Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 25, 1898, Image 2

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aiww-rad la U posUXTIe at HllUboro, llrisjeu
M Mi4-cl tuf.
-ajtswrlpUtm, La tdvtAe, watytar
U.M.C.U1U1.T, dlU
titrniAL r Aft nor rum vir
lil l lBLK AS HTATK t OX Vt.MIO.
A republican convention for the
state of Oregon U hereby called lu
meet In the city of Astoria on Thurs
lay, Aril 14, Ih'.tH, at the hour .f
II oVIock a.m., for the purpose f
iioiuitmtintc candidates for state ttii'l
district oBli", except congressnm.,
and to transact such other business s
may properly come licfore mhII coi -ventioi).
The convention will col
hint of M.I delegates, apportioned
among the several louoties of the
state as follows:
JJaker fi Ijoo 12
IJ.'iit.m 7 Linn 2
( la. kamas .p Lincoln t
ClalHop 10 Malheur 3
Columbia C Marion 2D
Cons 7 Morrow 4
Crook 4 Mu!!cr;:r.ar .... :.;..
Curry 3 Polk 8
l)ou"la 11 Sherman 3
(illiain 4 Tillamook
(Irant 6 Uuiatllla II
Harney 3 Union
Jackson 8 Wallowa 3
Josephine fi Wam 1')
Klamath s! WashinKton 12
Uke 3 Yamhill 10
The Haine being one delegate a"
largo lor each county and one dele,
gate for each 200 votea and fractiot
thereof of o0 votes or over an east for
Win. McKIuley at the presidential
election held in November, 181MJ.
The committee, recomii ends that
the. primeries be held on Saturday,
April 2d, and the county convention
on Wedncttday, April 6, '98, unless
otherwise ordered by the several
county eotiimitteett.
Hor. II iiou'ti, Chairman.
O. N. Denny, Hecretary.
Portland,; Feb. 2, 1S9H.
Vt.Vl'IO r'OK THE r'lWT
A republican convention for the
tlr-it congreiiNional district of Oregon
in hereby culled to meet in the city
of Kugene on Monday, April II, 1H!H
at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m. for
IhedurpoHOof nominating a candi-
ilate (or congrifm for the tirst con-
greMKional dlMtrict of oregon, and to
transact such other business) as may
properly come up before aald convee-
tion. The convention wilt consist of
loll delegitte.4 appointed among the
several counties of the first district as
follows :
Hen tun 7 I Clackamus l.'i
Coos 7 Cury
louifliiH 11 I Jackson 8
Josephine 6 Kalamath 4
lake 3 Lincoln 3
Lane 12 Linn 12
Marion 20 Polk 8
Tillamook 5 Washington. ...12
Yamhill 10
The same Iteing one delegate at
large for each county and one dele
gate for each 2(H) votes and fraction
thereof of fill or over, as cast for Win.
McKIuley at the presidential election
held iu November, lHDti.
The committee recomends that the
primaries: Ui held on Katnrday, April
.'I, and the county convention on
cnies.iay, April u, inwi, unuw
otherwise ordered by the several
county committees.
J. A. Wilson, 1 hairman.
IlKl'l III.ICAM I'Ol'XTY ( 0Vi:TI0.
A republican convention for the
county of Washington Is called to
meet in the city of llillstKiro, Ore-
gon, on Wednesday the f(h day of
April, IKUS, at 1 1 o'clock a. m., for
l ho purpose ol electing twelve dele
gates to attend the flrst congressional
convention to U held at Kugene,
Oregon, on Monday April 11th, IS'.l.S,
and twelve delegates to attend the
state republican convention, to lie
held at Astoria, Oregon, on Thurs
day April 14th, ISilS, and to transact
such other business an may properly
come la-fore the convention. The
t-onventioii will be composed of 12.'
delegates chosen from the several
precinct, as follows towit:
Ilea verdant l
Itcavcrtou 8
1 lu x Ion 3
Columbia Ii
Cornelius 7
Ihlley 4
I'-sst Unite 7
N. Ilillsboro
N. Forest Urove..8
Itcedville 4
S. Forest Orovc.7
S. Ilillslsiro 7
M. Tualatin (
West Hutte
W. IVdar Creek ..7
I ;, ( tslsr I'rev k. 7 I Washington
(lilies t'n-ek 6 apato .
The HHiiie being one delegate at
large for each precinct and one dele-
gale for every 20 votes, and one for
evcrv fraction of 10 and over thereof
ca.-t for Wm. McKlnley at the Nov.
ciiiticr election, IS'.td.
Primaries to Ih held In the several
precinct on Saturday, April 2nd, at
I o'clock p. in.
C. K. m-ichman, W. 1. Wmn,
Stsretarv. Chairman.
The opposition to the republican
parly, the free silver phalanxers arc
going to fiir.e. Nome of the populist.
are hanging off, but the leaders at
lea.-t will come in. licpuhlicans and
sound money advocates might as
well recognise the fusion. It Is the
present currency or a debased one.
The fusiotilsts think they are in the
inspirit)' ami that they will tin,
hence they will gel the suffrage of all
wavering votes that want to be on
the winning side. There is not
much principal ith Ihcui. J
A'.4.V lESKi:'ES I'VMSIl
flKST. The Gmlings of the naval lsrd of
inquiry of the M tine disaster have
been madtf up and reorled. liy
this time the IVpnrlro-nt In Ws-b-ing'on
is in MMsoion of the r'jsrt
though it Is not probable that th
country will have it lief. ire Monday
ir Tuesday next. However It is the
'eneral liiinrerM thxt ttie IViard hs
found that our ship and our sailor
ere blown up by the Spaniards
with a mine or a t"rjcdo planted in
the harbor of Havana by the Spanish
overnnient. The mine may hue
heen exphsh-d by an ili-di vidu il IhiI
ur shijai was anchis-d over the dsi
gi-rby the anihoritiij. The Spai.ih
Oovc Tiiiiifiil contributed to this
The I.NliKJ'ENOKXT has ts-en and
is for peace, but there condition-.
