Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 19, 1897, Image 3

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All wool nvi-riiHiiH f.jr Ho B
KWiiliniT iili A H in.V
! fin Iriiiiuiii,., to umu-li h!I kimlri
of illVrHl lit Si'IiuIiiktu Ii A Son.
If you wmiiI lit k-i an uuilirelU
Ho.uIiihtu ll Sou.' ttsoriinetit.
itll on lluiiiilm-yi for Iimim on
no. . I iroH-rty, uU lariim lo ntil ami
u M il.
tin lii I lit- Miuntiiiil,ili. l.iimU'r
Oi. for mI( I .ox r ami all kiniNol
In in lM-r. is&j
I.t'lii-s ami .Mn-n in (mm ami ii.hI
all ilyliM lh (ifajiil in l'., -ily al
H'liuliiM'rii'li it Sou.
Tlii'lH -t ::M.s:,rti... i.i ..f k lri
KOmUIo Im' h-ii ill til it fjiy at
H liiilnii rich A Son,
lir. V. It lti-owu will t fouml l.y
liN fni'ii l-i i'i tin olll ; in tint ll kiin'i
liuiMini; 1'orllaml.
Ht'liiiliiifrii'li A Son.' j.-i t ho iln(v
to ni l Hliiplo ami ilryuoo"!-1, Uicy .iir
i ll i-Ihfin Ml Ihi' fiii'tory mi l imii
iw-II i lirajHT tliau tliririiiiiiM-titnr.
Klo that i'iiuIi! 1'akn warning. It
HI l.V li-ml to r(i.H(llilitlon. A
txitllM of Khiloli'm run may miivi'
ynurlifi'. Hill ly IIiIMhiim I'lutr
inury. Tln Y. I'. H. U. K of lh. Christian
Cliurcli will eiili-rlain tlitii frii-u.l
ami irucMtH at nn oy-i'iT Hiiinr at
Jrant;i liall oil Thanks iuiiitf even
ing Nov. 2r: li.
Our Htia-K of iiii'm'h ami lulii'a
iimrkiiiliwliin and ihi'h'h ovcrioalH
art' ri(iu,li.t(. ami at iriiiti Unit mii
not la iluilii'itii any whir In I In
county. II. Wi'tiriing A Hon.
Win. Molir uiaktM Ixxita at h in
hIhi on Hivnml Htrii't, IliMsooro, for
.'i.TiO mt pair, wwiil hIknh for $',
ami givm 'cinl HlU-ntiim to ri-pair-
i ml', lit uhim only tirat-Krailtt xtm-k
wliirh cimtilo tiiin to gumraiiUHt U
Notice to rt'hti-: Mr. M. I'.
I trow i) haH (li'i'iiliil lo orKanl a Hat
unlay aft moon driiwinK cIhim to hc
coiuiMlalc Ihomi atti'mliii at-liool. It
In nn opportunity lo Imvn your chil-
tlrcn learn lotlraw from naturt. HKf
inl term will taf Kivi-n for till HttHH.
Th H. I train, that ht'rotofurn lmn
laid up at Mc.Miiinville over nilil
and for that rt-Hwin Iiim Ikm'H vailed
the MeMinnville ttxprci, Iiim hail I In
run lentheui-d Mild will nreafter go
an far a.iulh aa Independence, I'olk
County. No change in the time of
pusiiiig the IlillHooniaiation linn heeti
matin. Tho running to Indepen
dent In MDiiiHwhat of an experiment
and the train my lime money for the
company but it will he a convenience
to the traveling public.
There wew 11 applicant for teach
era certificate al the quarterly ex
amination. The pncra were finished
on Uuturday last and certith-aten
granted to these applicant. Kiwi
grade: John llolmnn, Mnunlaindule;
O. W. Tamiesie, IlillalNim; Mrs J.
F. Hlevenlon, Lauel; Oliver Luudon
Curl is, Oalea Creek. Hft-oiwl grade:
Miss Jenny Atvhhold, llillshoro;
Mian ll 'litvca Iiigham, West Tort
laud. Third grade: Misa Minnie
Marsh, Centerville; Mini ll'MIn ll'n
ton, Newlierii; Miss llaale II. Curlirt,
Union C'reek; l'hiluiore Henry Itux
ton, Hiixton.
Union Hi-r-U-eaof thankHglvIng to
Almighty (lod will he held in the
Kvungclical Clhun-h, Uillslioro.ThurH
diy morning, 10::!0, Nov. 25, S!7.
The attention of all out cillzcna is
earnestly directed to the di sirahilily
of making thia a marked and gent r-ally-oliatTved
memorial, ltev. Mr.
Alkins.lhe pastor of the M.K. (-'hurch,
will deliver the aermon. our
cili.fns tiring of the fruit of the
ground, aa they have Ihi-ii hlesseil, to
dialrilmte among our needy and des
titute. The L'idiea of tho KvanKeli
cal Church will have charge of the
decoration ol the church for the oc
casion. Committee for tho distribu
tion of ouVriiig among the needy
O'lea consists of Mrs. Ctmnlsll, Mrs.
Iiampkin, Mra. Masteia ami Mr.s. K.
II. Thorne.
The (Iverl md Monthly ia adv rtls
Ing extensively an interesting "Mis
aing word iiinttwt." The sentence
they give is: " I'he had Il.il
away from thine two vtam!erers."
Thia la taken from a New F.ngland
classic by a w riter whose mime la a
hoiiseh'ld word. The rU" Is f I.IHHI
to te given to the person II tiding t In
correct answer, or divided among the
fortunate finders if there Mre more
than one. The only condition Is that
the rius shall be accompinicd by
.L.tiuF as a Hiibscrintion to the
Overland at its reduced price. This
condition is no hardship for theOvcr
laud at a dollar is in itsell a great big
lrim. Ten cents sent to it putilish
era at Han Francisco will bring a sam
ple copy and full particulars of the
contest. Recent numbers are filed
with beautiful pictures and interest
ing articles.
