss Kllr-abeth
KH'h lei-eived her new piano and re
turned the old one which was only
used till the new Instrument could
ttfi received from the warehouse.
The piano put in thi week i one of
the hues! turned out by the celebrated
Kimbal Company. Misa Koch I
Justly proud of her new itfwseMsinn.
Twenty-live acres near McMin
nville good Improvement to aeil or
exchange. Iiusinea proerty in Ija-
Fayette Ore. and stock of hnrness
and etc for farm. Farm laud in North
Dakota, Nebraska and California for
farms and city properly. Many
farms all sizes and description to sell
in Washington county. F. 1'. Mor
gan A Co.
The manufacturer and wholesalers
League of Han Francisco has organ
ixwl an excursion for their customers
from Portland and way stations to
San Francisco to start from Portland
on Haturday Hept. 16 at 7 o'clock p.
in. The expense foi the rmiudtrin
I Ihe far one way. The business
man may lake his family or any
member at the same rate. In addi
tion the League will refund one half
the business ma,na' own fare, The
tickets expire at thetndof thirty
Mrs. W. 1). Hare en Thursday
afternoon entertained a nuuitar of
herintimete friends at a six o'clock
dinner. The occasion was the ob
servance of the C'.th birthday of her
husband, Hon. W. 1). Hare. All Ihe
apHiiutmnt of the dinner table
were perfect, and the company being
in the Uvt of humor, the occasion
was most enoyabl. The guest
present were, llev. K. P., and Mrs.
Hughes, Hon W. N., and Mrs. liar
r?tt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Thome,
Mr. II. V. (Jates, Capt. J. 1)., and
Mrs. Merryman, Hev. Mr. and Mrs.
Ueorge and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. C.
Last Monday morning a stranger
stepped from Ihe cars at the Hiils-
imro station and asxe.1 a nysianuer u
Cant. A. M. (kiliina was in town.
"Yes, you will without doubt rind
him at the court house." There is
wheru he went. He entered the Cap
tain quarters and asked "Is your
name Collins?" "Yes, what Is your
name?" "Collinr!" "What Collint.?"
"II. A." The men are brothers, tho
they had not met for twenty Ave
year, and In that time both have
growu older. Mr. H. A. Collins'
home I In California, tho for the past
two years he has bceu in Klondike,
lie left Dawson two weeks ago. Mr.
Collins says there is gold In the Klon
dike, but il is difficult for an Amer
ican to get It. The mining laws of
Cana.lt are any thing but liberal.
First a miner must have a license
which costs him $10 per year. Then
when he prosacts new ground and
llud pay dirt he must pay 92b for
Ihe recording of hi claim. When he
cleans up, he must pay 10 percent of
his gold to the crown. The second
year he works his claim the record
ing fee Is 175 providltg the recorder
will ret or d the claim at all. Mr.
Collins says that some of the best
ground is withdrawn from entry,
and II I sii.iected that it is kept for
F.nglish or Canadian favorites. . Mr.
Oilins will not return to the north
unless pay ground Is found on the
American side of the line. He is in
terested with some prospectors who
are examining a country on our side.
Ha will visit with Cant. Collins sev
eral days and then go to his Califor
nia home.
Mr Kliz-tlielh Kuchen.an F.rnst
died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. John Itameiai iiemany, asn-
ington Co. Oregon Aug. II, 6 JO
o'clock p. m. Mrs. hliz.tbeth Krnst
was born July I9(h 1 at wai.isnut
Argan, SwIUerianu. Ai tne esny
ere of seventeen she e migrat ed
with her parents to America. About
the age of twenty she married Mr.
John Kinst and became the mother
of four chUln. When yet Ihe gold
fever was at its bes; in California she
followed her husband who went i
fore by the way of Cape Horn to Han
Francisco. Thence via Portland,
Oregon ' I'ho. It would be almost
impossible even to hint at the many
.Up.uhiiM she underwent with her
Iwo remaining children oti the long
and dreary Journey. Aei accoruing
tho kind providence of our Heavenly
Father she felt in these troubles the
first Impulse of a better life. About
twenty nine years ago Mrs. Krnst
-iih her fmilv made Oregnu her
permanent home. I st thanksgiving
She IMMIOeU inn urs.
sickness, ol which the views of the
.l.wtora were thwarted. Mny fold
.n.i mt limes Intense were the suffer-
iinrinir t..ese eicrht an.i a nan
months. In the last dajs of her sick
Bn her sufferings came to their ex
treme, but quickly and peacefully
see pated from this to the better life.
