Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 27, 1898, Image 2

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    1 4
alrd la Um poaloAaa a Hlllaboro, Urifu
auDaertpUoa, la kIvum, awaar
OUUltlOKO fl)BLIHU15U iXJu, rVa1H
U.M.U.01VLT, Calk
miL vamu or rum en
Fur Ciorenor,
T. T. CiKKK,
of Marion County,
Fur Secretary of State,
of Clataop County.
For State Treasurer,
ol Klamath County.
For Attorney General,
of IJoo County.
For Puperintet.de nt ofFublic Instruction.
of Multnomah County.
For Supreme Judge,
of Columbia Couuty.
For State Printer,
of Jackaoo County.
For Congressman, first fiiairict.
of Washington County.
For Judge, Fifth District.
of Clackamua County.
For District Attorney, Fifth District.
of Columbia County.
For Member State Board,
For Senator, yra.
For representative,
For County Judge,
For County Clerk,
For County Sheriff,
Fr Recorder of Conveyance!.
For Commissioner,
J. 0.. A. YOUNG.
For Treasurer,
For Assessor,
For Surveyor,
For Supt. of School,
11. A. BALL.
For Coronor,
J. P, ami tons table IMittrict 0 nicer..
North Ililletx.ro.
Juitlce of the Peace.
South Hillsiioro.
Juittceof the Peace.
Hon. II. D. Miller of Lane county,
will make Ave speeches in Washing-
ton county next week, appearing ai
the following named place at the
times nl a led :
iMMiiany, v canes. June I, 7::i p. in
(Jlencoe, Thursday, June 2, 7:.'i() p. m
Uaston, Friday, June 3, 7:30 p.m.
llillshoro, Saturday, June 4, 2 p. m
t . a at .
r. trove, naiuniay, June 4, 8 p. m.
rioveieign ha been charging all
over Oregon tint the Uage bill U the
currency relorru measure that the re
publican party endorse. Now while
the Uage bill has some gsJ feature
there are other that are objectiona
ble. The party haa not adopted it.
All the republican parly ha pledged
itself to do is to uiaintaiu our cur
rency at it present standard, it will
up'iold the gold b.- a. To that end
some reform of the currency will be
suggested. Tbi week a bill baa been
reported to the llou-e which look
to the reformat ion of the curreucy.
It inalnt.iiii Ihe pre--nt volume, that
in, it does not contract the currency.
I hough it provide for the cancella
tion of outstanding greenback with
out the aale of interest bearing bond,
thi is done hy issuing to the banks
a new form of currency, to he known
a national reserve note. The duty
of redeeming them note i laid on
the bank. Thi break the end lew
In a word the recommendation in
clude the feature of reform nought
by the Indianapolis menetary com
mission in it report, but in some re-
Mpect by different method The
bill seeks to maintain the parity of
all money or currencies to favor ail
ver a the larger change or market
money of the people, to create an Is
sue and Redemption division of the
treasury, to prtiViiie lor ' canivTlaFioo
of greenbacks by use of idle gold al
ready in the treasury and to author
ixe a text begiuning of the use of gen
eral credit currency by the national
All paper currency except silver
cerlltJcaiea shall lie in denomination
of 110 and upwards. Silver certifi
cate shall be in l's, 2' and 5' only.
bank must keep ou deposit with the
V. 8. Ireisury 5 per cent of (heir cir
culation with which are to be re
deemed bill of those banka which
suspend. Thi feature make the
note of. the national bank a safe
The bill seem, politically, to lie
the bet measure that ha t?en pre
pared. Jt meet the expectation of
those who believe there can lie no
lrmanent business prosperity until
the greenback are retired and it d
not opiose the prejudice of those
who favor the greenback. In other
words, the greenbacks, which are
a menace to our national credit, are
retired without any loss to the treas
ury and without an issue of bonds,
by imposing the burden of their cur
rent redemption upon the bank In
return for the privilege of Issuing a
certain amount of asset currency.
file bill is directly in the interest of
the general public, of the farmer, the
laboring man, and the merchant as
well a of the large importer and the
great corporate interests. Yet the
bank, under it provisions, have
privilege which ought to overcome
any objection Ihey may have to It.
J.very advocate of change In our
currency law and every citizen and
business man who seeks safe and
table thing in finance should imme
diately recognize the vital inortance
of complete supj ort of thi measure.
It 1 a great step forward.
Within a few day thi bill will
probably tie taken up by a caucus of
tne s-jund money representative in
the lower house for consideration and
decision a to action. The value of
each progressive step in the work we
have iu hand i too great to lie em
phasized. The executive committee
having the reform hill In hand has
lalxired without casing for nearly I
Iti months and w ith full knowledge
of the apparently insurmountable dif
Acuity to be overcome and the bare
possibilities of legislation. The next
step Is to secure the passage of thi
bill in the lower hous.i la-fore ad
W HI IK. 10X1.1 E I XoT ('USE ' ington county. The warrant Intl r.
H0."E -t tsaring debt of Washington
coui.:jr April 1st, IWM, wa t!2,n24 3!,
Congressman Tongue write tbi ku.i a. the present time the interest
strong letter to Chairman Hendricks j taring iud. IHe.loes . f the county is
on the situation at Washlngtnn. Mr. j $.ta,3iJ.Sl. From the article iu ti.e
Tongue occuplea the place every pat- Argus it would have the voters !
riotie citizen would have him. The n.ve that duriug the term of Judge
letter read: ; Corueliu the county haa lvn reek-
Washington, 11. C. May Id, liitM. ' In expeudilurea, and haa not pr .
