Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 12, 1897, Image 3

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Fill DAY, NOVKMUEHI2, 1807.
Cult oil Humplirty for limiua u
p-innl iiiM-rty,ttl-afi farum to rviit unit
1.. m-H.
(l.i to llit MouiiU1iiIhI I.umlt-r
Oj. fur Mte Ix.xes mii nil kind id
luiiiiM-r. Hit
Dirrtnl, mur It rer of liitiiu h
,i ii-tii', Hm Frtu-'i-ai-o, U lo Im
ii'iil l-ily tiy tinii(iuK.
I'll KwMli 1 mku will a-nta-tlnln
in li it-nil l 11 bonk ium-IhI tia-li) mi
't ii.inkxtri vint; evening Nv-mU-r
At llm (HirWwii Chun-li, Humliy,
N .v. It. It A. Vi. "An iriii-
111 ,r 1 1 7::i I'. M. "C'uiuviiie
A fi'vv ni'iraif Uiimo imvclly ilp-n-.niun.H
It'll Ml II. VNYIiruMg A 80111.'
A.i l driMM .tllt-rii Blikn. Call In
wMiii hihI I r clinic.
Slop tlml i-ouxti! rk warnli!f. li
in.iy li'Hil lo c-oi.miinplioii. A SJVr
IhiiiIi- of Sliiloh' Cur, iniay mv
y.,ur life Holtl tiy IlilUtxiro I'lmr
liuiry. Tin Y. I B. C. K. of l ho ClirixtlHh
Cliureli will eiilcrluiii llieir frii'iiiU
mill ifUwU Hi mi oynler riuir ttl
(ir.iui(e hull oil TliHukniulnif even
iii; Nov. 25tti.
Our ntoa;k of men' and lidiiVe
iiiuikiiiliwlien and men' overcoaU
are oiiiiletH ami al iirutM tliut I'uii
not Im luillertti any where iu the
coiinly. li. Wehrun 4 Sous.
The Y. 1. H. V. K. of the Umnre
lfutiiMi.il Church will KtveacanUuuu
ChriHtuiaa nlht, Utceiulwr 25, at the
()o.-rii House. The tiile and cast ol
characters will bo puiiliahed laler.
For Bale A gentle A-year-uld
lil.uk horn"-, (f'xxl tor fur in, titiiory, or
any work. VVelnht 12(H), flue trav
eler, true and aound. Inquire of Dr.
Al. It. lrker, Greenville, Orcgou.
Wm. Molir inaketj Ixmla at hi
Hho oil (Second Htri-et, Hi'lnlMiro, for
t-YWI ar Jimr, aeweil ahoea for $',
anil ifivm Kcll attention 10 repair
im. lie uh oulv flmt-irrailii toek
which enable him to KUHrmitou his
Notice to parents Mrs. M. 1.
Itrowu haa dec ided to organize a Hat
unlay afttriKMin drawing elana to tar
uoinodate lliiane attending school. It
irt ao opportunity lo havo your chil
dren learn todraw from nature. Spec
ial teruia will lie given for thia claw.
Karl'a Clover Root Ten Is a pleas
ant laxative. Regulate the bowlea
purloin the blood, Clean the com
plexion. Kay to make and plea-taut
to take. 25c. Bold by UiilHooro
Cipt. It. Crandall, of HilWioro
ahowedat the llnliekah'a a seedling
apple of medium ai2t, aweet and
la-autifully streaked with red which
st-eina wtirthy of further propagation.
It is a fair kt'i'x r being in its prime
as late as January. It is very Jucy
In November ami a good cider apple.
This week there Is an aullve en
quiry for hops iu Hillsboro. There
have been several buyers here who
have nude oUers but producer note
that they are not so high as rumors
that ha.e prevailed lienor they hold
oh. If dealers will show coin for
whit they have allowed .0 gi( out as
the price, they will get the tuqis.
Hon. 8. U. 1 1 union is an Importer,
In a amall way to be mire, but an im
lairter. He lias Just received from
the prarits of Illinois a cask of sorg
hum syrup that brings memories of
the old home. The syrup is a rich
amber in color and as transparent as
the much advertised drips of this
market, and wnat Is better, it is
Without the taint of glucose.
The Corvallls Oazette thus speaks
of the young hayseed who defend
Washington county's athletio honor
In the foot Lull Held : "Umilt Is, con
aiderlng every thing, the Imai full
back the coll' g has ever had.
has delerinihalion, grit and entbu-i-astn.
He fal d on several goal kicks
Haturday, but is usually a sure kick
er. He was Buffering from severe
muscle bruises in the game, hut uev
er let u."
One of our young professional
men was rudely atarted from a rev
erie a few evenings ago. He rooms
alone in a large rambling house Just
beyond the business blinks, and on
this particular evening had been
kept to a late hour in hisolniw. Com
ing on the street at a late hour the
night watch walked with him till his
home gate was reached when they
separated, the watchman to his lone
beat and the young man to his lone
ly ns.ro but as he stuck his key
lo ard the door lock he
.....a ....lainutlmi ami hastily
aurprimti -
called the town KHrIIn who wh
notyetbeyoud rei-all. lhat offlccr
threw the rays ol his lantern on the
door, and there hung a wriggling
package that was recogniavd
kitten. It was then sen that Its
fur was what the young mans
hand had touched ami its spitting
was what he had heard.
