THE HYSTEITX ( OF COUNT J V LXDINOI J 9 fJSK vmism' f from t'lri Puye DiDK to loatba th aitfbt of tbia littU toad of a waa. "Well, the ilondbonnd die.1. 1 aay, bat another wu (at upon the scent. sn4. wbt-o b died, a third, sod til tbey woo LI but let alooa. though tbey could Dot catch tauu. "Tba. at last, on ut at I wan. (id of tb tssiy of nieo and patriot who wer privileged to call theuwlTe tha friend of Aalr batched a iprj brilliant plot for the relief of Anln and for tba getting of biui safely uter tbe frontier, which ardently a onr friend dnairrd to K abroad for thagiaid of bia health and for the advantage of certain projeru in which ba wm inter ested bad been h'tberto jnite imxi bl. owing to the car witb wbirh tbe authorities bad laid their plana to pre vent it. "Tba railway at at ion bristled witb gendarme and nnuuiforiiied police piea, in fact and the frontier was Knarded a thnnicb it were a powder uagaiine ami some one bad threatened to put a Match to it. "Now, tbia waa tbe plan, and J'n innat liaten very carefully to it, for I am pledxd to inter yon. and tha 8,oo rubles in my poiaet have been paid uia for what I am going to tell yon next. "lint aa thia part of the tale la an Terr interesting we will drink a glaaa vf wine to ateady onr uervee." "Drink tbe whole bottle and he banged, only go on I" I raved "Mood wiuea should never he taken too fast. " aaid tbe little rascal, delib erately aipping from hia kI "And tbia ia good wine claret, do yon rail it, or bnrgondy T I don't often have the opportunity of aauipling these eiiien aiva vintage, and therefore I do nut claim to be lunch of a judo's. Take a glass. Yon won't T Well, I aee yoo are excited to hear what I have to tell yoo. ao here goea. "Ona of ns one of them. I ahonld ay conceived thia idea. Andre, he knew, they all knew, waa well connect ed, lie owned to brother who ranked aa a patrician among the patrician. Moreover, Andre made it a boast that he bore more than a strong family like ofm to hia brother, the great Count Landrinof. "Tbia ingeniona person, tha batcher til tba plot, took tbe tronble to viait Connt Landrinof at this very (sristo cratio and palatial establishment in which I am at thia moment an honored guest. Ha came ostensibly to ask for a contribution for some benevolent enter prise which he mentally evolved for the occasion, bnt in reality to jndge whether the brother were really ao much alike that there waa reasonable expectation that they might be mistaken one for tha other. "Well, be met with extraordinary ancceas; double nay, treble siiccese. Yonr father, he fonnd, waa a generous man, and, pardon me, more than a lit tle foolish. He antsH-rilied fi rabies to ward Ivanof'i fund (we will call him Ivanof for convenience), which 5 ra bies Ivanof found very useful "Secondly, Ivanof saw at a glance that Andre and hia brother were qnite exceptionally and marvelooaly alike and might easily he mistaken the one for the other. That this ia ao none knows better than yourself, for to thia fact yon are indebted for tbe pleasure of Andre'i presence ntider yonr naif." "(Jo on!" 1 aaid. Even now I could not for tbe life of me foresee what was coming. "Thirdly. Ivanof. while waiting in tbe great hall down stairs a splendid hall, by the way; but is it not cold in winter 1 A apace of that site would, 1 abonld say" "toonl" I cried, stamping my foot I could have twisted the little rascal's bead off but for tbe frenxied desire I Dow felt to hear the end of hia tale. "Well, thirdly, then. Ivanof bad tba pleasure of seeing another gentleman beside t ha con nt, an Englishman named Herbert, or llnlbert. ami of hearing the end of your father'! conversation with bini. which fell in marvelonsly well with Ivanof'a plan. The two gentle men were, in fact, arranging for a shooting party at a place called Erinof ka, and fixed npon the day and hours for tbsir aport in Ivanof'a presence Then