Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 08, 1899, Image 2

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Entered la Uta poetofflce at Hillsboro, Or
aa mwumum uuul auwtutr.
ttubacriptioa, la adranee, per ear, I1.-W.
illl.LflBOkO ri'BLIBIII.NC Co. Props.
D. 11. C. UAl'I.T, tdiU-r.
uirrtt tAL rAfUMor rum t in
I'. I
i i i KM BE It 8.
Hali-ai advrrth! for ;' t.'O, 4 r
cent city Ixioils. The time for ruuk
log armrription n pi red at mid-
niifht Aug. 31. The autcriilioriB
amounted to in.VCV) in ado by rwi
deota of th) t'ity.
I be dinfrence la the prl ol
whwil In Portland and Han rrancixco
by Wednesday ' quotation wan
I14.60 -r too. No wonder the O,
It, A N. can atfird to ship Oregon
wheat to 'FrliK-o fr export. Hoiu-
thing ia wrong with the Portland
Kill tor Williamson In Oregon
AgrlculluriHt and Hural Northwext
diwumeM brU'tty two method of pro
tecting grain from au tamer raina, one
capping the ahM'ka, the other atack
ing. The writer atattv that both
uiuthod r uoinimralively aatV, tho
be i r. f. '-i the capped shocks. He
would put lw le bundltM In a ahock
including Wi-'"rpM. A shock thua
waiU: will -:m.l a fortiiight'a rain.
He object to a stack on account of
It expenae which he mtimatea) at a
dollar per acre, Dealdea there In skill
required to build it bo a to aland
rain, and further there la not a long
dry fall here in which to threaab an
in the MiaHiaaippi valley atatee. The
capiied ahock aeema preferable. There
ia another way of saving grain which
Oregon fanners of 45 year ago found
very aucrewful, sheltering the bun
(Ilea in the barn to be threaahed dur
ing the winter. It la now thot that
barn would be a good way of naving
grain from damage by rain.
The big heat wheat quotation lor
Portland in the report of Wednesday
morning wa C2 cents 'per buahi-l.
I n Han Francisco for the an me date
It waa 07.3.') cent, or 4.35 cent high
er than in Portland. Now, why?
Portland I an export city and had
the distinction laat yearof sending
abroad more wheat than all other
Pacific coaat ports combined. It
look to ua on the out Hide a tho the
Astoria contention is true, that it
tSK-t 4.35 cent to take wheat down
tut) Columbia. Little ships awui
uit to be economical. If it takes big
fillip to cheaply parry wheat let
thein Mtiiji at Af.rla Iftliey cannot
get to i'ort.a.H. If lii mu:,t be
t.)tst llieii tow ihoin from Sao Fr-in
ci-H-o. I: Nihcaprr lo tow a o.uti
loimcr to Acturia tliair it i to lak'
that auiOiiot of wheat to ''aUforci
How much will it i-ofl to t v a atiip
from Han 1-raiicivxi to A-do-i-i'
About fl.'aHI.OOor M cent p r l.n
It cunt fZ.M per ton to laae tin
wheat to the ship. Hut you any It in
not neceHaary to tow the ah! p. H
in urn itie i' nr. ihtre la wnu
thing radically wrong with the Ore-
gon ex porting problem. Oregon ha
deeper and better liarNir than San
Francisco, ha four trans-continental
road to one, for that city, I from
four to fix day nearer the ma'ket
of the world than Puget Hound. Yet
we get lea for our wheat.
JiftlTOy ASh BOER.
In 1652 ihitcb colonists planted
the m Helves in Cape Town booth
Africa. They soon had firm foot
hold a far o the native were cou
cerned, but the colony partook oftbe
fortune of the Kuropeaa Nation.