Last Monday night Isaac Allen
and Ave others gathered In a drink
Ing and card playing I'bu l;
Iu Allen had considerable money
on his person al the time and Ineau
tlously exhibited IU The gang In
duced him to take a drink and then
another which in his weakene.1 con
ditlon flew to his head, but I he was
not what one wight term drunk I or
he knew when he started to his slop
ing place. Memts-rsoflhaganrro.
loa,Hl to aecomimny him. He re
..embers going a part p'
member, being MM to " 'J
and pitched into a gutter "Jj
waaeommnd.Hj to lay or he would
he klll.il. His mini was a blank
after that till daylight nex l'";
A yiMing man fiund him and suwwl
eTun arrouslng him to "'
All his money-llTi-was
two promissory notes. Two rests
have been made, one a negro an the
other a white man. Their exam I na
tion was made last i-veoing but loo
ate" lort. It la the
ion that the irt who wj-r In the
sahwin ther hau a JJ "
way, In the holdup. They oo ai
len'. pl-tol from hly h''ye,m
the hoU ao as to havJ no
in the way mnn nearer work was
la band. 1
Th Itebekah fair last Friday waa
the Uest thilitf nf lha VI
tn Iu 1IUsIm-o fi yearn, the
J nuinw criuc'iHoa Ik n.g , ml the
rsui iu which it was held was too
mall, hut it U the largest vacant
-tore In town, so all had to he con
leu ted. The exhibition was hastily
fcai hered to be sure, but it was large
ud choice. On the U-ft of the hall
as the visitors entered was displaj d
rainy nit die work, o-it.'d with
this was two a.'lk regimental r or.
won liv a reuhiii'iit in 11.. ... ....
is. 1 1 ion ami now la the ctiMixlv ol
Capt. Craudall. Further along was
the exhibit of the thregot Women's
t'lax AsMM-isiinn, a verv inti rsiing
as well as iiiMlructl'.- . i.-r-i -u ..f
home products. Wi..i 1 rs.
(Iri llln's a.x exhibit pr " irel mure
man w years ago, l-i i.- tr York.
Around the plailoriu w .- . im ctl.ee-
'iollllf oil liMliiliitiM u.i..i. ..... u
sltraetiveeMpts-iaily the exhibit of
Mrs. lirownwho Is doing so much
lor art in MillnUiro. I'h wm 1(e
nt the hull was Hcupie with the
fruit Hint vi.in.iiii.iu .i.ii.u ..,1.;.. 1.
- - p.- vaii.... ..mill
could not have lvn better though it
ould Im iliiplk-4te. many times over
in this county. Through the center
IV.. ..1. r. it
iMnniinii 11 r iiowers aim
..1.. .. . . -I. ...
I'miim. 1 nt. curios were in a show
case near the diair. The literary ex-
Ird atteiidiHlon Friday evening and
whs persuaded to deliver an aii.lress
n tl's r H ix. The attendance was all
'h it was exMM-(el and the managers
are an well pleased at their auccees
hi iiu-y win uiaKe ine lair an ao
nual event.
Mr. A. C Oiuylrii.h i.r lha V.irtk
Yamhill Itetonl, spent two days In
llillshoro this week. His bust new
calls him over the state and being
thus on the f.md he has listened to
what Is talking in the hop market.
At present 13 couts is ouVred for a
prime article, but if like conditions
produced like prlces.a much higher tig
ure witiilil Iim rimi'liil llnwuuuthiiu.
ers claim that there is no cause and ef
fect In the hop market. All hops
ure taken this vt.ir nt tuuni uriiw
eveu those contracted for two years
ago. Nevertheless it is stated that
il I he market were helcw the con
tract price there are but seven lots in
1 ho state that wonH pass inspection.
One of these Is in I knurls nimit v anil
six ill the Willamette Valley. Two
of these six is credited to Washing
Inn county and one of these is J. II.
Se well's crop. The other was not
mentioned. It seems that dealers
are listing every hale in thfi state
and il the list is not already complet
ed, it soon will be and samples of ev
ery lot will lie bound in heavy wrap
ping paper 17 inches square, and 011
Hie In the agents' ollhws in Portland.
Growers will have to keep an eye
open for slick agents until they sell.
Hon. II. V. Oates returned last
Tuesday from a trip of two weeks
in Eastern Oregon. A part of this
outing was for business but the great
er part was a junket between and
over the peaks of Kagle mountains
north of linker City. While at Ki
glo .Valley, Union county, Jos.
Wright gave him ta package of the
celebrated World's Fair apples that
took the second premium from all
eoirietitors. This apple is a seedling
originated in K igle Valley and grown
no where else. The apples are beau
tics, rich in flavor and altogether de
sirable. Mr. Wright has about 30
bushels this year, the total pro
duct of all the Is'Hrlng trees in exist
auce. The Indki'K.ndknt divided
Its share In slices among the callers
Hurglars went through two stores
at Cornelius last Sunday night, that
of Handeock and of Mathews. The
same class of goods were taken as
that levied upon In the stores here
the week ta-fore cutlery and silver
ware. The thieves are experts for
they left no tracks and suspicion can
rest on no one. The property taken
ia worth two or three hundred dol
lars. J
The Delta Drug Store has one of
K lison latest rs-ts.the 'Uranhophone'
which reproduces the human voice
fterfMet y. Tey have a good collec
tion ot songs (comic and sentimental)
band and orchestra music, speecnes
Ae. Cut this out and present it at
1 he store aud hear your choic 1 free of
(large. I.
Mr. Franklin F.veritt experiment
al n.iu 1.11 unmmiT with tobacco in
. ....Ki.it tut in llillslmm and has a
core of plants that compare with the
best grown In old Kentuck. Though
planted late the season was long
noilgn SO tn( ll rijieiii p-nn-iiy
m. I in the hands of Mr. Mauley F.v
eritt has been perfectly cured.
no., n.inlcl Staver. Forest Orove
nxchanges pulpits with the Tastor or
the Congregational Church next Sun-
lay. Mr. Staver win precn notn
morning and evening, while Mr.
I luirhea will occupy the pnipll ot tne
1 1. ... Tha nlhwr Mtirvlii.
cnun-ii m ." - -
m will be conducted in the usual man
t... i .mwirv. W. Hoscow at II.
Wehrung A Son's, agent. Soiled lin-i-
............I im l.i Tii!'liv noon of
111 rriTi-" I- -- -
iwh week anil returned Saturday
morning. 1 orinnm pru-en htt m re
press enargvn.
