Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 28, 1898, Image 3

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    yji nm I VEJIVED
l-K i Ivl
Kill DAY, OCTOHKlt 2S, 181)8
Turn mt l at K. K Ilryan A Hon.
(M your
tulllt'trt Ut Illdl'llt'llllelll
Hi-html tahlcts
ut the Iinlt'iK'tidcnt
The i'tur of Hit' m'IhioI building
Im on the talilctsi at the liidi'iHiidctit
Town Ik lillin up Mid lli iiuii.lx r
of liMirnll VMdint licui-cM are Unily
lM'coiiiiiit fi wr.
Hon. W.N. hixI Mr. Burrett an
tr thtt w'-k for k viit to Spokane
ami lite liitf IVimI country in Waah
intoti. They expect to lie away
alxiut ten or 1.1 lnyn.
Mr. F. J. llarU r Iihm put in a hath
luhat hiii tonmirliil parlor on Second
Ml rut. Hot or cold liu'li J2.r cent-,
hair rutting cent-, Hhavinjr 10
wnls. If you want h tlrtd-clusn J d-,
give him a call.
Win Mohr inakeM hoota at Mm
ahop on Second atreet, 1 1 UMM.ro, for
.r.f0 per pair, neweil winn for Vr
him! give apecial attention to repair
ing. He uk-m only Hrnl-graile stick
which enaolcM him to Kuaraiilee his
Private Uoy Latham of the Oregon
VolunierM now at Manila haa aent
to hi MiHtcr-i nere a Spaninh ttw one
yard xiihin, an lnsurKaiit paper, a
HpanUh hiillet, nilk liandken hicfi
and other trill -a valuable from their
H"V. W. II Uiirdurtr, atone time
pantor of tlie Tualatin l'laina l'rehy
lerlrtii c' 'irch, lut now at Klamath
Fall w i visitor In Mm old parish
thia weei . While in the Willamette
valley he attended the annual (tynoc'
of Mm church whlcli met thia year at
TIioHIkii, 'll printed iHOiuhly
of eight p: -a and a cover la-mi'd
from the Jo'- printing office of the
Oregon Sell -ol rr LKmf Mutes, la the
only period' -al that coiiikm to thw
tahleahut that ii.tilniiiH advcrtiMlnK
The Hltfn dMM pot contain a ainifle
annouiio'iiu nt wilicting luifi neat, not
even Ha own aulmcriptioii price.
A wlfeimoinled Mieaker at the
evening "'n (if the teachera IunII
tute litM Friday made Home atato
inenta that are not horn out by the
letters or the IlilMwro aoldlera now
at MatiiU. He Maid that the aoldiem
at the I'lnlipi ineM are aiarviiifr. 1-t-Itryan
and privatea Mann, Luce and
Latham any they are not. The h-.ya
are there ami Lnow. The other man
la here and a
The n-ccption of the HillMborO Ue
liel torpa last Friday f.r the U-kver-ton
l'.4t, (i. A. K.. waa a very ea
ant oci a-ion. Lunch waa nerved ut
li.a.n, alter which a program waaren
dcntl. The principal feature wa an
addrcHM by CuiRre-smaii Tongue.
The M'aker was in hi lt form "
While hrt thought perhaps that aoaie
n.icht not eudorae all his vI.-wm yet
theaudic ceappl:u.telwhMn he re
fenstto installed where ece and
wmmer h id cultivated Hie clniri
andaor , 1 ele.n in men while
war ua ' occasion for the exercise of
virtues , f hutuani:y and oourap. and
tlili.lltv. the ceres nn r,-...-
work in miii'l i,,r fi,1, l,ut
nature was not made public.
The i.ublic meeting of the Hillsta.ro
Kmergency corp iu Hie court House
last Saturday evening waa well at
tended, every neat In the auditory
being mvupi.-d. The ad lrc..e were
well irepr.d, and gave much Infor
mation concerning the working o
l,e .s.rpa and the H l Cross o.-.ety
together with their object and aims.
The lied IT'. society I Internation
al and I one of Umorganlxatton that
I r.Hi.guir.Hl by the government.
