14 1 WW DON'T ItOKK ntjf JOB VKINTIXU f I Hir advertiser. I l,e 1 m-ilIKMj W 0 XoUtheavls, letterhead, Envoi t r enjoys the l.irtitst sulwrip- 0 t kii li.i of any paa-r published 0 in the coitiilv. 6 oisja, lUllhea-ia, etcrxecuUsi uu S 0 aliortnotico, at prices ornament itli goodwork. Call ami Iry uu. 4 HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRII. :.;. 1898. Vol. XXV. No. 4S -V Lif LI U GENERAL DIRECTORY. Sill t CFF1CF.UH. le.tisrnor Win. lo r-n.etary ul hum . Harrison It. Kiuoaid lie.stir-r r'b'lliB Metaebao snpl. I'ublio luatruoimo at. Irwin ( fruiter H. Lde Cba. fc. WoJverton s.ui reiw Court . . . . It. H. Ilea F. A. Moors Jti.ie fifth Distort . ...T. A. Mcbrtde Attorney Fifth District . . '!' J. Cimiuu COINIY ..tnt'Kiu. TUn. U. ToXOl'K, t. I. TONUl Nctary Public. J utl ... I41U ui.tsionere I Cixik Mi. id 1., c ,riur 1 r main r A- sar .... .v ii mii niiimriutcniiBUl Stir, evor unifier . . F. Corueiiua D. H. Iteaaoner I . U. Todd I. A. Imnile . . W 1. Hradtord K. L. MiAiraiiok ... . A. H. ady .(ieortte H. Wiloux . . . Austin Cri L. K. Wilkes C. I.. Large OIlr.UON CITY LAND OFFICE. ('tins. U. SluutHi v 11.. nai.o v . . Keiter Keoeiver CI IV OrFlCKKM. Hoard of Trustee Iteoorder ...... 1 rehaurnr klarubal Justice uf I'eHOe . .W. N. Uitrrett. Mayor . Tho. Turkaf .1. M. (Ireear W. H. Wohruiiic It. Waimener J. Caratene O. H. Wileos ..linn ion Bowman F. U. Mitchell . . .1 hoa iiheen . W. U. rinmh J. I'. Uicke I-OHT OrKH'li INFOUM VUON. Tbe u.ail clone at tbe Hillsboro Host jntuoisWeat Union. lletbau nd Oedu Mill, lit Ili'JOa. iu. .1 u..n.l. M-:Uk tn. ihmtu to for'tlttuj iinil y-ofBoe, 8:6 'Vor KuriuuiKton Hnd Unrel. Wednelayt ud NnturdayH at 1U:.ki a. m. OIlliltCH AND HtKJIKIY NU'HCEM. .Mum.iiuTliiMAI, :Hl!KOH. Boroer LMnm aud Fifth atreeta. hreaohii ,atb a.ih.K.1 at IU u'olook a. m. Hjayor niMttiiiM I'burmlBy evcuinu. r. lunUBy at p. i. All .rvlw. lion, brixli'. iiilerf'imn "' ..f.llitllV WPI OIIIB. EVAN I'. IHHiHKIi H. U. K. will l helpful Fiftb and Kir -Corner rTeiwbiuK every Hunday at II a. m.i Hunday 'hiKjl at 10 a. m, prayer ni.tnul every Wedueadny evening ..T.:.,..r. ,.,unu every Huuday eTeoini. Jl. A. Ierli, paHtor. IIKhT dbriatian t'.bnrob, K. L. Hhelley i oaator. Ieline and I bird Freaohui e,,ry rt.mdy at 11 a. m. and IM p. m. lllirmmj, n.iiv r. dty, 7rtW p. in. . . ...ii i.'ii it &. A'lklna. raator, 1M . I'VeaoliiiiK every hiibb atb oiorniii and ev .uuitf Kabt'ai u k. uooi every " ill k l.-airiia m.-ennu every Hnnday at .... . i nitina every I iiurHjK.' eveinim. lieadera" and Hteward'a inoetiiitf tbe tbird Tueaday evening of aaon lilOUtbs A. O. V. W. I 1I L8IHIUO U)DlK NO. 81. A. O. C. J L W., moeta every brat aud Mra I I l iny eveuiiiH in the n'h. JOH. KL1NEMAN, M.lw. V. H. HAUUHMAN. Iteoorder . Ilttughtrr of Kelwkah. . HILUSHOKO KEUKKAH LODOK NO. '11 M, 1. O. O. F.. uieeta in Odd tellowt' Mall every Hatiirday evmiiiiK. HAltAll WIM.IAMS, N. O. THO H. A U. TO Mi IE, aTIX )RN KYS-AT-LA W, HlL.l.HOKO, OKtOON. Omua: li ioni:i, 4, 5, Uotxan Kloek . a. BAaaaTr. u a. tbtaw H4KKFTT AIUHS T )HN K YH- AT-LA V, HlLIJilMIIM). OKKOON Ornra: Central llloea, Itoouia 8 and aiHTuH m.wiita w.u.unu Notary fnblic. HMHH HOW.HA, TTORNEYS-AT LAW. UlLLHHOItO, OKEUON. Ornoa: Uuouii 6 and 7. Morgan block . a. aaowN. BAf.l.KV k ico. a. HAUi.kY IIKOWN, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HII.I.SHOIU). OltKUON. Kealdent airunt lor K y:il luati'ani'r Co. Kooua: 1,2, and 3, Kbuie HihIIhik'. II. T. IIAfil.KV, A TTOUNKY AND CtlUNt'KLOH AT LAW. HILLHUKU OKKOOS. Deputy Di-triot Attorney fur Wabln(j 1111 tlOlllltV. UrriiB: Km in No. 13. Marirnn and HaiieHloik. JOHN T. WHALLKT. HlKINii U. aTKWABT, WHALLLY & STF. W AKT. TTORNEYS-AT-LAW , I'OKTI.AXD OliKUCX. Or nit: 415 CIiuiiiUt of Conuiicrfc. S. T. LINKLATCK, M. II. I'. . pHYWICIAN ANDHUHOKON HlLLHllOUO, OKr GON. Ornoa: at reaidenoe, eaat of Honae, where he will be tonud at all when not viitin patienta. ton ri rutuia