Spain has la-en coming to us with a
kiss on her lips and a stiletto unh r
her mantle. She imprisons our citi
Z'-ns and then murders them. She
confiscates our oroiieriy. She blows
up f;ur war il.ips.' "A tiioney iuilein-
uity is not a suhVient tsind to re
train her from commiting the out
ragist tbst hs dfiigutcd !.." for air-s.
Sjiain must be punished until sh'
will lie glad to deal justly wilh her
sul'jifls and with us.
The United States, then, should
without hesitation humiliate Sptiu
either by war or by driving her tUg
from the Wet Indies. This is not n
case for arbitration. France, nor
Italy, nor Austria, nor (iermany nor
all together should lie permitted I.
investigate the cause of the Maine ex
plosion or to arbitrate our quarrel
with Spain. Ourolll 'ers hive dune
that. IjCt them lie sustained. We
cannot vacilliale and retain the res
pect of mankind. ISccause a nation
is small and weak she must not Is
permitted to terrorize .is. There an
times when it is cowardice for a
strong manor nation to submit to the
arrogance of a weakling. The United
States will sutler by war, but we
will rid ourselves of a troublesome
neighlsir. Spain deserves punish
The Argus last week apologises in
a way for its uncalled for attack on
Congrssman Tongue and eases his
conscience by saying It is not Tongue
citizen, that he Httacks but
Tongue politician. Now neither the
Argus nor the Corvallis Times nor
any other paper lias more right to
attack a man in his political life than
in his private capacity, and least ol
all is he justified in misquoting or
distorting the utterances of an oppo
nent. The J ndki'KN iiknt had
thought that a simple contradiction
thai .Mr. tongue nail even heiit or
advocated tree silver coinage would
be sufficient but it seems that a de
tailed denial must he made, so the
sMiner it is d( ne and out of the wav
the better. It is test to take them
in order so the Corvallis Times shall
la first. In its issue of February 2d.
the following editorial paragraph
appeared :
'Congressman Tongue for the gold
standard, violently, radically for th
gold standard. Hear him in fil
iate HiKS-ch: 'Payment of the twind
in anything but gold would commit
the great fanning classes of the Un
ited IStates to sell the nation, to sell
the national honor, stain the nations
name, brand upon the fair brow of
the American republic the words re
pudiation and dishonesty. It would
commit the county to the tlnam-ia
policy of semi barbarous nations., '
llie "late speech" relerrol to is
evidently Tongue's speech in the
House of Itepresentatives in oposi
tion to the Teller resnlutirin. To any
one who has read that speech, it is
not necessary to say that the fore-
gmng paragraphs purporting to la a
puliation from It, Incluilisl In quo
tation marks and ascrilssl to Con
gressman Tongue is an undisguised
forgery. No such words or senti
ments are contained in the sp-ech
I'ongiie never used the language at
tribuied to him, either in that speech,
or any other that he ever made. On
the contrary the sentiment and ex
pression to which he did give utter
ance were absolutely opposite to
thoseat.ri tu led to hitn.
In tne tirst portion of his speech
he uses the following language:
"Mr. Spe aker, The resolution we
are now considering contains two
dirlaratlolis. The tirst part is a
statement 'that all the honds of Un
united States ts-aied under the said
acts of iHingress hereiiila-fore recited
are payable, principal and interest al
the option of the government of tin
United States in silver dollars of the
ivinag.' of the United Stales coiitain
"mit 1 1-1 grains each of standard sil
ver This is simply a statement of ex
isting laws. It neither makes,
amends, nor changes a single line or
provision of any siatuteof the United
State. Why is this part of the reso
lution offered? Under present laws
the silver dollars of the United Mates
are a legal lender for the payment of
every Ismd the (1 iveriliiient ever Is
sued. No one dispute that. If
they were not, the passage of this re
solution would not make them so.
Iteing a legal tender, the defeat of
this resolution will not deprive ihcni
of that quality. While, if standing
alone it would do no harm, what i
the requirement for the pa-wage of
ihi part of tile resolution?"
"Under these lavs the inler-
il iimiii the bonds Is Is'in.piel In
silver, in gold, in silver cert I ties tes.
in gretuliaiks, in 'lrensury notes.
The interest on the bonds is ts-ii.g
st id in the same money that is w !
to the pensioner, the Utsirer, the
grocer, the poor and the rich. It is
no detriment to the bondholder. It
would tie no profi to the government
to iwy in one coin mouey rtther
than another. Under the present
lavisand polit ies of the I'imNsI States
there Is now no dear, no cheap, lol
lar. The silver l itl.irs are now as
vslusl.le tn the uoverunieiit and in
themjrkeu of the yrnrlu as the gold
dollar. Tie y go as far in ibe pay-
meiit of obligations and salsri-s, ttie
I urehase of supp ies, and the con
iructioii of pulilic iiiiprovinent.s.
No one obj.-cts to them, no one re
fuses them, and no one li-s riinit't-.te
hum ins; theiu. except ttie friends of
ttiis rexolu .i.m, who ri-fu-1 to a. know
ledue ttie existeniv ol the law to
maintain their value u iioij. tir.-d."
The same paper in the editorial
continues: " This from the man bo
formerly solemnly a.s--rttsl that lb
old standaril would end in the !
trui tion of bu-iiuess of this conn ry.
