Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, April 29, 1898, Image 2

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la I
e MiiUaufu,jnsa
U.M.CU VCLT, aVIttsr
Kill DAY, APRIL. 29, 1898.
Ktri BLiiAS rriie ticket.
For (fuTenor,
of Msrion County,
For Secretary of Ktate,
of Clatsop Count'.
For State Imuortr,
ol Klamath County.
For Attorney General,
of Una County.
For Superintendent ofPubllc Instruction.
of Multiioniali County.
For Supreme Jule,
of Columbia County.
For Htata Priutrr,
of Jackson County.
Fur Congressman, Flint Ditrl-t.
of Washington County.
For Jitd, Fifth District.
of Clackaiiina County.
For District Attorney, Fifth Di-triet.
of Columbia County.
For Member Htste Boanl,
Ol'k CA est: Of WAR.
Wa have none tu war with Hpaln
fur the sake of buiuaoity anl to
avenge I be blowing up of our battle
thlp Mai att. For humanity in that
.-Spalo wa not able to suppress! a rr
volt of bet subject, but csrrieo) on a
war in a way not reiot( nixed by en-lig-lUeueti
nation. The right of w
nation to interfere ia the broil of au
Other liatiou alio! ber eubjccla has loti
bffo recugniaetl by the flint European
powers. (Spain's off luting ia not
tuufinel tu tb cu'ragr of ihe ami ,
out h dul vio'-ui- to h r iuiMMfin
mI peai-ablt aUtij-t-l, taklllf food
and clothing from women and ctoil
dren, so that the country tuilit in
laid waie.
Ia dm troy in f property Atm-riom
citizens whu had intereet. on the
Inland were deapoileil. All the
ibiii wuuld lioubtle have beu
left to the slow ailjuatiueiit of tli
loiuai'y had uot our ahip iieeu blown
up in llavaua harbor. Thia wan o
rfiject leHuun that uiag-niri. d the nor
row of the other revolting acta of
that effete nation.
We do Dot engage in Inn war for
thn Mtke of iuih itt. We do not en
gage In the war in the liiterext of any
government but we do peinl money
and pour out the blood of our bet
citizens to bring peace to that unhti
py inland and lo allow it ieople t
form a government of their ehoice.
foiled States, ahali be allowed uo 1
May 21, ISiM, ine u-ive, fr loatliug
their uargnea am. departing from such
port or place, and uch (Spanish
merchant Vr-I, if niet at sea by any
United States ahlp, shall be pruiitt d
to continue Ibeir voyage, if oa ex
amination of their carg'iew, il ahali
be shown that their cantora were ta
ken on bwrd h .r. the expiration
'( the a Hove time, provided that
nothing hertiu couiaiueil shall app'y
One, Sxipworth of Lane county ia
bitterly complaining bevtuse Mr.
Veach'a atriped record ia beiug eriti
ciaed. lie wanu republican to tend
their aid in the defense by attack
ing Congrtmioaa Tungue. lie
think Mr. Tongue Mhu a v-i na
tion" Mr. hi kip worth evideuily ba
allowed hio-lf to be misled by the
untruthful chart aud iuimjuoU
I lie j-.ueue Uuarii (pop.) copies
an edltoral from the Corvalli
Time from which the following i
"IIoneMl liob Veatch never aurreii
dered a principle, never com prom in
ed hi manhood, never lowered hi
'-olors to tickle public wntinient or
party lah aud whoe motto in, 'be
true to self and true to the people.'
witn Huch an .opiMjnent lhoina
Tongue ha serious caue to doubt
the brightiieaa of hi pMonpect.'
Let u see. At the democratic
state convention held iu Portland oi
A repuniican convention lor tne Tuesday. Airll 19. 189l. at which K
county or VaxbingUn la eaileu l"l M. Veatch -a nominated for con
meet in tne city or Miiwooro, Krea In the rlrt conifresHioual dMrici
gon on Iharsciay, ineotn day oiway t,e convention waa in ay m pat by
1WH, at II o'clock a. no. for tne pur- W,h pijeu, Cleveland aud so wa
ieof mmlnating Senator to nerve 15 Vealch. or ele he betrayed the
for two years, three Kepregentatlvea ,hen xhe reCf.rd of that con
County JudKe, County Clerk, Sheriff, vention show that the committee on
ivcorderof Conveyance. County platform, comiKwd of such men
CommisMioner, County rreaaurer, Uo- w. 8. McFadden of Benton, Charlie
unty aim inor, uounty Ht nooi super- Fiher of the IfcHeburir Itevlew. O
lntendent, County surveyor, Kinehart of Gillibm. Wm. L. Colviir
county uoronor, and to transact f Lak- Wid Bilyeu of Linn. John
such other bUMlneaa aa may properly Catlin of Multnomah, J me A. Slater
come before the convention.' Ibe f uDiou. Jaiuee lialey of Umatilla.
convention will be com posed of 12- was in sympathy with and commit-
delegates chosen from the several ted to the Cleveland money policy.
precinct, a 101 lows town: This convention was pratlcallv un-
Beaverton .'
Diliey ,
riant Butte..
