Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 28, 1898, Image 3

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o a Si
0 I
Kill DAY, JAN IT A HY 28,
All wool On -trim HiiiU $10 at Ki'liul
mcrirli A. Soii.'h
Ki'liuliiicricli A-Simi.'h in the place
l gvt hIhIh anl (IryuiKMirt, they ur
c!inw iIiimii at Ihc factory ami can
-II -hi-aMT than their coniH'titorn.
Stop that coti'h! Take warnitiK- It
may Irml lo iki Hiimplion. A '2te
hoi l lc of hliilnh'H Curo may nave
your life H..ll ly IlilMxirn Thar
macy. For Hale A Hteinway Square
J r tin i piano in K'mhI condition. If
Hold at once it in a Ii trpiin. For par
ticular ei iiire at 1 N liKl'KNUKNT if
tlce, I lillHlioro.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and
Hweot lireatti wrured with Hhiloh'H
Caturrli llemedy, Hold on a tfiiaran
ti. NiiHiil injector free. Hold hy
llillslMiro I'liarmacy.
Win. Mohr inaken lootn at liU
nhop on Second wln-el, lli'lntnim, for
."i.f0 er pair, newed kIhmw lor .',
and i;iveH Hiecial attention to repair
I in;, lie iik-h only tlint-KrHilM Htock
which enahlcH him to guarantee Iuh
For Count i pal ion take Karl'n Clover
llml Tea, the ureal lil.xxl l'uriner
runw lleailache, NervousneHH, Krup
tioim on the face, anil make the head
clear an a Ix-ll. Sold ly Uillnlwirn
KarlV Clover limit Tint In a pleas
ant laxative. Kej;uliten the liowles
purille the hlooil, Clears the com
plexion. Kiny to make and pleasant
to lake. 2.V. Hold hy llillnlioro
Hhiloh'H Consumption Cure cureH
wh ilhers fail. It is the leading
('oiiilli Cure, and no home should la1
without it. I'lcatant to take and
tiHsrii;ht tthesM)t. Hold ly Hills
lioro I'liarmacy.
A upccial meeting"' the c(fal vot
ers of school district No. 7, llillstmrn
district, will he held In the hcIkhiI
house tomorrow afternoon to vote H
tax on tlie pros'rty of the district to
support a nine mouths scIiimiI. Tin
occasion Is an important one and
ought to call out every voter.
The hours of service at the Tuala
tin I'lains Presbyterian church for
the present arc: Sahhath school at
i A. M.; I'reachimr, I a. m ; V. K.
praycr-me'tini;, at 12 m. Next Hati
liath Is Christian F.ndcHVor day, anil
I lie pasti.r, llev. H. A. (leorge will
speak in the Interests of the a iciety.
The I'linrne of lectures under the
patronage of the public school men
tioned last week wilils-vmon Friday
cvciiiinr February 4th. The tir-t
lecturer Is President Camiils'll of the
Slut.. Xoriniil HchiMil. Hissuljis-t Is
t he iniblic schisil and free Kvern-
ment." Tickets are on sale at the
D lla Drug store at 10 and K cents
The hi tiire will lie delivereil In the
Court hoiisi auditory coinmenciiig a
7:110 p. in.
Mr D. H. l'nicrhk eontractor for
moving the drill in the Tualatin riv
er from Scholl to the mouth of
Dairy creek was in town yesterday,
lie reports that all the drifts have
been Moated under the HchoU'a bridge
exi-ept the one just In-low llan-s
mill and that ' has Is-en moved
to a point near Farmington. He
timates that four men in four days
time will send it under the bridge.
That will Is' done at the next rise of
water. The work will then le prac
timllv completed, as the olwtructions
alsive Hare's are slight. Home dan
ger has In-i-ii met but so far nothing
more serious than a ducking ha hap
ieiicd. The loss of tools axes and
saws has been serious though and the
iM.ttomof the river Is the resting
place for many of these instrument
The rcptiMicMii club lust Wednes
day evening was well attended and
the roll was increased by the names
of several electors ho heretofore had
not voted with the party. The roll
th.it had Is-en revised carried the
names of 101 meniliers thus entitling
the ciub to nine delegate to the slate
. iuh Some of Hie meiiilH-rs were ar-
roused hy the s remploty rulings of
the chair, but when the ipiesiiou was
till, llv imdcrstiNNl the routine
of siltsting the delegates was
taken up and completed. Those
ehoMMi were Cslvin Jsck, Jr., K.
K. Hrmi. . W. Patterson, Itenton
lt.m inaN, Uisirge K. Hsgli'V. Wm. N.
lurreit i F. Kin'. W. V. Wiley
ml W X. Bradford. The numls-r
of vol Jrnst wer alsmt !Hl, and the
Jf. i lected bv from 40 to
70jf s.
SLJO.lL iMyiTjis !
16 17 15 19 SO 1 i2g!
TIlH UHl villi- It'llllliMll club
hold a mwtinif IhhI Tii"Ihv fvi-utnti.