The a-ictty had IN origin In Sw.lxer
land but In thi country the manage
,,ent I rut rely in the hand of
Alneri.M,,. It undersbaal ha.
the aociety only enquirca v. ho la
wo..nd.,l.lsick s,rl-lnnl of hlp;
la? he Ameri -an or Spaniard the 111
Cros. r-ignlze him I nrr
other .vie.y, the WhHe lYr. but
whether Its oi -t are theiimel
no kn .wn. It i not n-pw-Mtol
here The purely American aoelelj ,
partial to m.r Mdler ;l
he Held is the WenianV U ;'lef Owr?.
auxiliary to the A. It The
ladl. know L'ncle Sam's aoldicr. but
hae not yet lx't intr.Hlu.1! to the
Snaniar I. All these Hncietie l
3 k and that without remiin
frat ion. It Isc rtaitily an economh!
S f diM-.slnK rharitU. where
......,t are found to do the
w Irk and pav t..'ir own exH-n-a
. men.Un.hip fee for the
tiU fix, p AT.
J1' .V : A, I f:,j,
15 il
The late teachers' institute held
here la apoken of as la-ii g the bet
one tlmt has claimtsl the attention of
the profesniou. One of the conductors
alated that he never had, anywhere
in the atate met equal earne linear
and enthusiasm. Ordinarily, he said
they were compelled to aland around
and wait for the teachera to gather iu
but on tliis occasion they found a room
full of men and women, each in his
heat prepared for the work in hand
and wailing for the leaders. We can
well tielieve this atuleiiieut. In the
county there are 1 13 teachers holding
certilleates. Of these, 111 are em
ployed, and 101 were present at the
institute. Of the absentees, 8 were
excused for valid nasoim and the
other two have not Ix-en heard from.
They may have as good reasons for
not atlendiug as thor-e ex -used. Six
non-resident teach tm attended ao
that the total attendance was 121.
These results were obtained by the
thorough preliminary work of Co.
Supt. Hall. On the opening morn
ing, he had his blanks, his attendance
cards and his program of work all
arranged so that when the teacher
lHk his neat, lie at once knew what
was expected. There was im ums-r-t
iinty. lief' ire this the institute hud
ls-tl thoroughly advertised, the su
perintendent having personally ceeti
many ol the teachers and written the
others. Mr. Hall will not hold an
other institute for a year but lie will
have what is almost as valuable,
monthly instittites on Saturday held
In turn in thedistricta most accessible.
The first of the district institules will
13 held at lteedvl le, tomorrow Octo
ber 2.
lien Holt a Washington county
pacer, owned by Mr. K. H. Tongue,
Is tloing some giaai work on the
track this Humuier. His manager
won with him at lndeM'ndeiice.
Last week he was ahead of his com
petitor at The 1)i1Iom and at La
Oraude. At Walla Walla he won
two races. He wa entered at Port
land yesterday, hut the result at this
writing is not known. Mr. Tongue
will ns-eive him at home to-day.
Ilia official record is 2:11), but the
Rural Spirit in criticising some of
Ida performances saya he can go bet
ter than 2:1. ". He 1 a flue young
horse of which more will Ik) beard iu
the future.
A piece of vandaliam wa practlml
on the tenant on the Mann farm in
South Tualalin a few days ago which
he hoiM-a will not be often repeated.
Someone went to hi plow in the
Held, removed and curried away the
jointer, the guago wheel, all the clev
ises and then lraggcl tne plow a
hundred yards away after sawing the
la-am half in two. I he repair cost
7. The clew to the depredator Is
vry sliuht. It wa but one person
aapaar from the trad which give
the only sign. Thia mentioned now.
mav hereafter l seen again and
point out the right person.
Next Monday niirht, Oc t. 31. the
Y. P. S. C. K. of the Congregational
church will havi a Halloween social
at the old Delta lrug Store on Main
St. The young iH'ople will have
nianv bright attraction and futures:
a fortune tell.tr booth, a (able of the
sens, a gentle grah-lmg ami other
euually fascinating things. You are
cordiallv Invited to this social held on
he hoary-aged night of fun and mer
l'he partition-" in the new odd fel
low hall have lccn set and Hie
brown coat ol pi a'r put on. The
hrethrcn are congratulating them-
felvea on having not only the beat ep
pointed lodge In the town, but 'he
la-st In the county. Thpy t'Xiavt to
tavupy the new quarters by the mid
die of December, toasitiiy sooner.
