r 1 s a.ooi z. o i 2.ooi 1 12.00 2.001 s.ooi Independent and Oregonian Jl THE f Independent and Oregonian T-wo ollir. AW Two XolX tra... J Vol. XXV. IIILLSHORO. WASHINGTON CCHJNTY-.-OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER J. 18J7. No. 26. hifiriPfiir I U SI L J I r! C LJ IX II CIENEKAL DIUKCTOKY. HTAlK OFFHtdU. aa- r .1 fioeenusT nm.r. wu MM...1M- nl Hu It . Harrison K. KlOOnWl i-ii'"'i MMb Km. I'ul.lis lnstraetM.il O.M.liwm .. - i,.,. w . n. leiia II.:' SQereviM. Oairt H. o. Iteaa ...F. A. Moora Unv fifth lysine f J.iieeion OOtN'IV ..iMCF-UH. ....B. F. Cornelius l. H. Keasonef . . T. li. Tald I. A. iiin-ri" .W. I. Bradford K. L. UKtWmiok A. B. aiy (leorue H. Wilooi .. Austin r.i.J la. K. Wllkea .... C. i.. Large Jndw (VMumiaalonera j Clerk hberiff Heeorder I reason 9 ' rtcul huirlntendeut hurveyor t ormier OllMiON CITY LAND OFFICE. Hobt A. Miller V in. nw.y . . Keg liter . 1 eosiver cm ur FicKiti. W. N. lfcirrelt. Mayor T'fion. i utkar J. M. Urwiar Hoard of Trustees W. II. Wfhrun . I. H. titanley K. II. tirr I. V. Tamieaia Keoorder I reaanror Marshal fastto of Feaos " ,K-nion il'iiiin ... r. . Milrht-l W.T. La ... W D. Hum 1. V. Uick l-UHT OKFU'K INFOKMVnoN. I'ba 0.ail oloaa to HillaLoro font Mill, at 11:30 a. m. .1..; U..nlh U'.Jll A Dl. UoiuK W Fortlautl and y-o01oea1 M a. Vor Faruin'ton and Lanrl. Wedntwdaya aud Haturdaya al iu:.m a. m. CHUKCH AND WKJ1ETY NOllCKa i M.in and Fifth atrneta. r-reaobmii try Habbath, uiorninD and Tnio((. Bab, ball' anb.Kil a 10 o'aiica a. m. '"yj,' n,tlim 'I'hnrnlaT avuinij. I. r. d. y. . Innuay at H:) p. m. All wrvica ' Imri. brlKln, llltreltln ana belplui, '"TvanVViuohkc. r.. llVANOEIilOAI. CHl'KOH. O"" I'j Fftb and Kir freacbina ' Bnnday ...nii.a at M D. ui.l aooiia onuunjr at 11 a. m.l Bnnday achmil at 10 a. m. uraver tumtinil evary Wedneaday aTrniiiKi v . b.in.lu. MVMIIIIlf. lent1 li ' rn niatiKiuir 11. A. Uecli, paatur. flKHT (Ihriattan t'hnrch, K. h. Hhflley r naatur. Baaelineand I bird. r1aohinK I ia . i m I Mil n. in. very nanuay . - HnndavBobool. 10 a. m. lrayer n.eetinH, davl IbnrndMT, (MiO p. D. J lb.. Bun- day, Taa) p. m. iMiminil n K. 'l'ne caattir. 1 .Fr.obiniyery Babbatb morninn and vsuiuil Hb'alU atiiiooiayary Dainiu in . I. airua im-otinii ry Hunday at M w . uoueral prayer meetin every I buraday emuii. Leadera' and Hteward rueelliitf tbe aeoolld 1 aeaday aveuinK oi eaou LliOtltu A. O. H. W. ii l ul 'link I IUXIK NO. t.l. A. (. V 11 W., meeU every Utai aud third .!., ere.,,.,, l Ih. mtl.. P. U. BAUOIIM AN. rUwdwr. Kuairhlcra of Krbekah. nlMJtllOlUr KEUtKAH LOIKIK NO. M, 1. O. O. F.. uii-eta in Odd Fellows' Hall every (lamruny evenum. BAUAU WILI.1AMH, N. O I'. f II. I lILIiHBOKO OHNUK, NO. 73, meet 11 xnd and itb rlaturaayoi eaou uinmu Hi u. hoHormLU, M aaer, Aaaia Imuuii, a 31 WediiwKlayeveniuinatoo'oioca.tn I.O. K. Hall. V laiiora made wi-ipimie. Kl(tllAUl IIKMISII, N. ( D. M.0. Uadit, Beo'y. i. r. . . MF.KT8 very Bnnday eveninii at 7 o'cluek In tne Chnatiau ohnroh. Yoa are mnlially invited tn atwndita niwtiiura EDA AIAM. I'rea't. HrRrre of llonei. nvilR DKDHKE OP HONOK. A o. II. 1 W., mreii n Od-I Feiloal' hull rverv lint and Ibud Frulav e. nirns l rarb month. M. M. rtiteu'r, oi n Mra. I'llla Brown, Ke.orler. Kntblmn HlNlrrtu 1)UtKNU'IA TKMI'I.K NO. 10, R. R., nu-ela every 'ind ami 4h Fridny in each niontn at 4 ;juuriM- n t. r. ii-in. Mm. ,!iK B 1' AN I.KY. Man. M. A. liorna, it. h. 0. M. ol K. and C. k. of I. PIKKNIS I.OIH1E, NO. M, K. OF FM 1 meeta tn M i..nio nan on ainnuay yentna of eaeh week. Btmrtitnii brethren aeloinued to lodiie uieetini.'a. J. M. W A 1.1, 0.0. I.. A. Uk, K. of K. A H. A. A. M. 'IH AI.ITY I.OIHIE NO. , A. F. A A. M., 1 meeU every Batnrday niiiht on or after all uoub of each mouth. W. I. WtOl, W. .V. K. ClXPl l, Secretary. O. K. H. rpl'AI.ATlN ChTI'TEU, NO.Sl.O. K.8., I meet at Mantnie I" r 1 1 p i on ibe 2nd and 4th Tueailay oi each month. Ma. W. D. II AKh, W. M. dun l'iTa. Secretary. w. v. t. r. nll.l.8KOI0, W.CT. I'. M EKTi IN the t'omfeiralioniii Cliiin-b on tbe (lb Friday in earn month at S o'clock f. M. k. o. T. a. TlOLA TKST, N. 1, K. IX T. M., meet in tVld Ffllw' Hail, on arc and fourth ThureiUy evvnlmr of eai-b month. U A. I.OM), BusToa Hoaa, t orn. K. K. I T A!4HIMI IXiN FNt'AM I'M F.N T No. 4, I. O. O. F.. meeta on brat and klrd Tadava of each month. I. Al. C Uri, rWir. vr.n. Rixo rotT. mo. , . a. k. rn.IF.KTTt IN OPI FKI LOWS II A I I. ON lfl Ibe til-l and th r.l Sriurdays of at-h monih, atl:A)o'rtM'k. I'. M. J. P. Uicka. II. U lAK-ke. P. C. Adiutant. RASH0K 0KIV Ml, 47. W R. C. MKKTS IN OIl FELLOWS It ILL HilUhom, pi the li. Ind Sd. Fridays I each month at 2 !' p. m. Mrs. Cran.lall. It rOrpha Oarlile, kwc. FUOF&4HION AL C U THOV.I.H H. T"M.I K t TTOKNEY-AT-LA w, HIU.'