R.J. Hendricks Salem Or Dear ! tectcd the interests ol the taitwv. r
Sir: I bad hoped to lie in Oregon at
least one week during the campaign,
thinking that could lie done without
neglect of duty here. I find now that
will tsti impossible. The revenue
bill providing the uuouey uecessury
for an energetic conduct of the war
w bile it pa&-d the bouse long ago,
ha not yet (msned the senate, ami the
probabilitieare that it will not do o
for some time. Amendment have
leen proponed thut cauuot posed lily
ie aaseiilea to l.y the hou-e. I lie July Id. h7, undr
combined opposition to the adminin'i rem me, $1 17,7x1 07.
For the liem-fit f the Argus, w'io-e
reporter doe nt aeem abie to in ke
au juvefitf,iiiiiii ami a fair a'atem. m
to th taxpayers, the taxpayer are
referred In the follow iiijj coinp ir.nivr
stateiuenr :
H's-eipls from all oorti-n from J.i!
1st, lsy, to July 1-1, l, .Jti,.
579 37, under former admini tratiou
of couuty atftirs expenditure during
the ame peri. m I 127,747 2tt. Kx-
i penditure from July 1st, ls"l, to
the piti ii
Troubles of a
Pastor's Wife
This u omanu as peculiarly afflicted ; physicians could
do Hj!..injr ij rl. iurt ytt fnt uus curt J in a simple
way. Sht mow sends a messat to sujferig humanity
whuh ilumld be helpful.
tratioD, w hile clamoring loudly for a
declaration of war, when the couti-
Receipts from V. nources, during
said eril, 10S,.oii 1 1 so Dial l.'i.
try had not a manor hip reaily, and taxpayer will undrst ind lhat f. r
when immediate hostile action would ! the threey.-ars ending July 1-t. Isii7
have been extremely dangerou, now ; under the preot regime, the ex
thatwarha I sen declared, and we liiuie of Washington v,Umy
wa tlll.OOO les than under the pre
ceding administration, while the re
ceip: of the present regime were
l.'H.IKli) len than under (he prsediiig
administration, and the only reusou
why there i a present indebtedness
fiscal expense of (he
the preseut lime is, l-
are face to face with an armed enemy
n-fuse to vote for any practii-al meas
ure necessary to supply the govern
ment with funds needed for vigorous
action and speedy victory. Soldiers
and sailor must be paid, materials of
war must is- Dought. Ample sup-: alxive (hi
plies' re a neceasary a gun and! couuty at
men. i ney cannot ne hail w ithout cause the levy made by the county
money, we need them, and we nee.1 ; court during the hard time of 1SI,
them now. IH'IS an.l IH'IK was l,lu., ih...
' - " ' 1 " " w iiinii ail )
IVlay is dangerou. w hile soldier ' year previous to 1894, w hile the lax
and sailor are risking life and limb j able value of the property wa ap
in perilous battle they should !e paid proximately the same a year pre-
in money, i-cry miliar ol wnich will viou te 1894. For the year 1896,
purchase a dollar worth of supplies the levy of county laxea wa 5.1
tor lamiiie at nome. io undertake ,is, w hile the net taxable value of
to cut down tl eir wage by paymeut ' property iu the eounty wa 14,3911,
in money of uncertain value or by -,(.; take the difference between the
payment in promises, which every- 1 3.1 ujin and ,he owe,t evy um,,e by
one know could not lie redeemed ; the preceding administration and we
now, and the redemption of which ' have a difference in taxe to be paid
no man can predict, would lie unpat- 'by the farmer iu the hard time of
riotlc and dishonorable. To make ( ov. r t7,9UO for year 189G. Thi ac
war revenues dependent upon the I count for tne warrant in.lel,ie,l..s-
decision of the supreme court in liti - exceeding the fiscal exnence In
I year ending July 1st. 1898: this is l.
Probably 00 other wxmu trtt tufl.rtd
-ja a Mv Adua dad, the wife of e-ev.
A. R- Aianu, putor of the Corntua
ciurch at BlanduuvUlc, III. Phyucua
vet bihici b her ilmnt, and lor yem
tne wk catnpc-ita 10 live a lite of torture.
To-day the w eJl and the !ory oi her
tui:chninj recovery wul touch 4 mpoa
wve cord to the heart ol (very woman.
"Abcoteix yeanaeo,''uiiMn.Adama,
"my htlth bean to UU. The hnt troul le
I ooticed vu with my itomach 1 food did
not agree with tne, and my appetite tulcd
until 1 could icaraly tit.
"1 would begia to bloat be (ort I waa
tivough wnh a meal, and the food felt Lke
atone in my atomach.
u After eating I would nave paint in my
atonuch with a amothercd icelmg which
would finally extend into my throat and
chest accompanied by a choking actuation.
" I begin to bloat all over and my handa
and feet commenced r welling until I thought
I had dropay.
"In a abort time I had pain and eorencu
la my left tide which extended aerate my
back accompanied by dujincu, and then
followed icveie paroxytma of pain eiUnd
ing from the lower cart of m v atomach ima
the region of my heart.
"During the apella a hard ridee aa !ar?e
aa my arm would appear in the left tide of
my atomach and around the left tide.
"I had a feelinr of heavineaa in mv head
and at timet could tcarccly hold it up or
keep my cyet open, yet when night came
I could not alcep.
"I aLo euficrcd intcately from feeaale
1 doctored with tea diHereat phyeicima,
but waa net benchtcd. No two oi the doc
tor aiagaoucd my caae the tame.
"One day my hutbaod noticed aa article
rrgaroi-.f Ur. Ulumt' Pink Pilh tor Pak
People u the newspaper, and tadaccd me
to try the pilla.