Already back east she had to hemoai
the death of two of her children and
eleven years ago a son andh r hus
band went before her. From this
time she made her home with her
only surviving daughter who waited
on her with child-like love till death
closed her eyes. Her death casta a
gloom over her many friend. Wher
ever she entered a home, she gave
...ki. i.i the m in and comfcrt and
joy lomany hearte. The funeral of
the doccsei i -man
lrcsnylerian church at Uethany
An unu-mal large congregation gaih
eml for the occasion, lleing dead,
like the other worthy souls w ho have
gone before, she. by her life and the
ii HiM'iice she has exerted will yet
sneak to us. The funeral wrvlcw
were conducted by ltev. IUuujao.
Wcs Redmond tcent to Tilla
mook, teas canght in
a storm
Ir. Ke4aia4 kad tks lraarf be-
lag raafht at H ilMa rlvrr
witksat fMl
Tliev tell a ifaxl story on W. C.
Ile.lliu.lul of HrsllIMHld A. KjlIDirtOI'.
Just la?fore the hard rain of ten dy
ago he had an order lo take a travel
ing man to Tillamook.
The drives were planned neiore
starting. The first bight was lo la-
spent at Hmlth on v. nn river,
iteforeatarliin; Mrs. Itedmon.l pro
posed putting up a lila-ral lunch for
vV . I . !, n wanioi no luiit o,
I.I iu,t lie IsMliered with it. No
entreaty wa of avail and away be
and hi drummer ronea. ii was
pleasant driving thru Tualatin plains
but the hill up which the nad
run rroiu les Creek rain wa
falling. It was a wet rain, and the
farther lliey weut the weuer u waa.
It was im gay prancing team then
but a slow plialding mud la-draggled
oiilllt that was giaal for no more
than two and a hall mile per hour.
Itut time did not tarry a nio;u. ut.
It was dark long before Walt Hiuith'
wa in sight, Inkey dark. Uoth men
were wet sonked. They were hun
gry too. Then the rejected sand
witches were remembered but only
a a torment. ICedmond could not
drive so he walked In front of his
team and led it. Two hours of this
won brought Ihe lambs to Mc
Nemar's camp which is seven n lies
(hi side of Hmith's. The tourists
decided It best to camp w ithout sup
per, without blankets, without tire,
without a dry garment. 0!i, how It
rained. The ouly comfort Iteduvind
1ml was lo talk alsiut the sandwich
es that might have been, Ihus mak
ing the tormi nt of his traveling com
i,.nlnn Miira grievous. The trio WHS
a bard one. but like bad weather, it
A much as any thing, the roses
ot Oregon were admired by the
member of the National K litorial
Association that met in Portland
last July. One delegate from. Mass
achusetts gave expression to her
enthusiasm in these words:
"Jlere," Portland Hotel, "was
located Ihe headquarters of the
Acsoclation, and here we found our
mail awaiting us; here we were
greeted by members of Ihe reception
committee, whose one purpose was
to serve us; here we were extended
the courtesies of telegraph lines' and
the wires were kept for some time
busy with the happy messages sent
io the home friends; here we were
supplied with programs, maps,
itineraries aud souvenirs of every
description anu issi.oui in; not teas.
the rose of old England in heituty
and profusion which we had neve
imagined liefore. was mere wun tne
sweetest of welcomes for the guests
from New Knuland. Haskets alter
or these native beauties was emptied
into the omii arms of the guest and
the spell that their subtle charm of
color and odor wove around us was
for the time intoxicating. U vea we
had never dreamed of their size
their coloring their delicacy, their
perfume, and the wealth of them
made us feel that we had reached an
enchanted country. From that hour
no lady wa without her huge
corsage bouquet, and no room was
without Its daily replenished pro
fusion. With all their loveliness
in the moments when our sense
of the beautiful had been grai
tied, we realized lhat there was a
deeK'r beauty a beauty ol action
in the giving or those flowers unspar
ingly that cannot be rivalled in
expression even in those queenly
(lowers. F.ven as those roses graced
every function so the th mghtful
ex presslon of kindness, hospitality
and thoughtfulnes loll owed u thru
every hour of every day that we
were privileged lo be sojourning in
that fair land.'
