HILLSBORO IXDEEPNDfcAT. -imat ia uh poatoinoaal Hiiiauru.o.av wbaerlpUoa, ia edvauca, pw W : .-homo pt'ULiHiiiNu ux, rrirmiM U M.U.UIULT, itdtla tri 4L ruriciitHr run ciri fill DAY, NOVKMUKK 19, 1807 Argentina, Houth America, It wreatllni; with the locust quoatlon. One ifoveruiiieot aenl reporta tha he haa collected and destroyed -t'tuo Ion of lueusU and their t'Klf Thl heata the Kansas Kraaa-hopier. Titer i.r strVoTii! is4j!fe So country who would like to nee Hen alor Tillman r'lrt from politic well enough to pay for il. Nortl Yamhill lleuord. It waa Dot the re puhlictuia who hustled Tillman out of Oregon in lHlMi, aud the Iteonrd prolj aLly knowa what It ia talking about M-Near,a wheat buyer, of Btti Francisco, haa entered I ho Portlam. market. Thia -ill be to the advan tage of produce since heretofore ther liaa la-en practically but one houa buying wheat in Portland. McNeai haa liought a large wharf in Alhin and tliua become permaneutly idep tilled with the northwest. UitCM.i.srEl RF.COdSIZKD. Illy ,4 the county ..ffl.vra. Aa with I ASSEH8HEST Of WASUIJibTOI, t. m'Ht f the oflJwjH, uomiitatbwi I al Lat Mprliiy the Turk fought the! m,Mt equlvoleut to an election, the wmairy af Aiuyt for ibr fear (ireeka and whipped tht-iu. Thie brunt of the hattle will be in the con-1 lo7. - i ' jveMM Kells their head and p ira- veutioiia. Thia, al leant, will he lb 7,W0 ura tillable laud I rapha more or lea belligerent have I aituation if oolitic! tnattfr are uiau-1 . Arrag value per acre :l 4U rained publicity. The Turk even aged In the meantime with even al a vrraue raluu per acre4 W '.nreateueu to urlve Lngiana out oi I too it-rate degree of intelligent, jhr l improvement, on deeded land England even backed down republican party in the atate ia so J- iiuiu wiv or iwu Mjaiiiuun. i uw mr i overwneiruiiigiy in me tuai-iriijr mm l,o7,15 A WaHhinglou evaporator ia pre paring )latM-a for, the market. He cook it them with their jacketa cn The potatoea are then pealed and pressed through a perforated atetl plate. Thia done they are ready for the t-vaiiorator. In three hours tli dry product ia ready to be reduced t meal. It la then aacked for the market. J ( the preaent decline in the prior of wheat and hopa continue wha will the republican preaa do for evi deuce on which to baae arguments tti prove that the election of McKinley and the pannage of the Dingley bill haa ronton! confidence and brought back the return of roHeri:y. North Yamhill K"cord. Bay, do you want to return to the policy and times thai prevailed in 1893-5 Heaking of the threat of the Port land republican factions to hold sep arate primaries next spring the Ilose- burg I'laindealer says: "In that event it ia Just sjasible both delegp tiona from that county will be ex cluded from participation In the councils of the convention. There will be no such mlatake made again aa the adraisalon of divided delega tions. " baneu lord strutted about with much uothing abort of a factioual Scrap' ffuct in Ala Minor. They refused I (hat would divide it lore eually opay transportation bill to a rail can prevent certain victory. Thtrv roau company controlled by Aus- ia little likelihood that any auch trian capitalist and dually one day trouble will arise. A few diasatintitd lieaped Indignities upon an Austrian . tH'W-aeekera are trying to make a nerchant. Thia was more than I big lot of noise and predict awful the government wiajld stand. Where- couaequeuce if they are not taken fore demaiHl was uiade. 1st retirees care of. Thia aiuouuia lo nothing, i he wrongs of the merchani 2d aa- The men who try to make troubb lute the Austrian fl ig, 31 diatuiss I hi because they have lawn tiiMtucwWtd Vaii of Adena also tie Lf. governor I in the race for ohice ought to be sent f the pro vim and la-it tay the ! : :he rear in disgrace, and will Is claims or the Austrian railroad com- Where personal d.nVrence exist is pany. All this had to to be done by It ween men of intelligence ami boner yesterday niMtii and it was. Turkey I there should e mutual concewei.M'a seeing the more solid ruiks tif the made but where princiHtl is invoiveil rVu.ntriau army that was likely to flre there can be no comprouiiso. Tliere hells with a fuse to them which the I are enough giasl, square, honoralilt 3.M.5T5 2.,ftno ls:'A M,:jo " mi. ou laud not duolttl Oil'KK bed 'Si milea " luil'nic Uik .. 5H.9 aiilrt tle;raiu it tvle- phnne aire.... . 4,370 Kngiix-a ami mfg luwhinery.. 4i.tkJ Mervhanihae toik lu tratlr. 7H,l2- Karniing iiuplemeuu.... 66.440 Money 24,475 rle aud accounta.... .... 3U4.525 4oo aharw ol aUa-k.... ..... ao,o.io Hottxehultl Kurnilnre ate .... 114.4-IS A,b'JH horaea ami niiilea Wu,2,0 Avenura value.. l W 8,4:12 rattle .. 101.373 Arerace Taint. 112.37 83 7127 sheep 7,275 Avvrttsu TJlue ...... 3,i:3 baine 7,8110 Average value . 