p W1 ww "w' 'w ' 1 T St. 00 .oot ajooi -THB- ( Independent and Oregonian , S2.00I S2.0 I t.OQI 'THI I Independent and Oregonian j 7 oni via on I .... .A. Vol. XXV. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 4. 1S9S. No. 41. W 1 k I' Two XOllMT - - - - OENEHAL DlltECTOHY. si a i k uf HCKIIS. itixoruot Wm. P. Lord eoreiitry uf Su le . Harrison U. Kinouid I reinsurer I'b'lliu Metaoban , puldio. Instrnction (i. at. Irwin ... W. H. IMla ..Clia. fc. Wuiverlufi It. K. rtrao .. .. V. A. Moore Indce ! iflh I list net ....T. A. Morlnd ttuirucy r'iflh HiHlnrl . . . . T" J. Cleelon Mll. -ttnu I'riuU-r -iilireuie itoiirl IE: PliOPKMrllOr. Al. I tUIW Tllrw. ii. Tosur k IOIIMV i.rHCfclW. i nice iloiiuitiasionera t'lrk t. -hcrilf iu-onrdcr -. t reason r limeaior . . . . tfhiiol huiriiilciident Mjrvfvor iirinr ... . . . . B. P. Cornelius 11. H. Heaaoner T. O. lodd I. A. Iniliric ..W. I. Hradford . E. L. M4Vnniok A. H. i 'ad .Ueorue U. Wilout .... Austin t'r L. K. Wilkee CI Large OUM.ON CITY LAND OKHCK. Clms. 11. Moorm W in. Knl.ow.iy . . , . . .Ken ater . . lteoaiver 11 1 V Or HCKlUi. Hoard of TrnMteea Iteoordor I reasnrer Marshal IllMtllM) of Panoe f ..W. N.Barrett. Mil Tor Tho. I urker J. M. tlmir W. 11. WehroriK H. Waioren J. Cnriateni . II. Wilao . ..Itentoii itowiuan r. U. Mitchell Tl.os lllieen W. D. Smith '.J. P. Hick POHT Or'KICK INFOUMATION. The o.ails oloae at tbe HillHboro Coat i Ht'uw. dailv: Oleums', West Union. Hetbany and Oedar Mill, hi 11-1) a. iii. t l..inif Month. h:A) a m. Ooiuu ti Porilaud and WHy-ofBoea, fi:M a. 111. Mllll 4 II. III. Kur FanuiiiKton '""1 l"'l. Wednesday and Hiiturilnya ai 10:.HI a. id. tlHl'UCH AND WKHKTY NOTICEH. ZIONOHKATIlNAL OHIIKOH, corner Mhiii and Kiftb atrwla. PrauibuiR ei-ry Hnlilmlli, morninK and evening. Hub, bath aubiMil at 10 o'oliwk a. m. Prayer nu.llll.f 'rhlirM.lllV AV.lllll. Y. P. D. CJ. K. t i. :ui r. in All axrviifa mU br iliiiri, liriKln. inlerMiina; and helpful, KvoryotiK rurdially nine. KVAN I'. HIKiHKC. ?U.r. 11VANOELICAI. CHl'RCH. Corner J K.fth and Fir Prrabin eery Hunday eveuiUK 11 P- """'"d Bunoay at II a. ui.: Hund.iv achiMil at 10 a. m. Iirayer uiretiim every Wedueaday eveninK; lenoliera uieetinu every ouuuny i" II. A. lierli, iiiMtor. .IlirtT ClTiHtnvn I'hnrrh, K. L. Hhelley , unntor, Kawliue and I bird. PreaoblUK HI 11 a. Ul. mm mj y every niuumv HiiuilHvMi'biHil, 10 a. ru. IhnrHilHy. H:iP u. ru. Y dny. 7 nil p. lu. Prayer P. 8. 0. nieetins, U.. Hun- MK. CMl'lUUl, It. A. A.lklna, paator. 1'reitokuiu every rtubhath miirninff and fviiiiiii( hnh'-aili hi-IiihiI every Babbatb at IU . I. Mnjiie niHxiiiitf every Hundny at ::til r . iieiiernl iryer rueetiim every I biirmlny eveiiinu. Iadera and Hteward'a nieetiiiu the il.ird luemlay eveniUR of aacb iiiiuitn A. O. I. W. UII.I.MItOKI) l,l)D iK NO. r.l. A W.. meeta every lirat and r'ri.Uv eveiiinu H" month. .IDS. KLINK.MAN P. II. HAl ttllMA. Keoorder. OH. third M.IW OitUKht'! f Kebekah. I.IXIOKO KEUKKAH LOlKtB NO M, I. O. O. r ., Uall every hHtnnlav evemnit. tvAUAII mi.i.i 11' , uieeta lu Odd r ellof I.1AMS, N. O. r. r ii. nll.l.liuiid OUANUK, NO. n, meeU '.'ml and 4lh rvitnrdny4f each month ISaaj. fHiHorial.l), Maatr, Annii iMHiua, heo. K. . Tusi.ru Nutiiry I'lililii'. THUS II V.. II. T0.Mil E, TT U. KYS- AT-LA V, UILl.lMKO, OKPUON. Or r ica: It xni 'i, t, 3, Morgan lllimk v. a. Baaaarr, l. a. aptan IHKKKTT AIUMS, 1 TOKNEYH-AT-LA V, HIl.lHOlW). IIKKIHIN Ovrmi: Central Uluuk. Uoimie S and aanTiia imnma w. o. nnrru Notary Public. NNlTil k llOW.HA., TT0RNEYS-AT LAW. U1L1J41IOHO. OHrXrON. Ornva: Uoorna C and 7. Morgan blm k. t. E. klMT, YTTOHNEY-AT-LAW, POKTLANU. OKK04.N ItooM : No. 8. I'nrtlaud haTiuva Hauk HmldiUK, rieoond and VVaidiinirton ritreete auwa. IIAIil.KV lino, a. ft ItltOWX, YTTORNKYSAT-LAVV. Hll.I.HBOKU, OKKWON. Itealdent airont for Itnyiil lnnurance I'o. Koohh: 1, 2. and .1, Phute HiiiMinir, ii. r. itAiii.i v, ATTORNEY ANI IIHINCKUlltAT.liAU' HILLS Iol!( OKKUOS. Deputy District Ailnrney fur WanliiiK ton County. orrua: It wm no. i.t, Murtran ai 0 Hailey lliot k. JnllK T. WUAI.LKY. Lorikci B. HTKWABT WHALI.LY k srnwAitr. