Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 24, 1898, Image 2

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atM ta Uw poalrfBe at Hliiaboro, (In
ee .sanaa saa , saaMaf.
oiarrif IUid, la adeaatae, e yaar W
ml 'BOBO PUHLMHIMU 00, mpw
a at C. OaULT. sVltlo
.rruni vamu or m
f III DAY, JUNE 21, 198.
(lov. Gwr'a plurality In the ataie
110,574. la iheiuntleacoiupoiiuf
tlit w-cond district hia plurality ir
8113. Moody' pluralty la 6WW in
the s::ond district
llolasou la a br-lter defense to Mom
Cantle than all the Hpanlsh guo. A
imr as he la aupporied to be In tliat
prison nt a ahull from fiiion'
fleet wander towards Its walls.
I la reported that Cauiarla Is to
attempt the feat of the Oregon and
jro arou nd Cape Horn and north to
trouble aome of our Pacific coast
cities. If he wakeathe voyage hr
w ill do better than any Spaniard has
yet done. A part of his fleet thai
railed from Cadi the first of the
week Is back again in a disable-1 con
dition. Hpain refuse to exchange lieu'.
I lot-ton. It Is suggested by one
party that a good rich ransom might
bring about his release. Another
suggests that lloltson has seen too
much and that his reKrt to his sup
erior would Iks better that the talk of
spy. If the latter the obstacle will
soon I removed for Shatter will
take the place soon.
Full returns show that Mr.
Tongue's pluraity In the first district
is l!o:i2. (Jeer's plurality In the same
counties is 24(51. This Is quite com
plementary to Mr. Tongue against
whom the fight was made. In the
district Ueer received 42.1 votes more
than Tonirue. and Veach received 8HC
votes less than King. It appears
therefore that there were more votes
thrown for governor than for Con
gressman. Luce, populist received
IWtiti votes and CI in ton, prohibition
ist 2213. Ho there was not a com
plete fusion by 5079 vote.
The progress made In the war
against Hpaiu during the past week
has been considerable. True no
grewt battles have been fought or
ports been bombarded, but the In
vading land forces have without un
fortunate incident arrived off Santi
ago do Culm. Telegraphic comuni
cation has been restablishetl, and he
piwinbarkation of the land forces has
lieen commenced, titMKl troops were
put on shore Wednesday and Thurs
day. The weather was favorable anil
the Hpainlards waited for the morrow
to make resistance. It was then ton
late. No news of the arrival of tli
"troop transports at Manila has Iteen
received but it is thought they are
there, and that tidings will yet come
U lore the week closes. The Porto
Hi co eXiedillon has been abandoned
till Santiago and Cerveras fleet is de
stroyed, but that is in the near fut
ure. All one night last week Dr. Lane,
ex -superintendent of the Insane asy
lum sat and burned corn meal. The
incident that led him to remove the
cover from the meal tub was the ap
pointment of Hon. I. L. Patterson of
Marion county to lie collector of cus
toms at Portland. Lane says once
upon a fine Patterson swindled the
state by filling a contract at the any
linn with Inferior meal. Patterson
answered long ago that he sold thai
meal by sample, that the Jobber sent
the meal directly to the asylum and
that he, Patterson; knew nothing ol
its dauiHged condition. Dr. Lane
was suiierintendent then but never
bieathed the matter. Who is the
greater criminal, Patterson who was
able to make the Joblier send good
meal or Iane who kept quiet for
three or four years and bet-Muse he
was dismissed from his plaiM com
mences to chew the rag? Why does
not Lsne Include Gilbert, P.itiersons
partner. In his tirade? The firm Is
Gilbert A Patter on. Line is a
democrat. Patterson republican.
Ijine was removed from office and is
anirrv and holes that the smoke
from the burning meal will prove a
A correspondent writing from (is.-
ton says that some few of the farmers
in that vncinity la-t year having run
out of binding twine finished bind
ing their crop with hop twine such
as Is uil for twuing hops. They
claim to have had excellent success
w ith this twine, binding fully as well
as with the regular binding twine
The twine is made from cotton, the
only ditlU-ulty found was in the
snmllness of the hall. Not having
heeu wound for binding the balls do
not (Mil tain enough twine although
several halls can be fastened together.
If this twine Is as good for binding
pursues as is claimed by those who
have used it, the manufacturer
could soon lie Induced to wind it in
proper shape for binding purposes.
Cotton twine being much lighter
than uianila twine one pound will
go much farther and it would be
much cheaper than man i la twtne at
present prices. Tne farmers would
by using this twine at least be able to
show that nianila twine is not the
only binding twine in the market
ml that they were not at the mercy
of (lie manufacturer of nianila twine.
