4 Job printing Our Job Printing Department Surpasses any in the Couuty for neatness, quickness and cheapness. Call and be con vinced. dUP OFFER lHUKfk.nvKnr and Weekly Oregoniait, both for $J.oo per ' year. InDKPKNIIKNT and the Twice-a-Wetk Courier-Journal both for only $1.60 jr year. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON CDUNTY, ORECON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1899. Vo!. XXVII No. 1G GENERAL DIRECTORY. TATK Or riCKUH. liovemof -T' -T euut. rublie lntriioti.. J- A'Jk"r"" "" : ;;;;:;.ci.Z 0iiZ& crt j ;;::;;;:;..Hi,,iSS iH.irini T. A. MaUrul Attorney r"illb Inatriet T J. Use ton I (XiUNTY timotua. J mix Omubi iaelouere . L. A. Hood ...J. W A. Young r.o. Toda 'lrk Mtnll tlMorder I riwtnrcff heuool rliipuriuUiudent Korveyor Coroner I. A. lraire ...W. 1. Bradford talfin Je ... ...A. H.tady A. C I II. A. Hall A. A. Morrill C. L. Large OHKttON CHI V LAND OfrTCIS. t'ba. 11. Moore M m. ual.oway... . KUtr . Iieoasver UIIV OfUCKlUt. .W. N. Barrett, Mayor Tho. Turker J. M. tlreear W. H. Whrung K. Waxne"" i. (Jarsten Hoard of Trustee G. . Wilaoi Ileniou Boaniao KeOOrdaf I'reamirer Mnritlial f initio of I'eaoa J' Hon 'I Kerlil TI.O till W IK Hniilb H H Humphrey hJr OVVU'U INrOUMaTlON. 1 h. ...11 alone at the Uillidjoro Poet itlenoo. Wat Uuieu, Helhany and Cedar AC ill. at 7: a. m. .!..... y..mh a:U1 a m. Oolug to Portland aud ay-orooee, tM a. ai . ami 4 p. ni. .... . , For t'aruiiiiRton and Laarel. daily ai II (mUltCH AND HOCIKTY NOT1CE8. CIONOUKUATKINAL OMUBUH, eornat yMaiu and Filth atresia, t-raaahinu tv..ry ttnlilMtb. morning aud evening. Sao, Lath school at 10 o'oloch a. m. J"ryM aiantiDK 1 hnraJay avrmntr. V. f. B. JJ. un.lay at p. in. All arl ' hort, hrlKln. inmrtlii and helpfnU Kvorvona cordially wai-onia. KVAN I". HlHiHKC Pa.Ur. I1VANOEI.ICAI. CIUIKCH. Vj Fifth and Fir Hreachinn aary Hunday avninx at p. ." 11.M,a at II a. m.l rlundiiy anhmil at 111 a. wa. (.rnyar nwtma every Wadiioaday aaniu; mohnra nmuu . M J lulliiiiiyii',1 pailor. MK. Olll'KHII, R. A. A.UIna. paator. Freaoliiiix every Mabbath monimnaud eveuuiH Hnbhaili miIiouI every Habbath at li) 4. a laae ninelinR every Hunday at Mi r . wneral prayer mtwtiuR every Thoraday eveninu. Iadera' and Hteward a nitwtuiK the U'i'd Tooaday eveniua of aaoh Mmtk, 1 (IMRIrtTIAS ("IITIK H. Irai'liln(r d V an. I 4 li Biinilaya i" each niontti at II in. rrnyer mertiiiK T.iUreduy evemiiK. C'liriatinil umlcavorat 7 p in k.. II. Hit KAFUORK I'antor. A. O. I. W. UlILHUUlUr LWB NO.! . A. (. 0. W Mieta every Ural and third Friday evemn enoli month. J. M. UKKKAR.M.IW. W. II. W ehriinn, Reoordur. Ilaaithler ( Brbekak. UII.IIUIIH RKBF.KAH LOIK1K NO 64, I. O. O. F.. nieeta in Odd Fellow ball evert Balurday eveniuK- r. r ii. IM.HHOItO OltANliK, NO. 78, BMh ftid aud Ith -- Ujof each aaonth. imuriBLD, Maatvr, 11 . at. 0. . MONTK1'M.t .am. OK. NO. AO, Bet Wediienday eveninif at o'eVook.Ul l.lt. F. Hall. Viaitore made weleowa. , I). M. U. GtctT. hea'y. Hrirrre Heaei. ritllK DKOIlfcK OP HONOR, A. O. U. J W.. nieri" m (KM Fellow' hall every brat and hird Friday evi-ulna of each nionih. M. M. HriiUtee,C of H. Mra. Nellie Hare, Ru order. IUIhlwni ftixtrra. 1)IIKNK IA TKMI'f.K NO. 10, R. K, meUevnry 2nd aiu. 4"li Friday ineai-b month at 7:!Ki o t-laa yifBrunjinai. Mra S dappimclon Mr Nellie II ira at. a). C M. ol H. and 0. a. r p. ftlllKNIX UtIHIK NO. M, K. OK P. 1 meeU in M wmio Hall on Monday iVfOinu of each week, rlojourniun brethren aelouoted lo loiUie meetinira. A. P. and A. M. flM'Al.tTV LOIH1K NO. ft, A. P. A A. M., 1 meela every Kalnnloy nU(ht on o after lull moon of eah month. W. M. H A RRKT T, W. V. K. l'ael.i, feerelary. O. E. H. rpi'Al.ATIN CHAITKR, NO.81.0. 1 nieet at Maoiiuo Temple on the 2nd and 4h Tneaday ol each month. K. 0. T. a. t IOI.A TKNT, NO. lit. K. tV T. M., meel in tMl Fellow' Hall, on ee and fourth Thurdy evening of earh month. L. A. LONO, Baania Hiwa, Coot, R. K. T A!IIINOTON ENCAMPMENT No.fi. I. . O. F.. meeta oa brat and ir.l T -dT of eaoh month. C K lei'hman viEM. RIH(H( 0KP!t MO. 4T.;W B. C. MKKT4 IN 01I FKl.lOWlt HALL Hillnbofo. on Ih lit, tnd Sd. Friday of ea?h month at p. m. Mr. II. V. Oatea. Eliiah'th tH'ranilali, Hretary. villi. BI1SVV P0HT, SO. , H. A. B. KKTS IN ODIt FRI.UtWlt II Al l. ON it I the lirt ami third !iarlay of each f. nth, !:() o'cioek, I. M. . I'. Uirk. R. Crandall P. C, Adiiltanl. If tile Damp find Clllll penetrate, look out lor aa attack of But deep as tha Oa ;fo