Tim mw nftliitw nm II. HHtiniHMn,
(ittw.; (J. Lvtrip, vice ir-.; Jniiic
liniHy, mn-'y. hikI Jerome I'alumtier,
triUM. 'I'llC (leh'tfrttfrt In lh Htrtte) dun
hth Jaiutu KaMiiiixw1!! ami Win. I,
The Delta tint"; Nlore hihI ItrockV
are to ' conliila(cl, llr. S. T. I.ink
later having Imuifht Mr. Brnck'n
mIim'Ic. It In planned now fiat the
Delta will gu to llrock'rf old Hlore,
though Dr. I will Hiill retain the
name Delta.
A number of our lis-al musicians
are associating themselvts liitrether a
a string-hand. It will include ;t vio
lins, I viola, 1 Iroinlxine, 1 clarionet,
I It Hat cornet and an organ or piano.
A public rehcrsal is to tie given alsiut
a fortnight hence.
The Y. P. 8. 0. K. will celebrate
the 17th anniversary of its founding
with union services at the Congrega
tional church next Hundiy evening
at 7:110 o'clock. All the Kudeavor
societies in th city unite in this ob
servance. Owing to llin iuvilaiion extended
kiy the Y. P. H. C. K. f the Congre
...;....! i ...I. ii... V l u t I.1
i;miiiiini v iiuimi, ,ii i.,.. w.
of the Christian Clinn li will not have
servhi-s at home. They have ac
cepted the invitation of their co-workers.
Hon. W. N. Harreli lias lieen ap
Kiintel committeeman from Wash
ington county to serve on the repub
lican state central committee instead
of Ucorge Hall removed from the
Mechanics are hurrying the gal
lows for the Wachline execution
which is to take place one week from
today. The defence find that noth
ing can lw done lor the doomed man.
Ladies, take the Isist. If you are
troubled with constipation, sallow
skin, and a tired feeling take Karl's
Clover Tea. It is pleasant to take.
Sold tiy Hiilshoro Pharmacy.
Karl's Clover Hi sit Tea, for Cm
stipatinn. It's the ltest and if alter
using it you don't say so, return the
package and get your money. Hold
'iy I lillslsiro I'liarmacy.
He not deceived. A cough, hoars
icss or croup are not to lie trifled
villi. A dose in lime of Hiiiloh's
ure will save much trouble. Sold by
Hillslsiro Pharmacy.
Cure that cough with Shlloh's cure
The liest cough cure. Kelievcs croup
.iroinptly. One million bottles sold
ast year. 40 doses for 2"c. Hold by
ilillslairo Pharmacy.
Clearenee Hale of Macintoshes,
iVpes, Jackets, Hats, Hho s and Hem-
lents at H. K. Hryan A- Hon, Cash
Store. We have many bargains.
Call and see us. '
Messrs Frank Mitchell and W'osley
lloseow are laying their plans look
iug to a summer in the Alaska mines
I'hey exMS't to go a'out tin) niiil'IK
of February.
Attorney A. K. Heamsof Jackson
ville was in Hillslsiro the first of the
wis'k. a guest at Congressman
Tongue's residenc'.
do to H. F Bryan A Hon. Cash
Store for griH-i-ries, largest slisk,
la-st L'ooils. Inwj-st oriis's. thir motto
is live and let live.
To cure a cold in one day. Take
laxative liromo Oumme I ablet
All druggests refund the money if it
lads to cure. 2..
Mother tlisise inelislies and other
nursery ceremonies will lie given at
(Iruin'e Hall this evening to enter-
lain the public.
Just ommis1 a frc-'h barrel! of pick-
lea at Ilrown s lirmvry, also iusi ri
irlveil the Hnest line of canned goods
in the cily.
I.. M. llovt. Jeweler, will next
u-M-k move to the tlrst disir west of
the liank on Main street.
The total VHlue of all Hsishle
prosrty In Hill-lsiro is joorso; in
Forest tlrove, Jii0.iiH."..
Wilkes Hros. has a customer who
wants to buy a small farm near
(VII on "Humphreys for limns on
gissl proHrty,also farms to rent and
'o sell.
All wisil
merisials for
A Hin.'s.
fio at
If you want to gel an umbrella see
Hchulmerich A Hon.'s assortment.
Drew trimmings to match all kinds
of dnwes at Hchiilinerich A Hon.
Toi proa'rty for sale or rent,
quire of J. P. Haks, HilUlsiro.
Sais he Helped Bury the
Murdered Man.
Tries U Nakr It Appear, l ailer Oath,
Tlial KolH-rt Hack killed Juba
l. Lrdrlck.
"Hi:l-h .r.i,)re in, J uiuary 1H0S.
"(' niiuy hid, A -liiiigtnii Co. Ore.