!L1ttU, UiiLbUii. Orrtua: Morcae, Woefc . . assasrr. a. . aMaai B4KKF.TT AIUMS, 'ITOKN E YH-AT-LA W, HILLMHOIIO, OHKOON Ifi-vsta: Central tlloua, Koorci aid T. HToa iowmai v. D. ntrra. Notary Fublir NH1IH k UUnAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HILLBBOitO. OUEOON. Orrioa: Hoouii and 7, Morxan blook C. E. KINWT, TTOKNEY-AT-LAW, FOB TLANU, OlilXM-N Hook : No. , Portland Havinm Hank Building, Beound and WaabinKKm f tree la i. . num. si". aoi. UA(JI,KY BROWS, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HILLSUUKU, OREOON. Keaident air-jlit (or Royal Insurance Co. Roomi: 1,2. ami S, Hliula llilildlnK. H. T. IIAULEY, A 'ITORXEY AND A COUNCILOR -AT-LA W HII.LKHCHO OREGON. Deputy IM.Irlot Attorney for WashinB- on ()iinly. orrua: Room No. 13, Morxan an llulle Uiork. N. T. LIS K LATER, M. H. I'. piIYSICIAN AND SUUQJXIN, H1LL8BORO, OREGON. Ilmna: at realdenoa. east of cout ilou: j. here he will be found at all boui when not vimtiug palienta. J. I'. TAMIES1E, M. II., g I. U. li. BUllUHWJJI, Hlliutlfunu, unurun. f l.rtoa a itn UniDiiini : oorner Third and Main Btreeta. Unioe honra, -J0 to lit k nu., 1 to 6 and 7 to " p. m. Telephone to residenoe from Brook A Bela' Uriuratore at ill hours. All ealli promptly attenuec uiKUt or day. W. II. H()0l, M. J1IYSICIAN AND SUIiatXIN, UlLliBBOUO, OREGON. Orruia; in Cheaette Row. R-iidikcs oruer First aud Main streela. r. A. BAILEY, M. I. IIIIYSH IAN, 811 K0 EON AND I ACmUCUKUK. UILLBBORO. OREGON. ttvema- In Pharmaev. Union Rloek. Calls ittnded to. ntubt or day. Heaiuenoe, b. vt Oor. Itaae Una and Beoond atreeta. K. HIX0S, JJENT18T, FOUEHT GROVE, OREGON I. now making teeth for SA.00 nod tT.lt twr art beat of material and oil mat iniu M ill mniiiare with seta eoatins i'ift. 'lento axuaoted witbout pain, rill intra at tbe lowest urioes. All work warranted. Orrrri: three doors north of Hrtok itore. Otfioa hour from a. ni. to 4 p. m. A. B. BAILEY, l. IK N. J)KNTI8T, UlLl.SltUKO. OR EGO., Roome I and S. Mornan Hniley Rloi k W ll.klH IIKIIS. i IISTUACTOHS AND V btUVEYORS. IIILLBHORO, OREGON. Aen for Bar Uwk Type Writer. Two doors of Poatotnoe. THUM. II. Hl'irHKETK. HINVEYANCIXO AND ARMTRAtTlMI tiV TITI.FX HILIJilKIRO. OREGON. Lesal paters dra .i ard loami i Real Kalate ntvotiated. Bnameaa attendt i to with promptness and iti-iw,,h ltnc: an Btrrvt, tonaitj Court House. r. bim, KAr riCAL MACHINIST rfll.l.SHOKO tKK(H)N. All kinda of rinalrmc on Bteam Rnslnes and Boilera, Mill Work. Tbirahinc Machrnes owera. Feed tnttera, Bewinc Marhinea Waxhina Marhinea, Wrirurera, lumpa. Bealtw. BdMora around. Grin and Iirk suithins, Baws (trotinu and filed: and have lanre number of seennd band eneines and boilers for sale. All work warranted. Dr. CHA8. E CEICER, ..WILL BE IN FOKC.4T tlKOVK after Anwii.t .td It prarlW bU profeaion and ariil be found at Ida revrleoie of lr Wm. (ieitrer. Bprx-ial at'ei.tion pa d tn Millr:l and Biirmcai Plaeaem of Women and t hiMrea and all t 'hr.nir pi THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheumatism Jf V TMt IM OC ST. JACOB Oft. Of Clsaoiie CPtieWVCW all OC MB-MiOOCSI BWUtatalATOelV cac. Tvaxncf) NO MaVMsa, IT CURCaV MMMHMdMklau. FOVDin Absolutely Purm NOVAVL IMIMO r0 CO., (afW VOMI. DO V0U WANT A FREE TICKET TO PORTLAND? . We will give a fr ticket I'orllHmi And rfturn tn anyone from WitMliiiiKton (Viunty wh n i h km at purchanti of a uit ofHtrirfly tailor iiimiIh clollif from uk amounting to f.20.00 or over. We makel all our clothe to your meaHureaml guarantee them strictly hand made by experienced white labor only, Suite Kuarun tying good tit, $1H ami upward i I UUIHII JO IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC UNIQUE TAILORING CO. 124 6th., near Washington, IURTLAND - OREGON. BdarateTonr Hnwel With raarareta. Cantlv Cathnrtlr. cure cnnmlrmllon rnrnver. 'Oo, afto. If c 0. C fall, druKKtata refund money. 1 li n trtrv Tt.fSj Peat Tebaere (ten sa4 Manas Year Hit twty. . To quit tobacco eanlly end forever, lie mag oetle. full of life, nerve ami vltror, take Ko-To- Bao, the K-nnder workrr. that niaUft weuk men vtron(. All drucirista. 60c or f I. f'ure ruaruD teed. Booklet and anrnpla free. AdtircH, Sterling Kcmedy Co , Chicago or New York. OABTOniA. nfw- . Halls W ..m. . ! SI us. sf. r-j0iMi rP To Car ron.lipatlnn orever. Take Cascareta Camlv t'HtharLic. Kin aw&A a J. u. j. tall to cure. uruKimta n-fuuii money. KUurale Vonr Howels Itn faacareta. Cnml'.' Cathartic, cure eonatlnatinn forever. ,uo,.-ae - u.u, in baruKKisiareiunamoDer OABTOITIA. Ttefsc I 1 hi v VfPv MIIKKIKF'N MAI.K. Delinquent Tsen for the jenr IN0. Vonlinurd from fourth jxigf. McLcod, ljing lot 2 Mk 4 Gaston. .. 5 0: Mrlod, F M n t om i oi n w W t"C 't t 1 a r a w. HI) acres B l di'LauKblin, M K n Wol n W ec 2ft t 1 s r 2 w, HO acre. 14 95 lead. M M Lot 14 b.k S Thorn's add llillahoro 7 Head. Jay P Lot 12 Boharl's suh- d vl.ion. 10 acres 4 00 Meier, Caroline s li of n' of a w 4 a V of s w J. see 24 t 2 s r 2 w. 1U) ac res 15 75 MeiMer. John-Ixits 1.1.14. IV HI. 17 lilkit West I'ortliuid llcivlita .... 