Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 14, 1898, Image 1

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1 NotohMkU, lUrhaauls, F.n rap
4 upea, Bill heads, etcmecoud oa
2 abort kiUw, at price oocaisUnt
1 with guodwork. Call and try . 4
Our advertisers. lhelvrmrxxD
k.st ci.joys the Urgent sulM.-ri- 0
tion li t oi utiy paper published a
iii the county.
Vol. XXVI.
No. 21
i itfLwtf it
Governor Win. P. Lord
Secretary ulUuu . Harrison U. Kinoaid
'Ireasorer I'bdliy iJetacban
ropl. I'nlilio Instruction I. M. if win
ntiiie Fruiter W. H. Leeds
Cbsa. K. Wolvertoa
H. 8. Utan
F. A. Mr
Jadee Fifth lJitriot T. A. Molina
Attorney Fifth District f ' J. Civiiun
t Qlig
(xtiuuiiMHHHisra I
lieonrdur -
I renaiirt r
Nctaail Suoerinlendeul
'. or.sier
F. Cornelius
, II. heaanuer
1. U. Todd
.. . I. A. Im .riF
.. W l. lirsdioni
E. L. MHioriuiok
A. H. sdy
.(Jennie H. Wiloov
.... Aus.Ul t'n-
L. K. Will
C. I.. Li,
THoe. . rosaci, i. s. tom ut
Notary Public.
Til OH H. E. B. TO.VUl'E,
Orrius: Us.in.3,4, 5, Uurgas Mock
Ovrica: Central Moo, lioouis and I.
Chuit. 11. Moorea
V in. lial uay . . .
Notary Fiddle
Owes: Itooms 6 and 7. Morgan bliaja.
Ik .total is Um ki mtmmm kaaiae pmm4
Acta! lasts ika i, It UN eae-
laird lartlwr UMa ear tltv kraad.
l"" nun
Absolutely Pur
nvH a.na, power oo. . srw voaa.
A Land Which Produces Many
Things We Need.
Ifcw't Tuaaera seil 4 Saw tour .ir
To quit Vihat-co ;i!ly a ad forever, br mag
oetic. full of lifa. nrve tenil viyor. luke No To
But., tliv r;niiUer-wm'Kfr. that niak weak men
trong. All druKirmla, ftoc or tl. ('ureguarap
teed booklet an.l aurnpie tree. Atlureffl
SUirllov Komeilj U, CbiviuD or New York.
Hoard of I ru8tee
1 reaaurnr
laHtioe of Pear J
.W. N. H.irrett. Mayor
Tn. i ueker
J. M. tireeur
W. II. WchruiiK
It. Watfifeiier
J. t'amUilia
U. 11. Wilrtoa
. . . .Hontoii Bnwiuau
J". O. ilitcbeb
Tl o (inouil
W. I), rinnlfc
t. V. H.rk.
. kaowa.
I he uiaila cliiae at tba llillnboro font
lining. iti4ll:
Olfiiwiei, Went Uuioa, llethnny and Cadar
Mill, at ll:) a. m.
4,,iiw K.1111I1. M-IOa. m.
O11111K to I'firtlnnd aod wy-oflioea, B:55 a.
n.l A ni
Kor FanuiiiKton and laurel. Weduerdfiya
and Haturdnya at Iu:;mi a. ui.
Keaiilent atront for K.iyiil Inanrance Co.
Rooua: 1,2, and 3, ribuia HuiMlnir.
II. T. IIAtil.tV,
Beantha Ihe Kind Yo HsiiAtwa BaugM
jkjo-To-lt fur f ifty Cut.
GuarantmU u!uecn hah't curs makea wnk
t&eu strong, toU puru. wr.: Ail drugtfu.i&
Rdnivkit) uur liuw With Ciucaratii
Cr.n ( iithiirtlc, euro constipation forever.
10c. X' 1 c. u Iii.u aruKisu. refund money
Deputy Ihitricl Aiioruey for Wmihli-n
Over Delta l)ru Store.
ton tkiiinty
To Core C'onatlpatlon frorvr.
Tnke rtiearetH t'undv ('alhuitic lOcorZfto.
tf C. C. C tail to eur. druwibU ref uud money.
I Mu 111 and Fifth atreeta. Preaching.
HHi.l,Ht.ii. nifirtiini and evening. 2Mb.
bath achool at 10 o'clock a. m. Tayer
mlinn '1'hlirfl.tMW Wnilltf. I. P. H t. H.
iii.. H-.Ki n. m. All Hrvie will be
abort, brliilii. iiitere-.linn alio helpful.
Kveryone nonliiilty ei nine.