Four taps of the fire bell Is an
alarm of tire. The location of Ihe
tire is cignaled by striking Ihe bell as
many taps as the nunilier of the fire
district. For this purpose Ihe city
has been divided Into districts. The
description of these districts is to be
printed on a car. I which will be lur-nl-heil
to each fin-man. A map of
the city has also been trade showing
the district lawndaries, Ihe more
prominent buildings and the halation
of the hydrant. This map is to lie.
photographed and distributed to the
firemen, Ho, now, if four tajis of the
Im'II Is heard ami after a slight pause
three taps follow and this alarm is re
;ested In the same order we may
kgow that there Is a fire In fire dis
trict No. 3.
We had another hard rain on Run
day and Monday that thoroughly
iik-d the already damp shock.
Uood weather came with Wednr-ay
and it now bids fair to be permanent.
Of course thi second rain damsged
irrain. tho It I Impondhle 10 estimate
in is?r cent. Indeed the amount of
damage will depend npon the char
acter of the weather daring Ihe next
two week.
Walter Johnson living Iwo miles
smith of Cornelius was hurt seriously
this week by being thrown from his
horse. He wa riding Inward Forest
Drove when his horse fell turning a
somersault. Mr. Johnson wa ctught
beneath the animal. Dr F. A. Ilailey
w ho attend.il the injured man found
no fractured bones, tho the bruisr
are arrioas.
Wheat is oin Into the warel.oues
st a satisfactory rate this week. The
grain is in fair condition tho it Is a
little soft. However M is no worse
than irrain was two years ago. If
farmers feel that they can let Ihe
hocks stand out ami harden Ihe
quality will be improved.
'Four Oreat I'nchangahle Princi
ides" w ill be the theme of Ihe dis
course by the pastor at the Congre
est ions I church next Sunday mrtv
Ing. Tha other service of the dty
wilt be conducted in their usual
I top pickers went to the yards this
w c k and established crm. They
w..t be ready for work next Monday
mnr ling.
S. R. Huston and family have re
turned from the coast.
K;t cars of hsy, one of oa' at ' '
of fl air were sent from the Uiils: ,
station this week.
Kxhlhit intended for the .; I
t'J go in the collection from tl.e
oi-trl , t ohould :-! ! I j. -vl..
field at the fan
Preacblng niormii kfoJ rVi-nii a '
thi CtirisUiiii ciiurcu by the p-: r.
K. 11. Hic.af '. Prcichiuj tt
Far.uiugl'.n at a, p. m. Sunday.
Hon. O W. P.H.r-ii t
b--Q in A!-ka f-r the p.--i
uioutii returued this k. V. i.i.e
away he iuspected the atrnc Mjrv -
anil the lown Sites HI K1HI IDfll I..
There are a few oNi ."stales 'inl.i
in lir-itMle that occasionally tome i
the front. The one up tin we. k
lintof Ail-rin S'liiih who -l
at hi h me near Gl mico als mt -i or
27 year aiso. At first hi v.i.!
was administratrix, after her c:.n
T. W.-Pittei.ger, and now he i-su.veei.-d
by Dr. F. A. iliiiy.
I'aig Smith a son 1 an he;r und
-rvoii him will I obtained l
publitstion. The ciieriff l a I ; n
eeking bin fur many years lu
never could catch him.
The members of llil-U.ro L "'! e
A.O. I). W. wi'hl ." I), greeol Ii ri
or burprise.1 P. O. M. II .ire la-t Fr
day evening by leading him mnl hi
wife intotlie bar.quel hull and l
table presenting him with an . io
hlematie watch i-hariu. Hon. W. X
iUrrelt made the presentation spe. U
and said this l.is (i-V.h liirtli I ty w-n
chost n to present him with a tc-li
uionial of the work hehas.lor.e fir tti
order and mark the esteem Ins n.-s -ciate
In the lode hve for him. T is
surprise w as complete, and it w as on
time when Post Master Hare bin'
difficulty io selecting filling words
for hi reply.
