HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT tum4 la the posiofflAaat HIUskoco,Onoa 0 abarrl t-lkaa, is ttnua, pw year lillylsjBORCl PUBLIXMlMa 00, rwttreatar O.M.C.U4VLT. atdMtw 'Svpf'C's'.i a a.a faVJI Os TaVaY ffst fill DAY, MAY 20, 1493. KtriBLIlAS STATE TICKET. For Governor, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, For Secretary of Slat, F.I. DUX BAR, of Clatsop Count. For State Treasurer, CIIAS. S. MOOR, ol Klamath County. For Attorney General, I). K. N. ELACKBURX, of Una County. For Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, J. II. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. For Supreme Judge, T. A. MOOR, of Columbia County. For State Printer, W. II. LEADS, of Jackson County. For Congressman, First District. TIIOS. II. TOXGUK, of Washington County. For Judge, Fifth District. THOS, A. McBRIDE, of Clackainiu County. For District Attorney, Fifth District. T. J. CLEETON, of Columbia County. For Member State Board, W. II. SMITH, KEITULICAS (01 JIT TICKET. For Senator, 9 yrt. E. W. HAIXES, For representatives, G. W. MARSH, J. R. C.TOMPSON, AllXKR BRIGGS, For County Judge, B. P. CORNELIUS. For County Clerk, J. A. IMBRIE. For County Sheriff, W. D. BRADFORD. For Recorder of Conveyance!. CALVIX JACK, Jr. For Commissioner, J. Q. A. YOUXG. For Treasurer, A. B. CADY, For Assessor, C. A. CAVELL For Surveyor, A. A. MORRILL, For Supt. of Schools, H. A. BALL. For Coronor, Dr. a U LARGE, J. P. aud faastable District Ontfrrn. North. HilUlxiro. Justice of the Peace. V. D.1SM1TH, Com table. E. C. BROWX, South Ilillsboro. Justice of the Peace. P. .HUMPHREYS. Constable. C. W. REDMOXD. ju wak lihk IT. I aula more than one claim each ruin lite. Necessarily there ere Urg. There baa been no war before like number ot peopla enKairxJ in the the Spanish conflict now waging be- autinatlon of thU tee-tifuony, and the tweeuthe Lnitetl Stale and Spain, final adjudication upon thme claim v commenced the war not for coo- Mec are differently constituted q-jeal, for that was plainly stated in Some ecrutinizw much more carefully tne resolution. ot for gain because than other. Home are distastt-d to hpain la not aid to pay an iodemlty. be suspicious while other render full Not for a religbnM principal for both crelen.'e. Your experience before natloua are Christians. The joining Jurlea will convince ym that men of arm la lo th Interest of human!- will differently u. the saina testi- ly. The Uuited H'at will have it lin.iny, aud reach very frequently Known in the world that no people, opixxite conclusion. It la unavtid near neig-h'ton at leant, may mix- able therefore, that some claims re govern aud starve their suble ts. I eel v uiu. h more favorable is.nsider- Had Hptin dealt justly with her Cu- at ion than oilier. Their claims are ban eubjects left them to the peace- adjudi.-atfsl by different men and by ful pursuit of happine-s aud the uu -Miff-rent lrl and passed uoon uisturissj earning or bread, she different neoi.le. Whra ... iiigui nave iiuimeij mem as auljerts decision are beintf made, aud where for centuriea aa far an the United the decision are Mng ni'l upon states re. concerned. Uut Kpain written evidence without an opp,r iewoli.t .vt.iti..n . I ,... .1 I I... ... i. .. . . , ., lllr. ,-,,,, iuiiiiv iu anow a sinifie wit new, or rebelled, in an attempt to reduce carefully examine a sint-le wit ins " auiyecuon. .Miuc iinlai. I without knowing anything of hi tant farmers with wives and child- reputation or character for truth, nee. ren are driven from home an 1 herd e-arily many errors will lie commit ed in the towns where they starvtal ted. In uianv ivm thu l.i,l,...,...,i. y tnousan.is. Mpaln would not feed derided upon will be erroneous, and them though they were her own well more or lean injustice done. Some- disposed subjects. We saw the em- times this injustice ii done against aclated skeletons, we reKnizl the government in favor of the sold- their humanity and sent f.aid. This ler and sometime against the aold anered the Hpauiards and they ier in favor of the government. All Mew up the Maine and asstuNinated human institutions are imuerfet t. -'C of our sailors. Kpain Is not tit to and liable to err, but if any soldier govern outlying possessions. We will contemplate the magnitude of mm SO and demanded of her the the business hefora tl,u .I-,.,.,.!.. ..,.,! witnurawai of her military forcw. the enormous number of pension ap e mane war because she refused to plications that are filed aud the num i . . I . . proeny govern her colony or let li tar aIJudicated upon each day, I nrru usen. ror numanity. and tnina it would leach him iat ence. withour the h pe of reward except and he would be Inclined to be more an approving conscience we wage charitable to the department and war. Incident thereto we carry I more considerate in his criticisms, Anglo-Saxon civilization to the I might add further that the present rnuippinea. the lankeepigs will administration has added to the pen- root up those fair islands till they sum roll already an annual expeudi bloasom and yield fruits according to ture of 7,5G3,3I7,7 between April 181)7 and April I, IS'JS. The amount paid lo pensioners themselves lKPAKr- for the fiscal vear eniliniy Jurte 30 1897 was . 