Beedvllle 4
8. Forest Grove..7
S. liillslHiro 7
8. Tualatin li
West Butte A
W. Cedar Creek. .7
Waahington K
Wapato 7
K. Cedar Creek. 7
(iales Creek 6
Mountain 2
The same being one delegate at
large for each precinct and one dele
gate for every 20 votes, and one for
every fraction of 10 and over thereof
cast for Wm. McKinley at the Nov
ember election, 1896.
Primaries to be held in the aeveral
precinct on Saturday, April 30th, at
I o'clock p. m.
C. E. Deichman, W. D. Wood,
Secretary. Chairman.
lion. II. V. Gates will address thi
citizens of Beaverton on Monday, the
2d day of May, at 8 p. m. under the
autplcea of the republican club,
An error of dates appears on the 1st
column 4th page in Mr. Wheeler's
article on money. The date of the
paxxtige of the Sherman law la given
as 1HB0 when it should be 1890.
France has systematically been
anjuiring a foot hold in America in
violation of the Monroe doctrine, In
that he has got a foot hold on the
i -all m 11 of Panam. We now see
bow wise is the policy of maintain
ing the Monroe doctrine. We are at
war with Spain, and we find that
France is giving moral support to our
enemies with a possibility of giving
material aid. France evidently
fear that we will gain control of
Cuba and thus command the gate
way to the Panama Canal, Allowing
Fram or French capital to get lodg
ment at Panama may be very expensive.
Two years ago, Judge Bennett
made a campaign in the second dis
trict for t'ougresA. Then he thought
the United State alone could not leg
islate so as to put the price of silver
up to 129 rent per ounce.
Ffi coinage by the United
States might rale the price some
what but to bring the commercial
ratio to IB to I would require the
otner nations. The example of the
United Stab's might induce other
nations to follow our example. Thi
year Judge Bennett demands the free
and unrestricted coinage of silver
ami gold at a ratio of 16 to 1 without
wailing for the consent of foreign
nations. Now then. Judge Bennett
does not occupy the mune grounds
he did then. lie has changed his
political opinions. If he waa right
then he Is wrong now. Then he
thought free coinage would not re
habilitate silver now he Is on a plat
f irm that pretends that the value of
of silver will be bmugh up to its obi
time worth. If not, then we will go
to a silwr basis and the value of two
thirds our currency will be cut in
two and the other third go out of
circulation in obedience to Greaham'
law. Bal either way it is viewed.
HlllHhoro 6animou for ('luvdunil ami cl.i.wi
L..U..1I1U ol
rurewi viruve..n i u . . , . . . . n .
M rirnirn iiiu loilltwillg linilieil
A. BuMh, Salem; Henry Blackmail,
Ileppnrr; Henry C. Grady, Pendle
ton; S. F. Pined, HoHeburg; James J.
Daly, Dalian; F. V. Ito'mitn, Port
land; T. O. Hoame, Jacksonville; J
L Cowan, Albany
The alternates elected were Itoby
Campbell, Vaughn, Cogswell, Tren
cherd, Fenton, Huston
Mr. Petiuoyer wan a candidate lie-
fore the convention for a delegate,
anu received mree votes. This con
vention was not only in sympathy
with Mr. Cleveland personally, but
were thorougly in accord with bis
financial view. They were as well
known then a they are- now. He
had never hid them under"a bushel
His views upon the coinage of hilver
were made public before he took his
seat as president the first term. In
every annual mecsage to congress
they had been repeated,' and he had
begged practically for the repeal of
the Bland-Allison act, long before
the Sherman law wan pawed. As an
instance that the convention knew
what they were doing in electing
Cleveland delegates, and that they
understood Cleveland's xwition, they
adopted the following plank iu their
"Fourth. We believe in honest
money, the gold and silver of the
constitution, and in currency conver
tible intu such coinsge without Ic
ami 01 mi (Helen t volume to meet all
the demand of the -li ; we de
mand that all money coined or is
sued by the United testes should be
f equal monetary valu?, and ol
emal purchasing power for the rich
and ssir, and that all paper currency
Issued by the government should la-
redeemable iu either gold or silver at
the option of the holder, and not at
the discretion of the secretary of the
ihe query arises, has democracy
changed? Have the men standing
now by the mixed platform, really
changed their view? ben Veatch
ran on the platform did he endorse
it? If elected would he have carried
it oui? If he did has he chauired his
views now? He not only siood upon
the Cleveland platform, hut accepted
an nmoe under the Cleveland admin
istration. Kugene U-giter.
o Sotnish vewteU having ou board " printed in free ailver puper.
nv orfleen. in I he n.ilit.rv or naval The Oregon ian which prints Mr.
service of ihe e.-ui v r any coal (ex- Skipworth'a plaint aay in rep y
"Mr. Tongue did not. iu Is'.M. ..c
heir voysKe), or any other article t ay other time, f.r a T.m- Ore
pnhihiiedco"lralMiid of war, or Ifooian 1 aware, 'uureaerveiliy
any di-paich of or to UieSoaiiish gov. cat the free aud unlimited coinage
fniuieni I of silver, ail bout reference to 1 lie
Fifth Auy SpauUh merchant v a- policy of any other government.'