Forty live new cas have las-n
commenced in the circuit court fir
the N'ovemtaT term and the tine for
tilinif ha not yet exiired. 1 he clerk
thinks the number may reeh sixty
W. A. Walker who live lictwecn
llill.boro and Cornelius h.n sold his
firm to John L. HiniifMver of near
Tualatin. Mr. Walker will probably
move to Montana in the spring.
Mr. P. Kllis not tn-ii.g able to get a
suitable building for a photocriph
calerv will huil I o'te on his lot at
the corner of 7th and Washington
The complete taylor system of dress
mikinir invcntiM hy .Mr t. J. fto
vi . will letniglit by Fva Arvhbold
Chart with free instruction.
Ladlr' ahl society ami Kpworth
Iieagueof the Hillslmro M. I-church
will wrve dinner on thanksgiving
day, Nov. 21.
"The Power ol hb-al in Human
Character" I the topic of the nddre-s
In the 0nnr galional church next
Sunday night.
Congressman F.lii of the second
district wa iu HillsUvo last Tu'
day evening, the guest of Hon. T. 11.
Yesterday the atate commeuced
action against Washington county to
ret-over about fuooo.uo delinquent
taies and Intercut alleged to bu due
there are aeven counts In t be com.
plaint. The first Is for $1 13.0S uni
versity tax for the year ls'J-; this is
the lax that Mas levied but not col-let-ted
on mortgages uudcr the old
mortgage tax law. The second count
is for tVUO ou lUegeneraf tax of IS'Jj.
L H. Sappiugtou wlien treasurer re
uiued this sum but did out specify
to what account it should be carried.
The vtate treasurer credited it to the
old mortgage tax. The thirl count is
4 Claim for interest ou 116,791.32 at 8
per cent Ironi March tl, 1V'7 to April
12, MT. The fourth count is inter
ent ou 17711 Ml from March 6, "J7 to
June II, ".; Toe tiflli is for Intereat
on a;ai :m irm Mar. & "J7 to Jun 11
97. tj'h is for inlerer-t on 11791.32 from
March IS, "J7 to July. The 7th 1 for
interest on t l '),H I J.l I from March 5,
its lo May 11, lS'JS. Tbia claim for
iuu real is made tkistuse the county
ltd not within the 30 days after taxes
Is come due pay the same. What
di feuae the couuty w ill have for the
first two counts has not been discuss
ed, but for the other five it is thought
Ih -re is a good ami milk-lent defense.
There is iu justice at least- An old
law makes lute taxes due on the
tlrst Monday of February. If they
aro not paid within 3tl day interest
is charged. Af'erwr.rd a la w was en
acted creating a s'nte board of equali
zation whicn Ktt atsmt the holiday
reaching iulo January. The county
co. irt makes the levy afterward. In
Ih'.Kt an amendment was made to the
tax lav. vkiiah required the cuuuly
clerk to keep bis roll o'n till the
first il February, but this law did not
change the date when "'st" taxes be
come delinquent. Thegx adiuend
ments mnke it impossible for the
rherill' to get the roll and collect
money enough for the atate liefore
tfixts iHcame delinquent. It is
thought that the atate cannot take
ad vantage of Ha own acts to ptiuiidi
an iiiuiH-cnt party.
The Oregon Telephone and Tele
graph Co. is stringing a new wire
from Portland to Foreat Orove. The
linemen reached IMMioro yesterday.
I in-loess has so hiiTf.ised that the
one wire could not care it. All the
I u-iiuss between Forest Orove and
the atutioas thitherwanl to Portland
wilt be done on the new line. It it
is desired to talk with a party South,
connection will Ite made in Portland
with the old wire. So, too, if a con
varsation is to las carried on between
McMinuville ami Hillslairo it will he
through Portland. The O. T.4T.
company is putting in an exchange
at Fon-st Urove. When thia is done
it is siid that there will la no charge
to suliscritx r for conversations be
tween Hillshoro and Forest Urove
The ladies of the Congregational
church had another of their aipular
entertainment last Wedned7 eve
ning. The feature ol the o-casion
waa the lunch served. The principal
item of the menu was hot wa tiles
eaten with maple syrup. The ayrup
whs genuine as w e boys had it in the
suuar camps from Mas-sachusetta to
Iowa. When will the ladies allow
us to clone our teeth on Maple taffy.