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, l'OUTLAXD OUKtiCX. Urnct: 4IS CliuiulM'r of Coiuinerre. S. T. M.MtLATEK, M. It. V. M. JHYSICIAN AND SUKOKON UlLUtltOKO, OKrJOON. Oftk b: at reaidenon, ent of onae, where be will be found at all ben uot viaitiUH palieuta. (ourt iihui a J. I'. TAMIKMK, M. D. g P. K. K. 8UKUEON, UILLtilHJHO, OUKOON. Ornoa aao Kcauiaaim : corner Third and Main Htreeta. inhoe boura, MUW to 12 , I to ft aud J to e p. ni. Telephone to reaidenoe from Hrook Jt Mela lruuHtore al all hoara. All ealla promptly attended. uitibt or day. f nNIKt MA l.OIHiK, NO I. . . t. M. nieetn eliiiHilH pveninuaal Ho'olook.in I.O. r. Hull. VimlorH inmle welrninie lUi'H AUU IIEMISll. N. (I. I). M.O. Oauit, tWy. . P. . V. MKK I S verv Hnnday evening at 7o'olook in tne t lirmimn ehnreb. Yon are ..nlmlly invited to atteiidita meetinira. KI'A ADAMS, Prea't. Di'ltree of Honor, M'HK DCllUKK (K HONOIl. A. O. V. 1 W., min-i in OiM Pelloaa' hall every lirxt and ihird Kn.lav ev. ninir of each month. M. M. Pit tenner, l of H. Mn. ItiMip ltron, Iterorder. W. 0. V(IUI, M. It., IIYSIC1AN AND SUKdEON, H I LIJSIU )!((), OKKOON. Orrina: in Chenette liow. ltaaiDiNca onruer Kimt and Mnm atreeta. ItuthlMHie Slxlera. 1H'KMltA IKMI'I.K NO. 10, It H., ineetH every 2ml mid 4th Friday tn eaoh iimntli at 7::m oVIiH-k n 1. O. O. r . Hall. M.n A M t arltlf J ode Hohtilinericih M. K. C. M. ul l. and '. k. r i. IIHiKMX I.OKOK. Nt. M, K. Or P.. I meet in M u Hall ou Mouday veniirf of eioh week. Sojonriiiug bretbn eleume I to Imloa intinira. F, kelao O II ti.il, K of It .V 0 K. A. IIAILKV, M. D. plIYSKTAN, KriWiEON AND 1 AlXtLTrHEUU. IIILLhliOttO. OKFfrON. Omi'i: in I'harniaoy, 1'nion Kloek. Calla attended to, nicht or day. Iteanlenoe, M. W. Cor. Baae Line and Second atreeta. A. It. KAII.EV, D. D. S. JENTIST, Hll.l.HHOKO, OltKliON. Ike Imal la iHaknt araae haki awan kaeoa. actaal Imm akww It 1 eae Ikirtf fenaa laaa amy ether kraa4. m &AKill0 POWDER Absolutely Pure HKVAXX PLATPOKM I0K lsut. I OVER THE STATE ITEMS Mm; e--Ta AUIHOM U ir- UrSJDF THE RHNNI1 w..... WWW 'cOPYRIGriT 1897 BY JOHN WATSON. I nuinlier of voters rviiiaiuini: in Itconr- am of the true fmf, and a;:tivo if I anibitiou "iliHlntcrexltHl patri-1 William J. Bryan, the ramliilate oi." I'oulil Lane (muuIv'b volen all tti tveml free silver parties and - I tie tnlil that the inlitfator-i ut Hip rriiizitiioiw for the IreHlitnfy in fusion movement in thin county coin-1 1!6, has outlineil in the New York (irino a former tlemocratic editor who! Journal nine principal iarfue upon Meek to retrieve a low? of 1,1,000 whirh he proi to conduct the which heh.w invented in an uniwti.t- oainpai)-n in the CongreH eltvtion of KUSIXti fleil judtrment aitinst Lane cnuntyV I IS'.W. Hi.i propositions and nceom last tlemiM'ratic aherifT. for count v I iNanyinfr; nUWementa prove the accur- printing; could they lie told that an- xcy of the ixilitical toreea.sU and Sl,r" rrareaaar Npiliiuaa or lite wasn Items of Interest Prom All Parts of the State. HWrl IS I'KOITTAItl.E THK MilNK AMD SPA1X. There is little nmiii to douht the simvrity of C'ttplain (Jeneral Blanco and other hi;h olllcials of the Hpan sh government in their r-jfr' over (he disaster to the Maine. Their man ilivtal ions of sorrow were follow ed hy many kind Hi ts to Consul Gen' rtl Le and Captain 8itsliee, and IhroiiKh them lo the American I pl which were apirtviitted. Not with-lariilini' thest expressions of sympathy and (jixm! will the theory Unit the explosion was due to a plot lo lilow up the Mitine by violent in transiirentcs. who are as hostile to Blanco and to automony as to the United Stales is stronger no- with tin we in iMkdliou to jude correctly at he time of (he disaster anil evidences are nccumulaliii"; from the in vesica ion that is troinu on, that adds strength lo il These intrKiisitfente were those who showed resentment when the Main enterctl Havana harttor. That hey made thrcata at that time is cer tain and can lie proved. Whether their threats were simply idle vapor ntfs will he determined hy the naval niiiiry. It can lie stated dipassion ly that the ultra Spanish make ittle attempt to conceal their satisfac tion at the loss of the Maine. Their xprettdon is actually one of exulta ion. I ho Spanish government may not lie responsible for the feelings od acts of (his class hut their senti ment dominates Spanish pul.lic opin- i CHAPTER ia " Nurse wiii nao ut 4 and hrinjj yon a nice enp of tea. Aro you miro you will an wiMirv lidincv aIoiih foe Ivn hnnr4? Aud Mrs. Marstlrn, in cbnrmiiitf out dnnr dreas, Mew euu do colntnio about the mnru. "Don't you love scent?" "Where aro you piinp?" abkid Mura- don, following her with fuud eyea "Yoo told me yestcnlay. but 1 forKt't Thin illnetw bits mailo me Hupidcr tliilil naiid, nurse? lt'a a little low ly I am li-t