" I began taking them, bat experienced
no rrlict until I had tbcd ihe anh box. I
conunura taking them and alter vamg
eleven boaea wat greatly benefited.
"1 waa alio troubled with nervoua pro.
trationaiidnumbnoaol my right kandand
arm. My hand hurt to at timet,- Ungbi g
Bwiuf.g, iuii 1 couia naraiy endure
uu cam, eui toil rut all patted away.
1 now knew what it mean to eat a g xvi
meal without tutienrg afterward, and en
joy a gooa mgut't mu
"I am again able to !o my work, and
have done more thu tummer than in ail the
but four yean put together.
M I feel tale in taymg that it it all cue to
w unamt- fuik lilU tit faie People,
and contidcrit my duty to let f topic k:)ow
what these pUla have cure tor me, at it
may be the meant cl rehef lor othcrt who
are tunenng."
Dneatet ttrange to phyucians 1 tymiv
Tomt lhat aeticd diagnotis, h;-r iint.l
to the poUnt inilucncc tf I. Mi'l'-.mt
Pmk Pillt lor Pale Fcoole. Drug-r-t
everywhere consider them to be vat c. the
mott valuable remedial aren't kr.owa to
gi3L aSini iiv Kuriviv Hvxr :3
tK. . . .a.. ka Ika mM
AS once Mid r-v n observer ta be the 3
grinded aigl.t in tli world. "A nobler JJ
....h, .. ih " r.-rliffd a irienJ to him. X
iit lather and son milking arm-in- ijl
arm at u wct --
both be dressed in rHl taste the charm Jit
of the picture is intensiiied. Mny nun ot tfl
good taste in over 7.110 Ame ruaa cuirt -j
.i.mimit (ielSuluaadOvcrcaatajrom
M. BORN & CO.,
Tin dreat Chicago Merchant Tailor.
om and Ftthcre art equani- ..r. .
hlrucJ. Ma poor work. Kj ttti.nta. M lnl.
. .,..1, c&o. b.uut urttce. Io ai-
asiulactioa. "
Krydr fully aiUII4. a"
FIT and I IM3H liUABA.Mt.tu. s
WVer aOO I kulrr l-Kllrrna to ''IU
avtir ce irvaa. J
Hillsboro Pharmacy
aaaiN itriit,
Dr. F. A. Cailcy. Prop
Pure freh drugs. Brushes, Taints, Oils Sponges and all Uruggtst
Sundries, Fine first class cutlery a specialty.
:tra t are la ( mpaaadlair rretrrlptloMs.
('Ol' KT. OF THE
lor llif County of
gallon to sustain an inc iue
which has already la-en decided
against us, would lie especially (lis.
asterous. To prosecute Ihe war etll
cienllyand vigorously to a Kieedy
so true of other years during the pre.
sent administration.
Another item which seems to lie
over hmkid ly the Argus reporter is
Hon. Thos. II. Toxguk.
determination and a glorious victory j that in prior years Ihe orllcers of the
Is the patriotic and imperative
Mr. Alitor: Piease one word. I
was mustered out of Uncle Samuel's
service I ifceiiitsT :!0, 1H.', and paid
In thirty-live cent dollsrs. When
nrst eiuisietl, April iNlil, 1 whs in
. i-t- i . . .
1 rrniueiu iiciiniey naa isauetl a
second call for volunteers. The num.
la-r la fixed at 7.',(HrO which will lie
apportioned according to Kipulation
wn-Kon a quoia is Mii.enougn mrtwo the merchant ile husimas mid I wish
ttattaliona. (o g,ve j.ou Mmw (,f lhe ,r,w Ht that
Hon. W. ri. Vauderherir and At. wle of a few of the mtvssitii-a of life
torney Langley spoke at Oalea Creek we" IW '" ' eme home in lMi:.
a few night ago. Langley la a ail- '"''' coffee was l.'i cents per
ver repuhlican and waa so Indiscreet lu'i K'hnI lirown stigsr 7 to 8 cents
as to read that anonymous circular Pr lH,u,"l. Young Hyson tea was 2-
against Congressman Tonifue which vnls per pound. New tirleatis
the detiKs rats refused to circulate, moliisse .Ml :. tin i-ents s r gallon,
The incident resulted in a shower ol
"KITS aome of which took effect on
Iatngley. It is deeply to he regretted
tint any elector should mi far lorgel
his proMr dignity as to adopt tie
tactic of the rowdy. Uecauae Mr
langley put away and honorable op
position and soiled his hands with
mud slinging, there waa no ) us ti Men
tion for egging him. The perstra
tors rvuiain unknown, and it is well.
Their act is not tine for approval or
Mr. Wallace MeCatnant made It
very clear when he spoke here re
cently, that the volume of money
dia not control the price of commo
dities. For If It did, then 4(1 and AO
years ago w hen the per capita of cir
culation was not half of what It I
110 w rommeditiea ought to have been
very much cheer than now. Huch
was not the case. Prices were not
much higher for all classes of goods
except perha the produce of w heal
and corn in the far Interior. The
freight rates and supply and demand
then governed. As well might sa.
that the number of yard slicks gov
erns the price of prints. Money .
the measure of value and that Is all.
It Is essential that the measure N
kept at aa unvarying standard. That
standard has leen Died in gold. lr
It remain as qalabiishad.
ft. ur a-r barrel. In lsii.1 U
coffi 'as MO cenls ier pound, stirar
18 to -Nl cents, lea "ill e n s to f I 2't
syrup II lo l. 2.1 per ifsllon, tin. I
Hour was tf ."hi to Y! per barrel.
