WIIKIVVM WALK. IKJinqiifitt T Mat tor I lie r IKUJ. X' OIK K 18 HKIEUIY lilVEN.TIIA'l 1 by virtue ol a warrant wuit utsl out ol liialouiity tourtol ttitt stula ol On-a-oi lor lAaslmiKion t. ounty, utu-sU-. by Hi I U-rk ol sunt Court on tlie 21th lay of K iiiiHrr.mij , aim k me nirii ua t-uiiiiiiam mi- to cullix t Hie oVliniui-iit taxt-a fot tin jrar lrt-'i lor the bounty of Mashing ton, Male o. im-a-iiii, ami lor wuutof su.u- cirnt pernonal uruix-rty 1 have levici uool anil will arll.ut uuliiif auction, to Ilia liiktli t-Bi ni'iiKr lor -jusli, at the south Moor ul Hit ourt II.iiim: in the titv ol Hiilsboro. aanl Washington Cotiily, Or koii, on Alou (lay the Zth tiav of .ovumhr.li7. the fol lowing iliniriln-il rial property, aituaUi in aI utility of vtaahiiiKton, Mate of ore- Kon, or ao much thereof aa may be nii-i-a-aary to satisfy the tales due, toRi-ther w itli i'osts anil charxea thereon, alll sale U. vomineiii'e at lu o,i lock a . M . of sal J day aim romiMue ironi aay to uav louooay vx wpwii u ii in nwj wiiu ia aoiii. Alualrom, U L a w of n olD in (; ul i w Uwvlt 3 D r 6 w I') acre $11 8: Ai-xamler, Jamas li.s iiiL-mst of t. Youiiii iiunation No to, t 1 n r i w, acrea aa rerordeil in vol 8 paira 214 raconla ol ilsMils in Waauiugion county urf iron ... AnuVrniii, James A Ilia interest in 2 0' '81 upper u.ina'l n No 42 t 1 r 4 w, Haeiet ua recorded In vol 40 paira liii recur ia ol uVaus W ashing ton comity Oregon Armstrong, A 11 ia interest in n w ,i ol a w yA sec 1 I I r 1 m, ID acres aa recoiiied la vol 42 page pi7 and 214 vol iHt pii- 2I' vol M a li reoorda ot deeds lu Wastiiugtuu eo'iiuy Oregon Alterimrv, A W Ilia intereat ui n of a w si c 82 t 2 r I w, 8 acrea a recorded in vol 31 pae IK vol 85 a 2uU rotund ol ueeus Waalun.:- 3 7 8 7n ton couiilv Orea-nu 10 41 ll"h,Hr.:iaa-N , if . or n i 4 aee 22t2ir2wiiolw,4 olo w sec 2:) 1 2 r 2 r, sW acrea.... llariiea, liaac II ia inlereat in a ol ii a i aeti 1 tl a r 1 w 1 acrea, aa recorded in vol D paga fssi reconta ol deeds, Washington 7 70 Ciunty, Oreic in i'.itrla-r, A-I.ol 1;, 14, 16, (i, b.lc 33, West 1'ortiallU llelirnta 11 ot 7 111 llarrlli'tt.Jililies T e seo U t 3 0 r o w too acre i . . . 12 00 llatittr, (jeurva H of n w ec Ho t 3 n r 2 w MJ Kcrim Jtiivtr, Kina I. n w ol u aeo 1 I i u r 4 v 40 acres lietKHend, K a w l aee 111 1 1 n r 4 7 7n 6 50 w lt0 ncrea 12 AO Ileum. ii, Mary K doia 1 and V Huiil tuck's Orcliard II jinen, 20 acrea... lierijer, W illiiim f n i ol n , n oi n w J, lei tion 12 t 2 n r 3 w, i acrea JU rnatein, A 8 Lot 13, 14, IA, Hi blk 8 Hvda I'aik liuver, J H Ilia inlereat lu A W ll.irt doiiatioii No no t 1 a r 1 w, 4 arrea, us retarded In vol 3H pae 21U and vol 40 pae Ii), recorda of deeda In YVuahiiiKtou county, Ore. HkiIoIi, fcinnm Hi r interextin a a ol a t aee 20 t 1 a r 2 w, 30 acrea, as recorded in vol 80 aa 9 Un 8 75 S ft 8 Ho r.-, reiopis oi ueetia, waainuatoii ooiinty. Oreiron 10 72 11 AO llmr, J uikI Ureenburfh H 11 n oi avc MllnrDi, mil acres lloos, J O 8 of n w aeo 12 t 1 n r 5 w, 40 acres lions, J Li i'art ol lot 1 bik 2 Wal ker a aad Forest ijrove aa recorded in vol 8 pane 211 recorda oi deeda 0 80 Wushinaton county Oreicon.... IS 10 lloos Jt lieiiahauaen I'art ol lot 3 in blkll Forest llrove aa recorded in vol 38 page 275 reuorila of deeds Washington county Oregnii 4 44 ltowiunti, M Trustee Lots 21, 2.'. 23, bile II Hyde Park 6 111 lowers, ilrorKe i of n aeo 4 t 2 n r 2 w , 8i acres Jlradnloiw.Hirhard K jjj of a of n w aee 10 I 1 i 4 w . 20 acres . . Krtiymnn, E A I Alt blk 33 lots 10, 4 SO 4 40 II, li uik ii west roriiami liaiKlils 6 iV llritlinx, L H Kive Oaks subdivis ion ioi fi, 10 acres llryiuil, 11 L) it K U Their Interest hi Joshua liickaou Uonution No 4o t 1 s r 4 w, lil aores as recordetl in vol V paxe 14 rtoorda of deeda W ushinirlon county Oickoii Ducbuniiun, fc Lots pi, 17, lS.lUuU 11 Went 1'oriland HoiKhts llnrus, LI C ixt 11 blk I Hyde I'ark Campliell, Anna U Lota 23 and 24 blk 0 West 1'oriland iluixhls t'um pijvl I, U Vw Jt ol n w sec 30 t 3 u r a w, M acus Unpins Lalaveite a ol u w ii, n e A 40 8 14 0 30 4 77 A 00 3 AO X l i U, n w ol a a ol sec 10 1 1 r4 w, HsJ ucri'S tarr, H H Lot 33 blk 11 West I'orl- 18 K Ihii.I llelKhts Cnrr, Chirence Hia interest in John 11 Walker donation, No 40 t 2 a r 3 w, 3 acres, aa recordetl, vol'a 2H paie 4 anil vol 81 page U0 recorda of deeda in Washiiiictoti county, Ore, Carlisle, H II lot 4 bik 7 8herwooil Carlson, Edwin .on 3 and 4 blk 8 Hyde I'ark I'builiicoiiibe, II T Lot I blk 6 Cor nelius Chilli Hoe, wileol Lee Toy ller in tercel ill 1) C Oranaui donation No b'i t 1 a r I w, 170 acres as recorded A AA 7 11 S 04 1 U"i in vol 20 paite 2i0 records ol deeds wiisliinutiin county ureiton 79 7A Chipmiin, -.' 