afraid a wayf.uiuir niou thouirh a foul uot err therxiu" . He wan not near no ttnlions with Inn flying aa bo hud lnin with bis livinu,. xrysuortly afterward Tboinrui Mara- di n hal douo with statistics fim-vi. other luemlier of the company is statements of conditions of public I overturning heaven and earth to se. presented In Money during the last cure the fusion nomination for the year under the caption of "The Signs circuit judgship; another one is seek- f the Times." The nine points pre Ing to he prosecuting attorney : an- sented hy Mr. Bryan contain the other one who overestimate his I position of the Dennxratic party, the ability by aspiring to the exalted I'opuilsts and the Silver Republicans. iKisition of state superintendent of Heaays: public instruction: ar.other one who "Thtise who advocate the union of would like to represent Camp Creek the princial reform lorees against rnPTi.-n iv Throeday later Leslie came home the renate, and go on, ad iiitinitum, the commou enemy can point to not "during violins that aro sal irom tne city witn tidings ou his f.-u-e, then we would indeed have nothing ne but to a number of reforms ever, 1 thiuk. Wasn't it aome charity? ' . W"D 7 o fear. Nor Is this the worst. '.V.. which are demandeil with eoual . . . i . . . : . i were aiinin riiiir niirhr i " " i a mo new atxury every ouo ia ao .... .. have made mention nf I...I ar..li. emnhasis bv Denna-rats. P.ii.nlisls tuiumiru uavrr inwie au annnnit- I -r r-- ,---- , - meut after the funeral, and I had on caD for fh ofllee, w hile In fact their and Silver Republicans, nour with bun. He has asked mo to be I name is legion. "First. They are unalterably d V.'a ttl t ' Thia U what we are try'nK in our ."oetanl to gold monometallism Interested in, tho Working Wives' Cul turn union. What is wanted ia happy home for the wnrkiiigmen," quoting freely from an elegant woman orator, "and the women iiuiKt be elevated, an tho East End is to be divided into dis tricts, aud two young women will be allotted to each. Are yon litcuing? "Yea, dear, but it rests me to lie witl my eyea closed. Tell nic all about your society What are the young ladies to do?" "Oh, they're to visit the wives In thf afteruoon and read books to them, solid books, yon kuow, about wagis all op- I'm so glnd! You must accent, for "u,nu,, WJ i " tf'ir in a true light it will bo such a comfort to poor Bea- :'"r the people. It ia not our fears tri. But I thouuht Crodfrev was her of fusion, nor our laelr of nnnrliloiiri.. in the voters, after they have had the lagUa ifrlrultural College Child tnraed atone. The Oregon City Enterprise advo cates the placing of a fog bell at Willamette falls that shall lie opera- tid by electricity from some one of the mills near by. William Jones of New berg is man- to have an excellent tone. His instru ments are eagerly sought by profes sional violinists. The ground in Sherman county is wetter than it has been for years. Some say It ia wet to a depth of four fi'et. Ordinarily tanners feel assured sole trustee. " "So he wan," said Leslie grimly, more the pity, and he embezzled every penny of tho funds gambled them away in card playing aud other ways. " "(lodfrvy Harrison, Beatrice's broth- ? "Yea, her much admired, accomplish ...a . i . , ... . . en. in useu uroiner, cue victim or ber husband's stiu;iiiess. "If that be true, then Godfrey is sim ply a " You mean an unmitigated sconn drol. Quite so, lorence, and a number nf other words wo won't go over. I tell you," and Leslie sprang to his feet, there is some use in swearing. If it had uot been for one or two expressions that camo to my memory suddenly to day, I should have been ill. Curious to say, the lawyer seemed to enjuy them iruth presented to them. The clang ing clamor of a Parisian mob would be lame compared with the tumuli The cattle convention held in Pen dleton last week was a success in as much as myself, so It must bo bad evory particular and cannot help but lie beneficial in many ways. To be "A'O. insist on ynir gutng to Lmly kinds of things workingmen like. Tin u in the evening the wives will l:e ablo to talk with their husbands on equal terms and the men will not want to go to the publio houses. I n t it a capital Idea?" A sod little amilo touched Marsdon's lips for an instant. "And whore do you meet today? It's a long way for you to go to W hltechapel. " Didn't I tell yon? The Marchioness case. 