bTI penetrate and Sciatic nenra U, Ol JUCODS JU quiet Us racking pais. FSUI'CHHIOSAL C'ABIM THO. TOCB, E. S. TOSOl' '. tary Public, TIIOSH.AE. B. TOfttitK TTORN EYS- AT-LA W, HIIXBOHO, UUfcUOM. Ornoa: Koouie S, 4, a , Morgan W. S. BARRETT, i A ' A 1TORNEYH-AT-LAW, HILLHHOUO, OKKOON Unui: Oeulral Klooa. Koou and saaTua kotary Pool. v. 0. enura. MUTH BOWMAS, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW. HILLHHOUO, OREGON. Omoat Rooms aad 7. Moriiaa Mook. UKO. B. BAULK Y, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, UII.UJBORU, ORKUON. Baaidenl agent for Royal Inauraaca 0 Roomi: 1, X and S. Bhula BullJing. H.ZT. UAUl.tV, A TTflRNEY ANI A fOUNCKLOlt-ATlAW UILLriBORU ORKOOS. Oapoty Diitriot Attornay for Waaliln ton OViunty. Orrica: Over Delta Drag Btor. . T. LISIt LATER, H. B. t'. M. pHYSICIAN AND8UKGEON HILLSBORO, ORKUON. Iimnai at rnaidno. aaat of ou Honaa. whera ha will be found at all uoui when not iaitin patienU. J. P. TAB1EME, . IU SP. R. R. SUROl-XJIM, a Ornea aao Raamaao i corner Third and Main ritreeta. Othoe houra, uw to w a. n.. I to A and 7 to p. ni. 'lelephone to reaidenoe from Brook Hela' lruirtore ai all boara. All oalla promptly aeuu, niuhl or day. r A. BilLET, M. V. IHY8ICIAN, RURfJKON AND L AUUOUCHEUR. HILLHBORO. OREOON. Omoat In Pharmacy, Union Itlook. Oalla attanded to, niuht day. KtwidMee, o. vr Our. Baaa tana aud beoond atreeta. 8. H. HUMPHREYS. nONVEYANCINQ AND A B8TRACT1 NO OK TITIJ, HILU41IOUO. OREOON. Legal papered 'awn and Loanaon Real Batata negotiated, Bueineaa attended to with proaiptueaa and diapait h ja. a, THOMraoa, aorT rcacio. THOll'SO?! NO. 30 vcara eiixrU nr in OITlre IkoI Bual nrra. Urnrial triiaUeiecuU'd. I'roptirty of Itaiatea and liulivmuula caied lor. Ottioe at til llaiaar, Fnrl drove, Oregon t. E. VEIUEB, IIOMFX)PATIlIC 1 J, I'll Y8ICAN AND 8U1UIIX)N. FORKbT GROVK ORKUUN. HneHal attention pnid to Medical and 8urniral Ihaeaam of Women and t hildrvn and all chronic diaeaMa. OHHo and reaidenre. Bowlhy hnUM Pacific aye., west of Fomt Urov hotel. B. SIX0JI, JJENTIST, FoBKHT GROVK, ORKUUN Beat art. ilal teeth per aet. Oenient and Amalaam Allinir Ml cen'a at-h. Hold tillintra from $1 up. Vitulixed air for pain- lea extraction. Urnei three door north of Brick bora. Oflto hove from t a. ai. tot p. m j. e. abe i xx, Dentist, HILLSBORO, ORKC.ON, Orrit a Uoi an: 9 a. m. lo 4 :'M p. ni. Office in Union Mta-k oyer Pharmacy. WOMILRFI L II BE 0E ItllR. KII0EA. & PR0JII5E1T VIBIJHIA F.IMTtlH Had a I meat glvea it, bat tta kreag hi kark; U nerfect kealth by ( kamber Iain's l elle, 4 baler aid IHarrkwea Remedy. brad bin tin Fori tL. I su ITcml with diarrhoea for a ong time and I hoi I was paat being cured 1 nai apeni much lime anil money and raftVmi no much minery that had aim net derided lo give up all hoiea of recovery and await the re sult, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, lliolera and Diarrhoea lleu.My and alM some teatimoniala atating how some won derful eurta had beeu wrought by this remedy, I decided lo try it. After taking a few dunes I waa en tirely well of that trouble, and 1 wish to my further to my reader and fellow aufferers that lama hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did In my life. O. R. Moore, Editor of Time, Uilbtille, Va. Bold by Delta Drug Store. 4TTHE WSTERrl, a 1 r - .ek f Oir COUWT if via BY" FRED COPYrttOHT IbStSl Cf THE AMtRKAN PRTSS A&&?C1ATK)M Now that I waa bera and my heart toratlng with tbe news I bad to tell tbero, I waa nnable to otter a alexia word. I an prose I dreaded being dia conraired. I bad formed lovely bope so many time and on each occasion tbey bad been daaued from me tbat I np Does I feared to be told by Corufnky tbat all tbis wbicb uiy student bad told me was mere boncombe: tbat be bad takra me in, and tbers waa not a word of trntb in bii story. "You U probably aay it all s tisane of lies." I blurted at length, witb diffi culty. "That's extremely probable." said Corufaky, who bad been soared of lute by bis ill surceases and was not in tbe beat of bnniors. . "At any rate, old man, we'll con sider it in its bearings," said Percy "Three bcada ars better tban one, though I admit yours is not sncb a bad one. Is it so very incredible J" "On tbe contrary, I doe't think it is so stall." I said, "but txrofnky may " Sontenner' mid ltnmf$ky. "She shall not pay Aim anotAcr pennu." with his detective order of mind, and 1 simply dread to be told there's nothing in it