In 17'.i the liriti-h took possesion of
the territory and held it seven year
at the end of which time the old
government waa restored by a treaty
between home rover omenta. But
the Indepe ndeoce of the 1 Hitch colo
nial was abort lived, for the Kogliah
m looti aifain obtained control. The
butch or Boer a tbey are called did
not Uke kindly to F.ugiiah rule, but
being too weak for battle, they
moved northward to new territory
Their new home i now known on
the map a Orange Free State. Hre
all alliifiaoce to Holland seem to
have been loxt and the BMr were
recognized a independent. The Kng
linh aifain crowded when the Boer
in 18.15 moved north of the Vaal
river a atream of considerable sue
flowing eaat into the Indian Ocean.
Here they took up their pastoral
life and havine no aeaoort they had
little or no intercourse with ouit
lander, foreigner. They soon oc
cupied a territory embracing 114,000
toll'J.INNI atiuare miles, about the
size of Oregon and one third of Wah
ington. There was intense hatred oi
the Kngliah tho the latter recognized
their independence in 1H52. The road
lo the coat wa thru Natal which
F.ngliah culocy leviej a duty on
good carried thru their territory. A
treaty with the Portuguese who held
Delagoa By directly eaat ol the
South African Itepublic, allowed
merchandiae to paa duty free. The
lioer were active in improving the
road to the Portuguese port and were
not politic in their treatment of a na
tive tribe. Indeed they had wrealled
the whole country from nativea a
hundred limts more numerous than
themselves, and held
great contempt.
the blacks i
this suzerainty that the British quote
for authority lo interfering. They
demand that the Boer relax their
franchise law, equalise taxea and
relinquish their monopoly oo dyna
mite. Thia O.KU Paul refuaea, bat
rather make the naturalization law
more rigid. The Kngliah aked for a
commission to adjust differences.
Tbi I in the nature of a court of ar
bitration only the member are to be
Kigliahmen and Bia-r. Pre. Km
ger refuaea to submit his contention
to such torn in ini a. In the mean
time both parties are preparing tor
war, and hoatilitiea may break out
any d iy. The result can be ftre-iid.
En land will win, but it will be at
considerable coat. The lioer are tine
soldiers, and well armed. But it
the old story of tha KiocKerbocker
of New Auu-terdam.
Mii:itiF".H walk.
Mulluoiuah county always looked
cut for the main chance. It aaeea
nient wa low, recognized so by the
other counties of the state. To equa
lize the other counties pi aoe I a low
valuation ou property. Multnomah
went lower. True the allowing waa
bad when comparison with other
Mtatea were made, Washington for
inalauce. The rate of levy wa ah
normally high which kept capital
away that did not understand the
game. A state Equalization Board
wa created. Multnomah' aaaeea-
luent wa raled ev-ry year but the
board, ao the court held, could not
raise the aeement of the whole
state, hence the work of the
board for purponc of cotiiarion and
advertising abroad wa without value.
Multnomah raged, until the lawrrea
ting the board wa repeated. Now
Multnomah county is out doing her
self. There w ill be a lower aases
ment than everbefore and the count)
will have a less state tax to pay. The
deficiency will be made up by the
other counties. But Multnomah
find herself In a hole, the exist cue
of which wa not noticed. During
the time when there was an equali
zation board the tax law was clanged
ao that the city sr-aesament wa abo
lished, and all raven m ftr the
city government must be raiaed on
the property as valued by the county
asseesor. The maximum for the
city taxes Is fixed by law at a mill
rate and when there I a low valua
tion the revenue for the expense of
the city government 1 shy. The
fire department fund is separate from
all other fund and ha a maximum
TiU The assessment this year I
so low that J he efficiency of the de
partment will be Impaired. The in-sun-nee
companies see lowwi a head
because the pislareen ftre department
will not fee able to Imb, Ik blax-.
To even up the laiwwwars coaaaanU-s
raise their rate. Amvdingly what
the property owner saves on tax pay.
ment he xpend on increased insur
ance premium. These is no choice'
in the matti r tho be jr Ms tDiy. '
The native on all sides pooled is
sues and started a war of extermina
lion. To these savage all white men
were alike and the Kngliah colony ol
Cape Town was involved. The Kog
liahmen recognizing that the Boers
were the chief offender, deposed the
Boer administration and in 1877 an
nexed the territory to the other
South African colonies.
