Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 28, 1898, Image 2

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loitered in the p. ..tome at MUlsboro, Ore.
as mgvuu-cum uiau matter.
Subscription, In advance, per yesr, f 1.30.
D.M.C.UAULT, Editor.
If the compensation il olHcer in
this county it loo large, il ought to
be reduced, and now is the time to
study the nKMilioo. It ought to
be consider! with the pu ,.ic service
la mind. Justice to those lu office
must not be forgotten either. Last
spring the question of reducing saUr
m waa not rais) and th official
took office exjcting the fixed salar
ies). ZCeally It 1 lu the nature of a
contract and the oliligaini should
The Kant Oregonlan would like not 06 "I""J. II the law la thing-
to have the capital moved from "houw not eneet the present in
Hulein to Portland, eumbenta. Those thing may In
i I none la Multnomah county, but that
ncnator biiuou piaewi a big naw ,JoM no, IDHke u risrh.
10 ins record when he ml vocaUxl the Arfl ilM ..lu htuh? Let the
payment of the "hold upa.Foll work , the 8,prltT office be consld-
rc4. r Amu or run cri
Nevertheless Hpain hat not "loat all
Have honor." She Ht ill ha the time
ami the facilities to amuse herself
with a press and telegraph censor
ered.. The sheriff by the prese nt law
la allowed one deputy and no more.
If business accumulates he mutt hire
it done and pay for it out of his own
pocket. With the present salary he
doe that and make no complaint
even though he pays the hire of two
A part of the French Cabinet re- or three team-i for as many deputies
signed thia week which came near Those for siiecials. For the past nix
precipitating a riot. The real trouble months Mr. Ura.lf rl had a econd
In France la between the civil and deputy continuously. He paid him
the military. The civilians strive to wages. Thui la the salary allowed
be the government while the mill- by law whittled down.
tary department seeks to be first in I Washington county Is willing to
the administration. The contention pay officer fair compensation. The
may end in civil war or It may bring I Thompson bill says that a fair com
on a foreign war. I pensatlon Is f 1800. The Hhr If shall
have it. If msml nnt nmnlriv mil. of
The last Spanish soldier has sailed ,,-,,. n,iu .,. ,,
from Porto Ilico. America h-Jn I ,.i. i.i.. i .u i.
complete control, npimw power la ,hlnM ,,., !rl ., aM ,
in the bill. If that doctrine prevails
: more money and
to he surrendered In Cuba by Dec. 1
Many of the outposts h ve already ,hfl uhari ,
been evacuated. It Is possible that ..,.n m ........ u
i. i n I FU",IU uuBinnw win ouio-r. oujjfijfw
Npsnlsh soldiers will be In Cuba after
Dec. 1, but our flag will be over all
public buildings and the custom
houses will be In the bands of Uncle
Ham's boys.
a litigant hands the sheriff an at
tachment proceeding. He is exceed
Ingly courteous and says: "I will
serve it in its turn. Here are five
others and my deputy is now out."
The Supreme court has decided Tne plaintiff by the delay loses his
that the railroad traffic association Is claim. Again in time of circuit
an Illegal combination, and must dis- court the Judge and 31 jurors are kept
solve. The roads are far out at sea waiting on the expense of o2.00per
and hardly know what is to be the ,ly J"ry salary alone, for the sheriff
outcome or how it effects them. n(l ne deputy to get witnesses.
K ich road is hereafter to do business How long would It be before the court
independent of the others, and it will would send out special deputies to do
probably tie a survival of the fltest. I tne work that the email force In the
This is one time when the courts de- sheriff's office cannot do? The Judge
cided against corporations,
ulists note the fact.
Let pop- I would audit the bill and the county
would have to pay it. Think you,
there would be a saving? It may be
urged that if the business is too much,
for two men, let another be added.
But tiiat may be too much. Sune
Most of the hops produced la this
county have been sold. Those dis
MMcd of early In the season went
from 8 to 10 centa, while those sold m, Ihpw, ,,, . m, mn
within the past 10 days brought 15 Lav be needed and at other time
cents. Offlers of 16J were made in none It wouIJ m to give the
the early part of the week, and re- ,neriir Iuore ,nan u con8idertHl a
proiier salary and require him to
fused. Holders claim that thev can
see 2D cents before the holidays. But
here a care must exercised lest the
buyers retire and leave the few re
inainidg lots In the ware houses.
It is not America that is going to
suffer by the breaking off negotia
tions at Purls. The dons are frittering
away the fall while our army Is grad
uully occupying Cuban strongholds
and the Oregon and the Iowa are
daily drawing nearer to Manila
while the Buffalo will meet them by
going Hast through the Sues Canal
We are losing nothing by those
Spanish dilatory methods. If the
hpauiards want to commence the
war sgaln we will get the Canara
The Iniiki-kndknt opposed the
abolition of the railroad commission
Is-fore something else was formulated
to take Its place. Well, the com mis
sion has been legislated out of office.