Tlir twine used at Gaston last year
Was 12-ply cotton twine. Manila
twin is higher this year and so is
h liue. but the cotton twin is
ffoiahly cheaper than the other.,
The Senate has been debating the
I I'u- resolution annexing the Ha
waiian Inlands, during the wet k hut
'hey are spiriting declamations tnai
re uttered to vacant chsirs. One
preliminary vote taken shows that
there will la? a majority for the re
solution when the vote is reached
There are objection urged aifai nst
annexation. One ground is that it
hangesthe well e-tabli-hed p( licj
if the nation w hich has la-en oonln-rerferetM-e
with th eople ol foreign
iwiuntrie. O J-atori say if we lake
tho HawaiUn group we surrender
vthalever prestige we have hereto
fore held under the Monroe iloc
trine. I u other won Is we by taking
he new republic invite the interfer
ence of F.uroean governments in
American affairs. It seemi to the
INUKPKNDKNT ,Dal '" objection
s re not sufficient to (unify a vote
sgainst annexation. We have form
ulated the Monroe doctrine for the
purswe of maintaining our interests
in Central and South America. Uul
instead of our commerce expanding
southward into thine countries it
giai westward towards Asia. Hon
olula is a half way hou-toanda net-,
ewary stopping place for not only
our warship but our merchant ma
rine. If taking the islands is a relin
quishment of tho Monroe doctrint
we should let it go for we get what
is of more worth, lint it is not nec
essary to give up our interests in
Central America. We now see how
difficult it is for an enemy to occupy
a country with its navy al um and
how difficult it is to throw an army
of laud forces into a country beyond
the sea. If Spain had industry how
much more difficult would it be for
Shafter to land his troops, Euro
pean nations have not acknowledged
the binding force of the Monroe
doctrine further than the strength ol
our nation compelled. Then there
fore how much more readily will
they observe the doctrine when our
strength is developed by this Span
ish war. Instead of giving up any
thing by annexation we hold what
we have Mid get more.
Government is bound to defend
the property rights of its citizens on
laud, and it is equally bound to lixik
sfter and protect our commerce at
sea. With coaling stations at con
venient intervals this can liest he
done. The commerce of the Pacific
should overshadow trafficking in
any other direction. The civiliza
tion of the Sandwich is lands is thai
of the United States and the title to
the territory Is, in Justice, quite as
good as that to Illinois. True we
can build no railroad to the new pos
sessions but wo can slrinir a tele
graph wire and guide ships there.
The islands will be ours as they
United States bonds are recognized
as the most secure and stable form of
obligation that investors can
hold. They are attractive, not only
because of the absolute security offer
ed, but because there is at all times a
public market for them on which
holders can quickly sell, and they
also offer the most desirable form of
collateral if the holder wishes to se
cure a tcmKrary loan. The fact that
United States bonds are not subject
to taxes of any character Federal,
Slate, or municipal is a valuable
feature of that form of lov stiment.
United States bonds are issued in
both cupon and registered form.
ITI'oN HON lis.
A cupon bond is payable to the
hearer. It mtiy be bought and sold
without formality as freely as any
kind of property and without in
dorsements of any kind. Owing to
thefredomof transfer, coupon Isind
are usually preferred by persons who
expect to hold them hut a short time.
Their disadvantage for the person
who wishes to make a permanent in
vestment lies in the danger that they
might be lost or stolen, in which
case the loss to the owner w ould be as
complete as would he the less of a
bulk note. The coupon I o-ids take
their name from the method by
which Interest is collected by the
Printed on the same sheet with the
bond is a series of coupons or small
certificates ot interest due, which ar
so delghed that one is cut ( If at each
interest period. Kieh coupon Is-ais
the number of the IhuiiI and shows
the date of the coupon's mat
urity. The holder of a coupon Lund
st each interest period, detaches the
coupon due that day and collects it
The coupons are payable at any Sub
treasury, siul may he collected
through any bank, snd w ill usually
lie accepted by any fncrchsiit having
a bank account, with whom the
holder of the Ixuul has iltmlutt,'. The
b ilder if a coupon bond n at- a
any time have it converted into a
registered bond free of charge.
ItKli ISTKKKtl Iiiiniw
A registered bond is paya'rie to
'he order of Ihe owner, snd can only
tie trinsferred by being properly in
dorsd and assigned by he nWiier. Sjcii
assignment Is made by the owner
tilling in the blank form on the Imck
of the bond, and mint la v ilnesse,!
by some otthvr authorized by thi
regulations of the Treaurv Depart
ment to witness ssinments. The
owner of the registered bond who
Wishes to part wph it writes hi
name on the back of the bond
in Ihe presence of the officer;
then Ihe w itnesi,g otfi vr writes hi-
name in Ihe proer place and affixes
an impre-siou of his official seal.
The offttvrs who are authorized to
willies assignments are a Uuited
States Judge, United States district
attorney, clerk of a United Stales
court, eiel-ctof of customs, collector
or arsf-aaor of internal revenue,
United States treasurer or Assistant
Treasurer, or Ihe president or cashier
of a national hank, or if lo a foreign
country, a United States minister or
counsul. Incases where there is no
offi'vr within a reasonable distam-e,
or when, through sicknes-. or for
some other good reason, the owner of
registered bonds can not go before
one of these .fl1'i; the Treasury de
partment will designate some person
near the owner to act as witness.