This dil not long exist for in 1380
the Boer revolted, bcaelged the weak
garrisons which soon capitulated
The victors rapidly marched Into
Natal and took up a strong position
where they awaited the coming of
the available English force. Th
Kngliah were defeated lu the battle.
Several other skirmishes ended favor
ably to the Dutch when Gladstone
then at the head of the English tuin
isiry made ?ace notwithstanding
there wa a large army on it way to
the scene of trouble.
The treaty recognized the Indcpen
deuce of the South African Itepublic
or Trans-Vaal, for it I known by
'. ith names, In local government
tint exacted the right to advise in
'tatters of foreign treaties and es
peciHily in intercourse with nativ
In the meantime, 18f diamond
were discovered in Trans-Vaal, and
later gold. The Boer are not min
ers, but that mattered not for miners
were numerou enough a soon a i
wa known that gold exist!. Th
gold mine are accounted to be the
richest ',u the world. Kiiglishmen
emigrated there by thousand, and
not a few American are there,
Johannesburg I the seat of this for
eign population ami wealth. Th
IVa'rs remembering their experience
in Cape Town and the Orange Free
Stale have been slow to admit ouit
lander to participate in the govern
ment. The law required a continu
ou residence of five year before the
foreign horn could acquire the right
to vote.
nut a greater grievnnce I the ex
hortiilHiit miner tax levied and col
lifted. The Boers do not mine, or If
they do, they mine tree. Almost or
quite all the revenue for Ihe support
of the government is derived from
the mining tax and the ouitlanders
pay it. The little republic that in
IH78 could not pay running expense
is now rolling In wealth, yet the na
tive take their ease on horse back or
hunt Ihe wild game. They are dead
hot with a Winchester. The for
eign s)pulation chafe under thi
lle of nfTiiir, but Oom Paul, a the
president I known hold a firm rein
and will not admit them to the fran
cliisc, well knowing that in time he
and hi country men would be out
voted and the power hi Boers have
enjoyed would be wrested from them
About two year ago one Dr. Jime
sou led a force of irregular troops on
a raid against the Boers iutending to
force concesion favorable to the
outsider. The atttmpt wa
oi-asirou laiiuie. lie lost many
men in the only battle he had, wldle
the Boer lost none. The whole ex
petition was raptured. It was char
ged that England had a hand in the
raid, but the home government disa
vowed the act, and it in now general
iy aumiiiru tnai Jameson raided on
hi o n account. The failure of thi
raid ha not quieted the English ici
dent of Trans- Vaal. They complain
to their home government of the
B xr and charge that the lime when
they may obtain the right of fran
chise I too long, that taxes for min
ing ls.y high and that the Boer
monopoly in dynamite powder I uo-iu-t.
The Boer on Ihe other hanj claim
they ought to be free and Indepen
dent not only in the matter f lnjer
nJ jfovammofrt biM an H matter of
tewdika rru forrigJi pw-a. It ia
The Albany, Oregon, Herald com
pile thia statement of thi nation'i
financial report for August:
The monthly statement of the
public debt at ow that the debt, le
cash in Ihe treasury, amounted
Jl, 157,306,555, a ilei rease a compared
with the last month of N,281,U6
Thi decrease I accouuted for by
corresponding increase In rah on
hand. The debt is recapitulate! a
follow: Interest-bearing debt, tl
046,043,850; debt on wnlch Interest
ha ceased since maturity, f 1,215,150,
debt bearing no interest,
427; total, 11,436,659,420.