1139,943,717,35. The amount paid for the total expenses ol the pension bureau including the fees of examining surgeons for the same time amounted to 3,41o,3I3,fti. On my last visit to the peuion depart ment, the allowance for the previous WJMHIMiTU t'OlXTT SOlEC. The voters of Waahington county i their tropical fertility, KUKK l. THE I'EVHo.v SENT. army nurses, 750,797; widows and deieudeut relatives, 234,201. Truly and sincerely yours. JThere has tieen some impatience fell by the veterans at the seeming neg lect which Ihe government exercines toward them. The following letter from Congressman Tongue to Capt. .1m,II,.Wm PUt, U,e K"1 day exceeded 4,10 claims. There a heller liirhl anl will ulr.. aii r..:l . . "-"-" "- ' now on the pensiou roll of soldiers uiciuiicm ui me jrnim army i . ., llpw. mat uiey are noi forgotten: House of Representatives, V. 8. Washington, May 7, 1898 Judge It. Crandall, The standard of political ethics iu My dear friend: Yours of a recent some of the counties in this congrrs- date indicating that there is aome I sional is low. This conclusion I d ispoai I ion on the part of the soldiers w reached after seeing a c.rcu tocriticise the preeent commissioner 'a' prepared by Mr. Watch's msu I of pensions, and the administration R"crs " nt here for a-cret circu of his office, and asking me wh ther lation. It attacks Mr. Tongue's ohi there was any ground for these criti- cUI record in Washington in so gross Icisms, has been duly received. a way that the fusion central com In answer, permit me to say that miltee in this county refuses to cir I think the criticisms are entirely culate it. In this count v we know unfounded. Very few iieonle realize the magnitude of the pension de partment, and the lahor that it is called upon to perform, or the num ber of claims to be adjudicated. K en here, ersous doing busluess with the department, not one member of congress in 100 has definite knowled ge upon this subject. In all of my dealings with the department, from the commissioner down, I have found them courteous, obligii.g ready to render any service and always appar ently very anxious to guard the wel fare of the soldiers, and I believe thtd the department is honestly endeavor ing to do its duty by the veterans of Ihe late war. Permit me to call your attention to the fact that there are 1822 employ Oregon grain fields are, apparent ly, doing their level best to give a good financial basis for the country; for In fact the grain Held are the only ee" It) the tension department and solid governmental foundation, and under the control of the commission Oregon's never looked better than at t ot pensions. Upward of 5,000 present. Albany Herald. letters are received each day. aud over 5,000 are written. You will s-e The estimation of the power of the how utterly iuipsitil it is for tl e Insurgents in Cuba, teems to have I commissioner himself to do a frsc been somewhat overdrawn, as it is lion of the work that is being done, shown that they could not form a or to have any direct (M-raonal knowl conjunction with our warship In of the louih part of the transaction iu order to rtroive supplies even on pre- the department. He can only have arranged date and place on the U general superv ision of the heads ol coast. The claim that all they need, the departments, and establish gen ed was supplies to carry on the war eral rules for the conduct of the bus aecm to have been exagerated as it appears they also need fighting men. Herald. The Union candidate for congress Hon. R. M. Veatch, who addressed inen. He has modiH.-d many of the technical rules put in force by hi predeceasor. He has established rule for the determination of disabil Ity, more libersl to the soldier than those heretofore in force. 1 miirhl the M?ople of Canny on Monday eve- mention one Instance. Under the last ning last, disappointed the deep- administration, the loss of an eye v.a thinker among hi hearer. He not regarded as constituting such a brought forth no original idea, and disability, as would entitle a soldier hi treatment of important Issues to pension under the act of ly.m. The prei-ent commissioner authoriz d it to he considi red as one half disdiiiily and as entitling the soldier tit a eii sion, if the loss did not occur through the fault or vicious habits i f (he ao- now before the people was a signal failure. Had Tom Tongue been hen to follow him, iustead of doing hi duty to his country in time of peril the gathering would have been amaz ed at the great contraM, the va-t pit H tit iiiiicrvncw iii aoiiiut-s, ami usiriit-u 1 nere IS a UIposttlon oil tile p-irl a lameu orator expressing tne of applicants to complmn at the thoughts of a profound thinker. length of time in which their claim: mu..LAn.d In.l.ini.n.lunl I I . . 