onr friend laid his plana, which were made very easy for bitu by his viait to the count and what b bad learned there. "Do yon follow me now t Have yon mastered the plot of my tale t Need 1 go oof" CHAPTER XXIII. ABOVCTIO tT THR IIH-NT. "I think I b-gin to understand the detestable plot a little," I raid. "My father fell. I suppose, into the hands of the precious villains who are yonr ac complices. What have they done with hunt For by all that's aure" "Not ao fartt I am no accomplice, so far aa yon can prove, May not a man discover a plot without being act down at once as an accomplice T I am coming to yonr father' fate." "For." I repeated, springing to my feet and seizing the little rascal by the ahonlders and shaking biui a a cat would a mouse, "see here, yoo vile lit tie wretch, if yon dure to tell me that these people have injured a hair of my father's bead I swear to yon that no promise or anything else shall save yon and yonr aUmiinable friends I I" "1X Is a reasonable creature and al low lue to finish my story." said my companion, tv idling himself ont of my clntcbee. "1 did not say yonr father waa injured, did It If he waa Injnred. it wa not, at any rate, by onr people Will yon allow ms to go on in peace or nott I will not be hustled; remember thai Yon are stronger than I, bnt I have a will which is per h is more than eona! to your own Yon cannot eoinpel me to speak. There i mm h more to tell, bnt I will not tell it nnl.-s yon promise to behave lue a gentle man. " "tJoon. then." I said, "but if I find yoo bare lied, and yonr friend have done father any injury, heaven help yoo. for I think I should kill yoo I" "Bah I I am not afraid- Yon are n.-t tbe kind to kill a fellow creature, esp cial' a who is trying bia beet to do job very great service. Decide. I migh t b ao easily killed Killing ii a Ka n of which it la necessary to understand the element There ia sci ence In it Maybe I bava thought over anch matte move th yoo have, and tMHlesstaod mew thoroughly tba trick f ah Hade. " Yon are welcome to yonr knowl edge." I said. "Forall I know yoo may be a mnrderer already, bnt it i certain that I will thrash yo) withia aa it h vf yoar life ia certain events. Therefor t caraf nl kow teil yonr atory. " Bab !" aaid tha (indent, who aaanr- sdly wa no coward, tboagh be wa tbe Bit conceited and detestable little ras cal. I shoold say, that aver breathed Uodsair. "Dab! I ball tell tbe tale a I thick lent If yoo do not lika my manner of telling it. that i yonr uiia furtoDe. bnt ct my fault Well. then. Ivaoof rlan wa thia' Arrangruirna wer load to sells your father al Erinofka, on the moor or at tbe klge or wherever it should prove to be uo t 'lUihl J'ou art nut thr kind to kill a fet- Iftc creature. practicable. From there he should be brought by road to tbe house of it doe not matter wlnw house and there he should lie abut up. Then aome one, on if the circle of friends, ahonld go with a tale to the police announcing that by means of accidentally overhear ing a conversation he had become awar of the hiding place of one nim whom he believed the police desired to lay their hand. The police won Id then aend and arrest yonr father, believing bim to be Andre, and Andre himself would quiet ly depart for England, dressed en grand cigntur. and. batx, there' the end I" "I see," I gaatd "And did this all bapen, then, aa arranged? Father was raptured, aa 1 believe, at Eriuofka. What happened then? Tell me tbe truth. " "Why ahonld I lie? The count waa hronght to tSt. Petersburg by road, aa pur programme lie wa dressed in a suit of Andre' clothe and looked. I am told, marvelonsly like Andre in deed the police had no doubt whatever that he waa that very individual They hagged him neatly, and 1 have no doubt that they are still firmly nnder tbe im pression that they have in their clntchea somewhere Andre, or Kornilof, aa they call hiai, and no other. "A for the real Andre, yoo know al) about ii doings. He went to Loudon like a milord, and like a milord he re turned He fell on hia feet and (till standa npright Who know it better than yourself 7" "Stop, yon infernal little racall" 1 cried, stamping my foot witb rage "What of my father? 