Pacific University ft)? ball eleven
met defeat tafore the McMinnville
college last Saturday on tho I. U.
campus. McMinnville won the toss
and took the south g'ml to defend.
They pushed the ball down the field
for touchdown, and kicked gsl.
Tongue kicked off again. The Mc
Minnville team look the ball down
liaising it only twice for another
touchdown, kiching goal. Time whs
called, ucore.McMinnvllle 12, I. U. 0.
In the second half V. L had the
down pilch and tiaik advantage of
it, lor alt h ught:eir team was out
weighed from 5 to 10 pounds to the
man they made steady gains at ham
mering away at McMinnville's line.
At one time there were five of the
McMinnville men laid up nn account
of the short wind. Stewart was giv
en the ball an I went around the
right end for a long g''n. Hoox
went around the oilier end for anot h
er good gain and Tongue took the
ball through tho center for a touch
down but failed to kick goal. McM'ii
Ville's big center kicked off to Wil
ms who returned the iall hack past
center. Time wa called with the
hall on the 1. U. ft y-rd line.Siew
art Tongue and Wilcox made 'ar
play for V. V. Holt, the I V.
iiuarterhat k and captain was hurl in
tho first half and could not ni a nag
the team suo-esafully. The final
core ended, McMinnville, 1.', I.
Oingreaamen Tongue ami Kill
ia1Umna IJiy last Saturday
and Sunday where they tw t the cit
en liuniwliately iutereste I la tlie
iillprovemeut of tint lirh M
Tongue Btarted ovtr on Friday t-veii-
n ami weui ny way of Albany. A
iiumta-r of the H.uwiiesii i- froui
tut city went with him. Mr. KI1U
went up on the west aide Saturday
morning. A deb gallon from IJorval
lis went with the ii)iirr.iiieo and
the Albany geulleineu to New l'ort.
I'liere, at a rtsvption, the matter of
improving Youum U.,y Was roll-sub-red.
In the spring of iH'jii, a bill
pasMsl iiugresaaulliorizuig the secre
tiry of war to ti t a i (infract lot
dredging the bar ami . vinir the
hans.r, but the air e try i. 14 tar
never adverlise.1 for ii t i I i.i 1
the engine r depart nt i I has never
reported favorahly on I'ujirnvt
nit lit, iieitln rbas tlieie l.t i, an ap
propriation luiidefur the work so the
mailer stand. The otiticnl (ipaui
enla of the presetit delegation have
i.m.H that !t U i.(..isibie lor tills
ctiiidition. It wa lo show the falsitv
of tins charge nd end-t the aid of all
j parlies mat ar in anywise intercxt-
ci in mi. netter oM.fiii)r or tht port,
that the visitor brav.il the atonu of
IhM Saturday. To say that the delega
tion is not sin -ere in t (forts to get con
itr.issioual aid handicaps them
in Hie war department fT how can
that nrtiivr; la. induittl to report fav
orahly on it when the congressmen
theui-elves are said to be work
iug in a pt rfiint tory manner? Tlie
seirelary would ijaote tho charge
made lu re. Ttie juslnea of tbbi crit
icisin of the act of t lie iipMiuenta of
the congressional delegation was seen
ami all the public men at the recept
ion pledged riiipHirt teMesrs.Tongu"
anil Fllis. That Mr. Twj;e has
not ta u atile to do any thing except
preliminary work is not strange
when it is called to mind that he took
ollitin only last M trcn and since then
there has laien no session of mngress
for general business. Above it was
staled that tlie iiimrovemenl il Vm
InnalSayisof interest to the whole.
state. I he truth of the statement ap
aars when wo note that tle slate
will have two seaport ami markets
instead of one that by the Colum
bia, river. Some months au'o the Is-
dki'Kndk.nt inite out a new rail
way line that if built would greatly
ImmicHi tho state. This line leaves
the Oregon short lino at Ontario and
runs almost duo west through the
counties os Mdheur, (Irani, Crook
and Into Lynn where it in ty cminoct
-with the S. 1. mid come to Portland
or continue westward over the O. C.
& K. to NewiMirl. Such a line opens
up an empire in Eastern Oregon that
has . never oten lapiatl except by
pack trains and mule freight wagons.
Tue routo has been surveyed ami is
tietter than the one down Suake river
for it is neither blocked by high wat
er In June or snow slide in Decem
ber, liut tho inducement to build it
is slight till the Ymiuinna It iy is im
proved so as to invite the shipping of
the world to a safe harbor. Ijct us
all help Tongue in this tlht for he
will need our assistance.
Henry lio-ch is perfecting plans for
importing the (lerman bird Kohl
incise, I'arus major, which feeds on
Insects. Tho stranger is expected to
prove au enemy to tho Cod I in Moth,
so destructive to apples. This will
bo well, though the bird will find an
enemy in man who seeing it running
up and down tho tree trunk, will
cut 1 1 It a sap-sucker and kill it.
Mrs. II. 11. Uaker, widow of Col.
I taker, who died in tho insane asyl
um several mouths ago, herself sud
denly dud at her home in Forcrt
drove last Tuesday. Mrs. Maker lav
fore her marriage was a belle in Bal
timore, ami later was reeogniy.nl as a
society leader wherever she resided.
The deceased was 62 years old.
Two men were arrested for the
robhery of Isaac Allen, Nate Nolan
ami Irvin Patton. Their examina
tion was completed on Saturd.iy.
There was lack of evidence and
Justice Hick did not hold them for
further answer. The nlllcert are
(j into a much mystified as before.
I wish hereby to give notice to the
people of Hillsboro and vicinity that
I am in charge of the Photograph
(lallery and Willi my exrieiice am
iiiinlilied to give, and will guarauti'
satisfaction. W. It. lloyf.
Troy Laundry, W. Boscow at II.
Wehrung A Son's, agent. Soiled lin
In received up to Tuesday noon nl
each week ami returned Saturday
morning. Portland prices free of ex
press chargi-s.