because , " 'Well becaaae what t" mid Borof- ky "1 shall criticise. It is my duty Dnt I shall be only too glad to reccgnir a real clew I "I think it is a real cltw, and tbat I now know what became of my poor fa tber," I said. "Yon see, tbe student couldn't have known tbat we" "titopl Von forget that we should like to hear the tale itself before listen ing to your comments on it." laughed Uorofsky. Then I told them as clearly as I con Id, and witbont tbs circumlocution that my conceited student garnished tbe tale with, how father had been cruelly and wickedly entrapped and substituted for a wretch wbo was wanted by tbs police, and bow tbs police bad fallen into tbs ambush prepared for t belli. and bad in all probability deported fa ther to Siberia, while Andre was left to live in luxury and freedom. I panned when I bad finished tba story Then. "Ureal Cassnrl" mur mured Percy. Borofeky meditated In alienee. "Well Borofuky." 1 said presently. don't keep ma in sunpensa. 1 long to besr your opinion. Is tbe tale true or a tisane of lies?" Stop I" said Dorofxky. "Did you tell tba rsacsl anything of yonr Journey to Erinofka and yonr finding of a clew there T" I reflected a moment "Xo," I said. "I don't think I did. I'm sore I didn't." Abl Then the tale is true." aid Bomftiky, "for it fits in with that hich ws know, nolens, of coo rue, be wss sharp enough to put two and two ogether and bnild bis tale on tbe ru mors be may have beard of our re- earchea at Erinofka. His precious so riety, or brotherhood, or gang of thieves, or whatever you like to call it, may bsve besrd of onr being on tbe scent there, even though it were not tbey who murdered the wretched little peasant who nronght yon Information. " "No, "said Percy. "Tbe Erinofka bit belong all right ; it in part of onr affair Tbe little peanut told na a true tale end Buffered death for it Who mnr- ered hirof Why, these infernal ras cals; poasihly the stndent himself. Tbs story is coneistent Dorofnky, from be ginning to end. Doris has got bold of the right nisn at lent Yoo were after him. I know, for weeks, and therefore tbe credit is ynnrs as much as bis; but Boris it was that nabbed birn. Well one, Boris, old boy t You deserve your success. Uad. Horofskyl lonwouldn t bare gone In after the fellow Into an ice bole I Come, wonld yon tost" norofrky. pleased with the compli ment conveyed in the earlier partjef tbe sentence, smiled acquiescence. "I don t tbink I wonld, be ssid. "I can't swim. Yes." be continued, "tbe story sounds conitent enongh, and it may be tbat onr little rascsl has come over, body and soal. Into tba enemy's j csnm. " "And no wonder either. I should say, said Percy, "since they starved I him in tbs other, while ws offer blra food anil raiment and shekel of gold nd of silver Thi student know which side of his bread ia well jammed I" "Tbe thing is. could the police bsvs been such ntter idiots as this wonld prove them." I said. "and. again, if they have blundered, will tbey acknowl edge tbeir blunder sad allow poor fa ther to come bark t" "Tbe police blnnder often enongh.' said Bonifsky. "There would he net nice: extraordinary In tbat Tbey wonld bave dragged the count cf ronm An dre A Co I mean so thst be could not protest bis inaoctnee when arrested: at any rate, act ia a comprebenible man ner. As for whstber tbe police will ad it their blunder, tbat remains to be en. niniit Interview tbe prlstsf h arrested kirn. Tbe student will tU yr-i which district tbe hooe lay in." ".nd if tbey simply laaga ia onr fact as my fellow says tbey probably will, what tbeat" "The, apparently be has, another MA ilJ - - ' tfaH WHI5HAW 1 card op his sleeva." ssid Borofsky, "snj since be seems 'to be very proud of it snd very snxious to prodnce it for a wags ws may bope it is a trump. " "If it is tbs key tbat will unlock fa i'uer secret and bring biin back to bis own," I said, "mother will pay any amount for it and feed the little rascal liks a fighting cock all bis life beeides. ' "Koneensel" said Borofxky quits angrily "She "ball nut pay bitu an other penny. Thi time he shall swal low tbe piil which is net glided. I shall take bini in band myself. Yon bave dons well Count Boris, but nut too wisely 1" "Let's tackle tbe police first. " I said "There's no need to quarrel over tbs other matter yet awhile. I'll junt go back aud find out from my man the ad dress of the bouse in which my father bad been placed in order to be arrested, according