The private soldier's pay in istil
wssU s r ne hi 1 h in coin, and in
I8.) it was lrl iu tireentiacks, wortn
aisiut 3"i or :it i-enis in coin. Now
a some of our lest Isiys hsve gone to
the front, I don't want to see them
paid in . Mi-cent dollars. Hence keep
our standard where it is.
Yours, John.
"He voted 111 favor ol paying U. S.
bonds in gold " iH-mocrntic anony
mous circular purporting to give the
Coigre-ional rvrd of Thos. H
Tongue. This quotation put in plain
language should read, "He voted
against the Teller resolution" for
there has never been a measure be
fore Ihe House to pay Imh.Is in gold.
Mr. Tongue voted against the Teller
resolution and we glory llisi lied id.
That is what we sent him thereto do.
All that republican ol j-ct to in (list
charge Is that it whs not Iramed
in ordinnry lsncune so that anyone
ran understand just what Is slated.
of the administration.
Thiscaunot lie dotu without the
necessary means. They should be
furnished st once and without eipiiv
ocation. We are eng.tged iu actual
and perilous warfare. Foreign na
tions are restless and jealous of our
success. Dangerous foreign compli
cations may arise. It is no time to
Indulge in any untried exierimc!ils,
or vtll.l, visionary flnancial schemes,.
If we must indulge them, let us re.
serve the experiment to less perilous
times. We cannot afford to do it
now, w hile our sailors and soldiers
county were on the fee system and at
the present time the county la paying
said officers salaries, and the totnl
amount of fees received does not ex
ceed M,,-,im per annum, w hile the sal
aries of officers, who were formerly
ou the fee system, amounts to tH,'m
er annum, a difference of H.imjii r
annum 10 is? lamie by the taxnavers
In previous years the eounty receiv
ed from liquor license and other
llonses for the three years previous
to tne present administration some.
thing like .J.'ioo, while under the
mi swer, for Ihe Argus man and any-
ote else who is familiar with the
facts knows ih:tt the Sheriff and one
deputy iRfiiot do the work of
the office, and that while there
probaoly was, for the months men
tioned in the Argus, no deputy in
the oflice, Mr. Bradford has three or
four deputies over the county, w ho
were doing the work and were being
alil for doing it.
The county court, knowing the fin
ancial condition of the farmers and
taxpayers of the county under the
good old Democratic hard times
18SI3 4-5 15, (and which no doubt was
adv.M-ated by the Argus man.) levied
a lax upon the pr.uierty of the tax
payers commensurate with the times,
and as the above comparative state
ment ah'iws; lowered the expend!
tures of the county IIO.OOO during
the same period. All that is ni
sary to convince the taxpayers of
Washington county that the present
has been an economical administra
tion is an examination of the records
of Washington county.
Ihe state tax mentioned by the
Argus is not due and has la-en claim
ed by the state for ten years but th
stale has never made any effort to
collect it: under the circumstances it
cannot lie marked part of the indebt
edness of the county.
We know how Mr. Vealch will
vole, for he has done some voting in
years gone by. He has leen in the
Oregon legislature and his voles are
on record. Mr. Veatch votes "no."
It was in the legislature lhat he
gained the reputation of "Ki.-ker
Veatch." O.sid bill or bad bill, bill
lor economy or bill for extravagance,
lemocratic. bill, republican bill or
populist hill, Mr. Veatch kicked ami
voted no."
Mr. Veatch admires the wisdom of
the raven, IIihI Poe immortalized.
The raven's only sias-ch was "never
more." It was a convenient seech,
e:isy to learn and, as far as the raven
was concerned, was always appropri
ate. It was no lax on the brain.
Mr. Watch's admiration resulted
in liiiilstion. This wingless rsven
perched himself in the legislative
nit: cni'.vrv
Mttlt ol Ol'l'hfoll
uhi ington. .
-1.. (-r ..I t lit FMiaiv
il lulu A rt. mn. 'ler
I'o H : r r.-uiio. L !ia" A IrMtar, At
Hi ) 11 Kr 111 11.. Wa in K frwnnu and
l.l . W Krvin -oi, irr?rtinv :
in ilie iiaiiii'ol iti.. S ai- o' ll'etfon, vou
iru uert'bv rit-tl and roui'.'d u ais ar in
Wie .'uiititv C iuri t Hi- Hist u Oi-feon
t.ir ihv ( ..nil 1 y ..f Ws-.iui;ion lit tne o in
rimm tlinrt'ot at Hlilsiii.ro 01 thf coutii yof
a.-.hinirion on Mond iv. Ihe "Alih dty of
June ls'ts it 10 o'.'ioi k 111 ihe inrt-iioon ol
ill .1 Ms. thru una th.rto show csu II
a. iv exist whv sit oril.T ut .il. nf the fot-
suie ileji-r bil real iroiriv r-imiiletl in
V;i-hintrinii c.iuntv (Wuiin t n.l deacrib.!
foio the electors. He has Industriously " 'ollows l..ii:' Cunwnnni at 1 be
- I n.ll-ll, w-l r.t.n... ni ll I ... I'll..
McK.iy uikI 'te in T INKS W. Wi I Mvr
outh tj .'ii 1 K 0.1 tli.. north llitv oi
ltiesa.il Mr K.. II L V 41 oh eiore or iesa
o II, r .N K comer ! Ilie W Imlf of Ihe
ml M.'Ka H L ' ill. nre S l."" W i var XI"
3i' K) 22 1. more or lent iu u omt tiist
1I1 li.1lu.1e lim ai-res. I hem e N 7"s ."' W
1.1 i-tis nu.l tutK. ii.or or :as 10 inm K
ol me II l.l' ! T K Co nelnia and
Iist week space was obtained for
a brief paragraph for a part of the
county ticket. Further brielist men-
ti.iu is made of others.