KVAN 1'. UlHillKB. Pator.
Ti Fifth and Fir I'reaehiiiK eery Hunday
veniiiu at M p. ni.s aeoond bunuay
1 11 a. 111.: Mundiiv achnol at 10 a. ni.
traver uiei-liiiir evnry Wedueaday eveuing;
team, em uieetiutf every rtuuuay eniuilui.
I., M. liooavr, paator.
E. CUtKOll, II.
A. A 'la In a, paator.
ti'rennbuiK every Sabbath murniUKand
evxiiiiiR Hitlif-ata :ool every naimatu ai
lo a. a l.-Miie nu'eting ever; Hunday at
M r . wnnriil prayer luxetiiiK eerj
Thnrai'it evening. Leaiaira and Htewavd'a
niwtiug tbeibiid i'oeaday eveuing of aaob
A. tl. I. .
I I 11. 1 II Dl.K M). a, A. O. U.I
II w.. erv brai and th'rd
ari.itiu mvmu a month.
P. U. HAL'UIiM . Keoord. r.
lUUKlltr of KelH-kull.
5J 1.41. O. F., uieeta in Oud telloaa'
Hull evi Katord'iy eveuiug.
llelti, reeur, tee.
i 1 2nd ai.u i
V. of II.
NO. 7S, meet
tintutdnyaof eaob niontb.
i,J. XJHorikLD, MaH'ir,
o. u. r.
.tl Wmlnm .v eveuulKHnt H o'clock, lu I.O.
F. Uall. ihitora made wxloome.
D. M, 0. Uiult, rwc'y.
t. P. a. 4'.
til. KTH very Hnndny evening at 7 o'clock
in me CliriHtinn ohuruh. Ton are
.rdially invited to altendit neetinga
EDA ADAMS, Pree't.
letree of II01101.
milK. DlHiHKK r HONOIt. A. O. V.
1 W., tiierf- n (KM Fe.l.ia' bull every
brat and I bird Frulav ev. nin of eaob
nionib. M. M. I'iitenic r, 0. of It.
Mra, Itel e Krowii, lie. oriler.
8. T. Ll.MiLATl.lt, M. U. C. X.
Orniia: at realdenoe. eaal of tourt
Houee, where b will be found at all noma
when not viaitiug patienM.
J. 1'. TA.wlK.SlE, M. II.,
Ovnoa amd KaanxMOB : earner Third
and Mam Htreeta. Olhoe houra, M to 12
, 1 to 6 and 7 to H i. ta. lelepbone to
reaidonoe from brock a Mela' Uruvatore ai
all bonra. All oalla promptly attended,
uuibt or day.
, Wf IK W0OI, Jl. W.f . . -
Ornoa: In Chenette How. hMiiirxci
norner Firat and Main atreeta.
f. A. BAILET, M. II.
Omi'i: In I'barniacy, Cniou Hlook. Calif
attended to. mubt or day. Keaulenoe. D. w.
Cur. Kaaa Line aud Heoond atreeta.
Bean tba ?ltH Kind You Haw Alwart Bought
Kilnrftta Your HowttU With I'ttnritrfltft.
Cnndr CVUhartfc, curt? comttinatlmi forever.
lOc.Sc. IICCI rali, drutfKisuruiunu money.
In Your ISiisinoss Dull?
Then thin is the time to improve
it. Don t wait until "aouietliing
turna up," lint turn it up yourself,
lifiiii'iiila-r this the iiurixwo of
HlvertiHint ia to liring liuaineaM.
The wiae liiiHinoaa man will adver
ting ns miu'h if not more in iluD
at'iiHonij an in huxy aeiiHona.
A goial and time-hoiioreil way
of ailvcrti.-ing in through the
liii.l.siioiio Indki'Kniiknt. Wheth
er you want to fret out aomethiug
nt'Ul to wiui inroiiKn me inaiia or
mnethiiiK cheap to throw around,
come ami aee ita.
Oar Mew Foaeaaaloa Alts 8eeana to Um ml
Taloe rroaa Strategic Standpoint Poa-
atbllltleaof Oevelopmeat Toder tba Bala
f the lalted atataa.
A noteworthy evi ct in onr history ai
nation ia the aluioat aimtiltaneoua ao
quiaition or prartual control of the
tropical island of Cuha, 1'orto Rico
and Hawaii it ia notable not only ni
Indicating a departure fr-jra incestrj.!
traditioua, but because tlicso ixlimila
naturally prnilnne j 1st thorn article!
which we ueed bat do not produce onr
Although we have a roiitricttil at retch
of territory capable of producing auiir,
yet we expend abroad fort about flUO,
000,000 anuuttlly We have no anil and
climate capable of producing coffee
within the confiuea of the continental
United States, anil for it we aeud out
toforeiKU part another 1 100, 000, 000
Without Koini; into detail it may be
atated that we expend annually at least
fj50,000,000 for purely tropical rrod
ncta, which we cannot raise ourselves.