to tbe scheme of Andre and bis friends." Tbe student wss in a bad bnnior, I found. I had forgotten tosend np wine, be complained. , '"You shall bave it presently." I promised, snd I bade biui tell me at ouce tbe address I required. "Not till 1 bave tbe wine I" said he "Ion shall bavs it ths mutant yon have told me. " I replied angrily. "Do yon tbink I grudge yon the winet What is it to me if yon besot yourself witb two bottles or three t" "Not a Word till I see tbe winet" he replied obstinately. Had be known it. his pigheadednesa cofit tbat student dear, for I tben and ttrere determined that bis next secret, if required, should not he unlocked with a key of gold, as tbe first bad been Borofiky should squeeze it out of biin Tbe little fool seemed to forget or ignore that we bad the terror side of biin, if we cared to attack biui at a disad vantage CHAPTER XXV .AN INTRRV1KW WITH THE POUCH The student got hie wine sud I the required sddress Some remark wa made as to the length of tine I bad been in bis room, but I snid nothing of the nndignitied defeat I bad suffered Then I went witb Boroftky to the prist a f of the second oochastok of te Vaimil) ()truf divisional police, lenv ing Percy on daty a I home to hang sbont the paswige and see that my friend tbe student waa np to no mi chief We found the prixtaf nt home snd Borofi'ky did all the talking fur onr aide, excepting when I was addressed and wa obliged tu answer The official looked coldly at n as we entered Rnmiun official bavs a most disagreeable way I bave never seen any Muscovite in authority without tbis particnlar manner a kind of dis dainful and supercilious hauteur which neither affability nor buinor nor gross Battery will penetrate, but only, occa sionally rather often tbe almighty and all penetrating ruble. "Yeat" said the priataf. "We bars called." said Borofsky "to consult yuu aouui a certain arrest effected by yoo or your men on or bout the" "Stop!" said thepriatnt "Why have I to liHten to this? Ia the case still sub jndice?" "Yes snd no," said Borofsky boldly. "It has been jndged, or went witbont Judgment; but it must be reopened." "Wbo say sot" "Theme wbo have suffered injustice by it." "Injustice' Tbst Is a foolish word to n?e in this place Proceed. Wbo has tnffered injntice the delinquent t" "The convicted, yes: he snd others "Indeed I How sot He was convicted. yon say, snd, of conree. pnnixhed. Ha bi innocence only now come to light?" "It is not a matter of innocence and gnilt, prist a f A great blnnder ba been committed"- A blunder! Dence take it, what blunder! Where in tbis oocbastok ? It is imposMilile!" I admit that the department in this quarter is riot to be snspectcd of blnn dering. as a rule, "ssid li.mfaky. "Jus tice reigns supreme in this oocbastok and in the boeom of its enlightened pristaf. bnt this time yon bave been tbe victim of an organised conspiracy." Well, proceed, snid the pristaf. not in the lesst flniTied or softened by llorofsky i flattery Tbe fellow took it for what it wss worth, and he knew the value of the compliment of the wbo came to make appeals st ths police conrt "Proceed." be said. "We have blnn red. bnt tbrungb no fault of onr own Someone ha betn too clever for na Yea; proceed, air." "Yon must allow me to tell yon the details of the affair, prietaf. " said poor Borofsky, feeling that his remark best like wsves npon tbe bard rock of tbis man's official impenetrability "Why sbonld IT" said the pristaf "It is snrely your dnty to Investigate mstters which sre declared to yon to need investigation and to art right that which is wrong Here is a ce in which, as I say. a terrible mistake l as been made" "I am not the Judge." said tbe pristaf coldly "My duty ia to carry ont the instruction of my superiors sad to keep order in my ditrict.' "Nevertheless a word from yon sig nifying tbat a mistake may bavs been made would canse those superiors to reconsider ths matter wbicb is con cerned. On the other hsnd. sbonld yon refuse to say tbat word tbe conrt could scarcely reopen any question unless influence and pressor were applied from witbont" "Coma Tbis la mere waste of time aad idle talking." said tba prists! looking closely st Borofiky and at me. I tbink be wished todiscera whether be bad can to fear aay sock influence Co Vis twd oi fiwlh rag. i njumxis, ma meory of the uemrxricy I -isf trusts are the creatures of pro- lert ton ana that they cannot exist uii.n r iree-iraiie. it should I ex piaineo that this Is the avoweil theory oi i ne democracy, rather than its . ""r't tieiier; a theory put forth lor political en.iet. to be Introduced into the iicxl campaign somewhat as tol lows: trusts are an unmitigated evil tr.