And here Is an instance of how bus.
iness is now done: The most favor
Hide freight rates are given to wheat
The old commission had managed to
have all manufactured products of
wheat, such as Hour, germea, shorts
Hiid tho like Included In the wheat
schedule. This favors local mills
ot tier wise the wheat would go to
Portland to be floured. Well, the
Columbia Southern, connecting Biggs
on the line of the O. It. A N. with
Prineville has been commenced and
constructed as far as the village of
Wasco In Sherman county. A Joint
tariff for the short stub and theO. It,
A X. was put In force this summer,
A local miller named Isaacs at Was
co complained to the State Hailroad
Commissioner In September last that
the railroad Is discriminating against
his product charging him 25 cents
per ton more than they did for
wheat. The commission knew that
flour and wheat ought to be carried
at the same rate. The attention of
the nroper railroad authorities were
railed to the complaint. They agreed
to look into the matter as soon as the
immediate press of business could be
cleared up. About two weeks later,
the commission in the meantime
havlnir been legislated out of office,
one oi the old commissioners asked
the manager what had heea done In
the Isaacs complaint. "Nothing yet,"
"By the way the law creating your
ttiinmisHion, has been repealed, has It
not?" "It has." "Then you are out
ofoffh-eand hav no more authority?"
' True ' " ell, then, Isaacs can pay
that 25 cents a ton or else we will
raise tne rate on wheat to flour rate."
There you are. If the rate on wheat
is left, the miller is mulcted. If the
rate on wheat Is raised the wheat
raiser is bled to that extent. No ac
tion at common law will lie against
the railroad companiei because they
have not violated a statute. It Is
safe to say that if the commission had
remained in office a few weeks long.
er, the producers of Sherman county
would have Isvn able to saved
a rvtable sum of money that Is
now paid for a higher freight on ex
ports. And it is further safe to say
that the representatives of that coun
ty voted for the repeal of the law.
promptly do the work that reaches
his office. This Is an instance when
a man's Income is cut down by the
more business there Is to do. In
truth the old fee system was the most
just to the taxpayer. By that the
man who had business in court paid
for it and those who were not litigous
had nothing to pay.
No inqniry has been made but it
is believed that the sheriff has not re
ceived clear of office expenses $180(1
per year or 11500 even.
What is true In the sheriff's office
is likewise true in the clerk's ami re
(order's office. Public business will
pile up and confusion result. Before
the recorder office was established,
it was no uncommon thing for the
clerk to be behind three mor.tha with
his recording. Now iiiftrumeuls are
recorded the day presented if neces
sary. This question cannot be dismissed
with the flippant interjections of
those who do ten dollars worth of
service for a nickel.
The current news reports give in
formation that both England and
France are preparing for war. It is
quite possible that the ancient ene
mies may arrange an exhibition on a
large scale for their neighbor, tho'
the Amsterniam, !ioll:ind, "Nieuws
van dan Dag" thinks that "if the
French and British governments
were left to settle their African dif
ferences they would have little troub
le in doing so." But they are not left
in peace. The British Oovernment
especially has to deal with a warlike
movement in the press, such as has
not ien exsrleneed since the days
when the Iinndon music-halls resoun
ded with that famous chorus:
We ilou't want to tight, but, by Jint;o!
if we do,
We've got the ships, we've got the men,
we've got the nionev too.
We don't want to tight, but hy Jiimo! if
we do,
The Kiiwhina shall not have Constanti
The Tageblatt, Viennt, sketches
the situation to the following effect:
Having taken possession of Kypt
during a period of financial difficulty
In no small measure duo to Brili.-h
influence the English claim that eve
ry fox it of ground ever claimed by
bgypt belongs to them. That the
lations of claims he may have estab
lished as first comer.
The source of Bri'inh disaiisfaction
is set aurth in a speech made by Sir
IvUarJ Grey In lb'J5, when he a-
.-rted that an attempt on the part of
France to establish a claim In Egypt
would be an "unfriendly act. Not
one British paper thinks that, after
such a declaration any concessions
could be made to France. All of
them are con Aden t that France, wor
ried as she is with the Dreyfus scan
dal, will retire at Lord Salisbury's
command, and all predict the speedy
defeat of France In case of war. The
Outlook, Loudon says
"In the teeth of Sir Edward Grey's
explicit official warning, repeated by
Mr. Curc in and backed by the whole
weight of public opinion of ihiseoun
try, that a French oecujiation of Fas
hoda would be regarded as a casus
belli, the French have occupied
Fashoda. . . .
The plain fact is that France has
taken up a position at Fashisla so
presisterous, so impossible that If
war Is to be avoided, as we may be
lieve it will be, Lord Salisbury will
need all his ingenuity to devise for
her a dignified way of retreat. But
the business of diplomacy is the
building of bridges, and provided he
lists not build it out of British In-
erests, Lord Salisbury may build
any lie likes to assist the French out
of Fashoda without a breach of the
peace. Some suggest that for a free
hand in Morocco France would be
willing to withdraw from the Upjier
Nile vailey. But this would be too
heavy a price to pay even for peace.
For with France entrenched in Mor
occo we shoul I share with her what
now In virtue of Uibralter we control
the Atlantic gateway of the Medi
Tilt nilLlflNOS AMI Til E CATII
father Doyle, one or the most in
telligent of the American Roman
Catholics intelligently sets forth the
attitude which the advanced portio
of his church in this country hold
touching the Philippine problem:
"He frankly admits that Spain
has not succeeded in civilizing the
natives that the union of church an
slate has been and always is detrl
mental, and that the coming of th
Americans at this time Is providen
tial to the native Filipinos. He nat
urally objects to any missionary at
tempts by Protestants but this can be
forgiven in vit.w of his vigorous plea
for a policy of state which will be
creditable to us and beneficial to the
Filipinos. "If" says he, "we send
among the lags Is swaddlers and
politicians to sow corruption and
degredation we shall reap the whirl
wind in dissension and revolution
I'lio possession of the Philippines will
Is'come a very costly experiment
and, what is worse than mere loss of
money, our iuiluence, which has
tau given to us to uplift and free.