0 8 e of tec 28 t 2 n r 6 w undivided interest in n ) ol s v , n ; ol s v V aeo 27 t 2 in b w. 24i acrea . 15 20 Clark, Anna M Luis 20 and 21, blk 11 Went t'orllimd llLMirhts Ulune, Per. y ll -Lot 3 blk 4, lot 2i, hlk li lot 7 blk U lot K blk 12 and ioi 10. blk lit, Hyde I'm k.... I i.i-liriin .V Ciirr Lot 5 blk 2, North Hide add to Hil'aiiorn . 6 IX) OA 3 AA Cosaeil W a w W sec 23 t 2 n r 0 w ltio acres 12 1 Co ton, H U n e . sec 10 t 1 s r 4 w HsJ ai res . 11 70 Coitlren, Mary Her interest in Uini Kichardsun donation, No.lH, t 2 s r 1 w, as recorded in vol 84 puice 203 recortlsot dceit-,W asiiiiiKioncoun IV. Orciron 10 acres r. . Conni ll, 'I hoiiia-- Hi intt rcsl in W W tirahiuu donation No .'to t 2 r I w, as recorded in vol 43 . a(e 4.4 records ol deetls, Wsahiuifton couii lv. Oreuoll, 40 acres 13 7A Connolly. Mary A Her intereat inn e 4 of ii e ol sec 21 I 1 r I w, as tccorceu. in vol 'i paire 412 rec ords iif deeds, WashiiiKlon county, Ori'iron. S acre 6 OA Cooper, Aniiiineiie ol sec 2 t 1 a r 3 w M'J .icres lj 3 Coi'k. Joseph Lou 21 blk 10 Wrrt I'orliaild lleiiihls Coit e. I'livnl Lo 13, 14, l.'i. 111, 17 Ink 1 West I'ortUnil I'.ace Cowiuk.E 11 HrUKer tnicl lot 34, III Crauvi j lii'ul Kicei I) E L "l i hlk 14 Hyde 1'atk Cte-s, John M M e 1.4 of sec 17 l 3 n r A w , 11 e !, e ol w ' s e I. .Is 3 an 1 4 sec IS 1 3 n r 6 w s , 01 s e lott I, 2. 3 and 4 aeo 10 t 3 n r ft w e H ol u w e ol a w, se lots 1, 2, 3 and I t'i' 3 t 3 n r A w w ), 01 n 1 1, w i, ot s w ' . sec 8 t S n r A Oil 0 2ft A 7A A sj s w ol sec 0 t 3 n r 5 17A4' acres 74 3:1 Chtistensen, Chris Hit interest In e '4 ol s w and part ol a w ol s I, sec 7 1 1 11 r 4 , 12 acres as re corded in vt :V pu(.e 410 records of deeds W ashinituin cnnnly Oreiton 7 00 Cros.ey. J.-sse J w ;4 01 sec I I n r A . lii acres. 12 AO CrtK keli.' Orle-on-Ljl 30 blk 22 West 1'ortliind Heights ... I .ininunna. Maitau Her miereit in K Vounn donation No 4A I 1 n r 2 w Z acrea aa recorded vui 43 pare 2-4 reconisol deeds, Wasinngtoii 1 ounty, Oregon I urrnn, J Lots 0 and 7 bik 1, lots I and 2 blk 2. Keedville 1'akyns. Constiince A Her Interest 111 W H I'liaiheld donation No A2 t I 1 r .1 t, 2.VI acre, as recorded in vol 4ri page 4"3.snd 42 p.ige 101 reo- A 70 8 W 8 74 ortlsol aeeo-, vr asniiiKiou county Orrffnn 77 OA lat, Alice M Tract in the Muliiel Moore donation No 41 t 1 s r If NH1O0I an acre, aa r corded in vn 44 page 3tl recorils of deeils, Wash ington ronnty, Orciron l'ean, Thomas 8r Uis interest ia w 1, ol n 1 , 01 sec 1 1 1 r I I acrt as recoiiied In voi page l-'l recor.ls ol dectla Washington couii lv. Oregon 8 AO 5 21 Di Liahoiult, Van II His interest In I'ntrii k Keliy d.'Dailnn No 61 t I i rlf 1.11 a.i e sa recorded vol 1' page .'Irl reoor-ls of deeda Waal - ngf'-n eonntvOregon; His tmerst n e , of s e !, ol s. c X. t 2 n r 4 vr and an undivided ' Interest in a m of a e V ec .11 1 2 11 r 4 w 7 acres 37 0-. IieLaanmnii, El and I. an Tne'r interest in T Hiewart donation No 43 I I a r 2 . 217 acres aa reeorde.1 in vol 3ti page SiT, recorda of deed W ashinglon county llregon "' Xsu'tr inlereat ill the C Mewa4 d- nation No&Otlarl a, TiS acrea as records 111 vol 3r) pageM7 records 01 tis-d Wash-ngion e..univ lire- 7a 2A IM-Laahiuuu Outinaa 8 e ol a J 01 s .11 1 1 s r 1 w, 40 ane. ... 8 46 IV, ,n v, A t W a U ul aee 20 t 3 n r 3 , U acres .. . 8 yi Uennie, Anna U Her Intuiest III Z M H .eii dona lou No 4A I 2 a r V w, ;., acres as recorded in vol 42 p.ige 277 recorda ot deads Wsalima- ton county Oregon . 8 4 Uilchburn, LHia interest in n ol n e 1 , ol sec 1 1 I r 1 s. 2 acres aa rscuiued in vol 37 puge 2si re cords ol needs Washingiou muuiy Oregon a OA Ll.nianlsoii.J II W 01 .! W Eai VI w add to llllisbor .. 4i acres.. B 24 Uniey, Hnuin! K 1 01 o e ,! 11 i ol a s sec 34 1 1 a r J , PsJ acres 10 is iitiutliu, C n e i id n yt sec 8 t 2 a r 1 w. 4J acre 8 A2 nur .11 Us.irge H H a inle est 111 e ol s w sec 2s t 1 s r 4 w aa re folded v ii 20 fae A:r2, recor-is ol deeds in Wash'iigioii county. Ore- iron, 23 acres 8 7ft a, j.-rnng Louis e ii nl 11 e sec 20 t 3 n r 4 w ao acres , 7 So r., l ar.ls, iiiiam II s Interest lota 1 and 2 sec l 1 2 r 2 , acres 3 80 a null, fc.li Una L it 2 oia 7 O.ig 1. r ive add. H1.lsi1.ro 4 "if, ' irleiu n ik Hiephtsns ( heirs ol) ae sec 2n 1 1 s r A vr, 10. J acres.... . . 10 70 rmduiaii, H irris 11 ol n e s S ol n e ... DiUuna sec 25 I 2 11 r rj w, liJ a:res ... 13 76 r uin. K (ward L ils 2 . 