J. P. TAMIKS1K, M. g P. K. K. SUUOEON, UlliliHrMJUO, UKEUUH, Ornoa and Kbmidmioi : oorner Tbird aud Main rJtreeta. Otnoe honra, J0 to 12 n.. 1 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. ni. leleuhuue to reaidenoe from Urook t nela urnvHtore ai all boara. All oalla promptly attended. uubt or day. W. I). WOOII, M. !., piIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, HILLS BOKO, OKF.OON. Orvioa: In Chenette Knw. Katmaac oorner Firat and Main atreeta. r. of II. I I lLI.HIHIHO OKASdK, NO. 7, nteeU I 1 'Jnd and 41b HHlurdayaof eaoh niontn. liaMj. ScHoriaLO, MaaMr, Aaaia lunula, Heo. I. . . . a UN I K.I M A LOIHiK. NO. 60. meeU .1 Wedneaday evenitiirHBt Bo'olook.in l.O. F. Hull. Viaitora made wcnnne KK5I1AUI) IIKM1SH. N. H 1. M. !. (iAUi.T, b-o'y. t . V. K. MKK'l'S very Holiday evening at 7 o'olook ,n m. litinatian ohnrob. Von are iMinlially invited to atteiidita meetinge. KIA A HAMS, Free't. Hi eri-e of llonot. mV. IIF.UKKK I'F IIOOK. A. w. u. W'.. II. eel. :n (M l f elloxa naueieri brat nd Ihud r rl.lav v nin "i e. in.inih. M. M. ri-tenner, C f H. Mn. H-l.e Urn", Ke order. '1 KiitliliiMK' Siolera. iilliKNUIA TFMI'I.K NO. 10. K. H.. i-ry Jinl Him in rriuay ineacii uVlnrk n I. O. O. It. Hi'l. M.a A M fur. le Joie Sehilliiiei-:cli M. K. C. M. ol K. ami t'. ei i until a) I 1KFAIX k. or r. LODOK, SO. :4, K. )K V., uieeta ill i4 M11' ttaii on oionuiiy veumu of eaob week. Sojonrniim nretnreo eloouied to lotle niei-tnitia. K. Ke'ao O II li:lt.', k ol I! .V 0 A. V. anil A. M. riM tl.l I V LODOK NO. II, A. F. A A. M I nieeta every Saturday night on or after oil moon f eaoh in.uitli. W. 1 1. WH)1, W. V li. I'liiim.i, Mwretary. II. K. H. f pi' Al. ATI S t'M V I'T Kit, SO.Sl.O. K.8., I meeta nt Mawiile Temple on the Snd and 4th Tuesday ea h month. Mrh. V. D. HAKK, W. C. IlkK'l faoaaiTE. Hmvetary. W. ('. T. t'. nll.LMHOKO, W.V. T. I'. MEETS IN Hie .'ong'Kailoniii 1'hnreb on the ,iu Friday in each month at S o'clock P. M . k. o. r. m. r hil.A TKN r, NO. la, k. fHLA T KN r, NO. 1. r. o. I. mewl in Odd Kelluwa' Hall, on eee- and f.mrili riiura.lny evening of earn month. l',',,. Huston Unwma, t'om. K. K. w r tsillNtJION FNt'A M I'M ENT No. SM, I. O. O, F. . meet on bn.l 1 0' -iIhv of each month. D. M. C liri, rVnlie. KASvm rosr, so. , . a. r. KKTM IS ODD FKI LOW! HAl.l.OX 11 tin hrt and tlurd Si turdaya of faeh month. at2:i o'rux k, I". M. J. f. II ;rk. K. fiandall f Ailiniaot r. A. ItAILET, X. I. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND 1 ACCOUCHEUR. HILLHHOKO. OHEOON. Orrioa; in Pharmacy, Union llloek. Calla attended to, nigbt or day. Keaidenoe, M. W. i)or. Kaae Line and Heoond atreeta, A. K. HAI1.EV, D. D. N. JJENTIST, Uil.I.rlHOKO, OKKUON, It.inmi I and 2, Moraian it Itniley lllo. k. lae level ie lae liiaaeat areee aekiaw aeaier kaae a. Actael tea ta ehia It faea e Um4 fertker tkwa aay ether brewe. &Aii,.l0 POWDER Absolutely Pur At HArf! POWDTkr et., NFWVtXM. I.WITATIOS EXTESOEII. TIih Ri-putilican Cfiilral Ciiiuiuiltfe if (iillmiii tiiunty iniueti nil luvitalitin to Hie ilt'iniH-rnliu citizi-riM or that I'ounty l Join the rulilit'itn party " I'o ihiiHe JiciiKHTittiu citizen of Gilliam county, Oregon, whoHe $10 yearlini;- art; now worth 120, and vhiwe $1 rilieep are Dour worth II; a lione) fid hurseM are now worth wlut now t more t'2) piecw iu circulation limn formerly $1 ailver ijoct-; who Udieve that republican iiroiixTity in worth tKiinethinyr to them; who feel that the republican u iit their eaune; wlio do not be' lieve iu free Bilver except by Inter national agreement; who believe In quit agitating" and in letting well enough alone; efwially to choo who believe in a tariff in wool and thoae honest noney iloiiKM-ra'a of Gilliam county, who Hi nee (union have no political iiome or party, and to whotu the Hulistic teat ia distasteful: There waa an invitation made at the Republican County Convention in aucuH at Condon April 6th, ektend inir to you an