V 1 r 1 t At.00 t.ooi.oi v -.THB 3 Independent and Oregonian y 2:OOI 2.0 I aa.ooi f Independent and Oreyonian f ONI VIAM 0 f Two Uollum. J 1 Two Dollariia Vol. XXV. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 189S. No. 3S. OK.N'KKA L DI KKCTOltY. hi All-. IIHH KIW. lo.vcr.tor Wni. Y. Ird Secretary of hti le Harrison It. K mould treasurer I'billip Metscnnu iil. I'iiMmi Instruction CI. M. Irwin M ux I'riuter W. M. IhJh Clin. K. W olvertioi H. H. IImui K. A. Moure J, nice Fifth lustriiH . . ,...T. A. MoHruia Attorney I- if Hi Inslnet . . . T-J. Clretoii I'KOF'kXSIO.N AL t'AUHS THi. H. To.1i. I K, . P. Tom. I l tarv 1'llhlic. I TIKIS It E. It. Tim; K, rr)ltNKY.S-A'M.AV, HILLJ- ItOKO, OI.FOON. Orncs: It .oin :i, I, 6, Morula Hl.k !OlNIV i r r ICKKH. 4ilg Coi.iuiianionorn ri.Tk ... nl.i rill ... In enter . . I r.asurt r MiHMir .... . . . . Sch.ail S.i.crllitlldeiil Surveyor nriMMr . - .11. Y. 1. It. . Ooroelius Hensoner T. U. ioO.1 . . I. A. Imiirlf . ..W. I' h.adl.ird . . K. L. MeCoriuiok A. H. t ndy .(ioorg H. Wiloux . . . Annul Crmg L. K. Wilkes I'. I.. Lnrif a. uiun, l. . ,(, HAKKETT AIA, 'TOUXKYS-ATLA V, tllLLHKOUO. OUKOON Ornca: Ceulral monk, lioouta S and 3 OUKOON CITY LAND OFFICE. (IkIS. !. MlMM'I'f v in. .ialioway . Register Keowver CI IV OFFICKKS. IMM oMA V. u. SMITH. Notary fuhlio, KVITII it I10H.M l, YTTORNEYS-AT-LAW. I11LLSHOHO. OKKOON. Ornca: Itoom li nnd 7. Moreno block. Hoard of Trustees iCoocrder treasurer -Marshal.. . Jostioe of I .. W. N. Ilarrett, Mayor ., ., .1VI,,P 'I ho. 1 ucker I ...... W. ii. WeiVru, A rr )UN V-AT-LA W, If U'. ............ I in llt'l I. A Ml, OKKOON Ik Vmat Ik kijai-l arasa kakiaa aaadar kaan. Actaal !( a... k aaasaaa lair lartaar tkaa amy tlM araaA 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure ""ivi mum fnffirii ro. . H9w ww. i mi a i im JIJ ? FICT ON Ey EICHABD HAMILTON P0TT3. wi-Il, almost anything, a i tuy, u u exir-iiv), but 1 do not know what it exijrvsst, and I coa hardly wait until tlui end of the 1shou. whun I iutcuu Co waylay Katlilwu and demand au ex planation It u evident that Loo and Hort.nso have the auiue little plun. for wbt u the U-ll riuipi for reoes. and we i. ""u"-u we inree DiuKe a run for uw door, and on reaching the hull look I'MI J t'urHUmn ....U. II. Wilno ,.ltiiiiuii ItoAiiiun K. . Mill lu ll i'lio1 lltieen W. IK hiiuth i. V. Ilinkn Koom : No. H, I'ortlaiid Hnviui?) linlik HmldinK, Hrooud nud WaHlinmtou Mnrtu cht'Wk the tud of lnT lainril. "Will, for my jmrt, 1 confin I am glad of any cliaii(,'c. It in mi ntnpid. I pine, I hanker fur a wnsutiou and tlie want of it ThiH dniwlful uiuikiUiut im embittering my miul. " And I wildly clanp niy hand to my left aide where I uppoue my aoul to lie. "I fiel for you and lotitf and hanker with you." respond Hurteiirie genially "And L "And 1," reioiu Ixm and Kathleen. 1 Imtp hay Imi'ii conniileruliln rontro- "Cannot wimeliody do aomethtiK out versy iv'r Iho tiiieHlimi ax to who ot me way? t aiK. rtoui tno mience o.a-11... -..l.li.., i.. l.uruu.l. wmen ensues u mriuii inai aomeuouy .: . ,..T ' . . . . . cannot. ....... i..e ,H.ml i.hh ma y-i imii "Kathleen. " I continued, turnius in -iitisfin torialy M'ttled; hut th wrlli-r despair to a Rirl who hal ouly been one if this hurt jwrsonal knowlel);o of ' n 'w we ks, but who had already lillil.h'l.roof (hut Mitior John I !,... Bven ua suim ient pro. .1 that Ue was, a ICopyriirht. 1C. by the Author "Alas! When it comet, to litertture, I fail to tdiiuo, ainl I do wish Misa liuuko bait not eUKiip"l a man for that branch! Even if he is old ami a fn;ry. xtill he U a man, and oue would pn f. r to 'be .hid, but for what? luuuu wuuitiiK jit (lie jireM'ine 01 one si Oh own ex. LAta rtuisei ami Kloo.uily j mnHt ana .ir. W mklo. sSUo wan o peculiar hi father, and they exptvting thimn nice and neut and having theui, too, for the ftar and Cruaoeut khan t fall into di-,r.'.ute while I'm alive, that it ahau't. ' '"A haadnjue young nnui?' asked the heroine of thia atury with (tudixi care- lihuesii. 'why, when did he come''' " 'A week ago come next Tuuaday, mid. iiA l.a i...... 1 1. . i h. K rhl h u' T IT-? ry, ,Wh"re u olT K--vea me in the i narnieeu.' e haa evxdeutlv huirer- -.i, ... i . . Li. . i m una nui. miu aiber ail hit amu- t'KU. THE kLOMUKK. Mr. K. F. McNe'.U-y jf thi vrty tiiulrt the followiiit; letter in an M:tho aH'r from his mm, Jeo. F. McNel ley. Ueorue is In Klondiko ami writtn to his wife who liven in Idaho, The date of the letter Is lawson Nov 4, 1H'I7: The mail that lakes this out will le L KVrU- ,lMltt"u" L"n'. there it i. to bring thing, jurt to turn , ""; ,hml Kathlwu if you are cook and waitrenaat the aame uesa to her, too, and the knowing how "e first to leave this wiuter. I had a nice trip down the river. Stopix! a few days at Stewart river, found no excitement there so came on here, rir riviiii; on Sept. 1!, I have not done anything as yet, hut am going in a few days to work a claim on share on Hunker creek. I