The cash In tho treasury i class!
fled a follows: Gold, 1317,466,960;
silver, $505,059,814; paper, 158,484,
240; bond, deposit in national bank
depositor .e, disbursing officers' bal
aocts, etc., $81,388,867, making a To
tal ol $962,379,881, against which
there are demand liabilities out
standing amounting to $783,027,010,
leaning a net cash balance on hand
of $279,352,871. The net gold in the
treasury today wa 218,757,971 the
largest amount in Ihe history of the
government and an Increase of $877,'
370 over yesterday. The gold certifl
cate so rar withdrawn from the sev
eral sub treasuries for gold amount to
The comparative statement of gov
ernment receipts and expenditures
show that during August 1899, the
receipts from all source amounted to
$19,987,173, an increase over August,
1898, of about $8,150,000. The dis
bursements during the last month
amounted to $45,522,311, as against
$56,260,711 for last August. This
leaves a surplus for the month of $4,
455,862. The receipts from customs
during the last month mounted lo
$20,546,697, against $16,249,699 fot
August, 1898; from Internal revenue,
f24,238,039, against $24,015,031 for
August, 1898; . from miscellaneous
sources, $0,194,436, against $1,517,
073 for August last year.
The disbursement charged to the
war department during August
amounted to $14,981,390, against
$25,163,235 for the corresponding
month last year. The disburse
ment charged to the navy depart
ment were $4,697,965, against $6,3S6,
277 for August, 1898.
Since July 1, 1899, the receipts
have aggregated $97,032,431, as com
pared with $85,728,816 during Ihe
same period last year. The expenses
during the laat two month have
amounted to $102,083,402, against
$130,524,192 for the corresponding
period last year.
The following fine desriplion of
patriotic fervor I from the West
it'ix bury, Mas. New written by
that pair's delegate to the National
itorial Association. To fully
understand it, mention! I made of
the fact that the new England dele
gation come In separate cars over the
Canadian Pacific from Boston and
arrived at Portland hef-ire tin m
July 4th, while the main excursion
of twelve car came from Chicago,
over Ihe Union Pacifi ; and O It.
& N. and arrived in Portland at 9
o'clock in Ihe evening of the same
lay. The latter train contrary to
uual custom was switched on to the
P. Oo. tracks and taken up Fourth
street to the Portland hotel. This
is the paragraph:
On the evening of this glorious
day ou" corfreses who have been
milking their way across the states.
in us. Their arrival i signalized
by blaze of red light aixl for a time
that part of the city that mark their
entrance I lurid. A they approach
he hotel the band under whose touch
for the entire evening we4iavebeen
thrilled, strike up our beloved an
them. "The Hlar Spangled Banner,"
and the crowd of people that throng
the spacion piazx i rise ike one man,
head are uncovered and as the cho
rus is reached there seems not a per
son In that v tat throng who ia not
adding hi part to that grand burst
of song that rises from our hearta to
our lips and in to m ,e the very
arches of hei wu re I We who
have come from the n gip-d of
he Atlantic to thn n-tul shorts
he P.ii-iltc lo I in tiei.rl and hand
n our ui ion's gn-.it f -.tival, feel i-i
the tlimax if Uii hour pcrh as
never liefore, that there 1 no inr.h,
no sooth, no east, no west; it i ill
our country, we are all equal sh. r
n the glories over which that ha i-
ner waves. What a welcome fr
weary traveler-! I it strange that
r Ihe moment they forget the
wtarioesa of hnmlreils perhaps thou
sand of miles of travel, a they join
d lo wild applause and their cries
for repetition were mingled wiiu
those of ours whose fatigue bad hours
since been furgotten?
decrwe aJl order of Kue. l.uevl out
I III circuit cuurt f tti (tale uf it rami,
for Washington -o.iniy in favor uf C L' a
tra rxn-ator ol Hi Ut ill an. I iniiinriii
Mm Volm, Aniou t'liinr, a Hughr ami
A t'tiuiiaii aM-tgiier ol tlie ol' .- it-
lon l'iuiiiMr an iilrf nl flcl.t r for Ihe
uine l j c.'i ami the funhrr surii of
II I tii l' koI.I coin aitU in r t th rvi,
tl Im rml ol I" ir rt-iit rr a Hum from
llic IMii dy of January I-'.iTii. liar lui
llirr num o II A alloi im- s Ua ii li iti r.