earnest invitation and rendering you a warm welcome with j an a party home. Home have al ready Joined with us. There are natiy others who would like to; who know that time have changed, and who in other words brlievt in the nedicine that cures. You, too, will e welcome, Jrteud your name to the Chairman of the Republican County C-entral Committee, and bentify yourself with and help the party that helps you. V. W. HtF.I WF.R, Chairman Repubiicau Central Com. mittee of Gilliam County, Oregon. By II. H. Hendricks, Hec. ( . E. NK.K.FK, HOMEOPATHIC 11 IMIY.SICAN and SURGEON. ! tuentr FOUKST tiKOVK oKKtiOX. Mpeiinl nttention i.aid to M.-.li.ul and 4uriiiil Diseases of Womrti ami I hililrvu and all clironii' disease. Otlliee and resi.lenee. HnwILy house, I'auitic ave., weal of Forest tirove hotel. THUS. II. lll.rilKEVH. ( K)NVEYANCING AND ABSTRACTING OK TITEKX. H1LI.HHOKO. OltKUON. Legal paara drawn and Loana on Ilea riatate negotiate Knaineaa attended to with promptneaa and dispaoth Orriri Man Street, nppoaite t'onrt Honae. R. MXOS, JJENTIST, FOl'.KSf OIK IV K, OKKOON It now making teeth for t.VOO and 7.SH per act i neat of material anil wni manauif Will eoropare witb aeta ooatmg S2A. I extraoted witbnnt pain. Fillinga at Teeth tbe lowest nrioea. Ail work warranted Orrira : three doors north of Brirk store. OfHoe honra from t a. ni. to 4 p. m. OI K rO.MdiKKNNVEK. Mr Tongue deserved the compli ment of renomination liecauae he has gone through the ordeal of the first term successfully and accomplished II that was ixiMsible. He ia poss- ssed of uncommon enery and with he experience gained in the present congress will he even more useful in he next. It is only fair treatment o give a congressman the power to serve us well by allowing him the opportunity to iln si, If he provta to la- influential and aucceeds in doing good work for the state, he acquires more InHuiiiiv and leciiii"B more valuable as he gain exierience. The man who can lie at home in Washington among statesmen and is Hiked to as retained there because he has tbe confidence of his consti- iMatsesscs far more influence in ail matters ul interest than one who is untried, unknown and has no such Indorsements, Cortland Tribune. That the Ditigley law is working i" the ailvHiitage of the farmers in I...- r duct ion of importation of the class of articles which they produce, as well as the increased prices which they obtain through increased de nial, il fur their products, is shown by the litctthrtt the importation of arti cles ,,f fiM il ui d live animals in lb, month f January 1V.IH, under the Diimley law was more than J.ihio. (Mm s.s thin in the corresponding month of (lie preceding year under the Wilson Uw, la-lug alaiut twelve and a i i.trler million dollars iu Jaliuaiy of the present year agaiuat about tl.'tiTti and a hall million in January of last year under the Wil son law. FOR SOUND MONEY pZ'XXZz THE TWO PROPOSALS Platform Adopted by Repub lican Conccntion. THE 10M.RE.NM0VIL FLAIIOKJI Plat fur ui fur Ktiuud Money and Eudoraea Prrsldeut Mckinley' ('baa Policy. The Republican Stale Convention in session at Astoria, April Hit' adopted the following platform : "We, the republican voters of the tale of Oregon, in convention assem bled, congratulate the people of the state as well as of the whole nation on the unmistakable fact that the dark cloud of adversity, which has hung like a pall over our fair land, has been dissipated. We recognize that the return of prosperitj is du to the restoration of the republican party to gwer. "We are in favor of the mainte nance of the present gold standard; we are unqualifiedly opposed to the free coinage of silver and to all other schemes look lug to the debasement of tbe currency and the repudiation of debt. We believe that the best money in the world ia none too good to be assured by the government to the laborer as the fruit of his toil aiul to the farmer as the price of his