In a word, from the expansiouista
point of view the acquisition of these
islunda gives us all we have hitherto
lacked iu the way of tropical produc
tions and fills tt long felt want. Aud,
what ia more, while tbey produce the
things we lack aud need the people of
those islunda manufacture almost until
iui and will look to oh fur nil their ma
chinery, flour, cotton aud woolen goods
in fact, for everything necessary to
civilized communities.
Of these uewly acquired tropical pos
session! of ours Porto Kin) is the south
ernmost aud also the easternmost. In
fact, it lies farther to the euxt than any
portion of Maine even aud a hint iu the
latitude of St. Johu, N. li., and while
the Hawaiian group lies between lati
tude 19 aud 'i'i decrees north and Cuba
just south of the tropio of cancer, Porto
Kico lies between 17 aud 1H north, and
its northern coast line is 100 mile:) to
the south of Cuba's southern shores.
Within a little more thuu a thousand
miles of the equator, its southern const
facing the Caribbean sea, its northern
toward the Atlantic, it forms the key
tion iu these seas, with numerous har
bors for the assembling, aud rclittiug of
our fleets, with uuliuiited supplies of
uavul stores, water, fruits and vegeta
ble, rono kioo is of surpassing im
portance. A glance at those natural features of
the island, which make it uot only val
uable property for ns as a national enti
ty, but a potentially lucrative invest
ment individually, is now in order. In
the first place, Porto Kioo is 6 degrees
south of the northern tropio, aud so is
capable of yielding any variety of plant,
fruit or vegetable that the most favored
regiou of equatorial America can pro
duce. In the secoud place, its physical
coutiguratiou is such that it is geueially
exempt from the diseases and draw
backs to which most subtmpio countries
are subject. In other words, it is a
habitable country for the Ahaio-Saxou,
whl.'b cannot always be said of regions
under or near the equator This
owing to the fact that tho island i
niuy ana monntainons aud coutuius
few swampy sections.
The central backbone of the island is
a mountain chain which reaches its
greatest altitude of 4,o00fect iu the
peak of the Luquillo Sierra, called I
Vuuque. The chain rises near the Ca
beza de San Juau, iu the extreme north
eastern point of the island. au' extend
throughout the interior, which is
heaved np mass of mountains, hills.
spurs and valleys, dowu from which
run the many streams of the island, es
timated at 1,300 iu uumber.
The length of Porto Rico is variously
given as from VS to 103 miles, aud it
breadth from 80 to 40, but probably a
safe estimate would make it ubout 100
miles in length and Ji5 iu average
breadth, with a totul area of a hint
8,500 square niilea. Though the greater
portiou is hu.y, even mouutuiunus, the
ehrvatious are generally of such a char
acter, with gently loping sides uud
rounded summits, that they are suscepti
ble of cultivation to their very tops. No
more beautiful picture can be imagined
than the aspect of this island as it is
approached from the sea, with the
ranges of hills rolling like billows from
shore to mountain tops, which latter
are mostly forest clad, and thus every
tint of vegetation is seen, from the most
delicate to the deepest shade of green.
To revert to the features which make
the islaud valuable as navul station
Although most of the streams descend
ing from the mountains flow north
wardly, yet very few have ojien or uav
igable harbors at their mouths, and
most of the good ports are ou the south
era shore. The north const housts but
Hush Work
Is a problem in most job offices.
Not so with the Hillhiioko Im-
iiKi KMiKNT Printery. We have
a large force of men at work all
the time alnl can "rush" a job
for you without any trouble.
Wh n you want work done
quickly give the Hii.i.sboko In.
Df pendknt Job Utlica a trial.
Special attention paid
lid to Medical and
Surgical Diseases of Women and I'hildren
and ull chronic diseases.
(Ml! ice and residence. Ilowlby house,!
1'aciliu ave., west ol ! ores t ( i rove hotel.
If You Were He
Yes, if you were the creditor
and saw the merchant sitting
idly in his shop accumulating
more dust, cobwebs and out-of-
style goods than cash, you would
probably feel like asking, Why
don t you
Wake Up
Itutli hone Sister.
I ) HiKN UI A IKMt'l.E NO.
I lHiKNH'l A IKMI'I.E NO. 10, K. S.
1 meets every 2nd nail 4'h Friday 111 each
month at 7:.m o'clix-k in I. O. t. t. I tail.
