ut.HH OY PATRIOTISM riitbt to wor-h!i Uxi (C-r.Ii.:tf to the indllvdual conm-iem-. (xjnirrtKjnaa Cousin of low n- Th third ac(Kn dfelari that tvntly delivered a iioa tit Omaha (courts of Justice shall I ujh-o Id all. that abounds with glowing periods land that to private pm-rty l all b xrid 'DtlmfuU eipren! ao beauti-1 taken by the Kovernioenl without fully that thy have been gathered eompei antinn t'. thr r and ar here presented fori The fourth n-oih.n, litij with the admiration of readers farther I criminal ,triK invests the rud to the westward. I with the riaht to be heard him- If Time I so nolaeltsss thit it awak- or by count!, and lo have couipuU mm very few. I ory proceni to awure t he One never due forget a face that I of a witnem in his txhalf. has Ideas In it. I The flftb aectlon snys no itmjd ae Most of the flowers of geniue have I eased of crime shall be compelli-d t blsMomed from bleeding hearts. I give evidence against himself. The There never waa a strong and band I sixth section rieelarea that no M-raoi some face without aouie little line of I who la on v aiq ritti d ol the chitrjre care. I brought againsi hiui. shall be tried I believe there la a good reason for I again for the surue onVuse, everything that happens In the unl- The seventh section provides that verse. I all persona charged with crime shall Whoever geta to greatness or sue-1 be entitled to bail, except iu eases of ItTtK.MTItmL LAW V) Elk'. The London pnkir in tl- -ur of a lung article diNOiHiri 'he Au e kvn-Si auih I Vac Couitn'snlon, now in seHhion ill Par arid it k, ( ticularly the i)t tetjtiufis of the la. mfnini:onH touching ihe t'utuu dej.t remiirka: ''The reltic'ance of America hi nex Oih i" mainly due to a tj si atleiidjoi-e to ewai the turteu of Ihe, I'm mi ilelif. At the ani time the divtrii. of ii teruatlonal law ty which a lei ilicurreil by a ruler binds his sutvei. irs rests upon alight foumlxtioit. 1 is moii.-trou that a tyrant should l able to burden future feneration Mnipty oecause ne la In pM-ioi of the material government It In vectors ft It that in international Ism. I'wn incurred agnint the will of ti people would not attach to the couu n-Ms without meeting opposition goes I capital otfeuse, and that l.'ie writ ol in an air castle. I habeas corpus my not U su.ipended Wont all greatness and nearly every I except the commanding general of original idea has come out of some I the department deems it advisable. kind Of trouble. The eighth section ssvs that exces Ll the future buy Iroin you accor- slve tail shall not 1 rtauired. and uiug to tnat same standard by wnlcn ,nat no excessive flue, nor cruel nor you have nought and by which your unusual punishment shall be Inflict- toil is measured at the present. I j. Industry and nature have made the x,,e nlntn .,1,,,, r0vides that in M ... ..I siaieonowa a cmillor. Mer SOU neilwr Innm th .Mint.. mr-ln.it iin. I " try In the event of a change of gov erument, there would be let of that monetary support of mNgovernmeni which ha- disgraced the high finan ces of the l!).h ceutury. "r'or 60 years Spaiu has ruleo Cuba in defiance of the will of th Cuban people, and in spite of the constant prottst ff the Unitet States. The cost of her M ilitary op erations there has been met by Ion tic, has always been solvent and her y- reasonable frearch, there shall first be npeclally chargeable to Cuba, In tin a presumji- aoea not tend to shiuhet muter m.ik tion of guilt. The tenth section guarantees to all the right to write or print freely on tern of farming pauperise it. Probably