The new (.ostal money order wen
res.ly for delivery to money order
office last Monday aud w ill Is is-u i
to Hillslairo K-opleas soon as the old
stock which is getting low, is a
hausted. The new form issomewhui
smaller than the order now in us
lis dimensions are about those of th
ordinary bank draft. It has two hi!
juncts the advice, or nntinVatiott to
be sent by the issuing to the pavii g
IMwtmaster, is a repr.aju.iion of tl
order thru the ue ucafiNinlzcd p i
tsr (the manifold pr.K"ess) and a le
ceipt for the amount, to be furiusl:e;t
by the ii-su'iig postmaster to me re
milter. On Ihe back of the order a
separate sat ha b.-n provid-d for
the stamps of Imnks thru which, it
may le passed for collection, in col
or the order is blue, having a 1 i ri t
blue ground, with fiuP, chmiy inter
laced, tsited lines of geometrical
lathe-work of darker shade, lu the
center is sn escutcheon bearing the
woids "Postal Money Order" in slind-
ed capital letter of the same two
tints of blue. The tint ot mo order
and the lathe-work will serve to pre
vent imitation.-; but, as an additional
snfeguard against counterfeiting, h
horizontal water-mark, composi.l i f
the initials U. H. M. 0.,.in broml
capital letters, has len wrought in
to the paper on which the new fonts
are printed.
tomr iiot sr:.
Kit 'Sauil P Kelly dead; bond -f
administiator fllcl and approvid.
Appraiser T W Thonipsoi, U 1'.
Misencrand J I Hoops.
Fist Jacob Auderson deed; ord-rcd
that Ihe ik woiiiiI projierty uot set otl
to widow, be sold at private sale f.i
Kst Micliall Kennedy deed; order
ed that citation tm served by publica
tion requiring the heirs to appear ut
Ilillsboro Oct. !) and show cause il
any they have why the realty ic-
longtng to the estate shall U'il in
sold. .
Kst Wm Vincent deed; the a.)
ntinistratrix is authoriz -d to sell per
sons I proarty at private pale for
Kit Anderson Smith deed; resigna
tion T W Pittinger administratcr,
accepted. F A lii il. japi oin:ed ed-
minist ralor tie bnuis-non. lfotid i,niin
.ajdercl that citation to the. heir U
served by puMication requiring them
lo 8ear and show cause u any the j
have why ther.-alty belonging to t.ud
estate shall not be sold.
Kit Oeo Thing deed; ordered that
the admidistrator pay to the widow
the further sum of l-Vi.r..") for her
support during the pendency of ad
Kst Itovid Monroe deed, ord. -red
that J A lmbrie be appointed admin
istrator de-lainis-noti-with-thc-w ill-
annexed, bond f l.tMMI,
Kst Sarah J Mull tlird; ordered
lhat Oeo U Ugley administraior-1'
bonls-nnn, be cited to api-e..r Sept. IS
and show cause if any he has, u hy
he shall not Is? remover..
Ci-rson v B H Put Ion, judgment for
plaintiff by default.
License lo wed was Issued S-pf. (J.
lo Oerman Anderson 31; and Matdd .
Penne 24.
New stock of Umbrellas at Scliul- '
mericli A S in's. j
Wagons! If you want one you cat, ,
save from f 10 lo f 15 by buying Iron, i
Sehulmeiich A Son.
SUtNottkt C i?."pO-iiioit j
Opens in
Portland, September 28 j
Close !
October 28, 1899 j
Product" nf Ores ill, V.iliini::.iii an 1 I
Idaho in greater variety than I
ever before !
Bcnnetrs Renowned Military Bj
Jll Alice Itaymnnd
Ameriea'i tirestest Lady ( orm tt rs-l"i
The atMsptaleJ
l'lrrna Tron sr
of Aeroliats, tiras-t fnnn the F nntre
Theatre, lnlon ; tint time in Ann n.-i.
A tirest
Kilipia War Jliwam
srmt MUtetlAcnrtc
I'mnrpssseJ Aeri.tlisls, in thril.iiiit ti
A Reason of tret Surprise ati l
Ausin.lir.e feats.
Keiliiccl rates on all trsnsportstion liu-i.
Admission, 25 rents
Children anilor 12. 10 cent.
i'..! exee-
l.-t .!'