In Nov"iub"r, WJ, Mr. Tonuue
wrote a letter to the 1'orllaud Ore
gonian. That letter wss violent in
Its denuni'iatiou of the repeal of the
Sherman law. It said:
"A continuation of this legislation
means constant i ntraction. Nune
money means dear money, with iu-
created purchasing power; 11 m -ans
d.H reas in the pri( e of every other
-.ss-ies of pros-rty real and per-i nal
in ttie county iind 10 the ( itv; it
means decrease in the wiig.s ol all
lassexof lalsir, skild and unskilled,
manual and pro essional. Hut uorst
of all it means an enormous increa.-e
in Indebtecness of every class, public
snd private, with diminished s.uer
to ,.ay It means eonfiMMt ou or the
projierty of the debtor, for the benefit
if the creditor
The Time tlteti prm-eeds to de-
nouucH the foregoing h.nuageas in
opposition to the po-ition taken by
Congressman Tongue tislay.
The Hillsboro Argus in its edi-
torial columns of March 3id, contain
the following:
"Mr. Tongue said in his famous
letter ad vis-ating the coiimgo of the
e'ltire product of American silver
, . . , - .
It (:he present system of finance)
will make the United Slat.-s a para-
disc to the class of people who are
exclusive creditors, but it will make
it a hell for everybody else. F.yen
the most generous ami lews exacting
creditors will suffer with the r.t.
Having loaned his money on property
with only a fair margin of old time
values, when the siwer of the debtor
to pay is taken away lie find him-
.ir..on..u.ll.l to lk ..roix.rtv n.lw
Issl of lis value. That it would be
down right dishonsty to legislate to
enable the det.tor to repudiate just
financial obligations, is not dtspmed,
lint it 14 4WIIH1 lw iliwhn?iiwit tml trt
.lu:-tiveof much more hardship to
increase by legislation the obligations
and burden of the debtor for the
benefit of the creditor.'
Any lair reader will se mat the
asi quoiauou laaen iron, ...e nine-
is incompieiH ami ii.nacne... t ne
same would he true of the quotation
from the Argus except for the words
1 nt ''iii unvn iitmi ttn'i c 1 wnnintriit 111
which do not occur iu the original lno,u.y vi).ws Hin ,;lllt he
letter, are not a part of his language, lm.K,rtliIlt , UrvKm ..olitit
amnne i.isinion is a stmpie natd
face.1 forgi'ry of which no fair minded , ,nK .ltnl)1n r ,s.,. a,
man wouhl be guilty. . t.y (f MMlMf Mmk1l froI1,
Now why these detached qn.ita- thesameplalfor.il with Henry Mix
tions? Why this Insertion of langu- (jinn wIiomc clirtion he favored he
age that does not isvur? (Vrtainly mrtde probably the first spisrh against
for no honest legitimate purpose, fr. silver in the stale of Oregon. He
Now let us si what Tongue did WH himself the first candidate to la
say, and quote the sentence that pre- nominated and made a campaign
cedes the language quoted by the M,,Ujireiy ,, that issue. While do
Times, and extend it so as to include jnfthi, he has consistently and car
the part attempted to be quoted by n,-,tly opposi'd any legislation helh
the Argus, as they area continoiis ,.r nnam.il4 r ttiritT legislation that
portion ol the letter. hlMj tt tendency to shorten the money
The following is a part of Mr. of the country, or to contract the cur
Tongue's letter to the Oregonian: reney. He has consistently and ear-
"With tariff laws designed to in m.stly opposed that portion of the
crease our imports, while exports are , , existence that confine
diminishing enormniHv 111 value, , .... , ,,
the products of our gold mines in- the clrcuUtion of the silver dollar to
adequate even to pay the interest on less than one sixth of the American
our public, private and corp irate people. That law which comsl the
i.idebt.slness to Kurope, what will be ,wn,try of the treasury to re-issue
the end.' And where will thesupply . , .,
of mon.y be olitai I? A Von very form of pasT money of smsll
tiunance of this Wisiation mean denomiimtions that comes to the
is instant contract inn. Scarce money
means near money wmi incrM-ii
purchasing power; it mean a
1 - i, .1 ..; r .1
decrease in the price of every other
siavies of prois rtv. real and personal.
in the country and in the city ; it
means decrease In the waifes of all
clasncs of lalsir, skilled, manual anil
profes-ional, but worst of all, it mean-
an enormous Increase in the indebt-
eilnessofevervclH-. public or prlv-
sle, with d.iinuis' ed power to p.v
It means conliscauon of the propen'v
of the debtor for the U net! t of the
creditor, it will make the U I
-hales a paradise for the class of ,.,.,i
plewhoare exclusive creditors.
it will make it a bell lor evcrvl... Iv
els... Kventhe most generous and
less exacting creditor will suffer with
the rest, having loaned his monev on
properly with 01.lv fair margin a"
old ti -ne vain.-, wh-n thepo.v, r of
the lie nor t . .av is ak - i a v iv, h.
tliidslums.-lf i,,, I i lake prop-
ertV io:i.e. of Its viliK- Th' H
would bo down ri 'In d.-hoaesv t
leyisla e loen .bie the d-i.t-.r to re
pudid-j iit II ., ,cil o'.lutti i,
not di-o i I m:ii ,1 is e v I si, , ,-
est, sil l pro Inc-ive of Hill.- . Ill .re
Hard-hip to increas e.y legi-la-ion
the obliwalion-M-..I bur.b i.s of the I
lehtor fort he Oeneilt .,f the creditor "
To allege that this is an assertion j
thai the gold standard would end in
he destruction of Ibe lm-i-e of the 1 1
country is absolutely untrue. There
is not one word in tint ie ter, or in!
any u'teramv from th" still sourc-
that has at any time opposed main
taining th.- prMs.eit Hioneiary t'ti.-
anl of the United States, or that ha
ev -r advocated for one moment the
free coinage of silver. The closing
svnfen.s- atsive quoted the statemeiit
that "it would Is- down right .lishon
e'y to legi-late to enable the debtor
to repudiate ut financial ol.liga-
tiotiV Wis inteiid.il evidently against
lint w hy this iiuibl-linii? Why
Unite detached epi lations from pre-
vaius mtenii'i's? Why this har. -
fiiMl foriferx? Men Who tmve Ims-ii
for frit-silver have snid . No frs-
silver a.lvts-al ka have taken ' i -
mii.'li srt in unliii.til campaitrns
have ever left !