Jor clerk James A. Imhria Is be-
put: It I Ft" Ntl.K.
and faiihfully served the county for
two years, and he can more elticieut.
ly do so another term.
I-or Sheriff is an ideal man. He
never boasts what he will do, or
tells w here he is going but quietly
and modestly goes forward and
dischsrgHH (he duties of his office.
If a criminal is wanted he sooner or
later geta him. We know Mr. Brad
ford and how faithful he will on
duct public business. He should be
kept in (ifllce.
cai.vi.v jack, .ir
has served un apprentice ship in the
recorders office. He is a native of
this county, educated in our public
schools and traiued to make a hand
some recorder. He is affable and
always at his desk. By his election
Jack will not lie so much favored a-
Ihe county will la fortunate in gel.
ting an exact and reliable offlivr.
For treasurer Is a trained mnu.
He has had longexpcrien.-e in the In
dustrial world and has had the hand
ling of large sums of money. All
this has fitted him for the place he is
now asked to take. Years have
come so that he is on the retired list
and just suited for the care of the
public mouies. He is always at his
desk and exact lo a cent. When he
sends money to Salem he know s upon
What account it is to be cr dited.
c. A. CAVIL,
for Assessor is a respected ciii.n of
Went Cedar Creek and comes endors-
ed by his neighbors. H ha had
home experience in the office width
lie seeks, having listed property iu
his precinct last year.
or Gales Creek is a skillful surveyor
and will perform the dudes of his
office in an acceptable manner.
for Superintendent of School is from
Tuaiatin and a professions.! teacher.
e IHvree an. I onler of sale, issued out of
Ilie circuit court ol'tlie M ite of Oreicon,
for asliiiiKlon county in favor of Ceplmn
Kiat'iiliaiier unit aMinri Muvi.l Si aire, in
ecutor ut the Inst Hill ami t.-siaiii. iit of
KrasliiN Savage r. tlcva..! : Marv llailv,
MarcelliiK S. t aily. I onl.-lin liuililj Cliailes
Uuilil, llniiiiali N. iikcriniiii, Jolin K.
Oakrrman, Krusius Savage jr, Mary K
Kavuge, Cena Jer;aiis, J.'rtiuMs
Mant'llll Navanr. I.t-Kiia Savage, Krasius
Savuee, lllaiu he Savage, Hurl Savage, Oav
iil Savage, C. Scliiiliiit'i'i. li ami .10 Scliul
iiieriili partners umler the linn name of
bcliuhneri.'li Son, Herman s. inilnierieli
ami C II Koch partners 11 n.l. the tirui
name ol Si'liiiliiiericli .V K.M'li, W Pat
terson and Thomas I lluinplireya, le
lemlaiita tor tiie sum of i rostti and lor
further sum ol t:t70 .'J 1' ri eolil coin with
interest thereon at the rate ol 7 per cent
per annum mm the Zsth day o April IsM
and or the cost ami expenses o' sale ami of
sai.l writ
Now there ore Ly virtue an. I in pursu
ance o iui! juilgment tierns.' and onler o:
sale I wii , 011 M.tn.luv the I'ltli .lav o J 11 net
lis, at the south ..oro the court lions.',
ill llilislsiro. v anhiniftoii eoioitv Oregon
at the hour o In o'. l.s-lt a 111 o raid dav sell
bidder or
ii iiieii.-r .V :W K on ..,.! . me of at public auction to the hiirhest
.......,..,.,.,. 1, , .o, ,,,. re or F. ... easn tne ollowuig ileseriheii ri'ul
..ii.. iiiriiiriKiiiiii ..-.iu r. ..runfii iqp
F e. iiii.n I) I. c Arli- ami - loiki lo li e
arum p nil e xiialning ton arret.
.ts 1 e-Hcnieneine at un Normweai eoi-
uer .11 ine li LC O. uries M.'K .v and
H m I t N K I W ol Ih Will M r ll.en,-.
X l.'"l' K 0 . ihf line of th- ! J ick
-ou and ile LI I. (! Hi .'hi and IS link, lo
p. Ill III III.' !OIJ e ol the .not Jnfllwin tl
L C t e . n Norm 77 W 17 rhs s.i.l M Cnks
11 Ih. M V eornsr ol the ssl.l li Jarka.il.
and wile II I. C tlleneeH Ml II K lo Ihe N
Hie of A O ir.l.oi- t ii,.t,,.H H 77s lc
ilie N 01 ...id (lor.li.n's .and la clis t lence S
If M)' Won Hi- Kline ol lhrm.ll.or.lalu
an " eli and 7-' link- to tin. N w h.n.r
' A rreeniHi. luud IlieneeM 77 ;kl
Oil 111. N 1 1 11, ol the said W A h'r. eni .n
oi l . i h- and I n m me plan, of Is?.
1. inline 0 11a uii'ir !l.li7 ai'ia a. o i.d nnl
e lit. ill. 11. i,r:tvil f.i it. .i.d llbnti.i.,
u nii.siiln a.lnill.l-lr.ili." of sa il estate
' If! Illi- I o a-1.1 inile
WitneKK. the Hon It I' I'nUVI'l I I n
HIilK.' ol llle Colllllv Court ol Ihe Stale of
r-i;oii lor t lie 1 ountv ol WhmImiiioii ith
llic seal of said Court alii ed lliin 111 iluv of
iav ,. 11. imis. Attest .w i
"Ki-I J. A Imlirie. Clerk.
nscr a ovinrnsia 1 ahleta ara a.ad oa a ooaltlv.
'ii nres liearl-liiirn. ruiMiti ol
si. tlistrelis alter eatilnr op nv turn.