Karl's Clover Root Tea Is a pleas
ant laxative. Regulate the liowles
purifies the blood, Clear the com
plexion. ICasy to make and pleasant
lo take. 2."l Sold by Hilislsiro
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Ristl Tea, the great Rlistd Purifier
cures Headache, Nervousness, F.rtip
tions on the face, and makes the head
clear as a Ml. Sold hy llillslHtro
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for ('.on
stipation. It's the Rest and if alter
using it you don't say so, return the
package and get your money. Sold
by Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head ami
sweet breath secured Shiloh's
Catarrh Remedy, sold on a guaran
tee. N.isal Injector free. Sold by
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Rev. W. F. I lift, corresiHtmling
secretary of the Port land Hospital,
will preach at West Union next Sun
day Nov. 21, at 1 1 o'clock a. m.
Oolo R. K. ltrjan & Son. Cash
Store for groceries, largest tsk,
lest goods, lowest prices. Our motto
i live anil let live.
To cure a cold In one day. Take
Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggests refund the money if it
fads to cure. 2."h
There w ill lie a missionary concert
at thefhristan church, Tuesday eve
ning Nov. 2X A hearty welcome to
Hoyl, the Jeweler, has a nice as
sorlment of ladies' lorgnette guards
ami chain.
C. B Brown, dental surgeon is lo
cated id the I) ku in building, Port-
I md.
n. ,.....riv for sale or rent. In-
limn 'i. - - - -
quire of J. P. Hick. Hillsboro.
Tuidy was a wet day. Much
water was put In the well.
v.1 wanted at the Photo (lal
lery In Hillsboro.
"Saving money la a greater art
than earning it. II. Wthruug A
Son help you to aave."
"Your Klondike is hen! Nuggets
in leather, fortunes iu comfort, mar
vels In workmanship." H. Weh
rung A, Sou's.
Mrs. Ow ill, state president of the
W. It. C ,(J. A. R. was in llillsls.ro
last Mod diy on an iitticial visit to
Lieu. lUnsoui Corps, U. A. R.
I i.e Y. P. S. C. K. of the Christian
church nl Mitv a flue luucli in
(range hall Irom U to lo p. m.
Thanksgiving II ty. Oyster IV:
supper 25.
I lie I. si i hi A I h r'in-imii bi
ll lu i lie tiroi nl ti. V In in i. A Si -us
i ner i( noitt oi i iK'Ut l are rt iUt si-
i il lo make iiioi.i til tie m lilt mi III.
Pe ase read and lieed.
Iatlles, lake the lies!. If you are
trtajbletl with const i pat ion, sallow
skin, and a iirsl tifling take Karl's
Clover Tea. It is pleasant to tak.i.
Sold by llillsi oro I'n.iru ac y.
"The way to success is the way to
market. It iles-inls, I hough, on
where and tiow you tiny. ll you
buy of 11. Wehrung A Son's you w ib
ii.tve the right prevs, ine right gisals
and therigut rlyles."
Mr. John lieegle i. Hi- of the Nl
llelelis Misl lias sold hi- interest I It
that ts-r lo nil p.trint r, li.tvis, anil
ha takrn the pubiie.it ion of the (lie
gon City Kult rprise. lie as-.umi's
control of the Knlerpri- next Mon
day. His family acroiiipames liiuil
lo his new liomt.
It is enough to cause a smile on the
face of a wooden Indian to see the
grand ressnses to the very clever
advertising of Messrs II. Wehrung A
Son's. They deserve tlie success.
f heir advertisement are backed up
by the right kind gissls too, the K.,
N. A O. Co. brand. -
Next Sunday morning at the Con
gregational church the pastor will
preach from a text taken not from
the liihle but from nature. Autumn
"the melancholy day h ive come,
the saddest of the year," will lm the
subject ami lesson drawn from this
season ol the year. In the evening
al 7:30 the closing meeting of the
Washington county V. K. convention
wilfhe held. Rov. Ueo. A. Taggart,
Ueaverton, delivering the convention
The attainment of a IHUli birthday
iu Ihejouriiey of human life is, in it
self remarkable enough to compel at
tention and merit remark. liut, in
addition to this ripe old age, Rev. J.
8. Uriffin enjoys the destinctiou of
being also the oldest living Oregon
pioneer. The Congregational church
of this place purposes to appropriate
ly observe this unique attainment
next Tuesday night, the 23d Inst.
The committee having the arrange-
Itesiilt of Third
Herewith is Dreseuted the result of
to the chemical laboratory at ( orvallis.
the necoiiil lot. Chemist Shaw la a note stales linn uie -iit-cn nt rr s.-,
. . . . . i i ...... i. Vut (h sYiwriiiieiit I valuitlile since It
in lie n ioo lave wsiiuw nift.u rmii.
eiiiubasises the Tuct that the beets mu.t
.. .1
a seconU growin. i ne niTiiat miiiiiniii-- - - -
lit jan is clialrman, nas alse lu seiitllng
v,.rl..tv HainiOe Percent Purity T.l.h
Nl,rUty l mules Sugar Yield
Vilmoriii Blunt he 1.1 4H .." 5"
" 12.2 HO t
' li t 17 A tl
. !.(. 11.2 :
t. 2!.:W lH M
tt 2i.H!l I ofct
iu.!i7 '
Klein Wunglcbeiier I I.i 14.8 H'
t. ..:j7 lost
drown by
W. II. Vouiig
It. I'. Cornelius
Ailolili I'ervtKue
I'eter Uoth lli
J. W. Munters
M. S. Iiady
. II Nenklrk
II. J. Thompiou
1.. .V an ii I ii K
Lost during Analysis.
moot In charge have lsen quietly
prepuring for it for some time. Tbe
hosts are the mem hers and congrga
tio I ol the Congregational ehun-h,
ami there has been invittMl to lie pres
ent ami participate a many old pio
neer as could Is? reaction.
All wool Oregon suits $10 at S hul
merich A Soil's
lirratlfully Servous.
(Im.ly t u-Hs ilrendfullv nervous
ami for relief took your Karl's Clover
IVsit lea. It quiletl my nerves ami
strengthened my whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubled with constipa
tion, kitlney and Isiwel trouble,
v.iup .mi ujmn fltHinwil ntv Rvstem so
thoroughly that I rapidly regained
health anil sirengin. Mrs. n. a.
Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
HillslMtro Pharmacy.
Kstate Win Vincent deceased. Re
port of sale of is'rsonal procrty fiietl
mi l approved.
F.slate James Smitli ilejenseil. f l
nal account allowed and the estate is
closed of record.
F.state James N rerris tbseasctl.
Ordered that the Interest in real es-
lato held tiy said estate t set over to
the willow and that the estate If
closed of record.
Kstate Alex McDonald deceased.
Inventoty of appraisement tllisl
showing prorty valutsl at fl"7S.."H
ordered that fi head of cows lm sold.
Kstate II O Christ iansim deceased.
Time for filing new bond extended
till Nov '22.
Kstate Win Waters deceased. Fi
nal account allowed ami e.- tatc cloctsl
of record.
Kstate TJ Bisith insane. 1. slate
F.stste Amos II Phelps deceased.
Semi annual report filed.
Kstate Henry Schroeder dtsreaseti.
On atition to sell real estate, a ci
tation to heirs to apar lice lo ami
show cause why the prayers should
not lie granted, was ordered.
F.slate Claud Chapman, minor
Jennie Chapman mother of minor,
was appointed guardian with honds
fixed at !:Ml. The bond was fixed
nd approved.
Kstate Thos Richardson iltreaatd.
Final account allowetl notwiihstaml
tnir the objections filtsl. Ordertsl
that the administrator pay to the
clerk of the court 11.112 8 to ls dis
tributed to the heirs at law, and that
th" (state be closed of record.
F.siate Knima Stark deceased.
Time for rxamining final account set
for Monday Dec 2t(h.
Kstate Orin Clark deeeaseti. t initl
account allowed and the estate is
I.. i -i i
CltMCM Ol tw1"1'-
OMill.v-i.fclia' till KT.
A 1,1 In the amount of " la-r M.oiilll
"each granted to Julia L lUii . . .. . I
I l..ki, t 'IjiII
j Reward are offered by tbe cuiuy
j for ihearresl and conviction of thr
party or purtiea who have i-ommitted
burglsriea at the times and places
I here imnml, i like kiuouut having
j Is t ii i ll. red in addition by the uwu-
t rs of the pr. iuis entered:
Austin Ifaixton's residence SI (Ml
P.-.I. ,?.s.'etiTe,Mitldlet'u 2" ll"
i i- : t - ..r '.''
F It. Weblsr store 2
it. ;.i,sheris - '
The county J dl hiivinif Is-eu built
aisirding lo I lans ami -ps iliraiioii.
il was atieptvil and wsrrHiit votnl
lor i-oinruet prUv, l.t''J and extrar,
fs;t, total flUl. The steel Jul ami
ivlls were accepted and warrants vitl
tul f..r 27.-.0, less 1221 IH, heretofore
(aid for freight.
State v J i-'ph Udlery, tre-pas.;
appt al rroui Justice isiurl,Cheion dis
attv, Smith A Itowman lor dell.
hiate v Wm Henry Warren, ra i;
Chs ton dist ally, Ittrr. tt lor dell.
Sia'e v Hollents t k, rii'; Ciwlmi
di-l ittty, Huston for deft.
Stale v Mary Malone, liMjClecton
list atty.Wha'lley for deft.
Stale v J.iim-s lee Jr, rape; Cleeton
di-t ally, Huston for dell. .
Slate v W C lleitz, assault and bal
lery, writ of n view; Cleeton dl.-t
S'ate v I'em Pat Ion as-iult aim
baiterv; Cleeloiidist atty, Tongue for
tit fl. . . .
Slate v Josiah K-.rhart, umler oono
to keep Ihe peact ; Cleeton tlist ally
State v L F Rota', selling Ihiunr b,
minors;' Cleeton dist ally.
S'ate v Oils Seidler, selling liquor
lo minors; Cleeton dint ally.
Slate v. J W Corey, selling liquor
to minors; Cleeton dist ally.
Slate v (Jus Wachlin, murder;
Cleeton dist atty, Bagley A Brown
ft r deft.
t lllt I IT CtH'KI' Ilid'KHT.
Thetbsket for the next term ol
the court is a long one ami Is a fol
lows: till" Kstate ll M Bradley, Insolvent,
T 11 Tonirue ult'y.
7!l Ftl Oltst n v Peter Carlson t"
al, foreclosure Meciianic's loin; T
11 Tongue for Pitt, P Moiitaguo lor
71)5 C John Oleson v Peter Carlson
foretlosme Mechanic's lein; Til
Tonirue for 11 If, Montague for Heft.
Stl'.l M W Pallon vil'albot Miller,
action for money; Tongue for Pill.
Huston anil H ire for Heft.
MM Peter B igelone v Mary Hetlg
es. appeal from J P court; Stott,
Itoise A Stout for P. if, R A K B Wil
lliim for Heft.
87 1 Henrietta Meyer v Fred M"y
er. Suit for reality ami for damages
Tonirue for Plfi, Huston for Ilei't.
5)00 Richard Morton, Insolvipt.
lot Analyzed.
the analysis of tlie 3il lot of beets sent
The porccutinres are art h g i as
be gatln-reil btdore the rail t ains start
iit..Ar is. lui.inl r Irtiilw aF wliirh Mr.
Mimpiei gainrreu ai tout-rein itiiiis.
Tongue att'y.
'.ill Bradley & MotcalT Co v T R
Cornelius. Action for money. Km
inons A Kmmoiis for l'l If, Tongue
for lH'ft.
02:1 Kstate 1) McPherson, Insolv
ent, tongue att'y.
t)27 John A HofTmiin v P M K l
wards, foreclosure; C J McDougal for
!l(5 K-tate T R Cornelius Insol
vent; Tongue atty.
SMiO Kstate M A Powell, Insolvent;
Barrett atly.