21, 22, 2.1, 21, blk 2 Wi si Portland Place 6 2 r l.tgg, K Jl Lot 12 b.k li 1 home s add Hills. loro . . 3 no Ei.aM - Lola 1,2.3,4. blk 3 longile's add Hiilsboro A 6 neck, J K-L'its20 and 3) ulk 10 West Portlitnd liiu'lita S ! cord, Allen H 8 w ol n e w a e w ol n e 'A aee 20 1 2 a r 1 w ho acres 10 20 roster, 1 J Lot 6 Yerex suo ivisioti sue 21 t I a r 1 w. 20 sores 15 48 r owler, Nora and Oral 1 heir Inter est in tne u sicueol d mition N 1 40 1 1 s r 4 w recorded in vol 43 page 75 records ol needs Washing ton county Oreiou 14 acres .. . 1 1 !e t ratne, Abner N ol n e ,.' e U of n w W seo 1 t 2 n r 4 w IMi via 11 50 r reiiii-nthai, J 1. it 1 sec 81 1 1 a r 2 2014 acres 4 00 r reiileiuhal, 8 1 Ilia intereat in n a '4 ol a e sec 20 1 1 s r 1 w, A tores as rec ,ried in vol 33 p.igd 77 re cor.la 01 deeds WiishiiiKton county Oregon . . . OK, Utrdner A H ink.n I, ns 3 un I 7 blk 1 Highland a id Hill 'sir 1 ...... 6 0 leisey, r Lot 3 O k 5 Hyde Para 4 ft l.'ise, Adoipu K hi n e ' and e K ul 1 f V. sec '1 1 2 11 r 2 100 acres 10 6 inn. K. inert J L it 10 blk 15 Hvde Park 4 7; I intoii, M irv lliock 28 I. ivert 111 8 25 ion ncr, A r 8 w ol a e and lot 2 sec 1 I 2 11 r 5 7s 'sj acres 7 A Oi aham, L r r 4 ol u vr n of a w ',4 sec 2 t 2 n 1' 5 w 100 acres, 11 e 14 oi 11 H set: 3. 1 3 n r 5 w 40 acres, s ol s aee 25 t 3 n r A w, a e of a e sec 20 Hurts 120 acres, und.vi led Vi Interest in n e i,' ol n e 1,4 sec 20 t 1 r 4 vr, undivided interest in lot 0 sec 21 t 1 a r 4 w, a divided interest 111 part ol s c 14 of sec 20 1 1 a r 4 w as record id 111 vol 41) page 427 re cords of deeds Waiittilnu county Oregon (Jo iicies, loia 15 and 10 bik 1 Highlands add Hillsnoro, lots 1, 2. 3. 4 blk 4 Highlands ad 1 Hiils boro 47 38 ir:iy, Berths ller inlereat in the I. A sparks donititon No 50 I 1 n r 1 w. 50 acres as recorded vol 30 page 373 vol 40 p.i.-e 405 and vol 44 page 173 records of needs Washington county Oregon, lots 1. 2,3 10, 22 21, lmi (). t 1 n r 1 33 acre-, lots 1, 2, 3, A and nart ol 7 and 0, 20 acres .li Oniv Oak annex 41 AM Oreen, Anna Lot 18 blk 1 west Port land P ace 5 65 (ireen, Kjsnnna Lot 2 blk 2 Flilnev add lli lsbir t H On Uriniin, Pniliip SJ ol n e J4 of n w i ma ( art ol Ilia 11 w oi n w s a of n w of n e sec 20 t 1 a r 2 w 50 acrea aa recorded in vol 3l fugs 3-6, recorda of deeds Wasti ng county Oregon 12 62 Oriinbs, William (Heirs of) b.k 30 Forest drove 27 21 (junther, Herman u e of sec 1G t 8 n r 3 w. lis) acres 10 50 Htickney Enznlietn ller interest 111 n e '4 nl n e sec 2i 1 1 a. r 1 w 10 acres as recorded vol 33 puge 24 rec ords of deeda Washington county O.egon 7 25 11 ill. J C and Nancy II tr ict In M Moore douulion No 57 t 1 n r 2 w 0 10 of an acre as recorded in vol 35 puge 3o2 records ol deeds Wash ington county, Oregon ... 10 01 H ike, Frederick n w J of sec 23 t 2 n rH w, HiOncrra 12 50 Hamuli. n, A J Lots 4, 7, 8, Hamil ton's add lteaverton; His interest In W F Hall donation No 41 t 1 a r I w. l'i acres 12 20 Harris, John Ilia interest In tne John llama donation No 55 t 1 11 r 3 w, 1 ace 4 42 Harris, Amy E Her interest In the W Pointer donation No 62 1 1 a r 1 w, 2 aores as secorded vol 40 pngu 120 recor.ls ot deeds Washing on county, Oreoon . 6 S8 Hart, 1 uroline lle-ui ere in s w 14 ol 11 e 4 section Itlirlw 13 se res as recorded v il Y page 3!0 r c ordstif deeds Washington county Oregon HI 32 Hart, Annie M Lot 55 Meei's ad 1 Hi'uvcrton, lo'i acres 15 til II irt, Frank K His interest in s w 4 ot n w 14 an I part ot n a 1-t ol s w 4 of sec o 1 1 s r 1 w, 20 acres as re corded vol 30 pgge 31 records of deeds Wtiaiiington county, Oregon 8 05 Harttiorn, C M s a ,'4 sec 23 I I n r 8 w. UK) acre 10 AO Harrison, l! ll-Lots 3 and 4 hlk 3 8lierood H 20 H iralsen, Mathins e ) ois w A e.c 21 I II 11 r 3 w. Nl -icres 7 50 II irtiuan, J 8 and F A E W of n e sec 24 t 2 11 r a w, utiil.vnleil 1 inieres in ti i of n e V4' and n of n !, sec 25 1 2 n r 5 vr, Pin ai res 12 !." ilnrr, A loinh Lots 18 In hlk 14 ttvile Park . A 04 Hsger. Iver ri Lot 7 blx 12 Hyde Park.... 4 77 Heard, J oil n T Lois 20. 21. 22 Ilk 25 West Portland II ijllis fi pi Held, Angus) Lots 2-1 2! big 20 West torluind ll.-lglils ft 11 l.nry.J L Lot 24 blk 1.1 lly.ie a. k 4 77 Henri , I hir.es Lot 8 nlk 1 II niy's id Come ins . 1 87 lieudnx. II F 11 s interest 111 a w (4 I 11 sec 31 t 1 n r 3 w. 10 acres as n u rded in vol 37 p ge 114 re ordsol ileetls Walluugloii couit ty O eirn'i 6 50 llendriv, II 11 A' wl Tti.