Whin the owner of a registered
bund dispose of it and hss properly
assig ied it, he delivers it lo the new
owuer, w ho shiai d at once forward
it lo Ihe Hgister of the Treasury for
transfer on the hooks of the depart
ment. The register eau:vls Ihe land
) forwarded and issues a new bond
iu Ihe name of the new owner, aud
sends it to him by registered mail.
riie department makes no charge for
transferring bonds.
If the owner of a registered bond
loses it, or if it is stolen from him he
should at once notify the Secretary of
the Treasury. A stoppage will be
entered against the bond, aud, if it
should I presented for transfer, the
Department will hold posstsiou of
the bond until the ownership is
clearly established. If a lost or stolen
bond Is not recovered within six
mouths, Ihe Department will issut) a
duplicate boud upon proof of loss au I
a bond f . i.reMnni!jr beicg
fur- j
The interest on registered bonds
is paid by the government by mttans
of checks. In order thai no mistake
may be made in the payment of in
terest, the books of the Department
are "closed" for a period, varying ac
cording to the importance of th
loan. Jhe hoiks of the 4 per cent
loan of 1!()7 are closed for the whole
month preceding Hie payment of u
quarters Interest. On other loans th
books are closed for fifteen days pre
ceding th? interest payment. Durlnjf
this period no transfers are made,
and Ihe lime is devoted lo preparing
"schedules" which contain the nainfs
of Ihe owners, Ihe amou it of bonds
each one holds, and the amount of
interest due each one. When these
schedules have lcu prepared and
proved, they are sent lothe Treasur
er of the United States, who immed
iately hss checks and envelopes ad
dressed, aud in due time each check
is mailed to Ihe address of the owner.
The checks for the more distant
ooints are first mailed. Interest
check are obligation of the United
Slates, and, of course, are good every
Coupon bonds are Issued iu denom
inations of f2t), f 100, foOO, ami flOOO.
Register bonds are issued in denom
inations of 20, 1100, r00, I, IK Mi,
to,000, f 10,000.
How TO srilst'KIIIK l-'oK THE NEW
The war loan which is now being
offered will lie sold lo sulscriters at
par huring Ihe period of aulawription,
which end July 14, 1H8. The me
thod of subscription ha been
made as simple as possible.
Ulank forms may be ob
tained at every money-order poet-
office, and at most of the banks and
express offices, anil on these foams is
cleriy Indicated all that it is neces
ary for the subscriber lo fill out. The
sutiscrilier may himself mail to the
Treasuiey department at Washington
the blank form filled out, together
whit hi remittance covering the par
value of the amount of bond for
which he wishes to subscribe. That
remittance may Iss in whatever form
best suits the sutiscrilier' conven
ience in currency, bank draft, check
posf-ollli-e money order, or express
money order. The day the currency
I received, or the day the proceed
are received from the checks, drafts
or money orders, the subscription
will be entered and will immediately
begin drawing interest. When the
bonds are deli vered, a check will ac
company each delivery covering Ihe
iuten-sl at 3 percent from the day the
subscription i enter! to the 1st of
August, the dale of the bond, and
from which date ihe tsnid will
carry their own interest.
If the war with Spain last a year,
Ihe cxeuses, on our side, a estima
ted by Senator Hale, of Ihe commit
tee on appropriai ion-, will be iroin
J'iOil.lKKOOO to tlO0,0ll0,()IMI. The
war-revenue hill providing for these
expense was passed by Isith houses
ol congress last wk. The hill was
originally reported to the lion-e from '
I Iu- ways and n esus coiimillie,
April 2t, iheday felloing the for
mal derl trallou of war by congress.
The house, within three days, pissd
the lull wrhout a iiend nent. The :
finance coiinniMee of the senate in- I
trained, ihe bill with numerous
amendment (213, it is and) on May 1
lii, Ihe piinclpal iHiieiidnu Ills pro-!
posed Iwing a lax on corporations,
the coinage of I lie m igniorage on sj-
ver bullion iu the Treasury, and an j
issue of h if tl-teiider notes insteai. of
bonds. The senate passed the bill j
twenty days Inter, June 4, h iving j
limited the corporation tax to sugar
and oil Miner-: having adopted (by
a vileol 4S toll) the Wolcott amend -
inent for tiiinmre of stiver bunion at
the ra e of l,oiH),niHl per in i rh mid
$l2,t)ilo,lNNI seignir;ig tl'er.sri, with
issii.tnee of .silver e. riirt itei s;g,int
it;htving KuTisiitnted ( y a .-o:e of
4"i ti 111) a reduee is-s.,,. ,,f Pn Is f .t
the legal-tender pro, i-inti; mid hiv
ing adopted (' a vote of;! in :!.')