1 have heard niongh of your detestable Andre. Tell me of my father Where ia he? What have they done with him?" "Ah. yon ask tbe police that inestion, said the student 'Trobably he is at Sakhalin or in that choice neighhorlKsxl He waa taken ont of onr out of Andre'a friends' hands, yon see I cannot Iw anppoaed to be in the confidence ot the third section, which ia the section of police epiea Can I now? lie reasonable!" "I suppose not." I grraned. "Put. great heavens, what are we to do? How are we to get at tbe authorities? Will tbey believe nai" "Ah. that is a very delicate qnestlonl I should say they will not. but it is worth trying. " "What will Andre' attitude be. supposing we go to the police and ex plain that, thongh passing as the count my father, thia man ia not my father hut an impostor?" "My dear sir. do I know the mind .of Andre? Thcngh acquainted with him, a yon are aware. I cannot therefore tatewhat he would do under any given circumstance Hut 1 will say tins that probably onr good friend has not neglected to prepare himself for inch an emergency He must know that at any time yon might for reasona of yonr own disown hiiu and declare that, thongh ron have pretended that he is Count I-sndriiiof. he is in effect nothing of the kind, bnt Mr Kornilof. the escaped convirt He will probably say that yon are mad. and that yonr m.)tb er. the conntesa. is no less, cr that the comitese has reasona for cherishing ani ui'-oty against him. and that yoo are with her being a mother child to rid lor in this crnde way of a hnaoaud of whom she has grown tired. " "Such a ridiculous cock and bnll story wculd never take in the police I' I cried scornfully "My dear air.' said the student blandly, "yon are forgetting one tiling and that iathat the police will lie prejn diced in favor of Mr. Andre, or rather of the count, aa they suppose hi in " "Why?" I said angrily "Yon are talking nonsense, my friend.' "Nonsense or wisdom, it is neverthe less trne See here, now The police have committed one of the stnpidest blunders that ever effete ofncialdom erformed, and that is saying much They have sent the wrong man to Si beria and left a datigerona revolution-! at large lo yon snppone, as a reason able, reasoning creature, that they will he an very ready to admit their error at your bidding and on ao flimsy a story as thia yon will bring them in support of your assertion? They will laugh in your face and say that yon are a mad schoolboy and hail better go back to yonr English school or to the English asylum yon have escaped from Even if they believe yonr tale whicb. of conrse. they may do. thongh tbey will pretend they do not they will atill laugh in yonr face and refuse to move in the matter " "Do yoo eerionaly mean that they will refuse to set right this fearful blunder that they themaelvea have com mittodt" I said "Yon are aaying all this, a Andre friend, in tba hope that I will allow matter to remain a they are Yon wish to screen Andre, and my father fate i noth' yoo Bnt do not make that mistake, my friend I hall move heaven and arth I shall spend thousands of pound I shall nev er rest nuht and day nntil I bava com pelled the authorities to redeem tbeir sinful blunder ' "My dear ir. yoo ravel" aaid tha undent coolly "Yonr father a fata ia. of coarse, of little interest to me. ex cepting in so far a out of compliment to yourself I should like to see so po lite a friend ss yoo have proved your self gratified hint neither is Andre's fate of any interest to me To me it is nothing whether be lives in thia palace or in Sakhalin I have no personal af reel. on for bim To pro. that I do Dot wnn to screen nim. I Invite yoo to go as soon as yon please to the nearest prisuf of police, tell bun ths whole t.iry and see what he will say Yoo will Dot, of conrsn mention m. or give aa? hist of oijv txuteucm or. indeed. 