1 . VlWiIiiiniliiiiruurni. I MTV pCIHIIIlg, ailO H1SO ttl.1t Oilier TV- ceive more favorable eoii-i.lersli.m- Candidate Veatch tragically held I than thcni-el ves. I'eriuit ine to sav up a silver dollar before his audiences lhat on April I, IS!7, slxuit the I no. and exclaim "This ia what republi- the present commi-wi.xier look otli -e. can call a 40 cent dollar. M friend you know it l not so. Thi dollar is worth 1 00 cents, wilt buy 100 i-enta worth anywhere In the Un ited States, or In the world. In'i be deceived." The fellow will not admit the facts, that it i I he adopt lot, of republican idea and Ihe republi- there was pending twfore the pension department 614,339 claims. There have been Hied since ihsl lime and before April I, I89H, 220.0.M claims Part of these are origin.il ntnl part fur Increase. If you will stop for one moment to figure, you l; see iti if the department should p-ever Mr. Tongue so well that we recog uize the statement in this circular as demagogical if not falshoods. Suppose Mr. Tongue was absent from the roll calls. What matter it? He was w.rking somewhere for his constituents. We of Washington county know that well enough to defy contradiction. Suppose he did vote for the gold standard? That is what we sent him there to do. Mr, Tongue voted for the (50,000,000 lor the defense of the nation. He voted for the resolution declaring that Cu but s are and of right ought to Isj free ami independent. He voted to d clare wur. He is in no particular wanting in courage or patriotism lie is to tie commended for voting against certain Cuban resolutions introduced by free silver senators, the adoption of which would hav obligated this government ti pay $200,000,001) or $300,000,000 Cuban bonds. It is to lh" credit of the committee mun'of this counlv that he refuse to lie a party to such methods of campaigning. 1 lie nuuse has made a record at this session of which republicans, wh have controlled and directed its course, may well be proud. It has passed 205 bill that have become laws, and about 200 other bill. that are now 011 the senate calendar. The war measures- the $50,000,000 appro priation, the armed intervention re solution, the declaration of wsr, the volunteer armv bill, the bill for reor ginizing Ihe ngulnr army, the v.r revenue bill, the hill M..ro(.ri.it mtr :lt,IHMI,l (HI fur the XS.., of the army, and Oin.er vi.ir hi it- iisvi prohaiiiy nol liken more limn n Week of the tin. e 1. f lie- house .a t gelder, . ,11 ,il, y lltve.li-.y ,. , dls." ot I i -r W. . te. haveai U'lexceptionatdy gissl lint of men to vote for, on the republican ticket presented, to therj) ft the approaching election. Every one i especially fl'ed f the cfflcH for which he is ooied a appears on ex amination. Something ha already been sniil of the stale and Co igrs sioual nominees, aud it Is pro.o-d to direct alteutiou to the county cm.. ilidates. K. W II A INKS, For senator. Mr. H line m re preventative man. He is bleu ili-l with ihe county by a reaideu.-e i.t many year and ths whole ,C hi busiinws iiiterests. e has ttfeii sne- (vmful in all hi undertakings. !! psr.y retord is without a t.bm'i-h, and be knows much about .uilic atltirs sin.e l e never allowed private interest lo absorb htm to th. ev. bi sion of his public duties. THE KEPRKsKSTATIVKj. Tbeel-ctorsof the(sunty bHve at reaily endorse.1 Hon. CI. W. Msisii I and J. It C. Thompson. Th'r. mn I hjve proven Ineiimelvtt eipiil ( the moat exacting enquiries. The pei pie have already measure. I them and dciiiunil their service again. Hon. Iludso,, is out nomiualed aguiu be cause hi business take him to Alaska. F.r the third represm a live the convention selected Ml. Aimer Krigsnr Itilley. This gentle man is another successful business man and one that has always riven rihsi cniz"iva aiieniton to trover ii mental aff.tir. Hi judgmout i good. His political opinions are en dorcable. Hi honesty is not ques tioned. B. P. CXIRXELII The republican nominee for county judge i being as-ailed more fiercely than any man on the county ticket. The opposition aays he is extrava gant tha he is corrupt, that hi ad ministration of county affair. is everyway to be condemned. Never were charge made on a leas founda tion of truth. Judge Corue.iu has lived in this county from boyhood. The people have known him sines 1850. In a business matter there is not a rea liable umn in the couuty but that wiil trut him. He 1 economical as many claimsnts have occasion to know. His admin istration ha been Judicious. When he tcok office small county warrent sold at 90 ceuts, and large oue went at no more than 95. Now all war rents sell hi the open market for 100 and large one for 101 to 101 J. And ibis when the revenue of the county has tieen lessened by the tax th.it be fore his time had been collected on 1,500,000 mortgage. The mort gage tax law was repealed and took effect the year Cornelius was elected. Ill a . - I 1 ne levy nas Deen lowered from 20 mills to an average of 15. Two item aggregating $8000 havj been paid that his administration should not be charged with. New bridge have la-en built, road building machinery pur chased, aud a lil built. I he county board nas conducted public business as each does his private affairs. One item more. There ha not only lie. n a lower levy, but iherehas been a lower valuation put upon property listed for axsessmeiil' The county has grown some but the net valua tion of the assessable proper ha practically remained the same. In 1895 the net valuation was 4,399,- 500; in 1890 it was $4,401,645 and in 1897 it was $4,515,235. Had ihe old levy of 20 mills been ordered the court would have had nionev m throw at the birds. When the tri pods attack Judge Cornelius' official record they will experience the cha grin of defeat. J 1. A. YOl'NG. For commissioner J. Q. A. Young who barely escassl the Whitman massacree in 1847 ha been nomed. He csme lo Washington county in 1849 or '50 and ha been here ever since. He has alwav taki n an in terest in politics but never as an office seeker. He is accustomed to handling large affair and his busi ness instincts are unerring. He has carvisd out a home that is enjoyable, and be ha trained his sons so that thy have been able to take their places beside the first business men 1 f 'on land. Mr. Young will manage 'he st! irs of the county with hones- y, (Mreand economy. The last group of nominee will t e noticed later. 