"St ite of Oregon, Waslnutoil C ma
ty, a-i:
"l.iim Wic'ni-i , k iojviii; th-cr-
t.i.n y ii in .-x s-ir ta ol tue "r
rant :l deal ti, and ! -iKi.ias of Uluk
ii n suifiiii-ut in iKe this as a true
i le-ineiit of inv kuo'Jirlodge of the
leith of John D. Ltlriek, and of the
i u-is which in any way iiinntH't uie
wh the coiiiiiiissioii of the crime
with which 1 w ts charged and con
victed: "That on the 7 Ii d ly of April,
1MM, 1 was discli irgl from the pen
itentiary of the stale of Oregon, at
Stilem, and iuiiu'd.ately went to
Portland, Oregon, and registered at
thrt Metropilis llolei' mi b'rthe name
ol (Jus llicsi'ii: tli it I remained at
P Tlland two 'lav-, and i'ma there 1
started for tn ; re-.i.leni of my fath
er on the Hiiverton place, in Wash
ington ciuuty, Oregon; that I nisned
the farm of J.ilri D. It ilrick in tak
ing a iiiori-ent to tnn and Silver ton
iiiaiV Bfn7 arrW'SV'at tun larm of
It iImtI litiek; that at said time 1 met
ItotM-rt lluck in his orchard, and con
versed with him on various topics,
and he invitisl tun at that time to
stay wall linn. 1 had previously
met J. 11. Allen who informed me
that he had a h ip-yard near U tstou,
Oregon, and he told me when releas
ed Iroin the penitentiary that if I
ailed upon him he would give me
Vork; that at the time of the meet
ing between the said Hohcrt isuck
and myself I informed him that I de-
ireil lo go to iJastoa to obtain worn
from thu said Allen, and if I did not
.insure work 1 would return and
-lay with In in. The following day I
vVHlked to Oaston where 1 met Vv. 1)
itradliird and others, and relumed
tnd stayed with Mr. Muck fora num-is-rof
"On Friday, the day of April,
I SIM, Mr. liuik took a rillo, now in
ho possession of my attorneys, Bag-
ley A Brown, and told me that he
was going to look for two cows on the
i ange near the Catholic church north
if the farm of John D. Ledrick. This
.vms early in the afternoon. He did
not return until between !t and 10
I'elock thit night. When he return-
eil he did not have the rifle, and I
nked him what he had done with it
mil he told me he had left It near
the Catholic church as he did not
rare to carry it back, and would get
it next day. The next morning he
iskcd me to go with him as he had
l.iund one ot the cows and one calf. 1
iceiiiiiiiHiiied him, he carrying a (Inu
tile barrelled ahot gun, and when we
reached the line fence lietween the
farm of Hohirt Buck and the farm of
John D. liislrick, he, the said Hubert
Buck, informed me that he had k i II-
ed Jiiliu D. Ledrick. I did not lie-
believe him at the time, and laughed
it him, hut he told me it was true
and wished me to go to Mr. Li I rick's
house with him. 1 did ho, and on
reaching the house found Mr. lied-
rick lying usm the floor, in what 1
iupiosctl was the sitling-room.
Mr. Buck then wanted me to
carry liOdriek's Isxly to the barn. I
refused. He insisted, and I finally
issisted in carrying the body to the
harn. and then he Insisted that I
should bury it. I refused and he in
sisted that I should, saying, that he
would watch and see if anyone came.
lie then went to the house, cleaned
up the blood, and then told me that
lie desired to bury the gun, he hav
ing previously told me that he had
shot John D. lslrick through the
window, and then having beaten him
with a club, and at that time I saw
the club in the sitting-room of the
house of John D. Lmlrick.
"We then started north from the
house of John 1). Ledrick and he
found the rill ', which I now Is-lieve
is the one in the possession of my at
torneys, Bagley A Brown, and hur
ried it under a log alsiut two hund
red yards Irom the house of John D
Ledrick. We then returned to the
bouse of Hobert Buck, and he made
me promise that I would not tell any
one atHiut the killing of Lei I rick, say-
big to me, 'You are as much In it as
I am, and if they get me they will
get you, and you will have to suffer
with me. They will susHft and ar
rest me; if you take the horses then
there will lie no evidence against me,
and they will not suspect or arrest
"1 promised at that time to say
nothing. On Saturday evening Mr.
Buck was atiscnt for some time, and
when he returned he had a span of
horses and a cart. They were on his
place all day Sunday following, mid
about 12 o'clock Sunday evening, as
rear as I can reiiiemls-r, he insisted
that I take the hordes to Portland and
sell them. I finally, after much per
suasion, consented and started (or
Portland with the hornes and sold
them as I related upon the stand dur
i ig the trial of my case.
" This is all I had to do with the
killing of John D. L"drick. I knew
nothing about his Is'ing dead until
mforiiKs- of the fact by Hobert Buck.
"Dated at Hiilshoro, this 2-"ith day
f January, ss.
Signed , til s Wai'III.INK.
Sul)-beriiMd and sworn to before
ine this a.'ith day of January, ls)7.
J. N. Biuiwn, Notary Public
for regon.
SI lKW I.kOKlimM E.
The following is the full text of
the ordinance recently pas-ssl govern
ing the building of sidewalks In
Section I. All sidewalks hereafter
I lid, or re-laid or repaired along the
itns'ts in the city of Hillslsiro, shall
correspond to the provisions of this
ordiuanis-, unless otherwise provided
by the city council by ordinance.