01 iivupep-ia One little label (jivea hn
ine.liate relief. and M ,1-t lielta ,lm.
-- --n
rnuKi ira puslrlvcly cure Sick Headache
iiiduri'Mion and .t.iixhpation. A .I.-IikIiI-
"""."""" ves all eruplions f
the nwiit prinliii in a pel lii-i eumplexion or
money nlumled. i". and :i eta ai lielt,.
.1 ni-iore.
(..r-r-,,, uuinisiration the receipts
irom liquor license has beeu hut iiisi
in two hemispheres are risking life j another difference to be made up and
pain uy tne taxpayers.
and limb in defense of national honor
wecniiot afford to tarnish it, or di
minish the luster of their victories,
by engaging in sehi'iii.si of repudia
tion or .piibhing atlempts to chea
them nut of a portion of their com
pftisiition. So long as these import-
snt ii'it'stious are H'inliiig and unde
cided, every friend of the adminis.
tration, every iiiriiiti. r of congn-ss
who is in favor of n vigorous prosecu
tion of the war lo a -ssdy and -11c-
cessl'u is-iie, 111 it remain al bis po-
of duty. Counlry inu-l In- pi lies I
atmve party, and victorv over our
foreign etiemies ri'ifurdisl as of more
iinporlar.ee thsn political cunt -sis.
Very truly and sin.s-relv vours.
I II'M. 11 TllMit K.
IVrver connu iii.li-r ol tiieSpnih
Cape Verde flts't has allowed himself
to be bottled up in a little bay, eight
miles long on (he South Fft isiasl
of Culm. Sampson and Schley havel
put la the cork and are actiing on it.
mi vtv tUMiHsiitt nu.
The Ar.'us, in it- issue of the l!l h
of May. ss. tells the voters ol
Washington County that there hs
his-n many leaks in the public treas
ury, and that the same has twit Is-en
properly gunrd.sl in nnny instances,
aud cites one iiurticular cae with
reference to the steel cells for the jail.
and at the elos" of the article it ss
the records are so p.rly kept and m.
semi-atiiiu tl r sirts Is ir, mi til.- as
A1111.111T item winch seems to be
overl.ioked by the Areus Is. ih, rmm
July 1st, 1801, the expenses of build,
nig bridges has lie;u greater than In
any three years previous to that time.
The Argus further says, that the
county court let the contract to Turn
uti ihe steel wprk of the county jail
contrary to law. and that the county
osi ens, py so uoing. The Argus
man once had a chants? to prove the
cunigos made in his papwr of Mav
is) h, Hits, hut ignoininiously faiind
0 pr.sju.-e a single iota of proof thai
snid j.i! could havtbeen furnished
for less than the iiric. tiaiil r.,i. 1.
other than the statements made by
himself in his own paper. If at that
time h could not prxluce evidence
(that thecoiitrict was illegal, and evi-
t. n.-v that the taxpayers of Washing
ton county had been defraud.sl out
of fssi, he certainly eannot prove it
no. ;
Further than lhat, the Arus man
sutfg.'st.sl to the la-tUr.tli.IJ.iry. of
.a. 1. 1. .1. f t . . .
"""" "r- A. in h. present can
di.htte f,,r county Ju,e n ,he fu.,,m
luaet, w.ts foreman, an iuvestia.
moii or ihnjaii matter, and Mr. L. A.
halls of Oregon, and at every roll call
answered "no." Petitions, arguments He has hl(h itieals but they are prat
lumninitK never rumen 111s learners Ileal. There in nothinir vl-ionan
n..p oh.ndu,! Kl ....... .u.ll.l..l
..... . , uiaiii-i. . i, ,
.... 1 - I
ana, for people, for fellow members,
All his previous lib
unnecessary, lie had but one an
swer, "no."
All bills looked alike to him. The
fact (hat some one wished a hill
pissed was enough for him to know.
He voted "no."
Such is this negative aindidate for
congressman. Corvallis (Jazette.
for constituents, for the necessary and' KiJ!."' ev.',1,," 'hat the duties of hi
...... -in or iros-riy rii-cnargctl.
Hit. I.AIU.K
has buried the dem.s-ratlc and popu
list pai ties se. araieiy and now he
can 110 tne same service when they
are uniien, even though the silver
repuiiiicHtis are thrown in. ' They
1 State ofOreKon fui the County of Wunb-
f laiiitilf
" i 1 1 ' :
m -v 1 1
K W li.ckwith. Hefemlant.t
lolt V ileckwilh, the above named de
fendant: In I lie name of Ihe State ofOrt'iroii, vou
are hereby re.piircd to apsar and answer
I he tK.mplmnt tiled niriiiii.-t you in the
alKjve entitled run by Monday the Isih
lay ol .Inly ls wlii. h is the iirst day ol
Ihe next reeular term of said court next
lot owiiik the expiration of the time for the
ij itication ol tin summon. And if you
'f;'";1 answer for want thereof the
.laintllt will apply to 1(. eollrt for tile
renei pravei lor . Hill Itta ...
... ... .ouiiiirii in ar
eoinplaint towit:
I mil the marriage and marriage en.nru...
now t-xistine Is-ta.-en you and the plaintill
l dissolved, that the eare .-.. . I 1
oiiln.l 01 the minor i-liild f phiintitr and
lelemlallt. tr. .1.1. .
,1,,. 1 1 : inuiniiii ami
that she have judgment avainst vou lor
her roM and ,li.ni. .. .i : ..
and thai sueh-ollier and Inrlli... r
made as may lie equitable,
1 his Slinilliiiliii i. i.nl.l,l.u.l
... . I i.uro auilllisi VOU
by order of I ion,,,, t i..u.; T.. t.., - .
the alsive naiiil t ourt. made and
dated on the, lilt h .lav of Feb. Isiw
I II OS. il. ,v K. II TilMJI'K,
Al'ovieys for I'laintitr.