1 rrors qy Rheumatism. A woman" s . account cf torture xi huh lasted three years; of l.cr str:t!es against the dte&ijul disease, ar.d the good rtue tk:t ermwd ler e forts. i -S Mfficrinf. a rhnunatiaa cataw tu-t ..m upaa w bom at baua itadl a ! : . : 1 . ..-CsU-rabU. xzt bam th worst type of tku tr- . ae will auFply the miasinc aor . i .3 U: ib'.!cwin atory irom real U. .. e via wntna under milder tortna . r -. ...mlita will tst atk lo uTugina lb : .; A Ur t rtuied victim. l'b jal iustiiisution for making public , .if ifi-rc Jding dcaila at lot Uci that i)i Uujhl will bt hclriul to othcrt, ,4 v'ii way u) renewed hie tad health ' ' 1 Jtcrtt horn rbcumatana. I it t-ry is told by a woman. Her r- -. 1 :n. CJeb Fcalyt ahe tvas in 1 u. ij her account 1 "1 m 1 (inner'i wife. I oefirva my : - (i;kjt to the weather cauw4 r . t rbl : aiiack of rheumalaun. Damp c - ' . aira aggravated it. " ; f limb would begin to fwefl at the VI y iU. 44 fa:j s?t!li-ig would begin in the night, -' ti-nes. I wcuTi awake in agony. ''jJaY'g.K wo-Jd find my Umb purple in c o , t vcUea to twice their natural sue, a-f1 ii ricked with pain 1 could not bear n ' thtm. ' . right arm and both kg were to f 1 ai to be almcet oaeleai. -1 .kio became dry and yellow. V timea my hmb would pain aa " . :'i n.Uliona of needle were pricking i.it n. "Agiia they would be numb and I coi M not feel a needl throat into my flnh. I waa conhned to the bouae three ycara, uubli 10 walk nearly hali the am. "After thoee three alow yean of agony, duncg which I apeot probably V2W0 to trtajuer.t and tnci a doiea doctora, I gave up hoceoi an yrelcaa irom pain, but death. I waa cured, completely cured, by Or. TUuxrj' Fink PdU tor Pale People. They ale a csuied my recovery. " T he nnt djee gave me appetite. " Aiur the aecotid dot I tiift aoundly, the first time within a year. I tent for a iota boaea. By the time I had tutca the content ot eleven boaea I fell enureiy well. " The doctor aaid I waa cured. He waa greatly wipreaed, and lin.e thra he hi rrewr.bed Dr. XfUHamx Pick FilU ice Pale reoclc tor many of hu panenta," In. F.nly, together with her husband, made aiiidavit to the exact truth of the fore going account beiorc Notary P. N.Thomas The cure of the severest cases of rheu matism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People has occurred in every state in the Union, and ita power in ordinary cases is proport.onale!y greater. These marvelous vegetable pi" Is go di rectly lo the seat of the troutU-. They build up a new cellular structure in the disease a parte by eliminating puuonoiis elements and renrm-tng health-givitig chemical forces in the blcajd. They arc for sale by drt-ggists every where 1 for SO cents a unglc bci cr iril lor half a dotco. XJHION BLOCK MAIM TaT. Dr. P. A. Wll. r,0 HHIsboro Pharmacy Pure freh drugs, Bruges. Taints, Oils, Spuigc and all Druggists Sundries, Fine first clas cutlery a specialty. txtra t are la I npataaillar rre,rlptla.r,l-' Take el ire. IARMEKS WHO II A V E TI1K OLl alt-ttrf u4sl piiitiisi, cau get an up to date I: wood suction pump that il in I Kirs old pi lv aritine to Vi K. WIlttlR, I'uinjsi and water pi. loinl lirov. tr. 7M HY VIKTI K .K il.s-r.-e Kiel onier tluanclal platform Into law that day upon ,VKl ilams It wouM lake make the 412 grain of silver worth nerly Ave year to nunplete the s.l ItHlcent. If Mr. Veatch la ever n judication uim .the claims on file unfortunate a to have hi flnancla' April 1, IS'.if. The smount ..felon, platform enacted Into law he will e- pse, upon and ibcdei l y the the purchasing power of hi silver svnslon departnieiit t t ,,,r,i dollar promptly drop to the forty cent notch. It doe in every oilier country and the condition are no wise different her except that we maintain the gold standard, 197 and April I lS'.H. uni.-d lo 154,45.'), an average of olij ever. dsy. A the pension employ., work but eight hour s-r d y jou will find that tfaiet average consider- The most rem ithanie Viiy. inade by any vsr ship birinsr .)) n.e his tory of tne world Is tlidl J ,st eom pleled l.y the tti.itle ship Oregon. A cruise of ; toon mi!" forced shm by be:ivy ImiiIc ship and in the fuv of an active enemy of unknown possimiine is an a ntevement not hitherto attempt. .. It rank with the -e tilit st M.nilla il-elf. The Oregon is viili friend sis'n. if any go .1 .inn .-rat has thought of voting for Mr. Veatc'i ihe follow. ing extract fnini hi Caubv stans h iil show in what estimation he will tie b 1,1 for so doing. In that oe,c' lr. Veatch said: .t pf.riy (i are, 1 10 go ts-forc ihe p.-.