5 50 Mercliant's National Bunk. Lota 1. 2 lilk 1 Foreet tirove 2 50 Memitia. n w o n e Vi sec 25 1 2nr.1w. 40acn-a 6 40 Mevcr, Isaac s w W of ec 111 t 2 n r 2 w, HWmtt ". . 11 00 Miller, Hen H Gray Oak Annex lot part ol lota 4, o, 7, ir.-x a as rwom el in vol 4S paire 82 nwrils of deeds Wasliinirton Count v, Oregon 6 HO Miller. RAW ll-Tlieir Interest ill sec 21 1 1 s r 2 w and aec2Htlsr2waa recorded vol J page and 2H page 273, and 40 paifeiU, 44 tutge H10 and 4l page .VI2 records ofutls Wali iiigton county, Oregon, ami their interest ill the J M Rilclicv donation No Vi t 1 sr 2w as recorilisl vol W page ITS records of ileitis Washing ton county. On-con. S5 acn-s 1 02 Mountain I'a kK K Assoriutioit-Thcir mtcreet in n e o ni kt 1 1 I s r 1 w, lt'4 m-rcs as recorded vol 211 page 214 reconlso deeds Waslnng- Uin coll lit v. trreiroll Q 45 Murten. II I His interest in the W O tlilwon donation No.VtlsrSw, llJ acres as rwonled in vol 42 pare 1111 records of deeds Washington eonntv, Onnron 19 13 allott, C F Lot lit blk 13 Hvde I'ark S 77 Nichols. A S Lot 9 blk 3 Thome's add llillslH.ro 3 20 Noble. Flora lots 17. 1. 2T,2t. 2t blk In est Portland Ileialits 5 ,'J Noland. Martha M Her interest in E W alker donation No rl 1 1 n r3w. i of an acre a rervnied vol X paw 2!t n-conls of deeds Wasliiiigton cmnty, I in-gon 15 25 ortcn," Marv 1 Her interest in A W Hart donation No t I sr I w. 20U ses as recorded vol -3 ivutr reo- onls of deeils of Washington coun ty Orcvon 15 50 o'rth West Portland Snhnrhan R E Co !-ot I to T inclusive. Cedar Ihilrw-c 27.4.M acres 112 05 cleon, John Sone'.ofnw'. . s e i, of a w ' of sec ititlirli- Tes 7 40 thiks. Christy (trustee) n S of iw s.v.12 llirts.ai a-r- 7 10 (atmn. 1. K I ndivided S Inten-st in s of s v eec 34 t 2 n r 4 w, 40 acre 25 Ochle, Charles (heirs ofI.ot 30, SI, XA, tVhle s atld Cornelius. 32H -res 7 37 Owens. William M X e t. O US nt lilt 1 n r 4 w 40 acn-s 0f Palmer. Alice Lola W to '-'I in clusive, blk 7 West Portland Place 4 00 Patterson, Kobr-rt X n e V, o li m mihI m i- ul u o u w k sec ! t 1 r 1 III acres 8 15 Patterson,. 51 cLeod Their interest mswkolsw k see 3 t I n M w si acn as n-f mhI vol 35 page 141 nntmla of dt-rda, Washington conn t ., tr.,"ii c Palrune, lAin-nso Its 12, l.'l, H. 15. Hi, 17, is Pi, 20, fcteela wid lleav erton, 35 ai-rm 44 77 I'm run.-, I.nnio llis inten-st in s w o" s w V sec 21 t 2 s r 1 w as re corded vol 3l p;tge 421 reconls o deeds Wusliiiigun count-, Oregon, llis inter. -it in a w k o nek -c 2 1 2 s r I w, 11 acres as reconled vol 81 page 157 records o. deeds Wash ington county, Oregon .... 21 45 Fame, W 11-l.ot 4 blk 5 II.de Park , Pf-ncy.BJ Lots I aud A blk 11 and lots 7 a blk 13 West Portluml Heigh U , Petifold, Henry w W and s e H of sen sec 23 t 2 n r 5 w, IJO acn-s, n e u mm i' -Jl, t 2 li r 5 w. 40 ac- cues .... W I'li.tio Miitmfitcturiiiif Cotm.an n e k o sec -.li t 3 n r 4 w, ltw acres 10 50 !i !Ur. -LuLi 15. la blk 13 Hvde Park 4 04 Pone. J V Lots 11.10 blk 9 West Port land Pluce 4 30 Portland Pressed Ilrick Co Their in terest in e S u n w k sec 32 t 2 s r 1 w, 34 acn-s as n-cord.-d vol 2! page Si and 3-JH, anil vol 2S page 44 rec ords i.l .li-. .Is Wasliinirtoii county. In s-oil 06 75 Proulv. John A I w k of see 30 t 1 n r ti w. H uucrea 11 50 Puller. W C S wUof II W U of SCO 14 1 1 s r 5w. KiO acres 8 30 Pullen, George llis inten-st in sec 14 1 1 n r 4 w, 10 in' mi as rccrdi-d in vol V lunre 322 records of deeds Washington county, Oregon 5 'il Haines, Jas-r G His intesest iu the 1 Allen donation No 47 t I n r4 w, 52 ui-res us nxiirihnl in vol 3i page 175 ni-onls oi.Iceils, less tract soul to Henry Hamilton and E A Hyde recurda of ltKds ill WuslliliKtoll countp. Oreiron 8 08 RasinusHcii X ( o Ixits 12, 13 blk 3 Thome's u.ld Hillsboro 13 25 Rasiuiisseii J P Mrs Lota I. 4 blk 15 llude Park 4 01 Ruviuoml. J N' Ix)t 4, 5 blk 4 South Purk adil Forest Grove 7 90 Reeves, ii H s St ol I e X sec 13 1 3 n r 4 w. n i ol u ok sea 21 1 3 n r 4 w uuai-rea 10 75 U.-i.lt. Annie- Ixjts3. 4, 12.13 lilk (Mot 7 blk 10 West Portland Heights ... 8 50 Peitter. Jcn-iniuh Firwood Furni w V, ol lot 13 t 1 u r 3 w, 0i ax-res 4 00 Renlel. Josei.h n U of sou UtlirS w. 3211 acres . 17 1)0 Reynolds, F T n e k of n W sec 20 1 3 n r 3 w, 40 acres 4 GO Uidirwuv. 11 e of n e W n U ofse k s: 4 t 2 r3 w, l.W acres 13 83 Riggs, TheodonH heirs ul ) 1 heir int erest in s ft ol s w M-cauiri w, 35a-rcs as recorded vol O page 021 records of deeds Washington countv. tin-troll 15 5! ItulK-rt.i. A heirs of) e 'A of n c'i ot s e li sec :H 1 1 s r 1 w, 20 acn-a 8 i'5 Rode A Madigiin of s w i ol e aud part ol s e ol s e l-t sec 12 1 1 r 5 w l.fc acres as reconliil vol O .age.'liiiirecords of deeds Washing on county. Oreiron 9 50 RiMlg.