- r pitere-t in n e K'nl part nl 11 w 14 a e :t. t 1 n r 3 w as rec ir.l, I in v .. page Mi records ol di-e Is W ishinirtoii county O eg, r, their 'n'enst in w of n w )4 -i se. 34 t 1 11 r 3 sr, Wl aires 21 02 II icii'T. Wi hum W 01 n e sec Vi t 1 s r 3 , 80 a. es 13 41 11 ,11 in 1111. M A I. i - p 1. 1 1. 12 I'll I and lots I, 5,6, 7, SI. 1 11. 12, blk 2 West P.in ill Plac 7 ftft llollenlieok, II B K , ois w 4 vr 'sj ol s e '4 -e. 22 t 3 n . 4 w Did ..cres 12 51 Hold. Charles It L its 10, 20 blk 14 West Port and Heights 5 ml II ishler, Fred 4 -I n e '4, st-14 n w '4 sec 24 1 2 ii r 5 vr.no res 7 12 H use. Er .est Hi, u iere-t in tne I. Han donation No 43 I 1 s r 1 w.li't acres as recorded vol S page 310 records ot deeds, Washington county. Oregon 10 Ni HiiJyard, (' A S Lois 7,8 iilk 2s West Portland He ff.i is 5 0-) Ilu itiard. I W I'ndivlded inter est in n ol n e 4 and n )s of n er sei 2. 1 2 n r A w, M0 acres 0 75 Hull, ll L b.k 23 Bciiv rton 13 2.1 II agues A' !Vter-on l.ois A, 8, ft, IS, 20, 21, 24 hlk 1 Hyde Park; .1 ts 1,3, 4. 5, 7 ink 2 Hyde Park ; lots 2, 5, h, 0,10,11,12,13, hlk 4 Hvile P.uk! Lots 5. 6, 7. 8, Id bik 5 Hvde I'ark; lots L. 4 HI, 21. 24 blk ll Hyde park; lots I 2, 3, 4, 5. ti. 7, 2i, blk 7 Hyd.- Park; lois 1, 21, his 8 Hvde Park; lot 10 h.k 0 Hvde I'ark; Iota 1. 2, 3, 4. li. U , 11." 12, 11. 13, III, 17. 10. , 21. hlk Id Hvde Psrk; los I, 2. 3. 4, 5 8, t, 12, PS. 17, 20. 21, hia 11 Hvde I'ark; l-ota. St, in, 11 .nk 12 lli ue Pa- ; lots A, 6. 8. o, 12, It. 22, 23, h.kllllyl- Park; tots A. II. 12, 14. 15, Is, p.l, 20, 24. blk 14 Hyde Park; i.i a 2, 3. 6 6, 7. H, o. II 13, 20. 21, 22, 21, 24. 2 blk 15 11 de Park; loi DO b.a West Porusml Heights Sf. ,17 Lola Pi. 20 blk 27 Wat I' nl ml Heights; IK'S 25, 20, bik 2M We-t I'on.and li- guts; lots lio.ltiblk Is West p rtlsnd Heights 13 20 I ngrahan , E H - li s m erest in e ol s w i4 and pin of n w i,4 ol s e (4 sec 11 1 2n r3 . 4i) acres as reeonl el vol :c pa-e IM r ctids ol deetla Washington couniv, tl-egon A 75 Isaacs. E A L 11 8 h.k 2 Hi I I'sr 4 52 J. ks- n. Ma V Her interval in V J season donslioa No 81 I 1 r 3 , m. 105 acrea as recorded vol 3d page 3tiu records ol deeds Wes'iliigtou county, Oregon ..... .... 417. Johnson, A H heirs ol Lot 3; and par ol 101 li stic 8 t 1 s r I w as re corded 111 y.il H page 638 records 01 deeils W asum-'ton eounte Ore gon lot 4 and pari of lot 3 aee 17 I I a r 1 w 72 acres aa rocordetl in vol li 1 age o38 recorda ol deeds ash' liigtoii eouii'v Oreiron 27 15 Johnson, A 11 ue.rs ol L K 1 sec t 1 s r 1 w lot 1 .ec 12 1 Is r I acres Joiin-on, A ii belts of All of J 11 10 00 11 Heed's douat on No 40 I 1 s r I w lying north ot Portiati 1 loau, 207 acres aa no irded i:t voi K ,,ge i.,2 rec irds oi iiceds Washii.11011 cuuu- ly O egon Kl 50 Johnson, A H heirs 01 i'heir 111 er est to J 10 e.ivies dotiaiiou No 50 t 1 r lw 320 acrea aa recorded in vol L page 42 recor Is ol deeds W'asb- mgtm county Ori-gor. .... 127 70 Johnson, A 11 hdrs 01 H.k 1 and 3 Ueavertou Johnson, A U iitirs ot J lunson tract lota A, ii. C, 1. E, F. U, H. and 1 to 27 nc osive 111 Joseph W aVi soiiar a w, o acres as recorded 111 vol L psg 241 records ol deeda Waahngion c iunty Oregon . W 50 78 15 Johnson, A H beirs o Their inter- e l 111 s J, il n e 4 ami pari 01 a e of n w 1.4 sec 1 1 1 a r 1 w 40 acroe aa recorded in vol O, patfe440 lecords of deeds Washing. on c un- ty Oregon 27 05 Joliusou, A H heirs o: I'lieir In er- est in sec 12 1 1 s r 2 w 122 seres as reeorded in vol H page ISNi vol 2 age 105 vo , page 4 10 vo. Y page 516 records of deeds Washing ton county Oregon a so tht-ir Interest III J H McMn.an donation No 58 I 1 s r 2 w ID'i acres aa recorded in v d If page 510 .e.'or.is of deeds Wa lling n c iunty Or.'i'on also ihetr interest 111 aee 7 t 1 r 1 w 77)4 acn a as re cord d in vol 11 P 'g' 5.38 Y page Alii records of deeds W.iahingt"n couns ty Ore. ai o 11." r m'sl in E ilartou donal.ou No :i7 l 1 s r 1 w 100 acres as recorded in vol K'psge 10 vol Y page 516 vol Z page 74 voi 38 page 221 records of deeds Wash.nKtun county Ore.t.n - 113 Jac in-, Mury ller inicr si in els, ol a section j 1 2 s r 2 w, 1 1 ao es a, recorded in v d 32 nage 471 rec ords ot deeds Washington o iunty Oregon U 02 H 85 & On ia quol, 1 Lot 4 b.a A ti umev 's add ll.. shorn J.ilnisou. Ciiar.es L its 85, 3d bik 8 We-l Porllllll.l Heigll.s Johnson, J. . I. n Lots a 10, 12, 14, blk 6 Hyde Park 4 58 7 25 I irgensin, Mary s e J,' ot s sec 8 I 2s r 2 w. 4 seres Joyce, W iiiiam 1 Vst ol a w V4 s w 1,4 ol w 1.4 s ,c 2.1 t 3 11 r 5 , 120 acres, n a -if 11 .1 Ki seo 26 t 3 11 r 6 w. 40 acres 10 00 Keep, 0 M lots 3, 4 blk 1 Houth rark anil forest lirov, lots 3 4 Big 10, 'ois 13. 14, 15. 