( e with a gold -l mdard platform until Isltfi Tn. re was a sort of a break on c iiiuiij of the pisiform not b-. linn fir gold sfan.l.ird, sn I a pirt of th, ol I democratic party nominated two old barnacle candidates f.r pr.s.idenl and vie president, and put idem 011 that ticket, and today they sleep the long sleep that know no wnking in a political Krve. The person to whom I refer are Mr. Palmer and Mr. Hut k tier. WHY 1 Why should any sensible cilia, u ol the illsniette valley, whatever Ids politic, desire to retire Mr. Tongue a congressman from this district? Kvtn the most ardent fne silver advia-ate must admit that un der the present conditions the gold standard i at I' ast endurable and thai the defeat of Mr. Tongue will not change the financial policy of the Uiiited'statea. On the other hand Mr. Tongue' loyalty to our material local Inter ests, and hi ability cannot l ques tioned. Were those petitions you signed urging the improving of Va- ulna hnrtair, honest expressions of jour d -ire in that direction? Were those congratulations when the hap py result iif Mr. Tongue' labor with tiie war dt piirlment wa made known, genuine? Or are you going lo inform (he war department and congress by your vote that you have no real interest in Yuipuna bay? It is small wonder that the present delegation in congreM hail to work so desperately to receive favorable action from the war department in behalf of the Yaquina improvement. Dolph favored Yaquiiia and he waa defeated for reflection. Hermann battled lor Yaquina and he wa re tired. Mitchell worked faithfully for Yquiua'a inn Teste and he tailet. to la re elected. Kills, from the 2d district, lias galliantly helped u and he will not go back. And now you, for the sake of some political theory, propone 10 vole against Air. Tougue, Can Jou afford it? It i unnecessary 10 review the ad vantage that will la-conferred upon the people of ihi d istrict through the building up ol a harUir at Yaquina Any farmer ought to know that it mean to him bight r price for his product. This is easier to under stand than Ihe money question. It is oaihle that Dr. Hill, the populist nominee, or Mr. Veatch, the democratic candidate, will labor a industriously for Yaquina a Mr. Tongue but they have not been tried. They would go to Washington hand icapped with our disapproval of Ya quiua Improvement in voting against Tongue. They will lie under the further disadvantage of asking favor from a republican house. Mr. Tongue may not belong to your party. But as a congressman he ha worked for all of us, and you can afford to vole for him. CVtrvailis Uaxette. ri'MIUMSTS AI'I'KIIVK I'KKSEST M0ETm SlSTtM. The fusion platform contain the following declaration: " s demand a national money sale and sound, issued by Ihe gener al government only without the in tervention of batik of issue, to be full legal lender for all debts, public or private, nki a Just, equitable aud ettlcient means of distribution direct to Hie ssiple through Ihe lawful dis bursements of the government. This is the exact currency that we now have. We have a national money. It is safe, it is sound, it ia Issued bj- the general government every dollar of it, not a dollar issued in any other way. It is issued with out the intervention of bank. Bank pa 1 st I not money, it i not legal teuder. Our national money I full legal tender for all debts, public and private. It is distributed dir ect to the people through the lawful disbursements of the government." Tnis declaration then is an approval of the present nntiou.il money, and can, intelligently read to mean 110th ing else, mjr pr-sent money com plies fully with this resolution. Al banv Herald. Spain will find our demand after the war different from those that preceded it. Forcing the Issue to a settlement by arm 1 e(a-nniv to the loser. We are getting in la tter position each day to make our de mands large and insistent. Statesman. A correspondent write from Oreenville of th trlooil 'here last Siturdxy evening wher Hon. U. M. Veatch candidate for congress made a spereh. The pk- ers seem to have been simply csleml- ty howler. The impresxlon nmde upon the audience was uncorople mentary In the extreme. But few were present, and they were republi can who attended out of curioUsitv. The corresisindent report that bad i it not been for the Vertsairt band, i who nre republican, there would ' have been no crowd at all. The, apewch wa disappointing and ro surprise i felt at the Oregonian's re-' fual to publish it. Mr. Trngue will I carry the precinct by a good msjt ri-! ty. Ijit ye.-tr h lost it. j M. L. 1'ipes will do up Cyclone Davis at Turner Mariou County next Saturday. This nation Is not transacting bus iness with Ihe Kuropean com -erf. We an? engaged in a war, but mind ing our own affairs, a usuhI. W'm. E. Gladstone, Itorn in 1S09, died Wedneaday last, aged 8 years. The aged .statesman wa one of the most noted figure of the lfrh cen tury. There are only about four of them. American name Lincoln, Grant, Gladstone, Bismark Kngliah menwiil certainly nmnt our third- first. an KXKirriuN. 01 siiU- isu.t out oi the Circuit Court ol th.- state ol On-aon, lor iiluiiKiu l oiituv in lavor el Anton U-K ali i iuuiusl lluuimli H Smith. fc.r- lti Miiltli. V ill Ouitolt r, Alliert tillilt.ll ill niton jr. ami Maud, l.ola. liov. I. la H an. I hurl.