-rs, Timothy - Lots 22, 2.1,24, llk 2 West Port hind Heiglita Romberg, Mux His interest in s H 5 10. ot s w sec Hi t 1 s r 4 w, 0y4 acres as recir(h-.l vol .'18 page 7H n-conls ol deeds Washington county, Oregon, llis interest in N Martin donation No 52 t 1 s r 4 w, 71 acres as n-eord-ed vol 3rt page 78 records of deeds asliuiglou county, Oregon P.ncker. II Tract in M Moore don 18 10 No 41 1 1 s r 2 a us rwonled in vol V page 42l n-oords of deeds Washing ton county Oregon 18 50 Ri.de, II M a e , sec 7t2 n r 2 w HiO acres s w ! ol n e uotaw ' n w '4 of e i sec 20 tlnr 5 w, liW acn-s ; "4 ol li w l( sec .10 t 2 n r 5 w, NO acres ; s e 't of n e i n e '4 of s e k sec 25 t 2 n r II w, H) acn-s j n e of n e sec :I4 1 2 s r 2 w, n w Ki of n w Vt see 35 t 2 s r 2 w,H0 acn-s His inten-st in n w Vt of n e '4 sec 14 t 1 s r 1 w, 10 acres as n-corded vol 41 page l.'iO records of di-ed W ashington count . oreiron ... 3.) 40 Russ, Ira lxt2 blkO West Portland Place 4 69 Robinson, Thomas II 11 Xofn e M o n w cc3.t 1 sr2w. 20 acres.. 4 8.1 Uoidt, William Ixits lit, 20, 21 blk 5 lots 1,1, 15, III, .11, .12, 35. Hi l.lk 7 l..l?l, ,r, i. blk 11, lots ft. 7, H, It), 17, 18 bik 10, lot :lo 1.1k 20, lots 6, ti blk 10 20 KM 11 90 Viiling. 1 fc Ills interest ill A Har per .'.nation ,io..i 1 1 s r s w as .10-scrilM-d in vol 40 page 7 rcconls o'' deeils Washington county, Oregon, lute acn-s 25 52 hargeiit fc C n w ol sec 22 1 2 n r 4 w, BIO acn-s 10 Oi Savage, Fninees Her interest in n w ' . o s e V s-c 10 t 2 s r 3 k.W acn-s 8 70 Schiiing Julius Five Oak sub div lot l 2 1 acn-s 5 ft) N'hmear.V Tennis Their interest 111 11K of n e sec 2 t 2 s r 2 w as n-- conhil vol ;s mge IK2 records of deeds Washington county, On-gou, fi" acres 1(1 40 tM-haler, Iaiiiis I.ls 31, 32 blk 17 West Portland Heights Schude. Herniaii IajIs 1, 2, 3, blk 1 West Portland Heights Schicwe. Oottleib s c of n w V, 11 e 4 90 6 10 8 15 7 SO Holsw i, lots 2, 3 sec 19 t 3 11 r 3 w, 144 acres fv limi.lt, August e 't of w sec 10 l . n r .- w, ! acr.-s S-oggin, U 8 llis intesest In s w 01 11 w ana pan 01 11 w l 01 s w sec t 1 s r 4 w as recorded vol 81 page 212 records of deeds Wash ington county, On-gon, ix't acres, lot 1 see 15 t I 11 r 2 w. 21, acres 5 45 !cotltn, H Kt tn-ustee) Her intcn-st in G Richardson don No3xt2srl w as ni-on led vol 3H paire 42 rec onlsof ltH.ls Washington county, Oregon, 3"4 acres 114." ears, J M n w K ofs w 'A mt .13 t 2 s r I w, 4'J sen s 10 03 remnnsa, m llis interest 111 L Hall don No 43 t 1 s r iw as record ed vol ;15 page 9 rcconls of de-ls Washington county, Oaegon a-n-s 12 50 !erd, W H s e of s w s w ol s e W sec t4t7sr3w.Ni acn-s 7 10 Iw-yntour, F His interest ine J, ofs w 1 ', sec 31 1 I n r I w as n-conicd 111 vol 41 page M) n--v.nls of deetls in u aslungton county, i in-gon, lo ncn-s 7 72 .aw CI 1 as M n e sevt3nr5 w. lb ' arses .... II oO iaw., W K His interest in w U of rw i, see 3o t 1 s r 1 w as recorded v.. I 4 1 pa.re 11 jeconls of dittis W asliitiiM.. 11 county, '-"2 ncn-s 7 30 Shanal.an, W T Ixt 22 blk 2 West Portland Heights 4 70 icppnnl, J A e of n w',' e of s w i, sec 2 t 3 11 r 4 w. i acres . A 40 heil.le, M.-tt s It of n e V and s S of s w i, sec 35 t 2 n o 5 w. It' acn-s 1 1 2f 111. lev. Minerva Her interest in n e 1 of n w of sec 82 t 2 s r 1 w nvonled vol 3i paire 2i nconls of deeds Wuslntigton countv, onyvn, larre .. ..' . In. gler, Lucy Lots 1 and 2 blk 2 Fair- vi.'W ad.l llnllsin 2i 2 iiiinon. W Is.ta t,'. 0 blk .IS Sim mons' add llillslsjro mil li. Isaac N 11 e Vi sf 30 t 3 n r 2 w. uinam-a 9 90 fniith. Al.ner L s of n e n of s e ' sec .44 tlnr A w. Pin arres 13 fii Smith. Nellie K Her interest in A C. Itss.-n don No 57 t I s r I w as re- . ctnl. -d vol 44 paire ?41 renl of de-ls Washington county, On-gon 20 an- " 1174 "tnith. T II !Vc2.'l 1 s r 4 w, lrt acres .. IN 1.1 Smith. NVlIy K-llcr interest in w of u w i, s.v it t I s r t w as n-conl -el vl 4.tpam2t7 nnml of det-is Wasiiii.gtuu county, Oreguu W a res 11 75 Smith. W W His inten-st in P I Hum kit foni don No'-I t I n r I w aa rreimii'.l vol I piure II I reconls of ii.ti. vt oslungton county, thrcon, 5 acres ... . SO,', Snutik, I II A Storey i L X luu-rest j 111 11 e .r t 2 n r 4 w. 81 ahres 7 V Smith. W F- 11 e I, ofs w 1, w '., ol -. e ' s e l4 of s e i sec 9 1 1 11 r 3 w. Ml acres . . aa. Snellimr. M P-part ol lots Sand 4 blk ; Foreai iirove 3 a.-, Soreiisen, t.e.rge-.ot bik .d West P:?..i!.4.u i.hlJt 17' Soreiisen, Geolgt Ixit .' mid soillll 2 acres of lot 4ti Gruv t"k as record ed vol M r; vr.U of ashingtoii countv on-gon 7 acres 4 75 Sjs neer, t I, I l is inu-rost in P L B(k-iict don No t t 1 s r I w as nn-ordetl vol X page 4;;i except tra t as recor.ieil in vol 31 i page 1 im rcconls ol d -etls Wash- ingtoii cuuiilv. On-g.ui, I '.lucres i.i 2 Spilzenls rger, Jiio-IaiI 24 blk li West Portluml Heights 4 70 Spurlimr. G W- Iaii 3 blk H Finney's add Hillsboro.. .. 