For Constipation lake Karl's Clover
II Kit Tea, the great Hlnsl Purifier
cures Headache, Nervousne-s, Eru
tlotis on the face, and make the head
clear as a bell. Sold by Hillsboro
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea, for Con
stiimlion. It's the Beat and if alter
using it you don't say so, return the
packsge and get your money. Sold
hy Hillslioro Pharmacy.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Shiloh's
ltarrh Ilemeily, aold on a guaran
tee. Nasal InJ.-ctor fro. Sold by
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure.
The lst cough cure. Itelieves croup
nroinntly. One million laittles sold
las! year. M h
HillstHiro Pharmacy.
Goto 11. E. Bryan A Son. Cash
Store ftr groceri.'S, largest stock,
iet gissN, lowrst prices. t)ur motto
Is live and let live.
To cure a cold In one day. Take
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggests n-fund the money if it
fads to cure. 2-V.
Hnvt. h' Jrrr, has a nice as
Jt..;...,t of ladhs' lorgnette guards
And chetn
r. Stan I a nw mnf. I n
Town ini"ri,T
qu ofi.r. ". lllboro.
The Kevetth Annual convention
of the EpwoTih League lor Piartland
DUttrlct will be held in Hillsboro
comnieoclng this evening and hol'l
Ing over Sunday. A hundred dele
gate have written that they expect
to attend the meeting. The follow
ing program has been preaircd for
the occa.iou:
7 ; HI 0;s lilug Service, II v. S. A.
Surr. ' ,
Lecture, 0 wis, Vultures ad Hit
of literature," ltv. lleury IU .,
II. I.
.SATL'iUMV Muttvisu. X.iV. 13 h.
s; I 't lii'Vo.ioii i - r.ic-, Mr. 1 I
Itailing Minutes.
Offlct rs' Hi-ports.
I'rcli uiuarv Itiislm-MH.
Iaer "Ciri-.tiaii Education,"
Miss Frances llookuis. ,
Vocal Sol t Mrs. A. M Smith.
Paper lVriial Wo.k," Mi
Mat tie Levitt.
Itecitntion Mr. J. J. I Forest.
I'Hper "I'hriil in the Poets," Mi
Mary Whiilby
Oencral lii--us-lnii.
11:45 Nimiii lneriiiis-i'Mi.
I :I5 Scripture ntelmg and pray
er, llv. J. J. Wslb r.
lteMirt ol Ht-cretary.
Election of olHivrs.
Itoll call of Chapters (l.rief reports.)
ltrtcibt'lon J. i. I , Forest.
Paper " I'lie 8uiss-H.ful L-ague,"
J. II. Ureetideld.
VM-al S tlo Mrs. A. M. Smith.
Address "The Law of the Tenth,"
Ilev. A. N. Fisher, D. D.
Question drawer H-'v. D. A. Wat
Filial business ami adjourn men i.
7 :30 Song service.Prof. W.A.Wet
Address "Toronto Convention,"
Mr. II. U. Wtlcox.
Address "Silver and O M," Prof.
Alliert It Mldin Sweetser.
Benedict Ion.
6:!i0 Sunrise prayer meeting.
V: A. M. Old fashioned Love
10 :.'() A. M. Preai hing followed
hy communion service.
8: P. M Junior rally.
ti:30 P. M. Epworlh L ague ser
7:30 P. M. Platform meeting.
WASiiiMiros fotisfF oym.
We learn that our county bands
are in a somewhat deplorable con
dition, which is much to lie regretted.
Two years ago Washington county
could Insist of more and tatter hands
than any county of its population on
die t'acinu Coast, out at the present
time not more than two bands have
a full Instrumentation.
The proverbial di (11 -utiles of re
taining a "church choir" sinks into
insignificance when compared to
that of retaining an organized "brass
hand." There are several Important
positions In a band that necessarily
must be filled or the band cannot ex
1st, and being the most difficult, are
always tilled oy tne member best
qualified; and it is seldom that a mem
ber playing an inferior part is able to
till these more important positions,
so that when a part of this kind is va
cated, and a bund not being able to
exist without the execution of such
parts, the band necessarily becomes
disorganized. Bind men being, for
the most part, uot above the average
if men for stability, oft-times, to
show their p.iwer and meaiinem
In the organization, "get mad." The
balance of the band knowing that it
cannot exist without the part, stoo
to persumle the unreasonable mem
ber which ia often or always mortify
ing, in order that the hand may con
tinue to exist. It is also frequently
the case that important members are
compelled to leave the community
through lack or work, and for that
reason bands organize and
lisorganize without end. It
is often the case lhat they
have to remain dis irganized until
some new member comes to the
I'ommunity or a lesser m"mbcr lie-
i mi lies proficient enough to fill the
part vacated. It takes months and
vears of hard work to become a pro
ficient band man, so that iiicwun'tn
'ier cannot be obtained at the band's
The Bethany Band, at one time the
lirlde of our county bands, has suf
fered much from the effect of its best
inemliers leaving. This band has lots
of courage and is working hard to re
cruit and build itself up to what once
it was. Three of its chief niemlars
have removed from the community
leaving tliein very lame. It worked
for 4 years to bring itself up to the
proficiency it attained, and it is
hoped they will revivo from their
present condition and equal their
The Farinington Band could not
have lat-n mora nearly obliterated
had a "Kansas cyclone" or the
Kloudyke fever,' struck them. Not
more than one-ha If of the original
wild is left, so the Farmington hand
is extinct.
Verboort Band Is, however, In fine
condition. It has a full membership
and Is in complete working order.
While they have had several leave
them, yet they happily have been
able to fid the vacated parts, and by
another year they will be among our
best bands.
The Dilly Band is disorganize!
for reasons hard to discover, while
the Forest drove band is as complete
ly disorganized as they would be
were their members located in as
many different stalest They are
mostly all at home, hut about as hanl
to unite as It would be to unite pop
ulist and republican parties.