will be perverted to debauch aud eu
slave. Were I in authority 1 woul
persuade every Protestant minister
to slay away from Manila. I would
select the most thorough Americans
among the Catholic priests of the
country and establish an enteute cor-
ditile a frieudly understanding be
tween them and the civil authorities,
I would apKiiiit as governor-general
broad-minded military man one
who understands the inner workings
of the Catholic religion. He need
not lie a Catholic, but he should have
no ' - tipalliies against the church
and lb uld strive to gain the Hympu.
tin tic adherence of the ecclesiastical
Congressman Tongue was put in
gisxl spirits last Tuesday evening
when he read of the ocning of the
bids for the Improvement at Yaquina
Bay. He has earnestly champ. oned
that enterprise for the reason that it
would when completed creates com
peting export line for the Willamette
Valley. He was opposed in congress
by the democrats and populists and a
few republicans in the fur east who
could not see any gissl to result to the
first district. Indeed the populists
of Benton and Lincoln counties, this
state, actually njoiced when the ap
propriation was defeated lu the last
congress. But Mr. T ngue never
stopjied work. Tne war department
finally advertised for bids, Mr.
Tongue asserting that the work could
be done foi less than $700,000. Tht se
bids were opened last Tuesday. The
competing Arms, all able to do the
work are thus tabulated:
Christie, L me iV Heyworth
Chicago Idl.Olo
Wakefield A Jackson Port Gt)0,79ri
J Kiernan Portland 614.610
Daniel Kern Portland 620,216
Albany Bridge Co Albany 672,291
W L Prather Oakland Cal 674,688
C-ampls'll A Buchanan San
Francisco California 68(!,!10
Columbia Bridge Co Portland 817( 9
These bids must lie forwarded ;o
i .i.- .1 . . . . .
Sudan was for sixteen years in the! "7. " " wasiimgton
""in win seieci tne lowest responsi
ble bidder and award the contract.
possession of the dervishes cannotjd
ter this claim. In the meantime the
French snt out an expedition which
had the g od luck to reach Fashisla
before the British. Were he a Brit
on his countrymen would think it
piite natural that his government
should back him. The mere hoist
ing of a British flag anywhere la sup
posed by Englishmen to convert
such ground Into British territory.
But Fram does not, like England,
annex foreign territory for purely
humanitarian reasons or in the in
terest of civilization alone. As it
happens the French view the aflair
very differently. They have not
yet heard from Marchand hims- lf,
but they are likely to rvneut any vio-
The lowest bidder is Christie Lowe
A 1 ley worth of Chicago and, as the
arm has other contracts from th
government, it Is supposed that the
contract will goto the Chicago eo.
Congressman Tongue is well
pleased to note that a responsible bid
is fur below the estimate he used in
bis work in mngresa and with the
war department.
There would not be much fear of
a war tie! ween England aud France
were if not for the Paris mob. That
irresKinsible element Is nalytobej
feared. It la msihle for il to pre
cipitate a war.
The eoiiBtitu'iouadiy of ihe oli
mor'gng.- tx law has been t a-sed on
by Ihe SutrefUH is hi rt of the United
Mates, ami the act has been held to
beb-gal. Now iu place on the sta-
tu'es is only a qui stiou of policy.
The Oi-egoidun of last Friday reports
the late decision in these paragraph-:
The mandate of the supreme court
of the United S'att-s In the rase of the
Savings A Loan Ss-iety , Mul'io-
mah county and Penumbra Kelly,
affirming the decision of the United
Stales circuit court in favor of ilefeii
danis, was received aud filed in thai
court yesterday. The Savings A
Loan Society, a California corpora-
ion, brought suit against Multno
mah count .- and Penumbra Kelley to
restrain them from collecting the
taxes of 18U2, It vied under the mort
gage Ux law, upon the ground that
complainant mortgagees were noo
resnleuts of this mate, and mortgages
being perm nal proierty the situs of
the mortgage followed the domicile
of the owner, and
plahiant fadng a res
nia, lis morigsg. a
in the atate of Oregon.
The case was heard in ihe t'ljtru
States circuit sourt hero irt Msrfb;
18U1, upon demurrer to tho niriei-
ed bill, ami it was ordered find ad
Judged that the demurrer U dis:i i.--
ed and that defendants recover i.-oui
plaintiff their costs and dishur-t ments
The case was spfiesled to the su-
preme court or the Unwed states,
which h is ordered that the decree i f
the circuit court be affirmed with
costs, and that the defendants reiover
against the csmplainant for their
costs ic the case.
A number of persons who objected
to paying the mortgage tax agreed to
abide ty the decision In the above
case and gave bonds to piy their tax
In case the above suit was decided in
favor of defendants. The amount of
of taxes involved is between f. 50 ,000
aud $75,000.
The Independent has always
favored the law because it was a re
gulation favoring the government
where the security is located. Ai d
It did not deal unjustly with the
foreign money loaner. He if he was
holiest had to pay taxes some where,
and he ought to pay where h ssicur
iiy made his loan desiable. It may be
urgedtbata loaner under the mortgage
tax law had to pay a higher rate of
taxes in Washington county than whs
required in San Francisco aud that he
should be permitted to pay the low
rate. It is answered that the invest
ment in Washington county was bet-
tey than the investment in San Fran
cisco. lor if it was not ho would
not have loaned his money here.