Hie TitHTltn ameu tine iC lmi i-iti a
il.ity of III is-iils er pound on lea,
the Chilton aiiiendiiient laxin cer
tain pa'ented proouvls. ami prepir.i
lions, tho White aiuendinent tating
sleeping - car tickets, and lite Mason
amendment taxing adulterated flour,
Mr. Morgan's income-tax amend-
iu. nr wa r J -tcd by a vote of 3i l
The hi I then went to a conference
committer consisting of S"nt'
Allison, Aldrich, aud J-;m; repre
sentatives Dtnitley. Payne (New
ork), and Bailey. These confer
rees accepted Ihe principal sens'e
amendment above mentioned, ex
cept as to Ihe method of coining Sil
ver bullion; they fixed the amount of
bonds to Is- iasuc-d had way t e'weeit
the enate ami hou-e figure-; and
they acceii'ed in the iniitisll older
features of the bouse bill The h-'U-e,
adopted the c idi reiice tert 0 r a I
few hourK' delate, Juneu,.ty a V"le
of 153 to Ml; Itiesenate adopted It
June 10 by a vote of 43 to 22
First to borrow, at not more than
3 -er cent su h sums as, in his Judg
ment. llia lie ueivasary lo inel
public en peiiilituns, and to i-i-ue
therefor certificate of indi l,t( do-k
in denomination of ',, or muliii'1)
there f, payable in on year, lo an
amount not ix -eediug 100,lii0,nun.
Second "to horror on the i-ndd
of Ihe United States from time to
time, hs the proceeds may b rt q'lir
ed lo defray ex"nditures authnii. il
on account ol the existing War (-uch
proceeds when received lo tte used
only for the purpose of meeting such
war expenditure-) ihe gum of 4"0,
000,000, or so iniicii thercpf as may l
ura.-esH.try, ami lo' prepare and issue
therefor cou son or registered Isuids
of the United States in such form as
he may presents', aud iu denomina
tions of twenty dollars or some ui'i'
tiple of that sum, redeemable in coin
at the pleasure of the Untied States
after ten years from the dale of Iheir
Issue, and payable twenty years from
such date, and bearing interest paya
ble quarterly in coiu at the rate of
1 three r centum er annum.
j The full text of Ihe lax schedule
will lie published later, but the fol
lowing is quite a full abstract:
i.iqi'oii TAXtx. A tax of t2 on all
beer, lager beer, ale, irter, and
other similar fermented liquors brew
ed or manufacture! I, sold or stored in
warehouse or removed for consump
tion or sale, for every barrel contain
ing not more than 31 gallons; and al
a like rate tor any other quantity or
fractional part of a barrel, with a dis
count of 7J per cent on all sale by
collectors to brewers of the stamps
provided for the payment of the tax.
An additional proviso was added, a
follows, by Jhe conference: 'Thai
the additional tax imposed in this
section on all fermented liquors
stored in wareh mses, to which a
stamp hail been affixed, shall he as
sessed and collected in the manner
now provided by law fur the collec
tion of taxes not paid by stamps."
KPKt'iAL taxes (from July 1). I.
Bankers employing a capital not ex
ceeding 121.0110, foil; employing a
capital exceeding 125,000, for every
additional $1,000, $2, surplus includ
ed iu capita'. The amount of such
annual tax to be computed on the ba
sis of the capital and surplus for the
preceedintf fiscal year. Saving
banks having no capital stock, and
whose business is confined to receiv
ing deposits and loaning or invest
ing the same for the benefit of their
depositors, and which do no other
business of banking, are not sul j ft
to this tax.
2. Brokers, $50, but any person
having paid the special tax as a
banker shall not be required to pay
the special tax as a broker.
3. Pawnbrokers, $20.
4. Commercial broker, $20.
5. Custom-house brokers, $10.
6. Proprietors of theaters, mus
iums, and c incerl-halls in cities of
more thsu 25,000 population, $100.
This dot-s dot include hall rented or
used occasionally for concerts or
theatrical representations.
7. Circuses, 100. No special tax
paid in one State is to exempt exhi
bitions from tax In another State, but
one H'ial Is fo be imposed for exhi
bition within any one State.
H. Proprietors or agents of all
other public exhibitions or shows for
money, not enumerated here, $10.
9. Bowling-alleys and billiard
rooms, $5 for each alley or table.
Ton At ti i, cigars, cigarettes and
snuff. Ill lieu of the tax now iui
pwed by law, a tax of 12 cents a
isiund upon all manufactured tobacco
and snuff, sold or removed for sale;
upon cigars and cigareles manufac
tured and sold, or removed for sale,
Ihe following taxes to be paid by the
manufacturer: $3.60 a thousand on
cigars weighing more than three
pounds per 1,000; f a pound on ci
girs weighing not more than three
pounds a 1,000; 3.00 a thousand on
cigarettes weighing more than three
pounds a 1,000 ami $1 50 a 1,000 on
cigarettes weighing not more than
tnree pounds a 1,000. The compro
mise proviso in rejrard to the taxa
tion of Ihe stock on hand provides
that stamps canceled a ihseq lent to
April 14 shall entitle ihe seller lo a
reduction of one half the diiTerence
la iween Ihe old and new rate. And
"dealers having on hand less than
l.tss) mndof manufactured tobacco
and lo.ono cigars or cigarettes on the
da sin cetding the date of the pas.
siige of the bill are relieved from Ihe
necessity (,f
thus reli ved
iiinkiiiaT returns, and !
from the nts-ssity of i
paying the tax."