The Hillsboro Band has had many
draw-backs In the matter of its mem
tx rs leaving town, but has coutiniiid
to All the vacated parts with new
members. At the present it has fair
begiuuers in its ranks yet by the
time spring opens llillshoro will
have a band that cannot be ur passed
by any town In Oregon of its size,
llillshoro need not fear ling out of
a hand, and a band that the county
seat will have no occasion to be
ashamed of.
"In remembrance of Mod's good
ness to us in the past year, which has
been so abundant, let us offer up to
Him our thanksgiving and pay cur
vows unto the Most High. Under
His watchful Providence industry
has prospered, the conditions of lator
have bw Improved, the rewards of
the husband met i have been Increased
and II e romfort of our homes mult
iplied. Vis mighty hand haa pre
served ace and protected the na
tion. IU-ecl of law and order .-r
strengthened, love of free lusti u i-iw
cheri-hed au l all sections of ;
loved pvoimtry hrought luio cJo-
howls of friin ml regard and guer
ous co-operat .on.
"l or the great benefl's it i-. our
duty to praise the Lord iu a spirit of
humility ami gratitude, and to offer
up to Him our most earnest supplica
tion. That we may acknollg
our obligations as a people lo Him
wild h is if r.t. io'1-.ly granted us the
be si!s nl I government and ma
iert.1 prospfiny, 1. Willi : i M--Ki:-ie.
, president of the L'ni i n ate-,
I t In ri ly dcniKiiitte hihI s-t spar:
I'hurislay, the &Vh day "f N tvoi-a-r
fur national thatiksgi wr aod prnyer,
which ail of tin people are tnviiisl l i
olwrve with appropriate rebiou
-rviv iu lh-'lr respective places nl
On this day of rcjoi.-ing and do
mestic reunion M our prayers as
cen-l l'-?l'-J''-'r ef every if si aid
perfect gift, tor the cotitinu nice '
His love and fitvor to us, th it on
hearts may lw filled w bli charity bii.
IfisHlwtli and lhat we may Isi ever
worthy of His lieiiclicieiit inois rii.
Iu witness heieiif I have hereunto
set in v hand and caused the seal ol
the United States to ttttatUxed.
"llone at the city of Washington
this 2'Jth day of October, the year nt
our Lord, l!iU7,aud of the lndesn
detuvof the United States, tht-IUUih.
"By the President.
"John Sherman,
"Secretary of Stats;
lOl'KI HOlMi KV.
The'diM-ket for the next term ol
the court is a long one and is as fol
lows :
uii7 Estate 1 M Bradley, Insolvent,
T H Toiigun att'y.
7U4 F (i Oles- u v Peter Carlson el
al, foreclosure Mifhanlc's lem; T
11 Tongue for Pill, P Montague for
YSTi C John Oleson v Peter Carlson,
fore, losu.e .Mechanic's ieiu; T il
Tongue for I'ltT, Maitague fr Deft
Htitf M W Pa!tou v Tdbot Millor.
action for money; Tongue for PI ft',
Huston and II ire fur I) I't.
tlC-i Peter Bogelone v Msry Heilg.
es. Mpca,l tro'u J P inart; Sioti,
Boise & Stout for I'.ir, IU K II il
liams for Deft.
871 Henrietta Meyer v Fred Mey
er. Suit for reality and for damages.
Tongue for Plti, Huston for Deft.
DUO llichard Morton, Insolvent,
Tongue att y.
911 Bradley & Mutcaff Ci v T 11
Cornelius. Action for money. Km
iiioiis & Eiiiiuoiis for I'll)', Tongue
for Deft.
923 Ed'ate D McPluwson, Insolv
ent. Tongue ait'y.
JIKV 1.1 iT.
The following named electors lev
been drawu to serve as Jurors at ih
November term of the Circuit court
which will convene on Mond.iv Nov.
udrew Pierson, IUs-dvi!le... Farmer
W SlevciiHon, S Tualatin "
Ed Hoffman, Eist Bnite "
W L Batchetder, Wu- h "
J M Ulenson, N F drove
J J Kuralti, Washington "
Oeo W Slili. Beavcrton "
Win Stephens, Buxton "
L Tompkins, Washington "
J C Hartley, Dairy -
J A Loillf, Coliiiiibin "
Arther Flint, W Uutte "
J tj A Young, BtMverdam.... "
T Mathiesen, W Cedar "
Ole Olsen, W Butte "
S T Crow, N Forest Urove... "
J S Jackson, W ashmgton '
A Tliornburg, Dairy "
C 1. Crocker, S llillstioro "
P Baughuian, llillshoro... "
T W Sain, Wapato "
II F tJordon, N F Umv- "
Lewis Wilcox, Wap.ito "
LSiiogren, Wapato "
L O Spencer, K Cedar "
S C Sears, N Forest drove "
W M tiiillin, S Hillsboro "
John Buchanan, Cornelius.... "
J FCar.steiu, S IIiIIs'mim.... Mechanic.
C II McStu rry, S Tualatin Bl'ksmith
W illis Ireland, D.iiry Merchant
(Iltt'lir (OHKT IMll'kF.T.
M27 John A Hoffman v P M FA-
wants, foreclosure; C J McD mgal for
Ulti Kslate I U Cornelius Insol
vent; tongue attorney.
!H0 Estate M A Powell insolvent:
Barrett attorney.
9tS2 Estates 1) Powell insolvent;
Birrett attorney.
SiS't Estate Annie Wilkin deceas
ed, aps'al from County Court; Hus
ton and illiaius for estite, tongue
ltll 1 Estate Chas Collins insolv -m;
Tonu'iie attorney.
11)0 Estate .N A Birrett Insol;
Barrett attorney. Tongue onlra.
1(131! Estate Win Chalmers ins !;
Tongue attorney.
Hits Kugeiie D lute v Ku-hanl
Morton etnl foreclosure; Oiltnerand
Stott Boise, Stout for plaintiff.
lOtiO John Harrison v Jos Uiston
fortcio-uie; Tongue for plaintiff.