Being a better loan he ought to be
willing even glad to pay for that
which made it better.
wed the domicile v'
, thei.-forc.ccui- r". iVp
Kident of Call'or- -. j VW
w-re i,ol taxa 4 .-r-sfrf-
oeliliis BeoBWefl
Our War against High prices will be con
We are now offering an immense and
complete stock of
Vrj trtMMls, lira
rerlea, Beats, tkaes
lists. Cap, Katiitas,
Hsolrrj, LW aa
;!' raralshlng
Uaaifs, Capes, Jack
ets aaa Jlarkla-Uhes,
In fact our store is full of bargains in goods
that you need at
prices surprisingly low
Call and see us; no trouble to show goods.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
wain arntaT.
Cr. F. A. Bailey, Prop
Pure fresh drugs, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Sponges and all Druggist!
Sundries, Fine first-class cutlery a specialty.
wlxtra Tare la I'aatpaaadlaf rrmirlptleus.'
We are not
The only House
In Oregon that sell Paints and Oils; however, we do
keep a few of these rare articles occasionally but as
a side line only.
We are Pharmacists
And we sell Drags first and foremast,
drugs at reasonable prices.
Good, pure
R. H. Bryan & Son,
Cash Store
Hillsboro, - Oregon.
Our Prescription Depart
ment is our Specialty.
niii; it I Ft" NIL:.
Harvest is over
ut I am prepared to sell Furni
ture, Bedding, Shades, Curtains
Carpets, Hugs, Glass &c. Stock
of Wall Paper for tho fall trade.
P. O. BROWN. Prop.
Machine Loaded Shells
Sometimes niiiw fire becauee the powriei
"hot and wad are not well wlmted
HANI) I.0AHK1) SHELLS are always relialile when put up 1t a home house tint
of nc ea-il- mul lie reliable. My shells are all guaisnteed. Being leaded toortte.
each liuuit-r tun have his favorite auiuuinilion. Don't order frutu abroad but trod.
with In inn- House.
The president lant week aniiointed
imviu j. inn, ex preniilent or Ito- hastily and under
Chester University, Rochester, New Courier Journal.
ork, assistant secretary of state, to
succeed John B. Mooie, who went to
Paris with the peace commission
Secretary Hill was born in PlainQeld
N. J., in 1850; was graduated from
Iti-K:ii. Hint the SnaniHh I'eace
Coniiiii-'iont rs are now appeal! nip
for relief from the conditions laid
down in the protocol, ou the ground
that il -mis ht eil lo hastily and un
.lerj;reat pressure. LiPt us also re.
s'ore to Sp;in Cervcra'g squadron,
which, we liclicve was abandoned
great pressure,
AdmiiiKlriilrix'M Xotire.
For the hour, a citizen had forgot
ten the dy nf thii week on which the
presidential elci'iion occurra. He
went on the street and enquired of
Uucknell Univeisity, Lewisburg, la.: those lie met. One caid it la on the
bee ime professor of rheforicin, and 1st Tuesday in November or the 1st
la'er president of, that Institution, Tuesday after the 1st Monday, "but
and was president of the University it you will we liilly Bryan he will be
of Itnehester from 1H89 to ISiNi. He stile to tell you."
Is the author of a number of text
books on rhetoric, literature, and psy
chology; essays on The Principles
and Fallacies of Socialism," aud has
taken active part in several late p
litical c.impaiirns. The Rochester
Democrat and Chronlclc(Rt)p.) savv
"The selection of Dr. Hill Ism prop
er one. lie is a broad-minded schol
ar and student of affairs, a man of
good executive ability. Indeed, he
was somewhat too scholarly, broad,
and indeiiendent to suit some of those
Interested in the University of It ich-
ester, and they made T so unpleas
ant for him that reolpru; : n followed.
What tbe university lost the state de
partment gains. The place of Assis
tant secretary of state Is one of the
most responsible In the government.
1 ne assistant lias In charge much of
the detail of the state department, In
cluding tne investigation of vexed
inl.tmAtl ....... .!....- in .
iniiiuui: ut-Biioiis. Aiinougn Dr. I ri'Kii leu hi ni
Hill has bad no experience in the de- ' ,r"" ,lale of tlus nonce
huh iin ( -i-fi iih iiiueuLKi ui naii esiaie io
make wiil'-ni' iii of the mime,
Ilatini this Uth .lav of Oet. 18SIH.
I-.TOciilirof flu- last wil. ami totamrnt
of (. has. Mewnrt ik-cd. 21-26,
Notice is herehv civen, that the nniler
sijineil has I .ecu iitKiintiHl Administra
trix of I lie M:ite ol Nhiii A Pnrhara ue-
ceased hj' the I'omitv (.Hurt of the state of
Orejfo fur Washington county All per
sons haviiii; i l.iiu.H ncainst said estate
will piveent the simie proerly verified, to
at Ilie oiin-eol i.eo. 11. Iliirhain, room
H"J.' Chamiie! of (.'oiniiien Portland Or.
w il li ii t ue ill iii from this date.
Urt. 1 , l.ssw. i:LLA C. DURHAM.
i:ecntorH Xotire.
1 Ulatu of Ureifoii, for WushiiiKton
1 lie Alliiuir Truat Uoiiiiiiinv, Id ,
a coriorution, I'laiutitl
8 W Milan Minnie Moore
MiKire, llxrt Milan, ertniile Mi
lan, Kliznlietli Milan. Maria Milan.
Huisie Milan, Annu Milan, J K
llooth executor of the last will and
testament of Anna M Milan ilis-ens.
ed. anil H W M ilan, uimlian of tlie
ihtsoiih and estates of Maria Milan,
Paisie Milan and Anna Milan and
II J l.uncle, DefenilanU.