the purest time in the history of governments and of men is when they are painfully Intent up- any matter, subject to responsibility on me isoor oi tneir own develop- lor aDtwe of the rigbu uieui auu ueiense. The municipal laws are to te ad ... Auierunu uag suau oe vwaoie mtniatered in accordance with these anu revered away from home as It is declarations of right, suhlect to mod- first place, In order to punish the Cu bans and in the second, in order t arrange for a cheap teireat iu tin event of being driven out by Ameri ca. In a word, the debt has been charged upon Cuba largely with tin ofjrettf sAiiiliiiig It upon the United .States. The bond holders were en cou raged to look to the supposed doe loved and venerated here, and under hflcatlons which, in the Judgment of Urine of international law as part ol the commanding general, would be he secutity while th-y were lend- beneficent and promote the principles lK ' HI"in against the wilt of both of enlightened civllixttion. it a free people shall thrive and ami tiply in peace. The women and men who settled the Hawkeye state were not those who expected to go back "in the full." or n KWin 11 Ihav nnlilil rkivwj. up on their claims. The Louisville Courier Journal In the formation of character there P'hes a special news paragraph are always two elements the inherent HHATTEKED IOOLS. and the advantageous that which we bring with us into the world and that which our surroundings give us, W hile we are yet shaking hands with the events of yesterday genlui taps us on the shoulder and in trod u ces a stranger and we exclaim, 'V hat imposition is this?" An im jKWHibility an event of the future. The tendency of the times is to gel rid of long-established humbugs as soon at their copyrights expire. The wisdom of the past ahall be retained but the wings of progress shall not be burdened by its evil and stupidity. And in our coming century there will be tumolls, strifo and riot, but there shall be no ruin. America shall be ruled by law. She will not forget the lessons that her patriots have Uut;ht. She will abide by the pilgrim .covenant the legally ex pn.vtt d will of the majority. ir anyone would learn the true genius and exemplifications and phil osophy of self-government, govern n t nt of and for and by the people let him study the records of pioneer life, the institutional beginnings and the evolution of tho law. x uu labor today and accumulate thereby. You may wut to rest to morrow Your accumulation should that will rudely shake the opinions formed by some people ; The state ment is compiled from a dry official document in the navy department: "Some interesting correspondence will be found in appendices to the annual report which will be submit ted by Capt. A. 8. Crowninshield, Chief of the Cubans and Americans. It Is to be hoped that the United States, while assuming sovereignty over Cuba. will refuse to pay any part of the debt except the n.ouey used in the development of the islaud, thereby setting a most useful precedent I which tyrants and financiers will well to take note. The democratic leading papers, un fortunately of what has become known as the yellow journalism stripe, have been hurling (auatbemas Bureau of Navigation, against President McKinley because not the least important of which will they assert he has been making pol- be details of the movements of the ideal capital out of the improvement nying squadron fr.jra the time it left In times, iu hU recent speeches. The Hampton Roads. Upon arrival at Chronicle acknowledges the fact and Key