1H62 Pauline Hall v S A aud W
S Dial foreclosure; Oiltner A Snow
ers for plaintiff, McDougal, Spncer
A Joins for defciiilaut.s.
1 ()!." Mary M Shephard v Abner
Frame foreclimurt ; Milton Smith foi
Hot it Wehru ng ix Sons v II r
Ford replevin; Hu-ton and Bowman
for Iff, Tonuue for deft.
1 1 OS Estate r U Ds.r A L iinbCo
insnluent; Tongue attorney.
ll-t) Estate Howlby St inch
comb insolvent; T-ingue for assignee.
lltlj E A Hell v Alex Chalmers
et at, action for money; Smith A B iw
man for plff Lougui for deft.
ll'tj J W Shute v Annie B Mays,
foreclosure; Tongue for plff Barrett
for deft.
ll'.M John Johnson v J W EM
ridge, foreciiHure; Caples A Aleu for
11M EU Csmley v Itim r tlray
et al, suit to set a.side convi .. tu -e;
Mi Dongs! A Jins for plff, II -a n
and Tongue for deft.
1216 Thos II Ton.'iie C J Mc
Dougal, apeal fniiii C uuty Coun;
Tonuue for l fl Sncer for d-ft.
1221 Katie Brinrger v J (.' Hare
et al, injunction;M iliory, MuirA Mil
ler for pltT T tngu-ifor d -ft.
1239 Stieil, tlcitsche, Wo-i-lsni
Co v F M Uohinson, action fori
money; S :ow A MisJamant for plff,
Hus on fur deft.
1210 Sn. II, Heits. hu, Wooilard
Co v F M Uohinson et al; action
mone;Snow A McCatuant far plff,
Hllilo i for deft.
I2ti H W Hesse vN A Barrett
et al, action for money; Wh alley A
Muirbsr plff.
1270 Tersa Constant ine vOCn
stanline, divorce; Sjs-ncvr A Malarka
for plff.
I2si Oliver P N. wt.n v A
Nickols et al, isiiinruiatiiHi; Tongue
f..r plff.
12'JI ZjtsM aud SB Huston
v Eiiith M.mns- a t ai, .uit; M -C
ui .it l.tr Mtr, I'onu- f r dull.
I2D3 TOXe lum v J ii Dalstrom,
BU I La- djuiitir; t'wiigue for p:ff,
hin.ti: A li oi .ii fur licit.
I3ut Knit N it H iik Hillsboro t
Amanda J .S e rnun, action for iti-iu-e.v;
i'-IAwfUe lor .-it), Whalley fur dell
l;to Citit.Nit Bank B-t.i.i v
Fhbi X a Bank Hill-ltoM, action lor
iu oii. j; E t.iimiis A Eiiimous for plff,
I'lltlgU't lor tell.
liiott Kuioia M arks v It tbt W
M ok.-, it.c.r;-. ; S. htiaoel for piff.
IMS F-t.ite II Bingham, Insolv
ent; llirre I mty.
lill'J J t. I il ley vJoo Bora, i k,
r. p. evn. A daily A Mu r for pill,
Tung' it l.r il-l'i.
1311 As-.iguuaeiii B im A Ileiu
N'w ia Iimtiveii ; liiri.it miic.
1321 Frank L V. titers "v tj F
1 1 .-.lin k ei hi, Hi-iioti for to nicy;
o i. It a-.- A Slolt lor ff.
I33ii Piter M Kaniler v Philip
drnu and wf, foi. c..,-ufe; tongue f ir
pitt, I l'i nn -ir .lt ll.
I l-JS Aiik'Uat Si hafer V Saiol St in
et al, suit to s"t aside deal; Paxlon,
IS Men A Simon tor pill.
i42 W T Bmtie.i aim v A N
D ivies, action lor monex; lille uttii
A kVebster for plff, J V halley and
Uirretl Tor it. Tl.
I3."t0 W in Mcljiillan v J It Mil
ler, k-litioti to vacate sale, U It Bag
ley for piff
!35! C E Duicaaiunn v J it M uleri
(etition to vacate sal -; U K Bale
for plff.
1353 Estate Sainl V It chew dia-d,
appeal from C Couit; lotigue atty,
Hust hi con'.ra.
13 )7 Frank C b iker v F A O ils.
fi r losurc; li.iriett for pill'.
1 W) 11 M Tim tin v Alta-rt Brand
el al, action for liiouey; E U Timuis
lot plff.
13til Estate W E B..iucliainnl
wf iiisilvei.ts; d It Uatrley attorney.
lilt;.'! 1st Nat b.tuk Hillsboro v
Ole Olesou el al, suit to set aside deed
I'oii, 'ue for plff.
1335 An on Pfan'i.-r v T C Mc
Na in-r at at, action, f.ir numi-v;
r.eit'iie f ir iiff.
l.UiS W O D iiia:l-o;i v AUtert A
VVitiiam, contlriiiatioi;; rongue for
1374 staiv Ex llcl I'ipi-s, M.
Cain a id iiiistoti v John Ditchnuru,
lisbar nent.
137 j E Di-Lashiiintt et nl v IIS
Browne, su.t to set asnie ileeil;
tongue for plff, Cox, C i'lo i. Teal A
Minor and Huston f r S nlll beam.
1378 Jacob BruKcr v d Wilheim
1 1 1 1 tebrand et al, conlirniiioti; Has
ion for piff.
I ISO JEShowTrsv B L Oriluu
et al, foreclosure; Tj A St.owera for
1383 Wm P L m-iI et al v Alex
Chalmers A wf, torecifc-ur; Tougtie
for plff.
I3S1 W P L rl et hI v V T Vin
cent, continuation; T-inaue fur pill
13U1 Clarissa .McNu i v ll.'twt-cs
J Poiner .-, suit to set .isj.lo "ed;
Toiiitiie for ptff.