Tl" it Kits (from Jdly 1). 1) -tiers In1
eaT tnliwi hosH annual wales do '
mil exceeil .Vi.ihio wiunds, each f. !
Those whose annual eiM exceed :
5n,ooo an I n it nm.non, t!2; and If
their i-ntiu il sales exceed ihi,ih)o
pounds, t24 Ieslers in other
.oIihcto whose annual sales exceed
50,000 pounds, 912 ThisM selling1
A Disease of the Blood Resulting frcm seme Constitutional Taint
Inherited or Acquired Caused by Impoverishsd BIcol which
is Always Shown by the Afflicted One's Pallor and
EmaciationHow it May be Cured.
rrm IA CrapAK, Hiuhnilt, lid.
Mix Prl Wood, a aapnlar vouug lJy wf : wrtu trying. ihy wn ncta IhoroaKh
. i i V ui trial ; bul all Ilia auslinu M oavar aaci.
Arliuioa, lu4iau. To Jtar. " .. ,,,, ,llu. 1 LiU tiui.l, Hit -oinl
WuuJ IsK-auit ttrioiul afflicted sua Iwial I hot fuUUa WM icr.miiiK brtirr. I iWl
B-ural(ia IxS rllrU of itr tuf- j noult I rvrr uiurc hacpy iu U'T life 0i
IVring until alsiut iElit ouib. ago. " '"" 1- ', ''u-
' T . . i .1. i.l. ...n the Ibird Un, Ibe miu anii-h hi niwle Me :i
8nay,- bad Uirlv (wJ heahh until . ui.y )eft an, mjtM j 6ui,i,,i
two ;eari go ba lb fai laj maraljjia tie- I u,, u,,,, iHl wu
vtiuped. It (tartwl aitb -euiocil iami Neurals'-a im the re.ult of aom cootilu-
i I- ...i I ai.l ...u kuoa, .l,t iL. tional Iniut alurb ha bern inhertia
la mj imt and I did uut know "hat lu. n ,( MuU uf n in).
trouble iu. I went Ui a dcntiat, tblukinn , H,,r,.h, conuili .ii of the blu-sl whii-b i
luy trflh nelisl tmiiinft, but the dentiat hu1 : ulaavo .li n ly Ihe atHietnl on.- llur a'i
uoli wiw But Ihe i-aae a it waa lai-ial urural-; -iua lai iuii. Any ri .if I lie boiy sluih ba
tlur phyiiun wi1 the aauie miug aua
be rave tue medic me wbich relieved tbe pain
fisr abile.
" A le weelct later I woke up one unrht
with a fe.irl'ul pin iu tov head. 1 Ined ilif
fereni remedies, but eould n.a iret rid of Ihe
awful p-iiii. I mauai-d topull ibruUKh, bow
aver till uniriiintf. wiiett Uie doetor waa sent
for. He said it waa amaher attack or tut I
o-.mhl. nnJ I wsa aut to have a eerioui tini
of iu His prilie'y proved true. I autjerisl Pills for Pair People. Ai-llie- ilire-ily nn It..
eeverelv fruia tins ilUeaae for many aeelcs. j l.lis.t ami n. rt -s irviv-.i -lin - l tie Issb
The nains often tame in the aiu'ht and were mriilatitic Ihe t'utieiioie. m- n -t. re tl.
an aeverr that it waa iinuoesitile to alren.
We triad a di.Terent dortnr, but he diil me
no goo! 1 had read artielra in the new
iaM-r eonrrrning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People, and although I bad never
rent of a -ure of any trouble similar to mine
through them, somehow I felt that the pills
might henefii me. Some of our neiyhlmrs
liailiiar.1 them with successful results, and I
ilei-ideil to Irv theat. 1 sent to Kushville for
half adnaan. bote eoc:l-jitl if .J.''re
liieirou n products at Ihe place of
in it. ufiei ure are exempted from this
tax. Manufacturers of tobacco whose
annml sales do not exceed 50,04)0
I ou ii N, Hi. Mtnufatlurers whos
sales exceed 50,000 and not 10tM),000
pounds, 112; matiiifaeturers whone
sales exceed 100,0110 pounds, t:i.
manufacturers of cigars w hoae annual
sales do not exceed 100,000 cigars, t;
manufacturers whose sales exceed
100,000 ami uot 200.000 cigars, tl2.
Mitiinfaclurers whosa sales exceeil
2tHi,000 cigars, t24. Any person who
who carries on the business on which
special tax ia made guilty of a misde
meanor, the penalty being a fine of
1100 tot500, or Imprisonment for not
more than six monies, or both.