sel which, prior to Aoril 21. 189. I hia letter of 1S94, published by
shall have sailed from any foreign T1 Oegonian, he did nut tak thi.
mirt. Iwiund for any irt or ulace in I po,uon-
the U.iite.1 Htates shall I ocrmltled In iiti.m it can be said that Mr
to enter such irt (r pla- and to di- Tongue never privately or publicly.
charire her eanro and afterward P" ,n wrilteo ss- h esou
forthwith to depart without molesla- thec"u'of 'ree silver. He alway
tin .nri .n. -...-h ,-.i ir,u . apposed that thing. H in the
ebyanv United Stale shin, shall K"0 llKn Alhiua
be permilte.1 to is.nlinue her voyage a,d,, wh" ta leved to be the
to anv oort uot blockaded. first anti free ail ver apeeeh delivereii
Sixth The right of search Is to the state. In Ibai address he ut
exercised with strict rett-wl for the ered the aenten.-e that since ba la-
right of neutral ai d ;he voyag a 0r --ame a part of the political liierature
mail steamer are uot to I interfere.! "wwwuwy: "If his aataulc maj
iith. except on the clear ground of
suspicion of a violation of law In re
spect of con ira Isoid or blockade.
esty should look through Ihe whole
phariuacoeia of the infernal reg
ion he could not Aud a more deadly
concoction for the destruction of
American lalxir and American lab-
The Spanish proclamation is a- lorers than free silver and free trade."
follows. oto whie Is the more f there are sound money men other
simple, evuive or jiist: than republican tl ey must vole for
we nave striven with the strict- Mr. Tongue. For if they support
est fidelity to oliscrve Ihe principles Mr. Veach they cease to be gold
of internal! mal law and have shown Istamlard supporter and become free
the most scrupulous respect for raor-1 silver straw stacker.
eaaaa-y rhcooutam,
I Only penoo who iuw beca afilietad
i with this diauai kaoar what such sufio
Tboat who hava amt th ths pang of
this ailment have not ths remote idea cf
iu torturo.
Far yean this was aa obatiaals sWans
to cure
Ia recent years, however, there has beca
formulated a remedy which auccesdully
coeca with it.
The many cum eficctsd by Dr. Villiime'
Pink PUU ior Pale People atteet to that fact.
On ol the striking examples ia Mn
K.ojert' experience.
In making of it to 4 reporter ah said I
"Thtrteca yean ago I waa attacked with
Inflammatory rheiimatian sad a compla-a-tion
ol dntnrt,
"l cannot begia to describe my euflrringi
during that time.
MYou caa judge somewhat ol what I
endured, when you look at these hands.''
Thry were distorted, twisted and swollen.
" My foot, too, so much out ol shape
that the big toe lay scnaa ths others, the
sod touching the little toe.
Notwithstanding I am sixty-five yean
eld, have s pleasant horns sod other com
lorn, life to me waa far from enjoyable, ior
ail other things pale into insignifiranrs when
you arc without good health.
A Woman's
for thirtten years this woman suffered from at Jah
less infirmity uhiih baffUd skillful medical treatment.
Se was restored to health tn a remarle
and is now helpful to otk-r sufferers.
For thasm ycanMrs. CeortL.Rocn, " I tried different sV
s4 Vast Main Street, Caotoa, N. YsuHered pHrtsry tmcucs,but
1 . .1 l I . . I n ; fit Vll dSUUM.
us marca was bjijvi m as wj
Viuums'Pink Pius tor raj I usss,
Be tore I had tanahed the fsaShaa I begs
to feel that they were domg sos good.
Ml continued tutng thea sad satadihy
new better.
"I have tued thirteen boxes ol ths tnfl
and to-day Ucl better lhaa ior the past ol
leen vun.
"My appetite is goodi I feel bright, cheer
ful and have a dean to bvc and csuoy society.
"I have beca a member of the Methodist
church ior many yean, but ior six yean
was unable to attend.
"Now I am able to attend the church
services regularly sad certainly appreciate
Uvat privilege
"I cooa. r Dr. ViHums Pink Pills ior
Pale People s woadcrtul medicine sod am
coniident no other remedy could have
chested ths wonderful curs they have in
my case.
" I xm glad to state this, hoping that some
sufferer may profit by it and obuia reUd."
It was nature's own remedy that accom
plished this cure caused by impure blood,
ior Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale People
arc composed oi vegetable remedies that
exert s powerful influence in purifying and
enrichirg the blood. Many diseases L;g
supposed by ths medical profession to be
incurable have succumbed to the potent
influence oi these pills. This uaiversal
remedy is sold by sU druggists.