10 b.k 12 all nl blk 13 ota 1, 2 bik 10 lots 3 4 hlk 20 'ois. 7, 8, 0, 10 b k 14 lots 1, 12 blk 1,1 lots 1 10 0 ula 10 South Park aid Forest Grove . . 50 60 kup, C MUis inter st in li Par sons donation No 40 1 1 s r 4 , 20 acres aa recorded in vol 35 page 2lil recorda ot deeds of Washington county Oregon 8 85 rieele.Fiank N S ol n w )4 aee 17 t 3 11 r 4 w 80 acres 2 73 Keilev, Frank M Nl Kt 01 11 e ,'4 see 8 1 3 u r 3 v , 40 sort a Renter, F 1 Lot 24 blk 8 Hyde s 00 Park 4 71 riibier, W UH.s interest in w 01 a 14 sec J.' I 2 s r 1 w, i a ol an acrd a iecorde.1 111 vol 20 oage 274 records of deeda Wushiagtun county Oregon 4 50 Killin it 8tarr 8 80 acres in w Wot W 11 iliiams do atlon No 50 1 1 a r 1 w 22 50 Kimble, W M Lots 10, 20 blk 1 and I ts 1, 2,3. blk 2 West Portland Place fl 51) Koiiluian, Henry Lot 1 oik 6 Hvde Park 4 77 iCoshitind, F His interest in ae W ol a w 4 seo 8tltrlwaa record ed voi 40 page 2)1 records of deeds Was Ington county, Oregon. His interest in 11 w '4 of n e '4 and pa t of n a '4 of 11 w !, sec 17 1 1 r 1 w as recoided in vol 40 page 201 rec ords ol deeds Wash, county Oregon Ilia interest in WH W illiam don ation No AO t 1 a r 1 w as recorded vol 4o page 2ol, 10IU acres. Part ol lot ink 6 Forest (irove as re corded vol 36 p.ige 31)1 r cords of deeds Washington county .Oregon. The w 'A of a e 1 sec 18 I 2 n r 2 , 8) acres 67 28 Kreid-.-r, E A Part of w 4 of lot 3 blk 3) Forest Grove aa rec. .rded voi 27 pagu 471 and 43 page 251 records 01 deeds Washington county, Ore gon 11 51 Krenmcr, Ueorge hi and 1 1 k nf i-4 oi a e 4 sec 23 t 3 D r 4 w, 10) acres ... 11 22 Klin John H s interest hi s S of s 4 sec 24 t 1 r 6 vr, 4 4 acres as recorded vol 20 puge 337 records of deeds Washington county, Ore gon 8 Ki Kunst, Williaiu( heirs oi) s e of n '4 " e yt 01 a e lt sec 7 1 2 s r 1 w 80 acres 13 95 Kn-r, O-orge Lota 1. 2.3, 4, blk 13 Hyde Park . 4 58 Larsen, Kismus His interest in tbe W W O aliaiil donation No 30 I 2a r 1 w, .'t7 acres as recorded vol 42 page L4 records ot deeds Washing, ton county Oregon 11 2 isen, Manila L t 18 b.k 10 Hyde Park ithum, F W 8 4 ot a e sec 16 I 2 n r 3 a, 80 a-res C 50 7 50 ,", James Lots 20 to 21 b k 3 W est Portland Heiiihts Lemon, Wl 1 1 m 11 N S nl n v 14 ol a , sec 4 l 2 s r 1 20 acres eiiin-x. 8 8 Ills Inleresi in se i, of B w )-4 and nart of j of S e 1.4 sec 3.1 1 1 s r 4 w as recorded In voi II paue 210 records of deeds Wash ington county Oregon, h a interest in 1 Me Lend donation No 40 t Is r 4 w. 12 seres ns rerorded in vol 30 page 303 re ords ol deeds Washing ton county Oregon . . 1!) 15 -stoe, II J L.ns 5. blk 2 West Port. nild Heights ten, Thomas 11 Yerex anndivision lots 2. 3. 4. 6,'aud a U I .. 8 sec 21 I 5 '.KI 1 s r I w, !) I acres At 5'i 1st, J li 11 is interest in n e '4 of n e sec 25 I 2 s r 2 sr, I014 acr -a as reo irded vol 35 page 14 records nf tleeda Washington cnunly,! Iregon nr. 5 7o 3 77 3 77 1) ! ) 25 i:hurn, John Lot 15 nlk 12 West Port! nd H 'ignts .owenburg, H E Lot 15 hlk 1 Hide Park Lowonberg, E I' Lot II blk 1 Hyde Park owenh-rg, J n '-j and a w 1,4 of n ' 4 aee 33 I 2 n r 4 w, 1 20 acres lagee. J 11 11 is interest in s e 14 of s w 14 9ec :I0 t 1 s r 1 w 2)1 acres as recorded in vol 42 page 2Si records of deeds Wa-hinttod county Ore gon Mahant Lsure Part ot lot 51 Corne lius Environs as recor :ed in vol 42 Pnge 4il records of deeds Washing ton county D-cgou Manning, II E 8 w 4 ol bcc .10 I 3 n 4 Nil II .Ml r 5 w, hid seres Mf.i'iiini, I. ula M 8 ol s w i eec '12 1 1 s r 5 w, "s) acres M irqasm, W W II s inier-st in l Kit hsr Istiu donation No lis 1 2 r 1 , 24 acres a recorded in v ! 28 p ,gc 412 records of deeds Wash 10 ington county Oregon ... 12 45 Mario ni, I A His interest in n w '4 sec 10 t 2 s r I , 145 acres as re corded in vol F page 473 recor.ls 01 deeds Washington county Ore gon s w 1 4 of sec 10) 2 n r r w, liid acres 50 0 1 .Maniiiain, L" -s Oram His 11. rest in te. Young donation No 45 tin r 2 ami No .'IS t 1 s r 2 w. "77 acres lying eoutn of ll ck creek as re cur, lei in iv 36 puge lot r-cords nideeds Wvsl.inglon county Ore eon 21 21 Man, John and F r 1 Iai 2 u.k 10 thorn s sd. 1 llolsnoro 3 Marsha'l, J P n J, of n w sec .!) I I s r 1 n e 4 e sj l e a ol n w sec ;P 1 1 1 r I w, 2x1 aires 47 Ma-er, Estcila H r interest 111 s e td n w 1, sec 35 I I 1. r 1 w, 'l acres as record d vol 27 page 232 .V) 75 records ol deeds W ashinglon couii, tv, Oregon Ll Hi Mays nca 1-1 n 4 of n e l4 of a e 4 sec lMt2nr3,.kia -r-a Mci'ajnrt. T A Lois II, 12, bik 4 Thorn's add Hiilsboro McCourta, O H Lois 4. A, bis 18 Cor neous Mi Kay Michael Ixils I to S and 12 bik 12 Wea. Portland H -ig ua McCanddes. I N e )sj ot n e '4 ..f n w l4 ec 21 1 J 11 r 1 , 20 aores Mi-Oar, Jo'mi e H ol n e sec .12 I in tl s. ml seres Mi Donald, O K Lots 27 28 b.k 10 West Portland Hinnts M 1 n ..I, Havnt n- i-s ul-Tm ir interest in see 14 I 1 s r 1 w 14 : cres as recur-Pd lu vol E psge Ai7 reco-ils ot d.els Wa.