They are here, those Wanamaker
A Brown saini l s of Ladies and
Misses Suits, l ii.no, Capes, etc., and
they are the latest, newest and nob
biest. The ladies are invited to ex
emino them at Arch hold's store. J.
M. McCui.liOcil, Agent.
Since the laat term of court held in
July fifteen divorce casea have laien
ommcnceii in this county, cviueui-
ly a bungler has tied some bad mat
rimonial knots.
There will Ih? aervicea next Sunday
in the Meth'Mlist church at the usual
hour bv Klder Luce of Cornelius.
Klder Kich occupied the pulpit in
the Christian church laat Sunday.
l'he meetings were continued Mon
day and Tuesday nights.
The Missea Annie Khso, Martha
and Viola Hobinson returned laat
Tuesday from Port Townaend, where
they spent the sum mer.
Mr. The. ll'KMi, who nan neen at
tending college at Corvalli, returned
home last week with his health some
what impaired. He will not be able
to resume hi studies this term.
Mis Hertba Kehse came out from
Portland to-day to siand Sunday at
Mcshi-m. Ian;lor Panne. Al. and
Then. Osmund, of Portland, spent
l;ist Sunday with friend here.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. II toinson re
turned from their wedding trip last
week. The lioy were waiting
for them and irive iliem a serenade.
Mr. K ol.inson served them with ci
par and other luxuries.
Mr. Ueo. Hotiinson has necuieu to
nuil dairying, lit w ill sell hi cows
and creamery at public auction Oct 31
Mr. Hobinson has remtrel his
tore building and raised it above
high water. Hogr Hroa. can now
cirry a larger atocx oi gissis ami
more conveniently serve their cus
tttlKT 1I01SE.
flKffIT tTlUltT.
Msrtha A. Hoy commences cllvor
praisling against Louis Uoy, al
eging, orsoiiHl uniignities renoering
life burdensome.
Julia Ward uregg complains of
Lsmont Uieirg alleging groea and
habitual drunkenness contracttsl
since marriage, ami gross and cruel
indignities wherefore she prays for a
W. K. Swentt ll commence fore
closure priKvediuga against Joseph
IXll'NTY tXifKT.
John Phillip Olson was admitted
io citizenship.
James K. Price was examined on a
e iinolaint charging insanity. From
the eertinVate of J. P. Tameiste, ex
aminlng physician and the lestimony
of w itnea-s it ailearM llial tne aai
Price is of unsound mind and danger
ous to he at large.
Est John W Strohridge, ilenl.
Seiniannual account flU1"! and apurov
ml. Orderwl that citation Issue by
publication n-quiring heir to appear
Nov. 2. issw. and show iue II any
I hey have, why real estate belonging
lo the i-state shall not tc sohl.
list U W Crane, decs!. t)rdered
that the administrator Ml the per
sonal property talonging to the
Htate at ouPlic or private sale a
shall aonear for the boat interest of
the wtate.
Est Jainb Trachsel, deed. Will
admitttsl to probate and Margaret
Traehsel appointed executor to serve
wHhtHit bonds.
Vt Iloll L Iix, miner.
The raid minor having married,
and thf estate being fully
settled it la ordered that it be closed
of record.
Ilelow Is a list of the t-acben
attende.1 the annual teachtrs mi
tute held here lacl w k; .
A Fleck Harry E Coleman
Eily M Barnes WillarU rleca
M. McLschlan Lyda Barnes
Anna O Rourke Marv J'iUer
Eluabeth Downing Beryl Barue
John Hob man
Grove A Peterson
Harry C Baker
Mrs M E Thompson J T Dorrien
t-lora rolluck iena ai aiiuci
Louise Mooberrv Lillian Bnggs
Cedar Mills.
J Karl Smith M Elizabeth oung
Margaret c smiin
K Skeels Edward M Brooks
V M Tiuton
Pearl II Shaver Maud Gcslard
Will Pollard
Elliie A Baker
West Portland.
Emma Haines Elia Bingenliimer
Krbecca Bingham Ruby Jackson
Nellie Marsh Florence ilsou
Liwie Henlr;er Erancis Henlarraer
Robt P Wirtz Coral Wilkes
Annie Rood W J Grimes
Urilla Grimes
Forest Crove.