0i!2 Kstate S I) Powell Insolvent;
Barielt atly.
iis.'i Ilstatv Annie Wilk" d'el,
appeal from County Court; Huston
ami Williams for estate, Tongue con
tra. loll Ks'ab'Chas Collins insolvent;
Tongue atty.
1 1120 Kstate N A Birretl insol;
Barrett atty, Tongue contra.
IIKiG Kstate Win Chalmers insol;
Tonirue atty.
10 Is Kugene D White v Richard
Morton et al foreclosure; Oil ie r and
Siott Boise, Stout for pllf.
KniO John Harrison v Jos (i isttin,
foreclosure; Tongue for pill.
HKJ2 Pauline Hill v S A and W
S lil foreclosure; (till ner A Show
er for pltr, McDougal, Sja'ticer A
Jones for defendant.
lll'.lo Mary M Sbephard v Abner
Frame, foreclnHure; Milton Smith for
1 101 II Wehrung A Sons v II P
Ford replevin; Huston an I Bowman
for pllf, Tongue for deft.
llos Kstate FOD sir A Lumb Co
insol; Tonirue atty.
I12!l Kstate Bowlby A Stinch
conih, insol; Tonirue for aigneo.
I1H2 KA Hell v Alex Ch-dniers
et al, action for mnne ; Smith A Bow
man for pltr, Tonguejf r deft.
1176 J W Shute v Annie B May,
foreclosure; Tongue for pltT Barrett
for deft.
1 1 ill John Johnson v J W Kl I
ridge, forclosure; Caplos A Alen for
119(5 K (J Ctsmley v lieaner Oray
et at, suit to set aside c nv. vsies-;
Mel Mitral A Jones for tT, ll-iiie s
and Tongue for deft.
12lti T II Tongue v C J Me I km.
al, apis-al from (bounty Court; Tong ie
for pltT SS'neer for deft.
1221 Kaie Brucger v J C Hareet
al.;tnjunetion; Mallory, Muir A Mil
ler for pltT Tongue for deft.
12 !'. Snell, Heitschu, WoislardCo
v F M Robinson, action for money;
Snow A MiJamtnt for pltT Huston
for deft.
1210 Snell, Heitschu, Wood ir I
Co v F M Robinson et ni; action for
money; Snow A McCamant for pi IT,
Huston for deft.
I2W II W Hesse v N A Barrett
el al, action for money; Whalley A
Muir Tor pltT.
127D Tersa Oonstantine v O Con
stautit.e, divorce; Spencer A Malark
ft pltr.
I2vi Oliver P N wton v A S
i Nit-kola it nl, is.utiruiali iii; Tonyue
i r pitr.
i-yi .-ra.-s. . ami ts it lluslou
V Kdilh Vjouria- el al, equity; Mc-
l . iiii.oii u.r t hr, leiigu lortielt.
I2'.i. I O.Nt-iuaii v J il HaNtrom,
null for ij.ttit.it.; I'ol.gue for pit!',
Mini! A liott ii. iu for dt It.
l in I n si N.u Itauk Htll.or-iv
Amanda J Soiiuiai., atHlou br inoii
ej ; Tongiie lor i llf, VVllaUey lor dell.-
l.tui Cool Nnl IUiiW lioMto.i v
! r-l Nal iktuk Hih.siHiro ail ion for
mom ; Kiiiinons A Kuiittoiis lor pill,
lnll.'iii- li. th It.
I i' si l .uiii.1 Marks v Roht W
luu-, iiivons;S tinalalfir pltT.
l ;ns I .- ate H Buihum, Jusolv-en-;
lttrreit ally.
I .no J Ihiiey v Juo Burwick,
replevin; Whaily A Muir for pltl,
Tonirue for ilei't.
bill As iiiinert Hum A Heitz
liaus. n IiiKolveui; Btrrell ally.
M2i F'anK I. Woiier v 11 F
1 1 1 r li k el a, aelioii for money;
sinii, a,.-a siuii ,,r pi IT.
1. t. r M. Kaiid-r v Pliilip
Uriio aiicl w f, 'i in t e.nri ; 1'oilgue for
,111, HiimIoii tor d. It.
I i.is August Si haferv Sand Stein
el al, suit to set Usiilo ib eil; i'axloli,
lieai a A Simon for pltl.
I tl W T Ujiiik-ii adui v A N
llavies, a. iion tor m in-y; Idleman,
A W'elisit r lor pill, J r U hulley ami
ll.irreil f t d f'.
i-l'.U Win M.iuillan v J It Mil
ier, pi tvioii lo vai.tte sale, (j it U ig
le.f lor p 11'
bi.rd ( I Ivicliiuan v J R Milier,
petlii nl to vacate sale; Oltlitgley
lor pltf.
l;l."i.t Kstate Sauil C R,chcv deed,
appeal from Co Court; Tongue atty,
Huston contra.
i:t."i7 Frank C Baker v F A Old.
I. reeiosiirt ; Btrrell for pill'.
1 .1'. I 11 M iiinins v Alls rl Bran. I
el al, action for money; K II Tiiiiius
for pill'.
I.'itil IMate W K Beauchamp ami
wf iiisolveuts; tl R iiiiey ailor,i"y.
blO'l Id Nat hank lliilslK.ro v
Ole Olesmi et al, suit Inset aside tbssl
rotmue for pill.
blii.'i Annul Pf.inner v -T V Me.
Naint r el nl, aelioii lor money ;
1'oi.i.iio f .1 p. II'.
bitis W O ln.nal.lso:i v AlUit A
W in Mill, coiitlrinatioii; Tongue for
J;l7l State Kx Rel Pipes, M. -Cai
i and Huston v John Dilehnurn,
iisli irtnent.
1.17") K Htdiashinuti el al v lift
I row ne, suit to set asiile ihssl;
Tongue for pill', Cox, Cot to i. Teal A
Minor and Huston for S ulll.-heain.
bt7H Jiicoh Brugirer v ( Wilhelm
Hildebrand et al, coiill.-uj:t' ion; tin
onor i.lir.