-hingon lounly Or, go 4 2 5 61 4 02 7 .m 5 !' .v, l omsn if un J'rnt jnlyi. fc sS4ejiTry7i)ioiie IMllWsiir.ir..., I I JtWfic table Preparation for As similating teFoodandHcgula luyllieSwinadisaialliaHeliQf Prrvfnotes Ditir'stioii.Chi'erfLil- v.s and Rcst.Contains neilhcr S)iuni,Iorphine nor Mineral OT NAKCOT1C. Fmmfim 3 mi' jUx Smna A. 4. ft, t.te JtmmSm t Or M fists Mavyssais timrm Anrrfeel ncmedv for Constipa tion. Sour Stonvach.Dianlkrea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, Grass & Clover Seeds ALL, VARIKTIIvS A full Htoi k lit HardtinjQS Prices 0RTMM) SEED CO. 169, 171 Second St., PORTLAND, - 0REG0X. To Core t'onstlpallon l-oreeer. Tr.llft t'UHt-arets Cnndv I 'iithm-i u- Ill.ip9j If C. C. C. fail to cure. OruKitists r.-fund money. Rambler AT NEXT YEAR'S PRICES! It tins liei-imie an eftiililixhuil rule in tlie liiryrlu lniHiiit'HH that all wliccln currii-.l oi-r frnni one m-iiwin to the next must la) iM then tit A REDUCED PRICE! Kiitlit-r tlniti carry over IS'.)" Ramlilert, wliich we shall continue to iniinuhirturo in onler tu kii p our ineclianii-s I.iihv until we start on IS11H l.'amUi-rH, we will, while they hint, dell 1W7 Kniiil.lcrs at next year's reilm-eil jirice. FORMKR TRICK. jSSO. NKW TRICK: A Chance for the Ladies. We also have a few more of those lMijuihir IS96 Radios' I?amblcr:s (MDDKI. i.) Which we will close out quick at $50.00 liny Now, atid Take Advantage of tbe Fall Riding FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 12 Sixth St., Portland, sells them. HltANrilKS; !poltntie, Tarnma anil Seal tic, Wasliintrtnii. 1 SHANDY -s S. CURECOHSTIPATlOfl 10 25 50 aJ, IRIlll T1TCT V CTTI')I VTrrfl m r. Ir nuuuuu 1 bli 1 Uliflilrin I Lull .r n.-.nn n..si ris. sn. ST tti , H-'Xl II) I --v& Portland, A. P. Armstronc, LL.B., T'rincinal. THE BUSY WORLD Kivw pmfiuMc employment to hunrlmU of mnrvv an.l t. sse ...t 1- . a-s...,a ivss uui (.HlitliUCt LrCim M'ltil wT nw U ICIIlt A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OP- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEEY BOTTLE OF Oojtdrla li pit up la ene-slie twttlsi only. It lit not nil ia balk. Don't allow anyone to aall th aanhitur ti oa ths risk er sromiss that It is "J nst as food" and "will asiwsr every pur pose." r Bvt ttut jou get U-A-O-l-u lt-i-a. EAGLE MARBLE WORKS! stisurscTUusa or MONUMENTS HEADSTONES TALIAN AND AMERICAN WARBLE Importer and dealer in Amelcan and Scotch Granite Monuments. orrioa workb sH. al on HU fOKTI.AM. UK. everybody fay 80. CnacarPts Canrlv Cutliartic, the moat won. tcrful uieOioal il:'oiery cf tlie sore, pleas ant and r'(n slime to tbe lasie, n-t itently and iositlvc ly 011 kimievs. liver and bowels, i-li-aiisiii!f the cntiro aisnin, dlsiel col its, cure lieailnclin, fever, liHliitiial i-onstliatioii and biliousness. I'lt aao buy and try a box of C. O. C. to-iiav; 10, , 50 reins. Mold and guarmiUxsi to cur.- by ull liruttrlsts. IO Yor- Old BIOTOIiBB fSiiiRles, (;..(0 i Xo. 21 (social) ;.".(r0 ( Tanilenis(all styles) 1 10.00 GATilARTIC 4V J&m ft awl aH s, 1 m nlT ALL 'JLii sT4l DRUGGISTS ..-e mestl-eiliea. Tssysis-ts r la. !.)! Ijiis lri ... rr-rtrl rss.e s.-l.r.l r-.U.s. Sssi-A is.. I .--!. . sl,l. ia . or s"s inn. til Oregon vw-- J. A. Wesco, Tenman & Secretary. OF BUSINESS our pra'.twte, and n-ill tbousanilt i ., t 1 - s U V1 M " " 4F 1ST8W Ksl'SINflXKt. IK HIE CMUlTlT t'Ol'Kl OK THE S.aie ..1 1 trefoil, lor Wasbinitou Couii- 1.. lierta tiriines I'iaintitf.) I. - is 1C. lirmi. T L. r. t. I. d.-etiiia 1: 1) .e.iiiau , Hie aiKive n uilel In Hie name ot 1 lie S a e of Oietf.m, you are liereb .e-l'il-e . ... i;.4:ir in lllealmve enlltli-il ti,i. .. ... 1 1,.- ...Hivs eilil le-l sil.t, nil aaer .11- . .i.m la 01 iliervin tiled a i.s: yoo i-e M uUa! the 22m diiy ot .leinOer, ls.)7, I 11 the i.rst d iy ol .iea X r K'.lar 1 - in .it snnl iV.uri ln.l.. Ili Ills H.ri..iu l l Hi. time prescrliie.1 fur tbe t'Uu.iration ol ttiis suiutno-i-. Vi.1 f you tail so lu answer, lor 1 tie want there, of tbe iilsiniiti a ill S..ly to tbe O mn lor I be reliei ileiounilesl in said r. .nip suit lo an: 1111 .lie n.arrlHKe and luarriaire con t'aci now exisiiiiK Oetaeen you auu the plain tt be d.sssilve-l. That plaint. rt b t ar.ie-l Hie eustndv ol ibe itimor ctiiH iiinintill ami ne ei d intttiai siieba e ami recover oil an I iroui vuu berc.isia andd ourseiuenta 111 this suit, ami lor siu-li oth er and Itirther reiiei aa to lite court may a. tienr equitatile, ibis suium .ns i served U11011 you hv nub.icuiiiiM hv virtue of mi order in.i.le by H ni. T. A. M. llnil", Ju-lire ol t e Kilth 'ml in District ol Ureiron ami dated at rtiisiiibers at Ast ir.a, Oregon. 