West, Commodore Schley's com- says that a "review of his speeches tnand was Joined by the battleship will corroborate this idea, it will dia- Iowa and then consisted of the Iowa, close that the president has actually oiaasacnusetu, Texas, Brooklyn, oeen calling attentiou to the facts Scorpion and collier Merrimac. It that are constantly being repeated in was believed that Cervera's fleet had the columns of these incendiary trade gone to Uenfuegos, where Commdore journals, Dun's Htview and Brad scniey was ordered, and he remain- street's. lie is telling his hearer ed there several days, believing the that gold is flowing into the country. enemy's nect was lying In that har- Inhtead ol out of it: he is asserting bor, notwithstanding information re- that bank clearings are constantly ceivea oy tne .Navy department and increasing, and that they have fre- tranmitted to him, announcing that quently of late mounted higher than Uervera was at Santiago. the high-water mark of that prosper iomtuodoreMeiiicy nnally left Ci ous year, 18'JL'; he has al.-o had the 9nfuegoe on reiuptorv orders from the department and sailed for Santi ago, where the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul which wai scouting off the har bor entrance, announced that Cer vera's ships were Inside. Although temerity to call attention to the fact that our exports are largely in exec of our imports, and that, as a wane quence, we are rapidly paying off our debts aud converting the United States into a creditor country; he has also be secure. You have been selling all W8re the ,mP,r,ant'e of this iu- alluded lo the faet that our output of these years. You mav want to buv ,ornm,IHn u,lumo(lur,! Hohley sent pig iron and of the manufactures of w - tt I 1L. T I A it ... la ... or build tomorrow. The credit rea- e lo J',a,H'w ' a dl iron ana steel has enormously In- istered by your toil, fruiralitv and i"""-"! ""uciug mai ne louna 11 crcaseo mis year, ana mat we are prudence should be forever aaered. """wry to go to Key West to coal, now exerting large quantities of So long as toil shall bend the back rwvii Ior lnM P'"nt. Twenty machinery and instruments of pre of man his brain shall Question arf. "way ,ne mi' hlnery ot he col- clsion; if we are not mistaken he was em-e for its mvsteries. ami an lnn "er Merrimac, which had 5,000 tons even Indiscreet euough to dintt at mystery remains to form th hi,n. M0" of coal lward broke down, neees- Mention to the fiu t that the protective darv line of knowln, th .ni-u 8nf he lying to of the fleet. Be- tariff had resulted in calling into ex will strive aud climb and climb and '"Jur,ta repaire.1. tne istence a un piate industry, which is reach bevond thorn hnn.t. Th. nav department had cabled Rear now supplying the domestic demand will make the electric current turn Ad,uira' Sampson Ani the Eagle to at a lower price than consumers fiald iniercepi iomiundore Schley, order wtien they were depenlent uuon for him back to Santiago, and sink a ship eigners, and, worse than all, he backs across the entrance of the channel uf op his assertions with facts and fig- me narDor, ir necessary to keep Cer- vera In the harbor. "It was due to this action of Com modore Schley In leaving the mouth of the harbor that Rear Ad 111 I in 1 the wheels of all the world We shall not always take our melo dics.from old operas nor our designee iroin ancient frescoes. We shall not always dig our achievements from the ruins of the past nor get our Ac tion from the brains of dead men 1 he same conditions that bred the ures." Of