'J.41t - 4.HS4.730 :jiUI,4'.'5 Grtmt value.......... Exemption Net value taxable prorty$ 4,&1 ),i(5 The Milton Ksgle declare thai tlreeks did uot do, dared not refuse men In the republican parly in Ore- "politicians ire not nece-sarily nhiee- tiie deinand. Kugland had (juite as Igou who are republicans from princi- jutt a cause and so did the United pie and who are not afraid to s and HI a tea but both nations faltered and up boldly for sound money ami lion- The good ofHces of the American consul at Hatl has been exercised to prevent the bombarding of the chief seaport by a German warship. The trouble arose over the imprisonment of a German subject by the Hay Mao police. The German was a natural Izod subject aud desired the German nationality to cover some of his tracks made by his high stepping. When the matter comes to be Invest! gated the fellow's position iateen and the questionable position of the Ger mau government appears. The Hryan-deino press seems to la? really overjoyed that, wheat Is tie cliuing in price. The cause of de cline ia never studied. Last August ocean freights were 21 and 22 shill ja r ton. Now they are forty. Wheat is no higher In Liverpool than at the beginning of the sea-ion hence the buyers cannot pay as much here, This mak( the Uryau-democrat happy raeclally since Kngllsh ships get the advanced freight rate iutead of American freighters which would ho the case if we bad discrimination in favor of American bottom as favor ed by the St. Louis republican plat form. lost the opportunity. Austria now wijoys the distinction of being recog nized by Turkey as its master. KMMIKIMMJ N41I01H OF MUM- finxE. "The conditions usually In an 'oil year, have given the free silver crowd much encouragement. Iht democratic organization will now he used more effectively and far more Hopefully, in order to bring about republican defeat in the congression al elections next year, ami It is alrca dy boasted that this has bjen insured by democratic m !. The notion is a tiluniicr. That battle Iw fought, aud when It est government to win at the next election, hauda down. There ia 110 exciiso for trouble among these men, hoiiicr al least that rule does not hold good In Umaiilla county. The moxt larnicious Haas of aliticians that ever inflicted any country with their presence are those In ton who never held an ollice, but for WONDERFUL RECOVERY OF HISS HATTIE KING. Strtta ta ttw Bei tsi tpw tkt Verji ef tesanlti Sbt Finds i Rensd, tin fjopt . lad Almost FW-Tbi Best Plrslcius Fille. ti do Aoitblns for Kir. fnm itaaaaa, Maea. jr. T. Um IlMtie Klna, of M Iluniboldt Ptne, Ilhaoa, N. Y-, uu waa Kcruily aa ill Uiat blU hope waa ulrrtantni of hrr rmtvrry, kaa euiirrly rrgaiord Iter hrulih. Her - ia oae of auuauai Uitareat. r olloili aub taaiiallv the lansuaue of hrr atvulaiber. Chaa. M. baraeu, eurroooratrd by thai of the atotaer, la airaiin la repuner 01 Me Mumcumt uor la it prolwolo that there will tss. years past have levi.Ml tribute from All thia talk of "split" is among a lot the public treasury. Such aa these camu followers who are deciiiie of are the enemies or the public." The the party for revenue only. IVudle- "Kle sees clearly for those non-of- ton Tribune. nee noiuing pciiticiana organize fac Hons to defeat or bleed parlies organ t : . . I . . II 1. a .i . The IsDKPKJtDENT has never ad- "m lHn,l"B 10 '""ner good I .m. .....aa vUnla wh.nl vrotft-r to Heil bis iron K"-rumt-ui, MISS HATTIB KIHO. " Ilattie la now arTrntren yrara olJ. A yrar airo laxt Aiifrnat ah brpin to complain of diizinraa. hi h became mutually worae. fthe m9irA etrMaive naiiara anil atlarka nf IVtldle. j Tomilinir. There wi-re daya whrn ahe conld krep little or nothine nn hrr atomarh. Phe alao waa trou hleit with kidney diaeane. Ilcrl IiIikhI waa an thin that the drop or two drawn 1 by the prick of a mdle waa alnuiat aa eulor leaa aa watrr. the had trouble with hrr knrt and vflrn fninlnl frnm the alighieot exertion, aa upon riaiug from bed, or from a chair. aud never will for the reason It can not know when Hie highest notch will la? reached. Attention, though, has Ihhmi called lo conditions which ou-jlit to be studied, such us the Money enough to do the work of the country? About the biggest (ransHClion that haa put a strain upon the money resources is the sale of il e Union PacifiV for .'8.HHI.KH. The . I . r .1 .1.1 ' Is yet to snoriage in loreign couumes, uie Icountrv is tak tor cr. of thi ho..., comes, re- amounioi snipping to can aiwregon sulnB,,ti,, disturliances result. Ii publican principles will unite in the ports, ocean fright rates and the time there la sound money enou 'h foi electiou of congressmen great bodies I when the ships will he here. If a that transact ion tlioneof us who hae of voters whom ls.ial questions in grower expects to soil he should do two and four, bit deal need not various states have divided. But to so before there has been wheat stored worry, the delighted Bryan every reptibll- sufficient to lade all g rain ships ex can division seem certain to onen a nected to visit our nort. All these I I III. ink KIM. I aurnlnif anil 1 H iuijuu Klu ana-t I n I liMll Ii klU aUttllal ttt fuUaal txt kaaalllvK .i .,...' i 1.1, wheat seems to have reached th. w..um. u. ..aiu u..,uj, umummu ... . ... ww.. bottom and thern r support any xinu ni a uemocrai ror meni aim ieia nis surplus go at a 1 1 ions that there will lie a rail v with local success seems positive proof that price satisfactory at least at the time, in the next three or four weeks. The they will all rally behind Bryan In If the price is not satisfactory the tage of sailing vesel h:ts been 1900. In all this dreaming, the one grower holds