J T Fletcher Chester Fletcher
Mrs Kstlier Allen Anna m aorencu
Anna Luster
A N Lowe
Orell Beat
Katlierine Myers
Frances I) Myers
Alice Christian
Emma Gordon
Bessie M Thorpe
Mrs H I ArnspiKer Lena Stilwell
Mary Clark Agnes E Cronin
Bertha Smith
Oliver L Curtis Eva Cypher
Carrie Frutchey Geo V. Miller
L Hickenbottom Eliza Sliorey
W A Johnson Lena Parker
Allien M Porter K X Harding
Mabella Wyinan E P W Harding
Maud Wilson Hattie Moore
II J Wells Cora B Lizer
Kinersou Baker
Gale Creek.
Ilaisy Curtiss Pearl Newberry
Loura K Mills
Eilnion Caiitonwine Grace Boscow
M C Case Lucy Humphreys
Rose Wilcox Ralph Wann
Dora J Elliott Albert Latham
Jennie Beamish W A Tupper
Amy Wells rvsiena oocuren
Marv M Pittenger Lula Mann
Mrs'C P Blanchard Geo V Doughty
Mattie Zook Minnie Osmund
Bertha Clark Rose E Kalscll
II A Ball
Lillie B Haynes Mrs M Steventon
Edna Little
Clarence Adams Mrs S J Raflety
Chester Wirtz
Middleton Mrs M C Saltus. Eugene
W Moon.
Manning Lillie M Porter.
Reedville U S McIIargue, Hannah
B Andersou.
Lennox Killa Tunstull.
Phillips Marie Frantz. Mrs Estella
Hillsdale Emma Timms.
Linton Lena II Nelson.
Fulton Helen J Ewing.
Springbrook Niola Guenther.
Sylvan Fivinda R Fay.
Mr. Edgar Smalley of Astoria re.
turned to school last Friday morning
and has again resumed his studies in
the Academy.
Five new student have been in-
rolled during the past week.
The new sidewalk in front of the
old Academv building has been laid
and adds much to the appearance of
the college grounds.
Prof. A. H. Sweebser delivered a
lecture in Hillsboro last Thursday
evening before the Teachers' Institute
His Bubjact was the "road-stool"
which he illustrated with stereoptl-
can slides. He also delivered a lec
ture on the same subject in Portland
on Friday evening before the Young
Men's Christian Association.
Manairer Chas E. Uradley has ar
ranged a foot ball game for next Sat
urday afternoon lietween P. U. and
the Portland Y. M. C. A. team. As
this is the first game of the season
and as there ai e many admirers of
the game, it will doubtless l e very
interesting and greeted with a large
attendance. The game will tat called
on the college campus at 2 p. iu
The first Issue of the college pajsT,
The Index, will la? out next week
It is the Intention of the hoard to
make the paper a bi-monthly, to pre
sent to its readers only the latest and
freshest news, together with literary
articles by writers of merit.
The Y. M. C. A. reception last Frl
day evening at Herrick Hall was I
memorable event in tne History ot tne
as-stciation. As the young men ar
rived they were ushered Into tin
beautifully decorated parlor, where,
after a short lime spent in converse
tion a pleasing program, consisting
of songs, short addressi-s and recita
tions was rendered after which re
freshments weie served..
A agents for a new stump.blast
in, bank-blasting and mining lew
der. ( The California Vigorit Powder)
we challantre the representatives ol
anv powder company on earth, at
any time or place, to test their pow
der airainst our for strength, suiar
lorily and cheapness. 1 bis powder
has la-en tested by Clackamas and
Multnomah copnties and many Indl
vidual citii 'nsand is acknowledged
to be 4 cheaper than any other pow
der. Its safety is one of the chief
features of sueriorlty.
Gko. U. Hate A Co., Agents,
Portland, Oregon
11 Madison St., (west end of bridge)
ltead Letter l.lsU
The following is a list of letter re
maining uncalled for In the poetoniee
at Hillslioro, Oct. 22, 1VJS :
C Patterson,
All letters not called for by Nov
5. will tie sent to the Dead Ix-tter
Omee. One cent w ill be charged for
each letter called for.
Dr. Linklaterhas received a cable
gram from Australia Informing him
of tba death of hi only brother.
KEtl. KM'.tlK TU.tNSrl.U.