Xo Minnie Moore ,i oore. 8 W M il
an as Kuardian of the Dersous anil entuttia
of Maria Milan, Dnisie Milanlld Anna
Milan, defendants:
In the name of the State of Oretron, You
are herehv requiredto appear una answer
the couiphiint tiled against you in the
uboveeiitilled eause ly the lirst day of the
next term of court after the expiration of
the puhliealion of this sun iiioiih, to-wit:
hy Monday Nov. 2 1st, and if you fail to
so answer for want thereof, the plaintilf
wi I apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wit: for judit-
nieiit against 8 W Milan and J K llootne
as executor or the last will and testeinent
of Anna M Milan deceased, for $2,UU with
interest from (letoher 1, IS'.W atS per cent
peraiinuni, and su with interest from
lielolxT 1, lS!s at ten er cent per annum,
' M.oH with interest from iJcioImt 0, 1SHS at
tell percent per annum and $3J0 as attor
neys lees, all in 11. 8. gold coin together
witli the costs and disbursement of this
suit and fo.- a decree lorn-losing plaintiff's
mortgage nem-rioeu in tne complaint upon
the follow'ing-duKcrihcd pmtwrtv situated
in Wasliington county Mate of Oregon,
m nil;
.A II of that port ion of the northeast quar
ter ( ) of section twenty-four I'.'-l) in
township one I t south of range one (1)
wesi oi me iiiamelte Meridian, Iving
west of the County road, more particular
ly described as follows: oinmeneilig at
the no(thwes corner of the northeast
quarter I H )ol section twenty-four 24) ruu
niug thence south along the ipinrter section
line tlnrt v-liine l.'ltil chains ami xiKi iur.
en H7) (inks to the iiuarter section corner
llltliecenterof si-etiun tweutv-four. thence
-am aiong me onurier section line twenty
lAriciiaiiin nun inirieeu 11.11 links to a
lKiint ill the west side of the county road
thence north twenty eiifht lasi I'lcirrccs
lilty-tlve (.V) iniiintes cast eighty-eight H)
links thence north twclvei U)ilegree iivol.'i)
minutes west along the west side of said
i HI)
1 de-
IV-llVO i.fcO IlllllllLiHl .cm1 fnirl41
ooorot tne t'ourttioune in Hillsboro Wash- cnai is aim iniriy-ioiir tnt( links thence
ington County, Or. at the hour of 10 o'clock north twenty-lour CM) de recs thirty-nine
a m of saiif day sell at public auction to minutes cost one ( I ) chain and sixty-
tho highest bidder for rah tlm f,.ll,.wln nine (liM) links thence north eightv-two 181
described real property towit degrees eighteen I IS) minutes east three (it)
All the right, title and interest of said chains and seventeen (17) links, thence
defendants or either of them in the dona- "orth eleven (II) degrees seventeen (17)
tion claim of William Wilson and wifein "uinutes cast still following the west side
section 4 t 1 n r 8 w of the Will. Mer all ol said county rqad to its point of intcniec-
auuate in Washington bounty Oregon to " 1111 "ortn line oi sain section
NilKltlfr'IAH MAI-K.
Kxei ution issued out of the l oinilv
Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Wash
ington County in favor of Duvid Corn in
aim li. 1 oosler, partners under ihi
hrm name of Corwin ik Woonter and
against W. I. howler, and M. Y. Kowler
tor the sum of f costs, and for the
further sum ol S102.4S, U.8. gold coin, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 tier cent ner
milium iruiu vo uay oi -May, isir, ami
for the cost and expenses of sule and of
mm in.
Now, therefore, by virtue and In pursu- founty ron.! nve i." chains and nine
ico of said judgment 1 will on Monday links thence north twenty four ('24)
iei?lst day of Nov., lWH, at the south icrees thiny-live (,yo minutes M-st foil
sausiy tne hereinbeiore named sums 'an t
or the costs and expenses ol said sale.
Hind property will be sold subject to re
iciiiiuoii as er statute ol uregou.
Witness in v hand this Isth ilnv nf
oct. lays.
hlierirr of Washington County, Oregon,
o. i. ii union, Attorney tor llaliitill.
Ad m I n int rator'a Not ire of Ma le
of Itesil Property.
Notice is heiehv uiven. that tho un-
len-igned h:is Ih'i ii ilulv apiKiinteil execu
tor of the last will and testament of t'has.
Stewart decease. I, hy the Countv Court
of Wn liii..;toti ( onntv State of Oregon,
All la-iNon" havtnir chums arslnst the es
tate ol nod ilcccusi'il are requested to pre
sent the Mime to the undersigned at his
si. leu eo in -ni.! countv and state within
pttrtinent, he has the necessary equip
ment for mattering the work and con
ucting the office with skill, energy,
and foresight." The Buffalo Courier
(I iid ): "He will receive no warmer
mgratulations than will come from
the ranks of his political opiwionts,
for some of whom the Courier may
venture to speak." The Union,
.Springfield, Mn-s. (IVp), notes that
Im apiHiintnient "shows the presl
tent's iikintr for men of xuniiim.
abits for diplomatic work."
otice ot ( inal Mettlement.