for a better price, but II , Vn,P steamers are B I " ' I luiuf oiklllranllntf la nd.tt till,,,.,. Tkl Ihliio u,11,1 lu ,hu tl.o ...... .l.li.r, ha hot, la till (ha .hi... . n. v. .jr - " ""e" p."", nmv lllHLe the demand morn act party la to some extent weakened, wnat is the same thing till their ami stiffen prices. " Another bad aynptmn waa a eoafth, whiek waa aa BuremittiiiK that it was the eeneral opinioa of mi frieudathat ah waa eooeuaip Ore. rtheloat nah rapiuly. goanetimea ahe would be confined lu tiie bed for tee or three weeka, then be around again, but only aa auflVr relapea. "bhe waa not only a phyalcaj wreck, but bar nind waa afleeted, and at limea ahe had no realisation of what ahe waa doiue. We frared. ia nvt. a eomplrle mental erthmw and eanaeuent removal to an aaylum, lr alihounh wa had two of the beet phyaieiana ia the city, and had tried aeveral proprietary menirinre, none oeneniea ner. Wa bad read eouaiderable about Tie, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - -- THREE COLLLGE COUibtb CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY Hi The Academy prepares for College and flirea a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses reru, lotc. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall Sfl to ?1 per treeb, including i.l!t nu. JTJZ C!T-,e? electric liflht and heat Ihrlu drug had dona rod and wa decided to give thriu DORMITORY rlT iMirt of Jfti.u..rT of thia rear. Im. Drovni4nl was utMMtLl mftrw Iht final hnw L k i re-1 a: . i a-.. . i . I I T e . il. '.rS-.: .k.J.kTTi.i 2T-L7;iM unaer experienced management, trill rur- bratla. he. Ihe attai'ka or dliiuiraa alao be. an to alte in frequenry, and ahe eeaat-d lo emigh. One after another, Ihe dialrraaina; nlnn rl-, f wiftA 41 RC pymptom. Irft her. Hhe took, In all, nine P,un "OCCO eXCeeQ 4JI.OU, boxva of the pilla. At the prearnt lime alie ia in perf.rt health. The alteration in her mind aud body la almnet neat lielirf. " t vann.a any enunch In praiae of Pr. WiU liama' Pink Pilla, for they eared the lile of our nauirnier." (Siirnnli Charles It. Bimnr-rr. Huharribed and aworn to brtiire me May 8th, lsW. r. R. Woixxnr, Auury l,hhe, Inand fi.r Toiupkiua County, N. Y. Pr. William' Pink I'illa for Pule People are ax.l.l hjr all dealrra, or will heat-nl paait paid on receipt of price, 50 eenta hoi, or ail Inaea for $2-5 (Ihi-y are nrrer unlit in hulk or h the !) by ad.lreaaing lr. Williaiua' iledkiue Co., evbeuectaUT. A. X. nish rooms and board at cost on the club For full particulars, address president McClelland, Forest Grocc, Oregon rALL TERM BEMKS SEHEMBER 15, 1S97. Hillsboro Pharmacy UNION BLOCK main aratir, Dr. F. A. (aili), r it p piJEETINQ WITH DESTINY, .i Pure fresh drugs, Uruslies, Paints, Oils, Sixvnces and all Dniiruists Wi! Surrdries, Fine first class cutlery a siecialty. Ktralsre lu I mponuiling rrearrlptiotia.'w I 11 and the silver party to some ex ten I cargo Is bought, he will he compelli strengthened, by results which how- to carry his crop over or aell at a ever plainly due to local l.-wues, are at I runioualy low figure so a to enable once heralded as a proof of the na-1 the purchaaer to hold over, Hons 'dixguat with McKinleyiam, Dingleyiain, and Ilannainm.' The rtpublican loss of prestige i d owur is not by any means so important sh the Oryanitesiinagine, but it would be a mlatake to ignore the fact that there ia some loss. "It is not the truth that the people The Hillaoont market yeaterdav mr wneat was t7 cents. POUTLAND QUOTATIONS Wheal Walla Walla. 73 Valley ami iiiueaiem .'Ms in, er nuaiiei. r lour oeat urudea. 4 t nrr blil. Oatt while, elioiee. 34u (.": erev32i ner uuauei. It-tmM 'Pi (nn I. .1. ... mitt Xl. nt M t anil 4 .iluuritu. ,h .r. nu)l K ".ir ai vi "or ,iu .... - -wo aano nnu a-aaie J an TV ! ajap I &jU. In the U. S. Senate there are 43 re publicans, 34 democrates, 8 populKt: The report of Ihe meeting of the Itcpublican KditiM-ial AHxiatim hehl on the 12th waa correct except where it waa aisled that "the hatch et wa hurried." No such ceremony tiok place for the reaaon that after dilligent search no hatchet could tie . found. The republican paper repre sented either in peron or lettt r are a unit In defending and teaching the republican idea sound money, pro tection to home industries and good government. True, some of tho pHp era had hen calle.1 jMipulint but the i pi tiiet hatl laen applied by Bryan deiniN'ratic organs or by "indeien dent', uiNrs that are for some pur p- working with the Itryan de mocracy. In making the charge tho4esame paM'rs admit that they themnelvcs advMate principles which cannot lie defended. In the confer ence it was developed that Individ- uala are working at cross puraea but even here the platform of the party are faithfully endorsed, and the differences do not involve honesty of administration or ability In the per formance of official duties. These contentions are of such a nature that the editors thought they ought to be compromised for it apears l ly for men to surrender principle to their Hryan-demoeratie opponents that they may put both republican frac tions in a hole. The editors further more decided that Ihe factions must settle their own troubles, or if they do not, the state con vent ion will bead vised to refuse to make any effort lo patch peace. The meeting was profl table since the interchange of views showed that the party preaa is guided by the platforms of the prrty that had undertaken to , administer the govern nient of this great nation. This It is ruixwsfulfully doing at thia lime. counted with the populists making 12, total numberof senators 89. Ore gon is only half represented. There are seven democrats. Hmlth. Mur. nave ueeu. uianiieoiing any u.saaiis- phy Faulkner, Mitchell, Itoach, Tur- m.uu auwrn wru tun n puuucau .,in a,,j Whlto wh(He .erInJ eI1irfl t BUTTKtt. EO(ia I'UULTK V. Kvira. 