Nenp WiPia
P.iiii-i;!"r V
add ' ll. ti
ll liltOHO
M lj P-eve- i
to Josephine
111 Tongue's
li'no ulso It 2 b
I5U t0
August llelle-
1 . u 21 ,-o lucres siv 20 t 1
2 r'2 w
C He.--co A wf to A Nichols
"10 00
1 ts i-rrf sis.' I t 1 n r 3 WT.
W A Walker A wf to John L
liar ' Krover 20 1 acres sec 2 t
a a r 3 w 2."(I0 00
Geo Nobha-h & wf to K Kobn
11 7 l 14 unit lis ' A I.Ik l'l
Cornelius -100 00
Mary E Hoxter to Ahio 8
Watt tract in the E katiah
Walker d I c 4000 00
II Scho! field A wf to I hos S
Cornelius 0!( acres in the
Chas McKay d I c 3IK.0 00
Wm M Ladd a' I in to ( has N
Johnson, tract in It Tupper
d 1 c 50(10 00
John Dickson to Maria Anna
and Wm Dickson r J ol u e
J sec 2S t 2 u r 2 w 1
Joshua Clarke to Aibert Mts-
ner c J of n e and s e of
n w 4 sec 3") t 2 n r 4 w KalO 00
() I A ft Co to lieo Fisher se
1 of a e sec 21 t 2 s r 2 w... 520 00
Anna M ilathuway et al
Thrtdness Sms'ls in- sec (J
t 2 s r 2 w 6 00
Anna M Hathaway et al to
Preston Skeels s w i f n w
J sec 23 t 2 s r 2 w and e J
of e J of s e of n e sic 2J
t 2 s r 2 w loso hd 5 blk 5
Sherwood 5 00
nna M Haulaway et al to
Hattie F Hit s w J of n e J
sec 28 t 2 s r 2 w 5 00
IJattie F Hits et al to Anna
SI Hathaway n w of n e
1 sec 2S t 2 s r 2 w 5 00
Eliz J Tibhitla to James Cof
Hello w J lot 53 Cornelius
Environs 400 00
U S to Winslow Hrownson A
wf 313 5rt acres see 31 t 1 n
r 2 w Patent
Eunice Walker A hu-Laud
to J W Hrock tract in sec 3"
t 1 s r 4 w and oilier lands.. 850 00
Geo Harris A wf to Hose) la
Holunsim lot II blk 3 Thorn
add to Hillsboro 280 00
The best lead peueil iu town for 5
cents at the ImikpkmiENT'h station
ary department.
A .Narrow I' scape.
Thankful words written by Mrs.
Ada EHart of (iroton S. D. "Was
lakei wilh a bad cold v. hich settleil
on my lungs; cough set in and finally
terminated in cousuinption. Four
loctorsgave me up, snytng I could
live but a short time. I gave myself
up to my Savior determined if I
could not stay with my friends on
arth 1 would meet my absent ones
above. My husband was advised to
get Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds. I
gave It a trial, took in all eight Dot
tles. It has cured me anil thank
God I am raved anil now a well and
healthy woman.
Trial bottles free at Delta drug
store. Itegular size 50j and 1.
Guaranteed or price refunded.
Backleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In "the world for cuts
bruisea, sores, ulscrs, salt rheum, fev
er, tetter, ehapi ed nanus, eiomiams
corns, and all skin eruption, and
positively cures piles or no pay re-
tulred. It ts guarantied to give
isrfect satisfaction or money refund
si. Price 2; cents per imix. J-or
sa'e by Delta Drug store.
Mate, of Oregon, for the County of
In the matter ol tne nsuiie o.
Marv ltooney. deceased J . . .
i n i, wier. Ha he Vourl. John knnick
and Peter U-ionev and to all other (lersons
interested ill said estate, tm-etinit:
In the name ol tne Biare oi on nun, juu
lire hereby rinpiired to aptear in ine i.oim
tv Court of the Mate of Oregon for the
i ountv f Washington, at the roiirt room
thereof at Hillsboro in the 1 ounty of
Washington ou .Monoay me "
v.vml,. r IK'.' at P) o i l, . k in the forenoon
of that day then and there t. show eaiise
if any exist wny an uni.-rui -... ...v .
lowing dwrilmd n-al property aittiutis in
Washington county ri -gun, aim iwroi
as follow, to-wit: the ei nan oi uir
utheast ipiarter ot seeuou mu i,-....
township three norm, ram:.- i"o
in. Willamette Meridian containing eighty
acres, sleiuld not t ma-ie an pray.d lor in
the t-tition oi near' . iiiiia.c..-v,.. .
sai l estate, tiled in this eou-t and cause.