'But I don't understand if Godfrey spent Trixy's money, how is there any thing to manage? Did he pay it liack?" Jo, he did not, and could not. He has not enough brains to earn IS pence except by cheating, and if by chance he came into a fortune' would grudge his sister a pound. "Then" "Don't you begin to catch a glimpse of the facts? Why, Marsden toiled nnd scraped and in the end, so the doctors Ray. killed himself to replace the uion- "Second. They demand the im mediate restoration of bimetallism at "f IF! """I 'hen the ground is wet the present ratio hy the indciieudcnt to the depth of 36 inches, action of this country. Prof. W. W. Soilliimn of the "Third. They oppose the retire- Washington agricultural college stal- nieni oi ine green backs. ed at the cattlemen's convention re- " Fourth. They oppose the issue cently held at Pendleton that it is a of that company when those precious of paT money hy national banks. mistaken Idea that Oregon in not a offices are meeted out. Many will "Fifth. They oppose the issue of I good country for hogs Ixvause corn nnd that they have only entered the interest-bearing bonds in time of I cannot be raised. He said every eon- probationary chamber of the parts peace. dition is favorable an 1 he would and that their faith is too weak to "Sixth They favor tho income predict that the state within 20 years - tax as a means of raising a part of the would be sending hogs east revenue necessary to administer the The state has sold the Mirtage rail reuerai uovernment. way at the Cascades for !.7(K. This "Seventh. They favor the aboil- property originally cost .10,000 but uoh ui trusts. it h8j pen used several years and "Eighth. They are opposed to there was nothing len except the lo- (Jovernment by injunction. comotlve, track and a few tools. The "Ninth. They are in favor of arbi- stllte mt nothing or at least the eo- ir inon us a means oi seining disputes betwrn labor an capital. ncre tire nine issues which are Important in themselves entitle them to a full communion ii the company which they entered ii such unhallowed greed. CATTLE COXVEXTION'. sure mere was not as large a repre sentation of local cattlemen as might not onjv have been excted, but those thai did atteud were enthusiastic over the prospects of the future. Perfect har mony prevailed all through the three days meeting and the smoothness but are now prominently before the people. Are not these reforms worth securing? These ipieslions pie of Wasco county sincea reduction in freights paid the original fiO.oo over and over. In the list of the names of sailors wounded by the Maine explosion is that of Charles A. Lohman. Corvnl lisitea are wondering if he is the with UrKloK 11 ....... I.. 1 .. . I ' . ..in uun mrglljr , , . . , , , . ,.11 im- euoris ami tact oi iis cnairman ivpra anlimiltuil In lha uu,. I., at I, I ..... ....... ,p. . Charles Lohman who some ti n years nluiil ,tn I... .1..-- ... ..... . I cinuuii, ifu. im-jr vvirrt? Illll M' Prof. Spillman of the Agricultural ui and it is the people of Spain who of Gloucester is giving a drawing room M1? U,ili w hf.f. W"1-t Pullman, and too much must answer fir the outrage, if It Is town that Ibose they sympathize i It are responsible for it. East Orfgonian. Kitnrale Vour lloweU With Ciwereta. CtiniiT Cullmrtlr. cure eonntlnnonn forpver. 10c. -jbc. HOC. C fail, ilriikvisu nlund money. Bvervoody Saya So. Cascnrets Camlv Cathartic, the moat wot cei-T ul null iciil diwovervor the are. ni ant mid relresliine tn the taste, act ftently and Ksitively on kidney, liver and bowels. leannner the entire ai stun. dlsisl enlua, cure heailntilie, fever. Imnituiil eonstlpation ami hilintisne.. I'lense buy and try a box ol ' t!. C C. t.wiav; ill, -i. Mi cent.. Mold and uar.inU-.iJ u cure hy all druggists. Itniiilierluiu's Cough Keinrdr Alnavs Proves Ktrectital. at her town house, and Lady Helen wrote an urgent note, insisting that I should come even though it were only for an hour, as her mother depended upon my advice 00 much. "Of course I know that s just a way of putting it, but I have taken lots of trouble about founding tun union, so 1 think it would hardly do for mo to be absent You're fueling much better. too, area t you, today, Thomas? "Yes, much better. Tho pain has al most ceased. Perhaps it will be quite gone when yon return. Can you spare just ten minutes to sit beside me? There is something I have been wanting to say, and perhaps tins is my only clnuice. hen I am well again, I may be afraid. Mrs. Marsden sat