22U-) per doien OnicKeiia Jlil. ('2 fiu Dr noun: m x tlb'Vt.i nor Jnxei: Turkey,, live. 9 per tti; Oucka r3tdlll 03 oor dot n : Ujea j. e-wcii. Butter rancr Orjiin rif. 4711 anil ujiry.jww per roii VEQBTABLE8. P.lt cat.ua tlie.raU..L -.'3llt . ... a IUI M H VJ'rl Uinil O aJlilUTJ KIVIIlK i BiiCnl ' a them 44 to 33 f r the democrats. Ill is reasonably expected that they will in 18U9. The republicans are already national policy, lie who is man enough to look facts straight in the face sees that the only democratic victories have been gained where the tleniocrMt retiffiiuixl v nhstul.ml frnm . :. " gei some oi inose 7 places above en aiscussion or the tariff ana insisted uulerated which will i..sur a work that free sliver had nothing to do Ung j.ty oll 1 measures w.... .D u aiieu- ttfUir i8,n. R,lUhll,n nihv op! menc nir Saturday morninir Nov. 2(1 tion of Ihe iNwple was wholly absorb- help from the national democrats on J""0, Haturday will lie ed by local issues, aud they had no t.rreucv legislation vet it can not heW.,n the Christian Church and on - ... t-urreut.y n gistaiiutl, yet II can not sund.iv In lhf 1nno-rom.il. .nl .h.,i, u...ug..t ... me .arm or oi repuoucan oonaldefwl so reliable kas republi n...l......l ....II..1... r o.a ... ...... I 1 uaiiuiiai niiu ira iron, urai lip mm, yotCS Y. P. . C. E. COS V EN 1103. The fifth semi-annual convention of the Washington county Y. P. 8. C will be hel.l in Hillslioro com- the results came which are now para ded as defeat of Mt-lvlnleyism and rebuke of the Dingley hill. It ason ingofthat sort affrts some minds just liecause it is childish, but most York. The great question in American politics ttalay la sound money, but sound money is not an issue in the republican party. and an v man who American voters are not deceived by attempts to make it such iaa dlsor. it in the least." The Tribune, Now Lanlzer. and so far as his influence goes exerts It In the line nf republi can tlefeat. There is never any dan ger that a wrong cause, ii presented on its own merit solely, will triumph iu this country. Tho fieople of the United Ktates are sound at the core, though they .are liable to misleading and sometimes defenceless ngainst su title falsehood uttered by designing iitMrgnni'rs whine amhition is to rule or ruin. Morn Observer. NOMK I'T'I KltA.M'KS Of THE STATE There is no such thing as a free sil ver republ lean "any more. Put your finger upon one that has hitherto been musipieradirig under that name and you will find a man who support ed Itryan last year, and is now de vising means to defeat the republi can nominees next year. The "re publicans" who held to Unit Idea have dropted it, the others are npulits and the party must exisrt to tret along without them (ill they hav- seen the error of their way. Plain, dealer. The democratic ptirs that have been talking nf a landslide through out the country have suddenly drop- ed the subject. Outside of Tam many's victory over a divided oppo sition the republicans mom than held their own. The people al! fl icking to free trade aud free silver as Itryan predic ed dia?s not seem to la? coin ing true at all. Instead of the next congress being pnpo-democratic as he prophesied, the republicans will make gains and will gain at least one member in the senate, that from Maryland. Albany Herald. When completed, the aale of the Union Pacific K til road will have paid back to the Government prln cipal and interest at 6 t?r cent. This "investment" was made about thirty years ago, and bow many Invest- men s of that length of time could have panned out better? When the national advantages resultiug from the construction of this road are con sidered, the investment on the part of the Uuited States would Dot have been a bail one if no part of the prin cipal or interest had la-en reid. It is probable, however, that the demo cratic wallers will continue to talk of the "st-nl" that was perpetrated. Wtst Side. The republicans should elect all the slat e t fflcers, and a large major A telegraphic paragraph states that Kainlsh spies are in the United State insisting our defences and our mil itary resources. Well if those spies return home and report the truth they will be undone but if they re iort what the Mpanish widi to hear and they are believed, the nation will lie undone. Ho let thorn son what they may or report what they will It crnn matter little to us. If they report facts Spain will not go to war with us. If they reMirt us defei celess and without resources and war be declar ed against us, they cannot be deceived for at the end of the skirmish, there will be no Spaniards to deceive. Men should lie elected to nrtW who possess enough of the spirit of self. sacrifice to think at least twice for the people and Ihe conimunl'y to every time they think for themselves. Men who seek office solely to advance their self-interest cann it add to the strength of a government the peo ple nor Improve conditions. -Kist Oregonian. And that is just what the populists and Bryan democrat did not do at the last session of the legislature. Sunday In the Congregational church. the following program ha been ar ranged: lor the occasion: SATURDAY MORXIXQ. 