Heetion '2 All sidewalks hereafter
constructed or re-laid or repaired
along the stnets in said city shall
ln nut less t'lan six hst wide from
the line i f the block. The covering
planks shall Is not less than six fis'l
long, nor less than one and one-fourth
inches thick, and not more than eight
inches wide, and shall be laid miss
ways iism sleepers or stringers three
by 'four inches in size, placed usn
edge and parallel with the street, not
less than three such atringefs to lie
placed under such walk, one in the
middle and the others within fair
inches of each side respectively. Hild
slecrs or stringers shall not be less
than fourteen feet long, and shall 1
laid to as to break Joint and the) iinU
securely fastened tether. rov
ering piauka shall lie laid one-f .'i'
of au inch apart and each sli ..i
firmly fastened to thestr-ngers witu
not lwt than 1.11 nails, two nails to
each stringer.
Section 8. All uidewalks construct
ed or re-laid or repaired under the
provisions of this ordinance shall lie
without offsets and as nearly level as
practicable, and built in a good work,
manlike u inner. Ktringersand eov.
eriug planks shall Is- or aouud yellow
or red tir timlier aud free from auy
knots that would uutit it for the use
to which it is applied.
Section 4. The constructing or re
laying or repairing of all sidewalks,
ulyivM nrovided. hhall he done sub
ject to the approval of the street colu
mn lee ol ine ciiy council, mini iwiii
...i.itriii-riiin uorkiiiaii-hlo. and
quality of material ud, and upon
tne approval oi any suen wi, or
part thereof, said coiiimittis shall re
srt that fact to the city council at
the next regular meeting, t'pou the
Mlo..ili.ii nf uni urullr tt HMrt thereof
T" .....a ... . i
said committee shall at once notify
the owner of the adjacent lot, or lots,
or his agent, if such owner ls a non
resident of this city, to that effect.
either personally or hy mail, and
shall in said nonce oruer sain owner
to construct said s dewalk, or speci
fied part thereof, to conform with
the provisions of this ordinance with
in fifteen days from the date of said
notice and order, and a refusal or neg
lact to eoiiinlv with the reuuiremc tits
of said order within said time shall
la? deemed a refusal to comply with
Jl reoiuremeni oi ine ominsscv
directing such aidewalk to lie con
structed, or repaired or re-laid.
Section 5. Inasmuch as there is
not sufficient ordinance relating to
the construction or repairing of side
walks in said city, this ordinance
shall take effW-t and Imj in force in
five daya after its passage.
Passed by the council this J uiuary
4, 1S0S.
Attest: Benton Bowman, Heeord
er. Approved this Jan. 8, lrt'.ix.
W. N. Bakkktt, Mayor.
At a meeting of the oratorical asso
ciation recently the following officers
were elected for the year : President
A. D. Hchock, treas. F.lla Inason, sec.
C. Hartly. The lia-al contest will
oit'urr Friday evening, February II,
at which the contestant for state hon
ors will Is? chosen.
Quite a valuable addition was
made to the library by the arrival of
about a ton of books bequeathed to
the institution by the late Dr. Atkin
son of Portland.
Ijee Payne of Albany has Iss-n
compelled to leave school on account
of sickness.
J. E. Kirkwood was elected presi
dent of Oamma Sigma in place of
W. T. Fletcher resigned. Considera
ble interest ia lieing taken in d 'lnte
preparatory to the meet with il
lume! te.
The Philomatheans eloctisl the fol
lowing officers for the term at the
last meeting: Jessie Lancetield pres.
Ijois Parker vice president, Charlotte
(iraham secretary, Lillie Porter treas.
urer, Lucille Howan marshall, Anna
lUm critic. The following is the
program for the meeting tomorrow,
.Saturday evening.
Heading Maud Htewart, debate:
"resolved that the U. H. government
should own and control the rail
roat's." Vocal solo, I-oln Vem-n.
Hev. Farquhar, of the Hassalo HI.
church, Portland, will address the
students Thursday morning at 10 a.
m., it being the day "f prayer for
colleges. Prayer meetings will lie
held by the students la-fore the ad
dress. Prof. J. H. Robertson will give a
lecture on the Karly History of Ore
gon, Frid iy evening in the audi
tory. This is the first of a series of
lectures on the same line to la given
by the profess (jr.
A class in Swi-edish gymnastics has
been organized under the able lead
ership of Miss Kvaus.
Willamette University won over
the U. of O. in debute at Salem last
Friday evening. Willamette will
face Pacific in debate sometime in'
A surprisa party was tendered Mr,
Win. J. Htitt, at the home of his par
ents Tuesday, Jan. 2"th, which prov.
ed to be a genuine surprise anil en
joyed by all. James nd music were
the features of the evening, after
which refreshments were served and
the happy party very reluctantly
broke up at an early hour with well
wishes to all. Those present were:
Hev. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart, Mr. and
Mrs. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Htitt, Mr.
and Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Howard;
Misses Margaret Frost, of Portland,
Mary Pike, Bessie and Geneva Hine
hart, Jennie and Lottie I lis ken, Del
la Oilbert, Daisy Da vies, Mattie and
Ahbie Billstine, Carrie Blazer, Cora
Tefft. Lizzie Kvans, Mary and May
Fisher, Katie and Iciia Wolfe, Lillie
and Valiie Htitt, Hazel Austin, Mil
dred Taggart, Anna and Maggie Pet
erson, I Ma Hisiver and Kate Htitt;
Mssers. Bert ( ady, Mason Cady, Ar
chie Pike, Will IIih ken, Hol-ert Hoc-
ken, Karl Fisher, Hev. Hardingham,
Floyd Allen, John Chatterton, (leo.