crop. We condemn ine continued agitation for free silver as calculated to jeopardize the prosjicrity of the country aud to shake the confiilcnci of the people in the maintenance of a wlae financial policy; we particularly condemn as unpatriotic, the effort of the free-silver agitator to array class against class and section again! section; we declare that the interests of all classes and of ail sections of our country alike demand a uiul and table financial system. "While we deplore the imminence; of war, we recognize that the country folio ill if fai'ls an. I nrin,-i.,la- "Firsi W. artjrui nil, ,,,,. i! ui- i.at,o,,.,i rt.pU,,lrilll pi-tfoiui, Cuban Resolutions Adopted sdop.ed at St. Louis, l0 June, . j h hha HAaQ . .T ".Stytimil U iiWUr. ...ip -a..rt V MVMUU kji iiait; dene in the present administration at Washington, and TH'iMlly iu the wisdom of President McKinley in dealing with the Cuban and other international questions: "Third We declare our approval of the course of the Oregon delega lion iu congress In securing appro, print ions for carrying on internal improvemei ts; and es-cia!ly do we commend the labor of Hon. Thomas II. Tongue and his colleagues iu securing the continuance of the work if improving 'nquiiia hat bur, the construction of the locks in the Yam- hill river, the luiiirovemnt of tin. Upiax Willamette, aud looking to the further improvement of Coos bay, Coquille, Tillamook, 8luaaw and other Oregon harlairs; the purchase by the government of the lock a at Oregon City, securing litieral pen sions for the soldiers of the late war furthering the measure to reimburse the Indian war veterans for their losses in laying the foundations of the commonwealth, and granting them pensions, and, generally, their faithful luUirs in promoting the best nterests of the a-ope if thia district anil of the state and nation at large. HAWAII AXP I'l'HV l I I'll ( 1' LTV ABOl'T CIB1' WAR pula aiaat glye up ( abaar Eight the l alted Male, Ut Either Plau be Adopted, There is disagreeuient lietween the Senate and the House in mat ters of legisUt ion so tha the difference on the Cuban policy though unfort unate is not surprising. The Seuate resolution which passed that body last Saturday evening by a vote of 67 to '21 is iu these words. pw of securing permanent pea order there, and establishing tree action or the people there ol a stable and independent government of their own in the island of Cubs; aud the president is hereby authoriz ed aud empowered to use the laud and naval forces of the United States to execute the purposes of this resolution. CURRENT HAPPEXIXGS Items of Interest From All Parte of the State. INCREASE l THE URt TLATIOX. The claim of the advocates of free coinage that there could la no ma terial additions to the circulating medium of the country without the free and unlimited coinage of silver shows up in poor light in view of the fact that the money in circulation, as showu by the official figure) of the treasury department, has increase" i t246,3:to,44.' iu the twenty one Whereas, The abhorreat conditions i months since the adoption of the In time of war Hawaii cojlj not be lictrhsMed. It Ilea half here-als.uts, between the coast of Unitisl Slates ami the I'nilippine islands. In the event of (JiatHrbance la-tween the United S' ate anil any foreign power, Kuroixnii or Asiatic. t would lea colgne of vantage that might determine the result of a (lis pu'e, In tim of peace Haw di !a the haif-way slalioii of American and Asiatic com mi rce, Tu own it and to mtrol the Nli'aragu.i canal and the two prop, si l ions ought to be iusp- ia on the eve of a war, undertaken , arable Is to unite lath our Atlantic for the vindication of 'he national ! ami Pacific ports wlih n'l the ilesira- honor and the performance of a work dictated by every instinct of human ity; we declare that the administra tion la entitled iu this conflict to the confidence and support of the entire