4iP- & I apeak of tba detail of your father' ! captor, and o on Tell tbetn (imply that their recattor of Kornilof cn such and anch a day was a blonder, that they toik thia wrong uan and tbat the rint tuaa ia at tlii moment ia jucr boD bM what the prutaf will say laugh in yonr face." "And if h doe, if Urn and his upe nds r-fuxi to set the tuibg ribt. am I to concur tamely in tbeir decision? Not I. my fri nd. I will go to th czar biiu elf. Lut I will see justic don to uiy dear futber!" "There will be no Deed to go to tbe cxar. " laughed the student "Oo to a lewr man. tbongb perhaps a worthy a one. Go or rather come buik to me. I aball bar something to propow. only there must be anolber arrangeiut it in tbi event and another check I CHAPTER XXIV. Tn OH NT KXIIJt VI HIHERIA. "Do yon mean." 1 said, "that yon will be able to provide evidence that this man Andre ia tbe o nvict Kornilof dd not my father?" "Perbai." said the student, smiling tonceitedly. "It ia ridicnlon." I cried botly. "to mppuae that tbe police will refuse to accept tha evidence of a man own wife and child and will believe yonr (or the asking." "It may be ridiculous, bnt the police never admit a blunder if they can make any on else anftVr for it instead of themselves. As for my part in the busi ness, yoo forget that I pses informa tion of varions kinds witb regard to Andre, which might bensefnl and even important to them and might throw a light ?7 tbi matter. " "I aee." I said "But I (hall be both surprised and disgnsted if it prove to ts aa yon aay, and tbe authorities re fuse to believe onr evidence. I shall leave yen now and consult my friend I believe your atory a to father' cap ture; so yoo may consider yonr check safe At tbe same time yoo are to re main where yoo are nntil other mat ter are settled. Yoo have no objection to continue aa my guest ?" "So king a my safety ia guaranteed I shall be charmed to remain," said the student. "Doea Andre enjoy the rnn of the house? He innst not see me or knew tbat I am here. Ha would ui or der me. and your cause would be mined." "He shall not come here or know of yonr presence. I shall aee tbat only trusted person are aware that I have a an acquaintance staying in tbe bouse. " "Good! See that tbe same wine is served to me, like the generous host yon are, nd plenty of it!'' He shouted tbe last word at me a I left the room "I shall have yoo watched, my tine fellow," I aid to myself a I hurried away to confide my great new to Percy and Borofsky, "for yoo are a pearl of great price." And I may aay in tbi place tbat from tbi time nntil well nntil certain thing bad happened, either Percy or Borofsky or I waa con stantly oa doty in the passage outside the student room, both to aee tbat b did not attempt to escape and to guard againat surprise from without. Andra being a kind of bugbear that ona must inspect and fear all times. I fonnd Borofsky and Percy playing billiards "Well?" cried the latter. "What luck?" Both be and Borofsky laid down their cues and waited for me to speak TO BE OONnSO.D.J liryan ami Ilavemeyt r r to;cih er in tleniinciitlion of Ihf Irnsla. They were also "toirether" In tlie little mutter of CHiiiimlpn funds anl voting in Ihe cunipaitfn of IKt)ti )wpko N. Y. "Tunes." A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result if you plant FERRYS Seeds t itist auiiH mmy uit ini tKiy iH.tvai hut rrf. ra.Kl In All kfn, W ntaj uf Uasr Ml Mmd An ItliaU-frv. 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Address all orders to "INDEPENDENT, Hillnbovg - Oregon EAST S0UTHW;!f22222 TIIK SHASTA K(;in: .Mil TJiKKN 1'Al'. iX . riirkrM ls lilts liK L.Nl. lilll; irnjl.v l.