Austin and Win. J. Htitt.
ioFktIi 01 n" ES lew S.
1'KOllA TE.
Est Herbert, Francis, Hurley and
Frank Miller, minors, Humphreys
atty; ordered that the HpMiintineut of
Mrs Mahala Llnil-sy ls entered of
reisird as of July 11, isui.
Est ThoH Bellinger, deed; invent
ory of prowrty filed
Est Jacob Hteiuer, need; final ac
count alio Weil and estate to Is- cloned
of ns-ord when receipt for ti2 10 is
Est Joseph Connell, deed, Huston,
attj; final account allowsl aud estate
closed of record.
Est Emma L Beach, dvd, Huston,
atty; report of refens-sas to the claim
of J Grimes for t22't approved.
E-t Thos Bellinger, deed, ordered
that a certain notedi-scritH-d m ine pe
tition l sold at a sum not I.-- than
its face.
action for money, testimony of wit
nesses taken and argument of coun
sel heard The cause is taken under
advisement by the court.
Htephen McD inald was admitted lo
Lhvnse to weil was i-ued Jan
B A Williams, :t.i and I'.-srl M Hay-eia-k.'JO;
Jan 20, Arthur T Stntton.il
and llith I Drnrhaugh, 17.
Ktlaral War Hnwvl Wllh I warcta.
ran-lr Calhurllf. eon ronmipalion rnr-ver.
10c, K6e. l . ' c u. (a.1, druKKisu rrluotl moanf.
The wheat market for the past
w-k shows the starch that is in the
gi-iin. Portland prices for valley
wheat is approaching the K0 lint
notch Is-iiig quoted at 7H eslerday.
If ships were in port at '2b shilling
instead of 40, the farmers would gel
mi ami more, but the canoes are not
in the creek and we have to tw eon
tent with cumin ions as they are.
Potaiisn go freely at 40 ceuta per
sack for garnet chilieaand 45 for hur
bauks, I In inch extra choice small lots
have brought ."SI. Onions are standard
vegetables this year, Is-ing eagerly
sought tiy evaporator comiianies for
the Alaska market. The price is from
1.7.1 to t2.2t per sack.
WIk-iii Wai'n Waha. 7,i Valley
in I liluvtUin 7S pr buahel.
Kiour lMal Krailrs, :t 7!( per btil.
white, ciiuioo, a.'iii iii; ary Sic per
Hit-Tiinuiliy, 12 ,V tu $13; Clover till
Kz. 3): t-r deien.
I'hif'Keuii ,illt :t Ail (M-r angim; mixe't,
ft 7.1iHJ ! s-r itni-n; Turkey. Iivr, line
ner fti; Uiickh Mu4$ pertitixen; Ueeae.
iiuttor Kain-y Cre un -ry, !Atfri) and
D.i.ry.eH p0 p r roll.
Putiitova iliiroaiiks, -t.Vti'S) rent per
a-k ;
Onions $1 75 per ct-ntul for white; 12 25
for red.
A New for in of Pf rsonalitiM.
The old style of portraying famous
people through a "sketch" or "biog
raphy", js to te TjiMt'r)3-J l-the-Ladies'
Home Journal during ISOH.
Five of the most prominent Ameri
cans have Is-en chosen for the depar
ure: President McKiuley, Mrs.
'levelanil.MarkTwHin, Joseph Jef fer
sen, and Tints. Edison, 1-jicli will have
i sscial article, which will censlst ol
tlsiut lifus-n or twenty 'resh, unpub
lished Hlories and anecdotes strung
oge'her, each anecdote showing
some characteristic trait or present
ing a different side of the subject.
The idea is to show famous personal
ities through their own doings and
sayings, and to make these artic es
accurate the relatives and closest per
sonal friends of the subjects have as
sisted ami given to the Journal the
ls-st storii-s and anecdotes within
their own knowledge. Etch article
will thus represent theclosest view of
the one sketched. No authorship
will Imj attached to any of the articles.
1 lie Mreatest Discovery yet.
W. M. Hepine, editor Tiskilwa,
III., "Chief," says: "We won't seep
house wi bout Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds. ExH?rimented with many
others, but never got the true reme
dy until we used Dr King's New
Discovery.. No other remedy can
t ike its place in our home, as in it
we have a certain and sure cure for
coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc."
His idle to exs?riiiieut with other
remedies, even if they are urged on
you as just as gisxl as Dr. King's
New Discovery. They are not as
good, because this remedy has a rec
ord of curesand tsides is guaranteed.
It never fails to sitisfy. Trial Imtlles
freest D'lta Drug Store.
Keiluvtiuii in K. K. Kates.
Persons who attend the Farmer's
Short Course at the Slate Agrlcultui-
al college ai Corvallis, is-ginning Jan.
1 1th, may have the tienefit of a re
duction in railroad fares of the lines
of the H. P. H. H. in Oregon. All
those who attend must ask for a
receipt from the station agent lor full
fare going. This will la counter
signed by the president of the college
and on presentation at either Albany
or V, irvallis will entitle the hold- r to
a return ticket at one-third fare, pro
vided at least '!" persons use these
lines in going toOirvallis or Albany.