course in the eyes of the class of journals referred to, such a course ou the part of Ihe the presi dent is unpardonable, for their only hope in the political field is to make ireiiiusofdeadeim.lre sh.ll Ami th ramwon was onlwKl by the navy people disbelieve the facts alluded to. , - , , . , . . . i . - . uriiuiriiiiirunvu onoe will) I ii tne minus or the people can be the New York and Oregon to Santl- befuddled and they be made to dis- K- believe the plain facts which Presi- dent McKinley has only Incidentally alluded to, there might be some hopes for tbem in getting their nefaiious scheme to work. mutes and the artists for Columbia and a greater glory shall await them, ior they shall all be born in freedom. There is one thing reasonably cer tain, America will have a place to land and coal her ships in every quarter of the globe. There has been the age of marble and of bronze; ours is the ago ot commerce and ol Iron. Commerce will not stop, It undermines the mountains, lays its cables underneath the billows of the sea scorns the fury of its crests. Com meree is a greedy, moiling, tireli spider catching all the world in its web of iron and it will weave its web wherever there is life. It has found tne orient and the Occident and it will never rest until it has hitched its cables to the poles. three Doctor In feuttultatlon. (From Benjamin Franklin "When you are sick, what you like best Is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place, what experience tells you is best, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (I. e.Theorjo.Vays Is beat Is to be chosen in the last place. But ir yeu can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation together, they will give you the best advice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. In- ,or"r Bobby "Cause better." cunaiioa would recommend Cham berlaiu's Cough Remedy because it Is filenAMnt mntl akifa t.. tl,.i l- t- The create .Ml..ni . r "r- ""- t"'W" I irlniM m.iiil.l i i. i 1.. l.l..t... -.in ...i - ........iruu ii urmuw ... .... .... j Sunday school teacher (illustrating the "still small voice")" What is it dear children, that makes you feel so uncomfortable and unhappy after you have done something wrong?" Dear Child "A licking." The Koxhury liazette. Flonsie sge 4 to Bobby ige 12 Why dots they call ministers doc they make f olks will be the alllauce of American efforts and American In tercKis. Into the enlng gateway of the twentieth century, hand In hand, shall stride our king of com merce aud the queeu of industry, the Sphinx-eyed scientist and his bride ii never mils to eir.vl a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would recommend it because it is pretwred nn Bjilmit i A ..:..... I u mt-uuui- 'iiii'iic, auu acts on nature's plan in relieving the lungs. opening the secretions and restoring ma iaiin t hiin..,i a a of art. the sturdy sou of airrinuhor. ' . :." "-,",- n'ny ' - " - immiiii.tn ami me ureamiug l oud ot song shall j,,jr gmniy me Angio-raxon race and make itir country great essentially, eMiiiMli ly, iiutguiuYvntly great. a tii k". S-tiTi UK its r tit. For sale by IXHa Drug On i he 2lt instant Oen. Wood, How to I'revrat trsap. We have two children who are aulject to attack of croup. When- ever an attack Is coming on n,y wife gives them Chamberlain's Coii.tK The plea.tantest things in the world are pleaaut thoughts and the greut art In life Is to have as muy of them as possible. military governor ol Santiago, Cuba, Remedy and it alwavs prevents the lssiie.1 his pna-laination in 10 sections