.(iwtsiion of Iheirtssbd the imports by i;.-,,ii;W,m!ii
pi Mi in in duobt. Their language
has no' been open to doubtful c u
pt ruction or two meaning.
If Tongue hal ever supported free
silver in bmi-Ii or writing, some one
would lie able to say so not byijuitibl
ingor innuendo, but by producing
languages and the time, place and
circumstance: These cannot I done,
and we denounce any asertiou or state
ment that he has opposed the prenetil
monetary standard, or supported free
silver in any speech, ihvlara
tiou or letter, as absolutely
and unqualifiedly untrue, aud we de
maud the prsif of the language.
It is uot sufficient to slum thai
TongUe may uot approve of every pro
vision of the present financial laws,
It is not sufficient to show that in
1HII4 after the balance of trade had
tftt-u against us, the pnsluction of
American silver had fallen in two
years 3i er cent, from sixty three
and a half million ounces in 1U2 to
forty nine and a half million ounce
in 1H94, that Tongue suggeMed that
some ways might be found to utilize
this pnsluct not needed iu the arts.
It is not sufficient to show that in
111. i,h bad mitsMed that oortior. ol
. ... ,,.r.,.i,, ,uu
I ....
' 1 rwury to iiiainiain ill circu-
lation au euoriuoua amount of pa-r
money "fa small denomination, fore-
: ji.., .., (1r ,.ir ,;
, " . . . , ' . . .
"" "
now opMjel U that law, and has
I introduced ininingress a bill to repeal
it It ilt not sutlicient to show that
, , , u , Uniteil
1 niaien as men t-Ainiuig were iiriogiug
ahout the cvntraction of the currency,
"'y unquestionaiiiy did. It ts
sunicieni to snow that tie was
opposed to contraction or trie currency
t""1 he is now. It Is not sullicient
to show that he ticlieved while the
United States were importing, as it
did in 1S1I4, agricultural gissl to the
amount of $3il,423,ti27, while the
exports of all classes of graias, Hours
1 ., ...
an., uai iiitnin uiiiy nuiiiuiiieii 10
., ,
lolM ' ',-- "i cnange 111 leg-
islatiou was needed to prevent the
consequent expulsion ol money from
the Ullitea HutvH, These are views
, . ... , .
that he entertaius and advocates now.
WlnT. the Iniiki-kniiknt demands
is that those who are claiming a
change of financial views an I are
.. , ,1.1 , ,
'"TS"' "om""" ,,,nl ""
l" i-oinage, should prisluiw the Ian
guage and the time and place and
,.ircuuistance where it was uttered,
ritV((rin lJiret.t , B(,Iie Iimnll(ir
eh.ngefrom the gold standard and
the adoption of free coinage of silver,
The IniiKI-KMiKNT dm-s not admire
that class ol men who would prefer
((, M, COIINiHnt rtl.r , , Ih,
wh r(fus,. (() ,.h.,ll(f,, t,.ir
. ..ircunistanci-s and events
I ,..,.., ,1...:. :....,-.,i.., it.o
,.. .,,, ..,,, ,,, .,u,,li(. ,if ,
. CAmirn.m,.n Toi.Lme.
treasury. He has opposed and now
optiosii both the deba.si meiit and
. ,
contraction of our money,
In hi lute sssrh as the Crvalli
Times terms it, lie uses the following
., , ,
"M,',, r"rtt ""p'-'
wsm money for years, not for days
1 be man who loans money for ten
years Wants to know what he will
011 the day of payment. I he
man who lairrows it wants to know
what he will have to pay on theday ol
l'H.V"'nt. Until this queMioii Is set-
Hsl, until it is shown that the money
Wl11 1 eilher Is; debamd by it change
"f t he Mandard nor increased in val
UM ''' '"I"1" r forc.sl contraction,
'u-lness will Is- cheeked and pros-
lrt'r'.'' ','",'
"Mr. S;.eak. r, what the country
"".is now is 10 mhviii anae iron,
'hat class who are constantly threat-
. , '
"s to me silver siandar.l. ami 011 the
other h .nil, Iroin that class who are
e ulinu..lly pul.lishi.ig to the world
ar- slaiidingon Ibe verge ol
""'. vo:,-n..o 1 u.e eve
" r 1mMI" lmn"
' "'" juon.nei.i, . nr. .-r-aKer, 11
""". l'y 'y . d.v-
I .ra'i ., (s.iild establish a monetary
, .ii.h.r.l ol the Unite I S'at.si so lhat
it would r main a certainly for the
-ning c. ti'nrj , so that m-n en ag
et in tiusini-s enterprise, making
"itract, Isirrowiug money, or lend
ing money, purchasing or selling pro-
P rty, would know Is yo-i.l ipestiion
tint upon lite day of .settlement there
woiii.I tie the -iiie stand. ird of vVueit
as on the day of .tin tract, the L' ote.l
.st i'es would enter iisin all era of the
ifr-THe-t ir-KHTiiy that it has i v r
These an- the views that t'.mifre-s
! Ilia. I Tuition entertiO ii n.tt& Mmv .ru
i" views tnai tie em. rtaineil in ls.
i falseh.Mid, forirery or ir.irblel .
jtr., ts will ninvin.-e the msM.coI the
jstateof Dreiin to the ismlrary. In
! H.-i-ord ims-with lhee principles he
opiHH. tin-Teller n-solution tnraiiw
1 it pr.ti.we I to d.-i.ase the currency.