NI.S A M larl ale
Jo-iie Hcbiilinerich M. E. C.
M. ol K. and C.
ki. of V.
I meet in M -nil' Hall on Monday
vemng of each week. Hojonrning brethren
eloomeil to lodge meetings,
F, Kelao
O It tlnte-, K of R A C
rtpatartiricial feeth f.V5nperset. Cement
and Amalgam fillings Ao ceo s nu ll, (iold
Idlings lioni SI up. vitaiueij air lor pain-
leas extraction
Orrtca : three doors north of Briok
itore. Otlloa hoaw from V a, m. to 4 p. m.
use the advertising columns oi
the IIii.i.suoho Indsckndknt
and exchange your stock for
legal ten l ir 'f iV 1 1 .
lnkirial Exposition
A. F. and A. M.
'IMiAl 1 TV LOIHIE NO. , A. F. A A. M.
1 oie.e.a every Saturilay night on or after
nil nionn of each month.
W. 1. WOOD. W. V,
K. ('a kimm, fiiTeliiry.
. K. !.
rpr ai.a tin chaitkii. n.si.o. k.hm
1 no-eta at Masonic Temple on ihe Ind
and 41 h I'uea.tav each month.
Mrs. NV. 1. H ARK, W. M.
OaAca 1'anaaiTt, Hecretary.
w. t. r.
nll.LMHOUO. W.C. T. V. MEETst IN
ilia Congregational Chilrcli oil the
n Friday in each month at 8 o'clock r.
II. WILLIAMS, l. II. M. I. 8.
Sixteen yenrs experience.
(Successor to Pr. A. It. ltailcy) I. P. 8.
HIM.SiiOKO, OltKtlO.N.
Rixims 1 and X, .Morgan ,t Bailey Block
OiH-ns in
October 22d, 1898.
stouu ut Uiu( urch nt Islands, too Ami I
lean archipelago, extending from near
the mouth of the Orinoco ou the north
coast of South America, northward and
then westward, toward the eastern coast
of Honduras, iuclsig that vast body
of water known as the Caribbean sea.
It is about 1,000 miles distant from
Havana aud Key West, 1,200 from the
isthmns of Panama, 1,400 from Nica
ragua, 1,500 from New York aud 8,000
from Cadiz in Spain.
The trouble with ns, sttid Senator
Johu T. Morgan to the writer not long
ago, ia that we aro afraid of being
great It icemi at last that we have
overjome onr dread of territorial expan
sion and are no longer afraid of trying
at least an experiment along that lino
It has long been foreseen by onr naval
strategists that if we ever possessed a
navy, we must also own or control i
naval bases or coaling stations iu vari
oue really important baroor, luutol fau
Juan, the capital and only fortified city
of the island. It is an inlet of the
northern coast, about one-third the dis
tance from Cape San Juan, in the east,
to Cape Pena Aguda, iu the west. The
width of the navigable chanuel at its
mouth ia about 400 yards, and when
the water is smooth vessels drawing five
fathoms can cross the bar in safety.
When storm is raging or a norther
blowing, the harbor mouth, or "boca,"
Is a sheet of whirling, seething billows,
through which the most experienced
pilot can only navigate with extreme
risk. Inside, though exposed to the
northers, is deep and beautiful har
bor, which can doubtless be improved
by dredging and the building of break
waters, which will make it safe even in
ihe hurricane season.
Arecibo, 85 miles west of San Juan,
is place of importance, bnt has no
Legal paier d.swn and Loans on Ilea
Estate negotiate L Unameaa attended to
with promptness and dispaoih
Ma a Street, opposite ('out I
Ho i
map of tho world reveals the fact tbat
Great Britain lias girdled the globe
'ith such stations, for the supply aud
refreshment of her fleets It was sulll-
ciwtitly emphasized in the east when our
fleet was ordered out of Hongkong; in
the west when the coal heaps of St.
Thomas and Martinique were declared
neutral property
Fortunately bravo Dcvrev captured a
coaling station for himself, and in the
West Indies we were rendi r.il tempo
rarily independent by colliers accom
panying the fleet, and fin illy try the
taking of tiuantan.Hiio lint if Dewey
bad not taken Manila, and if Centura's
fleet had been as strong as was at first
reported and we believed, the coaling
Gold, Silver. Bronze Medals Avarded ?J"n;wT,l'1,hnvo T, an ""P1'"-"
failure of onr plana It may be a mat
ter of sururiae to manv to leiirn tlmt
it i i.. -1. c : - I . , ,.. . . .
iMarCeiOUSIll rlCII ourtlllltsiia sucu acqniaiuons nave been urged for
oua parti of tho world. A glance at a ' Rood harbor, only an open roadstead, in
The finest ami Greatest F.iposition ever!
hold in the Northwest.