It is provided that until appropri
ate stamps are furnished, the stamps
heretofoie used to denote the pay
ment of the internal-revenue tax on
lermented litiuors, tobacco, snuff,
cigars, and cigarettes may be Imprint
ed with a sutiable device to denote
the new rate of lax, and shall be
affixed to all packages containing ar
ticles on which the lax imposed by
this act is paid. Proprietors of pro
prietary articles are given the priv
ilege ol furnishing their own dies or
designs for stamps, a failure to per
form which act is punishable by h
tine of not less than t50 nor more
$.)H) or by imprisonment, not to ex
ceed six months, or both. Evasion
of the stamp law is punishable by a
flue uot exceeJiug t200. Uovern
ment, KtHte county and municipal
bonds are exempted from the law,
aud also stock aud bonds of co
operative building aud loan asso
ciations or companies that make
loans only to share-holders.
Section H provides fur a tax stamp
on telegraph messages, but exempts
messages of government nfll-crs and
employees on official business anil
also messages of telegraph and rail
road companies over their own lines.
Sectian 20 makes evasion of the pro
visions of schedule II relative to
drugs, medicines, perfumery, etc.,
punishable by a flue uot to exceed
$500 or imprisonment not to exceed
six mouths, or bub. Uucom pound
ed mediciuis, or those put up and
sold at retail, on prescriptions, are
not included in the taxable articles.
Section 24 adds the lax on proprie
tary articles to the duty on them.
St llKlil LK A STAMP TAXES (from
July 1). lionds, debentures, or cer
tificates of Indebtedness by any asso
elation or corporation, on each tl)0
of face value or fraction thereof, Ave
ivnis. arid on each original issue of
certificates of Block, on each 1 100 ol
face value or faction thereof, five
cents; and on sales, or agreements lo
sell, or transfers of slock, on each 1100
of luce value or traction thereof, two
cents. Upon each sale or agreement
to sell any products or merchandise
at any exchange or hoard of trade,
for each $100 in value, one cent, and
for each additional 1 100 or fractional
part thereof, one cent. Bank check,
draft, or certificate of deposit not
drawing Interest, or order for pay
ment of money drawn upon or issued
by any bank, trust company, etc.,
two cents. Bills of exchange (inland),
draft, cernficiite of deposit drawing
interest, or order lor payment til
money otherwise than at sight or on
demand, or any promissory note, ex
cept bunk noies issued for circula
tion, and for each renewal of Ihe
same, for not exceeding f 100, two
cents, and for each additional $100 or
fractional part thereof, two teuis.
Bills of exchange (foreign) or letters
ol credit, if drawn singly for not ex
ceeding tltio, four cents, and for each
addition il $100 or fractional par
thereof, four cents. If drawn in sets
of two or more, for every bill, of each
set, w here Ihe sum does not exceed
$iN) in any firelgn currency, Iwo
ct-nts, and lor each additiual tl00 or
iraci.oiial rt thereof, two cents
Bii of lading or receipt ( it her than
charter part ) for jih1 or nierchan-
diss lo be exported
lo any foreign
port, 10 cents.
x pkms ami KKKH.tl r. To each
bill i f lading, etc,, a one cent stamp,
but one bill of lading shall teerequir-
ed on bundlet if newspaper whetij
em ir d In one general bundle, j
P- n i.iy, t-"o.
Alas uf one ctnli impi-wrd for
aeti.uive uervt uiay tirtnitnr au.-ttsi.
Atiiuilr lue many iuidu. iin uir-
hraiiurur, uerviamfe-n. araiysi, usi'lt-A'
aiul Kicoaiot'ir auxia. S.-m.- ot ilu-r wer-eiitiaiiit-retj
mcurantr until 1 'r. llllain' l'i-:
fills lui I'ale l'-..il .To l'iir.nunii.l. !
day iIhiumikIi t-i 1 1 v in having bt-ru cured i
aueti diaeaa-e by threr ii!t-.
Ni diaceverV of luintt-rii linn, hi e pr-ive
t an- h a ln in wnnirL as lr illia'ii-' I'in
strength and 'leHltlt t.. ibe iei-te.1 Muia'
when every eHnri of the plij-ic an proves un
availing. pnr ibe rrnwintf girl thev are nf Ihe ut
most benefit, lor the mn!i-r iilii-i'l'!i
liir every woman inval"H.I-. Iir. Wilii.ui.
Pink Pills an- m-ouTi i rtl rvervahere as
specific for tti.-rsa-s of lee ldoHl end nerve,
and have proved th. ir efHcecv -n rhon-nie-
I ut canes. TLrv " "f ' e c-e -.j.-t
tugs ever be.umci n jii mankind.
every telephone meiwHge for which
over 15 eenla Is charged. Any telt
graphic roetvsage one sent. Indein
nifying ImiiiiN, fiOeents.