-y liuiton, minor and W tl .siniih thfir n'.i.o-iliiin a t litem for the mini ol S -itt ai,.l luf the turthrr sum ol $lM7t- :i I ? eohl 1-0111 with int-rts.t thereon l Hie rate ol s h t .-rut s-r annum trom the .-.-'ay or March !-'. ah. 1 tlie lurtlier sum ol'.iiih Hiter.-M thensni at tlie rate ot i s-r cent s-r aiinuin Irom tlie Sid day ol .Viirvh ! as attorney ftss. and for the cost ami eajsMiM's ot sale and ot sui.l writ. Now , therefore. Iy virtue and in punu aiu-e of Mini jii.K'nieiit (t.x-rei- and or.UT ui nle. 1 will on .M. in. lav Ihe .lav ol Mav I vis, a' the south iloorol the Oolirt Iioum' in ltill-ts.ro Washington t-ounty On-iron at the hour of 10 c. clock a tnol isiitl lav sell al puhlic auction to the highest I'i.l.l.T lor cash the following uVcribcd real prs-rty to-wn : Ihe northeast quarter of the northeast quarter ol section seventeen towiislup two .ii.i. iiinKt on- west, w ui BIT. Bll SOMflT" ill Wush.i'iiioii i ounty On-Koii, to tify the hfreint'.-tore naiue.1 sums, and for the cost and exK'lise of said sale. s un .roi, rt- siii besoui .uhjeet to r tiemmion aa sr a a'nt ol it'-.tn. W ires, n.y haul this inth day ol April, Ism, W. D. HKAHKOKD, Sheriff of W'uliiiiKion Count'-, Itieuon. Kolssrt K 11. II, Attorney lor PlainliH. 4H-52. SIIKltU'FS NAM. I drec and or-b-r of aal ou' ' Ihe Cir.-uil Court of the 6U of '""; lor V ashinirtoii County m "vur ' J. hn C Uwi. and L A 1-wi a "er u d,-rtherirmB.in of Allen Iwi ami air;iiiit V L tlwen. and Mary M Uwena. hif wile and J I horhlill Ko- a f the eslala of I' I. '"i a" insolvenl dcM or or th uiii ol l. " cst nd lor the further .urn of T 'I l' K ttol' " '"' inler-t lh reon at the rate of "' is-r amnini l"r..m the ."J.I day of Ma ell and tlie further mil of .iwitli niter- . ii,e n.u. ol tier cent per an num irom tin- i 'd .lav of March IshS, aa at loriie;tee and tor tlie eswt and espenaeaot sale a'n'd of sjiid writ. Now, therefore, hv virtue and in purau anre of said judgment .Us-ree and onler ot side, t will on ondar the :1 day of Mav lsw. at the 011th l.sr of the Court lions 111 llillsts.ro Washiuirtou County. Oreifon at tlie hour of HI o'clock a ni ol aaid dav sell at puhlic am tioii lo the lnK'ie bid der lor cash the lollowintt d.-ssrilted real property tow it: ... I lie east one half ( of the northeast one quarter I M of the southeast one quar tern ol section lour (4) township two 12) south of ranneonelll wost ol'llie Willam ette Meridian, all situate i'i V ashinirton County lirestou to satisfy Ihe hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenaea ot said sale. siaid prop-rty w ill he sold auhject to re demption aa per statute of On-sron. Witness my hand this ivih day Of April IBM. Sheriff of Washington County, Oreiton. Cotton, Cox, Teal .V k inor, -aS-.Vi Attorney tor Plaintiff. BY YlUTt K UK AN EXKCl'TIOX, dwree an.) onler of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale ol'Hriitoii for v. ashiiiKlou County 111 lavor ol" I'hilippi ChaH'ron and airainst August Schniidl. lor the sum of costs and tor tlie further sum of IUJ V S l.ol.l coin with tnUrest tlier.on at the rateof 10 er cent kt an nul from hitli day of Nov. lsH, and the lurthersuiu of :So with interest tliereon at the rate of M tier cent er annum from the -Jt day ot .Nlarch 1S atlornty f.ss and for the cost und exismses ot sale and of said w rit : Now. therefore, bv virtue aud in nurau- ancsy ofsaiil iU'lirment d-nsj and order of sale. I will 011 Tut-sdav. ttm 7tli dav iif. il..i,nimi s.l nr,.,..., .n.n, June lsM nt thesoutfi door of the Court South half ( S of northwest 'quarter ( ) in iiwis.'oro n asninirioii i.ouniv I anu norttl hall U of aniitliw.s.t oilarter I I. a 1,.,. .l" It. ..'..I...S- . ... . . . . . 1 . . t v, I Ms-iiou i wo . -1 towusiup i wo tt norm NIIF.ItlFI-N fAl.K. VIKTIK OK AN EXKi'l'TloS decren an O '.'I ol - l iud cut of the Circuit Cour 01 in Statu 01 (re--..i. lor W:i'. e I otinlv, ill favor of K T Simpson and ai:-iiiist Jamea I' Loonev. l.itxie M Sw-plieiis Samuel W lAK'li. v L F oruham, and Mary Klleii (ira ham hia w ite and Lima M Stephena aa es- erutrix of the last w ill and testament of Tho A Stephens deceased for the aunt of Hs.UTx'ost. and for the further sum ol iU'J u5 I' S irold coin with interest t hereon at the rate of S per cent (sir annum Irom ine i.l liav or Aliru issis, ami me lurtuer sum ol w ith interest then-oil at the rate of tier cent per annum from ihe 2d day of April ls! u attorney fees and for tlie cost un.l exts'nses ol sale ami 01 eaiu writ. Now. therefore, hv virtue end in pursu ance ot aaid judgment, decree an order of sale, I will, on .Monday, the 2td day of May at the .ouih d.sir of lh Court House, in HillslKirn, Washington County, ttrenon, at .ha hour of 10 o'clock a ni ot said day, d at public auction to the hiirheKt hmder lor awsh the lollowtne house Uiviroii at the hour of 111 o'chs k a 111 of said dav, sell at puhlic auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following deathbed real proHtty towit : 1 lie east hall ol the southwest quarter of suction sixteen, township two north of niiiae live west of tin) ill Mer containing s.i a.