down, wondering. and her husband waited a minute. "One understands manv things that puzzled him before when ho lies in quietness for weeks and takes an after look. Yos, I suspected it at times, but I was a coward and put tho thought It seemed curious thut uo one his death. ' "How good of him. But I don't see tho necessity of all this secrecy on his part and all those stories about low in terest that he told Trixy. " Thero was no necessity. If it had been some of us, we would have let Mrs. Marsden kuow whut kind of broth er she bad and ordered him out of the country on threat of the jail. cannot be said of the masterly man ner that all questions was disposed of, fair and just consideration war given to all in the selection of oflicers and executive committees. Every point of the Northwest is n.presente.1. ine d.trerent papers , be a repetition of the contest rt-au anil me tunereni sunjecis tlis- iiiog they are settled right." Thus the late candidate of the Democratic and allied parties for the Presidency in 181X5 answers the de clarations made by President Me Klnley as to the osition of the Iio- puhlican party, at the recent meet- ing of tho manufacturers in New lorit uuy. 1 11c issues for IS8 are of "It was Marsdeu'a foolishness, let us cussed were ail handled in a masterly Konma I and 2, Moru'iin ,( Ituley llloek. 11 C. E. Hi ll. Kit, OMKOPATIIIC PI I YSICA N AM Sl'KG E N. KOKK8T tillOVK OUKiinX. There are no liotter medicines on he market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Ilemedy when II others failed, and in every instance away. it proved cllW'tual. Almost daily we camo to upend an hour with me, ad men hear the virlui-s of Chamberlain's rem. ao w"n menus, and 1 noticed that they appeared to avoid mo. I thought it was fancy, and that I had grown self con scious. "Everything is quite plain now. and I am not hurt, dear, and I don't blame any person. That would lie very wrong. People might have been far more impa tient with me aud might have niado my 1116 miserable. God gave me a dull mind and slow tongue, it took mo a long timo to grasp anything, and no one con! almnt the subject that interested 1110. Beatrice. I wish now you bad told mo how I bored our friends. It would have beca a kindness. But never mind that now etlitu extnl.ed by those who have used them. This is not an empty pnlT, paid for at so much a line, but voluntarily given in good faith, in he hope that suffering humanity may try these remedies ami, like the writer le lienetited. From the Glen. villi- (W. Va.) P.ithflnd. r. For sale by the Delta Drug Store. Special attention paid to Meilieal and 01 omen unit I lnliireii 8lllYienl Ihseiises and all chrome ilineie-ci. Olhiee nnd residence 1'in'ilic uve., wml ol Fori' Itowlhv :t I i rove hi lioue t.l. A. K. ami A. .1. IVIiOlHIK NO. C. A. F. AA. M meet every Mntiinhty inuht on or after nil niiHin of each mouth. W. I . WtHl, W. It. l'siiM.i, Secretary. 'IHAI.I I n O. E. H. Mil1 A I. ATI N t il U'TKll, N0.31.0. K.SM I ineeio at Miiome Temple on tbe '2nd ind 41 h I'netilitv ot rneh nmnth, Mas. W. 1. II ARK, W. M. IIrai'S Cronmt, Secretary. w. v. t. r. nll.LSItOKO. W.O.T. I'. MEKI'S IS the l onme-'iition 11 Church on Ihe 111 Kriilav tn e--ieh month at A o'clock f. M. k. O. T. M. ri(H.A TKN T. SO. IS. K. O. T. M. moein in tkld Kelloas' II ill, on err iitd luiirth riinrsilnv eveninirs of eael nonih. I.. A. I.ONO, UrsToa Hoa, Coin. II. K. tt AMMIMH I. O. O. ION r M'AMI'MENTNi. ?4, V.. nieeta on lint aa bird rae-dav of eaeb month. I. M. 0 ilii'ir, sril. m il. i:nmh ror, mo. , . t. . a KK I'M IN tll PKI I.HWM H All. ON ,M tin- lirl and thirl S.o urdayv of rt-h month, at-.' on 01 h k, I'. M. J. I'. Ibck. K. Crandall I. O. tilniMnt hf.y. KtMSflUCUKPS M). 47. W R.C. MKKIS IN )I rKI.LOWK HALL HiHMx.'o, on Hie In. tnd . Prklaya ol each month al 'I i' p. ni. I Mr.. 11 V. Utafa. Klu.ilx-lli Al. Crandall, Secretary. f TIIOS. It. III'MrilKKW CONVEYANCING AND AHSTHACTING OF TITLES. HILIIKIKO. OKKCrON. Leal papera drawn and Ixiaua on lieal Katate nevotlnte 1 KiiHineaa attended to wilb rouiitneaa and di.i.icth Oynea: Man 8treet, no) v mite I'onrt Honaa. r:m. kespa, pUAtTICAL MACHINIST lll,I.SHOm OliKOON All klnda of repairini' -n S earn KniMnen and Hoilera, Mill Work, Thrrwhine Machine Mowera, Feed ('nttera, Sewimr Machine Waahing Machine. Wnncera, Ininpa, Healr a, rleiaaora irronnd, ilnn and lKHki annthtnff. rlawa frronnu and hleil; and have a larve nnniher of aemnul haml enirine and