Product of Oregon and Washington
w itl 15 displayed in wonderful pro
fusion including more vari."tie
than ever before gathered to
gether in one exhibit.
which vessels lie while their cargoes
are transferred by lighters to the shore.
Rounding the northwest cape a mag
nificent bay is opened, that of Agua
dilla, with water deep enough for a
battleship, but with no good wharfs.
The same may be said of Mayagnez, to
the south, ou the west coast. Ou the
south coast, goiug east, the first fine
harbor isUuanica, where Ueueral Miles
landed his forces, with water enough
for large vessels; then the harbor of
Ponce, with oue channel carrying five
fathoms; still farther east the ports of
Salinas aud Arroyo, aud on the eastern
end of the island the ports of ilumar-ao,
Kaguabo and Fajardo, small but safe,
with no great depth of water.
So it may be seen that there are har
bors enough to suit all sorts cf vessel!
and all kinds of weather
Frkdkkick a. Obbb.
I'KLIUIIT K ITLS AJSD tK AIX PRICE I view to establUhiug tbe truth or fals
ity of the) accusations. I put upou
F rmu etMli-tics in a pamphlet, com- you no limit to the scot of your iu
piled by II. T. Neweomb and issued I ventilation. Of all ilepartuieuta cim
by the Agricultural Department at nected with the array I invite the
Washington, getting forth the chang-1 cluneal scrutiny and examination aud
en in the rates of charge for railway I shall afford every facility for the
and other transMir(ation source dur- most searching iuqiiiry. The record
ing Ihe past thirty years, the New I of the War Department and the as
York Financier collate the followiug Isistance of its officers shall be subject
figure "to show how the populists I to your call.
talk that the rtilroada have beeo the! "I can not iuipreas upon you too
oppressor of the fanner and eaten up strongly my wish that your luvewti
all his iMMHihle profits by excessive gatiot shall be so thorough aud com
freight rates, has disregarded the plete that your rejMirt, when made,
truth." We quote: will fix the reaixinsibilitv for anv
"First we gi ve a table showing the failure or fault by reason of neglect,
relative decline in the price of the Incompetency, or inaladmlnistrafion
more important grains Iu various upon the officers and bureaus reepon.
years since 1870 and the fall In freight aible thereof if It be found that the
rules in the same period. The Bg- evils complained of have existed.
uresare based on the average prices The toi!e ifti un!rv are cr.
. .. . . . .i
rtne six years .between 1807 ana titled to kuow whether or not the
1872 which are Ukenas a standard of citizens who so promptly responded
Items of Interest from all
Parts of the State.
100. The figures follow :
1S70 DC7
Outs -
live "-
Hay -
Freight rates -
ilbauy Heheelsliavea large Atteudauce
iahlasd aeeds more dwell
a lug Ileuses.
Dwellings are in great demand at
Ash laud. Several families would
move to the town if they could get
Isaac Howard, of Junction, will
ship 200 dozen turtles to San Francis.
co about November 1. lie has 4000
turtles on his ranch.
Mrs. J. T. Chamberlain, of llridgw
sirt, was attacked by a hog several
days ago. Her right arm was badly
to tbe call of duty have beeu neglect
ed or misused or maltreated by the lacerated by the animal
Government to which they so wil
lingly gave their services. If there
have been wrongs committed, Ihe
wrongdoers must not escape convic
tion and punishment."
"It will be seen that the decline in I
freight rates has been greater than In
i., .. i... ..... i .. a ir iqq7 a... a luaal
aujr iii me Kiniiin, loai ,uu 101101 T , .. a .
..... ,i.. i.i .u.. .11 Long years, has the flag of Spain
..surwre ...c.uueu ... "-P-" Waved o'er Cuba', fateful ! !e,
w.iuiu ue uiucn greater lor rannmu Where auonnresseil and ... turetl neonle
rates nave lumoieti aisasierouaiy in Live and suffer in sad ex
rhObaaV i'wun u-IiiIa lha tTyrialnai It atro I
..... r, i wv.ii. i,.,..v, ,i.m . .o-if..
I.. ...... too?! ....w ...v ....... .........
IU vu.,1.11 ""' Hraw mail are tram id.'