-riw all situate in Washington County Oreiron to satisfy the hen-iiilsjfore nameii sums and fur the costs and expenses of said Said property will he sold snhieet to ..v. demption as per ttattite of Oreiron. Witness 111 v hand tlns.'ith dav of Mav. Wis. W. D. RRADFOItn, Sheriff Washington t'ouutv tireon. It. Citron. Attorney for I'laiiitiff. Jl-2 !SIIKItlFt"S NALK. ran ire live t.tk west of Willamette Mendian and c-oiitiiiiiinsr HO acre more or leas, all situate in Washington County Or.-(rol. 'O satisty the iiareiooefore. named atiina. and lor thecomand expenses of said sale. Said property w it be sold subject to re demption as er ainlute nf Oreiron. Witness tuy band thia )th day of April 1SM8. W. I). II ft All FORD, Sheriff of Wsshlnston County, Oregon, tieo. W. llaaeii, Atu.ruey ur Plaintiff. 4,S-5i NHF.ItlFF'M MALE. Y VIRTUE I J des-re. Neatch, eatch, whose Veatch Why he U a Cleveland gold-bug grub who ha lately hatched out into ilemo-siiver-pop butterfly. His latter end will be as ephemeral as his gold bug career under Grover. He ia an inner illustration of the folly of changing one's political coat for the aake of offl,-e. Veatch and Kincaid traitor to principles; for the glitter ing spoils ol ofMce. Republican. ..-T-Dm for rirti t..is. s laranic.-u u.i.ae.-o l:alilt enrc. n'ahes weak uvu.-iu,,. .....j., pure, wic.il. All druiruita. ".IRONING MADE MSY" T':e ropuriicn from the fit have estimated that Mr. Tongue's m-J irity in this county will be 2. 'nore 'hioi in I .. I.ut now It t. gii -til -ok 'hough it will be much larger than that figure. ' I I The Irijcd comhinstion lend be Veatch i skipping all the cinir towns. Veatch ha gone all arouti ' Millshoro and it i understand that ho will pMk neither here or al Forest Groves Pllllp 11 IN i Jl ' f CJJ - TftAT INVEiV r ncnitiner att rrrisi, MES COLLARS AND CLIFFS STIFF AND NICE no ujlicn citjcrr tnurm nnir ONE POL-ND OF THI5 STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POCNO AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. HUTACTURtDC-tv, rHU.C.HLJBINGriR BROS CP KEOKUKjOWAjEWTtiAVEKCONN. OK AN EXECCTIOM aol order ol mmm iffslled oui ol tha Circuit Court of ths State ol tlreron lor asr..,w,nn I'nnm. in favor of Tyler llute and airaiiist Stephen 1'entold, Jessie I. Peiifold. Ilenrv I'imiIoI.I and latli.-rine Pentold lortliesuni ol't.H 10 cosis ami lor t ne lurtlier siiin of fll.ii.0 L KOl'l coin with interest thereon at the rate ot 10 Per cent ler annum IVnm tlw. All. day of rVi.teinber .m and the further sum ol J. Willi interest thereon ut the rate of M er cent per atiiiuiu irom the 4th dav of ov. is'.l. asattornevs ee ami for the .-osts and expenses of sale and of said writ. Nn, tnereiore, tiy virtue and in irsil- ance ol said jtnniiiinnt de.ree and onler of sale 1 iti i n M n lay the l.itb dav ol June 1st', at tne south .loor ..f the C.iurt Uiuse, in HidsOoro, Wash hinet.in Counlv. Oreirun. at 111s hour oflUo'c'o'k A.M.. 01 said dav sell at pub lic auction to tlie liiKhest b diier lor eash, the lollowin drs -rila.i real nroirl. in. wift The south half of the south east mis ter and the northwest ijuartt-r it. the southeast liinneroi section zi aim the northeast piarter of the northeast ouarter of sectinn I2N W ill Mer all I. in Washington count v Oregon to satisfy the BY VIKTrK (IK AS EXKCI-TIOX. Decree and onler of sule. issued out of the circuit court of the Mate of Oregon, for M aahiiigton county, in favor of t'epliaa Eisenhuiier and against David Savage, ex ecutor of the last will and t.-stament of Kraatus lavage sr. deceased ; Mary Daily, Marcellus W. iiaily, Cordelia i.uild, Charles (luild, Hannah X. 'akernian, John F. Clakernian, Krustua Savage jr, Mary E. Savage. Cena Jervans, Jeigana Marcellus Savagi-, is-slia Savaire, Krastua Savaire, Hlanclie Savage. Hurt suvave, Dav id Savage, C. Scliulinericli und ico Scliul inerich partners under the tirm name of Sihulnieri. il .t Son, Herman Schulmericli and C II Koch partners under tlie tirm name of Schulnicrich A Koch. O W Pat terson and Thomas It Humphreys, de lendant for the sum of Ma Kt costs and lor further sum ot 11370 CJ I' S gold coin with interest thereon at the rale ol 7 percent per annum rom the asth day O' April Is-s and ior the cost and elK lis. s ol sale and of said writ Now there on;, by virtue and in pursu ance ol said judgment d.vr.-e and order 01 ale I wib, 011 .Monday the l.lth day o Juno lsjis, at the soiitn d.stroi the court bouse in HillslHiro. Mashi at the hour ol til o'clopa a m o said duv sell at puhlic auction lo the hiih..st l.i.l.l.'.r .... caan the lollowing deserils-d reul pros-rty Coiiimencing on Ihe northeast boundary lineo tha donation land ehon. ... r.i..,. i" iriini.'iuiT nam. -j sums au.i ior tne costs I Iiurris at a point 11 rth 40 il.-r.s. w ,..l 5 chs disunt rom tlie oilarter post be am! eaiH-nses of suid sule. H im propert y 10 Pa .-old auhject to re- lam pi 1011 as per statute ot Orecon Witness my Hand this 13th day of Muy W. D. UK A I FOKD, Sher ff "I Waslr.ngien L'oiintv, Oregon. Sniity ,V ltowinan. Attornevs for l'lff. ,M-3 'ITATIO.. OF THE Couuty of tiie rorxTY rofitT. State ot Oreiron lor the Washington. In ne manor ol the estate of I Wil'inm A Freeman, .lee.i 1 To B-P- t rneiuaii. L lian A hr-emnn. A I. the. II Fr-eintii. Wa'ter It Freeman and Ll.iy.t W Freeman, a-reetiuir: I.i me nsmrol the rt'a'e ot O-eiron. stoii are nsrehy ct -d snd reiuired 10 appear In UieCouniv Ciun.'i the Si 11 la 01 Hn-gnu lor ihe County of Washington at !' rourt r w in therrol at Hlli.iHirnin the county of W i-hin-u.n on Mondav. llie atih .1... J 11 is ls. , lllo . 