r llirrrou fr-jiii tli 3-lli ilay ol' January
!. l llu- rlr of rt iirlil r unuiu
anil Ihe furliti-r um of l-l 1 1 nub inirrt-i.1
UirmMi al llir rair ol a per cul yrt anin in
Irotit tbe '.I'lti Jay of Jnuwitiy IvtjaM.t l ti
ciwliiulKl(ruv4ilNiir udn alrit
Now. llirr forr, by vir ur and in h-tii-aiii-
ol i- iid jiiitmriu tlt-rw an or.U-r ol
ral- I vil , on MiHulay llir l b ilj-, ol
rN-i)ttiiilirf lr t at liir aoin Ii Jor ol thr
t-tHirt hoilwin HilUlioru Va-l;lni:lon t:olin-
ly Ort-tfni al t liour of I" n t loek a m i-f
aull ilar. IK-II I t pllMri- aiN-tloll 'o lilt- hlll-
nl blutrr forrah tin- loMoaing ,lrnt rilir
real prorrly lnit-
ll l-in llir rwt i all of Hi' norlliru-tl
inarter ol Mtloii our 1 1' 111 towiiMlu onj
1 1 north of raiia lour4l t of tin- Wil
Mer corilailiilnc rnrhtv oerva of land rl
rrit a Vi.-T scr trail oil Hie ortli .ml of
aid aliovr dtM-rinrtl trai-t and lii ti
botllujrd ax folio: tii(illllillK at tbr 11
L-oriM of 1 t III r 4 w. Will Her and
i unuin f thr::r nouth t :tu w aioni; llir
towtuhi n Iiih 1 rhstlirnca miuiIi vhf
to llici-rnlrr of llir county roud iIim
north as U'i' e atonic etntrr of ai.l rn.
St (li'ichi lothr r aii(?- line on I lit- r iil
ms 1 tfirtirr north ulolitf aaid rain;r :inr
17 Si rha to id rr of IM-Kiiuiing- routuininx
t, 7 -- I land all in alnni;t nrwin
Iy lln-Koi t aaiivfy Ihe h ri-int-t'orr
naniMl muiii! and tor the cowU and r&it.iMs
o aid Hah.
Haul prop rly Bill he Mid tnilijcrt to re
demption an ki ntalnle ol lin-on.
Wiltima uiy hand . his I jtl: day o Auful
W. P. M.AIruKl,
Slieriti for Vnliinrti.ii County. Oregon.
I V U r. Hi Klimau euu v.
iSiiiith Ac Poainan,
1I7 Attorneys for I la nit ill
1 decree and onler of milr. Iksuoi mil
id I he circuit court or theatatir of urceon,
for WaahiiiKton county in favor of Han
nan K rwottins. friiardiau of the entate of
Claud I Bcolhnaa n inor arid axainat I V
eaird. Alcell ttaird.U i: Hyrne.U A Ad-
ama, i H IioIiik dom r biiaine-ui un er lli-
naiueaiid atyleof J H lioineilx 'Jotupany,
J i' Mamh-ol and Kox A M.imliall for tin-
il in of I'A SO conta and or the further auiii
of Jlil U H Kohlcoiii with inlenut there
in at Ihe rate of 10 ier cent per annum
from the 12' h day of June IHH and the fur
tiler nun of IL'ii mi h inti-n-ei thereon al
the rata of S per cent per annum from the
sni day ol August l aa attorneys tees
ml for th coetM and expeuaea of aiile and
of said wri'.