The ollic ial acta of the
may be
ality and the right of government
1 nere ia an opinion inai me laci lint Tfc KKII
we have not adhered to the declara
tlon of Pari dta not relieve u i f
the duly of respecting the principle
inerein. ine principles npain re- mem f ,h Unlte.1 Stales
fused to admit then waa the alsilish-1 thus rehersed
ing or privateering. ihe govern- As stated last week Congress re-
ment now conswers it most inuis- solved that the people of tuba are
pensaoie to mase ansoiute reserve on nd of right ouifht to be free and
this point, in order to maintain our I independent
liberty of action and uncontested President McKinley on April "Oth
.. .. .I w
rignt to nave recourse to privateering 0 response to the above mentioned
wueu e cousiuer n espeuieui. Uongreasional resolution made the
"r irstBy organizing Immediate- following demaud on Spain a -onv of
ly a lorce oi cruisers auxin-try to tne wnich was sent to Polo, and another
navy, which Will be composed of ves- to Woodford to be communicated t i
sel of our mercantile marine. I Spain,
'Clause 1 The state of war exist-1 Woodford, Minister of the United
ing between Spain and the United States, Madrid : You have been fur
States annuls the treaty of Peace and I nished with the text of the joint re
amity of October 27, 1795, and the solution voted by the Congress of the
protocnl of January 1, 1877, and all I'nited Slates on the 19th Inst., and
other agreements, treaties or conven-1 approved today, in relation to the
lions in force net ween the two coun- pacification of the Island of Cubs.
ries. Iu obedience to that act. Ihe ir ai-
"Clause 2 Iroin the publication dent directs you to immediately com
of the present decree, .10 days are "tunicate to the government of Spain
granted to al! ship of the United said resolution, with a formal de
Stales anchored in our harbor tn mand upon the government of Susin
take their departure free of hinder-1 to at once' relinquish its authority
ence. and government in the island of
"Clause 3 Notwithstanding 'hat Culm and withdraw It land and na-
Spain ha not adhered to the declara- val force from Cuba and Cuban wa
tion of Paris, the government,, res- ters. In taking this step, the L'n ted
peeling the principles of the law oi l State hereby disclaim any disposi
nations, propose to observe a no Hon or intention to exercise sover
and the kingdom of Spain.
"Second, That the president of the
United States is hereby directed anil
em wered to use the entire land
and naval forces ol the United States,
and to call into actual service the
United State militia of the several
sta'es to such extent a may be nec
essary to carry this act Into effect."
hereby order to be obser veil Ihe fd- eignty, jurisdiction or control over
the islaud, except for the pacification
thereof, and asset it determination
when that I accomplished to leave
the government and com ml of the is
land to it people under such free and
lowing reglations of maritime law:
"First Neutral flags cover eo
emy's merchandise, except contra'
band of war.
"Second Ni utral merchandise,
except contraband of of war, is not inuepennent government as
seizsble under the enemy's Hug. may establish.
"Third A blockade to lie obliga- "If y the hour of noon ou Satur-
tory must be fleet ive, vix , it must ""y next, the 23d day of April instant,
be maintained with sufficient force to th-;re be not communicated to this
prevent accet to the en. my' litterol. I government by thn government of
"Fourth The Spanish govern- Spain full and satisfactory response
ment, upholding It right to grant ' demand and resolution, where-
letters of marque, will at present con. by 1(1,1 end of peace in Cuba shall be
flue itself to organizing with the I assured, the president will proceed
vessels of auxiliaiy cruisers, which without further notice to use the po
will co-operate with the navv ac-1 'er and authority enjoyed and con
cording to theneedsof the campaign, 'erred uhhi him by said Joint resolu
and will be under naval control. I thm to such extent as may lie neces-
"Fifth In order to capture the ry ' carry the same Into eff.-cl.
enemy's shin and confiscate the en- "SHF.KMAN."
emy' merchandise and contraband " "en I'olo reiviveil the demand
of war, under whatever form, the he asked for hi pasport.
auxilliary cruiser will exercise the Woodford was not permitted to lay
right of search on the high seas, and president's last paper la-fore the
in the waters under the enemy's I'snmh goverment for the reason set
nrisdictioii, Iu accordance with inter- forth in Ibis dispatch
lational law, the regulations of whicnl -tladrnl, April 21. F-arly thi
will la-observid." (Thursday) morning, immediatelv
The sixth clause define what is after the receipt of your telegram,
ncludeil in contraband of war, mini- "l belore I hail communicated the
n wespons, amiiiunition, eipiip- ame to Ihe Spanish government, the
metits, engins, and, in gciural, nil Spanish minister ot foreign Mtfsirs
he appli mces us.-. in wsr. notified in that diplomatic relation
Some progress in the prosecution
of the Spanish war has been made
though there have been no engage
ments ot moment. Volunteers to the
number of I2.'i,000 have been called
out. Oregon's quota Is one regiment
1200 strong. A war revenue bill is
training. The fleet ha blockaded
the principal port of Cuba and some
teu or a di'Zn prize) have been cap
tured. On Wednesday Ihe forta at
MntHnXM were tiomharded for about
20 tnlnutiw. The Spaniard replyed,
but hit nothing but the water of the
sea. Several Spanish soldier were
killed and some damage wa done to
me naileries, liienrst tight Is ex
pected at the Philippian Island.