9:30 Praise Service. R. L. Shellev :45 IWr"Onr Motto." Wm. Rnl.i. 10:00 riijier "Tho Meal Endeavor So ciety." Mrs. 8. II. Waters 10:13 Paper "The Associate MetnlK-rs." Miss l.ilhi I'unli 10:30 Report from International Con vention. SATURDAY AFTERNOON'. 1 :1!V Praise Service. Rev. II. A. Doch 1 :30 l'mn-r "The work of C. E." II. It. Rlood 1:45 Pnper "The Coming fenera tion." U. 8. Mcllargue 2:00 liiiriiness meeting. 3:0o-'iiH.r "The Tenth Lci..n." P. Oliver 3:15 AiMresa "Missions in Turkey." liev. Daniel Staver SATURDAY EVEXIXO. 7:30 Praise Service. Rev. S. A. (;nnre 7:45 Address. Rev. Austin Rice SUNDAY MORNING. 11 :00 Church Services. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. 3:00 Junior Rally. SUNDAY EVENING. 0 :30 Consecration Meeting. , . Ren Dennis 7:30 Conventional Sermon. Rev. Geo. A. Tapgart M. M. Bridges of the Climax Mill ing Co. selected a wet stormy night for his last birthday which occurred Wednesday, but notwithatandi nvthp storm llela-kah degree Lodge I.o. O. F. arranged a surprise party tor mm at nis resilience. The surprise was complete. Not a whisper of Ihe matter got to his ears. However wnen nis friend appeared about fl o'clock he took in the sitnni Inn nnl. ished his hoots and assumed his place " "'"i- iib iruesis irmnt ivow lr. J. P. Tatniesie and wife, Mr. W. ii. ncnrung anil wife. Mr. I). Hor. win ami wife Mr. J. M. Ureear and wife, Mr. A. Sieglerand wife, Mr.C. i Ln-icnman ami wire. Mr. J. Palm. ateix and wife, Itev. Atkins, Mrs. S. J. Williams and the Misses Lucy numpnreys, i.UU Mann and Li la t-rtUII No nun can tell when It will come along . OOca It atarta ap before na la aneapected timet and placea. livea aa alternooa atroll with a friend and a chance Introduction may ahape all the conrae oC oue'a after life. To be alwaya at your beat and aot aabamed of your deatioy yoa anuat dreea Ilka a true grnUaniaa. Thia caa be done by ordering your Sella aaa (hirraaWi ot M. BORN & GO., Tht (treat Chicago Merchant Tailors Wtio are unrivalled Itaatereof the Tailoring; Art. 00 NEW patterna. Flncet Material. Perfect Pit. New Stock. Lateet Sty lea. Beat Work aunahlp. Thrifty Pricea. A Cheery Onaxaatw With, All. CaMeai .' . . .- Ml .TltIOM. IN SCHULMERICH & SON. HILLSBORO. OREGON, AND SEE PATTERNS. Dr. C. B. Brown dentist, writes that he will visit Hillsboro profes sionally next Monday. Jim Biggs, serving a fifteen days' sentefice for larceny of a bottle of al cohol, is the first prisoner In Ihe new jail. Biggs came from Sherwood. Hon. II. 8. Hudson was a visitor in Hillsboro yesterday. Mr. Hudson expects to go to Alaska early In 1898 snd serve as deputy U.S. collector of customs at St. Paul. Notice of Mnle of I ten I Troper y by t.xecutor at Pri vate Nalts VJOTICK IS IIKKKKY GIVEN, flfAT LM DUi-HUHiit to an onlt-r of mill-inuile liv the t'ounty t'oiirt of the State of reriiii for Waxhinpton county, in the nmlti-r of Sheriff Bradford expects lo iro to run iana tins evening after Ii is pets wno nave neen in prison there for ine piiat iwo months, tie will es cort Ou Wachlin and John Moore out ou Saturday morning. Huston A Shute have completed tneir nownng alley ami have thrown it open to the public. The apparatus I the best that could be built. No resort In Port hind I superior. We may now lock for tournaments participated in by teams from abroad. After, many years Washington county has one of the best Jail In the state. I h-cell work is conceded to he the best aud safest made. The court and contractors wpre fortunate n getting the work done N-fore the rainy season seeing that it was un dertaken so late in the year. Mr. Frank Mitchell has been mak ing suMantial Improvements at his bowling alley. The building has been pvpi-red, a grand stand built nd rudls r rug laid for the howlers. The experts say that their big scores are made on Mitchell's alley. The K-f worth League of this dis trict h i their annual convention in the II I ii- ro M. K, church last Fri day f-'c y and Sunday. It was . .. iva most enthusiastic meelinirs tneLea lers have ever held. Be tween HO and 90 delegates fnim abroad wore present and they kept the exercises moving. The local church, benefited by the presence of the outside helpers who aided to swell the memliership by 21 aoces. sions on probation. THK 4-IUCllil' loritT, OK THE h-.te nl Oreiri.ll. lor Wu.liltwien ll'Min, .. I'Mjnii 8. Hull, Plaintil), v. U. W. Mnrah, a administrator of i no entitle oi Mirliaol Wr.-ii deieaa- h(I, Oirlntma Wren, O. Il, Wren, Nllie Uevnolda. Kaiv W run. lrw Newell, Liily M. Moon, Kiiiiiih W I ami, l.ulu K. Wuliama.-n an. I Anna Wren ll.