Coniineiii ini.' on Ihe northeast boundary
lineo the donation land claim 01 Arthur
llurris at a jKiinl 11 rth ill deirreea W and
.15 cbs distant roin the ipiarter iswt lie
tween seetiona 4 uud , t is K i W Will
M.-r and runuiiiK tbeiiee south til decrees
Mr to the H M tHiiindarv line o said Hums
donation land claim theiii-e norm 4,1 de
irrws west on said line elia to corner,
tbenee north L':i.fsl clis to corner, them-a'
east :l In ehs to corner. Ihcuee S411 decrees
K 17 . lis to line o m Sandepa donation
land claim, thence northward ou said line
to center ol Tualatin river thence south-
want with center of suid river loa point X
Ml dcirruc K irom thu place o Inviniiina'
theiieu south :ll ili'Kris.s W to the pla. o"
IsViniiiiiKcuiitaininir Jun acres more or lts
all situate in Washington county OreKou
losatisy the hereinls; re named 'sum aud
ior the costs and expenses o said sale
Said property will lie sold ubjert to re
demption as per statute o Orciron
law'""'""" hand this lath day oi' May
w i r.iiAHKouD,
Sheriir Vashiiit.'tou Counlv Oreeon
HiiKieyA lirown,
Attorneys lor Plaintiff
olire of Final Melt lenient.
as the liudersiifiied ei.'u.i.r l.u 1...
will and testament o : h.u. I D.....I .1..
ceased has . led bis dual account as sucli
cvuloriii the com, ty court of a-hniKtoii
county state ol On iron ami the id county
court baa fixed Monday the lot li dav of
June Isiis, at the eourt room of sai.l court
at llillslairo I llvirfiii ,.( (I,.. I - ...
o'clock of said day as thu time and place of
... . ,0 sain account mid tor
tlie l.llal setlleinelit of said estate.
Hale.1 at llillslsiro this 11th dav of May
', 1; w li k-1.' 11
Kx.H.-iitor of the last w ill 11111I .h.. u i..u...
ol Thos. J. Ueed .lccca.cl. ,m.:i
m. in
decree and onl.-r of 1.......I .....
the circuit court of the Statu of Oreu-011
N.M"l",1"o" ( ountv in Tavor of
II M Ilium and iitfain-t Cliarlc Alvorl
and X-ttie Alvord and lmi,.nir. f..-.1...
o?V.. f. -'"TV mU,.n'"i '"r the further sum
ol WU U H Ko d com with interest thereon
at the rale of 10 per cent per annum roin
.i'imi J.. a01 tl,B ""-"'cr
sum of sj with intereai Iher.-on at the
rateot Ss-rceiit isr annum roinlhe'2sib
my o April isiis as aite 1. .i .....1...
oms ami ears'iUM-sof aab' and of said wrii
r -T" . hy trS'w u,ui ' l'"rU"
"'r eor" .l judtfinent decree and order of
Is "" :!'' tl'" l:lh day June.
Isms at the soiitb do.jr of the court bouse iti
HllslMiru UasinnKtoii county Oregon at
Hie hour of I . oVI.s-k a m of ia.d d,y se"
ca.r. . ',eC".T t,,l, ,,!""- .l'iK''est bidder for
to-wit : ,ullo""" '"crilH real properly
,iA1 Vf '"""umls.r.'.l and -m n ,Jr..
.i 1 I"',1 C, '''1''U' to the recorded map
and plat thereof n lile i ,,e (v r "",U
ff-KOII, tlH-ulHvetlrfHTlbfl lol-ur..
count v
Fxerntora wtlre.
yorn k is hk.iikiiy civf.x. tht
.. . e. undcrsijfn.d, have b.-en by
tlieloillltVCollri.il VI... 1.1 .'
n (.un duly apiinted executors of the
last will and testament of I ho. I). UI.
phrey. ,,.ased and have duly' ....al lied
a such eiK.liO.r. ill
biivina claim aa-ain.t ...l.l ,w"0",,
illire.1 to pn-.-e.it the . ...... .1. ":
voucher, at the olliceof S. H Humyhn'.,-;
ill llillsbonj. (iriiton. aill.i.. .... .'
Iron. thi. date. "
Hated at II ilUboro tbi. Imb .....
..... ,.j vl ..mr
present candidal!. f..r
r.-piire. by slrtlule, it ,s hard lo ive'j id-e on the fusion ticket the.. f..J.
the public anythinif like (s-cilic In-
man of Hie grand Jury, a, ti,u j
......m.i.ii, ,., ,n,s r.y.r.1. thi- is u.i-1 -Uiis i f ,e Argus mA.i inve-t
Iruw.iiillliu :. 1 - . ' . ...
" " .-..a.. 11. r .riu- k I the Jul matter
er tn.in mat, Uie sli(..,,.l .ty Hi
which the Argus reporter lis. if. me
over acc.n.nls of Wa-hii.t.'ioi county
exbiains the glaring line, in the Argu
"interest ta-riiu debt ol county
April 1st, lS!s. Warrsnts t'll.llai 07.
Due to Stale 7,l.trh." it in f..t i,
not true, and is puMi-li.sl with Ihe
intent ti mislead Ihe oters t.f Wash-
ami re-
polled that Ihe money was well and
propeny . xp.-n..s In purcha-iiur said
1.1. ..... 1 .