. . . -W'l,
lil- diW
I.'.nUr 1. 1C-.'.
Kl I.I V.
ui S.IU1U.1 P.
1 1 T.u itiy.
.tuniy ot
i' r
. :,!,- ,.f,
t .....r.-- Ir. in V liite,
Itmii W liii
I '
on, you
1. 1 si'ptv.r
M i ' ! I ii ifill.
W.'t...MO'i ;it tin
fl: .-'i-.ro III thf
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liie -S K crii. i ol the llil-ucre
: i!-"HTii.fu iin.l niiinini- thence
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: i.'ien.v S.mii.Ti- )' t. :r.TJ
ii'-iicv N Ti.SI t hi! ti t :u4-eol'lH'kriii-i
. iiiaiiL' '. iuTr. or tiiuch thereof
I 1 c i . -. try t. 1 i v Ihe lilortaije
ul i.ii' I ;i vt ail -iiirr claims and
! -i'li: I ai.i e .ta:e
Wiiiu !! II. ii. I.. A. Kooil jiiilRe
-t l : ii' (.-lil'ty 1 u-irl ul Ihe hlrt'e of
iir.V'iu, i'..r li e ' "unty of Waah-ii-.-:i-ii
with ilc. .alo sur.1 I'ourt
aiUM'.l tLia VS i.iy ol AumipI A.
I" l-1'.i.
,in.-r J. A 1MHK1K.
likcr's )yvicpi.t Tatilets rs old
in a Hi:uve e;:ir:.n;i'i . un's heart-burn
aiMiiu ol the iIIsitmi iii'ter ealiiiK or
.my I.tiii -1 ilvM.i'.?ia une little tablet
;.i.-ii..i."i'a c f-li.-f. 'ii .-ta, and Viels.
'l . e ln-ita I'ruz Mi re.
11 lll.'eV SAi.V..
,1 lli
mi l-isimu'il sell at I'uhlic Sals
farm, one mil one-liali niil.w milllll
i-t iif 1 anniiiL't ii'. "ii MitHr.laV, Sept,
i i-.Miin:i i.'. M'niiiiitly at 10
the f.il. me, ilcscriU'd
1..-" it :
, I I 'if Inch are purs
IS II ad off
1 a ! '.
S l..a.l Ktit-'.-d j( r- y.
J:'.i-ur-i.,l li-i -rj-. ui'iuK'il Jersey.
I hull, 'J y, ire old. icaisteml.
Eifbx. ot'ti.esei. are fresh, calves at
-id.-, .lie oil r tin he.-i'i wilt calve within
tliu n-.a si iv v.vl:. The ooun ranga
irnlll 7 vein-, oi iil-c d ovn.
'i -nil's of .-ale . Sums of 10 cash in
hand. i'l iiiol iver n credit ol six
months w iiii ui pr. v.-J P'-rsonid note at ti
;.er"-!it inter. 1'. S. l'KSNK.
il. 1'. I'-i -v liu-, AiU'iioiK'cr. 17
i-(r s' i
it Urt i
in, lor tlio County of
.-ate of I cit.,tioll
.. leaned. I
!iuou. Hell V. Smith,
I in ic8 V. t-mitli, Kd
.r: li li. fipcirs K I i j a h
,. m a Smith. William
Mat' .
a.lnii: UMi.
I ti t h'' mat l-r -t t h.
A li'li ifOil html Ii,
lo . ain-y Ann .J
A liner J, Mn.th.
.1 It
-ml h.
A-, I.
tl- U'l
I ill -I'.
mil S niaiitha Smith,
-i.'Ti Sj ot i i h, ikveafoil,
n m n ami to all per
t ,'Mnte, (treetillK :
S, lie of Orecon, You
n: cl to appear in
tl.e State ol ' in jjoil,
'lii'tt n nt th- Court
ti. ro. in the County
ml to ail !.
ns 1 1 1 1 e ''-'. i.
1 li Ihe S an
' Of I
ire 1m
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1 in' t o.ii.tv I i
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.iU", if an y t
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nl iv, the 'ith day of
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lit I
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.1 t.