Mow. therefore, by virtue and in pen.ii-
anoe of said julCinent decree and order of
ale I will on Monday the lath duv of Sept
ember lsutt, at the nouth floor of tlie court
houaein lii Inborn. VVa.ilnnntou countv
(Ireiroii at the hour of 10 o'clock a in of ui i
duv rell at public auction to the hiKhcet
bidder for cash the foil wing dcacibed
real iironertv towil:
iit'KmniiiK ata i ouit in trie south line ot
lieo. Kicliarda'ina d I c distant r.'.HUchs
W 12' of I has Burntiania e conn
thence n 43'' 1. e..73 chains to the e cor
ner of the west half of said tieorte liich
arduous d 1 e thence n 2" w 14 .ii chains to
the e corner of the school house 1 t thence
went ii t baina the:ice n it' 54' w on the
ineafiaid school house lot H.(7 elm
thence three chs thence n if4 M' w 4.Z'
chs to center of Taylor Kerry Roud thence
4" ia w io.oo chains thence 4 an
.4ucha thence s 48" l.V w 7.21 chains to n
w corner of twenty acre tract sold to Per e
Morin. thence a 4.V 12' e 2.i"i chs to the
;lace f beKinniiia; contaiiiiii 3l k7 acres
All in section t tp 2 sou h -an el wot of
he Will S'er to satl-ly tlie lien-inlx t re
named sums and for the costs and expen
ses of - ule.
8uid proiiertv will be sold subiect lo re-
uetni lion aa per sbttuie o I in-t-on
n itiieo my hand this 14 day of A tiirus
W. IX BKAIlKOlll),
Hlierltl of Wa hiiiKton county Orefron
ly U. K. iajichinan V
, A. MOary,
1.1-17 Attorney Tor Plaintiir.
Mr. II. K. Warner, of Mindca,
Neb., tuid:
"Ia 1S54 I wa attacked with
paralysis in my left aide. You
might stick a pin to the bead into
my left hi? and I would not tVl
it, I was unable to do any kind
of work and had to be turned in
bed. I maJe tip my mind that I
could not be cured as I had used
all kinds of medicine and had
tried many doctors. I was ad
vised to try Dr. Williams' rink
Pills for Pale People, and com
menced their use last September.
Before I had finished my first box
I felt better, and by the time I had
used six boxes the disease had en
tirely disappeared, and I have not
been so free from pain since I was
a boy. The paralysis also disap
peared, and although two months
have passed since I finished my
last box, there has been no recur
rence of the disease." From tht
GazetU, MirnUit, Nti.
j Mitchell Wagons
I. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
eoeuin, in a condriurd form, all the ele
ments aeeeaaarv lo give Dew life and rich
Bras to the blood and imore shnttrml
nerves, ihey are an unfailing perinc ...r
such diaraaea a loeommor ataxia, pajial
paralysis, tit ilua dance, ariam-a, neura
tia. rheumamm. arvoua mi-nc,
a.rttr.rle-ta of tlie irrin. tailpitatloa
heart, pale aod sallow enniplenona, ana su
form of weaknuss either in niaie or female.
Be. Wllllsau' flak Ma) lor ftla Pseehi
aeia sf ins siea ar aaaSr. k4 ahssn la saeH
aeas. At stl Smri. er eirect la Or. Wil
liam Maswhie CaaiM"T. SckaecUd, . T t
seats ser ea. sou 41 &0.
anial B
ural- B
I Have Moved
Into the Odd Fellow's build
ing", corner of Main and Third
in all lines. No second hand or
shoddy goods. Prices low.
Furniture Dealer.
I. ad Orru sit Uaiona rrrr. Oa.
Aiia-.-JA. ISH9
the lollnwiiiK-haincJ aettler baa lilol
notice of his intention to make final pronf
11 aupport 01 nw claim, anil Hint Haul pi
rill lie made before the Kciriatrr n ml
ceiver at Urenoii I ilv, on Oct. H liwi.vis
M m'NtfMfMMt.
. K. 113n9 f r the B K of II T3 N K
ILe names the folloarinir witneawi lo
prove hia continuoiia reeidenre uion and
eiiiiivimoii 01 saiu lanu vu:
.Myron rlapidiaw ol lialcs I'rtik, Ore.
1 'lilh I lupahaw "
lliver I'urtisa " "
Kthel Curtias '
1'-U Kettiater.
AdniiaiiatrMtrix Xollre.
Xoticc is hereliv ciren that the under
liiieil has been atiiaiinlml ailfiiiniatrntrix
of the eatate of lirie t-inrlair, di-cd., Iiv
ol onnty lonrtnf the Mate of Oreimn
for WaKliiiikton countv. All licixina hav-
iH claims airainnt said rnlate are rviitKt-
ei loprcaeniine same 10 lite iindcranrned
itliinsix nion ihs I nun Ihe ilntc heieof.