;;sn J K Showers v B L (Iriilln
et al, foreclosure; C A Shower for
pi 11.
l,!S,t Wm P Kord et al v Alex
( banners A wf, lor. closure; Tongue
for pill".
I'tsl W P L inlet l v V T Vin
cent, conlirmauoi ; Tongue for (illl
J'l'Jl Clarissa MeNutt v R"hecca
J I'oiner iy, suit lo set aside deed;
Tonirue for pi IT.
l:)ii:l M M Block v Washington
County, action for in inev; Hume A
Hall tor pltr.
131) J B K Oarnier et al v Ira K
Wheeler t al, suit to s.i aside dee.1;
Kmmons A Ivn'ii rtn for pUT Huston
for tlelt.
I !!)7 Thos Dolisou v Mary J
Ileaiit'liainp, c 'ii!ii million; Hu-toi.
lor pill Bigiey Browne ind Hare
for deft.
biHS 1111 Ail huh v Jonas Carl
son i t wf, coiiliiiii.tiion; lion night A
Adams for put
1 :;:) J I. H ymaii v W I) Biad
ford sheritr, suit for return of person
al firnperly and for d tin ige-; Huston
and ciiriuils-rlain A Thomas for pill.
lino O C Blimey v B. nj R Put
ton, peiilion to vacate ju.lgiiient; Km
iiioiis A Knimonsand Smith A Bow
man for pltT Barrett for deft.
1 102 K T Simpst.n v J P Iouney
et al, foreclosure; llazon for ln".
1HKJ Henry llogreh v Oeo X
Meyer, suit for d.image; Barrett for
pltr Huston for deft.
Dili Miry A Btrr-tt v John S -h
leick et al, suit for deed; Miller A
Bell for plir Huston foi deft.
1 Km Jos Rogers v A 0 H dl clerk
action for m..ney; Ilu-itori for plfl
Barrett for tlffr.
1411 Maggie L Rogers v Mary A
Brvan, action for money; Pipes for
1114 S F Dysle v K Ilentschell,
(siiillnimlion' Ii-igley for pdl.
11 15 Portland Trust Co vAL
Mt 1 si, conlirmatimi, Cox, Cotton,
Teal Minor and.Conor for pUT.
1IH1J It Kuing v ('has B Rey
nolds, conflt-nia( ion.
Ills JI T Cox v Sanh C Knight
on e.iiillrmatioii- Smith A Bowman
for pi IT.
1 11!) II K X ble v Mary Jorgen
son et al, foreclosure.
1120 Louis-; Nissen v Walter Xis
sen tlivon e.
1 121 Mary K Morand v Klmer, K
Moraud, divor.s...
1122 Lena S sleistroin v John
SisliTstrom, divor.s'.
Il2t Win IJ Sletllebeam V RS
Browne et al, action for money; II us
ion for plir.
1121! K L Cady v Kva A Suekan,
coulirinatioii; Huston for pi IF.
1 12'J Iiw (iuaranlt-e Trud Sts-v
Marv A llogue, foreclosure.
1I'.2 Riht X Heimbach v Oer
trude Heimbich, suit for partition.
1 111 Hillsboro Light A Water Co
vj P Tamil sic, nps-hl from J P
cour; Huston for pltr, (1 R B.igley
for deft.
1CS7 Fred Voland v II Otinther
et a', Confirm nion.
Ills ier 111 m SAL S- c v W K
Ixwi et al, confirm 11 ion.
lllll tii-rinin S A L Hoc v Wm
Mu I lie, c in ti run' ion.
1 1 in Ks'ate W11 Porter, Insolv
ent; Haul A Drown attorneys.
Ill) l.sta'e Anton Planner, In-
solve i1; lliis'on atty.
111'. JW Shute v Allen Parent,
foreclosurt ; B.iley A Brown for pUT,
Smith A B 11 n f ir deft
11 hi HoneyinHn Iiellarlte A Co
v J ti Bo h, roiitirniation; Huston foi
PtT- ...
1117 Jaisi'i . iwsk v J It prick-
ett, ction for 111 m ; Bc'ley A
Brown for pltr
1 1 1 W W Purlin vJ.s Steel
sd.ii, suit 1 1 q liet title; Birrett for
ICh) Oregon Mfg Co v II C Mer
ril! et al, contirmaiion.
ll.'.l (irstv A W0.1l v W II Rue
ker et al, confirm ition. Huston for
1 I'll L A M Lo Itemei-r v Cla-k-aniss
co, suit for tlamag'st.
I4.Vi Kami-st B ss kimn v Clack
ama co suit for damage.
1 IMS Tualatin Mill "o v W J Tay
lor, foreclosure Mechanic' lein; Hus
ton for deft.
1 1 .7 Tualatin Mill co v W J Tay
or, f irectiMiire Mvhinic's lein; II it
ton fr di fi.
1441 L Reynold v Johnston
Fieenmn et al, action for money
1 Bsl-'i'V A Itmwii f' ."lfr.
1 f T II O-tll Huyck. action
f:r d ruiire-: 11 vj v A Browne for
iI tT 1 1 iisio 1 f..r Oi I
U.iii Aii-i'mv Trusi C 1 v II W Soot I
et al f .rts-lo-Ute.
Ib7 J FS.ha-i v Anton Pfan
iei si, foris-loaun ; bnn'li y A Son
'or pill Hustou for deli.
I le'.l L M King v O Kaufman el
.1, nl ion lor money.
1170 Thos Uritclter v Nitalius
1 IsriHtrius for damage U T Ragle)
I'-r iitr. :rf
1171 Fred Vcrltauiiihedg Al-fn-d
Xee p et al, foicclosur; Bagley A
llmwii fur pltl.
1172 Jame M Smith v J. J. (lar
dii'Oi.n, foieclosurf, Birrett for pltT.
1171 Charles llaiiley v (itsirge
Siin l.er, suit for ptisaession of real
iroH.riy or tlamiiges; Bigiey A
Brown for i'llT.
Il7i Cha Meacham v Alma
I ai-hain, divorce; J M Wall for pltr.