J lie his- siipsirlisl it Hiiicy, under
which in the last i months nf the
tlet.d ir year. Is'l". Ihees imrt of the
1'iiitisl Siat-st to foreik'ti is.umrii-s ex-
A Woman s
This is a stury of a woman atidressed to tt'omrn. It
is a plain statement of fads too strong in themseh-t s
to require t t.i'efisAnuut, too true to fit- doubted, too in
struct i:e to be passed oz er by any woman who appre
ciates the value of good health.
Tlx womn of today ar aot u Strang
it their (randmothera.
Tbty ar bearing a burden in tilenc
that growi heavier day by dayi that is
lipping their vitality, clouding Uicir hap
pinco, weighing them down with th wot
of ill health.
Mr. Alexander B. dark, of 417 Micht
gin Avenue, Detroit, a typical woman
of to-day. A wife with tuch ambition a
only a loving wife can have. But th
joy of her lii were marred by th ex
ult :ice of dueufa
Suffering at thousand ol her inlen have
suffered, art almost despaired of life and
yet sh was cured.
To-day she is well!
She wants others to profit by her ex
perience! to grow well 1 to enjoy health 1
to be as happy as she is.
" For five yean I suffered with ovarian
trouble," is Mrs. Clark's own version of
the story. "I was not free on single day
from headache and intern twitching paint
in my neck and shoulders.
For months at a time I would be con
lined to my bed.
"At time, black spots would appear
before my eyes and I would become blind.
My nerves were in such a state that a step
on the floor unsettled mc
During this time the mints of the
United .Slates coined 128,911,207 in
gold and s!,:l!U,(i!e In silver, resulting
in a total gain in the monetary
wealth of the United States in six
months of republican administration
amounting to the sum of $212,340.
This is the s)licy that Congress'
man Tongue has supported by his
voi and vote, which he has always
advocated and which he will(contiiiue
to advocate as long as he is In public
To the thoughtful citizens, who has
the welfare of the state and county al
heart, there should come an earnest
consideration of the present situation
in local as well as national politics.
If he opens his eyes, with one ob
servant glance, he will discover that
a dtsierate effort is going to 13 made,
in the coming June election, to carry
Oregon over to the flat money repu
diation and anarchistic side of the
quest ion, lor every nyutal.le, or
otherwise, advocate of that side of
the question, whether of old standing
or of recent conversion to the cause,
whether coming as a direct political
orator or posing under the subterfuge
of literary or religious lecturer, is
head, d this way and booked to tour
,:he state in the lecture field. Of
course this means but one thing and
that is to defeat the republicans, and
have that prestige a lever to influence
(he presidential election two years
Iet no one indulge in the hallucina
tion that there exists a variety of
party affiliations, to suit his particu-
ar wliim, and shield him under the
agis of a self assumed silitical virtue.
There is nothing of the kind, and
he who attempts to cajole his con
science with such a lieliefis simply
nursing a Pharisaical pride which is
utterly without foundation.
fne political issues of the day are
clear cut, simple and definite, and the
parties have resolved themselves into
republican and anti-republican the
latter having a plethoria of name
heads making no difJVrence in the
On the side of the republicans
must, of a necessity, 13 arrayed every
thinking man, who la-lie ves in keep.
tng our monev, as it is at present,
ne dollar just as gissl as every other
dolixr; and resulting therefrom a
revival of tiusines and the ruling of
belter prices as well as an extension
of industrial ncfiipations the keep
ing up of sufficient revenues to meet
the expense of the government, on
the lines of protecting the interests of
the citizens ol this country) and last
but not least the proper protection . f
the "life lita-rfy aud pursuit of happi
ness" of every citiaen, by the w hole
some and pros-r observance and
enforcement of law and order.
On the other side comes the debase
ment of our money, for -shenever it
i acknowledged thnt the free coin
age of silver will not r store coinage
value 'o th" bullion, then deprecia
tion fol ows tree coinage without fail,
and no sane man at this time claims
th it admitting silver to free coinage
will rais- the bullion to the coinage
slue. Hut it g.ss still farther for
the nniif lomeraleil party has virtually j
adopted the unlimited iHH-r Issue
of the (linalm platform, as well us I
the Hiinrchistic principles incors.r-at.-i
into the ('bli-ajfo pr.Nluction,
and no matter under what self tflori
tied name he may sse, every one iflv
i.if siipNirt to this fustsl ciuikIo
merale Ju- lo lantl the republican
party, i irivinir his full and active
w .rk lo forward all of thime meas
u mm lie Wstrivimrto debase the
money, Hr-i substituting the sil
ver for h if. 1. 1 slHiidi.rd lhat haa tss-n
the rule of the con lily since Ihlll,
base. I mi mental that hits liecn stable
nn. I pra.t n-ally unchanireable, while
silver has llu.t.iatisl up and down
w ith the variable winds of every All
an, ial bna x , the entire time with
out rcfercn.-e to any pHrlicular date.
s. cm. I, by tfivinir msm-iiI to the
i-i-ue of unlimited irredeemable
pa, st money, for that ia what the
hylr.i headed parly is pledged lo, no
m tiler how much they nmy try to
llJirm u, f jt bv fl muling UitTer
Eminent doctors, skinful nurses, the
best food and median all failed. Then
I contented to an operation. That, too,
failed and they said another on was nc
cstary. Alter th second I was wort
than ever and th world was darker .baa
"It tiwa I heard ol Dr. Villiams
Pink Puis for Pal People.