-lemliiiiia lo ( . I). Wren and Mary Neaeil, of the nituvn iiHi.ieti -lereii'iHn'a; lu the nmue of ihe Hlatu oi On-run. vou Miu encii ot you are lierchv nuinrml to IT" oii'i anawer inu colnolnilit IlleU againet you in theabove enulli-.l auit by .Monil v.tlie ail dav ot Novemlwr. 1S1I7. the aiime briiiit the ur.it day ot tiie next reeulttr term ol thin l.'niiri in.inwi a the expiration ol the an wt eka' pub icu tion ot thia auniinotia preorioel by order i t the Court; and if you tail to ao appear and anawer, lor want thereof the plniniiH wm mipij 10 me uuurt lor mo reliel de mauiled in I lie eouiulaiiii. to-wil: that a tecree be en er.nl aauinat vou an-' pa.-h nl aniil defeDiiania reitiiring y.,n and em h ol aaid defeudui.ta lor theinaelvea and aaid Marah aa dminiat:ator of the t-Maie of Micliael Wren, deceased, tor and in eliaif of aaid eatuta to execute and del ver ta Ibe planum a deed wilh the usual wnranty to the reel esiate deaeribed in the complaint herein and that it raid defendants fail in execute euid deed euvhdecree atuiidtorand iu place of the a line the aaid real estate ia ailunted in Washington County, Urenon me estate oi t uristiuna Halt, uweaaeil. unit I and beiua more Iiarticmuriv .leai-r ned duti-d July tith 1K7. follows to-wit :beuiK the south fil'tyacrea of Ihe uiik-raiKiiiMlex(xutor of aunl estate the follow InR ileai-nlh-d truot ..f land: be- will, under aulhority of aaid onli r. from ginning i8..'J ona. Weat . f the auuih-eaat ami atti-r Moiulav the tilth day of Dt-tt-m- corner ol tiie donation land claim of M irh- VY . ' r.""" ' " at private ame ine aei wren anil wile, in Town. I N. ol U following diaorila-d ruul proa-rty. aituutc W.W lli.Mer. in aai i 0-unlv and Btate. .ml in Washington county Oregon, and partic- running thence West 15 32 ha. Hience ninny oi-m-rusi-o us follows, to-wil; Lots No. 1, 2 and H all ol and in Illock No. 1:1 iu Hiiniiion'a addition to Hillslioro, Oregon, Terms of sale are one-hull cash down, re mainder in one year from diiteof sale; de le red pnyint-nt to draw interest at Sf-r ceui aim to oe M.-cureit tiy Inortguge on tin-preiiiim-a Hold. The puri-ham-r luuy at his option payuiicasn ttowii on .lali-oi suie. r-aid sule will he auhject to the coiitirma- tion of theCouiitv t'aitrt. Itiila will lie re- ceived hy me at Hillslioro, Oregon. Xlutt-il this litli iluv ol .NovohiImt, ISilT KOiKII.PH t'KAXDAI.U Executor of the estute of Christiaiiii Hull, deceased. Z'r'SJ orlll chs.. then-.- tCn.-i l.ta'chs. and theme 8-iuib Ti.27 . in - j.i ... . r.t beginning, coniuiuiug It i .n-n-s. in ailuiltoll to sum a. l.tn i. Iv .i.-re?. aaiii d eree will a.ao unnii anuiu riii..lii.nna in. elu.le a atrip ot laud 30 tcet wide extend- nig ir.nn a Milni on ihe (J niinv r.md at tiie uortheaat oriier oi tl..- rui-l loo acre tract aoutlierly aioiia- ihe eiu.iurn boun dary ol aal.l one hundred aire tract to the aaid aouth liltv ac ea mid tli.it the pluiniitl have audi other and further relief as the court mar deem iuit and eiimauie. Una auinmona ia served unon vou bv .. niieaiion or o ueroi non. -r. a. ii- lliiue, jit.ioe of aaid court, mud. an i dale I t C'haiubura. at Aitoria tlreeoi. the Tin aay ol Uctoher 17. W. N. HAKUKT r, 2,-20 Attorney lor Plainiill'. Im Your Jtiisiiioss Dull.' Then this is the time to iniirovo it. lfcin't wait until "souictliiiiK turns up," but turn it up yourself. Itciueinla-r this tlm purjMiHc of advertising is to bring luixineHs. The iso lniKini-HH man will adver tise as much if not more in dull seasons as in busy avitKona. A giaal and tiino-lionored way of advertising is through the Ilil.i.snoKO Indki-kniirnt. W Ik-IIi-eryou want to get out soim-tliing neat to sen. I through the mulls or something cheap to throw around, come and see us. If You Were He Yes, if yon were the creditor and saw the merchant sitting idly in Ids shop accumulating more dust, cobwebs and out-of-style goods than cash, vou would proliably fuel like asking, Why don't you Wake Up use the advertising column of the iln.l.MioNO Indki-kni.knt aud exchange, vour stiak for legal Wndcr? Vlnit say yon. Itush Work IN THE CIRCUIT COtTKT, OK THK a nn.t-.- oi ti.egon, i 'oiintv. Kmerov leat Wilson, Plaintiff, nil II. . I nit. ) Ulin Chnddirk Wilson, D.-fend To Ulin Cliudd ok Wioon, deiendant hove named : In the n sun- of the 8i..t.i of Onvon. vol. are hereby require I in a.wr and ansaei ne eunipiaint ineii against you in tin shore entitled suit on or l.efor'e ihe lira day of I lie next regular term nf said Court following fie expiration ol six aucce-aive weeks' piiltliration nl till- sui.unons, t... it, on or iK-iore siononr. oveniher !i2ml. IS!.?, and if y u mil to so apsnr and ana war for wuin thereof the nlnintilt will nn- ply lo the n uri lor the relief prayeil lor in Ihe e-miphnrit, to-w t, for a deeree dis- ng till II.IIHIS ItoliiKinent Tax l.iat lor the Year IHOII. VTOTICEI8 HKItKHY til VEX, THAT XI nv virtue ol a warrant imm.imI ....i ,.i- the County Court of the Hlnte of ilr.... lor Wuslmigton County, ntlesUil hy the Clerk ol'sui.i Court on the 2tth ihiv of Men. tembi-r,lsj(7, and to me dint-ted coiiiiniind ing me to collect the delin.iient tuxes for the year lfsa! lor the tkiunty of WushinK. ton. Mute ol Oreg anil for want ol sum- .klV-tl,f .,,, Il.l.t.ltf l.f H. U 1 ...,. .. I .... ...... i cieui M-rsoiuii protH-rty I liave lev noon twee p ,.,n,,rt and Ihe