li tne undersigned has hied his tuial
account as the executor of the hst will aud
tentauient ol tieo. K Corey, deceased in
the County court of the state of Oregon for
osiiiugton countv aim that said Court
has (appointed Monday, the 21st day of
Novell! her. I vi- at lUo'cfot k in the forenoon
of said ii .iv a4 tlte tuee for hearinir of ohii-o-
Jir toiu ' iiarvey, who has beepl"" lJ ' " :""u '"count aim tne scttie-
Exectit'.r of the last Will and Testament
notice ii norctiv mven that in mirsii-
ance oi an order ol sale made and enter
ed in the County Court of the State of Or
egon, for Washington county, on the 12th
day of Oct., 1M98, in the matter of the es
tate of Anna 8. Baker, deceased, slid to
the nndcrrigned as administrator thereof
directed, authorizing and directing lne as
administrator of said estate to sell the
real pronerty belonging tosaid estate here-
inaiier uescrioeu, 1 will on the Zbtn rtav
of Nov., lH'.iH, at the hour of 10 o'clock's
m of said day, at the south door of the
court house in Hillsboro, Washington
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder therefor, on the terms
hereinafter mentioned, all the following
described real property, to-wit: Being a
twenty-lour (Ut ), thence west along the
north lineol suid section twenty-four (M)
to place of la-ginning containing eighty-hv-
(Hii acres more or less. mwV fur Him
sale of said property to satisfy suid judg
ment aim imrriug and loreclosntg you and
each of you of ull right, claim ol eouity of
redemption I a d to the same and every
Par 'hereof, a d for such other HnH fur Ii.
er relict as lo the court shall seem mee aud
(in ante.
I bis order is made hv order nl Hon John
ft Cleland, Judge of the Circui C'our of
lie state ol Oregon for the coun v of Mult
nomah acting in the ahience from W anh
in r oil county ol lion. I hos. A Mcllride
Judgeof he above euti led conr . which.
order wiu! duly made and entered Oo ols-r
1J, IP'.w. 'l.'r7
KENTON, II RON Poll ft Mill It,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Issued out ot the Circuit Court ol the
Staleol oregun tor Multnomah County in
favor of Mary O'llrien, and against John
O'liricn for the sum of ftd !i, costs, and
for the lurther sum of Islntl INI if 8 gold coin
with inerest thereon at the rate of S per
cent per annum from the lt'tli day of July,
Istis and for the cost and expenses of sale
and of said writ.
Now, therefore by virtue and in pursu
ance of said judgment and for want of suf
ficient personal property 1 did on the loth
day of Aug. Imim levy on at the in erest of
John il'llrieu in the hereinafter descrilicd
real property, 1 wi 1 on Monday the Slst
day o i ctola'r ls!H. a the south door of
the Court house ill llillslniro. Washington
county Oregon, at the hour of lu o'clock am
of said duy sel at piiblicauction to Hie high
est bidder or cash the ollowiug described
rviii prowrijf ;
First .nut Commencing at the n w
corner of the lleaverdani tract of hind oor-
chusiHlby Win Mi-Chiiu of Lawrence flail
and I.ucy II. Mall, his wife, in sec4tls r 1
w, them e n IW deg w, Jti.ltl chs. thence s 21
deg w 15.7.1 lis; thence s 73 deg, 15 mill, e
24 32 chs; thence n l A) .leg e 12.47 chs to
place of beginning, containing 3ti 9ti acres.
Second '1 ract Commeiieing at the ne
corner of the above described tract of lund,
t hence s 32 deg. e 21 rods to the center of
the main ditch through the lleaverdani
tract; thence along said ditch southwest
erly 12 roils; thence parallel with n line it
rods, thence to place o. beginning, contain
ing 2.2o acre.
Third I ract. 1 ho whole of a tract of
land commencing .'4 rods from the n e cor
ner of the lirst uhove described land on ihe
east line thereof; thence a :2S deg e .SI rds
to center of main ditch; thciiceouthweat
erly along said ditch 12 rods; tln nee par
allel with the n hue :', roils to e line of
lirst descrilsjd tract; thence to place of be
ginning containing 2 acres, more or less.
Fourth tract. Commencing at a poin'
on the w line of the d 1 cof Lawrence Hall
and wife in sec 4 t I s r 1 w, W M, i hence
s 22 deg w 15.2 chs from the n w corner
of said claim: thence southward loliowing
the center ot the public road IK.oilchs more
or less ,o the center ot the public road
known as the old Canyon road leading lo
I'ortland. thence s .'ill deir. a mill w lilmnt
2.5ochaii.s to these corner of Ihe liilford
hind; thence n 27 deg 12.21 chs: hence
73 deg 13 inin e Im.m2 I'llM ttll'lll'l. II IHI
deg e(l.2'chs; thence li ti2 deg 35 loin w
S Ml ch to place of licirinniiiir. cor tainiinr
4IM acres, more or less.
Kifth .ract riienw(ofne K of sec
4 i 1 s r 1 w, containing 4o an es, excepting
from ihe hinds uliove descrilicd a two acre
iraci conveyed lo ! . .. Illancliet by John
O'Mrien and nvor.le.l oil page 2311 of book
' N ' of Deeds of Washington Co., Ore.
Sixth tract. 1 he s w i oltlicse'ot
vc ;13 t 1 n r 1 w, containin 4Uucres. .ill
situate in Washington county, uregou, to
sat. sly the hereinbefore named sums, and
for the costs and expenses ol said sale.
Hilll! UriHll.lt. Ml.. IM.,1.1 .1.. 1...-I In
deintit ou as ter u h i 11 . it.,,,.
Witness hit i a .,i ! ;mI, ,i,iv i Hi.nt.
IstiH, 1
W I) lilt A HKOI.'l),
Hherlir. f Washiiiinon :..iint. . Orxiui.
Carey ft Mays,
Attorneys for l'lain till. W-1S1.