got (it) er cent ami if it is anything like other claims in th" stMKC !;x-a!:ty I ought to clean up two or three thousand dollars be tween now ami July 1, and if I do I am sure coming home. I have I claim on Colder creek, hut have not proHpected it. Many miners here think it is a good one, I hoe so at least. I have a cabin built about one II INT OI KICK INKOUMATION. I he n.iuln oli we at thrt Hillsboro font i Mluw, daily: Wli-m-i... WmI limoD, llelhany and Onlar 'till, al ll:'J)l a. in. (loini! SniHli, H::l a m. Oouii; to I'liriland and way-ofBowi, B:5 a. in. nud 4 p. in. For FHrniinuloii and l.anrel. WmluUHlaya mid Saturdays at i):.ma. iu. J. N. BHilWM. like. H. HMU kV IIAIil.KV IIKOHN, YTTORNF.YS-ATLAW. llll.l.SIIOHO, OK Klii N. Kpniilaut agent lor Hoynl lieiurHiire Co Koohh: 1, 2. and 'A, Hliule llu'l'liiit;. cm KCH ani hk:iki v NOTICFJC (II INOKKOATIi IN Al. !IH'I!H, oorner J Main and Fifth mtl. freadhing nm.ru Niil.lmiii. nioriii.iL' and evxniliu- Hab, liath HeliiMil at 10 o'olook a. iu. Prayer mul,t,., '1'hiiru.iiiv Aviiiilnff. I . r. a. tj. K. 4i,n.i,i ii ii-:ui ii. m. All Hrvi'N will dnn, liriKin, interfHiinit and lialplul. Kveryoio coriliiilty (i..i". KVAN I". HUiiHKIJ. i'ai.U.r. II. T. iiai;i,fv, A 'I TORN KY AM v (X)UNCi:i.OU AT I 4.W'. HllXSlU'lto (ll; KdON. iiarteriiiiister at Vancouver, is en titled to thai distinction. He enlist ed as drummer Isiy at the age of !) years. At the age of 12 he participa ted in the battle of ChickaiiiHiigH, u here he did eminent service, killing vauishiHl. wo put it, "up to anything" leell, do Hiiggest Kniiietliing. ' 'Kath- 'Inui'lliie n ytrl very much like me." last evening about asking his name, as nonneed herself ready to nerve the "My mind is a blank," slut Hnswers. al0 wuuted to bo sure it really was stranger. a colonel in the relielling forces. This claim is fully sustained by the rec ord and it accords to Mnjor Clem the honor of lieing the youngest soldier I in active service in the war. I am pcrfiTtly willing to do anything Winkle, and yet could not bring herself anybody else Huggi-sta, lint as for sug- 10 question us about him. And I sup- gi sting myself it is beyond me. " P01 they are talking now. Do go baek, A gloomy pause. My last hoiw has one ol you, and see. i win, i say, and 1 turn back to the door and onen it nuieklv. Kathln U standing very close to Mr. Winkle, talking most earni-stly too earnestly. I think, for any subject connected with literature.. She starts violently as I ap pear ana moves a little away. ' ou sihmii nervous. Miss Walfonl, " time the ungrateful girl and they having a private room for their meals, which make thinga even harder. " 'I'll tell you what 1 11 do. Mm. Sweeny, said the heroine slowly. 'I'll be waitresa for the private room today. " 'What, you, miss':' " 'Yes, I. It will be rather fun for a chwir...h'i; you vw.it not tell n:y tuicIe or aunt Now, not a word. I know I will enjoy the novelty, and I will be here promptly at 1 dressed just aa Minnie always was. ' Aud silencing the good landlady's prot-ts she returned to her home to don a ueat print dress she owned and to borrow a white apron from oue of ber aunt a servants. "At 1 o'clock she reuuneared before the still protesting but very grateful mile alMive Dawaon, on the Klondike .. .. ... , airs, bwuvuy, and with a courtesy an- ami very comfortably situated for the is frozen about a winter. Kverything here froze Film-air Vour lluweU Vtllh I'aHrarrta. ':iinly riiMiiirtli. rurf ronmipl ion forover l(kfN'. UC C C. fail, 4lrut;krisl. ri'Imid money. "I wish my hair lav in dnskv waves and shadows on a low, broad, white brow," murmurs Kathleen at last. She has taken a small ixickct glass fiom herl desk and is pensively regarding her charming, piquant f;u'o. "Isow, what are you all laughing at?" she adds, oiiening her big, brown mW Mr- Winkle. Kathlien flashes her eyes and looking the picture of astonish- a;u "yes at turn and exclaims: "Nerv nieiit. "And I wish I hud a house with ou8" ,J". no' A a much us to say, fun ,v,iT.,r,d ..i.i. ,.. Yon knnw I Aitl tii-ir. .t.4 f n I . .. ' "Mrs. Sweenv nrononnnl bemelf Hn. I I uaon iroa, over light.il with her wuitress, as she turn.! Wi'k HK- nit s the If.ld her around and around, and then arm- ent it lias lHtti this winter -8 dc ing her with a ture. u of soup sent her Mow zero. To day it is snow- "lit, uiu,i a r. u. i.n rii.... ni i ,, a. miii n i.piii inn inn ll ninnii! "Oh, Kathl.n. how did vou dam!" -ves nere say mat it never gets wo ull exclaim in one breath as she over z feet deep. During Ih'inla-r, PttU,1 January and Kehruiiry. the thermom cry easy, my dears. Just wait un- I t..r u.i..ro,r.wi iu.,. ni ' ami mi hi ou uu-oine a viciiiu to a really monotonous existeuce and see to what distance you will go for diversion. by, school lifo is the wildest kind of li.ftv niiirl.l.i liull t,, .,.! T ulj, l i sting lllm. my hair wasso long that when I walk.il Ilaglcy-lo you rc-ollect that $. distractedly up and down it the hall, oustiess. I murmur aomething about having Iepiity lliiriet Attorney for Wnitiing ton iioiiiity. time,: Hooni No. I.'l, Morgan and llaiiey block. I iVANdFI.ICAI. CHl'KCH. Oorner V. F.ftli and Fir 1'rwicliuiK every Hnuday veiling at H . aeoond Biiuuay at n a. in.: Hiindav rxhiMil at 111 a. iu. fraver iiiiilinii every Wednesday evening! eaehers meeting every huuday eveumg. II. A. Keiii, iastor. 