--io.d Ar i I i n I At N.i. r rv . iv. l.v )n' i i I A Wore Iritoi um hIm.i -i i- . u i ein .-en ! l'or .uii.I ..! ',, 1 irner, l..r.i.. . J. i'i i- Ti, Ai' .'u i . i ui.-, - ii ,. ey, II r,-lur ::. Iiii;i.i.,ii I .lv. I- i I'uincr Or.-..', Ii mi, l kniKl, .ii,. -till. mi. U.i-,1 u n to V-l!..,;i,i. on uii.1 v r. i.e. ii ui. rivn.v I f .i iiII.t i Su-iirM Ar l'..ri..i V r ' I o i a 1 v I J. A' a a FULLMAN DUFFET SLEEPERS Sc Mllt- l.ivs So'ipihg tills Airo-t'ioi to All lri.. i-..M 'Iimins. ! Hf I KKN II Hi I !,M) ,t ( M,. A1.I MmI I r iiu I'liiiy ( h A..-) ! S.u.iH. ). M M 1 I.V ') I I V !1 in) si Ar 1 ortliiiij HiIMioio C TV.l!l.. Ar . rl ;i v I i-ipi l v I I .'I P Ailimy it-.l Ci,::i. e.ii.neel ir I. truili-. ol I ue )r. uoii l .in .nl ,v l-i-l ern l;r. 1 n r. sa train l!ly. 1 1 ic.-i I ,)-.-.. l.'-.p m l v ii l"p m I l.v Tortliod Arts a H'l'.i . ro l.v , ,: , -M.ij.ii.iiv :i- i ".:i . , I' d- I !! 7: i v u I Ar s " r " I I liri.iii:li li.kiN To ail i.ilil in tli.- I'a-l. in -late-. ( i aila ami l-' can I f ol iain. .l at .. est iaie from ( . ( I n-., 1 , t oi .lolui . (,.,i,!l at t!..- In.!, ., ,,. nl ollice IlilNU.i... ' H. MA. . MUM, It. K KHI.!-: . (i .. , A Mnn. aer. IVrtlsiid. n4 . afi it TOFCClOnS 4 IlilUJ CajlCU I THE 0. . & X. KV HOOK On the ilt-otirfi n-.ult : re n l ll.-fl. . I t ! t V ml t!j" ;it- rrt - tI 1 1 -ir r n-i m n Ii i n dn : n :tr- , I ii r. 1 1 ; t n.uiivH ami ; v)v tin w.tik u i.l t. M-m fn-. Tl.t- K n rnjtit"! nil Im.iiM intt'iftfil hi ;ih.I uitiiLI ji-k lliat every ne l.ik :m i t r-f :uul ur i w.ti-l Mn h a iiu l.i W. II 1 1 ii: i rn:r I ifnt r:il I'lfeli.'er Ae ii, t , J. ,, . ' ,. I'tMlLiihl. 1 "I Jr- -JJ r.J Ji rif k?92L 7T - TTT Mo . ij.u insult ils,srtioi .. . I ton. 1 From SjIi Like, IVr.ver, K:ol m.i'1 hl- t'msll.1. p. in. KSO;l. v.'ity p. ,. U.HO, I I . U.S. II K..-U ,-,V.i,e '''. M.'l"'l"i" K.v, l. 1'atl!, 1 in ulii, i . .. .. i i . - .-, J '" I' "' V I . . p. 111. Oli'uU S!u.aU.lIi,'N. l or in r i.ilii i-i iioa c vv In. .1.. y I p. in. s p. in. , CwiiTn!! iVtT m l.xn.l I',, .,,r:, ,mui ox. ill p. lo ' Willamette I m Kxmui.Ii i.,.,,.. s.l..,.vy.-',-!s,""lT " Wiilai ttciTaia-i llii.r-.uv..,.,,,,, H1(Kli'1 ail-i illll :.H.I ;iy I. .11. lilies WMicite Eiycr .1. Ill, i :o ., ... . .. . i ... , i: .... i i "" riu- iiu ill.. I .Vlt. !!! id Sat II'I ol.i !!P,.u RiVCr il.ewi-lon l:il...r:..l..lewi-tol. VI l'ily Add res, . H. lll HI.I't KT, t.en'l Puss. Aiteut. lodni II t is r II 1 1 o. tieii'l .ttt. r. Par. S. l a. Purl aiol, Orrajen. MENIbeci can v be cured f If vrva tiifiw fnm inr of lh w in i mm, crwne to int oitir k rt DR. IOH0AN CO , A rl I is105t M0( L Lt4 l852- k 1 I Vounff mrn ami mMdl S 1 from ibe etTerts u y-'uififul iiM.iLr(ki ur ea- m n tl'irvr vMr. N-rvni ami I nvK'.iI iH-billtvlnipMli'ue.'r I,m vianhMNl m m it-. r.iin .ti iiim-i; Mrmalrrhf, rrla(irrhn-a, 4 liar. 4 I , M I rrtmrnrf ar I rtitallNi, n Hy T Cotnlon-tC -q af mrvn i ol jr-t cttrttv jmw A er, ihe Hx-t h an arf..t,'t '" it will ifctt oitly all' -rj iiiinrk!i.ti rrin-f Inil m ' X erm- i tent cure. 1 .'x 1 Kh U r !.. n-4 t latin ia r1 ""rm iir.n t rltlm-n to t a f-u ' aoj.t.ire l't.y,t- at Suffr-n. T-"-''iin Itermnrtit rure. 'J le 1 hn U r !.. n-4 t Utin la T in h, . .thy ll-n-M of Mrn. m n tillt Mi-.r. .t.jiii - criMTi. ia.Ai iruiu iu -i- ui ii tit,', t ii-i! i! nrrran m .:iiv mai hi i ivh ir i.. win r. r f'i ..ur ' net r.i.isii .t ut I i. t..ltil. A f liefj.ff.ii.iraurn lijfl A i't hKin h rrrry ftu wf Hniltitalt, or Jwtit One A ThouMantt Inllnm. W k r'-Mt ttrv nil'v or ''V Itr-r. S-r.l f-r r--lf. A f "Thf I'liiloKojihy of Wurri-trr W k lic, ( VAlaMa bik fir ottrtij r i iir itR. joRntmi i Croat 1iihiimi of Anatomy m th Divert art'l Ui sf" Miitinun misi mina k 0 iai, C'-ite ail l tin h- -oti-iet lullv v-u W ittr. ni.flc; Imw to av. i.i i ktvci aim tnJs. k w W rvt uJii" n-w .itrctntcua w CAT.Uah; i K A A'Ai t ail r wril W lOM MrlttM Strtrt. Sail Frrrirft. Cl. W Quick Work