boiler for aale. All work warrinled. In a ris-ent letter from Washington I . ('., to an old trieiid, Mnjor G. A. -tinier, fur 20 years United States 'oiisul al SingiiNre, says: "VA hile You did not like to give mo pain. al Des Moines I Uvame acquainted , what troubles mo most is that all .. in, - i!..i..... i't 1 thel" ypar8 yn slmuld have been tied r -'"'' to a very tin-some fellow." And Mars- lain s rain Imlm, winch 1 found ex- den made some poor attempt to smilo. i-ellent against rheumatism a well "Had I thought of what was laforo you as against s.ti ness of Ihe Ihroat and 1 woW never have asked you to morry chest (giving me much easier breath- call it, to spare his wife tho disgrace of her idol and tho loss of his company. So her husband was despised beside this precious rascal every day. Trixy will get a terrible shock when Hho is told. It would almost have been kinder to let her know the truth before ho died "Mrs. Marsden is never to know, " said Leslie. "That was his wish. She's just to be informed that now trustees hove been appointed, and we are to take care that she di les not waste her inoome on the fellow, IV-ople will send letters of condo lence to Mn Marsden, but they will say at afternoon teas that it must be great relief to her, and that it's quite beautiful to see her sorrow. In two years she will marry some well dressed foul, and they will live on Marsden ' money. " And Leslie's voice hod an un usual bitterness. Did you ever hear of another case like this, John?'' Never. When old Parchment do- acrilied Marsden (jiving him the instruc tions, he stopped suddiuly. "'Marsden,' lie said, 'was the big gest fool course of went over to tho window." "And you?" "I went to the fireplace. We were both so disgntitl with tho man that we could not speak for five minutes. " After a short while Mrs. Leslie said. It appears to me that this slow, unin teresting man, whom every one counted a bore, was almost a hem" 'Or altogether, "replied John Leslie. THK (Ml. manner, which showed that thought and study had been given to each and all of them. Esecially interest, ing was the talk gived by F. J. Berry, of Chicago, on an up-to-date horse. So well was this received that several requests have been made hy the people In the Willamette Val ley to have him speak on the same subject in Portland, and it is to be hoped that proper arrangements can be made for him to do so. Walla Walla got away with the largest plums, getting the president, secre tary and treasurer, and the eonven tion next year. The interests of the Wilimelte Valley will be looked The prosisilions advanced by Mr. I try an are unmistakable. The third and fourth statements are clear in the intention of the democracy to uproot the entire system of national banks. issuing notes under national regula Hons and forcing absolute security for all paKr money issued by banks of any kind. They indicate that de mocracy intends to sulwtitute Got eminent notes or the issues of hanks chartered under State laws for present monetary system. It is pro posed to renew the battle for the res toration of free coinage of silver at the ratio 16 to 1, independent of the action of other nations. The demo cratic slogan for I HUH has been sound- ago with his brother Harry, oiemted the iiryson farm, in the south end of Denton. The wherealxmts of Charles was unknown to his brother a year or two ago, and it is suscctcd that the wounded sailor and the young man who farmed in Denton are the same person. A teacher in a school not many miles from McMinnville says the Transcript, having instructed a pu pil to purchase a grammar, received a note thus worded from the child's mother: "i do not desire for Lulu shall engage in grammar as i prefer her engage in youthful studies and can learn her how to spoke and write proper myself, i have went through too grammars and cant say as Jid me no good. I prefer her engage in ger man and drawing and vokal music on the piano," Last Thursday reports the Sheridan lne Sun, a farmer by the name of Min- chen who Uvea near Dundee was out in the field piling brush, w hen near ly through ha went to the house tel ling his son to finish ami then come on home. The lad was a feeble min ted boy and when through be got f. 1 . , ., ... .t..t ' ibiiv niiwiiii mi i-,i iinnnn'ii mruilll. . .fter bytheviiv-president , Dr. W ,th-1 silv,r Iit(raljre t.r,u,H(in rattle,! and wandered away. He laid (Himrie nnd n moiti lur nf tho ornnn I I ..... i1! 