-y are created by tbe protective tann; therefore the democracy, with 1M pledge lotake protection out of Hie tariff, should be put in power. all this la the veriest pretenae. T.iere is no evidence tbat trusts owe HiHr es.ablishiiient ami maintenance to uie protective tariff. Trusts are o'iine development of the paat few y--ar, and Ihey exW under all tariffs, ia article in the May "Forum" Hies mat 180 trusts were organized i i uonnany two years ago, that intnr number hat gre.itly lucreased unee then; lhat among them are a . . . . . i nig uenuan coal trust, and an Autt- nan rolling mill trust; that there are French combinations controlling iron, petroleum, augar, chemicals and n u in herlees other lrodi;etn. and that iHo-iuui ia overrun with trusts, These countries have various kinds ol units. . . i 1 rusds are not the outgrowth of any sieciai tariff system. 'Iliey flourich or fail independently of lariffs, Hnd are no more prevalent under protec- Hon than under free-trade. Ho when a democrat or a popullnt COIIiea iround saying tbat lite American people, in order to kill the trusts, inust slaughter their home industriia ty auijecting them to unrestricted f 'reign coniietitlon, it ! safe to m t him down as a hypocrite or an igno ramus. In either case he is Inlent only on making political capital by Nlit m f l. i .. . . ... ft.. n. ... , I vance the fortune of bis party, and ne cares noi wnetner the meana be fair and truthful or foul and decep. tive. Hut the American people are not to be hoodwinked. Tbey .have had tome instructive object lessons in free-trdae and protection. They like uvenurr , ... ,.roH,rny ! ...oug.n ...u wiry .re noi going la me oenesi Ol uema- gogueswhoee fabrications have not r,v" " """ " iioxo mo l.vis are IiHlietcr Chronicle. transparently selfish.- (In. Y.) Democrat and A TKAHPSELOtjlEM LltTl UE. A tramp asked for a free drink in a saloon. The reoumt was eranted. it hen in the act of drinking the prof- fi red beverage, one of the young men exclaimed: 'Slop; make us a speech, II is a poor liquor thai doesn't un- loosen a man's tongue." The tramp hastily swallowed the drink, and as the rich linuor coursed through his blood he straightenpd himself and stood before them with j grace and dignity that all bis rags snd dirt could not obecure. "Gentleman," he asld, I look to- iilght at you and myself, and it seema 'o me I look u-on the picture of my lost manhood. This liliMtrd face was once a young aud handsome as yours. This ahaiubling figure oni eople love the fl ig tha ever before, walked as proudly as yours, a man "Wherever that fltg ia raised, it in the world of men. I, too, once "lauds, not for despotism and opprcs had a home and friends and posi- in, but foi liberty, opportunity and lion. 1 had m wife as beautiful as an humanity, and what lhat fltg has irlist's dream, and I dropped the done for u, we want it to do for all priceless tarlofher hoi or aud re- ssi t in the wine cup and Cleopatra- like, saw it dissolve and quaffed it down in tho brimming draught. I had children as sweet aud lovely as the flowers of spring and saw them fade and die under the blighting curse ,f a drunkard father. I had a homy w here love .lit the flames upon the alter and ministered bclore it and I put out the holy fire, and darkners aud desolation reigned in Its stead. 1 charity for all, t establish a govern hud ambitions and aspirations that meut of law and order protecting life soared as high as thn morning star, and property, for the well-being of and broke and bruised their beauti- ril w ings, and at last sti angled them that I might be tortured with theli The acene which followed this ot cries an more. Today I am a bus- terance surpasses description. The hand without a wife, a father with- vast audience, breaking thru the out a chilil, a tramp with no home to call his own, a man in whom every good impulse Is dead. And all ewal- lowed tip in the maelstrom of drink. The tramp ceased speaking. The glass fell from his nervt less fingers shivered Into a thousand fragments on tbe floor. The awinging doer pu-hednp n and idvif again, and when lire ii:i!e group .ibo it the bar lo .kid iii i ii tiainp ua.s gone. New Orh-an", Piosiiiie. A W A K W El.L-i