Wi nes the ll"n. I.. -. if. jo-ik .
the County Court "f the Mate ot iiegou
.... .i. i-..'.,.,. .,f V,ishitiLFton. wiHi the
seal or paid i o'urt adi xed this 7th day of
OrtoU-r 1MIN. At e-t:
J A I -M I'll i r , f ii-!,
W. W, Mckinney, deputy.
Ira lUtl tin h.i BoiiM
Tit fra Cimtli.tlon ore.
Tafce Ci-nreTs C.tnoT ',tr..FF.c 1'lcorWo.
HtCX lul ut cure, dtu . n tuna mooef
"One huntlrcil million
dollars spent fr worth
less 'fuoil' every year in
A m ' r.l. 1 W Buth.-n.
MTlCriCa. am'iU fee j AjnciiU
ScuWhs Best
bikinf po-vder
rVivorint; cx;ract
and space
have no sympathy with
such waste. n
For W by
R. E. Bryan ii Sou
Hum ,. SI
O tl tl o o
Tbraugb Tourist t ars to M. loui-.
A tourist slipping cur will h-ive
Portland every Monday via Mo. I'ae.
and every Wislnesday via tlie llnr
lintrton route at 8 p. m. via tie (. K
A N. through t4dt like and D-uver
without change to St. I,.ui-, and in;-
''''r ",e Hnpervision of xperiepced
conductors. io cnange m ears in ine i
cities, Kansas City or St. luiis. K.s p
this service in mind when roi ul; I
inst nrtd consult O. H. A N.Hgi tits or
W. H. IU Ki.m iir,
General Pa.saeiiger Agent, Portland,
htale of Oregon for tlie County of Wash
ington. M. U Wills, l'lamtiir.l
Kluub th Wills. PctVudant.l
To Kliza' etli Wills, the above r.ainod Ji -tenilaal:
III the inline of tlie State of Iii-l-oii, yon
are hereby repiireil to uppear ami a:isvi-r
the complaint tiled aain:-t yua in iln-ahovt-entitled
Hint hv ftionitav ih'- t."-tli
day of Nov. lSlls whii ii is tin; i it day uf
the next regular term 'f a!,l eoie i i.ext
fiillowiiix the expiration of the timo lol-tlie
publication of this summon. Ami if ya
fail to ho answer for want tle n-oi tlie
ilainliff will apply to the eonrt for tin
relief pruved lor and demanded in his
complaint tow it :
I liat : tie niarri e e anil omuls ol nnini-.
uiony now existin i lie ween the pl.iiiinll'j
an i ileli-nilant lie a nulnl -i it h- a-me ,
and rendered void rom lied te of he ! -
t ree ot laid court, and that Mieli o her a d
far her .elief br gra iied us may he eipiii-
This fmiiinioiiR is nnhlished against
hy order of I hoinas A. Melhide, Jud
the aliove named Court, made
dated on the, 21th day of Hep'. IMis.
1HO. Jl. iV J-., li ltJ.Mil I-.,
l'J 2o Attorneys for 1 'hi
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parlsuf
the body, sinking at the pit ol I lie ntom-
ach. ly8 ol npectite, tcwi iV ess, pun. i
plea or tores are all positive evidence of,
impure blood. No matter bow it h came
ho it must be purified it) order to oltain
good health. Acker's l!l"od Eiesir has
never filled to cure scrofulous or syplnl.
i tic poisons or any other blood diseases
It is certainly a wonileiful remedy and we
sell every bottle on a punitive guarantee I
Acker's English Itnimly v. Ill slop a
cough at any time, and will cure tlie
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and Ml Cents at l'ella 1 Irug
Your Kiii-e
Shows the stnte of your fucliims, atnl the
Htate of your health ar well. Impute
blood makes it elf appoent in a e.i'i
and i-al low complexion, piniplos ai,d skin
Kruptions. If you ari feeling weak atid
worn out and do rot have a lunhliv '
earance vou should try Acker'a blood
hilixir. It cures all IiIihhI (iisi-iisi-s where
cheap sarHnparilhiH and e illnl ,i.ni.cls
fail ; know ing this we w ill sell -i rv hot
tied on a punitive guarantee. ItiRi DniK
(100 Menard, iU ).