attack. It is a hu'-rhnd nm-ssitv for Hie government of his provim. in this county and no matter w hat 11 u: ...e ngi.1 I lug : Pse WC tun out of, it u-onld -Hf . .v...... nunngim io me 1 1 without tium'M rlsln peopie me riiii oi a-nemhly f, the Bcmcly. .More of It common gtaxi, and to apply la thosa than of all lo to INnigh leaj Letter UU The following is a list of letters re maining uucallcd for in the postofflee at Hillslsiro, tVt. 15, 1S0S : Mrs J E Mc Bride, Mr John IlumtMrg, J A Chapman, K, Mr Henry Faust. All letters not called for byM Ui), will be sent to the lVad Utter Office. Ouetvut will be chareil for each letter i-alh'd for. II. .S HI t.MEKtl n, P. M. Z 'i -H t1t.?i-U ana C i AegelaUc Preparation IbrAs slmllnting tteroodandRetfula- Promotes Dirshonrhrerful inessandRestContalns ndthtr Opnim.Morphine nor Minexal. Not Narc otic. t "ii ' -lm Awrfeet Remedy for Constina- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrnoea. WorinsJCortvuIsions.rev-erisn- oess ondLoss OP SLZXP. TaeSimils Sinatur rf . NTW VOHK. TJF iP -V.: Bears tho Signature of EXACT COPY Of WRAPPCB. The Kind You Have Always Bought. mm TH3 Twice-A-Week COURIER-JOURNAL $1.00 a tear. Issued Wednesday and Saturday Mornings. IUILV.U txuix. EAST S0UT1 'w.- THE SHASTA ROUTE o tas SOITTHERN PAG CO. Cxraus ;TaiMi Latva Pun Las o Piu.1 1 I Nurtt TMK CIHT.UH MMM.f, HrwVOMM .ITV. trig t 'r- T7irS ffs- ar r--trt Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, IX. B., PrincipaL J. A. Wesco, Penman & Secretary. THE BUSY WORLD OF BUSINESS give profitable employment to hundreds of our graduates, and will to thousand more. Send for our catalogue. Learn vkat au J hm we teach. Verily, A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmniK HAVE YOU USED 1 B BUTTE;! PARCKS5Tf? I ourier-Jotirniil a .1 Twice-a-Wwra Courier-Jourual Publi canon dys are WnluMklay and gatunlav lh Weilnenlaj piier will be devoted to limcai upic t he btunliT iMue will be devote.! t.. .i,,ri r lany. picture, poetry, etc a perfect faui ily paper luaih issue will be six Dam. or t-lr a week au increase of two psirer a aeek, 104 pves or8;t2 columns iyear Ihe lKjlitii of il. . in ... ; i . i . , m " r r hip, chuuKed and the battle for pure Demoo ""'f '" e Deuiocmtio principle, j lure as in the uast In inn nr iu . peiiae involve.! in the iuiiinir.muni n..l ihe price of the Twicer-Week Courier' Journal will remain the same, $1 a yean .1 u aiurt-utirillit llie c)!i")J j!ir.j- u tne etiiKiriau ol Mr Henry Waiter ou, on poiuieai ana. other topic of the uuy auy tairier.Jeuraal, 1 rear .IK lally aud Naaday, 1 year, . . 8.00 Sunday, aloue, 1 year, ... 2,m urLv rortlaad 8an rabotsao 1 VJusa Above trains slop stall stations between rurtlauu .ml twtviu. Turner. Marion. JUvrMn, Aioauy, I anient, bUls, Hal ey, narruuurK, I uuciiua l ily, a.ui lotiags Urov. Drain, Uoklauii. Utious Irolu KowburK to A.bland, lucluaivs. luirent ltd all UOHtBCKO MAIL DAILY I Lv Ar Fortlaud Uusvbuta Arl TH'ICE-A-WEEK: COURIER-JOURNAL AND TH UIXIH VAKH OX OttUEX KOITE. FULLMAN DUFFET SLEEPERS erlul( luu Mreplas; t ars Attsohsu to All Thbodub Tssins - West Bide Division. l.fcTWEEN KUTLAND A OUilVAlXIh. Hail Train Daily (xoept Sunday). 