Tiioh. M. GATt it,
President and Director.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave
Portland every Tuesday at 9 p m,
via. the O. H. & N., without change
to Boston, and under the supervision
of experienced conductors. No
change of cars to the cities Omaha,
Chicago, Buffalo, or Boston. The
ideal trip to the east is now before
you. Hemember this service when
going east, and consult O. H. A N.
ngents or address: W. II. Hurlhurt
General passenger agent, Portland,
( regon.
Dead Letter List.
The following is a list of letters re
maining uncalled for in the sstotllce
at Hillslsiro, Jan. 22,1800:
A S Bridgefarmer,
J E Giesler
C P Johnson,
Mrs E Htewart
All letters not called for hy Feb.
fi, will be sent to the Dead Letter
Office. One cent will lie charged for
each letter called for.
IirrauTally erou.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous
and for relief took your Karl's Clover
ldsit Tea. It quited my nerves and
strengthened my whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubled with constipa
tion, kidney and bowel trouble.
Your tea soon cleansed my system so
thoroughly that I rapidly regaineii
health and strength. Mrs. H. A.
Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Hold hy
Hillslsiro Pharmacy.
llurklrn's Arnica Naive.
The liest Halve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Halt-
Bheum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapa?d
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and sisitively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
Hiiteed to give perfis't satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 2. cents per
Ism. For sale by Delta Drug Store.
The tax levy for the city of Me
Minnvilie Is six mills on a property
valuation of ."i.'IH.,M!. The estimat
ed ex is-nsis of the city for the cur
rent ear Is fiititu. l ne income is
f lo.PM. If these figures are realizeil
a part of the floating debt will be
paid. This debt is f.VM 00.
Hoyt, the Jeweler, will move Feb
ruary 1st to the building next Hhti'e
Fisite's bank on Main street, lie
will hate all the latest used instru
ments for scientific refraction work.
At a sjsrial meeting of the city
council held Wednesday evening an
ordinance levying a ten mill tax on
the assessable proHrty within the
city limits was passed. This will
raise a fund with which to make some
needed improvements as well as put
city finances on a better basis. The
pity government has been very econ
omical within the past year, and the
same policy will be pursued during
the current year.
Mr. G. R. Bagley literally made a
flying trip to Minnesota, lie left
Portland on Thursday and was back
aguin on Saturday i f the following
week. Ilia destination was 81 miles
by rail beyond Hi. Paul and then !'
miles by a team. Ha arranged his
time-table so that he caught every
Do not forget Hoyt'a place on
Main street next the bank when you
have a watch which needs repair
ing. la kuylnt wkI ereaaai la
rairavaauare. tMKmtiwtlii-t
of t uiti VMII..U MMtvd tii lulcrhir M-ila
Jwr UklKly Vlivnl. ItM- original
ml i f I '.it- tf, alia lama Mssl' lo
:ia lia-i Tar hnl U altera Ike
iaeIM-(. !' li id. oionr fur
n.1 irtf wti M jrmir worth.
My ci it a pr iaprr every wnera.
Tkw 9.M FEI3V&C0.. Detroit.
Stale ol'Urt'KOii fur the County ufWash-
1 tit- Alliunce Trust Comiiuny. Lim
ited, I'Uiiitiit,
II. W. 8vtt,lMive May Scott, his
wile, Ktli- it. Hiel, J. 1.. Martin,
.lurushu Martin, Ilia wife, Krnest
Kverest, Kvu Kven-st, his wile,
V-:-Jjrira. &!.ic-.i.-a.T KuSliintu;-
Iiih wile, William Hull and OUilliu
Mnriihv. Ik-leiidautH.
To It. V. Scott, Olive May Hcott. Ettie It
Ihul, Milton S. Kutiiian and Kust
iiiiiu, iH-teiiilaiitH:
In the name ol' the State of Oreyon, you
Are herein' re.iiireii to uiHar unit answer
the complaint lileil inuiiiixl you ill the uliove
entitled cuuse liy the tirst day of the next
term oi l ourt, iit'U'r the expiration of the
miblieution of this Humiiioiiii, to-wit: Hv
Slonduy. March 'Jlst, lsiis, and if yon fail
to no uimwer lor wunt tliereot. thu plaintill
will upply to the Court lor tlie relief de
mtindrd "in the complaint, to-wit: For
jiidxineiit HpuniHt 1. W. Scott and Olive
May Hcutt lor 32 with iiiUfrest from July
1st, ut 10 per cent per annum; mid
with interest from Junuiiry 1st, IS!)7 ut
10 percent per annum; and 1'2 with
interest from July 1st, lS!f7 at 10 pi r lent
lier u n ii il n ; and .1l0.lio Willi interest Irom
July 1st, IS!;, at Kperceiit per iiniiiim, and
fauuwith interest Irom January 1st, 1117, ul
s per cent s-r unnuiii. and f luW.mi us utior
iii'ys' lei's, all in Unitist States frold coin,
tonethur wiih the con Kami disbursements
of i bis suit, nud lora decree forei-losing
pluiutitfa mortieure upon the following tltv
serils-d property in vt'usliinirtoii County,
State of Ori-KOii, to-wit: The nor lieasi
Hilar erof sec ion four.cen (14), township
one ( 1) Hoiith, ltaiiKe live (.') west of the
Willainetti- Meridian; and the soiitheusi
piurter ol section nineteen (111), Township
me (1) south. Italie lour (4) west of the
Willamette Meridiun, contaiuiiiK three
liundnsl and twenty (,'J'JO) acn-s; mid lor
the sale of the said property to satisfy suid
judgment, and Imrrino; mid forerloninif
vou mid each of von ol all riirht. claim or
equity of redemption in the iiiorts-aKed
premises and everv part thereof, aud for
such other und further relief as to the
Court niuv seem luei-t mid eipiituhle.