nT( EH. His'ory will give the administra tion high audit for the financial n anagement of the war witb Spain and the war that followed It as ao un welcome but unavoidable sequel. The cost has been far leas than waa anticipated lie f sre hostilities began. War taxes were wisely imposed at the beginning of the conflict and the country, in spite of greatly increased expenditure, baa avoided a formida ble accumulation of debt. M'et of the f x penses of the war were charged UP during tbe last fiscal year ending idunesu. me deficit for tbe vear wai fS9.U00.0iM). much lesa tban anv is I of the estimates. This year's .ro pect ia that the treasury will keep even, or nearly so. Revenue b in I creasing and expenses falling off. The navy rote but little more now than on imni Coming I . , - appropriated 180,000,000 for the au thorixed army of 100.000 men. Tbe - cost of maintaining tbe army in the Philippines ia not yet closely asw taineil, but it will be nothing unusual except in the matter of transporting troops. M an i It la an Ideal base for convenience and security, and cam- paigning in Luxon will be no more exieuslve tban elsewhere. Carrying army supplies in ehipe Is the cheap- a est method known Nothing in the condition of the treasury Indicate that heavy taxes I will be necessary and Ibose la exia- fence bear lightly upon the people There ia an ample balance of cash on hand. The United Slates came out of the war with Spain In extraordi narily good financial shape, and paid a large sum to the defeated nation instead of asking one. At the end ol modern wars, as a rule, both comba (ants have ponteniiMl with hucrn uil ditiona to national debts and have been compelled to meet the emer gencv with increased taxation or for the winning aide, a demand for im mouse indemnity. When war with Spain became a certainty the aver age estimate of the probable coat waa about 1700,000,000. That waa the treneral I u lament anil lha croat dir. ference between that figure and the I actual expenditure is the Just meaa- ure of the financial ifllciency and foresight of the administration. Olobe Democrat, TIIOl'WHTS FRUS HlbiH PLACES. In his address of welcome to the u Mld . . v. .viuutwio v. , . unico ui "The present war ia not a war of conquest, notwithstanding the trea sonable utterances of a few carping tilt ice Jo the contrary. The acquis! lion of territory is but an Incident the war itself being In defense of Am Lrican rignt8 Amerlcan con.merce ,,, Chrl9,ian cviliation. Xo yie(, , dtaorgBnlMd of ha.f (.vii.B native, thn lands won frm tha K..m,nm , aaln h fht ki,i ,.i ...i,.. .i.i,.. i.i be to forever lose our foremost place among the powers as a commercial and civilizing nation. "The splendid work which you and your fellow-soldiers from every part ' ,ne Union bave accomplished i not be deatroyed bj a relln- quishment of the Philippines, - "Our nation leads to commercial expansion across the Pacific Ocean aud the Philippines, gained by both war and purchase, are necessary for tbe maintenance of our commerce ol the prestige of our flag." At Ocean Grove Aug. 25, Pres. McKinley voiced the following thota which is an index of the policy which the administration will persue I ou' annexed colonies : "Love of the flag and love of coun Ury r ' inconsistent with religi- oua faith. I belirve there Is more love for our country and that more people and all landa w hich, by the fortunes of war, have come within its jurisdiction. "Tbat flag does net mean one thing in the United States and another in Porto Kico and the Philippines, "There has been doubt in some quarteas respecting the policy of this government in tbe Philippines. ! see no harm In stating it in this presents: "Peace first, then, with the people who will participate In it under the stars and stripes." bounds w hich o.dinarily repress such manifestations of enthusiasm, shout- ed uniil Ihe roof rang, and 10,000 fltg fluttered approval of the president's words. When the cheering finally subsid- eJ , the president said : "I have s.dd more tban I intended to in response Uo your warm welcome." There were shouts of "Go on! Go on! ' but the president, after again expressing his thanks, sat down. The cheers again broke out, and con tinued for several minutes. Alter the speech, the presid nt drove back to Long Branch, where be attended Ihe horse show. One nun agrees with liavemeyer, and that la Colonel Bryan wbo Is a couftwed trust bueter. Just bow a po licy could