13U3 M Al Block v Washington
County, action for in iti -v; Hume A
Hall for piff
1395 J It Edarnier et al v Ira E
Wheeler t nl, suit to sol aside deed;
Emmons A K'li'iions f ir plff Huston
for deft.
1 D7 Thos D-ihsaii v M;iry J
Ilea o. b.Mjip, e utlriii itiott; Hitst-io
lor pi If Begley A Bivnvuo ml II r.
for d-ft.
13!H II B Adcns v Jonas Carl
son et wf, coiitlrm ei n; I) in .ulit A
Adams for pilf.
13!)9 J 1, lion, ymaii v W D Bra 1
ford sheriff, suit for return iff person
al property and for d mi i-T IIuslo i
and Chnmterlaiii A Thomas for plff.
1400 O C Blaney y Ben) K Pat
ton, s''itioti to vacate jjdgiiieiit; Kin
mons A Kmmous and Smith A iiow
maii for plff liarrett for al.-ft.
1402 E T simp-x.n v J P Louney
el al, foreclosure; Hazen for plff.
1403 Henry Hogn ff v Oeo N
Meyer, suit for d-imagca; Barrett' for
plff Huston for deft.
1 401 M try A B irrett v John S. li
leick et al, suit for deed; Miller A
Bell for plff Huston foi deft.
1 408 Jiw II igers v A C I tall clerk
action for money; Huston for plff
Barrett for deft.
1413 Maggie L Rogers v Mary A
Bryan, action for money; Pipes for
1414 SFDysle v E Hent-chell,
coatlrmation' B iirlev for pill.
1415 Portland trust Cn v .V L
Mi'Iie-nl, conliroiatif n, Cox, Oitton,
Teal Minor Hnd Conor for plff.
1 116 J B Ewing v Chas B II. y
nolds, confirmation.
14is M TCox v Sarah C Knight
on confirmation-Smith A Bowman
for plff.
HI'. II K N bin v Mary Jorgen
son et al, foreclosure.
1420 L uitM Nissen v Walter Nis
sen divon-e.
1421 Mary E Morand v Elmer, E
Morand, divorce,
1422 Lena Sislerstrom v John
Soderstroni, alivorce.
1423 Wm II Sti.lllebeam v US
Browne et al, action for money; Hus
ti n for plff.
142K E L Cady v Eva A Suckan,
con rtr mat ion; Huston for plff.
H2i Law Ouaranti Trust Soc v
M irv A Hogue, foreelosiire.
1432 llobt N HeiinlKich v Ger
trude Heiriibach, suit for partition.
14 13 HillslH.ro Light A Water Co
vJP Tamit-aic, apts-al from J P
court; Huston for piff, G II Bisfley
U !7 Fred Voland v II Gunther
et a , C mllrin niou.
1118 derni.ui S A L Sc v W E
Lewis et al, confirm ttlon.
I MS German SAL .1t Win
Mulltea, confirm; ion.
1410 Es' ate Wm Pirter, Itis .lv-
ent; Bail -y A Brown atlortieys.
1413 Estate Anton Planner, In
solvent Huston a'ty.
Ill ) JW Slim-v Allti l'irtnt,
for'i!lopur ; IVigley A Bmatu fir plff,
S'litth A Hi uai f r d-ft
HI'S Honey man IH-Har te A Co
v J G Bj is, coiifirm.ition; Hustou f i
1417 Jais X'iwsk v J H Prick-
ett, ae'ioii for iu .:iiy; Biley A
Brown for plff
11 Is W W Pj-liu vJh Steel
a l'ti, suit to q liet tit.-, Birrett for
1150 Orem Mfg Co tr DC Mer
rill et al, coutlrin ati m.
1451 Gr iii' A Wood v W II Iluc
ker et al. co'ifli-m itioa. Iljst-in fir
1 15 1 L A M L Itemei r v Cla-k-mi-
co uit for d imaeH.
1455 Karne.st Bn kiuiu v Claik
am as co suit for ila n iges.
ll-Vi Tualatin Mill co v W J Tay
lor, f area-! 'Mil re M-vtiiui.c lein; Hus
ton for deft.
1457 Tualatin Mid co v W J Tsy
or, faneelosiirj M jtiiiri;' i"i i; II ia
ton f ir deft.
ltd I L Reynolds v Johnston
Freemsiet al, actio tut money;
lla A llniu i ' -Iff
Uti") r II V B .I'D i.vck. action
f d i u ik-e-; ilaitt- t If- twn for
plff litis am fur ileo.
ll'iti A'liaiu-e Trust Co v II vY .Scott
et Ml forea lo-ure.
Il'i7. JFS,-h(Kit v Ant. n Pfan
it ! a', f tre -iosur' ; Lui-ley A Son
I'tr plff Huston for tieli.
I iCJ L M Km g v O Kaufman el
at, action for money.
1470 ThM Briicher v Natalius
d.irtiarius f.tr damages H T Baxla-)
lor plff.
1171 Fre I Vcrbau.uheL'e v Al
fr d Necpet al, lorecl'tsure; Bagley A
Brown for plff.
1 172 James M S ni-h v J. J. G ar
ii.tto i, foreclosure, lUir- tt for plff.
1171 Ciiarl -a llanley v d "org-i
Sili r, -Hit for iHissewi-an "of real
.niji-ry ur ilainag); Jliiey A
tr i ft plff.
1175 Chas M-achaui V Alms
vlimc.'ium, ilivnns ; J M Walt for plff
1170 W K Mititurt v E J Lymi,
iciioii tor inouey; Bagley A Brown
lor pltl.
1477 WJ Vail Sehuvver A CV
EJ Lyon, actem for money, Bagley
A B--on .-r plff.
1178 Isaac Allen v E J Lyon,
action for inona-j ; II T Bagley for
1479 J W Winters v C F Barrett
et ai action fir money; Tongue fur
p ff.
14S0 Tyler Bites vS F Peiifold
ei hi, foreclosure; Smith A Bowman
for plff.