8 00 dteinhuiser, Ue- Lot 2 blk 6 llyde Purk arr mepheiis, Lillian - 11 of lots I and 2 blk 1 Mouth Park a 1.1 Forest t Grovq 4 , .Ik-veils, C J s of s W of U sec 25 t 1 s r 2 v. , 20 acres 5 30 Stephens, W 11 His interest in s w V ol 11 w i and part of 11 w 14 of s w !i sec t 1 a r 1 w us reconled vol 4i page 37ii rcconls of d.-eils W-.i-hingtoii c."ji:ty, UitHuu, 3 ten s 5 :u Slolte, .' E ilia interest in A J Mas-' ter's don No 4)1 1 I s r 2w us record ed vol Is page I4l rcconls of deeds , w asiiinguiu county, Oregon, ac- 4 7. Stolt. BRA R-I.ots 1, 2, 3, 4, sec 8 t 2sr3w their interest in Geo Mew art don N o 5ti t 2 s r 3 w an recorded in vol v page 4.1 records of deeds Vtashiiigtou county, Oregon, 1.59 acres 17 53 ntrayer, r J IMl 0 blk 9 West Port land Place 3 fij stiutloii, 11 C His interest in s e ti ol 11 e V cc 1 t I a r I w us recorded Vol .'H page 2S) n-colds of deeils ashingtoii county, Oregon, 13' -res ' . 13 13 Stuart, John C-Ix)t 9 blk 32 West Portland Heights 471 Stulir, Fret I A s w sec 22 t I 11 r 5 w. Hi acres Sullen M K Lot 1.1 blk 1.1 Hyde Park 3 52 sun.lt. O J-His interest ill s e 'A of s 11 '4 sec .11 1 I r 2 w as rw-orded vol 43 page 3:45 records of deeds Wuliiiii-ton countv. Oregon. Uacres 6 55 Sutherland, John s e ofs w i sve 11 1 2 n r 3 w, 4 lucres A no Sweek, .lolii.l lu irs ol')- lilk .1 , 4 s, 4 II. w S ami 11 e Yi 3 11 Tualatin ... 10 0 1 Sweek, Muiiu Her interest in s e ii sec 2-1 t 2 s r I w. fi2U acres 14 7-2 laiiim, tan-Lot .2 blk 1 West Portland Hen; its 4 70 1 1111 nit 1 11 Acu.iuiuy anil rncilie I T tn- vei-sny s w H ot u w 4 see 24 t 2 11 r5w. Their interest in Win Stokes don No til t 1 n r.l w us resconh-d vol 43 page 273 records of deeds W iiNhingtoii county, Oregon, 5 ai res : 5 25 long, li . I! C Their interest in I'omter 1I011 No 02 1 1 s r I w as recorded vol 34 page 314 records of di-eds ushingtun county, Ort-Koii ' acres 10 64 Iroutner, John s w '4 ol s w V. sec zs t ; s r , w. 4 - acres . u 4 Tualiitin City, K K Co Their intcrcs- esi in set: .t t 2 s r 1 w as recorded in vol Z pugi 5 .2 records of deeds ol deeds Mushhigton county, tre- Kon. 1:13 acres 20 23 lucker, fieo - w ofs w W sec 15 1 1 If 4w.su acres H 7- Tin K.-r, V 111 His niUn-st in n W of 11 e '4 se-- -T I I a r I w us recorded vol li puce VM records of deeds V.usliiiigton conniy, On-gon. llis interest 111 e ot s w l. and part of w U of s e i sec Hi t I s r I w us re corded vol G page 1114 records ol d.-eils .' nshington county, Oregon Kl acres . 32 85 I yson, R H His intcn-st in s e ii sec ist t 2 s r ! W. N 111 les 2.1 Kf enen, Adelia M- l.V.x.'oO fwt in lot If blk 30 forest Grove us recorded vol s page 214 ni-onls of deeds Vt iiwIiinL'ton county. Oreiron 8 05 Viiice, J K Lota 1, 3 blk 9 West l'orllanil Place. 4 80 ogil, 1 ritie s e of s e see 21 1 2 s r 2 w. 40 acres . s an Wallace May O lxjts 5, 6 blk 4 Gaston 4 89 winner 1. 1- r , w u of 11 w w sec 19 t 2 s r 2 w. 8 K acn 10 no Warner, Alex. Lots 27. 28 blk 21 West Fort mid He ir its 4 90 Watts, Florence K. W U 01 n e W sec 13. t 3 n r I w. 8 ) acres 0 50 W uterniiiclicr, H His interest 111 e M ot s e sec 2ti t I s r 2 w as n-conh-d vol 31, page 132, n-cords of deeds Washington County, Oregon, iW acres 8 08 4 48 5 12 6 00 4 30 W heeler, D R Lot 9 W heeler's ub- IIIVIBlOll W hite, J J Lots , 2,3, 4, 5, 6, blk 9 Hyde Park Wilson, Harry A Ilia interest In n w H 01 s w y. ace 11, t n 11 r 4 w aa re conled vol 43 page 3.3 record of deeds, Washington county Or, Hil acres Williams, Tlios Lots 8, 9, 12 blk 8 Hyde Purk W illaiii.il itte Reul Kstute Co Lots 3. 4. 5, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk 1 Cornelius Or I-ots 4, ti, 7, K, blix k 3 Cornelius " 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, 8,9 blk ft" " 10 0 " 1,2, 3,4,5, blk I0" " ,.,, 7, " 11" " 3, 4, ft, " 12 " " 1.2. 3,4,5, fi, 7, "li" " 1,2.8,4,5, 8,9, 10 " 14" " J,2, "15" " 1, 2, 3, 9 " 18 " " 0, 7, X, , 0 " 1 " " 1,2,3, 1,.,,7,,9, 0," 24 " " 3, 4, ft, ti, 7, N, 9, lo " 2. " " t). 7, 8, 9, Is) " -J " " 6, 7, 8, 9 ' -in " " t, 7, 8, 9, 10 " 29 " " 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 8,7, 8,9.1-)" 30 " " 1,2,3, 4,5,0, 7, N. 9,10 "31 " " 1,2, 3, 4. A,tl, J,a,",tl " .12 " " 1,2,3,4-5, ti. 7, N, ., 10 "83" 1, a- 3, , 7, 8, 9, 10 " M ' " 35 " " 3ti "87" 39" "41 " All . 4. .. 4.1 " M44" ' i " 4" "47 " Lots 8, 9, 10 All I-ota L J, ft. ft, 7, 8 All ix" si in itom, j w x e i orivkfrl t 2 s r I w 41) acres I Ml vtlsurt, 1-eter U.t 23 blk 12 West 1'ortliin.l ll.'u-l.is 4 7n vtitcli ii.-iel M.s-k rami All of It Stewart don No 44 t I s r I w My. acres . 