July 27, IM'.W.
ilmini-tratrii ol the estate nl licorire
M lie I air, dpiil.
University of Oregon,
Tuition Free.
Firt U-rin bearing S.-pt. IS, IS'.iO.
Kiivllonf inures in Am-iimt and
Mol-ra ltngudkra, Ncli-mvs, Maih
pniatira ftc. Oradiinlfa frnm the
tenth jrraiie and fnvn all accmlitiil
rlioil tuin i:i.d uii:. .ut exaniina
S'lnlcnla not fully M parol to i-n-ter
can lake alu linn In wliicli they
are. iltfl.ien', In (he F.ntrene City
IliKh Ht hool.
St. Charles Hotel
I'raiit and Morrison Mree t. 1'orllniid Oregon.
Electric Liu'liU, Electric Rells and Hydraulic Elevator.
l.'.ll KoiiniN at 25 to Mr, Kaltea, 75, te l. Keod Kentariraiit
Give its a call.
Say how much himler have yon pot now?
Well w hiivn't as ninch as we had but have GRKAT RIG TIM'S
of all kinds of finishing lumlier dry, and making 18,000 feet every day,
all cm from the licst yellow fir that grows.
Yard at Hillsboro
North of depot. All kinds of building material furnished at lowest
pn es. CorresjHinucnce solicited.
Mountaindale Lumber Co.
Acker's Enrich Itemody t ill atop a
couch lit any time, and will cure the
orl cold in twelve hours, or mnurv re-
fiiinlcil. 25 and M cent at IrlLi Iruir
X 01 ice of final Settlement.
Notice in lierehy eiven that tlia nmlrr-
giifiKHl has lileil his linul neennnt sa ad-
tninii'tiator of the estate of John I.
Walker, derea-ed in the roiinly iviiirt of
the state of Orctmii. for Wa himjton
ciniitv, and Hint aanl court hna appointed
Monday 1 he '.'ml day of I l. I.S'.'.i, at 111
o clia K in the lon'inxinoi kihi u.iv a me
time for hr:iiiuit ohj ct ion to 11 '1 tiinil
account, anil for the s -ttli-iin-nt tin .inf.
r. w. iiii)ii-.m.
Ailtniniatrntor f the entitle of John T.
Walker, ileteaiieil, 1V.I
esl That Can Be Made
The factory writes lis thit
loads lH-liiu l their orders.
tltcv are over Two llmul:
This imli'Mtes to some
extent the denntid f-r t'.iis w 1.
( tn. tint. tineJ for ti." w.ir- .is
It litars an established reputation
the liest wagon possible to build.
Its combined merits are:
Strength, Durability, Best Qual
ity of Materiol thruout, Best
Quality of Finish, Best Proportion
And away aliove all others it stands at the he.nl of the list in its
reputation for light running qualities.
It is beyond all question the lightest running wagon in tlie
First and Taijlor Streets.
Mailt Tea nrwdlhelj rare Sick Mi vd
he. inttik ation- and conptittion. A
It'liiditlui lierh drink lieiuovra all cniii-
tiona of the skin, pnalncini: a Krlivl 01111-
nlcxiou, or money r'iui"ii it. -1 n.. ami
i eta. Hie lclta'lriiK Store.
Trenanrer'ai AadiVc.
i.1 ad 1'iiuiiijr Warrnnts rn,lor-d
lo Inmiary I. i. ire or reneemao
Ibrt.ilueoi tlie loiii'v o a-urer. In
llillahoru Iouiht ol VV ,il,inUin, a, ,
nteiet will ciuae on Ihe antue aiie U
A. II. l AHV.
JVI6 Coantv I ree.-ir. r
Jt 1
l.l.'i l.i T'i
t.'.O lo 175 I
Cutarrh Cannot be Cared
with l"cal njijil i-n t ions, aa they cannot
le.-n-h 1 he ai-:il of the diwaao. I'iiiiirrhia a
hlood or conatiliitioniil diaca-H-, mid in or
der to cure it you iniiat take internal rein-r-dii.