II7H W K MtViurt v KJ Lyou,
tetio.i lor money; Bagh-y A Bmwn
1177 WJ Van Schuyver A Co v
K J Li'on. action for money, Bag ley
,V B -owii f.T pur.
H7S Isaac Allen v Ir. J L.yon,
ai1i.ni for nioiiej ; II T Bagley for
I I7'.l J W W'intcrt v C F il-irrett
1 1 al action f r money; Tongue for
llso Tyler Bites vS F Pcnfold
l at, lor.s'losure; Smith A Bowman
for pltf.
list Wm P Iird el al v (lottlieb
el al, foreclosure; Tnnirue for pllf.
1 12 W J mi St iiuyvcr tic 1 1 v
Ben it, P ttton, suit to set aside dcetl
Barrett lor 111.
11S1 .it Miirry v tl Johnson et
al; action f-r 111 1 ley.
I IHI KSllulTvti w Marsh, suit
for d.s'd; Barrett for piff; Huston for
1 ISli M II Lowerv vTY R olslon
et al, action for damages; Tongue for
pUT, Huston tor tlelt.
1 Ih.'i Lukin Reynold v John
Kikertel al, foreclosure; Bigiey A
Brown for pltf.
1ISS Kmoiy T Wilson v Qlin C
Wilson, ihv..re,.
I S!I Hop and Wool Advance Co
v A ll Bradford. sherilT, action for
1 !!( Josie CCrisintrer v Robt M
Cr. singer, tl.vori ; Btrrell for pUT.
Illll American Mlg Co v J W
llol.soii el al, loreclosun ; Huston for
I l'l fMark I. Parker v J W Peter
son ei al, foreclosure; 1 1 T Bagley for
Hill W H Sintlb'lieain vM T
Biune, action for money; Huston for
Mill W II Slutll'beam v C M
Bruno, action for money; Huston for
111)5 W 11 Stutlh'ta'ain v R 8
Browne, action for money; Huston
for pltT
l llili L Berta Grimes v Lewis K
drum-, divorce; Smith A Bowman
for pltl'.
111)7 A C Shute v Georgia M
Kniirfit, foreclosure; Huston for pllf.
14118 II B Allison v L P Qulmby
et al, action for money; Tongue for
I nn) (J X Baber v Jacob Vohs,
faeciosure; Smith A Biw.uan for
l.jOO John Aspiuwall v J C Hare
et ux, foreclosure.
lf.nl llanah Larduer v J M (Jreear
,.l nl, h.rtH-losure.
I.VH Anton Wicke v Ilauah B
Smi h, foreclosure.
loll I W L Kll woods v J J Meach
am. action for money; Bagley A
Brown for pUT.
I ."111.1 Arlington Nat Bunk v Mark
Land Mary H Xoble, action for mou
ey. l.'iiMi Wm P Lord v (loo H Duren,
forts'losure; Tongue for pi IT.
1.VI7 Klleu'O Council v John
O'Brien, action for money.
l.r)0S Minnie Intlmcr v wm i-.au-mertlivoni';
SmilliA Bowmaiijfor plfl.
ir.o'1 (list llolsehcr v Amlrews L
(!oet al, suit to set a lido deed; Hus
tou and Tongue for pltT.
1511) Jerome Palmatecr v J
Shepard et al, foreclosure; nuston
for pltT.
1511 Benjamin Amlerson v iian-
ah Ann Fits-man et al, foreclosure;
Tonirue for pi IT.
i.-.i-i ( ha I ISacon v J w law
yer et al, ejectment; Huston for pUT.
1511 11 II llemlrix ei ai v 1 mm
Uuinean et al, suit to quiet title;
Tongue for plfl.
Cure that rough w ith Shiloh's euro.
The liest cough cure. Relieves croup
promptly. One million Isittles sold
last year. 40 dose for 25c. Sold by
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
1. 11 nil Open lor I ntrj.
I'niti.l Slatos l.aii.1 1'lli.-f , llnyon City,
tiri'iron, Novi-iiiIht inili. 1ho7.
Hie ni.i.rovtsl Irai-tioiiiil I'lat of l own-
mI.ii. :l miii 1 1 11 . Itanm- It -st has Isi-n rei i-iv-
tsl Innii tlie .Survi vor t.. ni-ral of I n-iioii,
ami on January 4th, Is'is. at o i l.s k A.
.M .. ol sai.l .lal.-, Haiti plal wiuis-111111 in iiiip
..ill. i. ami ilii! I.-iii.I tlii rt-in eitiliractsl will
Is- Hiilijn-l toeiilry on uii.l ul'ier said dale.
I HAS. II. MimI:I-.s. in. t lalloway,
lliiiKt.-r, IIsivi-r.
Slll.ltlFI "4M VI.K.
m.iitsl i lit nl His l iriMlil t.'.utrt ol Urn
Mum ol t Ire f-in, tor M uitnotn ill t'ollniy.
in I ivor ol Jdlitt W Kri.. sua !jnini r.
A. Mh.hii on xn l 1. A. Mitroosui Jr. lor
tlie siiat ol is..'s rosin, no'l lor tlie lurlh
rinii ol lui ..". ', I". !S. t ol.l coin, with In
lnr tl rt iw ' th rrttn of 9 (wr rs-nt is-r
niira Iroin lite l":ti .tr "f Jan", ls!.
srnl I r tlie cist an. I expuiiara ol and
otssiil writ.
No, therefore tiy virtue and In rru
ol taid ju.Ument and tor want ol
MlHci nt personal firnperty I did on thr
IMiti .'ol O.I lsilT, Iprronell Iheintir
(wt ot the ilfifen.l.inm in Hie ber-inatler
dt'si-riis d rtl .r.. i-riy. I win, on Monder
th- l'l h .lav ol l-i'. 17. Ht the noo h
d s.r of the C mrt H " in Hi l-iKiro,
W.isli nrton finiiir, (I 'icon, t the hour
of too'.- o k A. M , o id day ell l pun
hoiiup ion tothe iiinhe-t b dder o- el',
tl.e ilioiin d ;ribea r-l pioiwrly, lo-
it: "
Tin- north til qiirtr of wet'On ten in
ownnlnplvo ..uili of rsm-eone weei snd
ro itaiuina hundred nd lortr o-es
ol I ind, I ei m ii in Wh melon 1'oun'y,
urtmoa o isti'iy the ticretnlH-f.ire named
unit-. nd for Ihe cunts end H"en of
.il Alls.