"I beard thai they had cured cases like
mine and I tried them.
" They cured mc I They brought sun
shine to my hi and filled my cup with
''Tlx headache it gonei the twitching
ss gone 1 in nervousness a gonei tne
trembling has ceased, and I have gained
rweniy-six pounas.
Health and strrneth is mine and I am
thankful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor
rale People tor th blessing."
Dr. Williams' Pink PUU have proved a
noon 10 womaruuno. Acting directly on
the blood and nerves, they restore the
requisite vitality to all parts of the body,
creating functional regularity and pcrlect
narmony throughout the nervous system.
The pallor of th cheeks is changed to
th delicate blush ol health 1 the eyrs bright
en 1 the muscles grow elastic, ambition it
created and good health return.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all
druggists, who universally consider them
the most important remedial agent tncy
have to dispense
p colored tall to the kite.
And wnal u.s'S this all mean?
Simply if they suci-ped in carrying
out the designs, in plunging tie
country into financial strait far ex
.veiling any that have yet overtaken
us; in upsetting business throughout
the county, creating distrust and
causing reverses, and a natural and
inevitable fall in price and a large
falling off in industrial pursuits.
These are results Just as sure t.
follow as the sun is to shine, and II. ey
are based on business views irrespec
live of the political aspects of I hi
question. liusiuess and politic
should go hand In hand but when
politicians ignore business sense to
seek pros-ctive iNilitical advantage
citizens should lisik well into tin
mailer. Albany Herald.
To the Editor
Several of the demo-o,i-free-si.v. r
papers have taken invasion lately to
charge Congressman Tongue with in
consistency on the money question.
It is true they have no real taugii.le
basis for their assumption, but that
i of little moment to them, for your
genuine free silver fiatist rati always
get along fairly well without either
a starting or'a stopping point. From
their point of view the ideal Slates
mall is the one who is consistent, who
Is cause he road in a stage coach
yesterday must ride in one today in
preference to a Pullman. That ir-,
he must ! "Consistant" whether the
world progress or not. If lie though:
the act of 73' was Isiru in Ibe infer
nal regions lie must always think so,
no matter what enlightenment his
mind may nsvive to the contrary.
We know of course that our demo-
populist friend who hold up legis
latures usually are prompted by
principal and interest too but
alsMit Congressman Tongue what Is
the truth regarding his record on
this quest ioi. In the year I8'J2 when
Hon. Henry M.Jinn was a can.li
late for State Senator Irom Multno
mah county, Mr. Tongue sHike from
the same platform Willi him, and
strongly opHwed free silver. No:
ong after ot a meeting of the State
League Mr. Tongue was elected at
the head of the delegation for sound
mouey, receiving a flattering vote
and ts-ing actively supported bv
Senator JK.Iph and the Oregonia...
Iu 1K9I, he made ,'iti sas-ciies for the
gold standard in this state and l
ever since advocated it to the la-st of
his ability.
Two yeara ago he wrote a letter
published in the Oregonian ably op
posing a system of contraction and
moiio-metalllsm, in which there was
not a word iu favor of free silver or
against the gold stand ird as it is now
uuderstiMMl. Our demo-sip friend.,
are always using the words gold
mono-metallism and gold standard as
synonymous terms when it is plain
lhat to do m is a s-rversion of truth.
The gold standard mean. the larpe
use or Isnh metals, Is in fact the only
melliisl by which we can have praeti
cally bi-nielallism. (Jold mono metal
lism means the use of one metal ai d
one alone.
If our friend of the opistsitiou.
t ould get out of the ri-alm of iiiiHgiii.i.
lion, and from under the Imaginary
slia.'ow of the imaginary crime of '7:1
into ibe sunshine nf ri put. Lean
prosperity they would i-ea-e tc Imls
ble of nuisii.tei.cy and r.si.r.U hii.I
tnemith of In-e silver bi-mel;.iiiii.
t'onKressniHii Tongue never spoke
one word for free silver in Htiy shape
form or manner, WMsehcteil to t on
Ifress Ns h gold standard man and
Is m gol.l stain lar. I man hii.I will he
re-n..li.in ited and rc-eci ted iih h yold
standard man mid the more complete
the fusion tin- more glorious tic
II. M IIL IistiN.
The del-Kale to (he the county
eon vent ions held here last H iturday
Were ebs-lisl o fuss-. The silver re-
publicHlls its they delight in calling
Iheniscl ves ati.l the ilemocrals were
prompt wilh their part of the pro
gram. There was more delils-ralioii
amotii; the Miptilisls, Niid they Hp
siiiitei their .' of the joint committee
the last tliitiLf. The 1 met and r
sT v
UU Olf
The Academy prepares for College and nircs
a thorough Eiifllisli Education, the best pie-
paration for teaching or
penses renj loir. Board and rooms ot the
Ladies' Hall to per
electric lic(ht and heat.
Under? experienced management, trill fur
nish rooms and board at
plan, not to exceed $1.60.