I-., n.in
in.l there lo show
order of sunt
in.i. hi, iiuthoriili!
iioini'itlor of said
.lur ilesenlsiil real
ii I eitata ileserlls-ii
nc and Mt ate with-
i 1
Ml V :
w s. I
in :
, . i ir.-eoii. ami Is-lliK
n land riallil of All-
an, I more parln ill r-
, il ami ile-erilHsl us
i i eneiiitf :U a point
r U'tws'ii township
We-l mid Tonliip2
I t
, 1 ; : i : . i-
J '
t I lo
. I N...1,
ah. I.. i
, -il
s. V. i of the
land claim of
j 711'.,
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A u l. r- ni S
, i. ,: i r,.
lh ami wile, themw
i,- h's.. to the center
S. rl
-I Ii-
i:i '
n ai Airrv.tv iTeeK. inciter
f -anl rusk mitli the
r. .. lo he m.iilttl of the
oeo.-r i.mi rcex in said
in, t : II P I he center
,. , r. k ith ihe im aii.ler
rt une mi i.inu' u ir.ft 1 v
!i ir .!--!' tne Northwest
. it : . i i.in-1 claim of Will-
.-I r.
la ..I .
1 --or
, ,n -'!. 1 (.win-hip 12
,.-!. Will Mer., theiH-e
v , live of said llnrns
I, ii-i, ul" the Nortll half of
I ,l:,i-n "1 si'i'l .inters ll
Mil . . II . 1 .
i; i t--t on ui'l South
- .in ii irom Ihe place
h"r h to the rilaee of
f riy live I 4.'. I acre,
. r,r" in he pi litiou
o i n I cnute thu day
,, l !.!
Wit m
. A . Posj't, Jnd e of
,.' ,-t.ite oi tireifoll,
,-!li:.l.toll, w 'h Ihe
M-d. li.is th day of
i. pi.iy.
n -a
hy J. C
!vt, (
io id
I'-.n-.. i.i
.-re-it !'!
1. 1 Alabama who
r coin. at Ihe
u pronounced eX
i, '.I i- no whiih is
ii i c'.l.t'ting a
v th Bryan
' ' re
... i i not
1 I-
; siti print a
t, !.. J !-. p-.r
' ! A. . ", tne
,- p!,'is:: l int" m-uresnts
.1 K -.-l io Ju'y by Oen.
r . 1 i f I.um w hem
.! t i iii ih" si'ssiin.
. iv r , r's h.ive been
t p-t i.'-i f.uiiiiiar with
:! r- I it't the truth of
i r-.f li
- . t
I IY-r,
j Aim '
! N c :
! I'. 'ii;.
---s i rr T T A. .
i Bonus .i-t-it i "'" fcaff
1 (2Lsy7zK
Dm4 Uttfr Uu
The f.41owing 1 a list of letters re
maining uncalled for In the iwistotnce
at HillstMiru, August, 1'ti IsiW:
All letter not called fr by Hept.
J, will l sent to the lfead Letter
nilUv. One cent will be chaived for
each letter called for.
H. St. Hi ikkicil, P. M.
Poll ',
.'sj Hop pickers at tV.I.
Cornelius, Commeuce
II w la your wife baa she lost her
beauty? If so, Cuoalipation, lndi
gitiou. Sick Headache are the prin
cipal cause. Karl's Clover lUs 4 Tea
baa cured these ills for half a centu
ry. Price 25 eta, and 50 cts. Moim
refuuded il result are not satis
factory. llta lrug Store.
t)n f very Isitlle of Shiloh'a Con
sumption Cure is this guarantee: "All
we ark of you is to use two-thirds of
the contents of this bottle faithfully,
then if you can say you are not bene
fited return the bottle to your drug
gist and he may refund the price
paid." Price lb els, and 30 cts and
11.00. Itelta Drug Store.
Y. P, rgaa I
Ilillsboro, Oregon, have farms and
e ty prosrty for aale, ail sixes and
descriptions, also saw mills, creamer
ies and country stores. Wheat farms
in California to exchange. Call or
write for list. If you have farms to
rent let us know we have appli
cants. .
Don't get fooled into buying ma
chinery from traveling agents with
headquarters in some other country,
but buy from your borne dealers who
sell better goods at lower prices.