1 i - t . . , combe, and a member of the execu live committee, A Chalmers, both of Washington county. One thing was very noticeable, anil that was that there were more buyers I ever came across in the ,nn sellers, anil one having stock for 43 years' practice,' and be I sale only had to name his price. rhis is certainly encouraging, and points to a prosierous future. Hural Spirit. A meeting of the hi-metalllc silver republicans has been called to meet freely among the voters showing the advantages of the proiiosition to coin silver freely indeiendently of all na tions. The jmrty which presented the proposition has a definite purtxise ami it waits for the campaign of 18118 with impatience. Do republican leaders intend to oppose or to aid the several proposi tions reaffirmed by Mr. Hryan? Money? The convention of Oregon republi- in Oregon City on March 19th for Ihe can clubs by its harmonious action purpose of perfecting a plan whereby condemns those disturber who have ing). I had a touch of pneumonia early this week, and two applications freely applied to the throat and chest relieved tne of il at once. I wouli not ls without it fur anything." For sale by the lVlts Drug Store. 'Don't cry. denrl I did not wish to hurt rou. I wanted to ask vour trnrdon fur all that martyrdom, and to thank you for being my wife, and there's something else. "You aw, when I get well and am WHY I'EARt populist chestnuts may be pulled from the political fire with republi can votes. This is a well aranged half plan of the fusionisls to mislead a endeavored to array republican against republican on the money question. The convention, by lis elections and resolutions declare that if a man stands on the St. Louis plat K. 51X01. JjENTIST, POP.KMr OKOVK, or.KOOK I Dow makin teeth for tYOO and tl.ft- rr et; beat nf material and wniknianainp ill eooipar with eia eoxtirti? 'iV leitb 1 tracked wttboat pain. r'llluii'S at II hnasat prieva. All Work warrant,. Device: three door north of rtnek awaye, (Moa hoar from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. m. Pna'l Tiitiarrn S-'t l.iar i.lft t. To quit Vliocco tMMlv and forever. t niajr netlc. lull ef Me. nerve anil viifnr. take No-To-It:u', the v. iimler worker, thut n.ake. weak mea strong. All (IruiririRt. .Vc or f I. Cure uaraa- teiil lli.ikiel ami miniplp lire. Aildreaa bn rllns Kenc.lv vo, Cbu wo or New York. o-To-H for eirty Oata. fiuarn.iti , ,i t,ii:M-t-n I, ..let cure, niake weak men ..ironc. Iiieoo pure. . ftnc, II. All ununnsla The Capital Journal in a column editoria', amuses itself by fw people into support of the popu arraigning the "gold papers of the list state and county ticket. It will f,,rm as interpreted bv the renubli not lying in bed maybe I could not tell vallev" which aa the Journal sava be remembered that the bi metallic inn Bilmiriistrat bin hi n I,ll,un. mn mr. I. t . .1 " . . ' and then wee themselves that there Is party in amnui counly two years ,,n cannot be questioned by anyone, .11 I A ..niviikU .1.. n r.ulnn rf lha M IM &(MltM flip IhrPP mfTl fttPa ilt tho I Tl .. I .1 It I . silver forces, but keep on fighting legislature and It will not be forgot- factional strife, and in favor of unit . , I. .u i. n 1 1. . . i I fusion. l"Hl ",r w meiuiajrs, umi eirort. Then let us bear no more As lo the Register, we would reply along with Mr. U'lien and Mr. Ogle, Lf silver republicans, Mitchell repub- that we are not asleep. Lane county's refused to take the oaln of offlce un- licrns, or Simon republicans. Mult ex-county school superintendent, J. til atter the 40-duy limit. These nomah has her factional quarrels, in (1. Stevensou, and one or two others same men are at the head of this bi- spired by the desire to control city Tn Care ('unit irm lion eorevr. TlkeCl.tiret Cnmli l iith.irllr PlrnrSa. II C. C. C. lull lo cure, ilrun-.sts n funJ money. C ASTORIA For Infanta tnd ChiUjtfc things again. 