For full particulars, address
Forest Groce, Oregon
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Pure fresh drugs, Drushes, Taints, Oils, Sixme,es ami all Druggists
Sundries, l'ine first class cutlery a
Kxtra I are in 'ninpou
solved that the Sh in plat form ia the
one in ot- n.i..i..e.i. ji iiieiauie luori- .
ey ia to l.e the currency t-yxtem then
Hold and silver at Hi to 1 and free
eoiiiiie must be the motto, but, and
there is where the o.ulistn furiiinli
lumber for the platform. With
them it must uliin. u.-ly lie Hlraw
stack monev.
t'hairman Kelly ! the . opulist
central eomii itt.e was rilil last Hal
ur.lay m ben he ol j a-l. d to the huh-
iislon of the rules anil the ayes and
nays metho.1 of eleelui); delegate-.
lake an example . One ballot Mtoial
UaiiKl.lio 2ti, Kelly 20 and II. ryb.l-
r II. Now it is fair to HtipM.se
that lliei-e men r- pn sen ted eoidliel
ini; interests for it not so lli.-n all the
voles would have la-en eoiieentraied
on one man ci-ittlly hn the ball t
whs the hi iiind taken tor the nomi
nees. Yet the mini. i i y whs able to
fet two deleMies 01 I he majority's
one and IhiiH deleat the will of the
convention. Mr. Kelly did well to
ibject iu the name of hom-sly.
tint ii
iiiniersiii.-il l.y virtu, anil in pnr-
stiariri1 of a iltiM-t-i-et tin- I'lrrllll rourl of
i lie Male ol tlii-uiiii lor iislimirtoii l iMiiilv.
mail.' . iml .1.1. ri .l on (Iii jnd .l.iv et Jail-1
...try, txa., in a unit lor part 1 1 ion i.f eer
lain pri-riy, l.erei n A i.ii.ii.lii ,. Mi.ti.iiiii
in.. I Vim heriiinii. her liiisliai.il, Minerva
I- isher ntiil William Kislicr, Her li.ii-liiui.l,
were pliiintills mi l liriicilla Mi l.in un.l II.
Mel.in her hiiKi.an.1, Mal.ala IVrry mm
Klcali. tli Mnile wen- .1. l.-ii.l.-nt. an. I rc
i(.liriiif mm- to n il Hie real pros-rty hi reill
alter ih w rits . I in saiil .li ree. New. (ln-re-t.ire,
in onto-mil y with tin-ilirei-i ions ami
cu. in.imi. Is ol' htii.i .lerree at'ori-sai. I I will,
mi Monthly tl.e 4 1 li .lay of April, Iwis m'
the sunt I. tliHiro tin-1 oil rt Mouse, in II ills
iKiro, n-liiiiL'ton ( oui.ty, Ureifii... nt tin
hour of tell o'clock II. HI. i.f .-ili.l iliiv Hell ill
I'll I.I ie an, l inn to i In- highest l.j.l.lir r
eash hi In. ii. I, nil of Hie lollowiiiK portion
of t he poiiiIi half of the l.oiiiilion l.an.l
I 'laini of K.lu anl I oiislahle. I .eeeaseil. in
na-iiiiiiriiiii i ....my, .iiion, unit .leseriti
t'.i as follows tow ii :
Hei.iK all ol' Los iniiii's re.l, i. in 1 1 , 1
I i. IS an, I Pi ami tl.e south half o l,ot No.
llol ami in .1 A. I.'. i.l's Kiie uk snl,.li-
vision in rHM iioiis, l mimI in, L'l un.l :j i,
Township one North Itanire two West,
o.o. ... r huh also all ol llial portion ol
Lot No s i.l K.ii.l .1. A. Kei.l'B Five HaK
siihilii ision uhove lt .seril.ist, lyimr soiith ol
the North line of Hie south hall of tl.e iNin
iltioli l.ati.l ciai.ii tif K.lwar.l t t instal.le un.l
Wile alKll-e .leM-l ll.e,. l hat I W ill ntler
sa.'l Ira.'ts. I..r sale separately, or in any
t. .at. tt.-r to suit pui-i ha-er.
Witness i,i v ha... I I Ins '.'ml ilav of Meli lls
W. Ii. I'l iilili,
II 4". Keti ree in the ulnive etititleil Suit.
IN i in: i
Stale ot
ashi nclon.
I nil a K. i t,
I lit 'ITT
I .recoil.
for the County ol
I'laiulill, )
IS'fi'titlaiit. J
I he I .ei'.-n.laul above lliltuf..! ;
Jack lleef,
To .in. k i:
I II the liatiit' of
tin- Male of I .rivou. vou
are fierehv ri'.)iiiri
I lo i.i.t.iar ami iin.'u. r
"e i. .liii.l.i, in at-.-iiii-l vou in .1
lllsive . ntlllr.l suit l.y . ir.( ,.,y ( J,,.
lii-xl term t.t llie als.ve enlill.sl einirt. lol
lowiiiK llieexpn.llloll ol II. f time presi rile
e.l iu I In- or, I. r lor i . 1 1 1 1 1 . -t t . . 1 1 ol ( In. sum
mons. 1. 1. Ii tirst , lav will Is. Momlav the
.'l-t .lay i.l Man I,, l-m. nu.lil v..ii I el t,,
so inw. r, fur want tln reol, elanitilt will
apply lo -anl eiiuit for tin- reln-l' lemaiitl
I'.l in tlii r-..li..l.iinl.
I lie r. lii r.li iiiau.l.' l i. thai the U.u.ls of
iii.ii run, miv now ami lien lotorr exi-tnm ls--tweeii
l.la.nl'tl an. I lelelanl. Is- .1, -,.
i'l: il te l. I lor iniul-M ; ami that
.......... ,.1.1.1, ,-n, airai.isi ti.'ii-miatit
sen nil -lue .lolhirs allorm y s lee. lli.l
for all
osls Utitl
shursemeiils of U,is
sl.il .