ile.en.la,., ... and will scll.nl puhlie auction, to the ,K hut .Ms.ni. I have he rare and riist.Mv ..I eat bidder lor cash, at the soulhd" r ot Tie Dan.el l'-.vl..n Wi n, a minor rlni.l ol Court House in the City of llillsbom in pla.ntil and defend,...! and lor the cat, .uid Washington ot.ily. Or g ".. m, y ,L," an.! dishuraementa ol this auit. (!iy the it it I. -lay of NovVmlK-rT 7 The to l riimsunimi.ua is nerved upon you l v lowing . li s, nl-. real proM-rty aitiiiite in puiiiiraiion tliereoi in I lie Killslioro In.le. p-i.ue.,i pursHHi.t to the rder of Hon. gon. or ao much thereof nan. I- I ilolllns A M il-til jiiriBAftt ..u r'n 1- . , . ' ' ... -j . -- , IWKIHHT will vin-u, wm ci i ii rues men-oil. euul sale to tnnd The Cuban administration has run against a snsg. It offered atonomy but the Insurgeants feel themselves strong enough to reject it. They probably entertain the same thought as those running through the brains of the colonists in the American rev olution after the battle ol Haratiwa. It was iuipitwible to induce the rev- oiuti, mists to ay d iwu their arms at that lime. The I'ubaua will continue the struggle. The first number of lh. rimaa Vl ley Journal has been received. Grass alley is a thriving town In Hherman county. The etliior is C. K. Brown ami nis paper is republican. The paper is print it with the material lately used at Newberg by the New Is rg Imleitendent. M i ihora u less ppu Mat paper and one more re puoucan. Ihisisan instance where proserity killed the waller and builds up a new enterprise. Dorrence, the Mountalndale lum ber manufacturer brought a load of tunioer to inecity yesterday wet as It was. While unloading castings at thestntion the team was frightened ami ran away. The hauled wagon was ditched in a railroad cut nearby and one of the animals was tempor arily disable,!, though it was Anally released iroiu iu narrow quarters Good lantern projections of pictures have always been Interesting, and disolving views have fascinated the profound physicists, bat as wonder ful as those project i"-!-. are they do not compare witl- u new projection bearing the na' cineograph." In the old was a. gnided pose, but in th i.ewther i. life and action. This U- rsa'siiileby the new photogra phy 1 1 i 'akes Instantaneous pictures ami can . i a picture of its subject in every u.. men!.. These photo graphs developed on a ribbon fllni can be thrown tism a screen and if by machinery they be thrown upon the screen in the order tl.ey were photographed and sufficiently rapid the original motions will he repro duced. The Hillsboro people had an opportunity to see this novel enter tainment thi week. The company exhibits at Forest Grove tonight and Ortoln-r 6ih. 1117. Ken ion, llronanqh A Muir, ' 2(1 AiU.rnrya lor Plaiutill. is a problem in most job oll'u cs. Not ro with the 111 i kimiuo Jn-nKi-KNiik-NT I'rintery. We have a large force ol men at work all the time ali.l can rush" a job for you without any trouble. When you want work done quickly give the IIii.i.mhoko In bhi k-NDKNT Job Ollice a trial. NI3I.TIOK5X. .OTICK I'OK 11 III.ICATIOK L.tan Orrn r at Onitona Citt, Or. Novrllllier i, S!I". VTOTICK IS HKRKItY OIVKN. THAT lv the following-iiumcd settler has lih-d notice of his intention to make tinal pnsil ill sup orl of disclaim, and Hint said i.ns.l will he made la-fore the It.-gister ami Ite- ceiver at Ort-gon t ny, On-gnn, on lee. is, in;.,, tib: , William It. I nusicnnnf. II Kmoi lor the K MufS K M, M K of r. oi r-i-c o, U1H1 v Vt ol rt W ol nee io, i n X 11 . w . lie names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence iiim.ii ami cultivation of. said land via: ItoU-rt T. Mimpson of lliixton Oregon. Adam Simpson, I'eterJ. I. nn. I. Frank llurgholxer " ( HAS. II Moo K KM 21-28 Ucgister. AbstrMclinc and Onvejanc-Ing. tomorrow (night. The plant for the exhihiiion is quite exia-nsive hence there will not he many on Ihe road. I and present opportunities ehould lie1 "X'' ;;' . rtJ-IKRiKtH . . 11 XV the tlmlersiefi.il Im lliiiniveii. S2000. Economy: save to cents on a package of "cheap" baking powder and eat the cake. You couldn't do better for your doctor. StAtfinf' Best money-back baking powder ia at your procer's. ASch.iHaf ae. SaaKra Y filVEV THAT irneil tias entered into i.nrt. iiersmp Willi n. il. Iliiiiiplin vain the Aha. tract and Convevanciiig husiness under the urn. iiHine ot itnuipiirevs k rkm, ttrdera for work solicited. All work will i promptly ami satista-torily done. Ollice at the old place on Main street opiiosite Court House, llill-.ls.ro, Oregon. Oct. an, 1SSI7. THoM. I). HIM I'll ItEYH, Trennnrer'a Kwtice. NOTICE IS HF.REB' GIVEN. TH t ail in..ty Warmnta endor ed prior lo Jin. IS, Ri7, . re now redeamable at Ihe otTiee nl the ouniy treasorer. in the etty of II llsi m County of Waahinrtnn, and IZtlsT7 on ,n" s,l Nov. Dated at Hillslioro, Or., thia 11th day of Nov., 17. A. B. CADY. I'ouBty Trafturvr. comiiience at 10 o.clock .i. M. of aaid dav Ullll ,.,.111 i ,1.1.. Sr. I.... ... .1 - cejited until anid land ia aold. J.ihiwon, A II Ihcirsori-Theirii.lcr. est u si-c 1 t I a r I w. f:i acres as re conliil in vol 2 page 4 HI record of deeds, Wiishiiigtou County, Ore- f '. ' '.-' ". 