Because they will not mil tlic knee
Several Jackson county horses have
died recently from an unknown
cause. The legs stiffen and the horse
drops to the ground and dies in a few
with prices in 1807 the railroad
freight rate decreased 23 per cent
more than the price of wheat and 12
per cent more than that of hay. How
the farmer has benefited at Ihe cost
To one who wears a en
O! how they grasp for liliorty,
With hope to 1 made free,
And cruelty he swentawuv
oi tne rauroati secunty-noiaers is aiso In , w,ve of dark obUvion.,
told by other figures. In a compar
ison of export prices for grains and
freight rales it is shown how much
more violent the fall in the latter has
ttfuin T- i r Inulaliriu IhaHllmuild 4i,i
" ' - . . A ... ....I.Ml.Vl . ..V. . I .".. ... W I . I .... I . .
. . . . . , I ixi tne ciouu ol war grows darker
. . 1 1 1 . mId .1.1 u'hu.l Kiffu.uAn I ')i liiunn I
... i -i . ' i. n in ni , n v . .. VHIili.il I , . . . , ,
........ . . And crres for help we hear.
li. i era nan oeen cui iu nail I ti.
niui a jiidi iiiuiwi
But dangers troubled night is there,
Where right and justice should prevail.
The land is wrapt in misery
That makes the spirit quail.
since 1S&0, falling from 8.71 cents to
4 3.) cenls but the export price of
Shall aid without a fear.
On tba flfliwnll, .. P.,t.-..o. !.. UU
ii'lmul It, Iha uainA lima full 11 IV . . ,1 1 ,T I
The United States battleship Maine
i. ceum, ir muiiui i-v ut-r rem an
Shipmeutsof Ashland jieaches to
the city markets continue in consid
erable quantities. The weather has
been unfavorable to the ripening and
marketing of Ihe latter varieties.
The Grass Valley Jourual is auth
ority for the statemeut that The IUI
las Military Kjad Company has
about 100 cases against the settlers of
Sherman county, to be tried in the
coming session of the circuit court.
Two young fellows from Benton
county were fined 115 each at Junc
tion City for being drunk and disor
derly. They had no money, ho the
court accepted their horso aud cart
aud two shotguns and released them.
Wolf A Zwlcker, the Portland
ship-builders will build a dry dock
at that city. It may not be a very
profitable venture Just now to the
builders, yet there is no improve-
against the 50 tier cent reduction in
freight rates.
"How much greater the decline in
freight rates has been thau in agricul
tural prices is shown by the statistics
given below of the numlier of bushel
if wheat and corn carried between
New York and Chicago for the prlo
if one bushel iu several of the last
10 years:
IStii 5.77
1870 7.54
177 10.41
lNXi 14.05
1V.I7 17.24
"Nothing can show better
heavy falling. off in transportation
Inirgi-s as compared with grain pric
es than these figures. It will be seen
that in 1807 Ihe equivolent of one bu
slicl out of every 6 77 bushels arriv
ing at New York for export was tak
en by the transportation agencies as
ompensation for their services in
hsuiing the wheat Irom Chicago,
In 1807 the railroad rate absorbed
inly the equivalent of one in every
17 24 bushels of wheat. Grain prie-
s have varied a good deal in the last
25 years, but the freight rate has
teadily fallen, both actually and rel
lively. The farmers had nearly
hree limes as many bushels of wheat
carried in 18!Hi for the one bushel
paid the railroads, as in 1867.
"The charges for carrying a ton of
freight one mile and per passenger
per mile for various years since 1867
re given la-low:
Freight per pass, rate
ton mile, per mile,
meiit that will be of greater worth to
Was destroyed in the harlmr at Havana, the city.
ity the treacherous hand of Spaia. noy Miller, a Pendleton waiter, is
And now the slimiberini' fire's are serving a sentence in the Umatilla
1'ito burning flames of war
There's fleets assembling on the sea,
And soldiers on the shore.
To the south, with gallant tread,
Our boys in blue are sent,
Their souls aglow with patriotism,
And hearts on victory bent.
I county ) til for throwing a cup at a
Chinaman. Friends offered to nay
his fine but hd elected to stsy in jail
rather than put himself under obliga
tions to any one.
The Albany schools have Ihe larg
est attendance In their history. The
enrollment at the end of the first
These are our boy., gone from our homes wet.k was 6ao ,nj w, u 1(J ijjevj
. r... i.. I.....I... .li.. I ' v
To face the battle, din,
Many go who will never return.
Though bravely mustered in.
The time is come for action,
Bursting bombs are hurled
And floating on the breeze so grand
Old glory, still unfurled.
She waves defiance to her foes
Amid tho battle's rushing tie.
Long may her stars exalted shine
Her strijie. evoke a nations pride.
Our soldier boy., Oud bless them.
Their work is noblv done.
And Dewey the hero of Manila
Whose skill bright laurels won,
Haul down Spain', yellow banner,
The Cuban', laud is free.