I lii-ilin.no. is . til, li-he.1 ,v or.h r of
the llom.ral.le I lioina- A. Mcllri.., jutli-e
of Hit- als.ve e.ilillcl court, ma.le at t hain
Is rs, on the M , al.tv ol l.inu.irv s
w. ii i iNii'Ki:.
iS- Attorney lor l l.initill.
jStrlfiir Out.
m 1 is :i .-.J t
manners nuke lb
l-P rnin.i ..1 II c 111. .r
tt s.'I.J mcreJient 01
1 cliiua.'r ti a. iwcessary to a tru
tun rJ fnn.li.u t( I. 1 nun lul th-s both.
and also his the k m.s1 sens to dress well
be will tin J the "..lUtmring out' lor o.ra
all over the world.
. Kti L Kr I-1 m. h n.1 t".entl
' manlv etfe.t. you sIksjIJ orJer your tailor- X
1 111 niAtCI i. .Jtltwt '"''1
For om 10 1 rf Ihr Irrnln the CuMoaa
Tr .de. Yoa cu .l a --HOHV Suit er Ovrr,l
fJt Irx buc) than u u-uli paij foe nilcrioe
'ht u iimhi t.i AK tTt:i:u.
business. Ml ex
ureek, includinci
30, 1S9S.
cost on the club
Dr. F. A. EailEj, Frcp
iitlinsr rresi-riitiiiiei.',7
j s Ytllll ItllsilK'tsS Dllllf
Tlien this ia the time to improve
it. Ikui't wait until "Hoiiutliiii
turiiH up," but turn it up yourself.
IteiueniU'r this tin- puiHisii of
ailvertiNiiiK h to luini; lniNim-HH.
The wiw- b.iNineHs man will adver
tise as in licit if not more in dull
A K'sl n. I time-honored way
of advert .ising is throuh the
IIii.i.siiohii Imiki imon r. Wheth
er you want to 2tt out HoinelliiiiK
neat In send Ihronyl. the mails or
Koi.iethmn cheap to throw iiriain.l,
come and see us.
IT Vou Were He
Yes, if you were the creditor
and saw the merchant sitting
idly in his shop a.riiinulntini;
more diiMt, cohwebs hii.I out-. if.
style kihhIn than cash, von would
prol.nl.lv feel like askim;, Why
don't ymi
Wake Uj
use the n.lvcrtisini; coluinnR of
the Hil.l.HiuiiKi Iniiki'Unhust
and exehaiii.'i voiir sbs-k for
IckhI tender ? U hat nay you.
Kusli WM k
is a problem in most job ollices.
Not sii with the IIii.i.kiioho In
dki km.knt I'rinU-ry. We have
a lar'c force of met. at work all
the time ah. I inn ' rush" a joh
for you without any trouble.
When you want work done
quickly ttive the IIii.i.khoko In.
Uki-KMiitKT Job Otlice a trial.
I X THK r.ll NTV ( III RT,
niaie o uncoil ii,r tl
l aslllllirtoii.
'o. inly of
Ill the mat ter of tin- eslate of I
Knima I., Him h. f
? '' , li' :"i 'V' li' t.- h wh.we
l.rst iia.ne is unknown, ami to all persons
liiteri,stt!.l iii sal, I estate, (fris tin'
In tl... nmne..f It,,. Male of i irenoli You
, V ; """':".'i re., unci to appear in
the ( entity court of i. Mle i or.ron
lor Hie county .Washing,.,, t the couil
room thereotai ll,0 , the county of
ashiiinton Momhiy Hie tl. venil, thiv
"I April is-s at I . o'clock in the loiems.n
of lhat tlay then all, I then-lo show cause if
any they have why , r.l. r o sale sl,,
not Is; ...atlel.y .ai.l Curt utho.ii,,K ,
.l.ree inJ i,w.r A.lministia.or ol
the HlHjye oanietl eslale to si ll the real es-irt-
l'lonK,j, t sai.l ,-lale at private ..ale
lopay llie.l.'l.tsaii.l expenses of atlniiuis
irat.oll ol Mil, I estate sai.l real estate hen,.,
partieulurly il. s,., i,i , ,wj( .
I he east half ol I he s.uil lit asl .pia' tcrnf
eetlolloll,'tsr:iw. of the Will Mer il,
asliinKton county I lr..,1, , aliiinu so
W Itll.s, (he lion. It. P. C It Kl.l I'M
Jll.lire ol the mi ut v I i.url ol Hie Male ',,
Olt-Koll for tl.cl'o.lhty ol WasliiliKlon win,
llie seal ot sal, I I oiirlallne.l Ihisloilav ol
March A. H. s!.
A'l"u- .'' A l'bri,flerk.
J. . .Moriran, ll. puiy, 4 .'-hi
I Mule,,
I III III' rninr i.l- th.
Male ot t Ireeou lor W'asl.i..'.
I.l the matter ol the
ami Alice .l. Il.ail. damp. Insolvclil tiel,,
I us?' is her. 'hi' L-ileii II. ..i ,1... ......
. r.,i.r o, in c Mlsive liioios
, I .. . , -..'.,, linn.
,, .M inors mis HI. . I , is loi i
a.s-ouiit H.
"solvents in f . 'ircuit
court l.r the Mai.-oil, r vt s
to., county. H...I lhat .i. I j , r,' ,H
set Momhiy the 2s ,v ,,f M.ir(.(l
th.-('ir.'.i,c.,rtr,H 1 ,s,ro l t.'
'!.;::.:'.t""r",", t,.,," ;;
....... ,. ,,. si iiiK 1 1 1 . ,'ct II1(
liu.. i
...i. I ; """-''". ami lor the
... ..i -o i . i sialc o hi
mini W.
iio-i Alice vi l, 1,,-h,,,,,, In-ulv,
' .'t th hlor
t.ils'r 1-H7. -
. N . I'.arr. tt
As-ieneeof tl.., ....
W. K
,.,..1 i:.... ..
" ""T iH uucliai.iii.
I'.airley ,V I'.rown.
Allorncy, r Assi,iitT,