Certifleates of profit of any a-o-cietion
anil on all transfers) thereof,
ou each 100 of fttee value, Iwo cents
IVrlifiititei of damitge, or oiherwine,
iasuetl by port warden or marine
surveyor, 25 ceiiU. Certificate of
a'ty other dercription, 10 cenla.
Charter prly, if registenil tonnage
of the vetel doe not exceed 301)
Ion-, W; exceeding 301) tons ami not
000, 'i; exceeding 600 tons, f 10.
Contract, broker's note, or mem
orandum of sale of projierty of any
description lued by brokers, for
each note or memorandum, 10 cents.
Conveyance or devil for real esiale
in which the consideration exceed
(100 and does not exceed (5IH), 50
cents, anil for each additional folio,
50 cents.
Kutry of goods at any custom
house not exceeding 100 in value,
25 cents; exceediug 100 and not ex
ceeding f.'iOO, 50 tents; exceeding
$5U0, tl. Kntry for withdrawal of
goiMU from customs bonded wale
house, 50 cents,
Insurance. Life, on each policy
for each 9100, 10 cents on the amount
insured, i'olicie on the Industrial
or weekly plan, -10 iter cent of the
amount of ihe first weekly premium.
Paternal hemflciary societies and
orders, farmers' local cooperative
companies, employees' relief associa
tions, conducted for the exclusive
benefit of members, are exempted,
Insurance (marine), inland fire, each
policy; one i half of one cent on each
tl, cooperative and mutual com
panies exeuhpted. Insurance (casu tl
ty, fidelity and guaranty)' each policy
and bond for performance of duties
of any position or other obligation of
the nature of indemnity, aud each
contract or obligation guaranteeing
validity of bonds or other obligations
issued by any public body, or guar
anteeing titles to real estate or mer
cantile credits, executed by surety
company, upou the amount of pre
mium charged, one-half cent on each
Lease, land or tenement, not ex
ceeding tine year, 25 cents; exceeding
one year and not exceeding three, 50
eent; exceeding three years, tl.
Manifest for custom-house entry or
clearance of cargo, if vessel's tonnage
does not exceed 300 tons, tl; exceed
ing 300 and not exceeding lilM),
exceeding GOO tons, 11.
Mortgage of prpKTty, excenlins
1,000 dollars and not exceeding 1,500
dollars, 25 cents, and nn each 500
dollars in excess of 1,500 dollars, 25
Passage ticket by any vessel from
United Mtates to a foreign port, cost
not exceeding 3D dollars, 1 d lar; GO
dollars, 3 dollars; more than GO dol
lars, 5 dollars.
Power of attorney, with excep
tions lo charitable associations, pen
sioners, and the like, 10 cents and 25
cents. Protests, 25 cents.
Warehouse receipts, 25 cenbt.
Htamp duties of this schedule on
manifests, bills of lading, and as-age-tickets
shall not apply to veesels
plying between ports of the United
Stale and ports in British North
A merles.
sTllKIU lK n STAMP TAXES (from
July 1). Midicidal proprietary arti
cles ami preparations, including those
untler patent or trade-mark, in
packet, Imix, Isiitle, vial, or other en
cloru re, retail price not exceeding 5
cents, l of onecem; 10 cents, f; 15
cents, ; 25 cents, ; and for each
additional 25 cents or fraction there
of . Perfumery and cosmetics, the
same rate. Packages of chewing
gum or siilnsiiiiites, four cents on
every dollar of retail value.
Sparkling or other wines, pint
bolllea, 1 cent; hrgpr bottles, 2 ci tits.
KXt'lsE TAX Ks. Iteflnera of p -trie
leutn or sugar, owners or controllers
of pipe lines for transporting oil or
oilier products, annual tax of J -if I
per cent on grcavs receipt, exceiiling
250,000 dollars. Penalty of J,ntin
dollars to 10,000 dollars for each re-
fuBl to make monthly return of
receipts, or making false return.
on nvery seat aold (after July I)
n palace or parlor car, and berth in
sle -ping-car, 1 cent.
T.lw Uz od lnherit4Vna aaailtV
l'2L. tSIIII I1V
t? 1 V.
t: M
m B.
s.'..r. J4
rax 1 U f si . . t-
llillsboro Pharmacy
Ture fresh drugs, Finishes, Taints, Oils, Sikiics and nil Druggists
Suiulries, Fine first class cutlery a specialty.
sr-r txtra (are iu fa m pa u nil lug I'reserliitlnHs.-T
Perferred the Champion!
It Is a notable fairt that the following
Wasliliiirtoii County .armors, to-ult:
After looklnar over all the different
makes of Self Miidlm? Harvesters oHereil in
llillsboro and Tortlaiid, selec ted the Clinni
liioii, notnlthstandlni; the nrlee vas higher
than other makes of machines. Farmers
who Intend biiylni: Hinders or Mowers this
season should not overlook this fact; it will
pay yon to examine the Champion line of
enttiiiir machinery. There is nolhiii- on
the market to compare with tlieni.