All Kuropean nations except Port
ugal remain neutral. The LlsUm
government ha forbidden the tele
graphing of new from the Cape Ver
de Island which i taken to mean
that Portugal will espouse the cause
of Spain. President McKinley noti
fies that government that unless the
Spanish fleet Is ordered to leave St.
Viueent Ihe United Slates would re
gard Portugal an an ally of Spain aud
treat her accordingly.
TRKlTNEST Ot M l Pal..
The United State make the fol
owing announcment of it policy to
be persued during Ihe Spanish war:
"In Iheevent of hostilities between
ihe United States ami Spain, it will
be the policy of this government not
to resort to privateering. The gov
eminent will adhere to the following
"First Neutral Hag cover en
emy's goods, with the exception of
contraband of war.
Scond Neutral gissl no contra
band of war are not liable toconti-ca
lion under enemy's flag.
"Third Blia-kades, in order to be
binding must be effective."
Fourth Spanish merchant ves
sels, in any ports or places within the
'.Seven-n I'o he regir.x and
Judged as pn:es i'ii hiI hi rig r l
he law r - cipisin-, m i-i.-rt, i.lii -r.
ami to-.hirls of ihe crew of veR-els,
which, not liemg Aioi-ri.an, li ol
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ads of Wsr M4-till!l .S.irtill,
even if pr ovide I with .e:orsof insr
que, in.,1 hy ihe U..HI Sluti-s ''
Jliilgc lievtell of Ihe Thud (lis
trict dm cis rttcrelary Kincaiil to tile
Hie certihi-ates of nomination mule
hy Ihe sipulisis. sml piis such
nsmes mi Ihe l-sllol. 1 1 v no
doubl finds vtilh Willi Ju iae filial-
tuck that Ihe secretary ol slate is an
adiuinistratlve ofiicer ami not Judicial.
The alhatuent is ininiwe- of Wssh
ington counly fusion 1st- re meeiing
some ir utiltonie conditions The
ftr-l n.eeM g Mtmed to
la quite hsriiniiiious. Ihin
t here was a vacancy cnusisl hy the
ib-ath of Hen. Srtin'l IIiikIhk wb,n
the brethren csine lot'lur sgniu.
At that meeting no aitrts-ment
Was teachi d. The tcitid Mneiing
was held Inst Monday. 1 cannot he
lea r mil what was then done, but
members of the parlies say Ihe coun
ty nominating convention is to la a
long one holding over to ihe second
daj at least.
hud been brokin llweeii :he two
countries, and thai all HI -i d inio
municaiioiis between their respective
representatives have ceased. I ac
cordingly aked for safe passports.
I shall turn the legation over to the
Britisii emliHSsy end leave for Paris
this afternoon. have noi-tled the
con-nls. WtMiDFtlltll."
As sis.ii as President McKinley
itceivid Ibis di-pnlch he interplead
itma refniil f the demand 4id dnt
liol wait till "Sal urilay iiisiii."
Admiral Ssuis.in ws- at ois
lb re.1 to sea. He got awsy on the
loorning of Friday Ihe 22 1 slid before
dark hi kdcd the port of llavaua.
Two Np-nlsli men-bant rdiipa
were taken the sme day. On Fri
day pveiiin our fleet was tired Un
from Spanish batteries I hat defend
the harbor of lUvsna. Iliechots
nit the water. The formal
de-Uraiiin of war was made on
Momlsy last by Congress in response
a request from ihe president. It
"3e it enscie.1 by Hit senate and
the hiajs .f representative tif the I
Uni cd Mtates, In coegrea asembbsl: i
- rirs, inri war i-e ami ihe same
Isler.l x declared to exist, aid th. I
war has existed since the 21-t i f
Ari, lu. incliHling rm.d.iy, la
tw.eu the fr.dteil Stales of America
The Corvnliis Time ha dug up
Seuate bill 2H) acted upon In 1891.
The bill was one of those clap traps
introductd for political effect. It was
iiitend-d to work upon the prejudices
of railroad employees. A far aa Mr.
Tongue's vote is concerned the mat
ter was explained six year ago and
nothing has been heard of it since.
The genera) law on the subject Is that
a company or corporation is liable
for any "damage sustained by any
employee while acting in the em
ployment of the company or while
oing the work or business of the
company when such damages are
caused by the negligence of the com
pany or any of it Hgent or officer or
anyone w ho at the time ha any con
trol of the injured man." The law
Mr. Veach voted for left out any
prov' on w haiever iliat ihe damage
must have occurred while the In-
junsl employe' waa in the perform-
ance of any duty of the company of
any act in the iersuance of hia em
ploy ment. The Times would leave j
ihe impression that there was or is no
law on the sulj-i-l, but there is. It i
general, applying to mills, factorit
steamboat, farms and farm rrachin
ery as well as railroads. Veach'
hobby wa class legislation intended
to protect railroad employees w hen
they were out on a hand-car raiding
hen-mosts and got a charge of shot in
Ibeir leg. The bill wa fi r iliticu
effect ou the pa-sions of the hour
It is feared that on account of the
Swniah war Congressman Tongui
will uot get home to participate iu
tne election campaign, in that ca-e
he will send a man. lion. F. X
Schooiunaker already know n to Ore
gon audiences ha started for the first
district. Mr. Tongue stay fiithfully
at his poat. He 1 doing hi duty
r or such a man who forgets self to
serve the public, we al home can
give support. Iude,-.! we cannot
afford to refuse our suffrages.