101 it. w ittetilsMr. H S Wser:IGt3n m w Hi) acres . in uh W itliain. A A His interest in n w 1. of 11 e V sec 13 1 1 n r 5 w as revor- e.i in. vol :.7 paire ;t'v n- or.ls of deeds Washington county Oregon IM acres K t Wolf Sam'l-His interest in Jno Har din dou No tw t 1 n r 4 w as reconled in vol 3s paire 20 ni-onls of deeds Washilnrton countv Oreiron U; acre 10 .In W oiiHT Newlon N e y. ol 11 e u n HofnU U ofn w I t of ns l-t sec la t 2 r S w lot trrea n )q omer. U J His interest in w 1-4 ol s e 1-4 see 7 t 2 s r 2 w as record ed 111 vol:'4 pate.'s.T rei-onls of deeils Wa-liiiigton onuilv oreoirn n U of n w 1-4 of n e 1-4 sec Is t 2 r 2 w :i acn-s . . 11 32 Wood. Mary H. r intcn-wt in s w 1-4 of sec 13 1 1 s r 1 w as rc-onled in vol 34 page 4S 1 reonls ol deeds Wash intion countv. oniroii 4 acres 10 4" Wnk.it Adelaide M-iract in M M sjre don No 27 pace J4) records ih-e-ls Washington county, Oregon, S of an acre 4 75 Zimmerman. F. n 1-4 sec 25 t 3 n r 4 w. 4i acres . . .10 50 Zimmerman, L His interest in W F I Call don No 41 t 1 1 r Iw as reconl ed in vol 2)'. me 219 rcconls of ilee.s W ssliington county, tregon. 2.', a-res . 13 So Said property a ni he dd subject to re lemi "Ion, a. per V-at-Jta of Orecoa. Iitet this in. dif f (Vt. SK7. W. D. BRADFORD. Siienn at Wa-hjino loaatr. Orecoa aad ki-odicio Taa Co. lector. iill'l It I'LT TO RESIST THE 1 ll:xrlo. "I is si one a 0 m fii( hi and a trl .f'."'" (..c'i . e,jr'e when the L union Tiiiie-," in "on siilerin I he I'eis of British jirMlbw in an iiiiMiriant branch of Industry, says tMlitorially : "A'liorii-aii iiia.-hiim lisils by hun-dr.-dsof thousands of dollars' wort I are nt nl ireiifht paid, for thousands of miles acris the ocesn to E'lgland, Uertuaiiy, FrMtiiv, Utissiii, Jaau and Cuius, and it is dittl.-iilt M.4Tswt the isinii niKiii thai Mils nimbly means li e sucowi of free and iiHvlligeut la- b.ir well paid." lb-re are the ctuse ami cff.t-t in a nut hhcll: The suiwe) of free and intelligent laln.r well paiil!" John Hums the Si-5ilii,- uWut'tiet'ot the I louse) ot C'lnimons, himself a skilled mechanic, makes a similar si-kiiowU'duuiiiciit when he says: American machine iiatde tools are often superior to British machine t-ls because they have a minimum of weight for a maximum ( versa tile utility. H is not alono In the making of machine tools that the United Klates leads the world; in the use of these tools the 'Tree, iiilellit'otit, well paid American workingman excels the ar ti.Han of every other nation. Here is the testimony of one of the largest manufacturere of sewing ina chines in I he world: "We have," said he, "two factories in (ieration, one in New Jersey, where 40M) njier alives are employed, and one in Hoot land, where we cirry GiMX) Jpeople on the pay roll. Il is a curl us fact, as illustrating the superior aptitude and exertness of Americans in operating lalair saving machinery, that fully as many sewing machines are turned out by our 40(10 hands In New Jersey as by the 0000 in the factory in Scot land." And so it got s In nearly every de partment of mechanical industry. On ly a few days ego a consignment of bicycle tusking machinery amount log iu value to t!X),0(ld was shipptd to fii-nnuny by an American tirin "Are you not afraid," the manager was asked, "that in sending the Oer insna our niaehino-making machin ery we supply them with the fscili les f r underselling us in the world's bicycle markets?" '.Not in a thousand years, was the con H lent reply. "The foreigner dia-wii't live who can equal our Ahiit lean mechanics in the expert and rap id operation of that machinery. The country that originates the machine making tools for all the world may tie (lejiendi'd upon to hold the su premacy iu the use of tlnwe tools." It is on account of this firmly estab lished and constantly increaning su premacy that the London "Times," the nrch-aH)stle of free trade, finds it "ddllcult to reai.it the contention that this simply means the success of free and intelligent labor well paid." In what other country la labor ao free, so intelligent, and so well paid aa In America, the land of freedom and protection? k CK00K t'Ul'S TV .VINE. Crigik county has a wealth produc er of her own, almost at the very door of I'rinville, For more than 10 years Oeorge and Lewis McAllister, two brothers, have worked faithfully and earnestly on a mining claim in the Ochoco district, putting all their spare time and all the money they earned on the outside In development work. While others thought their chances visionary, or at beat uncer tain, the faith of the brothers never wavered. They sunk a slmft some 60 feet deep, which they were obliged to obandon lax-ause of the flow of water, and their inability lo procure tiecessary pumping machinery. They then ran a 400-foot tunnel into the mountain, with the design of Inter cepling the ledge. In doing this, as they aflerw mis discovered, they'pae ed through the led ire and ran the tun nel 90 feet beyond it. The ledge was discovered by tbe olaekii g of the ore through exposure to the air, and the falling of chunks of rock in to the tunnel. A few weeks ago, about 2 tons of the ore was hauled down to I'rine ville, and snipped by Jo Howard and Dr. Belknap to the Tacoma smell ing works. The returns arrived last week in the form of a check for t'2.