people. "We are firmly attached to the principles of the federal constitution; we recognize that representative gov ernment ia one of these primtiplen,, and we are opiamed to any change ia law or constitution which will thU. time-honored prin-J abrogate ciple. "Weare in favor of retrenchment and reform in state and county matters. "We demand strict economy iu lublic affairs, and the abolition of all needless offices and commissions. "The salmon fishing industry, so blc trade of i he globe. Hawaii, like Cuba, Is in the s( lit re of UmtMl Srates influence. Hawaii can be oits wiihout .ur chase and wiihout coiiipiest, . iniKe iiiajority of all its inhabitants, live and adopted, desire annexation. I'he intelligent, merchaotile, anil pro gressive ieopp of Hawaii, almost without exception, are anxious for annexation. Hut for the sudden in trusion of the Cuban qoeation,that outlaws)! would qav been upper moat in the preset.! session of Con gress. Now that Cuba has come to the front, Hawaii attains really more importance than ever, though in some sense it becomes a corollarv; for if wi are to right Spain we ought to have a rendezvous in the Pacific whence we cm move against the fleets of Spain, which have existed for more than three years Iu the island of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral sense of the pooole of the Uuited Stale-; have been a disgrace to Christian civilization, culminating as they have iu the destruction of a United Slates battle ship, with Job' of its officers and crew, while ou a friendly visit in the hnrbor of Hav ana, and cannot longer be endured, as has l"en set forth by the president of the United States In his message to congress of April 11, 1898, upon which the action of congress was in vited, therefore lie it Chicago platform. The figures of the treasury department show the money circulation on July 1, 18!t!, to have beeu l,60H,725,2iK), and Ibe same official statement shows the money in circulation on April 1 ls'.tH. as l,7.)ti,li.)8,t)4 ). Tins la an average gain of $1 1,7.I0,0IM) per mouth or an average of fottl.OtMl tier day, o 16,2!H) per hour, or per minute. Think of it! During waking and sleeping hours, the money of the cauntry since that remarable declara tiou made at Chicago, twenty-one month ago, has gone on steadily increasing at the rate of 10,2!H per Resolved. Ilv th, smiimIm mil honau hour, making a total gain in that of representatives of the United States ! tim of nearly i'il,tHM),tMKl, and all of America, in congress assembled; that without the free ami unlimited CONSUL GENERAL FITZ-HUGH LEE Fiti-Hogh Lee, tbe abla consul general of the United State at Havana, it grandson of "Light Horse Harry" Lee and a nephew of General Robert E. law. Hs 1 63 years old aud was a gallant mil.litr ou tbe Confederate aide dur ing tbe war. IQ msj he was governor of Virginia. Hi oourse at Havana baa been pleasing to men of all political parties. Everybody Bays do. Caacaret Candy Cathartic, the most won. cerftil medical diacox erv of tl.e aire, p eas ant and retrealnng to Ibe taste, act gently and positively on ki.lneva. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire siatim. diil mills, pure hea.laohe, fever, haliiimil i nnsttnation and biliousness, ea buy and try a boa of V.. C C to-dv ; 10, i Mi renta. Mold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Dcikinir foclct l,F. KAM)K'lRP!4 U. 47. W R. C t!KK.r IN ODD FELLOWS HALL! it 1 Hii.alsoo, on i be 1st. tn.l !td. Fridays . o .4 , I II V. Ostna. , H.'cri4r. ( M TNI aiCOftD SHOW CURES OF Rheumatism J$ V TM ist dT aTT. JACOBS Oik Or CHSJOMie CajlPt.t AN OV CD-MlDOCa mrukaaajaTowv casta. TMcnt a no Dtaiyino, it CURES. lihcMiiiatlsni ( arfd. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain llil in for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheuma tism aud other household use for which we have found it valuable, W. J.Cuyler, Ite.l Creek, X. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading men hunts .f this villnge and one of the ino-t proniinent men In this v le nity. W. t. Phippin Elltor Red nounced as dangerous and unfit to ls Creek Herald. For sale by the Delta Intrusted w ith isiwer: we dis lare Drug Store. that good government cannot mm from such an alliance. ('gresslonal Platform. fruitful a rource of revenue to tut an I where our Hying siuadrons can state, should be fostered, and to that rally f r attack upon Spanish vessels end we favor stale aid In the artificial i or for defence of our coasts, as occa- propagatlon of salmon, and their dis- sion may demand tribution in the waters of this state. "We reaffirm our allegiance to the principles of the republican party of ' T . l . : . ...... n . 1. .. nnl. j I is a ciri uiiisiauij .rut that the possibility or probability of the United States, as enunciati d by the republican convention in St. Louis in lsyti. We denounce the fusion party iu Oregon as an aggregation of spoils, men, who are ready to sulsirdinste principles to office. Etch of the parties to thia compact is u illitig to stultify itself anil form alliances with elements which it has heretofore de- war dtsH not cool the ardor of Han ail for annexation. Its peopl are an xious to be united to us in peace or in war. Such a desi re expressed in trying times is a pledge of their fit ness for adoption Into the family of the greatest of all repu hi i. Inter Ocean. Mr. Tongue has made showing of accomplished results not equalled by any other congressmen Oregon ever sent to Washington, during the same number of months at the be ginning of his term.- Sslem States man. Senator Mills, of Texas, says the The following is the conkTeisinnal programme of the silver men means THE BATTLESHIP OREGON. The Oregon il 848 feet long aad baa displacement of 10,288 tons. Sbe oost S, 180,000 and steams 15 knots aa hour. Her crew constats of 424 men. Fonr 18 inoh. eight 8 inch, fonr S inch aad 80 saualler gnus compose bar armament i lie cm ataive represenia me i onic amp as si.e appears stripped lor her long cruise from the Pacific to theAtlantic or f r battle should a foe Is? met. - The Oregon is probably by tins tune teaming up the Atlantic Coast past MonUvlileo. . .- . . . platform adopted at Eugene, April II, IWS: j "We, th republicans of the first congressional district of Oregon, by silver monometallism. That is so clear that it is amazing any party should attempt to deny the fact.--St. Louis Globe Democrat. First.That the ieople of the Island of Cuba are, and of right ought to he.free and that the government of the United States hereby recognises the republic of Cuba as the true and law ful government of that island. Second, That it Is the duty of the United States to demand, and the government of the United States disss hereby demand, that the government ofSpain at mice relinquish its au thority and government in the island af Cuba, aud withdraw Its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. Third, That the president of the United States lie, and he is hereby directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United Slates, and to call into the actual service ot the Uuited States the militia of the several atates to such extent as maj he necessary to to carry these resolutions into effect Fourth. That the United States hereby disclaims any dissisition or intention to exercise sovereignty, urisdictian or control over said island, except for the pacification thereof; und asserts ita determina tion, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people. The house resolution adopted a a few days before by a vote of Ji'2'2 to read.