H.-ill's l atarrh I'ure ia taken inter
nally, and arta directly on the lilooil and
iiiiii-owa aurlacea. ilall'a 1'atiirrh I'ure ia
not a Uack medicine. It waa prcacnlx-d
by one of 'he leat phyaiciuna in thia coun
try for ycara. and aaa re. ular priacripion.
Il ia comi'r-d "I ' he l-ft tonu-a known
conhiiM-d with the licat hlood 'iirilicra, ai--inir
ilirec !y on the miicous surface. 'Ihe
iH-rtect cninliinittion of the two inurr-ed cut.
ia wi ut fi:olucca such wonderful resul a
in ciirinx Catarrh, iVnd for tcafimoniala
Address V . ('II EX K Y A Co., Toledo.!)
riold ly lni!.'iri!Oa. 7v.
Hall's Kamily I'ills ure tlie best.
The Academy prepares for College and fliccs
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses ceru lotc. Board and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 to $ per nreck, including
f.lectric light and heat.
Lnder expenced management, trill fur
nish rooms and beard at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed $1.50
For full paiticulars, address
Forest; Groce, Oregon
20, 1S99.
Hilisbiiro Pharmacy
Ttirc fresh dntga, H ruslics, Taints, Oils, Sponges and all Druggi
Sundries, Fine first-clasi cutler- a stiecialty.
Extra ( ar In I iniaalliif Vrftcrliitlon.
laar Kacf.
rthows the stale of your fi-elinita and the
alute of your health aa well. Impure hlood
fuaki-a itel apparent in a pale amlanllom
completion, l implm a'nt hkin Kruptiona
If you are Icelm- w-ak and worn out and
do not have a healthy npfieariini'e you
should try Acker'a ;Io,h1 Klmr. 1 1 run-,
all MoimI diaenaea a hen-cheap r-aranpanlla.
Slid xi called purifiers fail: knoaiiiK thia
e ai-ll every lajtlienu a pointireiriluranti-.
The lK-lt:i i rug .-tore.
.lraiinilrsilr'at .tlrr.
Buy where
you can
buy cheapest.
TIk; nt'iils from
is t!i(! ooon'st i 1: i
For rataksjrap an-1
matlun, aililfrssi Ihe
linn. J. J. Walton, ,
further inlor
rmiili nl or
Ai-'y Knireii
lnH hula
S rlinifai
fiealer in
L McCormick,
' Store in Morgan-Hailey P.uiMing.
Maia Street. MUlaljuro Urego
Xotii i lierehjr given that lhe nn-lor-siuiieil
has la-en duly appointed l.r the
ciMinty coart of lh state ol Orrvon, for
Wa: hiiiKton cotintr, adiiiini.-trat-ir of llir
e.-taie of Mrrtle JUtea. deceased and
has duly na 1 1 lip. I as nch and entcml
nm the diKrharife of hi. ilutii-a.
All a-rana therefor) lifirinK ilaima
s:ii' at liie estate of the ai, lame K
1 1 nine are herehjr reonc-ted are! rvinir"l
to prearnt them t-i the un lT-iwn-, at
the law ntlM-e o Tti-. II. A It. T,niifue
in llillahoro, Wa-hin(rton county I n-ifon
w ithin six months illn the Hale In re l.
llillslaini, I rejon, A lift V, lw.e.i.
J. VV. Itir.
Admiiy-tritor of the estate '4 Mrrtle.
gate, deceauwd. 12 lu.
Cortland think tins
co to sell pan.'r in
IJciison: tin-
, ''V
in iocs
UH'V vxvv saw.
Ia I)r.rJ-iM)I'iXT has tho trade
S , .. I 1 .T 4.1. .A 1 1
wUiutMi, uojmiioni and low
1 apor of all mados, no order too
larp' or too small.
Hillsboro, Ore.