Mowers $40 and f4 binders from
1 100 lo 1 130 each. The best wagon
frotulotnflS less than other deal
ers, at Schulmericb A Bod Ilillsboro,
What Is Shlloh? A grand old rem
edy for Cough, Golds and Consum
ption; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumer
able cases of inclpiont consumption
and relieved many in advanced stag
es. If you are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your money.
Price 25 and 60 cts and 11.00. Delta.
Beautiful complexion is an im
possibility without good blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea
acta directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. at
Delta Drug Store.
Many a lover has turned with dis
gust from an otherwise lovable girl
with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath
by lis action on the bowels, etc., as
nothing else will. Sold tor years on
alwolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, and
60 cts at Delta.
Sick headaches, the curse of over
worked womankind, are quickly and
sutely cured by Karl's Clover lioot
Tea, the great blood purifier and tis
sue builder. Money refunded If not
satisfactory. Price 25 and 50 cts. at
Do you know consumption is pre
ventable? Science has proven that,
and also that neglect is suici.lp.l. The
worst cold or cough can be cured
with Shiloh'a Cough aud Consump
tion Cure. Sold on positive guaran
tee for over fifty years. Delta Drug
Muddy complexions, Nauseating
breath come from chronic constipa
tion. Karl's Clover Koot Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cts, and 60 cts. Delta Drug
Wm Mohr makes boots at his
shop on Second street, Ilillsboro, for
f5.f0 per pair, sewed shoes for f.V
and gives special attention to rcpair
intr. He usee only first-grade stock
which enables him to guarantee his
Schulmerieh A Son have purchased
some wagons from Ihe factory and
can sell them from f 7 to $15 cheaper
thanolhei dealers. They sell a 3J
steel skein 3 inch tire, all complete
for $80.
Fruit canning season is now here.
Some w ill keep and some will spoil
un cks you use the Vacum J.rs lor
alo by J. M. Brown.
Loaded shot gun shells atSchulme
i i -h A Sou. Loaded with native son
smokeles and black vpowdei all
shells guaranteed.
Call on F. J. Barber. Second street
if you want a first-class shave or hair
cut. Trv his baths, either hot or
Eisy Vacum Jars at Brown's.
llrn.in Kid ne v Tea cares backache, kid
my, and bladder troubles, non-retention of
urine, brick-dust deposit, one arm poison
iiiK nervousness, constipation and all
complaints of the kidneys and urinary
o-jrans. 1 be Delta sella it.
Is a strictly hyuienic preps'ation. While
it preserves and beautiliea the complexion,
it also repairs the daniair done by the nse
of the many danavrous conipoonds now in
the niariet, ana iy lis ionic ana siimuia-
tunc enert restores in sum to a neaimy
action. Kor sale at tn Delia.
told on! ta
HAXyLEH) riaul a big I
FJ&Y bl hil1 if I
r the wagon I
I wheels with I
I KIC xl firm I
i he an am im put mimuik a
I s.od vi ii. na r
I aTASDJianotl. CO,
. i
E The finest line of
Ladies' Neekware in
the city, just receiv-j2
ed. Prices the low-3
est as usual. 3
P Schulmerieh & Son
We are not
The only House
We arc Pharmacists '
Our Prescription Depart
ment is our Specialty.
. All gilt-edged butter put on the mar
ket by CTeameties is wrapped in paper.
The product of the private daily would
reach its market in much bettet condi-
. tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment
than it does when wrapped in cloth.
Parchment is not only better than cloth
but cheaper.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard Irom
which 27 sheets can lie cut 27Parch
ruent wrappers cost 2 cents.
500 ShePts 8x11,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
tandard site for i-pouud rolls is
8x.t inches; 2-patmd blocks are
wrapped in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper has not liecn
generally used heretofore, farmers
rou Id not get it at the gtneral More
It is now kept at the Independent of
6ce cut to any size wanted.
Beware of
Don't uso hop
Free Tickets.
Some hop agents are giving away
"free tickets'' to the hop-growers.
Don't use them. They can he
For Safety
Come to the Lvdetknukxt ollice.
Prices Reasonable.
Hilipboro Publishing" Company.
IuOregoti that sell Paints and Oils; however, we do
keep a few of these rare articles occa: tonally but as
a side line only.
And we sell Drngs first and foremost. Good, pure
drugs at reasonable prices.
50 cts,
55 cts
- tickets without your
on them.