I he Argus need not feel concern
for the republican party or who con
trolsit but rather for the members of
it own party. It i a matter of puh
lie record that the republican were
on hand to legislate in 1K97 but it was
the Mipulist who for S0 and SI2o
each hel l up the legislature. The re
form forces ought to have put a plank
in their platform condemning the
hold-up. They need it. Republi
can do not. Their record is giaid.
They can he trusted.
The importance of a harbor in Ihe
Pacific is now seen. Our Astatic
fleet has been ordered out of English
porta and the name would la? done
hy other nation should w seek
shelter. Coin. D-wey ha nothing
left but to capture a port iu the Phili
ppine I-lunds, and this must la done
before hi cod ia consumed. Hcan
not get more short of San Francisco
unless he capture Hon lula in Ha
waii. He has order to hunt up the
Spanish fleet and fight it.
The money in circulation in Un
united Slate to-day Is $2l0,HHI,0IHi
greater than when the dem rath
con vent ion of iHUtl demanded tin
free coinage ol silver In order to in
crease the money in circulation. A
part of this Increase cornea from the
coinage of our own mints, which
have, since July I, 1S!, coined 113,
) l8,f36 of gold, while the imports of
gold (coin and bullion) in excess of
ine exports, nave amounted during
that lime to over one hundred mil
lion dollars.
Strliif? CHit.
st is ll aSi Hut irannrrs Risks the
1 aun.but V. c nior solid inrrrJient of
1 chari.tcr ii xio neceusry to tras
type of ananbood. If a nua bas thess both.
and alto bit tre cikxI sens to dress well
be will and the -.t.hstrinf out" for hua
til over the world.
In Material, Style. Fit, Fuush, and Gentle
manly effect, you should orier your tailor
in nf
?- ;. nnryi c -k
-:, -a UUI1.1 1 t. W.
TacQrcat Chitijo Mmhtot Tailors
stsroTer SO t'ajtra Ike t-lrrs la the Caetaea
Tr.ulc. Voa csu .t "Kt-WN" Suit or Oo nwl
fur k-ae moocy ih-a a auai.y past fue lafcnue
di sad ta-ksnne.
tmaas JtaaSna ri
The Academi) prepares for College and y;ut i
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses cenj lotr. Board and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, including
electric light and heat.
Under experienced management, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, not to exceed $1.50.
For full particulars, address
Forest Groce, Oregon
. .'RING
30, 1S9S.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Dr. F. A. Bailey, ficp
Pure fresh drugs, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Sponges and all Druggists
Sundries, Fine first class cutlery a specialty.
Extra ( are la reaipaaadlBtr rrerrlptloas.w
Mil Kit I FTO NAI.H.
Mil Kill VW'H NAM-'..
Mjitt- uf lln iron. for the Cimiitv ol
Ku-liiir.l Nixon, reci-ivrr oftf.e Purtlaml
Savinioi Hunk, I'luintitl',
I A MuriiAMi uiul Kmnia MurtUHm. h!n
ilr; I J Uowlund: Tliu kiitut: Juhn W
Kr:i, W V Aviry, ailininidtrator of the
Into of Mary K Avtrv. ili---:iel : Ecl-
wanl lultoii: A i'l k lur-ti-riiitin : I'ilv of
I'ortlanil. a ruriHirutmn : Kilward Evt-n-tt:
The lanilunl s 1 i ompaiiy, a i-ororution ;
i hp Auriiii-rn oiiniK-a i nveniim-iit I runt,
liinit.il. a conr:ilion : iifiiilanta
llv virtue ol an exec-iltum iuilimtit n.
iter ami ilec-n-e itulv ixmieil out of anil tin.
ler tiie Heal of tlir altove entitled oni-t in
the alxive entitled ruuw. to me ilulv iirft-
e.1 uml duteil the l.jtli day of Mareli 1WIN.
pon a luiiKineni rendereil aim entered in
X) ilm-n-a and order ot nala is.ued
ut of the Circuit Court of ihs
.1 o- ..m i. r V is.i'nirioli Connty,
ill favor of K T 8iinpm and airaiimt Jamt-a
P loney. Untie n ju-1heu haiuuel W
Ixxtney I. K raliani, and Mary Klleu Ura
liani his wile and Llxie M Mi-'pliena a el
eeutrix ol Ihe laat will and textaiuent of
Thoa A ritephena dn-eawd lor Ihe sum of
iin.ia eot, an. I for the further sum of
1-121 B5I'H fold coin with inu-nwt thereon
at the rate of S per c-nt r annum Irom
th 2d day of April iMKn, and the further
sum ot II2."i with intereat Iheruon at the
rate ofs percent per annum from he 2d
day of April l aa attorney fn-a and for
the eorl ami elM-ne of aula and of said
Now, llieielon-, In- virtue nad in perau-
i sain uut'metti, iii-cree an-'
.aid court ..n the tint day of January 1NSM 1 ",7 J" V J"- Knieni .i.-eree in- nider of
ill favor of Uiehard Xixon . m-efver of "xj' j 1 .:!:' '"ndy. the 2.1.1 day of
the l-ortland Saving Hank pluintitT and X Jf?' ' in .;T'!' ,"t
aKMin.tl A MarMuuiu defendant, upon 'lv!j!!,,,. ,, '"'"."""!?