7:.H0 s m M:A0 a M lM A M Lv Ar Portland Hillsboro Oorvallis Ar Lv SMJra MT Ai Albany and Corvallis conneel wim train, of toe Ureg-on Central A Kaat ern Ky. Eipruas Train Daily, ( Kxoept Monday UVIpm 6:10 r Lv Lv Ar Portland Hillaboro MoMiunvills lnoensndence. Art Lv T:ia a a Lv ! BM a I 4 60 4 a Extraordinary! The "regnlar subscription price of.THK Independent is S 1.50 And the regular suhscriptlo price of the Wi-.kklv Oregonian is SI.50. Anvone aubscribinR'ior Tf Indenendent and paying one year inad vance can get both Thk Independent and Wekklt OregoniancEicarfoL$2.00 AH old subscribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. HILLSBORO PUBLISHING COMPANY NORTH PACIFIC CLAY WORKS Direct i-i-nnection at Bun Krancis wilh Occidental i nd Oriental and racilt Mall xleaniahin I in., f. . Jitm ivn CHINA. Hilin duies on anoiioat on. Kate, and ii.Ai. t. v,.t... Ejirope. Also JAPAN. CHINA, HONO LULU ami All.silltl.il r. h.. ..I.i.inu.i Irom A. 8. 1'eniy, li.-Set Agent Hillaboro. ti. KOKHLEU, M.Vt.A.H anaoer. Portland. sjs-i ONE YEAR . All gilt edged butler jn:t v.. I lie mar ket by creaim i ie i- w : ;ij.i ,: in paei . The ppxluct Ol" H i ni .U- i..:.iy won!'! reach its nia.'.tl in ni:: .1 l.c ;ei coml-.. . t.011 if wrapped iu luiuer I'uitlimei.r than it dK-s v, lieu vr n .el in cloth. Parchment is not only better than cloth but che;ijer. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, fi k i which 27 she. is can be cut 7iJa rcii nient wrapjiers cost 2 cents. FOR ONLY $1.60 500 Sheets 8x1 i, 500 Sheets. 8x13, 55 els, 60 els Th; standard .ize for2-pouud rolls is II inches; 2-pound blocks are wrapped in the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not lieen jeuerally used heretofore, farmers could Juot got it at the geiit riil store It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. ramiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiaiiiiiuiuuiaiiunR 4S VS 4 1 m (OS vs IN m ns i in IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN iN IN School Opened Sept. 19. And you need writing and pencil tablets. We have them with the picture of your school building on at five and ten cent. fjilloliovo iUtbcpeubeut. t 1 V '-. r. sr.x'- ,".y. L: vv V V ! i l t f Vf V i vv ( vv V V7 V V7 NV VJ SV 7 V ,' We hiive inii.lc a ill riuMiinK arraiiLt'iiiiMil with thf 1 wicw-a-Week I'onricr-.loiiriiiil, and will -nd that paper Mii.l the l.MiKi'i MiKNT t,,r 1,10 price nain e,l to all ..tir subscribers a l.o ill rem-w and par in advance 8am pie eopitw of the Courier-Journal sent free on application All Mnhsrrlptlons ander thls.lTer mast be tent t th. INDEPENDENT HILLSBORO, OREGON RIBBONS AND Denver and Rio Grande KAILK0A1). A Fall stouk ol DRAIN TILE Oonstsnll? on hand Orders Solloltoct. JAS. H. SEWELL. Hillsboro, Onoi Scenic Line of the World Meekly Kxr11rKi01.fi TO THE Upholstered Tourist Sleepers CARBON PAPER FOB TYPEWRITERS 1 1. - AT INDEPENDENT OFFICE WHEN COINS EAST Id charge of exrienpd conductors and porters. To KanMsCitrrhirags Biiflalo, lloKtnn with out tranxfer, via 8alt Ijike Mo. Pacitic ami CliicHgo and Alton Ky. Mondays ylUAj. BO YCARS y EXPERIENCE Taaoi Msnas COrVIOMT Ac. AnrrmiHnrilnff a iiketrh nl rttwriirtlon mmf s)nlcklf ssJMMnnin nur opinion frve liethr mn Inrssntlon I pmhnl1r tpiiliihlss, Coniniunlr. tmantfictlrxitldentlitl. Hundlxsnk on I'aiauta ftit fraa. Ohlnt uoiht for nsnriiiir iHttetilit. Htntii tkn ihntiith Munn A Co, hjcwv tprcUU rutttc without L-lirvx tn the Scientific Jlmcrican. A hiUMlMtfnHr UlrntrntM weekly. lnrmt it. cu 11 Ion at ny 'Hnlitlr )iuninl. Ttrnis $X m fnr: ftir numtba, f L, HIJbrll newsMlculsjin. MUNN X Co.S6"""d"'- New York Uraucb OIHoa, tU6 W BU, VTaabiu luu, 11. c. mim To Omaha, Chicago, litlflaln, Boston i li on t rhange via Halt Ijike, Chicago, Rock Ixliind A Pacific Ky. wedne St JnMM.h. Kansas C'iu, 8t. without hange Tia Hur on Koute. mil !S V lingto Wl I ToK.in.sa City Kail way. and limit Uke acitic !! final