1481 Wm P Lord et al v Gottlieb
et al, foreelo-iire; Tongun for plff.
14s2 v J Van Schuyver A Co v
lien K l'atton, null to set aside deed
liarrett lor Iff.
,,1483 t'at M irry v O Johnson et
tl; action for in i ley.
1 484 E S Huff vd W Marsh, suit
f.iriiee l; Barrett for plff; Huston for
1480 M II Lowery v T Y Il ilston
et al, action lor damaga's; Tongue for
p ff, Huston for deft.
1185 Lark in Reynolds v John
Eckert et at, foreclosure; Biglcy A
Brown for plff.
1188 Emmy T Wilson v Olin C
Wilson, iiivorca.
II8!I Hopa idW'ool Advance Co
v A ) Br.ulford, sin-riff, action for
dam lea's.
H'.IO Josie CCrisinger v llobt M
Cr singer, d.vorce; Barrett for piff.
I I'll A rican Mtg Vn J W
lloiisoii a-l al, forech suri ; Huston for
Il'.t2 Clark L Parker v J W Peter
son et ul, forei-losur. ; 11 T Biglcy for
1103 W II S'ulH t'statn vM T
Bruue, action for tn iu 'y; Huston for
1104 W II KiutlHteam v C M
Brtlue, action for money; Huston for
1405 W tl Stulll 'beam v II 8
Browne, :.ctioii for motley; Huston
for piff
1 1'.lti L B rla Grimes v Lswis E
driiues, d.v rce; Smith A Bowman
for plff.
1407 A C SSiute v decrgia M
Knight, foreclosure; llustipi for plff.
1408 II B Allison v L PQtiimby
et ai, action for money; Tongue for
1400 O N Bata-r v Jacob Vohs,
f inf. os ii re; S tilth A Biwjain for
1500 John Aspiuwall v J C Hare
et ox. foreclosure.
1501 llanali Lardner v J M Greesr
i t ai, im eclos tire.
15n3 Ai.tiin Wicke y Hanah B
sml h, foreclosure.
1504 W L Ellwooils v J J Meach
sin, action for money; Bagley A
Brovvn for plff.
1505 Arlington Nat Bank v Mark
Land Mary 11 Noble, action for motl
ey. lout! Wm P Lord v Geo It Duren,
foreclosure; Tongue for plff.
5i)7 Ellen O Cotinell v John
O'Brien, action for money.
1508 Minnie Latimer v Wm Lati
mer divorce: SmitliABowman!for pin".
15U0 Geo Iloischer v Andrews L
Co et al, suit to set a tide deed; Hus
ton and Tongue for plff.
1510 Jerome Paimateer v J A
Shcpard et al, foreclosure; Huston
for plff.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents: I was dreadfully na-rvosu
and for ra-lief took your Karl's Clover
Boot Tea. It united uiy nerves ana
strengthened my whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubleil w ith constipa
tion, kidney and bnwa-1 trouble.
Your tea soon cleatiswl my sysla'in so
thoroughly lhat I rapidly regained
health and strength. Mrs. S. A.
Swe-t, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Hillslioro Pharmacy. "
Ifeaal Utter IUU
The following is a list of letters re
maining uncalled for in the postoftlce
at Hillslstro, Nov. G, 1897:
Mr 8 N Ullrich.
All letters not called for by Nov.
M.will tn sent to the lKsad l'tter
Olliee. One cent will I charged fur
each letter called for.
II. ScllLI.MF.KIflt, P. M.
Ladles, take the lst. If you are
troubled with constipation, sallow
skin, and a tird feeling take Karl's
.Clover Tea. It is pleasant to takj.
Sold by Hillsboro Pharmacy.
ismeil oat ot the Circuit Court ol tu
s te ..t lr roa. l-ir Mu liiotu ill I'ouatv,
in t ivoroi J thn W Kei.. and ngKinm I'.
A. Maroicim m 1 P. A. Maniaam Jr. 'or
tiia sum "I lis .V. i- i-t. an I f r tli turlh-
r.um ot lofi.'". U. rt. col. I rom, ll h In-
itrnl t pr-oa a ah ru o. 9 perca-nt wr
men trom me I7iH ar "a J'lnr, isut.
ami I r tie-oat n l xponwsi ol al a. id
ulsn.l writ.
Now. therlors, by virtus ana In pru-
a i a u: aaid lU'latnient ana lor want ol
a the: nt persoDai property I did on lha
s.h Haroi l.'. Istli. lev on all ih intt-r-es'.
of ihe ilureiiU.mta in Hi" lirrrinaitvr
df.rrih.-d ral pr rrty. I will, on Momlav
ii- 11 it ilar o: U o. Is i7. at lha -ou h
d tot ol tha C .urt H- uaa, in Hi laltor ,
W ih n.-tn C'j'in:r, O at.i, at t la houi
of lOoV o ll A. M , o sm.l ilayHHi al puo
tio auot ;on to ti e inna-t b ddar to- eat-(
Ihe'o.loaing diibvi raal ptoparty, to
aril: r.ia. north wat quartar ol art on tn In
lownatitp tao souih oi ranion and
ront miinit 3ie h-ji-ir.-d and n.rty aa-ata
ot In I. a.i ten at ia W asOimrtoa County,
Orvgoa o it i.y the hermr.iief jr n. n..l
om, n l for the cia and 'n'a o."
ai l si-a.
Sn. I pr. prtv will ttol-t an ) to rar
tinrit.n na pur malm tit Ortson
W li.m my ban t th't Um or ol Nov.
w. u. hka; ford,
fVr fl nl W.uhinfi' n I'oumy, Orgi.n.
B. K Ho-t n.
At;urnT for P aini ft". 2.V2I
For Infant and CniUrcn.
says "Look at me." Money-back says
"Try me."
Scu fiitg's Best baking powder and tea are
What is tha missing word r not SAFE, although SJkiUing'$ lU baking
powder and tea art tafe.