IN711E CfllCUIT ('(lint r, OF THE
Slate of Oregon, for Washington Coun-
J. t. Merry man, Adminls -ator del
lionis o i of heesia eof Samuel I
C. Ritchev. lllK-'d. wi h ihe will I
of said 8. C. Ritchey, diTeasiMl, (
annexe I, l'luiu itr, f
vs I
J.J. Mor-'an, Emms E. Morgan I
a d J. De .nis, ilefe ida ns. J
To J. J. Ntor.an. omtoi ilw. hIm.vu t.ii-ii
ueic nan is:
ni Minors
State ol Oregon, lor Washington Coun-
Jennie K Haines, I'lamt'.ll
part of lot four (4) in Block twenty-nme In the name of the State of Oregon you
(29) in the town of Forest Grove, Wash- re hereby commanded and required to
ington county, uregon, ami tsmnded hv " " ".'"' nura court and
beginning at thesouthw-st corner of the M"1 uT'iHi in
" . Von i . i .i . , J io ne nrs. ouy oi tne next regular term of
west KM) feet snd thence south 150 feet lo said coun.
placeof brginning. Together with all the
right, title and interest which said deceas- Jnereol, Uiei.lain ill will apply o lie court
eu na at me time of her death or which , ' rel" ,,ucl" mueu
And if you fail so lo answer, for wan
d in ihe complaint
laced at the head of the democrat!)
arty organization, ay that the rep
resentatives of Xew York, New Jer
sey and other eastern states will not
lie ml tn it ted to he national demo
cratlc convention of 191)0. Wonder
their representatives would h
Iniltted to count a democratic m-
ority in the next congress,? Courier
of tieo, U.Corey ilecd.
Adminintratrix Xotlre
When the evacuation cinnmilte
entered Havana last month th
.xpanianis were told they must leave
tuba hy DccemUr 1st. Not a
exieution has been allowed, and now
they recognis the fact that they
mu'l go on or hefot that date.
Notice is herein- given that the under-
signal liusli.:! hy the County Couit of
tneMatc ol Ui-eg iii .ir tt.ishingtnn coun
tv. dlllv utdk iiittd allliiliilnitriT-ith.
the-w-ill-anned of I he estate nf (ieo. I In
tner tirillin. doi-d., Hnil h.n duly oiiftlitiiyl
as u h and eet.-r. d upon the discharge of
ner uiiiies. i in n ivre ait persons having
laiui ftgaiu-1 f-:. -1 i-l.iteare requestis) t4j
prest nl I lie aloe to me ill the law othee
oi'lico K. I'..i' , in HiiMsirvwith nnm-
day's er voncbi r k ithn -ix n-nn'hs from date.
l-:iltl UUP ii. 1 'in, IO".
A.Iniini-tr driv- ;tii. will-annexed nf
the estate of (ieo. Homer (iritlin.denl.
The Spanish and their sympathi
sers think ami my that the Ameri
can members of the Paris Pence com-
mission are standing nl,M,f till after
the fall elections when Ihey will con
cede Spanish deuiauda. j
Acker's Dy-ir; -la Tablets are sold
on a positive j: in r idee, ( urv hearthm n
Piismg f.f the f .1, d.-Tes after eating or
any form dy-pepa. , little tmhlet
give, iiiinir.ii.de ..Inf. , and. ill cents at
Delia lrug store.
has sin. accrued in h.r ..lai. H,.!.l -t Herein, o-wit:
to t-3 on the following terms, to-wit : oAZlZ vlilVJZ'! hT ",e un,
One-thild cash in hand one tl. ir,l in uS. " ,'.V i.',?' ..0l.1. CJ"" " n... ". cr'-'
six months; nne-thinl in 12 months from ra - of 10 it', t i.o,,'nn.',,... Vi
the date ofmle, d-ferred ps.ytnentalodraw fur hersiim of lino a iorney fees herein lu-iru-im o
interest st the rate of 8 r 'cent s-r an- B"J hecos s and disbursements of his' I lodowin
num. ana in ue secure I hy mortgage up- j
on the premises. Conveyances to l3 at i :or.,,',ecrep a-ninsi y u and -II of said
pnnhaser's ex,K.nse, 7 defeudan . ab ve named foreilosiny. ,or
Dated at Hillsboro thia 2,.th d-v r 1ft ''iJ'T. ' ,-sndexecu..
' " I -"' '"", oeueieiniani r.lllllia'Ji Mor-
Uctober. 1S1IS. ran .n he full in , ,i,....-,i-..i
er y, lyin and l-inB in Washin 't. n coun
ty, ill eg n, and particularly described as
loilows, o-wt :
Itein lots t,ye(5, six (. seven (7nd
eiyn.(rf) in hi ck H in Kairview Add
i ion o he -own of llillsb ro; als ire
markeil 'l 1 1 and re im.r-.wi oin i.
led plat of Kairview A dili n to Hillsboro!
in Washin ri. n C . lire.
I hats id premises ah ve d-c iheil be
Id by hesh riff fsui.l . n .n . . ..
proeeda he e fbeappli d inpayment o
III sltMiVa ailltisi an . I. . a . .
county, the county luiil su2rintend. nt es of said sale and ha he plain iff have
sucli other and fur her relief -s t . !. ..-
may seem Jusi and eiiital.c in the premi-
II. F. fionrxiv
Adioinistralor of the estate of Anna 8.
Maker. 22-2H
Teacher) Kxaminittlon.