- :'S. Tbe exact amount of ore smelt ed was 4Joa pounds. Tbe yield was 3 92 ounces of gold per ton, worth ti'O an ounce, and 2j." ounces of sil ver per ton, worth -W an ounce, making total yield of 179.73 per ton. The cost of smelting was fO a ton, and the freight from Prineville lo The Ihilles was 1 cent a und, and from The Dalle to Tacoma 121. After de ducting cjxt of freight from Trine. ville to Tacofiia and cost of smelting there is a net balance on this Usss than two tons ami m quarter of ore of more than tiO". That this is a very rich strike goes without sayibg, but II ouht to be ad ded that the di-tance from the sint whtre the tunnel intereris tbe ledge to the point where the edg? cr..st owl oa the surface of the mountain 0. 1 UJoiily Lm) f.t. It Is then fore ctr tain that the ore will be still richer further down. In the tunnel the lelge mtatm-aSS inches from wall t wall. There is aliumlance of ore in sight, so that the lucky owners of thi- iu!ii wili tuHibiieaH be aide lo put Iu the necesHstry machinery for ex tract. ng the gold at home. CtJltT IM 0Rtot. Limestone, containing an admix ture of cement which rentiers it im pervious to water, an excellent qual ity of pure ceuieut, and "trans," an admirable material for the construct ion of walls, fortification, etc., are three recent developments of Oregon's mineral wealth. ' They were discovered near Oak iHIvl Jlo"!?'-"nonty, by l W. Hie die, of I'urtlaud, who was formerly engaged in me manufacture nice- ment Iu Oermany. Mr. Iticlle Is graduate 01 stutigari university, ami an exja'rt mineralogist, cnaries ne- in it-. 01 1110 iiui iiiwii. hi 'ifij vjfiti . tf pany. has la-come interested In Mr. I . ..'a d aii..iisu ami tk'lll Vslirtt ail .UiaL,.i.l of ll.u llniuuliina tl.1 tX lakhll 111 I UlltJ IM aliun. AM MS3 itv liitiuooii tt nrtruii xa a (fiiiuianv ttlevtIou tilt " iniurrv .ml to tu-irin work at once. The mineral "tra.," which fo.in.1 near tl.n rtV.a,it of stone, was ,.s,.l hvihsflerinsn .rovernment in - . (fitiM'rucliiin of the mrtluiiiiionti OI Strassburg aud other fortresses. There are at preseut large works near Bonn, near Dordreck, In Germany, from which the trass is aent to Holland aud the whole Atlantic coast, lo be used In building sea walla, dams, boulevards and buildings of all dea- criptions. The ltomana usedthesame material in building walls and aque duels. It Is mentioned in the writ mgs of both I'llny and Vetruvius. Mr. Biedle made his discoveries while prospecting. Ills knowledge ol lime and limestones enabled him to see that the stone ho.iiaii lounu would ne use.ui, auu ne laueve, ,..a, .. win ourn to a nyurau.tc v. u.c, will be unequHti in tne construct- ioiih oi cwierna n.iu unsemci. e, - i . ii r . 1.-1..1. as m wenuier pniimum i. " walls. Material for tho latter pur- I.. X . 1 .... I.l .n I k-....,... Ik l"""""1""""'"" "' """ moist atmosphere in winter srjon a-n- etruuand saturate brick, rendering the air of a building damp and un- healthful. The strength of the sample of ce ment m ide by Mr. Kiedle, was 4HI0 iKtunds to the siusre inch. The article is far superior to that which is now imported, and Its manufacture on a large scale will prove an inval- nutila n.l.lill.kti l. f r..'. .n liwtiwfrv t,. , , . m The quarry Is only a mile from the railroad, on a good Wagon road, thus making the product very aHsesslhle. t'ronp Quickly Cared. Mountain Olen, Ark. Our chil- dren were sullering with croup when we receive.! a iKm.muti.ui.n-i., s tougn itsmetiy. n niioro.n ninioni ugh K?metly nslant relief- F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by the lia orug store. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy," wrilea W. II. Nor- ton, of Sutler Creek, Cal. "This cold lea me with cough and I was ex- jiectorating all the time. The reme- dy cured me, and I want all of my friends when troubled wim a cougn or add to use It, for It will do them gtgsl." Sold by the Delta Drug Store. How t Care llillloa Colic. I sufTered for weeks with colic ami pains In my ' stomach ..used by bil- iousnees and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Cfdic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heme- dy which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many peo- pie. Mrs. F. Hullcr, F'airhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious I colic can ward off the attack by ink- Ing this remedy as soon as the first yinptoms appear. Hold by the Del- Drug Ht'.re I Johnson, of Lynn Center, III., is sub- jeet to attacks of croup. Mr. John- son says he is satisfied that the time-1 ly use of Chamberlln's Cough Kerne-1 Jy, during a severe attack, saved his little bfiy's life. He Is In the drug business, member of the firm of . Johnson Bros., of that