Cat AMr' Brsl baking powder or tM at your groceiVj taka aaut tho
ticket (brown ticket in every package uf baking powder; yellow ticket I thai
tea); snd a ticket with each word to aililrena below before DeccmlMr JUL
Until October 15th two word allowed for atvery ticket; after that only no
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds that won), that person arts f 2000.00; If sevrsnal find
it, 2ooo.uo will I equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will rea eiva a act of aardbonrd
creeping babies at the end of the contest Those tending threat or mot I In na
nvclopat will receive an 1S98 packet calendar no advertising on aV That
creeping babies and pocket calendars will b diilerent flaw) tha ooea tferexl la
tha 14 contest.
Better cut these rules out.
Ciiy Livery Slable
Xeret you will find the Rest Tennis that can be had
(Jood Teams, (Jood Rustics and (Jood Drivers.
Second and Washington 6ts.
We tcish to call
t(Sj complete line
supplies consisting
slates, pencils, rules, sponges,
hi nnos.
l 8 au ul Un-iron, for Wanliiniitoii
La: klu Koyno d, l'lainlin.
John E.ri, K.th E-r, Join
Yoal, and Cilierina He;hlni-r.
l'-n'linn. J
To John Kkert and Katlt kkvra, ilafenrt-
I i lha nam of the 8tal of Oreiiofj : You
ara h-rbf rjnir. d to af.tt-.r mi'l am--
arr Ilia cuin- .dlnt 11 l aitu n-l 71,0 in in.
above anlitiaxl etum ot. ur lx.tore the fi-al
ilar nt lha naxi r-tfuiar te-m ol tha aiiv?
nt t.c-d C'Ot 10-avu Ilia day of
TCmlwr 1WJ7. anl If j'.o l.iii a" 10 an..-r
for ant lb. rauf, lha p ainnff will take
ju.lfmentairauii.tvou forthe.urn ot t-J
aura ini-re.1 anerun ironi rne if'B iiav o
Krbrnarr IW ar tha r. of ten p-r rer;
ii.r annona ami (he lurthr auin ot f.l a'-
torneya lee, and ro.ta na1 dl.Unr-iueR'a
ol tin. .nil. and f.r the forer o- 01 In 1
certain morarare rr-or.le. on rat" 21
iKk :M word ol uiortk-ava lor n a. hint
Iota a.'ounlr ftue ol llrejon arharebr Ton
conveved to .laintirf tna lolioir.1111 di--acrilied
l-rem ae: 'I eu arrea oil the .oath
end ol trnct of lanil bounded a. lollowa:
commenrmar at the qnert-r anl n rorner
on line bMweed oeuon 7 and M 1. In I
ol K I ol l tnenre e.ai on aaifl
line IXAOeti. thence (Murh .1 rti., thence
tr! 2 cue thenre wnih 14 ch. And nee
ina hen'-e 1-1 III l rh ih-n e north
Ul.l eh. 10 J lae ol Dffinntrff cotit inina
in to tract d ecribe I 21 acr. an I the
tr.ict ronyl l a.id niorien; Ji) ce-.
an.l lor the .a e ol awl nremi. in pT-in--aji
ot the irnin. alx;ar- metit."B'"l.
Inia .amm-.n. I. aerv-.! hy nu"li'at'on
riir.qnt to an or-iiT ot T'io-. Mi'llrtd.
Ju.ltre ol t tie at'v-e emit e 1 rotir', m ulv on
tneo'k da 01 -. I7.
iO 38 Altoiavaf a lur FiatatiS.
they are money-back.
will soon be the
new order of things In
Thanksgivlngdom. The
strutting turkey will
soon cease to strut
he's going to be "dress
ed." With man, it's
different. When he's
dressed In a K. N. V F.
Co. suit or overcoat it's
a pleasure to "strut."
We have the styles
worth "gobbling" up
at prices to be "thank
ful" for. A veritable
"feast" of values. Look
for the garments with
this label
they're guaranteed.
your attention to our lr
of School Books. T
of talbets, paper, inh, pons,
books, bags, straps, etc.
UrmTut t'mant b Cnrtal
l.y In -al appllcallona, na Ihey cannot rearh
t e 4 aetiwl portion ol tha ear. There in
only one way to cure denlnea nnd thnt 1.
i.y nmatilutional reniediea, I'eittnes. la
caue.l by an lntlarne.1 rotid iton of the
ninroui lln n of ol the Eu'nehian tuliaa.
When thi. tnoe iteia inllamd you baya a
runibl.nfr aound or imperfect nearinic nnd
.hen it ia entirely rUMed denftiea. 1. the
re.ult and unleaa Ibe intl-iinuton ran lie
ink.'nnutand 1 1. If tube re.iorel to it
normal co dition hearing will he deairoy
-l f.rev-r; nine ra.e. out of t-n arerauac-d
f.y ra'arran, which la nothing but an in
lianied c D'lition of the mucou. ntirlarra
We w.il niee Oae Hundred !' Iar lor
iny rn-e 01 d -a(oe.a f raiifivl by cat;.rrh )
fbat cannot be rured by Hli a Catarrh
Cure. Hnd lor rirt-'il.tr., Ir.
K. J. CHKNNY CO . I rot-... Tele.) ., O.
l I Ijv liruttitiai. at 7')cenia.
Hal K.miiy iVIIIa ara taie beau
INl)lic Mailf.
hy an oyoer of tbe Conimiaoriera
i.ti t Wa.l.inrx'on C- unir Oreaton.
h'O I a.V a.11. Co inn I nl htnldine ailnat-
ai in the ( o in !loie e'i'1 .re ail rod
it I ub ir ajt:a lo 'he h.uhet bidder 'or
eirh m 1. and, 0.1 Wedneedny l-r.S, I1.?,
a locwt am. ha e 10 !ake piace tne
oiihtoo- o' tha Coor llouto in II ilaa
oro Ureion.
Ci al man H ard.
Oated at III laka:0, tbia 10 h day of
X jr.inbw lev7, ti-tn.