1..., himi so., report hoii hie and of
record in the i,u,r f ,he is,Uidy
ch rk of this couniy.
The ref.-reu.v of the Argus to ihe
rtli-e if the NherifTand I lie allowance
ot d.puty -alary, s it si log,-,, when
no deputy was iu a,isteiM-e, nlp
l2' Dmi IIDPC Mr rrkrtwia.tr-.
ri-iiia 1 vuwnntu
F t 1
vm coluirs hm cuffs stiff md nice
hc iuucm citjqt Dnnrirr nni
li 111 1 ri.iiTiiaBlaTl ITI 1 a1
H, II I'M I'll RK YS
iVo'"'.?.'." ""i1"" wiland testan t
llnctou and 1 . . I'.arretr
Attocneya for Kstate.
ami lor the costs ,."'. run."-
Said property wiil be 'iiw "to
.len.pt.oi, a. per statute ol On Koi,
llt'""n'"y hand thi. 1.(1 1. day of May
Hherirt U- , W- ! IIKAHKOKI),
E D Timiii"'1 couniy On gon.
Attorney for riaintirT.
61 -
' MttlTK or
1 ilerr.-e
ill -3
Ml Fit I FF'.N MAI.F.
.7... !.,7.''. '""l."'.'"0, ,,,'l' iuedont ol
.Nov. l-!i; a-attorneys ee ami for tbi
and e.p.,,e o, sale .,, ""J!.. wrVL
-rl 1
ircilll Court ol Ihe HliUe ... 1 . . '
Wa!,!.,,,,..., . , ,v , ,uvo(. G. ,r, '
I biip.r.,11 and .uriiii.t August s,-
lor Hie .111.1 .,1 ki , ,r
il".",' ' " '"
' '" l 'nieol 10 Kr cent Per ....
lim Iron, P.lh ,jav ol N,)V. , 1 V
j.rlher...,, ..! .- ai.l, interest tl.er.-oi, at
.V.i . ,1 . ' I ' aninin,
i..r .1..;... .1 1 . ' ' ' '"-a
.... .... riIIH, 01 sale
-ai.l w nt :
V.i II,. r. l..... 1.. . . .
' -- . 1 nil Mini in ....
a,Hff sai.l l.i.'j 1 . 1 I W u.l, i, ....... . '
-de. I si I ,,e,dav. i.. i. ,. .. 7 1 lien i,,U,ore ,. " ' '"' "" satisfy tl
...in.- ,..-, Hi- -oiul, door of the , ! '"' epelis. of
non-e in llii.ji,, ,... j , . I '
Iron. Ihe
AN K: VKi'Citiiv
n , ..1 .. . ' .
out ... the ere,,.. 'o,.rrr,r1."Hv;7,;
I ' will, interest 1. :r,.ll,. P ",rr""''!
'.y inn., a i.l ...
of sale 1 .0 , vi - , '"''r
bhnJ;rr'',"'"-..' " '''" w,,;::
Ol lOO c O A U' .., ! ' "" " "lr
. Ihe lollo... ' h'1'1- C-.
II. u
... PV11..1 111111 1.1 ,1...
uui.a-l quarter
Hie southeast
ot -cell, .11
sit'iat" in
Hoa, lliereiore
ani o .,,
Iiesoull. balfof the
Hie .,or,hwc.r t," J
,f Miiarterof ,.
lln if ,11 t 1!
, 1 1 . .1 .. n h I. pr-rs, rs.1 on -fnti fir arinri tile, hj tnsn who ha re bud roan of timrtli-a
e-tr..,- in lanrv i.umlenna. It reti re. .,1,1 linti sn.l maimer dre.s u.il.- .
i.t" l i,nrs-. and i,rrt. a hsantifnl aod la.tin dnih. It It the nelv T,rr ,
" ; s.'.i'wt il.si is ixrferah ha-alw., -oniinin neither ar-rnsr. sluai or an
sSr-, unrsin.nouatoUneaandeaaUaslefoeababTpowdr.
fty all nktUuM m4 rUii froctrs.
-1 I. id. I. r f
111 pn. rtv town ;
I he ea,l ,ali ,.f ihe south
.11011 -1 i,t ,,,w, s
hour ol 111 oYI,M.k
ne !. 111, win diwriU-d
pl.'jsr y
sums 11,1.1 r... ........ .
said ,le.
. ... , ' - ...'....ii n- r r
" 11 a, pu. in am li., ,u ibedivl.. i.r " hand lb;.
Sh....i ... W. 11.
u. 111 oi w 11,1. .. .
O I -I. J. ,
I.lli 11. ,v
I to r.
no,.;.- live wc.,.,1 . Will ,v,.r Por,ta,i, J
-.....re- ,.!! ,u..l..i,. Va.l,itf,on V, ' ?
r,V"l lo alilv .e her,.i,.ll..
-um-and lor .he ,,
-aid properly ., .,,;., ,
I'll, I'll.. 1, ,,- tit -ihi,,,. ..r. ' IO
vc . .. . ' ton.
....... 1,1 . n i l, III 1. ..II. , ...
. I'lHIII 111, - ..
to. ,.or,i. .. Itoaim,
.-.iioriieys r p,r
It A Ki ii,
"inly. u,.v ,.
tl- .. 1.
tn.m. -"ay,
s. ,ru- V " l!'!AHKOKD,
li. ( itro,r ,l","f," "' OreKo,
Allortiey for 1'laintiir.
Er,Mniy a;a a.
aDt and retr. ii , n, Vn "'" "r"- 0
and l-isiUvel. nnnk ,'" a.t Ket!y
rleaaam, tha lit ' ,,v-r"
and biiim,.: '''.'"":l1 "i.tl,.LaT ,