1'IKHT CliriBtniu t'huroli, K. I.. Hhelley I.HHtor, Hiiseline aud I bird. I'reaobmg svery hiiiiday at II a. tu. and 7M p. m. HuiidayHeli.Hil, 1U a. ni. Trayer meeting, Ihiirmliiv. H IKl u. in. . r. B. V. ... nuu- day, 7rt l. lu. JOHN T. UIIM.I.KY. l.nRIMi 11. HTKWtKT. WIULLI.V & Sl'hWAKT. ATTORNEYS- AT-LA W, l'OKTLAXK DKKliCS. Uvrici: 410 Chamber of Commerce. I I.'l you have about a year ago? Ilnice Perfectly. liagicy l liars good. l see your iiiein.iry is all right. How's your eye sight'.' Harlem Life. I mean my hair wonld trail behind mo ,"y notebook, and go over to my V.. OHl'IM'll, U A. Adkina, pastor. M . I'reaohmit every NalHiaiii "uu Honse, where lie will be found at all iiouih M. T. LI.Mil.ATtK, M. II. C. M. piIYSICIAN ANDSUIWIKON H1LLS1IOKO, tlUtOUN. Urriea: at resideum, east of o.iil evening Hul.'mi Ii school every riabbath at when U( T1HjtinK uW. 111. l,.-ii?ii ineeiuig every Mnnday at ::1 r . ueiixral prayer ineetiim every l liiirHday evening. Iieadera' and hteward'a iiiM.ling the Moid I nernlay eveumg of Mob aiontti. in. A. . 11. aud third A. O. I . nll.l.SIUIKO I.OIX1K NO, W.. meets every lost sn lav evening in Hie mouth. .HIS. KI.1NKMAN, M.IW I'. II. HAIUHIMAN. Kismrder. llaiiglilers of ItelN'kah. Hll.lllOKtl KKUFKAH LKE NO M, I. O. O. F., nuH'ts in Oild Felkiwp' ll, .11 Mvi.rv Kiiluriliiv evellllllf. SAUAIt WILLIAMS, N. O J. I'. TA.MItMK., M. II., g P. It. R. SUIU1KON, UILLH1IOUO, OUF.UON. Ovnoa ami KcsiiiKNtiK : corner Third nud Main Streets. OUive hours, SUK) to 11' a. lu., t to 6 and 7 to S p. m. '1 eleplione to reaidenoe from 11 roe k Jt He Is' lrugstore al all bourn. All ealla promptly alteudei!, uight or day. II r. or ii. II.I.HHOUO ItKANOK, NO. 7:t, meeU '.'lid and 41 Ii Saturdays of each mouth. Ilrsj. SoinmisLii, Master, ANSIS I Minus, See. I. l. it. t. MOMK.CMA I .111 X IK, NO. r1. Wednesday evenings nt H o'clock F. Hall. V mitors made welcome. KICIIAUIl HFMlSIl, N. II. I. M. tl. tUiikT, bo'y. . V. . 4'. MK.KTH very fluidity evening at 7 o'clock in tlie Christian clmruli. You an initially invited to nttc ndits meeting. F.I'A ADAMS, I'res't. W. I. WtlOII, M. l., pHYHIClAN AND SUUdEON, H ILLS HO HO, OUKOON. KaaiixMr K.vervboily Fays So. CairarotqCanilv Cathartic, the most won. I'crfiil medical discovery of the age, pleaa ont and i-efi-eshinv to the lasie, act geutly and positively on kiinrs, liver aud bowels, tiennsniL' the cntM-c fltsteui. dlsH'l colds, ! ami biliiiiinnes. 1'leasi huv nnd trv a box .if C C !. lo -day; III, S; M eeiits. Sold and guuraiiU'i'd to cure by ull druggists. I hainliei Iain's t ough Itemeily Alnays Troves llflcctual. Then-are no iK'tter intilicines on and make a faint swishing sound. A burst of unsympathetic laughter follows this speech. "Well, if she has not read more nor- em tiutn any girl l ever knew I ' ex claims Hortense. "Hushl"'I whisjsT. "Hero Miss Hanks. " at and hunt for it moat carefully. It is not there, of course, as I left it with Urn, and while I um looking for it Mr. w rnklo leaves, arb-r a few words to Kathlei'u about how long he will kwp us on the early writers. As if I did uot Know bo changed tho aubjoct on my en trance! Aa soon as he is gone I turn to We ail smother our laughter and re- Kathleen and see her hurriedly putting lume our ennvingof a problem from the not' her piK'ket. blaokbourd. That is. xeentiiiT Kath- ' "Kathltcn Walfordl" I exclaim, and loon. I am aenttil next her, and no mark JUMt then Lou and Hortcuso burst in the or mars me wuircness or tlie paiier U foro m. eueseecuana impioro uer to her. Shu is evidently in u brown study. "''1 ua how and whero she met Mr. Never mind, " I whisiier, "if your inkle, for met him we are certain she hair is uot long and cannot 'swish' on has, 'and what there is between them. marble hall, it's a tin t ty color and hut she laughs at ull our questions and curly. And then by the time yon get declares she has no idea what we mean. the ball your hair will probably have fJ never saw Mr. inkle before. She grown, you know. " but she only smiles did not hesitate about askiug his nauie. the market than Chamberlain's. We aud relapses again info thoughtfuluesa. Blie only meant, when ou entering tho have used I he (Viiigh Itcinedy when I That evening Lou Devine nnd I are in room she said, "Oh, I cannot t" that all others failed, ami in everv inslne onr rM1ra "nnying. i nere is a knock at u'u uot .earn literature, ine note ,. , . , .. ... the door aud Kuthleeu enters. Her nret- 1 w bur hide was only a piece of pa- , ,ui.,. nuos, ..ni.jr we ty nuir iH w,.t ,,,, uff hl(r per