'o k in tba luren.mn ni lb it lnv llli'll i.li'l there to show cause H iiv es-.si n an ortter ot sale of Ihe I oUig des. r bad real properlv sitnsted '-unit ,111 ei.untv 1 i'fin 1 ml ilavn K.jtow- io.ii: t'om-nen.-in as ths 1 ween aecnons 4 anil If, T 2 S H 1 W Will V to ..Tl'1:'''!"111 ,il degree. V to the 8 W boundury line o said Iiurris donation land claim thence north 45 de grees west on said line pJ.:tu chs to corner, thence north as.f.l chs to corner, thence eas.811.t ch. to corner. Ih.'ue S j degree. land el?i !!"" W m. '"leV donation land claim thence northwani on said line to center 01 luahitin river thence south- 81 degrees K 'rom the place o beginning henee rs.uthHId. gnss'w to the place o? ts-iriniima eont.M.,,nu s., . L.. Un .0.. .. . .s rw - ..-s ..... re or less u !. I.i" " iW ".'""ftoti county Oregon toaatis y the hereinlw , re nameii sums and s; i zzzw?-tt,r. ? ! ' .rniii sutiject to re- .e.,i,.,,u.i as per statute o- tregon ," " "' sins silt n .lay o ISlrl. May w it no 1 ol-. ..... Sheriff Washington County Oregon ' HagleyA llrown. Attorneys for I'luiiitiff 51-3 Xtice r Final Settlement. foi- VOT1CE IS HEUEI1Y HI VEX TIIT d in f "' inidersigned executor of the last ltM,. will and testament c i h.. J. U. " 1 th. 1 ceasei has . ed his ii.,l .. . ' 1 . UB ''"r '-" roinerof tne It I. Cot Oha. ecutor in the county ,-ourt of Wasl ,,t.. Mclv y ..1. . 111T I N K 3 W. Wi I Me, uunt, State of . tn'go.i ami he I T ' J, ,u v t e..r -outh .,-.. Eo.,,enr.l , court lias tixe.1 Monday the prth iPiv of o.e a d S..K,, it I. c 41 ens core or less June Isic, Bt the rourt room .. ...ill "" I"- Per .,r tlie W hn;f of lh. id M. Kar i L C meo.-e S I5" W 1 var ?t- r-1 -- r or less to a prent t'.ai i .... ri :e msi a-re-. thenre 7.s so w 1 cits Hi.'l .nk- n of tnr 1 L t! "f lieaee -J .-ill' I 'orneiill. ll I. , ' aae I heni'- s '! ft "III.OI I I. ' A en "-e or .ess 1., tu 1 n 1 a ne Pis aim K "11 sai.t eas line ut 22 olia more or less to . iW E through th. an. 1 it unk. t0 ti .runir . nig .utatiing I0.1 acres. i . 0 "'ii-.,.-ing at ine Nni, w, .1 ror- 11.1 ... Ctl.rles MrK,y I " r I K 1 W .1 ihH W.ll Mm. h 11- e.t line ot t-i- (! j ,c. D I. I'I eli, .d 1H iii.s. t.. P-s. ,., t'.e ,e .1.- .aid Jsckin r W 1, t-t.a an.l M " 11.. .., ( J.eksol. ' ! ' "iia- o. the N ;,' ' M i k 1. .!'' 1 ,1, . and 12ch.4ue:.r " 1 " 'o 1. - -. 1 1, ,r in " d 7. ,1 1 , s w eorie 1.1 ' 11 n I t1- ne h 77 ui -w A Fr-e... , n .... I 1 'o . t, l: i' h ii si d 1 1 l.-r-W e - N o. I.- si V w '..I . A Fr S i- I" t .- Of Pisa o iM s n I 'I no 1 111 n 1 01 id si, at nillshoro 1 ir..... " . ,'" u" oVIis-kofsaidda;;,,, andpl,. he 10,T,r,i""" " '''-ooiint and for Dated at ll.llshoro this llth day of May .V1 a. w n i.1. 11 ' ,r.xeciitorof the last will .,! v,a,:,e,,t ,.ee,i UCCI'IISeil. Of Thus. ai -a Nil Kit IFF MA LIS. Wiin. 's.. t I -. I.-.- ..I I,,.. Or, -,,, ,,, . .ll , 11-1. 11. p. c icvkt.ir "l,:,lv ' ""rt of Ihe State "of ....nt ,- of Wash. 1,1.... IVm ;;:;-'T(ta.,,,e.,,,,,.u.lHr , inihrie, t lerk i l.vrpi, Tahlets arc a d 1 .... 1 .1 . . . . -.. Y VIKTCK OK AX KXHTIMV .,,,1 V,,.,. ,, s o.isl 1 naries Alvor.l ol s.si I' s ... 1 1 . r '"' inrtii.-r sum :,",l.S K'"l coin in, ioo-r,.., ,i,r ri hTvorfP,,r.ce,,l'HT sum of i, ",!''.'l,e. ",r,,"r rate ol M .... . "' nun III the d .v i . ' is'raiiuuni 11.1v o April His as .... Osts an, .... ' r un, 1 I'.r II I o .:!Tr "T" "fe rt.i t said r,l aiiee of . .. 1 ; 1 Vl,liie and ill piirsu '. I'l'ltrinciit deer id or -iVtVhe.oU,.,,,1,V,',' U,i' dav June. iiin-isir " '..'.''r''0' ' r ' the I., r, ",'r '. r,'tity Onu.'.i .. ... . ' ." - ' -1 1 i". ..ne Cuh I to-w rom the 'JmIi l.e ami lor the 'auction to the in ol hiirh. 1 nd i.i t bidder hu ll.. 1 11 1 nigtn-sl lil'titer I.m ".letollowmgd-seril-d real pn,p,-rty ' tin t.'rr,:""":!"'"1 in .'..-ay and pi, ,1, ree,,r.. , ,: . ..I ROIlVeVnt..w. n-ls,. Ii.ii.- r. 1 ii litlh- and Tti is atarrh la prpard on riswtlflr prlnrlplas by assn who bare ti ad rears nf Bnteflrat tpsnssrs In fanry lauodenng. It mbtsnld linen and rassaier Ii 1 1 t their j aataral whiteness and isnparts a nsaatihu and lastinwflnish. It is Us nolr starrh saannrartiins) ibsl is perfectly harailaaa. ennuinina- neither arsenic, a loss or an other substastes wjarmss to Luteal ana eaa bs mmi area U a baby powder. j For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. -HW tit' t In- df U',.i,;.,.,f..,, lorn, ) all situ-.te in W ',lo, . ' '' " ri'" '1 1 -ii- to ".""htngton county ..r,v..n icts at iMla dr.. ...a 1... f,. L" . "'"inis lore --. ...e costs and 1 tab et gives ll.'llli.'l slllll- M.l Tea j lll'tige.tl, cur., 5(tk rrmlmLht p.sirlvely I ful herb drink T ''rV.V."- A deligl,,. bicins... ..... ."P""na .f tnoiiev relumhsl oV" ... V. ro'"pl l;dpn,r,.riywiillM.;;;'- j the akin pro.ln inonev reti I drugstore. band this l.;th .i n exion or at iNsta "iiiplion . 1 Xm. IHIAI'K' Tim,,,,, """"t,on county ur, Attorney for I'.aiiilUl. 1 "' 1. an W It.