whirl, there is now due the Mini ofit-7; l toun, ' "- hour oi 10 o'clock
UK sold coin with interest thereon al the ',V!'i". ?" . t"?'." '.' ,",U'P aaciion tn
rate ..! ! per cent K-r annum from the Siith 'h ;"'' lor .-.., the lollowinc
day of February Ikhh, an.l the -oet or and : "'J ''lu , ir i VTI. '
UKn hi- writ cominaiidimr me to make i JUth ,:'.lf of nortliweat quarter(K)
Mr. Tni'irue never wrote a free
silver coiiiHue letter in 18!l or at Hiiy
other time ami any awteriiuiiHtliHt he
ilil are fale.
.-,Lfillr.lll..u i t i . ... '
-ituate WiuiliinBton countv Atata of I "- " t ut townehip two VJ, north
Oreifon t wit- i rri.iiww.ioi vt ill inette .Mundian
The winthw.-M .lUi.n.r ..f .li..n HI TJV ""'tainiiijr IK) acre more or la. all
K 4 V ol the Willamette Meridian eoutain-
lliif H) aerca ol Iu nd more or li-na. toirether
with all and sinirular tin. telieinentH heredi
tauienta and appiirteiiuueea thereunto be
loiiKiniror ill anywise aiertaiu!nir, now,
then-fun- hy virtue o anid execution ju.l-nn-ntorder
and divree ami ill compliance
with th- commandii of said writ. 1 will on
Mouilay the IMih ilav of April ls!M ut the
hourol luo'i-lock A .Miit the South door
of the court lioui-e in IlillalMiro ailiin
ton County, On-Kon, m il at public auction
Hiihiivt to redemption tut he hiiiheet didder
for V h irolil coin cmkIi in hand all the right
title and intcn-xt which Ihe within named
di-ttlllnnta nr .itli..i ..I',!...... l.u.l I...
. . v. ...... , i.. .... ... JI I ,!-
! date ol the mortirai.-e herein, or ainee liail.
in and to the above described real proierty
or any part thereof to sa inly wild execu
tion jiidKinent onler decree, iutcnut coats
aim an aix-ruiii)f com.
V. I. IJHAI)Klil,
Sherifl' Wahinirtoii County Oregon
llillnboro, lire. .March In, Ittn I-III.
w v i w iiw vvy viii ivj
no uiucn riTJQT DfttirLrr nnir
ajtVJtACTUW.9 Ciy ,y
fti n uiiDiurrn onne
I VUfTaiitami ff
iluate in WaabiiiKton C'ounlv On-von
o .aiisly i he liereii.iMinr. n iu-d niinii.,
and lor Iheeoaaanj rxpeiies of saiii
daid proiwrty will be sold subject to re
Irmi.ii. a as er aiaiuie ol Oregon,
W m. my hand ilil auh day of
April laj. '
W. D. I' R4. FORI,,
'.Trl ,?.' w',-, -nut.in Oountv, Oregon,
r. Uliiunin,
A iori.. . r ruiniitr. 4H-5i
Itusli Work
Mlt.ltlKF HAI.K.
.I.cn-e anil oriii r ol Mtleiwunl out o
the Cin-uit Court ol the Miaie of On-sron,
for Waxhinitton Counly in favor of Anion
Wicke ami atainat 1 1 in null il rtini h, Kr.
win hmi h, VVill l.il.t.m r. Allert lluitou.
"in niion ir. ami au.. Una. Uov. I. a
I a proMcm in moat jol oflices.
Not so with the lliLLanoao !-l:i-KNtkNT
I'rintcry. Wa liava
a lanie lorce ol men at work all
the time all I can "rtiHh" a Job
lor you without any trouble,
when you. want work dona
quickly give the IIii.lkboko Is.
dkpknusst Job Otiit a trial.
Pl.Vtl, A t'OrXT.
j iiiMiKi ur Kil ltT. OK TIIE
m.tc oi wreaon ior vtahii
niiiiin meir ifiiariluin n.l lil.-m lor the Mim on,
ot i eoeia ami to the turther mini ol !m)7,. N.ice i
!:i f froiii coin with intereat thereon at I "iK"ei ae
' the rale of H p,-ri-ent per annum fnim the ! vent debli
J-.'. lay of
! of Sin with iiitrrnl then-on at
in ti. t..uf t i r - .y. .7
i an.l Charley Ouiton. ii.imir. ,,.,1 ' ' 1. 1 ....I al,.. u i.-.. i.". . 'I.'"1."' r : .K
hnii.h their i.anii,.n ad lio n, lor the or., ...-o.veni iiel.l-
in Hereby eiven. tlmt ll.. .....l.
iKlieeoftlie nU.ve iiuio.I
. Tf i ueitioni Hun iii.i I.. ...... i .
arih 'WW and the Hirther -urn' vniun- of caid iiiMilventa i' the Cinuil
iiitrrnl then-on at the rate ot ' court of Ihe ntui- ..l i ir.... r... . .