Mild pr.p"ri will h o d en'-lHCt to re-.le-niili..li
h per stntil' ( OretOl
Wiiuesa my bund linn lUb iiny ot Not.
W. l. I.KA1 'iKII, .
Oir fl ol Wanhing on County, Un-tr..n.
8. K lltt-l n.
At .rne lor 1'iainl tl.
For InfanU and Children.
Iiakin:; lowdcr at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound
' never ouht to have been sold, because good baking
powder is cheaper does more for the money.
Hut now as the good times are coming luck as the
newspapers say the excuse for cheap baking powders
is even less than ever.
Your money back if
. at your gnxer's.
Every K. N. &. F. Co. Fall Suit or Overcoat we sell
you is accompanied by an Individual signed guar
antee ticket. You're safe you're Insured the best
of everything. No man too poor to wear this
famous make; no man rich enough to buy better.
No rush too great to demand bigger showing
than ours.
Gily Ljifery Stable
Whce you will II ml (he Host Teams that can be had
(lootl Teams (Jood HuxgicH and Good Drivers.
Second and Washington Sts.
We wish to call
complete line
supplies consisting of talbets, paper, inh, pens,
slates, pencils, rules, sponges, books, bags, straps, etc.
Mrt NO.
1 M'nl of Oregon, lor W.tMliinh'!n
Karktn RynoWN, 1'iainiilT.
John Enert, K ith Ekrrt, John
Yont, and C'tittt-rin Helhpini-r,
llfn Innin.
To Jolm Ekert and Kaih Kkert, drfend
I the nim ot iJie 8ta( of Oreunn : Yon
are h-r-or rUirl to appear nnl ann-
er th cnnriiiint tud affiin-t jrr.n in th
atmvtp entiurfl osoa on or ttore the lirnt
iaf of the nrxi rrsrulHr tfrm nt the abiv
entile1 Fnuit io v tt Ihe ' da? ol Ni-
rcintier 1h.7. end it too itnl no 10 nnnwrr
forwent th'-reof, thn rilaimitr will tok
jiKlffmpnt airauiNt you furtheum of
with triterwt thrroti irom th Hb tav o.
Kfhrnarf at the nje ot n t rem
ler annum and ih I ti l'l her mi in ol fi0 at
ior4nys to, and roils nnI dlntitini(iiientH
ol thin tuii, and for the foreclosure ol thm
certain mnrtpaif rfconled on ra;e '71
tMiok 34 record of nr for Wanhiti
ton ount ht'it ol Omion ahereby you
ronTrr-d to laintitl the following d"
or i tied prr-mi1: Ten arrea utl the outh
end ot a trnrt of land honndel at follows:
romnien ii.tr at the quarter eerti m rorne
on line beteeed iertion 7 nnd H in Tp I
of K I V ol W M thence eaet on oul
line 12,A0eha thence Mouth ft clu, thence
went Xche thence nouth 14 g1 and live
tinkmhenre w-t 10 'Ml rhn then e north
1! chi to I-l are of tiffinninr contatninir
in fie tract deoribed 21 acrea and the
tract eonveyei Itf "id inortffae- 10 acre-.
And for the sale of aaid premipe in pay
ment ol the am ebfiT mentioned.
Thia nmrnonn la aerTet by i-uhllcatlon
pursuant to an order ot rno. k McHride
j ti1 re of the above entitle I court, snide on
thetitb day ol ctoi'. I.7.
3D 29 Atiorneyi tor Piuintifl.
H-Tta-lic Ivr tirij Coia-
rstiamnu d toro haiilt cure. mai:ea weak
Sen atrong. hfood pure. tOc.ll. AU drufttmi
Te Cere Cowailfvatlot fwrever
Tik rart Cmmlv Cnthartic- I'M1 or Ae
UCCC UU to enre, druuiata rfvaa Btooey.
you don't like Schilling's Best
your attention to our
of School Boohs,
Ofttrnfuw Caanot be ( ore d
hy loal aiiplicallonn, ai they ciiinot macli
t e el weaned rtortion 01 the ear. There la
only ne war lo cure deatnca.4 nd that in
by f:unntilutional remediea. Ilenlnei in
ranged hy an inllamel rond tion of the
rnu oil itmiiK ol of the Kustt.oluun tube.
When thin tulie it Inllarned you have a
run id m ir miund or imperfect hearing and
when tt in entirely cloned tl(nm in the
result and unlena the in llftmutiou enn te
tHkn out and thia tute refiiorcd to tt
normal cotolitloti tieanna: will he dentroy
ed forever; nine caeoul of ten nrecaunet
by ratarr.iti, which in nothinir hut an tn
tlnrned ciD'lition of the munoui nnrlacea
We will iriveOne Hundred harf lor
itny cane ol datnena ( caused by catarrh)
fbt rannot be rure-i by Hull' Catarrh
Cure. M nd for circular, tree.
K. J. (I1KNNY 4 CO.. Trope., Ieledo,t,
Sol I bv l'rn(rti- at 7rcenu.
Hal. 'a KanuJy I'IIIb are tne beet.
Public Hnir.
by an order of the ( ooirnianoner
tJourt of Waatiinjtion Cmnty Or-(roi,
: he o -i Waxh, ( 'ountt jail build in if atiuat
e 1 I1 the 4 o irt Houae Puare will lie o'-d
it I uhlic hfcl to he tuirhet bidder or
Ciih in oaitd, on Wdrieday Iec, H, 1 7,
: Zo'-- Oct p m. Mle to'ake plara at the
o tih doo' Ot tbt 1 our Houae in II.ilw
t 00 OrHfcou.
Chairman fhrd.
V?m at IfilUborO, thin JO'h lay of