be framed to meet tbe view of the head ol one of tbe moot auda cious of tbe robber class of frosts and Mr. Bryan is not quite clear. Per haps there is something la Ilaveme yer's philosophy Mr. Bryan de net quite and ntand. Tart, am I (Wash ) MLedger." Heee is a mighty good story, aud propably a true one, that Captaiu Coghlan told at thn W infield mis ting Iewey sailed into Manila harbor; fought his hattlo and then cut the cable. The English admiral wanted to help him, but didn't dare. Iiut he thonght that Dewey might take a hint. Ho the English admiral sailed over to Dewey and aaid. "Ah, 1 see you have cut a cable." Yes,' ans wered Dewey. "Which one?" asked Ihe innocent English admiral. Aud then Dewey knowing for Ihe first time there were two cablca rustled back, grappled far the aecoud cable, and cut it. DEMOCRATIC lilt ,!!. VIEYiS. Croker, the Tammany boa, who waa- understood to favor the gold standard, and was a Cleveland demo crat, and an expansionists has return ed from Europe, lie Is now auti- expaimionist, and lakes a haudful of wool to be used where it will do most good by sayiug that the silver question may sufcly be left with con- git. Ex-Governor Allgeld, of Illinois, siivb tbat Mr. Croker's accession ia a great blow to the Urvan cause. The Coin nbia State (Dem.) aayf : lie Is not an ally that the Bryan u-a can be proud of or need value for his power. In our national fight next yearwecau do without him, his city, and hia siate. He is only of interest at this time as showing how futile the notion that New York can run the great democratic party of this country, how great the delusion that the masses of the parly w ill sac rifice their convictions to an imagin ed expediency." The Louisville Courier-Journal (Gold IVm.), which favors expan sion, says of Mr. Croker's new attl tude. 'It ia really gianl for the grumps When Tammany begins taking it.-4-lf. seriously on matters of principle 'A is tu laugh.' Where was there ever an issue ol principle thai.' Tammany careed anything about except as an to it In its busii ess of getting and aid h tiding the offices for its memliei? It has been on both sides, and on neither aide of every issue of princi ple that has come up in recent years. It waa so with reference to the tariff. It was so with reference to silvei. If the Hou. Croker is to Iks recognized as speaking' authoritatively for the organization it has been so wilh re. ference to expansion. 'It is entirely reasonable to believe that the Hon, Croker represents Tain d any in this. Tammany cares no thing one way or another about ex pansion. If it can throw out its pets so as to 'ketch 'em a-cou.in' an' a- gwlne,' so much the better, esM-cially since the Hogg incident has shown the Tammany loaders that it wou't b 3 good pie oli lies to cut loose en-l tirely from liryan yet Croker has made a bungling boss, but he is Dot so blind to what is ex-clel of him as not to be ready to run wid or agin Bryan, as developments may dictate." REtHOS P0K Rl'.IMXi. Special diaatch to a St Louis, Mo. paper from Oklohoma says every body knows Bill Tilghman, who Uvea southeast of here ncarChatidlar. It would be uo trouble to get 10,(Mmj men In Oklahoma and Kansas who would bet their last dollar that Bill Tilghman would tint run from any tbit g on earih. Tilginnan has kill- I a half doZfii uien while serving as Chief of Police, Sherd! or Uuited States Marshal. He has arrested more bad men than any man West. He arrested the notorious Bill Doolin. He was the first Chief of Police of Perry and Dodge City, Kan. It hap pened last week that Tilghman ran for his first time and this is the way It happened. He wanted some fish, and took a stick of dynamite, went V) the creek lit the fuse threw it into a deep pool of water where a big school of fish waa located, ihe family dog' a small simniet, accompanied him. One of Fido's accomplishments was to chase and bring back anything that bas been thrown into the water, and perceiving a chance to disting- ish himself h j r edied Into the water grabbed, the smoking piece of dynamite and proceeded as he had been tauphf, to bring it to his master. Kight hre is where Bill Tilghman retreated for the first time in his life. He rushed wildly thru the timber yellin;: "fJ;j away, Fido; go away!" while Fido frisked airily ai mg after him, carrying the dynamite with the spluttering fuse trailing out behind. By masterly b-g work, Bill man aged to keep (at a tolerably safe distince