1 lua piililii-utioii in iiiiule tiy oriler ol
Honorable Thomas A. Mcllride. Judee of
the alHjvt-entitled Court, duly made and
entcri-d Jaiiuarv, iilst. lsjis.
1(1-42 Attorneys lor I'luiutiiT.
hi nno.H.
1 State of Oregon, for WushiiiKtoii Coun
ty. ( In eiiiity)
I'liilippe CliaiHTiin. l'luiiititt I
vs. J
Auirust Selimidt, Hefenilunt )
To August Schmidt, defendant
In the inline oft lie Stale ut (Iriyon: You
are herehy reipiired to upis-ar and answer
I lie ciinipluint tiled nsaiiiBt you herein hy
the tlrsl dav of the next term of Court after
tlie expiration of tlie publication of Ibis
xiinimiiu to-wit: hy Monday March 21,
S!M und if you tail to no unswer the plain
till will upply to the Court lor tlie relief
priived fur, tii-w it : judgment iiKainst said
Auirusl Schmidt for tWt with 10 ner cent
interest from Noveinls-r 111, S!5, und
ulloriieys fees ulso costs of suit, further,
thai phiiutilis morlane iism the east bull
uf tlie Houibwest quarter of section hi
township '1 north ranjfc o west of Willam
ette Meridian coiitaiiiintf 80 ucres in Wush
iiiKtou County Drcgon, he fnrei'lused and
said prrmises sold as provided by luw to
satisfy the aforesaid sums und Unit you
mid all persons claimini! under you ls
barred and foreclosed of all rittlit or eipiit y
of redemption in said liiorlKW'd premim-s.
This piibliratiiin Is miide by order of
Hon. T. A. McHride jude of the above
named Court, dulv made .laiiiiiiry 11, IMis.
35-U Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ntorkholilersi Sleet Ins.
Notice is hereby it ven that a ineetiiisTof
tlie stiH'fcliolilersol llierirsi .iiiiuniii nana
ol llillslsini, Oreirini. will be held ill the
bank of Sliute A FiMite on the 1st day of
March, 1!IS, for the purpose of elcctuiK
Isiard of dins-tors for the ensuiii(f year mid
for the transaction uf such other business
as limy roine bt-rore sunt nieetuiK.
S4-3S J. W. Sbiile
di-ree mid onler of sale, issued out ol
the Circuit Court of the Slute of Oregon,
for Washinirtoii County, in favor of
li.riinn I'uliiieieer mid against J A Sliepard
i-t all for tlie sum off 10 costs, and for the
further sum of fts7 a0 I- S koIiI coin, Willi
interest then-oil at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum Irom the !!d day of November,
sn" mid for the costs and exa?nnca of snle
and of said writ
Now, therefore, by virtue and in nersu
niiee of said juiiifiiient decree und order of
sale, I will, on Monday, the 21st dav of
February, ISifS, at the south door of the
Court house in Hillslsiro, Washington
Cuiintv. Ori'L'on. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a m of said dav, sell at public auction to
the biifln-st bidder lor rnsii, me ioiiowiiik
desrribed n-nl proiierty to-wit:
I be eust 14 of the northwest Vt a'"' the
east V of tlie southwest of section 211. of
andiiitpHN It 4 W of the Will Mer, all
situate in WashiiiKton County On'iroii, to
satisfy th hi-reinls-fore nuniisl sums and
lor tin- costs and cXs-nsesof said sale.
Said property will be aohl subject to re
demption us per statute of Orejrun.
Witness my hand tbia lltth day of Janu
ary 1!IS
Sln-ritV of WashiiiKton County, Oregon.
S. K. Huston,
Attorney for I'luiiitifT. as-U
Milt: III rr'.H MALK.
Pecn-e and Order of Sale, issued out
id the Cin-uit Court ol the State of On-iron,
fur WashiiiKton County, in favor of A. C.
Sbute und iiKinst liwifgin M. Kniffbt et
als lor the sum of l'i. costs, and lor the
further sum of l"77"i. C. S K'd't coin,
with interest thereon at the rate uf In -r
cent per annum from tlie 22d day of Nov.