Sample with J. T. Huxton, Forest Grove.
Sample next (Uxir to Reilmotnl & SappitiRtou'a livery
stable; Hillslioro.
If you go to Portland call at the House. 1st & Taylor
Streets and see the machines.
John Nisseti, Salesman.
The Academy prepares for College and flices
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses cenj loic. Hoard and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeb, including
electric light and heat.
Under experienced management, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
pin, not to exceed $1.60
For full particulars, address
president McClelland,
Forest Grore, Oragon
Throiiich Tourist Cam to St. l-ouls.
A tourist Hltiinir cht will leuve
Portland vrry MoikIh.v via Mo. I'm',
and every 'iliixlay via Ihe Hur
linirtun route at 8 i. in. via the O. It.
A X. through Halt Iake and Denver
without i-iiant;e to St. Ixiuis, ami un
ci" r Hie iiM-rvisii,ii ,,f i xiierieneed
oiiiiliictors. No i-limine of earn lo Ihe
el t ins, Khiisss City or .St. Ixiuis. Keep
this m-rvii.-e in iiiiml when Koinn
eaf and consult (). It. A N. fi-nt or
General Prtsm-nier Ajji-ul, 1'ortlnnd,
A Beautiful
In or.l.-r to furt'.er imrmlure ELASTIC STARCH (f Ijt lr,r H';.n.!
the rr.anuf.1. t.,r.rs J-HiibinKer Un. Co, of Keokuk low,, h.nr
cltri. ! to OIV E AWAY a l.rautiful pr-wnt !r. FJ, l, ,,. t. .... ,.i
starrh .... I h-ae presents
Beautiful Pastel Pislur
Thty are 13x1.) inches in i-,.ind are entitled f ..!!,.
Lilacs and
.t.iill.T IMlsf"J.'
if t,,',
m."riwJ1.0O.H, '
I .IITIft'If 1. nvuf,rj
I, -
or ast sis.
- . S.
These r.ir
R. I.( km. ..1
I" . i r.ir
in i M.i.lio .,r- now ..,f,.r-,l f.,r
in. 1
' . I " ... v ea.. t., ,41, t (IV,M
ka.Ki.ir.' H.-n,,.,,, . .,y , ..ml.,,r,;Vri;i,i;u;:::kv;;:
I'astel .i,!.,rea .ir.s tl.e ;,..-; .K
tht m in fi-.intv rw l,hcs
..f .,or ,,
OneoHhe i iurn MB
.ur h..se, ., vour Kr.xrr. It i tlir
is ,, f.,r , rr a ka ' ' H
Deautilul p lure. ' '" " in ri am get a
; m tmm ittt euitic mm. iccept io substitute
XUJZ rAUv ;j
F A nn Mid l-v in obsfrver to bt lh 2
gnndf-t tight 'in ice vorlj. "A nobler -3
- t f...u I,.,,, nut." r.Tlic4 Inn4 to him. SI
li Istl-'r "J "ii Milking trm-in-!
- li i. r ..;i, -.imilJi'l.'' II 0
Hill W II l"0 win. " - mm
K.ih rx dresd u. k.sl tite Ihe chirm .al
of the picture ii in.. iisitud. Many mm ol 1
eoodtiitein over 7.uO American cities "j
anJtonsncw t.i ?L'iiBaovercwtiiriini
M. DORri & to.
The flreat Chicago Merchant Tailor.
oas and Fathers sie equally sure to be
pleased. No poor work. Kj uu.tits. roiala
kic gootls. iso eaoiUUut pruva. M d--
Kaersbsratv fully Hsttlatte4. sT
Over JOO suli e liwri sw a-s
avur rder Iruaat. ,H
Dr. F. A. Bailey, Prop
30, JS9S.
Ilreailfullr erous.
Oenti': I was dnttilfiillv nervoim
and for relief took your Knrl's (.;iover
ItiMit Tea. Il iiiilel my nervem and
alretiKtheneil my whole nervoim (sys
tem. I whs, tmulil.sl with coiislia
lion, kidney ami Uiwel troulile.
Your l-a whui elennuHl my nyslem w
lhorouKhly that I rupiilly reminid
health and Htrenptli. .Mrs. H. A.
Swe-. Murtford, f.,nn. Kol.l tiy
llil'rboo I'liarmiK-v.
Oiiftmou t ii tolMacvo u :. , . n:ak. tt
mraniruii?t .ii-oi pur", w-r i. y.sin.
are in the lorm ol ft
42 ea
'""t'vroa, -
' .:
Lilac and
' JsO sL
1 RHre-ro
'"rT-ron .Sri
rv the renownerl r,atrl arti.i'
ihe t.rvt ti,nr ,
lo..n ihe . rv hi... -..1 1
the i.i.l II. ''
ill the olor iis, ,t ;,, ,l, ,;
' . .' . '' "
mw n,;rit. ' '"8 ,urI'a'ng
U i a,,r,T7r ..T Xef I
vour tr M-"" .,,,C l"-