with hex French exercise on it, etc. hear th virtues of Chamberlain's rem- foromatd, as if she wero the victim of a k"1 w-herJ we ask her to let us see the eilies cxtol.'cil by those who have over8 headache or a comixisition. French exercise," she will not. Telia .1,.,,.. ti.i i ..... . ... Hot cyoa, usually sparliling with mis- ns we mU!,t trust her word, etc. Wo , ..' , J chief, nre large, diirk, mournful. She treat all her exphuiutioua with the 'con- pull, paid for at so much a line, but assures us with pmi,h:isis. in answer t tempt they deaerveaud tell hermvsteri- is Voluntarily given in good faith, in I onr sympathetic inquiries, it is nothing ously that "She will seo,"whieh is the hoiM that sullerinir liunianit v I b"t a slight headache. She wauders equal to tho darkest threat. But we do U'low zero, Last winter the coltlcst it got was 7S below. The days are very short. It is daylight ulstut rt a. in. anil dark at 4 p. ui. This is a great country for dugs. Tho natives dogs are worth f pleach and common curs tl.Vi. AU the freighting is done with thorn; 2 wi pull 5(H) (Miuntls. Provisions are very scarce here, in fact, a Kirson cannot and aunt Hut to resume. "Seated at a table in tho private din ing room imagine a go. si looking nian. very much like Mr. Wiuklo, we will say, but uot quite so serious looking. Perhaps ho had no occasion to be so at that tune. Picture to yourself a flue looking old gentleman oiroosire. Unoii this aceno entered tho waitress. Neither Duv nything only from those selling gentleman looked up, bnt went on with out to get out of the country. The a discussiou they wore haviiur as to I i..,,. oil u..i.i .,........,. i. , . " aiiii.a miir on E9,o,i wu. n iiitriiiti fK' a iiuiegiuie oourwo was in ait c,.. . ,. . .. cas.s a very advantage. thiior f,.ra r,,mt r. win muu. As they were finishing their aoun iH,u-d, it is worth now M Hr M.uni the sou ltNikcd up at the waitress and ilacon $1.2'i, fresh btH'f. moot) meat some br.ad. which, of course, anil mutton 1 ner iMiunil. oil t i... K...1 ....... ... wi ' r dntbT Afhi ihYLu! Z Z I-' '"n and cannot to got, candles to her diwomhture she met hiseyescon- l each- 1 Kave f"r a b()X 1 -tantly. ."-be began to wonder if he and got a bargain. Iran across an .Miild ansis-ct her suddenly assumed Indian who ha.l killed a m.Kwe am OVER THE STATE ITEMS Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. JUIIE A STEW Of AX Ul.lt Ml I F. Lieut. Deutler autl I'amiljr star ou the lotk to Arixoua. I.leat. (ieary takes Ids Place. l:aru-ter, but she decided that was ut- tirly iinimssible, and her presence of may try these remedies; and, like the Jound an uneasy spirit, but as .... rt , a a .... I TV i J4 -lt I'll) IT?( Iin UIIIH I Hi' writer U benefited.-From the (lien. milluto ll(v busy to Qlttice vi.ieivt. v ,) laiiiuiiiier. ror sale bur. by the Delta Drug Store. "Bess," she saya at last. 'Ik Orrma; In Chrnette Y w. ooruei First and Main streets. I'. A. HA I LEV, M. II. meet. 1)11 YSICIAN, SUIOKON AND ll.l 1 AatlUCHKUH. IIILLSIHIKO. OUKOON. Ornei: in I'hnrmnov. t'nion lllock. Calls attended to, night or day. Ittwidenoe, H. W (lor. rlase Line and heoond streets. fpilK I 1 W., Degree of ll.uiol. I'l tlltKK OK IIONOIt, A. O. H. , nits-is n (M'l reils hull eer lirnl and third Friilav evi-nunt ol eacl. month. M. M. I'tileiigvr, C. of ll. Mis. Ilelle lro", Uei older. A. II. II A I LEV, l. I. S. IKNTIST, UILI.SIIOKO, OKKtiON. ILitlilHine Mslers. IIII.KMCIA I KM IM F. NO. It), It. i I ineel i. every -ltd iiiid 4th Friday l.iasch nth al 7 .Kio'clis k oi I. O. O. h. Hall. M ,n A M I ii rl isle .lo.te Sohtiluier eli M. K. ('. M. ol li. nnd C. Iloontn I nnd 2, Moriian A Pailry lllis-k, ( . t:. i.fii.i.i;, HOM lllPATIIIC PIIYSICAN AM.Sl lKiKoN. Fotti.sr tiKovK i:i: i.iN Special alt ntinli eaiil to M SlllK'eal I hM-ases of oincli and all chrome diMi-ascs. lical and tin! I litlitreii C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. not get bold of the note aud we are tor tured with a burning desire to see its contents. Iu the evening Kathleen cornea to us and proposes to have some fun, but we lend mo a pencil, will yon?" inform her that we are not having fun "Uon t forget to oivo it buck to mo. witn people who do not confide in us. Battle of Waterloo, lfjlO: buttle of Wa- "ue Kives ua a l.xik of reproach and ex- terloo, 1815." claims in a heartbroken tone, "Oh, if "Bess are you studying your his- Ton uly knew I" But wo tell her un toryf" 1 bought a fore quarter for $25 before mind was iu a measure restored. ne nau a cnance to get to town an "After the fish Mrs. Sweeny, with find out what it was selling for. There many apologies for the weight, handed are hundreds of men miiiurout. Thev 1 .. .1: .1. . . . , . . I r. - o J i ot" r, enargiug ner to nave t0 or , Th,.re are men IM 1'H refill Hllfi Ititt Il.t If. HtHtn If waa I B very heavy, aud her arms trembled and hore who inUud ,iv'D ,hruKn her ftice (IusIimI. aud she decided a wait- Winter on a sack and a half of Hour rcss life was not all joy. Aa she ap- There is plenty of money here, wages proached the table with her burden she I r.n i m.'