Never again to submit
To a rule of tyranny.
Sihi.i.a McKirk.
S47 - l,!rr 1,!4
HiS - 1,810 2,104
1871., - 1,789 2,rW2
1877 - 1,280 2,4o8
8M5 - 1,011 2.216
SIS, 806 2,019
"The decline in the freight rate in
hirty years is thus shown to be over
8 per cent while wheat prices in the
same period have fallen only 18 per
cent. It will be seen that the passen
ger rate shows a higher figure in '96
than in 1807, but Ihe rate In thai
reach 700. The enrollment of Albany
college is about 150. The Sinters'
academy also has a largely Increased
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer un
derstands that the entire fronts, fac
ing on Second street, of the two
blocks burned in the late fire, will
soon be covered with belter bui d-
ings, and more of them than existed
before the fire. There will he one
or more buildings on every lot, on
both sides of the street.
The regular passenger stage run
ning between the Columbia mine and
li urne upset yesterday afternoon
while on a steep hill, throwing six
passengers over an immense preci
pice. All escaped serious injuries,
excepting Mrs. Kinsey, wife of a
mine-owner, who suffered a fracture
Of course all Ihe newper men of the right arm. The horses were
wanted him to say something. He killed.
was agreeable, but he said that he Lster V. High, of Ashland, who
did not believe that the situation was one of the crew of the Oregon at
warranted him in going into a long the battle of Santiago, is in the Unit-
discussion. He said to the reprencn- ed States naval hospital at Brooklyn,
tative of the Hun: N. Y. He saved a number of me-
UI have had a long and satisfactory mentot-s of the famous naval fight,
talk with Senator Piatt and Mr. but the New York gills coaxed all of
Odull. I was pleased to meet them." them from him. except a coin and a
"Were any pledges or bargains in- pair of curling irons, which he will
slsted upon?" send to his sister, Mrs. Sherman Pow-
"Not one," replied Col. Kuosevelt, ell, of Ashland.
"not a single one, not a suggestion of Walker, the man convicted of rape
one, not an intimation of one, and and taken to the K?nitentiary last
on tbat point you may set your mind week, made a peculiar proitosition to
at rest. I believe that is all I ha
to say at the present moment. Of
course I am a candidate for (lover
year was exceptional. Comparing nor. There is no news in that state-
with 1808 the actual cost of passenger ment." New York Sun,
travel has Deen reduced v per cent i. Editor's Daughter's Dolls.
and the facilities and comfort provid- The editor of Harper's Magazine,
ed can not las compared with the Mr. Henry M. Aldcn, has a daughter
conditions of thirty years ago. who has made a collection of over 100
"The greater loss sustained by the dolls each doll representing a differ-
railron.ls in tne decline or prices Is lent nation and being made In that
thus veiy conclusively proveu." country. The collection Is consider-
k. 0. T. M.
MOI.. TEN f, NO. tl, K. O. I. M.,
1 neeia in Odd Fellows Hall, on eec
and f-ffurtli Thursday evenlni.-. of each
niont'i. 1- A. LOSO,
Hkstos Howims, Com.
R. K.
j as. a THoaraos,
sota at rrstic.
from our pjold, silcer,
and other mines.
i ull I V i VI. Ill f V. '-i , Ut-ULIITV. oi
I .inni .iii iii.i c ... t n k..- . , I
1. O. O. V., nieeta on I' rat and
h rd Tn -d-ira of each month.
C E D iciiiu.in
KF.J. KSON POST, SO. !, H. A. R. I
il 1 the tirat ami third Saturdays of each I
nu.ntti, ai'J: Hi o nock, I". M.
i. V. lin k.. It. Crandsll P. C.
HEX. RiSMOflrOrtr 0. 47.;W R.C.I
i I Hillaboro, en the lu tnd Id. Fridays I
M each month si p. m.
Mra. H. V. Oates. j
i.li.atMth O. Crandali, bVrelaxy.
20 ream experience in office Iiral Bus!
neaa. (u'neial trusts executec). 1'roiH-rty
ol r.atates ana imiivuiiial. ra.eO tor.
Otlloeat the Bazaar, Forest tirove, Oregon.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind Yon Hate Always Bought
Bennetts Renowned
Military Band
Has lsscn engaged for the season
Astounding Aerial Feats and
Acrobatic Performances.
Bear the
Signature of
many years, at least 30 past, in the
kails of congress. Away back during
the administration of President Lincoln
Secretary Seward bad in mind the ac
quisition of the Dnuifb islands of St
Thomas, St John aud San Li Cruz, and
later negotiated a treaty by which for
17,500,000 ws were to acquire them.