'Perhaps you thonght me txi eco nomical, but I was saving for a pur pose. Your portion has not brought quite so much as it did, and I w ished to make it up to yon, and now von can have H00 a year, aa before. If this ill ness had goue against me, yon would have been quite oonifurtable m mmiey, I mean, dear. "No. I insist on your gnimr to Ludv Gloucester's the change will do von Ifxid and I'll lie here digi stiug the li, f. ormation. you know. " Aud he nulled, better this time, nuito cn-ditahlv. in fact. "Will you give mo a kiss just to keep till we meet again?" hen the nurse camo down at i tn take charge, she was homtli-d to find are not neglecting their farms and business for nothing, while they cir culate petitions for proselytes to their new faith. We fully recognize that fact. We also recognize the fact that they are ambitious office seekers, who are self appointed leaders. They are a few men who have not received a life lease on the offices with which Thwmlweryof It Is awful. U0ZZ GTa JACOBS OIL TO cum You'll feel It Is worth its weight In gold.ivC---.aj ner patient alone and iu tin- death ano. the republican Party has fed them, or -ou and al l- to speak. ! fNe men of democratic faith who lain t ring nor send f ,r mv wife i . . . ... . I sent-he, aw,v. knowing the end was ,lt"T l""'l'0' 10 nnriiy near made h.-rgo, in f t ag iin-t her I I"r,y- Thev mPn who hve brairireil that their first efforts is to The nurse care him 1 became stroniri r f..r a riiiiint.. . . . .. ... . .. . .. Ml has hurt a gr;-at di al to l-ar with me, and I did not wi-li her to see death. My manner has ul-..av Urn so Wearisome I borai that n, ,).! would ba her. Yon are verv kind. Burse. o more, if you please. W oold it trvuUi you to bold my which they will decide what urther to do. We have no fear of the in fluence of such men as long as their persrmel ami motives are exposed lo the voter. The only danger lies in the Possibility of, a considerable metallic movement now. . . .1 , miuouKii i government nut we should ouaran- their identify da?s not apfiear on the tine the state against that quarrel unat-e, anu to join tne movement is I and refuse to listen to any man w ho to oin L"Ren, for It is he who di- rai-es the wolf cry of factionalism in rects the movement. Oregon City ihe outside couuties. Mark every Enterprise. man who accuse his neighbor of sec retly helieviug in anti-republican d The recent bout betwe n Congress- ,rillm w ,iMoyal to the party. The man Tongue and Simpson on the republican party is going to win rext nooroitne njuse or representatives Jun n is going to win with the demonstrated that the former was the rj.tth The t f monpy for the peer in delte of any merabsrof that ,A ,,,e and protection for our ho.iy, HiKXIess jerry not exceptetl. owB.'" Dallas Ohw rver, No more able and logical argument was made against the Teller resolu- Edmond Andrews while working tion than the presentation by Mr. in the tirols-r near Sheridan, in Yam- Tongue. He is a man thoroughly hill county last Saturday, was struck familiar with great economic que by a falling limb that tore the scalp lions and is always prepared to do from one side of his head. Fortu-J struetions to relnter the ebild whrrse tamttle for republican principles. Ore- nately the skull was n4 injured and relatives he afterward informed, of gon City Enterprise. be is getting along all right. jits curious preservation. ut Thursday and Friday nights, but m Saturdav in resionse to telephone inquiries he was found at Sheridan mid apprehended. His brother came up during the day nd took him home. George Humphrey, the electric- light company's wirenmn in Klamath Falls, found a curiosity at the top of one of the electric-light ioles last Tuesday. It was an oriole's nest, in which were four skeletons of nearly full-grown birds. The nest was (Irm ly secured to its place by several stout cords which were entwined about the uninsulated wires. It is probable that everything was serene at this bird mansion until a shower or rain moistened the nest and the strings leading to the wires, making the nest a conductor of electricity and a sure deathtrap for the young of a pair of improvident orioles. Alsjut 20 years ago a 3-ytnr-oid son of the late A. S. Kees was buried in the old cemetery across the river niys the Pendleton East Oregonian Lvt Tuesday, Mrs. Keys employed J. Frank Day to remove the remains to Olney cemetery. I)ay and his as sistants carefully unearthed the cas ket and placing it in a wolen Uix, drove to the new cemetery. The coffin seemed very heavy and ar oused the curiosity of the men. Hav ing no instructions to the contrary they finally concluded to os-n it and - what It contained. To their as tonishment the peaceful features of Ihe dead child showed no indication of decay and nearer examination dis. dosed the fact that the body of the child had turned to stone. Ihty at once drove back to town to notify Mrs. Kees but found her absent from her residence. He then returned to ine cemetery anu carrier out Ms ii i