...i i.. i... . ill , . . , , , c ri ,oj n- iiirui. l,,n mmj linn Stlllllhlofl a llttli. nnH tl,.. n.nn I 1 rf - j uimi I , . , - ... , ... . jumiKil un. exclaiming imnetuouslv: auM " ,H,ul "u "ly i t me belp you. ' money mere is. i iook in a man ny Their eyes met over the beef, while the name of Miller, a lawyer from a deep blush mounted to the brow of un l',,,,,,,., ,i n.,.,r ul.,,t , .Jl.ll . a..... ... I.,,. .1.., ,.. ...V. ...ri.u. MlA un I lr..uu Tlw.t, ,l,u w.x.i... . ...u.. ... . I ' . ....,..,.,., 11M He..- . Tl.ou ku.l O.oi. tly took the dish from her hands and " "s ' " ' placed it upon the tabla Thooldur man boat anil everything In it, even to was oblivious of this wvue, being ab- their coats, boots and hats. Irving to a.u'bed by this time iu his paper. The sh,K,, the canyon, and landed here w r-rws , uv 1TJUU1 OH IMKIU UM IK I Shi- I ... . , . . ... . . bio and tortured herself nnfsirtn with ' '" unytii.r.g to eat conjectures as to whether it was custom- fclt w,rry fl)r i'10 lMM,r fellows and ary for member of her calling to be aa- took them in. It is going to work Tit fa. ) TKfJS In a recent letter from Washington I). V., to an old Iriend, Major (I. A. Sludcr, for 20 years United Slates Consul at SingaKire, says: "While "Liverpool and Manchester railway Opened, IH30; Liiverptsil"- "IVssie?" I lixikcd up. Something in her tone attracts my atteutiou. "Well?" I ask rather impatiently. Lr now .t, did yon sav the bat- Uo of Waterloo wits in lsi.1?' "Well," I wiy scornfully, "I thought you were going to ask mo something of mme importance. Of course it was." at IK'S Moines I U'came acUaintel Aud I return to the Liverpool and Man- I nioeta our eyca with the utmost equu Kathleen turns to the with a liniment known as Chamlr- c."'tT failway I..i..- I...:.. ...t i.: ... i . . door. loin a I mil iniiiii. VIIIHI1 1 lOUUIl CX- I uu.. t. . V -1 i .11. . ', . Sho haa her hand on tho knob, when n neiu rigainsi rneumniism as well I she pauses. as against sorenesH of the Ihroat and Oh, by tho way, Bessie," she says, chest (Viviiiir me much easier hrculh. wltn "imewhat studitsl carelessness, "is I i,,.,! a ,l ,.r . . . i 'o "cw wacner s uamo it Winkle? ' 1 na.l a touch or pneumonia ...., . m. answer, suniriseii at ner svninathericilly har. is W wlo.r we T' ... '" " ' """"" " " " " w'ant-toknow-and nut 1 she rep.s.s ZHl '",HU 7"' hardship on my grub pile, but 1 . . , . I iiuio passed txfore sho had come to , , , ... ,, . .. , . inns the confidence we desttrve sho to L. H.Vision. and shews, oi.ii L think 1 will pull through the winter not one of us. .;!. i I hnv run nrro-n -'vril mon I knou' larly two wwjka have patiwvi. Mr. MuVl ..u;. u l... ....... , - .1 ...i... , . . . . , a,- I M.kinn au un. uimiiii. lllm - i nun iww n mux w in iinvi? womru .....o mw to uuto uu ajciu, uoiuj , uu . ... . . ... ., ....... . iijt-un tlie is.ni. I will say a few words about the country that may lie of interest to you or of some lienelit to those in tending to come herein the spring. The first and principal thing is to bring plenty of provisions, enough of Kathleen, but every day oue or the -L i.i.,.i i..,j .'. k... u ...j o her of us aeea Kathhvn hi.ling a note. fc th ,werW)1.k, llludla1y n.tunl. KllH a lint muwl im HiuHilltlott I a.mll I , .rr ed to her home just as herauutwas think I could do it better myself. We ii.:.. , . f... ... , . .. . it ufl " ,. . .... i , , ai ii, i tioneuiv. wonder if Mr. Winkle knows that we suspect. He seems perfectly at ease and 'til. no.i n i.iui ii jmcuilioma I "Yea" early this week, and two applications manner. k. of I'. IklliKNIX I.OIH1K, NO. M, K. OK I'., I .elimuifHt to lislie meetllii;s O II liaies. k of li A C Olliice ami res Paeilie uve., wesi , ilenee 1 1 1 en I!.. .1 lit. ,11.' lie! .1.1. iini'ts iii M i. .hoc Hall on Monday I vi.mtii? of eiielt week. Sojourning brethren I F', Kelso A. E. ami A. M. IM All IV I.OIKIK NO. ft, A. F. AA. M I iiiM'HrnTV Saturday night on or after nil moon ol inch nieiilh. W. I). WlOI, W. V. II. Cmkimm, Secretary. . E. . AI.ANN I II I' I Kit, NO. :.,(. K.S., at Masonic I cmitlt on the xml I mil till I tie. .lav oi iMich moiith. Mas. W. . II ARK, V. M. Iihai k CnoNKirr, Secretary. TIKIS. II. Ill urilliEV. ION VKYANCI Nd AND AIIMTKACTI N(l OK IITI.K.S HI1.1..S1IOUO, OUKOON. Iiegnl pniern drswn nnd Isiannon IU.nl rotate nevotiate l. Kiuoni-sa Htlenili.l lo with proniptnens aud iliisioih Orrica: Man Street, oiiMite ( . un lionne. 'Ill' A I. A I mccl. W. ( . T. I . i t.i.s Hoi!. , w.r. r. I'. M kk is in Ilie Contttwitrtonai Church on the Fri.lay in each month nt .1 o'clock r. k. O. T. Al. r il. A TKN f, NO. IS, K. O. T. nieeiK in Oil. i hellons Hall, on pliACTICAL MACHINIST ri 1 I.I.SIM IKO OK ON. All kind of repairing on enm Kiii'Iikk nnd Hollers, Mill Work, i bresliinc M. liiniw Mowem, r'eel ('ntu.rn, Sew.ni MHchinn Wnshinc Maehinen, Wruutem, t'nint. Senlf n. Seissorn oronnd. Onn nnd Lock smithing. Saws vronnd nnd filed; nnd have a Inrire number of second hand racuin nnd Niilem for sale. All work warranted. 