But for tbe unexpected opposition of
certain senators when tbe treaty was
op for ratification we should have ac
quired them, aud notwithstanding the
enormous sum we promised to nay -
though St John is a lovely Island, fer
tile and picturesque, and Santa Crua
covered with rich sugar plantations
yet tbe enln object in view was the
single harbor of St. Thomas.
Colonel Theodore Koosevclt's name
has never be-n moie promitwntly be
fore the public than it is this month
His military career Is apparently to
lie follow l hy an equal success in
politics; but public interest is still
strong In the doings of the "Hough
Kider." In the October Magazine
Number ot The Outlook, Mr. Jacob
A. Kii-, tbe author of "How the oth
er Half Lives" and "Children of the
Poor," talks entertaining!) of "Iioos
evelt and His Men." Mr. Riis is a
arm personal fritrnd of Colonel
It IM li Haw inrt BMf
Very low Rates on all Railroads,
All t 25 cent,
PnrtO Rim. an Utanl a-hl.ih Kiwiin om I
oar! merely at the cost of conouest I d in this article he re-
enmbinea all the advaiitagi-a rswM-saed lates not a few incidents about Ihe
by St 1 nomas in a marked degree, for
it has at least iii good harbori and a
vast extent of fertile territory, as against
the one harbor of 8c Thomas and iu
aT'i if 1 .. an "a4ai iniiwr oi Darren roc a a strategically.
vuiiurru "Tfc" T f-ffliaw- g S r aatwiliiifl
life of the "Hough Riders" which
have not heretofore been made pub
lic. (R ff. The Outlook Com
pany, kVt? JuaattJl 4tcau( Ky
Sheriff Henderson Is-fore starting,
says the McMinnvilie Itetiortcr. Ho
said he had been a pretty gixal pri
soner, aud "Henderson, I had inure
than one chance to kill you and your
son. but I didn't do it. .Now. whi n
we get out on the road let me go,
and take a shot or two at me, and it
will be all right with the poople."
The town of Antelosa Is profiting
by past experience, aud making
- .r... . - i I. i .,.L . .
ed to be the most unique and finest r11""" ""I'P'y " -'i'"u
of Its kind in exb-tence. Miss Alden nre P"""""- A number of large,
ia nr.. t ,.t. i u. a, .ii never-failing springs lie one mile
President McKlnley has appointed Lnd Mpain ,he, ,D(, , the , north of the town. Here an immense
!..f a t !(. f a 1 I F I ! .til L I 'I. I. . a. a
a commission 01 nine uistinguisneu toue of The Ljles. fome Journal "rv"r w'" uum wn" "
ciue..s, a pan in.,., c.v.. ... auu 8ie wll now pMaTm of the first
part from the retired army list, to ,wenty. In following Issues she will
invesugaie me o.nuuci 01 tne opau- ,how the others
ish war. In giving his Instructions
as to the scope of the investigation he I Tbe mischief of Algerian), says the
said: lOregonlan, Is that it threatens the hind again at the late meeting.
the water will be conducted from tho
springs in pipes. The water ill
have a fall of between 300 and 400
feet by the time it reaches town.
The state fair management ran t-
"There has been in many quarters Ions of power in the next con&r'-w. floating indebtedness is 18,130. This
severe criticism of the conduct of the A little review of thetituation will added to mortgaged debt to the
war with Spain. Charges of criminal reveal Ihe fact that tha Oiegoaian school fund amounts to 122,223. The
neglect of the soldiers in camp and itself has bsn most assiduously braird will ask tbe legislature to pay
field and hospital and in transport! working lo protnote what it terms oft tbe debt of 8,13'J and make an
have been so persistent that, whether Alfcrlsoa, out of an entirely baseless appropriation of llo.noo fur future
true or false, they have madeadetp fabric, and if il ataUsi ita? case fairly 'airs. The members of the hoard
impression upon the country. It Is is itwlf om of lh aaain InstrttMsrvita have been suoctswfu I exhibitors and
my earnest desire that you shall thor la iBvoalnf defeat fur its rtsiblicn have reaped money rewards for what
oughly Investigate these chargsa tnd CDtajtiaaioaMl caaiiilatisi at uVe tail others say are Inferior exhibits. It
make the fullest examination of the Itlartkavi, tots ftrftitai least ,f its would nlly a a good thing to with
ailaiinistration of the War Lkparf- Ictaatwtt btw ams tietsjuea take hold state aid as the leading agriisji.
neat la ail ui ita bra?, with tlx I bU tsVai raiioAitiaoj Urra!, taral (air of tha atata suggewu.