Notice is herehv civen that fur lh t.nr.
pose nf making ah examination of all ar
sons who mav orlcr thrmwkn . .!;.
dates fur teachers of the s-hois of this
tnerroiwiu notii apulilic examination at
Ihe court house at If illnl,rr. rvinnii., at
one o'clock 1. M. on Wednesday. Nov. I
1'.' and continuing through three days.
ApplieantS for Mate moen may niiml
themselves on Thursday Nov. Imh st
o'r'ock a. m.
Dated this 25lh day of O t. 1S1W.
County School Siiierinlendent of Wah
nglon County Oregon. 2:W4
Xnkl Tea Pltlvelv e ires sick t..A.
ache, indigestion and consti.stlii. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all eru
tionsof the skin, producing s perfect com
plexion or money refunded. 2 am) ,rsj
cents at Delta Drug Store,
r H upon you by
'he Hon. T. A.
Ihis s'lninmm in n,.rr d
I'll nil. '-n l,.n by oxler
.iieiTioe. ju ef ts.o.l.onr
Madeaud enterrd a Chambon in At
., vrregon, an die ?iiiiiiiiynf s,.p ,
,n Attorney for Plain iff.
Vh 25
J R DeVinney, Marr A IWin
ne , J A U id. I. iura II l:id.
I. E Lock. The Jj'irsi Naii.ninl
Hnnk ol H.dshoro.Oreg in, J y
C irstens, and I, K I arsi.-i.s,
I'm inn. uo. iik ousilli'ss linuer
thetirni nameot C.irsien liro..
Hvnjainin llirdsed.E D Snst
tuck, f M Rolniison, E C
Hllulies, J W Morg n, and J J
Morgan, partners under the
lo in none ol Unities. M..nn
Itoge a, Uliaries II Dolil .V
to, a pnv te fori otauon, W
lj Arcliainls-Hii, receiver ol nut
unanes it nodd A Co, Eliza-
srin Dunn, administratrix ol
tue estate ol Kdward Constable,
de'i nsed, Matin. a Perry, E.iz ,.
Issth Hliute, Amanda J hro-r-
inan, Kicliard Constable, Mar.
tna Htorms, Mary Mi. nine,
lirmiha McLin, Minerva E.sh-
a, neirs at law ol K i ward Con
stable, deceased, It H Walker,
v. n iinii. no uiinisi rater ol the
estate o'J (J JJ.n, deceased O
r, nan, hho A Hall, I'erry I
Hall, Iiottie U Hall, and Nan
cy II Hall, heirs at nw of J t:
Hal., oeeeasnl. W II fLili
and 11 W ratter on, Del. ndat,i i
iv naii.iin f. rry, Amanda JSIieiman,
Martha Storms Minerva E ner, K 0
Hughes, J i Morgan and W lM ollin.
In tlie name ot ihe Slate ol Oregon, j oil
and each of you nre lien by commanded
and required tosppesr m the above runt.
Is.l ( ourt. and answer I... ........ ,..
ed again, yuii in ti n Hlmvaeim le.l cause
on or before tne lirsi day ol then, i
ol the iino.i l Lined Cimrl
II Ihe exi.irni:i n I ii.a ....
r,""r""'1 or.i-r ot pin,, icatinn of
tin summons, towiti M.m.iay. the 2 h
duy ol November, jKitM, :n,u i ynii Hn -o
I to ap(H-ar and answer, said comi.in the
plionlilt, forwant, iherro, wi.l : , to
the C lurt lor Ihe relief r.ivid I., . , her
comp sint to-wit: .ra ju lemeni
J A Ksul for Ihe sum n s;nu.is mil, in.
tere-t Irom the 21 b diyoi Ji,,, , nt
iV- enrol mt cent per aiinum, n.l
firo.uo .iitorrey 1,-e., ft the lurther an n
nfSaun.ltt with inlirest there t. since tl.e
Wtu Oayof June X.rl. nt i,- raieoi0.er
cei:t ,K-r iii.aum, and Musi st ,,r,, .;,.
or a iudginei. aiainst il,e delenilanu J
K DeV inney and Mary A li.Vi, . ..
o"t?t'fZ.7U:W ""-rest sine, jnilS
2fh 1M hiii e ra ol eight per cm- ler
am. am and lno.. o ttrntv. .. ,, J,
for . i i isini r-eiii.-f . is this stnt and
.... -. w .ig iiii" iwnrerta
.k .ks . a -i in.-1 s-i.i ,i ik.
I A lie . I . D I one hy J D V
osry A I'eVii.t... . ....
ed ne i f
iinv and
we-1 14 0(
Hick Headache Positively t4 ferna
iieiuij nireil tiy using Jlokl Ten. A
pleasant herb drink. I nn..
and indignslio,,, makes von est, sleep,
work and happy. Naiisf, tjn r,r,ntd
or DHmey ref(1,,,. and 60 cents si
Ihe Delia
mi, f, br , , , s l2 f
Jnirview Addition toihet .wn o- JInl.l..,,,
. ."'i" ? tr"'."',v " anner
, ujr mwan.i in,. rr . ,u; j
.. . ..i. -"""ion oi tne son.. i,oVR
set forth, and for s decre- or,eT b rring
and Ior-.-.lng eai h and all f n amlrm
d iuts above named Irom any rlgut. title
. In m or Interest ol, in and to snid nremil
ses an I every part an t t,.ro-l thereol. n.
or such other and lurther relict a. may
be equitable. '
Tin. summon l pub Ished against yon
hyoid-r.,f Hon. T. A. M Unite, Judge f
t hs abo ra entitled 'art, made and dated
on the .b day of H "pteuilssr It
.,.. OK,- K. IIAOI.KV..