I!i7 mid for the na mid expenses o: nab
and uf said writ
Now. therefore, by virtue and in (ersu
.ince "f said juilKiiient decree and urderot
sale, I will, on .Monday. Hie 2lsl day of
February. s!IH, at tlie south (bsir of tlie
Court lluiise, in Hillslsiro, WashiiiKton
County, i in-Kun. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a in., of said . lay sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for rasli the followiiiK
describeil real property, to-wit:
Tlie south S of lots ft and H and nil of lots
7 and s of blurt 2 ot Morgan's addition to
the town of Hillshuni tJn-Kon in the Coun
ty of WashiiiKton, save and except astriQ
4u feet wide ott of tlie north ends of lots i
and S all situate in Wasliinirt.m County,
iliwnii to satisfy the hereinbefore named
sums, and fur the costs and exis-nses uf
said sale.
Said projiertv will Is- sold auhicct to re
demption as per statute of un-Koii.
Witness my hand tins I sb day of Jan.
Sberiff of Washinifton County, OroKon.
S. B. Huston,
Att y tot Plaintiff. So-39
wm v -
$ Conjpaoy
3d & Oak St.,
HEX NI'.l.l.INtJ,
M aav ah av mm mmt
Gily Livery Slable
Whcc you will find the Kest.Teams that can be had
in iiiLLsmmo
(Jood Teams, Good BuggleM and Hood Drivers.
Sec and Washington Sts.
Here toe arc aqain with a larfleand tcell assorted
stock of Holiday goods consisting of
Our line of Perfumes is tcell sellected and consists of
all the leading and popular oders in qunities from 10c to
$6.00 per bottle.
We also hare a large assortment of the latest Japan
ese nooelities,
Come and make uour selections while the stoch is
IS YoCjr Vfml Crippled?
If it is brins it to us and have it re
paired at reasonable rates.
Is complete in all departments and
prices are so low that it will surprise
you. Agents for all leading wheels.
Cull or Adrlrrrw,
AT miKPMIH'T 01 IK E. W. H. UAI'IT, Mgr.
I.apd Orrn 1 atObkiioh Citt. Or.
lH iTinrHT, :i, IHIC
tlir lilluwiiitt-iiiuii''l wttl.-r linn tiltxl
notice of hi inti'iitimi to nmkn final prool
in support of liis i-lniiii, aiil tliiitmii'l i root
will U lnaile lM-lore the I'miiity i-rk ol
W:liiii(rton ounty t llillloro, lircnon,
on tXirnary, li, lit. vi:
John T. Wllilrr,
II K So. U2 for the W i of K ',, K
H W H of P!T JS K : V.
He naimn the lollowinif itn--- lo
.rv Ihm mtiitintioiM n'niilt'lire upon aiid
cultivation of naiil laml, vi:
J earn I. Ilenru, ol "ireeny , "rnran,
A. II. I'hii.., " " "
l-'nil Wili-ox. " ' "
Jalx i Willi.-
I HAS. It. MimliKM.
Ilrrelo l onrriitnrr.
A nil little farm near town, Uoml laml
tiuililiiPK" onhanl ; near -hojl ; -re
plowed, reailv for rrop. Ilorw and im
pliiiientii Kverythinif ready to ko to wora
with, for U- than what the land in worth.
Apply to
K. M. IIEIHKI., Airei.t,
IlillaUtro. Oreiron. XrHh
Baking Htarwdci
AbMl1t Plui-
If ytm are going to Klondike, we
invite you to call and insjiect our im
ruense stink w hich we are otYerm; at
Lowest I'rk-es. We have devoted an
entire flour, 75x100 teet to Klondike
sujilies, and show the largest assort
ment in the state. Our stock includes
Kubhcr (Hoods
ltoots and Shoes,
.Mackinaw Clothing,
Fur Caps,
and Tents.
We pack and deliver ever thitiR free
at the w harves either at Portland, Ta
ootua or Seattle,
t'ATMMJl E.-IT IS r'KKE. r9
There in more Catarrh in this wetion of
the country than all other iliarunca put to
her, and untill the hint lew year wai
nupixmeil to lie incuralile. For n irreat
many year ilix-tort prntioiiiiced it it Iim iiI
dieaMc. and preacrilied local ri-ni.etiei., and
hy coni.tantly fulling to cure with local
treatment, pronounce! it incurahle. hci
enee has proven catarrh to he u conntitu
tioual di-M-aM-. and theretore reipiiri-K eon
itltutional tn-alnn lit. Ilall'n alarrh lire
ITialiul.liturcil hy F. J. I heney iV I o., lo
Icdo, Ohio, ia the only couxtiliitinnal i-uie
on the market. It in taken internally in
iI'M" from IU dnipM lo a tea-aoonlul. It
acta directly on the hlol ami imiii oiih mir
fucea ol the cytni. Ihey otter one hun
dred dollara for any cae it faila to i-uie.
Mend lor cireulara aud teatiinouiala. Ad
dreaa, V. J. t IIKXKV CO., Toledo, O
Nold hy HriiKiriata, 7'c.
Ilull'a Family pillaare tlie licit.
ml Tuaarca Matt ta4 Mamat loaf i.lfV .
To quit ltreo eaally and forever, lie mair
netlc. Mil of lite, nerve and vlirnr, Uke No To
Bar, the T-rniiler worker, ibat rtiakea weak m.
atroria-. All drurriata, Roe or tl. Cure vuaran
tee4 Horihlet and aaifiple free. Ad1r aw
Bterlturi KeaMef V, Ua.MMO a New York.