-: Wherers, the govf rnipent of Spain for three years past has been waging war on tbe island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabitants thereof without making any substantial pro gress toward the suppression of said revolution, and has conducted the warfare in a munner contrary to the laws of nations, by methods inhuman and uncivilized, causing ihedenth by tsrvation of more than 2M),XH) in nocent noncombatants, the victims being for the most part helpless wom en and children, inflicting intolera ble injury to th commercial Interests of the Uuited States, involving the destruction of the lives and property of many of our citizens, entailing the expenditure of millions of dollars in patrolling our coast and policing the high sea in order to maintain our neutrality; and Whereas, This long series of losses, injuries and burdens for which Spain Is responsible has culminated In the destruction of the I nited States hattle-shlp Maine in the harbor of Havana, and in the death of 26U of our seamen; therefore be It Resolved, That the president is hereby authorized am1 directed to Intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba, to the end and with the pur- coinage of ailver. The Increase In gold alone amounts to nearly 9130, H)0,000. The following are the of ficial figures showing the money in circulation July 1, lS'.ltf, compared with April I, 18!)H. Money in circulation in Uuited Stab's April 1, 189S, compared with July 1, 1896 (month of Bryan's nom ination); from Treasury statements: April 1, lt. July 1, 1M. tioiu ooiii S.W.i-ji.i t'J htandurd ail dots, ;"is,,?,.'i!i7 huhsidiary silver id.'US.sii' :m,.'ilu.l:M .ts7,77il,s;is !.7!,i:ft! i7,:n.',.7 I7.!J ,uou Hold oitin. iili s Silver eertilicatoa Treusury notes . C 8. notes Currency cert. ft-ai.l&MH,'! W.l.ii.tKis Kt.M.I sn.'i 42 :IJO,7 HHI,Si!l,.VKI ,Jl7..il '.''J"i,4."il,fts ;I1,S4,10 2iraii.!7 Nat I Hank notes 2-'l,74-',.Vit) Totals I.".l,a. l5 tt.M.l.TSW Gam, 'l inuiillia IJHi.SIH 4I.' LAMIKIM WKj( Al There can be no perfect union of the bimetallists of the county on tbe plat form adopted by the fusion conven tion in this city. It is natural to suppose that - the platform emanated from the na ional committee from the fact that it is announced that that committee proposes to manage the present campaign. If this is the fact, the sooner the democrats dis solve themselves from this alliance the belter will be their condition to enter the next presidential contest. Of the 6i00,UiK) votes cast for W.J. Bryan, 5,000,000 w- r' dem s-nts and of these not one-fl fth would vote for him on this platform. There aieten thousand democrits in Oregon to day that are not going to indorse that platform even though they httve to sacrifice their loyally to free silver. Free coinage of silvi r dm-s not carry with it flat money und government paternalism, and it takes no great intellect to understand thai fut paper money will drive out of circulation both gold and silver ami leave paper as the currency of the country. In place of being a mean to re-establish the legal .status of silver, it would prove it is-rmanent retirement and ties! ruction. Xo doubt the Oregon platform was suggested so as to catch populist votes, the democrats not be ing considered in the matter any more than they were in the distribu tion of the tiffins. There can be no fellowship on these terms. It is said that this union was formed for the pursse of giving the free silver re publicans and populists an oppor tunity to slip into the democratic party. It looks, however, as if the democracts and free silver republi cans got on a greased plank landrd in the populist camp. It will not win. Portland Dispatch (Itcmo-cratic I. II. Tafle and S-ufcrt Bros, have started their wheels at tVlilo, but as yet are making light catches. Few salmon have come into the river yet, since no catches of importance) are reported either ou theupK'r or lower river. A drive of 800,000 feet of saw lues from Mohawk has arrived at the mill at Coburg, in Lane county, and the mill is running in full force. By the time these logs s. re used it is exat'ted to have another log drive down from the Upper McKenzie. The Ashland mine stamp -lill, which has been umlerguin u thorough overhauling from one to the other, has started upon ore from the Ashland, and it is the inten tion to keep it hammering away '2i hours in the day from this time ou. A. J. Teuipleton, deputy assessor of Linn county, was held up by a hignwaymau near Brownsville the other night. The robber thrust a shotgun under Air. Temple tou's nose aud told him to throw up his bauds. After getting passesslon of the tie put assessor's purse, which con tained.!,'), the robber went his way. The present spring has been a very favoruble one for the sheep interests of Lincoln county. Lambing is iu progress and the reports are that a great srcentage of the lambs sur vived, owing to the absence of the usual cold spring rains. The flock of sheep and goats in Lincoln county are rapidly increasing, and will soon be a source of wealth to the people of the county. James Fits-twins!, a stock raiser on upper Burnt river, in Baker county, says that all sorts of stock, iu his sec tion passed through last winter in good hha The range grass is now springing up rapidly and stock on the rauge is doing finely. A siinil.tr report of the thrifty condition of stock in the Big creek and Powder rivr sections is iriven bv (i.nrc-o Wright, of Big creek. Cheese manufactured at the agri cultural college dairy Is now on sale in Corvallis. Kxierts say it is equal to the product of the la-st cheese fac tories of the East or California. The cheese was manufactured under the direction of Professor Kent by the students in the regular agricultural course. The product now on sale was turned out early in February. - Cheese is made each Saturday at the college the present term, ami all stu- leu Is In their second year are re- luired to take turns in the practical work. Much uneasiness Is felt in Detroit, Marion county, over the continued alisence of James Coyne, who is sup- osed to have left F'ossil, In Gilliam county, for Detroit alsiut four weeks ago, to make the journey over the mountains. Nothing has lieen heart! from him since that time, aud it is fe red he inay have perished in the Mountains east, as there was a severe snow storm raging about the time he was to have reached his lamilv. Mrs. Coyne is the woman whose home was recently burned ant! who so bravely rescued her children from the burning building when the roof was almost ready to collapse. During the past week, J. E. Rey nolds, of Lincoln, Neb, has purchas ed over fiOO, head of cattle in Fossil and vicinity, the price being t'2it, 2't and fiO for steers, IJfi for cows and cm Les, 2f for dry cows anil 15 for yearling heiters. K. P. Weir is still buying for Mr. Reynolds ami expects to get a total number of more than lnoo heatl in this county before tiiiu of delivery between the first ami middle of May. Atnonir those in tliis vicinity who sold were W. S. I homfwon, 45 heatl, C. Xadiary C. Htrnard 65, W. W. Stelwer li:, A Rmnl 102, J. King 10, Mrs. En yari !, P. E. MeXJuin il, X. D. Caven, 8, E. J. Tipley 25, Ed, Lee, 70, F. miox zz, r.. Horn 4 i, S. Dement lo C. Prindle 25, D. Hamilton 8, W, J. Edwards CO, E. Stinchflehl 41, E. P. Weir l 'J. Purchases were also mailt from Messrs. Giblsms, Gn iner ami lUvenport of Mayville. Mr. !y nolds left on Thursday for Yakima, and from there will go to purchase cattle in the Dig Bend. He will ship thecattle to Nebraska, where he owns a big ranch, on which he will pas ture them a while before turning them off. Fossil Gilliam Co. Journal. I was reading an advertisement r.f Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, ar.t Diarrhfa Iiemedy in the Wores,t Enterprise recently, which leads m to write this. I can truthfully my I never used any remedy etpml to it for colic and diarrhts-a. I have never had to use more than one or and i two doses to curs the worst en-as witb my If or children. W. A. Strom I, Popomokellty, Md. (kjiu Drug Store. For sale by I ha I I leelli 'J. (.'tan. 11.,