. M t ...... i. . ... i . - . .. a;iiii,iK.
. ,1 ' " .- ii uay oi "n i-ounty. anu mat raid t rcuit court h'i.
, Mar. li ln a.ar .me f. and forlh.-,-o.l -t Mondav Um- 2lat day of Mar-li lisiL !
and ,..,-, ol ... le and of ,id rit. the Circuit conn room i HdlalaVro tc
Now, then-on- by virtue and hi , un.il- o'clock a m of aaid -lav, aa t. t,,. ....!
7? J""!'1 J'"1nei;t d.-cre.. and or.li-r o place lor heariuK .d.jr,'-tioi, to nj l" l
: -lie. I will on lay the :M day o a.-.-oiinl of wi, aaaiKJ,,., and for Tie H
March he .t , d.-uro th- Court e- ttlem. nt ol ,a,d e,tte of the la . W V
I J'"""' llilli.lH.ro Waehi.itoii county an.l Alice M. 1 ai-huin, inMJIveiit il.-blrii
: . .n o at the hour ol I . i-.clork a mo -..id , Hated at H.ll.lHr on tlZ iu I, day of
, jlav m-II at public uii.no to Ihe hiKh.-.t 1 Iccein her IW. 1 "" ul
bidder or rab th,- ollow inK di-w rilx-d . X. Harn tt. Aeeian.-e of the estate of
real pn.,H-rty . , U . K. and Alice M. Il.au. ha,,, Jlv.nf
j Ihe northct "iiartcr f the iiortheaKl ddiionc am nan, p. vrn,
, ,Uart,-rol w-tiun . vent..-n townibip two Hauley A ltrown.
out n ni.iKe one weat. A ill Mer, all iluate Attorneya for Awhile,
in M-lllliif toll I omitr Oreiron. to F
the bereinlt.tre iiA'ned ninp an J for the
c.n.,1. an.l ex-ii-r o -,e.
31 -tT
i April,
- a a
I. an i
:.trt F It. II
Auorn ji r f niifl.
i.cl to
III- .
h JOlh day
n i r ijfoiid,
...ii Cum , t
Atlminiatrstisir'a le.
' by vino, oi an ,r..-r and dc-rw o
oilntrrourl of Uuliin. ..n , ...... .
; niron. i,.le and entered u April i.
--n -. or.irr nun ..-ree aulliori
Kniina I. lU a. b .1.-. ,-n-.-.
Kiiite lielonmiiK to "aid
U aahinKioM Co. eterana.
Want()ni o.iuiy Vcteri, Aaaocia
tion will n,e. t at Heaverton on VaTft h
heina the lirel ; bun-day in the month Vhi.
,.e,.t,K for Ihe pur,HW f .,, ' '
the pla., of hldn,K U, ,. .lllluitf , ,
day. encampment and any o her b-Vi ,.
li ",r ""ciaiiuii.
- """ one aa rt.avenon l.u.
lliVff.r rf.l I.....I. i. . . 'r,"'V nil
in i , "" oi.i oidicra
ioorc me i ii tn re by the pael.
Fonut liroye, April Sth. t.
Come out
ami we
of Ihe S-tale of
, to n-ll the real
Treaatarer'a .stiet.
Thin sreb I. nretwred nn aHentUle arlnHples hr sm who ham had roaraof Bract leal
ifw, ia tanry laoodenna. It re-tores old lines and snaiBter ill n i Ln tK...
aaiurai wtntenm aad iaiparui a beautiful and butina ni. b. It la Um oalr starrb
snnfartared Ibst BerteetlT bshm. eaaUiaia aeitber snenie. slnas as- aal
For sale by all wholesaU and retail grocers.
aieiorcwb in band. ' i all L u, ul'-. IIIAT
Now. therefore. I , and after th. W. April!., .Tr' V'""'-?
Z dday of May . Iwi . pn-.-d lo oiler lor ..Hi. i ... Vh-V r-.ieein. b eat ihe
...the following ..e,,.?.. rJ'rZZ Tl.ltZZ'Z' ,".lh'
wit: riieeat half ol lb. -.,ltbeet uuiir. Inl.1 '. ,-blll-,:..n, nn.l
t-r or.xc 1 1 r A w of the W ill M .,.. d,.i "' alter th
. IH.I al II I . ... . ... . .. .
VI ,. . ". r., .ni. q I,
allium " wrea
faid kiiI. to tw for rah in band, convey
ance to b ateiM-iie of pun-ha-w-r.
MT "1"",'"ro,""''""ly of April
.... J- H. IMI.llEIIUEK.
AdminUtralor of the enlaie of Ku.ina L
llcacu docaavd. - 4
47 4
ay 01
. AI)Y.
' Tn-nnr.
m a-
- Is. , irutmanititM4