4iid fourth 'iiom h. II I n ton Hon a. is K. K. M. are- Ihursil-iy eveiinitfs of eni'h I.. A. I.ONO, C.n. w ASIIIMHON FNCAM I'M FN T No. 'H, hir t rn-diiyn of rsch month. I. M. C tciT, Serilwi. nv.. uh i'or. . '., u. a. i. F.KIM IN lli FKI I.MWs II A II. ON ifl the hr.i and Hurl sHinr,lnys of Mch ni.oiih, si? mi n'rua't. I'. M. J. I', lin ks. 11. Crnndall I'. I' kitimnm K. SIXt, J)F.NTIST, Flll'.Fsr OIIOVK, OJIKiON I bow ninktnc teeth for f '..00 nnd t'.Ml per mt i bent of Material nnd woikmaimhip Will eoniisire with acts eostiin? :'A. Ie,.h evtrncted without pntn. Fillinon at the kiweat prioea. All work wnrrnnled. Orrtra: three donrn north of Prick store. Oftio hours from a, m. to 4 p.m. freely applied to the thriat and chest relieved me of it at once. I would; inn is w iinout ii lor anything." Kor sele by the Delta Drug Slore. OASTOniA. 1 ll n ttry wnuaw Such a queiT name, you see. Rip au winkle, you know, nud er that " And she is goue. Lou anil I stare at each other in amazement. "What makes Kathleen so peculiar?' asks Lou. i i i. ... .... vrive it up, i answer. Mio cer tainly was rather oncer. " And wo r. anme onr studying. Put the dates will not stay iu my head. I cannot help tuiiiKing or Kathleen nnd her stranp hesitatiou, her very evident confninu. "Aa she sought her room with visions flitting through her bruin of her com fortahle wraps-r, her soft little A and all tho delights of a good, long rest these blissful dreams were dispell.it by for a year at least. The store com ber aunt who reminded her that it Wits t .allies sav that if the numlicr of ikhi- aiier o ... tu at sue must nx nowers on ,,e , M.X, mmnwt ,hltt is ex the lat.t, aa their friends might arrive iKt',ed U wi" lnMir.silile to get early. With many secret anathemas provisions enough up the river for upon their heads she gave up her lnx- them to winter on. The first Ismt urioua plans, 'for the sake of two old Lrrii i...... .(.. .1,0 imi. ..t r.. . , , . . , , , , nillT.a in .V ..rui nil. lr..l Ml M u llV logics, ua sue iniai leuiiy tnougnt, anil when, finally, from her seat iu the par Frank Sherwtssl was down town to day, the first time sim-e he had his tussle with Cholera morbus. I la i. i.:i !. . . . One by one the first class in litenitnn fil.-sdt.wu the staircas,. which leads to .as,-,., mm never nunc so near the room where stands Miss Rink, onr .lying in bis life. Afler this when he worthy principal, and Mr. Winkle g out in Ilie country h will takea "nt Kathl.i'u, then Hort.-usc, thou I Isittle of ChaiiiN'rlain's Cnlie. I'hol. uimity, bnt then he's a man, aud one can never tell what a man is up to. At least that is what our French teacher alwaya assures as, and she has been married aud ought to know. Aa time goea on we ouly grow more auxions to have "our little mystery, aa we call it, explained, and at last we divide we will not sit tamely by any longer and have a romance enacted Is'fore our very eyes without knowing all tho particu- .),,, fl,.ii , i,.,, . i ,i,'..... and the river closes alsiut lutober 1 lara. So we waylay Kathleen after 1(r gho h,rd 'soun.U of their arrival her H 1" very elusive aiming in at the s. ...... oours aim eu....u . ui r cnn.iijr f clouded with nil expression li.no of veor I .11.1 i.'w.rull,ii, I rremclv to n-sort. to fonL still, unless .:. ... wriviit nere witn cosi mo not less . . . numoa out to wi niniie tneir guests, but I ., . ,. . . she ant still with her eve. fixed on tnan a uoi.ar a ,kuii.i, nut one com- paoe, aa alio wearily wondered how she in t'e spring can get here conldever stand this enuui until the wi,h but little exH'nsp, if they get lo time for her release. Dyea by the loth of March, or in She heard them approach the parlor time to iret to Lake Lindernian on . .. a i ...... , ..i... i i ,i .1 " nun in.-ii enier, uini sue languid iv rose ,iw. m....... i.. . , . , , , 11117 nil.... iii.oii niiiviou in ir and slowly rnraerl nnd fli..,i u-irli an I ' n astonish.il start she gazed into the eyes PHrly ln the spring with a stock of of the handsome yonng man to whom provisions, such as Hour, liacon, lieans, and behind me Ixiu. she coust.nts to tell ua all als.nt herself nnd Mr. Winkle, sho will havo two pitchers of cold water otic after the other ponr.il over her, dress aud all. After which dire threat sho reluctantly consents to comply with our demands and N ils ns to come to her rtsim after dinner and we shall hear all. So we let her go and exist until 9 o'clock when, by various strategies, we meet iu ber room. "Imagine a girl very much liko me visiting at the country homo of her un cle last summer, "aha begins, looking around with a rather amused expression It is estimated that oO,(hmi,ihm feet of lumber were cut in Union county last year, and