22 7ft in mi set: If inn W: lot I 111 Mi-e I -, t I a r I w. '2i acres nai M, .us t aim nun Ol lot .i. Ms-f urn all a r I w, 11 acres ns recorded in vol It age fh'W. record of deeds Washing ton county Oregon . tO . ..v.. n.ierrsi 111 J HO CUIUS (loll (si t I 11 r I w ; U acres us rci-ordi-d in y.l I. page -Jii. r.-cor.l or il.i-.ls Washington County Oregon; hlk I tuiu.i iiiavert. n . o-. aii...-. . i, . . I I. .:-.: ill -i .... ... j i IO-.-0 oon .o -ii t I a r 1 w lying north of Portland road. -J r; ncri-s, ns recorded in yol F puge .V2 records of deeds itsliiiigtou couii- iy "n-goit MS HA jonnsoii tract lots a I) c d e Tg Ii I 1 to T, inclusive in Joseph Wood don 4S t I s r 2 w, 81-i acres ns recorded "'vol l, page 211 rccorda of decea niisiiiiiKii.ii . ouuty. On-gon H2 90 . ... .. .hi in e oi w l-l and part of a e 1-4 of sec i t I a r 2w. Vtl acres us re-orded in vol Y page ftlti ni-ord of deeds Washington county i r.-gon I heir iiil.-r.-sl in j it Mc.Miliun don No .ia t I s 1 w and an t I s 2 w acres us worded in vol Y page 5lti reconl of.lceda Washington county 0"(0 ' Mw 1-4 or n w -tnnd part of li c T 1-4 of n w H and part of n of a w 1-4 ofMi-jioti 7 t 1 s r 1 w 77 S acre na ,...,,,-,, ,,, T pil(tp f, m.(ri of l-eila Washingloiigton County OrKoii ' Their interest in K llarton' ilon No 17 t I s r I w i 0 ai-n-s as n eorded U! .." I"re"l,! reeoni, ordeiila wtshington Coiintv Oregon On zt Moid proia-rty will I aold unhfcct to re deiupti.m as -r statute ororegoii Hated thia aith day of ( N-t. IH117' hi :t , -b"AIE015I, ri ientrof Washington county On-gon and Kxjtllcio Tax oile Ur. Baking Ilowdcr in t.ie rtitouir ootrRr of thk 1 Wtaie ol Oieg .n,,,r Washington County. 1 he American Mortgage Company 1 -. nooiinini, i.iinneu la corpora- I Ilalnlill, V. Jeaae Hohaon and Mnry C.Hhson 111a wile; r..M. tlarteran.l Har- ler.iiia wn.-r ill lam f. Young ami ..VWl MIIV.II.HW! D.-fendnuta. 1 .V ,l,r'''r and Huner. Ilia wife, defi-u lints aim re tuime-i: In thu nil il tin, rliate o; Oregon, You anil each ol you are hereby notilu d and required to annear in ilia .1.... Courion or l-lore the lirat .i.v f ih. next term of Court, in-wii- il,n K..iiril. .Monday nf November ii... nu,i. 2'ld, ll7.loni.ike auamer I,. ,.i.....,uv complaint l.l. d in ll.ei.l,ve eniitied cause and if you tail so 10 appear and answer. plaii.1,11 will apply te u, cllllrt 1(r lhl. lie! demanded in said eomni,i,ni The reliel demand, d in aaul ....... conaiala ol the foreclosing a c-rlam 11 r""" oy J"Mr hsoi. and Alary t-. lli.hH.n.his aril, in 1...... ... lift. Ha d mortgage bear, itate ot rehrtt aiy 12. lial, and aaa given to ec. ure the ayuieiit o tne sum at lli'im.,. 1 i.-.i (l.aJ mil dollars and intercut ,,l u.B rale of eight per c. nl per anunm Ir.nn date, 11c . ..rding to the lerma ol a certain 1,1111.1 .ai note and certain interest nolo-, recned i. sain i.ior. g - go Haul mortgage la nn the f,.ll,. ... .... wribed real pioK-rty. situate in the C.iim Wasliinglou and Stale of Oiegon, 1,.- Lota four(ll, fiye(ft), six (f!), ,7. eiglittS) two.y.112) and thinee..( III). Hliui- I uck Orchard Homes, situate 111 Wash ington O iii.uy.in the Hi ale ol Oregon ron taininii seventy acre a. Hn.l inorigHge is recorded in the rec iV'l'i, vy,i,,t"n oun y, Oregon, in II sk .Uot H'irigagea at page 32. ih rei ei ilemanded iiiciu.lea a praier lor ju lgenienl aganiat aaid tnorigagora in lae.u... ,U..n hiindred(l.ai.ij dol.a.s toua.her witn iniereat tli, reon al the rale -.1 eight per ceni per annum, aince Febru ary 12, 1 , a.l in the Limed Hiatca i-..M v "" ,"r,""' auiiioi-Tcn lull! (1U.I0) ilo.lnra the amonut of taxes .ea.n-t -aid real property I i,y ,,,,. till, a uh ruht a-r cent ir nm...... ...... est Hi. -reon aince Orinlmr I...T the lurther bum. ol fuiM 1 1 a .., , . . . . , , ..M..M1... n.,i. nil. (LSI) ilmlari as a re., nable ml..ra,.. he em and for the e..... ....1 .1.. mrntH ol thia anil, an.l i..r . ,1 ...... the ai,i niorta-ige. toueiber ia.ii, . 1.. omitol aaid tnxeHttorl.er. le.-. unit can IVl i?1"."" ,,JM",!t"" aa.-l real roia-rlr nddtrw tiiig hjiauc.irau pio erty Iwsold o ,-ay ll. e .11,,. a uleive mei.ih.i.e.l hi, I mat 11. e purclia.er hi ,u Ii sine tie let into poises. no, ot , rr:t uri.rly Mn,, ,lBt yon and each of you. and each and all ot l il- lendant-i un.i ..! er..n, claiming onderi,uor any ..I saiu d, lend.. ihoil t arred an, 1 Ion-. tTlna il aril a.l a-i.el.a lit e slid iniereat in and lu or lien unon loi rea- pr.ipei ly r any part thereof. Una iimiiiwna ia ..i.l.i..l,.,.i n, ... sn order ol Altri.,1 v i.- ..- 1. ... . . he Circuit Court 01 the Htntu ol Oregon. ir Miilmoinali County, departineni ho 2 ma. uiii the sn li day of Oi;iober. Iss.7. ... . . l",r"'" wash.figion Couiiiy 1 !"''' 'hea .v en.i l,rt. "E JldiK, UK KOOKY HUM WAY Aiteraeya fur I'lamtiil. Xlle ! Klna I fteltlrment. VOTIf E M HKItKHY UIVKX. THAT 11 the iiiideriigiied has tiled i.,.,.i a.iwintaaex.-,iiirn of the last will and ies.,inic..t of Oarlm Hmith divease.1 in the ( oiintv Court ol tl. ... lor Washington 1 (llltitar ...I a I. ..a .. . .1 ourt has apsiiiit.-, Momlav the 2;t.l day of mem!!'. f.-"'7-,t,M. ',l", k ,n ' " sioh f" 1 "" ",r ,"ari,'K "hjectiona lo thereof 118 '"'nient ' F.oi. r.i . H"AIIE.HMITII. of iIIm. ,ri;f ''' wi" and testament of Uarliug Bmitb decwed. j.