place; and they handle a great many sttent meilicinep for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to eho-s? from, and skill- ed physicians ready to reapond to his call, but selected this remedy fra u-e In his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to any other and famous the country over for Its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the bet selling cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splen did satisfaction in all canes. Hold by he LMta Dru: Store. irwTallkeriiriT. "Tell me, dear, am I the first an you ever kissed?" "You are the first one who was mean and snspicious enough to nk me that question." fVPR THF STATF ITPMQ w " w j,. Qf ,ntcrest From A Parts of the State. ASIILtXH I'AVINH OFF NEK ltIS I KvaiMirated tlaiuas U f t Alaska & party fraat XrSiluavill tlart for klvadjke. Nate Elliott late of McMiunvllle has purchased half Interest In the Newberg Oratlc. The East Oretronlan tiuotea flVures - to show that the National bank at IVtiidlcluU ilaa iaiger deposit than any Imnk In Seattle or Tmixna. The fliianclal statement oftJillism a county shows that 011 SenlemU.r :h wt tm,re wpr0 ,,, u.a WMrrrtI,S ,, lllmwt amounting to I2IJ.HU. - 1 1 , . I S.IIII1I liart lea ult ltr..l.urlii ti o b I . ...LI....... , I I . ,1 . 1 I 1 I rll. I .1 ... .. . i - auiiuai ounoay acntau Is "vention of Morrow county closed urtiay after a zj-fiays' seasion. I fhe convention was well attended, .11 Hi 1 nwifQ Ihun nnllnarif i nr iimui uaj 1 j ",M,,,U I muniRnlea In the work. H. -Holmes, Whiteson, Yamhill county, last weeK wild to the Dayton vegetable evaporator 2000 sacks of I onions, which will be cured for ship- ment to Alaska, where the output of the evaporator is all to be sent. jr. B filler, of Eugene, la nutting - nto play in a very practical manner - his agricultural knowlmbre. oimnul Ht the Oregon agricultural colleire at Orvallis. He has collected for ,lpment Kt 40 carloads of Oregon n,,pes , and it la to be hoped they wl brnjr hi in big returns. At t,e (Ht mepUn(C of h- (,,(y (NJUn(. f Alh,lri(, u W-I , (ke up a cy wa(tr Umi ((f whlch falla diut In Hentemher. IS'lR. l ' Und It waa li onlpril that axon In nulstanding street warrants tie called !). Already this vewr sI'.ttK) In cltv , , , , . . . . . (( .. . wi(h(hittMt ,,,,,,, w mHke a total ol 13200 this year, in addition to payment of current exiienses. . Two masked men entered the cab in of Brigham Young, of King's Val ley, Benton county ami robls-d him of 18 which he had hidden in chip pile in the corner of his kitchen. Knowing that he hail received a large sum that day, they sat him on I. ... . .... .. the hot stove to compel hi in to tell where its billing place was. The tor tured man fried and yelled till the robln?rs ran. r. II. II Hrers and others, nf Mr. Minnville. are beirliimmr i.reliminarv preparations for their trip lo Alaska. Mf j, returned iut Fr)J(tv fronj ri..rIIU sli. I.o k.. 1.... .1,, wm v s a. nvt w aav lll ivw.u nilivwj Monday, interviewinir a reaident of ,hBt Hce( who returned jjvei ,,h - a.MMN slake. A well-equipiMd party; some of whom have U-en all over the present rich diggings, will leave here forthe Klon- dyke region In February. Th(ire w, ,2 ,!!, f American rHiH Hla on tne A(,t0ria 4 Columbia rivt.r nil t(ml jnnin,. a UU)i Tne Knglish rails were not audi 'lent to ccmplete thetrack. This new con- HKntn,.nt ison lu way frofI1 thel-jisl. The rails are of tho 8a,0 hWm ,, wliht h thiMA Hlrm-ilv ImIiI 7'k pouncH to the yard, 5-inch nat 6 Inhets high fttiri t Inch hall. Trnclt- Iftvlnu m! Hia (ltttk dtitl if tha Mm when he new arrve ' ... " '"kk ,n in the ,own of A,nit' burnel R,K,ut 11 0'dock lMt Sur"lav nlht- " WB" "'u"' "l mwmi w" A mr. .1 .... I.l 1.. il.n l. I "rc w" " - " " " ou...i...g, ..... luiuici t:i.cuiijiaiii:vi nini ini I. .ay ine; vaiun.ue; imrtn arei granar ies on Mr. Henderson's farms were burned, evidently by an Incendiary. It is sincerely to lie ho'ied that the guilty and dangerous miscreant will be apprehended and brought to Jus- tice. Iteporter. The chemlcal department of the MIK.rin,ent station at the Oniron air- riculturai college practically finished the work of analyzing sugar beets .Saturday. The last lot Was from La Grande. Fifty samples from there were analyzed during the season, all of which showed high percentage of sugar ami purity. The last lot anal jfisetl consisted of 20 samples, which gave the following results, the first figures, referring to sugar and the second lopur.ty: IS 0, 91; 16 R, 8s; 14 4,01; 14..0, 91; 20 0, 4; 18.2, 00; 10.0,90; 15 0, 92; 17 0, 91; 17.5, , Mil, 6s; I V2, 89; 20.9, 91; 20.0,93; 18 1,91; 17.5, 83; I V8, 8-1; 13.3,81; H.9, 80. "These results are remark, ably good," say prof. Hhaw, on ac count of tr..) exceptionally high pr centagea of purity. Union and Ja k soo stem to be the banner lieet coua ties of the state."