about 3,(KNi,voo feet of railroad tie. carload of broomhanilliM were shiped south from the factory in C-o-.puille last Wednesday ami another carload wiil be sent out soon. A number of men ami women ar rived in Dallas last Tuesday to work in the Dallas woolen mill. The mill is running day and night, getting out large orders of Klondike g.ssls. Winter weather has interfered lit tle with building in llaker City, and many new dwellings an.: several business buildings are now about finish.il. The ice has distipiiearfd from Klamath lake, in. Southern Oregon. Die coldest weather in Klamath County In January whs zero on the 24th of that month. It. Ambler started from Canyon 'ily last Tuesday for Hums w ith his sleighs loailed with .riO,INHI miiiii.Is or Hour, which he exeets to dispose of at rates high enough to pay him a good price for freight. Tho largest hog ever brought to the Klgin stockyards was brought over from J. A. Ma-sterson's Wallowa ciun'.y ranch last week. It was of the Poland China hn-ed and tipped tho licam at 740 xunds. The Corvallis papers state that the seniors of the mechanical course at the agricultural college are making a ten-horse power engine, under the direction of Prof. Covell, which will be used at the college barn when com pleted. The barn haa been thorough ly equipped with electric lights. An addition to the woolen mills in Union will soon he built, ami a large boiler put in. The mills are now running on full time on blankets of a sufiertlne quality, and have orders ahead. It will not tie long until Un ion county can wear Union made coats, trousers and vests. There was a meeting in The Dalles lust Friday night of the committees appointed for the meetings of tho National Sheep-growers' Association, to be held in The Dalles, March 1, 2 Industrial Agent Judson, of the (, It. A N., wan present and predict ed one of the largest meetings ever held in The Dalle. He was emphat ic In stating that the hotel accomoda. tions will be scarcely sufficient for the M-casion. About 15 of the beat hjh ak- ers In the United (States will Ik; there, ami a large concourse of MHple from Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon. Commandant at theO. A.C. Lieut. C. K. Dentler, and family are iniik- ng preparations for their departure o Arizona, where the (lieutenant's regiment ia now stationed. They ex pect lo leave about the 15th of this month, ami it will seem as though a part of the college has movtil away. lie hoard of regents at a recent meet- ng passed resolution tendering Lieut. I)entler assurances of the high- eat appreciation on their pari of his elllcient service in the military de partment. Ilia successor will Is- Lieut. Woodhridge (It-ary, late of West Point, a brother of Dr. K. P. h-ary, until recently of Medford, Or egon, and he also has relatives in Willamette Valley towns. Corvallis Union, On the bank of one of the mouiit n streams, that flow Into the Des chutes there live a couple of bache lor brothers, who up to a few weeks ago were the proud poHscswirs of a mule that was old enough those who knew it well say to havei-ron-sil the ....... i iv i i, ... n. u nwn imi nimr Katniti-n stops """"" era and Diarrhoea K-nuily with him. short, puts one hand to her head, stag Bt our it'rrted fac. .Mis-oiirl alley (Iowa) Times. For a little nnd gasps, "Oh, I cannot. sale by the Delia Drug Store. IWI T .h.fr. Spil .ml han.tr t.wr Iff .J. To quit !4tt-co c.iMly n.nl forever Is-niatf nrtnv in, i ,.r lit,. i rv.- nh.l viror. take No To Hae. tin i--im. I. r aorker. that n.ilke. wrsli mrl sironir Ail ilrtii irisiK. or f I. Cure ffuaraa Usil li.H.).iet an.t s:miri- free Ailitrest Su-rllni; Keicdy t . Chuavo or New VorH fn-Tn liar for Urtjr tenia. Cnanille. ii lol.a, , c lialut rerc. ni.UA. .k mi ii ,1 r.nu-. I, .hvI nnrc. hlc. II. All dnurmata. vsr fie- y i:a:, jK-V . . To Core ron.tlpatlon lomq, T.lkc r.tsrnrrts I 'nn.ly (Mtharlir lur or r If L, c. C. tail lo cur.-. druKist n funa ukhm y till. m"it iii;f!. , W H, C. I MKKTS IN OMU FKI. lOWS HAM, HilUbi.r.1, on the lit. in, I ad. Fridays ... rn i Mllll ll a .!. III. Mr,. . V. OntM. ElKlwlli O. Crninlali, bWmiar. a.a.WMlllMiai 1 lt' aartsM fom on't cure It Mth 4AC0M OIL. vyftich pen 4t trt totNo at of tho pin nd t.kdue, oothe, cure. Then, before we can move or sth-ak, she straightens up. dashes open the ili.r and man bee in. her head just a little averted aud held very stifllv, as if it is an effort hold it up af all. We r-., h our aeata, and Miss Ilanks in a few a; propriate remarks introdnees Mr. Win kle to the finishing class. As he Ikiws Hortense and I hear Kathleen mutter bitterly, "Ah, be cau seem on. 1 and calm, while I" Hortcuso looks at me, nnd I l.n.k at HitU usm. To sny we nre biirni.n.' w irh curiosity would scarcely be an cx;:gvr ation. Kathln n evidently knows sniuo thing abont Mr. Winkle, or has met him somewhere, bnt how, when, where; Miss Hanks has 1. ft the r.in, ami Mr. Winkle la telling us of what the atudy