The readers of this paper w ill he i le
to learn t at there im ut least oie-
disease that seience has hii n able to euie
in all its stagisj and that is Catarrh. 1 lull's
Catarrh Cure is theonlv psii;ve cure now
known to the medical fraternity. atarrli
being a constitutional di.-easc, rcijiiir -s a
constitutional treatment, liall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting dircctiy up
on the blood and mucous suriaein ol Un
Hvstem, thereby destroying the louudal ion
of the dinease, and giving ihe patieu
strength by building up the constitution
ami BHHiHting nature in doing i' wois
1 he proprietors have ho much faith in il
curative jiowers. that they oder i l ie- Mini,
dred JJollars for any case that il fails to
eure. Send for list of testimonials
Address K.J C11KNKY V Co., loledo.tl
Sold hy liruggists. 7rc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Notice is herehy given t' at the !"'!
named settler has liletl notice of
tion to matte fn al proof in him'1"'-i
III.. j
, s..H. i
1 l.l
claim and that said proof will l n
liefore County Clerk of Wa-hiie.-toii 1
Hillsboro, Ugn., on ret.inli, K. vix
vrns llaeou;
"t I
! H K HE for the N W ,,( : I
I He names the following witne.-.
I trove his continuous re.-elenec up-oi
x i:
to I
:il !
cultivation of said lami, viz :
I I. Meachaill of Itarona, Ure
; J J Johnson " "
li h lioe
J X Klippin
1,'it CHAS. B. M'miKK.-.
riiii.ic sti.i:.
I w ill sell at ptihlir unction at Karm
intttoii Snii'e" south of H i 1 1 -1 . the f,.
low ing deerilFF?l -rsfnnl proi-erty "ii
.HOMHV, OtT;lltlt 31. ls.iH.
Conimencina al 10: "l o'cim k.
80 Milch r, 1 Jer-ey bull pure
brew with prdirpe, 1 litipre, He.
laral frparatr 2 In r f. running
order. 1 .Hct'rmic lilniter, 1 Knre.
ka hatter worker. I lla Kejc i-lmr-e
pswer feedrhapper and power, I 4'
ral tvl4Br4 rbara htnil r w r.
1 Tathlll naternheel rvi as new.
TKKM.s (K S A I K.
Ten dollar or nmh-r ca-h ; over ten
dollars one years' time on (,,r.v-l note at
lr cent. R per cent oil for n-h.
B. P. Corneliua, U. . KOl;l",
The Academy prepares for College and gices
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery lotc. Board and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 tc $4 per tceeh, including
electric light and n -at.
Under experienced management, will fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
pin, not to exceed $1.50
For full particulars, address
president McClelland,
Forast Groce, Oragon
1 IllllflUlIU
v mmniTmTA tit i
Schulmerich & Son
Have received part'of their
stock of Implements and offer
them at prices that defies compe
tition. They will sell:
Lever harrows, 50 tooth, all steel. . . .$11
14-in wood beam steel Clipper plows. 12
14-in turf and stubble plows 13
14-ineh chilled iron plows 11
Gang plows 45
Call and examine their stock
of Plows, Peg, Disc and Spring
Tooth Harrows. Buggies and
Arc Coming to Hillsboro or.
If you have a Chronic Catarrh, consultation is free of charge.
Do you blow mucus lroru the nose?
Are you troubled with bleeding of the nose?
Are the nostrils obstructed, making breathing difficult?
Are ou hoarse at times?
Is the mucus dropping down from the nose Into the throat?
Is your nose stopped up?
Is your hearing affected?
Is your throat re at limes?
Do you spit a good deal when rising in the morning?
Do you hem and hawk to clear your throat?
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which leads into consumption.
Weak eyes cured; cross eyes straightened without operation; cataracts
removed without a knife; glasses fitted where all others have failed;
Ruptur md Hernia cured, without trusses or operation; sure cure for
kidneys. CliT'itik rtcamtism cured.
Do not f'i tj c tkc Cencan Specialists. A friendly talk will cott
4)4 ifcavtiitf, avll U ttvN4l to CtHult in a great deal of good to you.
8 and 9, and toil I be at the
21, 1898.
n riuiM liiriiiiiui I
Alien nun
nun -