till the dynamite went off. After a careful search of the neigh borhood a small lock of curly hair was foand sticking to a Jtck oak, and Tilghnmn will have this put in a gold loic to ki (, as a souvenir of ihe (ally tai rev ran from. The grt-at 4 Chamtsrlain's Colic, Cholera an 4 a.arbA Kennedy In the treatment of bowtl complaints baa made It standard over the gn-aler part of the civilid rld. For tile by Delta Druf Ht e. DURING THE WEEK Xetcsij items picked up by our Assistant Edi tor. IX OliF.fJON 4: YEARS The Rainy Weather Is Spoiling 1 lasers f t raps all Wni, F. Dixon ofCorvallis died last week, aged KH years six uionlh. He wcut to Benton county in isl.'i, and had lived there ever sunt. The Astoria Hegatta committee settled its bills for the late meeting and had a surplus of over M0 w hich waa placed in bank lor next year. At a meeting of fishermen' at Marshiiuld the-other day the price of salmou waa fixed at 2 cents a aiuiid or uO cents for ChiuiHks and '2' cents for silversides. As salmon fishing wilh nets is not allowed above certain oiiits on Coo river, an unusually large nuinU-r of chiuooks will reach the spawning grounds this ycer. The machinery of the old river boat "Three Sisters" that was ojs rat- ed some years ago by Ihe Yaquina railroad has been sold lo a California compai y that will put it iuto a boat to ply on the Sacramento river !e- tween Stockton and San Francisco. It is remarkable how cruel some women are. Last week seviral Portland husbands commenced di vorce proceedings in the Clackamas circuit court alleging cruel and in- hu iiuu treat meut rendering life bur- duns !iie. The plat for the new townsite of Shanikno which is located in Cross Hollows, was filed in the county clerk's offiue at The Dalles Saturday. The new town will in the near future for a time at least, be the terminus of the Columbia Southern railway and bids fair to be a good sized little city. The rsiu spoiled the plum crop in ' Coos county this season, and the apple crop is also short, but probably that ia to be attributed tu some other cause. In orchards on Coos river. which promised well a short time ago Ihe apples are dropping from the trees, and the ground is covered with windfalls. There is little doubt Like county will have many new people within i's borders before the close of the coming year l'.loO says the Lnkeview Examiner. Never before has this county been so thoroughly advertis ed throughout tbe east and the Paci fic coast as it is bxl;iy. Hundreds of people from Maine to Texas have sent letters of inquiry regarding tho climate soil opportunities generally to be found here. Tbe barn belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Donaldson, In Tilla mook county containing 170 loads of hay, was burned on Monday night, entailing a loss of over f2,r(H), Tho hay was put up in good shape dur ing the dry weather, but it is sup posed It became ovei healed and caught fire, as no other account of its origin is obtainable. It is feared that other barns will meet with a like fate, as much illy-cured hay has been hou d. The report of tte grand Jury of Curry county filed August &, had this to say of the county treasurer: "We find said office carelinsly con ducted and no person here to receive the funds collected by the sheriff and clerk. We believe that the county court should at the Sep tern l-r term, take such action as Is necessary in order that said office should be reg ularly conducted. The law provides that the office of orunty treasurer should be kept open for the transac tion of business during business hours." I We have lastn bld by reliable parties that hundreds of pounds of trout were caught and burn el this summer at Pelican bay. Tourists that were stopping there would go OJt and catch bout-loads of fine trout when they could not use thorn, and as tho weather was warm, the fl-h would soon spoil after Is-ing taken from the cold water. The only way they could gel rid of Ihe fish then was to build large fires and burn tht-m, says the Klamath Falls lie publican. Why is this allowed, when at the rale fish are being tak en from Ihe atreams in Klamath county, it will only ls a matter of time until there will not be any got fishing here? Spring creek and Wil liamson river, the celebrated fishing strvarra are being fished out. fine party tbat camps there every year f rr a month at a time catch hundreds of pounds every day, and throw them away or give (hem to the Indians.