NetMin.iHt .ii'jiii i: ilur'a Nli se a firntlsss line in traveling between Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Chicago, ana the principal towns In Central Wisconsin. Pjllinsn Tslace Sleeping and Chair Cars In Service. , The Pining Cars are operated in the Inter- or iu patrons, the most elegant set. vice ever Inaugurated. Meals are served a la Carta. To nhlain tirrt-rlsK servl. o your ticket fIh'IiI I re-sil vin A dsv ston-over a rran irv t c0l, f L and Denver. A ride thninirli tli r,m... r"..i .. i . Scenery. Ack vonr ticket ie Ienver A Kio (traudo excursirm. For rates aud all ii,f..r. ,..!.. ..n - or address R-CSU E.B.I.ITy, Wen 1 Atom T . '. a- ii. i- " ' a ifiiii. Sal Wanhinittiin titret-L Pnptl.n.i ( . K. IIOOI EK, ' Ueu'l l'as. k Ticket Agent, Ienver tilorado. Depart for- IME SCHEDULE. From Portland Arrive From . . -i T:iH Iike, IVnver, 'al1 Ft. Worth. Omaha", Fat mail Kanax t'itv, M. 7 :i0. m. Ixiuis, ( liicago, & r.mi. Siokane Flyer a p. in. jWalla Walla,Sxk-! iMda,,k.t.,tl.ic.goI0:l5;m 8 p. tn. Ocean Stcamsaips. ! All sailing ilatin snbjeit lo change. ! ForSnn Kramiw-o Oct 2, S, 8, 11. 14, 14, ill, 2.1, 2l, i'i). -I p. m. I Old-f-f-hi-nn in drt-.-i m.iy W r vA- Othcr niuirh m.i.i;..lna in l-owrr by aiitl.)n or n-nnajHrtax-si e- nibineil.-J. M. v v, -. rvi..n' a... Kv.lw. ..r I ...r . ii ... K-r-rTaiKW-a. I llriss.. HM-rchanla. Vi-kl III., Tne m-cond vtl.in (UHrtBtssn ths I u aaJst hv ivu. n.,,.. . ' - EilUIVi can n-pl.i(t Chamlwrlain's Oilie, Is axtf-J hern i chH','r an'' Diarrhoea Iv nmly. F sale liy IV'llu Dmir Sir. I tin' i:mli'r- :.t k.i n.l- i.t Hi Jiie . Mint oft! e f i. i Fa. N re is herel y given, i slgtiitl lias liltsi In. thtm .i. iiiii ril.i r.f tl.d . ... ed, but no ld-f:ishioni lilflirin ! I.ili. -i.-t-ttuH-d in tin- .-,ui,i . r...-..i iiri-ci.il i. ,r vi W, ,,,e,,,n jvm,-,, and Ii .it sai.1 ii.iiri I. S.j-..iin-.l M.i,.'. ta , llie.!l-t .ti.y f O.-t.-l-Mr. !'. ,t m , o el'H'k in l!,e f-.renmin ot a ii l lnr an th J l.Ker. Tn , , ,. , , . 1 ruriiiK oiijeiTnin-i io inn i! jj- . I . Uore, a tdiml man, hns l n nal icconni an I the srttlement ther-n.f. novinated Air ciaiKrew by the iwDU- . i . . Ww. Ki L'I.K K.s. Ii aura Texa. district. '.iS'deird.0' Vii"0 I 1 . ...11 t.. I IH - iia ii i , ii I ; WISCONSIN CEiiTr Vi LINES i " iliH M-". A ll ..Hi -I a..I i-.-i iic an- r same to in,- hi I lie i in i : lis' r. O I rper voticht-is miliin f this tlute. Dateil this S-ft. ZHU, 1- Ji'ii-N ll. I lUI.WD. Admr. rttaic, John s. Jmksoii. 1 .nil-, fr rHrc t ronnn lions st Clii. s.-.i and Mil siukee Ibrail Ksntern pointn. . , . For full iiifonnatlon call on your nearest ticket sgent, or wite ...... Jas. C. Pod, or Jsa. A, ('lock. len. Pas. Agt, Ueaersl Agent, MilvaiiftatWfe J4 Mark PL Portland 0 Oil, Paper, Carbon, Ribbons. Host of EvtM-y thing Independent ffice 7 p. m. To Ala-ka Pail Sept 17 Colnmliia Ri7cr 8 P. m. F Siimlw Satnnlav ToAslurla and wav S p. m, ' 4 p. m. ex. tnndr IU p. m ljii..li i.gi Wilbmnttfi Pivnr I Asm. ".. 4:30 n. in El riundv Oregon i ity, New. , Stindy "erg, !aii-m way landingn. 7..n, Willamette & Yam-1 n Tw-d.yi bill Pavers fc:w.m Thnrsrtav- ... . " .. and fstu'r 0r"n iy, iHyton "' l 'Ii I anil way landing Willflmnttp Piipr 1 oi. m, " iuuiuiiiiii uiu 4 :,To p m TueThurCorvalli and way Tllin fhn snd fst. landings ' and fat y i . ; a M.in Wed Ri"'i K- lwi-t-m 'l'-? ,n'1 r'ri ' and Thor Address, W. ii. in iti.iri ht. i.we.i ran... 'W x'mu Wea'l AU. or. Tar. !t. J. r. rertlaad, . . Oregea. HILLSBORO HOUSE i. JORTHKor. e Prtyrtotoff Corner 2d etd V i:l tku$ 84