011 Oct. 1S97. 8 M1T1I A HOW MAS. 21120 Attorneys lor I'lultilltl. N THK 1 Sisio flUrllT CD1KT. OK THK o- Oregon, Ioi Waliiuuiou (iiillnty. lyler ttatea I'laintilf. Stephen h . fi-nioi.l, Jess e. L. Ien told, 11 my. I'enlonl ami C'nili erine Peiiioid, I leieiuiaiila. loHii-pll. nl.. IVniolil, Jessie 1 I'en iolil, Hi-nry feiuuid ami Catherine I'en lol.l, ebiive lianicul delemliuitg, lu the name 01 he Stale ol On-iron, von ami each ol you are hereby required to'n. pear and answer the complaint liie.l nirainsl yoo in the above entitled Court and cause bv Monday the '.'2d dav 01 Nov. e oilier 1m!I7 I lie same being the tiret day ol me iirxi rs-uiar leriu 01 sui.l tj.iurt .i lowinK the exi irntion of the lime pie scribed for the piiiiiicaii. n of this Sum inoiia, and I v'.'U fail auto uus-ar and nn sa.rtlie l'luinull will appiv to the court lor he rei el demanded in his coni-iaiin, tow it. K r 11 j ii. I v tiis-ii t anainst the ile fen lema (Stephen K, I en old, ami Jessi. 1.. F. nlolu an.1 eu li ot tliem for the suni of $115.1)1) aim literal thereon since Sept. 5. lm, at the rate ol ID per rein. ier am. '.nil and lor the sum oi f'VIKI ntuir nev's lees and lor the costs and ilis bursinents ot this suit and lor a decree tort-closinir a certain mnr'ita-eexecuteil to Ii. a. null by said defendenta. giephen K. l'eufold and Jessie L. l'entoid on 8eit. 5, 111 and which is recorded oil page 4til of book "29'' record of mortitHKea ot said WaabiiiKlon County Oregon, that the said morlj-aite lien of plaintitT be decreed prior and superior to any claim or interest of the defendants, Henry Fenfold and Catherine Tenfold, in said mortgaged premises, and that the laud described in said moriK-age, towit: The 8 4 ol the H E , and the N W iot the BBS, of section ti, and the N E '4 ol tne N K 14 ol aectiou ati, T 2 N K 5 W. Will. iler. ail in Wasliington County Ore gon, be sold in Ihe manner provided by law and the prceeds applied to the satis faction of plaintiffs said judgment and that the detendant, 8'.ephen K. Tenfold be adjudged to pay any ileliciency which may remain aftor applying the proceeds jf said a tie to payment ot said judgment and for such other and further relief aa to the court may apiear equitable. This summons la served upon you by publlr-alioii by order of Hon. T. A. Mc Bridi , judge of lbs 5th judicial district of Oregon. Dated at chambers, at Astoria, Oregon, on Sept. 21, 1'J7. 8mitb & Bowman, 18-25 Attorneys for l'lainlitl Notice of Final Mettlemenf XTOTICE 18 HEKEBY GIVEN, THAT Xl the undersigned baa tiled bis linal account aa administrator of the estate ot Thomas Richardson, deceased, in the County Court ol the Slate of Oregon lor V ashinglon County and that said court ha appointed Monday the lstdav of Nov emus r 1!)7 at 10 o'clock a in as the time lor hearing objections 10 said linal accoum and the settlement thereof. PKKSTON KK'HARDHON, A 'ministrator ot the estate of Tl nuias Richardson, deceaard. . lit 'JH THE Twice-A-Week $1.00 a Year. Issued Wednesday, and Saturday Mornings. Ili'Uinning Jiinuarv 1, 1SD7, the Weekly roiirier-.lniirnal was chanced to I lie T ice-a-Wei-k ('onrier-Joiiinal. 1'nlili CHtion daya are Wcslnesdav and Saltinlnv. The WiHliiemlHy mier w ill lie ileyoteil to news and s.litical topics. The Saturday IHMUO will lie devoteil to stories, inisrel lany, pictures, jmetry, etc. a rfis-t fain ilv nlier. Kach indue will lie six paires, or twelve pajrii. a week an nn ri-a' ol two pager a week, 104 iSrcB or K'!2 coliiiiins a year. The politics of the p:iier will not lie eliniiKeil ami the I. attic for pure I'rnnx racv ami true li-misr:itic principles will l mntiniieil successfully in the fu ture 11a in Ihe .Ht. In spite of the ex iense involveil in I he improvement noted, the priis' of the Tw irew-Week Courier Journal will remain the mine, tl a year. A feature during the coining year' will he the editorials of Mr. Henry Walter- sxi, on politii-al and oilier topics of the ilav. Pally Courier. Journal, 1 year Daily anil Sunday, 1 year, flt.00 MINI Handily, alone, 1 year, . TWICE-A -WEEK COURIER-JOURNAL AND THE ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.60 We have inaile a swial clul.l.ing arrangement with the T ii-e-a- 11 k Coiiriei-JiMiriial, atv! ill send that paT and the I ndkpkmikxt f.