of literature csisists, etc. He is about 30, I should iin.ii.ino. tall, hau l some and grave. He lia ks as if he were the hero of a romauee. With my eye fixed upon him I car. fully write in tiie kv ih my nofeina , Have you ever sis-n Mr. Winkle b fore?'' and when he is not looking pass it to Kathleen. She read it and gives me au i'XpMsive look which may iu.wu "Yes" or "IX. uot ask twa" uf "My boart U Uwkuu, "Imagine how soon a girl of a lively disposition would tire of ntb-r, ceaseless monotony no oomimnion of her own nge, no gametics, no new novels in short, a most uneiijoyable peri.sl of her life. She would hnve left for her home in tho city, bnt this could uot ts man aged without giving offense, an she spent ber time consulting a calendar, which hung u.n the wall of her room. and noting with rapture the passing of tedious days and the slow bnt sure ap proach to the beginning of the next month, when she wan expected at a friend's bouse for a visit. One day, when there were about three weeks of monotony still before ber, she happened to be at the village hotel ordering for dinner some dish from the landlady for which she was famed. ' lie sure to let us have it by (I, Mrs. Sweeny," she soid, 'for we expect oom- pnny to dinner, and yon know Aunt Jane prides herself on her punctuality ' " ', misa, it shall be there prompt. althongh I don't know aa I ought to promise it for I havo my hands full, what with W ing -re and waitresa and chambermaid and all, with only oue girl to belp ma, and ahe a fool, and a hran j on young sua Lu tbyjaoon with she had nerv,ii dinner some few hours dried fruits, coirce, baking wwilcr bef,.re It was evident, from his expre. ,, ri nn nk) ,rop huil(r, Ion nf miltryl.wi tr imhIo uiwl o m nuutn..iii I that he recuniiail her. and his beanti'- D"1- nn ,,,,,ir investment, as this I plains with the first emigrant train fill eyea fairly sparkled aa be noticed clan of supplies cannot Is? ha.l for . that reached the Pacific coast. 1 ber consternation. I love or iiionev: Is-siih-s there are a that na It mav aav.ihi.f 'n.,k iv ii-ii . " ' - i yyeu, gins, not to common my - lnuv nllu-r Ihimni In ll.o Io.f.I. : I. l l.l i. ... .. afory info tho an,.' lionr. I ill " " , "' " ' " ware aim cunning lines, fxi'iniiy ; out age, anl me lroltit-rs, la-lug tm) windows. I have the only one in lazy to hunt or fish, and U-ing of a this settlement, and tin-re are sixty J uitl some leave to your imagination how she sat Isfted her new friend a curimity as to her afternoon's si rvittido. And I sun thrifty turn, withal, d.-termiiie to eke out their winter supplies with pose it is not n.n-ssary to assure yon or seventy cabins hnro, fhar trinni a-na nr. .... .aw . I b.T from that time. She saw the young ,a" 01,1 r,,"l'nK ' ?"t l, it cost fS.-'it) the carcass or the dead mule. A Unit man frequently in fact, every day and la two feet square. I was otTcrcd this time a ncighlsir, unwitting- aiid " her face anddena " with inti- 2i for It la-fore I got it home. A : ly, maile up his mind lo pay the lT-dhm" kuowW'r" thnt "h" Person can't get a l.sk of any kind, bachelors one of those friendly Vtsial An impressive pause. Kathleen buries M k''t kn,V, aXM ' h"'. in j visit-that largidy make up the win- her face in ber hands. Weare all so ex- 'h,y have'nt got anything here t er history of the mountainous set tlements of Crook county. limner was served in due time, the chief dish being a mule stew. The neigh Isir tackeled it with an appetite wln-l-til by n brisft ride in the crisp noun- cited we are sitting on the very edge of but laid whiskey and rotten eggs, our seats. Parties coming in should get th.-ir Go on," says Lou. "Then what? out fi a at Victoria. If they buy in Are you engaged to him?" the United Static they will have to "They became engaged," ennftnaca pay a duty on every article. My out- Kathleen. "And they were in a dream fit cost 1 (, oi nappinesn wnicn waa ruaeiy tir.k. n I Some of the claims on U inanzt and ; fain air. Hut All bif.irts to fiiasicat by the girl's father finding out the con- Klilorado cru-k are very rich, going ; .. .. . ...L , , . . dition of affairs and sending her to a from to f-VMI to tint- pan. Oravel "'u'1 w"" ma- 1 b.rding ach.sil, for he wished h.ir to that will not pjf .', n-nts to tlift ,n cut it In "BiAll Jyi3rl Waa only puf. marry another man. But the girl with in no workxl. llMfr fe Ala.Bt T,-1 ially .vwalill; bat In- linisbul tt her lover a devoted words and ad.n-ing ink) .pp in and . iNwson. 1 m.-al Msuiebov, aiat did not tenra l.-.ks in b.-r mind was brave and sbd- am enjoyinjf thf iv t hinlth. 1 ini fia.-.i.Li ikai ta .ti.,. . fast in her determination to l true to could write W'.r- that would ' 1, , "p him nnd went to the s. h.l rath.-r than (, of Interest, bat Davf Is kkititHC , ',flr "dm) off Ida laithlui If wedd.-d to a man she did not, could (,,r me tt) & WU tkawlt thifl old brute he lal kttrwftrf aiw tva lontinwd on fourth i'ay UlUie, avl A lliU.