-r ihe pri.-e 11:1111- el to all our autiss-rila-rs vt ho will renew and pay in a.lvauce. ."ample copies nl the t oiiner-Jniirnal sent free on application. 1 (II barrlptiona inder this mast he sent la the offer 1 independent! m U-MM QOINQ EAST? ll yU .rv, iX Dili to ffft Th.ee Important Points first 'io via St. i'aul, l-cause the I i lira to that point will atlord )ou the Verv I srst ss-rvice. Keellil See that theMiiHiii lievoml St. I'aul reads via the leconsili Central la-cause that line makes close isinnis lions ill) all the Irsns it.iitii.cnlnl lines enter ng the Union Ilt put there, ami ils ser vice is lirst -class in every particular. Third For information, call on your neighlsir and friend the ueareal ticket a-.'ent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wim-oiisiii Central lines, or ail.lrces Jab. C. I'iind, or liKo. S. Hatty, lien. Tail. Agt., 1 1 "in-ra I Agent, Milwaukee, ia. 2-lti Mark St, 41 Tortiainl, Or. RAIUVAV T1MK TA IILK. KANT AND KC.L'Tir . . THK SHASTA K0UTE SIIUTIIKUN I'AC. (X). ) leuasM ' I siias ; I.tb 1'oaTLtNn IU11.1 Nortl HDurat li.nu p at I 7 :4." a at l.T Portland Ar li Ar San l-ranctaoo AiKive trains stop at all stationa between l'ortlund and ha.cni, Turner, Marion, Jellerxon, Albauy, Tuiigeiit, Shedds, Hal aey, liarnsblirg, lunclloii City, Kiu-ene Collage Orove, Drum, Oakland, ami all stations iroui Kosehurg to Ashland, inclusive. KObtHtKO MAIL DAILY; :-i0 a at .':2o r Lv Ar 1'onlaud Ari Lv 4:.sJ r M Itssieburg IHM.Ntt CAJtS UK 0I)E. KOI TK. PULLMAN DUFFET SLEEPERb .. AMD Second-I hiss Sleeplnir ( ars Attach no to All limuooB 'Iuains West Hide Division. liKTWKEJl PORTLAND A OOrtVALLl . Mail Train Daily (Kxoept Sunday). 7:30 a at :.rS)A M 12:li"i p at Lv Lv Ar 1 ortlaud Hiilsboro f'-orvallia Ar Lv Lv 6:irtl p k. 12irt 1 r v ls?Al Albany and 1 ... m.iir. . i.mierl mi. in trains of tne Oregon 1 1 i.iun iV I'.asi eru Ry, Express Train Daily, ( Kxoept Sunday. IMr m ti:10p at 7::J p m Lv Lv Ar Portland Hiilsboro MoMiunville Ar 1 a s) Lv 7:14 A a Lv 5:isJ a v l))rect connnction a) S.n Krnnrlsco with Occidental . ml Oriental and I'aciiic .i,i1v".l"n,""lp '"r JAKAN AM) 1. II IN A. Sailing dales on appnoai 01.. Rates and ticaets to Ksstern puinis an I jMlroIe. Also JAI'AN. I Hi N A, HUM) LULU and AIJ.VI 'RA LI A. ran be oi.ta.n. 1! ir..m A. S. l'enoc. I Intel Agent II illsimro. C. It. M AUKHAM, K. KOEHLEU, .. i,. p". P sir- Manaver. Portland. n4 IIIMMIORO-l'OliTLAM) EXP.RE.SS ! WII.I.MM II I'I'KK, l'roi llavini; pnri-hnsiil Mr. Amlerson a intere in this line, I herehy aiuioum-e hat I sin prepared to execute all cotiiiniH sions eiiirusted to me. IJegulur lriisi I'ortlaml are made on Mondays, Heilnesiluya it Kriiluis Relurnina on the days following. Special attention given Ui the execution of small onlera. Leave order' HILLSBORO HOUSE si. Mill I II KOI', Proprietor Corner Heoond. . .and.. . Washington Streets NKVt l.V KI l(MHHKI AM) hKNOVA I KI A KI lis ! -;,. l.s-i SCCOIII.Mj.iltOlls I Al l K. AM' Al.l lor ihe ronvi-nien-e KUests, R!BB0S AM) CAKli(); PAPEK TYPEWRITERS . 1 r Extraordinary. The regular suKscription prut; ol Th k Independent isSl.5C And the regular ul).scrijtion price ot the Wkkklv Oregonian is SI. 50. Auv one suliscriiiiin lor Th k Independent and paying one eat in ad vance cau ;el hoih Thh Independent anil W'kkklv Oregonian $2.00 All old subscribers paying their suhscriptions fur one year in advance will N en titled to the same offer. HILLSBORO PUBLISHING COMPANY NORTH PACIFIC . CLAY WORKS . iiM. -i sl. ,,n ; ! -pa - Jc-V A hull stouk ol DRAIN TILE Constantly on hand Orders Solioitort. JAS. H. SEWELL. Hiilsboro, Oregon. 18 am .. TO .. THE EAST T H ( T K A SI O ' T I M: T A L ROUTES Great Northern Ry. :via SPOKANE Minneapolis St. Paul AND Chicago Oregon Short Line VIA SALT LAKE Dencer Omaha AND Kansas Citu, LOW RATESITO ALLIE ASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAI B SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly from Portland to Vokolioiua and Hong Kong: via The Northern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection with O. K. & N. Aililrpia, W. II. Ill lil.lM UT, "! I'ana. Ari nl. I'orllinil, . . Orriron RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. '4. BO Vf A8 1 IKPCRIKNCC. S7 rTf COPVIicmT aVe. I VSfflM pr.iii.hir i..i.. isi.i. 1.. ...m .1, ,. ;,i.; J ss.n.1,.,11.1. im W.-,f -r -7 'r,V,.,;,' . -;vk;n.;,.r-',wh SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, m vn 1-AlswTs ssulfnsi. AOat.J, " MUNN CO., al sirasislwav. Ksw lark.